Craftsman 247794510 User Manual LOG SPLITTER Manuals And Guides 98110157
CRAFTSMAN Log Splitter Manual 98110157 CRAFTSMAN Log Splitter Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Log Splitter installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 247794510 247794510 CRAFTSMAN LOG SPLITTER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN LOG SPLITTER #247794510. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman LOG SPLITTER Manual
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U Owner's Manual II:RnFUMnN°I ill / 27 Ton Hydraulic Log Splitter Model No. 247.794510 l m CAUTION: Before using this product, read this manual and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions. Sears, Roebuck Printed in U.S.A. And Co., Hoffman m Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. 770-10036 (8/98) B Content Page Content Page Warranty Information......................................... 2 Maintenance...................................................... 13 Safe OperationPractices................................... 3 Service & Adjustment........................................ 16 Accessories....................................................... 6 Oft-Season Storage........................................... 18 Assembly ........................................................... 7 Troubleshooting ................................................. 19 Operation..:........................................................ 9 Parts List............................................................ 21 ONE-YEAR WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN LOG SPLITTER For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman log splitter is maintained, lubricated, and tuned up according to the operating and maintenance instructions in the operator's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material or workmanship. This warranty excludes the tires, spark plug, oil filter and air cleaner, which are expendable worn during normal use. If this log splitter is used for commercial of purchase. parts and become or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 30 days from the date WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY CONTACTING THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES. THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY WHILE THIS PRODUCT iS IN USE IN THE UNITED STATES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 Horsepower: ......................... 6.5 Engine OiI.....LII...JL.L..;..:h.... SAE 30/1.25 pints Fuel CalS'acity: ........................ unleaded/t .5 quarts Hydraulic Fluid ...................... Dexron III/4 gallons Tire Pressure....;..]_.L_L.._;,..::30 p.s.i, maximum Spark Plug (Gap .030") .......... Champion RJ19LM Magnetron Ignition Air Gap.....0125" . . 247.794510 Model a_umoer........................................................ Serial Number........................................................... Date of Purchase...................................................... Recordmodelnumber,serial numberand dateof purchaseof the log splitterand keep in a safe place for future reference. This symbol points out Important safety Instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personat safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual before attempting to operate your log splitter.Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personal injury. When you see this symbol_heed Its warning. Your log splitter was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation In this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious ,_WARNING: njury to yourse f or others. A The engine exhaust from this productcontainschemicalsknownto the stateof Californiato cause cancer,birth defectsor other reproductiveharm. Towing the horizontal positionand jackstand(ifprovided) ispivoted and securedin the up positionbefore towinglogsplitter.Never towwith the beam in verticalposition. Do nottowthe logsplitterfasterthan 45 MPH. Higherspeeds may damage logsplitter. Excessive highspeedsmay causethe logsplitter to =fishtail"or otherwisabecomeunstable. Check thetire pressureon the logsplittertires.It must be 30 p.s.i, maximumfor highwaytravel. When parking,storingor usingyourlog splitter, keepthe coupleroffthe groundsodirtwillnot buildup in the ball socket. Do notallowanyone to sitor rideon yourlog splitter. They can easilyfall off and be seriously injured. This unitshouldnot be towed on any street, highwayor publicroadwithoutcheckingthe existingfederal, local or state requirements. Such informationmay be obtainedbycallingyour state or localbureau of motorvehicles.Any licensingor modificationsneededto complywith federal, local or state vehicle requirements is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. Make sure you follow the wiring diagram color codes when installing the light kit on the log splitter. (e.g. ground to ground, left turn to ]eft turn, etc.). Failure to wire unit correctly may cause the tow vehicle wiring to overheat and/or the log splitter lights to operate incorrectly.It may be necessary to replace the turn signal flasher unit in your tow vehicle if it is not capable of operating the additional lights on the logsplitter. Before towing the log splitter on a street, highway or public road, verify that all lightsare functioning properly and the yellow side reflectors are in position. Replace bulbs if they are burnt out. Before towing, always check to be certain the log splitter is correctly and securely attached to the tow vehicle, and safety chains are in place. Leave slack in chains for turning allowance. Use a class I or higher hitch with a 1-7/8" bail. Keep ball socket and clamp face lubricated with chassis grease. Be sure the coupler is secured to the hitch ball and the lock lever is down tight and locked. Check vehicle hitch,ball and couplerfor signsof wear or damage. Replace any parts that are worn or dam-agedbefore towing. The coupler must be secured to the log splitter tongue tube with the original equipment bolts and nuts. See your authorized service dealer for replacement parts. Coupler nuts should be tightened securely (20 foot pounds). Make sure beam assembly is securely latched in Training Beforeoperatingthislog splitter,read and understandthis operator'smanualcompletely. Becomefamiliar withit for yourown safety.To fail to do so may causeseriousinjury.Do not allow anyonetooperateyourlogsplitterwho has not read this manual.Keep thismanualin a safe place for future and regular referenceand for orderingreplacementparts. Never useyoursplitterfor any otherpurposethan splittingwood. It is designedfor thisuse and any otherusemay causean injury.Your logsplitteris a precisionpieceof powerequipment,nota toy. Therefore, exerciseextremecautionat all times. Neverallow childrento operateyour logsplitter. Do notallowadults tooperateit withoutproper instruction.Only personswell acquaintedwith. theserulesofsafe operationshouldbe allowedto use yourlogsplitter. Only the operatoristo be near yourlog splitter duringuse. Keep all others,includingpetsand children,a minimumof20 feet away from your workzone. Flyingwoodcan be hazardous.Ifa 3 | helperis assistingin loadinglogs, neveractivate the controluntilthe helperis clear of the area. More accidentsoccurwhen more than one Horizontal Operating Position: Stand behind the reservoir tank. See illustrations. personoperatesthe logsplitterthan at anyother time. No one shouldoperatethisunitwhileintoxicated or whiletakingmedicationthat impairsthe sensesor reactions.A clear mindisessentialfor safety.Never allowa parsonwho istiredor otherwisenot alert to useyourlogsplitter. Preparation • • • • • • Never wear looseclothingor jewelrythat can be caughtby movingpartsof yourlogsplitterand pullyou intoit. Keepclothingaway fromall movingparts ofyourlog splitter. Wear properhead gear to keep hair away from movingpads. Alwayswear protectivehearing devicesas needed. Alwayswear safety shoes.A droppedlogcan seriouslyinjureyourfoot. Alwayswear safety glassesor goggleswhile operatingyoursplitter.A piece of splittinglog couldfly offand hityoureyes. Wear leatherworkgloves. Besure theyare tight fitting withoutloosecuffsor draw strings. Use your log splitterin daylight, or under good artificial light. Never operateyour splitteron slippery,wet, muddyor icysurfaces.Safe footing is essential in preventingaccidents. Never operateyoursplitterwhileattached to a towingvehicle. Only operateyoursplitteron levelgroundand not on the sideof a hill.It couldtip,or rollinglogs or poor footing couldcause an accident. Operatingthe splitteron levelgroundalso preventsthe spillageof gasolinefrom the fuel tank. Never attemptto movethe logsplitterover hilly or uneventerrainwithout a towvehicleor adequate help. Always blockthe wheelsto preventmovement of logsplitterwhile in operation. Check the fuel beforestartingthe engine. Gasolineis an extremelyflammablefuel. Do not fill the gasolinetank indoors,when the engineis running,or whilethe engine is stillhot. Replace gasolinecapsecurelyand wipe offany spilled gasolinebeforestartingthe engineas it may cause a fire or explosion. Bothends of each logmustbe cutas squareas possibletohelppreventthe logfrom ridingout of the splitterduringoperation. • • • • Operation Vertical Operating Position: Stand infront of the logsplitter. 4 Knowhow to stop the unit and disengagethe controls. Never place hands or feet between log and splittingwedge or between log and end plate duringforward or reverse stroke.To do so may resultin crushedor amputatedfingers or toes, or worse,you may lose an arm or foot. Do not straddlethe splitterwhen usingit. A slip in any positioncould resultin a seriousinjury. Do not step over your logsplitterwhen the engine is running.You may tripor accidentally activatethe splittingwedge ifyou step over. If you need to get to the otherside, walk around. Never try to splittwo logson top of each other. One may fly out and injureyou. When loadingthe log splitter,place yourhands on the side of the log, not at the ends.Never attemptto load yoursplitterwhilethe splitting wedge is in motion.You may get caughtby the wedge and injured. Only use yourhand to operatethe splitting wedge or controllever.Never use yourfoot or a ropeor any otherextensiondevice.This could resultin your inability to stopyour splitterquickly enoughto avoid injury. Always keep fingers away from any cracksthat openin the logduringsplittingoperation.They can quickly close and pinchor amputateyour fingers. Never attempttosplitwoodsacrossthe grain. Sometypesof woodmay burstor fly out of your splitterand resultin injuryto you or a bystander. For logsthat are notcut square,the longest portionofthe logshouldbe rotateddownand the mostsquareend placedagainstthe splitting wedge. Keep yourwork area clean. Immediately remove splitwoodaround your splitterso that you do not stumbleover it. Clean chipsand dirt offend plate (woodplatform)aftereach logis split,or whenevernecessaryto maintainflat contactbetweenwood and end plate (platform). Never movethe log splitterwhilethe engine is running. Never leave yourlogsplitterunattendedwith the enginerunning.Shut off the engine ifyou are leavingyoursplitter,even for a shortperiodof time. Someonecouldaccidentally activatethe splittingwedge and be injured. Do not runengine in an enclosed area. Exhaust gases containcarbon monoxide.This odorless gas can be deadlywhen inhaled. Be carefulnotto touchthe mufflerafterthe engine has been running.It willbe HOT! if the equipmentshouldstarttovibrate abnormally, stopthe engine and check immediatelyfor the cause. Vibrationis generally a warningoftrouble. When cleaning,repairingor inspecting,make certainall movingparts have stopped. Disconnectthe spark plugwire and keepthe wire away from the plugto preventaccidental starting. Customer • • • • • • • • • Responsibilities Do not operateyoursplitterin poor mechanical conditionor when in need of repair. Periodicallycheckthat all nuts,bolts, screws, hose clampsand hydraulicfittings are tightto be sure equipmentis in safe workingcondition. Where appropriate, check all safety guardsand shieldstobe sure theyare in the properposition. Never operateyoursplitterwith safetyguards, shieldsor otherprotectivefeatures removed. These safety devicesare for yourprotection. Replace all damaged orworn partssuch as hydraulichosesand fittingsimmediatelywith manufacturerapprovedreplacementparts. Do notchangethe engine governorsettingsor overspeedthe engine.This increasesthe hazard ofpersonalinjury.The maximumengine speed ispreset bythe manufacturerand is withinsafety limits. Do not alteryour log splitter in any mannersuch as attaching a rope or extensionto the control lever or adding to the widthor height of the • wedge. Such alterationsmay cause your splitter to be unsafe. Perform all recommendedmaintenance proceduresbefore you use your splitter. Do not service or repair your logsplitterwithout disconnectingthe spark plugwire and movingit away from the spark plug. Never storethe equipmentwith gasolinein the tank insideof a buildingwhere ignitionsources are present, such as hot waterand space heaters, clothesdryers and the like. Allowthe engine to cool beforestodng in any enclosure. Always store gasolinein an approved,tightly sealed container.Store the containerin a cool, dry place. Do not store in a buildingwhere ignitionsourcesare present. To reducefire hazard, keep engine free ofgrass, leaves, wood chips,and excessivegrease and oil. The hydraulicsystem ofyourlogsplitterrequires careful inspection,along withthe mechanical parts. Be sure to replace frayed, kinked,or otherwise damaged hydrauliccomponents. Fluid escaping from a very small holecan be almost invisible. Do not check for leakswith your hand. Escaping fluid under pressure can have sufficient force to penetrate skin, causing • serious personal injury. Leaks can be located by passing a piece of cardboard or wood over the suspected leak