Continental Conair FF680 User Manual 8
Continental Conair Limited 8
INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES EXHIBIT 9 INSTRUCTION MANUAL FCC ID: LBBFF680 61 INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES 90 Instruction Manual Attached is a preliminary cnpy of the Instruction Manual. Please note that the required FCC Information to the User can be found on this manual. This manual will be prDvided to the end-user with each unit sold/leased in the United States. FCC ID: LBBFFGSO 62 £5. 93: bis? 9... E is. mew : E52 205.153.2325: om .... $555: ES. gun—G NEG...“ «a fit 22:0. : up amE 22... E§m .nu..._uu.u E. 9.5... fix... $2.53 r 5... 5&3 : m5; Eo>< .m. 3555.5. 5 “5:53 5:36 a 25.5.» GEEK. u... .. . mum-Ea: 52. “5. 3:55 o... 5 nREEn anus “5. 3.60... m... .. .u 5.5.23: HES: 3 5.60... m... v.25. 0. v3.61. @ E v.52 03.225 25.5. 5c: 53 v...“ mum—cg 5. 5.8. Q... 29.5“. 550.8 Eugwéua Saga—E ,m=onuE.w:. missus a... 3 “238 pa E... 2858 ”no... mic fling 52... at... 226.53. macfioao Back. YE 3.5.5: 2&2... 5: 32. 3:an a... w. v 3.5: 5 E... 9 88.76 5.3 5. 3:9... 0... a geéok. 2: 95 SE... 52. m5. 9:9. .. dub»... 5 mama—En m. min. 5 Eco 29.3 332. 0... 5:3 , 9.52.0. 2: BE... 3:55"... 3.23, SEE... a. wEoEum E». E: 5.50 =Ez a... E... 85.0... 2... 9.1.5. AN. cum: 3.51333 m. 8:53am 0... 5:2 v.85 0533 3:8 50 ,..n..=umw:m. 62:85 flu... Bio S mama-1; $9595: 9 39» 32.5 QE $9.8 m:..>c.=w. S mafiano 3.28 uoEEE. a E ._ 3.3 60.5.5. m. v.83 52.0. 5 0223 5:3 4522. $26... as. Enigma... B: o.- JUQ... $5.5 «a in an. 3.6». a... v: $3.8“. a... 5. vs... é: up 2.1... E... 552 ...uo..m 2.303 B 2... 5.1.5. 2:8 nah mus. So scan 5 WES... nag? 29.3.5... 5:9 in... x0... ma Amen 5:55 ..m=o=.. 3.60... fl... BE 95. 5.30 38.3: 5.5 652 d. 28.3 3.3... E E... 5 say. Emu ma. ma WES 5.225 E... $2.5: __..>. 32.20 5: co m = :c mEnEEm 23.3 3 89.55. 3.12 Eon u... 223. 5.60... ME. RE... 3: Eu 6.3 529. w... E. flu. 9 $5.15 32... 3: on. .w v 5.58.35. 38.555: 55. ._:m:ou 6.5... So» 2 bani Each. .c an... e... .: E... E: E: Er... fin... uEvcaE u... ...o 352.2. 358 522. .c 35 u... 59. 3.0 “2503 an. 3:2? 6.605 mi... 6 nine. 52. 5 SEES n 565 Eu: noon... 2. 55: 2.55 825... E... vuu:...:m EEG 5:5 5 63: :o 8:30... a... 9.62: E 3.3... up 55: £505 35.5.3 E... flags E 3.8... on 6: GE: 35:30 32... $559.53 ES. .. 6292. S hzc..r....:u> 5. SEE... 2: E26: E... v.03 2: v5. 3:53 a... E 355.89 305 d ”was... macaw mam-5 in. 2.8 6.605 2... 0.2... E E... m £5 ”3525 E“ :o 5.69... a... as... 3: no n 52:35 3: m E 5 go. 52 EYE... is; 5:3... $2. ..m:.= 5.25.5 : Ev: 5.9... 0 E. “5.525: 6.68... mi. um: 5: Eu 4 .m....=cu.u E. in... 1.56.55 $9.53 3.9.2. 8 2:9. 3: E: on. 9:53? BEE 5:6 522. 9... x2... .._.>. a... SE. 6.68: a... 9:95 A 42605 v... :o 34.5: $622.55 9... 35:53 =n 20:9. .~ 5.85.52: 2. EEEuES E: can... .. fivZ—BOJJOE NIH DEE—1.02. £2091... O,.. >~.:..Z. nz< vGOEm UEHUQAH ME; mD v.m.~. HEP “Una—My. O... Quit/0440". ”an. m><>2d< GASOEW mZQ.hD<0m—=- >Pmm.....:Om maze—Ewan? ZDO> UZ—m... Mack”... wZOF-LUDZHWZ. >hmE 5:55 55 ‘ wing“. Ewan. .. 55:5 .. 3 5:9 n 3 29.3.6 18.2. 2.552. no... 0... 8 535. 393... E93“. mqmm mu.0> E... m... use . “Eamon. ”a um: a. ammo mu up 8 mucmfluu 3:62? coon m5. 0.6mm 2? JQDZQE mafia-650 QE 94.5. 20.» PS... hZ =m> m. .: .fiZOEmm—AHH mi... AVE-«humming nz< OZE.<...mZ.. ”5.9mm“- ...EE Em? 5.3.0 3:5...» em Ema 3:15.55 0... $2.35 551339588 his... 5:5..E8 38am ,m..o.....flu>=o~m 52. EB. 35: E5238: 32:2 5... $2928. E. a... .c ES. 5.3 9.5... 35: mafia—coo P5526 .i.wD:E im40.0.9,m: .mo.nm ..5u~.®mzo=m sen—HEM. 44m... Znfikmmgzhzom .o MESS“; 39.9: a... 9 85.835: 53 m5. Ear. 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Em 2.8523 of. gun: Egg 2: 35:2: yo 5:0 8 EEBE 3: on u 3262.2 3me 35mm 03:3: 5.— maven Euod is xuosu £836 bu: 50 an... Ea m E guru DBEQ o:- _o amen—m6 E: on n as 6.5 52m E .E: 50.2525 Eu >c m kmam—Ex; ”332mm ¥<< ommh >m.m u$ 5=£ 2: b=o 33 .m Em<>> 4umd m—m FmDE >mmEP ._. 05... U0o..0=0%0 :: 5 ES: 9: ._=m..ou .. 3505.8 0. 53000. 0... £25: a. E: E9: 20.0.5: £53 a ..o .0::: E. 95 _:0.:5..:0 0... 50550 ., 52000. E... :.0...n_..=_u0 0.: 50,509 5.5.53 05 0200.05 » $50.5. w:.>.0uu.. 2: 2529. S 60:00”- a 8:55... 0:5: 05... 5 0.8 3 3:20:22 0.: 50:8 2 b. 9 39.585 a. .0m.. 0... ...o 9... mo E0821... 0... 9.2.2 B «5550.0: 0: ES zuEs £23000. :c_m.>0_0. E 96... 9 00:20:25 _..._E.:: 02.8 $0: 50:55? 2... = 5.5.52. 5:25: .. E 580 8: :..>. 8:20:25 55 00_::.::m o: m: 0.0... 5532: 00:20:35 0... 29.5.3 5 00.60. St: E: mu> ... >P 0... 50: bus: 56.5 05.330. $2.50 05 mE>nE .:00=0c0mz0 m. 00:20:25 .= du> 5 >... mu: 3. ..c.o Eu: 305: up E: 2:20 2.2320. $05.00 0... ha 005... 2: "8:05.52. 53 E053 5 00.55... oh> 5.5 05... 3.50: o. 0u=20:0=._ 023 Q... 5: 003.535: E 2503 5.55.20. 30:38 050m ..o::=sm:_ 3.553. a E 00:20:25 E:EE Minn: ..o..00.o.: 0.35.95. 0:38: a. 3:23: 0... 2:5. 305 025. cu: 0.: _o m. 5... 9 E555: 4.030: 3:9: m $50 m S: 2.5... 0... .:.>. baaco 9 EE: 2: 3.00. 53 m5. 5059.50 E: 5.02 2089.50 0... 06.0.3 9 5.9.5... $00: 2: 20> 2:8 09.2:an 5. 03.233. DE: 0.: 3 3.5.3: bummamo B: E... WE. 2 39:85:05 5 $9.55 “JEEG... 033353 3: Wing m. E2553 25. “has 850 o. 3033 0. m2... 2.3 2 530058 25.5.8 2.23.0: 0... E 3:38: 00.20. £8 E. cum: 0: .o.. 5: E2555 gs. .m=.:o:u==::.: 5: fl 5.2553 2: is. 2:0 0.5 “a: _._:= E 3.00.50 v.00: mm: E0205 2: 55. 0103.0: 2: E9: 50.282: 4:05:35 05.303. E: 5; 05:0: 082.09 0 E; I: 00.23 03.320. 8.35.55 555.0... E baggage E. 5» 02m 3 00:59. E 35.9. 3 :.>. 550: 55: 605950 Sofa 2.20.55: 5:2: 2: Sub: 3:8 E: 35:88: 5 Am..c:n.0:o ..:0E:::.u Wu Eu...“ m: E 009.53 0:5: >:.: 559.50 0:91:20. 50> 00m 0: 55. EEEES : 05 o. Em: E? («a 85.85 on =.>. :c> 0553.— w: 5.8 m: SEE: 0a =.>. E; ._.S:u...=. E: 0:5: 00:58: Em 02.560 E 2; Q3: El A05 6503: .= itEonEE 3.200 29. 2.55806 an... >=EE8 2.9320. 2: 1.83.0: 0.5.32». 0.: S 5.2 w0m=5 2053.60 05.30.0— Ea»: do... m:_=:u 53 .8 2mm 52:55: u... 055.20: 2 >=::...8 0.5120. E8. 59. 55:8 2:20 £1 25. 0... E u0.__.:.05u m: 55. 59” 0. 305.8 5... E.» m0u_..0:._o.0e.._=. 2: ..o 55.8 up oh 3 3 0.6 3030 5: 3:0... 0..: 0:0 5 3605.8 moors: El: 0,25. 0.50 E... 2: as... =: E: E: fie... E .:0=S w_ 5952. 2.9322 5.1 5.2. mi. W830: 08.321. 0>:._ =:m E: 0...— u..c:n0_u. EPA 8 805.8 x5: =o> 08.53: >.=_..:=_. 2: 0...:..u.0u o. 1:00: 0. 2mm 0.:. . 55:50 25:33:20». 0. 