Continental Conair FF2115TE 900MHz Cordless Phone with Caller ID User Manual
Continental Conair Limited 900MHz Cordless Phone with Caller ID Users Manual
Users Manual
STOP— don‘t lake unil back lo me slam LOOK— tor the (oll-lvee “help" telephone number LISTEN-- as our experts talk you lhrough Ihe problem For immediate answers to your queslrons regarding operalion, mlssmg parts or installation, call the SOUTHWESTERN EELL FREEDOM PHONE® RETAIL SALES HELP LINE AT: |' 1-800-366-0937 Monday - Frlday 31305111; ~ 9:00pm, EST Saturday 8:30am. - 12:30pm. EST httpz/ SOUTHWESTERN HELL FREEDOM PHONE® 7475 N. Glen Harbor Blvd.v Glendale, AZ 85307 FF2115TE lB- 3994 Primed in China Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone® SDOMHZ Cordless Telephone saw-“m. I." mm. m." (56W @@ @ @@OEO %% “Zigs@@ n @O| FF2115TE Owner's Manual Toll Free Helpline 1-800-366-0937 httpt/ IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERIES ....... 4 FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW ............................... 5 QMDMBRM ................................ 6 mgflowmms AND INDICAMLS ......... 7 mrflaumu .............................................. 10 QPLRATING INSTRUCTIONS CALLER ID SETUP ............................................ 12 TELEPHONE OPERATION 13 CALLER ID OPERATION ,, ................ 17 mam. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 INSTALLATIQN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 PRODUCT CAREY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 SERVICE, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 l IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS l BEFORE usme YOUR TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT, BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ‘ SHOULD ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED To REDUCE THE RISKOF FIRE. ELECTRIC SHOCK ' AND INJURYTD PERSONSJNCLUDING THE FOLLOWING I. Read and undelslarld all insilucllons 2, Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the produm 3. Unplug lhls produetlromlhe wall telephone lack and powerdutletbelore cleaning no not use liquid cleaners or aerosol eleaners. Use a darnp eloth lor aleaning 4. Do not use this ploducl near water, tor example. near a bath tub, wash buwl, klIchen _ sink, laundry lub, swlmming pool. or in a wet basement i 5.‘ Do not place this producl on an unstable ean, stand or table The plbducl may tell, causing sanoiis damage. 6, ._ slots or openings in the cabinet and the back and bottom are provider! to. ventilation to ‘proteel it liom overheating These openings must not be blocked or coveted The npens lngs shnuld never be blacked by placing the product on a bed, or other similar suneee \ This product should never be plaoed near or over a radiator or heat register 7. This product should be operated only trorn the type or power source indrczled on ihe marking label. llyoii are not sure or the type at power supply to your borne, consult your dealer or local power company. a. no not allow anything to rest on the power cord Do not place this product where the cord will be damaged by persons stepplng on it. . Do not ovenoad ml meets and extereion oards, as the sen resut n tire or eteoirie shear in. Neverpush nblzcls or any kind into this produet (hlnuqn eabihei slots, as they may touch dangerous voltage points or snon out pans This cauld result in fire or eieaiiio shock Nayer spill liquid ol any kind on the product ll. To reduoe the risk or aladric shock. do not dlsessernble this product instead. when seivioe ' or repair work ls requlred. lake it «o e dualilled service technielan Opening or removing covers my expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks lneorieel reassembly can ceuse alucllic shosli when the applienoe is subsequently used. lz.“ Unplug this produet lrorn the wall outlet end ieler servicing lo duernied service person- nel under the rallowirig eondrliohs _e. When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or lrayee b. ll liquld has been spllled into the product a. it the produot I‘ll! been exposed to rain or water d. it «he pladucl does nol operate normally. and proper operating inslmcltons have beehi- ollowed, adjusl only those controls that are oovared by the operating Instmdlons "new _ oper xdjuslmonl ol ethereontrols may result in damage and wlll ollen require exlensive work by e quzlmed teehnlcian to restore the product lo norrnel operation a, it the pruducl has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged i. it the product exhibits a distinct ehange in panorrnanee 11 void using a telephone (nlher than a cordless typet during an eleeliiealslorm There mxy be a remote risk or electric shock horn lightning. 14. Do not use the telephone to repon a gas leak in «he Vicinity or the leak 15 Use only the power and and batteries lndiqted in this manual Do not dlsposc or balleb les in a fire as they may explode Cheek with local codes ror possible special disposal Insnuclions. cnuncu Danper cl explosion it battery is ineorroetly replaced Replaced only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manulaclurer, SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERIES ’ ’ Safety Instructions for Batteries Handset Battery Pack CAUTION: Use only a Southwestern sell Freedom Phone® approved battery pack in the handset otyourFans Cordless Telephone. To reduce the risk or file or injury always do the lollowrng when replaclng, discarding or charging natierles when handling the baller- ies, be caret-it not to short the battery WlIh conducllng materials such as rings, bracelets, and keys The battery or conducllng malenals may overheat and cause