Char Broil 4632215 User Manual GRILLE Manuals And Guides L0408041
CHAR-BROIL Grill, Gas Manual L0408041 CHAR-BROIL Grill, Gas Owner's Manual, CHAR-BROIL Grill, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Char-Broil 4632215 4632215 CHAR-BROIL GRILLE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CHAR-BROIL GRILLE #4632215. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Char-Broil Parts:Char-Broil GRILLE Manual
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4632215 ASSEMBLY, USE AND CARE MANUAL THISGRILLIS FOROUTDOOR USEONLY CAUTION: Read and follow €¢ all safetystatements, assemblyinstructions, and useand care directionsbefore attemptingto assembleand cook, INSTALLER] ASSEMBLER: Leavetheseinstructions with consumer. Keepthis manualfor future reference, CONSUMER: _WARNING Failureto follow all manufacturer's instructionscould resultin sedous _rsonai injury and/or propertydamage. If you haveany questions or needassistance during assembly, pleasecall 1-B00-241-7548, _CAUTION Somepartsmay contain sharpedges- especially as notedin the manuait Wearprotectivegloves if necessary. Visit us onthe webat: www._harbroil .corn _.4632215/P47C2A(12-12-01) I _l Installation WARNING FOR YOUR SAFETY 1. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. 2. An LP Tank not connected for use FOR YOUR SAFETY Warranty Z223.1. Handling and storage of LP cylindersmust conformto LP Gas Code NFPNANSI 58. Grill is not for use in or on recreationalvehicles and/or boats. Safety call Information Symbols • The symbolsand boxesshownbelowexplainwhat each headingmeans.Read and follow all of the messagesfound throughoutthe manual, Businesshours:Open 24 hours- Seven daysa week. • To order non-warrantyreplacementpartsor accessories(grill cover,cleaners,paint) call 1.800-993-2677or send a FAX to 1-706-565-2121. Fill out Warranty • Use grillonlywith LP (propane)gasand the regulator/valve assembly supplied. • Grill installation mustconform with local codes,or in their absence withNational Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54 / ANSI • This grill is safety certified for use in the United Statesonly, Do not modify for use in any other location. Modification will result in a safety hazard. Call Grill Service Center For Help And Parts • If you need help or warrantyparts call 'J11-800-241-7548,or send a FAX to 1-706-576-6355. Important: Precautions • All electrical accessories (such as rotisserie) must be electrically grounded in accordance with local codes,or National Electdcal Code, ANSI I NFPA 70. Keep any electricalcordsand/orfuel supply hosesawayfrom any hot surfaces. shall not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. If you smell gas: 1. Shut offgas to the appliance. 2. Extinguish any open flame. 3. Open lid. 4. If odor continues, immediately your gas supplier or your fire department. Safety below Information ModelNumber DANGER DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING • WARNING:Be alertto the possibilityof serious bodily injury if the instructionsare notfollowed.Be sure to read andcarefullyfollow allof the messages. Lot Number (oncartonlabel) SerialNumber CAUTION DatePurchased CAUTION For residential use only.Do not use for commercial cooking. 2 • 4632215 • CAUTION:Indicatesa potentiallyhazardous situationwhich,if not avoided, may result in minor or moderateinjury. ForYour Safety ......................................................................... 2 Call Grill Service Center For Help And Parts ...........................2 Installation Safety Precautions................................................. 2 SafetySymbols ......................................................................... 2 Char-Broilwarrantstotheoriginalconsumer-purchaserthat this product shallbefreefrom defectsinworkmanshipand materialsundernormaland teasortableuseand correct assembly(ifassembledbyconsumer-purchaser),from dateof purchase, Table of Contents ..................................................................... 3 Warranty.................................................................................... 3 Before Beginning Assembly ..................................................... 4 Stainless steel and die cast parts. 99 years Electronic ignition and bumers - 10 years Remaining parts. 2 years Parts List ................................................................................... 