Cheng Uei Precision Industry 20200000 802.11b/g Router User Manual ManualNew

Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 802.11b/g Router ManualNew


User Manual Part 2

34SSID & ChannelHere is where you may modify the SSID andChannel of your Wireless-G Broadband Router.• SSID (Service Set ID, or Network Name):Enter the name you wish to give your Wireless-GBroadband Router (ex. “JOHN” or “IOGEAR”).Every Wireless Clients (PC card, USB and PCIadaptors) in your network must be configured toaccept with the same SSID.• ChannelIt can be left as Default, unless you plan on usingmultiple access points. When multiple WirelessNetworks presenting, please ensure they are notusing the same channel, preferably at least 5channels apart to each other.• Accept Broadcast SSIDBy broadcasting SSID, all wireless devices atsurrounding area can see your wireless router andeasy to associate with it. However, it is a goodsecurity practice not to broadcast SSID, justconfigure SSID info to those client devices you wantthem to access you network.Configuration Utility
It allows you to configure the setting of networkauthentication and data encryption.• Network Authentication:You can specify the authentication type.- “Both” allows wireless client devices accessyour router no matter with shared key or not.- “Share Key” only allows devices with sameWEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key toaccess your wireless router.- “802.1X” and “WPA” require you to type inRadius server IP and server key. Pleasecheck with your Network Administrator forrelated information.- “WPA-PSK” needs a pre-shared key to be seton your wireless router and all wireless clientdevices.35Authentication & EncryptionConfiguration Utility
• Encryption:- WEP Configuration36Configuration UtilityClick the drop-down menu to select WEP to enablethe WEP function and select 64 bits or 128 bits. The128 bits gives a higher level of security. Theselection must be the same between all connectednetwork devices. For 64-bit WEP key, it should befive ASCII characters (a-z and 0-9, for example:gear56) or ten hexadecimal digits in length (athrough f, and 0 through 9, for example:2af30bc9d5); for 128 bit WEP key, the length will be13 characters for ASCII or 26 digits for Hexadecimal.WEP keys 1-4 enable you to create an encryptionscheme for wireless LAN transmissions.
37Configuration Utility WPA and WPA-PSK configurationWi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a sub-set of theforthcoming IEEE 802.11i security standard.  WPAaddresses those known weakness of WEP andprovides stronger security to wireless network.IOGEAR Wireless-G Broadband Router supportsthree authentication modes:• 802.11x (need RADIUS server to authenticatethe clients, using WEP keying)• WPA (same 802.1x, but with TKIP keyingsupport); WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key, noRADIUS server needed)- WPA-PSK
38- WPAConfiguration UtilityThere are two ways to configure WPA Pre-Shared Key:1. PassPhrase Mode: Input a phrase into the field.The Wireless-G Broadband Router will automati-cally generate a Pre-Shared Key based on thephrase you enter.  The phrase can be within 8 to 63characters (we recommend at least 12 charactersto achieve a sufficient level of security).2. Hex mode: Input 64 hexadecimal digits.   Pleasewrite down the key you enter.  You will need to entersame key to your wireless client side.WPA Group Rekey IntervalThis router could change the group key periodically.Enter the period you want into the WPA Group RekeyInterval field.Encryption TypeThe current version only supports TKIP encryption.AES encryption will be available soon.
39Configuration UtilityRADIUS Server IPPlease enter the IP address of RADIUS serverRADIUS Server PortThis field specifies the port on which RADIUS serveris listening.RADIUS Server KeyThis field carries the shared secret for RADIUSauthentication. Some information need to beencrypted in a RADIUS packet, this key is used toencrypt and decrypt this information (such aspassword).Reconfirm RADIUS Server KeyMake sure RADIUS Server Key is correct.WPA Group Rekey Interval It is the same as WPA-PSK configurationEncryption TypeIt is the same WPA-PSK configurationNote:To complete the WPA operation, you also need to enable theWPA client at the wireless client site (the computer runningwireless client’s devices, such as the GWP511 Cardbus cardGWP512 Cardbus Card or GWU513 USB adaptor).Microsoft provides a free WPA upgrade for Windows XPService Pack 1 (SP1) and later or Windows Server 2003.  Forany OS other than Win XP, there is client software availablefrom third-party suppliers such as Funk Software’s Odyssey( IOGEAR’s GWP512 Wireless-G Network PCCard has it built-in.The WPA client for Windows XP can be found in the MicrosoftKnowledge Base Article 815485 (;en-us;815485) or downloaded directlyfrom Microsoft
40Configuration UtilityAfter installed, the Windows WPA Client will update thewireless network configuration dialog boxes to support newWPA options.1. Click Connect To>Wireless  Network  Connectionto bring up the dialogue window of WirelessNetwork Connection Status.  Click theProperties box to bring up next dialogue window.2. In the Wireless Network Connection Propertieswindow, under Wireless Networks tab, pleasecheck the box of “Use Windows to configure mywireless network settings” to turn on theWireless Zero Configuration service.  Select thewireless access point you want to associate to,then click Configure box at the right side to bringup next dialogue window.