burns a. Use only the lollowing type and SIZE oi battery pack FOR HANDSET UNlT 2 DZA24DX L3H3PCWW 3 EV 400mm IMPEL Bancny 0:1.le or D BYD DV’ZISAAADO X 3 3 EV AOOmAHl, BYD EaIIery Co ,LId CONTAINS NICKEL-CADMIUM EAT. TERv BATTERY MUST as RECYCLED on DlSPDSED DF PROPERLY b Do not dispose ol the battery pack in a fire. The pelt may explode Cheek with Iflml codes Io! possible special disposal inslruclluns 1: Do not allempl ID open or mutilate lne battery pack, The chemicals are dangerous and may cause damage In lhe eyes ol skin, and may be onit: llswallowed, d Follow the Chalge lnslrucltons oulllned In Ihis manual (See page 13) The EP‘A certified RERCO Ballery Recycling Seal on (he nickel-cadmium (Nert‘!) bat» lery indicates that Southweslem Bell Freedom Phone's Relail Sale: Is voluntarily par» licipaling in an industry program lo collect and recycle these batteries at the end of their usetui rile, when laken oul oi service in the United Slates or Canada, The RBRCO program provides a convenient alternative to placlng used Ni-cu batteries into the "ash or lhe municipal wasle stream wnlcn may be illegal in your aleas. Please mill 1. BOGB—BAWERY Im lnlvrmallun on Nl-Cd battery recycling and fllsposal bans I rESIriG lions in your area Southwestern Bell Freedom Phonefi’ Retail Sales 5 involvement in this program is pan oi our commitrnenl to preserving our envlmnmenl and consents mg our natural resources ‘RBRCQ is a trademark ol the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation. Save These Instructions FCC WANTS YOU TOKNOW ' n com lies wrth Part is or the FCC rules On the bottom ullherhase or tiiissez‘iiipinneitis a Iapbel that contains. among other lnlotmatiun, the FCC Regts1ration Number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) lor this equipment You must, upon request. provide this information to your telephone company , . 7 A FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment This equipment is designed to he conneded to the telephone network or prenitses wiring using a compatible modular lack which is Part 58 compliant See lnstattatton instructions for details. The REN is uselul to determine the quantity or devices you may connect to your Iele— phone line and still have all or those devices ring when your_telephone number is called. in most. but not all areas. the sum or the RENs or all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5.0) To he certatri ol the numbel or devices you may cut» nect to your line, as determined oy the REN, you should contact your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area it your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may discontinue your servrce lemporartly‘ Il possthte, they will notity you in advance taut il advance notice isn't practical, you will he notified as soon as posstble You vvitt he inlormed or your right to me a complaint wtth the FCC Your telephone company may make changes in its lacllltlesg equipment, operations or prooedures that could anect the proper lunctionrng at your equipment it they do, you will be notified in advance to give you an opponunity to maintain uninterrupted tele- phone service. it you experience trouble with this telephone equipmenl, disconnect item the network until the problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the ‘ s not milluncttonln u ills’iflfilp‘éan may not us usegd on cam sewlce provided by the telephone company Connection to party lines is suhiect to state tarilrs This equipment is hearing aid ccmpallble : h n s or modifications lo this unit not expressly approved by the pany i’evngiinstgolectofcgfnpllance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment, NOTE: This equlpment has been tested and round to comply wtlh Ins limits tor a Class E dlgnal device, pursuant to Part 15 of the PC; Rules These hmlls‘flle designed Io Pro vine reasonable protection against harmtul interference in a resujenlial inslallalion some cordless telephones operate at ltequemflesthat may cause tenerence to nearby TV‘s and VCR’s. To minimize or prevent such interference. the base or me card- I!“ telephone should not be plaud near OI on lop of a TV or VCR. ll Interference is experienced. moving the cordless telephone lanhet away from the TV or ch writ oitcn reduce or Eliminate the inlerference. Huwever, there is no guaranlee Ihal tnlerletence will not occur in a particular installatinn if (his equipment dogs cause harm'ul mlerltab ence to radio or television reception. which can he determined by turning the equ|p~ men! off and on, (he user I! encouraged (a try to Correct the tnleflelence hy one or more at the lollovvtng measures, Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna . Increase the separation pehrveen the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diherent lrom that to which lhe receiver is Connected .. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician lor help LIMITED WARRANTY This southwestern sell Freedom Pnuneo is warranted to the original purchaser to he tree lrorn detects in materials and workmanship under normal installation use. and service tor a period or one (I) year lronr the date or purchase as shown on the purchaser s receipt The obligation of Southwestern Bell Freedom Phcne® Retail Sales under this warranty snail bl: llmlled to repair or replacement (at our optioni during the warranty period or any pan which proves detective in material or workmanship under normal installation, use. and serve ice, provided the product is returned to Southwestern Bell Freedom Phonee Retail Sales (address oetowi TRANSPORYATlDN CHARGES PREPAID teatilornia residents call I»BUD~ 365—0931 tor shipping instructionst Products returned to us or to an Authorized service Center must he accompanied oy a copy or the purchase leEElpl in the aosence oi such purr chase recelpL the warranty period shall as one (rt year irom the date or manulacture To ouiain service under this warranty return the detective product to the service center nearest you together with your sales slip and so so tor postage and handling (caiirprnia residents need only provide prodl at purchase) You may also have other warranty rrphts which vary trorn state to state this warranty shall he invalid ii the product is damaged as a result dldelacement. misuse apuse neglect. accident. destruction or alteration or the serial number, improper electrical voltages at currents repair alteration or maintenance py any person or pany other than our own servue iaeiiny or an Aulllnrlze d Service Center, or any use violation orinstructions lure nished by us Tins warranty is alsn tendered invaltd ll this pmuucl is removed llom Ihe country in which ll was purchased. it II is used in a country in which it is not registered for use, andror it it la und in a counlrv ioi which it was not designed Due to variations in telephone syllsms and corn- mon-canons, laws_ the product may he titepai idr use in some countriar, Southwestern s-lt Freedom Phonei’neiari Sales assumes no responsrpiiriy tor damage! or penalties incurred lesulting rroi-ri the use oi this product In a manner or location other than that hour which it ll intended rrns one-year inn-red warranty is in lieu at all other express warranties. dpitgetions, er llaolt- tiles ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTlES OBLIGATIONS on LiAetu'iiEs. INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED to THE IMPLlED WARRANTIES or MERCHANTABlLllY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSESHALL as LlMlTEDIN Dukertohro THEONENEARDURATION or THISWRIWENLIMIYEDWARRANTY some sT/t'l'Es Do NOTALLOWLIMITATlONSDN now LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY tAsrs. so THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY to you IN NO event SMALL we BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL on CDNSEQUEN» "AL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THlS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS DR IMPLIED, WHATSOEVER Some slates do "OI allow [he Excluslnn or llmllallurl D, spacial lVlEldEfllEl. u! Ennseqtmrillal damages. so the atzove limitation or exclusion may not apply to you This warranty gives you specific legal righls, and you may alsu have clhcr rlghls which vary lrom slate ll) stall: Covered under the toliowrng US patent 5 253.054 NAME OF CONTROLS A Handset Controls, Indicators Recelver Volume Switch: To adjust me veuelvev volume level Ringer ONIIJFF Switch New Call Indicamr: Flashes to indlcale there are calls that have not been reviewed Caller 10 Calls Bully— Used to dial lhe displayed number. Memory aunan: Used to slore or recall _ numbers In memory Keypad: / Number buttons Radial Button: Redlals me lasl number or adds a pause. cnannel aunan; Used (a select annlhsv channel lor clearer Vecepllcn. Antenna Mlcmphone Ringer \arpiece LCD Dlsplay Delete Billion: Used lo! deleting Caller ID enlues _\Flash Button: Used lo access call waning (ll avalblel andset Jack Talk Butlun: Used lo make of lo laminate calls Caller ID Review ul‘lons: Memory scroll bullvns LCD Display Indicator NewCall/Call Counter Repealed Call lndlcalar Clock Tlcker RPT ZEKBBEBETBBéll IBB f 'c‘3‘l557 Clock Dale l2adlglNumberLlne VIPlndlcalOr lZ—charablerTexl Llne New Call I Call Counter Shows lne‘amounl cl calls / new calls in slandby mode When [here ls a new call Ihal has ncl been vevlewed, lhe display wlll Show NEW CALL and me New Call LED 0” lhe handset will bllnk Repealed Call Indicalor nghls up In lndlcale (he dlsplayed ghone number filled more marl unse‘ Clock Shows Ihe veal lime clock (AM/PM) lolmal. or the lime stamp 0! a Caller ID record. Clock Ticker lndltales the real (me lolmal AM or PM Dale Shows Ihe dale (MM/DD) lormal, or me dale stamp of a Caller ID rectum. 12-dlgll Number Line Dlsplays lne caller's number, or displays ymlr dlaled fllgllsv 12-character Text Llne Dlsplays caller's name call llmer and syslem prompl (such as RlNGlNG, TALK). VIP lndlcalur lndlcales lnal prluvlly nnger has been sel [or me msplayed number Base Unit Centre/s and Indicators TeIephone Line: DC In: Canned TonelPulse: Sels CunneclIheIeIepthe meACadapIdv lheunnpulseor cord here line card have [one dialing, Base Antenna — Ihe handset m USEICHARGE LED' nghls when me handsel Is In TALK mode or me handsel W 15 on me cladle and ma Dallely 15 being charged Flashed when an incommg call -s received Page hullon: Usedlolocale INTRODUC ON Waining: Changes ur modmcalions I0 lms um! not expresst appr- oved by me pany responslbIe 1m cumpIIance could void the user's aulhmlly lo operale Ihe equipment. ABOUT THE FF2115 The FF2115|5 a 900 MHz Cordless Phone wIlh Caner Idenlmer n I5 Desrgned and engmeered m exacfing standards fur rEIlamIIIy‘ Iong We, and outslandmg permrmance FEATURES ~ CaIIer ID (64 can (fish memory Ia:aImns)w1|h caII wamng ' 40 channels (aqu or manual SEIECIIDH) A LCD on the handset with (hree—Ianguage seIechon - 10—Number Twnrlouch Dial Mammy ~ Direct dwaIing worn uuar list - ExIended baflery Me - DIQIIaI secunly cedmg The FF2||5 Icaluves Include Aqu Talk and Aula SIandhy. AuID Talk allows you In answer a call by jusl vemovlng (ha Handset from the E- ase so you don l have In wasIe hm! pushing buttons, Aula Standby a- Iows you In hang up by swmply returning the handset to the Bass. The UIlvaCIan Plus [we compander CircuvIry vinually