Craftsman C950524312A User Manual DUAL STAGE SNOW BLOWER Manuals And Guides L0511284
CRAFTSMAN Snowthrower, Gas Manual L0511284 CRAFTSMAN Snowthrower, Gas Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Snowthrower, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Craftsman C950524312A C950524312A CRAFTSMAN DUAL STAGE SNOW BLOWER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your CRAFTSMAN DUAL STAGE SNOW BLOWER #C950524312A. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Craftsman Parts:Craftsman DUAL STAGE SNOW BLOWER Manual
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S _ARS Owners manual Model C950524312A 11.5 H.P, 30 inch DUAL STAG SNOW BLOWER CAUTION: You must read and understand this owner's manual before operating unit. Serial No. 401428 SEARS CANADA INC., TORONTO, ONTARIO M5B 2B8 Printed inU.S.A. RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION General Information HazardSymbolsend the meanings Thisinstruction bookiswritten fora personwithsomemechanical ability. Ukemostservicebooks,notallthestepsaredescribed. Stepson howto loosenortightenfastenersarestepsanyone canfollowwithsome mechanicalability. Readandfollowtheseinstructions beforeyouusethe unit. Thesesymbols areusedonyourequipment anddefinedinYouroperating manual. Reviewandunderstand themeanings. Theuseofoneof these symbols combined witha signalwordwillalertyoutopotential hazards andhowtoavoidthem. Knowyourproduct:Ifyouunderstand theunitandhowtheunit operates, youwillgetthebestperformance. Asyoureadthis manual, compare the illustrations totheunit.Leamthe location andthefunctionof thecontrols. Tohetpprevent anaccident, fellowtheoperafing instructions andthesafetyrules.Keepthismanualforfuturereference. IMPORTANT: Manyunitsarenotassembled andaresoldincartons. Itis theresponsibility oftheownertomakesuretheassembly instructions in this manualareexactly followed. Otherunitsarepurchased inan assembled condition. Onassembled units,itistheresponsibility ef the ownertomakesuretheunitiscorrectly assembled. Theownermust carefully checktheunitaccording totheinstrustions inthismanualbefore it isfirstused. ,_ Safety Identifies safety Information hazardsAlert that - can result in personal Injury, about _]]] perator's Manual any - Read and or understand before performing activity running equipment. _ RutaUng auger Fire Rotating impeller _ Explosion Toxic fumes Shock ,_1_ Thismanual contains safetyinformation tomake you awareofthehazards anddsks associated withsnow throwers, andhowtoavoidthem. Thesnowthrower isdesigned and intended forremoval ofsnow,andshould not beusedforanyother purpose, it isimportant thatyoureadandunderstand these instructions, andanyone operating theequipment readand understand theseinstructions. li_ Rotating gears HotSu_ace /_ • ,_WARNING Theengineexhaust fromthisproduct contains chemicals known tothe StateofCalifornia tocausecancer,birthdefects,orotherrepmducUve harm. A signalword(DANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION)isusedwiththealert symbol toindicate thelikelihood andthe potential severity ofinjury.In addition, a hazardsymbol maybeusedtorepresent thetypeofhazard. 14._? DANGERindicates a hazardwhich,ifnotavoided, willresultin deathor seriousInjury. _1= WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich,ifnotavoided, couldresult in deathor seriousInjury. _. CAUTIONindicates a hazardwhich,if notavoided, mightresult in minoror moderateinjury. CAUTION,whenusedwithoutthealertsymbolindicates a sifuatonthatcouldresultIn damagetothe equipment, remove Shot off spark engineplug and connector before pertormlng maintenance or repair work. (_ 2 Keep the from a safe equlpmenL distance rotating parts,Into ever reach _ :_mt. ,_ Thrown objects protection for Recommended extended use. ear RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION OperatingSymbolsand their meanings These symbolsare usedon yourequipmentenddefinedin youroperating manuel. It is importantthat youreviewand understandthe meanings. Failureto understandthe symbolsmightresultin harmto you. Oil _,_ Forward Fuel On Off J_ _\_ N Neutral Reverse Primerbulb Throttle I+1 Ch.oo Ch.on (_ Ignition On (_ Ignition Off Ignition _DANGER -_ Slow Fast Pushto engage electric start _) Electric Start Engage (_ Engine Start Traction _) Engine Run Auger Collector _ Engine Off Auger Clutch Drive Clutch _ Heated Grips Engage _-_ Disengage Discharge Chute LEFT • Neverattempttodearaugerofdebdsorclogged snowwhJeequipment is engagedorengineis running. Cloggedorblocked augersstoreenergy andcanrotateunexpectedly, EVENWITHENGINEOFf • Stopengineanddisconnect sparkplugwirewhenperforming maintenance onequipment. • Neverleavetheequipment unattended whileengineisrunning. Nways disengage theaugerendtraction controls, stopengine,andremovekeys. • Keepchildren, pets,andothersoutofthe areadudngoperation. Children areo_enattracted totheequipment. Beminclfut ofallparsonspresent. • Keepalllooseclothingfarawayfromfrontofsnowthrowerendauger. Scarves,mittens,dangling drawstdngs looseclothesandpantscan qucklybecomecaughtintherotatingdeviceanddismemberment will occur."fieuplonghairendremovejewelry. • Thesnowthrower isintendedtoremovesnowonly.Donotusefor purposes otherthenwhatisintended. • Donotclearsnowacmssthefaceofslopes.Exercise extremecaution when changing direction onslopes.Donotattempttoclearsteepslopes. • Donotusethesnowthroweronsurfacesabovegroundlevelsuchas reefs ofresidences, garages,perchesorothersuchstructures orbuildings. Key Stop _/_ _kDANGER RIGHT Chute Deflector UP DOWN • Unclogging thedischarge chuteisa hazardous activity. Clogged or blockedaugersstoreenergyendcan rotateunexpectedly. • Neverplacehandsin orneardischarge chute. • WithengineOFF,waitforall movingpartstoceasemovement, thenwitha stick,clearthechute.Evenwithengineoff,partsmayrotateend dismemberment canoccur. • Cloggedsnowcanhideotherobstructions inthechuteandcausedamage totheequipment, impellerorauger.Takeprecautions whenrestating the equipment altersnowremoval. RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION _I=DANGER ,_WARNING WHEN ADDING FUEL • Beawareofyourenvironment whileoperating equipment. Running over itemssuchas,gravel,doormats, newspapars,toys,androckshidden undersnow,canallbethrownfrom chuteorjamintheauger. • Alwaysbeawareofthedirection the snowisbeingthrown. Nearby pedestrians, petsor property maybeharmedbyobjectsbeingthrown. • Familiarize yourself withtheareayouplantowork.Markoffbeundadasof walkwaysanddriveways topreventproperty damagefromthrownobjects. • Takecaution whensnowthrowinginunfamiliar areas.Stayalertforhidden hazardsandtraffic. • Afterstdkinga foreignobject,turnengineOFF,w_ for movingpartsto ceasemovement, andcheckimmediately fordamage.If damaged,repair beforestarting andoperating snowthrower. • W'dhengineOFF,waitformovingpadsto stopandalwaysusea stickto cleardischarge chute. • If unitvibratesaboormally, turnengineOFRVibration isgenerally a warningoftrouble.Seaanauthorized dealerif necessary for repairs. • TurnengineOFFandletenginecoolat least2 minutesbeforeremoving gascap. • RIIfueltankoutdoors or inweli-ventilatad area. • Donotoverfill fuel tank. • Keepgasolineawayfromsparks,openflames,pilotlights,heat,andother k3nition sources. • Checkfuellines,tank,cap,andfittings frequentlyfor cracksor leaks. Replaceifnecessary. WHEN STARTING ENGINE • • • • Makesuresparkplug,muffler,fuel capandaircleanerarein place. Donotcrankenginewithsparkplugremoved. fffuelspills,waituntilit evaporates beforestarting engine. if enginefloods,setchoketoOPEN/RUNpostiion, placethrottleinFAST andcrankunfitenginestarts. WHEN OPERATINGEQUIPMENT • Donot chokecarburetor to stopengine. WHEN TRANSPORTING EQUIPMENT • Transport withfueltank EMPTY. WHEN STORING GASOLINEOR EQUIPMENT WITH FUEL IN TANK • Storeawayfromfurnaces,stoves,waterheatersor otherap_liancas