Carrier FX4BNB060000AAAA User Manual FAN COIL Manuals And Guides L0411154
CARRIER Air Handler (indoor blower&evap) Manual L0411154 CARRIER Air Handler (indoor blower&evap) Owner's Manual, CARRIER Air Handler (indoor blower&evap) installation guides
User Manual: Carrier FX4BNB060000AAAA FX4BNB060000AAAA CARRIER FAN COIL - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CARRIER FAN COIL #FX4BNB060000AAAA. Home:Heating & Cooling Parts:Carrier Parts:Carrier FAN COIL Manual
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Installation Instructions FX4B Direct Expansion Fan Coil Units For Puron® Refrigerant J J Ag8023 Fig. 1--Model NOTE: _is Read symhol the entire thstraction ,_ indicates a change malmM before star_thg FX4B the thstallation. sirice the last issue. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Improper installer thn, adj ustmeitt, _dtcl ation, service, maintenance, or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock, or othel conditions which may cause personal injury or property damage¸ Consul_ a qLlalified installer, service agency, or yoLlr distributor or branch for in fonnatthn or assis_nce _e qtl_lified installer or agency must Llse factory-atlthorized ki_ or _ccessories witch modifying this pl_dLIc t Refer 1o the individual instructions packaged with kits or accessories Follow all safety these instructions (NEC) for special witch instaIlthg codes¸ Wear safety glasses and work gloves¸ Use quenching cloth for brazing thoroughly aod follow all warnings or cautions attached 1o the unit. Consult available¸ Electrical Read Code requirements Recognize safety information This is the safoty-aler_ the polential for personal iniury Form: opel-at ions Have fire extinguisher local building codes and National IM-FX4B-02 Cancels: synthol IM-FX4B-01 _ When you see this symbol Printed in U.SA on the unit _od in instructions 6-03 Catalog No. manuals, 63FX481 be alert 1o POWER ENTRY _ OPTIONS _& SUPPLIED SUPPLY DUCT ENTRY OPTIONS 0t8,030-048 21dN. 060 24qN FRONT SERVICE CLEARANCE UPFLOW/DOWNFLOW -- UNff A 018 12IN. 030 036 171N 191N - SECONDARYO ,N UPFLOW/DOWNFLOW J PRIMARY DRAIN FIELD MODIFIED A SIDE RETURN LOCATION FOR SLOPE COIL UNITS ONLY 2 _/2_ SECONDARY DRAIN FIELD SUPPLIED RETURN PLENUM PRIMARY DRAIN A00415 Fig. 2--Slope Coil Unit in Upflow Application Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE l'imse words me used with the safety-alm_ symbol DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or dealh. WARNING sight fies hazards which could result in personal m_ury or death. CAUTION is used m identify unsafe practices which would result in miner personal injury ol prcduct and properly damage NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced instafafon, reliabitgy, or opemfon WARNING: Before installing or servicing unit, always turn off all power to unit. There may be more than t disconnect switch. Turn off accessory heater power if applicable. Electrical shock can cause personal injury or death. INTRODUCTION Model FX4B Fan Coil Units are designed for flexibility and can be used for upfiow, horizontal, or down flow (kit required and manuPactured and mobile home) applications These units are designed to meet the low air leak requirements currently in e fi'eet Because of this, the units need special attention in the condensate pan and drain connection area and when brazing tubing These tlnits ale designed specifically for Puron and must be used only with Pmon air conditioners and heat pinups as shipped "l_ese units are available for applications in systems of 18,000 through 60,000 13tuh nominal cooling capacities Pactory-autholized, feId-instMled electric beater packages are available in 5 through 30 kw See prcduct data for available accesso W kits HEATER PACKAGES I_ds unit may or may not be equipped with an electric heater package For ungs not equipped with l_ack_ry installed heah a factory approved, field instadled UL listed heater package is