Cellphone Mate SureCall CM5000 Bi-Directional Amplifier User Manual Rev
Cellphone-Mate Inc. dba SureCall Bi-Directional Amplifier Users Manual Rev
- 1. Industrial Booster User Guide
- 2. Users Manual Rev
Users Manual Rev
Force5 Industrial 5-Band Cellular Booster for Commercial Offices, Institutions and Housing Complexes. User Guide WARNING This is NOT a CONSUMER device. It is designated for installation by FCC LICENSEES and QUALIFIED INSTALLERS. You MUST have an FCC LICENSE or express consent of an FCC Licensee to operate this device. Unauthorized use may result in significant forfeiture penalties, including penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing violation. Introduction Introducing SureCall’s Force5, Industrial booster Please read this entire manual before proceeding. with the installation. This manual applies to the Force5 Industrial model 1.1 - Package Contents Your booster box contains the following items: • Force5 Booster. • Mounting kit (not shown). • DC power supply (not shown). • Wall anchors (not shown). 1.2 - Features & Benefits The Force5 Industrial booster offers the following features and benefits: • Powerful in-building booster with 31dB of adjustable gain level. • Extends cellular signals in areas with poor coverage due to geographical location and/or building • Suitable for large areas up to approximately 80,000 square feet depending on outside signal strength and carrier frequency. • Maximum output power is 3 watts EIRP for cellular, 2watts EIRP for PCS and 1 watt for AWS SC-288W design. SC-100-L 1710-1755 MHz bands. Fixed stations operating in the 1710-1755 MHz bands are limited to a maximum antenna height of 10 meters above ground. • Automatic oscillation detection and protection system powers down the booster to prevent harmful radio interference. 1.3 - Additional Items Needed The Force5 booster requires the following additonal components for a complete installation: SC-230W HAPTER 1: Introduction 1 1.1 - Package Contents 1.2 - Features & Benefits 3 1.3 - Additional Items Needed 1.4 - How It Works CHAPTER 2: Safety 2.1 - Safety Warnings 4-5 CHAPTER 3: Planning 3.1 - Overview 3.2 - Exterior Antenna 3.3 - Interior Antennas 3.4 - Antenna Separation 9-10 3.5 - Calculating Signal Strength 10-11 3.6 - Booster Location 12 3.7 - Accessories 12 3.8 - Need Help? 12 CHAPTER 4: Installation 13 4.1 - Selecting the Locations 13 4.2 - Soft Installation 13 4.3 - Exterior Antenna 13-14 4.4 - Internal Antennas 15 4.5 - Mounting the Booster 16 CHAPTER 5: Configuration & Testing 17 5.1 - DIP Switches and Lights 17-18 5.2 - Initial Configuration 19 5.3 - Powering on the Booster 19 5.4 - Testing 19 5.5 - Adjusting the Booster 19-20 5.6 - Automatic Shutdown 20-21 CHAPTER 6: Warranty 21 6.1 - Warranty Periods 21 6.2 - Warranty Information 22 6.3 - Contact Information 23 • External antenna (such as the SC-288W omni by SureCall). • Lightning protector (SC-LP). • Cable splitter if installing multiple antennas. • Sufficient SC-400 ultra low loss interior/exterior cable of 50 ohm. • Multiple antennas (such as the SC-222W, omnidirectional domes and/or SC-248W flat panel by SureCall). • Grounded surge suppressor for DC power supply. Note: Due to the recent change of our company name from Cellphone-Mate (CM) to SureCall (SC) we have changed the prefix on all of our antennas, cables and accessories from CM to SC-. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com Safety Safety 1.4 - How It Works The Force5 booster amplifies cellular signals from the nearest tower to phones in SC-222W • Some components may be heavy and/or bulky. Always use proper lifting and carrying techniques when handling components, especially when working on a ladder, roof, or other area with a fall hazard. a building and from those phones back to the tower to compensate for weak • The exterior antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna. reception caused by distance, topography, building structure, and/or other • Always use a properly installed SureCall lightning protector between the exterior antenna and the reasons. The booster receives the signal from an outside antenna, amplifies that booster. signal, and then rebroadcasts it via the interior antenna(s) where it is picked up by cellular phones, modems, and data cards. The interior antennas also pick up signals from cellular devices and pass them to the booster. The booster amplifies these signals and passes them to the exterior antenna for rebroadcast back to the tower. SC-248W CHAPTER 2: Safety CAUTION: FAILURE TO PROPERLY INSTALL A LIGHTNING PROTECTOR CAN RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE BOOSTER, ANTENNAS, AND WIRING. This chapter contains important safety information designed to prevent personal injury, equipment malfunction, and/or radio interference. You are responsible for ensuring a safe installation. •Always power off the booster before working on the roof of the building or anywhere in close proximity to the external antenna. 