335535. E: 03.9: $01.0. ._::= 42... 20> 22.555 E: E: Azmmv 59.5.2 00..o_:> .0m=.¢ E... 59.5.2 gig—mag up: 0... ,=o::.=..o.:.. 5:5 $5.5. ,m:_.::ou _:.= 3&5 : 0. E2535 02:0 3.5 0:5: 55:5 9: ..0 m2... 900. 2:3 x: E... 5.5 3:95: 52:9..5 mi: 32! oh =o> 3:55 U0: £5 05 0.03072 0. 295: E... ME: £5... mo 4:8 mm: 25:8 8. 55. 3. ”EH $5: 52 39. 5:0: 25 E ._. "$82.5 0:5 29... mmo . Ema on 55.3 no.» £32 ..u=:0 0.: 53. 1:3. 9 5.5.5 Mia. 0.: $2: ..0.: >,:E 30> .m=:u ._0.: 0... 59. 55 up =.>. 05:5 5a: :=: is $8: ,:3 a 9.539... 2 0:22...— mEEZflE u... 5.5) 009.30... 59. 50.0. c. 5.25: u... am: an... ..o> u=_=00..0m =:U «N 43.52 0... no ,_o ..0.: E: 205 can—ESE. $0, 2056 0... E0: ch «30.5 hagwEF 5.90.3: 0... 9.50. 50 0:0.” 0... m. =0>. 5.9.5. 0.2 0... cc 5.6.5 09.050. v.01... < ,..o:..:...c=8 B: 9:93: 0... ..u 8 x00. 0.0050 05: 05 0.05 ..:0=.uo:=u==m 2: 50: S: on E.» b ._0m E, E... 3305: 05 35.9.5 :.>. 9... 00:0 309 El ii 0.2. N n N. 8 Q: 2.55 3:55. a... 2: «3 5.305 S: 0.5. 0.: .0m 2 "29:50 Em .:=muh. rmefihnu 5.52“- ha: Em H a git H a E§< .mm. 3 69 3:5: .-. 3 L9 u=em han— .E&E< £2... E ...=emw Luna 3.1558 0... E 0:5 9a is. 2: bans—m 2 59: 0D Eu gun. 0.8 3:3 ... £020 2: 50 3. 02.9 3.5 EB 55 ...::E0no .0m EQoEc. 2: 0.03: a. 92:3: 2: :c hr. 55 cc: .;:. ”moi ..0>o E3 9 B0: Ea =o> “E: 3009 8:0 N Eu: E.» 1.20 5.02.80... 3.0.5 2: 2.3: a:: t inflow >=: 503.0: E 3 cm a. 0—283 2 =2W 0.5... >5=m 5: o: d...5m xaQuEE. 0GB $5.3 55> xaguEF 0:— 60 E.» Subum ZO xmkmz< 9 .3 on .m..... ::= 055 Haasm 5m $90.5. C 3:ch fifiE—dk omen; 05 Sad guano—2 gotta CnrdlessTAD FFGeu Operation Manual MAIN FEATURES TAD FEATURES : wfisawewwe 10 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16 17 18 19. 20, Digital OGM & ICM Approx. 15 minutes ofrecording (1 PCs. 4Mx4 ARAM) Remote turn on - 10 rings Max. OGM length .' 30 seconds Max. ICM length 60 seconds Max. MEMO length : 60 seconds Battery backup with Battery low indication One digit 7- segment message counter New message indication Machine on left“ indication Call screening Vox control Branch phone reset [2]-[4]-[toll saver] ring selection switch Answer only / normal selection switch Time-date stamping Voice prompt manual Voice Wizard manual 3 digits remote access code (factory select) Full DTMF remote access , Message playback, skip, repeat, erase all messages, machine turn off, OGM change CORDLESS PHONE FEATURE : weoqoxu-buto-r 10. 11 12, 13. I4. 15. 16 17 18 43 / 49 MHZ 25 channels auto scanning operation Random combinations of security code Last number reAdial ( 32 digits max. ) Power saving in standby mode. ( handset) One way paging handset tinder Tone / Pulse dialing mode selection switch in base unit Ringer ON lOFF switch in base unit Mixed mode dialing (auto insert of 4 sec. pause when mode change from Pulse to Tone) lO repertory dial memories store in base unit ( 16-digits / phone no, max. ) Chained memory dialing of32 digits max Flash key for call waiting and cell transfer (Flash time is 650ms.) Pause key ( pause time is 4 seconds ) Low battery wanting tone Out of range warning tone Handset ringing / in use / LED indication Auto Standby feature Auto Answer connection On hook Secure feature 19. Handset access TAD functions : 19.1.Message play. skip, repeat, erase all messages 19.2,Call screening 19.3 OGM change FFSELOPIREVIMH1.5106Nw.97 Page 1 of 2] FCC 1D: LBBFF68O CordlessTAD FFGBD Operatlon Manual 19 4 Time check, set-up 19 5 Answer mode ON, OFF Auto Smndb ' allows the user lo hang up_ by simply returning the handset lo the base. Aulo Answer allows Lhe user ID answer a fall by Just removing Lhe handset from the base so the user don't have to waste time pushlng buttons The ‘Talk’ key will be disable for 5 seconds (0 nvmd acmdenml hang up. This fealuxe is activated wlule nnflggnd disable 10 seconds flfler me ru|& Anlo Secure electmnlcally locks lhe phone when the handset is pulling on cmdle for charglng m Lhe base. BASE UNIT KEYBOARD : BASE UNIT SWITCH : l. GREETING l. [2] - [4] - [TS] 2, ANSWER ON / OFF 2. Tone / Pulse 3. PLAY / SKIP / MEMO 3. Announce only / normal 4 TIME SET / REPEAT 4. Ringer ON / OFF 5 STOP / SAVE 6 PAGE 7v START (1) PRESS FOR HELP 8 (2) mass FOR HELP BASE UNIT LED : 1. POWER 2. IN USE / CHARGE 3, 7-SEGMENT MESSAGE COUNTER CORDLESS HANDSET KEYBOARD : HANDSET SWITCH : 1 TALK ll Volume HI / LOW 2 FLASH 3 IvflEMORY 4‘ REDIAL / PAUSE 5 DIGIT 0 ~9, ‘, it 6 CHANNEL CORDLESS HANDSET LED : L IN USE / BAT. LOW 2. ‘Lighled key pad’ (turn on 8 seconds when any handset key pressed in normal operatic“) FFBSDQPIRev‘lslnn LGIOENW 97 Page 2 Of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFGBD Operation Manual POWER ON SELF TEST At power up, the machine will execute a Power-On~Self Test automatically to make sure the recording media is in good condition. EVENT V0 1 CE PROMPT When power-up, before the unit perform check RAM function. Wai t for (key operation is enabled afier RAM check completed in about 14 seconds) operation. Afier RAM check is complete Unit ready. During the test, the 7~segment display will count down from [9] to [0]. During the Power-On—Self-Test, no key response VOICE WIZARD MANUAL The ‘voice wizard’ ke 1 , 2 function is active in Answ_er On of Answer Ofl‘ Mode only. EVENT VOICE PROMPT 1. User presses l to begin Welcome to the Southwestern Bell Voice Help Guide. Press 1 to begin. 2. Press ‘1’ button at (1) Are you having trouble setting greeting ? Press 1 for yes or 2 for no. 3. Press ‘1’ button at (2) <> press and hold greeting button for five seconds. 0 wait to speak after the beep. <> leave a message longer than 2 seconds. Press 1 to continue or 2 to stop. 4. Press ‘2’ button at (2) or ‘l’ button at (3). Are you having trouble getting dial tone? Press 1 for yes or 2 for no. 5. Press ‘1’ button at (4) <> Place handset back into the cradle for five seconds. <> charge telephone for 10 hours before initial use. <> return handset to base consistently. 