4 Exploded View .......................................................................... 5 Assembly ................................................................................ 6-9 Use and Care ........................................................................ 9.14 Storing Your Grill ..................................................................... 13 Indirect Cooking ...................................................................... 14 Food Safety .............................................................................. 14 Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 15 Char-Broilwill,at its option,refinish or replace any product or part found to be defective during the warranty leriod. Char-Broilwill require you to return the pert(s) claimed to be defective,for its inspection,freight or postage prepaid. Ifyouwishto obtainperformanceofanyobligationunderthis limited warranty,you shouldwrite to: CHAR-BROIL ConsumerWarranty / P.O. Box 1240 Columbus, GA 31902-1240 Char-Broilmayrequirereasonableproofofpurchaseand wesuggestyoukeepyourreceipt.InthestateofCaliforniaonly, ifrefinishing orreplacement oftheproductisnotcommercially )racticable,theretailersellingthisproductorChar-Broilwill refundthepurchasepricepaidfortheproduct,lesstheamount directlyattributable tousebytheoriginal consumer.purchaser )dortodiscovery ofthenonconformity. Inaddition, inthestateof California only,you maytaketheproducttotheretail establishment fromwhichitwaspurchased ortoanyretail establishment sellingthisproductinordertoobtainperformance underthis warranty. Thiswarrantydoesnotincludethecostonany inconvenienceorproperty damageduetofailureoftheproduct anddoesnotcoverdamagedueto misuse,abuse,accident, damagearisingoutoftransportation oftheproduct,ordamage incurredthroughcommercialuse oftheproduct. Thisexpress warrantyisthesolewarrantygivenbythemanufacturer andisin lieuofallotherwarranties, expressor implied,including implied warrantyofmerchantability orfitnessfora particular purpose. NeitherChar-Broildealersnortheretailestablishment sellingthis Jmducthasanyauthority tomakeanywarranties ortopromise remediesinaddition toorinconsistent withthosestatedabove. Char-Broirsmaximumliability, inanyevent,shallnotexceedthe purchasepriceofthe productpaidbythe original consumerJurchaser.Somestatesdonotallowthe exclusion orlimitation of incidentalorconsequential damages.Sotheabovelimitations or exclusions may notapplytoyou. Thiswarrantygivesyouspecific legalrights andmayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstate tostate. 4632215• 3 Necessarytools for assemblyof yourgrill include: Phillips®screwdriver,pliersand adjustablewrench. Key A B C D E Qty 1 1 1 1 1 Description Lid Plate Lid SidePanel,Left LidSidePanel,Right HeatIndicator PlasticLidHandle Part# P0176A P0177A P0178A P0616A PD256A F G H I J K L M N 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 LogoRate WarmingRack Cooking Grid Flame Tamer Griddle Burner Burner Bracket Gas CollectorBox with Electrode ElectricWire set P0474A P1531A P1666B P1744A P5747B P2056A P2238A P2623B P2649A O P 1 1 ElectricIgnitor(4 port) Bowl Side Panel,Left P2503G P0if86A Q R S T 1 1 1 1 Bowl Side Panel,Right BowlFrontPanel Bawl Rear Panel RearWindShield P0787A P0788A PO789A P2988A U V W X Y Z AA BB 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 GreaseDrainingTray Grease Receptacle Gas Manifold Gas Valvefor Main Burner HeatShieldfor ControlPanel ControlPanel ControlKnob ControlKnobSeat P2745B P2717C P5047A P32D7A P2987A P2986A P3431C P3430C CC DO 4 1 Spring Sideburne_ Frame(Left) P55G7A P1163A EE FF GG HH I dJ KK LL MM NN O0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 SideShelf,Rk_ht Bracketfor Side Shelf- Left Front Bracketfor BideShelf- L_ Rear,RightFront Bracketfor Side Shelf- RightRear FrontPanel,Bide Shelf,LeO Cart BottomShelf Cart SidePanel Cart RearPanel DoorBracket DOorFrontPlate DoorHandle P1162A P1423E P1423A P1423B P7428A P1066A P4318A P4350A P4411A P4351A P0258A PP QQ RR SS TT UU VV WW XX YY ZZ AAA BBB 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 Bowl SupportBracket LeotSide Cart Leg, Front LootSideCart Leg, Rear RightSideCart Leg, Fmht RightSideCart Leg,Rear Caete_Seat 3" Caster Pull-OutTank Tray Bracketfor Pull-OutTankTray Handlefor Pull*OutTankTray SlideSet SideburnerLid Lid KnobforSideburner P1343A POBSOA PDOt50B P0850C