available Prom yam equipment supplier See unit rating plate for a list of l_actory approved beaters. Healers that are not Paetory approved could cause damage which would not be covered under the equipment wm_an_y/f l_n coil contains a factory installed hemer package, minimum circuit ampac fly (MCA) and maximum fuse/breaker may be different than units with a same size field installed accessory healer fhe difference is not an er;or and is due to calculation difl'_rence per UL guidelines INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Unpack f--CHECK t_ng and move to final EQUIPMENT location. Remove car[on Inspect equipment for damage prior to instaIlaflen plate which contains proper installation information PROCEDURE 2--MOUNT laking care not to damage t_nit File claim with shipping company if shipment is damaged or incomplete Check rating plate to be sure unit matches job specifications Locate unit raflng UNIT Unit can stand or lie on floor, or hang fiom ceiling or wall. Allow space for wiring, piping, and servicing mdt IMPORTANT: When unit is installed over a finished ceiling and/or living mea, building cedes may require a field-supplied secondary condensate pan _o be inslalled under the entire unik Some lecaliges may allow as an alternafve, file running of a separate, secondary condensate line Consult local cedes fol additional restrictions or plecautions 2 A. Upflow Installation If return air is to be dueled and floor Side return is a field option B. Downflow Installation I11this applicaflon, through a floor, sc'l unit on flOOl over opening on slope field conversion coil models ("ut opening of tile evaporator and use 1/8- to I/d-in per dimensions is required using accessoly (See Pig. 2) do_snflow thick fireproof resilient A fleld-seppbed botlom kit along with gasket between closure ari accessory duct, unit, is required base kit Use fireproof resilient gasket, 1/8- to l/4-in thick, between duct, unit, and floor. NOTE: IZ_ convert ulgts for downflow epplicaflons, refer to Installation lnslruc_ions supplied with kit fol proper installation. FOl slope _ln coils, use kit Part No KFADC0201SLP For A Pan coils use kit Par_ No KFADC0401 ACE Use fireproof resilient gasket, 1/8- m l/4-in thick, between duct, unit, and floor NOTE: Gasket kit number KFAHD01OISLP is also required for all downflow appbeations to maintain low air leak/low sweat performance. CAUTION: The conversion of the fan coil to downflow requires special procedures for the condensate drains on both A-coil and Slope units. The vertical drains have an overflow hole between the primary and secondary drain holes. This hole is plugged for all applications except downflow, but must be used for downflow. During the conversion process, remove the plastic cap covering the vertical drains only and discard. Remove the plug from the overflow hote and discard. At completion of the downfiow installation, caulk around the vertical pan fitting to door joint to retain the low air leak performance of the unit. Failure to follow this CAUTION coutd result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. C. Horizontal Installation Units must not be installed with access panels Pacing up or down All units are factory built for horizontad left installaflon. (See Fig 3 and 8) When suspending unit from ceiling, dimples in c_sing indicate suitable locagon of screws for mounting metM support straps. (gee Fig 3) CAUTION: For optimum condensate drainage performance in horizontal installations, unit should be leveled along its length and width. Failure to follow this CAUTION could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. NOTE: small Modular scuttle units holes and can be disassemhled limiting entrances and componems to installation moved sites. (gee separately Pig to installation area fol reassemhly fhis process accommodates 4) HORIZONTAL LEFT SECONDARY FIELD _ SUPPLIED HANGING STRAp PRIMARY _RA_N • 0_8,030-048 2_- IN 06024= IN FRONT SERVICE CLEARANCE FULL FACE _F UNIT i ENTRY OPTIONS PRIMARY DRA_N SECONDARY DRA_N POWER ENTRY OPTIONS A00416 HORIZONTAL RIGHT CONVERSION Fig. 3---Slope Coil Unit in Horizontal Left Application OF UNITS WITH SLOPE COILS NOTE: Gasket kit number KFAHDgI01SLP is required for horizontal slope coil conversion to maintain low air leak/low sweat performance t. Remove blower and coil access p;meI and fi_flng panel (See Pig. 5) 2. Remove coil mounting screw securing coil assembly 1o right side casing flange. 