6 charge LED should light when handset is in cradle. Press 1 to continue or 2 to stop. 6, Press ‘2' button at (4) or ‘1’ button at (5). Are you experiencing static when you talk on telephone 7 Press 1 for yes or 2 for no. 7. Press ‘l‘ button at (6) 0 Move closer to the base. ¢ is base antenna fully extended. <> Press channel button. Press 1 to continue or 2 to stop. 8. Press ‘2’ button at (6) or ‘1’ button at (7). Are you having trouble accessing your machine remotely ? Press I for yes or 2 for no, 9, Press ‘1‘ button at <> use security code on bottom of the base. FFGEOgOP / Revision 1.6106 Nov. 97 FCC ID: LBBFF680 Page 3 of 23 CordessTAD FFGBD Operation Manual EVB‘lT VOICE PROMPT (8) <> enter security code at end of greeting. ¢ enter each digit for 3 seconds Press 1 to continue or 2 to stop. 10 Press ‘2' button at (8) or ‘1’ button at (9). Are you having trouble receiving messages 7 Press 1 for yes or 2 for no. ll Press ‘1’ button at (10) <> is answer on/announce only switch set to answer on. <> is machine turned on. <> if power failure occurs, reset machine. 0 it message capacity is full, erase messages. Press 1 to continue or 2 to stop. AI 12.Press ‘2’ button at (11) Thank you for using the Southwestern Bell Voice Help (10) or ‘1’ button at Guide, If we have not answered your specific question, call our toll free help line at 18003660937 13 when ‘2' button is pressed at (l), (3), (5). (7), (9), (11) “Beep” Ijno key is entered within 20 sec, ANSWER ON MODE the unit will return to the Answer On Mode. The machine is entering Answer On mode afler RAM check completion. The unit will answer incoming calls according to the ringer switch selection and record ICM when ‘ANS‘ switch is selected. User may select to broadcast OGM with ICM recording or broadcast OGM only by setting Independent Answer Only Select Switch position. To indicate the ‘Answer only’ condition The 7—segment will show ‘A’. The display will be flashing if NEW message is received. The 7-segment message counter will display the total number of messages received (maximum number of message display is [9]). The 7-segment will flash to indicate NEW MESSAGE received. Press ‘stop/save ’button to save all the messages avatrr voice mom [To save all the messages Messages saved Press ‘answer on lofl‘ button to turn offthe machine ——r—‘ “fl EVENF VOICE PROMPT change from answer on mode to off mode Answer off Announce only / Normal switch position FFWVOP I Revision 1.6 I 06 Nov. 97 FCC ID: LBBFF68O Page 4 of 23 Cordless TAD FFGBO Operation Manual EVH‘IT VOICE PROMPT Confirm that setting to announce only. Announce only Switching from ‘Ann.anty’ to ‘Nmmai’ position. Answer On ANSWER OFF MODE Press ‘ON/OFF button in Answer On Mode will turn-off the unit and enter into the Answer Ofi‘ Mode. The 7-segment Messages counter display will be turned OFF. The unit will not respond to any key or any function during the Answer OE Mode except the ‘ON/OFF button and the remote turn on function The day/time clock will continue to run but cannot be set in the Answer OffMode. Press ‘answer on left” button to turn on the machine EVENT TIME IS SET ANNOUNCE ONLY VOICE PROMPT ( announce [lie Current time ) Answer on. Monday one 0’ one AM. yes no no no Answer on. To set clock, press and hold time set button. yes yes Announce only. Monday one 0’ one AM. no yes Announce only. To set clock, press and hold time set button. Pressing other button EVENT VOl CE PROMPT Pressing any button (except voice wizard buttons and on/ofi' button) turn on machine _ Remote tum-on (at the 10th incoming call ring) always puts the unit into the Answer On Mode. Afier 10th incoming call rings, the unit will answer the call, announce OGM and record ICM as in Answer On Mode when ‘ANS’ switch is selected, OGM RECORDING l PLAYBACK Press ‘Greeting’ button to check or to record an OGM EVM V0 I CE PROMPT button the first time pressing the To listen to greeting, press and release greeting button. To record greeting, press greeting button Kt hold. Press and release the button again within 5 sec.(no use: recorded OGM) grceting, press and hold greeting button. Hello, we are not available now, please leave your name and number after the beep. To record new Press and hold the button Record greeting after the beep. Do not release FF680_0P IRewsmt 6 MG Nov. 97 FCC ID: LBBFFGSO Page 5 of 23 CordlessTAD FFGBD Operation Manual EVENT VOICE PROlvfl’T again within 5 sec. greeting button until you are finished recording. User recordcd lcss than 2 Greeting not recorded, record longer message. seconds OGM The first time press and hold the GREETING button, the 3'd voice prompt will be announced (the 1M and 2"d voice prompt will be skipped) For changing the existing OGM, the unit must be in Answer On Mode The recording process is terminated by either release the GREETING button or the maximum time limit of 30 seconds has been reached. The unit plays back the recorded OGM once before it returns to Answer On Mode. All ICMs and Call Count are reset You can stop the playback anytime during the playback sequence by press and release the ‘STOP/SA VE’ button. ICM RECORDING Machine answering call Line is seized afler the rings EVENT VOICE PROMPT Ram full Hello, our machine cannot accept messages. Please call again. Ram available without uscr’s OGMl-lello, we are not available now, please leave your name and number after the beep. The unit will answer the incoming calls in Answer On Mode. ICMs will be recorded being set at ‘ANS’ by the Independent Answer Only Select switch. The unit will respond alter a number of rings set by the ring selector switch. [2] / [4] / [TOLL] : [2] -— answer afler 2nd ring [4] -- answer afier 4th ring [TOLL] -— answer afler 2nd ring if NEW message present or answer after 5th ring if no NEW message present The unit will send the OGM announcement through the telephone line and through the speaker and stem recording after the end of OGM beep, During ICM recording, remote playback ofICM is possible afier the receive of correct remote code. Current ICM will be canceled afler cany out remote ICM playback operation. FFEBILOP/Rewslonl 5/05 New?” Page 6 of 2} FCC ID: LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFSBO Operation Manual During message recording, pressing ‘STOP/SA VE’ button or pick up a parallel phone ofthe same line will terminate ICM recording immediately, And the current [CM will be saved The maximum recording time is 60 secamls per message. The message recording will stop when receiving 7 seconds of: - No sound . Continuous Tone (e g ' Dial tone) - Busy Tone During message