and looking for discoloration. Should it become necessary to loosen or remove any hydraulic fitting or line, be sure to relieve all pressure by shutting off the engine and moving the control handle back and forth several times. Do not remove the cap from the hydraulic tank or reservoir while your log splitteris running. Hot oil under pressure could cause injury. The pressure relief valve on your splitter is preset at the factory. Do not adjust the valve. Only a qualified service technician should perform this adjustment. Completely drain fuel tank prior to storage. This guards against accumulation of fuel fumes whichcould resultin a fire hazard. Never store log splitter outside without a waterproof cover. Rain will cause rust on the inside of the cylinder. Important Information Always: Use Use 10W Use Use 5 clean fluid and check fluid level regularly. Dexron III Automatic Transmission Fluid or non-foaming hydraulic fluid. a filter (clean or replace regulady). a breather cap on fluid reservoir. • • • • • • • Make certain pumpis mountedand aligned propedy. Use a flexible "spider" type couplingbetween engine and pumpdriveshafts. Keep hoses clear and unblocked. Bleed air out of hoses beforeoperating. Flush and clean hydraulicsystem beforestartup after any malfunctionor servicing. Use "pipe dope"on all hydraulicfittings. Allow time for warm-upbefore splittingwood. Prime the pump beforeinitialstart-upby turning over the engine with spark plug disconnected. Splitwoodwith the grain(lengthwise)only. Never: • • • • • Use whenfluid is below20 ° F, or above 150° F. Use a solidengine/pumpcoupling. Forcepumpwhen mounting. Operate through reliefvalve. Attemptto adjustunloadingor reliefvalve settingswithoutpressuregauges. Operate with air in hydraulicsystem. UseTeflon tape on hydraulicfittings. Attemptto cutwoodacross the grain. These accessodes were available when the log splitterwas purchased. These are also availableat mostSears retailoutlets,catalog and service centers. Most Sears storescanorder repairparts for you when you providethe modelnumber of yourlog splitter. Stabilizer Gasoline Can Tailight Kit IMPORTANT: This unitisshippedwithout gasoline in the engine. After assembly,see OPERATION sectionofthis manual for properfuel fill-up. TOOLS and Other Items Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Crowbaror Large Screwdriver A pair of 9/16" or AdjustableWrenches* Screwdriver Cutters Engine Oil (the equipmentis shippedwith oilin the engine for starting) Unleaded Gasoline Dexmn III AutomaticTransmissionFluidor 10W Non-Foaming HydraulicFluid(Approximately7 gallons) Unpacking A Remove the twobolts, lock washers and hex nutsthat securethe tongueassemblyto the beam assembly.See Figure2. Unlockthe twobeam locksby pullingout on the beam locksand pivotingthemdown. Remove the tongueassembly. Tongue Assembly ,Beam from Crate WARNING: Exerciseextreme cautionas parts are very heavy. Mechanical handling equipmentor sufficientmanpower should be used to preventinjury. Pry the top, sides and ends off crate usinga crowbar or large screwdriver. Set panels aside to avoid tire punctures or personal injury. Remove and discard plastic bag that covers unit.Note: Do not remove the banding from around the tank until the log splitter is assembled. Disconnecting Spark Plug Beforeyou proceed with the assembly procedure, disconnectthe spark plug wire from the spark plugon the log splitterengine and movethe wire away from the spark plug.This will preventaccidentalstarting.Sea Figure1. Lock Washers and Hex Nuts Figure 2 Place the end of the tongue assemblyin between the brackets on the wheel and reservoir tank assembly. Secure with hardware removed earlier. See Figure 3. Bracket Tongue Nuts Disconnectspark plug wire here Engine Figure I Setting Up Log Splitter NOTE: All hardware needed for assemblingyour Craftsmanlog splitterhas been placed inpositionon the equipment. Bolts Lock Washers Figure 3 Remove the springclipand the clevispinfrom thejack stand.Pivotthejack standto the operatingposition(90°), and secure withthe springclipand clevispin.See Figure4. Preparing the Engine ClevisPin ._ i_ .,D Tongue Assembty Spring J_ 1 • • _. Place the logsplitteron a firm, level surface. Check engine oilas instructedon page 10. Fill enginewithgasolineas instructedon page 10. Preparing the Log Splitter Lubricatethe beam area where the splitting wedge willslidewith engine oil(do not use grease). Make certainto oil bothfront and back of the beam face. Remove reservoirvent plug. See Figure 6. Fill hydraulic •Figure 4 • • Cut thetwo strapsfrom aroundthe reservoir tank assembly. Remove the lag screwand washer which securesthe beam assemblytothe bottomofthe crate. Lowerthe beam assemblyto its horizontal position.Make certainthe beam islocked securelywiththe horizontalbeam lock.See Figure5. Pullthe logsplitteroffthe pallet. Reservo|r Tank ReservO_lrVent Plug Figure8 Fill the reservoirtankto about 2" from the top with Dexron In automatictransmission fluid, or lOW non-foaminghydraulicfluid. Replacevent plugsecurely. • Disconnectthe spark plug wire, Primethe pump by pullingthe recoilstarter as far as it willgo. Repeat approximately10 times. Reconnectthe spark plugwire and startengine. Refer tostartinginstructions on page 11. • Use the controlhandle to engage the wedge to the far extendedposition.Refer to Figure8. Retract the wedge. Refill tank to within 1-1/2" to 2" from the top of the tank. Extend and retract the wedge 12 complete cyclesto removetrapped air in the system (system is "self-bleeding"). • Refill the reservoir to within 1-1/2" to 2" from the top of the tank. Much of the original fluid has been drawn into the cylinder and hoses.Make certain to refill the reservoir, to prevent extreme damage to the hydraulic pump. NOTE: Some fluid may overflow from the vent plug as the system buildsheat and the fluid expands and seeks a balanced level. Move control handle BACK or UP to return the wedge. See Figure 8 on page 10. \ \ \ \ \ x \ \ Vent \ '\ \ \ \ \4 _ 9 Beam Lock Figure 5 Final Assembly Tire Pressure The tires may have bean over-inflated forshipping purposes. Maximumtire pressureshouldnot exceed 30 p.s.i. Checktire pressureregularly. 8 Know Your Log Splitter Read thisowner'smanual and safetyrulesbeforeoperatingyour log splitter.Compare the illustrationson this page withyourequipmentto familiarize yourselfwiththe locationof variouscontrolsand adjustments.Save this manualfor future reference. The operationof any logsplittercan resultin foreign objectsbeingthrown intothe eyes, whichcan resultin severe eye damage.Always wear safety glasses, for operatingyour logsplitter,or whileperformingany adjustmentsor repairson it. End Plate T_ong Reservoir Tank e Assembly j_Oil Control Hose Handle Guard Beam Fill Lock Spark Plug Seam Lock Figure7 MEETS ANSI SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Sears log splittersconformto the safety standardsB71.7-1985 of the American NationalStandards Institute. 