3 BLOWERBOX r\ I -2SCREWS I _2SCREWS CORNER BRACKET 2SCREWS COILBOX Ag5293 Fig. 4--Removal of Brackets on Modular Units COIL MOUNTING - SCREW -SECONDARYDRAEN Fig. 5--Conversion 3. Remove for Horizontal 6. Make COil to casing 8. Align flange from kit KFAHD holes with tubing sure liquid HORIZONTAL and suction RIGHT 1+ Remove blower 2. Remove metal Using a Slope Coil 3. Remove 2 snap-in screw is properly with condensate previously seated pan down (See Fig 5.) removed on the fitting door to retain the low air leak rating of the unit. per kit instructions connections and condensate tube grommets CONVERSION and coil access clip securing coit assembly using coil mounting sine tile pan cap in the fitting door 7. Add gaskeI_ Make Applications coil assembly 4. L;ly _llt coil unit o11 its right side and reinstall 5. Attach Right A03001 OF UNITS panels. fitting clips securing are in place (See pan connections, Io prevent WITH A-COIL Fig 6) panel to condensale A-coil and reinstall air leaks and cabinet in unit pan Remove fitting panel access panels sweating. and filling panel Install after br_aTing -AIRSEAL CONNECTIONS HORIZONTAL RIGHT APPLICATION SUPPORT RAiL BRACKET DRAIN pAN HORIZONTAL RIGHT SECONDARy DRAIN HORIZONTAL RIGHT A00071 Fig. 6--Conversion 4. Slide coil and pan assembly 5. Remove horizomal 6. Convert air-seal for horizontal b Remove air splgler (B) Prom coil seal assembly c Remove filler plate (A) and install Inslall Remove f Install from coil by removing fihm plate {A) as shown condensate hose onto hodzomal troughs plastic Using A-Coil rail on leR side of unit and reinslall on coil suppor_ rail on right side of unit. air splitter 4 screws (See Fig by removing (B) in place 6) 3 screws {See Fig. 6 factor3, sldpped inseL} of filter plale. in I_orizontal right applicagon {C) and install on opposite tube sheels spout pan on right side of coil assembly. 8. Slide coil assembly 9. Reinstall to secure Applications right. air-seal e assembly from coil suppor_ Remove 7. Install into casing. Be sure coil bracket 2 snap-in clips to correcqy horizontal pan position on e_h and secure comer Remove lwo oval fil_ing caps from the left side of the coil door 11. Remove insulation 12. Remove 2 oval coil access knockouts on right side of coil access coil suppor_ raiix Be sure clip with lmge ofl2set s is used on right side oPmlg and filfing panel panel panel and filling panel 13. Install condensate pan fitting caps (from Sic't) 10) in lhe light side of gte coil door making back side of the coil door Make sure no insulation interferes with seating of the cap. sine that the cap snaps Make access fil_ing panels, aligning holes wgh fitting panel and vertical condensate pan sure liquid and suction Manufactured tube grommets and Mobile 1. Pan coil unit must be secured 2. Allow a minimum 3. Recommended a Home mefllod are in place Housing to the s_ructme of 24" clearance for typical connections Io prevent and condensate air leaks and cabinet all slack, using field-supplied wail, self tapping and m wall stud using PROCEDURE screws 3--AIR secme _e sure Io reinstall on the metal clip sweating. hardware panels appticagons and l_osten to wail stud of s_ructure If fan coil is against pan collnectiolls and seats cleanly Applications from access of securing tubing If Fan coil is away from walt, attach pipe s_rap to top of Pan coil using No of l_on coil, remove b and reinstall in unit. pan engages into I_oles on leR side of coil access Reinstall