Craftsman 247288812 User Manual TRACTOR Manuals And Guides 1112367L
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perator's I:RnFrSMRN° LAWN TRACTOR 7 Speed, Shift-on=the=Go 42" Deck Model No. 247.288812 • Espanol, P. 58 This product has a low emission engine which operates differently from previously built engines. Before you start the engine, read and understand this Operator's Manual. For answers to your questions this product, Call: Before using this equipment, read this manual and follow 1-800=659=5917 all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management about Craftsman Tractor Help Line 7 am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun. Corporation, Visit our website: Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. FormNo.769-06422E (February 3,2012) Warranty Statement .......................................................... Safety Instructions ............................................................ Slope Gauge ..................................................................... Assembly ........................................................................... Operation ........................................................................ Service and Maintenance .............................................. CRAFTSMAN 2 3 8 9 11 17 Off-Season Storage ........................................................ 26 Trou bleshooting .............................................................. 27 Labels ............................................................................. 28 Parts List ......................................................................... 30 Espa_ol ............................................................................ 58 Service Numbers ............................................. Back Cover FULL WARRANTY FORTWO YEARSfrom the dateof purchase,all non-expendableparts of this ridingequipmentare warrantedagainst anydefectsin material or workmanship.A defectivenon-expendablepartwill receivefreein-homerepairor replacementif repairis impossible. FOR FIVEYEARSfrom the dateof purchase,the frameof this ridingequipmentis warrantedagainstany defectsin materialor workmanship. A defectiveframewill receivefree in-homerepairor replacementif repairis impossible. FORTEN YEARSfrom the dateof purchase,thefront axle of this riding equipmentis warrantedagainstany defectsin materialor workmanship.A defectivefront axle will receivefree in-homerepairor replacementif repairis impossible. FOR90 DAYSfromthe dateof purchase,the battery(an expendablepart)of this ridingequipmentis warrantedagainstanydefects in material or workmanship(our testingprovesthat it will not hold a charge). A defectivebatterywill receivefree in-homereplacement. ADDiTiONAL LiFETiMELiMiTEDWARRANTYon CAST iRONFRONTAXLE (if equipped) FORAS LONGAS IT IS USEDby theoriginalownerafter the tenthyearfrom the dateof purchase,thecast ironfront axle(if equipped)of this ridingequipmentiswarrantedagainstanydefectsin materialor workmanship.With proofof purchase,a defectivecastironfront axlewill receivefreein-homereplacement. WARRANTYSERVICE Forwarrantycoveragedetails to obtainfreerepairor replacement,call 1-800-659-5917or visitthe website: www.craftsman.corn In all casesabove,if part repairor replacementisimpossible, the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfreeof chargewith the sameor an equivalentmodel. All of theabovewarrantycoverageisvoidifthis ridingequipmentiseverusedwhileprovidingcommercialservicesor if rentedto anotherperson. This warrantycovers ONLYdefects in materialand workmanship. Warranty coverage does NOT include: • Expendableparts (exceptbattery)that canwearout from normalusewithinthe warrantyperiod,including but not limitedto blades, spark plugs,air cleaners,belts,and oil filters. • Standardmaintenanceservicing,oil changes,or tune-ups. • Tire replacementor repaircausedby puncturesfrom outsideobjects,such as nails, thorns,stumps,or glass. • Tireor wheelreplacementor repairresultingfrom normalwear,accident,or improperoperationor maintenance. • Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse, including but notlimitedto damagecausedby towingobjectsbeyondthe capabilityof the ridingequipment,impacting objectsthat bend theframe,axle assemblyor crankshaft,or over-speedingthe engine. • Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence,includingbut not limitedto, electricaland mechanicaldamagecausedby improperstorage,failureto usethe propergradeand amountof engineoil, failureto keepthe deck clearof flammabledebris,or failureto maintainthe ridingequipmentaccordingto the instructions containedin the operator'smanual. • Engine(fuel system)cleaningor repairscausedbyfuel determinedto be contaminatedor oxidized(stale).In general,fuel shouldbe usedwithin30 daysof itspurchasedate. • Normaldeteriorationand wearof the exteriorfinishes,or productlabelreplacement. This warrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and youmay alsohaveother rightswhichvary from stateto state. Sears Brands ManagementCorporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 EngineOil: Fuel: SAE 30 UnleadedGasoline SparkPlug: Champion®RC12YC Engine: Briggs& StrattonI/C® © KCD IR LLC Model Number: Serial Number: Dateof Purchase: Recordthe modelnumber,serialnumber, and dateof purchaseabove. 2 This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the safeoperation practicesin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment, carelessnessor error on the partof the operatorcan resultin serious injury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes and feet and throwingdebris.Failureto observethe followingsafety instructionscouldresultin seriousinjuryor death. This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol,HEEDITS WARNING! CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 Your Responsibility--Restrict the useof this powermachineto personswho read,understandand follow thewarningsand instructions in this manualand on the machine. EngineExhaust,someof its constituents,and certainvehicle componentscontainor emit chemicalsknownto Stateof California to cause cancerand birthdefects or other reproductiveharm. Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancerand reproductiveharm.Washhandsafter handling. GENERAL • • • OPERATION Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction. • Tohelp avoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury, keep bystanders,helpers,childrenand pets at least 75 feet fromthe machinewhile it is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area. • • Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machineand in themanual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. Keepthis manualin a safe placefor futureand regularreference and for orderingreplacementparts. Be familiarwith all controlsand their properoperation.Knowhow to stop the machineand disengagethemquickly. Neverallowchildrenunder 14 yearsold to operatethis machine. Children14 yearsold and over shouldreadand understandthe operationinstructionsand safety rulesin this manualand should be trainedand supervisedbya parent. • • SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! • • Be awareof the mowerand attachmentdischargedirectionand do not pointit at anyone.Donot operatethe mowerwithoutthe dischargecover or entiregrass catcherin its properplace. Donot put handsor feet near rotatingpartsor underthe cutting deck. Contactwith the blade(s)can amputatehandsand feet. A missingor damageddischargecovercan causeblade contact or thrownobject injuries. • Stoptheblade(s)whencrossinggraveldrives,walks,or roads and while notcuttinggrass. Watchfor trafficwhenoperatingnear or crossingroadways.This machineis not intendedfor useon any public roadway. • Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys,and otherforeign objectswhich couldbe pickedup and thrownby the blade(s). Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury. Planyour mowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialtoward roads,sidewalks,bystandersand the like.Also, avoiddischarging materialagainsta wall or obstructionwhich maycause dischargedmaterialto ricochetback towardthe operator. • • • 3 Alwayswear safetyglassesor safetygogglesduring operation and while performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyoureyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcancause seriousinjuryto the eyes. Wearsturdy,rough-soledwork shoesand close-fittingslacksand shirts.Loosefittingclothesand jewelry canbe caughtin movable parts.Neveroperatethis machinein bare feet or sandals. Donot operatethe machinewhile underthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. Mowonly in daylightor good artificiallight. Nevercarry passengers. Disengageblade(s)beforeshiftinginto reverse.Backup slowly. Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeand while backingto avoida back-overaccident. • SLOPE Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid erraticoperationand excessivespeed. Disengageblade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine and wait until the blade(s)come to a completestop beforeremovinggrass catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrass or debris,or makinganyadjustments. OPERATION Slopesare a majorfactorrelatedto loss of controland tip-over accidentswhichcan result in severeinjuryor death.All slopes require extra caution.If youcannot back up the slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it, do not mowit. Foryoursafety,use the SlopeGuide includedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineon a slopedor hilly area. If the slopeis greaterthan15 degreesas shownon the Slope Guide,do notoperatethis machineon that area or seriousinjurycould result. Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.Alwaysturnoff blade(s),set parkingbrake,stopengine and removekey before dismounting. Use extracare whenloadingor unloadingthe machineintoa traileror truck. This machineshouldnot be drivenup or down ramp(s),becausethe machinecouldtip over,causingserious personalinjury.The machinemustbe pushedmanuallyon ramp(s)to loador unloadproperly. Do: o Mowup and down slopes,not across.Exerciseextremecaution whenchangingdirectionon slopes. • Watchfor holes,ruts,bumps,rocks,or other hiddenobjects. Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine.Tallgrass can hide obstacles. Mufflerand engine becomehotand can causea burn.Do not touch. Checkoverheadclearancescarefullybeforedrivingunderlow hangingtree branches,wires,door openingsetc., wherethe operatormay be struckor pulledfrom the machine,which could result in seriousinjury. Disengageall attachmentclutchesand depressthe brakepedal completelybeforeattemptingto start engine. • Yourmachineisdesignedto cut normalresidentialgrass of a heightno morethan 10".Do not attemptto mowthroughunusually tall, dry grass (e.g.,pasture)or piles of dry leaves.Dry grass or • leavesmaycontactthe engineexhaustand/or build up on the mowerdeck presentinga potentialfire hazard. Use onlyaccessoriesand attachmentsapprovedfor this machine by the machinemanufacturer.Read,understandand followall instructionsprovidedwith the approvedaccessoryor attachment. Fora list of approvedaccessoriesand attachments,call 1-800• 659-5917. Useslow speed.Choosea lowenoughspeedsettingso that you will nothaveto stop or shiftwhileon the slope.Tires may lose tractionon slopeseventhoughthe brakesare functioning properly.Alwayskeepmachinein gearwhen goingdownslopes to take advantageof enginebrakingaction. Followthe manufacturer'srecommendationsfor wheelweights or counterweightsto improvestability.Forrecommendations,call 1-800-659-5917. Useextra carewith grass catchersor otherattachments.These can changethe stabilityof the machine. Keepall movementon the slopes slowand gradual.Do not make suddenchangesin speedor direction.Rapidengagementor brakingcouldcausethe front of the machineto lift and rapidlyflip overbackwardswhich couldcauseseriousinjury. Avoidstartingor stoppingon a slope. If tires losetraction,disengage the blade(s)and proceedslowlystraightdownthe slope. Do Not: Data indicatesthat operators,age 60 years and above,are involvedin a largepercentageof riding mower-relatedinjuries. Theseoperatorsshouldevaluatetheirability to operatethe riding mowersafelyenoughto protectthemselvesand othersfrom seriousinjury. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual,usecare and goodjudgment.Contact1-800-659-5917for informationand assistance. • • • • 4 Donot turnon slopesunlessnecessary;then, turnslowlyand graduallydownhill,if possible. Donot mow neardrop-offs,ditchesor embankments.The mower could suddenlyturnover if a wheelis overthe edgeof a cliff, ditch,or if an edge cavesin. Donot try to stabilizethe machineby puttingyourfoot on the ground. Donot usea grass catcheron steepslopes. • • Donot mowon wet grass.Reducedtractioncouldcausesliding. Donot attemptto coastdownhill.Over-speedingmaycausethe operatorto lose controlof the machineresultingin seriousinjury or death. • Donot tow heavypull behindattachments(e.g. loadeddumpcart, lawn roller,etc.)on slopesgreaterthan5 degrees.Whengoing down hill,the extraweighttends to pushthe tractorand may causeyou to loosecontrol(e.g. tractormayspeedup, brakingand steeringability are reduced,attachmentmayjack-knifeand cause tractorto overturn). CHILDREN SERVICE Tragicaccidentscanoccur ifthe operatoris notalert to the presence of children.Childrenare often attractedto the machineand the mowing activity.They do notunderstandthe dangers.Neverassumethat childrenwill remainwhereyou last sawthem. • Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand inwatchfulcare of a responsibleadultotherthanthe operator. • Be alert and turnmachineoff ifa childentersthe area. SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline.Gasolineisextremelyflammableand the vaporsare explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycanoccur whengasolineis spilled on yourselfor your clotheswhich can ignite.Washyourskin and changeclothesimmediately. • • • Beforeand whilebacking,lookbehindand downfor small children. Nevercarry children,evenwith the blade(s)shut off.They may fall off and be seriouslyinjuredor interferewith safe machine operation. Use extremecarewhenapproachingblind corners,doorways, shrubs,trees or otherobjectsthat may block yourvisionof a child whomay run intothe machine. Whenpractical,removegas-poweredequipmentfrom the truck or trailerand refueliton theground.If this isnot possible,then refuelsuch equipmenton a trailerwith a portablecontainer,rather than froma gasolinedispensernozzle. Keepthe nozzleincontactwith the rim of the fueltank or containeropeningat all timesuntilfuelingiscomplete.Donot use a nozzlelock-opendevice. Toavoidback-overaccidents,alwaysdisengagethe cutting blade(s)beforeshiftingintoReverse.If equipped,the "Reverse CautionMode"(bladesoperatewhilemachineridesin reverse) shouldnotbe usedwhenchildrenor othersare around. Keepchildrenaway from hotor runningengines.They cansuffer burnsfroma hotmuffler. • • Removekeywhenmachineisunattendedto preventunauthorized operation. Neverallowchildrenunder 14 yearsof age to operatethis machine. Children14 and overshouldreadand understandthe instructions and • safeoperationpracticesin this manualand on the machineand should • be trainedand supervisedbyan adult. TOWING Towonlywith a machinethat hasa hitch designedfor towing.Do not attachtowedequipmentexceptat the hitch point. Followthe manufacturersrecommendationforweight limitsfor towedequipmentand towingon slopes.For recommendations, call 1-800-659-5917. Neverallowchildrenor othersin or on towedequipment. On slopes,theweightof thetowed equipmentmaycause lossof tractionand loss of control. Alwaysuseextra cautionwhentowingwith a machinecapableof makingtight turns (e.g."zero-turn"ride-onmower). Makewide turnsto avoidjack-knifing. Travelslowlyand allowextradistanceto stop. Do notcoastdownhill. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor on a truckor trailer bed with a plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainerson the groundaway from yourvehiclebeforefilling. • • Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesand othersourcesof ignition. Neverfuel machineindoors. Neverremovegascap or add fuelwhilethe engineis hotor running.Allowengineto coolat least two minutesbeforerefueling. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan 1/2inchbelow bottomof filler neckto allowspace forfuel expansion. Replacegasolinecap and tightensecurely. If gasolineis spilled,wipeitoff the engineand equipment.Move machineto anotherarea.Wait 5 minutesbeforestartingthe engine. To reducefire hazards,keepmachinefree of grass,leaves,or otherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanup oil or fuel spillageand removeany fuel soakeddebris. Neverstorethe machineor fuelcontainerinsidewherethere isan open flame,sparkor pilotlight as on a waterheater,spaceheater, furnace,clothesdryeror othergasappliances. Allowa machineto coolat least five minutesbeforestoring. General Service • Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsor over-speedthe engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeed • Never runanengine indoors orina poorly ventilated area.Engine of the engine. exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, anddeadly gas. Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary. • Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make certain the blade(s) andallmoving partshave stopped. Disconnect thespark • Observeproperdisposallaws and regulationsfor gas, oil, plugwireandground against theengine toprevent unintended protecttheenvironment. starting. • Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission(CPSC) • Periodically check tomake suretheblades come tocomplete and the U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA),this product stopwithin approximately (5)fiveseconds after operating the has an AverageUsefulLifeof seven(7) years,or 270 hours blade disengagement control. Iftheblades donotstopwithin the of operation.At the end of the AverageUsefulLife,buy a new thistimeframe, yourmachine should beserviced professionally machineor havethe machineinspectedannuallybya Searsor byaSears orother qualified service dealer. otherqualifiedservicedealerto ensurethat all mechanicaland safety systemsare workingproperlyand not wornexcessively. • Check brake operation frequently asitissubjected towear during Failureto do so can resultin accidents,injuriesor death. normal operation. Adjust andservice asrequired. DO NOT MODIFY ENGINE • Check theblade(s) andengine mounting bolts atfrequent intervals forproper tightness. Also,visually inspect blade(s) Toavoid seriousinjuryor death,do notmodifyengine in anyway. fordamage (e.g., excessive wear, bent, cracked). Replace the Tamperingwith the governorsettingcanlead to a runawayengineand blade(s) withtheoriginal equipment manufacturer's (O.E.M.) cause it to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamper with factorysetting blade(s) only, listed inthismanual. Useofpartswhich donot of enginegovernor. meet theoriginal equipment specifications mayleadtoimproper NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS performance andcompromise safety! are certifiedto complywith Californiaand federal • Mower blades aresharp. Wrap theblade orwear gloves, anduse Engineswhich EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment)are extra caution whenservicing them. certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and may include • Keep allnuts, bolts, andscrews tighttobesuretheequipment is the followingemissioncontrol systems:EngineModification(EM)and • • • • in safeworkingcondition. Nevertamperwith the safetyinterlocksystemor othersafety devices.Checktheir properoperationregularly. ThreeWay Catalyst(TWO)if so equipped. SPARK After strikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnectthe spark plugwire(s) and groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughly inspectthe machinefor anydamage.Repairthe damagebefore startingandoperating. Neverattemptto makeadjustmentsor repairsto the machine whilethe engineis running. ARRESTOR This machineis equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnotbe usedon or near anyunimprovedforest-covered, brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlessthe engine'sexhaust systemisequippedwith a sparkarrestormeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws (if any). Grasscatchercomponentsand the dischargecoverare subject to wearand damagewhich couldexposemovingparts or allow objectsto be thrown.Forsafetyprotection,frequentlycheck componentsand replaceimmediatelywith originalequipment manufacturer's(O.E.M.)parts only,listed in this manual.Use of parts whichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay lead to improperperformanceand compromisesafety! If a sparkarrestoris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworking order by the operator.Inthe Stateof Californiatheaboveis required by law (Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Other states mayhavesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands. A sparkarrestorfor the muffleris availablethroughyournearestSears Partsand RepairServiceCenter. 