9 Operating Controls Before (See Figure7.) 011FIN-Up again refer to the safety rules on page 3 4. WARNING: Beforeusingyour logsplitter, and 5 ofthis manual. Always be careful. Do not operate the log splitterwithoutthe properamountof hydraulicoil in the reservoirtank. Failureto refillthe tank will void yourwarranty. Starting Only usehighqualitydetergentoilratedwithAPI serviceclassificationSF, SG or SH. Selectthe oil's viscositygradeaccordingto the expected operating temperature. Follow the chartbelow. Colder _ 5W30 Beam Locks Used to secure the beam in the hodzontalor the verticalposition.There are two beam Iocks,.onefor each operatingposition.The verticalbeam lockis locatednextto the oilfilter. The horizontalbeam lock is located on the beam supportlatch racket. Primer Starter Handle Used to manuallystartthe engine. Control Handle The control handle has three positions. See Figure 8. Reve'e;---t To ret_Jrnwedge ) Neutral I To stop .o,tt wood Warmer SAE 30 NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oils (5W30o 10W30, etc.) improve starting in cold weather, these multiviscosity oils will result in increased oil consumption when used above 40°F. Check the oil level more frequently to avoid possible engine damage from running low on oil. A Used to start a coldengine. Do not use itto restart a warmengine after a shortshut-down. 40°F _ WARNING: SAE 30 oil, ifused below 40°F, willresult in hardstartingand possible engine bore damage due to inadequate lubrication. Fill engine with the appropdate oil as follows: Remove oil fill dipstick. • With log splitter on level ground, use a funnel to fill engine oil to FULL mark on dipstick. Capacity is approximately 1.25 pints or 21 ounces. Be careful not to overfill. Replace the dipstick on to the engine and tighten. Then remove the dipstick again and wipe off the oil from the end of the dipstick with a clean cloth. Screw the dipstick firmly back to place. Remove to check the oil level, Refill oil to FULL mark on dipstick if necessary. Replace dipstick and tighten. runengine unlessoillevel is between FULL WARNING: To avoidenginedamage, never and Add markson the dipstick, Gasoline Fill-Up Figure 8 Remove fuel cap. Make certainthe gasolinecontaineris cleanand free from rustor foreign particles.Never use gasolinethat may be stalefrom long periodsof storagein the container. Fillfuel tankwith about 1.5 quarts of clean, fresh, lead-freegradeautomotivegasoline. DO NOT use Ethylor high octanegasoline. Move controlhandle FORWARD or DOWN to move wedge downto splitwood. NOTE: Control handle will return toneutral position as soonas handle is released. • Release the controlhandle to stop the wedge movement. MoTecontrolhandle BACK or UP to returnthe wedge. NOTE: DO NOT usegasolinecontainingmethanol. Gasoline containingup toabout 10% ethane/or up to 15% methyl tertiarybutylether (MTBE) may he used, but will requirespecial care when engineis left unused for extendedperiod. Refer to Storage instructionson page 18. Stopping Engine • Move throttlecontrollever to STOP position. Disconnectspark plugwire and moveaway from spark plugto preventaccidentalstarting while equipmentis unattended. Replacefuel cap. 10 & WARNING: Do not fillcloser than 1/2 inchof top of fuel tank to preventspillsand to allow for fuel expansion. Ifgasolineis accidentiy spilled, movelog splitteraway from area of spill.Avoidcreating any sourceof ignition untilgasolinevapors havedisappeared. Use control handleto run wedge up and down beam 6 to 8 timesto circulatethe hydraulicfluid, whichwillwarm and thinthe fluid. Place log splitteron a firm, level surface. To raise the beam: Pulloutthe beamlock on the tongueand pivotitdownto releasethe beam. Move the beamto theverticalposition.Secure it withthe beam lock on the reservoirtank assembly.See Figure9. To lower the beam: Pulloutthe beam lockon the reservoirtank. Pivot beam lockdownto releasethe beam. Carefullypull backon beam and loweritto the horizontalposition. See Figure9. Pullout the beam lock on the tongue,pivotit upwardsand release itto holdthe beam. Make certainit is latched securely. Starting Engine Attachspark plug wire and rubberbootto the spark plug. Placethe throttlecontrollever in START position. Pushthe primerthree times,wait about two secondsbetween each push. In cold weather with temperaturesbelow55 ° F, primeengine five times. Grasp the starterhandle and pullropeout slowly untilengine reaches startof the compression cycle(rope willpullslightlyharder at thispoint). Let the rope rewindslowly. Pull ropewith a rapid,continuous,fullarm stroke.Keep a firm gripon the starterhandle. Let rope rewindslowly. Do not let starterhandle snap back againststarter. Operating Position Vertical NOTE:/f engine does not fire after three attempts, repeat above instructions. Pullthe horizontalbeam lockout and pivotit downto releasethe beam. Pivotthebeam to the verticalposition. Lock the beam in the verticalposition,by pulling out on the verticalbeam lockand pivotingitto the left. See Figure10. Stand in front of the log splitter.Operatethe controlhandle withyour righthandand stabilize the log, if necessary,withyourlefthand. See Figure10. Stopping Engine Move throttlecontrollever to STOP position. Disconnectspark plug wire and moveaway from spark plug to prevent accidental starting while equipment is unattended. Raising and Lowering verticalpositiononlywhen heavy WARNING: Alwaysusethesplitting log splitterinthe logs. ,_ Beam Vertical Beam > < \ b\ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\1 Figure 10 Tongue Horizontal Pullthe verticalbeam lockout and pivotitdown. Pivotthe beam to the horizontalposition. Lockthe beam in the hodzontalposition, by pullingout on the horizontalbeam lockand pivotingit upwards. Horizontal Beam Lock Figure 9 11 Stand behindthe reservoirtank. See Figure11. Operate the controlhandlewith yourdght hand and stab ze the og, f necessary,with yourlef_ hand. Operating & • • • • Before e e Each Use Remove the vent plugand checkhydraulicfluid level. Refillif necessary. Check engine oillevel. Refillif necessary. Fillup gasolineif necessary. Lubricatewithengine oil the beam area where splittingwedge will slide. Do not use grease to lubricate.Make sure to lubricateboththe front and the back ofthe beam face. Attachspark plug wire to the sparkplug. WARNING: Wear leatherwork gloves, safety shoesand safetyglassestooperate the logsplitter.Watch yourfooting during operationand whilehandlingthe log. Placethe logsplitteron a dry,firm,levelsurface. Blockthe frontand back ofthe wheelswhen operating(andwhen stodng)to preventit from movingor rollingaway. Lockin eitherthe hodzontalorverticalposition. Set the enginethrottleat maximumspeed. Placethe logagainstthe end plate.Only split woodinthe directionof thegrain. Stabilizethe log, when needed, by holdingthe sidesofthe logwith yourfree hand. Never place yourhandsbetweenthe logand the splitting wedge. Only one adult should stabilize the log and operate the control handle so thattheoperator hasfull controlover the logand the wedge. & Figure 11 the Log Splitter WARNING: Ifthe hydraulicfluid becomes veryhot at any time duringthe operation, stopthe unitand allow the fluid to cool down. Otherwisethe performanceof your log splitterwillbe affected. Transporting the Log Splitter Lower the beam to its horizontal position. Make certain the beam is locked securely with the hodzontal beam lock. Raise or lower jack stand to attach the hitch to a towing vehicle. Make certain to {atch securely. Remove spring pin and clevis pin securing the jack stand to the tongue assembly and pivot the jack stand to transport position. Secure with hardware just removed. Attach the safety chains to the towing vehicle, Refer to Page 3. 