Craftsman 137216000 User Manual VARIABLE SPEED SCROLL SAW Manuals And Guides L0707408
CRAFTSMAN Saw Scroll Manual L0707408 CRAFTSMAN Saw Scroll Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Saw Scroll installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 137216000 137216000 CRAFTSMAN VARIABLE SPEED SCROLL SAW - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN VARIABLE SPEED SCROLL SAW #137216000. Home:Tool Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman VARIABLE SPEED SCROLL SAW Manual
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I:R "VARIABLESPEED SCULL Model No. 137.216000 @ SKW E@2443 Before using this Scroll Saw, read this manual and follow all its Safety RuJes and Operating instructions. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Heffman P_rl @o. 216000001 ,, ,, ,, Safety Instructions Installation Operation Maintenance Parts List Estates, |L 60179 USA !ii!i,i ¸ !i ;!_!i!i _: i PAGE 2 Warranty ................................................................... Product Specifications ........ Safety instructions ......... Accessori_es and Attachrc_nts CaNon Contents ..... Know your Scroll Saw Glossary of Te_s . o, Assembly .......... BI_de Selection ..... Oper_Iion .......... Mainte;nance ........ Troubleshooting Guide .. Parts ................. ............... ............ ................. = FULL ONE-YEAR = 12 o13 16 ............. .............. 17 18 WARRANTY _nmate_ !_th_s p_oduct [ai:ls _ue _o a defe_ _ " or v_orkm_nship within one ye_ from _he dale o# pu_ch_, Sears wil_ repa_ i_ _ree of charge, WARRANTY S_]CE iS AVAI_BLE 8Y RETgRNiNG _|$, PRO_CTTO_E SEARS SE_CE CEdaR iN _E UNITED STA_S, t_AREST This w_'_a#_y gives you spe¢_lic legal r_ht:s, and yeu may a,_sohave other _gh_s which va_ from s_Ie to sta_eo Sear& Roebuck and Co. D_t. 8t 7 WA Hoffman Es_a'_e& tL 60i79 MOTOR M_mum deve!op_ Hp .... Hertz ..................... Am_res _/_ To a_d eie_tdea_ hazards rite _;'#,ard:e,,or e_@e to _e _oo|_ _ p_eper ci_It p_t_J_n. Y_'_Jrscroll s_w _swi_ a_ [he _a_or_' _o_120V operatic, Cer_neC_to a !fi0Vi t5 _mp branch _rcui_ and _ A _5 amp _ime delay fuseor circuit brea_er, Tu _4J sh_; or fire, _e#ac.e powe_ _ im_t_ata;_ # Q iS Wetb_c_1::or damaged i_n any way. _0 .................... 2 8_:c_d .................... .40Q-1800 SPM Fuse .......................... _t,umotN'e _d:pe, ........................ _25 'v_3 A Blade ie_h ii'i_ : ilii _ii_ ....................... 5 _ _i_inor pinend Cu_lin_ _F_ci_y .................... 2 '*_at O':_abIe 1i_ Tablelilt ............................ S_ _ 45_ left Table size, ,. ....................... 10olL8 _ × t 7-1.,'8" Wel_ht ............................ $_ 2 Ib .... 