between panel plugs of vertical coil assembly lO. 14. D, bracket a d Right out of mlg. drain pan support assembly for Horizontal Pan coil to wall stud using 5/16-in l/8-in, lag screws 10 self tapping using 5/I6-in. ddck screws lag screws right-angle b_ackets Angle strap down and away from back Typical Attach both sides of l_on coil brackels 1o fan coil using No 10 {See Fig. 7) DUCTS Connect supply-air duct over the (mtside of duct used, and seal duct-to-unit joint of 3/d-in flanges provided on supply-air If return-air flanges ale required, inslall 5 opening Secrete duct 1o flange, using proper Paclory-a_thorized accessory kit Pasteners fol type 4" MAX SECURE FAN COIL TO STRUCTURE UNET AWAY FROM WALL P_PE STRAP (TYPICAL BOTH SIDES I OR _184N THICK ANGLE MOUNTING BRACKET (TYPICAL BOTH SIDES) DOWN FLOW (KFACB) _,_ SECURE UNITTO FLOOR ANGLE BRACKET OR PIPE STRAp 4"MAX A02003 Fig covered with vapor Units equipped A. Acoustical Metal duct systems ef vibration Wbeit elecrdc beatel is instafied, use beal-]esistant material Ductwerk p_ssing tilrough tlnconditioned space must be insulated and barrier with 20-30kw Ductwork 7--A-Coil between ductwork and unit 1o plevent transmission belween duclwork and unit at discbarge connecgon use flexible conn_lors for flexible connector electric beaters require a l-in cleat'.nee 1o combustiMe materials for the first 36 in of sopply duct, Treatment dlat do not ilave a 90 ° elbew and 10 fi of main duct to first branch t_keo fl" m_y require int elTial acoustical insulaflon As an a]telal_flve, fibreus ductwerk m_y be used if consm_cted and installed in accord;lnce with the latest cdflion ef _MACNA standard on fibreus gl_ss ducts Botil _lcoustical lining and fibrous ductwork shall comply with N_flona] Fire Protection Association UL Standard 181 for Class I air duels PROCEDURE 4--ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS All producls from the fectory utilize _1printed-circuit b_md (PCB) which selecflon terminal (SPT), _lod time delay relay (TDR) jumpel To disable When a Pactory-approved connections lining COllStrllcgon as tested by accessory control to be sine none were loosened package h_s been installed, in transit or installation. has a low voltage the TDR feature, check circuit pint.five sever the jumper pose (5 amp), Pan reeler speed wire JWI (See Fig q ) all Paclory wiring per unit wiring diagram If a difl_rent control package is required, and inspect tap l_actory wiring see unit rating plale. _& CAUTION: If a disconnect switch is to be mounted on unit, select a location where dritl or fastener will not contact electrical or refrigerant components. Failure to follow this CAUTION could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage, IBefore proceeding wflh e fect]icM connections, make certain thai supply plate. See unit wiring label for proper field high- and few-vol_ge local codes or erdinpa_ces _bat may apply¸ Use copper wire only¸ _e unit must have a sep_trale bmncb electric the unfl On units with a faclory control package. installed disconnect circuit voltage, wiring¸ with a field-soppliod with pull-out removed, frequency, Make disconnect service phase, all electrical and ampac fly me as specified connections sw flcb located and maintenance within can be safely in accordance sight from and readily performed on the unit ragng with the NEC aod any accessible from o11 only the load side of the _ WARNING: Field wires on the line side of the disconnect found in the fan coil unit remain live, even when the pull-out is removed. Service and maintenance to incoming wiring can not he performed until the main disconnect switch (remote to the unit) is turned off. Faiture to do so will result in electrical shock causing personal injury or death, A. Line Voltage Connections ]f unfl contains _lecessory electric unit wiring harness. (See Elecrdc For units without electric 1. Connect 208/23fly 2. Connect ground heater, Heater remove and discard power