Craftsman 358356070 User Manual 3.0/18 IN. SEARS GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Manuals And Guides L0903181
CRAFTSMAN Chainsaw, Gas Manual L0903181 CRAFTSMAN Chainsaw, Gas Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Chainsaw, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman 358356070 358356070 CRAFTSMAN 3.0/18 IN. SEARS CRAFTSMAN GASOLINE CHAIN SAW - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN 3.0/18 IN. SEARS CRAFTSMAN GASOLINE CHAIN SAW #358356070. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman 3.0/18 IN. SEARS CRAFTSMAN GASOLINE CHAIN SAW Manual
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operator's manual e • • • Assembly Operation Maintenance Repair Parts MODELNO, 358.356070-3.0/18" t : i /£RRFTSMRN 3.0118" GASOLINE CHAIN SAVV Re_;old in lhe space provided below the Mode NO.:and Se_'ialNo, o! your saw. These numbers are located On the starling tnstruclions _cal, AWARNING: Carefully read and fo)10w Safely Rule_ Precautions al_d Operating inslroclio_s Failure to do so earl _eeult in serious perSOnaltnjury, SetiaI No, Mode! No, Retain these numbers for future reference. r_ '; ., Sears, 66791-3-25187-1-25287 Roebtzck . _nd C( _.,Cl ltctag( _ l It, 60684 U,S.A. _Sea_s_i_,l_uekandCo., _987 ..... FULLO_G:ASOLINE CHAIN SAW, (Excluding Bar, Chain, Spark P!ug, Air Fitte{ and Staiiei' Rope) _ +_ maiBten_nce {nst_:uctions in Lheopat:_tor's maP+u_tl, S_alswINrepairde{°';ISi_ iitateltalorw_!kmanshlp in lht$Oa:_oli¢_$ cha_s_wat noch_, Thiswar_'anty ex, cI_s thebatchainspal_pI_g,akfitter,andstar{e,," _pa whia_a_'a expe'nda_le partsand_oecome w_rn dUfiOg nofm_ll use, ' . : ' t{ finis chain sawisused{o.'commercial o_te_ purposes,t_s waIranty appl{Bs for0r_!_i 30 _iys f{orn_al:eo!pu_'¢he_0. WARRANTY SERVtCEISAVA_LABLE BY RETURNING TH£CHAINSAWTO TH_ N_ARESTSFJ_RS SERV|CE'CENTF_W _ DEPARTMENT iNTHEUNITEDSTATES= -; , Thiswar{anW glvesyouspsciilc tega_tighLs, an(/youmaya_soh_ otherrigh[swh_;hva_ h'ornslate,to°tee. Seats,R_ehu_k en_Co.Seu_ Tower,DI_I./I_g_'3|A, ChicaneD, IL 60684 B, A._chlng The H_dguard .................... 7 C, AttachingTheSp_f .. ; ...................... 7 D, AttachingTlte BarandChain .................. 8 E, ChainTension............................. 8 F. FuelingYou_ Engine ......................... 9 G, Bar_dChair=Lubricanl .................... 'I0 Al_cessorias ................................. 10 Using Your Saw ............................ 11 A. Control Devices: ........................ 11 B. StartingInstructions ..................... 1'_ 2 ' i=ll -- ii, i,.i ij / :._ ................. ±_._ ...... ............ r SPECIA l. SAFETY SECTION GUARD AGAINST Ki_rI(BAcK ........ .:_--:.... :" ;i. nEDUCING K,CKBACK Kict_backlaadahgerousteactionthatcan [aedtosedous personal!njury.Donr_ relyonlyon thesafetYdevicesprovfdedwith _oursaw, A._a Chainsaw user, youmust take spedalsafery p!ecauttonsto helpkeepyourcutUngjobs free from accident orlnjury. .... . 1. Recognize Ihal kickback can happen, With a basic understandingof kickback, you can reduce the element of surprise which contribu|es to accidentS, .... " 2. NeverI,etIhemo_lngchaincontac_any objectat the . tip of theguide bar. F_jpre1, 3, Keepthe working area free from obstructions such as other trees, branehes_ r0eks, fences, stumps, etc, Ftgu_:e'2,, EIimtnata or avoid any obstructionthat yoursaw che,ir_couidhit while you : ' "'_z_'e'cutting'th;'ougha parlicular:ibg o_branch. 4, Keep your saw chain she_"and properly tensioned, Fo_owSears chainsharpening ar_ maintenanceinstructions. Che_ tenslon at regularIn!stoats withthoeng]nestoppe_J,_,_e r_'ththe'e r_ine n_nlng+ Make surethe barclamp nutsare securelytightened aftertensioningthe chain.A looseor dullchaincan b",Crease the thence of kickbacl_, . _, :_KJCKBACKWARNING ."Kickback can occur whenthe m6vingohaincbntacls artob|ectat theo'pperportlonoffh$tipoftheguldebar orwhent he woodclosaslnand pin, has!he sawohain Inthe out. Contectal the upper_rtlonoffba ripe! the 9Utdebarcenc, usetheohalntodlglntotheobJectand stoptheohalnforanlnstant, The.reauitlsa/ighto/ng fasGreverse reactlon whtch kicl_ fhe gulde barup ahd back towardthe the saw chainispln_ched along the top of the guide bar,,the guide bar can be ddven rapldly back toward the operator. Either ot these tea _llone can cause loss of saw centre! which can msutt In serious personal Enjury. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10, Rgure I Begtn and continue cutting at furl throttle. |l the chainis movingat a dowerspeed, thereis greater chance for kickback tooccur, _r Cut only one Iog at a time. Use extreme caution When re-enteringa cuL Do nol attempt plunge cuts. Watchfor shitting fees or other forcest hatcould close a cut and pinch or fail into the chain, Use only the Reduced.Kickback Guide Bar and • Low-KIckbockChatnspeci_ie_foryoursaw. ' MAINTAINING CONTROL t. Keep a good firm grip on thesawwith both hands when the.eng!n=eis r_nnjng_and dOn'rt let go. Figure 3: A firm grip can,neutralizekickb_cP,a_ • he!p 'yoq meiP,tain cor_troI of the saw, Y,eep the fingers of you_"left hand encircling and yourleft thumb Under lhe front hand abet. Keepyour right . fia_d compiptelit_rooildthe _ear handia whether yodak_fiOhtha_dedorle!thsnded. Keepyourlet! a_msire ghtw th tl_eel_w locked, 2, Poshtenyo_iefthandonthefronthandiebarsoit. ,, :. :. ialna_tr;,igh|ilnewith_uz;dghthand ontherear : ' ' h_nd et_henrnekingbUckingculs.Figure3.Never 'reverse righ!a,qdtafthand positionstot any typeof culting, :; .. .:. 4 k -r :] r ] 3. Standwith :your weight evenly balanced on both feet.. • : . ._ ... , 4, Standstlght_ylotheleflstdeoitheaaw, tokeep :!::'i_ :',' Y_!