Craftsman 247372650 User Manual 21 MULCHING LAWNMOWER Manuals And Guides L0806738
CRAFTSMAN Walk Behind Lawnmower, Gas Manual L0806738 CRAFTSMAN Walk Behind Lawnmower, Gas Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Walk Behind Lawnmower, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 247372650 247372650 CRAFTSMAN 21 MULCHING LAWNMOWER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN 21 MULCHING LAWNMOWER #247372650. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman 21 MULCHING LAWNMOWER Manual
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® Caution: ReadandFollow AllSafetyRules andInstructions BeforeOperating ThisEquipment 5.0 HORSEPOWER 21" POWER PROPELLED 5=SPEED "3=lN=l" MULCHING ROTARY MOWER Assembly Operation Maintenance Service and Adjustment Repair Parts SEARS,ROEBUCK ANDCO.,HoffmanEstates,IL 60179 U.S.A. THISSYMBOLPOINTSOUTIMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS WHICH,IF NOTFOLLOWED, COULDENDANGER THEPERSONAL SAFETYAND/ORPROPERTY OFYOURSELF AND OTHERSREADAND FOLLOWALL INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUALBEFORE_ ATTEMPTING TOOPERATE YOURLAWNMOWER.FAILURETOCOMPLYWITHTHESEINSTRUCTIONS MAYRESULTIN PERSONAL INJURYWHENYOUSEETHISSYMBOL--_ HEEDITSWARNING. & DANGER: with anytypeof powerequipment,carelessness or erroronthe part of theoperatorcan resultin serious Your lawn mower was builtto be operatedaccordingto the rulesfor safe operationin injury.If youviolateanyof theserules,youmaycauseserious injurytoyourself or others.this manual. As TRAINING 1 ReadtNs owner's guidecarefullyin its entirety beforeattemptingto assembleor operatethis machineBecompletelyfamiliarwiththe controis andthe properuse of this machinebeforeoperatingit Keepthis manual{nasafeplacefor futureand regularreferenceandfor ordering replacementparts 2 Your rotarymoweris a precisionpieceof powerequipment,not a pbything Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times Your unit has beendesigned to performonejob:to mow grass Donot useit for any o herpurpose ._k 3 Neveragow children under14 years old to operatea powermower _ Children14yearsold andovershouldonlyoperatemowerunderclose parentalsupervisionOnlypersonswell acquainted with theserolesof sateoperationshouldbe allowedto useyour mower. 4 Keeptheareaof operationclearof all persons,particularlysmallchildrenandpets Stopenginewhentheyarein the vicinityof your mower to helppreventbladecontactor thrown objectinjury Althoughthearea of operationshouldbe completely clearedof foreignobjects,an object may havebeen overlookedand couldbe accidentallythrown by the mowerin anydirectionandcauseseriouspersonalinjuryto the operator or anyothersallowed{nthearea 8 Neveroperatethe mowerin wet grass Alwaysbe sureof your footing A slip and fall can causeseriouspersonalinjury Keepa firm hold on the handleandwalk,neverrun Mow onty in daylightor in good artificial light 9 Foryour safety,useIhe slopegaugeincludedaspart of this manualto measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis unit on a s_opedor hilly area If the slopeis greaterthan15° asshownon the slopegauge,do not operatethisunit on thatareaor seriousinjurycouldresult ........ uwRATlUN . , 1 Do not.changethe enginegovernorsettingsor overspeedthe engine cxcesswe enginespeeosareoangerous 2 Donot puthandsor feetnearor underrotatingparts Keepclearof the discharge openingat agtimesasthe rotatingbladecancauseinjury 3 Stopthe bladewhencrossinggraveldrives,walksor roads 4 After striking a foreign object,stop the engine,removethe wire from the spark plug, and thoroughlyinspectthe mower for any damage Repairthe damagebeforerestartingandoperating the mower 5 If the equipmentshouldstart to vibrateabnormally,stop the engineand check immed{ateiy for thecause Vibration{s generallya warning of trouNe 6 Shuttheengineoffandwait untgthe bIadecomesto a comp{etestop beforeremovingthegrasscatcherOruncloggingthe chuteThecutting bladecontinuesto rotatefor e few secondsaNerthe engineis shut off Neverplaceany part of the bodyin theb{adeareauntil you aresure the bladehasstoppedrotating 7 Beforecleaning,repairingor inspecting, makecertainthe bladeandall movingparts havestopped,Disconnectthe spark plug wire, and keep the wire awayfromthe sparkpIogto preventaccidentalstarting 8 Donot runthe engineindoors 9 Nevercut grassby pulling mowertowardyou Mowacrossthe face of s_opes,never up-and-downExerciseextremecaution when changing