12 Maintenance E "_ Schedule Checkhydraulic fluid Changehydraulic fluid h,drau,c ,,tar ,= Change Checkhoseclamps ¢ ,/ Lubricatebeam andwedge Check engine oil Change engine oil _ € im O1i Service air cleaner UJ Clean engine Service spark plug Clean engine linkages General ,_ be 1.5" to 2" from the top of the tank ( four gallons approximately). Change the hydraulic fluid in the reservoir every 100 hours of operation. Disconnect the suction hose from the bottom of the reservoir tank, and drain the fluid into a suitable container. Refill using only Dexron III automatic transmission fluid or 10W non-foaming hydraulic fluid. Also, make certain to change the hydraulic filter. NOTE: Drain the fluid and flush the reservoir tank and hoses with kerosene whenever any repair work is performed on the tank, hydraulic pump or valve. Contaminants in the fluid will damage the hydraulic components. Repairs to hydraulic components should be performedby a Sears service center. Recommendations Always observe safety ruleswhen performing any maintenance. The warranty on this log splitter does not cover items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value from the warranty, operator must maintain the log splitter as instructed in this manual. Some adjustments will need to be made periodically to maintain your unit properly. All adjustments in the Service and Adjustments sectionof this manual should be checked at least once each season. Follow the maintenance schedule given above. Periodically check all fasteners and make sure these are tight. disconnect spark plug wire before WARNING: Always stopthe engine and performinganymaintenanceoradjustments. Hydraulic Filter Change the hydraulicfilter every 50 hours of operation.Use onlya 10 micron hydraulic filter. Splitter Mechanism Hydraulic Hose Clamps Fluid Check the hose clamps on the suction hose (attached to the side of the pump) for proper tightness before each use. Check the hydraulic fluidlevel in the logsplitter reservoirtank beforeeach use. Fluidlevelshould 13 • • When engine isdrained of all oil, replacedrain plug securely. • Refillwith fresh oil. Refer to GAS AND OIL FILLUP sectionof this manual. • Replace dipstick. Service air cleaner Check the hoseclampson the returnhose at least once a season. Beam And Splitting Wedge Lubricatebothsides of the beamwhere it contactsthe splittingwedge withengine oil beforeeach use toobtainyears of service. However, normalwear willoccur. Periodicallycheck the boltson the side of the wedge plate to eliminateexcess spacebetween the wedge plate and the beam. The wedge plate on the logsplitter[sdesigned so the gib blockson the side ofthe wedge plate can be easily removedand rotatedor turned over for evenwear. You canlocatethesetwo gib blocks behind the gibplate shownin thefigure below. Make certain to.readjustthe adjustment bolts so wedge moves freely, but no excess space exists between the wedge plate and beam. See Figure 12. The air cleaner prevents damagingdirt, dust,etc., from enteringthe carburetorand beingforced Into the engine and isimportantto engine life and performance.The air cleaner consistspfa paper precleaner and a foam filter cartridge. airARNING: cleanercompletelyinstalledon Never runyour engineengine. without _lb • • • Hex Bolt Replace paper pre-cleaneronce a year or every 100 operatinghours.Replace more frequently if operatingunder dustyconditions.Replacement filters are available at any Sears servicecenter. Do not attempt to clean or oil the paper precleaner element. Service cartridgeevery three monthsor every 25 operatinghours. Service cartridgemore often under dustyconditions. To service foam cartridge: Loosen air cleaner cover screws. Do not remove screwfrom cover. Swingcover down to remove from hinge. See Figure 13. Cover Screw Plate Adjustment Bolt Gib Plate Back Plate Covet - Foam Filter Cover Figure 12 Engine Changing engine oil Only use high quality detergent oil rated with API service classification SF, SG or SH. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to the expected operating temperature. Refer to page 10 of this manual for viscosity chart. • Stop engine and wait several minutes before checking oil level. With engine on level ground, the.oil must be to FULL mark on dipstick. Change engine oil after the first five hours of operation, and every 25 hours thereafter. Change oil more frequently if the engine is operated under heavy load, or in high ambient temperatures. Drain oil while engine is warm. Follow the instructions given below. Remove oil drain plug and dipstick. Catch oil in a suitable container. 14 Body Filter Figure 13 Inspect filter for discolorationor dirt accumulation.If eitheris present, proceed as follows. Clean insideof bodyand cover thoroughly. Remove foam cartddge.Wash in liquid detergent and water. Squeeze dry in a clean cloth. Saturate in engine oil. Squeeze (don't twist) in a clean, absorbentclothto remove all excess oil. Reassemblefoam cartridgeand paper precleanerin the body. Swingcover down and tightenthe two screwsloosened earlier. Spark Plug _lb ARNING: Temperatureofmufflerand nearbyareas may exceed 150a F(65°C). Avoidthese areas. • Clean sparkplug and resetthe gap to .030" at least once a season or every 50 hoursof operation,See Figure15. Spark plug replacementis recommendedat the startof each season.Refer to engine parts listfor correctspark plugtype. NOTE: Do not sandblastsparkplug. Spark plug shouldbe cleanedby scrapingor wire brushingand washing with a commercialsolvent. Clean engine Clean engine periodically.Removedirtand debds witha clothor brush.Cleaningwitha forcefulspray of wateris not recommendedas water couldcontaminatethefuelsystem. To ensuresmoothoperationof theengine, keep the govsmor linkage,spdngsand controlsfree of debris. See Figure 14. Every 100 hoursof operation,remove combustiondepositsfromtop of cylinder, cylinderhead, top of pistonand aroundvalves. Clean Air Intake .030" Feeler Gauge Figure 15 Cla_n Cooling Levers Fins and Linkages Figure 14 15 A WARNING: Alwaysstop engine, disconnect spark plug wire, and moveit away fromspark plugbeforeperformingany adjustmentsor repaim. be space between end of the engine and the coupling half. See Figure16,2. Tires See sidewalloftire for