Corning Optical Communication MODULITE810 WLAN In-Building Access Point Amplifier User Manual ModuLiteInstallGuide 439300505 y

Corning Optical Communication Wireless WLAN In-Building Access Point Amplifier ModuLiteInstallGuide 439300505 y

Revised user manual

                  Installation Guide       Copyright Foxcom Wireless 200
  Notice  © 200  by Foxcom Wireless  This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Foxcom Wireless and may not be copied, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system or reproduced in any format or media, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Foxcom Wireless. Information contained in this document supersedes any previous manuals, guides, specifications, data sheets or other information that may have been provided or made available to the user. This document is provided for informational purposes only, and Foxcom Wireless does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, quality, validity, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the information contained in this document. Foxcom Wireless reserves the right to make updates, improvements and enhancements to this document and the products to which it relates at any time without prior notice to the user. FOXCOM WIRELESS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN.  Trademark Acknowledgement  LitennaTM and RFiberTM and ModuLite™ are registered trademarks of Foxcom Wireless. This document contains other trademarks, trade names and service marks of Foxcom Wireless and other organizations, all of which are the property of their respective owners.
Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    iii         Foxcom Wireless Offices   ISRAEL - HEADQUARTERS  USA Foxcom Wireless Ltd.     Foxcom Wireless Inc.      Tel: 972-8-918-3888 Tel: 1-866-4-FOXCOM
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                              Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    iii      Table of Contents  1. Front Chapter 1 1.1. Policy for Warranty and Repair 1 1.2. Conventions 3 1.3. Reporting Defects 4 1.4. RF Exposure Compliance 4 1.5. Precautions 5 1.5.1. Personal Safety 5 1.5.2. Equipment Safety 6 1.5.3. System Performance 6 1.5.4. Power Supply 6 2. Introduction to the ModuLite™ 7 2.1. Applications 8 2.2. Models 9 2.2.1. Certification 10 2.2.2. System Description 11 2.3. Product Drawings 12 2.3.1. Modular Base Unit- Four Ports 12 2.3.2. Modular Base Unit- Eight Ports 14 2.3.3. Modular Remote Cabinet  (dimensions in millimeters) 15 Isometric View 15 Front and Side View 15 Top View 16 Back View 16 Module Front Panel 17 3. Setup Tests 18 3.1. Pre RF Test 19 3.2. Flatness Test 20 3.3. Gain/IP3 Test 21 3.4. Uplink Network Test 22 4. Installation 23 4.1. General Installation 23 4.2. Environmental Data 24 4.3. Configuration Restrictions 25
ModuLite Installation Guide                      Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    iv        4.4. Environmental Data 25 4.5. Protective Earthing 26 4.6. Wallmount Installation 26 4.7. Rackmount Installation 28 4.8. Fiber Installation 29 4.8.1. Fiber Optic Cable 32 4.8.2. ModuLite™ Installation Parts List 35 4.9. High Rise Installation 37 4.10. Horizontal Layout Installation 38 4.11. Wireless LAN Installation 38 4.11.1. System Configuration with Modulite 810 39 4.11.2. System configuration with 840 41 4.11.3. Connecting to the Ethernet Line 43 5. Optical and RF Connections 44 5.1. Modular Base Unit (MBU) 44 5.1.1. BTS/RBS with one port 45 5.1.2. BTS/RBS with two ports 46 5.2. Modular Remote Cabinet (MRC) 47 6. Alarm Monitoring 48 7. Power Supply for ModuLite™ 49 7.1. Option One (Remote Power) 50 7.2. Option Two  (Local Powering) 50 7.3. Option Three  (Built-In Powering) 50 8. Optical Test Procedure 51 8.1. Fiber Optic Cable Test 51 8.2. Fiber Optic Cable – Terms 51 8.2.1. Optical Fiber 52 8.2.2. Connecting Fiber Optic Cable 54 8.2.3. Fiber Optic Cable Bending Loss 54 8.2.4. Coupler 54 8.3. Foxcom Wireless System Characteristics 55 8.3.1. Test Equipment 55 8.4. Optical Insertion Loss Measurement Test 56 8.4.1. Method #1: Two Point Test 56
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                              Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    v      8.4.2. Method #2: Single Point Test 57 8.4.3. Other Test Equipment 57 8.5. Optical Return Loss Measurement Test 58 8.5.1. Measurement Procedure 58 8.6. Results 59 8.7. Summary 59 9. Final Test 60 9.1. Modular Base Unit and Modular Remote Cabinet Connections 60 10. Maintenance / Mechanical Adjustment 61 11. Troubleshooting 61 Appendix A:  Link Measurements Form 63
ModuLite Installation Guide                      Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    vi         List of Figures Figure 1:  ModuLite™ System ............................................................................................7 Figure 2:  ModuLite™ Block Diagram..............................................................................11 Figure 3:  Modular Base Unit 4 Ports................................................................................12 Figure 4:  ModuLite™ Base 4 Unit Front Panels..............................................................12 Figure 5:  ModuLite™ Base 4 Unit Back Panel ................................................................13 Figure 6:  Modular Base Unit 8 Ports................................................................................14 Figure 7:  ModuLite™ Base 8 Unit Front Panels..............................................................14 Figure 8: ModuLite™ Base 8 Unit Back Panels................................................................14 Figure 9:  Modular Remote Cabinet Front Panel...............................................................17 Figure 10:  Network Analyzer Setup Test .........................................................................20 Figure 11: Spectrum Analyzer Setup Test.........................................................................22 Figure 12:  Uplink Network Test.......................................................................................22 Figure 13: PCS Frequency Allocation...............................................................................25 Figure 14: ModuLite™ GND Standoff Assembly Sequence ............................................26 Figure 15:  Wallmount Template.......................................................................................27 Figure 16:  Procedure for Mounting on a Wall..................................................................28 Figure 17: Example - ModuLiteTM Installation (fiber and coax) .......................................31 Figure 18:  High Rise Installation......................................................................................37 Figure 19:  Horizontal Layout Installation.........................................................................38 Figure 20:  ModuLite™ MRC Interior with Wireless LAN Module ................................39 Figure 21:  802.11b Configuration ....................................................................................39 Figure 22:  Connector Points on the WLAN Module........................................................40 Figure 23:  WizLAN Converter.........................................................................................43 Figure 24: Example: One port BTS/RBS connected to 1 MBU 4 ports............................45 Figure 25: Example - One port BTS/RBS connected to 1 MBU 8 ports...........................46 Figure 26:  Example - Two port BTS/RBS connected to 1 MBU 4 ports.........................46 Figure 27: Example- Two port BTS/RBS connected to 1MBU 8 ports............................47 Figure 28: Example - DC Power Supply in High Rise Installation...................................49 Figure 29: Fiber Optic Cable Structure..............................................................................53 Figure 30: Singlemode - Multimode Fibers.......................................................................53 Figure 31: Two Point Test .................................................................................................56 Figure 32: Single Point Test ..............................................................................................57 Figure 33: Optical Return Loss Measurement...................................................................58
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                             FRONT CHAPTER Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    vii      List of Tables Table 1:  ModuLite™ Models .............................................................................................9 Table 2: Modular Base Unit Description...........................................................................13 Table 3:  Modular Remote Cabinet Description................................................................17 Table 4:  Required Equipment List....................................................................................18 Table 5: ModuLiteTM Installation Parts List ......................................................................35 Table 6: ModuLite™ Installation Labor List.....................................................................36 Table 7: 25 Pin Alarm Pinouts ..........................................................................................48 Table 8: Power Supply Options.........................................................................................50 Table 9:  Fiber Optic Cable Test Results...........................................................................59 Table 10: Optical LED States ............................................................................................61 Table 11: Link Measurement Table...................................................................................63
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                              FRONT CHAPTER Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    1      1. Front Chapter  1.1. Policy for Warranty and Repair  Foxcom Wireless tests and inspects all its products to verify their quality and reliability. Foxcom Wireless uses every reasonable precaution to ensure that each unit meets their declared specifications before shipment. Customers should advise their incoming inspection, assembly, and test personnel about the precautions required in handling and testing our products. Many of these precautions can be found in this manual.  The products are covered by the following warranties:  1. General Warranty Foxcom Wireless warrants to the original purchaser all standard products sold by Foxcom Wireless to be free of defects in material and workmanship for one (1) year from date of shipment from Foxcom Wireless. During the warranty period, Foxcom Wireless will repair or replace any product that Foxcom Wireless proves to be defective. This warranty does not apply to any product that has been subject to alteration, abuse, improper installation or application, accident, electrical or environmental over-stress, negligence in use, storage, transportation or handling.  2. Specific Product Warranty Instructions All Foxcom Wireless products are warranted against defects in workmanship, materials and construction, and to no further extent. Any claim for repair or replacement of units found to be defective on incoming inspection by a customer must be made within 30 days of receipt of shipment, or within 30 days of discovery of a defect within the warranty period.  This warranty is the only warranty made by Foxcom Wireless and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. Foxcom Wireless sales agents or representatives are not authorized to make commitments on warranty returns.