directionon slopes Do not mow excessivelysteepslopes Alwaysbe sureof your tooting A slip andfa]tcancauseseriouspersonalinjury 10 Neveroperatemowerwithoutproperguards,platesor othersafetyprotectivedevicesin place 11 Mufflerandenginebecomehot andcancausea burn Donot touch PREPARATION 1 Thoroughly inspectthe area where the equipment is to be used Removen!l stones,sticks,wire, bonesandotherforeignobjectswhich could be picked up and thrownby the mower in any direction and causeseriouspersonalinjury to the operatoror anyothersallowedin the area Plan your mowing pattern to avoid dischargeof material towardroads,sidewalks,bystandersandthe like. 2 Alwayswearsafetyglassesor eye shields during operationor while performingan adjustment or repair, to protect eyes from foreign objectsthatmay bethrownfrom the machineinany direction. 3 Wear sturdy, rough-soled workshoes and close-fitting slacksand shirts Shirts and pantsthat covertire arms and legs andsteel-toed shoesare recommendedDonot wear loosefitting clothesor jewelry Theycan be caughtin movingparts Neveroperatea unit in barefeet, sandals,or sneakers Beforeworkingwith gasoline,extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes .#_ MAINTENANCE ANDSTORABE and othersourcesof igngion Checkthe fuel {evelbeforestartingthe ,_ I Checkthe blade andengine mounting bolts at frequent intervalsfor engineGasolineis an extremelyflammablefuel Donot fill thegasoline proper tightness Also visuagy inspectbladefor damage(e g bent, tank indoors, while the engineis running, or until enginehas been cracked) Replacewith bladewhichmeetsodginalequipmentspecifications allowedto coolfor at leasttwo minutesafter running Replacegasoline cap securely and wipe off any spilled gasoline beforestarting the 2 KeepaHnals, bolts, and screwstight to besure the equipmentis in engineasit may causeafire or explosion safeworkingcondition 5 Disengagethe self-propegedmechanismor drive clutch on units so 3 Neverstore the mower with gasoline in the tank or gas containers equippedbeforestartingthe engine inside of a buildingwherefumes may reach an open flame or spark 6 Thebladecontrolhandleis a safetydevice Neverattemptto bypassits (e g gas hot water heater)Allow the engineto cool beforestoring in operationDoingso makesthe safetydeviceinoperativeandmay result anyenclosure in personalinjury through contact with the rotating blade The blade 4 To reducefire hazard,keepthe enginefree of grass,leavesandexcescontrol handlemostoperateeasilyin both directionsandautomaticagy siveoil returnto the d{sengaged positionwhen released 5 Check the grass catcher bag frequently for wear or deterioration 7 Neverattemptto makea wheelor cuttingheightadjustmentwhilethe Replacea worn or damagedbag immediately For safety protection, engineis running replaceonlywith newbagmeetingoriginalequipmentspecifications IMPORTANT: FEDERAL REGULATIONS REQUIRE OPERATOR PRESENCE BLADESTOPCONTROLS TOMINIMIZETHERISKOFBLADECONTACTINJURY.YOURLAWNMOWERIS EQUIPPED WITHSUCHCONTROLS. DONOTATTEMPT TODEFEAT THEFUNCTION OFTHEOPERATORPRESENCE CONTROL UNDERANYCIRCUMSTANCES. CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of a Sears Craftsman Lawn Mower It has been designed, engineered and manufactured to give you the best possible dependability and performance Should you experience any problem you cannot easily remedy, please return the lawn mower to the nearest Sears Service Center/Department in the United States. We have competent, well-trained technicians and the proper tools to service or repair this uniL Please read and retain this manual. The instructions will enable you to assemble and maintain your lawn mower properly. Always observe the "SAFETY RULES" PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Horsepower: 5,0 Displacement: 12,04 cu. in. Fuel Capacity: 1 Quart (Unleaded) Oil (20 ounces): API Classification SG SAE 30 Spark Plug (Gap 030 in.): MODEL NUMBER Champion J19LM (or Equivalent) 247°372650 SERIAL NUMBER Blade Bolt Torque: DATE OF PURCHASE 450-600 in, Ibs MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS WILL BE FOUND ON A LABEL ATTACHED TO THE TOP REAR OF THE DECK. YOU SHOULD RECORD BOTH SERIAL NUMBER AND DATE OF PURCHASE AND KEEP IN A SAFE PLACE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE CUSTOMER RESPONSiBILiTiES e Read and observe the safety rules. e Follow a regular schedule in maintaining, caring for and using your lawn mower e Follow the instructions