Craftsman 113213151 User Manual 15 FLOOR DRILL PRESS Manuals And Guides L0804024
CRAFTSMAN Drill Press Manual L0804024 CRAFTSMAN Drill Press Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Drill Press installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 113213151 113213151 CRAFTSMAN 15 FLOOR DRILL PRESS - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN 15 FLOOR DRILL PRESS #113213151. Home:Tool Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman 15 FLOOR DRILL PRESS Manual
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Save ThisManuam _'_ For FutureReference MODEL NO. 113.213151 DRmLLPRESS WiTH MAXIMUM DEVELOPED 1 HP MOTOR Serial Number Model and serial number may be found at the rear of the head. You should record both model and serial number in a safe place for future use, MOTORIZED FOR YOU SAFETY: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY ® assembJy ® operating e repair parts Sold by SEARS, ROEBUCK AND COo_ Chicago_ Part No, SP5643 _L606_ U.S.A. GENERAL t, KNOW YOUR R_a<_ atd SAFETY iNSTRUCTiONS POWER TOOL ur_de_st_rx, _ file tw_er,% r_anuat _uxi iabeis affixed to the _ooI. Learn ,ts appi_cabor_ and hm_tatfo_s as w,_Has the spec&c poter_tai hazar(js pecuha_ to th,_stoo_ 2. GROUND ALL TOOLS [_'_ _X_ _S @u_,;iDDed (:ors-:ar_ w£h ?_rl ; _DDrewed {_-c Dnd Z871) a! aF t_H_es 8ve, yx!ay eyegh:!_sses a,e not safety glasses P:ey oniy have mpact resistant encq.s Aiso use face o_ dust mask ff cutting oper abon _s dusty and ear ;;_;)t,;ttots (plugs or ¢,Aufis} cunng ex_encted periods or ope_at:o;s 13. SECURE WORK _C_Of L!Sf t4 _r_ wor_ln_ af3d o_(_el tQ al_qnmen! 4. REMOVE ADJUSTING FoH'r_ a h_;_t_t adiushng '_urf!ff'lQ KEYS (_t checklnq wrench_< _c_ju,_ffr11(_r3] ;_[](i AND WRENCHES 10 _t'e are removed th_ _. k_:!_'s from _rt_l too_ before _t Ot*i 5, KEEP WORK AREA CLEAN CkJ|tered ;_[_3as atwl t)ertchet_ m_st t:,_ _.dlppery gue not 6, AVOID DANGEROUS DeW[ [)r(_De[ Neve Ugh: power tools irlvlte I_o w_x accldeflt_, or F/col saw(_ust ENVIRONMENT _n damp nr wet _ocattor'_s o{ exI:K_s;eth_',m to ram. Keep work area we!l hqhled Provide adequate surrour_dmg work space} 7. KEEP CHIfLOREN AWAY A}I v_S_tors should be k_pl a ;;a_e dista_c_:, from work area 8, _AKE WORKSHOP CHILD-PROOF W_th padlocks, master sw_tches by remowng star. _er keys Or Slortng tOOlS where ch4dren can't get them 9. DON'T FORCE TOOL it wilI do the _ob better and safer at me rate for wR_cn _t wa_ designed 10. USE RIGHTTOOL Don't force too_s or attachm.ent to do a leo _ was not deslgnea fon 11. WEAR PROPER APPAREL Do no_ wear loose CtOth_ng g ioves necKhes or lewe_ry ,nngs. wnst watches_ to get caught tn rnov. _g parts NONSLIP footwear _s recommended Wear protectwe hair covering to con[am _ong hatr Roti long sleeves peeve the elbow 12, USE SAFETY GOGGLES (HEAD PROTECTION) Wear safety goggles [must compty w_tn ANSI o_rT,,DS '_ fie( u,,3_prona grouP, ping w_)e :)_ua "- l_, rr,r_ duCto _ _ 1R_' cord _< the {]roi._n(rlrtg w_rt: connect the q_,_,_,nw_re tda lwr, _emn_na! 3. KEEP GUARDS tN PLACE FOR POWER TOOLS nov Or a VIS© PC DO/C _ ,%,{-!r_, W_!(_n hands tC oDe-a[( _tac_(:a . [o(; DON'T OVERREACH I'_'_'_b_ OtgDer tO()_r_q aqc oah:ince al ai! t_mt)s 15. MAINTAIN TOOLS WITH CARE _eeD too_s snaq:_ an,(_ c_:an for best and safes.; ;;eqormanc( Follow mstru(;t_or_s for _ubncatmg and cr,,angir}g accessones 16, DISCONNECT TOOLS Before serwcmq wber chanqmg accessories such a_ Modes [)_fs c_dtf_,rs etc 17. AVOID ACCIDENTAL STARTING Make sure sw_tcn ,_ m -OF:I:: cos€on before pJug* grog m 18. USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES Consun the owner_ manual for recommended accessones Follow the _nstruct}ons that accompany the accessones ]he use of ,<[)roPer accessories may cause hazards 19. NEVER STAND ON TOOL OR ITS STAND Serious _njury could occur if the too_ is tipped Or _f the cuthng tool _s acc_den_a_ y contacted. Do not store matenals above or near me too! such that it _s necessary to stand on the _oo_ or its stand to _each them. 20. CHECK DAMAGED PARTS Before furthe_ use of the [oo_ a guard or other part that _s damageo should De carefully checked to ensure that _twdl e_>erate DroDeny and perform its re[ended function Check for alignment of moving parrs Dmd_n9 or mowng parrs, breakage of parts. rnoun[_ng, aria any other COnditions that may affect its operation. A guara or other part that is damaged should oe oroDerly reoaired o_ reoiaoed. 21. DIRECTION OF FEED Feed work into a blade or cutter against the d_rect_on of rotation of the blade or cutter only. 22. NEVER LEAVETOOL RUNNING UNATTENDED Turn power off. Don't leave tool until it comes to a complete stop. additional safety instructions for drim presses c o WARNING: For your own safety, do not use your I drill press unti] it is completely assembled and installed according to the instructions ° . , and _i unti_ you have read and understood the follow- I ] ing: 1. General Safety 2. Getting to Know 3. Basic Drill 4. Adjustments 5. Maintenance instructions Press Your Drill Operation for Power Press Too_s, 2 ........ ............. 17 b c. To avoid injury from parts thrown by the spring follow instRJctions exactly as given and shown in adjusting spring tension of quiti. d 23 .......................... .......................... 25 26 If the workpiece is too iarge to easily support with one hand_ provide an a_xiiary support. 7, Location Use the dril press in a wei lit area and on a ieve; surface cfean and smooth enough to reduce the risk of trips, slips, or falls Use it where neither the eperator nor a casuat observer is forced to stand in line with a potent af kickback 8. Kickback Kickb_ck i._;the grabbing of the workpiece by the rotating tooi, The workp_ece can be thrown at very high speed in tI_e d rection of rotation. THIS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS tNJURY To reduce the possibility of injury from kickback. firmly to the table whenever Buffing or sanding wheeis or drums should be contacted on the side moving away from you, not the side moving toward you. Use oniy recommended the instructions supplied 9. Protection: accessories and follow with the accessory. Guard for driihng information: for accesseries, refer to the instructions provided wilh the accessories Eyes, Hands, Face, Ears and Body WARNING: To avoid being pulled ning too] 1, Do NOT wear: - g_oves - necktie - loose clothing - jewetry 2. DO tie back tong hair into the spin- If any part of your drill p_ess is missing malfunctioning, has been damaged or broken .... such as the motor switch, or other operating centre!, a safety device or the power cord . . . cease operating immediateiv until the particular pa_t is properly repaired or _epiaced. [0 preverit the workpiece from being tom flora your hands, spinning of the tooi, shat tering the tooi or being thrown, always properly support your work so it won't shift or b;nd or_ the tool: ..-.