Craftsman 17125481 User Manual ROUTER TABLE Manuals And Guides L0909496
CRAFTSMAN Router Accessory Manual L0909496 CRAFTSMAN Router Accessory Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Router Accessory installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 17125481 17125481 CRAFTSMAN ROUTER TABLE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN ROUTER TABLE #17125481. Home:Tool Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman ROUTER TABLE Manual
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CRAFr.3 _xeRouter Table :CAUTION!_Read AllInstructions Carefully (RouterNotIncluded) Solday: SEARS,ROEBUCK AndCO. 3333 BeverlyRoad, HoffmanEstates,IL 60179 Made In U,S.A. i i Pa_ No. 49L CN:59 Printed h7U,S.A. FAILURETO HEEDALLSAFETYAND OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS ANDWARNINGSREGARDINGUSEOFTHIS PRODUCTCANRESULT IN SERIOUS80DILY INJURY. GENERAL SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS FORPOWERTOOLS 1. KNOWYOURPOWERTOOL Readthe owner's manualcarefully.Learn its applicationand limitationsas well asthe specific potential hazardspeculiarto this toot. 2. GROUNDALLTOOLS(UNLESSDOUBLEINSULATED) If tool is equippedwith an approved3-conductor cord and a 3prong grounding type plug, it should be plugged intoa threehole electricalreceptacle,If adapteris usedto accommodatea twoprong receptacle,theadapterwire must be attachedto known ground, (usuaflythe screw securing receptaclecover plate). Never remove third prong.Neverconnectgreen ground wire to a terminal. 3. KEEPGUARDSIN PLACE 12. USESAFETYGOGGLES(Head Protection) WearSafetygoggles(mustcomplywith ANSI'Z87,1)at all times. Also, use faceor dust mask, if cutting operationis dusty, and ear protectors (plugs or muffs) during extendedperiodsof operation. 13. SECUREWORK Useclamps or a vise to hold work when practical, It's saferthan using your hands, and it frees both handsto operatetool, 14. DON'TOVERREACH Keep proper footing and balanceat atf times. i5. MAINTAINTOOLSWITH CARE Keep tools sharp and cleanfor best and safest performance. Follow instructions for lubricating and changingaccessories. In working order,and in proper adjustment and alignment, 16. DISCONNECTTOOLS 4. REMOVEADJUSTINGKEYSANDWRENCHES Before servicing, when changingaccessoriessuch as blades,bits, cutters, etc. Forma habit of checkingto seethat keys and adjusting wrenches are removedfrom too! beforeturning it on. 5. KEEPWORKAREACLEAN Clutteredareasand benchesinvite accidents,Floor must not be 17. AVOIDACCIDENTAL STARTING Make sure switch is in "OFF"position before pluggingin. 18. USERECOMMEND_ED ACCESSORIES slippery due to wax or sawdust. Consult the owner's manualfor recommendedaccessoriesand 6. AVOIDDANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT follow the instructions, The use of improper accessoriesmay causehazards. Don't usepower tools in damp or wet locationsor exposetllem to rain. Keepwork area wel! lighted: Provideadequatesurrounding work space. 19. NEVERSTANDONTOOL 7. KEEPCHILDRENAWAY All visitors should be kept a safe distancefrom work area. 8. MAKEWORKSHOPKID-PROOF Usepadlocks,masterswitches, or remove starter keys. 9, DON'TFORCETOOLS It wilt do the job betterand safer at the rate for which it was designed, 10. USERIGHTTOOL Don't force toot or attachmentto do a job it was not designedfor. 11. WEARRIGHTAPPAREL Do not wear loose clothing,gloves, neckties or jewelry (rings, wrist watches)to get caugt]t in moving parts, Nonslip footwear is recommended,Wear protectivehair covering to contain long flair. Roll long sleevesabovethe elbow. Serious injury could occur if the tool is tippedor if the cutting tool is accidenta!lycontacted. Do not store materials aboveor near the tool making it necessaryto stand on the tool to reachthem. 20. CHECKDAMAGEDPARTS Beforefurther use of the tool, any guard or other part that is damagedshould be carefullycheckedto ensure that it will operate properly and perform its intendedfunction. Checkfor alignment of moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakageof parts, mounting, and any other conditions that may affect its operation.A guard or any other part that is damagedshould be properly repairedor replaced. 