ClearOne VB402051 Auditory Assistance Listening Device User Manual venture base cvr p65

ClearOne, Inc. Auditory Assistance Listening Device venture base cvr p65


Complete Users Manual

Installation andOperations ManualVenture-Base TransmitterGentner Communications CorporationAssistive Listening Systems
© Copyright 1997 Gentner Communications Corporation.  All rights reserved.  No part ofthis manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission fromGentner Communications Corporation.  Printed in the United States of America.  Originalversion, 1/93.  Gentner Communications Corporation reserves specification privileges.Information in this manual is subject to change without notice.Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualSeptember 1998Manual Development: Bill KilpackCopyrightInformation
Venture-Base TransmitterInstallation andOperations Manual
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page iiiTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comIntroduction 1Warranty Registration 1Product Description 2Accessories 3Front Panel Controls 3Back Panel Controls 4Installation 5Step 1 — Antenna Connection 5Step 2 — Audio Connection 7Step 3 — Apply Power 8Step 4 — Rack Mounting Option 8Operation 8Set Audio Level 8High Pass Switch 9Set the RF Level 10Receiver Tuning 10Reception Check 10Interference 10Frequency Chart 11Service 12Specifications 12Notice 13Warranty 14Contents
Page iv    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comList of FiguresFigure 1. Venture-Base front panel controls ................................3Figure 2. Venture-Base back panel controls ................................4Figure 3. Remote antenna connection ................................6Figure 4. Amplifier connection ................................7Figure 5. Y-adaptor connection ................................8Figure 6. Venture-Base front panel controls ................................9Figure 7. Venture-Base back panel controls ..............................10
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 1Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comCongratulations on purchasing the Venture-BaseAssistive Listening Transmitter.  The Venture-Baseis the heart of the Gentner Assistive ListeningSystem.  As the most advanced device of its type,its design and manufacture result from researchwith audiologists, sound contractors, consultantsand end users.  It is designed to provide the highestpossible audio and RF performance.  The Venture-Base is reliable, easy to use and provides qualityperformance.The Venture-Base has audio inputs for audiosources, ranging from microphone to loudspeaker(balanced and unbalanced).  It contains a series ofaudio processors to shape the input dynamics andfrequency response.  This produces clear sound forthe hearing impaired, with minimal adjustment.The RF section is crystal-controlled for long-termstability, and uses digital frequency-synthesizercircuitry, allowing the transmitter to be instantly setto 19 FCC-approved ALS channels.If you need additional information on how to install,set up or operate your Venture-Base, please contactus at Gentner Communications at the location notedbelow. We welcome and encourage your commentsso we can continue to improve our products andbetter serve your communication needs.Gentner Communications Corporation1825 Research Way, Salt Lake City, Utah  84119TEL: Worldwide 801.975.7200  In U.S.A. 800.945.7730FAX: Worldwide 801.977.0087  In U.S.A. 800.933.5107FAX-On-Demand 24-Hour Information Service 800.695.8110FAX-On-Demand International line 801.974.3661Worldwide Web Page @ http:\\www.gentner.comWarranty RegistrationPlease register your Venture-Base online byvisiting Technical Support at the GentnerWorldwide Web Site.Introduction
Page 2    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comMaking sound clearer for the hearing impairedrequires more than just making it louder. The needsof the hearing impaired differ from those withnormal hearing.  Audio processing is needed toreshape the sound.  The most common impairmentsare reduced sensitivity and dynamic range, and lossof high frequencies.  Many of the audio sourceshave extremely high dynamic range — oftendifficult to hear under optimal circumstances.The Venture Base’s audio processing is similar tothat used at a commercial radio station.  Automaticgain control (AGC) controls the long-term levels,equalizing different types of program material.This compensates for variations in level.  Theaudio is tied to the AGC circuit, so incoming audiois always controlled, greatly reducing distortion.Audio passes through a split-band compressor,reducing the signal’s dynamics, making the soundnot only louder but more intelligible.  