FO850D P4525B P5120A P403BA P403lfB P0259A P55HSA P0191A P3405C A_sanCollec_ byCkar-B_il_e,C3andDeign Cder_reilandDesign TM ,FlameDesign , Flaw'TentsTM ,Grilla GoTM, Gdllin'Stick TM, Keeper of the Rame KeepersoftheFlameTM, NaturalGrip OutdoorCoolingCo0ec_mandDesign TM, PaSo Bis_oTM, PmckionFlamo Pm-C_eck Qu_l_SetGrillsandDesignTM, SrnokerTents TM, _le BigEasyTM, _le Minute Gr_l "i_e Edge ]_e TuscanC_ledJonTM, andThe UrbanGrilP _ areTrademarksofthe WC. BradleyCon_any UniversalG_I Partsand Design is a h'adernark of_e _lermos Company anditsaniliates, CCC DDO EEE FFF GGG HHH 1 1 1 1 1 1 PotSupport Electrode Sideburner Gas Valvefor Sideburner ControlKnob ConnectionTube PS00ZA PaB32B P1922A P32DSA P3409B P3983J Fl_ot_ted underoneormoreofthe follo_ngU.S,Patents:4,598,692;4,624,240;4,747,391;4,747,391; 4,817,583;4,924,845;4,989,579;5,003,960;5,076,056,5,076,257; 5,090,398;5,1_,B34; 5,224,575; 5,277,106;5,421,319;5,441,226; 5,452,707;5,458,309;5,566,606;5,566,606:5,570,755; 5,582,094; 5,613,486;5,649,475; 6,706,797;5,711,663; 5,765,543;5,931,149;5,996,573;6,095.132; 6,135,104; 6,279,566; D282,619;D339,714; D341,292;D343,337;D358J_59, D361,466; D364,535;D372,637; [}373,701;D377,735; D383,035; D397,910;D405,643;D405,643; D406,005;D406,009;D4t 3,043;D416,029; D416,229; D414,987.D415,388;D416,164;D416,441; D41&441;D417,587; D422,516,D423.274; D425,876; D426,3_3;[3435,395;D436,004; D438,059,D438,060;D438,427;13439,110; D442.505;D443,179; D443,354; D447,384; D¢47,385;D447,909;D448.610; D448,614;D448,el5;D446,el6;andD448975. OtherPof_lts Pan_ng. II I JJJ KKK LLL MMM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RegulatorwithHose (27") AA Battery FrontPanel,SideShelf,Right Sideporner Control KnobSeat MatchLightingStickwith Chain CasterWrench GrateLifter HardwarePack P3632Q PS08OA P7427A P34ifgA P5540A P55L4A P8007A Pd179A Ceded Gd! PartsAndAccessories®, Dilar-BroilandDeign®,Char-BIoil(GasGn0Bdqueaes)®, Char-Diamonds®, CoddngZoneandDesign@, DiamondFMirm®, Execu_ Chefe, Faststart®, FlareFighter s, Fla_rMa_, GasGdl SHouelte andDedg_®_HaOSrnoker_,La_ Flame®, MasterFlame®, MasterFlame PreddonC_kingSysten_,_rk®, Duan_m®,VIP®, Pred_onFlameandDesign®,SJerk®,andTruFlame®arereg_erndTrademarks oftheW.C.8rnd_ CompanyThermos® isa registernd trndema_et BieTne_ Company anditsa01nates, TM, TM TM, TM, TM, TM, TM, TM, TM 4 • 463221=; BBB AAA-- i --TT --SS .w _--UU _'_-- HH UU--_ oo-- I VV--(_ O0--1 4632215• 5 , each cartleg, Turn the threadedcasterstem by hand, clockwiseuntilit stops.Fullytightenwiththe wrench provided,See Fig. 2, • Unpack and remove all protective packaging, 1. Positionbottomshelfwiththe 4-hole patternto the leftside, See Fig. 1. The labelson the cart legs indicatetheirassemblypositionto the bottomshelf.LF=Left Front, LR=Left Rear, RF=Right Front, and RR=Right Rear. Labelsshouldface inwardtowardeachother when Screwthe 4 castersintothe casterseatsin the bottomof 5, Installthe twoside panelsand one rear panelto the cartby using4 of the 3/16xl/2" Phillips-headscrewson each panel,Leaverear panelscrewsloose.See Fig. 2, FIGURE 2 Side Rear correctlyassembled.Remaining components cannot be assembled if leg positions are incorrect. 2. Installthe four cartlegsto the indicatedcornersof the bottomshelf using8 of the 1/4xZ-1/Z"Phillips-headscrews provided.Do notfully tightenscrews, 3. Installcross braces,facing inward,to cart legson both sides using8 of the 1/4xl/2" Phillips-headscrews.Fully tighten.See Fig. 1, / / FIGURE 1 .4b panel Cross Brace . 7. Bottom Shelf USE CAUTION when handling the pull-out tank tray. Slide rails have sharp edges. Installthe handle on the pull.outtankusing 2 ofthe 1/4" nuts. Fully tighten.See Fig. 3. Fullyextendthe pull-outtanktrayand attachthe sliderails to the 4,holepatternin the bottomshelfusing4 ofthe 1/4xl/2" Phillips-headscrews.Fullytighten.See Fig. 3. FIGURE 3 Handle [ 6 • 4632215 Pull-out tank tray . . Attach the doorbracketto the lower holes in the front legs withthe end tabspointingupwardand theflangeto the rear, pointingdownward.Use 2 of the 114xl/2" Phillips-head screws, Do notfull,] tighten.See Fig. 4, Place doorsintothe hingeholesof the bottomshelf and doorbracket.Push doorbracketdownuntildoorsare secure and can openand closefreely. Do not fully tighten doorbracketscrews, See Fig. 4. FIGURE 5 13. Attachmatchlightingsflck and chainto the rightrear leg, belowshelf bracket. usingone 3/16"xl/2", self-tapping, Phillips-head screw, See Fig. 5, j Match lighting stick 10, Removeprotectivefilmfrom doors.Installdoor handlesto doorsusing4 of the 3/16x3/8" Phillips-headscrews. See Fig. 4. 