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STG Hand-HeldTerminal
~,_ ~4¥
‘ EXHIBIT#: 519 7
Fun in-
STG Hand-Held Terminal
User’s Guide
Table 01 Contents
Commissioning the STG
Using the STG
The “MOBY STG" Program
Expanded Functions
The "MOBY” Program with
the PSION Numeric Model
Error Messages
Technical Data
Published in March 2000
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own per-
sonal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These
notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as
follows according to the level of danger;
R 03.00
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Note ’ 1 General . 5-1
. E41
draws your attention to particularly important information on the product. , 1-' APP'W‘W” Areas“
handling the product. or to a penicuiar pan of the documentation. , 1,2 product Description . E"
f 1.3 FCC information for the USA. 52
ouaiilled Personnel . 2 commissioning the STG E4
The device/system may only be set up and operated in conjunction with this . 24 included Components 5-3
manual. 2 2 A pl 5-4
Only qualified personnel should be allowed to install and work on this equip- - 559m V
merit. Qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commis- 23 Turning on the Device 54
sion, to ground. and to tag circuits, equipment. and systems in accordance with , . av E F l 0 gram Mode 5.5
established satety practices and standards. , 2-4 sewng me MO / I p 9
2.5 User interface . E5
ewe" usage 3 Using the $76 . 55
Note the loilowmg: 3.1 Keyboard . _ 5-6
G Warning , 3.2 Antenna on (he-Read Head and Antenna Field is
This device and its components may only be used for the applications de- 3-3 Charg'mr’ “mm" ' ' '
scribed in the catalog or the technical description. and only in connection 4 The “MOBY sTG" program . 5-9
with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been 41 Data Edna, .......................... E-10
approved or recommended by Siemens. _ E 12
. . , . . 4.2 MDS Functions ....................................... -
“5 Wm“ ca" °”’Y f”"°"°" “WWW and we'll " " '5 "ansl’me‘i 4.2.1 General information on Read and Write-Accessing an MDS . Eel 2
stored, set up. and installed correctly. and operated and maintained as ~ 422 Reading the MDS .................................. E43
leCUmmendEd- i’ 4.2.3 Writing the MDS ......... E“ 3
s; ’ 4.2.4 Erasing/initializing the MDS Eli
‘ 4.2.5 Fieadrng the in Number .
Trademarks 4.2.6 Reading Raw Data . . E44
MOBY® is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG. 43 We Funmions .. 5.15
Some of the other designations used in these documents are also registered . 4_3_1 Loading a File . . E45
trademarks; the owner's rights may be violated it they are used be third parties 1 432 Saving , . . . E45
for their own purposes. 4.33 Exiting ,_ _ _ E45
4.4 The “EDITOR" Functions .............................. E-16
4.4.1 Jump to Address . 546
Copyright c: siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved Disclaimer of LiuhiIlty 442 Display ..... E46
The reproduction. transmission or use of this We have checked the contents ol this manual tor . 4.4.3 Clear Display .
document or its oontenls is not permitted wrthoiit agreement with the hardware and software descrr ‘ n ,, .
express written authority offenders will be iiaoie for bed Since deviatrons cannot be precluded entirely. 4.5 The EXTRAS Functions -
damages/Ml rights. including rightscreated by patent we cannot guarantee full agreement. However. the 4.5.1 Communication
grant or iagrstratton oi a utility model or design. are data in this manual are remewed regularly and any 452 Password _ _ , ,
reserved. necessary corrections included in suosequent edl~
trons. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Systems Engineering
@ Siemens AG 1999. 2000 1
PO. Box 2355. 990713 Fuenh .
T h i id 1 Ci! h v .