ModuLite Installation Guide                                              FRONT CHAPTER                Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    2       3. Returns In the event that it is necessary to return any product against above warranty, the following procedure shall be followed: a. Return authorization is to be received from Foxcom Wireless prior to returning any unit. Advise Foxcom Wireless of the model, serial number, and discrepancy. The unit may then be forwarded to Foxcom Wireless, transportation prepaid. Devices returned collect or without authorization may not be accepted. b. Prior to repair, Foxcom Wireless will advise the customer of our test results and any charges for repairing customer-caused problems or out-of-warranty conditions etc. c. Repaired products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period, or at least 90 days from date of shipment.  4.  Limitations of Liabilities Foxcom Wireless's liability on any claim, of any kind, including negligence for any loss or damage arising from, connected with, or resulting from the purchase order, contract, quotation, or from the performance or breach thereof, or from the design, manufacture, sale, delivery, installation, inspection, operation or use of any equipment covered by or furnished under this contact, shall in no case exceed the purchase price of the device which gives rise to the claim.  EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, FOXCOM WIRELESS MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY GOODS, PARTS AND SERVICES PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FOXCOM WIRELESS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH FURNISHING OF GOODS, PARTS AND SERVICE HEREUNDER, OR THE PERFORMANCE, USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE THE GOODS, PARTS AND SERVICE.
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                              FRONT CHAPTER Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    3       1.2. Conventions    In this manual the following special formats are used:  Note   Notes contain information detailing the current topic.   CAUTION   CAUTIONS CONTAIN INFORMATION REGARDING SITUATIONS OR MATERIALS THAT COULD DAMAGE YOUR PRODUCT.    !    Warning WARNINGS CONTAIN INFORMATION REGARDING DANGEROUS FUNCTIONS.
1.3. Reporting Defects   The units were inspected before shipment and found to be free of mechanical and electrical defects.    Examine the units for any damage that may have been caused in transit. If damage is discovered, file a claim with the freight carrier immediately. Notify Foxcom Wireless as soon as possible.  Refer to Policy for Warranty and Repair  for further details.    Note  Keep all packing material until you have completed the inspection.  1.4. RF Exposure Compliance     !!    Warning TO COMPLY WITH FCC RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS, ANTENNAS USED FOR THIS PRODUCT MUST BE FIXED MOUNTED ON INDOOR PERMANENT STRUCTURES, PROVIDING A SEPARATION DISTANCE OF AT LEAST 20 CM FROM ALL PERSONS DURING NORMAL OPERATION. ANTENNAS MUST BE SEPARATED FROM EACH OTHER, ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFIC FCC STANDARD. FOR MODEL 810/840 ANTENNAS MUST BE MOUNTED SO THAT THERE IS AT LEAST 2M SEPARATION  BETWEEN ANY TWO ANTENNAS    !!    Warning  Each individual antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a minimum separation distance of 20 cm or more from all persons and must not be co-located with any other antenna for meeting RF exposure requirements.
ModuLite Installation Guide                                              FRONT CHAPTER                Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    6       1.5.2. Equipment Safety  To avoid damaging your product, please observe the following:  1. Always keep the optical connector covered. Use the fiber optic cable or a protective cover. Do not allow any dirt and/or foreign material to get on the optical connector bulkheads.  2. The optical fiber jumper cable bend radius is 3 cm. Smaller radii can cause excessive optical loss and/or fiber breakage. 1.5.3. System Performance    !    Warning FOR PROPER SYSTEM PERFORMANCE USE ONLY CABLES EQUIPPED WITH  SC/APC CONNECTORS TO CONNECT TO THE FOXCOM WIRELESS MODULITE™ SYSTEM.   1.5.4. Power Supply    !    Warning DISCONNECT BOTH POWER SOURCES BEFORE SERVICING.    CAUTION   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST RISK OF FIRE, REPLACE ONLY WITH SAME TYPE AND RATINGS OF FUSES.SC/APC Connector
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                   INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™ Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    7       2. Introduction to the ModuLite™  Infrastructure for multiple services is currently provided through two different methods. The first method is a parallel infrastructure based on a fiber or hybrid fiber-copper solution. In this system, even though all operators provide mutual services with a potential for sharing, a complete infrastructure is deployed for every operator. Multiple antennas need to be installed in every radiation zone. Isolation between antennas is hard to control, and as a result, cross antenna interference may cause degraded performance.  The second available solution is based on coax. Coax has different attenuation levels for different frequencies. This leads to design constraints because the coax needs to match the highest frequencies serviced and their respective attenuation levels. This requirement leads to higher costs resulting from the larger diameter coax and from a more labor-intensive installation. Foxcom Wireless’s ModuLiteTM is a new approach. The ModuLite™ is a high-performance, cost effective and modular In-Building system designed for multiple wireless services.  It is technically superior to other available infrastructures, and provides WSP’s and building operators with an advanced platform for expansion and upgradability.                 Figure 1:  ModuLite™ System  The ModuLite™ has unique advantages:   • Low attenuation: Singlemode fiber optic cables have virtually no attenuation (0.38dB/Km), relieving the need to install amplifiers or any other signal enhancing in-line devices. This factor alone greatly reduces the engineering and installation costs.
ModuLite Installation Guide            INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    8       • Low noise: High bandwidth signals can be set over singlemode fibers without encountering noise problems, and transmitted over great distances.  • Multi Services:  Same infrastructure is used either supporting single service or multiple services, due to the pseudo infinite bandwidth of singlemode fiber optic cable.   2.1. Applications The ModuLite™ addresses both public and private markets in order to provide RF distribution solutions for various structure types:  • Typical Public Market o Malls o Airports o Conventions Centers o Hospitals  • Typical Private Market o Office Buildings o Business Centers o Campus  Three types of applications are very common for both markets:  • High Rise Buildings  • Horizontal Structures • Campus type  Foxcom Wireless’ ModuLite™ addresses these application types with a powerful answer, while still flexible and future expandable. There are no limitations for building height or structure spread.
