Continental Conair FF2100HT 900MHz 40 Channel Analog Modulation Cordless Phone User Manual
Continental Conair Limited 900MHz 40 Channel Analog Modulation Cordless Phone Users Manual
Users Manual
.-....n-...n“..........-........-................. wuwaqumopaauqms'MMMI/zdm 1s; "It-"down - ‘urzucta lemmas 153 “floors - weosts [emu - Kewnw LEGO-9990081 run the" sales mum gm.“ menu “as mas-Mnnus an] m mum-Ema n ma 61.5541" ‘ucgmadu 57mm. snoussnb "m in mm anqvamm mg mammd am “an... m m Slladla me u- _ "315” Jauwnu flue-«dam Jim. amrml an m: — M001 was an on pm pm am am mop A 4013 User's Manual for Cordless Telephone FF2100 Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone“ F016 open (ms manual (or inrormauon aboul lhis (elephone’s msuuamn and opelallan. Please read the Important Safely Instructions Included In m1; manuaL SOUTHWESYERN BELL FREEDOM PHONEG ‘ 7475 Norm Glen Harbor Boulevard. Glendale. AZ 85307 FFzmonT IB~ 3685 Primed n China nun-n.-..........u.u..."nun-"nun..-“nun"...- wmymk 27/06 2002 18:19 FAX 0755 6716613 LIONDA ROI-BIOLOGY CO LTD .007 Fl 21077 7 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING YOUR TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUVIDN SHOULD ALWAYS aE FDLLOWED To REnucE THE IIISK OF FIRE, ELEc'lnlc SHOCK AND INJURv 10 PERSONS. INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1. lam Ind undushnd all Inslmcfiml. 2. Follow III wamlnni and lrlslruclmns marked on Illa gradual a. “mug ml: gradual lmm me Will laldphom ck and puwlr oullal h-Inl- cln rig. Du naI use Ilquld cId-nrlnu oraerusnl dllnals. Uu damp clalh lol clnnlng. 4. Do um um um moducl milwflIEI, rd: uxnmple, near a mlnluh, vmh hold, panl. or In 1 WM hmm-nl 5. Dn noI place InIu producl on an unuldbl- can. stand or table The producl lluv all. eluding uncut d-mgs In In. nvuduel a" slab ol upmlllas Ill me mblnat «Id In. Ina ml mm In pm- VW M wrlfllllhrl. Io mom I m cumming. Thou durum PM MI 5! hbdmd or 0140104 he would never be umlw m product on (ha Md. ar emu! iImlllr lurhu Th! mama them erbe weed ne‘r or over a rldllw or him SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERIES. CAUTION: anntr a! ox lollon II balmy II Income“; ropII only mm III! mm or «mu m (ypn ucammcnddd by III. manumlunn Diapmd ol llud mum dccordlng to lrlullllncturor Illnruellolu. \ columns NICKEL- CAI‘MIUM a BATTERY. 9mm mosl as w h RECYCLED an DISFOIED or murmur. 1- Use only a soulllwauem sell Flue- ddm Plume' ppfwed may pick In In. hand It or your cardku lat-phone. FOR NANDSEI’ «NIT. n-zlamousxs cal/400mm eve smry Co, Ltd, 2. Do not dllpou or Ina binary In a fin, a ll mly salads. cn-clsvmn local mdu lw Wilma upedlll d-posal Inllmdlclls. a. Do IwI a or mllIlIaIe ma balmy. n m Elulmeluls mmmmumm ”llama-mum mmiymflm. . MMMW wmmwamm M mm mama-ml I you no nun-”um m- a Wamrnyaulmwml mmummm "a IaN-vspmnohian-ledmm Inh mama damn can-lam wmwlllwwww MINOMW. {LNMMIMMMMch do M autumn“ Inn product mudmmmmll mum-hummus“ «arm. cm or nulowm mmuwcywwbm. out Mus 01 of”! IBM, m~ mauwan/meauum anmawumslsm- WNW wmmmmywludmm mlmsynanuwn. umwbs lewtdw. 