Cardionet 1001 CardioNet Sensor User Manual 7 25 by 9 facing gutters

Cardionet CardioNet Sensor 7 25 by 9 facing gutters


iPatient Information GuideThis device complies with part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference and, (2)This device must acceptinterference  received  including  interference  thatmay cause undesired operation.CardioNet Home Ambulatory Cardiac MonitorCardioNet Inc.510 Market StreetSan Diego, CA  92101Tel. 619. 243.7500Fax. 619. 243.7700
iiCopyright 2002All rights reserved.Document Number - 100132Revision CModel Number 1001
iiiTable of Contents1. Introduction............................................................. 1How the CardioNet Service Works........................................................ 2The CardioNet Monitoring Kit................................................................ 4Who to Call for Help .............................................................................. 82. Setting Up................................................................ 9Connecting At Home........................................................................... 10Checking Battery Power ..................................................................... 12Staying in Range ................................................................................ 12Limitations of cell phone coverage ...................................................... 12Wearing the CardioNet Sensor ........................................................... 14Placement of Lead Wires and Pads.................................................... 153. Using the Monitor ................................................. 17Keep the Monitor On ........................................................................... 18Navigating the Screens ....................................................................... 20Record a Symptom ............................................................................. 23When You Are Without Cell Phone Coverage ...................................... 26Changing Monitor Options .................................................................. 27Checking Monitor Status ..................................................................... 29View the Cell Signal Status ................................................................. 31Warnings and Alarms.......................................................................... 324. Care for the Sensor .............................................. 33Changing Electrode Pads................................................................... 34Placing  the Leads and Pads .............................................................. 37Showering or Bathing ......................................................................... 38Changing the Battery .......................................................................... 40Turn Off the  Monitor ............................................................................ 40Replace The Battery ........................................................................... 405. TroubleShooting ................................................... 41Responding to Warnings and Alarms .................................................. 43Precautions ........................................................................................ 47A. Specifications....................................................... 51
1. IntroductionIntroductionThe CardioNetService monitorsyour heart rhythmscontinuously.  Thishelps your doctordetect problems thatoccur infrequently,even while yousleep.We Help Find AnswersThe CardioNet Service was developed to helpdoctors detect and treat heart problems that maynot happen often enough to be found during aroutine ECG in the physicians office, since anin-office ECG may only monitor the heart for ten orfifteen seconds. By monitoring heart rhythmscontinuously, we can help physicians detectproblems that may occur infrequently  perhapsonly once or twice a week even while you areasleep.Our goal at CardioNet is to work as a team withpatients and physicians to help people receive thebest possible care.  We are honored that we werechosen to serve you.CardioNet  workswith you and yourphysician.
2     Introduction1. IntroductionWhen youre using the CardioNet Service, youllwear a small, lightweight Sensor.  The Sensormonitors each heartbeat and sends data to theportable CardioNet Monitor.The CardioNet Monitor can be tucked away in apocket or purse.  It sends wirelesscommunications to the CardioNet Centerautomatically when it detects an event or whenyou report an event, using the touch screen onthe Monitor.How the CardioNet Service WorksPatient Wears CardioNet SensorLightweight Sensormonitors eachheartbeat. CardioNet Monitorsends heart data to theCardioNet Center
Introduction     31. IntroductionThe CardioNet Service Center Monitors Heart DataAt the CardioNet ServiceCenter, which operates 24hours a day, seven days aweek, specially trainedcardiac technicians analyzeyour heart data and reportresults to your physician.Your Physician Reviews The  ResultsYour physician reviews theresults, discusses resultswith you and prescribes oradjusts treatment.