- Always posit_on BACKUP MATERIAL use beneath the workpiece} to cortact the eft side of _he ce_umn -- Whenever possible, position the WORKPIECE to contac! lhe ieft side of the c,_:_lufnn if it iS tOO short or the tabe _s t_/ted claret:) soiidiy I(:)the table Use tabe slots or (s/amp ng ledge around the o_ts de edge of the table .... When us_ngadriilpressViCE awaysfasten _[ to the tabie. ..... Neve_ do any work "FREEHAND" (handilo}d_ng workp_ece rather tf-'a_ suppo_ti_g t on the tab e). except when poiishi_g - Secu_e!y lock ;'-lead ar)d Support to Co!utah. J-able Arrn tO support, and Table to "[abe Arm before operating driiI press. -- Never move the Head or Table whJle the too} is running. -_- Before starting the operation, jog the moto_ switch tO make sure the dritl or other cutting tool does not wobbie or cause vibration •_-. If a workpieee overhangs !he _ab!e such that it wili fali or tip if not hefd clamp it to the tab]e or provide auxiliary supper1 --o Use fixtu{es for uNusuai operations to adequately hofd, guide and position workp_ece. -_ Use the SPINDLE SPEED recommended for the specific operation and workpiece material--check the iabei inside the Belt 6. Stability of Dri_l Press If there is any tendency of the dril] press to tilt or move during any use, boit it to the floor or a fiat piece of !i_" exterior p_ywood _arge enough to stabilize the drill press Bolt the plywood to the underside of the Base. so 4t extends at least to both sides Make sure the plywood won't trip the operater. Do not use pressed wood panels-they can break unexpectediy. Clamp the workpiece possible. Never p_ace your fingers in a position where they could contact the drill or other c_ttir_g tooi if the workpiece should unexpectedly shift or your hand sho_id slip e. Never climb on the drill press Table it couid break or put! the entire drili press down ors, you f Turn the motor Switch Off and put away Switch Key when !eaving the dril press. g to avoid injury from thrown work o_ tool con.tact do NOT perform _ayout assembly, or setup work on the table wh]e the c_xtt_ng tooi is rotating. the /( i ¸¸ i!i!i!iii iiiii iii:i i!iiiiil) !i i ii Iii!iiii ii)ii !iii ! :i !ii i , i :ili: !ililiiii i ! i : iiii i ii i: 10i Use °nly accessories designed for this drill Press to avoid se!ious injury from thrown bro; pa_s or work pieces. cutting large dlameter holes: the workpiece iirmly to the tablel Otherwise the cutter may grab and spin it at high speed. Use : only one piece, Cup-type, hole cutters. DO NOT use fly cutters or multi-part hole cutters as they can come apart or become unbalanced in use. Keep speed below 1,500 RPM. b. Drum sanders must NEVER be operated on this drill press at a speed greater than 1800 RPM. c. Do not install or use any drill that exceeds 7" in length or extends 6" below the chuck jaws, They can suddenly bend outward or break. d, Do not use wire wheels, router bits, shaper cutters, circle (fly) cutters or rotary planers on this drill press. 11_ Note and Follow the Safety Warnings and instructions that Appear on the Panel on the Right Side of the Head: 121 This Drill Press has 12 speeds as listed below: 250 RPM 990 RPM 340 RPM i 550 RPM 390 RPM 1620 RPM 510RPM 600 RPM 650 RPM See inside of belt guard for specific placement of belt on pulleys. 13. Think Safety. Safety is a combination of operator common sense and alertness at all times when the drill press is being used. WARNING: Do not allow familiarity (gained from] frequent use of your drill press) to become com- I monplace. Always remember that a carelessJ fraction of a second is sufficient to inflict severe I injury, j The operations of any power tool can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety goggles comply with ANSI Z87.t (shown on Package) before commencing power tool operation. Safety Goggles are available at Sears retail stores. WEAR YOUR i " _WARNING 1900RPM 2620 RPM 3100 RPM gmessary of terms 1. Workpiece The item on which the cutting operations is being performed. 2. Drill The cutting tool used in the drill press to make holes in a workpiece, 4. Revolution Per Minute (R.P.M.) The number of turns completed by a spinning object in one minute. 5, Spindle Speed The RPM of the spindle, _E 3. Backup Material A piece of wood placed between the workpiece and table .... it prevents wood in the workpiece from splintering when the drill passes through the backside of the workpiece .... also prevents drilling into the table top. table of contents Page Page General Safety Instructions for Power Tools ...... Additional Safety Instructions for Drill Presses .... Glossary of Terms .......................... Table of Contents ........................... Motor Specifications and Electrical Requirements .............................. Unpacking and Checking Contents ............. Table of Loose Parts ........................ Location and Function of Controls .............. Assembly ................................ Assembly of Column and Table Hardware... Installing the Table ..................... Installing the Head ..................... Mounting Motor ........................ Installing Motor Pulley ................... Tensioning Belt ........................ Installing Belt Guard Knob ............... Motor Connections ..................... Installing Feed Handles ................. Installing the Chuck ..................... Installing Light Bulb ..................... 2 3 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 16 Adjusting the Table Square to Head ....... Bevel Scale ........................... Getting to Know Your Drill Press .............. On-Off Switch ......................... Drilling to a Specific Depth ............... Locking Chuck Desired Depth ............ Removing Chuck and Arbor .............. Re-Installing the Chuck and Arbor ......... Basic Drill Press Operation .................. Installing Drills ......................... Positioning Table and Workpiece .......... Tilting Table ........................... Hole Location ......................... Feeding .............................. Adjustments .............................. Quill Return Spring ..................... Maintenance .............................. Lubrication ............................... Recommended Accessories .................. Trouble Shooting .......................... Repair Parts .............................. 16 16 17 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 and motor specifications o emectricamrequirements pE nCAT O. s Th!s powe_ too! is equipped with a 3-conductor cord and grounding type plug, approved by Underwriters' Laboratories and the Canadian Standards Association. The ground conductor has a green jacket and is attached to the toot housing at one end and to the ground prong in the attachment plug at the other end. This drill press is designed to use a 1725 RPM motor only, Do not use any motor that runs faster than 1725 RPM It is wired for operation on 110-120 volts. 