under "Customer Responsibilities" and "Storage" sections of this Owner's Manual, A Sears Maintenance Agreement is available on this product. Contact your nearest Sears store for details_ WARNING: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any) If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws Federal laws apply on federal lands A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest Sears Authorized Service Center (See the REPAIR PARTS section of this manual ) TWOYEARLIMITEDWARRANTYON CRAFTSMANLAWNMOWER For two years from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Lawn Mower is maintained and lubricated according to the instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material and workmanship, If this Craftsman Lawn Mower is used for commercial date of purchase. purposes, this warranty applies for only 90 days from the This warranty does not cover: e Expendable items which become worn during normal use, such as blades, blade adapters, belts, air cleaners and spark plugs, e Repairs necessary because of operator abuse or negligence, including bent crankshafts and the failure to maintain the equipment according to the instructions contained in the owner's manual WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THE CRAFTSMAN LAWN MOWER TO THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER/DEPARTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES, THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY WHILE THIS PRODUCT IS IN USE IN THE UNITED STATES This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. D/817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY RULES .......................................................... 2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ...................................... 3 WARRANTY .................................................................... 3 INDEX ............................................................................... 4 MOWER ACCESSORIES ............................................. 4 ASSEMBLY .............................................................. 5, 6 OPERATION ..................................................................6-9 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES ................................ 9-11 SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT ............................ 12, 13 STORAG E ................................................................... 14 TROUBLE SHOOTING ...................................................... 15 REPAIR PARTS--MOWER ....................................16-t8 REPAIR PARTSiENGINE .................................. 19-22 SLOPE GAUGE ................................................................23 PARTS ORDERING/SERVICE ................ BACK PAGE nNDEX A G P Accessories .......................................... 4 Gasoline: Primer ................................................. 8, 10 R Storage ............................................... 14 Adjustments: Carburetor ........................................ 12 Tank Capacity ......................................... 7 Repair/Replacement Parts ............. 16-22 Type .................................................... 7 Responsibilities, Customer ............ 9-11 Cutting Height .................................... 7 H Rope Guide ....................................................... 7 Engine Speed ...................................... 12 S Handle Height .................................... 11 Handle: Air Filter ............................................................ 10 Height Adjustment ........................... 11 Safety Rules ................................................2 Storage ............................................. 14 Service and Adjustments: Assembly .................................................5, 6 B Blade ................................................ 10 L Carburetor ......................................... 12 Belt Removal and Replacement....13, 14 Lubrication: Blade: Cutting Height ................................... 7 Replacement .................................. 10 Brake Spring Bracket ...................... 9 Engine ............................................ 11 Sharpening ................................. 10 Engine ........................................................... 10 Handle Height ............................. 11 C Rear Trail Shield .............................. 