4     Introduction1. IntroductionThe CardioNet Monitoring KitThe CardioNet Monitoring Kit contains thesupplies you will need while you are on theCardioNet Monitoring Service. If any items aremissing or broken, or if you have any questionsabout how to use them, please call theCardioNet Service Center at 1-866-426-4401.When service is ended, please return all theitems to their labeled slots and send the kitback to the monitoring center, following thedirections on the enclosed return address label.It is important to return the patient supply kitno later than the very next day.  Other patientsneed to use the equipment, which is in limitedsupply.Your Service Kit contains1. The CardioNet MonitorThis portable device constantly monitorsyour heartbeat and sends information toThe CardioNet Service Center, throughwireless communication when you are awayfrom home, or through the regular phonesystem when the monitor is placed in theCardioNet Base Station. You will not becharged by the telephone company for callsmade by your monitor. Please handle theCardioNet Monitor with care  dont drop it,lose it, or get it wet. Its expensive toreplace.To avoid extra charges,return all kit itemsexcept used batteriesand used electrodepads to CardioNetwhen service iscompleted.1. CardioNet Monitor
Introduction     51. Introduction2. The CardioNet Base StationThe CardioNet Base Station is connected toyour home telephone line and plugged into anelectrical outlet in the bedroom or a centrallocation in your house. The Base Stationrecharges the CardioNet Monitor overnight andallows the CardioNet Monitor to communicatewith the monitoring center through theregular phone system. You will not be chargedby the telephone company for calls made byyour monitor.Please put the CardioNet Monitor in the basestation whenever you are at home.  In largerhomes, two base stations may be required, soyou can keep your sensor and monitor incontact as you walk around the house.2.  CardioNet Base Station
6     Introduction1. Introduction3 The CardioNet SensorThe CardioNet Sensor, which can be wornaround the neck or on a belt, senses eachheartbeat and constantly sends theinformation to the CardioNet Monitor. Tocommunicate with the monitor, the sensormust remain within 30 feet of the monitor.Walls and other obstructions can reduce therange. If you go out of communicationrange, the sensor will beep to alert you  soyou can move back within range or pick upthe monitor and take it with you.4. Electrode Pads and LeadsThese sticky disposable pads snap onto thethree electrode leads on the CardioNetSensor. You remove the backing and stickthem onto your skin.5. BatteriesThese batteries are for the CardioNetSensor. Sensor batteries must be replacedwith new batteries each day. Any newcommercially available AA batteries can beused with the CardioNet Sensor.6. Sensor Neck StrapUse if you prefer to wear the Sensor aroundyour neck.7. Sensor Belt ClipUse if you prefer to wear the Sensor on yourbelt.8. Telephone Line In/OutUse to plug your CardioNet Base Stationinto the telephone wall jack.9. Base Power PlugUse to plug your CardioNet Base Stationinto an electrical outlet.3. CardioNet Sensor
Introduction     71. Introduction10. Patient Guide and Pocket Reference CardThis guide which contains information aboutCardioNet Monitoring Service and helpfulreminders about using the equipment. Youcan carry the pocket reference card with youwhile on service.11. Patient Information VideoThis contains the key information about themonitoring service, presented in a short video.12. Return Address Label and Shipping  FormUse the label and prepaid shipping form toreturn the kit after monitoring is finished.Remember: all kit items, except used batteries andused electrode pads must be immediately returnedto CardioNet once service is completed, or you willbe charged for them.
8     Introduction1. IntroductionWho to Call for HelpIf you have any questions about your monitoringservice or billing, please call one of our toll freenumbers.  Customer service is available 24hours a day, 7 days a week.Monitoring Questions:  (866) 426-4401Billing Concerns: (866) 426-4401
2. Set  UpSetting UpWhen you get home with your CardioNet ServiceKit, youll need to take a few steps to set up theCardioNet Base. This section of the Patient Guidewalks you through:nConnecting the CardioNet BasenRecharging the  BatterynStaying in Communications RangenWearing the Sensor
10     Setting Up2. Set  UpConnecting At HomeFind an electrical outlet and phone jack in acentral location, preferably in your bedroom toconnect the CardioNet Base.  As long as you arewithin range of the CardioNet Monitor, yourCardioNet Sensor can continue sendingheartbeats to the Monitor. If you go out of range,the Sensor beeps to warn you.When you go to any area in your house whereyour Sensor is out of communications rangewith your Monitor, simply take CardioNetMonitor out of the Recharging Base and bring itwith you, so the Monitor can continue receivingheartbeat signals from the Sensor.Sometimes in larger houses, a second BaseStation is needed so that you can stay withinrange without carrying your monitor around.At night, keep the CardioNet Monitor in theRecharging Base near your bed so CardioNetcan monitor your heartbeats, while you aresleeping. The Monitor will also recharge itsbattery while in the Base. It takes around fourhours to completely recharge the Monitorbattery, so you can carry it around with you thefollowing day.Setting Up the Base1. Find an electrical outlet located close to aphone jack, preferably in your bedroom2. Unplug the telephone line from the back ofyour  telephone3. Take the telephone line that you justunplugged and plug it into the slot on theBase labeled Phone In.