eliminates b- ackgvvund ”DIS! This innovative technology. Iugether with AD dIfiere- nl channels, provides you with me best posslme reuepliun during awl your conversaliqns TO PROTECT YOU AGAINST MISBILLED CALLS‘ THE FF21 I5 HAS RANDOM CODE DIGITAL SECURITV WHICH AUTOMATICALLY SELECTS ONE OF OVER 55,000 DIGITAL SECURITV CODES FOR THE HANDSET AND BASE UNIT ALSO, THE AUTDSECURER FEA— TURE ELECTRONICALLY LOCKS YOUR PHONE WHEN THE HAND— SET IS IN THE BASE TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR FFZIIS‘ PLEASE READ THIS OPERATING GUIDE THOROUGHLY ll RODUCTION (00 Box Contents ‘ Bass UM -AC adaplu' with mud - Handset wrth rechargeable battery A Desk/Walt mounting bracket - Owner-s manual . Quick teletenLL- guide - Memory card - Telephune line card NOYE: 3 Keep the shipping carton and packaging in case you need to lrsnspon your phone a. ll any at these tlems are misstrlg at damaged, Contact your place ol purchase Preliminary Preparation Telephone Line Installation 1. Never install telephone puts dullng z Itghlntng storm 2. Never lnslall telephone lacks in wet locations unless the yfck rs specrnestly destgrled lat wet locations 3. Neuerteuch urtlnsulaled telephone wrles prlermrnats untessthe telephone lrne has been disconnected a! the network tnlettace 4. use c‘autien when Iflilalllng or modifying telephone lrnes Modular Outlet The FF2||5 cardless telephone operales lrorn aslandard ltotlzo voll outlet rhe handset is powered by a rechargeable Gallery pack Balteries are charged aulomall- cally when the handset rs placed in the cradle ol the base unrt CA LER ID SETUP To Set Language 1. Alter the Handset battery is luIIy charged or the h— andsel ls pawered up. the LCD dlsplay will show 5- ET LANGUAGE" . 2. Press the REVlEW"A"ol ”V” bullort to select ENG— LlSH, FRENCH orSFANlSH 3. Press the MEMO key tn confirm the displayed lan- guage The unrt will set area code SET l_FlllEUFlGE To Set Area Code 1. simply enter your area code number using the num- ber pad on the handsel, Press the MEMD key to Eunfilm 2. The unit will begin to set lhe cflnlrast. NDTE‘ ll there is nu input wrthln 20 semnds. the pro— glam will ya back to the 'SETLANGUAGE' step To Set Contrast 1. Pres the "A ~ D! -v' butlnn ta must the display curlllasl lo the desired level (llorn 0 lo 5 level), it there rs no input wlIl‘tIn 20 seconds, the program will FJFlET 5 go back to the ‘SETLANGUAGE' step E 2. Press the MEMO key Io confirm the dlsplayad contrast lawn! ”a , level lElDD Fill NOTE: 1, The Calla! ID setup procedure wlll not beglrt until [he handset is fully charged 2. Tu setup your FFZ||5 agarn, press and hold Ihe'MEMO" bumm tar 2 semnds in Dale/Time screen 3. Yum FFleS will always stay ln setup made, unlll you complete the setup steps. However, ll will still tewld the caller IDtnlnrtrlaliun Thls rnlun-natlun ixn be reyrewea Duly alter set up rs complete. 4. TD adlusl the LCD dlsplay cunlrasl while in the slandhy ur review mode. press the FLASH bullon 5. The unit wrll show the delautt TlmelDate “2 DO A M. 1/01) The time and date wi- ll be aulomallmlly updaled when (he first lnwmlng Caller lD call is received. lz l/ TELEPHONE OPERATION Tone /Pulse Operation The FF2HS wtlt operate an tone or rotary (pulse) systems 1. ll your house is Wired tor rotary serve ice. move the Tone/Pulse switch to the Pulse position 2. ll your house is Wired tor Tone Servloe. move the Tone/Pulse swttch to the Tone position. 3. llyou are unsure otthe type uldlal» ing service you have, set the Swllch to Tone On the handset. press the TALK huttan and diatany digit on the keypad. lithe dial tone persists. switch to Pulse To disconnect, press the TALK button again,or set the h— andset in the cradle Q@§’_j Digital Security System Your t=t=2tts Cordless Telephone is equipped with a digital security coding system to protect your base unit item being accessed by other cordless tele- phones The code allows your base and handset to recognize each other so that other cordless phones will not make calls on your line it the AC adaptor is disconnected or a toss olpower occurs while the handset is away trom the base urlll. the security code will be lost and the phone will he 13 thoperatabte. ttthis occurs, reconnect the Ac adaptor and return the handset to the base unit so that the security code is reset When the handset is not in the base, only a handset having the identical security code and operating on the same channel an access the base and use your phone line When the handset is in the base, no other handset, even those havrng the identical security code and operating on the same channel can access the base and use your phone line Digital security ending Will also eliminate the ‘lalse’nnglng associated With cord- less telephones not equipped with this ieature 40 Channel AutoScan Opemlion Your cordless telephone has 40 operat- ing channels The phone will automati- cally search and select the clearest chan- net when you press the TALK button it you hear noise or otherlnterlerence duta ing your conversation, you can manually select a clearer cha nnet by ptesstng and releasing the CH hullon on the handset 10 switch to another spate channel Your call will nol be Inlenupted lllllll cit lltttt Svtllmuhm u Fun! . rt or ._ do TELEPHONE OPERATION (CONT.) \ NOTE: You must bE in usable range to change channels it you press the CH button when you are close to being out at range, you may lose the call I! this nccurs. place the handset hack into the base (or a few seconds to lesEI (he secu» my code and than make the call agaln Receiver Volume Control Your l-‘this allows you to adjust the handset volume to a more oomlortable listening level