IWAVEPORT WLM54GP30-ESD USER MANUAL © Copyright 2007 Compex Systems Pte Ltd All Rights Reserved This docume nt contains information, which is protected by copyright. Reproduction, adaptation or tra nslation without p rior pe rmission is p rohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. Trademark Information Compex® is a regi stered t rademarks o f Co mpex, I nc. Mic rosoft Windows an d the W indows l ogo are th e tr ademarks of Microsoft Corp. NetWare is th e registered tr ademark of N ovell I nc. All oth er br and an d pro duct n ames ar e trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Notice: Cop yrights © 2007 by Comp ex, Inc . Al l rig hts re served. Rep roduction, adaptation, or translation without prior permission of Compex, Inc. is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. Manual Revision by Daniel Manual Number: U-0539-V1.8C Version 1.8, May 2007 Disclaimer Compex, In c. p rovides this ma nual with out warranty o f any kind, expre ssed or implied, in cluding but not limit ed to th e im plied w arranties of m erchantability and fitn ess fo r a particuar prpose. Compex, I nc. may mak e improvements and/or changes to the product and/or specifications of the product described in this maual, without prior notice. C ompex, Inc will not be liable for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors found in this guide. Changes are periodically made to the information contained herein and will be incorporated into later versions of the manual. The information contained is subject to change without prior notice. Your Feedback We value your feedback. If you find any errors in this user’s manual, or if you have suggestions on improving, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us at: Fax: (65) 62809947 Email: FCC NOTICE This device h as bee n tested a nd found to comply with the limits fo r a C lass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limits are designed to provide re asonable protection ag ainst harmful interfe rence in a re sidential installation. Thi s devi ce g enerates, uses and c an r adiate r adio fr equency energy and, if no t installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause h armful inter ference to ra dio c ommunications. Ho wever, th ere is n o guarantee th at i nterference will not occur in a particul ar instal lation. I f thi s device do es cause harmf ul inte rference to radio or television recep tion, th e user is encouraged to try to correct the in terference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Connect the comp uter in to an outlet on a ci rcuit d ifferent from that to which the receiver is connected. • Increase the separation between the computer and receiver. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications not e xpressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. FCC Compliance Statement: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This de vice must acc ept an y in terference rec eived, incl uding interfere nce that may cause undesired operation. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provide with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. End Product Labeling The fi nal en d p roduct must be labeled i n a visible ar ea w ith the following: “Contains FCC ID: TK4-WLM54GP30ESD” ICES 003 Statement This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Declaration of Conformity Compex, Inc. declares the following: Product Name: Compex Wireless Mini-PCI Network Adapter Model N o.: Co mpex iW avePort WLM54GP30-ESD c onforms to the foll owing Product Standards: Radiated Emission Standards: ETSI EN 300 328-2 : July 2000; FCC: 47 CFR Pa rt 15, Subpart B, ANSI C 63.4-1992; 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247), ANSI C63.4-1992. Conducted Emission Standards: ETS 300 826: Nov. 1997. Immunity Standards: IEC 801-2; IEC 801-3; IEC 801-4 Low Voltage Directive: EN 60 950:1992+A1: 1993+A2: 1993+A3; 1995+A4; 1996+A11: 1997 Therefore, this product is in conformity with the following regional standards: FCC Class B ⎯ f ollowing the pro visions of FCC P art 1 5 directive; CE Mark ⎯ following the provisions of the EC directive. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Technical Support Information The w arranty i nformation an d regis tration f orm ar e found i n th e Quic k I nstall Guide. For t echnical supp ort, you may con tact Compex o r its su bsidiaries. Fo r you r convenience, you may also seek technical assistance from the local distributor, or f rom the autho rized d ealer/reseller that you have p urchased this p roduct from. For technical support by email, write to Refer to the table below for the nearest Technical Support Centers: Technical Support Centers Contact the technical support center that services your location. U.S.A., Canada, Latin America and South America Write Call Fax Compex, Inc. 840 Columbia Street, Suite B, Brea, CA92821, USA Tel: +1 (714) 482-0333 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. Pacific time) Tel: +1 (800) 279-8891 (Ext.122 Technical Support) Fax: +1 (714) 482-0332 Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East and the rest of the World Write Call Fax Internet access/ Website: Compex Systems Pte Ltd 135, Joo Seng Road #08-01, PM Industrial Building Singapore 368363 Tel: (65) 6286-1805 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. local time) Tel: (65) 6286-2086 (Ext.199 Technical Support) Fax: (65) 6283-8337 E-mail: FTPsite: or Product Overview ·Introduction Thank y ou f or p urchasing t his Wireless Network Adapter. Data security is facilitated with WPA, IE EE 80 2.1x Authe ntication and 64-b it, 128-bi t a nd 152-b it WEP (W ired Eq uivalent Priva cy). The y s upport e asy Plug an d Play installa tion and combine simplicity, data privacy, and reliability for your wireless network. Chapter 1 Basic Setup This chapter outlines the basic requirement for the installation and configuration of the network adapter. This network adapter is a plug-and-play device. You can plug it into the PCI slot of your PC for auto-detection. 