Chamberlain Group The AAO61-2115 User Manual updated manual
Chamberlain Group Inc, The updated manual
- 1. instructions
- 2. updated manual
updated manual
EA 94 we * ‘ é'afiiiistm Nigel rucsdttyJulyl) rim Il2Nr\\1 @> Gr) 45051) Fee 41an Crms MM) ® RadioShacke 7—14—‘7‘7 Mob/F/EA emu-A‘s MAuwa Cat. No. 61-2115 Universal Garage Door/Gate Opener Your RadioShack Universal Garage Door/Gate Opener is a transmitter compatible with most 300, 310, and 390 MHZ garage door and gate operating systems manufac- tured by Chamberlain”, Genie”, Lttt-Master'”, Ltnear‘”, MoorerO-Mattc‘w, Multl—Code'"‘, Sears E’. and Stanley”. Note: This Opener is not compatible with rotating code systems, such as Intellrcodew or Security+“, developed by several of these manufacturers since 1996. The Opener can be used as a replacement for, or in ad- dition to, most older style remote control transmitters. It can be programmed to operate up to three garage door openers or gates, including different brands If your sys- tem uses code switches, you must program the Opener to match the existing code. If your exlstrng system does not use code switches, you can program the Opener to use any random code. All programming is done usrng the three buttons on the Opener. We suggest that you first read through this owner's man- ual in its entirety, then return to “Preparation” for brand and code identification. Once you know this informatlon about your operating system, refer to “Programming the Opener” on Page 3 to program the brand and code into your Opener. This procedure should take only a few mo- ments. Once you are familiar with how your Opener works, you can easrly refer to “Qurck Stan” for subse- quent programming. FCC Note: Changes or modlficallons to this product not expressly approved by RadioShack, or operation of this product in any way other than as detailed by the own- er’s manual, could void your authority to operate thls product. QUICK START The following steps should let an experienced user pro- gram the operating systems brand and code rate the Opener. 1. Press 1 and P at the same time. 2. Press the button you want to use to open your door or gate, The number of times you press the button corresponds with the number next to your system's brand name (see the beginnlng of “Preparation”). 3. Enter the code for the system you want the Opener to operate. (You wrote thrs in one of the tables Ul’!‘ der “Preparation,") 4. If your system does not have code swutches, press and hold the button that you want to use to open your door or gate, briefly press the receiver’s smart button, then release both buttons. PREPARATION Before you proceed, note the number that corresponds with the brand name of the system you will program the Opener to operate, Mark an X next to that brand. (If you plan to program the Opener to operate more than one system. mark an X next to the brand you thI program first.) - 1 — Stanley 2 4 Multi—Code 3 — Linear, Moore-O-Matic 4 — Sears, Chamberlain, Lift—Master 5 — Genie (9 code switches} 6 — Genie (12 code swrtches) If your Opener stops operating properly, Contact Technical Support at 1-800-528-2347 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM CST (Monday—Saturday). o 1999 Tandy Corporation All Righls Reserved. Radlosnick is a reglsterm trad-mark ma by Tandy ampere-mi ole GP % ye ! 49 él—Zliitm rugs: Tuesday July 5. mm: ll 2x AM 76). Determine whether your system uses code swrtch— es, It it does, depending on the brand, it could have 8, 9, 10, or 12 swrtches. They A are usually located on the twin!“ receiverpaneliperhapsun- if...) derthe lamp cover). The re- ceiver is normally attached to the garage door or gate operating system, or it could be mounted on a wall and wired to the system. The accompanying remote control will have matching code Switches inside the case, Ftefer to the above illus— tration to see a receiver panel and a remote control with 9 code switches. Receiver Panel zaaswa Remote Corie Switches - If your system has code swrtches, you must pro- gram the Opener to match your system’s code. Proceed to the table in this section that shows the brand name oi your operating system. Follow the instructions below the table, - If your recen/er does not have code swrtches, choose any random grdigit code (consisting oi the numbers 1, 2, and 3). Write that code in the follow- ing table, making sure to put a digit (1, 2, or 3) in each column. Fill in only one box per column and ig- nore the instructions below the table. Then, pro- ceed to "Programming the Opener" on Page 3, Sears, Chamberlain, Lift-Master 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 e 9 Examine the code switches on your