12 Wheel Adjusters ....................................9 Controls: Wheels ................................................ 9 Service Recommendations ................... 9 Blade Control Handle ...........................7 M Side Discharge Deflector ........................ 6 Engine Speed Control ......................... 7 Maintenance: Spark Plug ............................................... 10 Cleaning .................................................. 11 Agreement ....................................................... 3 Specifications ........................................... 3 Air Filter ................................................. 10 Starting the Engine ....................................... Customer Responsibilities .........................9 8 Cutting Height .............................................7 Blade Care/Replacement ................. 10 Stopping the Mower .................................. 10 D Engine ...................................................10 Storage ......................................................14 Lubrication ..................................... 9 T Deflector, Side Discharge ........................6 Drive Clutch Adjustment ...................... 12 Spark Plug .................................. 10 Table of Contents .................................... 4 E Schedule ............................................. 9 Trouble Shooting Guide ....................... 15 W Engine: Mulching and Mowing Tips ................... 8 Lubrication ........................................... 10 Mulching Plug ........................................... 6 Warranty ................................................. 3 O Wheels: Speed Control .......................................7 Starting .............................................................. 8 Oil: Adjusting Height .....................................7 Storage ...................................................... 14 Change ............................................. 10 Lubrication ...................................... 9 F Storage .................................................... 14 Filter, Air ................................................... 11 Type .............................................................. g Operating Mower ..................................... 6, 7, 8 MOWER ACCESSORIES These accessories were available when the mower was purchased, They are also available at most Sears retail outlets, catalog and service centers Most Sears stores can order repair parts for you, when you provide the model number of your mower, MOWER ENGINE Spark Plug Air Filter _luffler _gine Oil Gas Can Stabilizel Grass Catcher MOWER MAINTENANCE Blade Blade Adapter _hi 8 J_ 4 ASSEMBLY Retaining Post IMPORTANT: This unit is shipped WITHOUT GASOLINE or OIL in the engine. Be certain to service engine with gasoline and oil before operating your mower. NOTE: Reference to right or left hand side of the mower is observed from the operating position° TO REMOVEMOWERFROMCARTON e Remove the carton inserts (if any), Remove the owner's manual, side discharge chute and bottle of oil which are in the carton Lift the mower from the carton, or cut the corners of the carton and roll the mower out. NOTE: A grass catcher bracket is in the bag with the owner's manual Keep this bracket in a safe place. If you purchase the optional grass catcher, mount the bracket on the right side of the upper handle as shown on page 16 of this manual, key 10. NOWTOSET-UPYOURLAWN MOWER e Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug Ground the spark plug wire by attaching it to the retaining post until ready to operate your mower. See figures 1 and 2 (Spark plug wire is shown in figure 1 without the rubber boot for clarity.) e Remove any cardboard pieces which may be between the upper and lower handles for shipping purposes. e Pull up and back on the upper handle to raise the handle into the operating position. Make certain the lower handle is seated securely into the handle mounting brackets, Tighten the hand knobs on each side of the handle NOTE: Your mower is shipped with the handle in the higher height position If you wish to lower the height of the handle, refer to the Adjustment Section at this time, e Remove the hairpin clips from the outer hole in the weld pins on the handle mounting brackets. Place the hairpin clips in the inner hole,, See figure 3. e The rope