Installagon festructions ) plug from Pall coil _nd connect beat: power leads Prom field wire to unfl ground lug disconnect 1o yellow and black slripped leads male plug Prom healer to female plug from FACTORY SH_PPED HORIZONTAL LEFT APPMCATEON CO IL -- CO_L SUPPORT RAiL DRA_N pAN SUPPORT HORIZONTAL DRA_N PAN PRIMARY DRAIN HORIZONTAL LEFT -- AIR SEAL SECONDARY DRAIN HORIZONTAL LEFT REFRIGERANT CONNECTIONS A00072 Fig. 8--A=Coit in Horizontal Left Application (Factory Ready) C8 R10_ R7F1 z_- F A03010 Fig 9--Fan Coil Printed-Circuit Board NOTE: Units installed without eleclric heat should have a field-supplied si_eet metal block-off'plate air leakage and fom_afion of exterior condensation. B, covering the healer opening This will reduce 24v Control System CONNECTION TO UNiT Wire low voltage in accordance with wiring label on the blower. (See Fig. l0 through 15,} Use no. I8 AWG color-coded, insulated (35°C mimmum) wire to make the low-voltage connecgons between the thermostat, tile trait, and tile outdoor equipment, If the tbermostat is located more than 10O ft from the _nit (as measured along the low-voltage wire), use No 16 AWG color-ceded, insulated (35°C minimum) wire All wiring must be NEC ('lass I and must be separated from inconfing power leads Refer to outdoor unit wiring instructions for any additional wiring procedure recommendagons. TRANSFORMER INFORMATION Transformer is Pactory-wired for 230v operation. For 208v applications, connect it 1o the 208v terminal (See Fig 15) disconnec_ the black wire from the 23gv terminal on transformer and HEATER STAGING z_ CAUTION: If W2, W3, and E on any 3 stage heater (t8, 20, 24, or 30kw), are individually connected as with outdoor thermostats or any other situation, emergency heat relay must be used. This relay is in kit Part No. KNAOTO20tSEC and is normally used with kit Part No. KHAOT03Ot FST for 2 outdoor thermostat system. Failure to follow this CAUTION could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage, 7 FAN COIL (CONTROL) THERMOSTAT ] WHT WHT W2 BLU W3 AiR COND A94058 Fig, 1S--Wiring Layout Air Conditioning (Cooling Only) Unit FAN CelL THERMOSTAT (CONTROL) E AIR COND A94059 Fig. it--Wiring Layout Air Conditioning (Cooling and t-Stage Heat) I]te controls 3-stage When ale factoly use both 2 stages desired, for single-stage me desired, Fo] 2-stage operation, or use outdo, or thennostal per d_e thermostat Strip W2, W3, znd E and reconnect znytime kit Par_ No KHAOT030I FST, and for _ed KHAOT0301FST cut W3 at the W2 wire nut, strip and reconnect 3 stages are used must be used Manufactured operation 02OlSEC cut the W2 wire nut Off and discard NOTE: When KHAOT0201SEC --_ C, circuited kits Pm_ No. KHAO'] Unit the E terminal is not tied kit instruction per thermostat to W2, (See Fig. 13) kit inslrucgons. tile emergency hezl relay, (See Fig part When 3 stages are lb) of outdoor kit Part No Housing In M_nuPactured Housing applications, ti_e ('ode of Pedel_at Regulations, ride 24, Chapter XX, Pm_ 3280714 requires th_ supplemented electric ile_t be locked out at outdoor temperatures above 40 dog P, except re1 a ileal primp defrost cycle. Refer 1o Fig 14 re1 typicM low vob_ge wiring with oudoor thermostat D. Ground Connections WARNING: According to NEC, ANSI/NFPA 70, and local codes, the cabinet must have an uninterrupted or unbroken ground to minimize personal injurJ if an electrical fault should occur. The ground may consist of electrical wire or metal conduit when installed in accordance with existing electrical codes, if conduit connection uses reducing washers, a separate ground wire must be used. Failure to follow this warning could result in electric shock, fire, or death. NOTE: Use UL-listed accomplished E, Minimum conduit and conduit by using grounding CFM and Motor connector lugs provided Speed Units with or without electric heaters require th_n the minimum P_n speed indicated for connecgng in control supply wire(s) to unit to obtain proper