User Manual
"For the reason of exclusive equipment for Canon, this manual that includes only regulatory statements is prepared." J ćĽćŹčŞ E English â WFT-E6ă¨WFT-E7ăŽä˝żç¨ĺŻč˝ăŞĺ°ĺă¨ĺśéäşé Areas of Use and Restrictions for WFT-E6 and WFT-E7 ćŹčŁ˝ĺăŻăä¸çĺĺ°ĺăŽéťćł˘čŚĺśăŤćşć ăăăăăä¸č¨ăŽWFT-E6ă¨WFT-E7ă貊売ăăŚăăžăă 製ĺĺ称ďźăżă¤ăďźăŤĺŻžĺżăă使ç¨ĺŻč˝ĺ°ĺ䝼ĺ¤ă§ăŻă使ç¨ă§ăăžăăăŽă§ă注ćăă ăăă ăăŽäťăŽä˝żç¨ĺŻč˝ĺ°ĺăŤă¤ăăŚăŻăă厢ć§ç¸čŤăťăłăżăźăŤăĺăĺăăăă ăăă To comply with local radio wave regulations in various areas around the world, Canon offers region-specic versions of the transmitter (WFT-E6 and WFT-E7) as described below. Please do not use your model (version) of transmitter in regions it was not designed for. For information on other areas where the transmitter can be used, contact Canonâs Customer Service Center. 製ĺĺ称 使ç¨ĺŻč˝ĺ°ĺ çĄçˇLANčŚć źă¨ĺŻžĺżăăŁăłă㍠IEEE 802.11a/n WFT-E6Aăžă㯠WFT-E7A ăˇăłăŹăăźăŤăăăăă ăăŤăăăUSA WFT-E6Băžă㯠WFT-E7B ćĽćŹăăŞăźăšăăŞă˘ăăăŤăŽăźăăăŤăŹăŞă˘ăăăăăšăăă§ăłă ăăłăăźăŻăă¨ăšăăă˘ăăăŁăłăŠăłăăăăŠăłăšăăă¤ăă ăŽăŞăˇăŁăăăłăŹăŞăźăă˘ă¤ăšăŠăłăăă˘ă¤ăŤăŠăłăăă¤ăżăŞă˘ă ăŠăăă˘ăăŞăăăłăˇăĽăżă¤ăłăăŞăă˘ăă˘ăăŤăŻăťăłăăŤă°ă ăăŤăżăăŞăŠăłăăăăŤăŚă§ăźăăăźăŠăłăăăăŤăăŹăŤăăŤăźăăă˘ă ăăˇă˘ăăšăăăă˘ăăšăăăă˘ăăšăă¤ăłăăšăŚă§ăźăăłăăšă¤ăšă ă¤ăŽăŞăšăăăŤăł IEEE 802.11b/g/n WFT-E6Căžă㯠WFT-E7C ä¸ĺ˝ăă¤ăłă WFT-E6Dăžă㯠WFT-E7D ĺ°ćšžăéŚć¸ŻăăăŤăŞăă˘ăłă´ăŤ WFT-E6Eăžă㯠WFT-E7E ăąă¤ăăłčŤ¸ĺłśďźčąďźăăłăăłăă˘ăă¨ăŻă˘ăăŤăă¨ăŤăľăŤăăăŤă ă°ă˘ăăăŠăă˘ăłăăŁăŤďźčďźăăťăłăăăźăăłďźäťďźă çąłé ăăźă¸ăłčŤ¸ĺłśăăŞăźăšăăŠăŞă˘ăăăĽăźă¸ăźăŠăłă IEEE 802.11a/n 36âź64ch 149âź165ch 1âź11ch 36âź64ch 100âź140ch IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1âź13ch IEEE 802.11a/n IEEE 802.11b/g/n 149âź161ch 1âź13ch 56âź64ch 100âź140ch 1âź11ch 36âź64ch 100âź140ch 149âź165ch 1âź13ch IEEE 802.11a/n IEEE 802.11b/g/n IEEE 802.11a/n IEEE 802.11b/g/n â ăăŠăłăšă§ăŻĺąĺ¤ă§ăŽä˝żç¨ăçŚć˘ăăăŚăăžăă â ä¸čŻäşşć°ĺ ąĺĺ˝ă§ăŻăĺ°ĺăŤăăŁăŚĺąĺ¤ä˝żç¨ćăŤč¨ąĺŻăĺż čŚă§ăă â IEEE 802.11a/n çĄçˇLAN ăŽä˝żç¨ĺśéăŤă¤ă㌠IEEE 802.11a/n ăŽçĄçˇLAN ăŻăä¸č¨čĄ¨ăŽç°č˛ă§ç¤şăăăăŁăłăăŤăŽćĄäťśă§ăŻä˝żç¨ă§ăăžăăă ăăăŻăĺ使ç¨ĺŻč˝ĺ°ĺăŽćłĺžăŤăăŁăŚĺŽăăăăŚăăžăăŽă§ăĺłĺŽăăŚăă ăăă ăăŽăťăăŽăăŁăłăăŤăŻä˝żç¨ă§ăăžăăăă ăăă*ăĺ°ăŽăăŁăłăăŤăŻăä¸é¨ä˝żç¨ĺśéăăăăžăăŽă§ă襨㎠注éăăčŞăżăă ăăă WFT-E6A ăžă㯠WFT-E7A ĺąĺ WFT-E6B ăžă㯠WFT-E7B ĺąĺ WFT-E6C ăžă㯠WFT-E7C ĺąĺ ĺąĺ¤ ĺąĺ¤ ĺąĺ¤ WFT-E6D ăžă㯠WFT-E7D ĺąĺ WFT-E6E ăžă㯠WFT-E7E ĺąĺ *1 *2 çĄçˇLANćĽçśćšćł ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăź ă˘ăăă㯠ĺąĺ¤ ĺąĺ¤ 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 149âź161 149âź161 149âź161*2 149âź161*2 56âź64 56âź64 56âź64 56âź64 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 36âź48 ăăŁăłă㍠52âź64 52âź64 52âź64 52âź64 52âź64 52âź64 52âź64*1 52âź64 149âź165 149âź165 149âź165 149âź165 100âź140 100âź140 100âź140 100âź140 Model 100âź140 100âź140 100âź140 100âź140 Wireless LAN Specication and Supported Channels Area of Use ćĽćŹă§ăŻă52âź64ăăŁăłăăŤăŻĺąĺ¤ă§ä˝żç¨çŚć˘ă§ăă ä¸čŻäşşć°ĺ ąĺĺ˝ă§ăŻăĺ°ĺăŤăăŁăŚĺąĺ¤ä˝żç¨ćăŤč¨ąĺŻăĺż čŚă§ăă â 揥ăŽäşé ăčĄăă¨ăćłĺžă§ç˝°ăăăăăă¨ăăăăžăăăćŹčŁ˝ĺăĺ解ăćšé ăăăă¨ăăăćŹčŁ˝ĺä¸ăŽč¨ź ćăŠăăŤăăŻăăăă¨ăă âĺťçç¨ăŽčŁ 罎ăăéťĺćŠĺ¨ăŽčżăă§ćŹčŁ˝ĺă使ç¨ăăŞăă§ăă ăăăĺťçç¨ăŽčŁ 罎ăăéťĺćŠĺ¨ăŽĺä˝ăŤĺ˝ą éżăĺăźăćăăăăăžăă â WFT-E6Bă¨WFT-E7BăŽéťćł˘é俥ăŤé˘ăăă注ć â WFT-E6Bă¨WFT-E7BăŤăŻăéťćł˘ćłăŤĺşăĽăčŞč¨źăĺăăçĄçˇčŁ 罎ăĺ čľăăăŚăăă訟ćăŠăăŤăŻçĄçˇ č¨ĺăŤćˇťäťăăăŚăăžăă éťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăŤé˘ăăă注ć 1â11ch WFT-E6B or WFT-E7B Japan, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, IEEE 802.11a/n Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, IEEE 802.11b/g/n Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Turkey WFT-E6C or WFT-E7C China, India WFT-E6D or WFT-E7D Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolia WFT-E6E or WFT-E7E Cayman Islands (British Territory), Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Martin (French), U.S. Virgin Islands, Australia, New Zealand 36â64ch 100â140ch 1â13ch IEEE 802.11a/n 149â161ch IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13ch IEEE 802.11a/n 56â64ch 100â140ch IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â11ch IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64ch 100â140ch 149â165ch IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13ch In France, outdoor use is prohibited. In mainland China, outdoor use