Cisco Linksys WAP55AG Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point User Manual WAP55AG UG

Cisco-Linksys, LLC Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point WAP55AG UG


Users Manual Part 1

Instant Wireless®Series Dual-Band WirelessA + G Access PointUse this guide to install: WAP55AG User Guide
COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2003 Linksys, All RightsReserved.  Instant Wireless, Linksys, and the Linksys logo are registered trademarks ofLinksys Group, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trade-marks of Microsoft Corporation.  All other trademarks and brand names are the proper-ty of their respective proprietors. LIMITED WARRANTY Linksys guarantees that every Instant Wireless Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Pointwill be free from physical defects in material and workmanship for one year from the dateof purchase, when used within the limits set forth in the Specifications section of this UserGuide. If the product proves defective during this warranty period, go to the Linksys website atwww.linksys.comfor complete Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) assistance. Youcan also call Linksys Technical Support in order to obtain a RMA Number. BE SURE TOHAVE YOUR PROOF OF PURCHASE AND A BARCODE FROM THE PRODUCT’S PACK-AGING ON HAND WHEN CALLING. RETURN REQUESTS CANNOT BE PROCESSEDWITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE. When returning a product, mark the RMA Numberclearly on the outside of the package and include a copy of your original proof of pur-chase. All customers located outside of the United States of America and Canada shallbe held responsible for shipping and handling charges.IN NO EVENT SHALL LINKSYS'S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE PROD-UCT FROM DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-AGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, ITS ACCOMPANYING SOFT-WARE, OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. LINKSYS OFFERS NO REFUNDS FOR ITS PROD-UCTS.  Linksys makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statutory,with respect to its products or the contents or use of this documentation and all accom-panying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, performance, merchantability, orfitness for any particular purpose. Linksys reserves the right to revise or update its prod-ucts, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity.Please direct all inquiries to:Linksys  P.O. Box 18558, Irvine, CA 92623.   SAFETY AND REGULATORY NOTICESFCC STATEMENTThe Instant Wireless Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point has been tested and com-plies with the specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre-quency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter-ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment or devices• Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver's• Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistanceFCC Caution: Any change or modification to the product not expressly approved byLinksys could void the user's authority to operate the device.FCC Caution: Operation within the 5150 to 5250GHz band is restricted to indoor use only.FCC RF Radiation Exposure StatementTo comply with the FCC and ANSI C95.1 RF exposure limits, the antenna(s) for thisdevice must comply with the following:• Access points with 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz integrated antenna must operate with a sepa-ration distance of at least 20 cm from all persons using the cable provided and mustnot be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.End-users must be provided with specific operations for satisfying RF exposure compli-ance.Note: Dual antennas used for diversity operation are not considered co-located.Canadian Department of Communications Industry Canada (IC) NoticeThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 et CNR-210du Canada."To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be oper-ated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or itstransmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing."" Pour empêcher que cet appareil cause du brouillage au service faisant l'objet d'unelicence, il doit être utilisé à l'intérieur et devrait être placé loin des fenêtres afin de fournirun écran de blindage maximal. Si le matériel (ou son antenne d'émission) est installé àl'extérieur, il doit faire l'objet d'une licence. "EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (EUROPE)Linksys Group declares that the Instant Wireless®Series products included in the InstantWireless®Series conform to the specifications listed below, following the provisions of theEuropean R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC, EMC directive 89/336/EEC, and Low Voltagedirective 73/23/EEC:  For 11Mbps, 2.4 GHz access points with 100 mW radios, the following standards wereapplied: • ETS 300-826, 301 489-1 General EMC requirements for Radio equipment.• EN 609 50 Safety• ETS 300-328-2 Technical requirements for Radio equipment.For 54 Mbps, 5 GHz access points with 40 mW radios, the following standards wereapplied: • ETS 301 489-1, 301 489-17 General EMC requirements for Radio equipment.• EN 609 50 Safety• ETS 301-893 Technical requirements for Radio equipment.Caution: The frequencies used by 802.11a wireless LAN devices are not yet harmonizedwithin the European community, 802.11a products are designed for use only in specificcountries, and are not allowed to be operated in countries other than those of designat-ed use. Contact local Authority for procedure to follow.Caution: This equipment is intended to be used in all EU and EFTA countries. Outdooruse may be restricted to certain frequencies and/or may require a license for operation.Contact local Authority for procedure to follow.
