Cobra Electronics MRHH450 HANDHELD MARINE/GMRS RADIO User Manual MRHH330 ENG Body

Cobra Electronics Corporation HANDHELD MARINE/GMRS RADIO MRHH330 ENG Body


User Manual 3

Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine Radio Protocols
60 English
VHF Marine Radio Protocols
VHF FCC Licensing
Information VHF FCC Licensing
FCC Licensing Information
Cobra VHF/GMRS radios comply with the FCC (Federal Communications
Commission) requirements that regulate the Maritime Radio Service and General
Mobile Radio Service.
The radio operates on all currently allocated marine channels and is switchable for
use according to U.S.A., International or Canadian regulations. It features instant
access to emergency Channel 16 and calling Channel 9 as well as NOAA (National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) All Hazards Radio with Alert.
Station License
An FCC ship station license is no longer required for any vessel traveling in U.S.A.
waters which uses a VHF marine radio, RADAR, or EPIRB (Emergency Position
Indicating Radio Beacon), and which is not required to carry radio equipment.
However, any vessel required to carry a marine radio on an international voyage,
carrying an HF single side band radiotelephone, or carrying a marine satellite
terminal must obtain a station license.
FCC license forms and applications for ship and land stations can be downloaded
through the Internet at Forms can also be obtained by calling the FCC
at 888-225-5322.
International Station License
If your vessel will be entering the sovereign waters of a country other than the U.S.A.
or Canada, you should contact that country’s communications regulatory authority
for licensing information.
Radio Call Sign
Currently, the FCC does not require recreational boaters to have a license. The United
States Coast Guard recommends that the boat’s registration number and state of
registry (e.g., IL 1234 AB) be used as a call sign and be clearly visible on the vessel.
Canadian Ship Station License
You need a Radio Operator’s Certificate if your vessel is operated in Canadian waters.
Radio Operator training and certification is available from the Canadian Power
Squadron. Visit their website at
User Responsibility and Operating Locations
All users are responsible for observing domestic and foreign government regulations
and are subject to severe penalties for violations. The VHF frequencies on your radio
are reserved for marine use and require a special license to operate from land,
including when your boat is on its trailer.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules, and Industry Canada
license-exempt RSS standards. Operation is subject to the following two (2)
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
FCC Warnings: Replacement or substitution of transistors, regular diodes or
other parts of a unique nature, with parts other than those recommended by
Cobra may cause a violation of the technical regulations of part 80 of the FCC
Rules, or violation of type acceptance requirements of part 2 of the rules.
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62 English 63
Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
GMRS/FRS Frequency
Allocation and Compatibility
GMRS Communication and
GMRS FCC Licensing
GMRS Communication
This GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) feature is a land-mobile service available
for short-distance, two-way communications in the USA. You must have a valid FCC
license to communicate on these channels.
The GMRS/FRS frequencies that radio this radio uses are set aside for
communicating with others while hiking, biking, and working; keeping track of family
and friends at a crowded public event; checking with travel companions in another
car; talking with neighbors; arranging meeting spots with others while shopping at
the mall.
Licensed users will be issued a call sign by the FCC, which should be used for station
identification when operating this radio. GMRS users should also cooperate by
engaging in permissible transmissions only, avoiding channel interference with other
GMRS users, and being prudent with the length of their transmission time.
GMRS FCC Licensing
This two-way radio operates on GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) frequencies
which require an FCC (Federal Communications Commission) license. A user must be
licensed prior to transmitting on the GMRS band with this radio. Serious penalties
could result for unlicensed use of GMRS channels, in violation of FCC rules.
Operation of this radio is subject to additional rules specified in 47 C.F.R.
Part 95.
For licensing information and application forms, please call the FCC Hotline at 800-
418-FORM. Request form #159 and form #605. Questions regarding the license
application should be directed to the FCC at 888-CALL-FCC. Additional information is
available on the FCC’s website at
Even if you operate this radio on FRS (Family Radio Service) channels at low
power (1 watt), you are required to have an FCC license. Because this radio
operates in the 1 to 5 watt GMRS power range all GMRS rules apply and will
require you have a GMRS license even for FRS (Family Radio Service)
communication. Normal FRS only radios operate at a maximum power of
1/2 watt (500 milliwatt) power and have an integral (non-detachable) antenna.