_-#i_.°dYfrom be! a direct line with the '/,'L 6u|tlngchan Fgure3. . . .... 5, DO not overreach, ,YoucouId be drawnor thrown off balance a.nd lose ,oontmiel the saw. 6o Do not cut above shoulder helghh Ilia difticu_t1o " maintain controlOflhe saw abovesho_der height, L Figure3 3 SPECIAL SAFETY SECTION (continued) ....... j, [ ............. I | Because e chainsaw is a high*speedwood.cutting too!. special safetyprec';L_tlonsmust I | he observed to I_,duce!he risk of pecsonalaccldeP.te.Caretesa or t_proper use can 1 l ona ju,v.' " J ' 4. DO not attempt to use your chain saw during bad weather condtttonss;Jchas strongwind, rain, Snow, etc., cr at n_ght.._,• - .,. 5. Plan your sawIpgoperation carefully,Inadvanco.Do notsta_cuttingpntityOUhavea dearworkareal secure kx)tingandifyouarafe Ii_gtrees _ptannedret_eatpath, AVOIDREAcT!vEFORCES., SAFETY SHOES "\_ KNOW ,_g..;4 YOUR SAW ,t. ReadyourOperstor's Manua!camlullyUnt_youcorn-= ptete_de_md a_ fot!owalls_Blyn_and operaling instructions _bre _ttempttngto operaletheunit. 2. Restrict t he use ofyour saw toadultuserswho under. s_end and follow the safety rules, precautions,and operatinginstructions in thism_nual, PLAN AHEAD 1. Wear';pet'S0nal protectivegear. FigUre4HL!_ys use _eei-loedsafelyfoo_vearWithn0n.siipsoleS;snpg.filting • clothing;heawn!._ot a_Ipossible _dous personaIinjury, To avoid Pinch-Kickback: _, Be extremely aware Of situations or obstructions that can cause material to pinch the topof or other. wise slop thechain. 2 Do not cut more than one iog at a time, 3. Do not twistthe Saw asthe bar iSwi hdrawn fromlan unde}_cut Whenbucking, To avoid Pull-In: I, Alwaysbegin cutting with the engine at full throttle and the spur against t_6 wood. 2, Usewedgesmadeof plasticor wood, (neverof metal) to holdthecutope_, HANDLE FUEL W|TH CAUTION 1, Eliminateallsoumes0! sparks or flame In the areas wherefuells mixed,pournd,or stored,Thereshould be nosmoking,open_f_mes,5f workthe!couldca_3se sparks 2. Mlxand pourluellnar=._i_tdoor area,on bareground: Store fuel Ina coO!;dry,well-ventilatedptaee;a_ use a_ appmvad,'mad mthe_!u_ka_hr_ltheer_lofthe e e_n be repaired. Replace the staffer rope if the _Op!breaks more than 2.3 inches awayfrom the I_i_ [I(_j as the _pe will be too Short t_ rep_h;pl'ope_dy. _ ing the eiar]er rbpe, The re¢oll spring AlwayS'wear eyeproteo!lontension.Ifthe Whenservicbeneat_iihe puIleytsunder .AWARNING spdngpopsout, eerlouspemo_allnjury ] oan ms,It. " _IOTE:The reooilslx_ng,locatedbo_a_hthe p,J!Iey, is under tendon, If the spring pops out, It will require conaldembletimeandeffort toreinsta!l. Folthis Ieaso_,you maywanttoletyDur SearsSe_. vice Center h_ndlethis repak, llyou do Inj1orepai_ thestellar ropeandtherecoilspringpopsoul, ta_ !he u_itio yourSearsServiceCenler, 