requires a permit in some areas. When IEEE 802.11a/n wireless networking is used, channels in gray in the following table cannot be used. These restrictions are established by local regulations, which must be upheld. Although the other channels can be used, some restrictions apply to certain channels, as noted. WFT-E6C or WFT-E7C WFT-E6D or WFT-E7D WFT-E6E or WFT-E7E Indoors Outdoors Indoors Outdoors Indoors Indoors Outdoors 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64*1 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastructure 149â161 Indoors Outdoors Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Do not make any changes or modications to the equipment unless otherwise specied in the manual. If such changes or modications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except Canon accessories supplied or designated for this product. 5.15-5.25GHz band is restricted to indoor operations only. 149â161 Infrastructure 149â161*2 Ad hoc 149â161*2 Infrastructure 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastructure This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of this device. The available scientic evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with using low power wireless devices. There is no proof, however, that these low power wireless devices are absolutely safe. Low power Wireless devices emit low levels of radio frequency energy (RF) in the microwave range while being used. Whereas high levels of RF can produce health effects (by heating tissue), exposure to low-level RF that does not produce heating effects causes no known adverse health effects. Many studies of low-level RF exposures have not found any biological effects. Some studies have suggested that some biological effects might occur, but such ndings have not been conrmed by additional research. This model has been tested and found to comply with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. Channel Infrastructure Ad hoc Outdoors Model: DS585862 (including WLAN Module Model CH9-1214, FCC ID:AZD215) Model: DS585882 (including WLAN Module Model CH9-1225, FCC ID:AZD214) Use a Category 5 or higher STP LAN cable. (WFT-E7A only) (STP: Shielded Twisted Pair) IEEE 802.11a/n Restrictions WFT-E6A or WFT-E7A WFT-E6Aă WFT-E6Bă WFT-E6Că WFT-E6Dă WFT-E6EăŻçĄçˇă˘ă¸ăĽăźăŤ ďźModel:CH9-1214ďź ăćčźăăŚăăžăă WFT-E7Aă WFT-E7Bă WFT-E7Că WFT-E7Dă WFT-E7EăŻçĄçˇă˘ă¸ăĽăźăŤ ďźModel:CH9-1225ďź ăćčźăăŚăăžăă IEEE 802.11b/g/n Singapore, Vietnam, Canada, United States Wireless LAN Connection Method 149âź165 149âź165 149âź165 149âź165 IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64ch 149â165ch WFT-E6A or WFT-E7A WFT-E6B or WFT-E7B 100âź140 100âź140 100âź140 100âź140 52âź64 52âź64 52âź64 52âź64 FCC/IC NOTICE Compliance with FCC requirement 15.407(c) Data transmission is always initiated by software, which is the passed down through the MAC, through the digital and analog baseband, and nally to the RF chip. Several special packets are initiated by the MAC. These are the only ways the digital baseband portion will turn on the RF transmitter, which it then turns off at the end of the packet. Therefore, the transmitter will be on only while one of the aforementioned packets is being transmitted. In other words, this device automatically discontinue transmission in case of either absence of information to transmit or operational failure. 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 *1 In Japan, outdoor use on channels 52â64 is prohibited. *2 In mainland China, outdoor use requires a permit in some areas. Frequecncy Tolerance: 20 ppm Canadian Radio Interference Regulations This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. These models incorporate wireless module CH9-1214: WFT-E6A, WFT-E6B, WFT-E6C, WFT-E6D, and WFT-E6E. These models incorporate wireless module CH9-1225: WFT-E7A, WFT-E7B, WFT-E7C, WFT-E7D, and WFT-E7E. ăăŽćŠĺ¨ăŽä˝żç¨ĺ¨ćł˘ć°ĺ¸Żă§ăŻăéťĺăŹăłă¸ăŞăŠăŽçŁćĽăťç§ĺŚăťĺťçç¨ćŠĺ¨ăŽăťăăĺˇĽĺ ´ăŽčŁ˝é ăŠă¤ăłçă§ä˝żç¨ ăăăŚăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽć§ĺ çĄçˇĺąďźĺ 訹ăčŚăăçĄçˇĺąďźăăăăłçšĺŽĺ°éťĺçĄçˇĺąďźĺ 訹ăčŚăăŞăçĄ çˇĺąďźä¸ŚăłăŤă˘ăăăĽă˘çĄçˇĺąďźĺ 訹ăčŚăăçĄçˇĺąďźăéç¨ăăăŚăăžăă " ăăŽćŠĺ¨ă使ç¨ăăĺăŤăčżăă§ç§ťĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽć§ĺ çĄçˇĺąăăăăłçšĺŽĺ°éťĺçĄçˇĺąä¸ŚăłăŤă˘ăăăĽă˘ çĄçˇĺąăéç¨ăăăŚăăŞăăă¨ă確čŞăăŚä¸ăăă # ä¸ä¸ăăăŽćŠĺ¨ăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽć§ĺ çĄçˇĺąăŤĺŻžăăŚć厳ăŞéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăŽäşäžăçşçăăĺ ´ĺăŤăŻăéă ăăŤä˝żç¨ĺ¨ćł˘ć°ăĺ¤ć´ăăăăăžăăŻéťćł˘ăŽçşĺ°ăĺć˘ăăä¸ăă厢ć§ç¸čŤăťăłăżăźăŤăéŁçľĄăăă ăă 桡俥ĺéżăŽăăăŽĺŚç˝Žçďźäžăă°ăăăźăăŁăˇă§ăłăŽč¨ç˝ŽăŞăŠďźăŤă¤ăăŚăç¸čŤä¸ăăă $ ăăŽäťăăăŽćŠĺ¨ăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽçšĺŽĺ°éťĺçĄçˇĺąăăăăăŻă˘ăăăĽă˘çĄçˇĺąăŤĺŻžăăŚć厳ăŞéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ ăŽäşäžăçşçăăĺ ´ĺăŞăŠä˝ăăĺ°ăăŽăă¨ă辡ăăă¨ăăŻăă厢ć§ç¸čŤăťăłăżăźă¸ăĺăĺăăä¸ăăă Model Number Model Number WFT-E6 WFT-E6 WFT-E6 WFT-E6 WFT-E6 WFT-E7 WFT-E7 WFT-E7 WFT-E7 WFT-E7 A : DS585862 B : DS585861 C : DS585863 D : DS585864 E : DS585865 A : DS585882 B : DS585881 C : DS585883 D : DS585884 E : DS585885 Authorized wireless LAN module is incorporated. Canon U.S.A Inc. One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042, U.S.A. Tel No. (516)328-5600 ăăŽčĄ¨ç¤şăŻă2.4GHz帯ă使ç¨ăăŚăăçĄçˇćŠĺ¨ă§ăăăă¨ăćĺłăăžăă â ćŹčŁ˝ĺăŻăäťăŽéťćł˘ăçşăăćŠĺ¨ăăăéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăĺăăĺ ´ĺăăăăžăăăăăăŽćŠĺ¨ăăă§ăăă ăé ăé˘ăăăăĺŠç¨ćéăĺăăăŞăŠăăŚăéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăéżăăŚä˝żç¨ăăŚăă ăăă â 匨厳éťćł˘čŞä¸ťčŚĺśăŤă¤ă㌠ăăŽčŁ 罎ăŻăăŻăŠăšBć ĺ ąćčĄčŁ 罎ă§ăăăăŽčŁ 罎ăŻă厜ĺşç°ĺ˘ă§ä˝żç¨ăăăă¨ăçŽçă¨ăăŚăăžăăăăăŽ čŁ ç˝ŽăăŠă¸ăŞăăăŹăă¸ă§ăłĺ俥ćŠăŤčżćĽăăŚä˝żç¨ăăăă¨ăĺ俥é厳ăĺźă辡ăăăă¨ăăăăžăă使ç¨čŞŹ ćć¸ďźćŹć¸ďźăŤĺžăŁăŚćŁăăĺăćąăăăăŚăă ăăă VCCI-B sC á˘ŃąĎಠR WFT-E6 WFT-E7 ੯֧áĆĄážáĽáƢŕłá°áĄˇŕ ŠáŤáŽŕ´ŕŁ˝á ¸ŕŁ˝ , Canon (WFT-E6 WFT-E7), . ( !) ", " . # $ " ", , % & Canon. ! 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Veuillez ne pas utiliser votre modèle (version) de transmetteur dans des rĂŠgions pour lesquelles il nâest pas destinĂŠ. Pour des informations sur les autres rĂŠgions dâutilisation du transmetteur, renseignez-vous auprès du Service Après-Vente Canon. Para cumplir la normativa local sobre ondas de radio en diversas ĂĄreas del mundo, Canon ofrece versiones del transmisor especĂcas para cada regiĂłn (WFT-E6 y WFT-E7), como se describe a continuaciĂłn. No utilice su modelo (versiĂłn) del transmisor en regiones para las que no haya sido diseĂąado. Para obtener informaciĂłn sobre otras zonas donde puede usarse el transmisor, pĂłngase en contacto con el Centro de servicio al cliente de Canon. In conformitĂ alla normativa locale sullâutilizzo dello spettro elettromagnetico in varie regioni del mondo, Canon ha realizzato versioni del dispositivo di trasmissione (WFT-E6 e WFT-E7) speciche per varie regioni del mondo, come descritto in seguito. Non utilizzare il modello (versione) del dispositivo di trasmissione in regioni per le quali non è stato progettato. Per informazioni su altre aree in cui può essere utilizzato il dispositivo di trasmissione, rivolgersi al Centro di assistenza clienti Canon. Modèle SpĂŠcications du LAN sans l et canaux pris en charge RĂŠgion dâutilisation WFT-E6A ou WFT-E7A Singapour, Vietnam, Canada, Ătats-Unis WFT-E6B ou WFT-E7B Japon, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, RĂŠpublique tchèque, Danemark, Estonie, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Irlande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Russie, Slovaquie, SlovĂŠnie, Espagne, Suède, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, Turquie WFT-E6C ou WFT-E7C Chine, Inde WFT-E6D ou WFT-E7D 36 Ă 64 canaux 149 Ă 165 canaux IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1 Ă 11 canaux IEEE 802.11a/n Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolie Ăles CaĂŻmans (Territoire britannique), Colombie, Ăquateur, Le Salvador, Guatemala, Antilles nĂŠerlandaises, Saint-Martin (Antilles françaises), Ăles Vierges amĂŠricaines, Australie, Nouvelle-ZĂŠlande WFT-E6E ou WFT-E7E IEEE 802.11a/n 36 Ă 64 canaux 100 Ă 140 canaux IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1 Ă 13 canaux IEEE 802.11a/n 149 Ă 161 canaux IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1 Ă 13 canaux IEEE 802.11a/n 56 Ă 64 canaux 100 Ă 140 canaux IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1 Ă 11 canaux IEEE 802.11a/n 36 Ă 64 canaux 100 Ă 140 canaux 149 Ă 165 