4.. Exmmlnhlfldho NW III amt ml to (boil m M whmMnumrluluuM-s W. motion M keys. The mryovwmcmnmmmdy Wumwmlmm s cum la- ham-y (m) pmvldud wllh w mmmud In! uuvdlh rm product am In wwvdmcu ml lI-e lnwuulom and WWI specific-i h m1: Ina-ml. e. Obs-Ive pm! pol-u, (Jr-alum home-- an Dav-Iv mu md lulu-y cal-w TM EPA Wed Rum BM Rewind sq an IM mull." lulu) bull-w IndIc-let lhll sow-mum Bull hm m Relaii sad; I; mummy pamdpum h an mum prom-m to curse! Ind I2. Unplug (Ills ploflud lrcrll Ills wall QHIIII and (ale! nNInlnfl In unall- find nrvicn pnndmul under Illa ldlldwlrlg mndlllond: a. IMIln Illa mpply card or plug 1. damaged cl Inyed. b. Ir llquld hn burl spilled INID In. Fromm. c II‘IIIe produm rm mu expend In uln nerlIer. D. “nae pmdm does ml edema numw and maps! lap-mung Inslrlninrls hm been farmed ad'pdl dlw Ihnn mnm- mal m umnd by Ira opernlllla “Imb- dand Irlwuper mill-Imam M omsr mnlIDIl may IanI M dams and will men WIN mum work by a qualfisd lullnlden a: mature VIE pmdud lo nml elllvflhn. e. llllle pruduct nu hm dmpped or mlnal hn been damped. I, II I"! product llhlbll} l dllllflcl was. In ”Ml-m. 13» Avoid uII/lq Mullen (other In!» wrdlon Npl) duflng in QM uloml, Thin may as l mum- nlk nl-nllcal mm Imm llgmnlng. I4, DD ml um um lalaphon. w upon an rm In Ins mlnlly or In. Ink, rewtll than Darwin II In. in! 0! Ibo}! UIQIUI Us, whnn “km out OI ”Ml: In In. Unllbd SIIIE 0! Chill“. "m- nsnc- program pmvldu - eon- v-nllm llhmnlIVl) w placing ulbfi Nl~ CII I>IIIlrIas In» In Illlh 07 III. munlclpll mm mm, mm may I» llldgnl In your are Plea» all 1-BDO-B-BATIERV Ior nrurmallw an med nanuly mycnnu um: uluwnl nun-Immmnu In ynul am. Saul» wnlam Ball FNIIdDm Pllumu mull salad InvolvlmEIII In ml: WWII!“ Is pun uI our dormllmm w plum/inn our onvlmnmunl and duruwlng nur IIBIIflI rlwulul RBR reululmd (rad-mm ul I'll RICIIIrDDIbI. Bullery Runydlng onrpurullurl. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW This cqurprnenr compiles Wllh Pen oi; oi rirc rcc rules. On iirc ooncm nl lire nose ci in eournmcni is a iehci rhai conrerns. amung orher iniorrnanen. inc rcc hegisrrniicn Number, iirnger Equivrlencc Nunroer (lien) and ihe Univeiszl Savvlcc Order Code iusoc), which is m. we, ior ihis equipmeni. You mush urmn requeslr provide rhis rhicrmnnon re your ielephorre cnmpnny. The nail is useiul io oercrmine rhe queniiiy or devices you may ccnncci lo your ieicpnone line and sirll haue all oi rhuse crevices ring when your ieiephone numoer rs coiled. in mosl. our rroi ell areas. are sum oi ihe REN‘S oi on devlces connocieo ro one line should noi ore-ed live ism. To he cerioin oi lire numblr oi devices you my oohnecr lo line as d-lerminld oy ins REM you Shaud coniaci your local ieiechoric company lo doiermlne inc maximum REN lor your cllllng eroc. ii you! loleahone equipmeni causes horrn no "1! lei-phone noiwaik. rire lclaphone compohy may disconiiriue your Sorwca icnrporoniy ii possioie. LIMITED WARRANTY This Soulnwosrern Ben Freedom Phones is warranrco ro rhe orlgurd purchaser in he nee iron-r delecis in merenelc ano workmunmip under normal Insiolloilnn, use, and service ior d period oi one in your irorn rho acre oi purchase as shown on rhe puicnuni’s