1.1 H ardware Installation 1. 2. R Turn off your PC and switch off the pow er from th e m ain pow er supply. emove the back cover of the PC. 3. Then i nsert th e n etwork ad apter i nto you r P CI s lot as s hown be low. Ensure that the network adapter is properly seated into the slot. 4. Replace the back cover. 5. Power on your PC. WLM54AG PCI slot 1.2 D river & Utility Installation 1. Insert the Product CD into your computer CD-ROM drive. 2. Click on Driver & Utility section and the sy stem will run the setup.exe automatically. 3. N ext, the Atheros Client Installation Program screen appea rs. Cl ick on the Next> button to proceed. 4. When th e License Agr eement s creen appears, you are r equired to read an d accept th e agreement to c ontinue. Clic k o n th e Next> button to proceed. 5. Select your preferred setup: Install Client Utilities and Driver (Recommended) option You a re r ecommended to sel ect this setup ty pe. This op tion wi ll install both the driver and utility that support your PCI adapter. Install Driver Only option (For Windows XP user only) Select th is op tion if y ou are going to u se the W ireless Zero Configuration U tility to configure yo ur PCI a dapter. Note t hat only Windows XP comes with the Wireless Zero Configuration Utility. Make Driver Installation Diskette(s) Select this option if you wish to make a duplicate copy of the driver and store to the diskette/s. 6. Click on the Next> b utton and f ollow the instr uctions st ated on the screen. For Windows XP users 7. If y ou a re us ing W indows XP as op erating sy stem, t he f ollowing screen will appear. Read the notice carefully and click on the Next> button to proceed. 8. Select your ch oice of tool to assist you i n configuring your adapter. Click on the Next> button to proceed. Atheros Client Utility (ACU) and Supplicant option Select this option to install your network adapter. (Recommended) Third Party Supplicant option Select this option if you decide to u se Wireless Zero Configuration Utility to configure your wire less device. I nstalling th is t ool w ill o nly allow you to view the status of the connec ted wire less device/ s through the utility; configuration using the utility will not be allowed. If y ou ha ve se lected Third Party Supplicant configuration tool, a screen similar to tha t be low will ap pear, p rompting y ou to enable/disable the system tray icon. 9. Click on th e c heckbox bes ides Enable Atheros System Tray Utility and cl ick on the Next> b utton to proceed. 10. The s creen below appears to i nform y ou th at th e driver w ill b e automatically install ed if you have already inse rted y our cl ient adapter into the PCI slot of your computer. Cancel the Found New Hardware Wizard i f it appears and click o n the OK button to begin the installation. 11. If a similar scre en similar to the one shown b elow app ears, cl ick on the Continue Anyway button to continue the installation. 12. Click on the OK button to reboot your system and this w ill complete the installation. Chapter 2 Using the System Tray Utility This ch apter w ill elaborate on the Atheros sy stem tray u tility found at th e rig ht b ottom co rner of you r screen. Right click on the utility icon and the menu will appear. The following explains the different options available on the menu: Help Open the online help. Exit Exit the Atheros Client Utility application. Once you exit, the icon will disa ppear from the system tray. Open Atheros Client Utility… Launch the Client Utility. Wireless-G Excellent Signal Strength Example Different signal strength indications Wireless-AG No Link Example Manual LEAP Login If you select this option, you will have to manually start the LEAP authentication process to login to the n etwork instea d of b eing prompted f or y our LE AP username and password during your windows logon. Reauthenticate Reauthenticate to a L EAP-configured a ccess point each tim e you l ogin to a LEAP network. Select Profile Click on a co nfiguration profile name to switch to a particular wireless network. If no configuration profile exists, you will need to add a profile first. Connection Status To view the connection status of your wireless PCI adapter. Alternatively, you may also double click on the utility icon in the system tray. Active Profile Displays the name of the active configuration profile. Auto Profile Selection Shows whether auto profile selection is enabled. Connection Status Displays whether the adapter is connected to a wireless network. Link Quality States the quality of the link connection. SSID Displays the SSID of the network to which the network adapter is associated. Access Point Name Shows the name of the access point the wireless adapter is connected to (if any). Access Point IP Address Shows the IP address of the access point the wireless adapter is connected to (if any). Current Receive Rate Displays the data rate at which the wireless adapter is currently receiving from the wireless network. Current Transmit Rate Displays the data rate at which the wireless adapter is currently transmitting to the wireless network. Link Speed States the speed of the link connection. Client Adapter IP Address Displays the IP address of the wireless adapter. Chapter 3 Utility Features This chapter shows you how to make u se of th e utility to view the status of your wireless c onnection, to change y our set tings an d al so to monitor y our wireless performance via the network statistics. 