GMRS/FRS Frequency Allocation and Compatibility
The channel numbers in the GMRS Mode on the MR HH450 DUAL model are
designed to “match” the channels on Cobra and other GMRS radios manufactured
over the last few years.
GMRS/FRS MR HH450 DUAL Service Type Frequency (MHz)
Channels Channels
11GMRS/FRS 462.5625
22GMRS/FRS 462.5875
33GMRS/FRS 462.6125
44GMRS/FRS 462.6375
55GMRS/FRS 462.6625
66GMRS/FRS 462.6875
77GMRS/FRS 462.7125
8 Not Available FRS 467.5625
9 Not Available FRS 467.5875
10 Not Available FRS 467.6125
11 Not Available FRS 467.6375
12 Not Available FRS 467.6625
13 Not Available FRS 467.6875
14 Not Available FRS 467.7125
15 15 GMRS 462.5500
16 16 GMRS 462.5750
17 17 GMRS 462.6000
18 18 GMRS 462.6250
19 19 GMRS 462.6500
20 20 GMRS 462.6750
21 21 GMRS 462.7000
22 22 GMRS 462.7250
Older Cobra GMRS (non dual band) models with only 15 Channels may
designate different channel numbers for the same frequency. For example, an
older Cobra 15 Channel GMRS model would need to be tuned to Channel 11 in
order to communicate with a 22 Channel GMRS tuned to Channel 15. Please use
the manual for that product to match a frequency chart/map in this section.
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
64 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
VHF Marine Radio Protocols
Asignación de canales de VHF para radiocomunicación marítima
Existen tres (3) juegos de canales VHF para uso marítimo en los EE.UU., Canadá y el
resto del mundo (internacional). La mayoría de los canales coinciden en los tres (3)
mapas, pero sin duda existen diferencias (consulte las tablas en las páginas
siguientes). El radio incorpora los tres (3) mapas y funcionará correctamente en
cualquiera de las tres áreas.
A continuación presentamos en forma resumida las asignaciones de canales del
Mapa de canales para EE.UU.
Auxilio, seguridad y llamadas
Canal 16
Para ser oídos por otra estación (llamadas) o en casos de emergencia (auxilio y seguridad).
Canal 9
Llamadas de carácter general (excepto casos de emergencia) para embarcaciones no comerciales.
Se le pide encarecidamente a la tripulación de las embarcaciones recreativas usar este canal para
reducir la congestión del canal 16.
Seguridad entre embarcaciones
Canal 6
Para mensajes de seguridad entre embarcaciones y para mensajes de búsqueda y rescate
enviados a barcos y aviones de la guardia costera.
Enlace con la guardia costera
Canal 22A
Para hablar con las guardias costeras estadounidenses y canadienses (excepto casos de
emergencia) tras haber establecido contacto por el canal 16.
No comerciales
Canales 67*, 68*, 69, 71, 72, 78A, 79A*, 80A*
Canales activos para pequeñas embarcaciones. Los mensajes deben estar relacionados con
necesidades de las embarcaciones, como por ejemplo, informes de pesca, atraques y agrupamientos.
Use el canal 72 solamente para mensajes entre embarcaciones.
Canales 1A, 7A, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18A, 19A, 63A, 67, 72, 79A, 80A, 88A*
Canales activos para embarcaciones activas solamente. Los mensajes deberán estar
relacionados con la actividad comercial o las necesidades de la embarcación. Use los
canales 8, 67, 72 y 88A solamente para mensajes entre embarcaciones.
VHF Marine Channel Assignments
Three (3) sets of VHF channels have been established for marine use in the U.S.A.,
Canada and the rest of the world (International). Most of the channels are the same
for all three (3) maps, but there are definite differences (see table on the following
pages). Your radio has all three (3) maps built into it and will operate correctly in
whichever area you choose.