Setting Up     112. Set  Up4. Locate the second telephone line, includedin your CardioNet Service Kit. Plug one endof this line into the slot on the Base labeledLine Out. Plug the other end of this lineinto the back of your telephone.5. Locate the Power Cord in your CardioNetService Kit. Insert the small, round end ofthis line into the slot on the Base labeledPower. Plug the other end into an outlet.Phone In(yourphoneline)Line Out(includedphoneline)Power(InsertPowerLine)
12     Setting Up2. Set  UpChecking Battery PowerWhen your Monitor is in the Recharging Base,touch the battery icon on the screen and theunit will tell you whether or not the battery isfully charged.  If the battery is not fully charged,leave the Monitor in the Base for a full recharge,which takes four hours.Staying in RangeThe Monitors rechargeable battery provides 16hours of use for each four hours of recharging.Whenever possible, when you are at home, leavethe Monitor in the Base, unless you are in apart of the house where the Sensor and Monitorwould be out of communications range.Whenever you begin to go out ofcommunications range, the Sensor will beep towarn youreminding you either return withinrange or carry your Monitor with you.Limitations of cell phone coverageWhen your CardioNet monitor is in the basestation, it uses the regular telephone system forcommunications with the CardioNet center.When you are away from homeor wheneveryour CardioNet monitor is out of the base sta-tionthe monitor uses cell phone technology tocontact the CardioNet center and transmit ECGdata.As with consumer cell phones, calls can some-times be delayed or blocked by coverage prob-lems, physical obstruction such as buildings ormountains, or heavy traffic on the carrier net-works.See Using the Monitor formore details aboutchecking battery power.At home, leave theMonitor in the basewhenever possible.
Setting Up     132. Set  UpPlace Monitor in Base to RechargeWhen the CardioNet monitor has urgent data totransmit, and is unable to connect with the centervia cellular telecommunications, it will notify you tocontact the CardioNet center through a regulartelephone.  The monitoring specialists at the Cen-ter will instruct you on how to download the infor-mation on that phone.
14     Setting Up2. Set  UpWearing the CardioNet SensorThe CardioNet Sensor uses three electrodepatches, carefully placed on your body to detectheartbeats by sensing electrical changes on thesurface of your skin. The electrode patches areattached to the Sensor by three lead wires, awhite wire, a black wire and a red wire.  Thelead wires can be snapped on and off from theelectrodes, so you can remove the wires from theelectrodes and remove the Sensor beforeshoweringwithout taking off the electrodes.When you enroll in the CardioNet System, anurse or technician chooses the best locationsfor the electrode pads to detect changes in heartrhythms.See Caring for YourCardioNet Sensor(Section 4) for moredetails about removingyour Sensor whileShowering.Sensor with Lead Wires
Setting Up     152. Set  UpPlacement of Lead Wires and PadsThe Electrode Pads are placed as shown in thediagram below.White lead  snaps on a pad placed just below thecenter of your right collarbone.Black lead  snaps on a pad placed just below thecenter of your left collarbone.Red lead  snaps on a pad placed just on your leftside, on the lower part of your rib cage.Placement for LeadsShown with neck strapPlacement for PadsUpperRightChestUpperLeftChestLowerLeft RibCagePlacement for LeadsShown with belt buckleWhite:UpperRightBlack:UpperLeftRed:LowerLeftBlack:UpperLeftRed:LowerLeftWhite:UpperRight
16     Setting Up2. Set  Up
3. Monitor3. MonitorUsing theMonitorThe CardioNet Monitor is your link with theCardioNet Center. The CardioNet Sensor sendseach heartbeat to the Monitor, which has beenprogrammed by your physician to detect changesin targeted heart rhythm. When the Monitordetects a targeted change in rhythm, or when youdetect a symptom and enter your information, theMonitor will establish a communications link withthe CardioNet Center and begin sending your ECGdata, as well as symptoms and activity informationyou enter, using the Monitors touch-screen.  Thissection describes:nKeeping the Monitor  OnnNavigating the ScreensnRecording a SymptomnWhen Theres No Cell Phone CoveragenChanging Monitor OptionsnChecking Monitor StatusnWarnings and Alarms!