Normally,available compression is very limited, since toomuch compression  creates a dull, muffled sound.To prevent this, the Venture-Base splits the audiointo high and low bands.  It then processes themseparately, so each band receives the correctamount of compression.  This allows morecompression overall, amplifying sound withoutdullness — and without noticing the compression.After compression, the sound is fed to the patentedAphex Aural Exciter® circuit.  This process hasbeen used in the recording and broadcast industriesfor decades.  Aphex processing creates an increasein perceived brightness for the listener.  A finalsignal limiter is used to provide an absolute audiopeak level so the FM signal can never be over-modulated (which causes distortion).People with or without hearing impairmentappreciate this sophisticated processing, with itsclear sound and improved intelligibility.ProductDescription
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 3Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comSeveral accessory options are available includingreceivers, headphones, battery rechargers, portabletransmitter, etc., to fit your needs.   Contact GentnerCommunications or your dealer for information.The Venture-Base was designed for ease inoperation.  The Venture-Base front-panel controls(See Figure 1, below.) perform the followingfunctions:1. Power LED.  This LED lights when power isapplied.2. Power Button.  This push-on/push-off buttonturns the Venture-Base ON/OFF.3. Audio Level LEDs.  These three LEDs indicatethe incoming audio level:• Amber=Low• Green=Normal (occasional red flashes, 5–10percent, acceptable• Solid Red=High.4. Audio Input Level.  This control adjusts theaudio-input level.  To set, slowly turn up the control(with audio playing) while monitoring the LEDindicators [3], until the green LED is lit 90–95percent of the time (red LED flashing occasionally,5–10 percent).5. Process.  This control sets the overallcompression level.  Set it wherever the effect is mostpleasing (typically at 10 o’clock).6. In.  This push-on/push-pff button activates/deactivates the Aphex Aural Exciter process.  Thisenhancement can be switched in and out.AccessoriesFront PanelControlsFigure 1. Venture-Base front panel controls
Page 4    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.com7. Monitor Level.  This control sets the level of theaudio at the   jack [8].8.  .  This headphone jack provides easymonitoring of transmitter operation. Its output is1W, capable of driving most headphones.HEADPHONE NOTE:Ensure that the headphone jack does not makemetal contact with the face place of the Venture-Base.9. RF.  This LED indicates proper RF-circuitfunction to simplify system troubleshooting (i.e. nosignal being received).  When lit, the LED indicatesRF signal presence.The Venture-Base’s back-panel connectors andcontrols (See Figure 2, below.) are designed forease in use.Front PanelContinuedBack PanelControls1. Antenna.  This 50 Ohm output is for connectionof the supplied local antenna or the remote antenna(see Step 1, Page 6).  Do not operate thetransmitter without the antenna.2. RF Level.  This switch sets the RF output to one-quarter, half or full power to control the amount ofcoverage and to reduce the chance of interference.3.  RF Channel Switch.  RF channels can bechanged by setting the thumbwheel to any channelfrom 01–19.  The corresponding frequencies areindicated on the top of the transmitter.  If set otherthan 01–19, the system defaults to channel 01.Figure 2. TX-37A back panel controls
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 5Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.com4. Tone.  This switch sends a 40Hz test tonethrough the audio circuit to test the transmitter andaid in tuning receivers.  To tune receivers, set thetransmitter to the desired operating channel,activate the tone, then tune the receiver for clearestreception. (Refer to receiver user’s guide.)5. Hi Pass.  This switch activates the high-passfilter, which rolls off low frequencies below 180Hz(i.e., wind noise and room reverberation).  Theselow frequencies are not needed for voiceintelligibility.6. Unbalanced.  This unbalanced RCA audio inputjack is a 10 kOhm input intended for connection ofunbalanced signals from line/speaker-level outputs.7. Input Select.  This screwdriver-set control selectsthe input source from balanced mic and line-levelsignals to unbalanced line and speaker-level signals.8. Ballanced Input.  The balanced audio input XLRconnector is 600 Ohms, transformer balanced, forbalanced mic and line level-input signals.9. Power.  