Craftsman 11322401 User Manual BENCH SAW/TILTING ARBOR Manuals And Guides L1005336
User Manual: Craftsman 11322401 11322401 CRAFTSMAN BENCH SAW/TILTING ARBOR - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN BENCH SAW/TILTING ARBOR #11322401. Home:Tool Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman BENCH SAW/TILTING ARBOR Manual
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8-1 h
Tilting Arbor
113.2240 |
The above Modal Number will be found on a phte attached to
your saw, at the back, near the bottom of the b_. Always men-
tion the Model Number when communicating with us regarding
youe saw oe when ordering parts.
Instructions for Ordering
All par_ listed herein must be order_ through a Sears retail
or mar order store. Par_ are shipped prepaid. When ordering
repair par_, always give the folbwing information:
I. The part number in the list.
2. The pa_ name and price in the list.
3. The model number which is I13.2240i
instructions for sem, blin g
Your Craftsman Saw is shipped complete (Mth_
_t motor) in one crate, To uncrate_ remove lid_
unfold sides, and nnboK saw' from wood base,
Before discarding packing material and paper_
examine them carefhtly fO_ loose parts.
Qn_ Opera Saw
t ,S Your
C_ean all 1oose parts carefullyo Adjustments are
carefully checked before the saw is shipped_ but
rough handling in transk may nccasionMly make
a readjustment necessary_ The best results wiil be
obtained by assembling and checking in the fol-
lowing order:
I. Remove two screws (part So1241_ Fig. No0 3)
amd insert (part 615I, Fig:. No,. 3), &eck tightness
of saw arbor nut_ using the arbor wrench (part
3540, Fig. No. 4). Replace insert amd screws.
The saw blade sbou/d be paralIel to the mitre gage
slots in the table. If realignment of the saw blade
is necessar B loosen the screws (part: S-860, Fig. No,
3) which secure the table trunnions (part 13_ Fig.
No. 3) to the table, Shift the trunnions until the
saw blade :s parallel with the slots_ and redghten
the screws. /............
2. Place the Rip Fence ':'F" on the saw table
as ill_trated in Fig. No, 1o The Rip Fence Kuob
"G" must be pulled out to permit the guide to
slide over the Rack "J'L A slight pressure must
be exerted upon the rip fence to cause it to seat
proper[>" on the rack. This pressure is necessary to
overcome a pressure exerted by the two alignment
bar springs (part Sd230_ Fig. No. 3.) which act on
the inner lip of the rack to hold the {ence in con+
tiuuous al{g_ment. If any part of the Rip Fence
Rip Fence and the top of the table varies appre-
ciably as the fence is moved across the: table_ the
ha& *_J" should be readjusted parallel with the
tame top to provide the proper clearance, This ad-
justment may be made by loosening the four
screws (part S_203_ Fig. No0 3) which secure the
rack mthe table_ Retighten after the prefer adjust-
meat has been made° Place the Rip Fence next to
ekber of the mitre gage slots and damp ia place
by pushi_g down on cam clamp lever "H'0 If the
Rip Fence is out of Iine with the mkre gage slot,
the fence may be adjured by loosening the four
screws (parts S-659 and S-739, Fig. No, 3) which
secure the guide m the feuce, Retlghteu when _e
desired adjustment has been obtained.
3, Mount the Guard Assembly "X" on the saw_
as. illustrat_ in Fig. No. 1, by insertlng the pin
at the rear of the @ikter blade into the hole in the
spNtter blade bracket (part 72, Fig, No_ 3) at the
rear of the saw.. Press the Guard Assembly do_
firmly so that the semi-circular notch in the splitter
blade slips between the two splitter blade damp
washers (part 69, Pig. No,. 4) mounted oa the
cradle, _.e splitter blade and guard may be ad-
iusted by tooseuing the two screws (part 8-203_
Fig, No. 3) which secure the splitter blade bra&et
to the cradle° Retighten when the desired adjust-
FIG. No, I
_neat has b_n obtained. The pressure on the split-
ter Made damp washers may be incr_sed or de-
creased by tightening or loosening the cap screw
(part S-I090_ Fig. No. 4) which secures the washers
to the cradle. The position of the splitter blade
clamp washers may be changed_ if n_essary, by
varying the number of flat washers (parts S-970
and S-i066_ Fig, No. 4) mounted between _e
damp washers and the cradle, er blade
must: be dlrec_ in tlne with the
4_ Mount motor on Motor Support Assembly
(also see Motor Specifieations)_ and stlde the _o
pins on the Motor Support Ass_b|y _to the
mounting holes at the rear of the cradle. Pinch
pulley on motor shaft and line up Mth pulley on
_aw arbor, Install "V" belt over pulleys and adjust
belt tensloa by moving the motor support elth_
in oe out until the belt is snug, keep_g ia mlnd
that the motor should be allowed to fall back against
the belt to obtain the automatic belt tlghten_g
feature. When the adjustment is sadsfactory_ damp
the motor support in place by tightening the two
square head set screws (part S-207, Fig. No_ 3).
