Craftsman 536797571 User Manual EDGER Manuals And Guides L0204040

CRAFTSMAN Edger Manual L0204040 CRAFTSMAN Edger Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Edger installation guides

User Manual: Craftsman 536797571 536797571 CRAFTSMAN EDGER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN EDGER #536797571. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman EDGER Manual

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OWNER'SMANUALMODEL NO.536.797571Caution:Read and FollowAll Safety Rulesand InstructionsBefore OperatingThis EquipmentCRAFTSMRN 3.5 HORSEPOWER9 INCHEDGER/TRIMMERAssemblyOperationCustomer ResponsibilitiesService and Adjustments•Repair PartsSEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.Part No. 336765
SAFETY RULES-- CAUTION: ALWAYS DISCONNECT SPARK PLUG WIRE AND PLACE WIRE WHERE IT/_.C NOTCO.TACTSPARKP'UGTOPREVENTAOC.DENTALSTA.T,NGWHENSETAT,NGuP,TRANSPORT,NG.ADJUST,NGORMAK,.GREPA,RSBEFORE USERead the owner'smanual carefully. Be thoroughlyfamiliarwiththe controlsand the proper use of theedger/trimmer.Know howto stopthe edger/trimmeranddisengagethecontrols quickly.•Do not operate the edger/trimmer without wearingadequate outer garments. Wear footwear that willimprovefootingon slipperysurfaces.•Keep the area of operation clear of all persons,particularlysmallchildrenand pets.• Thoroughly inspectthe area wherethe edger/trimmeris to be used and remove allforeignobjects.FUEL SAFETY• Handle fuel withcare; it is highlyflammable.•Use an approved container.•Chackfuelsupplybeforeeach use,allowingspaceforexpansionasthe heat of the engineand/or suncancause fuelto expand.•Fillfueltank outdoorswithextreme care.Neverfill fueltankindoors.Replacefuel tankcap securelyandwipeup spilledfuel.• Never remove the fuel tank cap or add fuel to arunningor hot engine.•Neverstorefuel oredger/trimmerwithfuelinthetankinsidea buildingwhere fumes may reach an openflame.•Never operate the edger/trimmer at high transportspeeds on slipperysurfaces. Look behind and usecare when backing.•Never allow bystandersnear the edger/trimmer.•Keep childrenand pets awaywhile operating.•Never operatethe edger/trimmerwithoutgoodvisibil-ity or light.•Donot runtheengineindoors. The exhaustfumesaredangerous (containingCARBON MONOXIDE, anODORLESS and DEADLY GAS).• Take allpossibleprecautionswhen ioaving tbe edger/trimmer unattended,Stop the engine.•Do not overload the edger/trimmer capacity by at-temptingto edge too deep at too fast a rate.SAFE STORAGE•Always referto the owner'smanual storagesectionfor imporfantdetails if the edger/trimmer is to bestored for an extended period.•Neverleavethe edger/trimmerwithfuelinthefueltankinsidea building where ignitionsourcesare presentsuchas waterandapace heaters,clothesdryers,andthe like.Allowthe engineto cool before placinginanyenclosure.• Keep the edger/tdmmer in safe working condition.Check all fasteners at frequent inte_,als for propertightness.OPERATING SAFETY REPAIR/ADJUSTMENTS SAFETY•Never allowchildrenor young teenagers to operatethe edger/trimmer.Keep them away while it isoper-ating.Neveraliowadultstooperatethe edger/trimmerwithoutproperinslruction.•Always wear safety glasses or eye shields duringoperationorwhileperforming an adjustmentorrepairto protectyoureyesfromforeignobjectsthat maybethrownfrom the edger/trimmer.•DOnotputhandsorfeet nearor underrotatingparts.•Exemiseextremecautionwhenoperatingonorcross-inggraveldrives,walks,orroads.Stayalertforhiddenhazardsortraffic.Exercise cautionto avoid slippingor falling.Never operate the edger/trimmer wilhout properguards, plates,or other safety protectivedevices inplace.After striking aforeignobject,stopthe engine(motor).Removethe wire from the spark plug, and keep thewire away from the plug to prevent accidental starting.Thoroughly inspectthe edger/trimmer for any dam-age, and repair the damage before restarting andoperating the edger/trimmer.If the edger/trimmer should start to vibrate abnor-mally,stop the engine (motor)and checkimmediatelyfor the cause. Vibration is generally a warning oftrouble.LOOK FOR THIS SYMBOL TO POINT OUT IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. IT MEANS-,ATTENTION!!! BECOME ALERT!!! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED.•Stop the blade whenever you leave the operatingposition.Also, stopthe engine and disconnect thespark plugwirebefore uncloggingthe bladeandwhenmaking any repairs,adjustments,or inspections.•When cleaning, repairing,or inspecting,shutofftheengineandmakecertainallmovingpartshavestopped.•Never attempt to make any adjustmentswhile theengine is running (except when specificallyrecom-mended bythe manufacturer). I2

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