grounding. Grounding may also be box Selection a minimum C'FM Refer to the unit wiring label to ensure that tile Pall speed selected is not lower FAN COIL {CONTROL) THERMOSTAT HEAT PUMP (CONTROL) L;_ R L;_ c [_ WH] BLU W2 W3 [] L_ N2 Z:q o L:q y A94060 Fig. t2--Widng Layout Heat Pump Unit and 2-Stage Heat with No Outdoor Thermostat) (Cooling FAN COIL {CONTROL) -- THERMOSTAT _ R HEAT PUMP (CONTROL1 _ R _G c:ko [] [] [_ WH1 W2 BLU W30DTS L_ o y A_I (Cooling Fig. t3--Widng Layout Heat Pump Unit and 2-Sfage Heat with 1 Outdoor Thermostat) THERMOSTAT HEAT PUMP (CONTROL) FAN COiL (CONTROL) R __ c S w2 W_ [] [] [] O A03088 (Cooling P_n speed selection rephlce with motor NOTE: Fig. 14---Wiring Layout Heat Pump Unit and 2-Stage heat for Manufactured Housing) is done _t file Pan relay primed-circuit b_lmd "l_ change motor speeds, disconnect l_an lead used o11 relay speed tap desired. (See Fig 17.) Save insui_gng cap _nd place on motor lead removed from relay In low static applications, lower molol speed tap should be used to reduce 9 possibility of waler being blown off coil temtinal (SPT) and _AN COIL {CONTROL} _HE_MOS_A_ W2 _MERG_NCY HEAT PUMP _ W {CONTROL I HEAT REtAY A94062 Fig. tS--Wiring Layout Neat Pump Unit (Cooling and 2-Stage heat with 2 Outdoor Thermostats) BRN A94067 Fig. 1&--Transformer Connections All unils have 3 motor speed taps. lx)w speed (red) is designed for mismatch outdoor unit applications Medium speed {blue) is designed for straight matched operagons High s_eed (biack) is used with high external static duct s_tems of straight malcbed systems¸ PROCEDURE 5--REFRIGERANT TUBING CONNECTION AND EVACUATION Use accessory tubing package o] field-supplied tubing of refrigerant grade Suction tube must be insulated. Do not contaminated tubing because it may plug refrigerant grade Suction tub_ must be insulated Do not use damaged, dirty, because it may plug refrigerant flow-control device ALWAYS evacuate the coil and fieid-suppbed tubing before use damaged, dirly, or or contaminated tubing opening outdoor unit service Valves Z_ CAUTION: A brazing shield MUST be used when tubing sets are being brazed to the unit connections to prevent damage to the unit surface and condensate pan fitting caps. Failure to follow this CAUTION could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. Units have sweat suction and bquid tube connections. Make suction tube connection first. 1. Cut tubing to correct lengg_. 2. Insert tube illtO sweat connection on unit until it bottoms 3. Braze connection using silvm bearing or non-silver beming brazing materials. Do not use solder (materials Consult local cede requirements which melt below 800°F) CAUTION: Wrap a wet cloth around rear of fitting to prevent damage to TXV and factory-made joints. Failure to follow this CAUTION could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. 4. Evacuate coil and tubing system 1o 500 microns using deep vacuum me,bed. _FAN DEC_ A97529 Fig. t7--Fan PROCEDURE {]te FX4B 6--REFRIGERANT is equipped PROCEDURE Coil Relay FLOW-CONTROL with a Puron fXV 7--CONDENSATE Use outdoor and Speed Tap Terminal DEVICE units designed for Preen only. DRAINS CAUTION: The conversion of the fan coil to downflow requires special procedures for the condensate drains on both A-colt and Slope units. The vertical drains have an overflow hole between the primary and secondary drain holes. This hole is plugged for all applications except downflow, but must be used for downflow. During the conversion process, remove the plastic cap covering the vertical drains only and discard. Remove the plug from the overflow hote and discard. At completion of the downflow installation, caulk around the vertical pan fitting to door joint to retain the low air leak performance of the unit. Failure to follow this CAUTION coutd result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. To connect draths the cap openings disk. Clean the edge of the opening the Iew leak