W "N a E' We a C “98 STG Hand-Held Termrnal
Siemens Akiiengeseflsmfi (5)J3|0697D0l267U001~A2-7418 E"
Order No, (5)J3|069~D0126—U001-A2»7418
Table of Contents R 03.00
Antenna ....... , E-1S
Address Setup . . E-18
MOBY l Setup . . E-19
MOBY E Setup . . . . E-20
The "7" Functions . E-20
Language . 520
About . E-20
Version. , E-ZO
The “FlLEHANDLEH” Program ..... . ........... . ............. E-21
5.1 General Inlormation on the Filehandler . . E-21
5.2 The Filehandler Commands . . 522
5.3 View of the Editor and Directory . 524
53.1 The Data Editor 01 the Filehandler . . E-24
5 3.2 Mew of the Directory ., . 525
5.4 The File Functions . . . E-26
5 4.1 Read File from MDS ( ead File from Tag) . E26
54.2 Read File from STG RAM .......... . E-27
5.4.3 Write File to MDS (Write File to Tag) . , 527
5.44 Write File to STG RAM ........... . E-28
54.5 Read Directory from MDS (Read Dir from Tag) . . E-ZB
54.6 Read Directory llom STG HAM (Read Dlr 1mm 8 . E—QS
5.5 The Commands Menu . E-28
5.5.1 New File (Create File) . , 523
5.5.2 Delete File ........... . 529
55.3 Format MDS (Tag Format) 4 . E-29
5.5.4 Attribute File (Flle Attribute) . E-29
5.5.5 MDS Status (rag Status) . . . E-ao
5.5.6 MDS Protection (Cover Tag) E-31
5.6 The Editor Functions . 531
5.6.1 Display Directory . . 5-31
5.6.2 Display Editor . . E-Si
5.5.3 Change File Size (File Size) 5-32
5.6.4 Delete Display (Clear Display) E432
5.6.5 Jump to Address . E432
5.6.6 Display Setup . . E-32
5 7 The “Extras” Functions , 533
5:7.1 Parameter. E-BS
5.7.2 Password for re an er( asswordiorFH) . 534
5.7.3 Communication .......................... E-34
5.8 The '7" Functions .............................. . . 534
STG Hand»Held Terminal
Fi‘ 03.00 Table of Contents
Expanded Functions .
6,1 Storing the MOS Data on the Hand-Held
Terminal ..................
. E-35
. E-35
6.2 Copying MOBY Data from and to the Hand-Held Terminal . . E435
6.2.1 What Is Needed in Addition? .. . . E~35
6.2.2 Using the PSlON File Manager . E-SS
6.2.3 Organization of the READHEX File . . E738
6.3 Functions win the PSION Operating System ......... . 5-38
6.4 Parallel Execution at Several Applications E-SQ
6.5 Automatic Power Sever Function , .
6.6 Connecting SIM Devices (MOBY E/lN) . . E-40
6.7 System RESET ...................................... E441
The “MOBY” Program with the PSION
Numeric Model ............................. t ................ E42
Error Messages ......
8,1 Error Messages with the “MDEY STG“ Program . .
5.2 Error Messages with the “FlLEHANDLEFi”
Program . . .................................... 5-45
Technical Data ......................................... E49
Appendix ............................................ 5-51
A.1 Ordering Components for Expanded
Functions .......................................... E—51
A.2 Developing User Applications .
A.3 ASCII Table .,
STG Hand-Held Terminal
(5)J3|069~D0126>U001-A2-7418 E-lil
STG Hand-Held Terminal
R 03.00 General
1 General
The STG (service and test device) is a powerful addition to the MOBY E,
MOBY F or MOBY l identification systems, It is a mobile hand-held terminal
based on the PSION Workabout W and is designed lor applications in the
areas of logistics, distribution and service. In addition, it is an indispensable aid
when commissioning and testing.
1.1 Application Areas
The MOBY hand-held terminal can be used with MOBY E, MOBY F and MOBY
I. The Included service and test program makes it easy to read and write all
data memories ol MOBY E, MOBY F or MOBY I.
in addition, it is very simple for customers to program their own applications on
the hand-held terminal. A C library is available lrom Siemens for programming
the hand—held terminal read heads, implementation of applications in the areas
at warehousing. logistics and commissioning is easy.
Very sturdy in design and protected against splashed water, the hand-held ter-
minal can also be used in rugged environments. Its display is easy to read,
and in dark areas, display illumination can be turned on.
