Coby Communications MID7048-7046 Mobile Internet Device User Manual MID7048

Coby Communications Ltd. Mobile Internet Device MID7048

Users Manual

EN Coby® Kyros® Internet TabletQuick Start Guide ................................................ Page 2ES Tableta Internet con Pantalla TáctilGuía de Inicio Rápido ........................................Pagina 41FR Tablette Internet à Ecran Tactile Guide de Démarrage Rapide ................................ Page 811MFBTFSFBEDBSFGVMMZCFGPSFVTFt-ÏBFMNBOVBMBOUFTEFVTBSt7FVJMMF[MJSFDFMJWSFUBWBOUVUJMJTBUJPOFor series / Para la serie /  Pour la sérieMID7046MID7048
Page 2 Table Of ContentsEnglishTHANK YOU.....................................................3Package Contents........................................................3Features..........................................................................4GETTING TO KNOW THE COBY INTERNETTABLET .............................................................5About the Touchscreen ...............................................8Protective Film ........................................................8Touchscreen Actions..............................................8About the Orientation Sensor ...................................10Charging the Tablet ...................................................10Inserting a Memory Card ..........................................10Resetting the Tablet.................................................... 11GETTING STARTED.........................................12Turning the Tablet on and off ...................................12Turning the Screen On and Off (Standby)  .......13Unlocking the Screen ..........................................13Home Screen at a Glance ........................................14About Applications ....................................................15Preinstalled Applications.....................................16Installing Applications .........................................17About Widgets ............................................................18$ERXW1RWLÀFDWLRQV.....................................................18CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET ................. 20Requirements ............................................................. 20Connect to a Wi-Fi network ......................................21BROWSING THE WEB.....................................23MANAGING APPLICATIONS ........................27OPTIONAL CONNECTIONS ......................... 30Connecting to a Computer ..................................... 30Connecting Headphones .........................................31SETTING THE SYSTEM OPTIONS ....................32SPECIFICATIONS...........................................33SUPPORT........................................................35SAFETY NOTICES...........................................36ÂTable of Contents
Thank You Page 3EnglishÂThank YouCongratulations on your purchase of a Coby® Kyros®Internet Tablet. This guide is provided to help you get started quickly with your player; please read it carefully and save it for future reference.For detailed instructions, up-to-date information, and helpful tips, please visit the Coby website at manual is available for download from the &RE\ZHEVLWHDVD3')¿OHTo view PDF documents, download and install the free Adobe Acrobat reader from the Adobe website at ZZZDGREHFRPPackage ContentsPlease make sure that the items shown below are included in the package. Should an item be missing, please contact the local retailer from which you pur-chased this product.Coby® Kyros® Internet Tablet Protective pouchUSB cablePower adapterThis package may contain plastic bags or other PDWHULDOV WKDW SRVH D KD]DUG WR FKLOGUHQ %Hsure to safely dispose of all packing materials DIWHURSHQLQJ
Page 4 Thank YouEnglishFeaturesBrowse the Web.Visit your favorite websitesCheck your e-mailKeep in touch with friends and familyWatch YouTube™ videosBrowse the world’s most popular video-sharing com-munityRead your favorite booksDownload thousands of books with the included E-book reader *Discover thousands of apps for Android™Games, applications, and more with the installed marketplaceConnect to the Internet wirelesslyHigh-speed Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n networkingEnjoy your media library anywhere Portable powerhouse plays popular music, video, and photo formatsmicroSDHC memory card readerIncrease your storage capacity (up to 32 GB sup-ported)Automatic orientation detectionRead any way you want; the display adjusts auto-matically!* Reading books in the ePub format requires the included E-book reader application.