recelpr. The ooligenon or Souihwoslorn sell Freedom Pooh-o Roui'l Sale: under liila werrnnly snoll oe II ' a lo repair or repiecemenl (or our opllon) during Iho wariunly period oi any pan which proves oeiecnve in melcrlol or wmkmanshipi undoi norrrnri insrsllaiion. use. end service, provioeo rhe prooucr is relurncd lo Souihw-sierh Boil Freedom Phonon heia‘il Sales TRANSPORTATION CHARGES PREPAID (Cniriornio residenis cell i. silo—355.0937 ior shipping ihsiru ions). iiwc chooserorepince your Soulhwesrern sell Freedom Phonew producr, lhe replrrcemcni will be worranleo ior eiihei in) so oeys oi (in lhe remuinder oi lire ori inai one yeai warraniy periodv whiclievel rs longer. sorrery packs ihny era noiiy yun'm emance. iiur i cover-so hence isn’l pred‘rcai you real or, normed as soon as possible. Vr-rwiilheinnrrmcdoiyournyruo ilira e comraiaim vrilrr me rcc. vuur reiephone company may moire » crew-gee irr ils iaclnrics, equip-nerd opemims, or procedures inei odrnd eaiccr rhe proper lump oi your eqilpimnnl ii rney do you will be hurried m mvence rc give you on opponunrry ro mainm‘m mammal meme-re servrce. ii you errperierrce ouoio reirh mls lolephnne courpnrenr ascormocr lmrn rho neiwcrii unni rhe promern has nee-r correaed or urrrii you are sure inn ihe eqrrrpmenr is rm moiiuncnorung. This eoulpmdm my nor be used on coin service provided by im isnphorie compuvy. eonriecnohio poriy lines is worm lo snore laiils ihrs equromom is heorrhg ud compemiie. WARNING: Changes or niodiiiceuohs no "is unn noi e-pressiy spproreu oy rho pmy responsime ior compiiurice eouid void me user's lilhoily ro opereie 0000 are wlam for me same period. Pioouas lei-mica lo us musi be accompanied by a copy oi rhe purchase Ml. In ihe ooserice oi such porch-so receipr. me wenahry period sho- be 0M (1) year irom me one oi niarurieciure. To ooiuh service under nus vmreruy, recon-me derecrive prrrduoi lo rho service cemer heeresi you rogeiirer wen your sins sip orid $9.50 tor mag. end handling (Coiiorrria residenis med onry provide pioor oi purchase) This walravlly sir-l he maid ii me producr is damaged as e resnn oi deiooemom. nisuw. abuse neoieci. occiderri. desuuciion. or almllun oi me sen-i minim, improper eicmriui vonoges or currerrrs. repnir eucrauon or mailer-am by my person or pony oiner man our mm service hrj‘ly or en arnhorireu Savroe Currier, or arryrrioiaiioh oiinsinmicrvs iurrrished by us his wan-my is also rendered hialid ii us produci is removed nom ihe cor-uryinwirirdrhvrns pun-alum ii aisusedirramuunyveridiro'orra regisiereoioruse. urlil isusedinu e...- rhe eouipmenr more: This enuicmcnr nos ocen resreo and iouno lo comply wiili rhe limos ior a Class B digirel novice, pursuenr ro Pail is oi ine rcc izules. Inese Iimils ere designed lo prouroe ressorrnole prorecllen agninsl runniui inierlerencc in a iesidenlinl lnslzlialinn. Some cordless rerepnones opcrere oi iroouencrcs mat mcy ceuse inrcricrcnce ro ricerhy TV's and vcn's To mrnrmirc er prevenl such rerierence, rhe base oi lire cordless reiepironc sin-no mi km pieced near or on rep at n W or VCR. ii rnrerierence is errperienceri, moving