Coby Communications CV-890 Wireless Headset User Manual MANUAL CV890

Coby Communications Ltd. Wireless Headset MANUAL CV890

Users Manual

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Document ID541928
Application IDZe7X4KYopLUQ6RRxZm9bcA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize17.7kB (221216 bits)
Date Submitted2005-05-13 00:00:00
Date Available2005-05-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-04-06 09:41:34
Producing SoftwarepdfFactory 2.10 (Windows 2000 Chinese)
Document Lastmod2005-04-06 09:42:30
Document TitleMANUAL CV890.cdr
Document CreatorpdfFactory
Document Author: huqin

Thank you for selecting the COBY CV-890
Wireless Stereo Headphone System.
Wireless Stereo Headphone
Be fore oper ating the unit, p lease rea d this m anual
tho roughly an d retain i t for future reference , some fe atures
are :
Wireless system t hat allows you to lis ten to a p rogram
free from the restri ction of a cord.
High fide lity sound reproduc tion.
A comp act trans mitter wit h an AC power adaptor
(supplied ) enables simple c harging o f the hea dphone
batteries . Just b y placing the hea dphones on the
transmitt er, headp hone batte ries can b e charged .
Co mfort able Cir c um- aura l he adph one s wi t h s elf
adjusting head ban d.
As powe r saving f eature, th e transmi tter autom atically
turns ON when th e audio s ignal is d etected a nd OFF
when the signal is not receiv ed.
Notes on Receiving Performance
The system f or this equ ipment u tilizes very high freq uency
sig nals in the 2.4GHz band so t he receivi ng perfor mance
ma y deterior ate due to the surr oundings. Some illu strate
con ditions th at may red uce the p ossible re ceiving ra nge or
cau se interfe rence with reception .
Inside a building w ith walls c ontaining steel beam s.
Area with many ste el file cab inets, etc.
Ar ea wi th many electric a l applian c es cap able of
generating electro magnetic noise.
Transmit ter is plac ed on a m etal instru ment.
Area fac ing roadw ays.
Noise or interferin g signals exist in the surro undings
due to ra dio transc eivers in t rucks, etc .
Noise or interferin g signals exist in the surro undings
due to w ireless co mmunicat ion system s installe d along
roadway s.
C heck tha t you hav e the follo wing item s when y ou :
Descrip tion
Battery Cautio n
Warni ng
To prevent fire or sho ck hazar d, do not expose t he unit
to rain or m oisture.
To avoid electrical shock, d o not op en the c abinet.
Re fer servic ing to qu alified pe rsonnel o nly.
Yo u are cau tioned tha t any cha nges or m odificatio ns not
ex pressly ap proved in this manu al could v oid you au thority
to operate th is equipm ent.
If y ou have a ny questio ns about this produ ct, you ma y call:
CO BY Custo mer Serv ice Depart ment
1-8 00-681-2 629, 1-718-416-319 7
Or e-mail to: techsupport@coby
FC C Rules
Th is equipment has been tested and foun d to comp ly with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Pa rt 15 of
the FCC ru les. Thes e limits are desig ned to p rovide
rea sonable protection against harmful i nterferenc e in a
res idential installation . This eq uipment generates , uses
an d can radi ate radio f requency energy an d, if not in stalled
an d used in accordan ce with th e instruct ions, may cause
ha rmful inte rference to radio c ommunica tions. Ho wever,
the re is no g uarantee that inter ference w ill not occ ur in a
pa rticular i nstallation . If this equipme nt does cause
ha rmful interference to radio or t elevision reception, which
can be deter mined by turning the equipme nt off and on, the
us er is encouraged to try to corr ect the int erference by one
or more of th e followin g measure s:
R eorient o r relocate the receiv ing antenn a.
I ncrease t he separa tion betw een the e quipment and
r eceiver.
C onnect t he equipm ent into an outle t on a c ircuit
d ifferent fr om that to which the receiver is connect ed.
C onsult t he deale r or an ex perien c ed radi o/TV
t echnician for help.
Turn th e battery cover acc ording to the way
of the a rrowhead silk and open it.
In sert the supplied recharge able Ni-M H batteri es
in t o t he b at tery compartm ent ma t ching t he
c orrect te rminals b etween t he batter ies and t he
c ompartm ent.
Close t he batter y compar tment cov er accord ing to
the rev erse way of the arr owhead s ilk .
C onnect t he suppl ied AC p ower ada ptor to t he
tr ansmitte r.
To an A C out let
AC p ower
adap ter
T o DC IN 9 V jac k
· For the co rdless ha ndset, us e only 3AAA 1.2V 6 00mAh
Nic kel Meta l Hydride( Ni-MH),co rdless tel ephone ba tteries
(in cluded).
· Do not dis pose of t he batteri es in a fir e. The ce lls may
ex plode. C heck wit h local c odes for possible special
dis posal ins tructions.
· Do not open or mutilate the batt eries. Re leased
ele ctrolyte is corrosive and may cause da mage to th e eyes
or skin. It ma y be toxic if swallow ed.
· Exercise c are in handling bat teries in o rder not t o short
the battery with con ducting materials such as rings,
bracelets , and ke ys. The battery or conduct or may
ov erheat an d cause bu rns.
· Do not att empt to re juvenate the batter ies identi fied for
us e with this product by heating them. S udden rele ase of
the battery e lectrolyte may occu r causing burns or ir ritation
to eyes or sk in.
· When ins erting bat teries int o this pro duct, the proper
po larity or d irection m ust be ob served. R everse in sertion
of batteries can caus e chargin g, and th at may re sult in
lea kage or e xplosion.
· Remove th e batterie s from thi s product if the prod uct will
no t be used for a lon g period of time(se veral mo nths or
mo re)since during thi s time the battery c ould leak in the
pro duct.
· Do not sto re this pr oduct ,or the batter ies identi fied for