Getting To Know The Internet Tablet Page 5EnglishÂGetting to Know the Internet TabletUnit at a GlanceName Description1 Camera Front-facing camera (MID7048)
Page 6 Getting To Know The Internet TabletEnglishName Description2Power jack (DC input)Charge and power the tablet with the included power adapter.3 USB 2.0 Hi-speed portConnect to a computer to transfer data (e.g., music, videos, photos, les).4 Reset key Press to reset the tablet if it freezes or otherwise behaves abnormally. (Use a paperclip or other small object to gen-tly press this key.)5 Speaker Speaker output is automatically muted when using headphone Jack.6 Headphone jackAudio output connection for head-phones.Note: Speaker output is automatically disabled when headphones are con-nected to the player.7  MIC  Recording sound6712MID7046 MID7048
Getting To Know The Internet Tablet Page 7EnglishName Description8 Volume + keyPress to increase the volume level.9 Volume – keyPress to decrease the volume level.10 Power key Press to turn the unit on, or to turn the screen on and o.Press and hold to access the Power O menu.11 microSDHC card slotLoad external microSDHC memory cards here.12 HDMI jack (mini Type C)Connect to a TV or other display.51189 10
Page 8 Getting To Know The Internet TabletEnglishAbout the TouchscreenYour tablet comes equipped with an easy-to-use touch-screen.Our MID7046 with resistive touchscreen requires slight pressure on the plastic screen to activate tablet’s func-WLRQV7KLVPD\EHGRQHZLWKDVLQJOH¿QJHURUSODVWLFstylus.Our MID7048 with capacitive multi-touchscreen requires-JHQWOH¿QJHUWLSWRXFKRQWKHJODVVVFUHHQWRDFWLYDWHWDEOHW¶VIXQFWLRQV0XOWLSOH¿QJHUVPD\EHXVHGWRSHU-IRUPJHVWXUHVHJ¿QJHUSLFWXUH]RRP 3OHDVHQRWHRQ0,'<RXU¿QJHUWLSVPXVWQRW EH FRYHUHG $ VW\OXV PD\ EH XVHG 0DNHVXUHLWLVIRUFDSDFLWLYHWRXFKVFUHHQVProtective Film$WKLQ¿OPKDVEHHQDSSOLHGWRWKHWRXFKVFUHHQWRSURWHFWLWGXULQJVKLSSLQJ7KHSURWHFWLYH¿OPVKRXOGEHUHPRYHGEHIRUHXVH7RUHPRYHLWVLPSO\WDNHDFRUQHURIWKH¿OPand peel it away from the screen.Touchscreen ActionsYou can control the functions of the tablet by using the touchscreen. To control the tablet with the touchscreen, XVH\RXU¿QJHUWLSRUVW\OXVWRPDQLSXODWHLFRQVEXWWRQVmenu items, the on-screen keyboard, and other items displayed on the screen.You can perform the following actions on the touchscreen XVLQJ\RXU¿QJHUWLSRUVW\OXVNote: You must use capacitive stylus on multi-WRXFKFDSDFLWLYHVFUHHQVTouch: To activate an on-screen item (e.g., application icons, buttons, menu items,  and the letter/symbols of the on-screen keyboard), simply touch WKHPZLWK\RXU¿QJHUWLSRUVW\OXVTouch and Hold:Some on-screen items have an alternate action if you touch and hold it (e.g., opening an alternate menu, or to activate the drag function). To touch and hold an item, touch the item and GRQRWOLIW\RXU¿QJHUWLSVW\OXVXQWLOWKHaction occurs.