The following is a brief outline of the channel assignments in the U.S.A. Channel
Distress, Safety, and Calling
Channel 16
Getting the attention of another station (calling) or in emergencies (distress and safety).
Channel 9
General-purpose (non-emergency) calling by non-commercial vessels. Recreational boaters
are urged to use this channel to reduce congestion on Channel 16
Intership Safety
Channel 6
Ship-to-ship safety messages and for search and rescue messages to Coast Guard ships
and aircraft.
Coast Guard Liaison
Channel 22A
To talk to the Coast Guard, Canadian Coast Guard (non-emergency) after making contact on
Channel 16.
Channels 67*, 68*, 69, 71, 72, 78A, 79A*, 80A*
Working channels for small vessels. Messages must be about needs of the vessel, such as
fishing reports, berthing and rendezvous. Use Channel 72 only for ship-to-ship messages.
Channels 1A, 7A, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18A, 19A, 63A, 67, 72, 79A, 80A, 88A*
Working channels for working ships only. Messages must be about business or needs
of the ship. Use Channels 8, 67, 72 and 88A only for ship-to-ship messages.
Channel Assignments (English) Asignaciones de canales (Español)
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
66 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
Sea Tow ARC (Automated Radio Check)
Channels 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Tune your radio to the proper channel for your community. Conduct a radio check as you normally would.
Upon releasing the mic, the system will replay your transmission, letting you hear how you sound.
Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
Channels 84, 85, 86, 87, 87A, 88*
For calls to marine operators at public coast stations. You can make and receive telephone calls
through these stations.
Port Operations
Channels 1A*, 5A*, 12*, 14*, 20A, 63A*, 65A, 66A, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77*
Used for directing the movement of ships in or near ports, locks or waterways. Messages
must be about operational handling, movement and safety of ships.
Channels 13, 67
Channels are available to all vessels. Messages must be about navigation, including passing
or meeting other vessels. These are also the main working channels for most locks and drawbridges.
You must keep your messages short and power output at no more than 1 watt.
Maritime Control
Channel 17
For talking to vessels and coast stations operated by state or local governments. Messages must be
about regulation and control, boating activities, or assistance.
Digital Selective Calling
Channel 70
This channel is set aside for distress, safety and general calling using only digital selective calling
techniques. Voice communication is prohibited; your radio cannot transmit voice messages on this
Channels Wx 1 Thru 10
Receive-only channels for NOAA and Canadian weather broadcasts. You cannot transmit on these
* These channels are restricted to the listed uses in certain parts of the country
or for certain types of users only. Consult FCC rules or a knowledgeable radio
operator before using them.
Remolque Marino CAR (Chequeo Automatizado de la Radio)
Canales 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Sintonice su radio en el canal apropiado para su comunidad. Realice un chequeo de la radio como lo
hace normalmente. Al soltar el micrófono, el sistema repetirá su transmisión, dejár como suena.
Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
Canales 84, 85, 86, 87, 87A, 88*
Para llamadas a operadores marítimos en estaciones costeras públicas. Usted puede realizar y
recibir llamadas telefónicas a través de estas estaciones.
Operaciones portuarias
Canales 1A*, 5A*, 12*, 14*, 20A, 63A*, 65A, 66A, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77*
Usados para dirigir el movimiento de las embarcaciones dentro de áreas portuarias, esclusas o
canales. Los mensajes deberán estar relacionados con maniobras operacionales, movimientos
y seguridad de las embarcaciones.
Canales 13, 67
Estos canales están disponibles para todas las embarcaciones. Los mensajes deberán estar
relacionados con la navegación, incluidas las maniobras para pasar o alcanzar otras
embarcaciones. Éstos también son los principales canales activos para la mayoría de las
esclusas y puentes levadizos. Usted deberá transmitir mensajes cortos y mantener la potencia de
salida en un vatio como máximo.