 2. 2 Models ModuLite™ products come in various models, each model covering a different frequency spectrum and standard.   Table 1:  ModuLite™ Models System Configuration Service Frequency Range (MHz)     Uplink  Downlink U.S. Market Cellular/PCS  824-849; 1850-1910  869-894; 1930-1990  iDEN/PCS   806-824;  1850-1910  851-869; 1930-1990  Paging/PCS  899-902;  1850-1910  928-941; 1930-1990  WLAN/UNLICENSED  2412-2462  2412-2462 European & Asian Markets 900/DCS  890-915; 1710-1785  935-960; 1805-1880  UMTS-FDD  1920 - 1980  2110 - 2170  Cellular/DCS  824-849; 1710-1785  869-894; 1805-1880  iDEN  811-821  856-866   Note Detailed specifications for all models appear in the ModuLiteTM Data Sheet
2.2.1 Certification  Foxcom Wireless products have met the approvals of the following certifying organizations:   ISO 9001  For Europe 0681 For  US  FCC 47 CFR part 15,22,24,90   CAUTION    In order to remain compliant with FCC Rule Section 15,204 for unlicensed operation in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, the Modulite 810/840 configuration must be as follows:   Access Point: CISCO 1200: FCC ID: LDK102042  Smart amplifier: Shockwave.  Model:  AMP – 24 – 1W 4 by 4 Service Combiner  Hybrid Matrrix 4x4 Wlan 0.8-2.5 GHz model: HC-44-1  Coax cable, Access point to Amplifier Input Type: LMR–195-PUC, Minimum length: 14 Inch                                                                         (Attenuation 0.5 dB), TIMES MICROWAVE SYSTEMS.  Maximum antenna gain:   5 dBi  (ex:  Mars Antenna model MA-CM36-15)  Modifications not expressly approved by Foxcom Wireless could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  FDA-CDRH UL For Canada: RSS-118, RSS-119, RSS-133
System Description  The ModuLiteTM is a new system for the provision of In-Building multiple wireless services. Its high performance yet cost effective structure efficiently enables the addition of new wireless services. The ModuLiteTM is a hybrid fiber coax modular solution designed to serve multiple wireless services using a single common cabling infrastructure. The cabling infrastructure includes a fiber optic cable, a single coax cable, and a single antenna. The ModuLiteTM has two main modules, the MBU (Modular Base Unit) and the MRC (Modular Remote Cabinet). Both components are designed such that they can be located in easily accessible area, such as the communication room, the communication closet, or in the riser.  MRCMBUService 1Service 2Service nRFInterfaceOpticalModule MRU RIM 48VDCModuLite 810 Stand Alone50 Ohm Ter.50 Ohm Ter.AccessPointAmplifierModuLite 810110VAC110VAC48VDCEthernet      Figure 1:  ModuLite™ Block Diagram The MBU converts RF signals from the RF source (Base Stations/off- air repeater) to an optical signalusing direct modulation technology. Each BU module can support two to four services, depending onthe application. The MBU is connected via a single mode fiber optic cable to the MRC.The MRC is comprised of modular remote units, each supporting two to four services, yet eachmodular remote unit has sub RF channels in order to maximize the performance of each specificservice in terms of IMD suppression and dynamic range. Each MRC can contain four modular remoteunits, hence at least eight services. The RF modules can be added as required to support the requiredservices. The MRC converts the optical signal to RF, performs filtering and enhanced signaling via itsRemote Interface Module, and connects to a single antenna via a single coax cable.The ModuLite’s TM main features are as follows:· Single cabling and antenna system for all serviceso enables fast deployment for WSP’s of new serviceso reduces tenant disruptiono simplifies maintenance
ModuLite Installation Guide            INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    12         • Upgradeable to include more than eight services per Modular Remote Cabinet (MRC), including 3G technologies • Eliminates RF interferences occurring in parallel infrastructures due to cross antenna coupling • Minimal input power to ModuLite™ (~0dBm) - No need for high power BTS/RBS, less expenses for the operators. • MCU-Alarm Interface with open collector and dry contact alarms – the alarm loopback is activated when there is a broken or faulty optical fiber or no power in system. • Low attenuation: Singlemode fiber optic cables have virtually no attenuation (0.38dB/Km), relieving the need to install amplifiers or any other signal enhancing in-line devices. This factor alone greatly reduces the engineering.   2.3. Product Drawings  The following drawings show sample front and rear panels of the ModuLite™ units.  2.3.1. Modular Base Unit- Four Ports              19”1U12”  Figure 3:  Modular Base Unit 4 Ports   Figure 4:  ModuLite™ Base 4 Unit Front Panels 2 1 3 4  5  MBU MBUHoles for rackmount installationHoles for rackmount installation
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                   INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™ Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    13              Figure 5:  ModuLite™ Base 4 Unit Back Panel  Table 2: Modular Base Unit Description   Number Description 1.    Laser Output connection to MRC 2.    Optical Diode Input from MRC 3.    Power LED indicator 4.    Modular Base Unit Laser operational LED indicator  5.    Modular Remote Cabinet Laser operational LED indicator  6.    Coax input from cellular headend 7.    Power input connector 8.    25 pin Alarm connector 9.    Coax output to cellular headend  6 9 7 8
ModuLite Installation Guide            INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    14         2.3.2. Modular Base Unit- Eight Ports                  ”U”  Figure 6:  Modular Base Unit 8 Ports    Figure 7:  ModuLite™ Base 8 Unit Front Panels   Figure 8: ModuLite™ Base 8 Unit Back Panels   MBU MB
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                   INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™ Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    15       2.3.3. Modular Remote Cabinet  (dimensions in millimeters) Isometric View                               Front and Side View                                                                    19´ brackets  19´ brackets  carrying cradle mounting brackets
ModuLite Installation Guide            INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULITE™           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    16 Top View                                                Back View     Note: Depending on the user’s preference, either wallmount or rackmount brackets will be assembled. Rackmount bracketsAC power input Mounting bracketFiber optic cable entrance Antenna ports 1-4Fans DC power inputWallmount bracketWall mount bracket
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                    Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    17 Module Front Panel   PORT 1PORT 2PORT 3OPT.DCFROM BASETO BASE20-48V DCPOWER INPUTULDL/ RF IN  OUT           FILTERS   Figure 9:  Modular Remote Cabinet Front Panel   Table 3:  Modular Remote Cabinet Description  Number Description 1.    RF In/Out 2.    Filters 3.    Optical LED for laser operation 4.    DC power LED for power operation 5.    DC power connector 6.    Optical input connector from Modular Base Unit 7.    Laser output connector to Modular Base Unit   3 4 5 6 1 2 Modular Remote Unit Cellular/PCS7
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 SETUP TESTS          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    18        3. Setup Tests This ModuLite™ product has been checked thoroughly before reaching the customer. Foxcom Wireless attests to the suitability of this product for operation. Where the customer desires to check the fitness of the product, the appropriate tests are listed on the following pages.  The following describes the equipment required for testing the system at setup.  Table 4:  Required Equipment List  Required Setup Equipment Quantity HP8753C Network Analyzer or equivalent  1 HP85046A S Parameter test set or equivalent  1 HP8594E Spectrum Analyzer or equivalent 1 Power supply  /48 @ 5A 1 Signal generator HP8648B or equivalent 2 Amplifier Mini-circuit ZKL-2 or equivalent 1 Digital Multi-meter 1 RF Combiner Mini-Circuit ZAPD-21 or equivalent with N connectors  1 High-grade 50-ohm phase matched cables:   N to N cables  N to SMA cables (in N remote type) SMA to SMA cables (in SMA remote type)  4 2 3 Optical power meter (1310 nm) of EXFO model number FOT-22A or equivalent  1 4 * Singlemode duplex fiber optic cable with SC/APC connectors 3m Calibration kit, including       Through (N-female to N-female)       Short (N-female)       50 ohm (N-female)
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   SETUP TESTS Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    19      This section explains the following test procedures: • Pre RF Test • Flatness Test • Gain/IP3 Test • Uplink Network Test  In order to carry out the tests, the following connections need to be made. (The tests can be performed on one service or several services simultaneously according to the implemented application).    Connect the Modular Base Units corresponding with the service optical output to the Modular Remote Cabinet’s optical input via fiber optic cable.  Connect power to all units being tested (20V-48V DC).   Use the relevant setup test for each Modular Base Unit to each Modular Remote Cabinet.    3.1. Pre RF Test To carry out the Pre RF Test, the following procedure needs to be carried out.  1. Make sure all DC LED’s are lit on both units. 2. Measure Tx optical output power for all lasers.  3. Output power should be 1.8-3.7dBm (with optical power meter). 4. On the Modular Remote Cabinet, make sure that the optical LED’s is lit on all services. 5. On the Modular Base Units, make sure the Rx optical LED’s are lit.