60 Hz. alteinat ng current. WARNING: To avoid injury from unexpected startup, do not use blower or washing machine I motors or any motor with an automatic reset I overload protector. I CONNECTING TO POWER SOURCE OUTLET This machine must be grounded while in use to protect the operator from electric shock. This plug requires a mating 3-conductor grounded type outlet as shown, if the outlet you are planning to use for this power tool is of the two prong type, DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER THE GROUNDING PRONG IN ANY MANNER. Use an adapter as shown and always connect the grounding lug to known ground. It is recommended that you have a qualified electrician replace the TWO prong outlet with a properly grounded THREE prong outlet. Plug power cord into a 110-120V properly grounded type outlet protected by a 15-amp. dual element time delay or Circuit breaker. An adapter as shown below is available for connecting plugs to 2-prong receptacles, Not all outlets are properly grounded. If you are not sure that your outlet, as pictured below, is properly grounded, have it checked by a qualified electrician. WARNING: The green grounding lug extending 1 from the adapter must be connected to a perma- t nent ground such as to a proper_y grounded outlet box. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not touch I the metal prongs on the plug, when installing or removing the plug to or from the outlet. I WARNING! Failure to properly ground this power tool can cause electrmution or serious shock, particularly when used in damp locations, or near metal plumbing;if shocked, your reaction could cause your hands tohit the cutring tool. GROUNDING SCR_,,., 3-PRONG LUG \ _ _ MAKE SURE THIS 'if power cord is worn or cut, or damaged in any Way, have it replaced immediately to avoic shock or fire hazard. 3-PRONG ADAPTER PLI IG NOTE: The adapter illustrated is for use only if you already have a properly grounded 2-prong receptacle. Adapter is not allowed in Canada by the Canadian Electrical Code. ALWAYS USE A PROPERLY GROUNDED OUTLET Your unit is for use on less than 120 volts. It has a plug that looks like the one above, The use of any extension cord will cause some loss of power. To keep this to a minimum and to prevent overheating and motor burn-out, use the table below to determine the minimum wire size (A.W.G) extension cord. Use only 3 wire extension cords which have 3prong grounding type plugs and 3-pole receptacles which accept the tools plug. Extension Cord Length 0-25 Feet 2_50 Feet 5i-100 Feet Wire Size A.W.G 16 16 12 IS unpacking and checking TABLE WARNING: To avoid injury from unexpected starting or electrical shock, do not pmug the power cord into a source of power. This cord must remain unpJugged whenever you are working on the drill press. Model 113.213151 Drill Press is shipped complete in one box. 1. Unpacking and Checking Contents a. Separate all "loose parts" from packaging materials and check each item with "Table of Loose Parts" to make sure all items are accounted for, before discarding any packing material. WARNING: if any parts are missing, do not attempt to assemble drill press, plug in the power cord, or turn the switch on until the missing parts are obtained and are instamled correct[Y" contents OF LOOSE PARTS gtem Description A Table .............................. B Column Support Asm .................. C Owner's Manual ...................... D Motor .............................. E Bag of Loose Parts ................... F Base ............................... G Head Asm ........................... H Box of Loose Parts ................... I I I I J 2. Remove the protective oil that is applied to the table and column. Use any ordinary household type grease and spot remover. WARNING: To avoid fire or toxic reaction, never use gasoline, naptha or similar highly volatile so vents. 3. Apply a coat of paste wax to the table and column to prevent rust. Wipe all parts thoroughly with a clean dry cloth. °/ A H D C City. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 A \ ,i_iii_ iI'_ _ It_r_ Descr _ p_ior_ _ Oty, A FeedHandle ::. : i.i:i:i..i... B Key Drift.,. ,: ; .......... C WrenchHex "L',3mm'''', ...: .... .i:...i:, D Wrench Rex"L 5mm ,.i: ...... :..:..i E Cranki. ........... i: ..... i.,::..., GF Clamp WrenchColumn Hex Box............... 24rnrn ................ i ...... : 3 1 1 1 i _--- 1 D_,_ -- __ A -'_ __P _ C,,_,- G List of Loos Parts in Box Item Description H Chuck .............................. I Chuck Key .......................... Qty. 1 1 i ! J J List of Loose Parts in Bag item Description J Screw Hex HD. M10 x 1.5-40 ........... K Key-Switch., ._.., ................. L Knob (Guard) : .................... Qty. 4 1 1 N ,! List of Loose Parts in Bag Item Description O idler Pulley Assembly ........ .... i. ,. P Pulley-Motor ......................... Q Belt "V" 3/8 x 24 ..................... R Belt "V" 3/8 x 26 ..................... S Screw-Hex HD. M8 x 1.25-20 ........... T Washer-5/16 x 7/8 x 5/64 .............. U Nut-Hex M8 x 1.25 ................... Qty. 1 1 1 1 4 8 4 $ 8 _ _ _i i _ i _ _ i _ T U ooation and function 1. BELTTENSION HANDLE... Turn handle counter clockwise to apply tension to belt, turn handle clockwise to release belt tension. 2. BELT TENSION LOCK HANDLES... Tightening handles locks motor bracket support and BELT TENSION HANDLE to maintain correct belt distance and tension. 3. HEAD LOCKS, ., Lock the head to the column. ALWAYS have them locked in place while operating the drill press. 4. SUPPORT LOCK... Tightening locks table support to column. Always have it locked in place while operating the Drill Press. 5. TABLE CRANK . . . Turn clockwise to elevate table. Support lock must be released before operating crank. 6. TABLE position BEVEL LOCK... from 0"-45 ° 7. TABLE various positions LOCK... Locks the table in any Allows table to be rotated and locked. of controls 9. CHUCK... Holds drill bit or other recommended accessory to perform desired operations, 10, BEVEL SCALE . .. Shows degree table is tilted for bevel operations. Scale is mounted on side of arm. 11. SPRUNG CAP,.. spring tension. Provides means to adjust quill 12. DEPTH SCALE... Allows operator to adjust drill press to drill to a desired depth. 13. DRILL "ON-OFF" SWITCH ... Turns drill press on and off .... also used to lock drill press in off position. 14. LIGHT "ON-OFF" and off. SWITCH... Turns the light on t5. CHUCK KEY... Used to tighten drill in the chuck and also to loosen the chuck for drill removal. 16, DEPTH SCALE LOCK.., at selected position. Locks the depth scale in 8. FEED HANDLE . . . For moving the chuck up or down. One or two of the handles may be removed if necessary whenever the workpiece is of such unusual shape that it interferes with the handles. 