recording the user is able to hear (call screening) the callers' voice ofwhich the voice level is controllable with the volume control. If ICM has been recorded, the ICM call count will increase by one. The message counter displays the total number of messages recorded by the line and Memo(s) The 7-segment display will flash to indicate NEW MESSAGE received Each ICM will be stamped with the day and time it is recorded. A beep ofabout 0.5 sec. is sent to the line and speaker before the unit hangs up. AT HOME MEMO RECORDING In Answer On Mode press and hold the ‘PLA Y/SKIP/MEMO' button (Message counter display turns off), a beep will sound, then NEMO recording begins Speak via the built in condenser microphone alter the beep, The MEMO recording process is terminated by either release the button or reach the max. length of 60 seconds. The day/time stamp will be recorded after each memo recording. The Message Counter Display will increase by one after a memo is recorded. The 7-segment display will flash to indicate NEW MESSAGE available. EVENT VOICE PRotivr Memory full when / while recording Memory fullt Erase saved messages. AT HOME ICM PLAYBACK Press ‘Play/skipimemo’ button to play message EVE” VOICE PROMPT the first time pressing the button To listen to messages, press and FFGaopP/Revis’rontfi/DGNWW page 7 a; 23 FCC ID: LBBFF68O CordlessTAD FFSBU Operation Manual EVENI‘ VOICE PROMPT release play-button. press and release the button again Within 5 sec.( No message to play) No messages press and release the button again within 5 sec,( e.g. there are 3 messages to play) 3 messages. message 1, Monday 12:00am before starting to play each message, message number Will prompt(e.g. message 8) message 8, Monday 12:00am At the end of last message, all the messages will be temporary erased *. No more messages. Press stop/save button to save messages. If you do not press stop/save button, messages will be erased. Messages savedi Stop but ton pressed Whi le message playing * Pressing the ‘stop/save' button, before the messages are permanently erased, can retrieve all temporary erased messages All temporary erased messages will be permanently emsed if: ICM recording in process, or An OGM is recorded, or A memo message is recorded NEW MESSAGE OLD MESSAGE PLAY BACK PRIORITY es don’t care playback the new message only no ES playback all messafi Once the NEW message is played cr skipped while playing back, it will be marked ‘OLD’ for e.g. there are 6 messages of which the first 4 messages has been played. The playback procedure will be: - [6 messages][message 5][Monday one O'one AM]...message content - [message 6][Monday one O'two AM]...message content - [ No more messages,...] During playback, pressing the ‘REPEA T button will cause repeating playing back of the current message from its beginning Pressing the ‘REPEAT button twice in 2 sec, will playback the previous message. Pressing the ‘PLAY’ button will cause the unit to skip to playback the next message. Pressing the ‘PLAY’ repeatedly will advance playback through the messages, beginning with the start of next message. Elan VOICE PROMPT Pressing the ‘PLAY’ button Skip Pressing the ‘REPEAT’ button Repeat FF680_0P/Revislun16l06Nw. 97 Page 8 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFFGSO CordessTAD FFSBO Operation Manual The playback sequence can be interrupted by pressing the ‘STOP/SA VE’ button, All messages will be saved and new recording will start from the end of the last message If the unit has played back all messages, the message count display will return to [0] and all messages will be erased temporarily. All temporary erased messages will be permanently erased if: a. ICM recording in process, or b. An OGM is recorded, or c. A memo message is recorded. Pressing the ‘STOP/SA VE’ button in Answer On Mode, before the messages are permanently erased, can retrieve all temporary erased messages At the beginning of each message, the recorded Date/Time stamp will be announced once. If the clock have not been set, N0 Date/Time stamp will be announced. REMOTE MODE When the unit answers, you can input three security codes at any time, during playing back OGM or recording ICM. Three DTMF numbers is used for security code. This number sequence is factory set and not for user select If the correct first security code is received during OGM announcement, the unit will stop playing OGM and wait 20 sea. for the rest ofthe security codes. The unit will hang up ifthe user fails to complete the security number sequence within 20 sec. During recording ICM the unit will have no response to the user’s input unless the number sequence is correctly entered. Afier accepting the correct remote access code, the unit will send 4 beeps indicating that the security g code is accepted and the unit is now in remote mode. TOUCH TONE REMOTE CONTROL when correct security code is received lELVlZ-NT VOICE PROMPT remote control main menu start. press 1 to play back new messages Pm; a, or a will “mm am” function, l’yess mm key , . not specified will restart the main menu. When there were press 2 to play back “1 messages new messages, ‘ense all' lunclmn I5 prohibited. r 5 rmspress 3 to erase all messages 110 ms; all message' mu not announce press 4 for other functions request for other functions. press 8 to record new greeting Press 1, 2 or 3 will aciwm the mm mm funcllon. Press press 9 to turn off answer mode other key not specified will restart the main menu, press 4 [0 return [0 main menu no message to play No messages start playing message (cg. 6 messages 6 messages. While listening to message available) press 6 to skip or 4 to repeat. J mama/Revisiontemumm pagc 9 of 23 FCC lD LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFGEO Operation Manual EVENT VOICE PROMPT at the end of message playback No more messages start recording greeting. After end Record greeting after the beep, press recording unit plays back greeting. 