6 SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafety symbolsthat may appearon this product. Read,understand,and follow all instructions on the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and operate DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Never carry passengers. Never carry children, even with the blades off. 0 DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Always look down WARNING-- and behind before and while backing to avoid a back-over accident. ROTATING BLADES Do not put hands or feet near rotating can amputate parts or under the cutting deck. Contact with the blade(s) hands and feet. WARNING--THROWN This machine OBJECTS may pick up and throw and objects WARNING--THROWN This machine which can cause serious personal injury. which can cause serious personal injury. OBJECTS may pick up and throw and objects BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders, helpers, children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation. WARNING-- SLOPE OPERATION Do not operate A WARNING-- this machine on a slope greater than 15 degrees. HOT SURFACE Engine parts, especially the muffler, muffler become extremely hot during operation. Allow engine and to cool before touching. DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES To reduce the risk of injury, keep hands and feet away. Do not operate catcher is in its proper place. If damaged, 7 replace immediately. unless discharge cover or grass X 15° Slope (OK) '_. _ 15° Slope (TOO STEEP) Figure 1 Figure 2 15° dashed line USETHISSLOPEGAUGETODETERMINE IF A SLOPEIS TOOSTEEPFORSAFEOPERATION! To checkthe slope, proceedas follows: 1. Removethis pageand fold along the dashedline. 2. Locatea verticalobject on or behindthe slope (e.g. a pole, building,fence, tree, etc.) 3. Align eitherside of the slope gaugewith the object (See Figure1 and Figure2 ). 4. Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope (SeeFigure1 and Figure2). 5. If there is a gap belowthe gauge,the slope is too steepfor safeoperation(SeeFigure2 above). Slopes are a majorfactor related to tip-over and roll-over accidents which can result in severe injury or death. Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees. All slopes require extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it. Always mow up and down the face of slopes, never mow across the face of slopes. IMPORTANT:Yourtractoris shippedwith motoroil in theengine. However,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.Referto the Service& Maintenancesectionfor instructionson checkingtheoil level. Attaching the Battery CALIFORNIA Shipping Removal Makesurethe ridingmower'sengineis off, removetheignitionkey, and set the parkingbrakebeforeremovingthe shippingbrace. Refer Ito the Operationsectionfor instructionson howto set the parking lbrake. Cables PROPOSITION Brace 65 • Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancerand reproductiveharm.Wash handsafter handling. Locatethe shippingbrace, if present,and accompanyingwarning tag foundon the rightsideof the mower,betweenthe discharge chute deflectorand the cuttingdeck. See Fig. 2. Whenattachingbatterycables,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE(Red) wireto its terminalfirst, followedby the NEGATIVE(Black)wire. Forshippingreasons,bothbatterycables on yourequipmentmay havebeen left disconnectedfrom the terminalsat the factory.To connectthe batterycables,proceedasfollows: NOTE:Thepositivebatteryterminalis markedPos. (+).The negative batteryterminalis markedNeg. (-). 1. Removethe plasticcover,if present,fromthe positivebattery terminaland attachthe redcableto the positivebatteryterminal (+)with the bolt and hexnut. See Figure1. 2. // Removethe plasticcover,if present,fromthe negativebattery terminaland attachthe black cableto the negativebattery terminal(-) with the bolt and hex nut. See Figure1. f Figure2 Placethe deck lift leverin the highestcuttingposition.Referto Setting theCuttingHeightin the Operationsectionof this manual. Whilepushingthedischargechuteddlectortowardsthemachinewith yourlefthand,removetheshippingbracewithyourrighthandbygrasping itbetweenyourthumbandindexfingerandrotatingitclockwise. The shippingbrace,usedfor packagingpurposesonly, mustbe removedand discardedbeforeoperatingyour ridingmower. The mowingdeck iscapableof throwingobjects. Failureto operate the ridingmowerwithoutthe dischargecoverin the properoperating Ipositioncould resultin seriouspersonalinjuryand/orproperty ldamage. Attaching The Steering Wheel J If the steeringwheelfor yourtractordid notcome attached,the hardwarefor attachingit has beenpackedwithinthe steeringwheel, beneaththe steeringwheelcap. Carefullypry off the steeringwheel cap and removethe hardware. 1. With the wheelsof the tractorpointingstraightforward,placethe steeringwheeloverthe steeringshaft. Figure1 3. Positionthe red rubber boot over the positivebatteryterminal to help protectit from corrosion. NOTE:If thebatteryis put into serviceafter the dateshownon topof battery,chargethe batteryas instructedin the Service & Maintenance sectionof this manualprior to operatingthe tractor. 2. 9 Placethe washer(withthe cuppedsidedown)overthe steering wheeland securewith the hex bolt. See Fig.3-3. f \ 3. Figure3 Placethe steeringwheelcap overthe center of the steering wheeland pushdownwarduntilit "clicks"intoplace. Attaching 3. 4. The Seat If the seatfor yourtractorwas notattachedat thefactory,refertothe followingsteps. NOTE: Forshippingreasons,seatsare eitherfastenedto the tractor seat'spivotbracketwith a plastictie, or mountedbackwardto the pivot bracket.Ineithercase,free the seatfrom its shippingpositionand removethe adjustmentknobfrom the bottomof seatbeforeproceeding with the instructionsbelow. 1. 2. Figure4 Selectdesired positionfor the seat,and secure with the adjustment knobremovedearlier. Positionthe shoulderscrews(foundon the baseof the seat) insidethe slot openingsin the seat pivot bracket. Fig. 4. Toadjust the positionof the seat,loosenthe adjustmentknob on the bottomof the seat.Slide the seatforwardor backwardas desired.Retightenthe adjustmentknob. Tire Pressure X Maximumtire pressureunderany circumstancesis 30 psi. Equal tire pressureshouldbe maintainedat all times. Neverexceedthe _maxmum nfat on pressureshownon the s dewa of thet re. The recommendedoperatingtire pressureis: Approximately10psi forthe reartires Slide the seat slightlyrearwardin the seat pivot bracket,lining up the centerrear slot in thepivot bracketwith the remaininghole in theseat'sbase. 10 Approximately14psi forthe front tires IMPORTANT: Referto the tire sidewallfor exacttire manufacturer's recommendedor maximumpsi. Donot overinfiate.Uneventirepressurecouldcausethe cuttingdeckto mowunevenly. A C D G F E Figure5 A Speed ControlLever/ ParkingBrakeLever B Throttle/chokecontrollever C D IgnitionSwitch DeckLift Lever E PTOLever(Blade Engage) F Cup Holder G Shift Lever H Clutch-BrakePedal NOTE: Any referencein this manualto the RIGHTor LEFT sideof the tractoris observedfrom operator'sseat positionfacingforwardtowardsthe frontof tractor. Meets ANS! Safety Standards CraftsmanTractorsconformto the safetystandardof theAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute(ANSI). 11 SPEED CONTROL LEVER SHIFT LEVER The speedcontrollever,locatedon the left sideof the tractor'sdash console,allows youto regulatethe ground speedof the lawntractor.To use,depressthe clutchbrakepedaland movethe leverout of the parkingbrake notchand forwardto increasethe tractor'sgroundspeed. Whena desiredspeedhas beenreached,releasethe leverintoan appropriatenotchto maintainthat speed. The shift leveris locatedon the left side of the fenderand hasthree positions,FORWARD,NEUTRAL and REVERSE.The clutch-brake pedal mustbe depressedand the tractormustnot be in motionwhen the movingshift lever. Toslow thetractor'sgroundspeed,depressthe clutchbrakepedaland movethe speedcontrolleverrearward and releaseit intoa notch. IMPORTANT: Neverforcethe shift lever.Doingso may resultin seriousdamageto thetractor's transmission. PARKING BRAKE Toset the parkingbrake,fully depressthe clutch-brake pedal.Movethe speedcontrol leverall the way downand intothe parkingbrakeposition.Releasethe clutch-brake pedalto allowthe parkingbraketo engage. To releasethe parkingbrake,depressthe clutch-brakepedaland movethe speedcontrol leveroutof thenotchesto thedesiredposition. Releasethe speedcontrolleverand the clutch-brakepedal. NOTE: The parkingbrakemustbe set if the operatorleavesthe seat with theengine runningor the enginewill automaticallyshutoff. THROTTLE/CHOKE CONTROL LEVER Thethrottle/chokecontrolleveris locatedon the rightsideof the tractor'sdash panel.This levercontrolsthespeedof the engineand when pushedall the wayforward,the chokecontrol also.Whenset in a given position,the throttlewill maintaina uniformengine speed. DECK LIFT LEVER Foundon yourtractor'srightfender,the deck lift leveris used to changethe heightof thecuttingdeck.To use, movethe leverto the left, thenplace in the notchbest suitedfor your application. PTO (BLADE ENGAGE) LEVER Foundon the tractor'srightfender,the PTO(blade engage) leveris usedto engagepowerto the cuttingdeck or other (separatelyavailable)attachments.Tooperate,move the leverall theway forward.Movingthe leverall the way rearwardinto the PTOOFFpositiondisengagespowerto the cuttingdeck/attachment. NOTE: The PTO(blade engage)levermustbe in the disengaged(PTOOFF)positionwhenstartingtheengine. IMPORTANT: Whenoperatingthetractorwith the cuttingdeck engaged,the throttle/chokecontrol levermustalwaysbe in the FAST (rabbit)position. CUP HOLDER IGNITION SEAT ADJUSTMENT The tractor'scup holderis locatedon the fenderto the left of the seat. SWITCH The keyswitch moduleis usedto startand stopthe engine.Insert key intothe key switchmodule and turnclockwiseto the START position.Releasethekey into the normalmowingpositiononceengine has started.The headlights will be activatedautomatically. KNOB The seat adjustmentknob is locatedon the bottomsideof the seat. Usethis knobto adjustthe seat forwardor rearwardto a comfortable operatingpositionby looseningthe knob,positioningthe seatto the desiredpreference,then retighteningthe knob. CLUTCH-BRAKE PEDAL The clutch-brakepedalis locatedon the left sideof the lawntractor, along the runningboard.Depressthe clutch-brakepedalpart way downwhen slowingthe tractorbychangingspeeds(Referto Speed Control Lever).Depressthe pedalall the waydownto engagethe disc brakeand bring the tractorto a completestop. Tostop theengine,turnthe ignitionkeycounterclockwiseto the STOPposition. NOTE: Thepedal mustbe depressedto startthe engine.Referto SafetyInterlockSwitcheslaterin this sectionof this manual. IMPORTANT:Priorto operatingthe tractor,referto boththe "Safety InterlockSystem"and "StartingThe Engine"laterin this sectionof this manualfor detailedinstructionsregardingthe IgnitionSwitchModule. Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.AlwaysdisengagePTO (BladeEngageLever),moveshiftleverinto neutralposition,set parking brake,stopengineand removekey topreventunintendedstarting. 12 Gas and Oil Fill=up 0il iMPORTANT: Yourtractorisshippedwith motoroil in the engine. However,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.Be careful not tooverfill. For instructions on howto checkthe engineoil, referto CheckingThe EngineOil in the Serviceand Maintenancesectionof this manual. Gasoline Thegasolinetank islocatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfill. Use extremecarewhenhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremely flammableand the vaporsare explosive.Neverfuel machineindoors or while theengine ishotor running.Extinguishcigarettes,cigars, p pes,and othersourcesof gn t on. NOTE : Purchasegasolinein small quantities.Do notuse gasolineleft overfrom the previousseason,to minimizegumdepositsin the fuel system. • • • • • • • Figure 6 This engineiscertifiedto operateon unleadedgasoline.For best results,fill thefuel tank with onlyclean, fresh,unleadedgasoline with a pumpstickeroctaneratingof 87 or higher. Gasohol(up to 10%ethylalcohol,90% unleadedgasolineby volume)is an approvedfuel. Othergasoline/alcoholblends,such as E85,are not approved. • • • • MethylTertiaryButyl Ether(MTBE)and unleadedgasolineblends (up to a maximumof 15%MTBEby volume)areapprovedfuels. Othergasoline/etherblendsare notapproved. Fill fueltank outdoorsor in well-ventilatedarea. Do notoverfillfuel tank. Filltank to no morethan 1/2inchbelow bottomof fillerneck to allowspacefor fuel expansion. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engineishot or running.Allowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling. If gasolineisspilled,wipe itoff the engineand equipment.Move machineto anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbeforestartingthe engine. 1. • Donot operatethe unitwhereitcould slipor tip. Ifmachinestopsgoinguphill,stop bladesand backdownhill slowly. Donot mowwhenchildrenor othersare around. • • Nevercarry children,evenwith bladesoff. Lookdownand behind beforeand whilebacking. • Keepsafetydevices(guards,shields,and switches)in place and working. Removeobjectsthatcould be thrownby the blades. Knowlocationand functionof all controls. • • To Add Gasoline 2. Turnthe engineoff and let enginecoolat least2 minutesbefore removingthe fuelcap. Thegasolinetank isunderthe rear fender, with the fuelfill cap locatedin thecenterof the rearfender. Thefuel cap is tetheredto the tractorto preventits loss. Donot attemptto removethe cap from thetractor. Fill thefuel tank with gasoline. 3. Reinstallthe fuelcap. NOTE: The tractoris fittedwith a tethered,ratchetingfuel cap. STOP fillingthe tankonce the fuelis seeninsidethefiller neck. This ensures that a properexpansionvolumeis created,otherwisethe fuel can overflowcreatinga hazardoussituation. Do NOTtop off the fuel tank. See Fig. 6. • Be surebladesand engineare stoppedbeforeplacinghandsor feet near blades. • Beforeleavingoperator'sposition,stop tractor,disengage blades,engageparkingbrake,shutengineoff, and removekey. Read Operator's SAFETY INTERLOCK Manual SYSTEM The safetyinterlock systemisdesignedfor safeoperationof the tractor. If this systemshouldevermalfunction,do notoperatethe tractor. Immediatelycontact 1-800-4-MY-HOME to havethe systemserviced. • • • 13 Avoid Serious injury or Death Go up and downslopes,notacross. Avoidsuddenturns. The safetyinterlocksystempreventsthe enginefrom starting unlessthe parkingbrakeis engagedand the PTO(Blade Engage) leveris in the disengaged(OFF) position. The safetyinterlock systemwill automaticallyshutoff the engineif the operatorleavesthe seat beforeengagingthe parkingbrake. The safetyinterlocksystemwill automaticallyshutoff the engine iftheoperatorleavesthe tractor'sseatwith the PTO(Blade Engage)leverengaged,regardlessof whetherthe parkingbrake isengaged. • SETTING Theenginewill automaticallyshut off if the PTO(BladeEngage) leveris movedintothe engaged(ON)positionwith the shift lever in Reverse. IGNITION 1. SWITCH The ignitionswitchis activatedto startthe engine.Insertkeyinto the ignitionswitchand turnclockwiseto the STARTposition.Releasethe key intothe ON positiononceenginehasfired. See Fig. 7. THE CUTTING HEIGHT Select the heightpositionof the cuttingdeck by placingthe deck lift leverin anyof the six differentcuttingheightnotcheson the rightsideof the fender. Keephandsand feet awayfrom the dischargeopeningof the cutting deck. Tostop theengine,turnthe ignitionkey counterclockwiseto the OFF position.See Fig. 7. STARTING NEVER leavea runningmachineunattended.Alwaysdisengage PTO,moveshift leverintoneutralposition,set parkingbrake,stop _engne and removekeyto preventun ntendedstartng. THE ENGINE Donot operatethe tractorif the interlocksystemis malfunctioning. This systemwas designedfor yoursafetyand protection. NOTE: Referto the Gasolineand Oil fill-up instructionsearlierin this section. iMPORTANT: Prior to operatingthetractor,referto both Safety InterlockSwitchesand StartingThe Enginein the Operationsectionof this manualfor furtherdetailedinstructions. 1. Insertthe tractorkey intothe ignitionswitch. 2. Placethe PTO(Blade Engage)leverin the disengaged(OFF) position. Engagethe tractor'sparkingbrake. 3. On 4. Start off 5. Activatethe chokecontrolby movingthethrottle/chokeleverall the way up into thechoke position. Turnthe ignitionkey clockwiseto the STARTposition.Afterthe engine starts,releasethe key.It will returnto the ON(or Normal Mowing)position. DO NOT holdthe key in the STARTpositionfor longerthanten secondsat a time. Doingso may causedamageto yourengine's electricstarter. 6. NOTE: Do NOTleavethe chokecontrolon whileoperatingthe tractor. Doingso will resultin a "rich"fuel mixtureand cause theengineto run poorly. Figure 7 ENGAGING To engage THE PARKING the parking BRAKE brake: 1. Fullydepressthe clutch-brakepedaland hold it downwith your foot. 2. Movethe speedcontrolleverall the way downand intothe parkingbrakeposition. 3. Releasethe clutch-brakepedalto allowthe parkingbraketo engage. To release 1. the parking After the enginestarts,deactivatethe chokecontroland placethe throttlecontrolin the FASTposition. brake: Depressthe clutch-brakepedal and movethe speedcontrol lever outof the parkingbrakepositionand intoa desiredspeed. 14 STOPPING THE ENGINE 1. 2. 3. Shutengineoff and removethe key.Doingso will minimizethe possibilityof havingyour lawn"browned"by hot exhaustfrom yourtractor'srunningengine. If unit stallswith speedcontrolin high speed,or if unitwill not operate with speedcontrolleverin a low speedposition,proceedasfollows: 1. Placeshift leverin NEUTRAL. If you strikea foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnectthe spark plugwire(s) and groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughlyinspectthe machinefor anydamage.Repairthe damagebeforerestartingand operating 2. 3. If the bladesare engaged,placethe PTO(Blade Engage)leverin the disengaged(OFF)position. Turnthe ignitionkeycounterclockwiseto the STOPposition. Removethekey from the ignitionswitchto preventunintended starting. DRIVING THE TRACTOR Avoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedand suddenstops. 5. 6. 7. Depressclutch-brakepedal. Placespeedcontrolleverin desiredposition. Placeshift leverin either FORWARDor REVERSE,and follow normaloperatingprocedures. • • Depressthe clutch-brakepedal to releasethe parkingbrakeand thenlet the pedal up. ON SLOPES Mowup and down slopes,NEVERacross. Exerciseextremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes. Watchfor holes,ruts,bumps,rocks,or otherhiddenobjects. Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine.Tallgrass can hide obstacles. Movethe throttleleverintothe FAST(rabbit) position. Placethe shiftleverin eitherthe FORWARDor REVERSE position. Releasethe parkingbrakebydepressingthe clutch-brakepedal and positioningthe speedcontrol leverin the desiredposition. • Avoidturns whendrivingon a slope.If a turnmustbe made,turn downthe slope.Turningup a slopegreatly increases the chance of a roll over. • Avoidstoppingwhen drivingup a slope.If itis necessaryto stop whiledrivingup a slope,start up smoothlyand carefullyto reduce the possibilityof flippingthe tractoroverbackward. ENGAGING IMPORTANT: First-timeoperatorsshouldusespeedpositions1 or 2. Becomecompletelyfamiliarwith the tractor'soperationand controls beforeoperatingthe tractorin higherspeedpositions. 5. 6. Placespeedcontrolleverin highestspeedposition. Releaseclutch-brakepedal fully. Donot mowon inclineswith a slopeinexcessof 15degrees(a rise of approximately2-1/2feet every 10feet).The tractorcouldoverturn and cause seriousinjury. IMPORTANT: DoNOT usethe shift leverto changethe directionof travelwhenthe tractoris in motion.Alwaysusethe clutch-brakepedal to bringthe tractorto a completestop beforeshifting. 4. Restartengine. 3. 4. Referto the SLOPEGAUGEinthe SafetyInstructionssectionof the manualto helpdetermineslopeswhereyou may operatethis tractor safely. Alwayslookdownand behind beforeand whilebackingup to avoida back-overaccident. 2. 3. 2. DRIVING Do notleavethe seatof thetractorwithoutfirst placingthe PTO (Blade Engage)leverin the disengaged(OFF) position,depressing the brakepedal and engagingthe parkingbrake.If leavingthetractor unattended,alsoturn the ignitionkey off and removethe key. 1. Placethe shift leverin neutral, Engagethe parkingbrake, THE BLADES Engagingthe PTO(Blade Engage)transferspowerto the cuttingdeck or other(separatelyavailable)attachments.Toengagethe blades, proceedas follows: 1. Movethe throttle/chokecontrolleverto the FAST(rabbit)position. Releaseclutch-brakepedal slowlyto put unit intomotion. Thelawntractorisbroughtto a stop bydepressingthe clutchbrakepedal. 2. 