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointTable of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction 1The Instant Wireless Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point 1Features 1Chapter 2: Planning Your Wireless Network 2Network Topology 2Roaming 2Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Dual-BandWireless A + G Access Point 3The Access Point’s Back Panel 3The Access Point’s Front Panel 4Chapter 4: Connecting the Dual-BandWireless A + G Access Point 5Chapter 5: Setting Up the Dual-BandWireless A + G Access Point 6Chapter 6: Configuring the Dual-BandWireless A + G Access Point 14The Setup Tab 14WEP Encryption 16The Password Tab 18The Status Tab 19The Statistics Tab 19The Log Tab 20The Help Tab 20The Filters Tab 21The Advanced Wireless Tab 22The SNMP Tab 25Appendix A: Troubleshooting 26Frequently Asked Questions 26Note: Combinations of power levels and antennas resulting in a radiated power level ofabove 100 mW equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) are considered as not com-pliant with the above mentioned directive and are not allowed for use within the Europeancommunity and countries that have adopted the European R&TTE directive 1999/5/ECand/or the CEPT recommendation Rec 70.03. For more details on legal combinations of power levels and antennas, contact LinksysCorporate Compliance.• Linksys Group vakuuttaa täten että Instant Wireless Dual-Band Wireless A + GAccess Point tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY, direktiivin 89/336/EEC ja direk-tiivin 73/23/EEC oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien näiden direktiivien muidenehtojen mukainen.• Linksys Group déclare que la Instant Wireless Dual-Band Wireless A + G AccessPoint est conforme aux conditions essentielles et aux dispositions relatives à la direc-tive 1999/5/EC, la directive 89/336/EEC, et à la directive 73/23/EEC.• Belgique B L'utilisation en extérieur est autorisé sur le canal 11 (2462 MHz), 12 (2467MHz), et 13 (2472 MHz). Dans le cas d'une utilisation privée, à l'extérieur d'un bâti-ment, au-dessus d'un espace  public, aucun enregistrement n'est nécessaire pourune distance de moins de 300m. Pour une distance supérieure à 300m un enreg-istrement auprès de l'IBPT est requise. Pour une utilisation publique à l'extérieur debâtiments, une licence de l'IBPT est requise. Pour les enregistrements et licences,veuillez contacter l'IBPT.• France F: 2.4 GHz Bande : les canaux 10, 11, 12, 13 (2457, 2462, 2467, et 2472 MHz respec-tivement) sont complétement libres d'utilisation en France (en utilisation intérieur).Pour ce qui est des autres canaux, ils peuvent être soumis à autorisation selon ledépartment. L'utilisation en extérieur est soumis à autorisation préalable et trèsrestreint. 5 GHz Bande: Conformément aux décisions de la CEPT, l'utilisation des fréquencesde la bande 5150 MHz - 5350 MHz est autorisée à l'intérieur des bâtiments avec unepuissance maximale de 200 mW, et interdite en extérieur. La bande 5470 MHz - 5725MHz n'est pas ouverte aujourd'hui. Vous pouvez contacter l'Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications( pour de plus amples renseignements.2.4 GHz Band: only channels 10, 11, 12, 13 (2457, 2462, 2467, and 2472 MHzrespectively) may be used freely in France for indoor use. License required for out-door installations.5 GHz Band: frequencies in the 5150 MHz - 5350 MHz band may be used indoorwith maximum power of 200 mW. Their use is forbidden outdoors. The 5470 MHz -5725 MHz band is not currently open.Please contact ART ( for procedure to follow.• Deutschland D: Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwending, aber nicht genehmi-gungspflichtig. Bitte mit Händler die Vorgehensweise abstimmen.• Germany D: License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for proce-dure to follow.• Italia I: E' necessaria la concessione ministeriale anche per l'uso interno. Verificarecon i rivenditori la procedura da seguire. L'uso per installazione in esterni non e' per-messa.• Italy I: License required for indoor use. Use with outdoor installations not allowed.• The Netherlands NL License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller forprocedure to follow.• Nederlands NL Licentie verplicht voor gebruik met buitenantennes. Neem contact opmet verkoper voor juiste procedure.UG-WAP55AG-30214NC KL
Instant Wireless®  Series Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointChapter 1: IntroductionThe Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point gives you universal wirelessconnectivity.  It's the best way to add wireless capability to your existing wirednetwork, or to add bandwidth to your wireless installation.The Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point actually contains two separate wire-less connectivity radio transceivers, which support all three popular wireless net-working specifications.  The first transceiver uses the 2.4GHz radio band, sup-porting both the widely-used and inexpensive Wireless-B (802.11b) standard at11Mbps, and the new, almost five times faster, Wireless-G (draft 802.11g) at54Mbps.  The second radio operates in the 5GHz band, and supports Wireless-A(802.11a) networking, also at 54Mbps.  