rating of the mlit Units are equipped with primary must be removed Use a knife to start the opening near the tab and using pliers, poll the tab lo remove the if necessary and instail the condensate tine Finally caulk around the lines where they exit the fitting to retain and secondary 3/4-in FPT drain connections¸ For proper condensale ithe instailations see Fig 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 To prevent property damage and achieve opgnmm drainage performance, BOTH primary alld secondary drath gnes should be instaiIed arid include properly-sized condensate traps¸ (See Fig. 18 and 20) Factory-approved condensate traps are avadabie, It is recommended tha_ PVC fittings be used o11 the piastic condensate pan Finger_tigthen plus I_1/2 turns¸ Do no_ over_tigllten Use pipe dope¸ /_ CAUTION: Shallow, running traps are inadequate and DO NOT allow proper condensate drainage. Failure to follow this CAUTION could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. NOTE: When connecting primary and second_]y NOTE: !f unit is located condensate condensate dr_ain lines, avoid blocking filter access panel, thus preventing filler removal (See Fig. t9.) Afler connection, pdme both h'aps. in or above a living sp_e where d_mage may result from condensate overflow, a field-supplied, external condensate pan sbould be installed underneath the entire unit, and a secondary condensate line {with approprialc trap) should be run from the unit into the pan Any condensate ill this external condensate pan sfiould be dl ained _o a noticeable place. As an alternative _o using an external COlldensate pan, some localities may allow the use of ;1 separate 3/d-in condensalc line (with apprepriate trap) to a place where the condensate will be noticeable {'he owner of the structure servicing or water d_mage must be informed will occur Inst;dl traps in the condensate the condensate p_n to prevent area C_ndensate Consult dlain local lines should codes flows from the secondary dlain el external condensale lines as close to the coil as possible (See Fig 20) Make sine that the outlet of e_h condensale from overgowing the dry, in pan Prime all traps, test fol leaks, _nd insulate be pitched for eddifional downward restrictions PROCEDURE 8--ACCESSORIES A. Air Cleaner Electronic th_l witch condensate {]te Electronic Air Cleaner m_y be connected Air Cleaner lileralure for kit requirements¸ at a minimum slop of 1 in for ever?, I0 fi of length in Pig. 21. {]tis method requires pan, the unit requires trap is below it connection to traps if located above a living or precautions. to Pan coil as shown il a field sopplied transformer See Electronic UNIT t 2" MIN t 2" MIN A03002 Fig, t 8--Recommended Condensate Trap DO NOT USE SHALLOW RUNNING TRAPS! A03013 Fig. 1g---Insufficient B. Condensate Trap Humidifier Connect humidifier and ilumidistal to Fan coil unit as silown in Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 [_te cooling lockout relay is optional (See Fig 24) 12 ACCESS PANEL SECONDARY DRA_N WITH APPROPRIATE TRAp REQUIRED (USE FACTORY KIT OR FIELD-SUPPLkED TRAp) {USE FACTORY KIT OR F_ELD-SUPPLIED TRAp OF SUFFICIENT DEPTH STANDARD P=TRAPS ARE NOT SUFFiCiENT SEE FIGURE OF RECOMMENDED CONDENSATE TRAp) A03003 Fig* 20--Condensate PROCEDURE A. 9--SEQUENCE Continuous OF OPERATION Fan ['hennost_l Closes R to G G energizes sec delay befot_ rel_y opens B, Cooling 13temlost_l When C, When D, on PCB which comple_es circuit 1o indeor blower motor When G is de-energized, there is a 90 Mode Pump I_tennost_l electric fan relay energizes Rlo G, R to Y, _nd R to O (beat pump only) G is de-energized, Heat Drain Heating with Auxiliary which completes G is de-e_crgized Electric is a 90 sec del_y before Electric _an relay there circuit to beater element(s) is a 90 sec delay befole Heat or Emergency (3 energizes fro1 relay on PCB whicb completes circuit 1o indoor blower motor opens Heat R 1o G, R 1o Y, and R to W G energizes eriergizes