2 GENERAL, S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE SCROLL SAW To a,_Jd mJsta_ teal could ca:_J£e se_ol;5 lrijur2 do eel pl_#g ll/e _fOI &aw i8 ijtl_il ),c,a hive read and_ unde_slood thB follcz,7in }: 1. 2_ 3_ REAOaan _r:ame_tamiharwilh 1hisenhre !I_I=_D_ manual LEARN !1'e t_l's aFPlP_l:rnn&/;_il_lJ_, ar,_ Ig. W_AR A FACE MASK OR OLIST MASK IF SAWING OPSRATION PRDD_JCES DUST, 11. ALWAYS rerr]o_ the a_r cor_ phJg _rom the e_ctde Duller wl_en makir_g adjust_}_anls changing _rt_. cleaning, or workhg on ic_l. GROUND ALL TOOLS. If the 't_-_¢_l is eq_pl:_e with a 3-orong p_#, _tmus_ be _a_jed into a 3_comacl electric a_lleL Th_ third _rcaq is a #_eAd tO am_.,i_te oretectto_ aga_ns_ a_dema_ e_£c_r# sh0¢K Ne_er r_m_va the [l]ird prong r_na £roun_# pltLq, _ee GROUNDING N',_S'TRLIOTIONSon _ge 4 12, _EEP G_ARDS IN PLACE A_ D IN WOR'KING ORDEr. t3. AVOID ACCIDENTAL STARTING. [asere lhal_t,_e power swilch _s m I_ "OFF _silion ba_re pkjggir_g in l_e pcv_er core, AVOID DANGEROUS ¢_DF_ON$. ;_ NOT use pcwer _nls i_ wel or darrr_ ar_as n_ e×pos_ _hem _¢)ra#n 14, REMOVE ADJrJS_NG TOOLS. Fo_ habit o{ ehe_hi_g to _e #_al _oola _ed a#justir_g ,¢_er_es are removed fre_ the S_w _fO_ tcJmir_ il [_n DO NOT _e glg@ ¢I rite _orhpiece agama[ t};_ Blade Sl#wty [_d [he wo_p_e _nlo1_ blade gui#_nlaa_ pl'e_Btl_ lhe '_1 _P_ece dowr_ a_ms[ _e _bl_. CAUTION: Do not ta_:e iha leadir_g ed_ of 1b_ '#OmPi# btO lhe Ma_e.The b_a,_e _#kll_te:4. teduCil_g _curac! o_ cuL and _ ay b_a_k. Use a lead_s£ scrap ,#AOO'J,8n_ a!_#_ _he _ade 1o c_t wl[hchJI lOtc41g _[. miJs_ be T# gel _C_l_are c_.d'sDF. @_,BAred 1:o comparable rot 1/@ bl_d@'s bJldency _u l_ow _l_e w£'¢3_ gram as ?_x:,u are c_tlm_. maJeria!& Raise _!_e_ade guard by lilng y_;_ly. Pc$}t_or_ the work_ece agaJns_ _he Ma_a a_ _ower the Blade #u_'_ an lh_ top $##a¢0 o_ l_e work_ece Rem_e lie v_r_ce born _ blade p_rier _e _urning the _eml_ s.sw ON . Pu I#e speed cenlre! k_ob o_Jt and set _he desired spe_J by lurning _ae conkal kncb d_uckwise nr r.ou_rcl_.kwi._e. QAUTIONI _ _=r_r _e _@I# _ncen_rollable lifting #_e _ [_ and _dune Naris. Iweaka_. _ 110[ PUll me conlrol knob ' ON' MIIb tile workeiea_ is against l_e blade. Best _esuls are ac{_ie_#ed when ouMm_ wae_ [esB 1_R,o_ qoh _IcR Te_13 or_ $ctal OPeRATiONS To a,_'oidinsury barn acd;dent:a_slaMi_o,,_lways I: usti _ 8wi_ch "OFP and un_l_g [!le :_ru/_aw b_u_ me_ne, _p_acing _ha Made ar _ak _£ 8dju._tme_ts, Ye_ mbSl guide Ihe weed irflo the blade s_wl2 b_L_ _h_ taelh et _he [}lade a:re very sin&/and lheV cAr_ only {'_srnove wo,_u when _hey are _ _he d_v_ sffoke. Ir CU_N@ to cu_ d!;ht - This s_v uses 5" Ice,q#_'_lnat4 plain-end tyae Blades_wear _aelbt whe# culmg plywoue ur aartcle beard which is :¢eG,ab_,_iva. Angle cet!