Since the two radios operate in differentbands, they can work simultaneously, blanketing your wireless zone with high-speed bandwidth.To protect your data and privacy, the A+G Access Point can encrypt all wirelesstransmissions.  The MAC Address filter lets you decide exactly who has accessto your wireless network while Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) puts yournetwork on the cleanest channel in your location.  Configuration is a snap withthe web browser-based configuration utility.With the Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point, you'll have the best ofall worlds -- Wireless-B for legacy compatibility, and both Wireless-G andWireless-A for high-speed access.• Dual-band, tri-standard Access Point communicates with Wireless-A(802.11a), Wireless-B (802.11b), and Wireless-G (draft 802.11g) wirelessnetworks• Protect your wireless investment while preparing your infrastructure for thefuture• Advanced features: SNMP manageability, and Dynamic Frequency Selection(DFS)• Powerful security: Up to 152-bit wireless data encryption (WEP), and wire-less MAC address filter• Performance Investment Protection: Compatibility with Wireless-A(802.11a), Wireless-B (802.11b) and Wireless-G (draft 802.11g) Standards• Ideal Wireless Solution for Enterprise customers• MAC Address Filtering and up to 152-bit WEP Encryption• Built in Web UI for easy configuration from any Web Browser• Firmware upgradeable through Web-browser• Quick Setup and Easy for Deployment• Free Technical Support - 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week, Toll-Free U.S. Calls• 1-Year Limited Warranty1FeaturesAppendix B: Setting Up the TCP/IP and IPX Protocols 31Setting Up TCP/IP in Windows 31TCP/IP Setup for Windows 95, 98, and Millennium 32IPX Setup for Windows 95, 98, and Millennium 32TCP/IP Setup for Windows NT 4.0 33IPX Setup for Windows NT 4.0 33TCP/IP Setup for Windows 2000 34IPX Setup for Windows 2000 34TCP/IP Setup for Windows XP 35Appendix C: Glossary 36Appendix D: Specifications 46Environmental 47Appendix E: Warranty Information 48Appendix F: Contact Information 49The Instant Wireless Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointChapter 3: Getting to Know the Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointThe Access Point’s ports, where a network cable is connected, are located onthe Access Point’s back panel, shown in Figure 3-1.LAN This LAN (Local Area Network) port connects to Ethernet net-work devices, such as a hub, switch, or router.Power The Power port is where you will connect the  power adapter.Reset Button There are two ways to Reset the Access Point’s factorydefaults. Either press the Reset Button, for approximately tenseconds, or restore the defaults from the password tab in theAccess Point’s Web-Based Utility.32The Access Point’s Back PanelFigure 3-1Important: Resetting the Access Point will erase all of your settings(WEP Encryption, Wireless and LAN settings, etc.) and replacethem with the factory defaults. Do not reset the Access Point if youwant to retain these settingsChapter 2: Planning YourWireless NetworkA wireless LAN is a group of computers, each equipped with one InstantWireless Series adapter.  Computers in a wireless LAN must be configured toshare the same radio channel.The Instant Wireless Series adapters provide access to a wired LAN for wire-less workstations.  An integrated wireless and wired LAN is called an infra-structure configuration.  A group of Instant Wireless Series adapter users andan Access Point compose a Basic Service Set (BSS).  Each Instant WirelessSeries adapter PC in a BSS can talk to any computer in a wired LAN infra-structure via the Access Point.An infrastructure configuration extends the accessibility of an Instant WirelessSeries adapter PC to a wired LAN, and doubles the effective wireless trans-mission range for two Instant Wireless Series adapter PCs.  Since the AccessPoint is able to forward data within its BSS, the effective transmission range inan infrastructure LAN is doubled.Infrastructure mode also supports roaming capabilities for mobile users.  Morethan one BSS can be configured as an Extended Service Set (ESS).  This con-tinuous network allows users to roam freely within an ESS.  All PCs equippedwith an Instant Wireless Series adapter within one ESS must be configuredwith the same ESS ID and use the same radio channel.Before enabling an ESS with roaming capability, choosing a feasible radiochannel and optimum Access Point position is recommended. Proper AccessPoint positioning combined with a clear radio signal will greatly enhance per-formance.RoamingNetwork TopologyInstant Wireless®  Series