11. Attachthe 4 side shelf bracketsto the topsof the cartlegs using8 of the 1/4xl/2" Phillips-headscrews. IMPORTANT: Bracket with cut.out installs on front left leg. Be sure the flat side of each bracket faces outward, Fullytighten.See Fig. 4, 12, Place the sideburner shelf overthe leftbracketsand cross brace.Be sure ignitorwire is hangingloose.Be sure the inside shelf holesalignwith crossbrace holes, Secure shelf firmlyto theends ofthe bracketsusing2 ofthe 1/4xl/2" Phillips-head screws. Repeat this procedure for the side shelf on the rightside of thecart. See Fig. 4. To reducethe weightof the grillhead,openthe grilllidand remove the packed components.This step requires 2 people to lift and position the grill head onto the cart. 14. HINT: Slide grillhead intocartfrom the front. Use care to avoid scratchingtops of side shelves, Alignthe 2 holes beneaththe hangledgeon each side of the grillhead with the 2 holes in the side shelf and crossbraceon the cart. Raisethe grilllidand insert 4 ofthe 1/4xl/2" Phillips-head screws. Beneaththe side shelves, add 1/4'_nuts, Do not fully tighten.See Fig. 6. 15. Attach heat indicatorto grilllidusingnutprovided.Make FIGURE 4 sure graphicson heat indicatorare properlyorientedbefore tighteningnut. See Fig. 6. ,,,----,. FIGURE 6 !"" ! / -,,, / / Sideburner Side shelf Grill head, Align ledge cut-out ; i i Lower Hang ledges rest on / outward bracket ;/ .,/ Handle / bole / / film Hinge'7_i 4632215 • 7 16. Firmlyattachignitor wirefrom sideburnerto front of valve. See Fig. 7a. Beneath left shelf, insert sidebumer valve into sideburner tube. See Fig. 7 for proper engagement. Attach sideburnervalve to shelf using 2 of the M4xl0 Phillips-headscrews and washers. Place knob seat, spring, and sideburner knob over valve stem. 20, Place your LP gas tank (not included ontothe poll-outtank tray and push tray into cart. Be sure the tank valve is facing forward. See. Fig. 9. READ USE & CARE SECTION BEFORE A'FI'ACHINGREGULATOR TO LP TANK. FIGURE 9 FIGURE 7 -Spring LPgas tank 21. Unscrew the ignitorcap located on the control paneland remove the contact and spring from the ignitorslot. See Fig. 10. wire 22. Placethe suppliedAA batteryintothe ignitorslot withthe positive pole facing toward you. 23, Placethe spring withcontactover the battery. Screw the ignitor cap back onto the control panel, 17, Secure grillhead to all cart legs using 4 of the 1/4x2.112" Phillips-headscrews and 1/4" nuts. See Fig. 8. FIGURE 10 18. Fully tighten all leg screws, rear panel screws, door bracket screws, and grill head screws. ing 19. From the back of the cart, slide the greasedrainingtray into the grill head. Place the grease receptacle into the notches on the bottom ofthe tray.See Fig. 8. FIGURE 8 Grease draining Contact, Ignitor_ cap _. _ 24. Attachpanel to front of sideburnershelfby placingtop lip of panelABOVE bottom lip of shelf. Secure usingthree 3/16"x3/8" Phillips-headscrews and 3/16" nuts. Fully Tighten,See Fig. 11. FIGURE 11 receptacle lip Attach grill head to ell 4 legs 8 • 4632215 AA 25. Placethe 3 flametamerson the lowerledgeabove burners.See Fig. 12. They shouldmeet in the center. 26. Place the cookinggridsor griddleon the ledgeabovethe flame tamers. LP Tank 27, Placethe secondary cooking rackintothe slots on the upperleftand upperrightof the grillbowlpanels. • The LPtank usedwith your grill mustmeet thefollowing requirements: • PurchaseLP tanksonlywiththese requiredmeasurements: 12" (30.5cm)(diameter)x 18" (45.7 cm) (tall)with 20 lb. (9 FIGURE 12 kg.) capacitymaximum. • Be constructedand markedin accordancewith Secondary rack specificationsfor LP tankofthe U.S. Departmentof Transportation (DOT). See LP tank collarfor marking. • LP tankvalvemusthave: • Typo1outletcompatible withregulatororgrill. • Safetyreliefvalve. • ULlistedOverfillProtectionDevice(OPD). Flame Lower 9 grid ThisOPDsafetyfeature isidentified bya uniquetriangular handwheel.Useonly OPDHandWheel tanksequippedwiththis type ofvalve. • Supply systemmustbe arrangedfor vaporwithdrawaland includecollarto protectLP tankvalve. LP (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) • Isnontoxic,odorless andcolorless whenproduced.ForYour