16 14 P 13 Q Q 0:._. £:::: 10 6 7 TABLE REMOVED FOR CLARITY assembly I WARNiNG: For your own safety, never connect l plug to power source outlet until all assembly FRAMING SQUARE MUST BE TRUE. Check its accuracy as illustrated below. I steps are completed. DRAW LIGHT LINE ON BOARD - TOOLS NEEDED ...................... EDGE ALONG THIS '_', X,,,.__ ,_ // STRAIGHT EDGE OF BOARD 3/4" THICK-THIS EDGE MUST BE PERFECTLY STRAIGHT COMBINATION SQUARE J MEDIUM SCREWDRIVER 8-iNCH ADJUSTABLE WRENCH -- ASSEMBLY HARDWARE SHOULD BE NO GAP OR OVERLAP WHEN SQUARE IS FLIPPED OVER IN DOTTED POSiTiON OF COLUMN AND 03 TABLE 1Omm DIA. x 40rnm 1. Position base on floor, Remove protective covering and discard COLUMN soPpO.T 2. Remove protective sleeve from column tube and discard. Place column assembly on base. and aligr holes in column support with holes Ln oase, LONG . BOLT / _," f / 3, Locate (4) four lOmm Di& x 40mm long bolts (see illustration) in loose parts bag. 4, Install a bolt in each hole through column support and base and tighten with adjustable wrench. COLUMN =L__/PTABLE 5. Locate table crank and support lock in loose parts bOX, PORT 6. Install support lock from left side into table support and tighten by hand. 7. Install table crank assembly and tighten set screw with a 3mm HEX "E' wrench, Do not overtighten. Set screw should be tightened against the flat section of the shaft. SUPPORT LOCK TABLE SUPPORT COLUMN 8. Position column collar over rack and tighten set screw in collar using 3rnm HEX "L" wrench supplied in loose parts bag. Collar shou d not be angled on the column. Only tighten set screw enough to keep collar _nplace: rack should still slide freely in collar NOTICE: To avoid column or collar damage, not ovettighten set screw. COLUMI do 10 / INSTALLING SUPPORT LOCK THE TABLE TABLE t. Loosen support lock and raise table support by turning table crank cRockwise until support is at a working height level. Tighten support lock. TABLE SUPPORT RACK TABLE SUPPORT Remove protective covering from table and discard. Place table in table support and tighten table lock (located under table) by hand. TABLE LOCK mNSTALLING t TABLE THE HEAD [ pounds, CAUT'ON:Carelully The head lift assembly head. weighs about 551 1. Remove protective bag from head assembly and discard. Carefully lift head above column tube and slide it onto column making sure head slides down over column as far as possible, Align head with table and base. 2. Locate (2) two lOmm dia. x 12ram long set screws (see illustration) in loose parts bag. .i_; _ f lOmm DIA. X 12mm SET SCREW " 3. Install a set screw in each hole (as indicated) on the right side of the head, and using a 5mm hex "L" wrench, tighten the two head lock set screws. 11 HEAD LOCK M( :KET MOUNTING 1 Locate four MOTOR (4) 8mm Dia x 20mm long hex head f j/ bolts, eight (8) flat washers, and four (4) hex nuts among loose parts. MOTOR JY _'_ 2. install hex head bolts through motor bracket on head. j,zJ f --, ,jJ.- / 3. Place motor in position so motor base slots line up with motor bracket SlOtS. Install flat washers and hex nuts as illustrated, iDo not tighten) . _:4 BASE _ HEX NUT 4. Motorshaftshould be as c_oseas possibletocenter of round opening in belt guard. HEAD BOLT 8ram DIA. x 20turn LONG BOLT HEX NUT FLAT WASHER AT WASHER MOTOR PULLEY iNSTALLiNG MOTOR PULLEY SET SCREW 1. Find the motor pulley in loose parts _3ag. 2, Slide pulley onto motor shaft. Line up the flat surface on the motor shaft with the set screw in pu Iley. 3. Make sure the pulley does not rest on the lower guard. 4. Tighten the set screw using a 3ram Hex"L" wrench. FLAT SURFACE STRAIGHT EDGE iNSTALLiNG AND TENSIONING BELT WARNING: To avoid injury due to accidental starting always turn drill press off and remove switch key before making belt adjustments. t. Place a straight edge such as a piece of wood, metal, or framing square across the top of pulleys. 2. Move the motor upward untilthe pulleys are in line. Tighten the motor mount nuts using an adjustable wrench, NOTE: To avoid rattles or other noise, motor frame \ must not touch lower belt guard. 3. Release Belt Tension Lock handles located on each side of Drill Press head by turning them counterclockwise. \ \ LOWER BELT GUARD BELT TENSION LOCK HANDLE MOTOR MOUNT NUTS MOTOR BELT TENSION HANDLE 4 _oosen Belt Tension handle by turning clockwise. 12 5. Locate center pulley assembly in loose parts bag and place in proper hole. SPINDLE PULLEY 6. Locate two (2) V-belts in the loose parts bag, 7, Use speed chart inside belt guard to choose speed for drilling operation. Install belts in correct position for desired speed, The longer of the two belts is always positioned between the spindle pulley and idler pulley. NOTE: Refer to inside belt guard for Recommended Drilling Speeds. IDLER 8. Apply tension to belt by turning Belt Tension Handle counter clockwise until belt deflects approximately 1/2 inch by thumb pressure at its center. 9, Tighten Belt Tension Lock Handles. -- NOTICE: Over tensioning belt may cause motor not to start or damage bearings. 10. If belt slips while drilling, readjust belt tension. BELT TENSION HANDLE BELT GUARD 5ram DIA × 8ram LONG SCREW PAN HD, BELT GUARD KNOB tNSTALUNG BELT GUARD KNOB 1. To attach belt guard knob, locate knob and 5ram Dia. x 8mm long pan hd. screw in loose parts bag. Install screw in hole located in guard and attach knob turning until tight, WARNING: To avoid possible injury keep guard l in place and in proper working order while oper[ating. !3 PULLEY BELT TENSION LOCK HANDLE MOTOR CONNECTIONS WARNING: For your own safety, never connect I ' p|ug to power source outlet until aH assembJy steps are completed. BLACK WIRE TO TERMINAL #1 COPPER POST GREEN WIRE TO GREEN SCREW 1. Open motor connector box cover located o q underside of motor using a flat blade screwdriver. STRAIN RELIEF GROOVE WARNING: To avoid electrocution, never connect anything but the ground wire (colored green) to the green screw. 4/HITE WIRE TO TERMINAL #4 ;ILVER POST 2. Remove GREEN SCREW and insertthrough round metal terminal on the end of the GREEN wire of power cord, 3. Reinsert GREEN SCREW in threaded hole that it was removed from and tighten securely, 4 Insert terminal end of WHITE wire on spade termina (next to silver o_) marked #4 on tile motor. Push terminal firmly until seated. 5 Insert terminal end of BLACK wire on spade terminal !next to copper post) marked #1 on the motor, Push terminal firmly until sea_eo. MOTOR POWER CORD _ MOTOR BLACK,_. /BLACK _ CORD _ WHITE GREEN BLACK @ GREEN IGROUND) 6. Close motor connector box being sure tl_at power cord is seated n strain relief groove and tighten box cover screws. 7. Do not plug in 3ower cable. iNSTALLiNG FEED HANDLES I. Locate three (3) feed handles among loose parts. 