18     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorKeep the Monitor OnThe green button at the bottom of the Monitorturns it on and wakes it from sleeping.  To turn theMonitor off, you must use the touch screen. Keepthe Monitor on at all times while you are onservice, unless you are changing the Sensorbatteries or taking off the Sensorfor example,when you take a shower.Refer to Caring forYour Sensor for moreinformation about howto remove the Sensorwhile bathing orshowering.LED Indicator LightTouch ScreenOn / WakeButton
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     193. MonitorMonitor is OnThe LED indicator light flashes green when themonitor is sending information to the CardioNetCenter and you are being actively monitored.When the light flashes red, the Monitor is tryingto get your attention. An alert screen will appearwith help or information.Monitor Screen is AsleepTo save on battery power, the Monitor screenbecomes blank while you are not using thetouch screen menus.  You can tell that theMonitor is still on because the LED indicatorlight is lit.To turn the Monitor back on, either press theOn / Wake button or touch the blank screen.Monitor is OffWhen you turn the Monitor off using the touchscreen, the screen is blank and the LEDindicator light is not lit.The screen is blankwhen the Monitor isasleep or turned off.
20     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorNavigating the ScreensThe CardioNet Monitor has a simple touch screenthat is easy to view and use.  By touching lightlywith your finger you make selections; each screenprompts you with icons, text  and navigationbuttons to step you through an activity.For the most part, the menus follow a simplepattern.  At the top of every screen youll find aprompt line that tells you the next step to take.The midsection shows options that you can choose.At the bottom of most menus are navigationbuttons that move you from screen to screen.At the bottom of the Main menu are two symbolsthat let you check battery power and the strengthof the cell signal.Help and alert screens are slightly different in thatthe middle section offers you additionalinformation.Main Menu    Prompt LineSelection OptionsCheck Battery andCell Phone Coverage
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     213. MonitorPrompt LineHelpful InformationNavigation Buttonto Close ScreenPrompt LineSelection OptionsNavigation ButtonsSymptoms  Menu (2 screens in a row)     Help  Menu
22     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorNavigation ButtonsThe Navigation buttons at the bottom of each menumove you from screen to screen.  The followingbuttons will appear.Confirm accepts your selection andmoves to the next menu.OK acknowledges that youve readthe information on the screen andcloses the current menu.Back moves backward to the previousmenu.Next  moves forward to the nextmenu.Help moves to a helpful informationscreen.
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     233. MonitorRecord a SymptomYour symptom and activity data is very importantinformation that helps your physician treat ormanage your condition. By entering yoursymptoms and activities each time you have anevent, you will assist your physician indetermining the best treatment.To Record a Symptom1. Make sure the Monitor is on.  If the screen isblank, press the On / Wake button to turn onthe Monitor.  The Main menu appears.2. On the Main menu touch Record Event.To turn your Monitorscreen on, eithertouch the blankscreen or press theOn / Wake button.
24     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorThe first of two Symptoms menus appears.Select, one by one, each and every symptomthat you feel. A check mark appears forsymptoms you select. Touch Next.  Thesecond Symptoms menu appears.Select any or all symptoms.  When done,touch Confirm to move to the Activities menu.Remember that thereare two Symptomsmenus.