Safety,LPgashasbeengivenan odor(similartorotten cabbege)sothatitcanbesmelled. • LP gas is highlyflammableand may igniteunexpectedly when mixedwith air. LP Tank Filling Before Your First Cookout Performthe leaktest as indicatedin the use and care section. Wash the cookinggrids,griddle,cookingrack, and all stainlesssteelsurfaces withwarm,soapywater.Rinseand drythoroughly. Light burners.Checkto make suretheyare lit,then close the lidand warmthe grillon HI for 15 minutes.Curingof paintand partswill producean odoronlyon firstlighting. • Useonlylicensedandexperienced dealers. • LP tank must be purged beforefilling. • DealershouldNEVER fillLP tankmorethan 80% of LP tank volume.Volumeofpropaneintankwillvaryhytemperature. • A frosty regulatorindicatesgas overfill.ImmediatelycloseLP tankvalveand call localLP gas dealerfor assistance. • Do not releaseliquidpropane(LP) gas intothe atmosphere. This is a hazardouspractice. • To removegas from LP tank, contactan LP dealeror calla localfire departmentfor assistance.Checkthe telephone directoryunder"Gascompanies"for nearestcertifiedLP dealers. LPtank Exchange:You may chooseto replaceyour emptyLP tank throughan exchangeservice.Use onlythose reputable exchangecompaniesthat inspect,precisionfill, test and certifytheircylinders. Exchangefor OPD safety feature equipped tank as described in LP Tank • Alwayskeep LP tankin uprightpositionduringuse, transitor storage. Leak test LP tank BEFORE connecting to grill. 4632215• 9 LP Tank Leak Test Foryour safety • LeaktestmustberepeatedeachtimeLPt_nkisexchangedor refilled. • Do notsmokeduringleaktest. • Donotuseanopenflametocheckforgasleaks. • GriUmustbeleakcheckedoutdoorsinwell-ventjlatedarea, away fromignitionsourcessuchasgasfiredorelectricalappliances. Duringleaktest,keepgrillawayfromopenflamesorsparks. Usea cleanpaintbrushand50/50soapandwater solution. Usemildsoapandwater. • Do not use householdcleaningagents. Damagetogastraincomponents canresult. _1__ Nipplehasto be centeredintothe LPtankvalve Hold couplingnut and regulatoras shownfor pmper connectionto LP tank valve. / The Regulator To The LP Tank 1. LPtankmustbe properlysecured ontogrill. 2. Turnallcontrolknobsincluding sidebumer(iffeatured)totheOFF posilion. 3. TurnLPtank OFF bytuming hand-wheel clockwiseto a fullslop. 4. Removethe protectivecapfrom LPtank valve.Alwaysusecapand OPDHand strapsuppliedwithvalve. Wheel Safety ReliefValve Type 1 outlet with threadon outside Strap and Cap Use of this POL transport plug (A) (plastic part with extemal threads) will defeat safety feature of valve. 10 • 4632215 thread the connection. 131 Brushsoapysolution ontotheshadeda Connecting 5. Hold regulator, insert nipple (B) into LP tank valve. Hand tighten coupling nut, holding regulator in a straight line (C) with LP tank valveso as not to cross 6. Turn the coupling nut clockwiseto tighten to a full solid stop. The regulatorwillseal on the back-checkfeature in LP tank valve, resultingin some resistance. An additional one-hell to three quarters turn is required to complete connection. Tighten by hand only - do not use tools. NOTE: If youcannotcomplete connection, disconnectregulatorand repeatsteps5 and6. Ifyouarestillunabletocompletethe connection, do not usethis regulator! WARNING • Do not insert any foreign objects into the valve outleL You may damage the valve and cause a leak. Leaking propane may result in explosion, fire, severe personal injury, or death. • Never attempt to attach this grill to the self-contained LP gas system of a camper trailer or motor home. • Do not use grill until leak checked. • If leak is detected at any time, STOP and call the Fire Department. • If you cannot stop a gas leak, immediately close LP tank valve and call LP gas supplier or your fire department! 