receiver. For each switch number, write a 1 next to + it that swrtch is in the + position, write a 2 next to 0 it that swrtch is in the D po- sition, and write a 3 next to ~ it that swrtch is in the — po~ sition. Fill in only one box per column. (An example lollows.) .C% Here is an example 01 a Sears system With 9 code swrtches (white squares indicate the switch position): itttiiitii Example 123456789 Alter you fill in the table, verily that the code numbers match your system's swrtch settings. Then proceed to “Programming the Opener" on Page 3. Genie, Linear, Moore-Owlatic, Multi-Code, Stanley 123458739101112 ON/UP OFFIDN Examine the code swrtches on your receiver or on your remote control It Will have 8, 9, 10, or 12 code switchA es. For each Switch number, write a 1 next to ON/UF‘ if that switch is in the ON or UP position, and write a 3 next to OFF/DN ii that swrtch is in the OFF or DOWN position. Fill in only one box per column. (An example lollows.) Note: Some Stanley and Multi-Code systems have code switches labeled OPEN and CLOSE, For Opener— coding purposes: - CLOSE = ON - OPEN : OFF ‘W’ Here is an example table shOWing the settings tor a Stanley system with 10 code SWitches: Example 123455759101112 CLOSEll 111 OPEN 33 333 Alter you fill in the table, verily that the code numbers match your system's sWitch settings. Then proceed to "Programming the Opener." PROGRAMMING THE OPENER Before you begin to program the Opener. determine which button you want to use to operate your system. The other two buttons can be used lor additional garage door or gate operating systems. To avoid delays during programming, be sure all the in— formation you need is handy Note the number next to the brand name of your system (see the beginning ol “Preparation" on Page 1). Also, be ready to reler to the table you filled in on Page 2. Note: Alter Steps 1 and 2, you have 15 seconds to pro- ceed to the next step. If you wait longer than 15 sec- onds to press a button, the Opener exits the programming mode Il this happens, begin again at Step 1. 1. To enter the Opener's programming mode, hold down 4 and b at the same time. When the red in- dicator starts to blink, release both buttons. 2. When the indicator stops blinking, press the button that you want to operate your system a number ol times equal to the number next to your system’s brand name, (For example, il you have a Sears system, press the selected button tour times.) Then wait about 4 seconds lor the red indicator to blink the same number ot times. 3. From the table you lilled in on Page 2, enter your code into the Opener. Beginning With the lirst cot- 397 umn. press and release the button that corresponds with the number you entered in that column. 1:1 A:2 >=3 Continue With each column until the entire code has been entered into the Opener. For example. il you wrote these numbers in the ta- ble, press < three times, A (Wice, and P fourtimes, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 t i Immediately after you press the last button. the in- dicator again blinks the number at times that corre- sponds to your system's brand name, When it stops blinking: - if your system has code switches, programming is complete and the Opener is ready to open and close your garage door or gate. Test it to make sure it operates your system. - If your system does not have code swnches, you must program your receiver to accept the ran- dom eoigii code you wrote in the lirst table on Page 2. To do this, proceed to Step 4. Note: It the Opener’s indicator does not blink when these instructions say that it should, begin again at Step t For receivers without code SWitches, locate the “smart" program- ming button on your ’ Receiver receiver's panel. Hold down the Open- er's button that you want to use to open your garage door or gate When the indicator next to the receiver's smart button begins to blink, brielly "Smart” Button Indicator «or ziisirii Paige“ TucsdztthilyA iuw ll EXAM press the smart button lior no longer than 3 sec» onds). then release both buttons. Programming is complete and the Opener is ready to open and close your garage door or gate. Test it to make sure it operates your system. To program the Opener to operate an additional system, see “Quick Start" on Page 1. If you need more inlorma- tion, start again with‘ reparation" on Page 1. Warning: Use of this Opener should be limited to re- sponsible adults. Automatic gate and garage door sys~ terns are dangerous. They can cause great bodily harm and in|ury, and can result in death. Always exercise cau- tion when using the Opener Do not use the Opener to operate a gate or door unless you can see that the area is clear, Always keep children away from automatic doors and gates. REPLACING THE BATTERIES Vour Opener comes With two CR2025 lithium batteries (supplied) installed for power. These batteries should last 3 to 5 years under normal use (about 6 operations per day). When the Opener’s range is diminished, opera- tion is intermittent, or the red indicator dims, replace the batteries. 