_ng _n haerJwoo 3s rodeco_ thu, hi&do sc_ I'asler du_ [u _he blade delact_a. 14 When _he cu_ i_ comP!ele, move 1he IrailH _9 _dge el _he workplace &_e_,O.nd#_e Made guard. P,ash 1_e cr_l_l knob in l_Olure _CrO!lSaW _OFP', ANGLE CU_I_,IG OPERATIONS (B_VEL CUING) - Measure from _[_oir_Side dp of ]#_0Made 1] _o#_e @sired disb3t_ce. PoS_b0r/[he scrap W0r_ (2) a:l _ba[ pot#L p_r_lle_ _o me blade. & Cla_,_ _3/_he scram _,'C_0_ 10 [he table [4_. 3_ _nh_gck y_3urm_3sUtemen_.% #S_ _he wO¢_u_e _o To avoid i_jury_m a_den_ BInNInG _lwa_ push _h_ ;s,_talcb"OFF _ and unplug [he scr_J saw _3re mDving, _p_acing lb_ blade or t_aking adj¢Jstmer_l_ 4. Pos_I_o#the worxpl_# agams[ the b_ade _nd o{_c8 I_e blad_ guard [o#_ (5) em _:hetop _u_oe of t:he 1 & Lai#)m or 8_|_'e a de._-, gn 1o _e _pie_ (1 K T}I the _ab_e(2__o _he d6r$ir_ a_lO L_#{o_e r_n£ _he Able I_ nano_ (3) And moving lhe _ab_o_o#_ proper angI8u_ing _he degree scale {4} and the :_ B¢mo-_ ine wor_ie_ fro_ lhe blade 0nor _c m_nmg 1_8 scroll s_w "ON". Pull _h@_peed c_nl_o! knob ou_ aP_ _t _sir_d sp_od LV _LJrnin#_e con_rol knob CI03_WJ_ or ce¢m_errzl 3. 4. Tighl:_n [he fable Ioc_ handle securely. Posffion _h_ vzompiece e_n[he nght side ef #_3 blade _nd p_ace 1he blade g_a_d (6) _nS_ the su_ce F#!ow i_ems 4-7 under FR_E HANO C_ING OP£RA_JONS (_ !4}. 5. be Cu_ ano make sure [hO _:;#_p '_O_ is _cure. O_TION.t In or_r I,o avoid uf_3n_r[_abie It_ng .of 1he _';_rk pJec_ a_}d redu¢_ b_de brea4_%l&de rotPUll t#_3 c_nLrc_&nob _ON" wi_ile 1he work p_:_ _s#_amst _e bls_e, [_-. _ii_n _he '#_uce ap_ins! _lle scrap W_ _o_e,_'__ngUle leaor_ et_e of the wo_iBce _h_eN_de tl[) [2)prior aqa_rs[ 7_ Slew_ 'loe_ _a _o[kl>;_ce iil_O lhe blade g;uidinO If agi_nst lhe .s_ight_e o_ [he _;rap e_m an_ pressing the _','ark#iec,e @a_r a_ a!ost Ih_, table CAUTION: De not _er_ _he leading edge el wor_.piece m_olhe blade. _ wil_deflecL r_ducin.q (_o_ura_s_ O[ C;U[, _lld rosy b@,sk _he blade A_I@¢,' the _age l:o ¢ul I_o _he we_ko_ec_ wiino,et lercir_g 11. I 8 wr_en _t'_ cul _s comp_a_e mo_ Ihe traiimg e_ge of _[_e,_,_rkp,_ece_e_,_n_ I_0 b_ad_ guard, Push _ha coRt_rolknob m i_ [Bill Scf_3l__w "OFF. NOTE; W_ Fig.U FlIP OR STRAIGHT LIN_ ¢_1NG (FJGURA U) _u_r_tity 2 OPERA_ON8 Descnpti#n Ruter or ¢r_as_._nng[abe 12' Sl_aigh_ sC_a# _,co# (ThiCkR#SS i#m_l_ wo_k p_eceI 15 curl}rib a #arrow won_p_ece use p#_h INTERIOR CU_|_G OPERATJONS {FmGURE V) Fig,V I;::Otyou_ owr'_ s,a_a_y,I_Jr_ the :_h the. rJ_Jg trem 1_ "0_" ARM BEA_IG$ (F!G_JR;EWJ L_ICa._ [_e arm bearing_ _fier Rwrv 5Q _OtlrS or IdSO, 1. T_Jrn_he saw on ifs st_e. and rem_ powu, r su_rue o[_l[eE before _aintaimng 2_ S_uift a g_ns_eus amoun_ _f SAE 2[_ { gh_wel_!:) oil {I}a_u#_ the shaft _O _a_ bronze bearing (2) 3 LO1_h_ ed _k in ou_er_ighi in lhiR cr_ndihnn 4. _}e next day rel:_at _he abo_ _¢oc_d_re_ fs:t the opposife side u_ the _vo G_N_RAL An eccasior_a_ _al el o&s_ wax on tha _rk I;abJowill allow _he w_d oe ng cut 'to #_i_ smea_h y across lhu work Fig. w _J_ace. MOTOR t, 2 ff_:hepuw_r cord _sv_rn, CtJ[,_t darn_@eOm a_y way, haw i_reP_aC_ im_edi_tleiy. Do not aileron[ _o c_]_he _ar bestir9 or se_4ce _he motor internal p_. 