Chic Technology 1441UP Wireless Optical Mouse User Manual C123A Manual

Chic Technology Corporation Wireless Optical Mouse C123A Manual

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Date Submitted2002-01-25 00:00:00
Date Available2002-01-24 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-12-06 13:29:58
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for Windows
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Document Title穨C123A-Manual

Wireless Optical Mouse
with Rechargeable Mouse Receiver
Use'r Guide
Us er's Guide for Wireless Optical Mouse
with Rechargeable Mouse Receiver
Fedvnl Cummumuham CnmmlssmMFCC) requnernanlr, Fun 15
Thu quupmenthusheenustednndfolmd to comply wrththe unuls fora class B dlglmldevlne, plllslnntln part 15 efthe FCC Rules
These hnuls are desrgnedle pmvrde reasonable pmlecllonugalxtsihamfitl laurferenee mu ns‘denual lnslallailnn
Tlur equlpm-ntgtnentei, user enucenndme ream fllquzncyem Kyllldv ll'nollnitlllld lndusadlnlccoldnlce mm the
mtllmllnns. maycanse hernfullnterfereace to menu comunlclumls However, there rs m guarantee thallmelfilenu W111 nnt
aecnr lnn puncuLu utstallaunn lfthls equlpmenl sacs cause harmful rnterfe renee tn new nnelevlsmnnceptlnn, whlchcan be
dstumlnvdhytumlng 1h» vqlnpm-m nfl'nnd on, the user rs "twang-d la lryto correct the rnurfuenc. byene armor. enhe
l'nllnwmg measures
"Reonexllol'nlnute therecemng ante-tn 1h: nplntmnbetwun 1h. cqulpmlnt lndnulw r
,.Connecltle eqluplnenl mm an mullet an e clrculldlfl‘elenlfmm that In whlch the recewer 1s ennnzcted
"Consult the unlemren expulenced “Allan-V leehnrelan rnrhelp
cannon Any: hence e of murmur-ans nal e xpressly nppmvzd hylhe gunk: e emns rlevlc e cnuld and the users euthonlylo
operate the equlpmenl
Cnn gratulatiens on yuur purchase of thiszreless OpticalMuuse. Please carefully read the
User‘s Guidetu learn abuut the installatilm and the puwel’l'ul functiuns or ylmr newWireless
1. Contents at“ the Package
1) ereless Optlcal Mouse q
2) Rechargeable Mouse Recelver *1 (PS/2, USB or Combo)
3) AC toDC Adaptor *1
4) TwoAA or two AAARechargeab le Batterles for the Mouse
5) Mouse Drwer *1 (Dlsk or CD-ROM)
6) User‘s Gulde *1
2. mstallHardware
241 Install the Rechargeable Mouse Recerver wlth a PSIZ Connector ‘ name 24
1) Please turn offyour PC b efore connect the PS/Z connector Wlth
the PC
2) Plug the PS/Z connector ofthe recelverlnto the PS/2 mouse port
Oflhe PC 9
M Install the Rechargeable Mouse Recelverwlth a USB Connector ‘ Flame 2—2
1) You can turn on the PC before connect the USB connectorwnth
the PC
2) Plug the USB connector of the recelv er lnto the USB mouse port
ofthe PC
2—3 lnstfill the RechargeableMouseRecelverWlth aUSB toPS/Z ',7 . figme 2.3
Combo Connector
1) The Combo Connector ls 3 USE Connectorwllh BUSB to PS/Z
2) Please checkthemouseport ofyour PC Ifthe mouse port ofthe
pc 1s USE, please plugthe use connector
tothePC wlthout usmg the USB to Ps/z
3) lfthe mouseport ofthe PC lsPS/Z, please
turn offthe pc, connect the use
connectorwrth the USB toPS/Z adaptor,
and then connectthe recewerwnh the PC
2—4 Select the Mouse Channel
1) The two—channel swltch ls located atthe
b ack ofthe mouse orlnslde the battery
Case Select channel '1" or “ Z'
rlgme 24 crane-me.
2) The lncatlnn althe channel swltch may he dlrrerent
[mm Figure 2.4 due tn variausmause shapes.
3)Putthe batterres mtothe battery case
275 Llnk the Mouse Wlth the Rechargeable Mouse Recelver [ED MM”
1) Turn on thePC The LED 1ndlcator on the recelver W111 mmmfln
ll ht ‘
2) Press the ID Llnk Button on the recelv er and the LED
lndlcator W1 ll bl lnk The recelv er ls ready to Fame 2,5
automatlcally llnk wlth the mouse
3) Pressthe ID Lkautton on the back ofthe mouse and the LED mdlcator on the
recelver w1llbllnk qulckly The lndlcatorwlll stay m llght whlle successfully flnlsh the
4)TheLED1ndlcatorwtllblmk whlleyou move file mouse
5)ltyou needto re-lmk themouse or after changmg themousebattenes, p lease repeatthe
above lmkage mstruchons
6)Ifthe selected channel 1s mterfered by otherwlreless-mouse usersnearby, please change the
selected channel to the other channel 1mmedlately
3. InstallDrivel'
3-1 Notlce
1) The drlver supp ortszdows 95, Wmdows 98,W1nd0ws NT, Wmdows 2000, Wmdows
ME and Wlndows XP
2) The USB mterface 1s compatlble Wlth Wlndows 98, Wlndows 2000, Wlndows ME and
WmdowsXP only
ls__.. “1.1
3,2 Installatlon «I
l)Insertthe driver dlsk or CD—ROM to yourPC ThePC [W
system may automatlcally mstall the drlverthrough “mm-
selectlng the pc auto-mstan functlon
2) Ifthe PC system does not setthe auto—mstall functlon,
pleasedouble cllck the file “SetUp exe" andfollowthe
setup mstructlons to complete the drlver mstallatlon
+ 3) AMouse Settlng lcon W111 appear on the tool bar of
Wlndows after you successfully flnlsh the m sta11at1 on
3,3 SelectMouseFunctlons "We H"
1)Doub1e cllck the Mouse Setlmg lcon
Z)Follow the selectlon mstructlonsto setthe button
. mm -D.wl -hunlll1wlc-x - - xp-r.
4m Saul] 
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 3
Create Date                     : 2001:12:06 13:29:58
Title                           : .穨.C123A-Manual
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for Windows
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: IOW1441UP

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