guide and wing nut are attached to the starter rope, on top of the engine. Remove the wing nut from rope guide. Remove the rope guide from the starter rope e With the spark plug wire disconnected and grounded, hold the blade control handle against the upper handle, and pull the starter rope out of the engine. Hold the rope guide as shown so the opening in the rope guide is toward the front of mower. Slip the rope guide around the starter rope and into the right side of upper handle using the hole shown., Secure using the wing nut. See figure 4. e Make certain all nuts and bolts are tightened securely. Also, be certain to reconnect the spark plug wire before starting the mower. Spark Plug Wire FIGURE '1. \_ Rope" ..... _ \_'-_--- Upper '_,_ _" _' Starter _ Lower .and,e \\ . J Hand,e Mounting_ _ _ Bra_t_- h_ _._.-_-X /_---_ Spark Plug -_,ii re and Boot Mulching \\ "_'_ II_ FIGURE 2. \ Handle Mounting Bracket Lower H_ Inner Hole Hairpin Cl Weld Pin FIGURE 3. Wing Nut RG Guide FIGURE 4, Rope _,, Yourmowerhasbeenshippedas a mulcher.Todischargegrasstotheside,proceedasfol!ows. e To convert your mower from a mulcher to a Mulching Plug side discharge mower, lift the mulching plug See figure 5. Slide the two hooks on the side discharge deflector under the hinge pin on the mulching plug assembly. Lower the mulching plug Hooks FIGURE 5o OPERATION KNOWYOURLAWNMOWER READ THIS OWNER'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOUR LAWN MOWER. Compare the illustrations with your lawn mower to familiarize yourself with the location of various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. Engine Control Control Handle Drive Cable Handle Guide Rear Wheel uster Starter Ro Muffler LEFT SIDE OF MOWER Oil Fill and D Front Wheel Adjuster Deck Mulc Plug _park FIGURE 6. Plug Wire and Boot MEETSCPSCBLADESAFETYREQUIREMENTS Sears Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers conform to the safety standards of the American National Standards Institute, and the U_S_Consumer Product Safety Commission. The blade turns when the engine is running. BLADE CONTROL HANDLE--must be held down to DRIVE CLUTCH CONTROL--must be held against the handle to engage the wheel drive. Release the drive clutch control to stop the wheels from driving. the handle to start and run the engine. Release to stop the engine. STARTER ROPE--used for starting the engine SHIFT LEVER--is used to select one of five operating speeds for the mower. PRIMER...-pumps additional fuel from the carburetor to the cylinder for use when starting a cold engine. ENGINE SPEED CONTROL LEVER--permits tion of fast or slow engine speed. selec6 OPERATMON BEFORE USING YOUR LAWN MOWER, AGAIN REFER TO THE "SAFETY RULES" AS SHOWN ON PAGE 2 OF THIS MANUAL° ALWAYS BE CAREFUL The operation of any lawn mower can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe eye damage Always wear safety glasses or eye shields before starting power tool operation or while performing any adjustments or repairs. We recommend Wide Vision Safety Mask for over spectacles or standard glasses available at Sears Retail or Catalog Stores.. HOWTO USEYOURMOWER TO STOP ENGINE Release blade control handle to stop engine. Disconnect the spark plug wire and move it away from the spark plug to prevent accidental starting while equipment is unattended. ENGINE SPEED CONTROL The engine speed is controlled by a lever (red knob) located on the left side of the engine_ The "HI" position is for starting engine, normal cutting and best performance The "LOW" position is for light cutting, trimming and fuel economy BLADE CONTROL HANDLE Your mower has a control handle which operator to be behind the handle to start mower When the operator releases the dle, the engine will stop and an internal the blade to stop quickly. e To change cutting height, move adjuster levers toward wheel& See figure 7. Move wheels up or down to suit your requirements Be sure all four levers are in the same setting e Adjust cutting height to suit your requirements.. Refer to the "Mulching or Mowing Tips" on page 9. (The height adjusters may seem hard to move when new. They will operate easier after some use ) Front Wheel requires the and run the control hanbrake helps When the operator leaves the operating position to change the cutting height, pick up sticks or other objects in the way, the engine will stop automatically when the control handle is released. DRIVE CLUTCH