The Venture-Base requires 11–15Vdca500mA, supplied by the provided AC powersupply, or by other sources (batteries, auto cigarettelighter).The Venture-Base is designed for easy installationand setup.  To install the Venture-Base, follow thesestep-by-step instructions:Step 1 — Antenna ConnectionAttach the provided rubber whip antenna to themodified TNC connector [1] (Figure 2, Page 4).It may be installed directly on the rear of theVenture-Base, or remotely mounted on thesupplied antenna mount and 49-foot cable(Figure 3, below).Unless the transmitter is used in a very smallroom, best performance is with the remoteantenna placed away from the Venture-Base,but as close to the receiver(s) as possible.Installation
Page 6    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comRACK-MOUNTING NOTE:The remote antenna is necessary when rack-mounting the transmitter.Position the remote antenna so it is not close toany vertical metal surface.  If possible, place iton a horizontal metal surface to provide aground plane and better performance.  Main-taining line of sight with the receivers is notalways necessary, but will enhance reception.Walls containing large amounts of wiring,metal studs or concrete can block or reduce thetransmitter signal.Figure 3. Remoteantenna connectionRF SIGNAL NOTE:Any RF system is susceptible to “dropouts”(reduced RF energy due to reflections andcancellations), which result in a noisy signal.  Itcan usually be cured by moving the antenna arounduntil the signal is clear.  Some-times, even a fewinches can dramatically alter performance.
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 7Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comStep 2 — Audio ConnectionThe Venture-Base is designed to accommodatealmost any type and level of audio source.MicrophoneAlmost any 600 Ohm dynamic or self-poweredcondenser microphone can be plugged into thebalanced XLR connector.  When doing so, setthe input select switch to MIC.  An unbalancedmicrophone may be used with a suitableadapter.  However, Gentner Communicationsrecommends that a balanced microphone beused to eliminate noise pickup.Line InputThe line input is most commonly used whenconnecting the Venture-Base to a sound systemamplifier or mixer (Figure 4, below).If the source has a low impedance, balancedoutput (auxiliary, tape, etc.), use the XLRconnector.If a 10 kOhm unbalanced line or tape output isavailable (usually an RCA jack), use a suitablecable to connect this output to the RCA lineinput on the transmitter.  After, set the inputselect switch to the proper position.If you have a tape recorder or other devicealready connected to the line out, a Y cable(See Figure 5, below.) may be used to split thesignal between the transmitter and the taperecorder. This type of adapter is generallyavailable at electronic supply stores.Figure 4. Amplifier connection
Page 8    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comOperationSpeaker InputIf no suitable signals are available, the Venture-Base can be connected to a speaker-leveloutput (last resort).  At these low levels, anamplifier out-put may be very noisy andsubject to interfer-ence.  Connect directly to theamplifier out, not to the remote speaker.  If thetransmitter is connected to the remote speakerand noise results, turn down the amplifier.  Theinput to the transmitter is probably overdriven.Step 3 — Apply PowerPlug the supplied AC adapter into a 110–120Vac power source, and plug the end of thecord into the sub-mini power jack.  The frontInstallationContinuedFigure 5. Y-adaptor connectionpanel contains the push-on/push-off switch.Turn ON the power and monitor the front-panelpower LED.  If the transmitter is receivingelectricity, the LED will light.Step 4 — Rack Mounting OptionThe Venture-Base may be rack mounted withthe optional single-wide or double-wide rackmount kits.  Contact Gentner Communicationsfor kit availability and pricing.The Venture-Base is designed for ease in operation.Set Audio LevelTurn the sound system and the transmitter ON,and provide a program source.  Have someone
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 9Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comspeak into the microphone or connect an audiosource to the sound system.  Slowly raise theAUDIO INPUT LEVEL control [4] (See Figure6, below.) until the amber and green LEDs areON, and the red LED flashes 5–10 percent [3].The AUDIO INPUT LEVEL control [4] istypically set between 9 and 3 o’clock. If theinput cannot be set easily with the front panelcontrol, try setting the input select switch onthe back panel to a higher or lower setting, orchange the output level of your source device.High Pass SwitchIf the system is to be used primarily with voiceFigure 6. Venture-Base front panel controlstransmission, set the back panel HI PASSswitch [5] to ON (Figure 7, below).  This willcut low frequencies below 180Hz, reducingreverberation.Figure 7. Venture-Base back panel controls