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     253. MonitorThe Activities menu appears.3. Choose the activity that best reflects your levelof exertion when you felt the symptom. Whendone, touch Confirm. The following screenappears.4. Touch OK.  The Monitor then sends youractivity information and your ECG data to theCardioNet  Monitoring  Center.
26     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorWhen You Are Without Cell Phone CoverageWhen the CardioNet Monitor is not  in its BaseStation, it uses wireless telecommunications tocommunicate with the CardioNet MonitoringCenter.  If you are in an area without cell phonecoverage and the Monitor is unable to establish aconnection with the Monitoring Center, theMonitor stores the information it has collected andsends it later. If the Monitor detects an event thatrequires immediate analysis and cannot send thedata, it will beep and alert you to contact theCardioNet  CenterMonitor Cannot Establish Connection
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     273. MonitorChanging Monitor OptionsYour CardioNet Monitor lets you make adjustmentsto suit your needs. Adjustable features include:  n Volume  n Contrast  n Cellular Power (on or off)  n Monitor (on or off) Adjust Features1. Make sure the Monitor is on. The Main menuappears.2. Touch View Options.
28     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorThe Options menu appears.3. Choose any of the following options.Volume adjusts the tone to high, medium, lowor vibrate.  After you make your selection,youll hear the volume you have chosen.  ForVibrate, you can feel the Monitor vibrating.Contrast adjusts the screen contrast to high,medium or low.  After you make your selectionthe screen adjusts to the new setting.  Youmight find you need a different setting whenyou are outdoors rather than indoors.Cell Phone turns the cell phone in the MonitorOFF or ON.  When the cell phone is off, theMonitor is still recording heartbeats, but nodata can be sent automatically to theCardioNet Monitoring Center unless theMonitor is placed in the base.Power Off turns off the Monitor. A warningappears and you are asked to confirm that youreally want to turn off the Monitor.
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     293. Monitor4.After making adjustments, a menu appears toask you to confirm the selected option.  TouchConfirm.Checking Monitor StatusBy touching either the battery or the cell signalicon on the Main Menu, you can easily view moreinformation about both.View the Battery Status1. From the Main menu, touch the Battery icon.Choose the Batteryicon to see how muchpower your Monitorhas left.The Monitorsrechargeable batteryprovides 16 hours ofuse for every fourhours of recharging.See Setting Up(Section Two) for moreinformation.
30     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorThe Battery Information menu appears.3. You can now see how much time remains forboth the Monitor and Sensor batteries.  TouchOK to return to the Main menu.
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     313. MonitorView the Cell Signal Status1. From the Main menu, touch the Cell Signalicon. The Signal Information menu appears.2. This menu tells you how strong your cellularsignal is in your current location.When done, touch OK to return to the Mainmenu.Choose the CellSignal icon to see howstrong your cellularsignal is in the currentlocation.
32     Using Your CardioNet Monitor3. MonitorWarnings and AlarmsFor warnings and alarms, the Monitor beeps to letyou know there is a concern and explains on thetouchscreen exactly how to respond.Warnings are brief beeps.  Alarms last longer andgrow louder.  Warnings can sometimes fixthemselves, but alarms always require action onyour part.   For both, you can immediately silencethe audio tones by touching the OK button on thetouch screen.  For both you can also touch the Helpbutton for more information about how to resolvethe problem.Below is a sample of what might appear on thetouchscreen for a warning or alarm..  Low Monitor BatterySee Troubleshooting,Section 5, for moreinformation aboutwarnings and alarms.