5 to end recording Turn off machine and release line Answer off erasc* all message and release line All messages erased Press 6 during message playback Skip Press 4 during message playback Repeat * the messages are permanently erased, Pressing the ‘stop/save' button can not retrieve the erased messages User can enter the function code any time while voice prompt announcing If within 20 sec. no other command code is entered, the unit will hang up and return to Answer On Mode, REMOTE PLAYBAQK (mess 1 orz in remote model If there are no messages, or at the end of message playing ¢ the unit will prompt the user [No messages] or [No more messages] 9 wait for 3 seconds for commands [common start up sequence] <> play the start up prompt ‘press 1 lo press 2 to m’ etc. 4} wait for another 20 sec. If no other command code is entered, the unit will hang up and return to Answer On Mode. If there are messages, the unit will playback the messages. ¢ User may terminate message playback at any time by pressing ‘5‘ Then go back to [common start up Sequence]. During remote playback pressing [4] will repeat playback of the current message. Pressing digit [4] repeatedly will move backwards through the messages (The remote Repeal/Skip function work the same as local Repeat/Skip function.) All messages being played will be marked ‘OLD’ and saved. REMOTE OGM CHANGE (press 4 and then 8 in remote mode) Speak via the telephone line for OGM recording afier the beep. The maximum recording time is 30 Seconds. The OGM recording will stop when receiving 7semmls of: FF580_0PIRevisiont.GIDfiNoi/.97 Page 10 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF680 CordessTAD FF680 Opemlton Manual - No sound - Continuous Tone (e g : Dial Tone) - Busy Tone or 30 seconds time out Press [5] to end the recording. The unit will play back the recorded OGM once via the telephone line afier recording. Then go back to [common Start up sequence]. All ICMs and Call Count are reset, If OGM recording is terminated by pressing ‘STOP/SA VE’ button or pick up a parallel phone connected to the unit, the unit will return to Answer On Mode immediately, the recorded OGM will be saved. REMOTE TURN OFF Lpress 4 and then 9 in remote mode) The unit will terminate call, turn off and return to Answer Ofl’Mode The unit can be turned on again by answering call alter 10 rings (remote tum-on) or by pressing ‘ON/OFF button on the unit RAM FULL RESPONSE To indicate the RAM FULL condition. The 7-segment will show ‘F’. The display will be flashing if NEW message is received. The unit will respond afler a number ofrings set by the ring selector switch in Answer On mode. The default voice prompt for Ram full condition will be announced. - i.e, “Hello, our machine cannot accept messages. Please call again.” It" the correct first security code is received during RAM fitll announcement, the unit will stop playing and wait For the rest of the security codes. The unit will hang up if the user fails to complete the security number sequence Within 20 sec. And return to Answer On Mode. If within 20 sec. the remote access code is entered the unit will send 4 beeps then enter into the remote operation. Othemise, at the end of announcement, the unit will wait 20 sec. If no remote access code is entered within 20 sec. the unit will hang up and retum to the Answer On Made. To make room in the RAM storage, the caller should playback and erase messages. __________._——-————-——— FF680_0P/Revismn16/0$Nuv 97 Page 11 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF680 CordlessTAD FFGBD Operation Manual SETTING OF THE DAYITIME STAMP Press ‘time set’ button to check or set time EVENT VOICE PROMPT press and release button, clock is set (voice prompt is an e.g.) Monday one O’one AM, to set clock, press and hold time set button press and release button, clock is not set To set clock, press and hold time set button Press and hold the button for l.5 sec. will begin the set clock sequence. Day will be set first When day setting is complete. Hour setting will be followed. Press on/off button to set day. When you hear correct clay, press time button. Press on/off button to set hour. When you hear correct hour, press time button. When hour setting is complete. Minute setting will be followed. Press on/off button to set minute. When you hear correct minute, press time button. When minute setting is complete. AM/PM setting Will be followed. _ Press on/off button to set AM or PM. When you hear correct setting, press time button. When AM/PM setting is complete. The set clock sequence is completed.(voice prompt is an e.g.) Monday one O'one AM. If time/day setting is incorrect, press and hold time set button. (Default time value afler power-up. “Monday 12 AM"). if the machine is lefi un-touch for 20 seconds in Set Clock Mode, it will restore the clock value and return to Answer On Mode REMOTE OPERATION FROM THE CORDLESS HANDSET Cordless handset remote operation Press the “’ key in handset to start remote operation. The l'NUSE LED ofhandset tum on to indicate the communication link is ready. handset is link up with the base unit which is not answeringieall EVH‘lT VOICE PROMPT remote control main menu start. press 1 to play back new messages Pfffi 0 [01 “W met/f press 2 to play back all messages rm” “I“ ”me ”m“ press 3 to erase all messages pm; “is. key mt ”mm W,“ mm m. mm mm Dress 7 to turn on answer mode hen there were new messages, "erase all' function ls press 3 to record new greeting prohibited. ..c. 'Press 3 to erase all message" will not mum press 9 to turn off answer mode TAD function can not be access ll| Answer on mode. press 4 [0 return to main menu FFSSlLOPI Revision 16/06 New 97 FCC lD: LBBFF680 Page 12 of 23 Cordless TAD FFSBO Operation Manual EVENT VOICE PROMPT no message to play No messages start playing message (e.g. 6 messages 6 messages. While listening to message available) press 6 to skip, or 4 to repeat. Press 5 [a SID/1 i save all messages at the end of message playback No more messages start recording greeting. After end Record greeting after the beep, press recording unit plays back greeting. 