If the saw is to be driven by a very large me{or
which cannot be mounted on the motor support
provided_ the motor should be mounted oa a lions.
ing rait_ and a_-inch wide belt Mth a m_im_
length of 80 inch_ should be used. The posltion
of the motor should be adjusted until _e belt
clears all obstructions through all positions of the
saw blade.
If the saw is m be driven from aline-shaft_ use
a belt at least t00 in&ca long.
5. Place the Mi_e Gage Assembly "K" in tither
of the mitre gage slo_ in the table as illustrad
in Fig, No. 1.
Motor Spe¢ifkations
This saw is d_igned to be used with a 3450
r.p,m., alternating.current motor of a repulsion-in-
ductlon or capacitor type_ or a 3450 rop.m,_ corn-
direct-current motor. A V2 h.p.
motor is recommended for light: duty, and a ¾
the base of the motor. If this dimension varies
appr_iably from four inches, it may be necessary
to obtain a belt of a different length° Ifa 1750
r,p°mo motor is used, a sixdnch motor pul@ and
a longer belt must be purch_ed_ These may be
ordered through any Sears Retail or Mall Order
The arbor has been made ex_a long to accom-
modate a second pulley to provide for double belt
operation, although the single belt is sufficient to
_rry the loads normally encountered. The extra
motor pulley, arbor pulley, and b,elt may be or-
Caution: und_ no circumstances should a six-
inch motor' pulley be used with a 3450 motor.
_e saw blade speed resulting from such a pulley
ratio would be d_gerous° Do not use a three.lnch
motor p_ley _th a i750 motor° Such a
u_ey ratio will not give sadsfacto_ saw p_-
Static Elec:tricity
Occasionally s slight shock may be experienced
upon touching a machine tool, Ti_is is usually due
to a stadc decuicai charge built up by the friction
between moving parts_ such as the V-belt and
pMley. It is not necessarily indicative of a gronnd_
motor or faulty electrical connections, To eliminate
this condition, as well as guard against the effe_
og a grounded motor _ faulty' connections, the
saw should be grounded to a water or steam pipe.
1o All pointers may be readily adjusted to the
zero position by loosening the lock screw, resetting
the pointer and retlghtening the scr_0
2. Both rip fence indicators (part 135, Fig. No.
3) should be adjusted to zero by placing the rip
fence first to the right and then to the left of the
saw blade. The teeth of the saw biade should touch
the rip fence i@tly when the adjustment to zero
is made.
1. Elevation Hand Wheel "A', on the front of
saw, controls devadon of the blade or depth of cut
as indicated on the Depth Dial "B'. The Depth
Dial should read zero_ with the saw' blade just flush
with the surface of the table. Correction of this
setting may be made by sliding the Lift Dial Tape.
This adjustment will be necessary after the blade
_s b_n filed or sharpened, reducing the original
diameter, or when a saw blade of adiameter other
than 8 inches is used. If an extremely accurate
depth of cut is r_uired the height of the saw
blade above the table should be measured or_
preferably, a test cut should be made on, a piece of
scrap and the actual depth of cut measured. Under
no circumstances should a saw blade wi
eter greater than I0 inches be _ed with this saw.
_-_a_ 10-inch saw blade is used_ the pre_nt 3.1neh
motor pulley should be reNa_cxt with a 2½-inch
2. Tilt Hand Wheel "C'_ on the left side of
the saw, controls the angle of tilt. The saw Made
may be tilted from 0 degrees to 45 degrees. _e
angle of tilt is indicated on the Tilt Gage _'D'L
If the angle of the oa_ (tilt) must be extremely
a_urate, the angle of the saw blade sho_x_d be
&eck_ with a protractor or with a board which is
known to be cut at the exact angle required_
3. The tilt mechanlsm may be to&ed in any"
position by means of Clamp Screw Handle "E"
which opiates like a s_ket wrench. The tilt
mechanism should always be locked before starting
work through the saw and should always be un-
locked befor p_ng
4. Rip Pence "F' is operated by pushing in Rip
Fence Knob "G" which engages a pinion gear with
the teeth on Re& _J"o Turning knob _G" after
engagement of the g_r will cause _e Np fence to
move easily across the table° When the pinion gear
is dis_gaged by pulling out knob _G"_ _e rip
fen_ may be moved across the table by hand.