Control marítimo
Canal 17
Para comunicarse con embarcaciones y estaciones costeras operadas por entidades
gubernamentales locales o estatales. Los mensajes deberán estar relacionados con regulación y
control, asistencia o actividades de navegación.
Llamadas selectivas digitales
Canal 70
Este canal está reservado para solicitudes de auxilio, seguridad y llamadas de carácter general
que usen solamente técnicas de llamadas selectivas digitales. Las comunicaciones verbales están
prohibidas; el radio no puede transmitir mensajes de voz por este canal.
Canales Wx 1 a 10
Canales de recepción únicamente para difusión de información meteorológica NOAA y
canadiense. Usted no puede transmitir por estos canales.
* El uso de estos canales está dedicado a las aplicaciones que aparecen en la lista, en
ciertas partes del país o para ciertos tipos de usuario solamente. Consulte las normas de
la FCC o a un operador de radio con experiencia antes de usarlos.
Channel Assignments (English) Asignaciones de canales (Español)
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
68 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
01 ••
156.050 160.650 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
01A 156.050 156.050 Port Operations and Commercial, Operaciones portuarias y comerciales;
VTS in selected areas VTS en áreas selectas
02 ••156.100 160.700 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
03 ••156.150 160.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
04 156.200 160.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias,movimiento de embarcaciones
04A 156.200 156.200 West Coast (Coast Guard Only); Costa occidental (guardia costera solamente);
East Coast (Commercial Fishing) Costa oriental (pesca comercial)
05 156.250 160.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias,movimiento de embarcaciones
05A 156.250 156.250 Port Operations, VTS in selected areas Operaciones portuarias; VTS en áreas selectas
06 •••156.300 156.300 Intership Safety Seguridad entre embarcaciones
07 156.350 160.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias,movimiento de embarcaciones
07A 156.350 156.350 Commercial Comerciales
08 •••156.400 156.400 Commercial (Intership Only) Comercial (entre embarcaciones solamente)
09 •••156.450 156.450 Boater Calling Channel, Canal de llamada de la tripulación,
Non-Commercial (Recreational) no comercial (recreativo)
10 •••156.500 156.500 Commercial Comerciales
11 ••156.550 156.550 Commercial, VTS in selected areas Comercial; VTS en áreas selectas
12 •••156.600 156.600 Port Operations, VTS in selected areas Operaciones portuarias; VTS en áreas selectas
13 •••156.650 156.650 1 watt USA Intership Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-
Bridge). In U.S. waters, large vessels
maintain a listening watch on this channel.
Channel Use (English) Uso de canales (Español)
Channel Map
Mapa de canales
de canal
Power Limits
Límites de potencia
USA Int’l Canada Transmit Receive
EE.UU. nternac Canadá Transm. Recepción
1 vatio EE.UU.
Seguridad marítima entre embarcaciones (de
puente de mando a puente de mando). En aguas
estadounidenses, las grandes embarcaciones se
mantienen vigilantes con sus radios sintonizados
en este canal
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
70 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
14 •••156.700 156.700 Port Operations, VTS in selected areas Operaciones portuarias; VTS en áreas selectas
