Compal Electronics M773 User Manual 66178

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Document ID66178
Application IDSOuW240FaEXXTAvfkXVU+w==
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize31.66kB (395775 bits)
Date Submitted1999-10-25 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-23 18:57:01
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-23 18:57:15
Document Title66178.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

File Number: 980i38-F
July 9, 1998
The enclosed manual is for the EUT, As you will notice on the preceding page of this manual is the
FCC WARNING about radio and television interference as per the requirement set forth in Part 15 of the
FCC Rules.
Accredited Lab. of NEMKO, A2LA Page 20 of 28
Listed Lab. ofFCC, VCC, MOC A2LA Certificate #: 824.01 (for Emission)
NEMKO Authorization #: ELA 124 (for EMC) Rev 00
Important Safety Instructions
Please read diese insuuciioiis moroughly.
Please keep diis guide for fuiiuc use.
Please disconneci the device from rhe main supply before cleaning. Do not use any liquid or
aerosol spray cleaners. The best for cleaning is (l piece of clulh dampened with water.
To avoid damage of lire device, you should only use accessory pans permiued by ihe
The device must be praiccled against muisturci
To sciup riic dcvicc, it niusi bu: pui in a siahle srnnd posirioii. Tipping ii ovcr or dropping u may
cause miuries. Only use safely setup locaiions and follow die serup instructions of ihe
Tl-lc venulauon openings are used for air clrculalion ivliich promo! die device againsr
To connecr the device, follow the connecrcd load values nirhe main supply,
Due in electrical safely. the wall sacks! must be equipped with a non-fused eanhcii conduclor
The power uuhle niusr hc laid in a way ihar nobody may U‘ip over it There should also noihuig
he resting on me cable.
All |n>lruc||0ns and warning remarks on the device must be follcwcd.
li’ihe device will nol is used for a long period ofrune, you should disconneci u rrpin ilic main
supply Lo avoid Oven/clings damage
Any ohjscis or liquid snuuld ncvcr enier rhe devicc via iis openings for air circularion. This
could cause a fire or an eleclric shock,
Do not open die device ever. For elcclrical safety, the device shall b: opcncd by auihorized
reclinicnl service personnel only
if iciluuing conditions occur, riic dcvice musi be disconnected from the main supply, and ii
must be checked by a qualified survlcc ccmzr:
a, Puwer cable or power plug are damaged:
b- Liquid has enierad riie device;
as The devrce was exposed lo molsmre:
d, The device does our operaie according ic die users guide, or you do not achieve any im-
provcmenl mlh ihe aid omiis guide;
a, ‘nic device has dropped sud/or ihe cnsing is damaged,
(1 The dcvlc= shows obvious Signs ofa dciccl.
Fnr ropair, duly original spare pans or pans in accordance willi ilic original paris may he used
Use ciunsuirahlc sparc pans can causc more duniage.
Plcnsc turn 10 your sen/ice cenler for oil queslioiis concerning service and repair (0 guaranrce
ilie dcv‘ performance relmbllll)’.
The sockci ouilcr must he insrullcd near rhe equipmum L0 be easily uccessihle
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter-
ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the inter-
ference by one or more of the following measures:
0 Reonent or relocate the receiving antenna;
- Increase the separation between lhe equipment and receiver;
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected;
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturers may
void the user’s authority to operate this equipment
t” A shielded-type power cord is required in order to meet the FCC emission
limits and also to prevent interference to nearby radio and television
reception. It is essential that only the supplied power cord be used.
Use only shielded cables to connect I/O devices to this equipment,
IE. Canadian DOC Notice
For Class B Computing Devices
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements ofthe Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil nume’rique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement
sur le materiel broutlleur du Canada.
Congratulations on your purchase of the new high performance 17" Monitor.
Much consideration has gone into the design of the monitor in order [0 meet your
requirements for full compatibility and versatility as well as quality.
Using state-of-the-art electronics, the monitor can support a resolution of
l280xl024, and the onscreen display allows you to customize the display settings
to suit your individual needs. User display settings will be automatically saved to
memory. In addition, at the touch of a button the user can, at any time, return to
the factory default display settings.