4. Brush soapy solution onto A DANGER following connections: NEVER store a spare LP tank under or near grill or in enclosed areas. Never fill the cylinder beyond 80% full. An overlilled spare LP tank is hazardous due to possible gas released from the safety relief valve. The safety relief valve on a LP tank could activate releasing gas and cause a fire. If you see, smell or hear escaping gas, immediately get away from the LP tank/grfll and call your fire department. All spare LP tanks must have safety caps installed on the LP tank outlet. LP Tank Removal, Transport And Storage • TurnOFFallcontrolknobs andLPtankvalve.Tum coupling nut counterclockwise byhandonly-donotusetoolstodisconnect. Lif_ LPtankwireupwardoffofLP tankcollar,liftLPtankupandoffof supportbracket.Installsafety capontoLPtankvalve.Alwaysuse capandstrapsuppliedwithvalve,Failureto use safetycapas directed may resultin seriouspersonalinjuryand/or property damage - - II . valveimmediatelyand retighten connections.If leaks cannot be stopped "do not try to repair." Call for replacement parts. Ordernewparts bygivingthe serial, modelnumberand name of itemsneededto the Grill Service Center at 'J_1-800-241-7548, r fJ \ / , \ \ LP Tank Valve _ jJ -o _ Retainer Safety Cap Strap • A disconnectedLP tank in storageor beingtransportedmust have a safetycapinstalled(as shown).Do not store an LP tank in enclosedspacessuchas a carport,garage,porch, coveredpatioor otherbuilding.Never leave a LP tankinsidea vehiclewhichmay becomeoverheatedbythe sun. • Do not store LP tankin an areawhere childrenplay, "If growing" bubbles appear, thereis a leak, Close LPtank AlwayscloseLP tankvalveafterperformingleaktest by turninghand wheel clockwise. Safety Tips • • Beforeopening LP tankvalve,checkthecouplingnut for tightness. When grillis notin use,turnoffall controlknobsand LP tank valve. • • Never movegrillwhilein operationor stillhot. Whenmovingthe grillpushitforward, do notpullfrom behind, • Use long-handledbarbecueutensilsto avoidburnsand splatters. Do not remove grease receptacleor tray until grill has completelycooled. If you notice grease or other hot material dripping from grill onto valve, hose or regulatorturn off gas supply at once. Determinethe cause,correct,clean and inspect valve, hose and regulator before continuing. Perform a leak test. The regulator may make a humming or whistling noise during operation. This will not affect safety or use of grill. If you have a grill problemsee the "TroubleshootingSection': Leak Testing Valves, Hoses and Regulator • 1. Tum all grill control knobs to OFF. 2. Be sure regulatoristightlyconnectedto LP tank. 3. CompletelyopenLP tankvalveby turninghandwheelcounter • clockwise.If you heara rushing sound, turngas off immediately,There is a majorleak at the connection.Correct before proceeding. • • 4632215• 11 a, WARNING For Safe Use Of Your Grill: Donotletchildrenoperateor playneargrill. Keepgrillareaclearandfreefrom materialsthatburn. DonotblockholesinbottomorbackofgrilL Checkburnerflamesregularly. Usegrillonlyinwell-ventilated space.NEVERusein enclosedspacesuchascarport,garage,porch,covered patio,orundera surfacethatcancatchfire. • Usegrillat least3 ft. fromanywallorsurface.Maintain10ft. clearance toobjectsthatcancatchfireorsourcesofignition suchaspUotlights onwaterheaters,liveelectrical appliances, etc. Match Lighting • Do not lean over grillwhile lighting. 1.Open lid duringlighting. 2. Place lit match into match lighting stick, then into lighting holeon right side of grill. 3. Push in and turn far right burner knob to HI, Be sure burnerlights andstays lit. 4, Lightadjacentburners in sequenceby pushing knobs in and turning to HI. • • • • • Donot usecharcoal,briquetsorlavarock inthis grill. WARNING • If burner does not light turn knobs to OFF, wait 5 minutes, tryagain. • Apartment Dwellers: Checkwithmanagementtolearntherequirements andfire codesfor usingan LP GasGrill inan apartment.Ifallowed useoutsideonthe groundfloorwitha three(3)foot clearance from wallsorrails, Do notuse onorunder balconiesmadeof wood. NEVERattemptto light burnerwith lid closed. A buildupof non-ignitedgas insidea closedgrillis hazardous. Never operate grillwith LP tank out of correctposition. Alwaysclose LP tank valveand removecouplingnut beforemoving LP tank from specifiedoperating portion. CAUTION • Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not possible.Grillsarewell ventilatedfor safetyreasons. • Do not usewater on a grease fire. Personalinjurymay result.If a greasefire developsturn knobsand LP tank off. • Do not leavegrill unattendedwhilepreheatingor burningoff on high.If grillhas not been regularly cleaneda greasefire can occurthatmay damagethe product. Ignitor Lighting • Do nut lean over grillwhile lighting. 1. Open lid duringlighting 2. To igniteany burner,turnknobto HI, pushand hold ELECTRONIC IGNITOR button for 5 seconds. 3. 4. If ignitiondoes nottake placewithin5 seconds, turnall burnerknobsto OFF, wait 5 minutes,then repeat lighting procedure. If IGNITOR does not work,follow matchlighting instructions. 