21. DIRECTIONOF FEED Feedwork into a bladeor cutter against the direction of rotation of the bladeor cutter only. 22. NEVERLEAVETOOLRUNNINGUNATTENDED Turn power off. Don't leavetool until it comes to a completestop, ENERALSAFETYI UCTI THE LEWITH UNITIZEDFENCE. 1. ALWAYSUSEEYEPROTECTION Theoperationof any powertoo! can result in foreign objects being throwninto the eyes,which can result in severeeyedamage. Alwayswear safety goggles beforecommencing power tool operation,Safetygoggles are availableat Searsretail or catalog stores, 11. WHENENDCUTTINGONWORKPIECES'4" WIDEOR LESS, CLAMPAND HOLDAND FEEDTHE WORKPIECE WITHTHE PUSH BLOCKUSINGBOTHHANDS,AS SHOWNiN FIG. #23. KEEP FINGERSCLEAROF BITWHENMOVINGWORKPIECE ACROSS THECUTTINGAREA.NEVERPLACEYOURHANDSLOWERTHAN THETOPOFRETRACTABLE GUARD. 2. KEEPHANDSCLEAROF BITSANDWORKINGAREA 12. ROUTERBITSARE_:_rREMELYSHARP. 3. MAKEANOUSEA PUSH STICKTOMOVESMALL WORKPIECES ACROSSTHE CUTTINGAREA. Be extra careful when working around them. 4, KEEPROUTERCLEANAFTEREVERYUSE, CLEANSAW DUST OFFTHEROUTER. POSITION(SUCHAS ONA ROUTERTABLE),WILL FALL(OR DROP)OUTOFTHE ROUTERBASEWHENTHEBASECLAMPIS LOOSENED+ IT IS THEREFORE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO SUPPORTTHEROUTERMOTORFROMBELOWWHENTHEBASE CLAMPIS LOOSENED TO MAKEADJUSTMENTS,OR FORANY OTHERREASON. 5. YOURROUTERTABLEiS PROVIDEDWITH A DUST COLLECTING ATTACHMENTALWAYSUSESHOPVACFORALL ROUTINGOPERATIONS REQUIRINGUSEOF FRONTSIDE OF UNITIZEDFENCE.(FRONTSiDEtS THESIDEWITH THE CRAFTSMANLABEL). NOTE:Motors usedon wood-working tools are particularly susceptibleto the accumulation of sawdust and wood chips and should be "vacuumed" frequently to prevent interferencewith normal motor ventilation. 6. CHECKFUNCTIONOFGUARDBEFOREEACHUSE.REMOVE ALLDUSTANDCHIPSFROMGUARDAREAASNEEDEDTO MAINTAINGUARDFUNCTION. 7. NEVERPUT YOURFINGERSUNDERTHE GUARDWHENTHE ROUTERIS PLUGGEDIN. 8, ALWAYSUSETHE ROUTERTABLEFENCETO GUIDETHE WORK.DONOTWORKFREEHAND. When using pilot type bits, keepthe fences as close to the pilot as possibleto provideadditional backupand additionalguidanceand to avoid chancesof an accidentand possiLllepersonalinjury, , 9. ALWAYSFEEDAGAINSTTHEROTATIONOFTHECUTTER WHENROUTINGON THEROUTERTABLE.FEEDWORKPIECES IN THEDIRECTIONOFTHEARROWAS SHOWNONTHE LABELON THESIDEOFTHE FENCEBEINGUSED(WHENFACINGTHE TABLEFRONT). 10. FORALLEDGECUTTINGANDENDCUTrlNGOPERATIONS, USEFRONTSIDEOF UNITIZEDFENCE.USEBACKSIDE OF FENCEONLYFORROUTINGOPERATIONS AWAYFROMEDGEON THEUNDERSIDEOFWORKPtECE SUCHAS GROOVING, FLUTING,VEINING,CROWNMOLDING,ETC. 13, SOMEROUTERS,WHENUSEDIN AN UPSIDEDOWN t4. ALWAYSLOOKUNDERTHETABLEAT THESWITCHWHEN TURNINGTHEROUTERON!OFFANDTOUCHNOTHINGBUTTHE SWITCH, NEVERREACHUNDERTHETABLEWHENROUTERtS RUNNINGFORANY OTHERREASON. NOTE:It is far more safeand convenientto usea "Craftsman +25183 Router TableSwitch package".This switch providesa key operatedON/OFFbutton-which 1 allows fast and easy accesswhen and if it becomesnecessaryto turn the router "OFF"quickly, The key can be removed to render the switch inoperableto unauthorizedpeople. 15. MOUNTROUTERTABLEFIRMLYAND SECURELY TOA WORKSURFACEBEFOREUSE.FAILURETO DOSO COULD CAUSETABLETOTiP OVEROR SLIDEDURINGOPERATION RESULTINGIN PROPERTYDAMAGEAND/ORSERIOUSBOOILY INJURY. 16. BEFOREMAKINGANY CUT,UNPLUG ROUTERAND RETRACTGUARDTO MAKEABSOLUTELY SURETHATRETRACTABLE GUARDCLEARS THE ROUTERBIT, ANDTHE GUARDIS FUNCTIONING NORMALLY.SEEFIG. #16. 17. WARNING:ROUTERVIBRATIONS SOMETIMESCANCAUSEFASTENERS FORTHETABLE,THE ROUTERANDTHEUNITIZEDFENCETO GETLOOSErPERIODICALLY CHECKFASTENERS TOMAKESURE THEYARETIGHTAND SECURE, INTRODUCTION How often haveyou neededa large guiding surfaceon a router table? Your CraftsmanRouter Tablewith UnitizedFencecomes with ttle following: • A unique 4" high unitizedfence designedto assist end grain routing for makingtenons, sliding dovetailsand tongue and groovejoints along with most edgeand face cutting operations. • A speciallydesignedpush block with quick clamp for back up and clamping boards up to 4"width for end grain routing. • An accurateand quick