CastleNet Technology RTL8188CTV 802.11 b/g/n WLAN 1T1R Card User Manual Statement

CastleNet Technology Inc. 802.11 b/g/n WLAN 1T1R Card Statement


User Manual Statement

Human Vision C
Model B5T-003
Terms of Use
Thank you for purchasing an OMRON product.
This document includes the Terms of Use of the Human Vision
Components HVC-C2W model B5T-003.
Make sure to confirm and agree to the contents of these Terms
of Use BEFORE opening the plastic bag containing the
HVC-C2W unit.
Return the HVC-C2W unit in its unopened plastic bag if you do
not agree to the contents of these Terms of Use.
Note that opening the plastic bag constitutes your acceptance
of the Terms of Use.
The return address is indicated at the end of the Terms of Use.
The product specification documentation, user manual and
other related documentation for the HVC-C2W unit can be
downloaded from the following link:******
The password required to open the files is *******.
OMRON Corporation
Copyright © OMRON Corporation 2015 All Rights Reserved. SG-B5T-******
1) The “Product” indicates the HVC-C2W unit.
2) The “Items included” indicate the items included with the purchase of
the Product, e.g. the stand, the AC adaptor, the Micro USB cable, etc.
3) The “Application” indicates the OMRON application provided for use
on Windows, iOS or Android.
4) The “Terms of Use” indicate the terms of use, ratings, performance,
operable environment, usage methods, cautions, prohibited actions,
etc. for the Product and the Application that are indicated in the user
manual or any other related documentation.
5) The “Customer’s device” indicates any device, installation or system
created by the customer.
6) The “Customer’s usage” indicates (a) the personal use of the Product by
the Customer (b) the implementation of the Product in a Customer’s
device, (c) the development and offering of a Customer’s service or
application using the Product.
7) The “fitness” indicates the (a) compatibility of the Product with other
devices or software, (b) the operation capacity of the Product when used
with other devices or software, (c) the non-infringement of third-party
intellectual property, (d) the compliance to the law and (e) the compliance
to regulations when using the Product.
Note the following regarding the contents of all related documentation:
The rating and performance values were obtained through individual
testing of individual conditions. They do not provide guaranties for values
obtained through testing of a combination of multiple conditions.
2) Functions and performance indicated in documentation related to the
Product or the Application may vary depending on the implementation
environment, among other causes. As such, OMRON offers no guaranties
that the Product or the Application will always operate properly as
3) Usage examples displayed on OMRON’s website or during exhibitions
are for reference only, and OMRON offers no guaranties for fitness.
4) OMRON may interrupt or cancel the production of the Product or
distribution of the Application, or change their specifications, in order to
implement improvements, or otherwise at its sole discretion.
5) The contents of all related documentation are confidential information and
as such should not be disclosed to any third party.
Notes on Use
1) Use the Product and the Application in compliance with the Terms of Use,
including for rating and performance.
2) The Product can be used in countries where a certificate of compliance to
appropriate radio wave laws has been obtained. Consult the following
website below for details: http://*****
3) The integrated software included in the firmware (HVC-C2W) contained in
the Product is licensed to be used by the Customer only if it is as an
included component within the main product integrated in a Customer’s
Do NOT do or have others do any of the following:
(a) Use the Product or the Application for usages other than the
Customer’s usage;
(b) Transfer or loan to others the Product singularly for purposes other
than the Customer’s usage;
(c) Extract the firmware out of the Product;
(d) Decompile, disassemble or reverse-engineer the firmware;
Disclose performance information of the Product singularly.
4) OMRON does not guarantee the fitness of the Product or the
Application if they are used in combination with any other product.
5) OMRON shall not be liable for any results from the use of the
Product or the Application, including occurring events that are
different from the ones intended or expected by the Customer.
6) Verify the proper wiring and installation of the Product before using it
when it is to be part of a system designed for the Customer’s usage.
The Product and the Application include face detection features.
When using the Product or the Application in a situation where
pictures of individuals may be taken, make sure to consider and take
measures in order to follow the appropriate and applicable laws and
regulations regarding image rights, privacy issues and copyright laws,
etc. Likewise, make sure to handle image data with care.
8) The Product and the Application are not intended for the following