12 • 4632215 Sideburner Ignitor Lighting • Do nut lean over grill while lighting. 1. To igniteSIDEBURNER, opensideburner cover. 2. Pushin sideburnerknoband turncounter-clockwise until 3. 4. click.Repeatup to 5 times. Be suregap betweenelectrode wire and gas portopeningis 1/8"-3/16". If sideburnerdoes NOT light,turn knobto OFF, wait5 minutes,then repeat lightingprocedure. If iGNITOR does not work,follow matchlighting instructions. Match Lighting 1. To matchlight sideburner cover. 2. 3. Place lit match near burner. Push in and turn sideburner knob counter.clockwise, Be sure burner lights and stays lit. Burner Flame Check Removegratesand flametamers. Lightburners,rotate knobs from HI to LOW.You shouldsee a smallerflame in LOW positionthan seen on HI. Alwayscheckflame pdorto each use. Perform flamecheckfor sideburner. If onlylowflame is seenreferto "Soddendropor lowflame"in the Troubleshooting Section, LOW Turning Grill Off Turn all knobs to OFF position.Turn LP tank OFF by turning hand-wheelclockwise to a full stop. Ignitor Check • Turn gas off at LP tank. Push and hold electronicignitor buttonor pushin and turnsideburnerknobcounterclockwise."Clicks" shouldbe heardand sparkseen each time betweencollectorbox or burnerand electrode.See "Troub/eshooting"if no click or spark. Valve Check • Important: Make sure gas is OFF at LP tank before checking valves. Knobslock in OFF position.To check valves,firstpushin knobsand release,knobs shouldspdng back. if knobsdon'tspringback,replacevalveassembly beforeusinggrill.Turn knobsto LOW positionthenturn back to OFF position.Valvesshouldturnsmoothly. General Grill Cleaning Do not mistakebrownor blackaccumulationof greaseand smokefor paint. Interiorsofgas grillsare notpaintedat the factory (and should never be painted), Applya strong solutionof detergentand wateror usea grillcleanerwith scrubbrushto insidesof grilllidand bottom.Rinseand allow to completelyair dry. Do not apply a caustic grill/oven cleaner to painted surfaces. • Plastic parts: washwithwarmsoapywaterand wipedry, • Do not usecitrisol,abrasivecleaners,degreasersor a concentratedgrillcleaneron plasticparts. Damageto and failure of partscanresult. CAUTION Hose Check • Beforeeachuse, checkto see if hosesare cut or worn. Replacedamagedhosesbeforeusinggrill.Use onlyvalve/ hose/regulatorspecifiedby manufacturer. Cleaning The Burner Assembly Followtheseinstructions to cleanand/orreplaceparts of burner assemblyor if you havetroubleignitinggdlL 1. Turn gas off at controlknobsand LP tank. 2. Removecookinggrates,flametamers,greasetrayand grease receptacle. 3. Removecotterpinsfrom beneatheachburner'=foot" usinga screwdriver or needlenose pliers, 4. Carefullylifteach burnerup and awayfrom valveopenings, We suggestthree waysto cleanthe burnertubes.Usetheone easiestfor you. (A) Benda stiff wire(a lightweightcoathangerworkswell) intoa smallhook.Runthe hookthrougheachburnertube and burnerseveraltimes. Clean burners _on 5, 6. (C) Weareye protection:Use an air hosetoforceair intothe burnertube and outthe burnerports.Checkeachpert to make sureair comesout eachhole. Wirebrushentireoutersurfaceofburnerto removefood residueand dirt. Cleanany blockedports witha stiff wiresuch as an openpaper clip. 7. Checkburner for damage,due to normalwear and corrosion some holesmay becomeenlarged.If any largecracks or holes are found replace bumer. VERY IMPORTANT:Burnertubes must reengage valve openings. 8. Carefullyreplaceburners. 9. Replacecotterpinbeneatheach burner. 10. Replacegreasetray and receptacle,flametamers, and cooking grates. the beginning of grilling season periodaoft prior to use or astoring, e month not being used. Spidersand insects like to build nests in burner tubes (especiallyduring colder months).These nests can cause fires in burner tubes or under grill. • Porcelain surfaces: because of glass-like composition, mostresiduecan be wipedaway withbakingsoda/water solutionor speciallyformulated cleaner.Use nonabrasive scouring powderfor stubborn stains. • Painted surfaces: Wash with milddetergentor nonabrasive cleanerand warmsoapywater,wipe drywitha soft nonabrasivecloth. • Stainless steel surfaces: To maintainyour grill'shigh. qualityappearance,wash withmilddetergentand warm soapy water,wipedrywitha softclothaftereach use.Bakedon greasedepositsmayrequirethe use ofan abrasive plastic cleaningpad. Storing (B) Usea narrowbottlebrushwitha flexiblehandle(do not usea brasswirebrush),runthe brushthrougheachburner tubeandburnerseveraltimes. after Your Grill • Clean cookinggrates • Store in dr] location. • When LP tank is connectedto grill, store outdoors in wellventilated space and out of reach of children. • Cover grill if stored outdoors. Choosefrom a variety of grill covers offered by Char-Broil. • Store grill indoors ONLY if LP tank is turned Qffand disconnected,removed from grill and stored outdoors. • When removing grill from storage follow "Cleaningthe Burner Assembly"instructions before starting grill. 