adjustingjointing fence adjustableto proper jointing depth of cut. • Reversingfeature of unitized fence designedto enablerouting operations like grooving, fluting, veining and crown molding etc. up to 2_" away from the edge towards the mid,die of the board. • Two guardsfor operationon either side of ihe unitized fence. • Dust co!lecting attachmentfor most sllop vacuum hook ups, • Extensionsthat providea large work surface. If order to facilitate handlingand minimizeany damagethat might occur during shipment, your new router table is packaged unassembled.We know you are anxiousto seewhat yOurnew too! wil! do, but a few minutes spent now carefullyreading the following instructionswill result in less frustration and more enjoyableoperation later, Start by checking and accountingfor all the loose parts, If any parts are missing, contact your local Craftsmanretail or hardwarestore outlet for replacement. OPTIONALROUTERTABLEACCESSORIES #25326 CRAFTSMANUNIVERSALADAPTERPLATE,for mounting non-Craftsman1/4" shank routers to Craftsmanrouter accessories. #25183 CRAFTSMANROUTERTABLEPOWERSWITCH,for turning router and other accessories"on" and "off" from the front of the router table, i #25468 CRAFTSMANGUIDEMASTERRouterTablePush Shoe,aids in push shoe and hold down operations,accuratemeasurementand router table setup,transforms into a miter gauge,and gives quick set up for 1/2" sliding dovetail joints. #25489 CRAFTSMANROUTERTABLEFLOORSTAND,places router tables at convenientworking height, has adjustablefloor levelers, and two steelshelvesfor storage, UNPACKING ANDCHECKING CONTENTS Refer to Parts List on Page 16 YOUMUST READANDUNDERSTAND ALLTHEINSTRUCTIONSCOMPLETELY BEFORE ATTEMPTINGTO ASSEMBLEANDOPERATE YOUR ROUTER/ROUTER TABLE, TOOLSREQUIRED , A small and medium size screwdriver. • A small or medium size adjustablewrench, • An electricalor hand drill with 1/8"drill bit, • Hammer ASSEMBLYOF EXTENSIONSAND LEGS t. Toassemblethe EXTENSIONS and LEGSto ROUTERTABLE, placetable, top side down, on a smooth, flat surfi_ce,and position the LEGSand EXTENSIONS relativeto the TABLEas shown in Figure1. htsert the #10-32 x Yi' screwthrough the LEGand install lock washer and nut. This is to be done for eachtable leg. 2, Makesure all screws and nuts are securelytightened, 3. Turnthe tabletop side up and checkto see that tfm EXTENSIONS are evenwith or slightly belowthe table top. 4, In no caseshould the EXTENSIONSbe higher thanthe table, or elsethey may interfere with the workpieceduring routing causing a condition that can result in possibleserious injury. 5. If the extensionsare higher than the top of the table, loosenthe screws holding the EXTENSIONS and reposition them so they art; evenwith or slightly lower than the top of table, SECURELY TIGHTENALL SCREWSAND NUTSAGAIN, 6. To double check, slide a flat pieceof wood along the top of the tableboth directions, Make surethat the end of the wood moves freely without contacting the edgeof the EXTENSIONnext to table, DO NOTPLACEHEAVYOBJECTSOR PRESS HEAVILYONTHE EXTENSIONSORELSE THEYMAYBEDAMAGEDCAUSINGA CONDITIONTHATMAY CANRESULTIN POSSIBLESERIOUS80DtLY INJURYDURING ROUTING. FIGURE 1 MOUNTINGROUTERTO TABLE ALWAYSUNPLUGROUTERBEFOREMOUNTING(The tablewill acceptCraftsman3 hole 6 in. diameter base). , i:f 1. Removethe router baseplate(back plate)from the router. ' 2. While holding the router upsidedown, position it to the undersidewithin the center ring of the table top, as shown in Fig.#2, 3. Rotatethe router until the three mounting holes in the router baseline up with threeof the holes in the table top (It will be helpfulif you orient the router such that you can easily reach the ON/OFFswitch from the front of the table. Craftsman_-25183 Router TableSwitch Packageprovideseasy access to ON/OFF button). 4. Insert three #!0-32 x _" long flat head machine screws (provided) through holes in the tabletop (See Fig, #2) and tighten securelyinto the router base. FIGURE2 5 • SELECTINGAND INSTALLING[ABLEINSERTS 1.With the desiredbit in the router, selecta table insert which has a center hole slightly larger thanthe diameter of the router [)it. Note: Forbits larger than approximately!