Other ergonomic features include a non) button in the window border by rotating the control in the respec-
tive direction
Once you have selected an icon, use the Contrarr Control to adjust the option
value, Press the right button to increase the value; press the lefi button to decrease
the value
When making changes to the following settings, a screen similar to the above V-
Cenler Window will appear on your monitor screen
Chapter 2
Scroll to the H—Sizs icon. Press the I/O button to adjust the horizontal size of the
Scroll to the H-C'emer icon. Press the
horizontal axis ofthe screen.
Obutton to position the display along the
Scrollto the V—Size icon. Press the/0 button to adjust the vertical size of the
Scroll to the V-Cemer icon. Press the -/() button to position the display along the
venical axis ofthe screen,
Scroll to the Pincm'hmn icon. Press the -/0 button to adjust pincushion or barrel
Scroll to the Trapezoid icon. Press the -/0 button to adjust trapezoid distortion.
Scroll to the TI)! icon. Press the-/o button to adjust display tilt
Chapter 2
Q Color Temperature Setup
To access the Color setup menu, selet to the Display Colar Setting icon, The
following screen appears:
This screen allows you I0 select a color temperature for your monitor. Press the
-/0 button to select the desired option. The available options are:
0 9300 s 6500 o 5000
Press the Brightnexsfimction ( B/fifi) Comm! The following RGB Gain window
wrll appear:
From this window you can make changes to the display’s Red, Green and Blue
gaml Press the Brightness Control to scroll through the o liens; change values
using the -/O bullon, after making changes, Press the I/iXWill enter your
changes, and move to the next icon.
Values for the Red, Green or Blue Gain are displayed from 0% to 100%.
Chapter 2
Red Gain
Scroll to the RedGain [COX]. Press
the Contrasl Contra! I/O to
adjust the red gain for your
Green Gain
Scroll to the Green Gain 1mm
Press the I/O Contrast Con/ml
to adjust the green gain for your
Blue Gain 2?!
Scroll to the Blue Gain iccn,
Press the COHIrGIICOn1r0/-/o
to adjust the blue gain for your
R 2581 E
Scroll to the Reset icon. Press the
Contrast Contra] -/O to reset
all three gain values to the default
settings. The 0513 wmdow will
Chapter 2
@ OSD Window Status
The OSD Window status icons allow you to adjust the position of the
OSD window on your screen, You can also set the time that the OSD window will
be displayed on the screen.
OSD Horizontal Position
Scroll to the OSD Horizontal Position icon.
Press the Contrast Control -/() to adjust
the horizontal position oflhe OSD on the
OSD Vertical Position
Scroll to the OSD Verlical Position icon,
Press the Con/rust Control -/0 to adjust
the vertical position ofthe OSD on the
OSD Display Close Time
Scroll [0 the OSD Display Close Time icon,
Press the Contrast Control -/0 to set the
amount oftime that elapses before the OSD
closes, Countdown can be set from 510 60
Don’t be mshed when changing display settings: The Display
Close Time does not begin countdown while you are making
display adjustments,
Chapter 2
Reset and Degauss
The Reset All option allows you to reset all display settings to their default values
Use the Degauss option to remove unwanted magnetism from the monitor's CRT.
ResetAll @
Scroll to the Reset All icon. Press the
Contrast Control -/() to reset all display
options. Ifyou do not wish to reset all
display options, press the OSD ON/OFF
Control to close the OSD window.
Scroll to the Degauxs icon. Press the
Contrast Control -/O to degauss the
CRT. If you do not wish to degauss the
CRT, press the OSD ON/OFF Control to
close the OSD window,
-$ Self-Test Screen
When the monitor is powered On, but there is no video signal, the following self-
test screen will appearl
This screen indicates the monitor itself
is OK, If this screen appears, it is pos-
sible that the monitor’s VGA cable is
not connected properly to your com-
puter’s VGA port Check the connection.
lfthe VGA cable is properly connected but the monitor screen is blank, (ire, there
is no picture and none of the above icons appear), then there may be a problem
with the monitor.
Chapter 2
Fu nction
Blue Gain Use this option to adjust the blue gain,
@ Reset This option allows you to reset the three color
settings to the default value.
IEI OSD Horizontal Select this option to adjust the horizontal position of
Posrtion the OSD on the screen.