Page 10    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comSet the RF LevelTransmitters must never be set to the samefrequency in the same location.  Channels mustbe set as far apart from each other as possible.Test the reception with the RF level at one-halfor one-quarter [2] power.  The lower it can beoperated satisfactorily, the less chance thereOperationContinuedwill be for interference with another system.One-half or one-quarter power should covermost classroom applications.Receiver TuningSet the TONE switch [4] to ON.  To tune thereceiver, refer to the respective receiver user’sguide.Reception CheckUsing the tone or other audio source, walkaround with the receiver.  Verify the re-ceptionin all parts of the room. If reception is notoptimal, move the transmitter antenna toanother location and repeat this procedure.InterferenceWith any type of RF device, other RF sourcescan interfere with reception.  Even the FCC-designated ALS band is occasionally subject touse by other types of devices.Interference can take the form of rising-and-falling audio.  To verify on-channelinterference, take the receiver to the placewhere the interference is worst and turn off thetransmitter. The interfering signal should nowcome in stronger. Since the Venture-Base isfrequency-agile, you can set it to anotherchannel and retune the receivers to move awayfrom the interference.
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 11Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comFREQUENCY CHART*Frequencies are in MHzChannel *Frequency01      216.02502      216.07503      216.12504      216.17505      216.22506      216.27507      216.32508      216.37509      216.42510      216.52511      216.57512      216.62513      216.67514      216.72515      216.77516      216.82517      216.87518      216.92519      216.975If more than one Venture-Base is to be operating in the same location, tryto keep the channels used as far apart from each other as possible.Transmitters should never be set to the same frequency in the samelocation.
Page 12    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comThis transmitter is authorized by rule under theLow Power Radio Service (47 C.F.R. Part 95)and must not cause harmful interference to TVreception or United States Navy SPASURinstallations. You do not need an FCC licenseto operate this transmitter. This transmittermay only be used to provide: auditoryasssistance to persons with disabilities, personswho require language translation, or persons ineducational settings; health care services to theill; law enforcement tracking services underagreement with a law enforcement agency; orautomated maritime telecommunicationssystem (AMTS) network controlcommunications. Two-way voicecommunications and all other types of uses notmentioned above are expressly prohibited.The Venture-Base contains no user-serviceableinternal parts.  Should a problem develop with thesystem that cannot be resolved by normaladjustments as described in this manual, contactGentner Communications Corporation.Venture-BaseDimensions8.25"/20.96cmW x 1.75"/4.5cmH x 7.25"/18.42cmDWeight 2.5 lb./13 kg. (dry)Audio InputsMIC: XLR, 600 Ohm balanced, 10mVLINE: RCA, 600 Ohm balanced, 1VLINE: RCA, 10K unbalanced, 1VSPEAKER: RCA, unbalancedConnectorsHEADPHONE:1/4" PhonoServiceFCCSpecifications
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 13Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comANTENNA: Modified TNC, 50 OhmPOWER: Sub-miniAudio PerformanceAGC Range40dBManual Input Level Control20dBSignal to Noise Ratio52dBTransmission TypeFM modulationMaximum Deviation+/- 10kHz, 20kHz totalMaximum Radiated Power1600uV/m at 30MFrequency ControlDigitally synthesized, crystal controlledFrequency Stability0.005%RF Level Adjust1/4, 1/2, and Full PowerSelectable Frequencies19 channels, 216 MHzPower Requirements9–15Vdc at 300mAThe Gentner Venture-Base Assistive ListeningTransmitter complies with Part 95 of the FCCRules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and 2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause anyundesired operation.Users are cautioned that changes or modificationsnot expressly approved by Gentner CommunicationsNotice