beat rel_y(s) lbere fan relay on PCB whicb Wbeit W is de-energized, compleles electric ci]ct_it to indoor beat rel_y(s) blower open, turning motor W energizes oil" heater elements _alt rel_y opens Heat Mode I_temmstal closes R to W, W energizes electric beat relay(s) which compleles circuit normally closed contacts on fan relay When W is de-energized, electric heal relay(s) 13 to beater opens. eIementls) Blower mo_or is energized through CONTROLBOARD C C II z 208/ 3O TO EAC FROM MOLEX PLUG AND TRANSFORMER (IN UNIT) A03011 Fig. 2t--Wiring Layout of Electronic Air Cleaner to Fan Coil 222324 _AN COIL {CONTROL) _HE_MOS_AT RED H_AT PUMP {CONTROL) [_o BaN V_T [] [Z_ BLU C 2 ? Y A95294 Fig. 22--Wiring Layout of Humidifier to Heat Pump FAN COIL THERMOSTAT (CONTROL) [_ IWHr WHT W2 i BLLJ W3 BRN C AI I_ COND i i [5_ ' , L _ . A95295 Fig. 23--Wiring Layout of Humidifier with Electric Heat to Fan Coil SPDT 24VAC COIL 230VAC_5A DEHUMIDISTAT (OPENS ON R_NSE) Fig 24--Latent TO t LOW SPEED MOTOR A03012 SPEED MOTOR Capacity Controt START-UP Refer to outdoor unil [nstal)ation Instructions for system start-up instructions and refrigerant cbarging method details CAUTION: Never operate unit without a filter Damage to blower motor or coil may result Factory authorized filter kits must be used when locating the filter inside the unit. For those applications where access to an internal filter is impractical, a field-supplied filter must be installed in the return duct system. Failure to follow this CAUTtON could result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. CARE Ikl continae C_nstdt []te yore your higb performance local dealer _lbibty to properly dealer as _o tbe proper pelform fol maintenance and minimize mair_ten_nee []te only possible frequency eqt_ipment service MAINTENANCE Pailure, of maintenance oll t|ds equipment consumer AND reqtdres recommended it is essential tb_l periodic maintenance be performed ori Ibis equlpmerit cer_tlact ee]lain mecbanicaI or required 15 ski){s and tools if filter replacement [f you do not possess or cleaning on a monthly these, contac_ basis PIJRON® QUICK FOR INSTALLERS REFERENCE GUIDE AND TECHNICIANS • Puron refrigerant operates at 50-70 pel_ent higher pressures thari R-22. replm:ement components ale designed _o operale x_sith Puron • Pmon refrigerant Recovery Pmon systems Manifold service should with should pumps Do not use liquid-line moisture POE oils may cause d_mage Wrap all fifier dliers and service A liquid-line working in liquid plastics valves fil_er drier ix required low-side in the manifold hose retard from oil wilh on every pressures less than g00 psig line. Do not expose Io certain wgh 52g psig device HFC refrigerant with rated filter drier Bwq00 lype melering with POE oils moisture rapidly or DO'I Use a commel_ial and 200 psig low-side to detect fiber driers Do not ins_atl a suction-line POE oils absorb and rating ix only compatible will not remove be 400 psig, D(_F 4BA400 liquid refrigeront. pressure be designed as other HFC's, Vacuum rating must widl be 750 psig high-side 750 psig service Leak delectors equipment are rose colored. pressure be charged sels should Use hoses Pmon, cylinders cylinder Be sure that servicing oil to ammsphere and roofing wet cloth malelials when brazing umt. Do not t_se an R-22 TXV If indoor unit is equipped Never open When system syslem must be opened Do not vent Pumn all warnings_ © 2003 CAC/BDP TXV, while it must be changed 1o a Pmon TXV it is t_nder a vacuum for service, break vacuum with dry nitrogen and replace fifier dliers into gte almosphere. Do not use capillary Observe wilh an R-22 _o atmosphere tube indoor cautions coils and boht 7310 W Mo_ns St, In(fianapolis, lext. iN 46231 [mf×4b02 16 Book/Tab: 1/4,3d12e Catalog No 63FX-4B1
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 16 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Fri Apr 20 15:18:23 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by