2. Screw the feed handles into the threaded no_es in the hub and tighten. HUB FEED HANDLE INSTALLING THE CHUCK Clean out the TAPERED HOLE in the chuck. Clean both tapered surfaces on the arbor with a clean cloth. Make sure there are no foreign particles sticking to the surfaces. The slightest piece of dirt on any of these surfaces wilt prevent the chuck from seating properly, This will cause the drill to "wobble. _ARBOR CLEAN THIS SURFACE 14 \ \ 2. Slide the chuck up over the arbor as illustrated. SPINDLE CHI SUPPORT LOCK \ 3. Unlock support lock and raise table so its about two (2) inches below tip of chuck. 4, Turn chuck sleeve clockwise and open jaws in chuck completely. 5, Turn feed handles counterclockwise and force chuck against table until chuck is secure. CHUCK SLEEVE HANDLE !5 |NSTALUNG LIGHT BULB than 60 watt) into the / !ii ¸¸¸_V¸:̧: _iill i_:__ _i_I _i_i_i,_i_ i,. _ _ _ _ _i:_i!i_i_i_ _!_ ADJUSTING TO HEAD i ! i i_ _ _ THE TABLE SQUARE NOTE: The combination square must be 'true. "Unpacking and Checking Contents" secuon method. See for 1. Insert a straight ground steel roe ('not included_ approximately 3" long into chuck and tighten. 2. With table raised to working height and lOCked Dn column place combination square flat on table oeside roe. 3. If an adjustment is necessary, moosen the set screw under bevel lock with 3ram Hex "L" wrench, then loosen the table bevel lock with the 24mnq flat wrench (included). (These adjustments are located under the table), 4, Align the table souare to the rod by rotating the table until the square and rod are in line. 5. Retigmen table bevel lock. 6. Retigmen set screw, BEVEL _ BEVEL SCALE /_" / TABLE / NOTE: The bevel scale has been included to orovide a quick method for beveling the table _o approximate angles. If precise accuracy is necessary, a souare, or other precision measuring tool should be used to position the table. 1. To use the bevel scale U ao the following: a. Loosen set screw and table bevel lock (see step 3 above). D Move table so desired angle or bevel scale is straight across from zero line on table support. c. Retighten table bevel lock and set screw. POINTER SCALE 16 getting te know your dri_Spress FEED SPRING ADJUSTMENT FEED SPRING t- 17 SPRING CAP 26 DRILL SPEED TABLE (nNSJDE BELT GUARD) LIGHT "ON-OFF" SWITCH 1 BELT GUARD _o 27 DRILL "ON-OFF" SWITCH 2 BELT TENSION LOCK HANDLE ,t8 CHUCK 19 ARM 2 BELT TENSION LOCK HANDLE 20 _BLE BEVEL LOCK (UNDER TABLE) 23 SUPPORT / LOCK BEVEL 22 SCALE 21 TABLE LOCK 3 BELT TENSION HANDLE 16 DEPTH SCALE LOCK 4 HEAD LOCK 15 DEPTH SCALE iNDICATOR '5 FEED HANDLE 6 COLUMN COLLAR f 14 DEPTH SCALE QUILL AND SPINDLE iNSIDE OF DRILL ASSEMBLY PRESS 7 TABLE SUPPORT SPINDLE SPLINES (GROOVES) 8 TABLE CRANK WEDGE KEY 13 TABLE 12 COLUMN RACK (TEETH) RACK 11 COLUMN 24 CHUCK KEY _,,_.......__._ ARBOR H -\ 17 _,J T_I_ Diili Press / ii .... i_i,_ii_ i_i i ¸ '_i_ i_i has t2 sp_ed_ o_n_...,u, ,,,,,D°_ 340 RPM 390 RPM 510 RPM 600 RPM 650 RPM as listed 990 1550 1620 1900 2620 3100 belowi : RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM SPEEDS 340 390 510 600 650 990 1550 1620 1900 2620 3!00 ASSEMBLY . . . Covers operauon of drill press. pulleys BELT TENSION LOCK HANDLES... Tightening handles locks motor bracket support and BELT TENSION HANDLE to maintain correct be!t dtStance and tenston. 3, BELT TENSION HANDLE ... Turn handle counter clockwise to apply tension to belt. turn handle clockwise to release belt tension. 4. HEAD LOCKS... Lock tne head to the column ALWAYS qave thenq locked in place while operab _ng the drill press 6. COLUMN COLLAR ... Holds the rack to the column. Rack remafns movable in collar to permit table support movements. DEPTH drllleo. 15 DEPTH SCALE _NDICATOR... depth selected on depth sca=e 16 DEPTH SCALE LOCK... to selected aeoth 1• SPRING CAP... spnng _ension 18 CHUCK... accessory SCALE . .. Shows Provides depth of hope being Indrcates dr_t ing Locks :no oepth scale means to adjust qu_ll Holc_s dril b_t or otlqer recornnended to perform posited operations 20. TABLE BEVEL LOCK... Position from 0 -45 21. TABLE LOCK... Table can be rotated 3ositions and poked 22. BEVEL SCALE ... for bevel operahons arm. Rides on column to support 8. TABLE CRANK . . . Turn clockwise to elevate table. Support lock must be released before operating crank. Locks the table Jn any in various Shows degree table is tiited Scale _s mounted on side of 23. SUPPORT LOCK. . Tigntentng locks table support to column. Always have =tlocked in place while operating the Dri Press. 9 RACK... Combines with gear mechanism to provide easy elevation of table by hand operated table crank 10. BASE... Supports Drill Press For additional stability, holes are provided in base to bolt Dril Press to floor. {See 'Additional Safety Instructions for Drill Presses.q COLUMN SUPPORT... Supports column, guides rack. and provides mounting holes for column to ease 12. COLUMN... a one-piece ment. 14 9. ARM... Extends oeyond tabte suDoort for mount _ng ancJ ahgntng the table. 5. FEED HANDLE . . . For moving the chuck up or down, One or two of the handles may oe removeo if necessary whenever the worKo_ece _s of such unusual shape that it interferes w_th the handles 7. TABLE SUPPORT,.. arm and table. of belts IN RoPoMo 250 1. BELT GUARD and belt during 11 placement on pulleys. SPINDLE 2 see inside of be!t guard for specific Connects iqead, table, ana ease on tube for easy alignment and move- 24 CHUCK KEY . which wil "pop" of i[ This action ing of the chuck Js _urnec "ON" substitute order 25 BELT TENSION,.. Refer to section "Assem 31y-Installing and ]ension_ng Belt" 26 DRILLING SPEED... Can be changed by placing the uelt in any of the STEPS tgroovesl n the puF leys. See Spindle Speed inside belt guarG . . It is a self-ejechng chuck key out of tlqe chuck wnen you let go is designed to help prevent throwkey from the cnuc_ when power Do qot use any other key as a a new one if damagea of iost To determine the ao#roximate drilling speed to the table inside the belt guard. 13. TABLE . . . Provides working surface to support workpiece. 18 refer 27. ORILL "ON-OFF" SWITCH .... Has Socking feature, THIS FEATURE IS INTENDED TO HELP PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED AND POSSIBLE HAZARDOUS USE BY CHILDREN AND OTHERS. Insert KEY into switch. NOTE: Key is made of yellow pmastic. To turn drill ON . . Insert finger under switch lever and pull. ® To turn drill OFF... Push lever in, In an emergency;.. , the drill bit BINDS... STALLS • . . STOPS... or tends to tear the workpiece loose • . . you can QUICKLY turn the drill OFF by hitting the switch with the palm of your hand. To lock switch in OFF position.., hold switch IN with one hand... REMOVE key with other hand. WARNING: For your own safety, always push the switch "OFF" when drill press is not in use... remove key and keep it in a safe place.., also.. in the event of a power failure (all of your lights go out) or blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker, turn switch off,., and remove the key. This will prevent the drill press from starting up again when the power comes back on. t9 DRiLLiNG TO A SPECIFIC DEPTH To drill a BLIND hole Inot all the way through) to a given depth, proceed as follows. 