4. SensorCare for theSensorThe CardioNet Sensor is comfortable, easy to wear,and only requires a small amount of care.  Werecommend that you change the electrode padsevery two days.  When you shower or bath youdont have to remove the pads, but you do need toremove the Sensor and electrode leads.This section describes:nChanging Electrode PadsnTurning Off the MonitornShowering or BathingnChanging the  Battery"
34    Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor4. SensorChanging Electrode PadsWe recommend that you change your electrodepads every two days. Changing the electrode padsmore frequently may cause irritation to the skin.Changing electrode pads less frequently may causethe electrode pads to wear down and weaken theheartbeat signal to the Sensor.Any time you change your electrode pads youshould turn your Monitor off first using the touchscreen. This prevents the Monitor from alarmingbecause it cannot detect your heartbeats.  Next,youll remove the Sensor and old electrode pads.Finally, youll apply new pads.When you were enrolled in the CardioNet System,the nurse or technician chose locations for theelectrode pads that would provide the best possiblemeasurements of changes in heart rhythms.When you replace electrode pads, it is important toput the new electrode pads in the right spot.  It isalso very important to connect the right color leadto the right electrodeso the CardioNet monitoringcenter receives accurate heartbeat information.Turn off the Monitor1. Press the On / Wake button located on the frontof the Monitor.
Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor  354. SensorThe Main menu appears.2. Touch View Options.  The Options menuappears.3. Touch Power Off. A warning appears and asksif you really want to power down.4. Touch Yes to confirm.  A message brieflyappears to let you know that the Monitor ispowering down. Wait for the Monitor tocompletely power down. The touch screen willbecome blank.Place the new pads inthe locations you wereshown when you enrolledin the CardioNetSystem.
36    Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor4. Sensor Remove Sensor and Pads1. Unsnap the Sensor leads from the electrodes.2. Remove the electrode pads from your skin.Throw them away.Apply the New Pad1. Snap a new electrode pad onto the lead.2. Peel off the paper in the back of the electrodepad.3. Check the new electrode pad to make sure thegel on the back has not dried out electrodeswith dried gel should be thrown away.4. Apply pad to the same spot.Tip: If you need tochange your electrodepads, its easiest to doso when you showeror bathe.LowerLeft RibCagePlacement for PadsUpperRightChestUpperLeftChest
Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor  374. SensorPlacing  the Leads and PadsRemember that it is important to put the newelectrode pads in the right spot.  It is also veryimportant to connect the right color lead to theright electrodeso the CardioNet monitoringcenter receives accurate heartbeat information.nWhite lead   placed just below the center ofyour right collarbonenBlack lead  placed just below the center ofyour left collarbonenRed lead   placed on your left side, on thelower part of your rib cageElectrode PadThe Sensor leads snapeasily on and off  of theElectrode Pad.If you’re wearing theSensor on a belt clip,the Sensor is upsidedown.Placement for LeadsWhite:UpperRightBlack:UpperLeftRed:LowerLeft
38    Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor4. SensorShowering or BathingYoull need to remove your Sensor before taking abath or shower, but you can keep the electrodepads on.  Be careful that they dont get soaked.Before removing the Sensor, turn off the Monitor.You will remove the Sensor, but keep the pads inplace.Gently wash the skin around the electrodes.  Afterdrying, repress the pads to the skin.Turn Off the  Monitor1. Press the On / Wake button located on the frontof the Monitor.2. Touch the View Options button on the touchscreen. The Options menu appears.3. Touch Power Off . A warning appears and asksif you really want to power down.4. Touch Yes to confirm.  A message brieflyappears to let you know that the Monitor ispowering down. Wait for the Monitor tocompletely power down. The touch screen willbecome blank. Remove the Sensor1. Remove the Sensor leads from the electrodes.2. Leave the Sensor Electrode Pads in place if youare not going to change them.3. If you are going to change the pads, removethem and apply a new set after your shower orbath.Tip: a convenient timeto remove yourelectrode pads iswhen  you  shower.You can wear yourelectrode pads whileshowering or bathing.Just make sure youremove the Sensor andelectrode leads.  Aftershowering, press thepads to the skin toassure tight surfacecontact.
Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor  394. SensorAfter showering1. Repress electrode pads worn during showeringor apply new pads.2. Reattach the Sensor lead wires to the electrodepads.3. Press the On / Wake button to turn the Monitoron and resume monitoring. Changing theSensor Battery.