Slide the RECEIVER VOLe UME CONTROL on the side ofthe hand- set lo NORM MID or HIGH. nit hisii 1. Matte sure the base antenna is in upright position 2. UR the handset and press the TALK button to be connected to the phe one line. The LCD display will show 'TALK‘and the TALKtlrttEtwiIl start The IN USE/CHARGE LED on the b» ase WI” llghl 3. Alter hearing a dial tone, dial the desired number Or you may predial the number (wtt- hout pressing the TALK bultnn). I— hen press the CALLS button 4. it you rnlsdiat, simply press the TALK button, wait tor a couple olseconds, and press the TALK button again tor a new dial tone. 5. Alteryour conversation is sample!» ed, press the TALK button once to d- isconnect the line, or return the hane dset to the ha se. Receiving a Call When the phone rings: 1. IF THE HANDSET lS OUT OF THE CRADLE, press any key on the hand set. you will be connected automatica- lly, 2. IF THE HANDSET ls IN THE CRA— DLE, hit the handset. DO NOT press the TALK bullort, as you wl” be con- heeled aulnmallcally, Temporary Tone (7: In Pulse dialing mode, you can access bank lacl’lllles. telephone answerlng machines, etc, by simply pressing the TONE( ' ) key to get lrilo the tuna made and input the required tone codes. ltwlll reset aulomatitzlly alter you end your all. NOTE: it you expertence dlmculty with placing or receiving calls, the lost security code may he the cause olthe problem When this occurs. the handset can no longer communicate wllh ils base The lass DI‘ the code can occurany ol the tallowing ways: il the battery is drained and needs recharging; the handset is out at range 14 uh I TELEPHONEOPE ATlONlCON ) ol the base unit. the Ar: adaptor is dis connected or a powerless has occurred. or anything that causes eleclrlcal mleb rerence, lurexample multiple cordless telephones, bahy monitors, lelevlslons_ VCRs and etc Reset the security code by placing the handset on the hose tor to seconds it that does not work. make sure the AC adaptor is cunnecl— ed. tl necessary, unplug the AC adapr tor item the power source Disconnect the tiattery tor 5 seconds and then re— connect Place the handset on the ba» se and then reptug the At: adaptor ts, ee TROUBLESHOOTING) Ringer Control ll you do not Want the untl lo rtrig, set the RINGER switch on the side arthe hand— set to OFF. The handset wtlI no longer ring when a call is being received The handset LCD display will show ‘RlNG- lNG"when a call comes in l. out of Range liyou try to place a call when you are too tar away trorri the base, you wtll hear stal— ic. lllhis occurs, move closer to ttie base Flash You can use your cordless telephone with special services such as Call 15 waning or Three Way Calling (Special subscriplion trom your local telephone company is required), Durlng a tale, Phone conversation. you may hear a tone or click. which indicates that you are reoeiirtng another all To speak to the second caller and put the fits! caller on hold. press the FLASH hurton Press FLASH button again to return to the ortgs tnal call. You may also press the FLASH button to obtain a new dial tone MUTE You can mute the transmission during (he conversation. 1 Press the MUTE button on the han- dsel during conversallon thethe TALK LED will Blink an the ltansm- rssion writ he muled. 2 lion Mute status, press MUTE bu- tton on the handset the TALlell re~ lulh Io normal slalus Page/Handset Lacaror You can send a page signal from the base to the handsel Press Ihe PAGE buuon On the base The handset WIII beep lo! 3 seconds. Press and hold lhe PAGE bullon on the base [or 2 seconds, (he handsel will beep tor 50 seconds Press any key on the handset to stop paging TELEPHONE OPERATION (CONT) i l » Memory Feature Your FFleS is Equipped wllh 12 memos ries ior programming your most tree ouentiy dialed telephone numbers You can store up to re dlgils in each oi the memory locallons 0 through 9,‘ and ft by ioilowmg the steps outlined A record or the numbers to toe speeds dialed may be kept on the memory Index chart on page 24 in this manual euii ott © © ©.© To Program Frequently Called Numbers 1 Pick up the handset DO NOT PRESS TALK human 2 Press lhe MEMO button, the LCD display wtll show the number stored m MEMO (zero) 3 Press 'A' or 'V' builons to sales! an available localton 4 Diet phone number top to is dlglts) EACH TONE entered uses one or In- e available digils it you pause more than 20 seconds in progiamming, the unit Will exit the memory progiammi. ng ll you awdenlally press 317th digit, 3-eiior tones will sound. Press DEL bullon to erase the iast digit. pr- ess lhe FLASH button to erase all Ina digits, or press the CH button to exit 5, Piess the MEMO button again, the LCD display will show'LOCATlONv MX'OT' LDCATlON? M-' 6 If the LCD display'LDCATION 7 Mr. where'X'is (he delaull blank MEMO location. Press the MEMO button 59» am Io confirm. The LCD display wrll show'MEMX STORED'to confirm Ihe number has been suooesslully stored lrt memory 7 It the LCD display'LocATloN 7 M-', you can press one or buttons (truth it la 9,',#l where you want the number to he stored The LCD display thI s- how MEMX STORED to confirm the number has been successiully stored in memory NOTE: Press CH button at any time Will ‘ exit memory programming y To Stored Numbers: l t Pick up Handset 2 Press TALK, and then MEMO punch. a Press the desired memory location numher The number you program- i .. med will be dialed automatically Or White in TALK OFF mode 1. Press MEMO button, then press " A" or' v'hultons to select desired mem- l ory location 1 2, Press CALLS button The number you programmed will he dialed auto- mallcally. To Change a Stored Number: Press MEMO button and 'A‘ or 'v' , buttons to select memory location. i 2, Press DEL button is erase memory. l The LCD display will show ‘ERASE 7". l 3 Press DEL bullon to confirm. i 4 Reprogram the new number, i Radial Your FF21’lS remembers the last numbur dialed. 