that havepilotlightorotherignitionsourcebecause theycanignitegasaline vapors, • Keephandsandfeetawayfromrataitnggears. • "fieuplonghairandremovejewelry. • Donotwearloose-fitting _thing, dangling drawstrings oritemsthatcould becomecaught. _I=WARNING • Startandrunengineoutdoors. • Donotstartorrunenginein enclosed area,evenif dooms or windows areopen. • Ifthereisnaturalor LPgasleakageIn area,donotstartengine. • Donutuseprassodzed staringfluidsbecausevaporsareflammable. WARNING &WARN,NG • Allowmuffler,enginecylinder andfinstocoo_beforetouching. • Removeaccumulated combustibles from mufflerareaandcylinder area. • Installandmaintain in working ordera sparkarresterbeforeusing equipment onforest-cavered, grass-cavered, brush-cavared unimproved land.ThestateofCalifornia requiresthisSection4442of the California PublicResources Cede. Otherstatesmayhavesimilar laws.Federalewsapplyonfederalland. BEFORE PERFORMINGADJUSTMENTS OR REPAIRS • Disconnect sparkplugwireandkeepit awayfromsparkplug. WHEN TESTING FOR SPARK • Useapproved sparkplugtester. • Donotcheckfor sparkwithsparkplugremoved. OWNER'S INFORMATION DATE PURCHASED: Horse Power 11.5 HP MODEL NO: Displacement 305 cc SERIAL NO: Gasoline Capacity 3 quarts (2.8 litre) Oil Capacity (5W30) 28 oz. (0.82 litres) Spark Plug: (Gap .030 in.) Champion RC12YC Bore 3.120 in (79 mm) Stroke 2.438 in (62 mm) 0.010-0.014in (0.25-0.36 mm) STORE WHERE PURCHASED: ADDRESS: CITY: PROVINCE: TELEPHONE : _Recordthis information about your unit so that you will be able to provide it in case of loss or theft. Armature Air Gap IT ire Pressure * See side ofthe tirefor maximuminflation.Do notexceed the maximumpressure on the tire wall. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CUSTOMER The Craftsman Warranty, plus a Maintenance Agreement, provide maximum value for Sears products. Contact your nearest Sears store for details. RESPONSIBILITIES Read and observe the safety rules. Follow a regular schedule in maintaining, caring for and using your snow blower. Follow the instructions under "Customer Responsibilities" and "Storage" sections of this owner's manual. WHEELED SNOW BLOWER LIMITED TWO (2)YEAR WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN SNOW BLOWER For two (2) years from date of purchase, Sears Canada Inc. will repair or replace free of charge, at Sears option, parts which are defective as a result of material or workmanship. COMMERCIAL OR RENTAL USE: Warranty on snow blower will be 90 days from date of purchase if used for commercialor rental purposes. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER: 1. Pre-delivery set-up. 2. Expendable items which become worn duringnormal use, such as belts, spark plugs,filter,shear pinsas well as damages to the engine resulting from operating the snow blower with insufficientoil. 3. Tire replacement or repair caused by puncturesfrom outside objects, such as nails, thorns, stumps or glass. 4. In home service. Warranty service is available by returning the Craftsman snow blower to the nearest Sears Service Centre/Department in Canada. This warranty applies only while this product is in use in Canada. This warranty is in addition to any statutorywarranty and does NOT exclude or limit legal rights you may have but shall run concurrently with applicable provincial legislation. Furthermore, some provinces do not allow limitations on how Ion an implied warranty will last so the above limitations may not apply to you. SEARS CANADA INC., TORONTO, ONTARIO M5B 2B8 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS HAZARD SYMBOLS AND THE MEANINGS .......... 2 OPERATING TIPS .............................. 19 OPERATING SYMBOLS AND THEIR MEANINGS ..... 3 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS ................... 20 OWNER'S INFORMATION .......................... 5 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES .................. 21 ASSEMBLY ....................................... 7 TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY .............. 7 CONTENTS OF SHIPPING CARTON .............. 7 PARTS BAGS CONTENTS: ....................... 7 UNPACKING .................................... 8 UPPER HANDLE AND CRANK ASSEMBLY ......... 9 CHECK THE CABLES ............................ 9 HOW TO SET THE LENGTH OF THE CABLES ..... 9 SPEED SELECT LEVER ........................ 10 SNOW CHUTE ASSEMBLY ...................... 11 OPERATION ..................................... OPERATING CONTROLS ....................... 12 SNOW BLOWER ............................... 21 LUBRICATION AT STORAGE .................... 21 LUBRICATION - EVERY 10 HOURS .............. 21 LUBRICATION - EVERY 25 HOURS .............. 22 ENGINE ....................................... 23 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR ........................... AUGER HOUSING HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 24 ....... 24 TO ADJUST SCRAPER BAR ..................... 24 TO ADJUST SKID HEIGHT ...................... 24 HOW TO REMOVE THE SNOW HOOD ........... 25 BELTADJUSTMENT ............................ 26 HOW TO REPLACE THE BELTS ................. 27 BELT GUIDE ADJUSTMENT ..................... 30 12 SNOW BLOWER OPERATION ................... 13 WHEEL LOCK OUT PIN ......................... 14 BEFORE STARTING ENGINE .................... 15 CHECK THE OIL ............................... 15 FILL GAS ...................................... 15 BEFORE STOPPING THE ENGINE ............... TO STOP ENGINE .............................. HOW TO CHECK AND ADJUST THE CABLES .... 30 AUGER DRIVE CABLE ADJUSTMENT ............ 30 TRACTION DRIVE CABLE ADJUSTMENT ......... 31 16 HOW TO ADJUST OR REPLACE THE FRICTION WHEEL ....................... 32 16 AUGER SHEAR BOLT REPLACEMENT ........... 35 TO START ENGINE ............................ .16 STORAGE ....................................... 36 FROZEN STARTER ............................ .18 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART ..................... 37 HOW TO CLEAR A CLOGGED DISCHARGE CHUTE .18 REPAIR PARTS .................................. 38 HOW TO USE THE CLEAN-OUT TOOL .......... ORDER REPAIR PARTS ........................... 67 .18 ASSEMBLY TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY CONTENTS 1 - Knife 1- Snow Blower 2 2 2 1 1 1- Container of Fuel Stabilizer (Located in Parts Bag) - 1/2" wrenches (or adjustable wrenches) 9/16" wrenches (or adjustable wrenches) 3/4" wrenches (or adjustable wrenches) 3/8" wrenches (or adjustable wrenches) Pair pliers or screw driver (to spread cotter pin) OF SHIPPING CARTON 1- Snow Chute Assembly 1- Crank Assembly 1- Parts Bag HOW TO MEASURE SCREW SIZE LENGTH _ DIAMETER _b WARNING: Always wear safety glasses or eye shields while assembling snow blower. PARTS BAGS CONTENTS: * 2-1/4-20 x 1.75 "2-Spacer * 2H-Jx/4n"u20 O © * 2 - Wrenches 2- Shifter Knobs *Non Assembly parts are found in toolbox located on top of belt cover. 7 ASSEMBLY Figure 1 shows the snow blower in the shippingposition. Figure 2 shows the snow blower completely assembled. Reference to right and left hand side of the snow blower is from the operator's position at the handle. UNPACKING 1. Locate the two tear tabs at the bottom of the carton, 2. Pull the tear tape no more than twelve inches (30.48cm.) at a time. Re-grasp tape next to the carton and pull again. Repeat until all the tape is torn off. Auger Drive Clutch Lever Traction Drive Traction Drive Cable Assembly 3. After the tape has been completely removed from the carton, remove the carton from the base. Cut all four corners and fold the sides toward the center for easy disposal. 4. Speed Selector Lever Auger Drive Cable J Crank Assembly Snow Chute Deflector Remove the plastic bag that covers the unit. _rHousing 5. Locate and remove the parts bag. NOTE: Set the fuel stabilizer aside until adding gasoline to the fuel tank. We recommend that fuel stabilizer is added to the fuel each time that gasoline is added to the fuel tank. Screw 6. 