Page 10 Getting To Know The Internet TabletEnglishBefore using the tablet, the battery should be charged fully. Press lower right corner settings, next to battery icon is charging percentage.To charge the battery:1. Plug one end of the included power adapter into an AC 100-240V outlet.2. Plug the other end of the included power adapter into the Power jack on the tablet.3. Disconnect the power adapter when the tablet is fully charged.7KHEDWWHU\XVHGLQWKLVGHYLFHPD\SUHVHQWD¿UHRUFKHPLFDO EXUQ LI PLVWUHDWHG 'R QRW GLVDVVHPEOHLQFLQHUDWHRUKHDWWKHGHYLFH'RQRWOHDYHWKHGHvice in a place subject to direct sunlight, or in a car ZLWKLWVZLQGRZVFORVHG'RQRWFRQQHFWWKHGHYLFHto a power source other than that which is indicated here or on the label as this may result in the risk of ¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNInserting a Memory CardThe tablet accepts microSDHC memory cards. Insert a memory card into the microSDHC card slot to:Increase the memory capacity of your tablet3OD\PHGLD¿OHVVWRUHGRQWKHPHPRU\FDUGHJPXVLFYLGHRRUSKRWR¿OHVTo insert a memory card:1. Align the memory card with the card slot. The metal contacts of the memory card should face down away from the LCD screen.2. Slide the card into the spring-loaded slot. Push the card in until it clicks into place.Do not attempt to insert objects other than a PLFUR6'+& PHPRU\ FDUG LQWR WKH FDUG VORW $FRPSDWLEOH PHPRU\ FDUG VKRXOG ¿W HDVLO\ LQWR WKHcard slot; if you encounter resistance, check the DOLJQPHQW RI WKH FDUG 'R QRW DWWHPSW WR IRUFH WKHFDUGLQAvoid touching the gold contacts of the memory FDUGTo release and remove a memory card:1. UNMOUNT the memory card.a. From the home screen, tap the Launcher Tab,and then touch Settings to show the settings menu.b. Touch Storage to show the storage settings.c. Touch Unmount shared storage to prepare the memory card for safe removal.
Getting To Know The Internet Tablet Page 11English2. Push the card further into the slot until you hear a click. The card will spring out of the slot.3. Grasp the card by its edge to remove it.To avoid damage and data corruption, do not remove a memory card while data is being written to or read IURPWKHFDUG)RUH[DPSOHGRQRWUHPRYHDFDUGZKLOHSOD\LQJDPXVLF¿OHVWRUHGRQWKHFDUGResetting the Tablet5HVHWWKHWDEOHWLILWVKRXOGIUHH]HDQGQRWUHVSRQGRUotherwise malfunction.1. Disconnect your tablet if it is connected to a com-puter.2. Press the reset button on the bottom of the unit. see “Getting to Know your Internet tablet” section for reference.
Getting Started Page 13EnglishTurning the Screen On and Off (Standby) :KHQWKHWDEOHWLVRQ\RXFDQWXUQRIIWKHVFUHHQWRFRQVHUYHEDWWHU\SRZHU6LPSO\SUHVVWKHPowerNH\RQFHWRWXUQWKHVFUHHQRII3UHVVWKHPowerNH\DJDLQWRWXUQWKHVFUHHQEDFNRQTo conserve battery power, the screen can be set to turn off automatically when the tablet is not in use (between 15 seconds and 30 minSleep option can be found in the DisplayUnlocking the Screen:KHQWKHVFUHHQWXUQVRII\RXZLOOKDYHWRXQORFNWKHVFUHHQZKHQ\RXWXUQLWEDFNRQ7RXQORFNWKHVFUHHQWRXFKDQGGUDJWKHlockLFRQWRWKHHGJHRIWKHFLUFOHWKDWDSSHDUV
Page 14 Getting StartedEnglishXQORFNLQJWKHVFUHHQ7KH6FUHHQ8QORFNSDVVZRUGFDQEHVHWLQWKH6HFXULW\VHWWLQJVPHQXWARNING: Please write down your password covering the unit will reset the device back to ALL YOUR DATA & PROGRAMS WILL BE LOSTHome Screen at a Glance7KHKRPHVFUHHQLVWKHVWDUWLQJSRLQWIRUDOORIWKHIHDWXUHVRI\RXUWDEOHW5612347Name Description1Google SearchTouch to search with Google browser.2Home icon Touch to back to the central Home Screen.3Back icon Touch to back to the previous screen.
