Communication Components CE-1819-10 PCS Band Repeater User Manual

Communication Components Inc PCS Band Repeater PCS GSM Multi channel Cell Extender pub

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General Information Communication Component Inc.’s Cell Ex-tender products are designed to extend the range and coverage area of  Micro Base Sta-tions in all GSM PCS applications.  The Cell Ex-tender boosts the output power of the Micro Base Stations to match the levels of conven-tional Base Stations allowing for cost efficient implementation of high capacity radio networks.  It also or may -noise amplification of the receive signal to improve system sensitivity and to maintain a balanced link of the transmit and  receive sig-nals.  The Cell Extender is easy to install, requires no maintenance, and is fully compatible with a variety of Base Station equipment including the Ericsson 2308 series and Nortel E-cell series Micro-BTS.  The Cell Extender offers the maximum installation flexibility by allowing the Micro Base Stations  to be physically distanced from the antenna and mounting structure.  This overcomes the key installation drawback of the Micro Base Stations  which requires both a T1 connection and an AC connection on the mounting structure.  Three installation options are available. General Info and    Configurations 1 Electrical Specifications & Mechanical Specifications 2 Additional Information, Options, and Ordering 3 Block Diagram &  Mechanical Drawing 4 Contents Configuration 1 - The CE-1819-10 can be mounted on the same mounting structure directly above or below the Micro Base Station.  This option is ideal when an existing Micro Base Station site is be-ing upgraded with a Cell Extender or when both AC and T1 connections are available on the mount-ing structure.     Configuration 2 - The Micro Base Station is installed at ground level or indoors and the Cell Ex-tender is mounted on the mounting structure, in close proximity to the antenna.  This configuration is ideal for environments where AC lines and T1-connections are not easily available on the mounting structure or when it is desired to keep the Micro Base Station indoors.  For this configuration, the Cell Extender should be ordered with the Remote Power Option which includes a Bias-t and Remote Power Supply module to provide DC power to the Cell Extender over the coax cable.   Configuration 3 - Both the Micro Base Station and the Cell Extender are installed at the ground level or indoors.  This is intended for applications where it is impractical to install any equipment other than the antenna on the mounting structure. Tel:  201-342-3338 Fax: 201-342-3339 Email: Communication  Components  Inc.  PCS GSM Multi-Channel Cell Extender  for Micro-Cell Base Stations Model CE-1819-10
Cell Extender Electrical & Mechanical Specification Communication Components Inc.    PCS GSM Multi-Channel Cell Extender    Uplink  Downlink A & D Blocks                                                     1850-1870 MHz       1930-1950 MHz  B Block  1870-1885 MHz       1950-1965 MHz C Block  1895-1910 MHz       1975-1990 MHz System Gain   10 dB  10 dB System Noise Figure:  2.5 dB Max. System Group Delay:  180 nanoseconds Max  Pass-band Ripple:  0.5 dB Max. Output Third Order Intercept Point:          +31 dBm Min.             +59 dBm Min 1 dB Compression Point:  +22 dBm Min.  +51 dBm Min Input /Output VSWR:  1.5:1 Max.                 1.5:1 Max.               Up-Link-Down-Link Isolation  80 dB Number of Inputs/Outputs:                                                                    1/1 Power Supply Voltage:                                                    110/220 VAC Current Consumption:  1.5/0.75 AMPS Dimensions Enclosure  NEMA 4x Weather Proof Connectors  7/16 DIN Type Female Weight  20 Lbs. Max. Mounting  Pole and/or Wall Mountable E & F Blocks  1885-1895 MHz  1965-1975 MHz Maximum Usable GSM/EDGE Power:  N/A  20 Watts Composite Communication  Components  Inc. Tel: 201-342-3338  Fax: 201-342-3339
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Document ID325841
Application IDqiTp59dkxOAfIOUZIc3/6w==
Document DescriptionManual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize19.44kB (243053 bits)
Date Submitted2003-05-15 00:00:00
Date Available2003-05-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-05-14 11:40:26
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2003-05-14 11:40:26
Document TitlePCS GSM Multi-channel Cell
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: dnathan
FCC ID Filing: NT3CE-1819-10

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