3.1 Current Status Tab Displays the performance of the network adapter in the wireless network. Wireless-AG Current Status Upon cl icking on the Advanced b utton, y ou wil l b e able to vie w all information on th e r espective pro file, e. g. th e types of en cryption an d authentication, th e signal strength, th e MAC address of the con nected AP (if you are in Infrastructure mode), etc. 3.2 Prof ile Management Tab Selecting this tab displays the profiles and the details. You onl y need to cr eate a profile if you ha ve mor e tha n one wi reless connection. 3.3 Diagnostics Tab The Diagnostics tab lists the following receive and transmit diagnostics for packets received by or transmitted to the network adapter. • • • • Multicast packets transmitted and received Broadcast packets transmitted and received Unicast packets transmitted and received Total bytes transmitted and received This button shows more deta iled statistical information on frames that are either received by or transmitted by the network adapter. This button allows you to run the diagn ostic test, save the test report and view the test results on the wireless adapter configuration and association. Chapter 4 Utility Configuration This chapter will elaborate on the Cl ient Manager configuration of th e network adapter using some simple examples. the wireless clients communica te through router, which are devices that act as base station for all wireless communication. Data packets from the wireless clients a re tra nsferred t o the wi reless route r be fore be ing transmitted to other h osts on the netw ork. The number of wireless clients supported depends on the router. 4.1 Co nfiguration Mode In this example, three work station act as wireless clients to communicate with the w ireless router. Once all con figuration ha s been done, wire less clients w ith the sam e SSI D as the AP will be abl e to acc ess wirelessl y to PC1 via the wireless router For Router Ensure that yo u have en abled the DHCP server in your router an d that your wireless clients are set to receive their IP address dynamically so that the wireless router can assign an IP address to them. Note th e w ireless configuration settings of your router as shown in the figure above. For PC 1 1. Activate your utility. 2. Go to the Profile Management tab, click on the Scan button to look for the wireless AP. 3. Click on the Refresh butto n if you r syst em is un able t o de tect yo ur wireless AP . Once found, se lect the Network Name (SSID) used by the router: wireless-router and click on th e Activate button to add i t to your profile list. Notice that the SSID has already been pre-configured in this profile. The SSI D of both the wireless router and the wirele ss cl ient must b e t he same for them to communicate with one another. 4. E nter the Profile Name, e.g. Workstation 2 for easy identification. 5. Next, proceed to the Security tab . The wire less cl ient must us e t he same se curity m ode as the ro uter. In our example , s elect WPA Passphrase and click on the Configure… button. 6. Enter the enc ryption key in the field provided. Pl ease note that this key must be the sa me as the one that you had configured for your wireless router. 7. Click on the OK button to update the changes. Proceed t o you r Current Status tab to mon itor the connection b etween the router and the wireless client (PC2). Alternatively, you can a lso check the con nection from the MS-DOS Prompt. Fr om PC2 , simpl y p roceed to the Start Me nu, Run… and type in cmd. Click on the OK button. In the MS-DOS Prompt window, type ping –t, whereby this IP address belongs to your access point. When the screen appears: Pinging bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=128 Pinging bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=128 Pinging bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=128 ……. This indicates that the con nection betw een the ac cess p oint an d the wireless client has been established successfully! 4.2 Prof ile Management This option allows you to manage your profile(s), set your security options, and scan for other wireless networks. Click on New b utton to cr eate a new profil e. Enter the profile name ( a unique name to identify th is p rofile), a cl ient n ame and the SSI D of th e wireless netw ork to conne ct to. Note that the Client name refers t o th e name that is registered to your PC. You can enter up to 3 different SSIDs in order of pref erence, p er profile. We are usin g ABC as th e prof ile n ame and APP as the SSID1 For d etails o n h ow to set the dif ferent authentication and encryption types available u nder the Security Ta b, kindly re fer to Chapter 7 “Types of Authentic ation and Encryption mode” Click on the OK button to update the changes. Notice that ABC has been to the profile list. add ed To mod ify a n e xisting profile, select the profile that you wish to m odify