Chicony Electronics Co MP-979 User Manual 8

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Date Submitted2000-01-14 00:00:00
Date Available1998-11-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-01 18:24:51
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Document Lastmod2001-05-01 18:24:52
Document Title8

Notebook User‘s Manual
User’s Manual
Version 1.16
August, 1998
Notebook User's Manual
ions and information found in this manual are subject to change without notice.
e will be incorporated in future editions. The manufacturer assumes no
or omissions in this document.
Any changes therefor
responsibility for errors
ademarks of Microsoft Corp.
93 and NT are tr
e trademarks of Intel Semiconductor
MS—DOS, Windows 3‘1, 95,
Pentium, Pentium ll, Tillamook aud MMX ar
Other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Printed in Taiwan, August 1998
Revision: H6
l I
Page lV
Notebook User's Manual
Please read these safety instructions carefully.
Please keep this Users Manual for later reference,
Please disconnect this equipment from AC outlet before cleaning.
Don't use liquid or sprayed detergent for cleaning.
Use moisture sheet or cloth for cleaning,
For pluggable equipment the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment
and shall be easily accessible.
Please keep this equipment from humidity,
Lay this equipment on a reliable surface when install. A drop or fall could cause
The openings on the enclosure are for air convection hence protects the
equipment from overheating. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS. We
recommend you to use the rear feet whenever possible, this not only improves the
ergonomics when you type it also helps to cool the notebook down. Don't use
your notebook on a sofl surface, like a bed since this would cover the ventilation
holes in the bottom ofthe notebook.
Make sure the voltage of the power source when connect the equipment to the
power outlet,
Place the power cord such a way that people can not step on it Do not place
anything over the power cord.
All cautions and warnings on the equipment should he noted.
If the equipment is not used for long time, disconnect the equipment from mains
to avoid being damaged by transient overvoltage.
Never pour any liquid into opening, this could cause fire or electrical shock.
Never open the equipment. For safety reason, the equipment should only be
opened by qualified service personnel.
Notebook User's Manual
14. if one of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by a service
a. The power cord or plug is damaged.
b. Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.
e. The equipment has been exposed to moisture.
d, The equipment does not work well or you can not get it work according to
user‘s manual.
e. The equipment has dropped and damaged.
f. lithe equipment has obvious sign ofbreakage.
16. For battery safety , read battery chapter 5.1 1.
17. For Fax Modem safety read Appendix C.
Page V
Notebook User’s Manual
Safety Notices
To comply with Canadian and Us laws, the safety information is provided in English and
Caution: To reduce the risk of an electric shock, which could cause personal
injury. follow all safety notices The symbols shown are used in your
documentation and on your equipment to indicate safety hazards.
Attention: Afin de prevenir les risques d'élecn'ocntion, respectez mules les
consignee de securite. Les symboles figurant dans la documentation et
indiquent les points dangereuxt
Warning: Lithium batteries cam be dangerous. Improper handling or installation
of lithium batteries may result in an explosion. Replace them only
with an exact replacement. Dispose of lithitnn batteries by returning
them to your dealer.
Avertissement Les batteries lithium présentent certains risqm. Une mauvaise
manipulation on installation pent pmvoquer une explosion des
batteries. N‘ulilisez que ee type de batteries Rapponez les batteries
usées chez votre revendeur.
11 System Connectors: This equipment has not been designed for connection to all 1T
power systems; a modification may be required. Contact your dealer or local electrical
Connecteurs systéme [T Cet appareil n'a pas éte conqu pour erre connecté 3 tons les
systemes d‘alimemntion [T et si vous avez besoin d'y apporter une modification. adressez—
vous a votre revendeur on ‘a un electricien.
Page V!
Notebook Users Manual
Safety Notices for All Users
This equipment has a 2-wire power cord. Replace the power cord if it gets damaged
Contact your dealer for an exact replacement.
In the U.S.A. and Canada, the power cord must be a UL-listed detachable power cord (in
Canada, GSA—certified), type SPT-2. l8 AWG, 2-conductor, provided with a molded-on
NEMA type 1-15 P plug cap atone end and a molded-on cord connector body at the other
end. The cord length must not exceed 15 feet (4.5 meters}
Outside the U.S.A, and Canada, the plug must be rated for 250 VAC, 2.5 amp minimum,
and must display an international agency approval marking. The cord must be suitable for
use in the end-user country. Consult your dealer or the local electrical authorities if you are
unsure of the type of power cord to use in your country. Voltage changes occur
automatically in the power supply.
Consignes de sécurité
Cet equipment possede un cordon d'alimentation a deux fils. Si le cordon d‘alimentation
vcnait a étre abimé, avant de le remplacer, oonsultez votre rcvendeur.
Aux Etats-Unis et an Canada, le cordon d‘alimentation doit étre detachable, homologue UL
(Certifié CSA pour le Canada), de type SPT-Z. 18 AWG, 3 2 fils, foumi avec prise
surrnoule’e NEMA de type l-lSl’ a une extremite' et un cordon de raccordement sumioule a
la masse "a l'autre extre’mitéi La longueur du cordon ne doit pas depasser 4,5 metres.
Hors des Etats»Unis et du Canada, la prise doit étre conforme pour 250 V, 2.5 A minimum;
la marque d‘homologation d‘un organisme international doit e’galement figurer sur la prise,
Le cordon d‘alimenmtion doit étre confonne aux normes du pays de l'utilisateur final, Si
vous ne savez pas quel type de cordon utiliser, adressez-vous a votre revendeur on a un
électricien. Le changement de voltage survient automatiquement dans l'alimentation.
Page Vll
Notebook User's Manual
Warning: Under no circumstances should the user attempt to disassemble the
power supply. The power supply has no usefleplaceable parrsl lnside
the power supply are hazardous voltages that can cause serious
personal injury. A defective power supply must he returned to your
Attention: Ne tentez jamsis dc démonter le bloc d‘alimentation. Vous n'Etes pas
qualifié pour en remplacer Ies elements, et vous risqueriez de vous
électrccuter en tonchant l'une de ses mnes it home tension. S'il m
défectneux, vous demz le rapporter chez votre revendeun
Safety Notices for Users Outside of the U.S.A. and Canada
PELV (Protected Extra-Low Voltage) Integrity To ensure the extra-low voltage integrity
of the equipment, connect only equipment With mains~protected electrically compatible
circuits to the external ports.
Remote Earths To prevent electrical shock, connect all local (individual office) computers
and computer support equipment to the some electrical circuit of the building wiring. if you
are unsure. check the building wiring to avord remote earth conditions.
Earth Bonding For safe operation, only connect the equipment to a building supply that is
in accordance with current wiring regulations in your country. In the UK“ those regulations
are the 1513
Page VIN
Notebook User‘s
Laser Compliance Statement for CD-ROM. DVD-ROM and LS-120
The CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LS-lZO drive in this notebook computer is a laser product.
The classification label of the drive is located on top of the drive. Below is a sample of the
classification label;
The drive is certified in the USA to comply with the requirements of the Department of
Health and Human Services 21 Code of Federal Regulations (DHHS 21 CFR) Subchapter J.
for Class 1 laser products.
In other countries the drive is certified to comply with the requirements ofENGOSZS.
Do not open the drive, There are no user-serviceable parts or
components inside. Use of controls, adjustments and operation of
procedures other titan those specified, may result in hawdnus
exposure to radiation. Class 1 (1) laser prodch are not considered
hazardous The drive has an internal, Class I (l), 0.5-milliwatt,
aluminum galliumataenide laser that operates at a wavelength of 760
to 810 nanometers. The design of the laser system and the drive
ensures that there is no exposure to laser radiation above a Class I (1)
level during normal operation, user maintenance or servicing
Page [X
Notebook User’s Manual
The following conventions ure adopted throughout this manual:
I Notebook in boldface (with or without capitalization) refers to
the notebook computer, which you have purchased.
I Boldface type is also used to highlight important information
in this document.
I The messages, which appear on the notebook screen, will be
boxed when they are mentioned.
I Whenever extra caution is called for, the information will he
boxed in a darker frame preceded by “Nata" or "Warningz"
Page X
Notebook User's Manual
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital
device. pursuant to part l5 of the FCC Rules, These limitations are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation, This
equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energ and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation, If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures;
I Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver
I Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected,
. Consult dealer or a Radio/TV technician for help.
Use only shielded l/O cables to connect [10 devices to this equipment.
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.
Page X!
Notebook User's Manual
We confirm that the following information will be supplied to the users of this equipment.
This information will be provided with the user’s manual
This equipment complies with Part 68 ofthe FCC mles. On the bottom of this equipment is
the label that contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and Ringer
Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment, IF REQUESTED, THIS INFORMATION
The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone
line and still have all of those devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most,
but not all areas, the sum of the REN‘s of all devices connected to one line should not
exceed five (50). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as
determined by the REN. you should contact your local telephone company to determine the
maximum KEN for your calling area. If your telephone equipment cause harm to the
telephone network, the telephone company may disconnect your service temporarily. If
possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advance notice isn‘t practical, you will be
informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC,
Your telephone company may change in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures
that could affect the proper functioning of your equipment, If they do, you will be notified
in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service,
The telephone company may ask that you disconnect this equipment from the network until
the problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the equipment is not
malfunctioning. This equipment may not he used on coin service provided by the telephone
company. Connection to party lines is subjected to state tariffs.
Page XII
Notebook User's Manual
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 199] makes it unlawful for any person to use a
computer or their electronic device to send any message via a telephone facsimile machine
unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted
page or on the first page of the transmission the following information:
(i) the date and time of transmission
(2) identification of either business, business entity or individual sending the message; and
(3) telephone number of either the sending machine, business entity or individual.
In order to program this information into your fax/modem, please refer to the appropriaie
instructions in your fax/modem manual
Canadian EMI Compliance Statement
This Class B digital apparams meets all requirements of the Canadian interference-Causing
Equipment Regulations.