2.1 - Safety Warnings •Y ou are responsible for knowing and following all applicable codes and regulations and for obtaining all required permits and inspections. • Follow all safety precautions contained in this Installation Manual. • Allow at least 24 inches (60cm) of separation between interior antennas and humans or animals. • Allow at least 24 inches (60cm) of separation between exterior antennas and all persons. • Comply with all antenna separation requirements to prevent signal oscillation. •T he installation process may require working in high locations such as roofs and/or ladders. Follow applicable safety regulations and best practices to avoid falling. Take care not to drop objects off any high area. Cordon off ground areas directly below roof or ladder work when possible. •A lways use appropriate personal protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, hard hat, etc. as needed and as required. WARNING: FAILURE TO EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING IN HIGH AREAS COULD CAUSE A FALL AND PERSONAL INJURY. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com CAUTION: SIGNAL OSCILLATION CAN CAUSE RADIO INTERFERENCE WITH CELLULAR TOWERS AND RESULT IN CIVIL AND/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com Planning Planning CHAPTER 3: Planning 3.1 - Overview The general booster installation process follows these steps: 1. Decide where to mount the exterior antenna. This will generally be on the wall or roof of the building in the location with the strongest signal. You will need to decide whether to use an omnidirectional antenna mounted vertically or a directional Yagi antenna pointed directly at the cellular tower (line of sight). You 3.2 - Exterior Antenna You may use either an omnidirectional antenna such as the SC-288W (flat area with no obstructions) or a directional Yagi antenna such as the SC-230W (to point directly at the tower). The omnidirectional antenna receives and transmits signals over a horizontal 360-degree circle while the Yagi antenna receives and transmits signals over a focused area and must be aimed directly (line of sight) toward the cellular tower that provides the best signal to the building. must also consider attaching a grounded lightning protector between the exterior antenna and the booster. 2. Decide where to mount the interior antenna(s), being sure to take separation requirements into account. In general, long narrow spaces will benefit most from directional flat-panel antennas while more square spaces will benefit more from omnidirectional dome antennas. 3. Decide where to mount the booster. This should be in a secure indoor location near a grounded power source. 4. Decide where to route the cables between the exterior antenna and the booster and between the booster and interior antennas. 5. Install the antennas as described in their respective Installation Manuals. 6. Route the cables to the booster location. 7. Install the booster as described in this manual. 8. Power on the booster and perform the configuration and testing as described in this manual. The exterior antenna and mast (if any) must be mounted in a location that meets all of the following criteria: • Best signal strength. • Not colocated with other antennas or used in conjunction with other antennas. • Away from all power lines. • 6’ from lightning rod antennas. • 24” from all persons. These distances are general guidelines only; refer to the applicable building and electrical codes in your area to determine local requirements. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com Planning Planning 3.3 - Interior Antennas You may use any combination of omnidirectional (dome) and/or directional (flat panel) interior antennas needed to obtain optimal signal strength throughout the building or installation area. Dome antennas such as the SC-222W provide 360-degree hemispherical coverage suitable for mostly square areas while flat panel antennas such as the SC-248W provide a focused zone of coverage suitable for long narrow areas. The following example uses two dome antennas and one panel antenna to provide full coverage (exterior Yagi antenna also shown): Note: You may or may not need antennas on every floor of a multistory building depending on factors such as building material, booster gain, etc. 3.4 - Antenna Separation Proper antenna separation is essential in order to prevent signal oscillation (feedback) that can interfere with the cellular tower. Separation is measured in a straight line from the exterior antenna to the closest interior antenna. The closest allowable distance depends on a number of factors such as booster gain level, building material, etc. Recommended separation distances are: Amplifier gain Keep in mind that floor structures in multistory buildings can cause significant signal loss, which means that you may need to install interior antennas on more than one floor. Here is an example of a multistory installation: 40dB 45dB 50dB 55dB 65dB 70dB 75dB 80dB Min. separation (ad) 5-6’ 15-20’ 50’ 60’ 75-80’ 100’ 100’-120’ 120’-180’ Note: Vertical separation is more important than horizontal separation. If you are unable to obtain the required separation horizontally, try raising the exterior antenna. You may also try reducing the booster gain as described in Chapter 5 of this manual. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com Planning Planning You may mix and match dome and directional antennas as needed to obtain proper coverage • Inside antenna gain (IAG): This is the signal boost provided by an interior antenna and is always a positive throughout the building or area where you need to boost the signal. If you are using a Yagi exte- number with SureCall antennas. rior antenna, you should normally aim it away from all interior antennas regardless of separation to IAG prevent oscillation. SC-222W omni dome SC-248W direction panel CAUTION: SIGNAL OSCILLATION CAN CAUSE RADIO INTERFERENCE WITH CELLULAR TOWERS AND RE- CL 20’ SC- 400/SC-240 30’ SC-400/SC-240 50’ SC-400/SC-240 100’ SC-400/SC-240 3.5 Calculating Signal Strength • Outside signal level (OSL): This is the signal strength at the exterior antenna location and will of about -100dB and lower. A system installed in an area where the signal is -85 or worse will require some detailed engineering to achieve an acceptable solution. • Outside antenna gain (OAG): This is the signal boost provided by the exterior antenna and is always a positive number with SureCall antennas. SC-288W omni Gain +3 Loss -1/-2 -2/-4 -3/-6 -4/-8 • Splitter loss (SL): This is the signal loss caused by a splitter (used if you are installing multiple antennas). always be a negative number that will usually fall between -50 and -100dBm. Calls will drop at levels OAG +3 +7 • Cable loss (CL): This is the signal loss caused by the cable and is always a negative number. SULT IN CIVIL AND/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. You can calculate the number of antennas you will need using the following parameters (in dB): Gain SL Loss 2-way 3-way 4-way -3 -5 -6 • Booster gain (AG): Number of decibels of amplification provided by the booster (rated gain less any attenuation, as described in Chapter 5 of this manual). This is always a positive number. The signal strength S at an interior antenna equals OSL+OAG+IAG+CL+SL+AG. To calculate the approximate coverage distance of each antenna: 1. Calculate the signal strength S for the first interior antenna using the preceding formula. 2. Find the signal strength S for the antenna along the bottom of the graph on the following page. 3. Move straight up the signal strength line to the PCS and cellular curves. 4. Read the approximate coverage radius on the left. 10 SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 11 Planning Installation Chapter 4. Installation 3.6 - Booster Location Select an indoor location for the booster that meets the following criteria: • Wall or ceiling mounts are acceptable. • Near a properly grounded 110VAC outlet. • Not in a tightly enclosed or overly hot space. This chapter describes how to install the booster and antennas for best results. 4.1 - Selecting the Locations Select the locations for the exterior antenna, interior antenna(s), booster, cables, and accessories as described in the previous chapter. • All power and warning lights easily visible. • Least amount of cable to connect all antennas. 3.7 - Accessories The final step in the planning process is to make sure you have all of the necessary accessories to CAUTION: FAILURE TO PROPERLY PLAN THE BOOST- complete the installation. You will need all of the items listed in Chapter 1 of this manual plus some or ER INSTALLATION CAN CAUSE SIGNAL OSCILLATION all of the following: AND/OR OTHER EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION. • Cable clips: Use these to secure the cables to interior and exterior walls/ceilings. • Appropriately rated sealant/caulking: Use this to waterproof the opening where the cable from the exterior antenna enters the building, if needed. • Hand and/or power tools: As needed to complete the installation. • Personal Equipment (PPE): Use all PPE required by local codes and/or best practices to help ensure personal safety during installation. Note: You may need to obtain a permit from your local building department to install the booster and antennas. Check your local building and/or electrical codes. 4.2 - Soft Installation Perform a “soft” installation of all components to test signal coverage and oscillation before making the installation permanent. Avoid making holes or other permanent fixtures during this initial phase. Please refer to Chapter 5 of this manual for configuration and testing instructions. Proceed with the final installation once configuration and testing are complete. 