7. For shipping purposes, the height adjust skids are attached to the pallet. Remove the screw that secures each height adjust skid to the pallet. (See Figure 2). Skid Figure 2 Roll the snow blower off the carton by pulling on the lower handle. CAUTION: DO NOT back over cables. Traction Drive Lever 8. Remove the packing materialfrom the handle assembly. Cable \ 9. Cut ties securing the clutch control cables to the lower handle. NOTE: If the cables have become disconnected from the clutch levers, reinstall the cables as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 ASSEMBLY UPPER HANDLE AND CRANKASSEMBLY [/ Adaptor Boot! 1. 2. Loosen, but do not remove the screws, flatwashers, lockwashers and hex nuts in the upper holes of the lower handle. f _ Flatwashe_ \ F Lockwasher_ D, Locknut Remove the fasteners and the crank assembly eyebolt from the lower holes of the lower handle. ! Bo_ \ 3. Raise upper handle into operating position. Upper handle should be to the outside of the lower handle. Eye Bolt \ Flatwasher Fiatwasher Figure 4 NOTE: Make sure the cables are not caught between the upper and lower handle. 4. Install the fasteners and the crank assembly eyebolt that were removed in step 2. DO NOT tighten until all fasteners are in place. 5. Attach the crank rod to the universal joint assembly with the hair pin (see Figure 5). 6. Tighten nut on eye bolt. Make sure eye bolt is properly aligned and the crank can freely rotate. 7. Tighten all handle bolts. Assembly NOTE: Make sure crank does not touch carburetor cover. Universal Joint CHECKTHECABLES Traction Drive Cable 1. If control cables have become unattached from motor mount frame, reconnect cables as shown in Figure 6. 2. For cable adjustments, see "How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in the ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR section. HOW TO SET THE LENGTH OF THE CABLES The cables were adjusted at the factory and no adjustments should be necessary. However, after the handles are put in the operating position, the cables can be too tight or too loose. If an adjustment is necessary, see "How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in the Service And Adjustment section. 9 Auger Drive Cable Figure 5 ASSEMBLY SPEED 1, SELECT LEVER Cut plastic tie securing speed select lever assembly to the shifter bracket. (See Figure 7) Shifter Bracke_ 2. Remove Iocknut, washer, spring, and the bolt. Figure 9) (See 3. Position speed selector lever assembly as shown in Figure 8. 4. Reinstall bolt, spring, washer and Iocknut. (See Figure 9) 5. Tighten Iocknut until 1/8 to 3/16 inch of the bolt threads protrude past the locknut. 6. Thread the 3/8-16" hex jam nut onto the lever until the nut reaches the end of the thread. (See Figure 9) 7. Thread the plastic knob as far as possible and ensure that the knob points forward. 8. Tighten the 3/8-16" hex jam nut against the knob securely. 9, Move shifterthroughall speeds to ensure proper tension of the spring. If shifter lever sticks in any of the notches, loosen Iocknut 1/2 turn at a time until shifter lever moves more freely. Figure7 Control Panel Figure 8 NOTE: View is trorn rightside of unit standing in operator's position. Plastic Knob"_,_-'_ (pointed forward) 3"8 (.J--_// _ 6" " / -1 Hex,Jam Nut Shifter Bracket Control Panel Lccknut 1/8 to 3/8 inch of Spring Figure 9 lO ASSEMBLY SNOW 1. CHUTE ASSEMBLY Positionthe snow chute onto the snow chute flange, Align the three holes in the snow chute with holes in snow chute flange. (See Figure 10) Chute Extension \ Snow Chute Deflector 2, Place three 5/16-18 carriage boltsfrom inside of chute as shown in Figure 10. (hardware is found in parts bag) 3. Place three 5/16-18 flatwashers and three 5/16-18 nuts on outside of flange. 4. Carriage Bolts "-"'- Flatwasher Tighten all carriage bolts securely. Flange Figure 10 NOTE: DO NOT overtigten carriage bolts. CHECK THE TIRES IMPORTANT! OPERATING The tires were over inflated for shipment. Check the tire pressure in the tires. See the sidewall of the tire for the proper inflation. BEFORE YOU START Check the fasteners. Make sure all fasteners are tight. O On electric start models, the unit was shipped with the starter cord plugged into the engine. Before operating, unplug the starter cord from the engine. NOTE: This snow blower was shipped WITH OIL in the engine. See "Before Starting Engine" instructions In the Operation section of this manual before starting engine. 11 I OPERATION Get to know your snow blower and its controls. Be sure you (or any other operator) have read and understoodthe Operation Precautions listed on page 2 of this manual. Choke Control Gas Tank Auger Drive Clutch Lever Primer Button Traction Drive Clutch Lever \ Traction Ddve Cable Crank Assembly Deflector Safety Key Height Adjust Skid Figure 11 ENGINE AND SNOW BLOWER OPERATING The engine operating controls and their functions are as follows: CONTROLS Auger Drive Clutch Lever- Used to engage and disengage the auger and impeller.To engage push down, to disengage release. Choke Control- Set choke controlto ON CHOKE position to start a cold engine. Electric Start Button- Used to start the engine using the 120 volt electric starter. Traction Drive Clutch Lever- Used to propel snow blower forward or reverse. Push down to engage, release to disengage. Prime Button- Used to inject fuel directly into carburetor manifoldto insure fast starts in cool weather. Snow Chute Deflector- Changes the direction the snow is blown. Safety Key- Must be inserted into ignitionkey slot to start engine. Pull out to stop. Do not turn safety key. Starter Handle- Starts the engine manually. Crank- Used to change direction of the snow discharge. Turn handle clockwise to turn chute to right. Turn handle counter clockwise to turn chute to left. The snow blower operating controls and their functions are as follows: Height Adjust Skid- Used to adjust ground clearance of auger housing (see To Adjust Skid Height in the Adjustment/Repair section of this manual). Speed Select Lever- Allows the operator to use one of six (6) forward and two (2) reverse speeds.To shift,move speed select lever to desired position. Toolbox - Spare shear pins, shear bolt wrenches and spacers are located in toolbox. NOTE: Do not move speed select lever while Traction Drive Clutch is engaged. This may result in severe damage to drive system. 12 Clean-Out Tool - Use the clean-outtoolto remove snow and debirs from the discharge chute and the auger housing. OPERATION result The operation in severeofeye anydamage. snow blower Alwayscan wear result safety in foreign glassesobjects or eye shields being thrown before into beginning the eyes,which snow blower can Operation. We recommend standard safety glasses or Wide Vision Safety Mask for over spectacles. SNOW BLOWER OPERATION ,_ WARNING: Read Owner's Manual before operating machine. This machine can be dangerous if used carelessly. Never operate the snow blower without all guards, covers, and shields In place. Never direct discharge towards windows or allow bystanders near machine while engine is running. Stop the engine whenever leaving the operating position. The most effective use of the snow blower willbe established by experience, taking into consideration the terrain, wind conditions and building location which will determine the direction of the discharge chute. NOTE: Do not blow snow towards a building as hidden objects could be blown with sufficient force to cause damage. 1. Start the engine as described in section"To Start Engine" (see Figure 13). 2. Adjust snow chute deflector. Loosen wingnut on the side of the snow chute and raise chute deflector for more distance. Tighten wing nut. (see Figure 12). 