Avis do conformit aux normes du EMI du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respects toutes les exigences du Reglement sur le
materiel brouilieur du Canada.
European Union CE Marking Declaration
This product has been tested and found to comply with the EMC requirements subject to the
EU directive for CE marking.
Contents Notebook Users Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction ,
1,1 Unpacking and setting up
I.2 Accessories..,. ..
1.3 Operating envtronment
1.4 Fans .. ,.
Chapter 2 Before you begin ..
2 1 Front view.
22 Lefi view
2.3 Right view
2.4 Rear view .
2.5 Bottom View.
26 Interior features
2.7 System Status dlsp ay indicators
2 8 Keyboard .........
2.9 Hot-key functions
2.10 Touchpad..
2.1 I Power button
Chapter 3 Software mstallatton.
3.1 DOS 6.22.
3.2 Windows 3,1
3.3 Windows 95
3.4 Windows 98
3.5 Windows NT 4.0
3.6 Other OS
3 7 New sofiware drivers over the Internet .
Chapter 4 Smartbay
4.1 FDD bay.
4.2 ctHwM bay
43 Battery bay.
4.4 HDD bay
Page XIV
Notebook User’s Manual Contents
Chapter 5 Batteries 5-1
5.1 Difi'erem kind of batteries
5.2 Recharging the batterie
53 Battery maintenance
5.4 Removing the battery
55 The Best Battery Life for Storage . 5-2
5.6 Power consumption ..... .5—2
5.7 Reducing power consumption -2
5.8 Battery LED and Alann.. -3
5,9 Liihium Battery Disposal -3
510 AC adapter
5.11 Battery Safety notice
Chapter 6 Power Management ...............
6.1 Full on mode ..
6.2 Standby mode..
6.3 Suspend / Suspend (0 RAM
6.4 0 Volt Suspend mode / Suspend to dis
Chapter 7 Connectors and Peripherals
7.1 CRT pan .
7 2 USB port .
7.3 Parallel port.
7.4 Game pon
7.5 Serial port
7.6 F's/2 pom.
7.7 Video In/Oul connectors
78 Audio connectors
7.9 IrDA interface
Paige xi/
Chapter 8 Optional accessories
3 1 LS-IZO drive
3.2 ZlP drive
3,3 2"4 Battery.
8.4 2“ HDD
8.6 Docking station
87 Port Replicator .....
Appendix A
A.1 The Main Menu.,..
A2 The Advanced Menu
A3 The Security Menu.,.
A 4 The Power Saving Men
A.5 The Boot Menu
A.6 The Exit Menu..
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Page XVI
Notebook User’s Manual
Setting up the BIOS. ................... A—l
Specifications ..........................
Faxmodem installation .......................... C-l
CPU upgrade ......................... D-l
Memory upgrade .......................... .E-1
Difficult Words ...................................... F-l
Error report ......................... G-l
Notebook user‘s manual Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Thank you for buying this unique notebook, we are sure it will bring you lots of use and
convenience either at office or on the road.
1.1 Unpacking and setting up
Notebook Q
External FDD cable
CD-ROM drivers
CD utllities
Power cable
2“ Battery cover
User Manual
Main battery Qq %
Floppy Diskette
Please make sure that you have all the above items, if not call the place where you bought
the notebook and inform them. Some of the items might be installed in yoru' notebook
If you need to send your notebook for service or upgrade it's recommended to use the
packing box, so save it for the future.
1.2 Accessories
There are many standard notebook accessories available for notebook computers that can
enhance the use of your notebook. Some accessories are proprietary and can only be used
with your notebook, these accessories are described in Chapter 8,
Page 1-1
Introduction Notebook user’s manual
1 . 3 Operating environment
Care should be taken when traveling with or using the system when mobile. When selecting
a suitable working location, please consider the ventilation, temperature, dust and dirt, and
electromagnetic and RF interference.
The selected location should provrde a sturdy and reasonably level surface with at least four
inches of open space around the computer cabinet for proper airflow. Your computer
functions best at room temperature. Choose a location free from extreme heat or cold,
Note: We recommend the use of the feet in the rear of the notebook, when
using these the notebook operates cooler since the ventilation is better.
It's also important not to operate the notebook on sofi surfaces, like a
bed since this will cover the ventilation holes of the notebook.
Warning: Don't expose the notebook to cold (trust) or heat, don't leave the
notebook in the car, don't drop it, spill fluids or open the case. This
can destroy the notebook and Void the warranty.
The system‘s Liquid Crystal Digital (LCD) video display may be
damaged by exposure to intense sunlight, which builds up excessive
heat inside the display enclosure. Only exposure to indirect or
subdued sunlight is recommended.
1.4 Fans
There is one fan on the lefi side of the notebook, it will turn on when you power up the
notebook. The fan will turn off when the notebook enters Suspend or Saveeto-RAM (SZR)
modes. When you wake-up from either Suspend or SZR the fan will turn on again.
Warning: If the temperahue oontinues to rise above the CPU allowable limit,
either due to defect fan or the notebook is operated in a too hot
environment or a sofl surface that covers the ventilation holes. Then
the notebook will enter Save—to-disk mode (S2D). If there is no
PHDISK partition (see Chapter 3) the notebook will shutdown and
your data will be lost.
Page 1-2
Notebook user's manual Before you begin
Chapter 2 Before you begin
2.1 Front view
v Gently press the release button on front of the
notebook and raise the display until it is at a
comfortable viewing angle.
To close the display, press the top cover down until the
latch snaps into place. The display folds down to form
a cuver over the keyboard when the notebook
computer is not in use
when you close the notebook make sure that there are
no items on the keyboard or palmrest since these might
damage the LCD panel.
22 Left view
DC-jack Fan PCMCIAslols Main battery FAX/Modem
’ \ Compartment ‘ ‘ (optional)fl_/
”Page 2—1
Before you begin Notebook user's manual
2.3 Right view
in. Li em Lin out
CD bay FDD bay IrDA
2.4 Rear view
CRT Docking! USB Parallel Serial
replicator wdeo»0utl|n Game PS/Z KebeMouse
Note: We recommend you to use the feet whenever possible, this not only
improves the ergonomics when you type it also helps to cool the
notebook down.
Page 2-2
Notebook user's manual Before you begin
2. 5 Bottom view
CD bay
Release lot:
CPU cover
FDD bay
Release lock
Main battery
Name card Release lock
26 Interior features
Pawer bunon
Indicator display
Power LED
LG I h
Keyboard D cover SWI c
Mouse buttons
Page 2-5
Before you begin Notebook user's manual
2.7 System Status display indicators
This indicator lights when the system accesses the internal HDD .
Caps Lock
This indicator lights when the Caps Lock function is active. Press the Caps Lock key
again to deactivate this function.
This indicator lights when the system accesses the FDD.
Number Lock
This indicator lights when the embedded keypad is toggled “ON“ or an external
keypad is in numeric mode.
This indicator lights when the system accesses the inlemal CD-ROM 4
Scroll Lock
This indicator lights when the Scroll Lock function is active. Press the Scroll Lock
key again to deactivate this function.
SZR Mode
This indicator lights when the notebook is in the Save to RAM
PCMCIA Card Slot B
This indicator lights when a PCMClA card is installed .
Page 2-4
Notebook users manual Before you begin
PCMCIA Card Slot A
This indicator lights when a PCMCIA card is installed . Only slot A supports the ZV
Secondary Battery Icon
This indicator lights when the secondary battery pack is installed at System ON
Mode or Power source is Adapter .
Main Battery Icon
This indicator lights when the primary (main) battery pack is installed .
Secondary Battery Charge Indicator
This indicator lights when the Secondary Battery is in full charge mode (unit is
turned ofi).
Main Battery Charge Indicator
This indicator lights when the Main Battery is in charge mode (unit is turned oft). If
this indicator flickers continuously for more than eight hours, then this indicates that
the battery may be damaged.
Power OnIOff Icon
The Icon Indicates Status Of Power On EL Off.
AC Power
This indicator lights when the system is operating on AC power.
Page 2-5
Before you begin Notebook user‘s manual
2.8 Keyboard
. us Keyboard layom
2.9 Hot-key functions
You can use hot-key combinations to control system functions.
Hot-Keys System Function
Fn+F I NTSC/PAL/LCD toggle
Fn+F3 Increase contrast (DSTN panels only)
Fn+F4 Decreases contrast (DSTN panels only)
Fn+F5 Increases brightness
Fn+F6 Decreases brigmress
Fn+F7 Increases volume
Fn+F8 Decreases volume
Fn+F9 Enters Standby mode
Fn+F10 Enters Suspend mode (Save to RAM)
Fn+Fl l Enters Save to Disk mode
Fn+B Enables/disables speaker and battery low warning beeps
Fn+T Toggles Gisela! to CRT, CRT &LCD or LCD
To use a hot key combination, press and hold Fn and press the other hot key simultaneously.
Afiet pressing the last key, release both keys at once.
Page 2—6
Notebook user's manual Before you begin
The built‘in pointing device works just like a mouse, The pointing device is located below
the keyboard. This pointing device detects the position of a finger over a touch-sensitive
area, To move the cursor, slide a finger lightly over the smooth sensor area, To click, gently
tap on the surface or click the lefi or the right touchpad buttons.
2, 1 1 Power button
The power button on your notebook has got more uses than just ON and OFF, for security
and power management reasons,
Power ON:
if the notebook is OFF (no power on light) then press down the power button to turn on the
Power OFF:
To turn off the notebook press the power button, if the notebook doesn’t turn off
immediately due to the notebook hung (lock-up) or other reason, then you need to press
down the power button for 5 seconds until the notebook turns off. Please note that when the
system is still in POST stage, the user has to press the button for 5 seconds to power off the
Wake up from Suspend-to-RAM:
When the notebook is in Suspend-to—RAM the power LED is flashing. To wake up from the
Suspend-to-RAM cannot be done by pressing any key on the keyboard (during normal
suspend any key can wake up the notebook), the only way to wake up the notebook is to
press the power button.