usages and no guaranty is offered for them when used as such:
(a) Usage where high safety measures are required, e.g. nuclear
energy control equipment, combustion equipment, aerial or space
equipment, railways, elevator-like machine, amusement park machine,
medical equipment, fail-safe device, or any other usage that can be
life-threatening or cause injury, etc.
(b) Usage where high reliability is required, e.g. public utilities like gas,
water, electricity, 24/7 service system, payment system, system
handling rights or estates, etc.
(c) Usage in harsh conditions or environment, e.g. outdoor
equipment, chemical hazard equipment, equipment under EMI or RFI,
equipment under vibration, impact or shock, equipment operating
continuously for a long time, etc.
(d) Usage in conditions or environment not indicated in the Terms of
(e) Usage in an automotive product, including motorcycles, etc.
9) Make sure to remove the microSD™ card from the Product and
erase all registered information from the Application in order to
prevent personal information leaks when transferring or getting rid of
the Product.
10) Connection to the Product or the Application may sometimes be
temporarily unavailable due to signal issues or maintenance, etc.
Warranty Terms and Conditions
1) Warranty period: One (1) year after the purchase.
2) Coverage: OMRON will provide free replacement of malfunctioning
Product or Items included with the same number of replacement or
alternative Product or Items included.
3) Exceptions: OMRON will not offer its warranty if the cause of the
malfunction falls under any of the following:
(a) Usage in a manner other than the original intended use for the
Product, the Items included or the Application.
(b) Usage outside of the Terms of Use.
(c) Modification or repair made by anyone other than OMRON.
(d) Software program embedded by anyone other than OMRON or
alteration of originally installed software by anyone other than
(e) Cause which could not have been foreseen with the level of science
and technology at the time of shipping from OMRON.
(f) Causes, other than the ones above, originating from sources other
than OMRON, the Product, the Items included or the Application
(including force majeure such as but not limited to natural disasters).
Limitation of Liability
Export Control
Customers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of other
relevant countries with regard to security export control, when exporting
the Product or the Application and/or technical documents or providing
such products and/or documents to a non-resident. OMRON may
choose to not provide customers with the Product, the Application and/or
related documentation should OMRON judge that they fail to comply
with such laws and regulations.
Notes on Trademarks
1) iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and App Store are trademarks of Apple Inc.
2) Android, the Android logo, Google Play and the Google Play logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Google Inc.
3) The QRT ® code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Inc.
4) microSD™ and microSDHC™ are trademarks or registered
trademarks of SD Card Association.
5) Other company names and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Operating temperature
to +
(no condensation or freezing)
Operating humidity
(no condensation or freezing)
Storage temperature
to +
(no condensation or freezing)
Storage hu
% RH (no condensation or freezing)
FCC certification
1) The Product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. The Product generates uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If the Product does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the Product off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the Product and receiver.
Connect the Product into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the Product.
The Product complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions:
(a) The Product may not cause harmful interference.
(b) The Product must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
3) This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter.
4) RF exposure Compliance
The Product complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF)
Exposure Guidelines. The Product should be installed and operated
keeping the radiator at least 20cm or more away from person’s body.
CE certification
1) Hereby, OMRON declares that this Human Vision Components
HVC-C2W is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.”
2) CE Mark Warning
This is a Class B product, in a domestic environment, this product
may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.
OMRON Corporation
Electronic and Mechanical Components Company
AOB Department HVC Customer Service
Address: Nishi-kusatsu 2-2-, Kusatsu City, Shiga 525-0035 JAPAN
Tel: +(81)-77-565-6309 (from outside of Japan)
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00
(JST: UTC+9:00)
Closed for holidays. Office hours may sometimes vary
withour prior notice due to circumstances.
Contact & Return Address

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