Capital Prospect G6T3 Remote Control Transmitter User Manual

Capital Prospect Ltd Remote Control Transmitter Users Manual

Users Manual

3-Button  Garage DoorRemote Control Model  G6T3ln this package,  you will find a Skylink'  garage door transmitter with 3Vlithium  battery,  a mounting  bracket,  a visor  clip and a double  sided  tape.Elsatteryinsioel A  lt-",:l:l"r  visorcrio DoubleSided  TapeThere are  three buttons on transmitter G6T3, each button  can beprogramed  to control  Skylink  garage  door receiver  Smad ButtonrM  GB-318or GB-318-3 or Skylink garage door opener directly.Follow  one or more instructions below in Section 2 to program  transmitterG6T3 to the recetver  or receivers you want to control.You need to do the programming  in order  to add  the transmitter - remotecontrol to a receiver.Refer  to the receiver  Smart Buttonru  GB-318 useds  instruction  to set up the unit.Smart ButtonrM  GB-318  can learn up to 10 remote  controls.To program the transmitter to the receiver,  follow the instructions below:1. Press  the learn  button on the side  of the Smart ButtonrMGB-319.2. Once  the learn  button ts pressed,  the LED willllash quickly.  Release  the learn button.3. Within 30 seconds, press any one of the 3 buttonson the transmitter that you want to program  to thereceiver.Once the remote  control is programmed,  the LEDwill flash  slowly, in the  same way  as it flashesin standby mode.You may now operate the garage door openerwith this new remote control.To program  this  conirol  anotherreceiver. repeat process (1) to (+) to programanother button on the remote  control.You need  to do the programming  in order  to add the transmitter  to aSkylink@  Garage  Door Opener.Skylink@  Garage Door Opener  can learn up to 16 remote  controls.To program the transmttter to the Garage Door Receiver,  follow theinstructions below:1. Press  the LEARN/SET  button  once  on the garage  door opener.2. Once the LEARN/SET  buttton  is pressed,  the LEARN  LED will ftash.You may release  the LEARN/SET  button.3. Within 30 seconds, press any one of the 3 buttons on the transmitterthat you want to program  to the receiver.4. Once  the transmitter is programmed,  the LEARN LED will turn off.5. You  may now operate  the garage door opener with  this new transmitter.6. To program  a transmitter to control another garage  door opener,repeat process (1)to (a) to program another button on the transmitter.Smart  ButtonrMG8.318To program the transmitter to a Skylink Garage  DoorReceiver Smart Buttonru  GB-318-3  (3 doors)  , pleasefollow  the user's  instruction  for the model  GB-g1g-3.To program  the transmitter  to the Skylinko  le senes  Garage Door Opener,please follow the user's  instruction  from the Garage Door Opener.Q: What can I do if the door  opener  does not react  after  I press  the bufton onthe transmitter ?A: - Ensure  when the button  on the  transmitter  is pressed,  the red light on thetransmitter  comes on. Otherwise,  check if the battery  is inserted  properly.- Make  sure the correct button  on the  transmitter  is pressed.- Ensure  the wires that were previously  connected to the wall mounteddoor  control  are nol loose.- Ensure  the transmitter has been programmed  to the receiver.  Referto section 2 for how  to program a transmitter to the recejver.3 Volt lithium  battery (CR 2032) (inctuded).It is time  to change  the battery  when the red LED on the transrnitter  doesnot turn on when either button is pressed.lf you would like to- find out the up-to-date specifjcations- know more  about  leatures and  applications- download documents, i.e.  user's instructions- order Skylink productsor iJ you  have difficulty getting products to work, please:1. visit our FAQ section at, or2. email  us at, or3. call ourtoll free at 1-800-304-1187  from Monday  to Friday,  9 am  to 5 pm ESTFax (800)  286-1320CUSTOMER  SERVICE17 Sheard  Avenue, Brampton,  Ontario, Canada L6y 1J3Email:support@skylinkhome.comhttp:i/www.skylinkhome.comP/N.101z,&2Patent  PendingThis devicecomplies  with Part  15 ofthe  Fcc Rules.  operation  is  subjectto  thefollowing  hryocondttions:(1 ) Thls  device may  not cause harmfur  interference, and  (2)  Thrs device must  accept  any  interferencereceived,  including  interference  that  maycause  undesiredoperation.WARNING;changes  ormodifrcationsto  this  unit not expressryapproved  bythe  party  responsibre  forcompriance  courdvoid the user's  authorilyto  operatethe  equ pment.NOTE:Thisequipment  has  beentested  and  foundto  complywiththe  rimitsforacrass Bdigitarcrevice, pursuantto Pad  1  5 01  the Fcc Rures  These rimits are  designed to provide reasonabre protection  against  harmfurrnterference in a residential installatlon. This equipment  generates,  uses and  can  radiate adio frequencyenergy and,  if not  installed  and used  in accordance with  the  instructions,  maycause  harmful interferenceto radio  communicationsHowever,  there is no guarantee  that interference  will  not  mur in a particular installation.  lf this  equipmentdcscause  harmful  interferenceto  radio  orterevision  rrception,  which  can  be determined by turning  the  equipmentoff and on,  the user is  encouraged  to  try to correct  the  interference  byone  or  more  or the foilowing  merures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- lncrease  the  separaUon  behryeen the  equipment and  receiver.- Connect the  equipment  into arl  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from  that  to which the  receiver ts connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced  radio/Tvtechnician  for  help.lf, within  one year from date of purchase, this product shourd  become defective(except battery),  due to faulty workmanship or materials, it will be repaired  orreplaced,  without  charge. Proof of purchase  and a Return  Authorization  are required.Learn  Buttono o d  lfif,  I[!

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