CONTROL To engage the wheel drive, hold the drive clutch control against the handle. Releasing the drive clutch control stops the wheels from driving. Release the drive clutch control to slow down when negotiating an obstacle, making a turn or stopping SHIFT LEVER The five speed shift lever is located on the left side of the mower, beside the engine. See figure 7. To select the mower speed, depress the lever, move to desired position and release the lever. Position 1 is the slowest speed; position 5 is the fastest WARNING: TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, DO NOT MOVE THE SHIFT LEVER WHEN THE ENGINE IS RUNNING. ADJUST CUTTING HEIGHT Each wheel has an adjuster lever to set the cutting height on your mower. They should always be set to the same position. e Raise wheels for low cut and lower wheels for high cut J Rear Wheel Adjuster FIGURE 7. BEFORESTARTINGENGINE OIL A 20 ounce bottle of SAE 30 oil is included with your new lawn mower_ Only use high quality detergent oil rated with API service classification SG. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to your expected operating temperature_ Colder ._ 32°F _ 5W30 m _ Warmer SAE 30 NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oil (5W30, 10W30, etc,) improve starting in cold weather, these multi-vis cosity oils will result in increased oil consumption when used above 32°E Check your oil level more frequently to avoid possible engine damage from running low on oil. OPERATION e Place unit so engine is in a level position e Remove oil fill cap and dipstick assembly Pour oil slowly until oil level is to the FULL mark on dipstick Crankcase capacity is approximately 1-1/4 pints (20 ounces). DO NOT OVERFILL NOTE: Crankcase oil should be changed after first two (2) hours of operation and every twenty-five (25) hours thereafter. Refer to ENGINE LUBRICATION section. e Replace oil fill cap and dipstick Tighten cap securely. GAS e Fill gas tank with about one (1) quart of clean, fresh, lead-free grade automotive gasoline_ Lowlead or regular gasoline is an acceptable substitute. DO NOT use Ethyl or high octane gasoline Be certain container is clean and free from rust or foreign particles Never use gasoline that may be stale from long periods of storage in the container_ WARNING: EXPERIENCE INDICATES THAT ALCOHOL BLENDED FUELS (CALLED GASOHOL OR USING ETHANOL OR METHANOL) CAN ATTRACT MOISTURE WHICH LEADS TO SEPARATION AND FORMATION OF ACIDS DURING STORAGE. ACIDIC GAS CAN DAMAGE THE FUEL SYSTEM OF AN ENGINE WHILE IN STORAGE. TO AVOID ENGINE PROBLEMS, THE FUEL SYSTEM SHOULD BE EMPTIED BEFORE STORAGE FOR 30 DAYS OR LONGER° USE FRESH FUEL NEXT SEASON. SEE "STORAGE" SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. In addition, the drive clutch may need to be loosened when the unit is operated in fifth speed, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THE MOWER DOES NOT DRIVE WITH THE DRIVE CLUTCH CONTROL HANDLE RELEASED Refer to "Drive Clutch Adjustment" further information. for e Connect spark plug wire to spark plug. Make certain the metal loop on the end of the spark plug wire (inside the rubber boot) is fastened securely over the metal tip on the spark plug, See figure 8 Metal Loop on Plug Wire r Boot FIGURE 8. e Press primer button as follows (cold starts only) For each initial start, push primer button five times prior to starter operation See figure 9, Use sharp pushes, wait between each push. Repeat the above for each starter operation as necessary. Do not use primer for warm engine restarts. e Set engine speed control to "HI" speed, Engine Speed NEVER USE ENGINE OR CARBURETOR CLEANER PRODUCTS IN THE FUEL TANK OR PERMANENT DAMAGE MAY OCCUR. TO STARTENGINE WARNING: WHEN STARTING THE UNIT FOR THE FIRST(SLOW) TIME, PLACE MOWER IN FIRST SPEED POSITION. FACE THE MOWER AGAINST A SOLID OBJECT SUCH AS A WALL, FENCE, ETC. START THE UNIT, AND IF IT SHOWS ANY SIGNS OF MOTION WITH THE DRIVE CLUTCH CONTROL DISENGAGED, SHUT THE ENGINE OFF IMMEDIATELY. ADJUST THE DRIVE CLUTCH CONTROL AS INSTRUCTED IN THE ADJUSTMENT SECTION. NOTE: The drive cable has been adjusted at the factory with the unit in third speed_ If the drive slips when mower is operated in first speed, tighten the cable by moving the adjustment wheel toward the inside of the mower slightly as shown in figure 14 (Adjustment section)+ I I I LOW \ ' HI FIGURE 9. O Hold blade control handle against upper