4.3 - Exterior Antenna Mount the exterior antenna in the location you selected during the planning process. Be sure to follow all of the instructions included with the antenna to ensure a safe installation. Remember: CAUTION: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THE INSTALLATION MEETS ALL APPLICABLE CODES. • An omnidirectional antenna (SC-288W, etc.) must be mounted vertically. • A Yagi antenna (such as the SC-230W) must be mounted horizontally and be aimed at the desired cellular tower (line of sight). 3.8 - Need Help? 12 If you need help planning your installation, please contact a qualified installer, the reseller from whom CAUTION: MOUNT THE EXTERIOR ANTENNA ON A you purchased the booster, or SureCall. FIXED STRUCTURE. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 13 Installation Installation 4.4 - Internal Antennas Mount the interior antenna(s) in the location(s) you selected during the planning process. Be sure to WARNING: FAILURE TO EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING IN HIGH AREAS COULD CAUSE A FALL AND PERSONAL INJURY. follow the instructions included with the antenna(s) for a safe installation. Remember: • Dome antennas (SC-222W, etc.) should be mounted in the ceiling as close to the center of the desired coverage area as possible with the domed side pointing down. • Flat panel antennas (SC-248W) should be wall-mounted as close as possible to center of the wall at one end of long narrow space. CAUTION: VERIFY THAT ALL INTERIOR ANTENNAS MEET THE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH ANY LIVE ELECTRICAL DESCRIBED IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER AND THAT NO ANTENNA IS AIMED TOWARD THE EXTERIOR WIRES OR ALLOW THE ANTENNA OR CABLING TO ANTENNA. TOUCH ANY LIVE ELECTRICAL WIRES. 1. Mount the antenna. 2. Connect a length of SC-400 or SC-240 cable to the antenna and tighten until hand-tight. CAUTION: AVOID AIMING A YAGI ANTENNA TOWARD 3. If you are installing multiple antennas, run the cable to the splitter location and connect the cable ANY INTERIOR ANTENNA. to one of the outputs on the splitter. 4. Connect another length of SC-400 or SC-240 cable to the input side of the splitter (if used) and run this cable to the booster location. 1. Mount the antenna. 2. Connect a length of SC-400 cable to the antenna and tighten until hand-tight. 3. Run the cable along the planned route. 4. Install a properly grounded SC-LP lightning protector. 5. It is important to keep the cable runs equal or use taps to ensure a harmonious install. CAUTION: DO NOT CONNECT AN INTERIOR ANTENNA TO THE SPLITTER INPUT. 5. Seal any holes you make in the outside of the building with appropriate caulking or sealant. 14 SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 15 Installation Configuration and Testing 4.5 - Mounting the Booster Mount the booster as follows: 1. Verify that the selected location meets all of the criteria described in the previous chapter. 2. Attach the included mounting kit to the booster using the screws provided. Tighten the screws by CHAPTER 5: Configuration & Testing The Force5 has nine dipswitches. Below is an image of the dipswitches and the frequency bands they utilize for attenuation. Next to the image is ageneral attenuation guide. hand with a screwdriver until tight plus 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Do not over-tighten. 3. Mount 24” x 24”, 3⁄4” thick sheet of plywood on top of sheetrock into wall studs where the booster is to be situated. Plywood should be flush against wall. Once mounted, screw the booster to the plywood sheet. The top side of the booster with the lights and DIP switches should be facing away from the wall and be plainly visible standing near the booster. 4. Connect the exterior antenna cable to the Outside Antenna port on the booster. 5. Connect the interior antenna cable to the Inside Antenna port on the booster. 6. Verify that all cable connections are tight and that the exterior and interior antennas are connected to the proper jacks. DIP Switches 1) AWS-UL (2100 MHz) Dip switches control AWS uplink (switch 1-5) 2) AWS-DL (2100 MHz) Dip switches control AWS downlink (switch 1-5) 3) PCS-UL (1900 MHz) Dip switches control PCS uplink (switch 1-5) 4) PCS-DL (1900 MHz) Dip switches control PCS downlink (switch 1-5) 5) LTE-UL AT&T (707 MHz) Dip switches control LTE uplink (switch 1-5) CAUTION: DO NOT POWER ON THE BOOSTER UNTIL 6) LTE-DL (728-757 MHz) Dip switches control LTE downlink (switch 1-5) INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. 