Getting Started Page 15EnglishName Description4 Recent Apps Touch to display the list of thumbnail images of apps you have worked recently. Touch an App to open it.5Launcher TabOpen the Launcher to view the list of all Applications and Widgets installed on the tablet. Touch the Launcher tab to open the Launcher.6 Icons Touch an icon to open an application or folder.7 Notication barShows notication icons such as time, battery level, and the network signal strength; touch the bar to open the full Notications panel. Touch a Notication icon to display more detail. About Applications7RRSHQDQDSSOLFDWLRQWRXFKWKHDSSOLFDWLRQLFRQRQWKHKRPHVFUHHQRULQWKH/DXQFKHU/DXQFKHUVFUHHQThe screen shown above is for illustrative
Page 16 Getting StartedEnglishPreinstalled ApplicationsSome applications have been installed on your tablet for your convenience. These applications include:Download and read thousands of e-books. Supports the ePub standard.Browse the web.Display the calendar or record events and appointments to manage your schedule.Perform simple mathematical operations.View the current time, or set an alarm.Get $10 of music from eMusic.(only in   America)Check your e-mail.View and manage les stored on the tablet.Visitle-explorer.html for more information.Turn o background apps to conserve bat-tery power.Visit for more information.View photos and videos, plus edit photos.Access to thousands of apps with GetJar Marketplace.
Getting Started Page 17EnglishPlay music.Access the Settings menu to adjust the tablet’s options.Launch the mobile YouTube™ browser page to watch internet videos.Take pictures or videos with the front-fac-ing camera.(For MID7048)Installing ApplicationsYou can also download an install additional applications from the device’s applications marketplace, the web browser, or other sources.The tablet must be set to allow installation of applications from non-Market sources. The Unknown sources option can be set in the Application settings menu.Your Coby Mobile Internet Device may include access to, or information on, content, products, DSSOLFDWLRQVDQGVHUYLFHVIURPWKLUGSDUWLHV<RXUuse of such third party content, products, applications and services is at the discretion of VXFKWKLUGSDUW\DQGH[SUHVVO\JRYHUQHGE\VXFKthird party’s terms of use, including any such third party’s privacy policies, for such content, SURGXFWV DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG VHUYLFHV &RE\Electronics Corporation is not responsible for DQG H[SUHVVO\ GLVFODLPV DOO ZDUUDQWLHV RI DQ\kind with respect to all such third party content, SURGXFWV DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG VHUYLFHV &RE\Electronics Corporation will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, SURGXFWVDSSOLFDWLRQVRUVHUYLFHV
Page 20 Connecting To The InternetEnglishÂConnecting to the Internet7KLVWDEOHWFDQXWLOL]H:L)LGDWDQHWZRUNVWRFRQQHFWWRWKH,QWHUQHWWireless Wi-Fi technology can provide Internet access at distances of over 300 feet; however, this distance can be af-fected by your surrounding environment and Wi-Fi router.In general, being closer to Wi-Fi router improve performance.RequirementsIn order to connect to the Internet, you will need either of the following:A wireless router or access point with a broad-band Internet connectionThe tablet has 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi radio. The tablet will also work on wireless routers that only support 802.11 b/g.A minimum connection speed of 64 Kbps is rec-RPPHQGHG)DVWHUVSHHGVZLOOHQDEOHDEHWWHU,QWHUQHWH[SHULHQFHYou will need to know the name of your network (SSID), as well as the password or other credentials if your network is secured. These settings can usually be found on the administration webpage of your wireless router.Please refer to your wireless router’s documentation for help, or ask your network administrator for details.You may encounter open Wi-Fi networks, or “hot VSRWV´ 7KHVH QHWZRUNV DUH XVXDOO\ FRQ¿JXUHGso that you can simply connect to them without needing to know its settings; the tablet will ob-tain all the information it needs from the router DXWRPDWLFDOO\
Connecting To The Internet Page 21EnglishConnect to a Wi-Fi network7KH1RWL¿FDWLRQEDUGLVSOD\VLFRQVWKDWLQGLFDWH\RXUtablet’s Wi-Fi status.Connected to a Wi-Fi network (waves indicate connection strength).[no icon] There are no Wi-Fi networks in range, or the Wi-Fi radio is off.1. Turn on the Wi-Fi radio if it is not already on. To turn on Wi-Fi:a. Go to the Home screen: Touch the Home icon.b. Open the Launcher screen:  Touch the Launcher Tab, then touch Settings.c. Open the Wireless & networks menu:  Touch WIRELESS & NETWORKS.d. Open the Wi-Fi settings menu:  Touch WiFi.e. Make sure that the Wi-Fi option box is setted to ON:  Touch and slide the block right to enable the Wi-Fi connection.When Wi-Fi is on, the tablet will look for and display a list of available Wi-Fi networks.If a network that you have connected to previ-RXVO\LVIRXQGWKHWDEOHWZLOOFRQQHFWWRLWIf you don’t see your network in the list, you FDQIRUFHWKHWDEOHWWRUHVFDQ7RVFDQIRUQHW-works, tap the SCAN icon that located on the WRSULJKWFRUQHURIWKHVFUHHQ2. Select an available Wi-Fi network to connect to:In the same Wi-Fi settings menu above, touch a network in the list.