5 to end recording turn on machine and read set time Answer on. Monday one 0’ one AM. Turn off machine Answer off erase" all message Messages erased Press 6 during message playback Skip Press 4 during message playback Repeat ‘the messages are permanently erased, Pressing the ‘smp/save‘ button can not retrieve the erased messages During remote handset playback pressing [4] will repeat playback of the current message. Pressing digit [4] repeatedly will move backwards through the messages. (The remote Repeat/Skip fisnction work the same as local Repeal/Skip function.) All messages being played will be marked ‘OLD’ and saved. To set the clock, a series of 6 digits after [ti/can be input to specify the day / time values in the following order : O 8 30 # 2 T0 PROGRAM ms TO READ 8:30PM, TUESDAY(2) l 12 4 O 7 TO PROGRAM DTS TO READ 11:24AM, SUNDAY(7) The day / time being set will play back once. ( pause a second after the setting ) In case of error setting, error beep will be generated instead. Press the “" key in handset or put the handset to cradle will terminate the remote operation. Press the TALK key will temiinate the remote operation and enter into ‘TALK’ mode HANDSET CALL SCREENING Press the ‘*’ key in handset to activate the call screening in handset when TAD is answering a call, Press the ‘*’ key in handset or put the handset to cradle will terminate the call screening operation. Press the TALK key will terminate the call screening operation and enter into ‘TALK’ mode. FFGBO_DP!Revisimtt6/UG Nov,97 Page 13 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFGBO Operation Manual CORDLESS OPERATION gghannel freguengies Tmnsmissron frequencies in MHz CH.N0 Base Handset 1 43 720 48.760 2 43 740 4B 840 3 43 820 48.560 4 43 840 48,920 5 43 920 49.020 6 43.960 49.080 7 44 120 49.100 8 44.160 49.160 9 44.180 49.200 10 44.200 49,240 11 44 320 49.280 12 44.360 —r 49.360 13 44.400 49 400 14 44.460 49.460 15 44.480 49 500 16 46.610 49 670 17 46.630 ..4 49 845 18 46.670 49.860 19 46.710 49.770 20 46.730 49.875 21 46.770 49.830 22 46.830 49.890 23 46.870 49,930 J 24 46 930 49.990 49.970 Power Up Handrel After power up, the handset receiver part will stay at a random channel and waiting for signals which containing the same ID code for 60 msec The handset will enter into halt mode for 1 Ssec to save power consumption and then wake up at last channel for 80ms. detecting the code from the base unit. Afier power up, the handset should place on the cradle of the base unit for setting a new security code for communication Base The base receiver part will continuously searching for a channel with a signal containing the same [D code FFBstP/Rewsionlfilofi Nov. 97 Page 14 of 23 FCC 1D: LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFGSO Operation Manual The scanning sequence is starts from CHl onwards and follows the sequence in the frequency table Digital security code The security code is composed of 16 bits data, so it can generate 65536 combinations. The security code will be generated randomly by timer counter contents inside the MCU in base units Each time when the handset place on the cradle of the base unit, the base unit will generate and transmit a new security code to the handset unit through the RF Link.(The both unit will use the 8“ channel for the security code transfer operation) The completion ofa successful security code transfer operation will be indicated by a flash ofthe in use LED on the base unit and a beep sound generated by handset, In case, the Transfer operation cannot be successful, please try again Answering Call The incoming call is signaled by a ringing sound from the handset‘s buzzer and by the blinking of the handset and base in use LED If the base‘s ringer switch is OFF, there will only blinking of the LED’s to indicate ringing If the base‘s ringer switch is ON, then the handset’s buzzer will rings and there will be blinking of the LED The base unit will detect and transfer the ringing signal to the handset unit as long as the ringing signal is present. To answer a call : When the handset on the cradle, pick up the handset unit from the cradle of the base When the handset is away from the base unit, press the “talk“ button on the handset unit The handset will transmit the “talk on” command to base unit to establish the RF connection with in use LED tums on afier connection is successful If the communication Link cannot establish within 6 5 sec, three error beeps tone will be heard from the handset to indicate communication is failed with in use LED turn OFFv Making a call To make an outgoing call, the handset must pick up from the cradle of the base unit Each new call must begin by pressing the “talk” key in the handset and the in use LED will blinks to indicate the scanning for a clear channel for communication. The handset will transmit the “talk on" command to the base unit to establish the RF communication with the in use LED turns on afler connection is successful. ____________—._—-—— FFGEDpP/RevisionlblOG Ncw.97 Page 15 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF680 __.,H - Cordless TAD FFGBD Operation Manual If the communication Link cannot establish with 6.5 sec, there error beeps tone will be heard From the handset to indicate the communication is failed with in use LED turns OFF. Terminate a call To terminate a call ,either by pressing the “talk" key or replace the handset on the cradle of the base unit. By pressing the ‘talk’ key, the handset LED will tums OFF with a beep indicating call is terminated successfully. By placing the handset on the cradle, call is terminated and ‘Security code setup’ procedure will be performed. Handset LED will turns OFF and error beep will be generated if it can not receive ‘talk off ACK’ from the base unit. In this case, Put the handset back to the base cradle to make sure base unit is going ON HOOK Last number Re-dial Press the “talk” key during standby mode to establish RF communication. Press “redial" key after the line make to redial the last number digit store in memory(up to 32 digits long) When the Last Number re-dial memory is full, no re-dial function will be made. Line Flash Press the “talk" key during standby mode to establish RF communication. Press “flash” key once will break the telephone line for 650 msec. during dialing. Channel selection Press the “talk" key during standby mode to establish RF communication Press “Channel“ key to start a channel scanning process to select a clear channel for communication. The total channel scanning process cannot exceed 6.5 sec. if the scanning is unsuccessflil, both unit will use the last channel for communication. In this case, error