After the rip fence has been adjusted to the post.
don d_ired, it is. clamped in place by pushing down
on Cam Ciamp Lever "H'L if the ciamplng action
is too tight or too loose it may' be adjured by in-
c:reasL,ag or decr_siug the effective length of the
rip fence clamp rod (part 6100, Fig. No. 3). This
is accomplished by loosening the sleeve nut (part
t40, Fig. Non 3) and readjusting the hex nut (part
S-108, Fig. No. 3) on the end of the: clamp rod
at the back of the fence. The sleeve nut, which is
eroployed as a jam nut, should be redghtened after
_e adjustment h_ b_n obtained. A sticky or dirty
table or rip fence may prevent the rip fence from
maintaining proper alignment. Keeping the saw
_ble and rip fence clean and tap#hi the rip fence
lightly* to assist the fence to find its natural position
Mll be found m help maintain the alignment of _e
rip %nee with the saw blade.
_ross Cu#Hn$
Before performing cross cutting operations_ the
alignment of the mitre gage slots wid_ the saw blade
should be checked and corrected, if necessary,
described in paragraph ! under Assembling.
Mitre Gage "K'is graduated in degrees from
the 90 degree position to the 30 degree position,
both left and right. The Mitre Clamp Knob _L"
locks the mitre gage in any position d_ired_ The
Mitre Extension Rods "M" are locked to the mitre
gage by Thumb Screws _'N'+ These rods are pro+
vided for use when it is desired to cut severM pieces
of work to the same length.
To perform accurate work with the mitre gage
the Mitre Gage Pointer (part 6285_ Fig. No. 3) must
be properly adjusted. The mi_e gage should be
set on a _e 90 degree an_e by use of a square
by use of the 90 degree relationship between the
mitre gage Nots and the front table edge, _e mitre
An 8_ sanding disc (Cat. No. 9-2272_ 5/8 st bore)
is available _o_ the saw into a d_c
sander, with provision for tilting to 45 degrees,
Purchase o_ a special Sanding Insert (Cat. No,
9-2283J for use with the disc, is aloe necessary, as
the table opening provided by the insert
6_5_, Fig, No, 3) furnished with the saw, _ too
narrow for the sanding disc.
To set up the saw for disc sanding_ replace the
saw blade with the sanding disc and replace the
[nser_ furnished with the saw with the
insert, Craftsman Disc Cement (Cat, No. 9-2219)
shoMd be used for applying di_s, Abrasive discs
(Ca_, No, 9-2273) may be ordered through any
Sears Retail or Mail Order Store.
_nd R_bbeHn_
For dado work it _s necessary to use a special
Dado Insert (Cat. No. 9-22!2). To use a dado
head remove the inser_ (part 6151, Fig. No. 3)
and saw blade. Place one outside dado blade on
the arbor first; next to _hls place the nun_ner of
chipper blades required to obtain the desired thick-
_ess_ and on the ou_ide of the chipper blades place
another outside dude blade, Replace _e loose col-
lar and tighten the saw arbor nut firmly.
When dado heads wider than 5.'8" are to be
used. th_ loose collar can be left off and the arbor
nut firmly tightened directly against the outside
dad_ blade. If _ dude cut is to be made with the
saw arbor dhed (m notch a board or group of
boards) it may be necessary to remove the Dude
Insert (Cat, No. %2212) from the ruble entirely
_c provide s_fficient clearance for the cutters in
the tilted posit_ono
Caution: Do no_ use the chipper biade_ by them-
selves without both outside dado blades.
8. All other points where friction betw_n two
or more moving surfaces exis_ or where a
slip fit is neces_ry for adj_stlng_ purpose.
9. Special attention should be glv_ to the
moving pa_ts in the Rip Fence and Mitre
To prevent the saw table from rusNng, it should
be kept covered with afilm o_ o_r %top Rust"
when not in use and wiped off with a cloth before
using. A similar procedure should be _ollowed for
other unpainted and unplated parts and s_rfaces.