canaux IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1 Ă 13 canaux Lâutilisation Ă lâextĂŠrieur est interdite en France. En Chine continentale, lâutilisation Ă lâextĂŠrieur nĂŠcessite un permis dans certaines rĂŠgions. Lors de lâutilisation du rĂŠseau sans l IEEE 802.11a/n, les canaux indiquĂŠs en gris dans le tableau suivant ne sont pas disponibles. Ces restrictions sont ĂŠtablies par les rĂŠglementations locales, lesquelles doivent ĂŞtre respectĂŠes. Bien que dâautres canaux puissent ĂŞtre utilisĂŠs, certaines restrictions sâappliquent Ă certains canaux, comme indiquĂŠ. WFT-E6A ou WFT-E7A WFT-E6B ou WFT-E7B WFT-E6C ou WFT-E7C WFT-E6D ou WFT-E7D WFT-E6E ou WFT-E7E Ă lâintĂŠrieur Ă lâextĂŠrieur Ă lâintĂŠrieur Ă lâextĂŠrieur Ă lâintĂŠrieur 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64*1 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastructure 149â161 Ad hoc Ă lâextĂŠrieur Ă lâintĂŠrieur Ă lâextĂŠrieur Ă lâintĂŠrieur Ă lâextĂŠrieur WFT-E6C o WFT-E7C China, India WFT-E6D o WFT-E7D TaiwĂĄn, Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolia WFT-E6E o WFT-E7E Islas CaimĂĄn (Territorio BritĂĄnico), Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Antillas Holandesas, San MartĂn (Francia), Islas VĂrgenes de los Estados Unidos, Australia, Nueva Zelanda 149â161*2 Ad hoc 149â161*2 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastructure 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 C. 36â64 C. 149â165 IEEE 802.11b/g/n C. 1â11 IEEE 802.11a/n C. 36â64 C. 100â140 IEEE 802.11b/g/n C. 1â13 IEEE 802.11a/n C. 149â161 IEEE 802.11b/g/n C. 1â13 IEEE 802.11a/n C. 56â64 C. 100â140 IEEE 802.11b/g/n C. 1â11 IEEE 802.11a/n C. 36â64 C. 100â140 C. 149â165 IEEE 802.11b/g/n C. 1â13 MĂŠtodo de conexiĂłn red LAN inalĂĄmbrica WFT-E6B WFT-E7B WFT-E6D WFT-E7D 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Infrastructure 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 *1 Lâutilisation Ă lâextĂŠrieur sur les canaux 52 Ă 64 est interdite au Japon. *2 En Chine continentale, lâutilisation Ă lâextĂŠrieur nĂŠcessite un permis dans certaines rĂŠgions. Ces modèles intègrent le module sans l CH9-1214 : WFT-E6A, WFT-E6B, WFT-E6C, WFT-E6D et WFT-E6E. Ces modèles intègrent le module sans l CH9-1225 : WFT-E7A, WFT-E7B, WFT-E7C, WFT-E7D et WFT-E7E. WFT-E6E WFT-E7E Interiores Exteriores Interiores Exteriores Interiores 52â64 149â165 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infraestructura 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infraestructura 36â48 52â64 100â140 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 Infraestructura 36â48 52â64*1 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infraestructura 149â161 Interiores Exteriores Interiores Exteriores WFT-E6B o WFT-E7B Giappone, Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Cipro, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Islanda, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Russia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Regno Unito, Turchia WFT-E6C o WFT-E7C Cina, India WFT-E6D o WFT-E7D Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolia WFT-E6E o WFT-E7E 149â161*2 Ad hoc 149â161*2 56â64 WFT-E6B WFT-E7B 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infraestructura 36â48 52â64 36â64 canali 100â140 canali IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 canali IEEE 802.11a/n 149â161 canali IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 canali 56â64 canali 100â140 canali IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â11 canali IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64 canali 100â140 canali 149â165 canali IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 canali Per reti wireless IEEE 802.11a/n, non è possibile utilizzare i canali in grigio nella tabella che segue. Queste limitazioni sono dovute a normative locali che devono essere rispettate. BenchĂŠ si possano utilizzare gli altri canali, ad alcuni di essi si applicano alcune limitazioni, come indicato. WFT-E6C WFT-E7C Infraestructura 1â11 canali IEEE 802.11a/n IEEE 802.11a/n Isole Cayman (Territorio Britannico), Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Antille Olandesi, Saint Martin (Francia), Isole Vergini