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 SETUP TESTS          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    20        3.2. Flatness Test To carry out the Flatness Test, the following procedure needs to be carried out.  1. Connect the Network Analyzer to the service designated Modular Base Unit. On the Network Analyzer, the Modular Base Unit (according to the service) connects to port 2 2. On the Network Analyzer, the Modular Remote Cabinet connects to port 1 (see Figure 10). 3. After calibrating the network, set Network Analyzer to:           Measure              S21          Format                Log Scale 1db/div  4. Apply with the required F1 and F2 should be according to Product Spec. 5. Measure the difference between the highest and the lowest signal point (which should be as specified in the data sheet).     Figure 10:  Network Analyzer Setup Test  ModuLiteBase Unit ModuLiteRemote UnitNetwork AnalyzerPort 2 Port 1RF In RF OutOpt Out Opt In20-48V 20-48V
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   SETUP TESTS Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    21      3.3. Gain/IP3 Test To carry out the Gain/IP3 Test, the following procedure needs to be carried out.  1. Set the 2 tone signal from the 2 signal generators. RF signals F1 and F2 should be according to Product Spec. 2. Combine the signals with ZAPD-21 combiner or equivalent. 3. Connect the 2-tone signal to the input of the base (see Figure 11). 4. Set Spectrum Analyzer to:  Video BW 10khz RBW  100khz Attenuation 20db Span 30Mhz Center freq.  Refer to Product Spec. Ref level 10dbm  5. Connect the RF cable from the Modular Remote Cabinet output to the Spectrum Analyzer. 6. Measure output Gain/IP3 from all test MRC’s downlink outputs. 7. IP3 is determined by:  IP3= power tone + (power tone – power IM3)/2.   ModuLiteRemote CabinetModuLiteBase UnitRF CombinerSG1SpectrumAnalyzerSG2 20-48V 20-48VRFIn OptOut OptIn RFOutDCInDCIn
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 SETUP TESTS          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    22        Figure 11: Spectrum Analyzer Setup Test  3.4. Uplink Network Test To carry out the Noise Floor test, the following procedure needs to be carried out.  1. Connect the Spectrum Analyzer to the designated Modular Base Unit uplink port. Connect 50ohm terminators to the MRC ports, and to all Modular Base Unit uplink ports except for the tested port (see Figure 12). 2. Extra amplification (25db) is applied between Modular Base Unit and Spectrum Analyzer in order to measure the noise floor. 3. Set Spectrum Analyzer to:  Video BW 300hz RBW    1khz Attenuation 0db Span 0hz Center freq. Refer to Product Spec. Ref level   -50dbm Marker noise   ON  4. The noise figure is formulated as:  -174 + Gsystem + noise floor    (On the MRC, all unused ports must be terminated with 50ohm load.)    Figure 12:  Uplink Network Test ModuLiteRemote CabinetModuLiteBase UnitSpectrumAnalyzer20-48V20-48VRF InOptOut OptInRFOutDCInDCInUplink12AMPRFOut
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    23      4. Installation The following sections describe the ModuLiteTM installation.  • General Installation. • Fiber Installation. • Hi Rise Installation. • Horizontal Layout Installation.   4.1. General Installation The ModuLite™ components need to be set up, followed by performance verification before installing the system. Foxcom Wireless suggests that a 19” rack-mountable Splice Tray be used at the Modular Base Unit to facilitate optical fiber splicing. In the rack, the Splice Tray is mounted above or below the Modular Base Unit (depending on direction of the incoming cables).  The MBU and MRC units should be installed in a communication room that provides access to authorized personnel only.  The units are maintenance free. In the event of failure, only authorized personnel should handle the units.  Set up procedures for the Modular Base Unit (MBU) and Modular Remote Cabinets (MRC) are for the following installations:  • High-rise installations. • Horizontal layout installation.   For both installations, setting up the Modular Base Unit and Modular Remote Cabinets consists of the following steps:   1. Determine antenna placement by system engineer: When an area needs RF cellular augmentation, a RF engineer needs to determine the type and the location for each antenna. The RF engineer should consider all relevant RF parameters (RF propagation models, isolation between antennas in accordance with the appropriate standard, and environmental conditions) as well as landlord limitations. 2. Determine the amount of antennas required. This number, in turn, determines the number of Modular Remote Cabinets to be used. The number of Modular Remote Cabinets has a direct influence on the type and the number of fibers to be installed. 3. Pull fiber optic cable and copper cables through building. Install fiber optic cable according to the optic design (see Figure 17) Prepare 10% to 15% more fibers than are actually required. In order to supply D.C power to the Modular Remote Cabinets remotely, copper cables need to be installed in parallel to the fiber optic cable (see Figure 17).
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    24        4. Install Modular Base Unit in 19” rack. The number of Modular Base Units depends on the number of Modular Remote Cabinets. Each Modular Base Unit is installed with four screws on the front panel  (two on each side) connecting to the 19” rack.  5. Install patch panel/splice tray cabinet with SC/APC adaptors in a 19” rack or wallmount near Modular Base Units. All fibers are installed in the patch panel, in which the backside is the fiber optic cable/cables coming from the remote side, and in the front side are SC/APC adaptors and SC/APC jumpers to the Modular Base Units.  6. The fiber contractor splices fiber cable to the SC/APC connectorized pigtails.  In the communication room the fiber contractor splices/connects the fiber optic cable/cables coming from the remote end with SC/APC connectorized pigtails inside the patch panel cabinet. The pigtails connector will be connected to the SC/APC adaptors on the patch panel (from the inside).  7. Connect SC/APC jumpers between SC/APC adaptors on the patch panel to the Modular Base Units. For every optic link (MBU--MRC) there are two fibers – one uplink and one downlink per service. 8. Connect BTS/RBS to Modular Base Units via ½” coax cable RG223 or similar with 50Ω impedance according the RF design (see paragraph optical and RF connections).  9. In the remote end connect pigtail/jumpers fibers from the splice box to each MRC. One splice box can support several MRC’s according to the optical design (normally three MRC’s).   10. Connect antennas to Modular Remote Cabinet via ½” or 3/8” or similar coax cable with 50Ω impedance and N-type male to male.  11. Connect power supply to Modular Base Unit and Modular Remote Cabinet (refer to power planning). Each Modular Base Unit will be connected with D.C. cables (+, -) directly to the planned power supply. The MRC’s will be connected to the D.C. cables through D.C. clamping coming from the communication room. 4.2. Environmental Data  Maximum ambient operating temperature:  50° C Maximum ambient temperature in a rack:    50° C
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    25      4.3. Configuration Restrictions  UPLINK                                                        DOWNLINK     Figure 13: PCS Frequency Allocation The following configuration restrictions apply: (Please refer to Figure 13 above.) • PCS operator operating on block A and the Paging operator must not reside on the same MRU. • PCS operator operating on block B and the SMR operator must not reside on the same MRU. • PCS operator operating on block A and B and the SMR and Paging operators must not reside on the same MRU. • The PCS band is divided into six blocks.  Blocks A, B, and C are 15 Mhz and blocks D, E, and F are 5 Mhz. Only two adjacent blocks can be used on the same MRU.  The adjacent blocks are:  A and D, B and E, and F and C.   4.4. Environmental Data  Maximum ambient operating temperature:  45° C Maximum ambient temperature in a rack:    45° C  A 15 MHz   D 5 MHz  B  15     MHz    E 5 MHz F 5 MHz  C 15 MHz     C 15      MHz   F 5 MHz E 5 MHz  B  15 MHz      D 5 MHz  A 15 MHz   1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    26         4.5. Protective Earthing See Figure 14 below, which describes how to connect the ground to the MRC. Connect the GND wire to the GND of the rack (for a rackmount) or to the GND of the building (for a wallmount).  SIDE VIEW TOOTH WASHERFLAT  WASHERHOUSING WALLWING NUTGND STANDOFFTERMINAL LUG GND WIRE 16 AWG Figure 14: ModuLite™ GND Standoff Assembly Sequence  4.6. Wallmount Installation (The following instructions apply to an installation on a concrete wall.  For any other type of wall, contact the manufacturer.) Please refer to Figure 15 and to Figure 16. 1. Attach the alignment template to the wall.  2. Using the template as a guide, drill seven holes for concrete anchors.  Insert seven concrete anchors (McMaster-Carr catalogue number 92403A200, or equivalent). The middle holes are designated for the mounting bracket. The other four holes are for the wallmount bracket. 3. Carefully and thoroughly fasten the anchors to the wall.