3. Using crank, position the discharge chute to discharge snow with the wind. 4. Select proper speed for snow conditions as outlined below and set speed select lever to desired position. Disconnect spark plug before unclogging the impeller housing or the discharge chute and before making repairs or adjustments. When leaving the machine, remove the safety key. To reduce the risk of fire, keep the machine clean and free from spilled gas, oil and debris. Tee Knobs NOTE: Always release traction drive clutch lever before moving speed select lever. Ground speed is determined by snow conditions. Select the speed you desire by moving the speed selector into the appropriate colored area on the control panel. 1-2 Wet, Heavy, Slushy, Extra Deep 3 Moderate 4-5 Very Ught 6 Transport Only Figure 12 Traction Ddve Auger Drive ged Disengaged_ .._._ ClutchLever is_l_ a NOTE: When clearing wet, heavy snow, it is recommended that the ground speed of the unit be reduced and do not attempt to clear the full width of the unit. Engaged For additional operating instructions see "Operating Tips" in this section of the manual. 5. 6, '_ J Engaged Figure 13 Engage auger drive clutch lever (right hand-Figure 13). 7. To stop forward motion, release traction drive clutch lever (left hand - Figure 13). IMPORTANT: Be sure front of unit is clear of bystanders or obstacles before operating. 8. To stop auger, release auger drive clutch lever (right hand - Figure 13). Engage traction drive clutch lever (lefthand-Figure 13). As the snow blower starts to move, maintain a firm hold on the handles and guide the snow blower along the cutting path. Do not attempt to push the snow blower. g. To move the snow blower backwards, move speed select lever into first or second reverse and engage traction drive clutch lever (left hand). To stop, release traction drive clutch lever. 13 OPERATION WHEEL LOCK OUT PIN 1. The rightwheel is secured to the axle with a klickpin. This unit was shipped with this klick pin in the locked position. (Figure 14). 2. For ease of maneuverability when lighter conditions prevail, remove klick pin from wheel locked position and insen into single wheel drive (unlocked) position (Figure 15). Make sure that the klick pin is in the single wheel drive position of the axle only and not through the locked position. Locked Position NOTE: Check tire pressure (24 pounds). See side of tire for maximum inflation, Do not exceed listed maximum pressure. Figure 14 Single Wheel Drive Position (Unlocked) Figure 15 14 OPERATION BEFORE STARTING ENGINE 1. Fill the fuel tank with fresh, clean, unleaded regular, unleaded premium, or reformulated automotive gasoline with a minimum of 85 octane along with a fuel stabilizer (follow instructions on fuel stabilizer package). DO NOT use leaded gasoline. We recommend that fuel stabilizer be added to the fuel each time that gasoline is added to the fuel tank. Check the oil NOTE: The engine was shipped from the factory filled with oil. Check the level of the oil Add oil as needed. 1, Make sure the unit is level. Use a high quality detergent oil classified "For Service SG, SH, SJ, SL, or higher". 2, Remove the oil fill cap/dipstick and wipe with a clean cloth (see Figure 16). 3. Insert the oilfillcap/dipstick and turn clockwise to tighten. 4. Remove the oil fill cap/dipstick and check the oil NOTE: Winter grade gasoline has higher volatility to improve starting. Be certain container is clean and free from rust or other foreign particles. Never use gasoline that may be stale from long periods of storage in the container. CAUTION: DO NOT use gasoline containing any amount of alcohol as it can cause sedous damage to the engine or significantly reduce the performance. NOTE: Do not check the level of the oil while the engine runs. 5. If necessary, add oil until the oil reaches the FULL mark on the oil fill/capdipstick (see Figure 16). Do not add too much oil. 6. caution when handling or storingAlways gasoline. ARNING: Gasoline is flammable. use Turn engine off and let engine cool at least two minutes before removing the gas cap. Do not add gasoline to the fuel tank while snow blower is running, hot, or when snow blower is in an enclosed area. Keep away from open flame, electrical sparks and DO NOT SMOKE while filling the fuel tank. Never fill the fuel tank completely; but fill the fuel tank to within 1-1/2 inch (3.8 mm) from the top to provide space for the expansion of the fuel. Always fill fuel tank outdoors and use a funnel or spout to prevent spilling, Make sure to wipe up any spilled fuel before starting the engine. Store gasoline in a clean, approved container, and keep the cap in place on the container. Keep gasoline in a cool well ventilated place; never in the house. Never buy more than a 30 day supply of gasoline to assure volatility. Gasoline Is intended to be used as a fuel for internal combustion engines; therefore, do not use gasoline for any other purpose. Since many children like the smell of gasoline, keep it out of their reach because the fumes are dangerous to inhale, as well as being explosive. _k Tighten the fill cap/dipstick securelyeach time you check the oil level. NOTE: For extreme cold operating conditions of 0°F (-18 ° C) and below, use a synthetic 5W30 motor oil for easier starting. NOTE: S.A.E. 5W30 motor oil may be used to make starting easier in areas where the temperature is 20 ° F. (-7 ° C) to O°F (-18 ° C). Synthetic 5W30 is acceptable for all temperatures. DO NOT mix oil with gasoline, NOTE: SEE CHART FOR OIL RECOMMENDATION TEMPERATURE 0°F (-18 ° TYPE OF OIL C) and above S.A.E. 5W30 0°F (-18 ° C) and below synthetic 5W30 Oil Fill Cap/Dipstick SAE VISCOSITY GRADES =,- WJ JBJ °F °C 20 I • -30 0 I i -20 20 I ¶ -10 32 • • 0 40 • % • 10 FILL GAS This engine is certified to operate on gasoline. Exhaust Emission Control System: EM (Engine Modifications) Figure 16 15 OPERATION BEFORE STOPPING THE ENGINE Run the engine for a few minutes to help dry off any moisture on the engine. TO STOP ENGINE CAUTION: To stop the engine, do not move the choke control to CHOKE position. Backfire or engine damage can occur. 2. 1. Push the stop switch to the OFF position. Pull out the safety key. Safety Key Stop Switch Figure 18 Figure 17 TO START ENGINE Be sure that engine oil is at FULL mark on the oil fill cap/dipstick. The snow thrower engine is equipped with a 120 volt A.C. electric starter and recoil starter. Before starting the engine, be certain that you have read the following information. _lb WARNING: electric is equipped with a three-wire The power cordstarter and plug designed to operate on 120 volt AC house hold current. The power cord must be properly grounded at all times to avoid the possibility of electric shock which can cause injury to the operator. Follow all instructions carefully as set forth below: Make sure your house has a three-wire grounded system. If you ere not sure, ask • licensed electrician. If your house does not have a three-wire grounded system, do not use this electric starter under any condition. If engine floods, set the choke to the OPEN/RUN position and crank until the engine starts. _lb WARNING: (kickback) will Rapid pullretraction your handoforthe armstarter towardcord the engine faster than you can let go of the starter cord. • When starting the engine, slowly pull the starter cord until resistance is felt. Then rapidly pull the starter cord. If your house has a three-wire grounded system but a three hole receptacle is not available to connect the electric starter, have a three-hole receptacle installed by a licensed electrician. • Make sure components; such as impellore, pulleys or sprockets, are securely attached. _IL WARNING: To connect a 120 cord volt power always connect the power first tocord, the switch box located on the engine and then plug the other end into a three-hole grounded receptacle. WARNING: disconnect the power always unplugTothe end connected to thecord, threehole grounded receptacle first. 