1. While In TALK mode. Press the TALK button on the handset When you hear a dial tone, press the R504 i IAL buhon. Or 2 While in STANDBY mode: Press the REDIAL bulton, the la striumber will be shown Uri Ihe LCD display Press Ihe CALLS built- on. lllllll u Ilm Summit-m Ball Fro-ditc- neat 15 l l CALILER ID OPERATION Pause You can 1rrsert 3 Arsecond PAUSE into the oraling ollong distance nunthers Press the REDlAL bullorl art llle handset during dialing Receiving a Call Alter the rrrst ring, the caller's name and telephone number will display on the l CD The NEW CALL LED witt nash um— 11 you review ALL your new calls ’ m an i aua-ss’s- W l , 111111 , The Caller lD lnlolmaltort (01 up to 64 callers) will be SIDied lit the alder received 11 the received eatlintoimation is (he Same as any 01 Ihe new calls me unlt wilt display the EFT icon to indi- cate a repeat call 11 the unit receives more than 54 calls the oldelealIerlD irtietrrlzltcln w1llbe erased 2m 1'" 1350‘s" 1161" 93-955- EM 1 Elli-l l NOTE: ttyou answer your locoming call before the secvnd ring, the urllI wrtt nor orsplay the call rntorrnatrpn. Receiving Call Waiting Caller ID when you are on an existing phone call, your FFZHS Wlll orsplay incoming call walling Caller ID lnlorrnation 1 You will hear a heep and the tele— phone will be rnuteo momentarily whriethe LCD oisptay shows the 17 Caller ID iniormatron oi the second caller. 2 When you access the call walling call, the Caller ID inlormatinn Will or isappear and the Time/Day screen will be displayed, IMPORTANT“ Ynu must suhscrrhe to call Waiting and Call Waiting Caller ID Service imm your local telephone company in order to receive Cztll waiting Caller ID inlalmz— lion Reviewing New Call Records 1 When lime/Date screen is dis played, pressing the u- or “v“ b— ullon W display [he tniotmallon lot the last new call ieceiveo 2 Continue pressing ‘A' or ‘v' bul~ ton to review all new call records in the older the calls were received Vtmeii a number lecelved exceeds 10 cllarsclers. the last to characters will be shown first wrth ‘A‘showmg on the left hand srue. Press lhe ‘A' bullet! to view the remaining chara~ cters ~ 5:1. 1 1 “ 71111 5 leaa- 55- 13311-- 11111E:11111 1111 Allei lhe Ilnal call has been dl$~ played, press the ‘A' or ‘v' t, ullon again The NEW CALL LED thI slop blinking and lhe LCD will sltvw 'END NEW CALL' END NEH NOTE: 11 you no not revlew all new calls,lhe Trmeioate screen wrll display after 20 seconds ano the new call counter wtll show the total numher oi new calls recelved (lncludlng those you jusl revreweo) Reviewing All Call Records 1 Arter you have revieweo att ot the new calls. picss'A' or'V' buttons The LCD display w111 show the old calls sls ered in memory 2 Alter the last call record is revlewed. the LCD will show END ——', Tn Stored a Caller/D Number to Memory: t Press " A " or " V" buttons to se- lect nlrmoer trom Caller ID list. 2 Press MEMO hulloll 3 Piess MEMO outton again to con- ltrtll The LCD dlsplay wlll Show "LO- CATION 7MX" 4 Press the Incalien number The LCD display thI show‘MEMX STORED' Caller ID Rediai THE LOCAL AREA CODE MUST BE PROGRAMMED lN ORDERTO FULLY UTILlZE THE REDIAL FEATURE (SEE PAGE 12) The FFZHS allows you to ledlal a phone number stored in the Caller in memory. 1 Press lhe'A" or'v" hutton to select the Caller ID number that you want to oral 2 Press and release the CALLS tautton which acttyates the handset to dial 1 CALLER ID OPERATION (CONT l Ihe deslred number The number will scroll acioss the screen from rlghl ll: lefl 25 it is dlaled l 6 6) n r rue- © C) With current telecom redialing sit- uations. there are 4 redial options, (I) 7 dlglls Wllhoul a l prefix (2) 7 digits With a l prefix (3) to digits without a 1 prefix, and (4) 10 diglls with a l prefix. (1) 7diyifs withouta 1.‘ Il the area Code nilhe Caller ID number matches to the setting oi your Fletfi, reoiat your local call oy pressing the CALLS bullon ONCE. l (2) 7 digits with a 1 .- , tt “rt is necessary to insert a t preiix to 1 your local call. simply press the CALLS bullcrl TWICE WITHIN 2 SECONDS. r (J) 10 digits without a t : y in some areas or the country. the area 1 code must be included even when dial- ing a local call in this situation. setyour l FFleS area code In another 3 digils not 11 being used ll'l the U.S. ‘her 100,2lc. Once “ your area code is programmed as above, your FF2|15 wtll record all to dlg- rts for every Incoming call. Slnoe the pre- fix 1 will be added automatically when dtaling a to dlgit number. press the CALLS button TWICE WITHIN 2 SEC ONDS lur a Incal 10 digit call wllhnul a prefix | (4) 10 digits with a 1: Slrloe the prefix 1 will be added aulcmal- ically when dlallng a 1!) uiort number. simply press the CALLS outton ONCE to make your call 18 / I, l l NOTE: Use cautian when pressing the CALLS bullon Press and release rapidly it the CALLS button is pressed and held ldr more than 2 seconds, the VIP CALL tear ture will he activated Caller ID Erase To Erase a Single Call 1 Press the "A“ at 'V' button to levlew the Callel ID records you leoelved 2 Press DEL button to erase the call displayed; the display will shuw "ERV Assv'dn the bottom line. ::r. l Tun? tlfii',l 883-555- 183H 1 LsfihflE ,ss 3. Press DEL button again, the caller ID wrll he erased and the display will 5- how the next message Nors- llthe current message displayed is the last message then the