Continental Conair FF2100AT 900MHz 40 Channel Analog Modulation Cordless Phone User Manual FCC manual info

Continental Conair Limited 900MHz 40 Channel Analog Modulation Cordless Phone FCC manual info


FCC manual info

FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOWThis equipment compiles with Part 68of the FCC rules. On the bottom ofthe base of this equipment is a labelthat contains, among otherinformation, the FCC RegistrationNumber, Ringer Equivalence Number(REN) and the Universal ServiceOrder Code (USOC), which is RJ-11C, for this equipment. You must,upon request, provide this informationto your telephone company.An FCC compliant telephone cordand modular plug is provided with thisequipment. This equipment isdesigned to be connected to thetelephone network or premises wiringusing a compatible modular jackwhich is Part 68 compliant. SeeInstallation Instructions for details.The REN is useful to determine thequantity of devices you may connectto your telephone line and still haveall of those devices ring when yourtelephone number is called.  In most,but not all areas, the sum of theREN’s of all devices connected toone line should not exceed five (5.0).To be certain of the number ofdevices you may connect to yourline, as determined by the REN, youshould contact your local telephonecompany to determine the maximumREN for your calling area.If your telephone equipment causesharm to the telephone network, thetelephone company may discontinueyour service temporarily.  If possible,they will notify you in advance.  But ifadvance notice isn’t practical, youwill be notified as soon as possible.You will be informed of your right tofile a complaint with the FCC.Your telephone company may makechanges in its facilities, equipment,operations, or procedures that couldaffect the proper functioning of yourequipment.  If they do, you will benotified in advance to give you anopportunity to maintain uninterruptedtelephone service.  If you experiencetrouble with this telephoneequipment, disconnect from thenetwork until the problem has beencorrected or until you are sure thatthe equipment is not malfunctioning.This equipment may not be used oncoin service provided by thetelephone company.  Connection toparty lines is subject to state tariffs.This equipment is hearing aidcompatible.WARNING:  Changes ormodifications to this unit notexpressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operatethe equipment.NOTE: This equipment has beentested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to providereasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residentialinstallation.  Some cordlesstelephones operate at frequenciesthat may cause interference tonearby TV’s and VCR’s. To minimizeor prevent such interference, thebase of the cordless telephoneshould not be placed near or on topof a TV or VCR. If interference isexperienced, moving the cordlesstelephone farther away from the TV orVCR will often reduce or eliminate theinterference.  However, there is noguarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular instalthis equipment does causeinterference to radio or reception, which can be deby turning the equipment othe user is encouraged correct the interference bymore of the following meas• Reorient or relocate theantenna.• Increase the separationthe equipment and rece• Connect the equipmenoutlet on a circuit diffethat to which the reconnected.• Consult the dealer experienced radio TV tfor help.This  Southwestern Bell FreedomPhone® is warranted to the originalpurchaser to be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship undernormal installation, use, and servicefor a period of one (1) year from thedate of purchase as shown on thepurchaser’s receipt.The obligation of Southwestern BellFreedom Phone® Retail Sales underthis warranty shall be limited to repairor replacement (at our option) duringthe warranty period of any part whichproves defective in material orworkmanship under normalinstallation, use, and service,provided the product is returned toSouthwestern Bell FreedomPhone®  Retail SalesTRANSPORTATION CHARGESPREPAID (California residents call 1-800-366-0937 for shippinginstructions).  If we choose to replaceyour Southwestern Bell FreedomPhone® product, the replacementwill be warranted for either (a) 90days or (b) the remainder of theoriginal one year warranty period,whichever is longer. Battery packsare warranted for the same period.Products returned to us  must beaccompanied by a copy of thepurchase receipt.  In the absence ofsuch purchase receipt, the warrantyperiod shall be one (1) year from thedate of manufacture. To obtainservice under this warranty, return thedefective product to the servicecenter nearest you together with yoursales slip and $9.50 for postage andhandling (California residents needonly provide proof of purchase). This warranty shall be invalid if theproduct is damaged as a result ofdefacement, misuse, abuse, neglect,accident, destruction, or alteration ofthe serial number, improper electricalvoltages or currents, repair alterationor maintenance by any person orparty other than our own servicefacility or an authorized ServiceCenter, or any violation of instructionsfurnished by us.This warranty is also rendered invalidif this product is removed from thecountry in which it was purchased, ifit is used in a country which it is notregistered for use, or if it is used in acountry for which it was notdesigned.  