1. Remove the tour screws on the sideo! the fa_ ,. new_pe ogo !ntothe puI_, 7. A_o:wthe rne_te_e_d to dflpo_ce;then whilethe r_b s Siil[hurl_!Jthe melted endthrougha re_g 1oobtaiha smooth, pointedend: 8, Feedthempo though;tI_, rour.,d slarls_hole in the !hslanheUsing; Ftgme3B. , 9. Guiderobei_ _ley, lh_ _h toPsl_ pullw holebyp_shingthe ropefrom the undersidehole ,with a sm_Jl round (_I,, such as a Phillips s_mwdrtvsr, See_n_t,F_jU_e39. 10.ffeakno! n_eendol!he.,op_ieavi_ndmoretf_n a3_ to 1/4inqh!el}and pulttheknoI_nugtyInIothe corner.oflhb grOqvein thepu))ey,Figure38. _t. TL_ck _het_l onti'_ {ups K_t intothe tn_ercowed . s.ectton Ioavoldinterfereneewilhik_ fly_heOl. F3g_re 38&40. :: :,,......" :, _ " t2, _tthep.u_le_m_YI_t_sing p_hitd_wn ande_gagethespring. ...... 'i3 Tighten (he_)UlteY scr_ D_ not mix chrome-colored fan housin! wfththe bleok_col_edcyi_det shroudscrews, Otherthencotor, these screws eres miler {nappearance; but itinterchanged, they can strip out andlor cause permanent engtnedame_e. : .... 3. ff lhe steer ropeis broken,pro_eedtostep"47 fflhe starterropei_,notb_oken, reteaselhetensionon|he spring as follows: a, P_ll about12l_chesoHoi_ I_Omthep_eY end catChthe ropen the nolo_asshownin Figure38. b. TumthepL_leycou_ter_ock"wise _ unlilth_ epr_gtans]onismle_sed. _. Un_hread thepu_leys,:_ In,he cen'_er oithep_ey wlih a 5f32" allehwrench unf,ilthe pulleyassembly can beremove_ fromthe fan housing. 5, Uffthe pulleycare_/fywhilege_iytwl_lnglhe p_ey coun_rclockwise _ ,Removetheoldrope, . NOTE_lfyouremovethe puliey_rSwl_r_m Ihopu_ey make surethe s afterdog, ratane_cam end wave washer are positioned_.ndinstead properlyas eL._wni_,F_ure 39. .' : h_using.Figure38. 14. Makesuretbeoa|_ i_insLal_don |he statler dogIn _I_ di_ectiorlshOWn InFigum39,Also_aks surethe wavewashsris seat_ aroundtSelopouler edgeof lhe re_ainer,endnot caughlbetweenIhetopof the retaine__d the p_ley s_rew. 15, ¢_Chthe r_ Inthe _tch'i_ t_epu{tey, Figure40. t6. Turnth;_ pulley clockwise _ to wi_d up the s_rlr_g snlil ii y_IIlure r_morewil_ut forcing. Don_' let_ooithep_ley, Lelthe pu_eyunwindonefutltum _d_elea_ theropefromtheelot,¢ont_ue to hold puIle_. 1'7,Hold thepulley,pulilhe etatier rope Iolhe (oilextent oI1eng_h.tLien let thetope rewindS_owly. 18. ReinstaIl |an hou_lng and thefout qhromB.cotorod sc,'ews: Tightepscrev_securely. = AI ' .. Figure 3_ 1B Figure 40 • o 2. IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT a, Alloweng'me_.oidle. b./_, justidle SpeedScrewuntlfengineconlinues:o ru_Wilt)OUt slatlingandwithoutthechainmovinq .