“Page 27
Notebook user's manual Software Installation
Chapter 3 Software installation
These chapters explain how to install DOS, Windows 3.1 / 95 / 98 and NT 4.0 onto an
empty HDD. If your notebook was shipped with a pre-installed OS, then please skip this
Warning: If you for any reason decide to reinstall your operating system, then
please make a backup of your important files, for this purpose 4: LS-
120 or a ZIP drive is a very gocd backup device. See Chapter 8 for
more information about these devices
3. 1 DOS 6. 22
Create 520 partition (If the HDD is new, wrthout any partition)
1. Boot from the FDD and then insert PHDISK utility diskette into the FDD.
2. Type “PHDISK /CREATE /P “ under A: prompt.
Install the Microsoft DOS 6.22
1. Insert MS-DOS Setup Disk into A drive to start the computer.
Click [Enter] tn install MS-DOS.
Select “Continue unallocated disk space”
Press Enter to restart the computer afler format
Check “Date/Time". ”Country“, ”Keybuard layout”, is correct or not. If there is
anything wrong, press the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select it and press ENTER
to see alternatives. If all the settings are correct, press ENTER.
6. To place MS»DOS files in this directory, press ENTER, if not, type its path and press
7. Afler finish the installation of Disk fill, follow the displayed message and press [Enter]
to setup Disk #2.
8, Afier finish the installation of Disk #2, follow the displayed message and press [Enter]
to setup Disk $43.
9. Afler MS—DOS Setup is complete, press ENTER to restart your computer.
Page 3-1
Software Installation Notebook user's manual
Install CD-ROM Driver
I. insert CD-ROM drive diskette into the FDD.
2. Type “A:\SETUP.EXE“ .
3. Press Ctrl+Alt+Dei to reboot the notebook.
4. Afier rebuot, the System will detect the CD—ROM.
3.2 Windows 3. 1
Follow the installation of DOS as above
Afler power on or reboot, insert the Windows 3.1 setup diskette into the FDD.
Type “A:\SETUP.EXE” .
Press [Enter] for express install or press “C" for custom install.
Follow the directions ofinstallation to press [Enter] and enter the user‘s name.
Click “OK” to install printer or setup application,
Click “Reboot" or “Exit to DOS" to finish the setup of Windows 3.1.
|nstal| VGA Driver
1. Restart Windows 3.1, then insert Utility CD title into the CD-ROM Drive.
2. Type “D:\WIN3I\ENGLISH\VGA\SETUP.EXE" under Program Mnnager—File-Run,
then click "OK".
Press any key to star! install VGA driver.
Press [Enter] to select any Application Driver to install for "All Resolutions”.
Press [End] to start.
Enter the [drivezpath] for installation, then press [Enter].
Afler Setup, press any key to go back to the Install. Then press [Ese] to go to Win ll,
. Exit Windows 3.l, reload Winduws 3.1, and then complete VGA driver installation.
Install Sound Driver
1. Restart Windows 3.1, then inseri Utility CD title into the CD-ROM Drive.
2. Under Program Manager-File-Run type “D:\WIN31\ENGL]SH\SOUND\SETUP.EXE".
then click “OK"l
3. Select “0" for English country, then press “Y" to reconfirm.
4. Select "YES" to setup Yamaha OPLS-SAX,
Page 3-2
Notebook user's manual Software installation
5. To place Yamaha sound driver files in this directory, press ENTER if not, type its path
and press ENTER.
6, Press [Enter] and your original “AUTOEXECBAT‘” file was saved as
7. Press [Enter], if it shows “YES", it means Windows 3.1 is installed on this computer.
8. “in which directory is Windows installed7", answer and then press [Enter].
9. Answer “YES" to replace original MIDI Mapper.
10. Press [Enter] to accept all the Settings.
1 1. Press [Enter] and your original “SYSTEMJNI” file was saved as “SYSTEMOPL”.
12, Exit Windows 3.1, reload Windows 3.1, and then complete Yamaha sound driver
3.3 Windows 95
Create SZD partition (If the HDD is new, Without any partition)
1. Boot from the FDD and then insert PHDISK utility diskette into the FDD.
2, Type “PHDISK /CREATE /P “under A: prompt.
Create work partition (Please refer to DOS user's manual)
Install CD-ROM driver
I insert CD-ROM driver diskette into the FDD.
2. Type setuprexe under A: prompt.
3A Alter reboot, CD-ROM installs successfully.
Install WIN95 system
1. Insert WIN95 CD into CD-ROM,
2. Type Setup under D prompt. (Assume that the CD-ROM is D drive)
3, Refer to W1'N95 user’s manual, key in the 1D, CD-KEY....
Don’t check the following two selections when W1N95 install program scans these
13 Network adapter
D Sound, MIDI or video capture
Afler finish Win95 setup, reboot system, and then set up local time and printer.
Page 3-3
Software Installation Notebook user’s manual
Install 02 Micro
Afier freshly installing Win95 on your HDD, under Control Panel click system and
select device manager. Remove “PCIC Compatible Controller with X mark“ under
PCMCIA card.
Inserl OZSETUP Diskette to drive A:
Point Start -> Run then type “A:\OZSETUP.EXE" then click “OK” button
Click “Install. then restart” button.
Remove the diskette from A: and press “OK" to Restart.
Alter restart Win95. click “Next“ button for 02Micro/ROI-IM 0Z6838/6860 CardBus
Click “Next" button for “Search for the best driver for your device"
Click “Next” button for the "Add New Hardware Wizard".
Click “Next" button for “OZMicro /ROHM OZ6836/6860 CardBus Controller"
Select “NO“ and click “Next” button for “Welcome to the PC Card Wizard"
Select “N0" and click “Next“ button for “PC Card Wiur "
Click “Finis " button.
Insert the OZSETUP diskette into A: then click “OK" button to locate the PCMClA
Type “A1\" on the “Copy files from" space.
Insert Win95 CD into CD»ROM.
Click “Finish“ button.
Repeat step 5 to step 8 and step 13 to step 14 then click "Finish" button and reboot.
Install Sound driver
I. Insert Utility CD title into the CD-ROM Drive .
2. Point to Start—)Control PaneI—) System-)Deviee Manager-M Other Devices.
3, Select? Unknown Devices-) Driver—)Update Driver
4. Select “YES" —)Next-)Finish.
5. System will require you to insert “0PL3-SAX driver for Win95“, then click OK.
6. Select the source of copies files from “D:\WIN95\ENGLISH\SOUND“, click “OK"
7. Close the window of“YAMAHA OPL3-SAx Sound System Properties“.
Install VGA driver
Page 3-4
Notebook user's manual Software Installation
If your notebook has got 121" SVGA select 500x600 resolution instead of 1024x768 XGA
1. Point to Control Panel—)Display-)Selup—) Advanced Properties—) Adapter
2. Insert Utility CD title into the CD-ROM Drive
3. Click Change—N-Iave Disk
4. Select the source of copies files from “D:\WIN95\ENGLISH\VGA" then click: "OK",
5, Select Chips and Tech 65555 PCI, then click "OK'K
6. The window back to Advanced Display Properties then click Monitor.
7. Clxck Change, select Standard monitor types, double click “Laptop Display 1024x768".
then click “OK”.
8. Click “Close”, back to “Display Properties", set up Desktop area and Color palette, and
then click “Close",
9. System Settings Change will ask if restart the computer or not, click “YES".
3. 4 Windows 98
(Suppose CD-ROM driver has been installed already, see DOS installation above)
Load Setup Defaults in CMOS Setup
Disable Power Management.
Insert Windows 98 CD into CD-ROM drive.
Type “D;\SETUP" under DOS prompt (Assume CD-ROM drive is D)
F allow Win98 SETUP instruction to click “Next”, “OK" button or type the relative
Refer to Windows 98 user manual to type CD-Key and enter user name.
Click “Next“ button for copy Win98 startup diskette and click “Cancel” button to skip
copy files process if you don’t want create startup diskette.
Select “No“ and click “Next" button for PC Card wizard.
Page 3-5
Software Installation Notebook user‘s manual
Install PCMCIA Socket
Insert OZSETUP Diskette to drive A:
Point Start -> Run then type “AleZSETUPEXE” then click “OK“ button
Click “Install, then restart“ button.
Remove the diskette from A: and press “OK" to Restart.
Afier restart Wings, click “Next” button for 02Micro/ROHM 02,6838/6860
CardBus Controller
Click “Next“ button for “Search for the best driver for your device”
Click "Next” button for the “Add New Hardware Wizard".
Click “Next" button for “OZMicm /ROHM 026836/6860 CardBus Controller"
Select “NO" and click “Next" button for “Welcome to the PC Card Wizard“
Select “NO" and click “Next“ button for “PC Card Wizard“
Click “Finish" buttnn.
insert the OZSETUP diskette into A: then click “OK” button to locate the PCMCIA
Type “A:\" on the “Copy files from” space.
Insert Win98 CD into CD-ROM.
Click “Finish” button,
Repeat step 4 to step 7 and step 12 to step 13 then click "Finish“ button and reboot
Install FIR Driver (InteIIiSync 97 for Windows”)
Change Serial Port B: from Normal Mode to FIR Mode in CMOS Setup Menu
Afier System Boot The Window598 will show New Hardware Found (Infrared PnP
Serial Port [‘PNP 0510]), Follow instmction to click “Next“, “Finish" button or type
the relative information
Restart Computer
insert utility CD into CD-ROM drive (suppose D is CD-ROM drive).
Page 3-6
Notebook user‘s manual Software Installation
Point to Start<> Run Type “D:\Win95\Eng|ish\Fir\Setup.exe" on command line then
clicks “0K" Button.