recommendedpressure. Maximumtire pressureunder any circumstancesis30 p.s.i. Equal tire pressure shouldbe maintainedon all tires. A WARNING: Excessivepressure(over 30 p.s.i.)when seatingbeads may cause tire/ dmassembly to burstwithforce sufficientto cause seriousinjury. (_ Upper "_ Coupling Half Flexible Pump Coupler The flexible pumpcouplerisa nylon"spider" insert, locatedbetween the pumpand engine shaft. Over a periodof time, the couplerwillharden and deteriorate. Replacethe couplerifyou detect vibrationor noisein the area between the engine and the pump. If the couplerfails completely,you will experiencea loss ofpower. _1 any manner,as a blowwillcause WARNING: Never hit the enginepermanent shaftin damage to the engine. IMPORTANT: If you do not have the right tools or are otherwise uncomfortable with the procedure, contact Sears service center. When replacing the flexible pump coupler, proceed as follows. Follow the instructions carefully as the alignment is critical. Disconnect the spark plug wire, and secure it away from the spark plug. Drain gasoline from fuel tank or place a piece of plastic film underneath the gas cap to prevent gasoline from leaking. Using a 1/2 inch socket with an extension, remove the three bolts securing the engine to the engine mounting bracket. The three bolts can be found under the engine mounting bracket. Caretul}y lift engine off mounting bracket and set aside on a sturdy, level surface. Remove the nylon spider insert from the pump shaft. You may need a pair of needle nose pliers to grasp the insert. • Place a new "spider"insert into the pump coupling half. See Figure 16,1. Make sure the key is on the pump shaft. The key way in the lower coupling half has to fit over the key on the pump shaft. Re-seat the engine making sure to align the pump and engine coupling halves. There must 16 Engine Mountln Bracket Lookunderthis for enginebolts • Figure 16 NOTE: Thepump couplinghaftcan be rotated by hand toaid in alignment, ff the two parts are not alignedthe unitwill not operateproperly and damage couldoccur. Set .035-.060 inchclearancebetween the couplinghalves by slidinga matchboxcover " between thejaws ofthe upperand the lower couplinghalves. NOTE: Before securing the set screw, apply some Loctite TM on the threads of the screw, Tightenthe set screwto78 inch-poundstorque. Secure enginewiththree boltsremoved earlier. Torque boltsto 200 to 450 inch-pounds. Reattachspark plugwireto spark plug.Be sure to removeplasticfilm from undergas cap if necessary. Beam & Splitting Wedge The wedge plate is subjectto normalwear. Periodicallyadjustthe bolts on the wedge plate makingsure thatthe wedge movesfreely. Also make sure that no excessspace exists betweenthe wedge plate and the beam. TOadjust: Loosen threehexboltsontopofthewedge plate (beneath the splittingwedge). See Rgure 17. Loosenthe lock nutson the two adjustment boltson the side of the gib plate, located beneaththe splittingwedge. See Figure17. Turn the adjustmentboltsin untilsnug,then back them offslowly untilthe wedge assembly willslideon the beam. Tightenthe locknuts securelyagainstthe gib plate to hold adjustmentbolts in this position. Retightenthe three hex bolts on top ofthe NOTE: If desired,thegibsmay be rotatedand/or turnedover for even wear. Remove the center belt on top of the wedge plate.Slidethe gib plate out. See Figure17. Remove and replacethe gibs. Reassemblethe gibplate, makingcertainfiat washeris in place underthe gibplate. Readjustthe boltson the sideof the wedge plate as instructedpreviously. Adjusting Carburetor & wedge plate. WARNING: If you make anyadjustmentsto theenginewhileitis running,keep clear of all moving parts to avoidinjury.Be carefulof heated surfaces and muffler. Ifthe engine carburetorneeds adjustment,contact your nearest Sears service center. Hex Bolt Engineperformancemay be affected in altitudes above4,000 feet. To improve engineperformance, install a high altitude adjustment kit. This kit is available at Sears service centers. Engine Speed The enginespeedon yourlogsplitterhas been set by the enginemanufacturer.Do not attempt to increase enginespeed or it may resultin personalinjury. If you believethe engine is running too fast or too slow, contact Sears service center for repairand adjustment. • Adju_ Gib Plate BackPlate Figure 17 To replace: speedby the customerwillvoid engine IMPORTANT: Changing of enginegoverned warranty. Periodicallyremove and replacethe "gibe" (spacers) between the wedge plate and the back plate as follows. 17 Prepare yourlogsplitter for storageat the end of the Never useengine or carburetorcleanerproducts in the fuel tankor permanent damage may seasonor ifthelog splitterwillnot be usedfor 30 days or more. & WARNING: Occur. • Never store machine with fuel Use fresh fuel next season. NOTE: Fuel stabilizeris an acceptable alternativein minimizingthe formationof fuel gum depositsduring storage. • Add stabilizerto gasolinein fuel tankor storage in the fuel tank inside of building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark, or where ignition sources are present such as hot water and space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc. container. NOTE: A yearlycheck-upbyyour locaISears Service Centeris a good way to make certainyour logsplitter willprovidemaximumperformancefor thenext season. • LOG SPLITTER Clean the logsplitterthoroughly. Wipe unitwith an oiled rag to prevent rust, especiallywedge and beam. ENGINE • IMPORTANT: It isimportantto preventgum deposits from forming in essentialfuel systempartssuchas carburetor,fuel filter, fuel hose, or tankduring storage.Also, expedenceindicatesthat alcohol blendedfuels (calledgasohotor usingethanolor methanol)can attractmoisturewhichleads to separationand formationof acids duringstorage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage. Always follow the mix ratiofound on stabilizer container. Run engine at least 10 minutesafteradding stabilizerto allowthe stabilizerto reach the carburetor. Do not drainthe gas tank and carburetorif using fuel stabilizer.Drainall the oil from the crankcase (thisshouldbe done afterthe engine has been operatedand is stillwarm) and refill the crankcasewith fresh oil. If you have drainedthe fuel tank, protectthe insideof the engine as follows. Remove spark plug,pour approximately1/2 ounce(approximatelyone tabtespoon)of engine oil intocylinderand crank slowlyto distributeoil. Replacespark plug. OTHER Do not store gasoline from one season to another. Replace your gasoline can if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt in the gasoline will cause problems. Store unit in a clean, dry area. Do not store next to corrosive materials, such as fertilizer. NOTE: If storing in an unventila ted or metal storage shed, be certain to rustproof the equipmentby coating with a light oil or silicone. Drain the fuel tank. Start the engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Drain carburetor by pressing upward on bowl drain which is located below the carburetor. 