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointChapter 4: Connecting the Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point 1. Locate an optimum location for the  Access Point. The best place for theAccess Point is usually at the center of your wireless network, with line ofsight to all of your mobile stations.2. Fix the direction of the antenna. Try to place it in a position which canbest cover your wireless network. Normally, the higher you place the anten-na, the better the performance will be. The antenna’s position enhances thereceiving sensitivity.3. Connect a standard Ethernet network cable to the Access Point. Then,connect the other end to a PC or to your wired network.4. Connect the AC Power Adapter to the Access Point’s Power Socket.Only use the power adapter supplied with the Access Point. Use of a differ-ent adapter may result in product damage.Now that the hardware installation is complete, proceed to Chapter 5: SettingUp the Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point for directions on how to setup the Access Point.5Instant Wireless®  Series4Note: In order for all other wireless devices to communicate withthe Access Point, those devices must be operating in theInfrastructure Mode.  If any wireless devices are configured inthe Ad Hoc Mode, they will not be recognized by the Access Point.TThe LEDs on the Access Point’s front panel, shown in Figure 3-2, display net-work activity.Power Green. The Power LED lights up when the Access Point ispowered on.Diag Red. The Diag LED indicates the Access Point’s self-diagnosismode during boot-up and restart. It will turn off upon com-pleting the diagnosis. If this LED stays on for an abnormallylong period of time, refer to the Troubleshooting Appendix.WLAN Act Green. If the WLAN’s Act LED is flickering, the Access Pointis actively sending or receiving data to or from one of thedevices on the network.WLAN Link Green. The WLAN’s Link LED lights whenever there is a suc-cessful wireless connection.LAN Act/Link Green. The LAN’s LINK LED serves two purposes. If theLED is continuously lit, the Access Point is successfully con-nected to a device through the LAN port. If the LED is flick-ering, it is an indication of any network activity.LAN Full/Col Green. The LAN’s Full/Col LED also serves two purposes.When this LED is continuously lit, the connection madethrough the corresponding port is running in Full Duplexmode. A flickering LED indicates that the connection is expe-riencing collisions. Infrequent collisions are normal. If thisLED blinks too often, there may be a problem with your con-nection. Refer to the Troubleshooting Appendix if you thinkthere is a problem.LAN 100 Orange. The LAN’s 100 LED indicates when a successful100Mbps connection is made through the LAN port.The Access Point’s Front PanelFigure 3-2
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point3. The following screen, shown in Figure 5-2, displays how to connect theAccess Point. You can also configure the Access Point through one of yourPC’s ethernet ports. Click the Next button to continue.4. The next screen to appear, shown in Figure 5-3, will display a list of accesspoints on your network along with the status information for each accesspoint. Choose this Access Point for configuration and click the Ye s buttonto continue.7Chapter 5: Setting Up the Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointNow that you’ve connected the Access Point to your wired network, you areready to begin setting it up. This Setup Wizard will take you through all thesteps necessary to configure the Access Point.1. Insert the Setup Wizard CD into your PC’s CD-ROM drive. Your PC mustbe on your wired network to set up the Access Point. 2. The screen in Figure 5-1 should appear on your monitor. If it does not, thismeans the autorun is not functioning. Start the Setup Wizard manually byclicking the Start button, selecting Run, and typing d:\setup.exe (where“D” is your PC’s CD-ROM drive). Click the Setup button to continue thisSetup Wizard. Clicking the User Guide button opened this User Guide. Toaccess the Linksys web site on an active Internet connection, click theLinksys Web button or to exit this Setup Wizard, click the Exit button.6Figure 5-2Figure 5-3Have You: Connected the Access Point to a PC or available port onyour wired network as described in Chapter 4: Connecting theDual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point?Note: While the Access Point has been designed to work correctlyright out of the box, setting it up on a wireless computer will requireyou to use the Linksys default settings. These settings can then bechanged with the Setup Wizard or Web-based Browser Utility.Figure 5-1Instant Wireless®  Series
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point9Instant Wireless®  Series87. As shown in Figure 5-6, the Basic Settings screen for your 5 GHz/802.11awireless products will appear. Enter your wireless network’s SSID andselect the channel at which the network broadcasts its wireless signal. Then,click the Next button to continue.SSID. The SSID is the unique name shared among all points in a wirelessnetwork. The SSID must be identical for all points in the wireless network.It is case sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters, which may be anykeyboard character. The default SSID, linksys-a, should be changed forgreater security. Make sure this setting is the same for all points in yourwireless network.Channel. Selectthe appropriatechannel fromthe list providedto correspondwith your net-work settings,between 36 and64. All points inyour wirelessnetwork mustuse the samechannel in orderto function cor-rectly.8. The Security Settings screen (Figure 5-7) for your 5 GHz/802.11a wirelessproducts will appear next. From this screen, you will set the WiredEquivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption, 64-bit/128-bit/152-bit, for yourwireless network. Select a WEP configuration method and a WEP key.Figure 5-65. You will be asked tosign onto the AccessPoint you’ve select-ed, as shown inFigure 5-4. Enter thedefault password:admin. Then, clickthe OK button. (Thispassword should bechanged from theWeb-based Utility’sPassword tab forgreater security.)6. As shown in Figure 5-5, the IP Settings screen will appear next.  Enter anIP Address, Subnet Mask,  and enter a unique access point name for theAccess Point appropriate to your network. Then, click the Next button tocontinue.IP Address. This IP address must be unique to your network. (The defaultIP address is  Subnet Mask. The Access Point’s Subnet Mask must be the same as yourEthernet network.Access PointName. Assign aname to theAccess Point.Unique, memo-rable names arehelpful, espe-cially if you areemploying mul-tiple accesspoints on thesame network.Figure 5-4Figure 5-5