40    Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor4. SensorChanging the BatteryThe AA battery in the Sensor must be replaced witha new, unused battery every 24 hours. Werecommend you turn your Monitor off beforechanging your Sensor battery. This prevents theMonitor from alarming because it cannot detectyour heartbeats when the Sensor has no power.Turn Off the  Monitor1. Press the On / Wake button located on the frontof the Monitor.2. Touch the View Options button on the touchscreen. The Options menu appears.3. Touch Power Off. A warning appears and asks ifyou really want to power down.4. Touch Yes to confirm.  A message brieflyappears to let you know that the Monitor ispowering down. Wait for the Monitor tocompletely power down. The touch screen willbecome blank.Replace The Battery1. Press the top edge of the battery door to open it.The door pops open.2. Take out the old battery and dispose of it inaccordance with local regulations and EPAguidelines.3. Put in a new AA battery, included in yourCardioNet Service Kit.  Insert the negative endfirst.4. Close the cover.If you are running low on batteries, contact theCardioNet Monitoring Center and ask for additionalbatteries.  In an emergency, any available AAbattery can be used with the CardioNet Sensor.+-Insert the battery,negative (flat) end first,bumpy side out.Call the CardioNetService Center’s tollfree number  if you arerunning out ofreplacement batteries.(866) 426-4401Press firmly on the topedge of the battery doorto open it.  You can usea table top or flat surfaceto press against thedoor.  It pops open.
5.TroubleshootTroubleShootingThis section provides suggestions fortroubleshooting as well as precautions andwarnings.  It includes:nResponding to warnings and alarmsnTroubleshootingnPrecautions and CautionsnCleaningnService#
42    Troubleshooting5.TroubleshootResponding to Warnings and AlarmsFor warnings and alarms, the Monitor beeps tolet you know there is a concern and explains onthe touchscreen exactly how to respond.Warnings are brief beeps.  Alarms last longerand grow louder.  Warnings can sometimes fixthemselves, but alarms always require action onyour part.   For both, you can immediatelysilence the audio tones by touching the OKbutton on the touch screen.  For both you canalso touch the Help button for more informationabout how to resolve the problem.The following list of alarms and warnings showswhat appears on your screen and describes howto  respond. Low Monitor BatteryReturn Monitor to Base for recharging.
Troubleshooting  435.TroubleshootLow Sensor BatteryInstall new battery - or - Inspect batterycompartment, clean contacts if necessary.No Power in BaseReinsert the power cable in the base and into thewall plug.
44    Troubleshooting5.TroubleshootSensor Lead Wire DisconnectedMake sure the electrode patches are pressedonto your skin.  Check all the lead wireattachments.Poor Sensor CommunicationMove closer to your monitor.  The Monitor andSensor need to be in closer range tocommunicate.1- 800- 426-4401If the electrode patchloses contact or driesout you need to replaceit immediately.  Themonitor detects whenleads are disconnectedand will alert you.
Troubleshooting  455.TroubleshootScheduled Upload FailedEither go to an area that has cellular coverage orput the Monitor in the Base.
46    Troubleshooting5.TroubleshootTroubleshootingTroubleshooting involves taking precautionarymeasures, sometimes a bit of detective work,and responding to known problems.  For themost part, the Monitor will detect problems foryou.  The Monitor beeps to let you know there isa concern and explains on the touchscreenexactly how to respond.A warning prompts you to resolve a problem bydisplaying an alert screen and beeping an audiotone. For some warnings the problem can fixitself and you wont need to do anything.  Forothers youll need to take action, as describedon the touch screen.An alarm lets you know that a problem has notbeen fixed and you must take action.Monitor Battery Doesn’t Last 18 HoursEnsure battery is being recharged for at leastfour hours per day.  If you find the Monitor isnot holding its charge long enough, youprobably havent left it in the Base long enough.No Display on Monitor.Ensure Monitor is turned on. Return Monitor toBase for rechargingBlank Monitor Screen.If the Monitor is blank, first make sure it isturned on.  If it is on and the touchscreen isblank, return the Monitor to its Base forrechargingNo Connection when Call Button is Pressed.Ensure Monitor is in cellular range. PlaceMonitor in base. Ensure Monitor is turned on.