18 Possible Cause Problem Corrective Action Cylinderrodwill not move 1. BrokenDriveshaft. 1. Return unitto Sears servicecenter. 2. Shippingplugsleft in hydraulichoses. 2. Disconnecthydraulic hose, remove shippingplugs,and reconnecthose. 3. Set screws in couplingnotadjusted 3. Referto adjustment sectionof this pmpedy. manualand adjust the couplers 4. Looseshaft coupling. 4. Correctengine/pumpalignment. 5. Returnunitto Sears servicecenter. _. Gear sectionsdamaged. 6. Damaged reliefvalve, 6. Returnunitto Sears servicecenter. 7. Hydrauliclines blocked. 7. Rush and clean hydraulicsystem. 8, Incorrectoillevel. 8. Check oillevel. Refillif necessary, 9. Returnunit to Sears servicecenter 9, Damagedor blocked directional valve. Cylinder shaft speed slow while extending and retracting 1. Gear sections damaged, 2. Excessive pump inlet vacuum. 3. 4. 5, 6. Slow engine speed. Damaged reliefvalve. Incorrect oillevel. Contaminatedoil, 7. Directionalvalve leaking internally. 8. Internallydamaged cylinder, Engine runsbut woodwill not split, or splitstoo slowly 1. Small gear section damaged. 2. Pump check valve leaking. 3. Excessive vacuum in pump inlet. I 4. IncorrectoilFevel. 5. Contaminated oil. 6. Directionalvalve leakingintemally. 7. internally damaged cylinder. 8. Overloaded cylinder. Engine stalls during splitting wood Engine will not turnor stalls under low load Leaking pump shaftseal 1. Low horsepowerAveakengine. 2. Overloadedcylinder 2. 3, 4. 5. Engine/pumpmisaligned, Frozenor seized pump. Weak engine. Hydrauliclinesblocked. Blocked directional valve. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. Broken drive shaft. Engine/pumpmisaligned. Gear sections damaged. Poorly positioned shaft seal. Oil breather plugged. 1. 19 1, Returnunit to Sears servicecenter. 2. Make certainthat the pump inlet hoses are clear and unblocked.Use short,large diameterinlethoses. 3. Return unitto Sears service center. 4. Return unitto Sears service center. 5. Check oillevel, Refill if necessary, 6. Drainoil, clean reservoir,refill, make certainoilreturntube is belowoil level. 7. Returnunitto Sears servicecenter. 8, Returnunitto Sears servicecenter, 1. Returnunit to Sears servicecenter. 2. Return unitto Sears servicecenter. 3. Make certainthat the pump inlet hoses are clear and unblocked,Use short,large diameter inlet hoses. 4. Check oillevel. Refillif necessary. 5. Drainoil,clean reservoir,refill, make certainoil returntube is below oil level, 6. Return unitto Sears service center. 7. Return unitto Sears service center, 8. Do notattempt to splitwood against the grain, 1. Return unitto Sears service center, 2. Do notattempt to splitwood against the grain. If engine stalls repeatedly, contactSears service center. i 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. Correctalignment. Returnunitto Sears servicecenter. Returnunitto Sears servicecenter. Flushandclean hydraulicsystem, Returnunitto Sears service center Returnunitto Sears service center. Correctalignment. Return unitto Sears service center. Return unitto Sears service center, Make certainreservoiris properly vented, Troubleshooting Guide continued Problem Engine fails to start Possible Causes 1. Dirtyaircleaner. 2. Fueltank empty, or stale fuel. 3. Blockedfuel line. 4. Spark plugwire disconnected. 5. Faultysparkplug. Engine runs erratic. 1. Spark plugwire loose. 2. Blockedfuelline or stale fuel. 3. Dirtyair cleaner. 4. Carburetorout of adjustment Engineoverheats 1. Engineoillevel low. 2. Dirtyair cleaner. 3. Carburetorout of adjustment. Corrective Action 1. Serviceaircleanerfonowing instructions onpage 14 ofthismanual. 2, Filltank withfreshfuel. 3. Clean fuelline. 4. Connectsparkplugwire to spark plug. 5. Servicesparkplugfollowing instmc6onson page 15. 1. Connectandtightensparkplug wire. 2. Clean fuel line, Filltankwithfresh fuel. 3. Serviceair cleanerfollowing instructionson page 14. 4. ContactSears servicecenter. 1. Fill crankcase with proper oil. 2. Service air cleaner following instructions on page 14. 3. Contact Seers service center. 4. Stop engine, disconnect spark plug 4. Airflow restricted. wire, move blower housing, and clean. Will not splitlogs 1, Reservoir fluid level low. 1. Refill with Dexron III automatic transmission fluid. Leaking 1, Broken seals. 2, Scored cylinder 1. Return unit to Sears service center. 2. Return unit to Sears service canter. cylinder " please contact your nearest SEARS service center. For repairs beyondthe minoradjustmentslisted above, 2O Craftsman 6.5 H.P. Log Splitter Model 247.794510 / 2 12 13 2 46 27 IO0 29 33 31 75 105 32 65 55 54 101 102 70 105 68 71 56 21 59 Craftsman KEY 6.5 H.P. Log Splitter Model 247.794510 PART NO. 1 NO. 781-0323B 2 3 4 5 6 712-0239 710-1018 710-0459A 781-0352A 781-0350A 7 8 9 10 11 12 781-0537 712-3001 750-0750 736-0192 736-0921 781-0168A 13 14 15 16 712-0130 710-0859 681-0126 714-0211 17 18 19 20 22 711-1135 718-0306 727-0471 727-0443 726-0132 23 24 25 26 27 28 737-0153 737-0192 718-0481 737-0235 737-0306 723-0405 29 30 31 727-0502 714-0470 738-0805 32 33 34 35 36 732-0583 726-0214 781-0690 737-0236 681-0092A 37 38 39 40 710-0654A 735-0256 726-0174 714-0122 41 42 43 44 45 46 716-0250A 719-0353 712-0123 736-0119 781-0097 716-1338 DESCRIPTION Wedge Asm Lock Nut 1/2-20 Hex Cap Screw 1/2-20 x 2.75 Hex Cap Screw 3/8-24 x 1,5 AdjustableGib Shim Fixed Gib Back Bracket Hex Jam Nut3/8-24 Spacer Flat Washer .531 x .93 x ,090 Lock Washer 1/2 StripperSide Lock Nut 3/8-16 Hex Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 2,5 Beam Asm Cotter Pin Clevis Pin HydraulicCylinder HydraulicTube Return Hose 3/4" I.D. x 44" Lg. Hose Clamp 5/8" Return Elbow 90° SolidMale Adapter ControlValve 3/4" Hose Adapter Filter Housing Oil Filter High PressureHydraulicHose Cotter Pin 1/8" Dia. Hinge Pin 1/2 x 4.8" Lg. Comp. Spdng 4" Lg. Push Cap Locking Rod Pipe Plug Frame Asm Hex Washer Screw 3/8-16 x 1.0 Suction Hose Hose Clamp Sq.-Key 3/16" x .75" Flexible Coupling Coupling Shield Hax Nut 5/16-24 L-Wash, 5/16" I.D.* Rear Coupling Suppod Bracket Hex Screw 5/16-24 x 3,25 KEY NO. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 97 PART NO. 718-0476 737-0329 710-0521 712-0798 736-O169 710-0411 781-0398 781-0680A 736-0185 712-0375 711-0813 732-0194 750-0497 710-0944 736-0262 713-0433 727-0311 781-0162 721-0168 741-0987 634-0186 734-0872 634-0188 734-0255 741-0988 736-0351 712-0359 714-0162 734-0873 781-0356 781-0351 736-0116 -- 98 770-10035 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 781-0526 781-0538 681-0138 710-0157 712-0123 736-0119 736-0159 22 DESCRIPTION Gear Pump (11 GPM) 45 Degree Elbow Has Bolt 3/8-16 x 3" Lg. Hex Nut 3/6-16 Thd.