ihe cordless uiepirone iarihor away irom view or VCR will oiion noun or eliminrrio rhe hmailncar However, more is no giuraniu rhrr ini- rrce will nol occur in e porrrcular mllalllllonr ii rhh equipmenr dons couse harmirri irveriercnco lo radio or releviiion reeepiion, which run oe ooiorminrd oyiurnrng lire equipm-ni oii one! on. me our Is encouraged lo lry lo Wlebl ihe inrerierrnco by one or more oi Ihe ioiiowlng moarur-xi ecssrs no counrry icr which ii wce nor designed Due lb unriorrona in relephone syslenrs and communicailnns laws, ihis pronucr may be illegal ior use in com counnies. Souihwcsrern aen Freedom Phchm RaI-II Solos assumes no responsroliily ior damages or poneniea incurred res-ailing irorn lire use bl rhia producl in e menner or iocralion clher lhln mar imm which ii is rnlenoeo This one.yeor iimiieo won-my is in ion oi all olner express wairanlies. ooligorions, or Ilabliiliosr ANY MPLIED WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS. OR LIABILITIES, muuDiNG BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE iMPLlEl) WARRANTIES or MERCHANTABiLIW AND FITNESS run A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED IN summon To THE ONE-YEAR DURATION or mis WRITTEN LIMITED wniziihnw some STATES no NOT ALLOW minimums ON HOW LONG AN iMPLlED WARRANTY LASTS, so THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT iiPPLvTo vou, . Peerrenr or iclucaie rhe rc- aniennav ~ lncressc lire Separafion or lire equipmenr and receive - connecr rile equipmenl i ouller on a crrcuir dilierer ihai in which rne rcce ccnnccleo. - Consuii lire dcoler r experienced radio Tv lecl loihelpv IN no EVENT SHALL WE oEi FOR ANV SPEClAL, incmENi CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE! BREACH OF THIS on ANY i WARRANTY, EXPRESSED IMPLIED, WHATSOEVER. This werrrrnry gives you Speclii righia. and you may rise him riohrs which my irorrr arare re II was been rpiy wilh lne nl deuce. . cc Ruies a In provrde n ngurnsl a residenuai cuidless lrequencies rlercnce In To minimize srencu. lne leiepnnne -nr n- nnrop er m is is Wraiess am In iv oi siinrlrlale rile lrur- II no rm will rial lleiiulinn, il usu hurmlui rr in vision dnlulmin-d i all ma Dflr (I I0 lry lu by one or mums: was uoi uriuliuns in s aria rliis pmduci .a in some slam Enll mil Sui-s slblilly lnr s lnciiirnd lhls pmducl I 0" man we manly Is in , nurranlies, Ins ANY iRRANTIES. JABIUTIESi LIMITED TO miles or n FITNESS PURPOSE, DURATION RATION OF WARRANTV or ALLOW ‘ LONG AN LASYS. so iSMAV NOT - Reurieni or relcenls inn receiving anlemis - Increase lire separation nelwacn inc equipmenl inc receivei - Ccnneci me nqurprneni inla an uuliel an n cilLuiI dillnmnl ham lhal m which me iecgiver is nulmecled. - Consul! me dealer or an expeiienced radio TV lecnnrcinn lulhelp IN No EVENT SHALL WE sE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH or THIS on ANV OTHER WARRANTY, EXFRESSED on iMPLiED, WHATSOEVER, Thls mummy glvel you speclnc legal ilghis, inn yeu may aile rim amer rlglrrs which any lrarri slure [a slice. ... OPERATIONS ..... w-cnannei Operalion The rrzmn comlnss ieleplnne aulnmaiitally searches and