Page 22 Connecting To The InternetEnglishIf the network is open, the tablet will prompt you to FRQ¿UPFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHQHWZRUN7RXFKConnect to FRQ¿UPIf the network is secured (as indicated by a Lock icon), the tablet will prompt you to enter a password or other credentials.  Touch the Wireless password box to show the on-screen keyboard and then use it to enter the password. Touch ConnectWRFRQ¿UPWhen you have successfully connected to a Wi-Fi QHWZRUNWKH1RWL¿FDWLRQVEDUDWWKHERWWRPRIWKHVFUHHQwill show a Wi-Fi signal indicator.To learn about how to add a Wi-Fi network when it is not in range or when the router is set to ob-VFXUH WKH QHWZRUN QDPH 66,' RU WR FRQ¿J-ure advanced Wi-Fi options, please refer to the PDQXDO
Browsing The Web Page 23EnglishBrowsing the WebIULHQGVRUHQMR\YLGHRIURP<RX7XEHWKHZRUOG¶VPRVWSRSXODUYLGHRVKDULQJFRPPXQLW\7RXVH%URZVHUWKHWDEOHWPXVWEHFRQQHFWHGWRWKH,QWHUQHW5HDGWKHVHFWLRQ³&RQQHFWLQJWRWKH,QWHUQHW´WROHDUQKRZWRFRQQHFWWRWKH,QWHUQHW7RRSHQ%URZVHUWRXFKWKH%URZVHULFRQRQWKH+RPHVFUHHQRULQWKH/DXQFKHU12435Name Description1 Address bar Displays the address (URL) of the current page. Touch the bar to enter a new address or to search the web.2Goto BookmarksiconTouch to view bookmarks, to view your most visited sites, or to view your browser history.3Search icon Touch to search with Google browser.4Add BookmarkiconTouch to add bookmarks.5 New Window (+) Creates new browser window.
Page 24 Browsing The WebEnglishSome common Browser actions are described below. To go to a webpage.1. Touch the Address bar at the top of the Browser screen. The  keyboard will open automatically. (If the Address bar is not visible, drag the page down to return to the top of the Browser screen.)2. Use the keyboard to enter the ad-dress (URL) of the webpage (e.g., Touch Enter key to open the webpage.To bookmark a webpage.Bookmark your favorite webpages in order to visit them quickly without entering a URL.1. Go to the web-page that you want to bookmark2. Touch the AddBookmark icon.3. If desired, you can modify the name of the bookmark or its location (URL address). Otherwise, touch OKWR¿QLVKadding the book-mark.