Troubleshooting  475.TroubleshootPrecautionsDispose of Batteries Properly.Observe all local laws for the disposal of alkalinebatteries.When Not in Use, Remove Sensor Battery.Do not leave the battery in the Sensor when it isnot in use. Damage from corrosion could result.Avoid Electromagnetic Interference.For the best recording results, you should avoidclose proximity to heavy equipment or othersources of electromagnetic interference such aselectric blankets, heating pads, etc.Remove Leads before DefibrillationElectrode leads must be removed before externaldefibrillation.CautionsCaution: Power Down and Remove Sensor Before Showering.Power down the Monitor and remove the Sensorbefore showering. While the CardioNet Sensor andMonitor are water resistant, they are notwaterproof. Refer to the section: Caring For YourSensor for complete instruction on removal andreapplication before showering.Caution: Do Not Get the Sensor Wet.Make sure the Sensor stays dry at all times.Warning:  For Adult Use Only.The CardioNet Monitoring System is intended forAdult use only. It shall not be used on infantsweighing less then 22 lbs.For more information,refer to the Sectioncalled Showering orBathing in Caring forYour Sensor.
48    Troubleshooting5.Troubleshoot Warning: Use with Telephone  System.Any patient whose life may be put at significantrisk by the unavailability of the telephonesystem should not be monitored by theCardioNet System.Warning:  Not an Apnea Monitor.The CardioNet Monitor is not to be used as anapnea monitor.Warning: Telephone Use.Do not use any telephone other than the phonethat is connected to the CardioNet Base whileyou are being monitored. If dialing tones areheard in a remote telephone, hang upimmediately to allow the CardioNet Monitor todial the Monitoring Center.Warning: Do Not Tamper.There are no serviceable parts in the CardioNetSystem. Removing the cover of any ofcomponent may alter performance.CleaningDampen a soft cloth with disinfecting solution.Wipe the external surfaces of the Sensor,Monitor and Base. Do not spray or submergeany component with liquid or foam. Eachcomponent should be wiped with a soft dampcloth after cleaning to ensure no fluid haspooled on external surfaces.
Troubleshooting  495.TroubleshootServiceIf you experience additional problems with anycomponents of the CardioNet Monitoring System,review the problems and solutions listed in thetrouble shooting section. If additional assistance isrequired contact customer support by phone of fax.Telephone: 619.243.7500Fax: 619.243.7700Call customer support before returning aCardioNet Monitoring System to make shippingarrangements.
50    Troubleshooting5.Troubleshoot
Specificationsand SymbolsThis section lists specifications and symbols.  Itincludes:nSpecificationsnSymbolsnHardware  Requirements)
52    SpecificationsSpecificationsDimensionsSensor4.1 x 0.7Weight: 2.1 ozSensor neck strap12 x 24 x 0.2Monitor5.9 x 3.3 x 1.0Weight: 11.0 ozLCD3.0 x 2.3, touch screen, monochrome, EL backlightBase4.0 x 4.0 x 3.6Weight: 6.1 ozFunctionalChannels 2Resolution 12 BitRecording Full DisclosureSample Rate 250 Samples / secFrequency Response 0.5 hZ - 40 HzBattery Life Monitor: (18 hr) rechargableSensor: (24 hr) AAA Alkaline
Specifications  53Base ConnectorsPower in (12V 1.2A)Phone in (RJ11)Phone out (RJ11)Serial RS232Operating conditionsSensorImmersion resistant (IPx-0)Operating temperature 20 - 45 CStorage temperature -20 - 65 CRelative humidity 10% - 95%, noncondensingMonitor and BaseSplash resistant (IPx-0)Operating temperature 0 - 45 CStorage temperature -20 - 65 CRelative humidity 10% - 95%, noncondensing
54    SpecificationsEquipment SymbolsConsult Manual Year of ManufactureType B Equipment  SN Serial NumberHardware RequirementsIn Home RequirementsTouch tone telephoneAC powered outletPC RequirementsSerial port installed

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