Follow instruction to clicks “Next" button or type the relative information
Type “D:\Win95\Eng|ish\Fir\Oem7Disketle” in the “OEM Disk “ box, Click “OK”
Click “Yes“ button to add IntelliSync 97 for Windows to the StartUp Group.
Click “Yes“ button for the “Setup to configure an infrared device"
Follow instruction to clicks “Next” or “Finish" button then click “OR“ to close
infrared configure wizard.
3.5 Windows NT 4.0
Start from a bootable F DD.
Type A:\>PHDISK / CREATE /P , press Enter key and then restart the notebook.
insert Microsofi NT Workstation Disk I into Floppy to restart, then put Windows NT
CD into CD-ROM.
Follow all instruction on your screen, change Disk.
Until it shows Format the partition using the FAT file system. Format the partition
using the NTFS file system then select one File System that fits your requirement
Then follow all instmc'tions on your screen. restart, and then remove the disc
Restart from HDD, follow the instructions on the screen to insert Windows NT CD into
Check Multimedia when you are at the Selection of Select Components.
When you are in the Selections of Display Properties, you don't have to do any change
action, just click [ENTER] to install,
Alter restart, please select “Windows NT Workstation Ver 4.00" [ENTER].
Inshll Sound Driver:
Select “Plug and Play" [No] of Main in BIOS.
Select Sound: [Auto] of Advanced-Audio Options Menu in BIOS.
Click Windows NT Explorer [ENTER] in the programs.
Select the Content quD (CD must be Windows NT 4.00 CD).
Page 3-7
Software Installation Notebook user‘s manual
5. Afier restart, then you have to insert Yamaha Driver Disk into the floppy drive, then
double click “Device” of Multimedia in the control panel.
Double click ADD when the light bar is in the “Multimedia Drivers".
Double click “OK” when the light bar is in the “Unlisted or Update Driver“.
A:\ [ENTER], choose “CPU-SA Sound System [English]" and double click “OK".
9. Click "OK“ when you are in the selections of Yamaha OPL3—SA series driver.
I0. Restart the notebook
Install VGA Driver:
ll Click the Start button, point to Settings. and the click Control Panel. Click “Display
2. Click “Change”, then point to Change Display, click “Have Disk“.
3, Point to “install From Disk“, then click A:\ “0K" [ENTER].
4. When you see “Chips Video Accelerator (64300110 65535/40/45/48/50/54/55). click
5. Point to Third party Drivers, cliek “YES”.
6. Point to Installing Driver, click “OK“.
7. Close “Display Type“ and “Display Properties", then restart.
8. Click “List ALL Modes", choose “1024 by 768 pixels, 65536 Colors, 60 Hz, then click
9. Point to “Display Properties", then choose “0K”.
IO. Restart the notebook
3. 6 Other OS
There are many other 05 like 05/2 Warp, Linux, Unix, BSD etc. that will work in yom
notebook. To install these OS please refer to the installation guide with your OS, for VGA
and Sound drivers you might find them on the lntemet, see Chapter 3.7 for lntemet
addresses to the different hardware vendors.
Page 3-8
Notebook user's manual
Software Installation
3. 7 New software drivers over the Internet
Drivers change regularly, either to fix bugs or to make upgrades to speed up the
performance. [t's recommended that you always use the latest drivers, If you have access to
the Internet you can go these addresses to search for a newer driver:
Device Address Search for
VGA mm cm 65555
Sound Wm Yamaha YMF715 / YMF7ll
FCMClA WM 02 Micro
Chipset hummmflm Intel 430TX
l/O comr. m‘UWWW rim NS PC87338
‘BIOS mefi www ohm NoteBlOS
ZIP drive WM 211) drive
LS-IZO drive hmr/lwww oneghnglggy‘mm LS-lZO
CPU lmp/Mww me com Depend on which CPU you have
Vendor hrtpzllwww. Write down your vendors address
" Note that the latest BIOS is NOT available on Phoenix homepage, ask your vendor where
you can download future BIOS versions.
Page 3-9
Notebook user’s manual Smartbays
Chapter 4 Smartbays
When you bought your notebook, you probably only got a FDD and a CD-ROM, but there
are many ways to enhance and personalize your notebook with the smarlbays. lfyou travel a
lot and need all the battery life you can get, a 2“ battery makes sense, If you do a lot of
presentations, or need to save large amounts of data a LS-120 or a ZIP would be very handy,
a 2m1 HDD would give you even higher capacity and much faster speeds.
4.1 FDD bay
The FDD module is easily replaced
with another module. Currently
these modules are available.
0 FDD drive 1,44MB (3 mode)
- ZIP drive 100MB capacity
- LS-lZO drive 120MB capacity
~ 2” Battery Doubles your battery life
0 2” HDD Standard 25" HDD with several GB capacity (17mm high max)
For more information about these optional devices see Chapter 8.
Special Attention:
To avoid your SmartBay accessories, such as the battery, CD-ROM and FDD from
being removed easily during traveling, we advise you to put on the screws on the locks
found at the bottom of the notebook so in this way the locks Won‘t move.
In case you would like to interchange your FDD with ZIP drive, please kindly remove
the screw of the lock for the FDD so you can remove the FDD from it's hay. Atter
interchanging the FDD, please don‘t forget to put the screw on the lock.
The screw for the battery's lock can be found on the gifi box packed together with this
V Pageu
Smartbays Notebook user's manual
Removing the SmartBay Device:
To remove the FDD bay
device, release the knob
and pull the device out.
Insert the new dewce until
you near a cllck,
Release knob for FDD bay
Security screw hole
Warning: Only remove the device when the power is off, failing to do so could
hurt your data and/or your notebook computer.
When the device is out of the computer it should be protected from
shocks and liquid.
2“ HDD installation:
Ifyou would like to use two HDDs at the same lime, HDD
then you can buy the 2“ HDD SmartBay. Depending Small top
on your dealer this might be sold with or without a ,
HDD in it, if there is already 8 HDD then ignore this
assembly instruction.
Assembly any 2.5” HDD (9.5, 127 or 17mm height) ’ Top
in the 2“1 HDD SmartBay as shown:
ll Attach the ‘Melal case‘ to the ‘Bottom’ Connector
2 Attach the ‘Connector’ to the ‘Metal case’ Metal
3 Put on the ‘Top’ case
4. Slide in the ‘HDD‘ (no screws necessary) Bottom
5 Put on the “Small top’
Page 4-2
Notebook user's manual Smartbays
External FDD:
lt's possible to have the FDD attached to the Printer port as well. This is very good when
you are using the FDD»hay with another device.
Nate: Only the standard FDD can be connected extemelly and not the other
FDD-hay devices.
4.2 CD—ROM bay
The CD-ROM can be replaced either by a faster CD-ROM (maximum speed is 24x) or a
DVD-ROM, The DVD can play standard CD'S as well as DVD discs
To remove the CD-ROM is done similar to the FDD and the Battery, please see Chapter 4.1
and 4 3 respectively.
Note: The CD-ROM drive is not removed as ofien as the FDD nnr the
battery, we strongly recommend the use of the Security screw which
should at all lima be locked in it's position.
Smartbays Notebook user’s ma uel
4.3 Battery bay
The main battery can be exchanged with a higher capacity battery or a fully recharged
battery. There are two types of batteries available, Li—lon and Nl-MH. if you are concerned
about the weight of your notebook we recommend the Li-Ion battery since it's half the
weight ofthe Ni-Ml—L
You can replace the battery while power is on provided that either a secondary battery is
(in the FD!) bay. see Chapter 4.1) or the ACT-adapter is plugged in.
Battery bay release knob
To remove the battery. release
the knob and pull out the
Insert the new battery until you
hear a click.
Warning: Handle batteries carefully and don't tamper with the connectors, short
circuit of the battery leads can lead to serious injuries.
Empty batteries should be returned to battery collecting sites and not
thrown away in the garbage.
Note: The battery cuver for Primary and
Secondary batteries are not the same.
The battery itself is the same
See the picture to the right for the
difference between Primary and
Secondary battery covers.
Page 4-4
Notebook user‘s manual Smaftbays
4.4 HDD bay
‘l'he HDD can be replaced easily with a higher capacity drive. Many people like to have
many HDD drives for different purposes or for backup.
First pull u- the two lids in me The HDD Is located to the right.
from of the notebook then drag Push the HDD to the right and then
the whole palmrest towards you, Iifl up to remove it
HDD fixed top frame
If you want to install a new HDD
then follow the drawing to the right
how to mount the HDD into the HDD drive
HDD mylar
HDD fix bottom frame
when the HDD is om of the notebook it is
very vulnenable. Treat it very awfully.
If your data is valuable, back it up!
Notebook user‘s manual Batteries
Chapter 5 Batteries
5.1 Different kind of batteries
Your notebook can be equipped with two kinds of batteries, Li-lon and Ni—MH. The
capacity of these batteries are almost the same, while the Li-lon battery is much lighter and
much more expensive. Both batteries have the same external size and can be used either as
primary or secondary battery in your notebook. The battery pack is proprietary, so if you
need to buy more batteries you can only buy batteries of the same kind.
5.2 Recharging the batteries
1. For best battery charging performance, make sure the battery pack is fully discharged
prior to charging.
2. The battery shall start to charge either main , or second battery is installed while AC
adapter is already in connection, or the battery shall start to charge whenever AC
adapter is plugged in while either main-or second battery is already installed. If both
are present, charging main battery takes precedence over charging the second battery.
3. No change of charging priority during uninterrupted charging time and until main — or
second battery achieves Battery-Full detection .