1.2 Product Description
The MOBY hand-held terminal consists of a basic device and a read head lrom
MOBY E, MOEV F or MOBY l. The basic device is a PSION Workabout W. This
device is the worldwide standard for hand-held terminals. In additlon, the terminal
includes a memory card with the MOBY service and test program including a
user‘s manual. The memory card is inserted in the basic device. The sen/ice and
test program starts automatically when the hand-held terminal is turned on. All
data memories ot MOBY E. MOBY F or MOBY I can be processed with the hand-
held terminal.
The tollowing functions can be executed.
- Road data from the MDS
- Write data to the MDS
- Delete the entire data memory (write with a filler value)
- Read and display the ID number ol the MDS (MOEY E/F)
. Represent and edit the data in hegadecimal and ASCII format
- Enable/disable password protectidn for all write-access functions
- Menu prompting in various languages (currently German and English)
' Store read MOBY data in liles, Approximately 1.8 MB are available for this
on the hand-held terminal.
STG Hand-Held Terminal
(5)J31069vD0126-U001-A2~7418 E-l
General F! 03.00
Additional functions with the MOEV I tilehandler
- Format the MDS
- Create files on the MDS
- Write files to the MOS
Read files from the MDS
Read and display the directory
Delete files from the MDS
The read/write head is screwed to the PSION basic device, The head is
equipped with a serial TTL interface ior communication with the basic device,
The read head is powered by the basic device. The read/write head and the
STG program can also be ordered separately so that customers can continue
to use an already existing PSiON Workabout or order a Workabout With a diflere
erit interface and keyboard configuration directly ilorn PSION.
The charging device (including 230 v plugrin power pack) (or recharging the
batteries must be ordered separately The charging device is designed for
mounting on walls or vehicles. When mounted on a vehicle, a special PSION
cable is required tor the charging function. See appendix A1. '
=or applications. a C library is available to the user with the functions of the
MOBY read head. Users can develop their own programs (of. chapter 5.7) with
:he optional C development environment.
1.3 FCC Information for the USA
- PSION basic device ~ See PSION user's manual.
- MOBY E read head
Made in Germany
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference
caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment:
such modifications could void the user's authority to operate the
ere Hand-Held Terminal
H 03.00 Commissioning the STG
2 Commissioning the STG
2.1 included Components
The STG consists of several components which are listed individually on the
delivery slip,
Ordered Order Number Pack List Pack Number
Components .
MOBY E earz sos-uAAoo PSION Workabout W A5E00016735
"and'he'd MOBY E read head sore 303-1AA00
te'mina' STG Memory card incl. sore 303-10A00
STG software and
user's manual
Nice battery A5E000 20084
MOBY i= soTz 403-OBA00 PSION Workabout W A5E00016735
"a“d'm'd MOEY E read head eGTz 4034 BAOG
te'minal STG Memory card incl. 6GT2 3034 CAM
STG software and
user's manual
NiCd battery AsEooo 20054
MOBY i sore cos-come PSION Workaboul mx A5E00016735
“a"d‘he'd MOBY I read head 6GT2 ooa-iCAoo
terminal STG Memory card incl. SGTZ SOGrICAOO
STG software and
user's manual
N iCd battery ASEODO 20084
STG HandrHeId Terminal E 3
(Sidsioog-Doizs-Uom-A2-7418 .
Commissioning the STG H 03.00
2.2 Assembly
Perform the followrng steps in the order shown below.
- Install button cell. Button cell is located in a recess in the packaging oi the
PSION Workabout.
~ Insert batteries. The battery catch must point to the left.
~ Insert the flash program memory with the STG application in the upper
slot (A).
- Install read head, and screw down.
Assembly is Complete.
2.3 Turning on the Device
Belore you turn on the device, insert the hand-held terminal in the
charging device and allow it to charge for at least 14 hours.
After charging, the hand-held terminal tS ready for use.
After the terminal is turned on, initial starlup takes several seconds. The MOBY
application then stans automatically, and a selection menu appears with the
MOBY applications,
‘» 1) Normal MOBY service and test pro-
gram for MOBV E/F/I. The MDS data
are accessed by physical addresses.
See chapter 4.
2) MOBY filehandlertor MOBY I z,—
The MDS data are accessed by file
names. See chapter 5.
9) The operating system of the hand—
held terminal is accessed wrth ”Exit."