beep will be generate in handset. Memory Dialing Press the “talk" key during standby mode to establish RF communication There are 10 indirect memories which each can store up to 16 digits for memory dialing. Press “memory” key once to enter into the memory dialing mode, then press the location No. to redial the stored memory digits. FFseocP/Revisinan/usm 97 page 16 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFFGSO _,, ‘i m u Cordless TAD FFGGO Operation Manual Chain dialing is allowed in Two memory location Dial key pad (0~9,*,#) Press “talk” key during standby mode to establish RF communication. Press the dial key once and the digits will be dial out (DTMP)to line for the minimum of 100msec. Press & hold the dial key for continue DTMF tone output. In pulse dialing mode, press "” to switch to tone dialing, a 4 seconds pause will be inserted. Memory store operation There are 10 indirect memories which each can be stored up to 16 digits for memory dialing. note that the memory is stored in the base unit micro computer memory. Press “Memory” key once to enter into the memory store mode during standby mode. the handset unit will transmit the “Memory“ command to the base unit to establish the RF communication for memory storing. If communication is successful, the in use LED in the handset unit will blinks at 1 sec ON, 1 sec OFF to indicate it is in memory stored mode If the communication link cannot establish within 6.55ec, there error beeps tone will be heard from the handset unit and the communication will be out. In memory store mode, press dial key pad once to store in the memory location for memory dialing. The maximum No. of digits that can be stored in memory location is up to 16 digits. After the memory No. is stored, press “Memory" key once to enter the selected location mode. Then the memory location 0 to 9 can be selected by pressing the digits 0~9 from the keypad. A long beep ‘ will be heard to indicate the memory stored sequence had been completed and the RF communication will be terminated For each key pressed during memory store operation. there will be a 20 set: time out for the memory storing sequence, if no key is entered within this period, then the operation is terminated, three error beep tone will be heard through the buucr of the handset unit. The memory storing sequence will be terminated in the following ways Store operation had been completed Press “talk" key on the handset. Place the handset on the cradle of the base unit. An incoming ringing signal is detected. Out of range If base cannot detect handset‘s RF signal, the base unit will generate intermittent “beep” warning tone through the RF communication to handset‘s ear piece at a 2 sec interval with 0.5 msec ON the warning signal will last for 16 seconds. FFGGDJP/Revlsinnl.5/06Nw.97 P535 17 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF68O Cordless TAD FFEBO Operalion Manual Battery/Voltage low detection Battery detection will perform all the time except during charge mode, i e. when handset place on the cradle of the base unit. If battery low condition is detected (3 JV) , then the handset will enter into battery low condition. the buzzer will beep for 7 sec interval i e 400msec ON, 6.6sec OFF.(tone frequency is 1 kHz) and the IN USE Led will flash, The handset will change to ‘Halt’ mode when 3.0V is detected. in ‘Halt condition, all handset function is prohibited If battery low condition is restored, the handset will back to normal mode again. Paging Press the “page" key once to locate the handset The base will transmit a “page” command to the handset unit to establish RF communication for paging procedure. Afier the handset unit receives the “page” command, will putout beep tone for 3 times. End ofDocumenl. ______—___—___—__..____ FFSBO_UPIRevislw1.G/06lm 97 Page 18 of 23 FCC 1D: LBBFF680 MN Ho oH ommm _ zo 3m 2 4.3“ 35: a 5; 5m >ez we I. — =a_m_>mz \mo\8cuE o o 0 ca 20 H o o .m 20 x H c .N ”ED x x H .H =30n ism 9a. coco Jam Egon u< Q‘H‘H ”Egon— onHHQZOU EEO—ED 55:8 a: WEE ”ED 0 o o o o o o 4m 20 H o o o o o o s 20 x H o o o o o b .NH._o~ H.Hm mz\10|§uu |||||||||I|I|I||||I|II|II 52,592: b, J>Cua L. $5 92. 255. 333 mumammue u5 .o= 1:2 39: L9 .: 20 do“ m‘m Adam C‘N: w 2 52m A321 353 mummmmue we dc A39 2: 39? 20 53 m& 4.8; 3.5 m 3 hr of 52m , , 5: 6 8m 2 4.03 :.N: m s R 2: FEE .<. 39? "EC ENE 9:3 A5 0339: of 32m “EC O n: 0 Fax; EROfl “czou ><><> <><><><> <><><~oooooo ><><~ooooooo ><~OOOOOOOO4O ~ooooooooo ixxxxxxx~~o Z” 5><><><><><~<~ooo $233 32 m2: 302 535 uEEoufi 2 is no a": WEQE $sz mniuuzo mac—u 5m umm: L 533 E $3me Eomm . h 202.528 FEM—9mm 533 one >Enm€ 5253.5 3:52 55830 Scum 0530-50 m7 FCC ID: LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFSBO Operation Manual Manual Change / Release information: 1RELEASE Na; RI RELEASE DATE: 05 Aucm REVISION No.1 in SOHWARE RELEASE NO: NA RELEASED T0 : Pru-retrain"), Eric L, Kelvin T CHANGE lefi m RELEASE A RELEASE N0. : R2 RELEASE DATE: la AUG. or REVIsloN No. ; l.l SOWWARE RELEASE No: NA PamcMConmr) on 29 “Lesser, m z Eric L., Kelvin T., Steve Ausv97 w. KW Chow KW Chau, Patrick(Conair) CHANGE NOTE : press Channel key to change channel (page 16) no DTS announce at the end of message if ‘timc is not set (page 8) lighted key pad (page 2) Answering call, Making a call (page 15, 16) Terminate a call (page to) use the 8‘" channel for the security code transfer operation (page 15) New messages play back e.g. (page 8) playback tlle day/time selling Wage 13) 4nd ofnz change \\\\\\ *& RELEASE No. : R1 RELEASE DATE: as SEr. 91 REVISION prof-1.2 50,7,me RELEASE No: NA Patrick(Conair) 0“ 10 539» RELEASEDTO : Eric L., Kelvin T., Steve 97 W,, KW Chow, KW Cllau, Patrick Conair) CHANGE NOTE : I 4Mx4 ARAM, 43/ 46 MI-lz. 25 Channel, 10 repertory dial memory (page 1) I Base, handset switch (page 2) 1 Voice Wizard time out at 20 seconds. (page 4) ¢ Add the voice [Answer on] when switching from ‘Ann only‘ to ‘nomlat’ posrtlon (page 4) r/ The 7-chment will flash the ‘A‘ to indicate ‘Anstver only“ switch is selected. (page 4, 20) / OGM recording / playback (page 5) ./ Press ON/OFF button to turn on the maclline. The voice prompt is changed. (page 5) J Ann Message # then DTS while playing message (page 7) / All temporary