3. Set up your WPA configuration by selecting theNetwork Authentication mode and Dataencryption, and input same Network key as youinput at the Wireless-G Broadband Gateway.Then, you are served by a more secured wirelessnetwork41Configuration Utility
Here you can configure Wireless radio settings.Please note that these settings are for advanced usersor network administrators. If you are unfamiliar withhow to configure these parameters, we recommendthat you keep them at their default value.• Mode: The Wireless-G Broadband Router can be setat three wireless modes: Auto, 802.11g only and802.11b only. If both 802.11g and 802.11b clientspresenting at your network, please select “Auto”mode (This is default mode). “802.11g only” modeonly supports 802.11g clients, and gives betterperformance to whole network. However, all 802.11bclients will not be able to use your network at thismode setting. In some situation, 802.11b clients withold drivers cannot work with Auto mode; “802.11bonly” mode can accommodate this problem, butdecrease the performance of 802.11g devices.42Configuration UtilityRadio Setting
• Beacon Period: Beacons are packets sent by therouter to synchronize a wireless network. The valueof beacon interval is depending on the environmentwhere the router is operating. Specify a Beaconinterval value between 1 and 1000(units: ms). Thedefault value is set to 100 milliseconds, i.e., tenbeacons per second.• RTS Threshold: The RTS threshold is the packet sizeat which packet transmission is governed by theRTS/CTS transaction. Each station can have adifferent RTS threshold. If you encounter inconsistentdata flow, only minor modifications are recom-mended. The default value for RTS Threshold is setto 2347.• Fragment Threshold: This value should remain at itsdefault setting of 2346. If you experience a highpacket error rate, you may modify slightly your“Fragmentation” value within the value range of 800to 2346. Setting the Fragmentation value too low mayresult in poor performance.• DTIM Period: Enter a value between 1 and 255 forthe Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM). ADTIM is a countdown informing clients of the nextwindow for listening to broadcast and multicastmessages. When the router has buffered broadcastor multicast messages for associated clients, itsends the next DTIM with a DTIM Interval value. Itsclients hear the beacons and awaken to receivethe broadcast and multicast messages. The defaultvalue for DTIM interval is set to 1.43Configuration Utility
44Configuration UtilityAssociation ControlThis page allows you to control which computerscan connect to the Wireless-G Broadband Router.If you enable this feature, only computers with aMAC address listed located in AssociationControl List can connect to the wireless LAN.To add an association, enter the MAC address in theaddress field, specify Allow or Deny attribute and clickAdd button.To delete an association, click Delete button from theAssociation Client List.
45Configuration UtilityAssociated Client ListIt displays information of stations that arecurrently associated to your wireless router. Youcan check who are linking to your network, forsecurity and activity monitoring purposes. ClickRefresh button to update the list.
46Configuration UtilityInternet PageIn Internet Settings, you can configure the way your Wireless-G Broadband Router uses to connect to your ISP.
47Configuration UtilityConnection TypeIt allows you to configure the way you connect to yourISP.  This Wireless Broadband Router can beconnected to your ISP in any of the following ways:DHCP Client, PPPoE, Static IP and PPTP• DHCP Client:  Enter the Host Name if yourISP provides it; otherwise, just leave it blank.
48Configuration Utility• Dynamic IP - PPPoE: Complete User name,password, confirm password fields. • Static IP: Complete the IP address, subnet mask,ISP gateway and primary DNS fields.
49Configuration Utility• Dynamic IP - PPTP: Complete fields on this screen.Those information can get from your ISP.