_;" diameter,do not usean insert, 2, Thetable insertsare designedto be snappedinto the router table. Stidethe large tang under the edgeof the large hole in the router tableas shown in Fig. #3. Using your thumb, press down on the insert until the small tang snaps into position 3, Toremove the insert, placethe blade of a small screwdriver into the slot (with the small tang) and pry the insert out of [he router table. BEFORE ASSEMBLINGANDATTACHING UNITIZEDFENCETOTABLE,MAKESURE THATROUTERIS UNPLUGGED ANDTHEBIT IS BELOWTHETOP SURFACEOFTHETABLE. HGURE 3 ASSEMBLYOFUNITIZEDFENCE 1, Slidejointing fencethrough rectangularopening in the cavity providedon the unitizedfence(ribs on the unitizedfence will slide in the grooves on the undersideof jointing fence). SeeFig. #4a & #4b. 2, Insert ;./.-20x t" tong hex head bolt through the hole in the unitizedfence (from the underside)and the slot in the jointing fence, 3. While holding the headof the bolt in the hex recesson the undersideof unitized [ence,placea flat washer over the bolt and screwsmall _-20 knob on bolt. Whenknob is loosened,the jointing fence canslide back and forth in the cavity for proper iointing adjustment. FIGURe." 4a FIGURE4b 6 1. Placethe unitizedfence upsidedown on a flat surface as shown in Fig. #5a & #Sb. 2. Orient the retractableguard as shown in Fig, #5a & #5b. Positionand hold the spring over its hub such that formed end of spring wraps over the guard as shown in Fig. #So & #5b. 3. While holding the spring overthe hub, and formed end over the guard, position and press the straight leg of spring against surface 'X' to align hole in hub over boss on unitizedfence (see Fig. #5a & #5b). Slip the guard over the boss, Spring wil! now be trapped betweenthe guard and the fence.(Spring diameter is bigger than the hub diameter.You will need to use both handsto hold spring in proper position,). 4, Tightly secure retractableguard in placeusing set! threading #810 x _" long pan head ptasformscrew and a flat washer as shown in Fig. #5a & #5b, f.'K._URE 5a 5, Swing guard a few times in the direction of arrow to see that it retractsout freely by itself and returns to its normal position over the routertable hole. See Fig.#5a & #5b. NOTE:If the guard does not retractout freely, loosenscrew just enough until it does retract out freely and snaps back to normal forward position by itself, 6. Turn the unitizedfence right side up. FIGURE5b ATTACHMENT OFUNITIZEDFENCEASSEMBLY TOTABLE ALWAYSUNPLUGROUTERBEFORE ATTACHING FENCETOAND REMOVING FROMTABLE. 1. Assembleunitized fenceassemblyto table as shown in Fig. #6. 2. Insert one of the _-20 x 1_" long hex head bolts through the hole in the tabletop (from the underside)and the slot in the fence. 3. While holding the head of the bolt in the hex recesson the undersideof the tabletop,placea flat washer over the bolt and install a large '_-20 knob onto the bolt to loosely secure the fen_:e. 4, Repeatfor tile other slot, NOTE:The unitized fenceassemblycan be attachedto bible with either sidefacing the front, Touse other side, just remove the knobs and turn the fencearound. RGURE6 7 i !, Screw the small end of clamp rod into threadedhole m clamp ptateuntil the platebottoms on its shoulder (make sure clamp plate is orientedsuch that letter "C" is facing outwardsas shown in Fig,//7). 'FLAT WASHER 2. Tightlysecure clamp plateto clamp rod using _" helical lock washerand a hex nut. " PUSH BLOCK 3, Insert the opposite threadedend of clamp rod through hole in pushblock, and install a flat washer and a wing nut on to it. ROUTERVIBRATIONS SOMETIMESCAN CAUSE1/4-28 HEXNUTANO CLAMP PLATETOGETLOOSEtPERIODICALLY CHECKFASTENERS AND CLAMPPLATETO MAKESURETHEYARETIGHTANDSECURE. , NUT i[ CLAMP PLATERGURE F ASSEMBLY OF BLOCK& GUARDTO UNITIZED Clampplate, whenfree, tries to swing in the direction of arrow (SeeFig. #8) due to its weight. t. Mount push block assembly on the unitized fence by supporting clamp plateagainst the face of the fence and aligning retaining rib on push block with the groove in the face of unitized fence, 2. Slide push block assembly back and forth along entire length of unitizedfence to seethat it slides freely. NOTE:a, Removedust and chips from sliding surfaces of push block and unitized fenceas neededto maintain good sliding motion. b, Occasionalapplicationof furniture spray wax on sliding surfaces of PUSHBLOCKONLYwilt greatly in]prove the sliding motion, FIGURE8 FORROUTINGON ENDS(TENONS,SLIDINGDOVETAILS,ETC,) WORKPIECEIS HELDAGAINSTFACEOFUNITIZEDFENCEAND CLAMPEDBETWEENCLAMP PLATEAND SURFACE'S'OFPUSH BLOCK.SEEFIG.