15 Rx Only 156.750 Environmental (Receive Only). Medioambiental (recepción solamente).
Usado por radiobalizas de localización
de siniestros (EPIRB) clase C
15 ••156.750 156.750 1 watt CAN Canada (EPIRB Buoys Only); International Canadá (boyas de EPIRB solamente);
(On-Board Communication) Internacional (comunicación de a bordo)
16 •••156.800 156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling Llamadas, seguridad y solicitud
de auxilio internacional
17 •••156.850 156.850 1 watt CAN State Controlled (U.S.A. Only) Controlado a nivel estatal (EE.UU. solamente)
18 156.900 161.500 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
18A ••
156.900 156.900 Commercial Comerciales
19 156.950 161.550 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
19A ••
156.950 156.950 Commercial Comerciales
20 •••
157.000 161.600 1 watt CAN Canada (Coast Guard Only); International Canadá (guardia costera solamente);
(Port Operations, Ship Movement) Internacional (operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones)
20A 157.000 157.000 Port Operations Operaciones portuarias
21 157.050 161.650 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
21A ••
157.050 157.050 U.S. (Government Only); EE.UU. (entidades gubernamentales solamente);
Canada (Coast Guard Only) Canadá (guardia costera solamente)
21B RX only 161.650 Coast Guard Only Weather Broadcasts Solamente Guardacostas –
Transmisiones Meteorológicas
22 157.100 161.700 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
22A ••
157.100 157.100 U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard Liaison and Enlace entre las guardias costeras estadounidenses
Maritime Safety Information Broadcasts that y canadienses, y difusión de información sobre
are announced on Channel 16 seguridad marítima anunciada por el canal 16
23 ••
157.150 161.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
23A 157.150 157.150 Coast Guard Only Solamente Guardacostas
23B Rx Only 161.750 Coast Guard Only Weather Broadcasts Solamente Guardacostas –
Transmisiones Meteorológicas
Channel Use (English) Uso de canales (Español)
Channel Map
Mapa de canales
de canal
USA Int’l Canada Transmit Receive
EE.UU. nternac Canadá Transm. Recepción
1 vatio Cana
1 vatio Cana
1 vatio Canadá
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
72 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
24 •••
157.200 161.800 Sea Tow ARC (Automated Radio Check) RMCAR (Chequeo Automatizado de la Radio)
25 •••
157.250 161.850 Sea Tow ARC (Automated Radio Check) RMCAR (Chequeo Automatizado de la Radio)
25B RX only 161.850 Safety: Continuous Marine Broadcast (CMB) Seguridad: Transmisn Marítima Continua (CMB)
service by MCTS Canada servicio por MCTS Canadá
26 •••
157.300 161.900 Sea Tow ARC (Automated Radio Check) RMCAR (Chequeo Automatizado de la Radio)
27 •••
157.350 161.950 Sea Tow ARC (Automated Radio Check) RMCAR (Chequeo Automatizado de la Radio)
28 •••
157.400 162.000 Sea Tow ARC (Automated Radio Check) RMCAR (Chequeo Automatizado de la Radio)
28B RX only 162.000 Safety: Continuous Marine Broadcast (CMB) Seguridad: Transmisión Marítima Continua (CMB)
service by MCTS Canada servicio por MCTS Canadá
60 ••
156.025 160.625 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
61 156.075 160.675 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia blica (operador marítimo),
Port Operation, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
61A 156.075 156.075 Canada (Coast Guard Only);
West Coast (Coast Guard
Only); East Coast (Commercial Fishing)
62 156.125 160.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo),
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
62A 156.125 156.125 West Coast (Coast Guard Only); Costa occidental (guardia costera solamente);
East Coast (Commercial Fishing) Costa oriental (pesca comercial)
63 156.175 160.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia blica (operador marítimo),
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
63A ••
156.175 156.175 Port Operations and Commercial, Operaciones portuarias y comerciales; VTS en
VTS in selected areas, Canada Tow Boats-BCC áreas selectas, Barcos-BCC de la remolque
de Canadá
64 ••
156.225 160.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo),
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
64A 156.225 156.225 U.S. (Government Only); EE.UU. (entidades gubernamentales
Canada (Commercial Fishing) solamente); Canadá (pesca comercial)
65 156.275 160.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia blica (operador marítimo),
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
65A ••
156.275 156.275 Port Operations Operaciones portuarias
66 156.325 160.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo),
Port Operations, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
Channel Use (English) Uso de canales (Español)
Channel Map
Mapa de canales
de canal
Power Limits
Límites de potencia
USA Int’l Canada Transmit Receive
EE.UU. nternac Canadá Transm. Recepción