3. NOTE: Whenoperatingthe unitinitially, therewill be little difference betweenthe highesttwo speedsuntilafter the beltshaveseated themselvesintothe pulleysduringthe break-inperiod. Graspthe PTO(Blade Engage)leverand pivot it all the way forwardinto theengaged(ON) position. Keepthethrottleleverin the FAST(rabbit)positionfor the most efficient useof the cuttingdeckor other(separatelyavailable) attachments. NOTE: Theenginewill automaticallyshutoff if the PTO(Blade Engage)leveris movedintothe engaged(ON)positionwith the shift leverin Reverse. WARNING!Beforeleavingthe operator'spositionfor any reason, disengagethe blades,placethe shift leverin neutral,engagethe parkingbrake,shut engineoff and removethe key. IMPORTANT: Whenstoppingthe tractorfor any reasonwhileon a grasssurface,always: 15 MULCHING HEADLIGHTS A mulch kit is available recirculating The ultra-fine as an attachment. grass clippings clippings they act as a natural repeatedly are then forced Mulching beneath is a process of the cutting deck. back into the lawn where fertilizer. A mulchkit can be purchased.See the ReplacementParts& Attachmentssectionof this manualfor moreinformation. USING THE DECK LIFT LEVER To raisethe cuttingdeck,movethe deck lift leverto the left,then place itin the notchbest suitedfor yourapplication.Referto SettingThe CuttingHeightearlier in this Operationsection. MOWING Tohelp avoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury,keepbystanders, helpers,childrenand pets at least 75 feet fromthe machine [wh e t s n operaton. Stop roachne f anyoneenters thearea. Thefollowinginformation will be helpfulwhen usingthecuttingdeck with yourtractor: Planyour mowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialstoward roads,sidewalks,bystandersand the like.Also, avoiddischarging materialagainsta wallor obstructionwhich maycausedischarged materialto ricochetback towardthe operator. Do not mowat high groundspeed,especiallyifa mulch kit or grasscollectorisinstalled. Forbest resultsit isrecommendedthat the firsttwo lapsbe cut with thedischargethrowntowardsthe center.Afterthe first two laps, reversethe directionto throwthe dischargeto the outside for the balanceof cutting.This willgive a betterappearanceto the lawn. Do notcut thegrass too short.Shortgrass invitesweedgrowth and yellowsquicklyindry weather. Mowingshouldalwaysbe donewith the engineat full throttle. • • • Underheavierconditionsitmay be necessaryto go back overthe cut area a secondtime to geta cleancut. Do NOTattemptto mow heavybrushand weedsand extremely tall grass.Yourtractorisdesignedto mowlawns,NOTclear brush. Keepthe bladessharpand replacethe bladeswhenworn. Refer to CuttingBladesin the Servicesectionof this manualfor proper blade sharpeninginstructions. 16 * The lampsare ON wheneverthetractor'sengineis running. o The lampsturn OFFwhenthe ignitionkey ismovedto the STOP position. MAINTENANCE Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service, disengageall controlsand stoptheengine.Waituntilall movingpartshavecometo a completestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting.Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring operationorwhileperforminganyadjustments or repairs. BeforeEachUse Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.This chart describes serviceguidelinesonly.Use the ServiceLog columnto keeptrack of completedmaintenancetasks.To locate the nearestParts& Repair Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontact 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. 4. Check Fingerguard 5. 6. Clean Clean 7. EngineOil 8. Change 9. Hood/Dash air vents 12. Clean 13. Clean 1. 2. Engineoil level Mufflerarea and controls 3. In the FirstFive Hours Every 10 Hours 10. Batteryterminals 11. Deckspindlesand idler bracket Every25 hours SCHEDULE 15. Air filter'sprecleaner* 16. Air filter* 17. Midsteeringarms,pivot shafts,and axles 14. Lubricate 20. Clean 21. Clean 22. Lubricate 18. Frontwheelbearings 19. Frontdeck wheels 23. Lubricate 24. Lubricate Every50 hours 25. Engineoil 26. Muffler 27. Change 28. Check Annually 29. Air filter 36. 37. 38. 39. 30. Air filter'spre-cleaner 31. Sparkplug 32. Air coolingsystem* 33. Fuelfilter 34. SteeringGears 35. RearWheels BeforeStorage Replace Replace Replace Clean 40. Replace 41. Clean 42. Removeand greaseaxles 43. Hood/Dash air vents 50. Clean 44. Batteryterminals 51. Clean 52. Lubricate 45. Midsteeringarms,pivot shafts,and axles 46. Frontwheelbearings 47. Frontdeckwheels 53. Lubricate 54. Lubricate 48. Deckspindlesand idler bracket 55. Lubricate 49. Pedalpivot points 56. Lubricate *Servicemorefrequentlyunderdustyconditions. Beforeperformingany maintenanceor repairs,disengagethe PTO (BladeEngageLever),engagethe parkingbrake,stopthe engine and removethe key to preventunintendedstarting. If the enginehas beenrecentlyrun,the engine,mufflerand surroundingmetalsurfaceswill be hot and cancause burnsto the skin. Exercisecautionto avoidburns. 17 ENGINE MAINTENANCE 7. Checking the Engine Changing Oil Onlyuse high qualitydetergentoil ratedwith APIserviceclassification SF,SG,SH, or SJ. Selectthe oil's SAEviscositygradeaccordingto theexpectedoperatingtemperature.Followthe chart below. Althoughmulti-viscosityoils (5W20,10W30,etc.)improvestarting in cold weather,they will result in increasedoil consumptionwhen usedabove32°E Checkyourengine oil level morefrequentlyto avoid possibleenginedamagefrom runninglowon oil. f Colder_ 32°F D"-Warmer With engine OFFbut still warm,disconnectsparkplug wireand keep it awayfrom sparkplug. 2. 3. Removethe oil fill cap/dipstickfrom theoil fill tube. See Figure9. Turnthe steeringwheelall theway to the rightto betterexpose the drain plug. Clip theoil drain sleeve(packedwith this manual)ontothe oil drain port. Routethe oppositeend of the sleeveintoan appropriate oil collectioncontainerwith a capacitygreatenoughto collect the usedoil. 5. Oil Viscosity Chart 6. 7. 2. 3. Cleantheoil fill area of anydebris. Removethe dipstickand wipe with a cleancloth. 4. 5. Insertand tightendipstick. Removethe dipstickand checkthe oil level.It shouldbe at the Fullmark on the dipstick.See Figure10. 6. If low,add oil slowlyintothe engineoil fill. Do notoverfill.After addingoil,wait one minuteand thenrecheckthe oil level. Oil 1. 5W20 J Engine The engineoil shouldbe changedin the first 5 hoursand thenevery 50 hoursor once a season.To changethe engineoil, proceedas follows: 4. Figure9 Tocheckthe engineoil, proceedas follows: 1. Ensurethat the tractoris on a levelsurface. Replaceand tightendipstick. Removedrain plugand drainoil intoa suitablecontainerwith a capacityof no less than64 oz. Performsteps2 through4 in theoppositeorderafter oil has finisheddraining. Refillthe enginewith newmotoroil untilthe oil levelon the dipstick readsFULL.Replacethe oil fill cap/dipstick. Usedoil is a hazardouswasteproduct.Disposeof usedoil properly. Do notdiscardwith householdwaste.Checkwith your localauthorities or or contact 1-800-4-MY-HOME fora list of safedisposal/ recyclingfacilities. 8. f Dipstick_ Oil Drain Valve Oil Drain Sleeve J Figure10 Do not overfill.Overfillingwith oil maycause theengineto notstart, hard starting,or engine smoking.If overthe FULLmarkon the dipstick,drainoil to reduceoil levelto FULLmarkon dipstick. 18 Reconnectspark plug wire. Fuel Filter Air Cleaner If filters,or coversare notinstalledcorrectlyseriousinjury or death could resultfrom backfire.Do not attemptto startthe enginewith them removed. Gasolineand its vaporsare extremelyflammableand explosive.Fire or explosioncan cause severeburnsor death. • Keepgasolineawayfrom sparks,open flames,pilotlights,heat, and otherignitionsources. Checkfuellines, tank,cap, and fittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary. • • Beforereplacingthe fuel filter,drain the fueltank as per the instructionsbelow. • Do notdrain fuel whentheengine is hot. Allowtheengine adequatetime to cool. Drainfuel intoan approvedcontainer outdoors,awayfromopen flame. • Donot use pressurizedair or solventsto cleanthe air cleaner cartridge. The air filter systemuses a cylindricalcartridge.This modelalso includesa pre-cleanerthat can be washedand reused. Drainany largevolumeof fuelfrom the tank by disconnectingthe fuelline from the in-linefuel filter near theengine. Removethefuel line from the In-lineside (sidetowardsthe fuel tank) of thefuel filter. Replacementparts mustbe the same and installedin the same positionas the originalparts. • • Removethe fasteners(A) and the air filtercover (B). See Figure 12. 2. To removethe filter (C), lift the end of the filterand thenpull the filter off the intake(D). 3. To loosendebris,gently tap thefilter on a hardsurface.If thefilter isexcessivelydirty, replacewith a newfilter. Installthe filter on the intake.Pushthe end of the filter intothe baseas shown.Makesurefilter fits securelyin the base. Installair filtercover and securewith fasteners. 4. • • If fuelspills,wait until it evaporatesbeforestartingengine. Beforereplacingthe fuel filter,drain the fueltank. Otherwise,fuel can leakoutand causea fireor explosion. To Drainthe fuel: 1. 1. 5. A Locatethefuel filter,which isroutedon the leftsideof theengine betweenthefueltankand thecarburetor,and maybe attachedto theenginewith a tie strap.Cutthetie strap,if present,thenpinch thein-lineclampon thefuelfilterwith a pairof pliers,slidethe clampup thefuelline. Pullthe fuellinefreefrom thefilterand place theopenend of theline intoan approvedcontainerto drainthefuel. B Tochangethe fuel filter: 1. Use pliersto squeezethe tabs on the otherclamp (theout-line sided the fuel filter),thenslide theclamp awayfrom thefuel filter. Twistand pull the fuelline off of the fuelfilter.See Figure11. 2. Checkthefuel linesfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary. 3. . Replacethefuel filter with an originalequipmentreplacement filter.Call 1-800-4-MY-HOME® to purchasethe originalequipment replacementfilter. Securethe fuel lineswith the clamps. _J f Figure12 Clamp Fuel Line Tab Figure11 19 Spark 1. 2. LUBRICATION Plug Cleanareaaroundthe spark plug base.Do not sandblastspark plug.Sparkplug shouldbe cleanedby scrapingor wire brushing and washingwith a commercialsolvent Beforelubricating,repairing,or inspecting,alwaysdisengagePTO (BladeEngageLever),move shiftleverinto neutralposition,set parkingbrake,stop engineand removekeyto preventunintended starting. Removeand inspectthe spark plug.Checkgap to makesureit is set at .030".See Figure13. Electrode Porcelain Pivot Points & Linkage Lubricateall the pivot pointson the drivesystem,parkingbrakeand lift linkageat least oncea seasonwith lightoil. Rear Wheels The rear wheelsshouldbe removedfrom the axlesonce a season. Lubricatethe axles and the rims wellwith an all-purposegreasebefore re-installingthem. Front Axles .030 (.76 mm) gap Eachend of thetractor'sfront pivotbar may be equippedwith a grease fitting. Lubricatewith a greasegunafter every 25 hoursof tractor operation. J Figure13 3. Replacethe spark plug (Champion®RC12YC)oncea season. Battery The batteryissealedand ismaintenance-free.Acidlevelscannotbe checked. Muffler • Alwayskeepthe batterycablesand terminalscleanand free of corrosivebuild-up. After cleaningthe batteryand terminals,applya lightcoat of petroleumjelly or greaseto bothterminals. • Alwayskeepthe rubberbootpositionedoverthe positiveterminal to preventshorting. Temperatureof mufflerand nearbyengine areasmayexceed 150° F (65°0).Avoidcontact with theseareas. • Inspectmufflerperiodically,and replaceif necessary.Replacement partsfor the mufflermustbe the sameand installedin the same positionas the originalparts. Clean iMPORTANT: If removingthe batteryfor any reason,disconnectthe NEGATIVE(Black) wirefrom its terminalfirst, followedby the POSITIVE (Red)wire. Whenre-installingthe battery,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE(Red)wireto its terminalfirst, followedbythe NEGATIVE (Black) wire. Be certainthat the wiresare connectedto the correct terminals;reversingthemcouldchangethe polarityand result in damageto your engine'salternatingsystem. Engine • Dailyor beforeevery use, cleangrass,chaffor accumulated debrisfromengine.Keeplinkage,spring,and controlsclean. • Keeparea aroundand behindmufflerfreeof any combustible debris. • Keepingenginecleanallows air movementaroundengine. • Engineparts shouldbe keptcleanto reducethe risk of overheating and ignitionof accumulateddebris. Cleaning Cleanthe batteryby removingitfrom the tractorand washingwith a bakingsodaand watersolution.If necessary,scrape thebattery terminalswith a wirebrushto removedeposits.Coat terminalsand exposedwiringwith greaseor petroleumjellyto preventcorrosion. Do notuse waterto cleanengineparts.Watercouldcontaminatefuel system.Usea brushor dry cloth. Carburetor • Battery Battery Failures Somecommoncausesfor batteryfailureare: Incorrectinitialactivation Adjustment Thecarburetoron this engineisnot adjustable. • Overcharging • • • Freezing Undercharging Corrodedconnections Thesefailuresare NOTcoveredby yourtractor'swarranty. 