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    27      4. Remove the three screws from the anchors in the holes designated in Figure  15 for the mounting bracket. In the other four anchors loosen but do not remove the screws. 5. Using the screws removed from the mounting bracket anchors, attach the mounting bracket through the three holes. 6. Insert the mounting bracket attached to the rear of the MRC into the mounting bracket attached to the wall while maneuvering the four wallmount brackets into the four screws previously loosened but not removed.  Do not tighten these four screws so that the MRC can be removed without requiring any tools.                               Figure 15:  Wallmount Template Three holes for mounting bracket
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    28                         Figure 16:  Procedure for Mounting on a Wall  4.7. Rackmount Installation For a rackmount installation, attach the MRC to the rack using the rackmount brackets (see Figure 16).  The MRC should be hung in the lower section of the rack. Use 12 mm M6 screws.  The MRC requires a clearance of 10 cm above the unit.  If a heating source is installed beneath the MRC, a buffer must be placed between the MRC and the surface.  For MBU rackmount installation, see Figure 3. Use 12 mm M6 screws.Wallmount brackets – not necessary for rackmount installation Rackmount brackets–not necessary for wallmount installation
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    29       4.8. Fiber Installation  The following procedure describes the process for setting up fiber optic cable for the system (see Figure 17).  1. Pull fiber optic cable and DC cable through building structure   2. Install splice tray (when used) in 19” rack near Modular Base Unit.       Comparison: Coax complex vs. Fiber solution Patch Panels Splice trays Base 4 Units     Power
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    30         3. Near Modular Base Unit, install patch panel cabinet (SC/APC adaptors) for fiber optic cable connections. 4. Connect (3/125/900) pigtail with SC/APC connectors between splice tray and patch panel cabinet. 5. Connect (3/125/3000) SC/APC jumpers between the corresponding Modular Base Unit and patch panel. 6. Install splice box near MRC (refer to optic planning). 7. Connect fiber optic cable to splice box and (3/125/3000) pigtails to MRC.
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    31        Figure 17: Example - ModuLiteTM Installation (fiber and coax) ∼       Floor 9Floor 2MRC2-8 FibersFiber OpticCableFloor 72-8 FibersPatch panelSplice trayMBUPigTailJumpersSpliceboxMRCMRCMRC19" RackPower SupplyDCCableSpliceboxFloor 32
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    32        4.8.1. Fiber Optic Cable  Before connecting the cable, clean the inside adaptor of the ModuLite™ according to the following instructions:
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    33      Clean the connectors as follows:
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    34        To connect the cable: • Line Up the Polarity Key.   • Insert the connector.
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    35      4.8.2. ModuLite™ Installation Parts List  The following parts are needed for setting up the ModuLiteTM Base and Modular Remote Cabinets. A fiber contractor handles cable splicing in order to connect the units. The fiber contractor needs to use the parts list from Table 5 to arrange all equipment necessary for setting up and installing the ModuLiteTM.    Table 5: ModuLiteTM Installation Parts List  The following tables refer to a full configuration 32 floor building:  Equipment Description Quantity Comment Coax cable (per 1m) according to the technology (7-8dB loss for 100m in 1000MHz) Connect MRC to antenna.  As needed   Antenna  As planned   Optical cable (8*9) 72 fibers – singlemode fiber Optic cable for short distance & protected environments (tight buffer type). Total=500m   Patch panel 72 cabinet with SC/APC adaptors. Connect jumpers to base and pigtails to splice tray. 2   Splice box Connects optic cable from Cabinet and pigtails to MRC. 11 1 per 3 floors Splice tray Tray-1*50 connects cable optic and pigtails near Modular Base Unit. 4 In some cases in patch panel 9/125/3000 3m optical jumpers with SC/APC connector (simplex).      Connect patch panel to MBU. 256   9/125/900 5m Pigtail with SC/APC connectors (B) Connect patch panel and  splice tray. 344   9/125/3000 15m Pigtail with SC/APC connectors (R) Connect patch panel and  splice tray. 168   Electricity cables (per 1m) Delivers power to units. According to length.  Electricity ducts (per 1m) Ducts for moving cables though building. According  to length. If needed Coax connectors n-type Cable connectors As needed
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    36         Table 6: ModuLite™ Installation Labor List   Labor Description Quantity Comment Installing splice box + splicing fibers Installing the box and opening fibers at MRC. 11   Installing patch panel cabinet + splicing fibers Installation of the box and opening fibers at MBU. 256   Installing Foxcom Wireless equipment Installing Modular Base Units and  MRC’s. 36   Installing optic cable  (per 1m) Pull and install optic cable through building.    Installing coax cable antennas  Install cable antennas on each floor    Installing electricity ducts  (per 1m) Install cables through ducts in building.  If needed Installing electricity cables Install cables through ducts in building.    System checking and report. Trouble shooting and walk test.