16 OPERATION Choke Knob Primer Safety Key Starter Motor Recoil Starter Handle Stop Switch Figure 19 How To Start A Cold Engine 1, Be sure auger drive and traction drive levers are in the disengaged (RELEASED) position. 9. 2. 3. Push thestop switch to the ON position (see Figure 19). Push in the safety key. 4. Rotate the choke knob to the CHOKE position. 10. Allow the engine to warm up for several minutes. As the engine warms up, adjust the choke knob toward the RUN position. Walt untilthe engine runs smoothly before each choke adjustment. 5. (Electric Start) Plug the power cord intothe starter motor on the engine. Plug the other end of power cord into a three-hole, grounded 120 VOLT, AC receptacle. 6. Push the primer button as specifiedbelow. Remove finger from primer button between pushes. 11. (Electric Start) First disconnect power cordfrom receptacle. Then, disconnectthe power cord from the switch box. If after following the preceding instructions,your engine fails to start, have the engine checked by an Authorized Sears Service Outlet. • Push two times if temperutureis 15° F (-9 ° (3) or higher. • Push four times if temperature is below 15° F (-9 ° C). 7, If the engine does not start in 5 or 6 tries, See Difficult Starting in the 'Troubleshooting Table". NOTE: Do not lose the safety/ignition key. Keep the safety/ignition key is a safe place. The engine will not start without the safety/ignition key. (Electric Start) Connect the power cord to the engine and depress the starter button. To prolongthe life of the starter, do not crank for more than 5 seconds at a time. Wait one minute between startsto allowthe starter motor to cool. How To Start A Warm Engine 8. (Recoil Start) Slowlypull the recoil starter handle until resistance isfelt and then pull repidlyto start the engine. Do not allow the recoil starter handle to snap back. Slowly return the recoil starter handle. If restarting a warm engine after a shortshutdown,leave the choke lever in the off position and do not push the primer button. If the engine fails to start, follow the Cold Start instructions. 17 OPERATION FROZEN STARTER closed, poorly ventilated areas.indoors Engineor exhaust WARNING: Never run engine In encontains CARBON MONOXIDE, AN ODORLESS AND DEADLY GAS. Keep hands, feet, hair and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and snow thrower. ,_ If the starter is frozen and will not turn engine: 1. Pull as much rope out of the starter as possible. 2. Release the starter handle and let it snap back against the starter. Repeat until the engine starts. Warm engines will cause condensation in cold weather. To help prevent possible freeze-up of recoil starter and engine controls, proceed as follows after each snow removal job. • Engine parts, especially the muffler, become extremely hot. Severe thermal burns can occur on contact. Allow the engine to cool before touching. • Never allow children to operate the snow thrower. Never allow adults to operate the snow blower without proper instruction, • Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children and pets. • Never leave the snow blower unattended while the engine is running. Anyone operating the engine or equipment must carefully read and understand the operating instructions. 1. With engine off, allow engine to cool for several minutes. 2. Pull starter rope very slowly until resistance is felt, then stop. Allow the starter rope to recoil. Repeat three times. 3. With the engine not running, wipe all snow and moisture from the carburetor cover in area of control levers. Also move choke knob and starter handle several times. IMPORTANT: After each use of the snow blower, stop the engine, remove the safety/ignition key, remove all accumulated snow from the snow blower and wipe clean. Store the snow blower in a protected area. NOTE: Never cover snow blower while engine and exhaust area are still warm. HOW TO CLEAR A CLOGGED DISCHARGE ,a, CHUTE WARNING: Blockage must be cleared only after shutting off the snow blower and only with a clean-out tool, not by hand. peller insideHand the discharge chute the most WARNING: contact with the is rotating imcommon cause of injury associated with snow blowers. NEVER USE YOUR HAND TO CLEAN OUT THE DISCHARGE CHUTE. 4_b To Clear The Chute: • SHUT OFF THE ENGINE! • Wait 10 seconds to be sure that the impeller blades have stopped rotating. • Always use a clean-out tool, not your hands. A clean-out tool is attached to either the handle or the top of the auger housing (see Figure 20). Use the clean-out tool to remove snow from the auger housing. /_ How To Use The Clean-Out Tool • Release the auger drive lever. Pull cut the safety key. • Disconnect spark plug wire. Do not place your hands in the auger or discharge chute. Use a clean-out tool to remove snow or debris. Clean-out Tool Figure 20 18 OPERATION OPERATING TIPS 1, Most efficient snowblowingis accomplished when snow is removed immediately after it falls. 2. For complete snow removal, slightly overlap each swath previously taken. 3. Snow should be discharged downwind whenever possible. 4. 5. 6, After the snowblowingjob has been completed, allow the engine to idle for a few minutes, to melt snow and ice accumulated on the engine. 7. Clean the snow thrower 8. Remove ice and snow accumulation and all debris from the entire snow thrower, and flush with water Ofpossible) to remove all salt or other chemicals. Wipe snow thrower dry. 9, Before starting snow blower, always inspectaugers and impeller for ice accumulation and/or debris, which could result in snow blower damage. For normal usage, set the skids one-eighth inch (3 mm) below the scraper bar, For extremely hard-packed snow surfaces, the skids may be adjusted upward to insure cleaning efficiency. On gravel or crushed rock surfaces, the skids should be set at 1-1/4 inch (32 mm) below the scraper bar (see To Adjust Skid Height, in the Adjustment/Repair section in this manual). Rocks and gravel must not be picked up and thrown by the machine. thoroughly after each use. 10. Check oil level before every start. Make sure the oil is at the FULL mark on the oil fill cap/dipstick. 19 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS SERVICE PROCEDURE S N O W B L BEFORE EACH USE EVERY 8 HOURS EVERY 10 HOURS EVERY 25 HOURS EVERY 50 HOURS EVERY 100 HOURS BEGINNING EACH BEFORE SEASON STORAGE ]]ghtenall screwsand nuts Check Traction Clutch Cable Ad ustment See Cab e Ad ustment) q Check Auger clutch Cable \d ustment See Cab e Ad ustment) q O Adjust Drive Belts W E FIRST 2 HOUR RECOMMENDATIONS q q Lubricate Chains and Hex Shaft R Lubricate Auger Shaft See Shear Bolt Replacement) E N G I N Oil, Check q q q q Oil, Change Check and Clean Spark Plug E iReplace Spark Plug .j Clean and Inspect Spark Arrestor AFTER EACH USE The warranty on this snow blower does not cover itemsthat have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value from the warranty, operator must maintain snow blower as instructed in this manual. The following Service Recommendations is supplied to assist operator to properly maintain snow blower. This is a check list only. Adjustment referred to will be found in Adjustments/Repairs section of this manual. Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and systems can be performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or individual. Regular maintenance will improve the performance and extend the life of the engine. 2O 1. Check for any loose or damaged parts. 2. "lighten any loose fasteners. 3. Check and maintain the auger. 