7) LTE-UL Verizon (781 MHz) Dip switches control LTE uplink (switch 1-5) 8) CELLULAR-UL (800 MHz) Dip switches control Celluar uplink (switch 1-5) 9) CELLULAR-DL (800 MHz) Dip switches control Celluar downlink (switch 1-5) Switch 1 CAUTION: NEVER POWER ON THE BOOSTER WHEN 1dB Switch 2 2dB Switch 3 4dB Switch 4 8dB Switch 5 16dB ANY ANTENNAS ARE DISCONNECTED AS THIS COULD DAMAGE THE BOOSTER. Switch 1 (1dB) + Switch 2 (2dB) = 3dB attenuation Switch 1 (1dB) + Switch 2 (2dB) + Switch 3 (4dB) = 7dB attenuation Switch 1 (1dB) + Switch 2 (2dB) + Switch 3 (4dB) + Switch 4 (8dB) = 15dB attenuation Switch 1 (1dB) + Switch 2 (2dB) + Switch 3 (4dB) + Switch 4 (8dB) + Switch 5 (16dB) = 31dB attenuation 16 SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 17 Configuration and Testing Configuration and Testing Each bank of DIP switches contain five switches. 5.2 - Initial Configuration • Turning a switch OFF increases booster gain for the selected channel. By default, your booster ships with all DIP switches turned OFF to provide maximum gain in • Turning that switch ON decreases booster gain for the selected channel. all channels. This should always be your starting point whenever installing or reinstalling the From left to right, the DIP switches in each bank provide 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 dB of attenuation booster. (reduced amplification). These switches are cumulative, meaning that the total amount of 5.3 - Powering on the Booster attenuation for a channel is equal to the combined dB of all ON DIP switches in the corresponding To power on the booster: bank. For example: 1. Make sure that exterior and interior antenna cables are firmly connected to the proper ports UPLINK • Turning all switches OFF = 0dB attenuation (booster is at full gain). • Turning ON Switch #1 in a bank = 1dB DOWNLINK on the booster. 2. Plug a surge suppressor into a grounded 110VAC wall outlet. 16 16 4. Plug the DC end of the power adapter into the Power port on the booster.5. Verify that the attenuation (booster maximum gain is reduced by 1dB). 3. Plug the AC end of the power adapter that came with the booster into the surge suppressor. green Power light is illuminated. • Turning ON Switches #1, 3, and 5 in a bank = 1+4+16dB attenuation = 21dB attenuation. CAUTION: ONLY USE THE POWER SUPPLY INCLUDED For example, in an 80dB booster, this means the selected channel would be reduced to 59dB (80db -21db). WITH THE BOOSTER. USE OF ANOTHER POWER • Turning ON all switches in a bank = 1+2+4+8+16dB attenuation = 31dB attenuation SUPPLY COULD DAMAGE THE BOOSTER AND/OR For example, in an 80 dB booster, that means that the selected channel would be reduced to 49dB (80dB-31dB). When the booster is powered on: POWER SUPPLY. 5. Verify that the green Power light is illuminated. • The green Power light (5) should illuminate. CAUTION: DO NOT PROCEED BEYOND THIS POINT • If any of the bands are oscillating, the corresponding Band lights (6, 7, 8 , 9, 10) will flash red and that UNTIL THE BOOSTER IS POWERED ON AND NO RED band will flash red and that band will shut down. WARNING LIGHTS ARE ILLUMINATED. Note: When the booster is turned on, the Band lights will flash red and yellow for approximately 10 seconds. 5.4 – Testing Once the booster is powered on and no Warning lights are illuminated, walk around the entire area to test the voice and/or data signal. Refine the antenna locations and/or gain levels as needed, and then complete the permanent installation once the system is working as desired. 5.5 - Adjusting the Booster Keep the following points in mind when adjusting the booster: • Full power is not always your best option. Your goal is to obtain a usable cellular signal in as many areas of the building as possible. A successful installation means that you can make calls without dropping and/or have a reliable data connection. 18 SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 19 Configuration and Testing • Do not expect to see 5 bars of reception everywhere in the building as this is practically impossible. Also, signal strength in dB can vary significantly without necessarily affecting the number of bars displayed because different phone and data card manufacturers handle bars slightly differently. • A good rule of thumb is that increasing gain by 6dB doubles the coverage distance of the interior antennas. Start at the lowest gain setting and increase gain gradually as needed. • If one or more red Warning lights comes on, that indicates that there’s oscillation in that band and the band will immediately shut down. If the dB gain is not adjusted, the Warning light will continue flashing. The booster will power down and will then wake every 30 seconds for the next 15 minutes to see if the problem has been resolved. If the problem has not been resolved after 15 minutes, the booster will shut off and will need to be unplugged and plugged back in again to reset. • You may see oscillation in any of the bands (see Section 5.6). • If you can’t get the system to work properly, you may need to install an additional interior antenna and/or a different type of interior antenna and/or relocate interior antennas. Note: In general, the uplink and downlink DIP switches should be set identically but this is not always the case. 5.6 - Automatic Shutdown If equipped, the Force5 booster includes an automatic shutdown feature that works in the following sequence: 1. When oscillation is detected in the uplink and/or downlink, the appropriate Warning light(s) will begin flashing red and the Power light (light 5 in the diagram on Page 18) remain green. 