sdecls ma cinlesi u 40 channels when i is he‘mq used. Security Code me snclllily cm pm ms yam (macs; ruepnnns cnnvelsal in Iron“ hdng Emma is, a prions Mi n animal fine, Onte me MM unnery is lily charged. me nus-user nil: marl-Mia“), 5mm lire code lmm 3 ion! oi oven 55mm minim-nuns. me me Is Wu mry lirne me 7.” is placed n me mule. ll you upwhnce dilflcully wlur piecing of receiving “Is. a um seeumy code may In {he same ol lm wowm. wmn mis accuis. lm limou- can no longer com-mile“ wan ins om. new by eimrmuseq on Ime nor 540 seconds. il inn aces mu wall, unplug me AC Name! lion in. wnl oullel. mum-reel rm new balmy lov 540 sew-us mm reconnect Place nanosel null on base ml men rmug llur Ac adaptor. Placing a Call |. Press VAL“ ham 2. mu union on Midsu in] light. 3.wrmyouheua¢lale,Myoul all. 4. While on a can It you amiss-m noise or sum; 0 Press CHANNEL on hmusM um in cm: clmmi ls low! ms cal n rm he mmplcd 04 b, Mmaowmnm Noll: Vw must be in mm range to mammal-is Base mm snow be in wiel- minim ....... e....... Receiving a Call LIF ms HANDsEr is our OF THE BASE unit, mass TALK. 2. IF ms HANDSET is w THE EASE UNIT, IiII liie handselr Do no! press TALK You will nummaiically be conneclerl. Endmg a Call l. Place me handsel in me base or press mm In ue dlscnnneclen {mm Ihe line. 1. um BUTTON err handset will iurn ell. Flash use me FLASH buuun In aclivale cuslnm calling ulvices wch us Call Waning or "mow-y Culling especial subrwrivliwi from your local lelsphoril ccmpmy meal, Temporary Tone (‘) vutss (vainly) urvlw us-rs may lanes! mama Emmi needed (D opevlw ansvmlng mlchifll! or us- ul-elrunie milking. filling earns, slu, by pressing mo YONE l-i bullon Phonl will auornulcsiiy rsium re puisu dialing nli-r me an em, Out of Range ll you oxvnilnncs slnll: whiie uslna lire ielepmne, mnve ciesel in Ilia ma or change ins channel by pressing lhe alumnl bullon Redlal Lusi number ulaled (up in 32 digiisi ls same In rodini memory umil annimr Mmhuis dilild. I. Puss mm on handsnl. amen you near a aim lone, prsss RsmAL. o... an... Pause A 4»secund muss may be rnserlsd inlo me speed diallng cl relepnons numbers. Press PAUSE human a required pmnl during slorage a! a number m memory Page 1 Handset Locamr Send a slgnnl lram lhn base In handsel. Press was bullnrl on base and n senes cl nngs wlll sound lmm nandsel. 10 locale me lrandsel 01 ll ls away 1mm me base], press and held me PAGE bullon lat abuul 5 seeanas. A sarlos cl lings wlII snund ler apprarlmul-ly so sceende Roll-n lh- hands-l to mg base or ms: m- TALK buuon lo cancel lhl page. Talk sullen : quhls la Indlcnle llna Is ln use Marne Eunan 1 Press lo slora phone numbers ln memory or lo call a numhel you "Ava alereu. Racelvlr Volumt Crmtml : AdJusI Lislemng leuel lmm Ndrrn Mld, er High. Temporary runs (') sullen: Press lb lamparanly changn lne diallng made 1mm pulse la lune. Nedlal Bulwn : Press lo redlal me us: number you called Also can be used lo insen a wuss in speed dleling dl long dlslance cuslnm numbers Charging Contact! : Fur cnarglng me nallery in me HANDSET, as... as... Memory reamre game up lo m numbers in memory [of qlicl dialing. 