4. Please check the charging icon for understanding the battery charging condition . The
charging icon will stay on if the battery is in charging state and will disappear if the
battery is in fully charged state,
5.3 Battery maintenance
To maintain the battery pack's maximum capacity, occasionally you should let the Notebook
deplete its DC power completely before the battery is recharged. To carry out a complete
depletion of the battery, disconnect the AC adapter and let your Notebook use up the
remaining battery energy. When the battery is empty wait for the Notebook to cool down,
especially the battery temperature should be under 25°C, and insert the AC adapter to
charge the battery.
54 Removing the battery
See Chapter 4.3, Battery bay how to remove the battery
Batteries Notebook user's manual
5,5 The Best Battery Life for Storage
Storage Temperature & Humidity
Storage outside the specified temperature range or in extremely high humidity may
accelerate deterioration of battery materials. cause leakage or corrosion of metal parts of
Long Storage (more than 3 months)
In case of long storage, the battery must be charged at 30-50% to save a loss by self-
discharge and avoid deterioration of battery performance The battery voltage decreases
faster for long storage at discharge condition. When the battery voltage is below 1.5V/cell,
the capacity will decrease extremely even afier re-charge, On the other hand, storage at
100% charged condition causes bigger self-discharge and deterioration of discharge
capacity even afler rte—charge comparing to storage at 30-50% charge condition.
5, 6 Power consumption
The Notebook‘s power use the OP. (Constant Power) management, When the system turn
off. the system power will used 35 Watt for the full charge mode, When the system turn on,
the power will support system power and charger power at maximum 48 Watts.
5. 7 Reducing power consumption
Although power conservation is a built-in function in your Notebook, there are measures
you can take to reduce the power consumption:
' Use AC power whenever possible.
' Lower the intensity of the LCD backlight, A very bright screen translates to higher
power usage.
' Try to use the HDD, to read and write files rather than using the FDD.
' Don‘t use "screensavers" since these use a lot of the CPU power, a blank screen is much
Page 5-2
Notebook user’s manual Batteries
5.8 Battery LED and Alarm
When only 10 minutes battery life remains the notebook will make a battery low alarm, this
can be turned off by pressing Fn + B. During these 10 minutes you can either insert a new
fully recharged battery in the FDD bay (secondary battery) or plug in me AC-adapter. If you
fail to do so within these 10 minutes the notebook will save your data to the HDD (the HDD
needs to be prepared for this first, see Chapter 3) to prevent data loss. Next time you turn on
the notebook you will start up where you left off.
5.9 Lithium Battery Disposal
Under the keyboard, between C and V keys is a small Lithium battery for CMOS backup,
this keeps track of the time and date. If the notebook looses the time and date this battery
should be replaced, See Appendix E, how to locate the Lithium battery.
Lithiumbatteri - Explosionsfare ved Lithium battery - Danger of explosion if Innery is
fejlagtig hAndtering. Udskifining ma kun incorrectly handled. Replacement can only be done
ske med batteri a! serum: fabrikat 0g type. with a battery of same kind and {item the same
Lever det brugte batteri tilbagc Iil manufacturer. Return the old ballery to the
levemndoren. manufacturer.
‘Danish text for Demko approval
5.10AC adapter
Notes: The AC adapter can accept a line voltage ranging from 100V to 240V.
For different cards to the outlet ask your dealer or buy in any
electrical stvre.
Caution: This unit is to be used with Delta model ADP—SOGB, or Lien model
Attention: Pour utiliser avec Delta modele ADP-SOGB ‘Lien' modele LE-9702A
Page 5-3
Batteries Notebook user's manual
5. 1 1 Battery Safety notice
Li-Ion Type he
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the
manufacturer's instructions
Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgcmmem Auslausch der Batterie. Ersatz nur durch denselben
oder einen vom Hersteller empfohlencn gleichwertigen Typ. Entsorgung gebmuchter
Batterien naeh Angaben des Herstellers,
ll y a danger d'explosion s‘il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer
uniquement avec une batterie du meme type on d’un IypE recommandé par le constmteur.
Mettre au rébut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
Lithiumbatteri Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig héndlering. Udskifining m5 kun ske med batten'
at samme fabrikat cg type. Lever det hrugte baneri tilbage til leveranderen.
Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batterihyte. Anvflnd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ
sum rekommenderas av apparanillverkaren. Kassera anvélnt batteri enlist fabrikflntens
Faristo voi rajahwz, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu, Vaihda parisw ainoastaan
laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Havifi kfiytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden
Page 5—4
Notebook user's manual Power Management
Chapter 6 Power Management
6.1 Full on mode
This is the normal operation mode, when the notebook has not entered any suspend or
power saving modes.
6.2 Standby mode
There are two ways to enter the standby mode:
1. The Standby timer was timed out
2. The Standby Hot-Key was pressed (Fn+F9)
All CPU and peripheral activity must have ceased prior to entering the Standby. VGA
activity (like clock updates) does not prevent the notebook from entering the standby mode.
When the notebook enters the Standby mode these things will occur:
1. The Standby LED will alight
2. Both the HDD and VGA controller will enter Standby mode to save power
3. The internal clock in the CPU will stop
There are four ways the notebook will resume from the Standby mode:
1 Any system activity detected
Movement of the mouse (touchpad or external mouse) or any keystroke
3. RTC alarm ring
Modern ring from serial or Cardbus source
Power Management Notebook user’s manual
6.3 Suspend / Suspend to RAM
Two conditions will cause the notebook to enter the Suspend mode:
1. The Suspend Timer was timed out
2 The Suspend Hotkey was pressed (Fn+F10)
When the notebook enters the Suspend mode these things will occur:
I. The Standby LED will flash
2. Most devices are powered off, except the system DRAM refresh function and SM]
inputs watching for internal keystroke. RTC alarm or modern ring
3‘ VGA enters Suspend mode to keep the Video RAM refresh
There are three ways the notebook will resume from the Suspend mode:
1. Internal keystroke (Power on button be pressed)
2. RTC alarm ring
3. Modem ring from serial or Cardbus source
6.4 0 Volt Suspend mode / Suspend to disk
Four conditions will cause the notebook to enter the Suspend mode:
1. The Suspend Timer was timed out and the 0 Volt suspend condition is matched
2, The Suspend Hotkey was pressed (Fn+Fl 1)
3. Low battery wanting has been issued and the battery is going into Low Low battery
4 If the temperature of the CPU should become over the maximum allowed (depending
on the CPU you use)
When the notebook enters the O-Volt Suspend mode, all components except the RTC and
the power switch will be turned off.
The only way to resume from the O-Volt Suspend mode is to press the Power On button
Page 6-2
Notebook user's manual Connectors and Peripherals
Chapter 7 Connectors and Peripherals
7.1 CRT port
Here you can connect an external monitor, like standard CRT monitors.
7. 2 USB port
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus; this is a new connector for keyboard, mouse, digital
camera, modern, joystick, printer etc. The USB port will replace the slower serial and
parallel puns. if you plan to buy a new device ask your dealer for their USB devices. you
can also see all devices available on the Internet: WM
7.3 Parallel port
Most printers are connected to the parallel port as well as some "pocket" devices like
network adapters. if you intend to copy files between computers using "Direct Cable
Connection" under Windows 95, the parallel port is much faster than the serial port
7.4 Game port
To the game port you can connect a joystick. game pads, flight sticks and other game
7.5 Serial port
Here you can connect either an external modem or a serial mouse.
7. 6 PS/2 port
The PS/2 port can either connect 3 PS/2 mouse or a PS/2 keyboard. If your keyboard
connector is much larger than the P812 connector you can buy a transfer connector. There
are also many pocket adapters that require power from the P80 port, these devices usually
have a through port connector.
' Page 79
Connectors and Peripherals Notebook user's manual
7. 7 Video ln/Out connectors
To the Video-In port you can connect a Video camera. VCR or another video signal. You
can use this video signal for videoconference. Your notebook supports both PAL and NTSC
signals, this is changed by sofiware.
You can also connect the notebook to a TV or a video device via the Video-Out port, then
you can display the notebook screen on that device, like a large screen TV, The maximum
resolution on a TV is only 640x480.
7. 8 Audio connectors
There are three audio connectors; Microphone, Speaker and Line-in. Your notebook has got
a built-in microphone as well as two stereo speakers. It's very easy to connect your
notebook to your audio system at home where you probably have large powerful speakers,
this gives a whole new dimension to games, movies etc.
7. 9 IrDA interface
With the IrDA interface in your notebook you can connect to other notebooks and some
printers. Note that the IrDA in your notebook is FIR standard and can transfer up to 4MB/s,
while many other notebooks can only transfer lMB/s. The specification of IrDA is one
meter further than that can cause transmission problems and slower speeds.
Page 7-2
Notebook user’s manual Optional accessories
Chapter 8 Optional accessories
For installations of any of these devices please refer to the installation manual with your
accessory. some devices might not have a manual, like 2” battery. See Chapter 4 how to
remove and insert the SmanBay devices,
8.1 LS—120 drive
LS-lZO is also referred to as the next generation FDD since it‘s backward compatible (you
can read all your old 3.5" FDD‘s in the LS-lZO) and you can save IZOMB on a special LS-
I20 diskette. The speed is five times faster than the FDD.
8i2 ZIP drive
ZIP drives are very popular in desktop computers as well as external units for older
notebooks, your notebook can have this drive built-in. The ZlP drive is 20 times faster than
a FDD and can store 100MB on a ZIP diskette Note that floppy diskettes cannot be read in
the ZIP drive,
63 2"" Battery
With a 2“" battery you can double the battery life in your notebook. You can use two
batteries at lhe same time as you use the CD-ROM or DVD. The 2"" battery is the same size
as the primary battery and can easily be used in either the primary or the secondary battery
bay. The battery is smartbattery so you can see how much power there is lefi in the battery
by clicking on the button on the battery pack or see the status under Windows 95.
8. 4 2’“ HDD
Use a 2“ HDD as a backup device, you can easily copy the whole HDD to a large
secondary drive, or you can use the primary HDD for programs and the secondary for data,
the speed ofa HDD is much faster than both CD, FDD, ZlP and LS-120.