1. To open the case, insert a flat-blade screwdriver into the slot at one end and twist it slightly. 2. Remove the Phillips screw from the center oi the cir- cuit board and carefully lift out the board and the clear plastic battery shields 3. Remove the old batteries, then place fresh batteries ol the recommended type in the battery holders, as indicated by the polarity symbols marked inside the case. 4. Be sure to replace the battery shield, then replace the circuit board (securing it with the screw) and close the case. ATTACHING THE VISOR CLIP To mount the Opener on your vehicle‘s visor, you must ' lirst attach the supplied clip. Simply slide the clips straight side all the way into the groove on the back 0! the Opener. Warnings: - Keep button—cell batteries away lrom children. Swal- lowing a button-cell battery can be fatal. - Dispose ol old batteries promptly and properly. Do To remove the clip, slide it in the opposite direction. not burn or bury them. Limited Ninety-Day Warranty rriis product is warranted by Radioshank against maritiiacipriric delects iri rriaicriai ard wo'kmariship under normal use lor ninety isai days ircrri the date cl purchase iicrr RanicShack cpmpariy owned sidras and apiriorizac Radioshack irarrciiiscas arid dasiars EXCEPT AS PROVlDED HERElN Rapidsriack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY lMPLlED WARRANHES, lNCLUDlNG riiosE or MERCHANYABiLITV AND FITNESS FOR A FARYlCULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATlON OF THE wnirrEN iiMirEo WAnnAmiEs CONTNNED HEREIN EXCEFY AS PROVlDED HERElN RadioShack SHALL HAVE no LIABILlW on RESPONSIBlLIW ro CUSTOMER on Aiw OYHER PERSON on ENrirv wma RESPECT ro ANv tiAeiiirv LOSS on DAMAGE cAusEn DI- nEcnv on inpiaEcrw av usE on pEnEonMANcE oE THE pneoucr on ARISING our or ANY BREACH oF THlS WAnnAitrv, lNCLUDiNG, BUT NOT LIMlTED ro ANV DAMAGES RESULTING mom INCONVENIENCE LOSS oE TlME, nArA PROPERTV REVENUE on mom on ANY INDIRECT. SPEClALr INCIDENTAL, on CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN lF Radioshack HAS BEEN ADVISED or ri-iE PDSStElLIYV OF SUCH DAMAGES scrra siaics do not allow me iirriiiaricris on how long an implied warrari-y iasis cutie Exclusion pl incidenlal or consequential damages. sp Iha acdye irritations hr exclu sicrrs rriay rict appiy tp yeti In the event ci a prcdpci delect during the warranty pariac, take the chaotic“ and the Radioshack sales rssaipi as prcci ot circiiasa dais ip ariy Radioshack store Ra dloShicK will, at its paripri, priiass otherwise prayided by law (a) correct Ihe caisai by product rapcir without charge rpr parts and labor in» replace iria product With aria pi iira sama or similar assign a. (c) raicnd the purchase pica All rspiacac psrrs arid products and prddcsis on which a relund is riiads, become iris Dmpe'ry at as dioShack New pr reconditioned pairs and praapcis may be psad iri the pencrmarica cl warranty service Repaired or replaced pans and prpdpcis ars warranted (or the rsrriamdsr pr iiia srigirici warranty period ch will be Charged Ior repair or rapiacarriarit at the product maps aria- iria aipirstipri oi lhe warrariiy period riiis warranty dcas rim cover iai damage crtaitiirs caused by p. attributable Io ccis oi God. abuse, accipcrii. misuse improper or acrorrriai psapc, Iailure ip taiipw in struclions impraps. insisiisiipri or maintenance aiieraiicri, iicrirrririg pr other iricipsrrca ol excess voltage or current. ib) airy rEDairs other than those provmen by a na- dtoShacK Authorizefl Service Easiiity, (ct consumables such as icses or batteries. (pi Cosmetic damagi- ts) irarisporiairor, shippmg or inwance costs or «it costs at prpduci rarricyai, installalion. sel no service adrustment or reiriaiaiiaiicri rriis warranty gives you spacttic legal ripriis, and yDu may aisp have pitiar rigiiis which vary trom stale tc stale Radmshack Customer Relations. 200 Taylor Street. Slh Floor, Ecri Worth rx 76l02 We Service What We Sell um 07/99 1 1 4A2409 Printed in Mexico (JD 14> % i are
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 1999:07:14 10:48:04 Creator : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0 Producer : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0 Create Date : 1999:07:14 10:47:21 Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by