1d Prognm rraqueruly Called Numbers 1. me up Mussel mm mm an. 2; Ms MEMO (MEMDRV) bum-r. 3. Dial plus-rename lupro Magus). 4. Press memo Mullen agaln. 5. Press in number key (as) Icw me memo-y location were me number Is re be slams s. Awmvwicovfimlln numbed nasbmmassuym 7. accord numbers to be spun dialed on mmuy [Mex label, vmid- can be sawed no me base of Wm mired masons. ...... Nam. ll s ”(h dlgll is accidenlally pressed or a pause cl mom man 30 seconds (mulls dunng plnglamming, an errer lane W|II sound. rry agalnv Each TONE (~) er PAUSE nnlered uses one el me 15 avsllable memery d’lg'ls. cmnge - Slnreu Numb-r Roplacz a swarm number by pvoglammlng a new number m 115 place. nlanng a Number srared in Memory |. Ll“ nzndsel. Press TALK. z.wnr YALK puman lll, prnss MEMOY :. mar rnrrnery leclllun um) assignaa to number bung enllrd Flash Bullen : Press An answer nn beaming cull l'lyuu have m wailing, mus Butler! : Fress I0 prnvnnl m0 clllzr [mm hauling DMISIdE mnvevsafinns. channel Bullon : Press lu change an npernllng channel when ylzu weer lnlerlerense, INSTALLATION . & CAUTION 1 New lnslnll a lelepnene aunng a running slum. z. Nevev lnslzll a lelepnone in n wel (Minion II. New much unlneulnlea lelepllunu wiles u mmls é use caullon when lnslnlllng n leleplmne line. ModulavJack Tulaphurl- Llna Core 120 Vol! Oullel I Telephone Jack l. This phene requlles a modular phenejzck (mm and z slandam 120 mu cullel. 2 Plug pnene dlreclly lnle aullel. a. Do rml plug alnel appliances Inln oullel cr nave eullel wmmlled by a wall men, ...... u...- Slandnrd cullel Desk Top lnslallalion 1 me me In two we Mia! 5m. 2. Plass unr- locking lwev clicks. 3. Comm AC 80!pr mlo m d null-1nd pfilg u'veclly nun stamiam m1 vol! mllel. Wall Mount Installation Base unil may bu mnunlefl on a slanunm wall pl-le. 1. Insnn AC aduplnr inm buck ul hese unil. 2. Plug ma linu curd inln mnflular jack 3. Delncn me has»: mnunl weekel nna reinsIaII il inln wall muunl pus'llicrl. . Muunl busu en well plme slums and gemly press unlll um um! lacks in place. 5. Plug AC ndaplm‘ directly inlu slunuaru lzo voll oullel. INSTALLATION Antennas Adjusl base anlennz m upngm posflinn. Se! Tone/Pulse Switch Set swuch (back at base) lo cmecl menu; mad. TONE or PULSE Qfi- Plum chuck wwlh mam phone company u uncerlaln av lyge ol servlce. Ringer On/Ofl Sol iwwlch (back of bus) (0 ON 0! OFF. Rings! man must as on lot mass: m rlng durlng mmming calls Base mam cmgmg Cnnucu u...--.-so--o-n.-u-u.--"noun-nun"...-"nun-"u... Receiver Volume Conunl Su swim (Id! side 01 handsel) w "mm. min a High. fig): @3 Hannsu Ballery Charging 1m balmy pm in me nan-15a mus! be My charged um mans before using me Mayhem 101 me Ilrsl mm» L 91m hnnusol in base. In. cums: LED on use wil lignl. 2. M01 Danette: ate «my charged. m 101 am mm by 91min; fun on handset a. Wncn mum balmy gals now, lime wil be 2 beeps mly so seconds. 7»- mm WHON wi Ilash Rolum 10 mm (or chug-mg. 4. I ballely bmmos low while you me on n c. you will be ascmnema nllov no." 2 MIMQS‘ Telmmuc me all mly muting: “0“er Dual Charglng mg rrzmo ls may design“! win- a dual chavge leawre. 