handle. See figure 10+ Grasp starter handle and pull rope out slowly until engine reaches start of compression cycle (rope will pull slightly harder at this point). Let the rope rewind slowly. @ Pull rope with a rapid, continuous, full arm stroke Keep a firm grip on start handle Let rope rewind slowly. Do not let starter handle snap back against starter o If after three pulls the engine fails to start, push primer five times, then pull starter rope again. MULCHINGOR MOWINGTiPS Blade Control Handle e For best results in normal and heavy mowing, always run engine in "HI" speed position. "LOW" speed is only for light cutting, trimming and fuel economy. @ The grass condition at the time of mewing determines the proper mower cutting height setting for best lawn appearance. For a healthy lawn, always cut one-third or less of the total length of the grass at any one cutting. 0 Under certain conditions, such as very tall grass, it may be necessary to raise the height of cut to reduce pushing effort and to keep from overloading the engine and leaving clumps of grass clippings e For extremely heavy cutting, use a slow ground speed, and reduce the width of cut. FIGURE 10. e Under heavy conditions cross cut for additional mulching of surface debris. CUSTOMER RESPONSiBiLiTiES GENERALRECOMMENDATIONS • In order to maintain the warranty on your mower, the customer is expected to perform the maintenance as outlined below e Once a year you should replace the spark plug, air filter, and check blade for wear, A new spark plug and air filter assures proper air-fuel mixture and helps your engine run better and last longer, MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SERVICERECORD SERVICEDATES SCHEDULE Fill in dates as you complete regular service After Every Use Check Engine Oil First Two Hours Every 25 Hours q Lubricate Mower Blade Care ,/ Change Engine Oil ,/ ,/ q Spark Plug Replaced q Air Filter Replaced Cleaning _/CHECK q CUSTOMER RESPONSIB LRT ES LUBRICATION ENGINE OIL RECOMMENDATIONS A 20 ounce bottle of SAE 30 oil is included with your new lawn mower e Use a block of wood between blade and mower deck to prevent blade from turning when bolt is removed. Protect your hands with gloves and/or wrap blade with heavy cloth Only use high quality detergent oil rated with API service classification SG. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to your expected operating temperature. Remove blade bolt by turning counterclockwise Use a 9/16" box or open-end wrench TO REPLACE BLADE (See Figure 11): e Put blade adapter on engine crankshaft Colder -,_ 32°F 5W30 [] _=- Warmer e Fit blade in adapter. Be sure trailing edge of blade is up towards engine. e Assemble bolts, washers, and nuts in the exact order of removal. SAE 30 Q NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oil (5E30, 10W30, etc.) improves starting in cold weather, these multiviscosity oils will result in increased oil consumption when used above 32 ° F_ Check your oil level more frequently to avoid possible engine damage from running low on oil IMPORTANT: THE BOLT USED TO SECURE THE BLADE TO ENGINE IS SPECIALLY HEAT-TREATED. WHEELS DO NOT SUBSTITUTE (SEE REPAIR PARTS). DO NOT oil or grease the wheel bearings_ Viscous lubricants will attract dust and dirt that will shorten the DANGEROUS AND MAY MAKE THE CAUTION: A LOOSE BLADE CAN BE ENGINE HARD TO START, life of the self-lubricating wheel bearings. If you feel the wheels must be lubricated, use only a dry, silicone type lubricant sparingly_ Use only a Sears authorized replacement blade to get the best cutting results. WHEEL ADJUSTERS For easy operation, lubricate the wheel adjusters least once a season with light oil. Use block of wood to hold blade and tighten bolt clockwise. The recommended torque for the center is 450-600 in. Ibs. The recommended torque for the blade adapter bolts is 200-350 in. IbsTorque wrenches are available at most Sears stores and through the catalog. at Nut-- BRAKE SPRING BRACKET Spray a light oil lubricant on the brake spring bracket, located on the right rear corner of the engine, at least once a season. .._..-Lock Washer Adapter--_ TRANSMISSION The transmission is pre-lubricated and sealed at the factory. It does not require checking. If disassembled for any reason, fill with 2 ounces of Alvania grease, part number 737-0168. Blade Adapter___.._ asher _
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