Optional accessories
Notebook user's manual
DVD is the new medium that will eventually replace CD. Your notebook is prepared for
DVD-ROM when it‘s available in notebook size. Ask your dealer for more information.
8, 6 Docking station
The Docking Station is an excellent accessory
to expand your notebook. In the Docking
Station there are two hays where you can put
your smanbay devices, see 8.l to 8.6‘
You can also put one PCI card (not VGA) in the
available slotl
All the pons on the back of your notebook are
all replicated in the rear.
8. 7 Port Replicator
With the Port Replicator you no longer need to
have the hassle to plug in all the cables
whenever you come back from travelling. Many
people that use a notebook prefer to use
extemal mouse, big keyboard, CRT monitor,
joystick, hook it up to a printer etc when in
office or at home.
All the ports on the back of your notebook are
all replicated in the rear.
Video-InloutVGA P812 Game Serial
Page 8-2
Parallel USB AC
Notebook user’s’manual Appendfx‘A
Appendix A Setting up the BIOS
With the l’lmenileUS Setup program, you can modify BIOS settings and control the
special features of your computer, The Setup pmgram uses a number of menus for making
changes and turning the special features on or ofi'
The menus shown here are from a typical system. The acmal menus displayed on your
screen may be quite different and depend on the hardware and features installed in your
A1 The Main Menu
To star! the PhnenixBIOS Setup mility:
i. Tum on or reboot your system. PhoenixBlOS displays this
Fr‘ 5  Lo ter SETUP
2. Pressing  displays the Main Menu, which looks like this:
See page A.7 for a description of the fields on this menu.
babe A; 1
Appendix A , Notebook user manual
The Menu Bar
The Menu Bar at the top of the window lists these selections:
Main Use this menu for basic system configuration
Advanced Use this menu 10 sci lhc Advanced Features availuhlc on your 3 ‘lem‘s
Security Use this menu to set User and Superviwr Passwords and the Backup and —|
Vims-(‘heck reminders.
Powgr Saving Use this menu to configure Power-Management fealures.
Exit l:\|ts the current menu
“3&7 [his menu to configure system boot up sequence.
Use the lefi/right "4— —>" arrow keys to make a selection.
The General Help Window
Pressing  or  on any menu brings up the General Help:
The scroll bar on the right of any window indicates that there is more than one page of
information in the window. Use  and  to display all the pages. Pressing
 and  displays the first and last page. Pressing  displays each page
and then exits the window. Press  to exit the current window.
Page A-2
Notebook user‘s manual Appendix A
The Field Help Window
The help window on the right side of each menu displays the help text for the currently
selected field. It updates as you move the cursor to each field.
The Legend Bar
Use the keys listed in the legend bar on the bottom to make your selections or exit the
current menu, The chart on the following page describes the legend keys and their alternates:
Key Fu nctiou
 or  __General Help window (See below).
i.—  Exit this menu. _|
<— or —> arrow keys Select a different menu.
i or l arrow keys TMove cursor up and down.
 or 6hil‘t-Tah> Cycle cursor up and down. fi
 or  Move cursor to top or bottom ofwindow,
 or  Move cursor to next or previous page.
 or <-> Select the Previous Value for the field
 or <+> or 6pm» Select the Next Value for the field.
 Load the Default Configuration values for this menu.
 Load the Previous Configuration values for this menu.
 Execute Command or Select 1 ‘ Submenu.
 Refresh screen. _I
To select an item, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the field you want. Then use the
plus-and-minus value keys to select a value for that field, The Save Values commands in the
Exit Menu save the values currently displayed in all the menus
To display a sub menu, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the sub menu you want.
Then press .
A pointer (' ) marks all sub menus,
Appendix A , Notebook'users‘ manual
Main Menu Selections
You can make the following selections on the Main Menu itself. Use the sub menus for
other selections,
Feature Options umriptiun ]
S) siem lime |illeM1SS 561 the system time,
5 ‘tem Dim: MM/l)l),’YY YY Set the syswm date
Leguc) Diskette l 4 MB 3 is" l‘nablc or disable thr: FDD installed in the system,
I) iihled which supflms 3-M0dc Diskette drivel
Plug at Play 0/5 Yes lfvuur syslcm has 3 Plug and Pliny Opcmling 7
No 3 stem Yes lets the Operating System configure
I’lug mi Play devices not required forbom Nu
makes me mos umfigiirc (hem. Ania sets to Yes
ii'iiic Operating System is PnP aware (0.3.
‘_ Wlhdnws 95).
Quickiiom mam lanablc / Disable Alluvis (ht: stem m skip certain (ms while
btmling, this vim thCNnSC the lime in boot,
Lsmkcr 0“ x on [cruisablc the system speakers
Boot Display new; LCD / CRT /Iloth Set the video device to displa‘Lwhcn system hoot
Syslem Memory Noiforwmcuing m laysamuunlofctinvcntiunalmemory
dei dad during him! up.
i-xicndt-d Mcnmry Nut I‘m user seizing l)i$plfly> the amount ulcxleiitlcd memor} detected
during boot up.
Cl I'Hw Not for user setting Displays the CPU ‘i‘vpe.
cm, spmi Nut lbrusersciimg [Dispiuysurc CPU Speed
You can set the boot sequence of the bootable drives by selecting Boot Sequence on the
Boot Menu,
Masters and Slaves
The Master and Slave settings on the Main Menu control these types of devices:
Hard-disk drives
Removable-disk drives
CD-ROM drives
When you enter Setup, the Main Menu displays the results of Autntyping— information
each drive provides about its own size and other characteristics and how they are arranged
as Masters or Slaves on your machine.
it“ you need to change your drive settings, use one of the Master or Slave sub—menu as
explained in the following.
Page A-4
Notebook user's manual
, Appendix A
Hard Disk Advanced Settings
Selecting one uf the Master or Slave sub—menus on the Main Menu displays this menu:
Future Options _l Description
‘lypc Ntmc Nnnc —' Autotyping iflml able tnsupplythe drive type
UK! or end user has selected Nam: disabling uny drive that
Auto may be installed.
cp-RpM . Use ,. You xupply lhc lll)l) ml: in the fields
i})'lA?{'CT§::“n‘L‘Ighl“ Auto 7 Auto plng, the drive suppncs lhc infonnalion
‘ CD-ROM -R()M drive.
ATM’! Removable : Rumovablt: tll>k drivc,
IDli Removable :|1)l, rcmovnbie device
(Alindcm l to 65.536 Numbcrnft linde ,.
“cud: l to 16 Number nl rcad/wnlc heads.
Scuturs'l flick l tu 63 Number ofsct'ttvrs pct (ruck.
ult Disabled An) aclcclion except Disabled dclcrmints [he numbci
I‘mnslbrs 2. 4, ill 16 sectors tvl'scclurs lmnsferred pcr block.
LHA motif lunablctl Enabling LBA causes] ogicnl Block Addressing u) he
1); mm used in place nl'cylindcrx, heads and wcturs
32-13“ 1/0 _| I’nnblcd [Enables 32-bit communication between CPU and IDlZ
Diiubled can]. Rs IJlr€> PC! at local bus
l‘mnslcr Matte Standard Sclecl: lht- inclhod For tmmt‘ening the data between
Fast NO I through 4
I'P104/I)MA 2
the hard diak and 5) item memory
Select the Ullm DMA mode used for moving dam
Ultra l)\4A Disable
mud: Mode 0 7 3 tw’trom the (hive. Atllmypc tilt: drive [0 select IhL‘
optimum transfer mudc
Warning: Incorrect settings can cause your system to malfunction. |
Page ALS'
Appendix A Notebook user‘s manual
AZ The Advanced Menu
Selecting "Advanced" from menu bar on the Main Menu displays a menu like this:
Setup wmms.
Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following
to make your selection.
Ftuture Options Description
l'sxz Mow limlblcd nahlc allows lhc opemling s)slem m dzlermine
Disable thcr m cnnblc or disable the mouse
I) blc prevems any installed psllz mausu (mm
fullcllllning, but will frcc up 1m) 12.
ll|LcmaI Tourhl’ad Enable) Or disables flu: Touchpad.
Local Bus 1D]: ndupwr Primaly Select the inltgmk‘d lucal bus [DE adaptor.
Page A-G
Notebook user‘s manual . Appendix A
evice Configuration
Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu, Use the following
chart to configure the lnpuI/Outpul settings:
Fealure Uplinm Dzscriptinn
Serial pan A: Disabled Disabled. mm - cfl'ihc pun.
5mm purl B: l‘nflhlud Enabled rcquim you to mm lhc husc Input/Output
Auln addmss and the lnlCITUpl number on the ma lm
_|_ Aum makes the BIOS nuloconfigure during P0
Buy: [11 3!‘& [HQ 4 J Zl'fl. IRQ 3 li'mu select Enabled. change one ul'lhesc
Addvcsa "(Q 3118, lRQ 4 I EEK. [R0 3 cnmbinaliims.
Mods unnal Normal Cmnol do erA [ransfcrs
lll)!‘ lr[)A lransfcrs enabled N l I5.2khp5
FlR FIR with high speed 4MB dala mlcs
Disahlcd lcd. [urns ofi'lhc port.
Parallel Port“
lanablcd l ublcd requires yuu in mm lllc base lnpijutpm
Aum uddrcss and lhc lmcvrupi numlm below
«um makes 01: mos autocnnfigure dunng P051.
Wad: (lulpul only" Sclccl the mad: for Parallel Purl.
Bi-dircclhmal/ li‘l’ilil’l’
Bast: [U 1 378r’lRQ7 J 378/1RQ5 li'you select lfnablcd (or lhz; Parallcl Pun, chuusc
Addros Z78/IRQ7 / 278/IR05 one oflhcsc |/() addresses and intermpli
Warning: lf yan choose the same l/O address or Inwmlpl for more than one
port, the menu displays an aswrisk (‘) a! the conflicting settings. It
also displays this message Bl the bottom of the menu:
Interrupt, 1/0, or memory
' di caLes
" with amazher device.