Page 26 Browsing The WebEnglishRequest desktop site: 6DYHIRURIÀLQHUHDGLQJ6DYHWKLVSDJHRQWRWKHLQ-ternal memory, then you can read it when the internet connection is disable.Page info: View information about the current page, including the URL.6HWWLQJV&XVWRPL]HWKH%URZVHU
Managing Applications Page 27EnglishÂManaging ApplicationsDownloading and installing new applications to your tablet can extend its functionality in many ways.You can download and install applications from the included Applications store. To open the Applications store:1. Touch the Launcher icon.2. Touch the Apps Marketplace icon.When installing an application, it will tell you what func-tions it needs to control and if it needs access to your data. Make sure you review these access requirements carefully before completing the installation.  %H HVSHFLDOO\ FDXWLRXV ZLWK DSSOLFDWLRQV WKDWrequest access to many functions or to a VLJQL¿FDQW DPRXQW RI \RXU GDWD <RX DUHresponsible for the results of applications LQVWDOOHGRQ\RXUWDEOHW
Page 28 Managing ApplicationsEnglishYou can learn more about GetJar, and browse for ap-plications by visiting their website at developers allow you to download and in-VWDOODSSOLFDWLRQVGLUHFWO\IURPWKHLUZHEVLWHYour Coby Mobile Internet Device may include access to, or information on, content, products, DSSOLFDWLRQVDQGVHUYLFHVIURPWKLUGSDUWLHV<RXUuse of such third party content, products, applications and services is at the discretion of VXFKWKLUGSDUW\DQGH[SUHVVO\JRYHUQHGE\VXFKthird party’s terms of use, including any such third party’s privacy policies, for such content, SURGXFWV DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG VHUYLFHV &RE\Electronics Corporation is not responsible for and H[SUHVVO\GLVFODLPVDOOZDUUDQWLHVRIDQ\NLQGZLWKrespect to all such third party content, products, DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG VHUYLFHV &RE\ (OHFWURQLFVCorporation will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, products, applications RUVHUYLFHVTo uninstall an application:1. From the Home screen, touch the Launcher Tab.2. Touch Settings to open the Settings menu.3. Touch Apps, a list of all applications installed on the tablet will display on screen.
Managing Applications Page 29English4. Touch the name of the application you want to uninstall; the Application Info screen will open.5. Touch Uninstall. The tablet will prompt you to FRQ¿UP6. Touch OK to uninstall the application.Or you can uninstall an application from the /DXQFKHUVFUHHQGLUHFWO\7RXFKDQGKROGDQDS-plication icon until the Uninstall icon appears, drage the application icon to the Unin-stallLFRQWRXQLQVWDOOWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ
Page 30 Optional ConnectionsEnglishOptional ConnectionsConnecting to a Computer &RQQHFW\RXUWDEOHWWRWKHFRPSXWHU:LWKWKHLQFOXGHG86%FDEOH3OXJWKHVPDOOHQGRIWKHFDEOHLQWRWKH86%+LVSHHGFRQQHFWRURIWKHWDEOHW3OXJWKHODUJHHQGRIWKHFDEOHLQWRDQDYDLODEOH86%+LVSHHGSRUWRQWKHFRPSXWHU:KHQ\RXUWDEOHWLVFRQQHFWHGD86%LFRQZLOOSDQHOwith many operating systems including: Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista, 7 or higher and
Optional Connections Page 31English2. Mount the storage drive.Touch USB connected to mount the tablet’s  built-in storage, then touch “Turn on USB storage” and “OK” ZKHQSURPSWHGWRFRQ¿UP:KHQPRXQWHG\RXFDQFRS\¿OHVWRIURP\RXUFRPSXWHUWRLW<RXUWDEOHWZLOOEHUHFRJQL]HGE\WKHFRPSXWHUDVD5HPRYDEOH6WRUDJHGULYH'UDJDQGGURS¿OHVEHWZHHQyour tablet and the computer. To learn more about copy-LQJ¿OHVSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHGRFXPHQWDWLRQLQFOXGHGZLWKyour computer or operating system.Connecting HeadphonesConnect a pair of headphones (or earphones) to the tablet to enjoy media in private.Lower the volume level of the tablet before connecting headphones, and then slowly raise the volume to a comfortable listening level.The headphones must have a 3.5 mm (1/8 in) plug.When headphones are connected, speaker output  will be disabled automatically. +HDULQJ H[SHUWV DGYLVH DJDLQVW WKH FRQVWDQWXVHRISHUVRQDOVWHUHRVSOD\HGDWKLJKYROXPH&RQVWDQWH[SRVXUHWRKLJKYROXPHVFDQOHDGWRKHDULQJORVV,I\RXVKRXOGH[SHULHQFHULQJLQJin the ears or hearing loss, discontinue use and VHHNPHGLFDODGYLFH