display will hack to standby mode To Erase All Calls 1. While the display ls lr| standby mode. press and hold the DEL button lot 2 seconds. The dtsplay wlll show "ER ASE ALL‘l" on the bottom tine 2, Press the DEL button. all VIEWED calls will be erased NOTE: 1, llthere are messages that have nut he an reviewed, the'Erase All Czlls'lurtc— tipn Cannol he perturmed, Z. VlP calls will nut be erased when you erase all calls 19 I CALLER ID OPERATION (CONT VIP Calls the FF2115 allows you in create VIP mlllmr ids When a VIP izll is temived, 4 beeps WIII sound between rings. to alert you this is a VIP all To Create a VIP Call Record: l Press the ‘A‘ oi'v‘ button to select lheCaller ID which you want Ia assign a VIP linger 2. Press and held the CALLS mitten lot 2 s- econds The‘VIP‘ radii is dtsplaved g; l‘"lEuG" 73‘ ens-sss-ieat ”JUEEI‘in-H , l NOTE: 4 beeps wtll alsa sound when Inc trimming VIP call 15 a Call Waiting call To Remove a VIP Call: l. Press the "A' or -'~to select the call you have marked ‘VIP' 2, Press and hold the CALLS button tor 2 seconds The VtP icun writ disappe- ar Mute function: t on book status Press the MUTE hut- tott on the handset. will mute the aud~ to transmissiorn, and the LED on lhe handset will tlash, 2 At the audio transmission mute status Press the MUTE huttdn agaln, will lu- m on the audio palh. and the LEO on the handset wrll htrntr TROUBLESHOOTING it your FFZHS is mt pertai nirlg to your expectations, please try mese simple ste s: Problem Suggestion Charge light won‘t turn on when handset is placed in base unit. Make sure the Ac Adapter is plugged into the hase unit and wall pullet Make sure the wall auttet is lunetroning Make sure the handset is properly seated in the base unllv Make sure the iechargeahte hattery pack is propeny placed in the handset Make sure that the charging contacts on the handset and on the ease unit are ptean No dial lune. charge the handset tor to hours heture trlla tial use Place the handset back into cradle lur 5 seconds Make sure the handset is lully chalged. the IN USE/CHARGE LED shauld light when the handset is in the cradle Can "t make outgoing calls. Make sure the TONE m/PULSE (P) swllCh is set to the correct nlllfly, ll set to the Tone rnede switch td Pulsar Yau may have pulse dialing sen/Ice Handset doesn 1 ring. Make sull Ihl RINGER ONIOFF swl'lu‘t an the std! at the handset ts let tn lhe'ON" Wslllon Rematgubta hartury peek may be weak ar net lulty charged Charge the battery pick lei +5 hours Mlxe sure the base lnlenna is in the upright posttten. The handset may be IW tar away trdrn the hast: nnll Make sure the AC adaplcl ts pluggefl lnlu “18 hast: null and wall oullel Make sure the will puttet is luncllurtlng There may he the many telephones installed an the same line contact your Incal mlzphnnz campany to delelmine Ihe maxtmum number 07 extensions 10! your calling area Placenta handsel back mm cradle lot 5 seconds 20 l l TROUBLESHOOTING (conm » h Problem Suggestion Caller's voice is too low. - Swllcn the Recenter Volume Conlml on me bandsel lo lnoller level Conversation is interrupted Irequently. Or Static noise is present during conversation. ~ Move clam lo the base - Make sule mg base antenna is m the upngbl stllmn . Press llle cu bullon lo swncn to a clealer channel When the handset is fully charged for the first time, the display does not show "SET LANGUAGE", to begin the Caller ID setup sequence. » Pless the caller ln “MEMO“ hullon 1m 2 seconds In me Dalerrlme semen lnen [he dlsplav wlll show 'SEI LANGUAGF‘ - ll that does not wool. lesel me handsel by unplugglno ano men leplugglng ln me hal— lely lnen me display wlll Show ‘SE 1 LAN GUAGE‘ Handset does not display any Caller ID messages. - Cllecll wnn you” local lelepnone company to make sure Call lNzllllrlg Caller ID servlce ls being nlowded on ywr telephone Ilne . ll you pick up the telephone beiole the flux complete llng, [he callel llliolmallon wlll nol be completely 1969"le The display screen is dim or blank, ~ Aalusl lne conllasl Unit is not receiving Call Waiting Caller ID calls, . Make sole you nave subsumed lo call walling. Calel ID. and call wall-no Caller ID semcc "am you! local Itlephone company . lno calla ID data may nay. been allecleo by lempolaly nolse 01 me oondll-ons ln these cases. you may see me moo-reel lll’olmahon on me onsolay. such as No CALLER ID. CID BLOCKED ERROR. a blank screen, only me lele e lmmber. 01 only Ille name Telephone numbers are not dialed correctly from the caller list. . Make sule you have set your local 3188 oooe - Make me lne dlsplayed telephone number lellects Il’le collect dlallng Slluallofl (- e ‘l' belole alea wflc) 21 INTALLATION (CONTJ -l a De: k or Table Installation 1. To connect DeskllNall mount hrackel ln the desk/table posnion, slmply allgn llle hrackel wall the brackel slots on the Base until ll is securely In place 2 Plug the AC adaptor Cold lrllo the av DC Input lack on me Base unlt :. Plug one end 0! the telephnne card llllu the TEL LINE jack on the “Base unit. 4 Ralse the antenna on the Base unlt 5 Plug llle other end ottlle telephone cold lnlc the Ielepholle wall pack 5. Plug [he AC aoaplnl Into a slandald 120V AC wall outlet NOTE: Use only Wllh the AC adapter supplleo Wllh Flels Base Antenna Standard Outlet (W2 AC Adapter Jack AC Adaptor _—l _ Telephone Lln. Cord Modular Jack Place the telephone and power cords where they will not & create a trip hazard, or where they could become chafed and create a fire or other electrical hazards, t INSTALLATION(CONT) . lNSTA ATION (CON Wall Mounting The FFles may be mounted on a wall phone plate or onto two suews (not included) that you fasten to