* L-Wash. 3/8" I.D." Hex Bolt 3/8-16 x 4" Lg. Support Beam Asm Tube Flat Washer 3/8 Hex L-Nut 3/8-16 Thd. Clevis Pin 5/16 x 2.5" Lg. SpringPin Spacer 3/8" I.D. x .625" O.D, Hex Bolt 3/8-16 x 4" Lg. (Grd 5) FI-Wash. 3/8 = I.D. x .87" O.D, Chain--Tow Hitch Hitch Coupler Jack Stand Bearing Seal Only Bearing Cone Wheel Asm Comp. - Gray Tire 16 x 4.8 Rim Asm - Gray Air Valve Bearing Cup FI-Wash..76" I.D. x 1.5" O.D. Slotted Nut 3/4-16 Thd. Cotter Pin 5/32" Dia. x 1-114"Lg. Hub Cap FloatingGib Plate Adjustable Gib Flat Washer .635 ID x .93 OD Tecumseh Vertical Shaft Engine Model 143.995000(not shown) Owner's Manual (not shown) Hose Guard Hose Guard Fender Assembly Hex Bolt: 5/16-24 x 0.75" Gr.5 Hex Nut 5/16-24 Lock Washer 5/16 Flat Washer 5/16 Tecumseh Engine model 143.99650 Kay Pa_ No. No. 14A 0 640020A I I 37A 23 aty. Carburetor (Incl. 187B & 239 of Engine Parts List) 1 632539 .5 632593 Throttle Shaft & LeverAssembly 1 1 Dust Seal 6 632541 Throt6e Shutter 1 7 650506 Throttle Shutter Screw 1 14A 632773 Ventud 1 25 632675A Float Bowl 1 27 632544 Float Shaft 1 28 632543 Float 29 632548 Float Bowl to Body Gasket 3O i 632709 I Description Inlet Needle & Seat 32 632672 Bowl Drain Screw 1 33 632673 Bowl Drain Washer 1 36 640022 Main Nozzle Tube I 37 632547 "O" Ring 2 37A 632547 =O° Ring, Main Nozzle Tube 1 38 Spring, Main Nozzle Tube 1 38A 632545 Spring 1 39 632549 Float Bowl Retainer 1 40 640021 Main Fuel Jet 1 44 27110 Bowl Nut Washer 1 47 632554 Welch Plug, Idle Mixture Wetl 1 632545 Tecumseh Engine model 143.99650 _370K _g_ 39O 292_'I / 292 261 310 307 3O0 ,12C 416 t 277 12 45 187A 240, \ 177 239 38O 4O 83_,_ 35O 41 \ 251 245/" 42 75 24 Tecumseh Engine model143.99650 KeyPart No. No. 0 0 Description RPM High 3100 to 3400 RPM Low 2000 to 2300 36177 1 2 27652 Cylinder (Incl. 2,10,12,20 & 125) Dowel Pin 6 36059 Breather Element 1 9 590566 Screw, 10-24 x3/4" 3 2 10 36002 Breather Valve Body 1 11 36003A Check Valve 1 12 32447 Breather Tube 1 12 36005A Breather Cover & Gasket 1 14 28277 Washer 1 116 36O06 Governor Rod (Machined) 1 36008 GovernorLever 1 31335 Govemor Lever Clamp 1 16 17 651018 36103 i2° 25 36010 36145 Screw, Torx3"-15,8-32 x 19/64" GovernorSpdng Oil Seal BlowerHousing Baffle(Jnc1.195) 1 1 1 1 26 650802 Screw, 114-20 x 5/8" 3 30 36180 Crankshaft 1 40 40004 Piston,F_n,RingSet (Std.) 1 40 40005 Piston,Pin,RingSet (.010 OS) 1 1 41 36070 Piston& PinAss'y.(Std.)(Incl. 43) 41 36071 Piston& Pin Ass'y.(.010 OS)(Incf.43): 1 42 40006 Ring Set (Std.) 1 42 40007 Ring Set (.010 OS) 1 43 20381 P_stonPin RetainingRing 2 45 36023A Connecting Rod Ass'y.(Incl. 46) 1 46 Key No. Part No. Qty. 32610A Connecting Rod Bolt 2 48 36030 Valve Lifter 2 50 36031A Camshaft (MCR) 1 52 29914 Oit Pump Ass'y. 1 89 36032A Mounting Flange Gasket 1 70 37271 Mounting Flange (Incl.72 thin 86) 1 72 36083 Oil Drain Plug 1 72A 28483 Oil Drain Plug 1 75 36010 Oil Seal 1 80 30574A Governor Shaft 1 81 30590A Washer 1 82 30591 Governor Gear Ass'y.(IncL81) 1 83 36057 Governor Spool 1 85 36O34 idler Gear 1 Description 86 650924 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-9/16" 7 89 611154 Flywheel Key 1 90 611170 92 650815 Flywheel BstlevilleWasher 1 1 93 650816 FlywheelNut 1 100 34443S Solid State Ignition 1 101 610118 Spark Plug Cover 1 103 651007 Screw, TorxT-15, 10-24 x 15/16" 2 110 36230 Ground Wire 1 119 36061 Cylinder Head Gasket 1 120 36187 Cylinder Head 1 125 36471 ExhaustValve (Std.) (IncL 161) 1 125 36472 ExhaustValve (1/32" OS) 1 126 29314C intake Valve (Std.) (Incl. 161) 1 130 6021A Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" 7 135 35395 ResistorSpark Plug (RJ19LM) 1 160 31672 Valve Spdng 2 151 31673 LowerValve SpdngCap Intake Valve Seal 2 161A 40016A 152 37075 "O'-Ring 1 169 27234A Valve SpringBox Gasket 1 172 32755 Valve SpringBox Cover 1 174 30200 Screw, 10-24 x 9/16" 2 177 650925A CarburetorMountingStud 2 184 36183 CarburetorGasket 2 166 36009 1 GovernorLink 1 187A 37136 Air Baffle 1 195 610973 TerminalAss'y. 1 202 36482 CompressionSpdng 1 203 31342 CompressionSpdng 1 204 651029 Screw,To_xT-10, 5-40 x 7/16" 1 205 651030 Screw,TorxT-10, 6-32 x 17132" 1 215 36051 ControlKnob 1 239 36048 Carburetorto Air Cleaner Gasket 1 240 36044B Air Cleaner Body (IncL239,299 & 350) 1 243 650899 Screw, 10-32 x 2-3/32" 245 36046 Air Cleaner Filter 1 - 1 245A 36102 Air Cleaner Filter 250 36047 Air CleanerCover 251 650928 LockNut 1/4-20 285 36110 Control Plate 256 650983 Screw, 8-32 x 17/32" 1 12 Tablecontinued in nextpage 25 Tecumseh Engine model 143.99650 Table continued Key Part No. Description No. Qty. 260 36038 BlowerHousing 1 261 650929 Screw, 1/4-20 x 11/16" 1 262 650737 Screw, 114-20x 1_" 3 263 36108 TrimRing 1 275 36107 Muffler 1 276 36043 LockingPlate 1 277 650927 Screw, 5/16-18 x 2-11/32" 2 285 34449A Starter Cup 1 287 650926 Screw, 8-32 x 21/64" 2 290 34357 Fuel Line 1 292 26460 Fuel Line Clamp 2 299 650900 "U"Type Nut Clip 1 300 36066 Fuel Tank (Incl. 301) 1 301 36246 Fuel Cap 1 305 36063 Oil FillTube 1 307 35499 0 Ring 1 308 36040 FillTube Clip 1 310 36147 Dipstick 1 346A 28763 Screw, 10-32 x 35/64' 2 350 Primer 1 370A 36261 LubricationDecal 1 370B 36530 ControlDecal 1 370K 36695 Starter Decal 1 380 640020A Carburetor 1 390 590737 RewindStarter 1 36045A Note: This engine couldhavebeen builtwith 590694 starter. 400 36062D Gasket Set Note: Includes items 27234A, 28833, 36005A, 36032A, 36061, 37136, 696088. 416 36085 Spark Arrestor Kit (Optional) 1 417 650760 Screw, 8-32 x 3/8" (Optional) 1 900 0 Replacement Engine none,order from 71-999 0 900 0 Replacement S/B 750850, order from 71-999 26 Tecumseh Engine model 143.99650 '!_-- - -14 Key No. Part No. 590737 Description Rewind Starter 3 590740 IRetainer 6 590616 Starter Dog 2 7 590617 Dog Spring 2 8 590618A Pulley & Rewind SpringAss_'. 1 11 590687A Starter HousingAssembly (40 degree grommet) 1 12 590535 Starter Rope ( 98" X 9/64" dia.) 1 13 590701 Starter Handle 1 14 590760 SpringClip 1 1 13J' Key No. Part No. Description Qty. 590694 Recoil Starter 590599A Spring Pin (Incl. 4) 1 2 590600 Washer 1 3 i590696 1 Retainer 1 Washer 1 4 590601 5 i90697 Brake Spring 1 6 590698 Starter Dog 2 7 590699 Dog Spring 2 8 590700 Pulley & Rewind SpringAssembly 1 11 590695 Starter HousingAssembly 1 12 590535 Starter Rope (Length98Nx 9/64" dia 1 13 590701 Starter Handle 1 27 Qty. 5 For in-home major brand repair service: Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-800-4-MY-HOME (1-800-469-4663) Para pedlr servicio de reparaci6n a domlcilio m 1-600-676-5811 In Canada for all your service and parts needs call 1-800-665-4455 Au Canada pour tout le service ou les pi_ces 1-800-665-4455 For the repair or replacement parts you need: Call 7 am - 7 pm, 7 days a week 1-800-366-PART (1-800-366-7278) Para ordenar piezae con entrega a domlcilio m 1-800-659-7084 For the location of a Sears Parts and Repair Center in your area: Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-800-488-1222 For Information on purchasing a Sears Maintenance Agreement or to Inquire about an existing Agreement: Call 9 am - 5 pro, Monday - Saturday 1-800-827-6655 omeCentral TheServiceSideof Sears"
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 28 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Mon Apr 02 10:34:43 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by