[Hs ructiions For Orderin% Par s
AId pai'ts iRustrated _n Figures No. 3 and No, 4
and llsted on the fallowing pages u_der part hum-
bess mast he ordered through a .Sears Reta{i or
MMI Order Store. Screws, nuts_ washers_ etc. are
standard items and may be purchased iecaHy by
noting the specifications Iisted for these pa_ts. In
severa_ itas_a_ceg par_ number2 and p_iees a_e listed
for COMPLETE ASSEMBLIES. The part num.
berg of the COMPLETE ASSEMBLiES_ howevee,
do not appea_ on the illustrations°
within the limits
All p_iee_ a_e subjee_ to change without notice.
',' g g gag
_,_ 7¸
Pa_ No*
S2 86
66 73
FIG. No. 3
_it_'e r}age _.gO
M#_e Ctam_ Knob - 40
Mitre E_ien, Rod {Sl_MghQ .40
Mhlee Eaten${n*_ Nod .42
Nhiee Rod Clam_ .... io
MR/e Thumb Screw .12
l_4i{re Gage C[am_ A_*Y, 1._6
Ca_ela ge Bolt
(_/16'* Die. g_/4"1 .10
Wir_ Nut 10-24 _12
Motet Suppor_ Hinge Rod
Molo_ 8a*e Suppo_ A_W.
Mete€ Ba_e Br_¢ke_ Ag_5".
Slflit_e¢ Plvo_ Pin
8" Saw P_t ---
Pa_i S_ing .....
Guard ......
G_=a_d (8" law} lnse_
Part N_. NAME OF PANT Each P_t_ Nn+
120 5
L4O 13
12 _ _24 _ 7
I_4 P_','l S_ring 2p_ce_ .- ,14 I8
6287 Guard ]_se_t Sp_ir_g Cli# .1o lg
8I Cam Thrum* Washer -- .12 54
104 Rip Fcmee ...... 6.94 55
109 RiI_ P_¢e Clamp Wa_h_,_ .I0 56
125 Rig Fe_ce A_'m Assembly .42 60
130 Ri_ Fei'_,co Clamp Pi_ .14 61
1 }5 Rip Feg_ee ie_di_a{o_ .12 72
140 Ri_ Fence Clamp 103
2]_ve Nut .20 1_{
141 Ri_ Fe_e Knob . .44 _46
3556 Rip Fence Plrlion .... 46 2105
!t572 Rip Fence Clamp Cu_hlon _t2 6151
6098 Cam Clamp Leve_ lt_sert .22 61511,
6099 Cam Clat_!_ Lever +68 S-292
6100 Ri# Fence Clamp Rod .50
610} 7'52 Dia, Sgeel Ball .ii
6159 Ri_ Fence B_hir*g , .12 S.299
6160 Rip Fence Gu_e As_mbly LT0
S.12_0 Allg_me_{ Ba_ $1;}rlng A.0 S*I2_2
Feo_t Panel ........... 2.$2
Table T_u_io_ 1,94
Clami S_eeaw ........... 24
Clamp Seeew Halad|¢ ,44
el*linD S_:i'eW S_Ir_g .]0
Tilt Li{{ Peiater ..... [. [ ,14
Tilt Beating Bracket .... 78
Tit* S<rew Block ...... 50
Tihi_g Screw Sleeve ..... 20
Tt_ Gage ............. 30
Splhce¢ Blade Br_ekel .. 1.t6
Fene_ Slide Gear R_ck . . . 2.62
Fccmt Paaol Sdffene_ ,92
Itaae_: ............ I>21}
Table ........... 22.88
,380 × 7/8 x I!16
,7SS x I _ .04Y
Steel Wedge€ ,_0
Spring Wat*he¢ ...... I0
Pa_t No_ NAME OF PART E_h Pa_ No.