Americane, Australia, Nuova Zelanda 36â64 canali 149â165 canali IEEE 802.11b/g/n Limitazione di IEEE 802.11a/n WFT-E6A WFT-E7A 149â161 Infraestructura IEEE 802.11a/n Metodo di collegamento LAN wireless 36â48 Ad hoc Infraestructura Norma LAN wireless e canali supportati Paese di uso Singapore, Vietnam, Canada, Stati Uniti dâAmerica Canal Infraestructura Ad hoc Exteriores Modello WFT-E6A o WFT-E7A In Francia è proibito lâuso allâesterno. Nella Cina continentale, lâuso allâesterno in alcune aree richiede una autorizzazione. Cuando se utilice una red inalĂĄmbrica IEEE 802.11a/n, no se puede utilizar los canales que aparecen en gris en la tabla siguiente. Estas restricciones las establece la normativa local, que debe respetarse. Aunque se puede utilizar los otros canales, a algunos canales se les aplican ciertas restricciones, como se indica. WFT-E6C WFT-E7C Infrastructure IEEE 802.11a/n En Francia, el uso en exteriores estĂĄ prohibido. En China continental, el uso en exteriores requiere un permiso en algunas ĂĄreas. WFT-E6A WFT-E7A 149â161 Infrastructure Infrastructure WFT-E6B o WFT-E7B JapĂłn, Austria, BĂŠlgica, Bulgaria, Chipre, RepĂşblica Checa, Dinamarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Grecia, HungrĂa, Islandia, Irlanda, Italia, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, los PaĂses Bajos, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, RumanĂa, Rusia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, EspaĂąa, Suecia, Suiza, Reino Unido, TurquĂa Canal Infrastructure EspecicaciĂłn de red LAN inalĂĄmbrica y canales compatibles Zona de uso Singapur, Vietnam, CanadĂĄ, Estados Unidos Restricciones sobre IEEE 802.11a/n Restrictions IEEE 802.11a/n MĂŠthode de connexion LAN sans l Modelo WFT-E6A o WFT-E7A WFT-E6D WFT-E7D 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Infraestructura 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 WFT-E6E WFT-E7E Interno Esterno Interno Esterno Interno Esterno Interno Esterno Interno Esterno Canale Infrastruttura 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastruttura 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastruttura 36â48 52â64 100â140 Ad hoc 100â140 36â48 52â64 Infrastruttura 36â48 52â64*1 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastruttura 149â161 Ad hoc 149â161 Infrastruttura 149â161*2 Ad hoc 149â161*2 Infrastruttura 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastruttura 56â64 100â140 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 Infrastruttura 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Infrastruttura 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 *1 En JapĂłn, el uso en exteriores de los canales 52â64 estĂĄ prohibido. *2 En China continental, el uso en exteriores requiere un permiso en algunas ĂĄreas. *1 In Giappone è proibito lâuso allâesterno con i canali 52â64. *2 Nella Cina continentale, lâuso allâesterno in alcune aree richiede una autorizzazione. Estos modelos incorporan el mĂłdulo inalĂĄmbrico CH9-1214: WFT-E6A, WFT-E6B, WFT-E6C, WFT-E6D y WFT-E6E. Estos modelos incorporan el mĂłdulo inalĂĄmbrico CH9-1225: WFT-E7A, WFT-E7B, WFT-E7C, WFT-E7D y WFT-E7E. Questi modelli includono il modulo senza li CH9-1214: WFT-E6A, WFT-E6B, WFT-E6C, WFT-E6D e WFT-E6E. Questi modelli includono il modulo senza li CH9-1225: WFT-E7A, WFT-E7B, WFT-E7C, WFT-E7D e WFT-E7E. Le prĂŠsent appareil est conforme aux la partie 15 des règles de la FCC et CNR dâIndustrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Lâexploitation est autorisĂŠe aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) lâappareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) lâutilisateur de lâappareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioĂŠlectrique subi, mĂŞme si le brouillage est susceptible dâen compromettre le fonctionnement. Les connaissances scientiques dont nous disposons nâont mis en ĂŠvidence aucun problème de santĂŠ associĂŠ Ă lâusage des appareils sans l Ă faible puissance. Nous ne sommes cependant pas en mesure de prouver que ces appareils sans l Ă faible puissance sont entièrement sans danger. Les appareils sans l Ă faible puissance ĂŠmettent une ĂŠnergie radioĂŠlectrique (RF) très faible dans le spectre des micro-ondes lorsquâils