Due to variations intelephone systems andcommunications laws, this productmay be illegal for use in somecountries.  Southwestern BellFreedom Phone® Retail Salesassumes no responsibility fordamages or penalties incurredresulting from the use of this productin a manner or location other thanthat from which it is intended.This one-year limited warranty is inlieu of all other express warranties,obligations, or liabilities.  ANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES,OBLIGATIONS, OR LIABILITIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOTHE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,SHALL BE LIMITED IN DURATIONTO THE ONE-YEAR DURATION OFTHIS WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOWLIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG ANIMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SOTHE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOTAPPLY TO YOU.IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BFOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDECONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGBREACH OF THIS OR ANYWARRANTY, EXPRESSEIMPLIED, WHATSOEVER. This warranty gives you sperights, and you may also hrights which vary from stateLIMITED WARRANTY aids ornit note partye couldoperates beenwith the device,C Rules.provideagainstsidentialordlessuenciesnce tominimizece, theephoner on topence iscordlesshe TV ornate thee is nowill notoccur in a particular installation.  Ifthis equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one ormore of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.• Increase the separation betweenthe equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into anoutlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver isconnected.• Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio TV technicianfor notions in andproductn somen Bell Salesty forncurredproducter than.nty is inrranties,  ANYANTIES,ILITIES,TED TOES OFITNESSRPOSE,RATIONON OFRRANTY.ALLOWNG ANTS, SOAY NOTIN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLEFOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FORBREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHERWARRANTY, EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, WHATSOEVER. This warranty gives you specific legalrights, and you may also have otherrights which vary from state to state.OPERATIONS40-Channel OperationThe FF2100AT cordless telephoneautomatically searches and selects theclearest of 40 channels when it is beingused.Security CodeThe security code prevents your cordlesstelephone conversation from beingaccessed by a phone on a different line.Once the handset battery is fully charged,the handset will automatically select thecode from a total of over 65,000combinations. The code is changed everytime the handset is placed in the cradle.If you experience difficulty with placing orreceiving calls, a lost security code may bethe cause of the problem. When thisoccurs, the handset can no longercommunicate with the base. Reset byplacing handset on base for 5-10 seconds.If that does not work, unplug the ACadaptor from the wall outlet. Disconnectthe handset battery for 5-10 seconds, thenreconnect. Place handset back on baseand then replug the AC adaptor.Placing a Call1. Press TALK button.2. TALK BUTTON on handset will light.3. When you hear a dial tone, place yourcall.4. While on a call, if you experience noiseor static:a. Press CHANNEL on handset until aclear channel is found; the call willnot be interrupted.Orb. Move closer to base.Note: You must be in usable range tochange channels. Base antenna should bein upright position.Receiving a Call1. IF THE HANDSET IS OUT OF THEBASE UNIT, press TALK.2. IF THE HANDSET IS IN THE BASEUNIT, lift the handset.Do not press TALK. You willautomatically be connected.Ending a Call1. Place the handset in the base or pressTALK to be disconnected from the line.2. TALK BUTTON on handset will turn off.FlashUse the FLASH button to activate customcalling services such as Call Waiting orThree-Way Calling (*Special sub-scriptionfrom your local telephone companyrequired).Temporary Tone (*)PULSE (rotary) service users may accesstouch-tone features needed to operateanswering machines or use electronicbanking, calling cards, etc., by pressingthe TONE (*) button. Phone willautomatically return to pulse dialing afterthe call ends.Out of RangeIf you experience static while using thetelephone, move closer to the base orchange the channel by pressing thechannel button.RedialLast number dialed (up to 32 digits) isstored in redial memory until anothernumber is dialed.1. Press TALK on handset.2. When you hear a dial tone, pressREDIAL.

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