and click on this button. We are using profile: Any as an example. To delete an existing profile, select the particular profile that you wish to delete a nd cl ick on this b utton. We are usin g p rofile: default as an example. Note th at th e ac tive prof ile ( the pr ofile th at you a re c urrently u sing) cannot be deleted! Active profile indicated by this icon cannot be deleted! To activ ate a profile, selec t the p rofile and c lick on th is button . W e are using profile: wireless-AP as an example. Once a profile is activated, this name: wireless-AP. icon w ill app ear next to t he p rofile This fu nction allows y ou to save th e s ettings of y our p rofile on to disk. Select the profile that y ou wish to sa ve and click on this button. We are using profile: ESSID as an example. Choose th e f older to s ave to, en ter the name u nder w hich to save th e profile and click on the Save button. Now, your profile is saved to your selected folder. This function allows you to retrieve a saved profile from disk. We are using profile: ESSID as an example. Go to th e folder where you have saved your profile, select ESSID.prf and click on the Open button. Notice that the profile: ESSID has been imported to the list of profiles. If you ha ve crea ted se veral profil es, th is function allow s y ou to establ ish the priority order in which the network adapter should try to connect to a WLAN. If the netw ork adapter is unabl e to con nect to a w ireless network through the 1 st profile, it w ill then try to conn ect using the 2 nd profile and so on. Notice that if this function is disabled, this means tha t you have not a dded any profile in the Auto Selected Profiles list. When auto pr ofile se lection is en abled, the network adapter scans for available wireless networks and will connect to the highest p riority profile that matches the networks detected. To do so, simply click on t he Add button from the Available Profiles list. Refer to the screen shown below. Please note tha t y ou need AT LE AST TWO p rofiles to a ctivate the Auto Select Profiles function; and that each of your profile must connect to at least one Network Name (SSID). Notice that when a selected profile has been added, it will be transferred to the Auto Selected Profiles list. Select and click on the Add button to transfer another profile. You need to transfer at least two profiles to the Auto Selected Profiles list to activate the Auto Select Profile function. Transmit Power Level Specifies the wire less tra nsmit p ower to be used. Reducin g the power level lowers the risk of interference with other nearby wireless devices and conserves battery power but decreases radio range. Power Save Mode (Only applicable to Infrastructure mode) This feature reduces power consumption by the PCI adapter. There are 3 options for this mode: • Off The p ower ma nagement i s disabled and the ca rd consume s full power from the computer. • Normal The d river tu rns of f th e po wer to the adapter for br ief pe riods over briefly spaced time intervals. • Maximum The dri ver tu rns o ff po wer to the adapter fo r l onger perio ds ove r more widely spaced time intervals. The g uideline for choosin g be tween the Normal and Maximum options: The P CI ad apter wakes u p more often an d res ponds sooner to network requests in Normal mode than in Maximum mode; and the Maximum mode consumes less power than Normal mode. Network Type Select ei ther Infrastructure if y ou are conn ecting to the W LAN u sing an access point 802.11b Preamble The preamble is part of the IEEE 802.11b physical layer specification. It is mandatory for all 802.11b devices to support the long preamble format, but they may op tionally s upport th e s hort pr eamble. T his P CI ad apter supports both the short and long preambles. • Short & Long This option allow s communication with o ther 802. 11b devices tha t support short preamble to boost the throughput. • Long Only If your device is having trouble to communicate with other 802 .11b devices, you may try to select the Long Only option. 802.11 Authentication Mode (Only appli cable to Infras tructure mode, after you have enabled the encryption mode) Select w hich m ode t he w ireless a dapter uses to auth enticate to an access point: • Auto Causes the P CI a dapter to atte mpt au thentication using share d authentication. It then sw itches to op en a uthentication if shared authentication fails. • Open Enables the PCI adapter to attempt authentication regardless of its WEP se ttings. It will only associa te w ith the acc ess p oint if i ts W EP settings match those of the access point. • Shared Allows the ad apter to au thenticate and associate only if it has the same WEP settings as the access point Appendix 1.Technical Specifications Network Protocol, Standards and Electrical Emissions Industry Standards • • IEEE 802.11g IEEE 802.11b Performance Operating Frequency Modulation • • • • • • • • Antenna Type External 2dBi antenna and an SMA-type connector Network Interface PCI 2.3 compatible 2412~2462MHz Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Complementary Code Keying (CCK) 16 QAM 64 QAM DBPSK DQPSK Physical and Environment Environmental Requirements Operating temperature: Storage temperature: Operating humidity: Non-operating humidity: 0°C to 50°C -20°C to 70°C 10% to 70% RH 5% to 90% RH Power Consumption 3.3V DC, 2A Physical Dimension 60mm x 46 mm x 14 mm (LxWxD)
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