4. After each use, remove all snow and slush off the snow blower to prevent freezing of auger or controls. 5. Check controls to make sure they are functioningproperly. 6. If any parts are worn or damaged, replace immediately. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES Some adjustments will need to be made periodically to properly maintain your snow blower. All adjustments in ADJUSTMENTS/REPAIRS section of this manual should be checked at least once each season. SNOW BLOWER The following adjustment should be performed more than once each season. Auger and Traction Drive Belts shouldbe adjustedafterthe first 2 to 4 hours of use, again about mid-season and twice each season thereafter(See To AdjustBelts paragraph in the Adjustment/Repair sestion). AS REQUIRED Auger Gear Box The auger gear box is lubricated at the factory and shouldnot require additional lubrication. If fQrsome reason the lubricant should leak out, or ifthe auger gear box has been serviced, add Lubriplate GR132 Grease or equivalent. Maximum 3-1/4 ounces, (92 grams) should be used. Remove filler plug D (Figure 21 and Figure 22), once a year. If grease is visible, do not add. If grease is not visible, use a piece of fine wire, like a dipstick to check if there is grease in the gear box. Mobilux EP1 and Shell Aldania EP1 are suitable equivalents. Filler Plug Figure 22 LUBRICATION AT STORAGE Bearings and bushings If grease or oil comes into contact with the disc drive plate or friction wheel, make sure to clean plate and wheel thoroughly with a alcohol base solvent. All bearings and bushings are lifetimelubricatedand require no maintenance. Hex shaft and chains LUBRICATION For storage, the hex shaftshould be wiped with a cloth lightly moistened with motor oil to prevent rusting (see Figure 24). - EVERY 10 HOURS 1. Auger Shaft - Using a hand grease gun, lubricatethe auger shaft zerk fittings (A) every ten (10) operating hours. Each time a shear bolt is replaced, the auger shaft MUST be greased (Figure 21). (See To Replace Auger Shear Bolt in the Repair/Adjustment section). For storage, the chains should be lubricated with a chain type lube. (see Figure 24). NOTE: Any greasing or oiling of the above mentioned components can cause contamination of the rubber friction wheel. If the disc drive plate or friction wheel come in contact with grease or oil damage to rubber friction wheel will result. 2. 21 For storageor when replacing shear bolts, remove shear bolts and lubricate auger shaft zerks. Rotate augers several times on the shaft and reinstall the shear bolts. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES LUBRICATION - EVERY 25 HOURS Chute Rotation Gear Lubricatethe chute rotation gear with automotivetype oil, (see Figure 23). Figure 22 Chains 4. 5. 1. Position speed selector lever in first (1) forward gear. 2. Stand the snow blower up on the auger housing end. 3. Lubricate the chains with a chain type lubricant. Wipe the hexshaft and sprockets with 5W30 motoroil, NOTE: Clean all excess grease or oil found on the rubber friction wheel or the disc drive plate. NOTE: When the crank case if filled with oil, do not leave the snow blower standing up on the auger housing for an extended period of time, Remove the bottom panel. 6. CAUTION: Do not allow grease or oil to contact the rubber friction wheel or the disc drive plate, Install the bottom panel, t in contact with grease or oil ge to rubber friction wheel will result, If grease or oil come in contact with the disc drive plate or friction wheel, make sure to cJeanthe plate and wheel thoroughlywith a alcohol base solvent. "! Figure 24 22 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES ENGINE TEMPERATURE 0°F (-18 ° TYPE OF OIL C) and above S.A.E. 5W30 POWER RATINGS 0°F (-18 ° C) and below The power ratingsfor an individualengine model are initially developed by starting with SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) code J1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure) (Revision 2002-05). Given both the wide array of products on which our engines are placed, and the variety of environmental issues applicable to operating the equipment, it may be that the engine you have purchased will not develop the rated horsepower when used in a piece of power equipment (actual "on-site" power). This difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the following: differences in altitude, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, fuel, engine lubrication, maximum governed engine speed, individual engine to engine variability, design of the particular piece of power equipment, the manner in which the engine is operated, engine run-in to reduce friction and clean out of combustion chambers, adjustments to the valves and carburetor, and other factors. The power ratings may also be adjusted based on comparisons to other similar engines utilized in similar applications, and will therefore not necessarily match the values derived using the foregoing codes. synthetic 5W30 SAE VISCOSITY GRADES °F 20 0 II i °C -30 20 I II l • -20 -10 32 40 s s l l 0 Oil Fill Cap/Dipstick _ 10 _ b F 'LL Check Crankcase Oil Level before starting engine and after each 8 hours of continuous use (see Figure 25). Add the recommended motor oil as required. NOTE: Overfilling the engine can affect performance. Tighten the oil fill cap securely to prevent leakage. NOTE: OII level must be at FULL mark. Change Oil every 50 hours of operation or at least once a year, even ifthe snow blower is not used for fifty hours_ Use a clean, highquality detergentoil. Fillthe crank case to FULL line on dipstick(see Figure 25). Be sure originalcontainer is marked: A.P.I. service "SF" or higher.Do not use SAE10W40 oil (as it may not provideproper lubrication).See Chart for oil recommendations. 25 -,uC=*ure Oil Fill cap/Dipstick To Drain Oil - Positionsnow blower so that the oil drain plug is lowest point on engine. When the engine is warm, remove oil drain plug and oil fill cap and drain oil into a suitable container (Figure 26). Replace oil drain plug and tighten securely. Refill crank case with the recommended motor oil. Figure 26 23 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR To adjust skids, proceed as follows: _lb WARNING: turn the unitspark off, remove tion key andAlways disconnect plug wireignibefore making any repairs or adjustments. AUGER HOUSING HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT TO ADJUST SCRAPER 1. Place a block (equal to height from ground desired) under scraper bar near but not under skid. 2. Loosen skid mounting nuts (Figure 27) and push the skid down until it touches the ground. Retightsn mounting nuts. 3. Set skid on other side at same height. BAR After considerable use, the metal scraper bar will have a definite wear pattern. The scraper bar in conjunction with the skids should always be adjusted to allow one-eighth of an inch (3 mm) between the scraper bar and the sidewalk or area to be cleaned. NOTE: Make sure that snow blower is sat at same height on both sides. To adjust the scraper bar, proceed as follows: 1. Position the snow blower on a level surface. 2. Loosen the carriage bolts and nuts securing the scraper bar to the auger housing. 3. Adjust the scraper bar to the proper position. Tighten the carriage bolts and nuts, insuring that the scraper bar is parallel with the working surface. 