E OSD Vertical Select this option to adjust the vertical position of the
Position OSD on the screen
(5 I OSD Display Use this option to set the amount of time that elapses
Close Time before the OSD closes
@ Reset All Use this option to reset all display setUngs to their
default values.
QI Degauss The Degeuss option removes unwanted magnetism
’ lrom the monitor’s CRT
This concludes Chapter 2. The following appendix provides details on your
monitor's technical specifications. You will also find tips on troubleshooting any
problems you may run tntD
Technical Information
Monitor Specifications
Size 17" cm
Do: Pilch (mm) 0 2s
Surface Non-glare
Viewable Display Arealmm) 300 x 225
Input Signal
Video Syns RGB Analog 0,7Vp-p/750hm
3. Separate l—vv. “ITL w»)
b. Campusilc H+V. m. (+/-)
Scanning Frequency
Horizonlal (KHZ) 30-70
lecal (HZ) 50-120
Vidm Blndwldm IIUMHZ
Max. Resolution 1280 x 1024
Plug & Play DDCI & DDC2B
usn Sulun'un Oplianal
[Yttrnal Slereo sunken Optional
Display Cnlvrs Unlnnned
Signnl Cable
Capuve ls pin, mmi Desub
Cunsumplion NOW for normal tubes
l|5w fur low radmlicn tubes
Supply IOU-ZADVAC swam-11
Power Managemcnl
Power Faclor normal Oplional
Complics with EPA -, VESA DPMS 34 ‘rco .
On Screen Displny
Bngmness Yes
Cuntmsl Yes
HIV 5.1: Yes
H/V Camel ch
Pincushion Yes
Tllz Yes
Trapczmd Yes
Degaussing Yes
OSD Posllinn Adjuslmmt Yes
031) Close Timc Yes
RGB Gain Yes
Appendix A
Cnlur Tempcmmm Yes
Reset All st
thlay Mods:
Prescl 6
User ls
an Radialmn MFR ll
TCO Optional
Opzrazmg Range
Tcmpcralure 040°C
Rclztive Humldity
Sea level in 8,000fl
D mansions
eluding stand)
412mm(!.) x 404mm (W) x 420 mm (H)
Net 16 8kg(371h)
Preset Timing
Preset mode tlmlng Figure a
Mom: W, W.” mm, mun mm m Tum W
Wm mm w, W, mm, mm) mm, mm,
m as n m
a m “men m m
. mm mm m,
w W, m. m m.
: MA “9 mu Inn 1.5.6: m Mm an:
W 7, nm m n... W
l m m m um m, m
w um um mm m
, m W M mm 2215 MN 0201
5 vm m, m
w m. M m
a VESA m mm mm um um ms 1
m H ., m w. W
' l’rmuzry made A: the key liming wlnrh u adjusled and can
mm at lhefizuary.
lpluml m we mum szcifiuulan during an [imitat—
41/ «um pram "mine: an mandary and mljuslni wughl)‘ who: 1»: range ajpmdufl mm. u may mum a
fin: mm to gem npnmahtmngfi m user’s appficmion.
Appendix A
This section will try to anticipate potential problems that you may encounter in the
day-to-day use of your monitor. Included in this section is information which
should help solve these problems for you. If after trying the suggested solutions,
your monitor’s symptom remains the same, contact your authorized service center.
Symptom] Solution
The monitor is Check to make sure that the power cord is properly
swrtched on, but the connected, If the monitor is plugged into a powered extension
power LED is not Iit, cord or a surge protectorr make sure that extension cord or
the surge protector is turned on
The LED light is on Make sure that the computer’s switch is in the “On" posrtion.
but there is no Make sure that the video cable’s D-shaped connector is
display on the properly connected to the video adapter port on the back of
monitor’s screen, the PC.
Check to make sure that the brightness and contrast control
are not turned to their drmrnest positron.
The display image is Make sure that the video cable‘s D-shaped connector is
either dangling or properly connected to the video adapter port on the back of
unstable. the PC.
The picture is Move any electrical devices away from the monitor which may
bouncing or a wave cause display interference. Please refer to the FCC statement
pattern is present in at the beginning ollhe manual for more details on display
the display interference.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:23 18:57:01
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 66178.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:23 18:57:15-04:00
Page Count                      : 21
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: GKRM773

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