20 CLEANING THE ENGINE AND DECK 2. Anyfuel or oil spilledon the machineshouldbe wipedoff promptly.Do NOTallowdebristo accumulatearoundthecoolingfins of the engine or on anyotherpart of the machine. IMPORTANT: The useof a pressurewasherto cleanyour tractoris NOT recommended.It maycause damageto electricalcomponents, spindles,pulleys,bearingsor theengine. 3. Measurethedistancefromthe front of the bladetip to theground and the rearof the bladetip tothe ground.Thefirst measurementtaken shouldbe between1A"and 3A"less thanthe second measurement.Determinetheapproximatedistancenecessaryfor properadjustmentand proceed,if necessary,to the next step. Locatethe flangelock nut on the front sideof the stabilizer bracket.See Fig. 15. • • A screwplugcan be foundon yourtractor'sdeck surfaceas seenin Fig. 14.This plug can be replacedwith a waterport to be usedas part of a separately-available deck wash system. The DeckWash SystemTM is used to rinsegrassclippingsfrom the deck'sundersideand preventthe buildupof corrosivechemicals. Tightenthe flangelock nutto raisethe frontof the deck; Loosentheflangelock nutto lowerthe front of thedeck. NOTE: A deckwash systemcan be purchasedthroughthe retail locationin which you purchasedthis tractor.For moreinformation,call 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. f Figure15 Side to Side If the cuttingdeck appearsto be mowingunevenly,a sideto side adjustmentcan be performed.Adjust if necessaryas follows: 1. With the tractorparkedon a firm, levelsurface,placethe deck lift leverin the secondfromthe top notch (secondhighestposition) and rotatebothbladesso thatthey are perpendicularwith the tractor. 2. Measurethedistancefromthe outsideof the left bladetip to the groundand the distancefrom the outsideof the rightblade tip to the ground.Bothmeasurementstaken shouldbe equal.If they're not, proceedto the next step. 3. Loosen,but do NOTremove,the hex capscrewon the left deck hangerbracket.See Fig. 16. Balancethe deck by usinga wrenchto turnthe adjustmentgear (foundimmediatelybehindthe hex cap screwjust loosened) clockwise/upor counterclockwise/down.Thedeck is properly balancedwhenboth bladetip measurementstakenearlier are equal. Retightenthe hexcap screwon the left deck hangerbracketwhen properadjustmentis achieved. Figure14 ADJUSTMENTS Neverattemptto makeanyadjustmentswhilethe engine is running, exceptwherespecifiedin theoperator'smanual. Leveling the Deck 4. NOTE: Checkthe tractor'stire pressurebeforeperforminganydeck levelingadjustments.Referto Tires in theService sectionof this manualfor moreinformationregardingtire pressure. Front To Rear 5. Thefront of the cuttingdeck is supportedbya stabilizerbar that can be adjustedto levelthe deckfrom front to rear.Thefront of the deck shouldbe between1A-inchand3A-inchlowerthanthe rear of the deck. Adjustif necessaryas follows: 1. With thetractorparkedon a firm,levelsurface,placethe lever for liftingthe platformon the secondto the top notch(second highestposition)and rotatethe bladeas close as possibleto the dischargechannelthat is parallelto thetractor. 21 C Hex Cap Screw .J Figure17 Lookingat thecuttingdeck from the left side of thetractor,locate the bow-tiepin that securesthe deck support rod on the rear left sideof the deck. See Fig. 18.Removethe bow-tiepin that securesthe deck support rod,and carefullyremovethe deck supportfrom the deck lift arm. ,J Figure16 Seat Adjustment Referto the Assemblysectionof this manualfor seat adjustment instructions. Parking Brake Adjustment f Neverattemptto adjustthebrakeswhiletheengineis running.Always disengagePTO(bladeengage)lever,moveshiftleverintoneutral 3osifion,stopengineand removekey to preventunintendedstarting. Bow-Tie Clip the tractordoesnot cometo a completestopwhenthe brakepedal is completelydepressed,or if the tractor'srearwheelscan roll with the parkingbrakeapplied,the brakeis in needof adjustment.Contactthe nearest Sears Service Center to haveyour brakesproperlyadjusted. To locatethe nearest Parts& Repair Service Centeror to schedule service, contact 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. CUTTING DECK REMOVAL To remove the cutting / 1. 2. 3. deck, proceed / as follows: / / Placethe PTO(Blade Engage) leverin the disengaged(OFF) position and engagetheparkingbrake. Lowerthe deck by movingthe deck lift lever intothe bottom notch on the rightfender. J Removethe self-tappingscrew(A) that securesthe belt-keeper rod from aroundthetractor's PTOpulley,then removethe belt keeperrod (B). See Fig. 17. Figure18 6. NOTE: Makea mentalnotewhat holethe otherend of the belt-keeper rod is insertedin for reinstallationpurposes. 4. / Removethe belt(C) from aroundthe tractor'sPTOpulley.See Fig. 17. Avoidpinchinginjuries.Neverplaceyour fingerson the idler springor betweenthe belt and a pulleywhile removingthe belt. 22 Repeatthe abovestepson the tractor'srightside. NOTE: Thebow-tieclips shouldbe re-installedfrom the topdown. 7. Movethedeck lift leverintothe top notchon the rightfenderto raisethedeck lift arms up and out of the way. 8. Removethebow-tiecotter pin securingthe deck stabilizerrod to the deck.Slide thedeck lift rod from the mountingbracketon the deck as seenin Fig. 19. f ........,j_!_ _;_ _ ....., The recommended operating tire pressure is: Approximately10 psifor the reartires Approximately14psi for thefront tires -, IMPORTANT: Referto the tire sidewallfor exacttire manufacturer's recommendedor maximumpsi. Donot overinfiate.Uneventirepressurecouldcausethe cuttingdeckto mowunevenly. BATTERY CaliforniaProposition65 WARNING!Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and lead compounds,chemicals knownto the Stateof Californiato causecancerand reproductive harm.Washhandsafter handling. If removingthe battery,disconnectthe NEGATIVE(Black)wire from itsterminalfirst, followedbythe POSFIVE(Red)wire. When re-installingthe battery,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE(Red)wireto ts termna f rst,fo owedby the NEGATVE (Back) w re. JUMP STARTING Neverjump starta damagedor frozenbattery.Be certainthe vehicles do nottouch,and ignitions are off. Do notallowcable clampsto touch. Figure19 . Carefullyremovethe PTOcablefrom the rearof the cuttingdeck by removingthe bow-tiecotter pin which securesit. Removethe springfromthe deck idler bracket.See Fig.20. 1. 2. 3. 4. Connectpositive(+)cableto positivepost (+)of yourtractor's dischargedbattery. Connectthe otherend of the cableto the(positive+)post of the jumperbattery. Connectthe secondcable (negative-) to the otherpostof the jumperbattery. Connectthe otherend of the negativecableto the engineblock of the tractor,awayfromthe battery.Attachto an unpaintedpartto assurea good connection. If thejumper batteryis installedon a vehicle (, truck), do NOT start the vehicle'senginewhenjump startingyourtractor. 5. 6. Startthe tractor(as instructedearlierin this sectionof this manual). Setthe tractor'sparkingbrakebeforeremovingthejumpercables, in reverseorder of connection. CHARGING Figure20 Batteriesgive off an explosivegas whilecharging.Chargethe battery in a wellventilatedareaand keepawayfrom an openflame or pilot light as on a waterheater,spaceheater,furnace,clothesdryeror othergas appliances. 10. Gentlyslidethe cuttingdeck (from theleft side)out from underneaththe tractor. TIRES Whenchargingyourtractor'sbattery,useonlya chargerdesignedfor I Neverexceedthemaximuminflation pressureshownon the sidewall of tire. 12Vlead-acidbatteries.Readyourbatterycharger _s Owner'sManualI prior to chargingyourtractors battery.Alwaysfollowits instructions I _andheed ts warnngs. J 23 If your tractorhasnot been putinto usefor an extendedperiodof time, chargethe batteryas follows: 1. Setyour batterychargerto delivera max of 10amperes. . 4. If your batterychargeris automatic,chargethe batteryuntilthe chargerindicatesthat chargingis complete.If the chargeris not automatic,chargefor no fewerthaneight hours. FUSE Removethe hexflangenut that securesthe bladeto the spindle assembly.See Fig.21. To properlysharpenthecutting blades,removeequalamounts of metalfrom bothendsof the bladesalongthe cuttingedges, parallelto the trailingedge,at a 300angle.Alwaysgrind eachcuttingblade edge equallyto maintainproperblade balance. See Fig.22. One 20 AMPfuse is installedin yourtractor'swiring harnessto protect thetractor'selectricalsystemfrom damagecausedby excessive amperage. If the electricalsystemdoesnot function,or yourtractor'senginewill notcrank,first checkto be certain that the fuse hasnot blown.It can be foundat the rear of the unit, underneaththe fenderlocatedby the battery. Alwaysusea fuse with the sameamperagecapacityfor replacement. CUTTING BLADES Shutthe engineoff and removeignitionkey beforeremovingthe cuttingblade(s)for sharpeningor replacement.Protectyourhands _byusng heavyg oves whengraspng the bade. Figure 22 Periodicallyinspectthe bladeand/or spindleforcracksor damage, especiallyafter you'vestrucka foreignobject. Donot operatethe machineuntil damagedcomponentsare replaced. If the cuttingedgeof the bladehas previouslybeen sharpened,or if any metalseparationis present,replacethe bladeswith new ones. To removetheblades, proceedas follows. 1. 2. Removethe deck from beneaththe tractor,(referto CuttingDeck Removalearlier in this section)thengently flip thedeck overto exposeits underside. Placea blockof wood betweenthe centerdeck housingbaffle and the cuttingbladeto act asa stabilizer. See Fig. 21. A poorlybalancedbladewill causeexcessivevibration,maycause damageto thetractorand/or resultin personalinjury. 