1m balmy pack mu amga mm lho handset is mm: on m. cm Indng up 01 lacing mo me base. o .......-........n..."nu-u...“nun... To rechargs hungry pack place hams; m base and: |. Make suve Lenin! mm m manning and CHARGE LED is us 2. Be cavevul nm m snnvl banery wilh conduming mansrms such as tings. bracemls and knys. Wm balmy every 2 yeavs‘ Uso any a Snumweswm Bell Freedom mo approved mcu ballery m you cordless prlcne‘ To Replica Ballery: H! e m n v s , bakery cnvu, ”in 2,Remws olfl may, I—— wlug mu cm a! mo bunny yank [Nu ms s hind“! l (1 plan m- balmy In ma ma. mm- bunny cover Mn“! I! clicks In plncn. Cnnlga 10-14 hours more "mun. m Umlcbmgn ugm hue [mum TROUBLESHOOTING ..... il yuu expeilance aillicully angler-lg yam culdless phone lry Ihe suggeslimrs uelow ll llle lrnunle persisls, call me Saulhweslem Bell Fleedom Plumes: nelail Sales 1m! Free Help Line ll LEGO-3660937, Monday Friday a Jan m nun m. 551 salumay aim m , 12:30pm. £51 hllp'llwww swblleednmphorle.ccm The unit will not operate/no dial lune: - Make sule TALK ammm ls lil. - Malls suu Ac aulplul is plugged true we unll and wall nullul. . Mala sula lalephuflo llrl- cold is piugg-a lrllo mill-ell - Mule sun bile anlellrla h m upllglil puslllon v Mnkl sure lulrlusll nullify ls luly charged. 1 Make film you lllve suleclod normal dlullng model lone lloucn) or pulse (rolury) . Mail. In?! you are Wlllllrl llnble mlqe ol llle base slelion. . anal aeeurily me by placing rurldslll in base lei 540 means. The phone does not ring when you receive a call: a Make sun llle RINGER swilcll on hue ls Iurnefl ON, Mm me AC all-elm I: plugged into base unll and will fluliell - Make sure leiepnnne line cam is plugged lnle wall jack. - Make sure you are wlmirl usable range el lne luse slalinn - le mlgnl have [on many exlensinn pnnnes on your line Try unplugglrlg a few on... Noise, static, imeflerence or other calls heard while using handset . lechalvgivlg channels. . Make sure base lnllmna is ln upllgm posaim . Man sue you ale wilt‘m «sum mnge cl me use mum. - Make sure AC adaplof is llal phlgged mm wlll mum WI" other appliances . 1.3, lemmng base uni lo allolllel Mellon . Make sure nanam balmy is luuy CMIW. Plume will not hold charge: . Male sure elm-null; com-cl: m Ihe MM“! and base are Fl! (1 am am! dill. Clean ems will 3 nil lzlfllhv - Mai! sure CHARGE LEoovl base isilrmrelrlluarmuuslluxalll-~ . ll necessary. replace llmml ballary. (See Hzndsu Billevy Charg'ng) Difficulty in placing or receiving call . Mm elnser le basn and fly again, . ll movlng elnser dossn'l walk‘ you mny have losl securlly code. Resel code by placing nllrlesel hack on buss lar 5.10 seconds. (See Seculily Cnue seclion) . um sure you have seiecleu mrrecl allallrlg mode. lone or pulse . um sure AC aflaplnr is nel plugged ‘inm wall nullel wim mher lppilnnces. Disconnecl lei 5.10 seconds men lecurmscl Place llama back on base and Ihln leeiug AC aeaplor. 0 Make sure nenaul balmy is lully charged,
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2002:07:09 18:00:40+08:00 Create Date : 2002:07:09 18:00:23+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 8EXIF Metadata provided by