sont utilisĂŠs. Alors quâune dose ĂŠlevĂŠe de RF peut avoir des effets sur la santĂŠ (en chauffant les tissus), lâexposition Ă de faibles RF qui ne produisent pas de chaleur nâa pas de mauvais effets connus sur la santĂŠ. De nombreuses ĂŠtudes ont ĂŠtĂŠ menĂŠes sur les expositions aux RF faibles et nâont dĂŠcouvert aucun effet biologique. Certaines ĂŠtudes ont suggĂŠrĂŠ quâil pouvait y avoir certains effets biologiques, mais ces rĂŠsultats nâont pas ĂŠtĂŠ conrmĂŠs par des recherchĂŠ supplĂŠmentaires. Ce modèle a ĂŠtĂŠ testĂŠ et jugĂŠ conforme aux limites dâexposition aux rayonnements ĂŠnoncĂŠes pour un environnement non contrĂ´lĂŠ et respecte les règles les radioĂŠlectriques (RF) de la FCC lignes directrices dâexposition dans le SupplĂŠment C Ă OET65 et dâexposition aux frĂŠquences radioĂŠlectriques (RF) CNR-102 de lâIC. La bande 5 150-5 250 MHz est restreints Ă une utilisation Ă lâintĂŠrieur. RĂŠglementation canadienne sur les interfĂŠrences radio Cet appareil numĂŠrique de la classe B est conforme Ă la norme NMB-003 du Canada. G Deutsch D Nederlands E F S G I D R Verwendungsbereiche und Einschränkungen fĂźr WFT-E6 und WFT-E7 Gebruiksbeperkingen voor WFT-E6 en WFT-E7 Um die Funkbestimmungen in den einzelnen der Ländern der Welt einhalten zu kĂśnnen, bietet Canon vier regionsspezische Versionen des Transmitters an (WFT-E6 und WFT-E7, siehe unten). Verwenden Sie Ihr spezielles Modell (Version) ausschlieĂlich in den Regionen, fĂźr die der Transmitter ausgelegt ist. Informationen zu anderen Ländern, in denen der Transmitter verwendet werden kann, erhalten Sie beim Canon Kundendienst. Om wereldwijd te voldoen aan lokale radiofrequentievoorschriften biedt Canon regiospecieke versies van de transmitter (WFT-E6 en WFT-E7). Deze worden hierna beschreven. Gebruik uw transmittermodel (versie) niet in regio's waarvoor deze niet is ontworpen. Neem contact op met uw dealer of het Canon Service Center voor informatie over andere regio's waar u de transmitter kunt gebruiken. Modell Wireless-LAN-Spezikation und unterstĂźtzte Kanäle Verwendungsbereich WFT-E6A oder WFT-E7A Singapur, Vietnam, Kanada, USA WFT-E6B oder WFT-E7B Japan, Ăsterreich, Belgien, Bulgarien, Zypern, Tschechien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Island, Irland, Italien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Russland, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden, Schweiz, GroĂbritannien, TĂźrkei WFT-E6C oder WFT-E7C China, Indien WFT-E6D oder WFT-E7D Taiwan, Hongkong, Macau, Mongolei WFT-E6E oder WFT-E7E Cayman-Inseln (Britisches Territorium), Kolumbien, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Niederländische Antillen, Saint-Martin (Frankreich), Amerikanische Jungferninseln, Australien, Neuseeland IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64 Kanäle 149â165 Kanäle IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â11 Kanäle IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64 Kanäle 100â140 Kanäle IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 Kanäle IEEE 802.11a/n 149â161 Kanäle IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 Kanäle IEEE 802.11a/n 56â64 Kanäle 100â140 Kanäle IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â11 Kanäle IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64 Kanäle 100â140 Kanäle 149â165 Kanäle IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 Kanäle In Frankreich ist die Verwendung im Freien verboten. In manchen Gebieten der VR China ist fĂźr die Verwendung im Freien eine Genehmigung erforderlich. Einschränkungen fĂźr IEEE 802.11a/n In Funknetzen nach IEEE 802.11a/n kĂśnnen die in der folgenden Tabelle grau unterlegten Kanäle nicht verwendet werden. Diese Einschränkungen sind durch Ăśrtliche Bestimmungen auferlegt und mĂźssen eingehalten werden. Obwohl die anderen Kanäle genutzt werden kĂśnnen, gelten fĂźr einige Kanäle bestimmte Einschränkungen (siehe Anmerkungen). Wireless LAN-Verbindungsmethode WFT-E6A oder WFT-E7A WFT-E6B oder WFT-E7B WFT-E6C oder WFT-E7C WFT-E6D oder WFT-E7D WFT-E6E oder WFT-E7E in Räumen im Freien in Räumen im Freien in Räumen im Freien in Räumen im Freien in Räumen im Freien 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastruktur 36â48 52â64 