--Tut_ screw c_ockwise ,,,,'.k to in¢_ea>e engine speed ff engine sta/_sOrdies, --Turnscrewco_nferctoc_ise _ los_,,w .enginedown andfof to keep the ¢_ain trP/_ turning. c. NOfurther adjustments are necessary if the chaindoesnotmoveatldie speedend if porter. mBnce _ssatistactop/. D. CARBURETORADJUSTMENTS i r. Po0r eng]nepedorm_ncec_n be a result ofother C_uSeSSU_h asdirty _r Igtet;c_bon bultd-up o_ muffler outlets,etc,.See"Troubie ShooUngChart" be|ore pioceeding w_thCarburetoradjustments, , tt Thecarburetorhasrbeerladjustedattl_factory ' f_ s_ |eve_eonditlOt_s.Ad_s_en_ m_ be¢o_ necessa_/if the unitts_sed at signilicangyhigher aIlttudesct i|y_,l_anyoltha IoIlmi_ngcond_iions: I -- Chain mOVeswhen the engine runs at Idle speed,See"2 !dteSpeed Adjustment? --Saw wi I nut d e,.See !'2, I_e Speed Adjustmenl" and "3, Low 'Speed Mixture Adjust. menU' " "_ -- I_ssofcuttlng pewer'whIchIsnot Conetted by alrifllercIeaning."$ee"5.Htgh SpeedMixture Adjustment.".; : :. : : -- Engtnediesor hesitateswhen tlshe[lid accelemte.See "4. A_celemtion Adjus!ment." • _t,WARNING Recheckl'_tespeed after e_chadius_mentbe_(>w.The chainmust not moveat idlespeed t_avoidseflousperu s_lln ups, 3. LOW SPEED MIXTURE ADJUSTMENT de.tied I_"1. Prap_mtk)n"L_low,L_fo_em_klng any_djuslmei_Is. , .. ;_ a. Ailowengine{oidle. b Turn Ihe Low Speed MixtUre Screw sIowl¥ ¢.lockwise ,,-,,k unliI the RPM sia_le,to droP Nolelheposition. " C._in theLow SpeedMI_ureS¢mw ¢o_,nle_clock. wlse _ i;nIittheRPMspeedsup_ndsla_s tod_p_g_in_ Notethe position. d. Set the Low Speed Mixture Screw al Ihem,d/' point l>_poenthe_0 posi_Ims. 4. ACCELERATION ADJUSTMENT l:JengJned[_ or_sIls_esinslead ofacceleratingolum theLowSpeedMixture _cmw 1,t16 ofalum _.tatime coLinterclockwtse _ ui_til you have smooth Br._eie_BIion. 5. HiGH SPEED MIXTURE ADJUSTMENT 2-cycte engine tf Incorrect carburetor adjust° mentse_'ema'_e_ '. . e II the unlt will not dperate properlyalter making these ad ustments "takethe u_R te y_ur Sears Serv ce Center. J • ICA.U.TLQ__!: Adjti_iments as small as !116of a turncart affect engine p#riormance, ttjs impor. tent toturnthescrewonly 1116o1 s t_!rnperadj usF menlandtesttheperlorm_nce of the sawbe|ore making fudher edjustments. _, MBkea tes_cut, b. Adiu_t,the ttigh SpeedMix_.u_e Sc{ew1;16of a lum es I01IowS: --CIoc'_wise_ i_ s_ws_es c__)ses pe_e_ --Counterclockwise _ il thesawhssspeed oulollhe:utbut lacks pOwerin 1heCul c. RepealteslcuI. . d. Continue1/16ota turn'adjgstmenlsunbl lheS_w runssmoothly incut. &w^_=_ ' _ ,_i-i _ TheohstnWillbemoving"d_itn9m0stofthispmcedure. Wear your protective gear' _d observe _IIsafety pmcaut!ons, _' i,PREPARATION a, _p engine. "' .. b. Use a Itesh toni rt)ixlurewilh prope_gas4inef oil ratio..4 c, placelhasawonaIKiIidoflal_uffa_a_dmakesure :: th_ _ain wg__oto_nl_-'tanyobject, (_[TU_ A toolean highspeed set!log(clockwise _ adjustment)wigcauseeKglnedamage to any 2,cyctc engine from overheating and tack of lubrication, Neverset thehigh speed mixtumscre_sofarctockwlse _ tha_youh_vo high engine speed but Iscl( powe_whileculting. An