4. For extended operation, the scraper bar may be reversed. If the scraper bar must be replaced because of wear, remove the carriage bolts and nuts and install a new scraper bar. ,_ WARNING: Be certain maintain proper ground clearance for yourtoparticular area to be cleared. Objects such as gravel, rocks or other debris, if struck by the impeller, may be thrown with sufficient force to cause personal injury, property damage or damage to the snow blower. Height Adjust Skid TO ADJUST SKID HEIGHT This snow blower is equipped with two height adjust skids, secured to the outside of the auger housing. These elevate the front of the snow blower. Skid Mounting Nuts When removing snow from a hard surface area such as a paved driveway or walk, adjust the skids up to bring the front of the snow blower down. When removing snow from rock or uneven construction, raise the front of the snow blower by moving the skids down. This will help to prevent rocks and other debris from being picked up and thrown by the augers. Figure 27 24 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR HOW TO REMOVE THE SNOW HOOD Mounting Screws To access the spark plug, the snow hood must be removed as follows: 1. Remove the choke control knob (see Figure 28). 2. Remove the safety key. 3. Remove the mounting screws (see Figure 29). 4. Slowly remove the snow hood. Make sure that the primer button hose and the ignition wire are not disconnected. 5. The spark plug can now be accessed. 6. To install the snow hood, first make sure that the primer button hose and the ignitionwire are connected. 7. Mount the snow hood to the engine and secure with the mounting screws (see Figure 29). 8. Snow Hood Spark Plug Hose Figure 29 Connect the choke control knobwith the'choke shaft on Choke Control Knob the carburetor (see Figure 30 and Figure 31). Make sure the choke control knob is properly installed, if the choke control knob is not installed correctly, the choke will not operate. 9. In_allthe safety key. Choke Control Knob Choke Shaft Figure 30 Figure 28 Carburetor 25 Figure 31 ADJ USTMENT/REPAIR BELT ADJUSTMENT Traction Drive Belt The tractiondrive belt has constant springpressure and does not require an adjustment. If the traction drive belt is slipping, replace the belt. See "How To Replace The Belts" in the Maintenance section. Auger Drive Belt If your snowthrower will not discharge snow, check the control cable adjustment. If it is correct, then check the condition of the auger drive belt. If it is damaged or loose, replace it (see Belt Replacement in this section of the manual), 1. Disconnect spark plug wire. 2. Remove screw from belt cover. Remove belt cover (see Figure 32). 3. Loosen nut on auger idler pulley and move auger idler pulley towards belt about 1/8 inch (3 mm) (see Figure 36). 4. Tighten nut. 5. Have someone engage auger drive clutch. Check tension on belt (opposite idler pulley). Belt should deflect about 1/2 inch (12.5 mm) with moderate pressure Figure 33). You may have to move idler pulley more than once to obtain the correct tension. 6. ( -_'J_- p_ k.j; o .....3. Idler "-"w"V _w_ Pulley /A/_ Reinstall belt cover. Engaged Po,ey ;, \ _'_f" _'A ;A 1/2 inch Deflection _ \-÷-/--,m.r 7. Whenever belts are adjusted or replaced, the cables will need to be adjusted. (See Cable Adjustment in this section of the manual). 8. Auger Drive Engine Pulley Figure 33 Attach the spark plug wire. 26 ADJUSTM ENT/RI=PAIR HOW TO REPLACE THE BELTS The drive belts are of special construction and must be replaced with original factory replacement belts available from your nearest authorized service center. 16. Install the belt cover. Tighten screw (See Figure 32). 17. Check the adjustment ofthe cables. See "How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in the Maintenance section, Some steps require the assistance of a second person. 18. Installthe bottom panel (see Figure 34). How To Remove the Auger Drive Belt 19. Tighten the bolts on each side of the bottom panel. If the auger drive belt is damaged, the snow thrower will not discharge snow. Replace the damaged belt as follows. 20. Connect the spark plug wire. 1. Disconnect the spark plug wire. 2. Loosen the bolts on each side of the bottom panel (see Figure 34). 3. Remove the bottom panel. 4. Remove screw from belt cover. Remove the belt cover (see Figure 32). 5. Loosen the belt guide. Pull the belt guide away from the auger drive pulley (see Figure 36), 6. Pull the idler pulley away from the auger drive belt and slip the auger drive belt off of the idler pulley. 7. Remove the auger drive belt from the engine pulley. To remove the auger drive belt, the engine pulley may have to be partially rotated, 8. Remove the top four bolts that hold together the auger housing and the motor box. Loosen the.bottom two bolts, The auger housing and the motor box can now be split apart for removal of the belt (see Figure 35). 9. Remove the old auger drive belt from the auger drive pulley. Replace the auger drive belt with an original factory replacement belt available from an authorized service center (see Figure 36). Bolt Bottom Panel Auger Housing Figure 34 10. Install the new auger drive belt onto the auger drive pulley. NOTE: To assemble the auger housing to the motor box, have someone hold the auger clutch lever in the ENGAGED position. This will move the idler arm and pulley enough to allow the auger drive pulley to move back into position, Bolts 11. Assemble the auger housing to the motor box with the four bolts that were removed in step 8, Tighten the bottom two bolts. 12. Install the auger drive belt onto the engine pulley. Motor Box 13. Slip the auger drive belt under the idler pulley. 14. Adjust the auger drive belt. See "How To Adjust The Auger Drive Belt" in the Maintenance section. Auger Housing Figure 35 15. Adjust the belt guide. See "How To Adjust The Belt Guide" in the Maintenance section, 27 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR Belt Guide Auger Drive Pulley Auger Drive Belt Traction Drive Spring Traction Drive Belt Traction Drive Pulley Swing Plate Axle Rod Engine Pulley Figure 36 28 ADJ USTM ENT/R EPAIR How To Remove the Traction Drive Belt If the snow thrower will not move forward, check the traction drive belt for wear or damage. If the traction drive belt is worn or damaged, replace the belt as follows. 11. Install and adjust the auger drive belt. See =HowTo Remove The Auger Drive Belt"in the Maintenance section. 1. Disconnect the spark plug wire. 12. Adjust the belt guide. See "How To Adjust The Belt Guide" in the Maintenance section. 2. Remove the auger drive belt. See "How To Remove The Auger Drive Belt" in the Maintenance section. 13. Install the bottom panel (see Figure 34). 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove the e-ring from one end of the swing plate axle rod. Remove the swing plate axle rod to allow the 14. Tighten the bolts on each side of the bottom panel. the swing plate to pivotforward (see Figure 36). 15. Install the belt cover. Tighten screw (see Figure32), Remove the traction drive spring. 16. Check the adjustment of the cables. See "How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in the Maintenance section. Remove the old traction drive belt from the traction drive pulley and from the engine pulley. Replace the traction drive belt with an originalfactory replacement belt available from an authorized service center. 17. Connect the spark plug wire. Install the new traction drive belt onto the traction drive pulley and onto engine pulley. 7, Make sure the traction drive idler pulley is properly aligned with the traction drive belt. 8. Attach the traction drive spring. 