1. Mark the depth of the hole on the side of the workpiece. 2. Loosen the depth scale lock. 3. With the switch OFF. bring the drill down until the TIP or tips of the drill are even with the Mark. DEPTH SCALE LOCK 4. Turn the depth scale counterclockwise until it stops moving, 5. Tighten the depth scale lock. DEPTH SCALE 6. The drill will now be stopped at this aepth until the depth scale is readlusted. MARK .... L ANOTHER WAY -- DEPTH SCALE l, !. With the switch OFF. loosen the depth scale lock. 2. Place workplece on table. Adjust table until the tip of the drill is just a little above the top of the workpiece, turn the depth scale counter clockwise to zero. DEPTH SCALELOCK 3, Turn the depth scale clockwise until the depth scale indicator pornts to the desired drilling depth on the depth scale. 4. Tighten the depth scale lock. DEPTH_ DEPTH SCALE INDICATOR 5. The chuck or drill will now be stopped after traveling downward the distance selected on the depth scale. LOCKING CHUCK DESIRED DEPTH 1. With the switch off--loosen the depth scale lock. 2. Turn the feed handles until the chuck _s at the desired aepth. Hold feed handles at this position. 2O (30 DEPTH SCALE LOCK 3. Turn the depth scale clockwise until it stops. 4. Tighten the depth scale lock. 5. The chuck will now be held at this depth when the feed handles are released. :ALE SPINDLE KEY HOLE REMOVING CHUCK QUILL KEY HOLE AND ARBOR ARBOR LOCKING COLLAR CHUCK SLEEVE 1. With switch off -- adjust depth scale to hold drill at a depth of (3) three inches. (See instructions for "Locking chuck at desired depth"). 2. Align key holes in spindle and quill by rotating chuck by hand, (See illustration) 3, Insert key wedge the into key holes. 4, Tap key wedge lightly until the chuck and arbor fall out of spindle. NOTE: Place one hand below chuck to catch it when it falls out, WEDGE KEY CHUCK CHUCK BODY 21 RE-INSTALLiNG THE CHUCK. AND ARBOR C_ea_ the tapered surface on the arbor with a clean cloth, Make sure there are no foreign particles stiCK_ng to the surface. The slightest piece of dirt on th_s surface will prevent the arbor from seating properly This will cause the drill to "wobble." 2, S_ide arbor inlo spindle on drilt press, 3. Push up on chuck/arbor assembly as you rotate them. You wil! feel rectangular end of arbor slip mto a notch in the spindle, SPINDLE WARNING: Make sure the rectangular end of the 1 arbor has slipped into the notch in the spindle 1 before going on to step 4. Failure to follow this_ direction may allow the chuck to come iooseJ during operation, fly out, and hit the operator. I CHUCK BODY SUPPORT LOCK 4, Unlock support lock and raise table so its about two (2) inches below tip of chuck. 5, Turn chuck sleeve chuck completely, clockwise and open jaws 6, Turn feed handles counterclockwise and ChUCk against table until arbor is secure, \ in force CHUCK SLEEVE FEED HANDLE CHUCK 22 iii press operation basic __ Securely lock Head and Support to Column, Table Arm to support, and Table to Tab!e Arm before operating drill press. ._ Never move the Head or Table while the _:oot is running. _ Before starting the operation, jog the motor switch to make sure the drill or other cutting tool does not wobble or cause vibration. If a vvorkpiece overhangs the table such that it wilt fall or tip if not held clamp it to the table or provide auxiliary support. ...... use fixtures for unusual operations to adequately hold, guide and position work- Follow the foilowinginstruction, s foroperat ng you_ drll press toget the best _esu ts aridto Rin}r__ ze t!e ikeli hood of personal injury. WARNING: For your own safety, a_ways observe] I the safety precautions here and on pages 2. 3, l Land 4. " ' j !, Protection: Eyes, Hands, Face, Earsand Body WARNING: To avoid being pulled ning toolI. Do NOT wear: - gloves - necktie - loose clothing - jewelry 2. Do tie back long hair into the spin- a. If any part of your drill press is rams{rig, f.'nalfuncItching,- has been damaged or broken such as the motor switch, or other ope_atmg control. a safety device or the power cord , . (:ease operating immediately until the particu!ar part is p_operly repaired or replaced b. Never place your fingers in a position where they could contact the drill of other cutting toci if the workpiece should unexpectedly shift or your hand should slip. c, To avoid injury from parts thrown by the spring, follow instructions exactly as gwen and shown in adjusting spring tension of quill d, To prevent the workpiece from being torn from your hands, spinning of the tool. shattering the tool or being thrown, always properly support your work so it won't shift or bind on the tool: -- Always position BACKUP MATERIAL (use beneath the workpiece) to contact the left side of the column. -- Whenever possible, position the WORKPIECE to contact the !eft side of the column-if it is too short or the table is tilled, clamp solidly to the table use table stets or clamping ledge around the outside edge of the table. When using a drill press VICE, always fasten it to the table. -- Never do any work "FREEHAND" (handholding workpiece rather than supporting it on the table), except when polishing INSTALUNG DRILLS 2. piece. ..... Use the SPINDLE SPEED recommended for the specific operation and workpiece materia!-check the panel on the left side of the head for drilling information: for accessories, refer to the instructions provided with the accessories. ÷ Never c_imb on the drili press Table, it could break or pull the entire drill press down on you, g Turn the motor Switch Off and put away the Switch Key when leaving the drill press, h To avoid injury from thrown work or tool contact, do NOT perform layout, assembly, or setup work on the table while the cutting tool is rotating. Use only accessories designed for this drit_ press to avoid serious injury from thrown broken parts or work pieces. a. When cutting large diameter holes: Clamp the workpiece firmly to the table. Otherwise the cutter may grab and spin it at high speed. Use only tightening the chuck Tighten the drill sufficiently, while drilling. Turn the chuck key terclockwise to loosen. hote cutters, Keep speed below 1,500 RPM b. Drum sanders this drill press RPM. c. Do not install or use any drill that exceeds 7" in length or extends 6" below the chuck jaws. They can suddenly bend outward or break. Do not use wire wheels, router bits, shaper cutters, circle (fly) cutters or rotary planers on the drill press. d. must NEVER be operated on at a speed greater than 1800 iN CHUCK With the switch off and the key removed, insert drill into chuck far enough to obtain maximum GRIPPING of the CHUCK JAWS.., the jaws are approx, t" long. When using a small drill do not insert it so far that the jaws touch the flutes (spiral grooves) of