efl_tive appmachfoi|ows: --Turn Screw caunlerclockwlse &until engine loses powerwhile Culling, --Then,turn screw oteckwt_,'_ _'_ in 1t16_f a turn tneremenls only until |he engine has Powerwhtlecutting. d, Locate tl_ three(3) Carburetor adjusting screw openingstothedght0fiheairflits{oDvar.Figure4t. e. S artiheeng'_n_andatlowongineloidle3rninutes to warm up.The enginemust be at operating temperaturefor prepel adju_tfii_nts t obe mode. I............. //' l ...... :...... I ' _'__--_ II SPEE_ I _ SCREW LO =rll HIGHSPF,ED SdREW/ Figure 41 r - :" I " / : : ' '_ SCREW, • NOTE:It the unit wili not operatepi_pedy elter m_ingthese adjus_ments, t_kethe0n)_{oyour Sears servicecenter, 19 F. AIR E.CLUTCHA.O D.UMISP.OCKET FILTER " ' ' e A dirty air li_er: ' reduces c_tling power -- Increases tu_l consumption Do notstart engine without GuideBar, chain, and Bar ClampHouslngconlp]etelyaSsemb_, T}iei:iut_h_a_ | conle off without the ggide bar and chain_ompleteiy | assembled and serioustnjuw can i;esuit,The ;lurch | shoes and drum can separate causing the clutch to | v_oIent_y_Iyapart arid serJ, ous peTsonat injury c_,n '' r • Clean !.beaI_tIIter: : freq.uentlyLespecia[tyinveP_' dusty c_nditions, always after 10tan_s of fue_nlixlure o_5 hour of Operalton,whichever ts less. J e Rep!acetheairftltertlanydamageoccumtott. i_._[(_, Never operate the unit without th, alr ftIter iv;place to avoid danla!?,etothe e_ine e Taketl_esaw to your Sears Service Center for full ciutchinspectton and serviceafter each 100 hoursofope_tkm, tt isr_nrmended (hetyoudo not lry toservicethe ¢lutcherdrum_procket yoursM unless_u area competentsnlaf!englnem_h_n,_ andhavetheproperclut_hser_cetools. Pro_erdis_embtyan6 repairo}lhed_chts extremelyimpOrtant to the tile o| the engbe and=thesafety ot tl'_ oparsto_. gasolineor other lien1 use not DO • C_utchmaintenance lsrequIrecl when: --the chain conlinL|es to turn whileengine idles after the idlespeed screw has been adiuet_ toits capacity. --Sltppageoccurs du_ingacul, _ chattering noise occursdudng cutting. € Cteantheclutch,drum_spm_katandsurroundfr_g areadaIiydur_ng_ t_seolthesaw,Checktosee tha_1heebtch drum'|teelyandsmoothly. ' ,I Inspect the sprocket regularly for wear, A worn sprocketwillmaketha Chainrunerraticallyand wiU sheden the life of the bar and Chain, Figu_e42, r items Required! softbristledrbrUsh,suchas a pain brush." _ i ' I, CIeanoff_he'calrburetor coyerandtheareaarouedit 2. Pullchoke (o thefull position(Figure 14,page11)t( preventdi'rt_(om_teri_ t_o_bure_.or, 3, Removetl_ec,_;|bu rotorcove. ...... 4, FIemove lihe_lilllt_ carefaliy. Figure 43, 5, Rem_ s_ngla top screw_J separ_att_ h'_ohalves mab_eliquid tocleantheftlterto aNddcrest;rig Omhazard,. :, & SoakfillerIn ao_pandwater, 7, 9rushawayalldustasddeb_sf_m thefilter. 8, Atlowfillerto_iY;. 