2. If oscillation occurs on any other band, lights 6 and/or 7, 8, 9, and 10 will blink as appropriate. 3. If the electrical current powering the booster is too weak or too strong, lights 6 and/or 7, 8, 9, and 10 will blink yellow. 4. If the problem is not resolved, the affected side will shut down for 30 seconds. 5. The booster will wake back up. When this occurs, the power light will be green. If oscillation resumes, the lights will flash as previously described. These 30-second cycles will continue for 15 minutes or until the problem is resolved. Warranty 6. If the problem is not resolved within 15 minutes, the booster will shut down (all lights off except the Power light, which is green) and must be reset by unplugging it from the power supply and plugging it back in. To resolve oscillation, increase the antenna separation (Section 3.4) and/or the attenuation (Section 5.1). 7. Each band on the booster works independently from other bands. Therefore, Band lights will react accordingly. The Manufacturer’s rated output power of this equipment is for single carrier operation. For situations when multiple carrier signals are present, the rating would have to be reduced by 3.5 dB, especially where the output signal is re-radiated and can cause interference to adjacent band users. This power reduction is to be by means of input power or gain reduction and not by an attenuator at the output of the device. La puissance de sortie nominale indiquée par le fabricant pour cet appareil concerne son fonctionnement avec porteuse unique. Pour des appareils avec porteuses multiples, on doit réduire la valeur nominale de 3,5 dB, surtout si le signal de sortie est retransmis et qu’il peut causer du brouillage aux utilisateurs de bandes adjacentes. Une telle réduction doit porter sur la puissance d’entrée ou sur le gain, et ne doit pas se faire au moyen d’un atténuateur raccordé à la sortie du dispositif. CHAPTER 6: Warranty This chapter contains the warranty information for your SureCall product and also contains information on how to contact the company. 6.1 - Warranty Periods Your warranty includes the following periods: • Three-Year Product Warranty: SureCall products are covered under a three-year product warranty from the date of purchase. This protects the customer from any defects or problems the product may have that are solely the fault of SureCall. Incorrect installation or misuse will void this warranty. Upon the return of a defective product, SureCall will issue the customer a working replacement. All returned packages should contain all products distributed. • Five-Year Extended Product Warranty: A five year warranty is available for purchase on any products sold by SureCall. A five-year warranty must be obtained at the time of purchase. This warranty adds an additional two years to the three year warranty we provide. All regulations still apply. Insert Warranty information from previous User’s Guide. 6.3 - Contact Information You may consult a SureCall customer service agent directly by contacting us as follows: • Our online support center is at www.surecall.com/HelpDeskService.aspx If needed, you can create an online support ticket. This is the fastest and best way to get support for your product. • Call us at (888)365-6283. 20 SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 21 Specifications Warranty This warranty does not apply to any product determined by SureCall to have been subjected to misuse, abuse, neglect, or mishandling that alters or damages the product’s physical or electronic properties. Product Name Force5 Industrial Uplink Frequency Range (MHz): 698-716 / 776 – 787 / 824-849 1710-1755 / 1850-1910 Downlink Frequency Range (MHz): 728-746 / 746 – 757 / 869-894 1930-1995 / 2110-2155 Supported Standards: CDMA, WCDMA, GSM, EDGE, HSPA+, EVDO, LTE and all cellular standards Gain Adjustment Range 31dB Max Gain 80 dB Input / OutputImpedance: 50 Ω Noise Figure: 5 dB VSWR: ≤2.0 AC Power Transfomer: AC110V, 60 Hz IN / 19VDC OUT Cable: SC400 Power Consumption: <65W Dimensions: 14.5” x 11” x 3.5” RF Connectors: N Female (both ends ) Weight: 19.5 lbs Three-Year Product Warranty SureCall warrants its products for three years from the date of purchase against defects in workmanship and/or materials. Specifications are subject to change. The three-year warranty only applies to products meeting the latest FCC Certification Guidelines stated on 2/20/2013 and going into effect April 30, 2014. A two-year warranty applies to any products manufactured before May 1, 2014. Products returned by customers must be in their original, un-modified