#8. 1. Assembleguard to unitizedfence as shown in Fig, #9, 2. While holding the guard at a slight angle,as shown, insert tab on one side of guard into the hole inside the slot on the fence. 3, Hold the guard against this slot, straighten it into a vertical position,and insert the opposite tab into the mating slot. SeeFig, #9. 4, Pivot guard back and forth a few times to make sure that it movesfreely. NOTE:Oncethe guard has been installed,do nol remove it for any reason, FIGURE 9 8 THEROUTERTABLEMUSTALWAYSBEFIRMLYAND SECURELY MOUNTEDTOA WORK SURFACEBEFOREUSE. FAILURETO DO SO COULDCAUSETABLETOTIP OVERORSLIDE,RESUL.TING IN PROPERTYDAMAGEANDIORSERIOUSPERSONA[.INJURY, Eachleg has (4} lloles at the bottom for mounting. Firmly secure router table to work surface usingappropriate fasteneis (not provided)as shown in Fig, #10. Attach 1"x 6"or 2" x 6"skids to bottom of legs as shown in Fig. #10. then securetable firmly to work surface. FIGUREI0 Unitizedfence is providedwith a hookup for most Craftsman2_" and 1¼"hose diameterwet!drj vats. FORALL OPERATIONSREQUIRINGUSEOFFRONT-SIDEOF UNITIZEDFENCE,connectwet/dry vac as follows: 1. Raiseguard and lean it againstthe fence, 2. Attach2_" hosediameter nozzleas shown in Fig.#'! 1. 3. Attach 17" hosediameter nozzleas shown in Fig. #12, 4. Lowerguard and let it rest on the vac hose. NOTE'.Formaximum suction efficiency,stick a pieceof tape or use a pieceOfscrap wood to cover up the opening in the rear of the fence as shown in Figures1! and 12. Uncoveropening after use, FOROPERATIONSREQUIRINGUSEOFBACKSIDEOF UNITIZEDFENCE,DONOTCONNECTWET/DRYVACAS IT WILL HINDEROPERATION, THEBACKSIDEOFFENCE1SONLY FORCUTTINGOPERATIONS ONTHE UNDERSIDEOF WORKPIECETHE WORKPIECEDURINGSUCHOPERATIONS COMPLETELY COVERSTHEROUTERBIT AND THEDUST CANNOTBE VACUUMED. FIGURE11 OPERATING ROUTERTABLEWITHOUTUSE OFWET/DRYVACMAYRESULTtN EXCESSIVE COLLECTION OFSAWDUSTAND CHIPSUNDERTHE FENCEANDTHE RETRACTABLE GUARDAREA, FORYOUROWNSAFETY,ALWAYSUNPLUGTHE ROUTERAND CHECKFUNCTIONOFGUARDBEFOREEACHUSE REMOVE DUSTAND CHIPSFROMGUARDAREAAS NEEDEDTO MAINTAINGUARDFUNCTION,KEEPWORK AREACLEAN. REMOVEUNITIZEDFENCEFROMTABLE(MAKESUREROUFEr_ tS UNPLUGGED)TO CLEAROUSTAND CHIPSTRAPPED BElWEENFENCEANDTABLETOE FIGURE 12 9 Assembleprotractor headtOmiter bar as shown in Fig. #13. ,_" 1. Measuredistancefrom each end of unitized fence to edge 'E' of miter bar slot on thetable as shown in Fig. #t4. If both distances are the same,the fence is parallelto miter bar sfot. !t not, loosen largeknobs and adjust fenceaccordingly,Tighten both knobs. __"t¢"*......._ .. _4-417X 3/4 LG PANHEAD MACHINE SCREW -_-- POtNTER / 2. Position miter gaugeon tableas shown in Fig #14. 3,'t6'f'ALNUT............... PALNU_ TOBE PU,S'HEO ONTO STUD UNTIL tT BOTTOMSOUT AGAINSTMtTER BAR FIGURE13 ALWAYSUNPLUGTHE ROUTERBEFOREMAKINGANY SETTING, ADJUSTMENTSORCHANGINGBITS, WHENROUTING,ALWAYSFEEDAGAINSTTHE ROTATIONOF THE CUFrER FEEDWORKPIECEIN THE DIRECTIONOFARROW AS SHOWNONTHE LABELONTHESIDE OFTHE FENCEBEING USED(when facing the table front). Theunitized fenceon your table is providedas a guide, against which the workpieceshould be heldfor accuracy in routing. Free hand routing (not holding work against the fence) is hazardous and should be strictly avoided. Wet/dry vac with eitller 2S" diameteror 1/" diameter hose nozzle should be connectedto the dust collectionattachmentwhen using the router table, FIGUREt4 tn order to retractthe guard and haveful! access to the router bit for making adjustments,select a board that is smooth with edges and endstrue to eachother and its surfaces,Keepin mind the foi!owing as wel!: 1. Mark lines 'A and 'B' on the end of this board. Line 'A' for desireddepth of cut (amount of material you want Io remove)and line 'B' for desiredcutting heighL SeeFig. #I 5, 2. Position this board against theface of tile fencewith edge resting on tabletop and end marked with lines 'A' and 'B' dose to the bit. SeeFig, #t5. (This will retractguard inside tenceand provideaccessto the bit for making adjustments, MAKESURE ROUTERtS UNPLUGGED WHENMAKINGADJUSTMENTS.) 