Page 32 Setting The System OptionsEnglishÂSetting the System OptionsOpen the system settings menu to adjust how the tablet looks and functions.Many applications will have their own settings; refer to the documentation provided by the application developer WROHDUQPRUHTo open the Settings menu:1. From the Home screen, touch the Launcher Tab.2. Touch Settings to open the Settings menu.The settings are grouped by category. Touch a category to open and adjust its settings on the right side.Please refer to the manual for a description of the items in the 6HWWLQJVPHQX
6SHFLÀFDWLRQV Page 33EnglishÂ6SHFLÀFDWLRQVPlease visitIRUWKHODWHVWSURGXFWLQIRUPDWLRQ'HVLJQVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGPDQXDODUHVXEMHFWWRchange without notice.MID7046Processor CortexTM -A5 (1 GHz)RAM 512 MBStorage Built-in-Storage is model dependant and indicated on product packaging. (e.g. -4 = 4GB, -8 = 8GB)1microSDHC card slot (max. 32GB sup-ported)Display 7.0” TFT LCD (800 x 480), resistive touchscreenNetworking Wi-Fi ( 802.11 b/g/n )Audio Output 3.5 mm headphonePC Interface USB 2.0 Hi-speedAdditional  FeaturesBuilt-in microphonespeakerOperating SystemAndroid™ 4.0(Ice Cream Sandwich)Power Rechargeable Li-poly battery Power Adapter (DC 5V)21 *% %LOOLRQE\WHV$YDLODEOHVWRUDJHFDSDFLW\ZLOOEHOHVVGXHWRRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPDQGSUHLQVWDOOHGVRIWZDUHDSSOLFDWLRQV$FWXDOIRUPDWWHGFDSDFLW\ZLOOYDU\2%DWWHU\OLIHZLOOYDU\EDVHGRQVHWWLQJVXVDJHDQGRWKHUIDFWRUV
Page 346SHFLÀFDWLRQVEnglishMID7048Processor CortexTM -A5 (1 GHz)RAM 1 GBStorage Built-in-Storage is model dependant and indicated on product packaging. (e.g. -4 = 4GB, -8 = 8GB)1microSDHC card slot (max. 32GB sup-ported)Display 7.0” TFT LCD (800 x 480), capacitive touchscreenNetworking Wi-Fi ( 802.11 b/g/n )Video Output Mini HDMI, type C (1080p and 720p supported)Audio Output 3.5 mm headphonePC Interface USB 2.0 Hi-speedAdditional  FeaturesBuilt-in microphonespeaker Front-facing camera(0.3 MP)Operating SystemAndroid™ 4.0(Ice Cream Sandwich) Power Rechargeable Li-poly battery Power Adapter (DC 5V)21 *% %LOOLRQE\WHV$YDLODEOHVWRUDJHFDSDFLW\ZLOOEHOHVVGXHWRRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPDQGSUHLQVWDOOHGVRIWZDUHDSSOLFDWLRQV$FWXDOIRUPDWWHGFDSDFLW\ZLOOYDU\2%DWWHU\OLIHZLOOYDU\EDVHGRQVHWWLQJVXVDJHDQGRWKHUIDFWRUV
Support Page 35EnglishÂSupportIf you have a problem with this device, please check our website at for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and product updates. If these resources do not resolve the problem, please contact Technical Support.Coby Electronics Technical SupportEmail: techsupport@cobyusa.comWeb: www.cobyusa.comPhone: For US Residents: 877-302-2629, Monday-Friday (9:00AM-9:00PM EST)For Canadian Residents: 855-542-8917, Monday-Friday (8:00AM-8:00PM EST)
Page 38 Safety NoticesEnglishImportant Safety Instructions1. Read Instructions: All the safety and operating instruc-tions should be read before the product is operated.2. Retain Instructions: The safety and operating instruc-tions should be retained for future reference.3. Heed Warnings: All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.4. Follow Instructions: All operating and usage instruc-tions should be followed.5. Cleaning: Unplug this product from the wall outlet be-fore cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.6. Attachments: Use only attachments recommended by the manufacturer. Use of other attachments may be KD]DUGRXV7. Water and Moisture: Do not use this product near water (e.g., near a bath tub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in wet basements, or near a swimming pool and the