the drill. Make sure that the drill is CENTERED in the chuck before one piece, cup-type, DO NOT use fly cutters or multi-part hole cutters as they can come apart or become unbalanced in use. ;K KEY with the key. JAWS so that it does not SLIP clockwise to tighten_-_coun.. 23 POSITiONiNG TABLE AND WORKPmECE Lock the table to the column in a position so that the tip of the drill is just a little above the top of the workpiece. Always place a piece of BACK-UP MATERIAL (wood plywood . .) on the table underneath the workplece This will c,revent "SlOlintering" or making a heavy burr on the underside of the worKpiece as the drill breaks through. To keep the backup materia from spinning out of control, it must contact the left side of the column as Ilustrated. WORKPIECE \ WARNING: To prevent the workpiece or the backup r_aterial from being torn from your hand while drilling, position them against the left side of the column, if the workpiece or the backup material are not long enough to reach the col° umn, clamp them to the table. Failure to do this could result in personal injury. BACK-UP MATERIAL For small pieces that cannot be clamped to the table. use a drill press wse (Optional accessory.) WARNING: The vise must be clamped or bolted to the table to avoid injury from spinning work and vise or tool breakage, WORKPIECE DRILL PRESS "X ViSE BOLT OR CLAMP ViCE SECURELY 24 TILTING TABLE To use the table in a bevel (tilted) position, loosen the set screw under table bevel lock with a 3mm Hex "L" wrench• Loosen bevel lock with the 24mm flat wrench. BEVEL LOCK Tilt table to desired angle by reading bevel scale. Retighten bevel lock and set screw. BEVEL SCALE U SET SCREW Before turning the switch ON, bring the drill down to the workpiece lining it up with the hole location. WARNnNG: To avoid injury from spinning workI or tool breakage, always clamp workpiece and backup material securely to table before operating driBIpress with the tabte tilted. FEEDING Pull down on the feed handles to allow the drill to cut. To return table to original position: loosen set screw and bevel lock, tilt table back to 0 ° on bevel scale, and retighten set screw--then tighten bevel lock. HOLE with only enough effort Feeding TOO SLOWLY might cause the drill to burn • . . Feeding TOO RAPIDLY might stop the motor... cause the belt or drill to SLIP . . . tear the workpiece LOOSE or BREAK the drill bit. LOCATION Make a DENT in the workpiece where you want the hole.., using a CENTER PUNCH or a SHARP NAIL• When drilling metal, it may be necessary the tip of the drill with motor oil to prevent drill tip. to lubricate burning the adjustments NOTCH BOSS WARNING: For your own safety turn switch "OFF" and remove plug from power source outlet before making any adjustments. To avoid injury from thrown parts due to spring release, follow instructions carefully, and wear eye goggles. QUILL RETURN CAP JAM NUT (OUTER) NOTCH SPRING 1. With the chuck at its highest possible position, turn the depth scale clockwise until it stops and tighten the depth scale lock. This will prevent the quill dropping while tensioning the spring. 2. Lower table for additional clearance, NUT (INNER) 8. Move stop nuts and depth pointer to upper most position and check tension while turning feed handles. 3. Work from left side of Drill Press. 4. Place screwdriver in lower front notch of spring cap, and hold it in place while loosening and removing jam [outer] nut only. 9. if there is not enough tension on spring, repeat steps 4-8 moving only ONE notch each time and checking tension after EACH repetition. 5. With screwdriver remaining in notch, loosen large standard [inner] nut (approximately 118")until notch disengages from boss on head. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NUT. 10. Proper tension is achieved when quill returns gently to fuli up position when released from 3/4" depth. ! 1. When there is enough tension after checking, replace jam nut and tighten to standard nut, BUT do not overtighten against standard nut. 6. Carefully turn screwdriver counter clockwise and engage next notch in boss. DO NOT REMOVE SCREWDRIVER 12. Check quill whib feeding to have smooth and unrestricted movement, If movement is too tight, loosen jam nut and SLIGHTLY !oosen standard nui until unrestricted Retighten jam nut 7. Tighten standard nut with wrench onty enough to engage boss. Do not overtighten as this will restrict quill movement. 25 maintenance ¢::: WARNING: For your 0wn safety, turn switch 1 'OFF" and remove plug from pov_er source out'_ let before maintaining or lubiricating your drill I Frequently blow out any dust that may accumulate in, side the motor. A coat of furniture-type paste wax applied to the table and column will help to keep the surfaces clean. I WARNING: To avoid shock or fire hazard, if the I power cord is worn or cut, or damaged in any I way, have it replaced immediately. I r-o .o lubrication All of the BALL BEARINGS are packed with grease at the factory. They require no further lubrication. Periodically lubricate the gear and rack, table elevation mechanism, the SPLINES (grooves) in the spindle, and the RACK (teeth of the quill). See "Getting to Know Your Drill Press." WIRING DIAGRAM .-. o Sears Recommends Drill Bits ......................... Hold-Down and Guide .................. Drill Press Vises ................... Drill Press Mortising Kit ............. Hole Saw up to 2 1/2" dia. max ....... 5 pc. Stop Collar Set ............... the Following Accessories See Catalog 9-2457 See Catalog See Catalog See Catalog See Catalog Mortising Chisel and Bits ............ See Catalog Clamping Kit ...................... See Catalog 15 Piece Drum Sanding Kit .......... See Catalog Sanding Drums ................ 9-2497 -- 9-2498 Buffing Wheels up to 4" dia. max ...... See Catalog Power Tool Know-How Handbook ........ 9-29117 Sears may recommend other accessories not listed in the manual. See your nearest Sears store for other accessories. Do not use any accessory unless you have received and read complete instructions for its use. i ¸ _i!-i̧¸ . o troubWe shooting ] WARNING: Forshooting. your own safety, turn switch "OFF" and always remove pUug from power source outlet-] before troubge ® CONSULT YOUR LOCAL SEARS SERVICE CENTER IF FOR ANY REASON MOTOR WILL NOT RUN. TROUBLE Noisy Operation PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Incorrectbelttension. 1. Adjust tension, See section "ASSEMBLY--TENSIONING BELT." 2. Lubricate spindle. See "Lubrication" section. 3. Checking tightness of retaining nut on pulley, and tighten if necessary. 4, Tighten setscrews in pulleys. 2, Dry Spindle. 3. Loose spindle pulley. 4. Loose motor putley, Drill Burns 1. Incorrect speed, 1, Change speed. See section "Getting To Know Your Drill Press"... DRILLING SPEED, 2. Retract drill frequently to clear chips. 2, Chips not coming out of hole. 3, Dull Drill. 