3, Loosen both large knobs that allow movement of fence and move fence forward and backwarduntil outermost cutting edge ef router bit is alignedwith line 'A'. Tighten both knobs. FfGUREt5 t0 \, #t0-32 x 3,;4" LG. CARRtAGEBOLT HEX 4. Raiseor lower the _outeruntil top cutting edg(_cf bd _,._ _f!:(m,}d with line 'B. (Refer to your router ownel's !rla,llual hji' adjusliq_ I your router proper}y).AFTERMAKINGTHISAOJUS:rMENT,i-3E: SURETHATROUTERIS SECURELY TIGHTENEDtN ]HE ROUTER BASE,BIT tS SECURELY TIGHTENEDIN THEROUTEF_ CHUCK, AND ROUTERBASEIS 1tGHTLYSECUREDTO TABLETOK 5, Removethe board flora the fence, WHENADJUSTINGHEIGHTOF ROUTER BITFORANYDESIREDCUT,MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAINTHATTOPOF BITIS BELOWTHE INSIDE SURFACEOFRETRACTABLE GUARD,ASSHOWNIN FIG. #16, CHECKTO SEETHATGUARDRETRACTSFREELYIN ANDOUT OF FENCETOITS NORMALPOSITIONOVERTHE ROUTERTABLE HOLE, DONOTOPERATE ROUTERIF ANYPARTOFTHE BIT CONTACTS THE GUARD. NOTE:The proceduredescribedaboveis intendedto provide a way of retractingand holdingthe guard to havefull accessto the _outerbit for making adjustment& Workpieceto be routed could be substituted for the scrap boardfor making adjustmertts. fIGUREt6 For maximum strength and accuracy,boards to be joined together should be smooth and true. Theedgesshould be true to the (90°) workpiecesurface, You cantrue the edgesof workpieceon your router table using a straight bit. !, Checkto see if face of jointing fence is flush with the face of unitizedfence, If not, loosensmall knob on jointing fence and push jointing fence inside the cavity in unitized fence.Tighten knob on jointiag fence. NOTE:The jointing fence provides a continuous support for the workpiece,as it is fed beyondthe router bit, tt compensatesfor the amount of material removedby the router bit, 2. Adjust depth of cut (material you want to remove) and router bit l]eight as describedbeforefor Fig,#!5, Tightly secure the fence and the router as described before.(MAKESUREROUTERIS UNPLUGGEDWHENMAKINGADJUSTMENTS.) FIGURE17 3. Checkyour adjustmentsby turning the router 'ON' and feeding a pieceof scrap wood a few inches beyondrouter b_t.Thenstop and turn router 'OFF', NOTE:Feedwork in the direction of arrow shown on label on the frontside of unitized fence (whenfacing table front). 4, Loosenknob on jointing fence and move it out flush against i:l]e finished edge of scrap wood, Retightenthe knob See Fig _17. 5. Repealthe test cut on the scrap wood. 6. Therouter table is now readyfor use, NOTE:For best jointing results, take very shallow cuts _--/;:,"or less. RGURE t8 1. Position the jointing fence such that its face is flush with the face of unitized fence.Tighten small knob on jointing fence.See Fig,#! 8, 11 2_Adjusl depthof(;ut (material youwanttoremove) and router bit Ileight as d_,scribedbefore. Tightenboth large knobs to lock fence on table. Tightly securethe router,(MAKE SUREROUTERtS UNPLUGGEDWHENMAKINGADJUSTMENTS,) 3. Testcut a piece of scrap wood to make sure your adjuslments are satisfactory. NOTE:Feedwork in the direction of arrow shown on label on frontside of unitizedfence (when facing tablefront), 4, The router table is now readyfor use, Rememberthe following when bits with pilots are usedto control the cutting depth: 1. Position the jointing fence in the same manner as with nonpiloted bits. FIGURE_19 2, Move the unitized fence back only enough to permit the pilot to control the cutting depth. Positioningthe unitized fence as close to the pilot as possible will serve as a back-up and will help in avoidingan accidentand possiblepersonalinjury, See Fig. #!9. NOTE:if you havepurchasedRAILAND STILECUTFERS (Craftsman-_21257 