5. Testthe blade'sbalanceusinga blade balancer.Grindmetalfrom the heavy sideuntil it balancesevenly. NOTE: Whenreplacingthe blade,be sureto installthe bladewith the side of the blade marked"Bottom" (or with a partnumberstampedin it) facingthe groundwhenthe moweris in the operatingposition. Usea torquewrenchto tightenthe bladespindlehexflangenut to between70 Ibs-ft and 90 Ibs-ft. CHANGING THE DECK BELT Be sureto shut the engineoff, removeignitionkey,disconnectthe sparkplug wire(s)and groundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstartingbeforeremovingthe belt. All belts on yourtractorare subjectto wearand shouldbe replacedif any signsof wear are present. J Figure21 24 iMPORTANT: The V-beltfoundon yourtractoris speciallydesigned to engageand disengagesafely.A substitute(non-OEM)V-beltcan be dangerousby notdisengagingcompletely.Fora properworking machine,useidenticalequipmentbelts as listedin the parts pagesof this Operator'sManual. 11. Whileholdingthe belt and pulleytogether,rotatethe pulleyto the Idt. Continueholdingand rotatingthe pulleyand belt untilthe belt isfully rolledintothe PTOpulley. PARKING Tochangeor replacethedeck belt on yourtractor,proceedas follows: 1. Removethedeck as instructedearlier in this section. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Removethebelt coversfrom the spindlepulleysby removingthe hexscrewsthat fastenthe coversto the deck.See Fig. 23. It mayalso be necessaryto loosenthe hex nutson thedeck idler pulleysto getthe belt off of the pulleyand aroundthe belt guard. After looseningthe deck idler pulleys,rotatethe belt guideout of the wayon the left idler pulleyto removethe belt. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Neverattempttoadjustthe brakeswhilethe engineis running.Always disengagePTO(BladeEngageLever),moveshiftleverintoneutral 3osition,stopengineand removekeyto preventunintendedstarting. If the tractordoesnotcome to a completestop whentheclutch-brake pedalis completelydepressed,or if the tractor'srearwheelscan roll with the parkingbrakeapplied,thebrakeis in need of adjustment. Contactthe nearest Parts & Repair Service Center to haveyour brakesserviced. Carefullyremovethe deck beltfrom aroundthe two spindle pulleysand thetwo deck idler pulleys.See Fig.23. Toplacethe newbelt, begin by routingthe beltaroundthe two outerspindlepulleysas shownin Fig. 23. To locatethe nearest Parts& RepairService Centeror to schedule service,contact1-800-4-MY-HOME®. CHANGING BELT Thenroutethe beltaroundthe two deck idler pulleysas shownin Fig. 23. Retightenthe belt keeperrod loosenedearlier. Remountthe beltguardsremovedearlier. THE TRANSMISSION DRIVE NOTE: Severalcomponentsmustbe removedand specialtools (i.e. air/impactwrench)in orderto changethetractor'sdrivebelt. Contact the nearest Parts & Repair Service Center to haveyourtransmissiondrivebelt serviced. 9. Re-installthe deck,makingsurethe belt remainsroutedaround the pulleysas instructed.Thecompletebelt routingis shownin Fig. 23. 10. Pull the rightsideof thebelt, and placethe narrowV sideof the belt intothe PTOpulley. To locatethe nearest Parts& RepairService Centeror to schedule service,contact1-800-4-MY-HOME®. F This portion of the belt routes around the PTO Pulley Figure 23 25 Neverstorelawntractorwith fuel in tank indoorsor in poorly ventilatedareaswherefuel fumesmay reachan openflame,spark, or pilot lightas on a furnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance. PREPARING THE ENGINE DRAINING IMPORTANT:Fuelleft in the fueltank duringwarmweatherdeterioratesand willcause seriousstartingproblems. To preventgumdepositsfrom forminginsidethe engine'scarburetor and causingpossiblemalfunctionof theengine,the fuelsystemmust be eithercompletelyemptied,or the gasolinemustbe treatedwith a stabilizerto preventdeterioration. 1. If usinga fuel stabilizer: a. Readthe productmanufacturer'sinstructionsand recommendations. b. Add to clean, freshgasolinethe correctamountof stabilizer for the capacityof the fuelsystem. Fillthe fueltank with treatedfuel and run the enginefor 2-3 minutesto get stabilizedfuel intothe carburetor. c. 2. Reconnectthe fuel line and run the engineuntilit startsto falter,thenusethe choke to keepthe enginerunninguntilall fuel in the carburetorhas beenexhausted. d. Disconnectthefuel line and drain any remaininggasoline from the system. Gasolineis a toxic substance.Disposeof gasolineproperly.Contact yourlocalauthoritiesforapproveddisposalmethods. 3. Locatethe fuel filter,which is locatedon theleft sideof the engine,and may be attachedto the enginewith a tie strap. 2. Cut the tie strap,if present,then pinchthe in-lineclamp on the fuel filter with a pairof pliers,slidethe clamp up the fuel line. Pullthe fuel line freefrom the filterand placetheopen end of the line intoan approvedcontainerto drain the fuel. PREPARING Gasolineis extremelyflammableand can be explosiveundercertain conditions.Draingasolinebeforestoringthe equipmentfor extended periods.Drainfuel onlyinto an approvedcontaineroutdoors,away from an openflame.Allowengineto cool. Extinguishcigarettes, cigars,pipes, and othersourcesof ignitionprior to drainingfuel. Storegasolinein an approvedcontainerin safe location. c. 1. 3. If emptyingthe fuel system: a. Donot drainfuel whenthe engineis hot. Allowthe engine adequatetime to cool. Drainfuelinto an approvedcontainer outdoors,awayfrom open flame. b. Drainany largevolumeof fuel from thetank by disconnecting the fuel line from the in-linefuel filter nearthe engine. See the completeinstructionsfor DrainingThe Fuellaterin this section. Removethe sparkplug and pour one (1) ounceof engineoil throughthe sparkplug hole intothe cylinder.Crankthe engine severaltimesto distributethe oil. Replacethe spark plug. 26 THE FUEL THE LAWN TRACTOR 1. Cleanand lubricatetractorthoroughlyas describedin the lubrication instructions. 2. 3. Donot usea pressurewasheror gardenhoseto cleanyour unit. Store mowerin a dry,cleanarea. Do notstore nextto corrosive materials,such as fertilizer. Enginefails to start 1. 2. PTO/BladeEngageleverengaged. Parkingbrakenotengaged. 1. 2. Placeleverin disengaged(OFF) position. Engageparkingbrake. 3. 4. 3. 4. Connectwire(s) to sparkplug(s). PlaceThrottle/Chokeleverintothe FASTposition. 5. Sparkplugwire(s) disconnected. Throttle/Chokecontrollevernot in correct startingposition. Chokenotactivated 5. MovetheThrottle/Chokeleverintothe Choke position. 6. 7. Fueltank empty,or stale fuel. Blockedfuel line. 6. 7. Filltank with clean,fresh (less than 30 days old) gas. Replacethe fuel line and replacefuel filter. 8. 9. Faultysparkplug(s). Engineflooded. 8. 9. Clean,adjustgap or replaceplug(s). Crankenginewith throttlein FASTposition. 10. BlownFuse(s) 10. ReplaceFuse(s) 1. Unit runningwith CHOKEactivated. 1. Deactivatethe CHOKE. 2. 3. Sparkplugwire(s) loose. Blockedfuel line or stalefuel. 2. 3. Connectsparkplug wire(s). Replacethe fuel line;fill tank with clean,fresh gasolineand replacefuel filter. 4. 5. Ventin gas cap plugged. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 4. 5. Clearvent or replacecap if damaged. Drainfuel tank. Refillwith clean,fresh gasoline. 6. Dirtyair cleaner. 6. Replaceair cleanerpaper elementor cleanfoam pre-cleaner,if equipped. 1. 2. Engineoil levellow. Air flow restricted. 1. 2. Fillcrankcasewith properamountand weightof oil. Enginehesitatesat high RPM 1. Sparkpluggaptoo close. 1. Removespark plug and resetthe gap. Engineidles rough 1. Sparkplugfouled,faultyor gap too wide. 1. Replacespark plug.Set pluggap. 2. Dirtyair cleaner. 2. Replaceair cleanerelementand/orcleanprecleaner. 1. Cuttingblade looseor unbalanced. 1. Tighten bladeand spindle. 2. Damagedor bent cuttingblade. 2. Replaceblade. 1. 2. Enginespeedtoo low. Wetgrass. 1. 2. Placethrottlein FAST(rabbit)position. Do notmulchwhen grassis wet. 3. Excessivelyhigh grass. 3. 4. Dullblade. 4. Mowonceat a highcuttingheight,then mowagain at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingswath. Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. 2. Decknot leveledproperly. Dullblade. 1. 2. Performside-to-sidedeck adjustment. Sharpenor replaceblade. 3. Uneventire pressure. 3. Checktire pressurein all four tires. Enginerunserratically Engineoverheats Excessivevibration Mowerwill not mulchgrass Unevencut Cleangrass clippingsand debrisfrom aroundthe engine'scoolingfins and housing. NEED MORE HELP? _m_[_ fhlJ lhe a:__wc_r_:md mo_e o_ m_agemy[_,f÷,,,cem Find this and aft your other product manuals online. Get answers from our team of home experts. Get a personalized maintenance I:ind information ptan for your home. and toots to help with home projects. 27 - for h'ee[ 777122454 777D15624 (Side Hood - qty. 2) 777D17046 777D17061 (Rear Fender) 777D17047 777S34008 777123364 777X45824 777122479 777D17044 777D17045 777X43688 777123366 DOHOT ........... USE E85 UR FUEL CO_TA|IIIHG _ORE THAH 10% ETHANOL W 777S33896 777D17038 i(@)! 777S33183 _111!!11111111111_[_:___ ...................... N 28 This page intentionally left blank. Use this page to make any notes regarding 29 your tractor. Craftsman Model 247.288812 19 1 46 bf 12 22 17 3O Craftsman Ref. No, I Model 247.288812 Part No. Description Ref. No, I Part No. Description 1 925-1649 BulbSocket 28 750-04465C FlangeSpacer 2 683-04619A-4043 HoodAssembly 29 783-04903 Speed latch 3 710-04484 Screw,5/16-18 x .750 30 710-0604A Self-TapScrew,5/16-18 4 710-0599 HexWasherScrew,1/4-20x .500 31 710-05108 HexScrew,1/4 x .750 5 712-0292 Tin Clip Nut, 1/4-20 32 712-04063 Nut, HexFlangeLock,5/16-18 6 710-0751 HexScrew,1/4-20x .620 33 731-04945 SteeringSupport 7 710-05108 Screw,1/4 x .750 34 783-04873B-0637 Dash 8 712-04064 Nut,HexFlangeInsert Lock,1/4-20 35 747-05371 FuelTankSupport Rod 9 931-07668 Grill 36 747-05326 Dashsupport Rod 10 731-07458 HeadlightLens,RH 37 747-04430 SpeedSelectorControl Rod 11 731-07459 HeadlightLens,LH 38 951-04304 1.36GallonFuelTank 951-12179A FuelCap 12 731-07460A DashCollar 39 13 731-07711A HoodScoop,LH 40 783-07083-0637 GasTankSupport Bracket 14 731-07712A HoodScoop,RH 41 731-05265 Choke Plug 15 735-0271A Bumper 42 746-04364 Throttle/ChokeAssembly 925-04659 KeySwitchModule 16 738-04091A ShoulderScrew,5/16-18 43 17 783-05327B-0637 LeftSupport PivotBracket 44 625-04124 Key(2 pack) 18 783-05328A-0637 RightSupportPivotBracket 45 725-0157 CableTie 19 783-06598-4043 LowerGrill 46 925-0963 HeadlightBulb 726-04072A RatchetClip: .250x .500 20 783-06610-0637 LowerGrillBracket 47 21 983-04503 Speed Selector,7-Speed 48 936-0463 FlatWasher,.25 x .630x .0515 22 710-05070 Self-TapScrew,1/4-20 49 735-04081 RubberGrommet 23 710-3144 HexHeadScrew,3/8-16 50 751-12118 FuelRolloverValve 751-12089 VentHose 710-1652 Hex Washer Screw, 1/4-20 x .625 24 711-0736 Ferrule,1/4-20x 1.00 51 25 712-04065 Nut,HexFlangeInsert Lock,3/8-16 52 26 714-04040 Cotter Pin -- 777X44366 Headlight Reflector LH (NotShown) 27 783-06823 Speed LatchSupportTab -- 777X44365 Headlight Reflector RH(NotShown) 31 Craftsman Model 247.288812 26 34 39 22 12 21 _29 ? 