4, Feeding too slow. 5. Not lubricated. Drill leads off... hole not round. 3, Resharpen or replace drill. 4. Feed fast enough,,, allow drill to cut, 5. Lubricate drill. See "Basic Drill Press Operation" section. 1. Hard grain in wood or lengths of cutting lips and/or angles not equal. 2. Bentdrill bit. 2. Replace drill bit. Wood splinters on underside. 1. No"back-up material" under workpiece. 1. Use"back-up material".,. See Basic Drill Press Operation" section. Workpiece torn loose from hand. 1. Not supportedor clamped properly. !. Support workpiece or clamp it... See "Basic Drill Press Operation" section. Drill Binds in workpiece. 1. Workpiece pinching drilt or excessive feed pressure. 2. Improper belt tension. 1. Support workpiece or clamp it... See "Basic Drill Press Operation" section. 2. Adjust tension,.. See section "ASSEMBLY--TENSIONING BELT," Excessive drill runout or wobble. 1, Bent drill. 2. Worn spindle bearings. 3. Drill not properly installed in chuck. 4. Chuck not properly installed. 1, Use a straight drill. 2. Replace bearings. 3. Install drill properly... See"Basic Drill Press Operation" section, 4, Install chuck properly,,, refer to "Unpacking and Assembly Instructions ,., INSTALLING THE CHUCK." QuilmReturns tooslowor too fast. 1. Spring has impropertension. 1. Adjust spring tension,.. See section. "Adjustments--Quill Return Spring." Chuck will not stay attached to spindle it falls off when trying to install it. 1. Dirty, grease, or oil on the tapered inside surface of chuckor on the spindles tapered surface. 1. Using a household detergent-clean the tapered surface of the chuck and spindle to remove all dirt, grease and oil. 1. Resharpen drill correctly, or replace. 27 PARTS LiST FOR CRAFTSMAN 15" DRILL PRESS MODEL NO. 113.213151 .,...49 47 46 48 45 \ 44 \ 39 14 41 13 43 42 16 34 33 32 31 25 30 19 26 24 28 27 29 FIGURE 1 PARTS LiST 11 PARTS LiST FOR CRAFTSMAN MODEL 15" DRILL NO. 113.213151 Always order by Part Number--Not FIGURE Key No b,3 ¢O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !0 11 !2 13 14 !5 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Part No. 1 PARTS Description 817317 Lever-Adjusting STD835016 * Screw-Hex HD. M8 x 1.25-16 817495 Support-Motor Bracket 817329-2 Cord-Power STD375008 * Connector-Wire 817336 Mount-Motor STD852012 * Lockwasher 12mm STD841217 * Nut-Hex M12 x 1.75 817557 Motor STD840812 [ * Nut-Hex M8 x 1.25 STD851008 * Washer-M8 x 16 x 1.6 817328-2 Cord-Motor STD835020 * Screw-Hex HD. M8 x 1.25-20 817516 Support-Motor Bracket 817320 Knob-Motor Adjusting 817494 Handle-Belt Tension 817391 Screw-Hex Soc. Set M10 x 1.5-12 817303 Pin-Stop 821735 Hub Asm, 817343 Lock-Depth Screw 817300 Guide-Scale 817546 Knob 817344 Rod 817774 Ring-Depth Stop w/Scale STD852005 * Lockwasher-Ext, M5 * Standard Hardware Item - PRESS by Key Number u== "=O LiST Key No Part No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 -- 816755-4 817552 820240 820248-2 817354 817547 9-22256 816113 821741 STD841015 817308 821755-2 821738-2 817307 817306 817305 817304 817778-2 60475 817321 STD833012 816755-3 63418 813317-6 813317-8 SP5643 Description Screw-Pan HD M5 x 0.8-8 Box-Switch Screw-Pan HD M5 x 0.8-16 Screw Pan HD M4.2 x 1.4-8 Switch-Rocker Cover-Switch Plate 1 Key-Switch Switch-Locking Lead 3" * Nut-Hex M10 x 1,5 Screw-SL Special 10 x 1,5-27 Nut Hex M12x 1,5-6 * Nut Hex M12 x 1.5-10 Cap-Spring Spring-Torsion Retainer-Spring Seat-Spring Head w/Pointer & Trim Tie-Wire Socket-Bulb Asm. * Screw-Pan HD M6 x 1.0-12 Screw Pan HD M5 x 0.8-12 Clamp-Cord Wrench Hex "L" 3mm Wrench Hex "L" 5mm Owners Manual (Not Illustrated) May Be Purchased Locally. Repair Parts repmr pans PABTS i LIST FOR CRAFTSMAN 15" DRILL PRESS MODEL NO. 113.213!51 13- i 4 !( 7 / 9 Always order by Part Number-Not FIGURE Pa_ KeYi NO. No ; 2 PARTS Key No Description by Key Number L_ST ! Pa_ No. m I Description m_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 817325 508047 817544 STD315225 STD303240 ' 817779-3 817543 817548 I i 9 817358-1 * Standard Hardware 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 t8 Knob Pivot-Idler Pulley-Center * Bearing-Ball 15ram Belt-"V" 3/8 x 24 Guard wtLabe_s Pulley-Motor Screw-He× Soc. Set M6 x 1.6-10 Screw-Wash HD. M6 x 1.0-16 Item -- May Be Purchased Locaily 3O 821734 816755-3 817537 817545 STD315245 817536 821742 817511-2 820294 ..... InsertPulley Screw-PN HD, M5 × 0,8-8 Ring-Retaining Pulley-Spindle * Bearing-Ball 20ram Spacer Nut-Pulley M24 × 1.5 L.H. "Belt "V" 3/8 x 26 Washer- Feam repair parts PARTS LeST FOR CRAFTSMAN 15" DRILL PRESS MODEL NO. 113.213151 12 J 11 Always order by Part Number--Not FIGURE Key No. Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 81 7309 81 7310 81 7311 STD315235 817535 817532 3 PARTS Description Locknut M17x 1.0 Ring-Locking Washer *Bearing-Ball 17mm Gasket-Quill Tube.Quill by Key Number LIST Key l Part NOl I NO. j 817339 817340 817341 817531 STD315245 8 9 10 11 12 P * Standard Hardware Item -- May Be Purchased Locally. 31 I I .... uescrlptlorl I t Key-Chuck Chuck Arbor Spindle *Bearing Ball repair parts PARTS LIST FOR CRAFTSMAN 15" DRILL PRESS MODEL NO. 113.213151 °_---. 19 2o/ Always order by Part Number--Not by Key Number FIGURE 4 PARTS Key No Pa_ No. Key I No I Description i --,--,=--,---4 1 2 817478 820245 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 821861 821880 821882 821881 STD836040 817577 817348 LIST Collar-Rack Screw-Hex Soc. Set M6 x 1,0-10 Support-Table w/Indicator Tube-Column Rack Support-Column * Screw-Hex HD. M10 x 1,5-40 Base Crank 32 Pa_ No, ---- 1 12 13 14 !5 16 17 18 19 817288 I 821732 1817290-1 1817777-1 I 817575 1817294 I 817350 I 817349 1817391 20 1821926 Description ........ = Pin-Gear Screw-Hex HD. M16 x 2.0G5 Clamp-Table Arm-Table w!Scale Table Clamp-Column Gear-Helical Worm-Elevation Screw-Hex Soc. Set M10x !.5-12 Wrench Hex Box 24ram NOTES i!i 33 NOTES 34 NOTES m 35 f f MOTORIZED MODEL NO. 113.213151 For the repair 8r repJacement parts you need Call 7 am - 7 pro, 7 days a week I -eOO-3GG-PART (1-800-356-72781 DR_LLPRESS WITH MAXaMUM DEVELOPED ] HP MOTOR Forin-home majorbrand repairservice Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-8OO-4oRBPA|R (1-800-473-7247) The model number of your Drill Press will be found on a plate attached to the left side of the head. When requesting service or ordering parts, always provide the following information: • • • • Product Type Model Number Part Number Part Description For the location of a Sears Repair Service Center in your area Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-800--488-1222 Fer information e. purchasing a Sears Maintenance Agreement or to inquire about an eeisting Agreement Call 9 am - 5 prn, Monday-Saturday 1-800-827-6655 America's Repair Specialists SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. Part No. SP5643 Form No, SP5643-2 Printed in China t0/95
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