100â140 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 Infrastruktur 36â48 52â64*1 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastruktur Ad hoc WFT-E6B of WFT-E7B Japan, Oostenrijk, BelgiĂŤ, Bulgarije, Cyprus, TsjechiĂŤ, Denemarken, Estland, Finland, Frankrijk, Duitsland, Griekenland, Hongarije, IJsland, Ierland, ItaliĂŤ, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Nederland, Noorwegen, Polen, Portugal, RoemeniĂŤ, Rusland, Slowakije, SloveniĂŤ, Spanje, Zweden, Zwitserland, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Turkije WFT-E6C of WFT-E7C China, India WFT-E6D of WFT-E7D Taiwan, Hongkong, Macao, MongoliĂŤ WFT-E6E of WFT-E7E de Caymaneilanden (Brits overzees gebied), Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nederlandse Antillen, Sint Maarten (Frans), Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden, AustraliĂŤ, Nieuw-Zeeland 149â161*2 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastruktur 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastruktur 36â48 52â64 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 149â165 Infrastruktur 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 * In Japan ist die Verwendung der Kanäle 52â64 im Freien verboten. *2 In manchen Gebieten der VR China ist fĂźr die Verwendung im Freien eine Genehmigung erforderlich. Die folgenden Modelle enthalten das Funkmodul CH9-1214: WFT-E6A, WFT-E6B, WFT-E6C, WFT-E6D und WFT-E6E. Die folgenden Modelle enthalten das Funkmodul CH9-1225: WFT-E7A, WFT-E7B, WFT-E7C, WFT-E7D und WFT-E7E. 1â11 kanalen IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64 kanalen 100â140 kanalen IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 kanalen IEEE 802.11a/n 149â161 kanalen IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 kanalen IEEE 802.11a/n 56â64 kanalen 100â140 kanalen IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â11 kanalen IEEE 802.11a/n 36â64 kanalen 100â140 kanalen 149â165 kanalen IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1â13 kanalen Bij draadloze IEEE 802.11a/n-netwerken kunt u de kanalen die in de volgende tabel grijs zijn, niet gebruiken. Deze beperkingen zijn het gevolg van lokale regelgeving waaraan moet worden voldaan. Hoewel de andere kanalen kunnen worden gebruikt, zijn op bepaalde kanalen enige beperkingen van toepassing, zoals vermeld. Verbindingsmethode draadloos LAN WFT-E6D of WFT-E7D 100â140 36â64 kanalen 149â165 kanalen IEEE 802.11b/g/n IEEE 802.11a/n-beperkingen WFT-E6C of WFT-E7C Infrastruktur IEEE 802.11a/n In Frankrijk is gebruik buitenshuis niet toegestaan. Op het vasteland van China is voor gebruik buitenshuis in bepaalde regio's een vergunning nodig. WFT-E6B of WFT-E7B 149â161 149â161*2 Ad hoc Ad hoc Singapore, Vietnam, Canada, Verenigde Staten WFT-E6A of WFT-E7A 149â161 Infrastruktur Draadloze-LAN-specicatie en ondersteunde kanalen Gebruiksregio WFT-E6A of WFT-E7A Kanal Infrastruktur Infrastruktur Model Statement on EC directive WFT-E6E of WFT-E7E Binnen Buiten Binnen Buiten Binnen Buiten Binnen Buiten Binnen Buiten Kanaal Infrastructuur 36â48 52â64 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 Infrastructuur 36â48 52â64 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 149â165 149â165 Infrastructuur 36â48 52â64 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 36â48 52â64*1 100â140 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 Infrastructuur 149â161 Infrastructuur Ad hoc 149â161 Infrastructuur 149â161*2 Ad hoc 149â161*2 Infrastructuur 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc 56â64 100â140 Infrastructuur 56â64 100â140 56â64 100â140 Ad hoc Infrastructuur 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Infrastructuur 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 Ad hoc 36â48 52â64 100â140 149â165 *1 In Japan is het verboden buitenshuis kanaal 52â64 te gebruiken. *2 Op het vasteland van China is voor gebruik buitenshuis in bepaalde regio's een vergunning nodig. Canon Inc. tĂmto prohlaĹĄuje, Ĺže tento CH9-1214, CH9-1225 je ve shodÄ se zĂĄkladnĂmi poĹžadavky a dalĹĄĂmi pĹĂsluĹĄnĂ˝mi ustanovenĂmi smÄrnice 1999/5/ES. Undertegnede Canon Inc. erklĂŚrer herved, at følgende udstyr CH9-1214, CH9-1225 overholder de vĂŚsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Hiermit erklärt Canon Inc., dass sich das Gerät CH9-1214, CH9-1225 in Ăbereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den Ăźbrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Käesolevaga kinnitab Canon Inc. seadme CH9-1214, CH9-1225 vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EĂ pĂľhinĂľuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. Hereby, Canon Inc., declares that this CH9-1214, CH9-1225 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Por medio de la presente Canon Inc. declara que el CH9-1214, CH9-1225 cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. ÎΠΤÎÎ Î ÎÎĄÎÎĽÎŁÎ Canon Inc. âÎÎΊÎÎÎ ÎΤΠCH9-1214, CH9-1225 ÎŁÎĽÎÎÎΥΌΊÎÎΤÎÎ Î ÎĄÎÎŁ ΤÎÎŁ ÎÎĽÎŁÎΊâÎÎÎŁ ÎÎ ÎÎΤÎÎŁÎÎÎŁ ÎÎΠΤÎÎŁ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎŁ ΣΧÎΤÎÎÎÎŁ âÎÎΤÎÎÎÎÎŁ ΤÎÎŁ ÎâÎÎÎÎÎŁ 1999/5/ÎÎ. Par la prĂŠsente Canon Inc. dĂŠclare que lâappareil CH9-1214, CH9-1225 est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. Con la presente Canon Inc. dichiara che questo CH9-1214, CH9-1225 è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Ar ĹĄo Canon Inc. deklarÄ, ka CH9-1214, CH9-1225 atbilst DirektÄŤvas 1999/5/EK bĹŤtiskajÄm prasÄŤbÄm un citiem ar to saistÄŤtajiem noteikumiem. Ĺ iuo Canon Inc. deklaruoja, kad ĹĄis CH9-1214, CH9-1225 atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. Hierbij verklaart Canon Inc. dat het toestel CH9-1214, CH9-1225 in overeenstemming is met de essentiĂŤle eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. Hawnhekk, Canon Inc., jiddikjara li dan CH9-1214, CH9-1225 jikkonforma mal-ħtiÄĄijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. AlulĂrott,Canon Inc. nyilatkozom, hogy a CH9-1214, CH9-1225 megfelel a vonatkozĂł alapvetĂľ kĂśvetelmĂŠnyeknek ĂŠs az 1999/5/EC irĂĄnyelv egyĂŠb elĂľĂrĂĄsainak. Niniejszym Canon Inc. oĹwiadcza, Ĺźe CH9-1214, CH9-1225 jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostaĹymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. Canon Inc. declara que este CH9-1214, CH9-1225 estĂĄ conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposiçþes da Directiva 1999/5/CE. Canon Inc. izjavlja, da je ta CH9-1214, CH9-1225 v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi doloÄili direktive 1999/5/ES. Canon Inc. tĂ˝mto vyhlasuje, Ĺže CH9-1214, CH9-1225 spÄşĹa zĂĄkladnĂŠ poĹžiadavky a vĹĄetky prĂsluĹĄnĂŠ ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Canon Inc. vakuuttaa täten että CH9-1214, CH9-1225 tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Härmed intygar Canon Inc. att denna CH9-1214, CH9-1225 stĂĽr I Ăśverensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och Ăśvriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgĂĽr av direktiv 1999/5/EG. HĂŠr meĂ° lĂ˝sir Canon Inc. yfir ĂžvĂ aĂ° CH9-1214, CH9-1225 er Ă samrĂŚmi viĂ° grunnkrĂśfur og aĂ°rar krĂśfur, sem gerĂ°ar eru Ă tilskipun 1999/5/EC. Canon Inc. erklĂŚrer herved at utstyret CH9-1214, CH9-1225 er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. ĐĄ наŃŃĐžŃŃĐ¸Ń Đ´ĐžĐşŃĐźĐľĐ˝Ń Canon Inc. докНаŃиŃĐ°, ŃĐľ CH9-1214, CH9-1225 Đľ в ŃŃгНаŃио Ń ĐžŃнОвниŃĐľ иСиŃĐşĐ˛Đ°Đ˝Đ¸Ń Đ¸ ŃŃĐžŃвоŃниŃĐľ пОŃŃĐ°Đ˝ĐžĐ˛ĐťĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° ĐиŃокŃива 1999/5/ĐĐĄ. Prin prezenta, Canon Inc. declarÄ cÄ acest CH9-1214, CH9-1225 este conform cu cerinĹŁele principale Ĺi cu celelalte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/EC. Please contact the following address for the original Declaration of Conformity: CANON EUROPA N.V. Bovenkerkerweg 59-61, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands CANON INC. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan De volgende modellen beschikken over draadloze module CH9-1214: WFT-E6A, WFT-E6B, WFT-E6C, WFT-E6D en WFT-E6E. De volgende modellen beschikken over draadloze module CH9-1225: WFT-E7A, WFT-E7B, WFT-E7C, WFT-E7D en WFT-E7E. CANON INC. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan CANON EUROPA N.V. Bovenkerkerweg 59-61, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands CIX-M006-000 2012.01 CIX-M006-000_01.indd 2 Š CANON INC. 2012 PRINTED IN JAPAN IMPRIMĂ AU JAPON IMPRESO EN JAPĂN 11/18/2011 9:35:56 AM
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