or _21259) for making cabinet door frames on your router table, MAKESURETHATFRAMETHICKNESSis not more than _". II frame thicknessis more than _", the top of i[f_ebit, as shown in Fig. 20, will interferewith retractableguard on your unitizedfence, SeeFig. #20 and Fig. #16, THAN3/4" FIGURE20 When routing on endsof workpiecefor making tenons,sliding dovetailsand tongue and groove joints, the workpiecemust be madesmooth with both edgesand ends madetrue to eachother and its surfaces. (90°) NOTE:Thepush block and clamp plate assemblywilt not accommodateworkpiecewider than 4". EXAMPLE: CUTTINGTENONS 1. Make certain that jointing fence is locked in position with its face flush with that of unitizedfence. 2. Mount push block assembly on unitizedfence as shown before in Fig. #8. FfGURE21 3. Install proper table insert into the table top hole, 4, Mark lines 'A' and 'B' on the edgeof the workpiece closest to the end to be cut. Line 'A' for FULLDEPTHOFCUT (total amount of materialyou want to remove) and line 'B' for FULLOEStRED HEIGHTOFTENON.SeeFig. #2t. 12 [ DONOTSETDEPTHOF CUTMORETHAN _" (FIG. #23). IF DEPTHOFCUTIS MORE THAN %",THEEDGE'E' OFWORKPIECE WHENSLIOtNG ACROSSWILL INTERFERE WITH PORTION'P' OFGUARD.THE GUARDTHENWILL NOTRETRACTINSIDEFENCE,ANDYOU WILL NOTBEABLETOSLIDEWORKPIECE ACROSSTHEBIT TO MAKETHE CUT,SEEFIG. #24. • " ' " 3,"8' MAX. DEPTH f 5. POsitionworkpiecebetweenclamp plate and push block such that its side is held flush against face of the unitizedfence,el_(ito be cut is resting on the edge of the table top hole and edge marked with lines 'A' and 'B' is facing the router bit. Clamp workpiecein this position by snugly tightening the wing nut on clamp rod while making sure that clamp platestays orientedon workpieceas shown in Fig.#21. (This will retract guard inside the fence and provideaccessto the bit for making adjustments. MAKE SUREROUTERIS UNPLUGGED WHENPOSITIONINGAND CLAMPINGWORKPIECE AND MAKINGADJUSTMENTS) NOTE:Tighten wing nut just enough to clamp workpiece in position. OVERTIGHTENING wing nut could cause binding in tim sliding motion of push block, which in turn may result in variations andlor steps in thefinished tenon surface when cut. SeeFig, #25. , 3,'8"&'lAX. DEPTH o_-CUr FIGURE22 6. Slide workpiececlose to the bit and adjust unitized fence and the router as described before,so that outer-most cutting edge of bit is alignedwith line 'A' and top cutting edge of bit is aligned with line 'B'. See Fig,#21. Tightly secure the fence and the router, as describedbefore in ADJUSTINGDEPTHAND HEIGHTOFCUT. 7. Slide push block and workpiece back to let guard swing out to its normal position as shown in Fig. #14. 8. Turn router and wet/dry vac 'ON'. While holding push biock GUIDEWORKPIECE AGAINSTFENCEWITH BOTHHANDS(Fig. #23 & #24) and FINGERSATSAFEDISTANCEABOVEGUARD AND SPINNINGBIT.Feedworkpieceacross the bit to make FULL DEPTHOFCUTtN ONEPASS(DONOTSTOPFEEDUNTIL WORKPIECEIS FARENOUGHBEYONDSPINNINGBIT TOALLOW GUARDTO RETRACTOUTFULLYTO ITS NORMALPOSITION). NOTE:Clampand test cut a pieceof scrap wood Io ci:leckyour adjustmentsbeforemaking your finished cut. 9. Turnrouter and wet/dry vac 'OFF'.Unclampworkpieceand slide push block back, HGURE 23 EDGE "E" 10. Position and clamp the opposite skJeof workpiece in tile same manneras describedin Step #5 (make sure the wing nut is tight just enoughto clamp workpiecein position and end to be cut is resting on the edge of table top hole.} Repeatslops #7. #8, and #9. _ i¸ i 11, Tocut endsof the tenon, position and clamp workpiecein the same manrmras in step #5 above,exceptedge of workpiece should be hetdflush againstface of fence and end to be cut should be resting on edge of table top hole, See Fig. #24, Repeat steps#7, #8, #9, and #10. #IGURE24 13 :' ¸¸ ? NOTE:When cutting tenons,alwaysclamp work[)ic(:_,_,_.Ati, (:nd to be cut resting on edgeof tabletop hote,1his will inmnuizeste_s m finished tenor] surface (Fig.