67 DEPTH DiAL ASSEMBLY _ 0,78 3501
23 Lib DiM T_p_ Pia .lO 3502
_J Dial Gea_ ............. 54 3503
7_4 L_t DiM T_pe ............ _2 _507
_6 Li_t Di_l T_ S_ring ,1_ _509
_505 SAgg _ ARBOR _59
21 Saw A_bor Housing 7.90 _5_8,
27 Lo_ Collnr ........... 26 3_70
28 Saw Arbor Nut .24 14
3508 Arbor Bcarlng Ret_incr ..... 14 15
_51_t _ A_ho_ K_y A2 4-7
tl_i14 Grc_s_ Cup ............ 20 30
N-1211 Spring Wnsher ............ 1_
NAME OF PART _ach P_t No,
Tigb_ CoHa¢ P$_ .12 3,7
Sa_ A_boe ..1.12 38
Sa_ A_bor Sh_: S_p Ricag .12 39
Tight Collar ,. ,5,6 57
_w Arbor Ben*inS ..... 1,18 58
Lift Screw ........... L42 70
Lift Screw C_ll_ .... 2_ _540
CRADLE A_BMBLY .., 15.20 3557
Cradle ............... 14,64 6084
S_i_dle Arm Pi_ ._2 6085
S_w A_bo_ Retai_iag S_d .20
Spindle Arm Pin S-_O0
Re_Muing 'eVa_be_ ....... 12
D*mt_ Di!! Ra_k ....... _6 Sd212
T_h Lift Nu_ Br_¢ke_ ...... L68
Li_t S€_¢w Block ........... 80
Lift Nut .................. 60
Till Screw ............. 1.02
Tilt Nut .................. 52.
S_li_te_ Blade Clamp Wa*her ,lO
SpIRtcr Blade Cl_m_ Sprig .. .12
Saw Base Assemble ......... 11.52
Arbor Wrench ............ }6
Lift Nut W_shem ........... !0
Tihi_g _red Spacee ....... 12
Sa_¢ Arbor R_t_inin8 Stud
Washer .12
5/4 x I 1/16 x1/32
Fibre _g_a_her .......... 12
Spring W_sh_ ........... 12
Part No.
S 108
NAME OF PART Ezch Par_ No.
10--_2 x 1/8 Hex Nu_ ...... IO S-320
SAE No, gO Wa_her ....... I0 S-323
10_2 gI/2 Fil. _d. Machina S-329
Scce_ .................. 10
10_2 x 5/I6 Rd. _d, Ma, S-417
¢hio_ Screw ............... _0
17/32_/4x1:16 S|ee| Waaher .I0 5,602
S¢_¢w ................... 10 S_626
5/16--18_7 '8 Sq, Hd_ S_ Screw .I0
_/32_/2 Coltet Pm .......... 10 S-655
5 1_ < SAE Med. Lo_kwa_he_.. .|0 S:659
1,'4--20x_t/_6 Hex, Nut ....... gO
It4 SA_ Ned. Lockwa_het. . ,10 S-7_7
I0_3/8 Sglcle Z Rd. Hd. Sheet S.759
Metal N_rew .............. _0
1_/64 _ 7/16 ×11_2 Steel
\Va,_her .................. 10
I/4_20×114 Cu_ P_. See S_rew .10
I, 4--_1 _ iRd. _d_ M_¢Mne
Screw .................... 10
l_J2 :€ 1/2 Rd. Hal. M_¢h_ne
Screw .................... 1_'1
I0_32 x 318 Rd. Hal. Machine
Sccew .................... I0
8--5_I6 Style Z Shee_ l_leeal
Screw ................. 10
6_32 _ _/8 FiL Pld. _¢tchicl_
£e_w ................... I0
111-._7,2 • 7/8 R_. _,:L iglaehi,ne
_bcl'ew ...................... 10
_ I0 SAE _ed. Lock.usher .... 10
..... _ 518 Fil, lid, Maehia_
Pat*- No. NAME OF PART E_¢h_
S-860 3_I6 x I Hex. Hd. C*_
Scg_w .................... 10
S-894 _/8_16 x I/2 Hex, Hd. Ca9
fice_w .................... lO
S-915 8132 x 318 Rd. Hd. Machine
Screw .................... gO
S-970 7/16 x314 _ .024 Steel Washe_ ,10
Sd066 7/16 g _ _4 ×.03_ Steel Washe_ .I0
S-1090 318--.16 xI% Hex. Hd. C_
Screw .................. I0
$d101 5 16_I8x1 Fil+ Hd. C_p ,Screw ,?.O
S.1156 9/16x1_,i×7/64 Steel W_h_r ,10
S-12_4 I 2--13 Semi-Fin, Hex, Nut. AO
g-1205 I2_I _ Semi-Fin_ Hex, Jam N_ +lO
S-1240 8-_2_ 16 Rd. Hd_ M_chine
S_rew .................. I0
S-1241 8-32_5/16 FL 14d. Machine
S,_te_¢ .................... 10
Fo_m 6797+4
S¢ock No+ NAME OF P'AR_
9-2212 D_do Ia_
9-2285 S_ndlng i_se_
9-2272 _adlng DI_, _" bo_ (not illustr_ied)
9°2902 2_/:¢ ' × _,_" b_Te NlJbles_ A_boe