Canadá (guardia costera solamente); Costa
occidental (guardia costera solamente);
Costa oriental (pesca comercial)
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
74 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
66A ••
156.325 156.325 Port Operations Operaciones portuarias
67 •••
156.375 156.375
68 •••
156.425 156.425 Non-Commercial (Recreational) No comercial (recreativo)
69 •••
156.475 156.475 U.S. (Non-Commercial, Recreational); Canada
(Commercial Fishing Only); International
(Intership, Port Operations, Ship Movement)
70 •••
RX only 156.525 Digital Selective Calling Llamadas selectivas digitales
(Voice communications not allowed) (las comunicaciones verbales esn prohibidas)
71 •••
156.575 156.575 1 watt USA U.S. and Canada (Non-Commercial, Recreational); EE.UU. y Canadá (no comercial, recreativo);
International (Port Operations, Ship Movement) Internacional (operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones)
72 •••
156.625 156.625 Non-Commercial (Intership Only) No comercial (entre embarcaciones solamente)
73 •••
156.675 156.675 U.S. (Port Operations); Canada (Commercial EE.UU. (operaciones portuarias); Canadá (pesca
Fishing Only); International (Intership, comercial solamente); Internacional (comunicaciones
Port Operations, Ship Movement) entre embarcaciones, operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones)
74 •••
156.725 156.725 U.S. (Port Operations); Canada (Commercial EE.UU. (operaciones portuarias); Canadá (pesca
Fishing Only); International (Intership, comercial solamente); Internacional (comunicaciones
Port Operations, Ship Movement) entre embarcaciones, operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones)
75 •••
156.775 156.775 1 watt Port Operations (Intership Only) Operaciones portuarias
(entre embarcaciones solamente)
76 •• 156.825 156.825 1 watt Port Operations (Intership Only) Operaciones portuarias
(entre embarcaciones solamente)
77 •••
156.875 156.875 1 watt USA Port Operations (Intership only). Restricted to Operaciones portuarias (entre embarcaciones
communications with pilots for movement and solamente). Restringido a comunicaciones con
docking of ships. pilotos para el movimiento y atraque de
Channel Use (English) Uso de canales (Español)
Channel Map
Mapa de canales
de canal
Power Limits
Límites de potencia
USA Int’l Canada Transmit Receive
EE.UU. nternac Canadá Transm. Recepción
U.S. (Commercial). Used for bridge-to-bridge
communications in lower Mississippi River
(Intership Only); Canada (Commercial Fishing), S&R
EE.UU. (comercial). Usado para comunicaciones
de puente de mando a puente de mando en la
parte baja del Río Misisipí (entre embarcaciones
solamente); Canadá (pesca comercial)
(transmisión y recepción)
EE.UU. (no comercial, recreativo); Canadá
(pesca comercial solamente); Internacional
(comunicaciones entre embarcaciones,
operaciones portuarias, movimiento de
1 vatio EE.UU
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VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
76 English
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
78 156.925 161.525 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
78A ••
156.925 156.925 Non-Commercial (Recreational) No comercial (recreativo)
79 156.975 161.575 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
79A ••
156.975 156.975 Commercial (Also Non-Commercial Comercial (en los Grandes
only in Great Lakes) Lagos también no comercial)
80 157.025 161.625 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
80A ••
157.025 157.025 Commercial (Also Non-Commercial Comercial (en los Grandes
only in Great Lakes) Lagos también no comercial)
81 157.075 161.675 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
81A ••
157.075 157.075 U.S. (Government Only; Environmental EE.UU. (entidades gubernamentales solamente;
Protection Operations) operaciones de proteccn medioambiental)
82 157.125 161.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Correspondencia blica (operador matimo),
Port Operation, Ship Movement operaciones portuarias, movimiento de embarcaciones
82A ••
157.125 157.125 U.S. (Government Only); Canada EE.UU. (entidades gubernamentales solamente);
(Coast Guard Only) Cana(guardia costera solamente)
83 157.175 161.775 Port Operations, Ship Movement Operaciones portuarias,
movimiento de embarcaciones
83A 157.175 157.175 (Coast Guard Only) Cana(guardia costera solamente)
(Coast Guard Only) Cana (guardia costera solamente)
83B RX only 161.775 Coast Guard Only Weather Broadcasts Solamente Guardacostas
Transmisiones Meteorológicas
84 •••
157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
85 •••
157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
86 •••
157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
87 •••
157.375 157.375 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator) Correspondencia pública (operador marítimo)
88 •••
157.425 157.425 Public Correspondence (Ship to Coast). Correspondencia pública (entre embarcación y costa).
