Capital Prospect GM318T Remote Control (Transmitter) User Manual gm318

Capital Prospect Ltd Remote Control (Transmitter) gm318

User Manual

Each receiver can work with up to 4 different sensors (to represent 4different zones on the receiver), there are 2 connectors that deter-mine the zone number 1, 2, 3, or 4.  These 2 connectors can be foundby opening the battery cover.  Please follow the chart below to set thezone number.  If the sensor is set to zone number 1, then the receiverzone 1 signal will correspond to this sensor.1. INTRODUCTIONIn order for the sensor to communicate with the receiver properly, the sensortransmission code must match with the receiver’s code.  The code setting onthe sensor is determined by the code connectors.   Code connectors 1 to 6can be found by opening the battery cover on the sensor and by opening theback cover on the receiver.  Note: Before opening the battery cover, it isnecessary to remove the transparent protective cover. User is required to setthese code connectors randomly and the code settings on the sensor andreceiver must be the same.  Each position of the code connector can beset to “+”, “-‘ or “0” positions.  Refer to the diagram below to set the codeconnectors properly. If the connector is placed on the top and middleposts, that column is set on “ + ”. If the connector is placed on themiddle and bottom posts, that column is set on “ - ”. If the connector isremoved completely, (not placed on any posts), it is set to “ 0 ”. (see dia-gram for examples of how to set a column to the three different positions).2. SET UP THE SENSOR AND RECEIVERGarage Door Monitor Model GM-3183. POWER UP THE SENSOR AND RECEIVERAfter setting up all the connectors, both units are ready to be powered up.Plug in the transformer to the receiver, the green LED will start flashingindicating the receiver unit is powered up but no sensor is detected.Remove the battery cover on the sensor and insert the 3V lithiumbattery to the sensor as shown in the figure.The LED on the sensor will flash 8 times to indicate the unit is properlypowered and there is signal transmission to the receiver.  The receiver willrespond to the transmitted signal depending on the orientation of the sensor.Make sure to put the transparent protective cover pack in place aftersetting up.If the detection rod on the sensor is fully extended, one of the red LEDon the receiver will flash, and the buzzer will also emit beeping to indicatea door is open.  If the detection rod is inside the sensor, the green LED onthe receiver will glow steadily, indicating the sensor is in a closed position.You can change the orientation of the sensor and you should see thechange in response of the receiver.  If the sensor and receiver areworking properly in close proximity, you can now begin to install thesensor onto your garage door.Note: Ensure you straighten up the antenna on the receiver to receivethe best possible reception.4. INSTALLATION OF THE SENSOR ON YOUR GARAGE DOOR3V LithiumbatteryTransformerReceiverZone numberconnectorCode Connectors on  Sensor Code Connectors on  ReceiverDetectionrod is insidethe sensorDetectionrod is fullyextendedPlug in transformer to the receiver Insert 3V battery to the sensor‘+’ ‘-’‘0’1. CODE CONNECTORS2. ZONE NUMBERStep 1 – Selecting a spot on your garage door to mount the sensorassemblyBefore you install the sensorassembly onto the garage door,make sure the garage door isclosed.  The sensor assemblyshould be mounted on one ofthe vertical supports of yourgarage door near the bottom.4 pcs  3 x 18 screws1 pc  2 x 5 screw(Include)SensorThe garage door monitor is designed to monitor the status of yourgarage door and advise you if the door is open.  By placing thesensor on the door panel, you will be alerted when the door is open.When the door is open, the sensor will be triggered and transmit awireless signal to the receiver inside your house. It will then emit abeeping audio signal and the LED indicator will flash.Please follow the instructions below to set up your garage doormonitor properly.In this package, you should find a sensor, a receiver, a transformer,3V lithium battery, user’s manual, and double foam tape accessories.“-“ on the chart means the connector for that position should be removed.“+” on the chart means the connector for that position should be placedon the posts.ABZone 1 + +Zone 2 + -Zone 3 - +Zone 4 - -One ofVerticalSupportsNote: If you experience interference from a nearby system, which couldaccidentally trigger your system, please change the code settings onthe sensor and receiver. The code setting on the sensor and receivershould still match after changing the code setting.Double foam tape (Included)Door closed Door openThe sensor is designed to bemounted on the bottom panelof your garage door, so whenthe door is closed, the detec-tion rod should be insertedinside the sensor.  When thedoor is open, the detectionrod will be extended.Paper Clip/Note: A connector can be         removed with a removing        tool, as shown.+“+” positiveside up
After the sensor is installed in place, and receiver is powered up, youmay test the operation of both units.  Open the garage door and noticethe LED flashing on the receiver.  If the transmitter is programmed tozone 1, zone 1 LED should flash and the buzzer will emit a singlebeep continuously.  After the door is closed, both the red LED andbuzzer will be off, the green LED will glow steadily.If the sensor is programmed to zone 4, zone 4 red LED will flash, andthe receiver will emit a continuous “4 beeps”, i.e. “beep beep beepbeep” pause “beep beep beep beep” pause ……etc.If you have more than one garage door sensor, the operation will besimilar.  If 2 sensors are triggered at the same time, both red LEDrepresenting 2 zones will flash together, and the buzzer will sound for2 zones, i.e. if zone 1 and zone 4 are activated, the buzzer will sound:“beep’ pause, “beep beep beep beep”, pause, “beep”, pause, “beepbeep beep beep” etc.5. OPERATION6. BUZZER VOLUMEInstead of disabling the buzzer, you can also mute certain zones fromsounding when that zone is activated.  This is useful when one of thegarage door sensors is known to be in an open position but would liketo temporary disable the buzzer for that zone only.  For instance, ifyou are working on your lawn with the garage door open, you maywant to disable the buzzer for this garage door only.  Then you canpress the “Mute” button after it starts to sound.  If any other garagedoor sensor is triggered at this time, thereceiver will sound again for that specificdoor.  When the mute button is pressed,it will only temporary disable the buzzersounding from that specific zone, ifanother door is triggered, the buzzer willstill sound.7. MUTEIf, within one year from date of purchase, this product should become defective(except battery), due to faulty workmanship or materials, it will be repaired orreplaced, without charge. Proof of purchase is required.WARRANTYThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.WARNING:Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party respon-sible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment dose cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which  the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCCIf you would like to order Skylink’s product or have difficulty getting your Skylink’sGarage Door Monitor to work, please :1. visit our website FAQ at, or2. email us at (reply within 24 hrs), or3. call our toll free at 1-800-304-1187 from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST.NOTETo prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH from a closing garage door:- Activate door ONLY when it can be seen clearly, is properly adjusted, and there  are no obstructions to door travel.- ALWAYS keep garage door in sight until completely closed. NEVER permit  anyone to cross path of closing garage door.WARNINGYou can select the buzzer volume byswitching the volume switch to “HI” or “LO”position.The buzzer can be also disabled by switchingoff the power of the buzzer, which can disablethe buzzer from sounding.SKYLINK TECHNOLSKYLINK TECHNOLSKYLINK TECHNOLSKYLINK TECHNOLSKYLINK TECHNOLOGIES - USAOGIES - USAOGIES - USAOGIES - USAOGIES - USA1100 East Valencia Drive, Fullerton, CA 92831, USATEL (714)224-4321        FAX (714) (Reply within 24 hrs), orhttp://www.skylinkhome.comP/N. 101A201 Rev.0Patents Pending©2003 SKYLINK GROUP

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