The device goes off automatically after no keys have been pressed for 5 min-
utes. When turned on again, the hand-held terminal continues with the same
screen it was displaying before it was turned off manually or automatically.
See chapter 6.5.
STG HandeeId Terminal
E-4 (5)d31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418
H 03.00 Commissioning the STG
2.4 Setting the MOBY E/F/I Operating Mode
After the "MOBY STG" application has been selected. the hand-held terminal is
set for MOBY E operation, If you are using another read head (i.e., MOBY F,
MOBV E/SlM, MOEYI or MOEV i/SIM) with the handheld terminal, you wlll
have to change the operating mode. This is done by pressing the “Menu“ key
with the “EXTRAS/COMMuNlCATION/Protocol" lunction.
It you are using MOBV E, be sure to call the “EXTRAS/ANTENNA" func-
tion and turn on the correct antenna.
MOBY operating mode does not need to be set for the Fitehandler program.
2.5 User Interface
Use of the STG program on the hand-held terrrunal ls described in chapter 3.
Use at the Filehandler program lor MOBY I ls descnbedm chapter 5.
All functions at the MOBY programs can be called with the “Menu" key.
STG Hand-Held Terminal
(5)J31059-Dot26-U001-A2-7415 E-5
Using the S TG Fl 03,00
3 Using the STG
3.1 Keyboard
The keyboard of the PSION is divided into 3 parts,
‘ 11 control keys directly below the display
Numerical key block with 16 keys
ASCll keyboard (30 keys) including shift key
Control keys; Contrast, display illumination,
on/cfi. and cursor keys
Green LED, Goes on when battery is being
Numeric input block with Enter key
ASCII keyboard plus shift and special function
keys (cm, y )
3.2 Antenna on the Read Head and Antenna field
The antenna of the read head is located on the top of the handheld terminal as
shown in the figure below.
Reading an MDS
STG HandrHeId Terminal
EAG (5)J31059-D0126-U001»A2-7418
H 03.00 Using the STG
The various types of MDSs otter aifierem ranges, The following table gives you
an overview,
moav E MOBY l
MDS Type mm MDS Type mm mm
E600 (lSO card) 302/402/401 6
E611 114/514/413E 20
E624 (button) 403 8
E623 (pi Il)‘ 506 12
4§8E/439E 12
507 (with battery) 35
507 (without 4
1 The pin can only be read on the head ponion provided for this.
2 When MDS is installed in metal
m Button antenna or
rod antenna (MOBY I)
MDS E600 /—\
MDS E611 /_\ Surtace
a MDS E623
MDS EGQ‘fi/mtenna
The antenna field for the STG read head
Antenna tield tor MOBY E
With the MOBY E read head, 2 antennas are integrated in the reader. These
must be positioned on the read head based on which MDS you want to read.
The EXTRAS/ANTENNE command (see chapter 4.5.3) is used to switch the
antenna field. Remember that the MDS E623 can only be read on the antenna
provided for this, See figure. The MDS E624 can be read on both the button
antenna and the surtace antenna.
STG Hand-Held Terminal
(5)J310697D0126-U001-A2-741B E-7
Using the STG R (73.00
3.3 Charging Function
The battery charging procedure IS started as soon as the hand-held terminal is
placed in the wall or vehicle holder. Charging ls activated and indicated with a
green LED, See chapter 3.1.
An empty battery requires at least 14 hours for a complete charge,
High~speed battery charging
The batteries supplied by Siemens can be charged at high speed so that the
MOBY handheld terminal can be operated directly in the high-speed charging
device available from PSlON. A full charge takes 1 hour.
Use of other batteries
Other AA batteries can also be used in the PSION Workabout. These include
rechargeable NiCd batteries and alkali batteries which cannot be recharged.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to adhere to the'PSION user's manual.
The backup battery
The backup battery is used to retain the application data when the main batter—
ies are empty. The backup battery is a lithium cell which cannot be charged.
Remember that. when the main batteries are empty or have been removed, a
new backup battery can only maintain the data in the RAM for just a tew days.