#25) due to w.triationsin lhe tabletop flatness, ALWAYSCUTFULLDEPTHON ALL4 SIDES OFTENONIN ONEPASSACROSSTHE6IT, ONCETHESIDESARECUTANDIF STEPSOROTHER IMPERFECTIONS ARENOTICEDON FINISHEDTENONSURFACE, CLEANTHEMWITH WOO0CHISEL,SANDPAPERORFILE, ETC. DONOTTRYTO CLEANTHEMBY RE-SETTING WORKPIECEON ROUTERTABLEAND FENCE,WORKPIECE MAYINTERFERE WITH GUARD(SEEFIG. #21) WHICHiN TURNWILL PREVENTIT FROMSLIDINGACROSSTHEBIT. STEPStN FINISHED TENONSURFACE FIGURE25 OPERATION ROUTINGUSINGBACKSIDE OF UNITIZEDFENCE USEBACKSIDEOFFENCEONLYFORROUTINGOPERATIONS AWAYFROMEDGEONTHE UNDERSIDEOFWORKPIECE,SUCH AS GROOVING,FLUTING,VEINING,CROWNMOLDING,ETC, ALWAYSUNPLUGTHEROUTERBEFOREMAKINGANY SETTING, ADJUSTMENTS,ORCHANGINGBITS. WHENROUTING,ALWAYSFEEDAGAINSTTHEROTATIONOF THECUTi'ER.FEEDWORKPtECEIN THE DIRECTIONOFARROW AS SHOWNON LABELONTHE SIDEOFFENCEBEINGUSED (when facing the table front), DO NOTCONNECTWET/DRYVACWHENUSINGBACKSIDEOF FENCE,THEHOSEWILL HINDEROPERATION. t. Removeboth large knobs and k._-20x 1_" lg. hex head botts, turn the unitizedfence around and attach it back to table with backsideof fence facing the table front. See Fig. #26. (MAKE SUREROUTERIS UNPLUGGEDWHENREMOVINGAND ATTACHINGFENCETOTABLE). 2. Raiseguard and let it leanagainst,the fence. FIGURE26 3. Position the fence behind the router bit for the desiredcutting. depth (the distanceof the cut from the edge of the workpiece,as shown in Fig. #27). FIGURE27 14 4. S(;cureivllgh!(!n br}thkn(}b::_ and i i)WER ll-fi} f_lJ_&iq_: _,_');.;_:t:_ THEBIT 5. Make,die cut fly sli(lmg,shai[,hi _,,_I!j-;_' o! wo_kpiecea :lamStt!]e fence.(For eachsucc_ssve cut, the fence would needto bc readjtJsted.) NOTE:Testcol a pieceof scrap wood before making yotir finish(!d cut. Feedworkpiecein the direction d arrow shown on _er_c_ _,label (Fig.//28). NOTE:When routing deep cuts (conboiled by router bit) in a workpie(,e,remove material in incrementsto prevent your router from overloading.Repeatoperationwith severalpassesuntil the desireddepth is achieved. F!GLIR_28 PROTRACTOR Your protractorwill serveas a !landyaid when extrasupport is neededfor routing small workpiecesor endsoi' largeworkpiec:e,s. SeeFig.#29. NOTE:FORALL ROUTINGOPERATIONS REQUIRINGUSI!:OF MITERGAUGEALONGWITH THEFENCE.BE SURETOALIGN FENCEwrrH MITER BARSLOTBEFOREMAKINGANY CU]S SEEFIG.#14, FIGURE29 NOTES 15 PARTSLIST FORCRAFTSMANROUTERTABLE ! -_ 4t MODELNO. 25481 5.I .3_ 3,t7.28.31 _'_.._ ..... 36 '_,_h- ' lb {t[Lt&WaIIIiMB 25,4 29 t 27 40 t6 -';'i;'_ ,/ 30 J [ / J 14 39 / " :__ / 29 Key No. PartNO, Description Quan, Key No, ! 31L-431 CastRouter TableTop 1 22 Parl No. 29L-648 Oescrtlltlon PushBlock 2 29LCN-985 TableLeg_ 4 23 3 4 F29A*306-41 Y_"O.D.x ?d' !O, x/,_" FiatWasher ' F29A-489-10 Hex.Hd, Bolt ¼-2(Yx I:Y, 29L-65t Ct_m£Rod 1 3 2 24 29L-652 C]am_Plate t 25 F29A-246-20 Hex.Hd. CaPScrew¼- 20 x 1" Lg, 5 F29A-242-2 #10-32 Hex. Hd,MachineScrewNut 1 16 26 6 2gLeN-967 Miter Pointer 29L-654 Spring 1 1 27 28 F29A-252-16 F29A-306-40 Wing.Nut _" - ! 8 ....... W' FlatWasher 7 29L-183 1 1 8 29LCN-966 GroovedPinY¢ dia, x _"_LL_ Miter Bar 1 9 F29A-310-20 #!0-24 X ¾"Lg_CarnageBolt t 29 F29A-970-5 #10-32 x 1/2" Lg. Truss Hd. Machine t6 Screwwith Phi!. Recess tO F29L-469-21 I1 F29L-242-15 #4-40 x ¾"Lfl, PanHd. MachineScrew ! #4-40 Hex.Hd. MachineScrewNut 1 30 31 F29A-327-5 F29A-306-26 _"-Lock Washer(He!ica!) #8 FlatWasher¾_"IO. x _" 0.0. t2 29L-293 ProtractorHead ' 1 32 F29A-653 #8-10 x _" Lg. PlasformScrew 1 33 34 29L-660 29L-659 Knob£La r__ Knob 2 1 35 45A-382 Label(Fence) 1 36 29L-655 VacuumHoseReducer 1 16 37 F29A-242-16 _4-28HexNut 1 13 31L-560 Knob 1 14 29L-202 PlasticInsert 5 15 29LDo841-4 #!0-32 x _" FlatC'SunkHd. Machine Screwwith Phil. Recess 3 Quan. 1 1 1 16 29A-509-1 #10 Lock Washer 17 29A-306-37 _" O,D.x _" I.O. FlatWasher 1 38 29L-610 TableExtensions 2 18 29L-645 UnitizedFence I 19 29L-650 Guard(Red) 1 39 40 45A-383 29A-491*2 Label(Table_]. Y,"Palnut 1 ! 20 29L-647 Guard(Small) 1 41 45A-292 49LCN-59 rd__ instruction Manual 1 1 2_ ...... 2__:6_9._ ....... AAdjustable Fence Whencorresponding,always givethefollowing informalionas shownin thelist. Printed in U.S.A, 11/96 I]1111!11 1. 2. 3. 4. The The The The PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION MODEL 25481 ITEM NAME-DELUXE ROUTER TABLE ........ 16
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