erased messages will be permanently erased if: ICM recording in process, or An OGM is recorded. or A memo message is recorded, (page S) The playback sequenoe‘message 5][Monday one O'one AMJr..message contenttpage 8) Sentence (Pressing the ‘ON/OFF“ button during playback will tag the current message to be saved.) is canceled. Sentence (At the end ofeach message, the recorded...) change to (At the beginning of each message, the recorded . }(page 8) Remote time out timer set to 20 seconds (page 9, 10, ll) Vorcc prompt control code change: press 1 to play back new messages, press 2 to play back all messages, press 8 to record new greeting, press 9 to turn off answer mode, press 4 to return to main menU(page 9, 12) While listening to message press 6 to skip or 4 to repeat. Record greeting after the beep, press 5 to end recording (page 9, 12) The voice prompt is canceled while 6 or 4 is pressed. (page 9) tlleltnit will prompt theuserlNo messages] or [No more messages] (page 9) User may terminate message playback at any time by pressing ‘5' Then go .. ..(page 10) During remote playback pressing [4/ will repeat playback oftlle,., ...digit [4]. (page 10. 12) REMOTE OGM CHANGE (press 4 and then Bin remote mode) (page 10) Press [5110 end the recording. (page 10) REMOTE TURN OFF (press 4 and then 9 in remote mode) (page 10) The unit will respond alter a number of rings set by the ring selector switch in Answer On mode. (page it) The 7—segment will flash the ‘F' to indicate RAM FULL condition. (page 11. 20) Voice prompt control codechange prcss 7 to turn on answer mode (page 12) Press 0 for rune snack, Press ii‘ for time setting, Press 5 [a slap A} save all messages. (page 12) To set the clock, a series ofG digits afler [fit/can be input... xx xx x\\\x\\\\\« ....(page 12) FFBBOpP/thsionlfilbfiNwfi? Page 21 of 23 FCC 1D: LBBFF680 f we CordessTAD FF680 Operatton Manual \\ \\\\ ’\ The day / time being set wtll play back once ( pause a second alter the setting ) (page 13) Press the ‘*' key in handset or put the handset to cradle will terminate the remote operation. Press the TALK key w1ll terminate the remote operation and enter into ‘TALK‘ mode. (page 13) Press the "' key in handset or put the handset to cradle will terminate the call screening upetation. Press the TALK key will terminate the call screening operatton and enter into ‘TALK‘ mode. (page 13) security code set up, handset beep (page 15) When the Last Number re—dial memory is full, no re-dlal function wtll be made. (page 16) there Will be a 20 sec time out for the memory storing sequence. (page 17) The function of (lfhanziszl cannot detect bare ‘: RF signal, the handset wtll generate intermittent “beep ” warning lane at 2 sec interval wt‘th 36171580 buzzer an. the warning signal wtlt lastfiv‘ I 6 seconds} is canceled. (Flags 13) Il’battety low ccnditien is detected (3 JV) , then .......... and the IN USE Led will flash The handset will change to ‘Halt' mode when 311V is detected In ‘Halt’ condition. all handset function is prohibited (page 18) power LED/ 7—segmenl flash mte (page 19,20) End one; change RELEASENO.: m RELEASED/HE: 235131197 ltEVlSlONNO.: 1.3 sot-‘rwnttEnELEA. NA n nsun'ro: Eric L., Kelvin T,, Slave W. KW Chow, KW Chan, Patriek(Conair) CHANGE NOTE: J The handset Wll] enter into halt mode for 1.5see to save power consumption and then wake up at last channel for SOtns detecting the code from the base unit. (page 14) ~/ Digital security code...ln ease the Transfer operation cannot be successful. please try again. (page 15) r/ (In some case, the Irv-use LED tum: ON with error beeps generated, it indicate ltnklng error, press the TALK key to termt'lmte the connection and try again.) is removed. No such acnon (page 15, 16) V Channel selection The total channel scanning process cannot exceed 6.5 sec. ...In this case the error beep will be generate 1n handset. (page 16) / (Ifthe Menmry location does not have a number stored in it. an ermr bee/7 will be heard when the location Na. is pressed} is removed No such action. (page 17) End nle change ELEASE NO.: R5 RELFASE DATE: its on. 97 REVISION N0.: 1.4 SOFTWARE RELEASE No; NA RELEASED TO : Eric L, Kelvin T , Steve W_, KW Chow, KW Chan, Palrick(Conairt CHANGE NOTE: / The 'vniee wizard' key [1], [2] function 15 active in Answer On or Answer Off Mode only. (page 3) I if machine is ofl‘. pressing any button (except voiec wizard and ONlOFF buttons) arm ‘turn an maehine' (page 5) I ‘Memory in l l, Erase all messages.’ Prompt removed in OGM recnrdmg mode (page S) / Afier 10th incoming call rings, the unit will answer the call, announce OGM and record ICM as in Answer On Mode when ‘ANS‘ switch is selected. (page 5) / Ram full while memo recording ‘Memury full. Erase saved nessagei.‘ (page 7) \/ ‘Memory lull. Erase all messages.‘ Prompt removed in remote OGM recordmg mode (page 9) / default ram full vmce prompt. (page 11) / remote set time sequenoeicg. O S 3 O t 2 TO PRmRAM DTS TO READ 8:30PM, TUESDAYQ) (page 13) / ‘Tenninate a call' By pressing ....... By replacing ..... (page 16) End ofki change RELEASE no. : R6 RELEASE DATE: 31 oer. 97 nevtston Nu. : 1,5 solfl'WARE numse N0 : NA RELEASED T0: Eric L., Kelvin T., KW Cltow‘ KW Chan, Patrick(Ccnair) CHANGE NOTE : / l l 2 4 0 7 “10 PROGRAM DTS TO RFAD 11:24AM. SUNDAY“) (1132613) ¢ vorce wizard manual ‘EVENT' 2 Will stop and “Beep“..(page 3. 4) I Add ‘skip‘, ‘repeat' voice ptempt.(page 8. 10. 13) _____—.___—__._.———— FFSBO_OPIRevtsmt 5/06 Nuv.97 Page 22 of 23 FCC ID: LBBFF680 Cordless TAD FFEEO Operation Manual J Flash |he ‘F' (0 intimate new message rccewed (page 11, 20) V Flash the ‘A' to indicate new message received (page 4, 20) / announce ‘prcss and hold lime sel but lnn' (page 5) End afks Change FF68070P I Revislun 1.6 IDS Nov 97 FCC ID: LBBFFéSO Page 23 of 23 .v_ w” ,, INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES EXHIBIT 10 SECURITY CODE INFORMATION FCC ID: LBBFF680 63 IN TERTEK TESTING SERVICES 10.0 Security code informalion The telephone has an internal security code with 65,536 possible combinations. Each time you place the HANDSET on the cradle of base unil. the code is randomly set to a new combination. FCC ID: LBBFF6SO 64
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