the wall For erther type or rnstattatrcn, complete the rotlowrng steps first 1. In case of using the standard wall plate. this slep rs not newssary Place the Desk/Wail bracket on the wall and mark the location of the screws install the screws teal/mg Zillfi' Extending out tram the wall Use anchors to secure screws 2. To connect the Desk/Wall bracket tn the wall mount posrtron. s|nrory airgrr the blaCkEt Wlth the slots on the base untll It IS $801“er in place 44 Plug one end at the telephone llrle card inlo llle TEL LINE |adt on [he Base unit J Mater! the Ac adaptor into the back or the null 54 Thlead the adapter card and telephone line card llllough IM grooves In lhe back at the unit. The card wlll exlt tram the bottom, DO NOT CONNECT THE AC ADAPTOR TO THE WALL POWER OUTLET YET 6. Plug the other end 01 the “rte cord mm the lelephone wall rack. 7. Mount the phone on the wallolate studs or on the screws as in step 1. and press untll the unit locks ln place a, Plug the AC adaptor rnto the power outlet 23 Handset Battery Charging: The battery pack in the handset must be fully charged tor about 10-14 hours before using the telephone Alter connecting to AC power, leave the handset unused in the cradle tor ten to tour— ieen hours Later. it will take less time rorthe battery to recharge. The [N USE/CHARGE LED on the base wrll be lit when the handset is ln the cradle NOTE: 3 When the battery gets low. the LCD dlsplzy will shew "BATTERY LDW', and the unrt wrll beep every ts seconds o rt the battery becomes low whrte you are on a call, you will be drsconneoted after about 5 mrnutes Ternunate the cart ourckty, and out the handset in the base to recharge the battery c The battery wtll hold its charge tor several days out of the cradle, dependlhg on use, NOTE: The handset will nut ring when the rlrtger is in the ‘OFF' pnsitlon But the LCD dlspaly will Show RINGING durlhg art lncomlng call To Replace Batteries: 2 1. Remove battery mvsr (See Figural). 2, Remove old battery (See Frgurezt 3. Plug the cord oilhe battery pack into the handset and place the battery In the case (See FIgureZ) Flgull 7 4. Shoe battery cover until ll ctlcka rn place. Charge lo-t4 hours belore hrst use (See figures) FlgtllzJ To ntaxlmlze your battery-s the, we recommend that you bertod‘rcally l‘utly discharge the battery. and then recharge rt To do thrs, unotug your phune lure cord lrorn the wall phone Jack Press the TALK button, and allow the handset to remarn on lor to to 12 hflurs Recunnect the phwne Card to the wall phune jack, Return the handset tn the base and allow ll to rully charge lor tz hours ti thls process is completed monthly. tt wllt reduce the memory Dutldup that occurs from lreduent partral charging 24 A. Avoid putting cordless phones near heating appliances and deviees that generate electrlcal noise (motors, fluorescent lamps, etc) 8. Avoidroughtreatmentotthephone by placing the handset gently into the base‘when hanging up Avoid drape ping the handset. (2. Clean yourcordless telephone only With a sort clclh slightly dampened with water or mild hand soap Do not use any type orsolvent or abl- asive eleanerherore cleaning, alw~ ays un-plug the phone trom the wall outlet D Vnur cordless phone is not designed to tie walerresistanl. Do not use the handset in the rain, in the pool or in the shower. Do not install your pase unit outdoors, near a sink, path tuo orshower Do not expose to direct sunlight E Retain the original packaging should yml need to ship the phone at a later date Speed Dialing Numbers Index Additional lnfomralion A, Connecting thistetephone to a coin operated telephone or party line is prohibited by law Be it it is determined that your telephone is malltmcliunlng‘ the FCC requires that it be disconnected train the in- odular outlet unlll the prohtem has been corrected For immediate answers to all your quess lions legaldtng the operation or your Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone5 call Ihe Cansumer HDIIttte_ loll like at (Booijaeamy LOCATION NUMBER lOCATION NUMBER 0 1 3 _ fl , SERVICE According to FCC regulations, thi egulpment, which has been certified and registered by the FCC, may only he repaired by authorized persons lr repairs or adjustmenls are rllade lay an unauthorized person, the FCC cerlil‘lcalicrl may he voided Should you encounter any problem, please call the Sculhweslem Bell Freedom Plume" loIHree Cuslcmer Help Llne lur asslslance‘ LEGO—3650537, Monday » Friday between the hours or a 30 am , 9 am pm (EST) and Saturday helween the hours oi a 30 am - l2:30 pm (EST) Ynu ran also visit our wehSlle at http I/www.swblreedumphane com FOR IN-WARRANTY SERVICE: Package your complete unit (including all adapters, line cards, and other accessories) and ship the unit postage prepaid' and insured (tor your protection) to- SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONE® DEPT.: Warranty Repair ms Na Glen Harbor Blvd., Glendale, AZ 35307 Be sure to include your return address, proor ot purchase, a daytime phone nurnoer, 59 50 tor postage and handling‘, and a hrlet explanalicn or your dimeultles wore» Calllulnla residents need only provide proof ol purchase and should call 1—500 366—0937 tor shipping instructions FDR DUF-OF—WARRANYYSERVICE: Call our lDIHtee Nelp tine tor the price or a replacement oerore retuniing your unit. Please [allow all instiuelions lor ln-Warranty service (above) to return your unit, and mark the package DEPT Out-olWarranty it you have called and know the wsl oi your replacement. please include thls lnior- nialion Wlll’l your unit lor prompt smite ZS , s — ~7‘v———\i
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