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    37      4.9. High Rise Installation In a high-rise installation, all MBU’s are placed in the same location. The MBU’s are connected to the BTS/RBS (see BTS/RBS connection – page 44). An MRC can be located on every floor according to the RF design. The fiber optic cable runs from the MBU to every floor and terminates at the splice box located on every three floors of the building. Normally, every splice box connects three MBU’s. From the splice box, the fiber optic jumpers connect to the associated MRC. From each MRC, a coax cable delivers the signal to the antenna.    MRC MBU’s MBU¶s  Figure 18:  High Rise Installation
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    38        4.10. Horizontal Layout Installation In a horizontal layout installation, one fiber optic cable connects the MBU to every installed MRC. The fiber optic cable terminates at a splice box located near the MRC and from the splice box connects to the associated MRC.      MBU ACGHECELLSITEBASEUNITFIDBMRRCRMRMCCELLSITEBUABCDEFGIHMRMCMRC  Figure 19:  Horizontal Layout Installation  4.11. Wireless LAN Installation Two products are available in the Modulite 800 Series: Modulite 810 1 AP Modulite 840 1-4 Ap’s   Figure 20 shows the 810 module in the MRC:
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    39                4.11.1. System Configuration with Modulite 810   depicts the system configuration for Wireless LAN as part of the ModuLite™ product.  The Auxiliary Modle including power amplifier and power supply DC/DC that resides in the MRC cabinet.  The access point module is connected via a power amplifier that is used to increase the coverage area of the access point. The power amplifier is connected to the 4*4 hybrid combiner that sums the cellular services signals together with the Wireless LAN signal and then sends the signal to four antennas. See Figure 22  for connector points from the Auxiliary Modle.                       Figure 21:  802.11b Configuration Figure 20:  ModuLite™ MRC Interior with Auxiliary Modle Auxiliary Modle
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    40                              Figure 22:  Connector Points on the Auxiliary Modle  Power Output: Can be used to power the WizLan “RF in” Connection  to the Access Point “RF out” Connection  to the 4*4 hybrid
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    41      4.11.2. System configuration with 840 The Modulite 840 supports 1- 4 AP¶s and is used when there is a request to support increased capacity in the same location. The following drawing describes the system configuration.                   Figure 23 - system configuration with Modulite 840  The MRC antenna ports are connected to the 840 Cellular ports and are combined with the AP WLAN signal of the AP and the Modulite 810. The Modulite 810 is an optional module. The combined signal WLAN (from the AP’s and the Modulite 810) and the Cellular/PCS signal from the MRC are combined together and distributed to 4 antennas. The following table describes the configuration when a different number 1-4 AP are connected to the 840. MRC ModuliteAPcisco ModuliteoptionalAPcisco ModuliteoptionalAPcisco ModuliteoptionalAPcisco ModuliteoptionalANT ANT ANT ANT AntennaAntennaAntennaAntenna
ModuLite Installation Guide                                                 INSTALLATION          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    42         # of Access Points Access point designator Connected to Antenna 1 AP 1 1,2,3,4 2 AP1 1,2  AP2 3,4 3 AP1 1,2  AP2 3  AP3 4 4 AP1 1  AP2 2  AP3 3  AP4 4  Indoor Wide band Antennas Combining the Cellular and the WLAN services requires using wide band antennas. Attached are the recommended antennas tested and approved by Foxcom Wireless. Vendor Catalog number Gain [dBi] Mars Antennas MA-CM36-15 2 low band 3-4 high band 5 WLAN 802.11b Celwave A08818DC00-28T0 2.1 Antenna ASP-3561 2
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                                   INSTALLATION Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    43       4.11.3. Connecting to the Ethernet Line  The connection to the Ethernet line can be accomplished in two different ways:  1. Via local connection, or 2. Concentrated remote location.  The local connection can be made by connecting each MRC located at each floor (in a typical configuration) to the nearest Ethernet line on the same floor. The RJ45 should be connected by cable to the nearest Ethernet line.  The advantage in this configuration is that one can save on fiber installation that runs from each floor to a central location to be connected to the Ethernet.  The remote connection can be accomplished by using two WizLans (see next page). These two components are used to convert Ethernet to a fiber optic signal and vice versa.  The Ethernet signal will be converted to fiber optic signal in the amplifier module and sent via the fiber optic cables to the second converter located next to the remote Ethernet connection (located in the communication room of the building).  The following steps should be used to connecting the access point to the Ethernet:  1. The Ethernet to fiber optic converter can be mounted on the wall. Use two screws to connect the WizLAN (Ethernet to fiber optic converted) to the wall.  2. Connect the fiber optic cables to the WizLAN. 3. Connect the WizLAN to the power adapter. (AC to 5 VDC power supply.) 4. Connect the Ethernet link to the WizLAN.                                                 Figure 24:  WizLAN Converter TxPowerTo Ethernet  Rx
ModuLite Installation Guide                   OPTICAL AND RF CONNECTIONS Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    44        5. Optical and RF Connections The following sections describe the ModuLite™ optical and RF connections.  • MBU- Modular Base Unit • MRC- Modular Remote Cabinet  5.1. Modular Base Unit (MBU) The MBU can be considered as main Hub connected to each specific service. There are two set-up options for the MBU:  • BTS/RBS with one port • BTS/RBS with two ports
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                         OPTICAL AND RF CONNECTIONS Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    45      5.1.1. BTS/RBS with one port  1. BTS/RBS must be connected to a duplexer (standard), via 50Ω (RG223) coax cable. 2. The downlink port is connected through attenuators to the designated input of the Modular Base Unit, according to the service and required input power. 3. When more than one ModuLite™ Base 4 Unit is used to the same service, splitters are required to connect to the other Modular Base Unit inputs from the same service. 4. The uplink from the Modular Base Unit will only combine the required ports and connected to the duplexer uplink port via 50Ω (RF 223) coax cable. 5. Connect the fiber optic cables from the Modular Base Unit to the MRC’s through the patch panel cabinet. 6. Connect the power supply to the units locally or remote, according to power design planning.  Note All Coax cables are male-to-male 50Ω.              Interface Box Figure 25: Example: One port BTS/RBS connected to 1 MBU 4 ports                                    Interface Box BTS2wayModuLiteBase 8 UnitDuplexerAttenuator2wayBTSModuLiteBase 4 UnitDuplexerAttenuator
ModuLite Installation Guide                   OPTICAL AND RF CONNECTIONS Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    46        Figure 26: Example - One port BTS/RBS connected to 1 MBU 8 ports  5.1.2. BTS/RBS with two ports  1. The BTS/RBS downlink port should be connected via a 50Ω (RG223) coax cable to the corresponding Modular Base Unit input via an attenuator. 2. The downlink coax cable coming from the BTS/RBS should be split using splitters to all Modular Base Unit input ports (split according to need). 3. The input power for each Modular Base Unit should be calculated to meet the product specifications according to each service. 4. For the uplink, only necessary ports will be combined and connected to the BTS/RBS uplink port with suitable combiner. All unused ports should be terminated with 50Ω load.  Note All cables are coax jumpers  (male to male 50Ω ).                          Interface Box  Figure 27:  Example - Two port BTS/RBS connected to 1 MBU 4 ports                               Interface Box  AttenuatorModuLiteBase 4 UnitBTSBTS2wayModuLiteBase 8 UnitAttenuator2way
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                         OPTICAL AND RF CONNECTIONS Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    47      Figure 28: Example- Two port BTS/RBS connected to 1MBU 8 ports   5.2. Modular Remote Cabinet (MRC)  1. For the downlink, connect the fiber optic cable pigtails from splice box coming from the Modular Base Unit port to the corresponding Modular Remote Cabinet port (according to the service). 2. Connect the Modular Remote Cabinet to antennas according to the RF engineers design using ½” or 3/8” coax cable. (Up to four antennas per MRC). 3. For the uplink, connect the fiber optic cable pigtails from splice box from the Modular Remote Cabinet to the uplink port that connects to the Modular Base Unit corresponding to the same service. 4. Connect the power supply to each MRC according to power design planning.