9, ReaSsemblefirst, 10. t]rushaway_lliJebris fromsurf_ Onwhichthefiitel -Isle beprecede: " 11, Replacet_ filter_znd_rburetor _ove_ • AlWayshavea worn sprocket top,cad by your .Sears Service Center whenevera new chain Is InataiI_I in o_d_ Io gain!ull life expec'e,nW _t thechatn. i, SPROCKET WEAR Figure42 Figure43 _." : G, STORAGE 3. OrainO_t_nk._ Wren your Saw Isto be sto_ed for over 30 daysatways: 4. Remove,dean,and drylhebarand cha_. _. Drainf_eltankina safemanner(see"lmpo_nt P._n|s t0 Remembe¢' page9}, 5. Store the.chainina container li_ledwi!!_O.i] tO pro- 2, Startengine a_d allowtoran at ide speed u nli!lha ,. _ngtnest_a. ' ,, l_Jelsysten1. ,.: , ,: • Wear protective gloveswhen ban-' dling lhechain. The chain.Is eheip andcan cut" ' YOUeVe_whentt snotnlov_ng, . 2O on ,eo! 7, C_ea'ni_eou(sid'es_rlacasoftl_engine, 8, Stmethe saw[nadq/placeoutofthereacher children andav_y_mWha_elue v_porscan reachsparksor open lI_rnesIf'orehoiwater heaters,lumaces,etc, . ,e ,/ :, ;i _ _, , ._ H, TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART cAusE tootLE ENGINE WILL NOTSTA_ : + I+ _, _ +; 5. ...... Ign;lion S_.,h o_f. Fwttzmkmn_. SparkPt_net f_, ESIjtn_f'_ded. Fueleo_machtng(_,tb_neto_, E Oomp_sslonlaw. ENGINE WILL NOT IDLE ' PROPERLY 8 Ix_ speed t++_ reqt+Iresad_mem. ,++Cmn+_hn+tee+mw¢+,+ +, Comp_+m+m'_. ACCELERATE, LAC!_ POWER OR OrES INTHEGUT ENGINESMOKE_ EXCESSIVELY ENGINERUNS HOT 1. Chekop_ri_d_yon, 2, Air_lt_d_tty. & Oil_chf_mixl_re. 1+ P_shCho_eln+' 2, Cl_rcormpla_a_fltter, 3` Empty_uel_snkae_q_illwithc_trect_Jel mixl, m. 4, _eeCa_bu_o+Mju_lme_ts, + + Oil{an!_empt./_ 2, Impropedya_jus_totler,(_+_equipped,) _, Oilpar_po_oilfil_r_ogged+ 4+Gulde_,rotfh_eblOCke¢ LUBRICATION Ct+A_N MOVE8AT 10LESPEED • Clulchfe_ttes_*epaJt_ CHAtNDOESNOTMOVE WHENENG+NE lS ACCELERATED CHAIN CLA_F[ERSOR OUTeROUGHLY ; .... _ _eanf_houslng, 8eeEng_sFaeIM_x_u_+ R_la_e wit_correc_pl_. Se_C_elo{Mju_$_ts, < C_e;m_atkaxtest_scteen, Cont_c_yourSe_sServiceCentt_[ _+ Fil_o{Iia_k. _, Adlu_loilet, 3+C_n_y_urS_emSe_v_ceCen_. 4+ Removeba_amf¢lean, 2. _nl_'ctyovtSe,_ Sep,_o_nle_. L _Ch_e, Ten_n+ 2, S_eCad:_u+,_to_Ad_ustmei_ts. 3, Repatrorteplar.e, 4. Conbclyo_tSea_ServiceCenlet. 1. ChainI_r_s_on incorr_ 2. C_tle+Sr_ma_d_ltermrikingbr_lOn mat,_tial+ 3. Chin we_,r_u_ to¢0n_tw_thditt, san_ l, SeeChahTenston+ 2. Contact _ SP.a,__vlceCen_ /, 4. C-+_++_dulI,imp+ope_tysh_aper_ed;deFIh • g,_vgestooh+h, ++ £ Sp_;_c_|worn. ' I+ 2, & 4, 5, 6. C]eanorrepl_t_flIter, CIoBnc<'+epl_ceS_t_pklg_d+'e_jeF CO_bClyoutBe_tPs_e_eCentet, eeeC_rbutebrAdjg=,'l'_q_. (_nte_you_'$e_sServ_eC=ntar. 1+ Ch_te_sto_,t_,oil_ht+ 2, Calbumto_req_]_es_dj_me_L & Ge_e_mraitspl_ched, 4. Ciutcflslipping+ _. CHNN STOPS WiTHtN THE CUT increase sp._d. 2, Ad}_l,_t t(_ _ipee_scr¢
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