STG Hand-Held Terminal
E~8 (5)J310697D0126-U001-A2r7418
H 03,00 The ”MOBY STG" Program
4 The “MOBY STG” Program
After you turn on the STG. the editor appears on the display. You can view the
data, enter new data or call a function with the “Menu" key, Functions can also
be called directly With the L! key. To do thls, press the 2 key and the appropri-
ate alphanumeric key at the same time. The table below lists all functions to-
gether with their direct calls,
Command Shortcut Description
File/Load File l. or F3‘ Load file from PSION RAM drive to work
ing storage
File/Save S or F4' Store read MDS data on the RAM drive
File/Exit X Exit STG application
Tag/Plead R or F1‘ Read data from MDS
TagNVrite W or F2’ Write data to MDS
Tag/Erasefinttiallze E Write MDS with a certain value
Tag/Read Tang T Head iD number of MDs
Tag/Read raw data M Read physical memory at MDS
Editor/Jump to address J 01 Tab Jump to a certain address in editor
Editor/Display D Change display options
Edam/Clear 0 Clear data in editor to a certain
Extras/Communication I
Extras/Password for STG P
Change communication options
change password ier src applicatlon
Extras/Antenna A For MOB E: Switch antenna between
“card“ and “button”
Extras/Address Setup G Delirie entries for the “read/write MDS"
Extras/MOEY I Setup H Set memory size and MOBY i operating
Extras/MOBY E Setup Y Switch MDS access trom “MOBY key" (A)
to the E key
For MOBV E SIM: Switch between cyclic
operation and continuous operation
STG Hand-Held Terminal
(S)J31059-D0126~UDCH>A2~7415 E-9
The “MOBY STG" Program R 03. 00
Command Shortcut Description
7/Larlguage N Set menu language
7/Ab0ut . B Manufacturer's data
Versron or operating system and STG
7/Verston V
, application
1 These keys are only available on a hand-held terminal with a numenc keyboard.
4.1 Data Editor
The MDS data can be edited in hexadecimal or ASCII. This can be set in the
EDlTOFl/DlSF'LAY menu.
The editor always shows the total size of
an MDS memory. Use the cursor func»
tions to access the lndtvidual addresses,
Use the “Tab“ key to jump to any adv
dress, See chapter 4.4 1.
Indication of the currently set read treat
of Chapter 4.51
The tag ID oi the MDS is only dlsplayed on
the MOBY E/F. It is valid altertne “MDS/
read-write~readTang" function is executed,
The position at which the cursor is located
can also be shown in hexadeermaljgrrnat,
Window with the MDS data.
Standard setting is 32 bytes.
MDS addresses are shown in hexadecimal
run-ism [rm mar-wan
m4» Hammer: " ten?
STG Hand-Held Terminal
E-i 0 (5)J31069>D0126-U001-A2-741E
R 03.00 The “MOEY STG" Program
The “current area“
The editor uses normal representation
ior the “current area," All other data
areas of the MDS are shown invenad.
The current area shows the data block
which was read last. During read/write-
accesses. the current area is entered as
the value for the write command.
This value can be adjusted in the
Current area
The current area is changed automatically when you edit data and overwrite.
The size of the memory area shown on the display can be switched
with the EDITOR/DISPLAY lunction. See chapter 4.4.2.
. ' ' r N”? In the normal representation. 32 bytes
' are displayed in lower case letters. This
gives you an overvrew of the MDS data.
Tao-ll) tin warm» raw; ,
at , ' in zoom representation. only 4 consecu-
tlve bytes are shown. Representation is
in upper case letters This display is
easy to read.
Zoom representation (hexadezrmal)
N mywmmm mm, Zoom representation (ASCIl)
, "are“ n
STG Hand-Held Terrrinal
(5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418 E41
The "MOBY STG" Program R 03.00
4.2 MDS Functions
The MDS functions handle communica-
hon With the MDS.
The MDS function is not interrupted it
you brielly move the MDS out of the
read lreld. The MDS function ls termi-
nated il MDS processing does not take
place lor more than 30 seconds. See
chapter 4,4.
Alter a command is started. a window
with a bar appears on the display. This
bar shows how much of the command
fies already been processed.
4.2.1 General information on Read and Write-Accessing
an MDS
The MOBV E. MOBY F or MOBY I MDSs use block-oriented data accessing. A
read or write-access to an MDS is only possible at the beginnlng of a block.