In U.S. only within 75 miles of Canadian Border. En los EE.UU., solamente dentro de los casi
121 kilómetros (75 millas) de la frontera canadiense
88A 157.425 157.425 Commercial Intership only Comercial entre embarcaciones solamente
Channel Use (English) Uso de canales (Español)
Channel Map
Mapa de canales
de canal
Power Limits
Límites de potencia
USA Int’l Canada Transmit Receive
EE.UU. nternac Canadá Transm. Recepción
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
Weather Channel
Weather Channel Assignments
Asignaciones de canales meteorológicos
RX Frequency MHz
Frecuencia de recepción (MHz)
de canal
1162.550 NOAA
2162.400 NOAA
3162.475 NOAA
4162.425 NOAA
5162.450 NOAA
6162.500 NOAA
7162.525 NOAA
8161.650 Canada
9161.775 Canada
10 163.275 NOAA
Weather Channel
Weather Channel
78 English
Many of the plain-numbered channels, such as 01, 02 and 03, transmit and
receive on different frequencies. This is termed duplex operation. The rest of the
plain-numbered channels and all of the A channels, such as 01A, 03A and
04A, transmit and receive on a single frequency, which is termed simplex
operation. Your radio automatically adjusts to these conditions. When in simplex
operation, the A icon will appear on the LCD (see illustration on page A3).
All channels are preprogrammed at the factory according to international
regulations and those of the FCC (U.S.A.) and Industry Canada (Canada).
They cannot be altered by the user nor can modes of operation be changed
between simplex and duplex.
Muchos de los canales de números simples, como 01, 02 y 03, transmiten
y reciben en diferentes frecuencias. A esto se le llama operación dúplex. El
resto de los canales de números simples y todos los canales A, como 01A,
03A y 04A, transmiten y reciben en una sola frecuencia, a la que se le llama
operación simple (simplex). Su radio se ajusta automáticamente a estas
condiciones. Cuando esté en operación simple, el icono A aparecerá en la
pantalla de cristal líquido (vea la ilustración de la página A3).
Todos los canales vienen programados previamente de fábrica conforme
a los reglamentos internacionales y a los de la FCC (EE. UU) e Industry Canada
(Canadá). No pueden ser alterados por el usuario, así como tampoco pueden
cambiarse los modos de operación entre simple y dúplex.
VHF Marine Channel Assignments (English)
Asignación de canales de VHF para radiocomunicación marítima (Español)
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
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Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra®
Optional Accessories
Belt Clip
Replacement Belt Clip P/N CM 240-003
AC Charger
Replacement AC Charger P/N CM 120-005
DC Charger
Replacement DC Charger P/N CM 130-005
Drop-In Battery Charger
Replacement Drop-In Charger P/N CM 110-030
Belt Clip
AC Charger
DC Charger
Drop-In Battery Charger
80 English
Your Cobra radio has several optional accessories available to enhance the use
of the radio. Some are listed below:
Alkaline Battery Tray
A special alkaline battery tray (P/N CM 110-024)
is available as an optional accessory to have as an
emergency backup. By using five (5) high-quality
AA alkaline batteries, you can have a spare battery
backup source for your radio.
Alkaline batteries are not rechargeable.
Lapel Speaker/Microphone
A speaker/microphone that attaches to your lapel,
by ordering P/N CM 330-001.
This unique accessory allows you to wear the radio
on your belt while still being able to communicate
with other vessels. A small Push to Talk (PTT) button
on the lapel
speaker/microphone allows you to answer
any incoming call.
LiON Battery
LiON replacement battery (P/N CM 110-026). Can be
used with the charger included with this radio.
Replacement Antenna P/N CM 300-003
Lapel Speaker/Microphone
Alkaline Battery Tray
LiON Battery Pack
Optional Accessories
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