14 i31 2 32 27 Craftsman Ref. No. 1 I IViodel 247.288812 Part No. 683-04155A-0637 Description Ref. No. I Part No. Description Shaft, Lift 24 756-04196A EngagementPulley 747-04857 Belt KeeperRodAssembly 2 712-04065 Nut, HexFlangeInsertLock, 3/8-16 25 3 714-04040 Bow-TiePin,91, RH 26 710-04484 Screw,Hd.Tapp,5/16-18x .75 4 716-0106A E-ring,.625Shaft 27 683-04195-0637 SupportBracketAssembly 5 720-0311 Grip,Handle 28 683-04649-0637 Rider FrameAssembly 710-0134 CarriageScrew,1/4-20x .62 6 732-04225 Spring,Lift HandleTorsion 29 7 738-04130 Bolt, Shoulder,.625x .175:3/8-16 30 710-3008 Screw,Hx. Hd.,5/16-18x .75 8 941-0225 Bearing,HexFlange, 31 712-04063 Nut, HexFlangeInsert Lock,5/16-18 9 747-05296 Handle,Lift 32 712-04064 Nut, HexFlangeInsert Lock, 1/4-20 912-0429 HexlockNut,5/16-18 10 747-04393 Lift Rod,13.68 33 11 783-04494C-0637 Arm, DeckLift RH 34 732-04035 Spring,Compress.,1.28x 3.125 783-04711C-0637 Arm, DeckLift LH 35 736-0173 FlatWasher,.28 x .74 x .063 647-04096-0637 PTOHandleAssembly 36 783-04548D-0637 SeatBracketFrame 783-04637-0637 RunningBoardBracket 12 13 710-04608 Screw,Hx. Hd.,7/16-20x 3.25 37 14 710-0599 Screw,Hd.Tapp,1/4-20x .5 38 783-04753-0637 FrameSupportBracket 15 714-04040 Click Pin 39 783-04869A-0637 BatteryBracket 16 720-04049A HandleGrip 40 783-05389A-0637 FrameBraceBracket 925-1707D Battery 17 732-04276A PTOSpring,Extension 41 18 936-0171 Washer,Flat,7/16 42 738-1132 Screw,Shoulder,.250x .150 19 736-0322 Washer,Fiat, .450x .250x .164 43 712-0271 Nut,Sems, 1/4-20 20 738-04237A ShoulderScrew,#10-32x .500 44 683-04448-0637 BatteryRod 21 741-04119A PTOBearing 45 725-04363 InterlockSwitch 22 946-04173C DeckEngagementCable 46 936-0300 FlatWasher,.406x .875x .059 23 725-04439 12v.Solenoid 33 Craftsman Model 247.288812 21 3O 25 22 ................ 34 33 / /_ ........................ Craftsman Ref, No. I IViodel 247.288812 Part No. Description Ref, No. I Part No, Description 1 617-04094 GearAssembly,Steering 21 683-0128B-0637 PivotBarAxle Assembly 2 710-0643 Screw,5/16-18,1.00,Gr5,Lock 22 710-04484 Screw,5/16-18,0.750 3 710-1309 Screw,Mach,5/16-18,0.750 23 712-04065 Nut, FlangeLock, 3/8-16,GrF 4 710-0514 HexHead Screw,3/8-16x 1.00 24 714-0162 Pin, Cotter,5/32, 1.25 5 710-3180 Screw,5/16-18,1.75,Gr5 25 914-0474 Pin, Cotter,1/8 x 0.75 736-0341 PushCap,3/4 6 912-0214 Nut,Jam Lock,3/8-24 26 7 912-0240 Nut,Jam,7/16-20,Gr2 27 731-04057A AxleCap 8 712-04063 Nut,FlangeLock,5/16-18,Grf 28 736-04228A Washer,Flat,.781x 1.59 9 712-04065 Nut,FlangeLock,3/8-16,Grf 29 738-04128 Screw,Shlder,.500x 2.380,3/8-16 741-0660A FlangeBearing 10 923-0448A BallJoint,7/16-20,Lock 30 11 736-0242 Washer,Bell, .340x .872x .060 31 747-04299A Tie Rod 12 931-0484A HubCap 32 783-05326B-0637 PivotBar Bracket 13 738-04141 ShoulderScrew,5/16-18 33 938-04007A-0637 AxleAssemblyLH 638-04008P AxleAssemblyRH 14 738-04162A ShoulderSpacer,.8840 x.190 34 15 738-0919A SteeringShaft,5/8 Splinex 21.86 35 631-04028 SteeringWheel,StandardGrip 16 941-04124 Bearing,Flange,Hex5/8 36 731-06825 Cap,SteeringWheel (Crafts.logo) 17 747-05385 DragLink,Steering 37 634-04325-0961 WheelAssembly 934-04081-4042 Rim 18 948-0389 Cap, 1.25x .16 38 19 748-04065-0637 Steering,Block 39 734-04240A Tire, 15 x 6 x 6 Sq. Shoulder 20 748-04068 Spacer,.710ID x .125OD x .56 40 934-0255 ValveStem 35 Craftsman IViodel 247.288812 \ \ 36 Craftsman IViodel 247.288812 Ref. No, I Part No. Description 1 710-0227 Screw,8-18 x .500 2 710-04484 Screw,5/16-18x .750 3 712-04063 FlangeLockNut, 5/16-18 4 720-04061 Knob,3/8-16x .875 5 925-1303 OuterSeat Spring 6 725-1439 InnerSeatSpring 7 726-0278 InsulatorBossPlate 8 726-0279 InsulatorPlate 9 732-1184 ExtensionSpring 10 936-0108 FiatWasher,.510x .750x .033 11 736-0242 FlatWasher,.340x .872x .060 12 938-0296 ShoulderScrew,5/16-18x .437x .268 13 783-0209D Lift SeatBracket 14 783-04081D-0637 Seat PivotBracket 15 783-1489D-0637 Seat MountingBracket 16 757-04124 Low BackSeat 17 710-05070 Screw,1/4-20x .500 18 710-0599 ScrewPanTorxHead,1/4-20x .500 19 731-04591A Cup Holder 20 783-04587D-4043 Fender 21 783-04843-0637 Lift AdjusterBracket 22 723-04026 AbrasiveFoot Pad,LH 723-04025 AbrasiveFoot Pad,RH 23 710-0134 CarriageScrew,.62:1/4-20 24 732-04035 Spring,Compress.,1.28x 3.125 37 Craftsman IViodel 247.288812 38 Craftsman IViodel 247.288812 I Ref. I Description Part No. 1 683-04549-0637 MufflerShieldAssembly 2 710-0227 Screw,AB #8-180.500 3 710-04683 TapScrew,3/8-16 1.000 4 710-0642 TapScrew,1/4-200.750 5 710-1314A Screw,SocketHead,5/16-18 x .750 6 712-0271 Sems Nut, 1/4-20 7 BS-692236 ExhaustGasket 8 725-0157 CableTie,3/16 X .05 X 7.4 9 726-0205 HoseClamp,.490 Dia. 10 731-05628 Oil DrainSleeve 11 751-10349 LowPermeationFuelHose,1/4 12 751-10448C BriggsSingleMuffler 13 751-11053 LongMufflerDeflector 14 31C707-3346-G6 Engine 39 Craftsman IViodel 247.288812 18 62 \ 8 6O 27 38 23 1 15 4O Craftsman Ref, NO, I IViodel 247.288812 Part No. Description Ref. No, I Part No. Description 1 918-04566 TransmissionDriveAssembly 33 747-05188 BrakeRod 2 647-04034C-0637 PedalAssembly 34 747-05244 Shift Rod 3 647-04266 Shaft LeverAssembly 35 738-04237A ShoulderScrew,#10-32x .500 4 710-0227 Screw,8-18:0.500 36 750-0566A Spacer,.260 x .375x 1.030LG 5 710-04484 Screw,5/16-18 x .750 37 750-0802 Spacer,.640 ID x .76 OD x 2.63 6 710-0599 Screw,1/4-20x 0.500 38 954-04249A V Belt, 5L: 70.90 POLY 7 710-0604A Screw,5/16-18 x 0.625 39 954-0241A V Belt, 5L: 35.25 POLY 8 710-0809 Screw,1/4-20x 1.250 40 956-04002 Trans.Pulley 9 710-0176 HexScrew,5/16-18x 2.75 41 783-04536B-0637 PedalSupportBracket 10 710-3008 HexScrew,5/16-18x .75 42 783-04595A ShaftAdjustBracket 11 911-04075A Ferrule,3/8-24X .375DIA. 43 956-04015A VariableSpeed PulleyAssembly 12 712-04063 FlangelockNut, 5/16-18 44 683-04206 BracketAssembly 13 712-0700 FlangeNut, 9/16-18 45 710-0627 HexScrew,5/16-24x .750 14 914-0209 Cotter Pin INT-.125DIA 46 710-0778 Screw,1/4-20x 1.500 15 714-04040 Bow-TieCotter Pin 47 718-04261 BearingCup 16 718-04407 PulleyHub,5/8 SPLINE 48 736-0362 FlatWasher,.330x 1.25x .06:HT 17 720-04028 Shift Knob 49 941-0600 Ball Bearing,17x 40 x 12 18 725-0157 CableTie 50 683-04176A TransmissionBracketAssembly 19 725-1644 Short SpringSwitch 51 683-04207 Idler BracketAssembly 20 726-0214 PushCap, 5/8 52 710-0347 HexScrew,3/8-16x 1.75 710-1260A Screw,5/16-18x 0.750 21 926-0320 PlateInsulatorNut 53 22 731-04602 Sleeve,.758x .821x 3.3125 54 712-04065 FlangeLockNut, 3/8-16 23 731-04604 Sleeve,.758x .821x 2.4375 55 938-0347 ShoulderSpacer,.625ID x .169 24 731-06894 Shift BearingPlate 56 756-04325 Idler Pulley 25 732-04306 Spring Extension,.80 OD x 3.28LG 57 725-04363 SwitchInterlock 26 732-04488 Spring Extension,.38 OD x 3.25LG 58 17962 PlateSwitch 27 732-04746 Spring Extension,.94 OD x 6.75LG 59 634-04324 WheelAssembly,20 x 8 x 8 28 732-0716D Spring Extension,.59 OD x 4.00LG 60 634-04369-4042 RimAssembly 934-0255 ValveStem 29 735-0239 FootPad,4.0 LONG 61 30 736-0242 BellWasher,.340x .872x .060 62 734-04241 Tire, 20 x 8 x 8 Rd.Sh. 31 747-04969 Belt KeeperRod -- 725-04567G WiringHarness(Not Shown) 32 747-05186 VariableSpeedControl Rod 41 Craftsman IViodel 247.288812 [] 45 J 10 11 53\_ 11_ 12 2 4O 37 @_/18 32 42 Craftsman Ref, No, I IViodel 247.288812 Part No. Description Ref. NO, I Part No. Description 1 918-04822A SpindlePulleyAssembly 28 936-0344 FlatWasher,.385x 1.0 x .030 2 683-0254B-0637 DeckHangerBracketAssembly 29 736-0362 FlatWasher,.330x 1.25x .06 3 710-0642 Screw,1/4-20x .750 30 738-04146 Bolt Plug,M16x 1.5 4 983-04511 BrakeAssembly 31 738-04162A ShoulderSpacer,.8840x .190 5 983-04525 BrakeAssembly 32 942-04308 CuttingBlade,21.23":2 in 1 6 983-04570-0637 Deck 33 747-05105B BrakeControlRod 7 710-04484 Screw,5/16-18x .750 34 747-05141A DeckLift Rod 8 710-3005 Screw,3/8-16x 1.25 35 747-05323 Belt KeeperRod 9 710-0528 HexScrew,5/16-18 x 1.25 36 748-04272 ShoulderSpacer 10 710-0599 Screw,1/4-20x .500 37 748-04069 DeckLift PivotCup 11 750-04936 Spacer,.792x 1.060x 1.860 38 956-1227 DeckPulley,6.3 dia. 12 710-3144 HexHeadScrew,3/8-16 39 936-3039 FlatWasher,.406x 1.50x .105 13 710-3178 CarriageBolt, 3/8-16x .75 40 954-04060B V-TypeBelt, 96.5 14 712-0229 PushNut,3/8 41 756-04129B Idler Pulley,4.25Diameter 15 712-04063 FlangelockNut, 5/16-18 42 783-05946 Idler PivotBracket 16 712-04065 FlangelockNut, 3/8-16 43 783-06243-0637 DeckCableEngagementBracket 17 712-0417A FlangeNut, 5/8-18 44 783-06368A-0637 Belt PulleyGuard 18 712-04243 FlangelockNut, 1/2-13 45 783-06424A-0637 DeckBelt Cover 19 912-0641 HexNut,M16- 1.5 46 783-06643-0637 DeckSupportBracket 20 714-04043 CotterPin, Bow-Tie 47 631-04288 ChuteDeflectorAssembly 21 917-04074 DeckAdjusterGear 48 711-04847B Hinge Pin 22 932-0384 ExtensionSpring,.62 x 6.12 49 732-04372 TorsionSpring,.44 x 2.0 783-06074A ChuteBracket 23 732-04840 TorsionSpring,1.0 x 1.17 50 24 936-0119 LockWasher,5/16 51 936-0351 FlatWasher,.760x 1.50 25 736-0187 FiatWasher,.64x 1.24x .06 52 738-1186A SpindleShaft 26 736-0225 FlatWasher,.5/8Int.Tth. 53 941-0919A Ball Bearing,.787x 1.85x .551 27 736-0262 FiatWasher,.385x .870x .092 43 Craftsman Engine IViodel 310707-3346-G6 48 SHORT BLOCK 1058 OPERATOR'S For IViodel 247.288812 MANUAL [ 1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE 85O ] 1330 REPAIR MANUAL 684 _f# 11 _ ......"-_i,'} 584 585 _ q _J3 ,Z;/ _-_ 1264 _ k.'-. _) \\ 27 718 j ' 1044 I_ 306 24 _ 842 QiD [ 741 U 616 #i 127o ;i f 404 (_ 505 614 759 562 _:_ _ 5240 46 _::_ 45 :/:__ 15 e 22 20C_ 44 , Craftsman Engine Model 31C707-3346-G6 For Model 247.288812 lO26_/_ s _ 883 35 51 1022 1o22 501 337 617 914 ©'9 85O 54% 654 _) 53 d:*-;_::::$S'i_ 45 Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707-3346-G6 _ 130 :-'_ 95 _ 987 _ For IViodel 247.288812 lO_ i 633 _ 2179 964 ........ ' 1091 51 Q 127 105 1127__ 276 _) i 24O 46 6Ol _ i Craftsman Engine Model 31C707=3346=G6 1036 EMiSSiONS For Model 247.288812 LABEL 1040 445 305 _ 968 305AQ_ \\ 305B I 2 324 415A ,./:,,;\ \"_{,":,_j lOOS C-;>..._\\d_-_t !/ 4_7><_ ib.j,:Q _ 1044 78 b_ 37 47 _ d_ Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707-3346-G6 For IViodel 247.288812 334 lO51 8ol @ 783 729 513 . 462 i '¸ 797 579 802 697 _ 1119 188 _ 222 209 202 216 232 48 Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707-3346-G6 For IViodel 247.288812 121 CARBURETOR 51 OVERHAUL KiT O 127 _ 617,, 1266 :, ifX,'_, 104 987_/ 105 1266A 33 _'_ 217 358 ENGINE GASKET SET /';/ .> _, 3 _
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