ModuLite Installation Guide                                    ALARM MONITORING           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    48        6. Alarm Monitoring The Modular Base Unit has a 25 pin D-type connector that is connected to 4 dry contact relays (MB4U). Each of the relays indicates the status of the link between the MBU and one of the MRC’s. This capability provides the status of the optical communications for each service. The relay connections on the 25pin D-type connector can be connected directly to the BTS alarm relays and can be monitored from the remote end.  In order to transmit the ModuLite™ system as a “major alarm”, all dry contact pins need to be connected in a serial (cascade) formation, for Normally Closed alarm. All dry contacts need to be connected in parallel formation, for Normally Open alarm.   Note  For further information contact Foxcom Wireless Table 7: 25 Pin Alarm Pinouts Pin Type of Alarm Port 1 Dry Contact 4 1 2 Dry Contact 4 2 3 Open Collector 4 4 Dry Contact 1 1 5 Dry Contact 1 2 6 Open Collector 1 7 Dry Contact 2 1 8 Dry Contact 2 2 9 Open Collector 2 10 Dry Contact 3 1 11 Dry Contact 3 2 12 Open Collector  3 13 Dry Contact 8 1 14 Dry Contact 8 2 15 Open Collector 8 16 Dry Contact 5 1 17 Dry Contact 5 2 18 Open Collector 5 19 Dry Contact 6 1 20 Dry Contact 6 2 21 Open Collector 6 22 Dry Contact 7 1 23 Dry Contact 7 2 24 Open Collector 7 25 - -
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                        POWER SUPPLY FOR MODULITE™ Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    49      7. Power Supply for ModuLite™ The power supplies to drive the ModuLite™ can be purchased from Foxcom Wireless. The power supplies will be installed into a rack or mounted on a wall and will provide power for both the Modular Base Units and Modular Remote Cabinets.   The example below (Figure  29) depicts a ModuLite™ system consisting of CDMA800, GSM1800, and GSM Dual Band, with 500W/ 48VDC AC/DC converters providing power for a total of 1.5A per unit.   Between the AC/DC converters and the units, a circuit breaker (maximum 10A) must be installed, either in the AC/DC converter or nearby.   Figure 29: Example - DC Power Supply in High Rise Installation  AC/DC2AC/DC3AC/DC6MRC 32AC/DC1MBU 1 MBU 448VDC 48VDC 48VDC 48VDCBASESTATION2.5mm2110/220VAC 110/220VAC 110/220VAC 110/220VACMRC 26MRC 13MRC 7MRC 6MRC 116mm22.5mm22.5mm216mm22.5mm216mm2ClampingConnectorFuse Fuse Fuse Fuse10A10A10A 10A
ModuLite Installation Guide                  POWER SUPPLY FOR MODULITE™          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    50         The power supply that drives the ModuLite™ system can be purchased from Foxcom Wireless. Four power supply options are available.   7.1. Option One (Remote Power) In this option the MBU is connected to the power supply via electrical cables. In order to power the MRC from the power supply, two copper electrical wires running through the building (separately from the fiber optic cables) supply power to each MRC in parallel. For this configuration, electrical power calculations need to be made. This option is shown in Figure 29.  7.2. Option Two  (Local Powering) In this option the power supply type is a standalone configuration. Power for both the MBU and MRC’s will be supplied separately. In this configuration each unit will be co-located with a power supply. This will not require running long electrical cables.   7.3. Option Three  (Built-In Powering) In this option the power supply type for the MRC’s is A.C. Each MRC will come with a built-in power supply source.  To power the MBU’s, local D.C. power will be used. This will not require running long electrical cables. Table 8: Power Supply Options     Note For further information refer to Foxcom Wireless Power Supply manual and Power Supply Planning Rules. Materials Model Local power supply LPS-150-N-2A Remote power supply (no redundancy) RPS-200-N-48 Remote power supply (fully redundant) RPS-150-R-48 Remote power supply (fully redundant) RPS-500-R-48 Remote power supply (fully redundant) RPS-1000-R-48
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    51      8. Optical Test Procedure This section describes the methods applied to test fiber optic cable’s optical insertion loss and return loss.  8.1. Fiber Optic Cable Test Due to the extended distances that analog signal transmissions travel on cable, the major challenge is to determine the status of the cable.  In order to determine that the cables are functioning, technical personnel need to perform optical power tests.  The optical power tests covered in this document are:  • Optical insertion loss measurement test • Optical return loss measurement test  In order to explain the testing procedures, the terms related to these tests need to be explained.  8.2. Fiber Optic Cable – Terms   Fiber optic cable is produced in a variety of formats with different characteristics. The following terms define the various aspects of fiber optic cable:  • Fiber optic cable Jacket Buffer Fiber  • Optical fiber Core  Clad  Singlemode Multimode  • Fiber optic connection Splice Fusion
ModuLite Installation Guide                          OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    52        Mechanical Connector  • Bending Loss Minimum bending radius  • Coupler  8.2.1. Optical Fiber  Fiber optic cable is described by the amount of fibers contained within.   The cable described by the following terms:  • Glass • Buffer • Jacket  GLASS Glass is the middle fiber in the cable. The data sent over the cable travels through the glass.  BUFFER The buffer is the plastic coating that covers the fiber optic cable. The buffer protects the glass from moisture and other damage.  JACKET The jacket covers the buffer, providing greater protection to the glass.  The fiber consists of:  • Core • Clad  The central part of a fiber is known as the core, and the material surrounding the core is known as the clad. The clad has a lower index of refraction than the core, allowing light to be completely reflected off the surface between the core and the clad. As a result, propagated light remains entirely within the core. The cross-section of the cable is expressed as the core diameter
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    53      followed by the clad diameter. For example, a 9/125 fiber has a core diameter of 9µm and a clad diameter of 125µm. coreclad {{{clad Figure 30: Fiber Optic Cable Structure   The cables are available in two different modes, each with different propagation properties:   Property Core Clad Attenuation Singlemode 9 µm  125 µm .38 dB/Km Multimode 50 µm  125 µm 1 dB/Km Multimode 62.5 µm  125 µm    (For illustration only)  Figure 31: Singlemode - Multimode Fibers  9µm 125µm λ19 125Singlemodefiberλ150 125Multimode fiberλ2λ3@1310nm
ModuLite Installation Guide                          OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    54        8.2.2. Connecting Fiber Optic Cable   The following are needed in order to carry out a fiber optic connection:  • Splice • Connector  SPLICE A splice consists of cutting the fiber optic cable across the cable’s diameter and combining the opening with another fiber optic cable.   A splice can be carried out in the following methods:  Fusion – following the splice, the cables are warmed and the two fiber optic cables are melted together. Mechanical – following the splice, a hard connection is made between the two fiber optic cables.  CONNECTOR In order to add or connect additional fiber optic cable, a connector is used to make the connection. There are several types of connectors:  • FC/PC • SC/PC • SC/APC (used by ModuLite™)   8.2.3. Fiber Optic Cable Bending Loss  When the cable has bends or interior irregularities, then the optical signal becomes weaker, known as Bending Loss. The sharper the bend, the higher the loss. Such losses increase the cable’s attenuation.   Note When installing fiber optic cable, the minimum bending radius needs to be noted in order to prevent excessive bending of the cable, causing additional loss.  8.2.4. Coupler
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    55      Light from the cable can be split or combined, using a  Coupler. Couplers split light with minimal loss, from one to two fibers or combine light from two fibers into a single fiber.  8.3. Foxcom Wireless System Characteristics The ModuLite™ system consists of the following characteristics:  • Singlemode fiber • Wavelength 1310nm • Fiber Optic Cable Measurement Tests  Cable can be measured through several procedures. This document describes the following tests:  • Optical insertion loss measurement test • Optical return loss measurement test  These tests are intended to be performed by technical personnel that deal with Foxcom Wireless systems.  Other equipment can be used to perform these tests, however the results have to be the same as will appear in the fiber optic cable test results table (Table 9) at the end of this document.  The insertion loss measurement determines whether the optical signal power traveling the cable length is strong enough to be received by the photo diode, in the receiver. Following the completion of the insertion loss test, the return loss test determines the optical signal power that returns to the laser. The return power affects the laser, changing the laser’s base current.   8.3.1. Test Equipment   In order to perform these tests, the following equipment is necessary:  • Light source (for wavelength 1310nm , 0dbm) • Optical power meter • Optical coupler (hosed and connectorized) • Fiber optic jumper • Adapter parts for the cable connectors  For information about equipment suppliers, contact Foxcom Wireless.