If your ISP restricts connections to pre-registeredcomputers only, use the MAC Clone feature to copyyour computer’s Media Access Control (MAC) addressto your wireless broadband router. This procedure willcause the Wireless-G Broadband Router to appear asa single computer.To do MAC Clone: click Clone MAC Automatically.50Configuration UtilityMAC Clone
This feature enables you to run your domain ( over a changing IP. Before youcan use this feature, you need to sign up for DDNSservice from one of the Dynamic DNS providers thatthis Wireless-G Broadband Router supports and fill inrelated fields to make it work.  You may follow thefollowing steps to enable this function.• Sign up for DDNS service and write down the hostname, user name and password.• Click the radio button of Enable to enable thedynamic DNS function.• Complete the host name, user name and passwordfields.• Click Update Now button to update the information.Click the radio button of Disable to disable thisfunction.51Configuration UtilityDynamic DNS
52Configuration UtilityFirewall PageYour IOGEAR Wireless-G Broadband Router features powerful and flexible firewall protection to keep yourcomputer and/or network secure.You can configure the strength of firewall protection at a high or low level. If you are an advanced user, youcan configure firewall policies depending on your needs.
Configure the basic settings to enable the firewall toprotect your network from hacker attacks. ChooseHigh, Low or Disable button will enable itscorresponding settings.Please be careful on these configurations. Anyincorrect settings might cause the firewall to block alltraffic or make your network vulnerable to outsidehacker attacks.53Configuration UtilityBasic Setting
54Configuration UtilityService FilterYou can add custom service filters not listed in theservices tables. Select any added custom servicefilters in the Policies section to enable advancedfirewall settings.Name field: Enter the name you wish to give to anyapplication.Protocol: Click the drop-down menu to select TCP orUDP protocol.Port range: Check the application’s documentationand enter the port range.Descriptions: Describe the application.
55Configuration UtilitySome of the popular applications and protocol/port numbers settings are defined below:
56Configuration UtilityPoliciesPolicies are rules that you define for your firewallsettings. You may define rules, for example, forinbound and outbound traffic.Virtual DMZIf you have a local client computer that cannot runan Internet application properly from behind theNAT firewall, you can open the client up tounrestricted two-way Internet access by defininga Virtual DMZ.
Network Address Translation allows multiple computers on your network to access the Internet over a singleuser account. NAT can also prevent hacker attacks by mapping local addresses to public addresses for keyservices such as Web or FTP.57Configuration UtilityNAT Page
You can configure the Wireless-G Broadband Routeras a virtual server so that remote users can accessservices such as Web or FTP at your local site viapublic IP addresses.For example: a FTP server (public port 21) will betranslated into a local site (private private port 1502.Special Applications such as Internet gaming, videoconferencing, and Internet telephony software usuallyrequire multiple connections. The Special Applicationsfeature allows these applications to work properly.58Configuration UtilityVirtual Server Virtual Server
This page includes all the basic configuration of the Broadband Router.59Configuration UtilitySummary Page
You can view the status of your Wireless-GBroadband Router from this window. The systemstatus of the router is divided into four sections:General information, Internet Settings, LAN Settingsand Wireless Settings. Click Refresh button to updateall information.List the data transmission status of the router. ClickRefresh button to update statistics.60Configuration UtilitySystem Status Statistic
61Configuration UtilityEvent LogYou can view any/all system eventssent through your network from thiswindow. Click Refresh button toupdate the list.
Technical Support64If you need technical support, please check out our IOGEAR Tech Info Library (T.I.L.) for the latest tips, tricks, and troubleshooting.  The IOGEAR  T.I.L.was designed to provide you with the latest technical information about our products.  Most ofthe answers to your questions can be found here, so please try it out before contacting technicalsupport.Technical support is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST and can bereached at (949) 453-8782 or by email
Radio & TV Interference StatementWARNING!!!  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference toradio communications.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fora Class B computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designedto provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercialenvironment.  Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, inwhich case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may berequired to correct the interference.65
IN NO EVENT SHALL THE DIRECT VENDOR’S LIABILITY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OFTHE PRODUCT, DISK OR ITS DOCUMENTATION EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THEPRODUCT.The direct vendor makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statutory withrespect to the contents or use of this documentation, and especially disclaims its quality,performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.The direct vendor also reserves the right to revise or update the device or documentationwithout obligation to notify any individual or entity of such revisions, or updates.  For furtherinquires please contact your direct vendor.Limited Warranty66
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant topart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void yourauthority to operate the equipment.1) To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm mustbe maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.2) This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Regulatory Compliance FCC Warning67
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