4632215 • 13 Indirect Cooking Poultryand largecutsof meat cookslowlyto perfectionon the grillby indirectheat. The heatfrom selectedburnerscirculates gentlythroughoutthe grill,cookingmeat or poultrywithoutthe touchof a directflame.This methodgreatlyreduces flare-ups when cookingextrafatty cuts becausethere is no directflame to ignitethe fats andjuices that dripduringcooking. Indirect Cooking Instructions Alwayscookwiththe lidclosed, Due to weatherconditions,cookingtimesmay vary.During coldand windyconditionsthe temperaturesettingmay need to be increasedto insuresufficientcooking Food Safety • Foodsafety isa veryimportantpartofenjoyingtheoutdoor cookingexperience.To keep food safe from harmful bacteria,follow thesefour basicsteps: Clean: Wash hands,utensils,and surfaceswithhotsoapy waterbeforeand after handlingraw meatand poultry. Separate: Separateraw meatsand poult_ from ready-to-eat foods to avoidcrosscontamination. Use a cleanplatterand utensilswhen removingcookedfoods. Cook: Cookmeat and poultrythoroughlyto killbacteria.Use a thermometerto ensureproperinternalfood temperatures. Chill: Refrigeratepreparedfoods and leftoverspromptly. temperatures, How To Tell If Meat Is Grilled Thoroughly • Meat and poult_ cookedon a grilloftenbrownsveryfast on the outside.Use a meat thermometerto be sure food has • • • • 1 BurnerCooking Cook with direct or indirectheat. Best for smaller meals or roods. Consumes less fuel. V 2 Burner Cooking Great indirect cooking on low. Produces slow, even heating. Ideal for slow roasting and baking. 14,4632215 reacheda safe internaltemperature,and cutintofood to checkfor visualsignsof doneness. Whole poultryshouldreach1800 F; breasts,1700F. Juices shouldrunclear and fleshshouldnotbe pink. Hamburgersmadeof any groundmeat or poultryshould reach1600 F, and be brownin the middlewith no pinkjuices. Beef,veal and lambsteaks,roastsand chopscanbe cooked to 1450F.All cutsof porkshould reach160o F. NEVER partiallygrillmeator poultryand finishcookinglater. Cookfood completelyto destroyharmfulbacteria, Whenreheatingtakeoutfoodsor fully cookedmeatslike hot dogs,grillto 165° F, or untilsteaminghot. Problem Possible Cause Prevention/Cure Burnerwill not light usin9 ignitor. Wiresand/orelectrodecoveredwith cookingresidue. Cleanwiresand/orelectrodewithrubbingalcohol and cleanswab. Electrode crackedor broken"sparksat crack" Replaceelectrode(s). Electrode tipnot inproperposition MainBurners: Tipofelectrode should bepointing toward tipofcollector box.Thedistance should be1/8"to1/4",adJust ifnecessary. Sidebumer: Tipofelectrode should bepointing toward gasportopening onburner.Thedistance should be1/8"to3/16",adjust ifnecessary. Wiresarelooseordisconnected. Reconnect wiresorreplace electrode/wire assembly. Wireisshorting(sparking) between ignitorandelectrode. Replace ignitor wire/electrode assembly. Deadbattery, Replace witha newAAbattery. Nogasfiow. Turngasonatsource. Obstruction ofgasflow. Clearburner tubes. Disengagement ofburnertovalve. Reengage burnerandvalve. Flamesblow out. Highorgustingwinds. Turnfrontofgrilltofacewindorincrease flameheight. Flare-up. Greasebuildup. Cleangdll, Excessive fatinmeat. Trimfatfrommeatbefore grilling. Excessive cooking temperature. Adjust (lower) temperature accordingly oruseindirect cooking. Persistentgrease fire. Greasetrappedbyfoodbuilduparound bumersystern. Turnknobs toOFF.Turngasoffatgassource.Leavelidinposition andletfireburnout.Aftergril/cools,removeandcleanallparts. Flashback... (firein burnertubes) Burnerand/orburnertubesare blocked. Cleanburner and/orburner tubes. Burnerswill not matchlight. 4632215 • 15 A DivisionofW.C.BradleyCo. P.O.Box1240 Columbus,GA 31902-1240
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