16 Molar _4_ no_ r_t £ _ectit_ !, R,_p_acede[_sl_ mobr. & 1_ trnpre_er NOTE: There _4Dra.1 '_ msun@t_ of s_. rurmir:g because motor oserallon. E, Un_uit8_,8 mou_lmg surface _ o_ Any aMemo[ _e reuair _hJ_ rllu_rmay cfeaEe a HAZARD unl@$s t0p_ft_s dra[_ L_ a @Ja[_E_d Be_qce lechnician HeSlac_ fUSO, _Teck ¢[FCUJ_breaker7 _e will OIF@SS_[ r_rls bo_¢_. _:_ng _aw m'_ma, Eo C,an_,_ Se_vic_ C_nt¢_ m_m_g t¢;_sl:r_olls m _h_s_8¢_ual R_r p[epe_ mo#nlJr'_g _e¢nn_qu,u. [Be h eawer year ,_._ bo_ _ch is _he !@SSvibrahn_s w_u occur A p y_ood v@{kb_r_h ,M_I no[ be as g_d e_sr_:suite as [he salt, B 5,_zesolid lum_r Use common S_i'_ace. s_as_ m cl_os_rlg 3., T_£_h_enlable/_A a eouft[ing k _ob og_r_s_ motor. 4. LO¢_O m_o{ mou#lmg. Blade rim mJ_ 1_ BLsO_ I_olde_ r_o[ aligned. arm fno[J_¢_ 17 1 Loosen CAO _eA'S hnl@_g _td_ holders ;t0 acms. _usl r_.s_J0# ol blad£ h_c_rs. _etig_l¢_ _01ders,o VARIABLE SPEED SCROLL MODEL SAW When _eP_tcm9 ii._e nniy CRAFTS_I +opla_ment NUMBER p_rls+ Use ot any elb_r #a_[_ may ¢_a_ 137 215_0 a H_ZARD or causo Any attempt to rep_ii or r#p;!ace electrical p_rls on ll"_s Sc¢Oll Saw may cmata a HAZARD onl!ess repai_ is _ne quail _J_se_+¢e _¢,._n_mi_. Re_ir ser_ is a'_i!able at-your nearest _ass Service C_ nm._+ Always _ _ITI I_L_R h_ a order !_# £ART NLI}_BER no[ by key number _ Ill 4 / 715_34_ _J'_ 1Bl CrF_4;31 _7 167! _ 1 _ _mal _t8 _+.+,O 17_ _!5f_I}C21 14Sq_1 _=_4 !+t;?,C fD5 T_h I+12 147111_ _331 t4a !47ZZ_I _t t_ IIr_t 1712f_! 21D _1_ 212 t91,_)_1 _7_1 f_1{_1 H .................................................. _ 1_ VAillABLE SPEED SCROLL SAW DIAGRAM 137.2:16000 _h @ _9 Forthe repair or rep|a_m_ pa_ you need delivered direcUyto your home Call 7 am - 7 pro, 7 days a week Forin-homemajor brandrepairservice Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week For_e locationof a .m yourarea Sears p arts and Repa!rCen_r Ca]l24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1 Forinformationon purchasinga Sears Main_nance Agreementor to inquire aboutan e_sting mt Cait9 am - 5 pro, Monday-Saturday The mode| _rr_ _ your produd is le_t_ oe the name plate on the f_ When r_uesUng service or _ng a|ways give _e f_lewlng .. Product Type ,, Model Namer of the scroll s,_ _rts, |nf_on: - Part ,Numb_ •, Part _riptJon America's H_patr 5"_c a_s_s
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