One block Contains 16 bytes (or 10 hex). Thus, the start addresses for MDS
processing to be entered on the STG are: 00, 10, 20, 30 hex and so on. With
the MOBY E and MOBY F, the Tang on the display is still automatically updat—
ed belore the read/write access.
However. you can also specify any start address.
This will be accepted by the STG and corrected to
the next lower block beginning, The correqed ad-
dress ls |nd|cated for the operator m a Window and
must be acknowledged.
An additional window appears if you change data in
the editor and then attempt to read an MDS. The
window tells you that the data which you have just
modified may be overwritten again with the “read
MDS" command. You can retain or relect the modi»
fled data in the editor, or you can terminate the com-
mand completely,
STG Hand-Held Terminal
E-12 (5)J31069-D0126-U001-A2-7418
R 03.00 The “MOB Y STG " Program
ECC mode can only be set on the MOBY I hand-held terminal.
ECO mode cannot be used with MOBY E.
4.2.2 Reading the MDS
A data block with a start and end address, which can be defined as desired,
can be read from the MDS. it the same value ls entered for the start and end
address. one byte will be read.
if made “Complete MDS" was selected m the read/write field of the
menu “Extras/Address Setup] ..... “, the “MDS/read" funkhon is started
immediately without asking any questions. The complete MDS is al
ways processed.
4.2.3 Writing the MDS
A data block can be written to the MDS. The data block which IS Valid in the
editor is indicated as the default for each write access, The delault length or
end address can still be changed to another value during the wntevaccess.
4.2.4 Erasing/Initializing the MDS
The “erase/lnitlalize NDS" tunction is used to wrlte the entire MDS with a cer-
tain value in a ven/ short time. The erasure value can be entered in a subse-
quent menu. After the dElethfl tunctlon has been performed, the memory in
the editor is also erased With the value whlch was entered, With the MOBV l,
the correct size of the MDS memory must be set (EXTRAS/MOBY l Setup) be-
fore this function is periormed.
STG Hand-Held Terminal
(5)J3| DEG-D0126-U001-A2-7418 5-13
The ”MOBY STG” Program R 03.00
4.2.5 Reading the ID Number
Only MOBY E. MOBY F: The function reads and indicates the serial number of
the MOS. The ID number is set at the factory and cannot be changed.
The “Tang” is displayed in hexadecimal format by the editor in the second line.
The Tang IS automatically read with the “MDS read/write/erase" functions.
4.2.6 Reading Raw Data
Only MOBY E, MOBY F: This function is used to physically read the entire
memory of the MOS. This includes tag ID, key information (it public). manufac-
turer's information and MDS access rights. A knowledge of the phystcal layout
of the MDS memory is required to interpret the data. See description of
The “read raw data" tunction can be used to detect errors made when the MOS
was configured.
for MOBY F
MDS addresses 8 to GF hex (i.e., pages 2 to 15) cannot be read.
They are always shown by the editor as 00.
STG Hand-Held Terminal
E-14 (5)J31069-00126»U00|-A2-7418
F] 03.00 The “MOBY STG" Program
4.3 File Functions
4.3.1 Loading a File
A file can be loaded to the STG editor which was
- saved before with the "tile/save" command or
0 transferred from the PC to the “RAMDRIVE (M:)" drive of the PSION. See
chapter 6.2.
4.3.2 Saving
Data currently being displayed by the editor can be saved in a file on the
PSION, The tile name may consist of 1 to 5 letters or numbers. During the
storage procedure, the extension “HEX" is automatically added to the tile
name, See also chapter 8.2.
A memory area of approximately 1.8 Mbytes is available on the hand—held ter-
minal lDr storage of MDS data (I.e,. with MOBY E, up to 2000 M085 can be
read and stored).
4.3.3 Exiting
The "exit" function can be used to conclude the STG program of MOBY. This
gives you access to the operating system levels of the PSION hand-held termi-
nal. See chapter 6.3.
STG Handtield Terminal
(5)J31069-D0126»U001-A2-7418 E-15

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File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:07:25 12:37:35
Creator                         : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0
Producer                        : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0
Create Date                     : 2000:07:25 12:37:01
Page Count                      : 12
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