us e with this product, in high temperature areas. Ba tteries
tha t are stor ed in a fre ezer or ref rigerator f or the pur pose of
ex tending sh elf life sh ould be pr otected fr om conde nsation
du ring stora ge and de frosting.
Install the batteries
The s upplied r ec hargea ble Ni-M H batteri es are n ot
charge d from th e first tim e you u se them. Be sure to
charge them be fore use . To char ge, the h eadphone s,
place t hem on th e transmit ter.
To reduce t he risk of fire or in jury to pe rsons, re ad and
fol low these instruct ions:
P u t t he h e a d ph o n e on t h e
tr an smitter so th at the
head phone's c ontact m eets the
t r a n s mi t t e r ' s c o n t a ct p i n
w hi le makin g s ure t hat t he
charg ing indic ator light s in red.
Charg ing is com pleted in about 16
hours and the charging indicator
goes off.
When placing t he headph ones on
the tr ansmitter, be sure to hold
them level wit h both ha nds and
that th e right an d left hou sings are
p lac e d s t r ai g h t do w n on t he
trans mitter, an d then tilt them
back as illustrat ed above .
The c harg ing h ole, a nd th e
head phon e's co ntac t is in it
When the ind icator doe s not ligh t in red
Check if the righ t and left headpho nes are re sted on t he
transm itter corre ctly. The indicator will not li ght up If t he
headph one's co ntact doe s not m eet the transmitte r's
contac t pin. Rem ove the h eadphone s and rep lace them on
the tran smitter a gain so tha t the indic ator light s in red.
Note s on Batt eries
Do n ot charge the dry ba ttery.
Do n ot carry a dry batte ry togeth er with co ins or oth er
meta llic objec ts. It can g enerate h eat if the positive an d
nega tive term inals of the battery a ccidental ly come in to
cont act with m etallic obj ects.
If yo u are no t going to use the unit for a longtim e,
remo ve the b attery to avoid d amage fr om batte ry
leak age or cor rosion.
Sett ing up the tr ansmitter
Co nnect the s uppl ied AC pow er ad apter to th e
transmi tter.
Op erating the sy stem
Pu ll the hea dban d to d ecre ase
the len gth o f hea dban d.
Con nect the tr ansm itter to au dio/v ideo equip ment .
P ush the h eadb and t o
i ncre ase t he le ngth
o f hea dban d.
TV set
To connect to LIN E OU T
Before listening
To prevent your ears from being damaged, first l ower the
volume of headphones.
Th e wall A C A d apte r ou tl et
9V 300mA AC Adapter
To the audio in jack
To D C IN jack
Compu te r
The audio/video
compone nt
NOTE: If your audio/video component have right&left
sound trac k stereo plug sy stem, you can use the audio
connect line and the audio c onversion l ine to connect it.
Turn on t he audio/video equip ment connected to
the transmitter.
Setting the volume control of t he audio sourc e
equipment as high as possi ble but not so hi gh that
t he audio si gnal becomes distorted.
Remove t he headphones from the transmitter and
press the
button to tu rn on the power of
transmitt er.
The transmi tter's IN USE indicator will li ght in green.
The pow er ON/OFFs witch
use your hand to fix the adjus t leg
Select the radio freq uency with the CHANNEL
selector button.
Polarity of the plug
To the audio in j ack
in transmit ter
To the audio in jack of the audio
conversion line
To t he right/lef t
sound track in the
audio/vid eo
compone nt
NOTE: Use only the supplied AC power adapter. Do not
use any other AC power adapter. Connect the AC power
ad apter to a co ntinuo us powe r sup ply. Plac e the
transmit ter close the AC outlet so that you can plug t he AC
power adapter easi ly.
Turn up t he volume to a moder ate level with the
vol ume U P/DOWN button .
Turn on t he po wer of headphone and put on the
headphon es.
The power ON/OFF switch is locate in the right
h eadp hone . Yo u ca n ad just the s i ze of th e
headband by pul l the end of headband so that you
can wire t he headphones comfortably.(see the
attached pic ture on the left page )
Replacin g the ear pad s
Troubleshoo ting
The ear pads are replac eable. If the ear pads become dirty
or worn out, replace them as s how below.
Pr ess the volume but ton
to decrease v olum e
Remove the ear pad by pulli ng it out of the
speaker plate.
The speaker plate
Pr ess t he volume but ton
to increase v olum e
The effect ive ar eas of the transmitter
Press the power button
You can also supp ly the transmitt er power by bat teries.
NOTE: The transmitt er at a frequency that may causes
interferenc e to nearby TVs , Cordless Telephone or ot her
wireless sy stems. In such c ase, place the transmi tter away
from the wi reless system.
Press t he channel
select button
Clean the ear pad and replace it on the speaker
plate and insert the hem of the ear pad into the
groove between the plate and speaker cup.
The groove
The hem of ear pad
The speaker plate
The speaker cup
Make sure that the entir e hem of the ear pad is sec urely inser ted into
the groove.
Press the
button on the transmitter to select the
clearest one to provide the bes t poss ible reception.
There are 10 channels to select ed.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Create Date                     : 2005:04:06 09:41:34Z
Modify Date                     : 2005:04:06 09:42:30+08:00
Page Count                      : 2
Author                          : huqin
Producer                        : pdfFactory 2.10 (Windows 2000 Chinese)
Creation Date                   : 2005:04:06 09:41:34Z
Mod Date                        : 2005:04:06 09:42:30+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2005:04:06 09:42:30+08:00
Title                           : MANUAL CV890.cdr
Creator                         : huqin
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: S7ICV-890

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