like).8. Ventilation: Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating. These openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-in installa-tion such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventila-tion is provided or the manufacturer instructions have been adhered to.9. Power Sources: This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the rating label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from bat-tery power or other sources, refer to the operating instructions.10. Overloading: Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can UHVXOWLQDULVNRI¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN11. Object and Liquid Entry: Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or shout-out parts that FRXOGUHVXOWLQD¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN1HYHUVSLOOOLTXLGof any kind on the product.12. Servicing: Do not attempt to service this product your-self as opening or removing covers may expose you to GDQJHURXVYROWDJHRURWKHUKD]DUGV5HIHUDOOVHUYLF-LQJWRTXDOL¿HGVHUYLFHSHUVRQQHO13. Damage Requiring Service: Unplug this product from WKHZDOORXWOHWDQGUHIHUVHUYLFLQJWRTXDOL¿HGVHUYLFHpersonnel under the following conditions: a) when the power-supply or plug is damaged; b) if liquid has been spilled or if objects have fallen into the product; c) if the product has been exposed to rain or water; d) if
Safety Notices  Page 39Englishthe product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and ZLOORIWHQUHTXLUHH[WHQVLYHZRUNE\DTXDOL¿HGWHFKQL-cian to restore the product to its normal operation; e) if the product has been dropped or damaged in any way; f) when the product exhibits a distinct change in performance—this indicates a need for service.14. Replacement Parts: When replacement parts are re-quired, be sure that your service technician has used UHSODFHPHQW SDUWV VSHFL¿HG E\ WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU RUhave the same characteristics as the original part. 8QDXWKRUL]HGVXEVWLWXWLRQVPD\UHVXOWLQ¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNRURWKHUKD]DUGV15. Safety Check: Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to ensure that the product is in proper operating condition.16.  Heat: The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or RWKHU SURGXFWV LQFOXGLQJ DPSOL¿HUV WKDW SURGXFHheat.Legal and Trademark Notices&RE\LVWUDGHPDUNVRI&RE\(OHFWURQLFV&RUSRUDWLRQ$QGURLGLVDWUDGHPDUNRI*RRJOH,QF8VHRIWKLVWUDGHPDUNLVVXEMHFWWR*RRJOH3HUPLVVLRQV3RUWLRQVRIWKHDUWZRUNXVHGIRUWKLVSDFNDJHDUHPRGL¿FDWLRQVEDVHGRQZRUNFUHDWHGDQGVKDUHGE\*RRJOHDQGXVHGDFFRUGLQJWRWHUPVGHVFULEHGLQWKH&UHDWLYH&RPPRQV$WWULEXWLRQ/LFHQVHPLFUR6'+&/RJRLVDWUDGHPDUNRI6'&//&86%LVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNRI86%,PSOHPHQWHUV)RUXP,QF<RX7XEHLVDWUDGHPDUNRI*RRJOH,QF$OORWKHUWUDGHPDUNVDQGORJRVDUHSURSHUW\RIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUVXQOHVVLQGLFDWHGRWKHUZLVHThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSSstandard(s).Operation is subject to the following two condition:(1)this device may not cause interference,and(2)this device mustaccept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Under Industry Canada regulations,this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum(or lesser)gainapproved for the transmitter by Industry Canada.To reduce potentialradio interference to other users,the antenna type and its gain shouldbe so chosen that,the equivalent isotropically radiated power(e.i.r.p.)is not more than that necessary for successful communication.IC Warning:
Coby is a registered trademark of Coby Electronics Corporation. Printed in China.COBY es la marca registrada de COBY Electronics Corporation. Imprimido en China.Coby est une marque de fabrique de Coby Electronics Corporation. Imprimé en Chine.Coby Electronics Corp.1991 Marcus Ave, Suite 301 Lake Success, NY

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