Page 14    Venture-Base Installation and Operations ManualTechnical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comCorporation could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.If you experience problems with this equipment, contact Gentner Communi-cations Corporation.  Aural Exciter® is a Registered Trademark of AphexSystems, Inc.This transmitter is authorized bu rule under the Low Power Radio Service (47C.F.R. Part 95) and must not cause harmful intererence to TV reception orUnited States Navy SPASUR installations. You do lnot need an FCC license tooperate this transmitter. This transmitter may only be used to provide:auditory assistance to persons with disabilities, persons who require languagetranslation, or persons in deucational settings; health care services to the ill;law enforcement tracking services under agreement with a law enforcementagency; or automated maritime telecommunications system (AMTS) networkcontrol communications. Two-way voice communiications and all other typesof uses not mentioned above are expressly prohibited.This devise may not interfere with TV reception or federal government radar,and must accept any interface received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.Gentner Communications Corporation (Manufacturer) warrants that this AssistiveListening System (ALS) product is free of defects in both materials andworkmanship.  Should any part of this equipment be defective, Manufactureragrees, at its option, to:A.  Repair or replace any defective ALS product, free of charge (excepttransportation charges), for a period of one year from the date of the originalpurchase, provided the owner returns the equipment to the Manufacturer at theaddress set forth below.  No charge will be made for parts or labor during thisperiod;B.  Furnish replacement for any defective ALS product parts in the equipment for aperiod of one year from the date of original purchase.  Replacement parts shall befurnished without charge, except labor and transportation;C.  Repair or replace any defective ALS accessory, free of charge (excepttransportation charges), for a period of 60 days from the date of the originalpurchase, provided the owner returns the equipment to the Manufacturer at theaddress set forth below.  No charge will be made for parts or labor during thisperiod.This Warranty excludes assembled products not manufactured by Manufacturerwhether or not they are incorporated in a Manufacturer product or sold under aManufacturer part or model number.WarrantyFCC
Venture-Base Installation and Operations Manual    Page 15Technical or Setup Assistance • Telephone: 800.945.7730 (USA)801.975.7200 (worldwide) • Worldwide Web @ http://www.gentner.comTHIS WARRANTY IS VOID IF:A.  The equipment has been damaged by negligence, accident, act-of-God ormishandling, or has not been operated in accordance with the procedures describedin the operating and technical instructions; or,B. The equipment has been altered or repaired by other than Manufacturer or anauthorized service representative of Manufacturer; or,C.  Adaptations or accessories other than those manufactured or provided byManufacturer have been made or attached to the equipment which, in thedetermination of Manufacturer, shall have affected the performance, safety orreliability of the equipment; or,D.  The equipment’s original serial number has been modified or removed.NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE,APPLIES TO THE EQUIPMENT, nor is any person or company authorized toassume any warranty for Manufacturer or any other liability in connection with thesale of Manufacturer’s products.Manufacturer does not assume any responsibility for consequential damages,expenses or loss of revenue or property, inconvenience or interruption in operationexperienced by the customer due to a malfunction in the purchased equipment. Nowarranty service performed on any product shall extend the applicable warrantyperiod.In case of unsatisfactory operation, the purchaser shall promptly notifyManufacturer at the address set forth below in writing, giving full particulars as tothe defects or unsatisfactory operation, upon receipt of such notice, Manufacturerwill give instructions respecting the shipment of the equipment, or such othermatters as it elects to honor this warranty as above provided. This warranty doesnot cover damage to the equipment during shipping and Manufacturer assumes noresponsibility for such damage. All shipping costs shall be paid by customer.This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and is not assignable ortransferable.Gentner Communications Corp., 1825 Research Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84119WarrantyContinued

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