0 ie a;
Appendix A
Notebook user’s manual
Resolve the conflict by selecting other settings for one ofihe devices,
Audio Option Menu
When you selecting "Audio Option Menu" from the Advanced menu, the system displays a
menu like this:
Use the legend keys to make you: selections and exil to the Main Menu.
|_ Future Options Description 1
Scund l)|sa.blcd Dctcnnincs flu: system Sound
ituublcd Device funcilmi or nol. Set Aum
Auto fur syswln aum~canfigumlmm
SB m) address 220—22!‘ When me syslem Sound Device
WSS l'i') address
is enabled choose one othe
oplinns 1/0 addresses for Sound
Blaster compatiblc device.
When the system Sound Dance
is Cnahhxl, choose one oflhl:
option no uddre “s [or
Winduws Sound swam
compatible acme
Page A-S
Notebook user‘s manual
Appendix A
[mm H) address 3ss-Jsr —| When me gyslem Sound Device
398-39l' is enuhled. chnmc u ul’lhc
3Ax- l: lmlilm l/O allure-”ea lnr Al)
alas-3m compflllblc dc ce
Ml’l‘ M) Hddre» Jae-ml when lhe s l cm Sound Device
310.311 ls clmhlei chnnse mm mm»
3mm npllen l/o mldrcsscs for MP
1 330-3“ 4m eompnllble (lev
CTRI 1/0 address 100 When the system Sound Dchlu
m a, cnablr‘ll choose one eflhe
140 nplinn er addrcsx'es for cm 3
. » . |
1 no ehlp mum) .
”MA A: DMA 0 when lhe swem Sound Device
DMA 1 i5 enabled. eheesc unc orlne
DMA 7 npnen DMA for DMA A.
DMA n: _"D\lA 0 When me syalem sound Deuce
DMA l s ennbled, choose one Df‘thc
DMA 7 Options DMA for DMA 8.
mo “(0 3 When the system Sound Device
”(Q 5 in enabled, choose one fifth
[m 7 nplilm [RQ fer lhe sound
mo 9 device.
4 IRQ 10
Jnyqick Disabled Dclcrmincs lne Jo v ck purl
Enabled enabled or nol. Sel Aulo fm‘
Allm system lxulo—wntlwllon,
Vlodcln m- hleu Delcmnnes m llsc the llllcmal
Lnablcd modem or nol. Set Aum for
mm) -m aulo-eonfigurallon
xlodem l/O Address 31:3 When lhe leg “y modem is
enabled. chaos: one ufthc
nplllm 1/0 addresses for (he
legacy madam.
[HQ 10
When the legacy modern is
enabled chuosc one uflhc
option IRQ I'm lhe legacy
A bagel A-g
Appendix A Notebook user's manual
A3 The Security Menu
Selecting "Security" from the Main Menu displays a menu like this:
Pressing  at either Set Supervisor Password or Set User Password displays a dialog
box like this:
Type the password and press , Repeat.
l Enabling “Supervisor Password" requires a password for entering Setup, The
passwords are not case sensitive
I if you set both "Supervisor Passwor " and "User Password“, when you want to enter
the Setup menu, you can choose either one of them.
I if you type the "User password", this only gives full access to "Power Saving" menu
and gives restricted access to the other Setup menus.
I it‘you type in the "Supervisor Password" this gives full access to Setup menus.
l "User Password" can only be set when supervisor password is set.
I When system boots, the user can type in either User or Supervisor passwords to boot
the system.
Warning: If you forget the password, or type wrong password three times, you
need to call the service department where you bought your notebook.
Page AL10
Notebook user's manual
Appqndix A
Use the following chart to configure the system-security and anti~vlms options.
Fealu re
Supcn |Sov l’ass“ um
Up m scvcn
nls‘r‘xhsplflys dialog box lhr cnlcring
mm. This pmmnd gives full
characwls UP menus.
m lhur Password Up m sewn nxer> Always mg diulug box fur
Alphanum ' . r pa. wmd. 'Il|is password giv 5
characters lo , l’ menus. Requires prim
>c mg ol’Supcnisnr passwnrd,
Pasword ‘m hoot & misled Enabled rcqulrcs a passwurd an boot. Requim
mum: Disabled, prior swing or me Superviwr password
ll'supcrnsor] word \5 sct and this option
disabled. BIOS aesumcs user is homing,
fixed disk ham sector
|c Prolcmcd.
Wm: pmlcctcd helps prevent muses.
inskeuc m Um Superv'snr resuicu use ol'llopM drives to
“WNW supen r. llcqui wing lllc Summscr
Sysmm him up reminder Disabled [hsplay u message during homup asking (Y/N) if
Vim< cllcck rcmmdcr Daily ynu hav backed up the system or scanned It for
Ween) virusc
M‘mlhly Message rcluma on each bum until you respond
wuh My
Daily displays the mcflsagc ml flu: flrsl hum urthc
day, Weekly nn the fin! hum filler Sunday. and
Monthly an [m- fir~| hcol uflhe monlh,
Page A411
Appendix A Notebook us 3
A4 The Power Saving Menu
Selecting "Power Saving" from the menu bar displays a menu like this:
Paar savmg
Use this menu to specify your settings for Power Management, Remember that the options
available depend upon the hardware installed in your system. Those shown here are from a
typical system.
A power-management system reduces the amount of energy used after specified periods of
inactivity The Setup menu pictured here supports a Full On state, a Standby state with
partial power reduction, and a Suspend state with full power reduction,
Use the Advanced Options on this menu to specify whether or not the activity of interrupts
can terminate a Standby or Suspend state and restore Full On, Do not change these settings
without knowing which devices use the interrupts.
Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following
chart in making your selections:
Page A-12
Notebook user’s manual
Appendix A
Feutu re
Punt-r Mllnflgemcnl
Alluws you to diaable the power
Altmx management or wt it to high pcrlunnance
or long battery life
Slandb} limumll ()IT Ammml m'umc lht: syslcm needs In be in
Suspend Mode
1.2 .-‘J .6.8 .|2 JG mm
Save 'I 0 rm
ldlc mode hcl‘urc entering lhc mandhy
m d' Standby dc turns off various
(lcvrce> in [he s m, including the
comm until tu nan usmg the notebook
Infldivil) period required it) put system in
Smndhy (partial power shutdown)
Auto Suspend '1 immul
5; 10, 154 21). 30. 40. 60
Inactivity period wqutred aficr Slandh) to
i lSand tmmimum power shutdown)
Aum Save l’o Dixk OtT Determines m use auto save to disk
Ann 1 Hum Ihllctlon
I)i does not
exit this menu You must select one of the items from the menu or menu bar to exit.
Page A-14
Notebook user's manual
Exit Saving Changes
Afier making your selections on the Setup menus, always select either "Exit Saving
Changes“ or "Save Changes". Both procedures store the selections displayed in the menus
in CMOS (short for "battery-backed CMOS RAM") a special section of memory that stays
on afier you tum your system off The next time you boot your computer, the BIOS
configures your system according to the Setup selections stored in CMOS,
During bootup, PhaenLtBlOS attempts to load the values saved in CMOS. If those values
cause the system boot to fail, reboot and press  to enter Setup. ln Setup, you can get
the Default Values (as described below) or try to change the selections that caused the boot
to fail.
Exit Discarding Changes
Use this option to exit Setup without storing in CMOS any new selections you may have
made. The selections previously in effect remain in effect,
Load Setup Defaults
To display the default values for all the Setup menus, select " Load Setup Defaults “ from
the Main Menu. The program displays this message:
Load ceiaulz cor; -il’iLLUl‘t rmw?
Press [Yes] to continue. if, during bootup, the BIOS program detects a problem in the
integrity of values stored in CMOS, it displays these messages:
9 c w—vm bad — run smua
F1> tC resume, <1??? to Setup
The CMOS values have been corrupted or modified incorrectly, perhaps by an application
program that changes data stored in CMOS,
Press  to resmne the boot or  to nm Setup with the ROM default values already
loaded into the menus You can make other changes before saving the values to CMOS.
Page Aéis
Appendix A Notebook user's manual
Discard Changes
If, during a Setup Session, you change your mind about changes you have made and have
not yet saved the values to CMOS, you can restore the values you previously saved to
Selecting Discard Changes on the Exit menu updates all the selections and displays this
n new?
revimls can: lqurati
Select [Yes] to continue to restore the values previously saved to CMOS.
Save Changes
Save Changes saves all the selections withuut exiting Setup. You can return to the other
menus if you want to review and change your selectinns.
Page A16
Notebook user's manual Appendix B
AppendixB Specifications
Core Logic
P550 133-166MHZ with MMX. Tillamook 166-266MHZ with MMX,
Pentium II 233-300MHZ (Intel MMO Module)
Intel 430TX (for Pentium and Til|amook) 44OBX for Pentium II
Base Memory 0 MB
Memory Expand to 0-192 MB, 144-pin x3, DIMM (EDO or SDRAM)
Cache (L1 /L2) 32kb / (256k!) in P55C) 512kh
Controller C&T 65555
Display Memory 4MB
TFT or DSTN Color, 12.1"/1340"/ 13.3” 141“
SVGA 800x600, XGA 1024x765 high colors
Smart Battery compatible
Ni-MH 4500mAH or Li-lon 4200mAH (same Primary/Secondary)
Pointing dev Touchpad
Power mgmt Doze, Sleep, Suspend, Hibernatlon
Disk Drives
"0 ports
Phoenix, Plug & Play, 256kb
HDD (Exchangeable), 25". 127 51 17mm height
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (exchangeable)
FDD (1.44MB) / Zip (100MB) 1 LS-120 (120MB) / 2"u HDD/z'“
19 mm Pitch
Yamaha YMF 715
NS 87338/97338 controller
Serial, ParaIIeL IrDA, CRT, Game, PS/2. 3 Auoio jacks, 2 USB,
Docking/Pan connector, 2 Video Jack (Video in/out)
Type II x 2 or Type II x1 and Type III x1
PCMClA Caro bus Controller, 02 Micro
Appendix B , Notebook user's manual
Power Adapter 50W (mm) AC 100-240 V
Options FaxModem (56kbps)
Car Adapter
Quick Charger
Docking Station (1 PCI slot Hol docking, SmartBay)
Dimension 316x259x555mm (W x D x H)
3.4 kg with 12.1" TFT, Li-Ion, CD-ROM and FDD
Page 32
Notebook user”: manual ‘ Appendix C
Appendix C Faxmodem installation
Open the palmrest as described in Chapter 4A. On your lefi side is an empty space for the
faxmodem card.
