Command Electronics LEVELMATEPRO Bluetooth Enabled Vehicular Level Monitor User Manual Manual Side 2

Command Electronics, LLC Bluetooth Enabled Vehicular Level Monitor Manual Side 2


Manual Side 2

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Document ID2932398
Application IDX5n6gYQz/R05hRjdoDUnuA==
Document DescriptionManual Side 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize20.3kB (253776 bits)
Date Submitted2016-03-16 00:00:00
Date Available2016-04-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-11-27 13:59:58
Producing SoftwareAdobe Photoshop for Windows -- Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2015-11-27 14:05:45
Document TitleManual Side 2
Document CreatorAdobe Photoshop CS3 Windows

Using LevelMatePRO
0 Position your vehicle
Move your vehicle to the position where you would like to begin leveling
and setup
9 Connect to LevelMatePRO
After you have completed the installation and configuration at your
LevelMalePRO unit and any (on the reverse side at this page)‘ you are
ready to begin using the product to level your vehicle To connect to your
LevctMaiePRo simply stan the app within range ol your LevdlMatePRO
unit (approximately 50') This can he done lrdtn inside your vehide and
the Bluetooth connection shouldn‘t intertere with any other Bluetedlh
connections you may have active. inducing hands-lies Bluotooltt phone
systems ll you do have other Bluetooth connections that intertere with
the connection to your LevelMalePRO. consult the user manuals at your
phone analor those devtoes to see ll there ate devlce connectlon
restrictions that are causing the connection issue
9 The Leveling screen
Once the app connects with your unit it will display the Leveling screen as
shown in figure t The Leveling screen consists on main sections related
to leveling your vehicle The top section shows a lront view ol 3 trailer and
is used tor leveling the vehicle from slflarlchstde The bottom section
shows a side view ol a trailer and is used tor leveling the vehicle lrorn
fronlvlaback Each leveling section contains a measurrnent distance
a yellow arrow (when not in a level position) and a level indicator as noted
in figure t
0 Level your vehicle trom side-to—side
As noted above. when leveling your vehicle trorn Slde~lD-5lfle you will be
usmg "I8 top section Ol the Leveling screen When the vehicle Is nol In B
level position there will be a yellow anow pointing upward on one side at
the trailer graphic from vml This indicates which Side 0' the vsnlcle
needs l0 5! raised I!) achieve 3 level [305“an hum stde-lortlde The
displayed measurement indicates how much height will be required on
the side where the arrow is displayed staclt your leveling bloclts to the
height indicated by the displayed measurement and place the blocks in
the "Gill 0' [837 0' the "(8(5) 0" the Slde lndtnated by the EITW Then
MOVE your vehicle so that "l! [HES are on top blocks and check ”$9 level
indicator dtsplayad under the measurement distance ll YOU have
achieved 3 let/£1 MIMI! [be level indicator wlll be green and lhe
dtsplayed meawremertl distance Wlll be 0 00 as In figure 2 ll the level
IMIWKM’ IS red and "IQ displayed measurement dlllaflce IS ”01 0 00. than
not the measurement drsance and move the vehicle tiratsi on the blocks
and add or remove blocks equating the measurement distance that was
dlsplayed when the llle(s) were on the blocks Once again. move [he
vehicle M615} OHIO the blocks and Chem the level lndKElDl' and
maawmmenl distance [0 tnsure lhfll I'IQ vehlcle IS new level "Om
9 Save your hitch position
ll the vehicle you are leveling la a "Ellen you will need to disconnect it
from your low vehicle betore leveling it tiom Wont-terback Release your
hitch trom the tow vehicle and extend the iaclt on the trailer until the hitch
lslust above lhe ball or hitch plate (In the case oia Slh wheel hitch) Al
the bottom lett ottne Leveling screen tap on the Save Hitch Position
button this will record the cunent position at the trailer hitch This saved
position an be used to return the hitch to the cunenl position when you
are ready to reattectt the trailer to the tow vehicle
a Level your vehicle from lront-toback
Once your vehicle II level lrorn alde—lD-Slde you are ready to begin leveling
trorn trontdobactt For this step you will be using the bottom section at
me Leveling screen similar to the srtde-tesida leveling step. when the
vehicle is not in a level position there will be a yellow arrow pointing up or
down nesrthe trent ot the lraller graphic side view as shown in figure 2
this indicates whether the tront ot the vehicle needs to be lowered (arrow
pointing dewni or raised larrow polnllng up) to achieve a level position
trorn lrurlblo‘baok tt the veltcle you are leveling is a trailer. simple raise
or lower the tongue at the trailer as indicated by the up or down arrow in
the bottom section at the Leveling screen It the vehicle you are leveling
is a dnvabie vehicle simply siactt your leveling blocks at the height
indicated by the disptaed measurement distance and drive the vehicle
tronl tires onto the blocks Level position tor the homo-back will be
indicated in the same manner as the side-tearde leveling process The
level indicator will be green and the displayed measurement distance will
be 0 00 In the case at a dnveabte vehicle it a level position has not been
achteved you will need to take note at the current measurement distance
displayed move the vehicle lront tires oil at the blocks. adiust the block
height by the proper amount (as indicated when the lront tires were on the
block: previouslyi and drive the vehicle lrcnt ures hack on the bloctts As
botoie. check the level mdrmtor and measurement dlstanoe to insure that
the vehicle is level lrorn ltonlrttrback
0 Recall your hitch position
it the vehicle you are leveling is a trailer. you can recall the lirteli posltiori
you saved in step 5 to aid in returning yourtongue to the position it was in
when you removed it trorri the tow vehicle lirtclr tap on the Recall Hitch
position button at the lower right ottho Leveling screen The Recall Hitch
Position screen wtll be displayed ttrgure 3) The Recall Htlch Position
screen shows a side view at the trailer, a yellow anew pointing up or down
and position indicator similar to the level indicators on the Leveling screen
A measurement distance is also displayed which represents the amount]
ot distance the tongue needs to be moved up or down las indicated by the
yellow arrow) to return to ttie previously saved hitch position Moving the
trailer tongue in the direction indicated by the yellow arrow will cause the
displayed measurement distance to be reduced the tongue will be at
the saved hitch position when the displayed distance measurement is o 00
and the position tndcator is green as shown in figure 4
A Hitch Position Save Date is also displayed at the honour ol the Recall
Hitch Position screen This indicates when the currently save hitch
position was saved
t :5 PM
— I _
saw ultrri rosrtton tteratt uttrh Position
i :a PM
— I —
Level Indicators
Hitch Position Save Date
Dlstance Measurement
Directional Arrow
Lave/Ma tePRO
_ I _
Recall Hitch Post '7
Last hlkh petition save 91345
figure 3
figure 4
i 4-, PM
Lo vciMa iePRO
— I—
R CLILH‘I hflsi
L43! htkh poSllion Save 7-2345

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