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point11Instant Wireless®  SeriesThe WEP key can consist of the letters “A” through “F” and the numbers“0” through “9” and should be 10 characters in length for 64-bit encryption,26 characters inlength for 128-bit encryption,or 32 charactersin length for152-bit encryp-tion. All pointsin your wirelessnetwork mustuse the sameWEP key to uti-lize WEPencryption.Click the Nextbutton to contin-ue.9. As shown in Figure 5-8, the Basic Settings screen for your 2.4 GHz/802.11gwireless products will appear. Enter your wireless network’s SSID andselect the channel at which the network broadcasts its wireless signal. Then,click the Next button to continue.Network Mode. Since 802.11g-draft products are backwards compatiblewith 802.11b products, this mode is provided in the event you wish to incor-porate 802.11b products into you 802.11g-draft wireless network. If you areusing both 802.11g-draft and 802.11b products in your network, selectMixed mode. You may experience reduced networking speeds in Mixedmode, as the speed must compensate for both types. If you are only using802.11g-draft products in your network, select G-Only mode.SSID. The SSID is the unique name shared among all points in a wirelessnetwork. The SSID must be identical for all points in the wireless network.It is case sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters, which may be anykeyboard character. The default SSID, linksys-g, should be changed forgreater security. Make sure this setting is the same for all points in yourwireless network.10Channel. Selectthe appropriatechannel from thelist provided tocorrespond withyour networksettings,between 1 and11 (in NorthAmerica). Allpoints in yourwireless networkmust use thesame channel inorder to functioncorrectly.10. The  Security Settings screen (Figure 5-9) for your 2.4 GHz/802.11g-draftwireless products will appear next. From this screen, you will set the WiredEquivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption, 64-bit/128-bit, for your wireless net-work. Select a WEP configuration method and a WEP passphrase.WEP (Disable/64-bit WEP/128-bit WEP). In order to utilize WEP encryp-tion, select theWEP settingfrom the pull-down menu. Ifyou do not wishto utilize WEPencryption,make sureDisable isselected.Note: WEP encryption should be used whenever networking wire-lessly. WEP encryption helps increase security and make yourwireless network safer to use.Figure 5-8Figure 5-9Figure 5-7
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point12. You should now review the settings you’ve chosen, as shown in Figure 5-11.  If these settings are correct, click the Ye s button to save these settings.If you wish to change any of the settings, click the No button. You will exitthe Setup Wizard and can start it again to revise your settings.13. At this point, the configuration performed with the Setup Wizard is com-plete, as shown in Figure 5-12. To configure any other Access Points in yournetwork, you can run this Setup Wizard again. Click the Exit button to exitthe Setup Wizard.1312Figure 5-12Figure 5-11Passphrase. This is a text string with a maximum of 16 alphanumeric char-acters used for generating a WEP Key.  Type the passphrase here. Thispassphrase may not work with non-Linksys products due to possible incom-patibility with other vendors’ passphrase generators. If you’d rather not usea passphrase and would rather enter the WEP Key manually, click the Nextbutton.Click the Next button to continue.11. The following Security screen, shown in Figure 5-7, will allow you to enteryour WEP key if a passphrase was not entered on the previous screen. If apassphrase was used, the new WEP key will appear on this screen. Eachpoint in your wireless network must use the same WEP key for the networkto function properly. Verify that the appropriate key is entered and click theNext button to continue.The WEP key can consist of the letters “A” through “F” and the numbers“0” through “9” and should be 10 characters in length for 64-bit encryptionor 26 characters in length for 128-bit encryption. All points in your wirelessnetwork must use the same WEP key to utilize WEP encryption.Note: The Access Point’s passphrase function when mixing prod-ucts from other manufacturers into your wireless network. Linksysproducts should always be used for optimum functionality. Ifanother company’s wireless product is used, however, the WEP keyshould be set manually.Figure 5-10Instant Wireless®  Series

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