ModuLite Installation Guide                          OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    56        8.4. Optical Insertion Loss Measurement Test The optical insertion loss measurement tests the attenuation of the cable. The insertion loss’ value should be minimal and remain in scale to 0.4dB/Km.  The insertion loss measurement can be performed in two methods:  q Two point test q Single point test  8.4.1. Method #1: Two Point Test  Connection description: Light source connected at one end of the cable and an optical power meter at the other end.   Figure 32: Two Point Test   1.  Connect light source directly to the optical power meter. 2.  Measure light source signal power, verifying power of 0dBm. 3.  Connect light source to cable end. 4.  Connect optical power meter to cable at other end. 5.  Measure light source signal power using the optical power meter. 6.  Calculate the difference between two signals (dB):    (Insertion loss)dB = (Light source signal at one end)dBm – (Measured signal at other end)dBm LightsourceOpticalpowermeter
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    57      8.4.2. Method #2: Single Point Test  Connection description: This method assumes that there are two parallel fibers on the path to be tested. Connect fiber jumper at end of the cable being tested to another parallel cable. Connect the light source, optical power meter and optical jumper as shown in Figure  33. This measurement can test two cables simultaneously.   Figure 33: Single Point Test   1.  Use optic jumper to connect the two cables. 2.  Connect light source directly to the optical power meter. 3.  Measure the power of light source signal , verify power of 0dBm. 4.  Connect a light source and optical power meter to one end of each cable. 5.  Measure the power of the signal. 6.  Calculate the difference between the two signals in dB:    8.4.3. Other Test Equipment   The optical insertion loss measurement test can be performed with more sophisticated measurement equipment.  For information on other types of test equipment contact Foxcom Wireless.   (Insertion loss)dB =(Light source signal)dBm– (Measure signal)dBm LightsourceOpticalpowermeterConnectorFiber optic jumper
ModuLite Installation Guide                          OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE           Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    58        8.5. Optical Return Loss Measurement Test Connection description: Connect a light source and optical power to the inputs. If the coupler has one output, connect the tested cable to this output. If the coupler has two outputs make a pigtail at the second output.   Figure 34: Optical Return Loss Measurement   8.5.1. Measurement Procedure  Measuring Power Input To Cable Being Tested • Verify that light source power is at 0dBm. • Connect a light source to connector #1.  • Connect optical power meter to connector #3. • Measure signal power (P3), power should be approximately –4dBm. Measuring Coupler Power Loss • Move power meter from connector #3 to connector #2. • Move light source from connector #1 to connector #3. • Measure power loss of coupler (Lc). Measuring Return Power To measure return power: • Move light source from connector #3 to connector #1. LightsourceOpticalpowermeterIN         OUT(pigtail)Cable Being Tested2134"Optical Terminator"Optical Coupler
ModuLite™ Installation Guide                                OPTICAL TEST PROCEDURE Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    59      • Connect cable being tested to output connector #3. • If coupler has two outputs, then make a pigtail at second output. • If cable is longer than 100 meter, then cable needs to be isolated.  To isolate cable:  • Find place near test point where winding the cable into a pigtail is possible.  • Make pigtail.  • If cable is shorter than 100 meter, then verify that cable is disconnected at end. • Measure the return light power (P2), connector #2.  Calculating Return Loss Calculate the difference between the signals in dB.  (Return loss)dB =  (P2)dBm – (P3)dBm + (Lc)dB   8.6. Results  The following table is to be filled in by technical personnel testing the fiber optic cables.  Table 9:  Fiber Optic Cable Test Results Test Measurement Pass Range Pass/Fail Optical insertion loss    <0.5 dB/Km   Optical return loss    < -50 dB    8.7. Summary If the fiber fails in the optical insertion loss or optical return loss tests, then the connector needs to be cleaned. Connector cleaning is carried out according to a standard cleaning procedure. Following cleaning, the fiber needs to be tested again. If the failure continues in the fiber following cleaning, then the technical personnel need to refer to the fiber optic cable manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide.  If the fiber passes the optical insertion loss and optical return loss tests, then the tested fiber optic cable is considered suitable for use with Foxcom Wireless equipment.
ModuLite Installation Guide                                               FINAL TEST   Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    60        9. Final Test The following checklist should be consulted when reviewing the system’s setup:  • Check power supplies. • Check that all LED’s are lit. • Carry out Walk Test, checking all antenna locations, and checking the RSSI power levels at those locations.  9.1. Modular Base Unit and Modular Remote Cabinet Connections When the ModuLiteTM is being installed the LED’s on the units can verify that the optical fibers are performing correctly, and that proper connections have been made. Foxcom Wireless recommends checking the status of all connections in the ModuLiteTM system in order to make sure that the installation was carried out correctly. Verification is done by checking the LED’s on the Modular Base Unit and Modular Remote Cabinets. See Table 10 for an explanation of the possible optical LED performance status and how to deal with problems.  Note When the MRC not receiving light signal from Modular Base Unit, power to laser is disconnected.
ModuLite™ Installation Guide          MAINTENANCE / MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    61      10. Maintenance / Mechanical Adjustment • No maintenance required. • No fine tuning required.  11. Troubleshooting The following table should be consulted to verify proper operations of all optical connections.  Table 10: Optical LED States Optical Out Optical In  Modular Base Unit  Laser Modular Base Unit Link MRC State Reasons  Troubleshooting + + + Both units performing.    + - + Modular Base Unit sending light and Modular Base Unit not receiving signal from MRC. 1. Defective fiber connection from MRC to Modular Base Unit. 1. Check connection from MRC to Base. Check fiber for break or crimp test.         2. Failure in MRC. 2. Contact Customer Service at Foxcom Wireless. + - - MRC not receiving signal from Modular Base Unit. Defective fiber connection from Modular Base Unit to MRC. Check connections To MRC.  Switch the cable connections, to make sure connected properly. - - - System not active. Power not reaching any unit. Check power connections. If LED’s on, then LED’S have failed at the Modular Base Unit. +  Optical connection performing correctly (Optical LED lit). -   Optical connection not performing correctly (Optical LED not lit).
ModuLite Installation Guide                          Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 y                                    62                     Intentionally Left Blank
ModuLite™ Installation Guide          APPENDIX A:  LINK MEASUREMENTS FORM Foxcom Wireless Confidential and Proprietary Information            Document No. 43-93-005-05 X1                                    63      Appendix A:  Link Measurements Form To smoothly carry out link measurements, use the table that appears below. All relevant parameters are listed. This table aids system evaluation and provides necessary feedback to Foxcom Wireless.   The following issues should be taken into account: • Measure the optical power for every link with an optical meter and light source, according to the number of links or MRC’s. • Measure the typical signal strength (RSSI) for every installed antenna. • Check coax cable connection between MRC and every installed antenna.     Table 11: Link Measurement Table  System Link Power Meter (mW) RSSI (dBm)  Coax Cable (OK/Fail)    Ant1 Ant2 Ant3 Ant4 Ant1 Ant2 Ant3 Ant4 MRC1           MRC2           MRC3           MRC4           •            •            •            •            •            •             Return this form to Foxcom Wireless (fax: 972-8-918-3844).

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