Make sure that the notebook is tumed
off and remove battery and power cord.
Insert the faxmodem with the connector
facing the connector in the notebook.
Attach the metal cover as seen in the
Close the palmrest and reinsert battery
and power cords.
When you need to use the Faxmodem,
attach the Faxmodem cable to the notebook‘s faxmodem connector and the other side
with the phone jack to the wall.
Now you can turn on the notebook and press F2 to enter the Setup (See Appendix A for
the Setup)
Go to the Advanced Menu's "Audio Option Menu"
Enable the Modem
Press Esc key and save the settings. the notebook should now reboot
Enter Windows 95 operating system
Click Start -) Settings -) Control Panel
Doubleclick the "Add New Hardware" icon.
An "Add New Hardware Wizard" screen will come up
Click Next and select No on the question to have Windows searching for the device.
On the next screen you can select what kind of dein'ce you would like to install, select
Click the Next button to have Windows 95 to search for the modem.
Page 6-1
Appendix G
Notebook user‘s manual
- Windows will find a “Standard Modem" on the COM3 port, now you should click on
the "Change" button and then the "Have Disk" bimon.
- lnsen the Modem diskette in the FDD and click OK,
0 Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installations,
Page C—2
Always disconnect the faxmodem board (the one that is dmnbed
above) fi'om the telephone syswem when installing or when the
palmrest is in open position.
Toujours debrancher 1a ligne wlephonique de la cane modem (mimic
d'une prise Du d'une fiche) svum de proceder a l‘installation dans
l'appsxcil on Iorsque le couvercle de celui-ei est retire.
Notebook user’s manual Appendix D
Appendix D CPU upgrade
Your notebook supports Intels latest CPU technology, the MMO (Mobile Module). This
makes il very easy for your dealer to exchange the CPU for you.
This manual doesn‘t mention how to make this change since this should be done by your
dealer, or the manufacturer of your notebook.
Warning: We don't recommend you to upmde the CPU by yourself, please
consult your dealer er another authorized service center for notebooks.
The connector on the MMO is very sensitive, if handled imprcrperly
the connector might break and thus making the MMO useless.
Notebook user's manual
Appendix E Memory upgrade
Your notebook can easily be expanded with more memory, a maximum 192MB can be
When you want to upgrade memory open the palmrest as seen in Chapter 4.4, then lifi the
keyboard carefully without scratching the very fragile LCD.
You will now see three memory slots as in the picture:
When you bought the notebook one or two of the slots might have memory modules already.
To upgrade the memory. see the table below:
Some RAM combinations:
Left Mlddle Right Maximum 128MB SDRAM can
32MB 0 0 32 only be used in lefi & middle slots.
0 0 Maximum 192MB EDO RAM can
“MB 0 0 only be used with Pentium [1
' " $2 " ”105 ‘ EDO RAM modulw can be used in
192MB 64 64 64 all these slots.
Don’t mix EDO and SDRAM
memory modules.
Only 3.3V modules are supported.
Notebook user‘s manual Appendix F
Appendix F Difficult Words
Advanced Power Management, an operating and application level
of power management, your notebook is fully compatible to this.
Basic Input Output System. In the manual we refer the BIOS as
Setup. To modify the BIOS settings press F2 when you start your
notebook, for more information see Appendix A.
A binary digit, the smallest unit used in a computer, it takes 8 bits
to make a byte.
To load a program or operating system into the memory.
Electrical circuit within the system, used to transmit data from one
device to another. Your notebook uses both ISA and PCI buses,
the PCI bus is much faster (VGA, PCMCIA and IDE)
8 bits
Very fast kind of memory, your CPU has got 32kb of Level 1
cache. There is also Level 2 cache of 5 1 2kb.
The bus for your PCMCIA cards.
A special low power memory, this is kept even if you turn off the
notebook, the BIOS code is saved here.
See Appendix D for detailed information. Your CPU has got a
number indicating the speed in MHz (Million Hertz), the higher
the faster.
Cathode Ray Tube. Another name is external monitor.
Direct Memory Access.
Disk Operating System
Dynamic Random Access Memory
‘ beg; F—t
Appendix F
Page F-2
Notebook user's manual
Dualscan Twist Neu-matic, This kind of LCD is not as fast as TFT,
if you want to watch a movie clip we recommend TFT or CRT.
Also known as passive color,
Extended Capabilities Port
Enhanced Parallel Port, much faster than the standard Parallel port,
but to be able to use it your device must be compatible.
Floppy Diskette Drive, The storage of a standard diskette is 720kh,
1.2MB (Japan only) and 1.44MB. Also see LS-l20 and ZIP for
new diskette types.
Preparing a diskette (floppy or HDD) for use with a DOS, this
erases all the information.
Hard Disk Drive. This is the main storage device in your notebook,
the access to the HDD is much faster than CD, FDD, ZIP, LS-120
and other devices, You can change hard disk quite easily by
buying a harddisk storage module, see Chapter 4.
Integrated (or Intelligent) Drive Electronics. Your HDD, CD,
DVD, LS-l20, ZIP and are all IDE devices.
Interrupt Request, every device has got an IRQ number, if two
devices share the same number there will be a conflict and none of
the devices will work.
A standard for 8 and 16-bit expansion cards, this standard is also
referred as AT-bus. The speed on the bus is SMHZ.
Kilo Byte (1024 bytes)
Local Area Network. There are many different standards for LAN,
ETHERNET, Token ring, etc...
Enabling LBA causes Logical Block Addressing to be used in
place of cylinders, heads and sectors, this can be done in the BIOS,
see Appendix A.
Notebook user‘s manual Appendix F
Liquid Crystal Display A common name for your notebook's
screen. There are two types, DSTN and TFT.
Mega Byte (1 million bytes).
Mobile Module, a CPU module made by Intel. On this module you will
find the CPU, 2“ level cache, 430TX or 44on NorthBridge and a
voltage regulator plus some other components. Your notebook is
compatible to all MMO with MMC-l connector (280-pin).
Multi Media eXtensions, this consists of 57 new instructions in your CPU.
MMX speeds up multimedia programs specially written for MMX
capable CPU's. MMX was invented by lnteL
A pointing device to move your cursor under certain sofiware, like
Windows 95.
Operating System, there are many different, like: MS-DOS,
Windows 95, Windows NT, 05/2, UNIX, etc“.
A logical unit created on the HDD, which is seen to the OS as a
separate drive.
Peripheral Connect Interface, this is the successor of ISA bus, it
provides a much faster speed than ISA. The speed on the bus is
Personal Computer Memory Card lntemational Association, Small
card in credit card size that can contain; memory, Fax/modem,
SCSI adapter, LAN adapter, Video capture, etc...
Image elements (small points), that compose a screen image.
Power-On-Self-Test, every-time you power on the notebook it is
doing many different tests.
Random Access Memory
Read Only Memory. This memory contains the BIOS where all
information about your notebook is stored
Standard Parallel Pon
Appendix F
Page F-4
Notebook user‘s manual
800x600 pixels resolution, also see VGA and XGA.
Thin Film Transistor. The best kind of color LCD. Also called
active color. The speed and brightness is much better than DSTN.
A pointing device to move your cursor under certain sofiware, like
Windows 95.
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, the UART is
compatible to NS 1 6550.
Video Graphics Array. A standard for 640x480 resolution, also
see SVGA and XGA.
1024x768 pixels resolution, also see VGA and SVGA.
Zoomed—Video port, this is a kind of PCMCIA cards that are much
faster than standard PCMCIA cards, your notebook is fully
compliant. The ZV-port is located on the Cardbusr
Notebook user’s manual Appendix G
Appendix G Error report
Tested System name: S/N: Date: - -
CPU: El Pentium D Tillamook El Pentium II
Speed: MHz
Memory: El SZMB D 64MB E1 128MB El MB
Display: El 1)er El TFT |:| CRT |:| LCD+CRT El TV
HDD: MB Manufacturer: El Model
Revisions: BIOS VGA PCMCIA El Utility El
OS: El DOS l] Win 95 D Win NT D 05/2 D
Peripherals rim-clued:
CD—bay' D CD El DVD Speed: _x Maker:
D Docking slalion (please attach faulty report) El
PCMCIA card:
[1 FCMCIA card Name: Revision: lRQ DMA
El PCMCIA card Name: Revision: IRQ DMA
Software where problem occurs:
Name: Rev.: Error message:
If you have any problems with your notebook, especially with soitware or hardware
ccmpmibility we would like to lmow this so we can maintain a 100% compatibility.
Therefore if you fmd any problem please fill-out this report and give to your dealer.
If you have tried many different settings or configurations, like IRQ, DMA, LCD or CRT,
mark all of lhem so that we easily can repeat the problem under the some configurations;
Appendix G , Notebook user‘s manual
If you are using the dockingstation, please fill-out the Faulty report in the Docking station
User’s manual as well.
Attach another page with detail description of your problem or use the backside
Your cooperation is most appreciated!
Problem description:
Page 6-2

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