condition, shipped in the original or protective packaging with proof-of-purchase documentation enclosed, and a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number printed clearly on the outside of the shipping container. Buyers may obtain an RMA number for warranty returns by calling the SureCall Return Department toll-free at 1-888-3656283. Any returns received by SureCall without an RMA number clearly printed on the outside of the shipping container will be returned to sender. In order to receive full credit for signal boosters, all accessories originally included in the signal booster box must be returned with the signal booster. (The Buyer does not need to include accessories sold in addition to the signal booster, such as antennas or cables.) 22 SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com SureCall warrants to the Buyer that each of its products, when shipped, will be free from defects in material and workmanship, and will perform in full accordance with applicable specifications. The limit of liability under this warranty is, at SureCall’s option, to repair or replace any product or part thereof which was purchased up to THREE YEARS after May 1, 2014 or TWO YEARS for products purchased before May 1, 2014, as determined by examination by SureCall, prove defective in material and/or workmanship. Warranty returns must first be authorized in writing by SureCall. Disassembly of any SureCall product by anyone other than an authorized representative of SureCall voids this warranty in its entirety. SureCall reserves the right to make changes in any of its products without incurring any obligation to make the same changes on previously delivered products. As a condition to the warranties provided for herein, the Buyer will prepay the shipping charges for all products returned to SureCall for repair, and SureCall will pay the return shipping with the exception of products returned from outside the United States, in which case the Buyer will pay the shipping charges. The Buyer will pay the cost of inspecting and testing any goods returned under the warranty or otherwise, which are found to meet the applicable specifications or which are not defective or not covered by this warranty. Products sold by SureCall shall not be considered defective or non-conforming to the Buyer’s order if they satisfactorily fulfill the performance requirements that were published in the product specification literature, or in accordance with samples provided by SureCall. This warranty shall not apply to any products or parts thereof which have been subject to accident, negligence, alteration, abuse, or misuse. SureCall makes no warranty whatsoever in respect to accessories or parts not supplied by it. Limitations of Warranty, Damages and Liability: EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, GUARANTEES, OR REPRESENTATIONS AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHER WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, GUARANTEES, OR REPRESENTATIONS, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN LAW OR IN FACT, ORAL OR IN WRITING. SURECALL AGGREGATE LIABILITY IN DAMAGES OR OTHERWISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PAYMENT, IF ANY, RECEIVED BY CELLPHONE-MATE, INC. FOR THE UNIT OF PRODUCT OR SERVICE FURNISHED OR TO BE FURNISHED, AS THE CASE MAY BE, WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF CLAIM OR DISPUTE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SURECALL BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, HOWSOEVER CAUSED. All matters regarding this warranty shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and any controversy that cannot be settled directly shall be settled by arbitration in California in accordance with the rules then prevailing of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. If one or more provisions provided herein are held to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, then such provision shall be ineffective and excluded to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without affecting in any way the remaining provisions hereof. WARNING: E911 location information may not be provided or may be inaccurate for calls served BY USING THIS DEVICE. 48346 Milmont Drive Fremont, California 94538 USA 888.365.6283 Fax: 510.996.7250 www.surecall.com SureCall has made a good faith effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this document and disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties, except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customers.SureCall shall not be held liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages due to omissions or errors. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. © 2014. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SureCall | 48346 Milmont Dirve, Fremont CA 94538 | 1-888-365-6283 | sales@surecall.com 23
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