9. Install the swing plate axle rod and secure with the ering removed earlier. t I 10. The bottom of the swing plate must be positioned between the alignment tabs. Make sure the swing plate is properly secured (see Figure 37). NOTE: If the drive will not engage after the traction drive belt has been replaced, then check to make sure that the swing plate is positioned between the alignment tabs. AJignment Tabs 29 Figure 37 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR BELT GUIDE ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove spark plug wire. 2. Have someone engage auger drive. _- 3. Measure the distance between the belt guide and belt. The distance should be 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) for guide. See Figure 38. i 4, If adjustment is necessary, loosen belt guide mounting bolt. Move belt guide to the correct position. Tighten mounting bolt. 5. Reinstall belt cover. -'_O// BeltGuide Figure 38 6. Reconnect spark plug wire. HOW TO CHECK AND ADJUST THE CABLES Tl_e cables are adjusted at the factory and no adjustment should be necessary, tf the cables have become stretched or are sagging adjustment will be necessary. "Z" Fitting Control lever Whenever belts are adjusted or replaced, the cables will need to be adjusted. forward position (just contacting plastic bumper) when checking cable length. must be in full To check for correct adjustment, unhook "Z" fitting at clutch lever (see Figure 39). 1. Move clutch lever to the full forward position (just contacting plastic bumper). Holding cable tight, note position of fitting to hole in clutch lever, Plastic Bumper 2. The center of the "Z" fitting should be between the centre and top of the hole in the clutch lever. Adjust either the auger drive cable or the traction drive cable as follows. Figure 39 Auger Drive Cable Adjustment Square End _k 1, from fire or Drain flame.the gasoline outdoors, away WARNING: Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand the snow thrower up on the front end of the auger housing. x,, Cable Spring o 2, 3, Push cable through spring to expose the threaded portion of the cable (see Figure 40). Hold square end of threaded portion with pliers and adjust locknut in or out until correct adjustment is reached. Pull cable back through spring and connect cable. Locknut Figure 40 30 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR Traction Drive Cable Adjustment _lb from fire or flame. ARNING: Drain the gasoline outdoors, away 1. Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand the snow thrower up on the front end of the auger housing. 2. Loosen the bolts on each side of the bottom panel (see Figure 41). 3. Remove the bottom panel. 4. Disconnect the "Z" fitting from the drive lever (see Figure 39), 5. Slide the cable boot off the cable adjustment bracket (see Figure 42). 6. Push the bottom of the traction drive cable throughthe cable adjustment bracket untilthe "Z" hook can be removed. 7. Remove the "Z" hook from the cable adjustment bracket. Move the "Z '° hook down to the next adjustment hole. 8. Pull the traction drive cable up through the cable adjustment bracket. 9, Put the cable boot over the cable adjustment bracket. 10, Install the "Z" hook to the traction drive lever (see Figure 39). 11. To check the adjustment, depress the drive lever and check the length of the drive spring (see Figure 43). In correct adjustment, the length of the drive spring is minimum 3 inches (76 mm.) maximum 3-3/8 inches (85 mm.), 12. Install the bottom panel (see Figure 41). 13. "nghtenthe bolts on each side of the bottom panel. 31 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR HOW TO ADJUST OR REPLACE THE FRICTION WHEEL 5. Tighten the jam nut. How To Check The Friction Wheel 6. If the snow thrower will not move forward, check the traction drive belt, the traction drive cable or the friction wheel. If the friction wheel is worn or damaged, it must be replaced. See "How To Replace the Friction Wheel" in this section. If the friction wheel is not worn or damaged, check as follows. 1. Install the bottom panel (see Figure 44). 7. Tighten the bolts on each side of the bottom panel, Bolt Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand the snow thrower up on the front end of the auger housing (see Figure 44). _Jll= from fire orDrain flame.the gasoline outdoors, away WARNING: 2. Disconnect the spark plug wire. 3. Loosen the bolts on each side ofthe bottom panel (see Figure 44). II 4. Remove the bottom panel. 5. Position the shift speed lever in the lowest forward speed. 6. Note the position of the friction wheel (see Figure 45). The correct distance "A" from the right side of the friction wheel to the outside of the motorbox is as follows: Tire Size Distance "A" 12 and 13 inch 4-1/8" (10.5 cm.) 16 inch 4-5/16" (10.95 cm.) If the friction wheel is not in the correct position,adjust as follows. Figure 45 How To Adjust The Friction Wheel 1, Position the shift speed lever in the lowest forward speed. Rod 2, 3. 4. \ Loosen hex jam nut on speed select rod. Remove ball joint from shifter bracket (see Figure 46). Move the friction wheel against to the correct position (see Figure 45). Turn the adaptor until the ball joint is aligned with the mounting hole in the shifter rod (see Figure 46). When aligned, attach the ball joint to the shifter rod. Adap_r er Rod 32 _1 Figure 46 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR How To Replace The Friction Wheel If the friction wheel isworn or damaged, the snow thrower will not move forward. The friction wheel must be replaced as follows. 1. _lb Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand the snow thrower up on the front end of the auger housing (4), (see Figure 44). from fire orDrain flame.the gasoline outdoors, away ARNING: 2. Disconnect the spark plug wire. 3. Remove the fasteners that secure the left wheal. Remove the left wheel from the axle (see Figure 47) 4. Loosen the bolts on each side of the bottom panel. 5. Remove the bottom panel. Axle 8, Remove the four bolts that hold the bearings on each side of the hex shaft (see Figure 49). 9. Remove the hex shaft and bearings. NOTE: Take special note of the position of the washers on the hex shaft. Bort _dJ t Panel Bolt Wheel Figure 47 6. Remove the fasteners that secure the drive sprocket to the axle (see Figure 48). 7. Remove the right wheel, axle, and drive sprocket. 49 33 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR 10. Remove the three fasteners that holdthe friction wheel to the hub (see Figure 50). 11. Remove the friction wheel from the hub. Slip the friction wheel off the hex shaft. 12. Assemble the new friction wheel onto hub with the fasteners removed earlier. \ Fasteners Friction Hub Wheel Washer \ _.,._ Washer Washer Figure 51 Hex Shaft 15. Install the right wheel, axle, and drive sprocket with the fasteners removed earlier. Install the chain onto the drive sprocket (see Figure 48). 16. Check the adjustment of the friction wheel. See "How To Adjust The Friction Wheel" in this section. Fasteners Figure 50 17. Make sure the friction wheel and the disc drive plate are free from grease or oil. 13. Install the hex shaft and bearings with the four bolts removed earlier (see Figure 51). 18. Install the bottom panel (see Figure 47). 19. _ghtan the bolts on each side of the bottom panel. Make sure the washers are properly installed in the original position. Also, make sure the two washers are properly aligned with the actuator arms. 20. Install the left wheel to the axle with the fasteners removed earlier. 14. Make sure the hex shaft turns freely. 21. Connect the spark plug wire. 34 ADJUSTMENT/REPAIR AUGER SHEAR BOLT REPLACEMENT The augers are secured to the auger shaftwith special bolts that are designed to break if an object becomes lodged in the auger housing. Use of a harder bolt will reduce the protection provided by the shear bolt. To replace a broken shear bolt, proceed as follows: _lb NOTE: For the operator's convlence, the shear bolt wrenches are located in the toolbox. NOTE: The spacer fits into the larger hole in the auger tube. WARNING: insure replacement safety and performance levels, only To original shear bolts should be used. Shear Bolt Wrench 1. Stop engine, disengage all controls, disconnect the spark plug lead wire, and insure all moving parts have stopped. 2. Lubricate the auger shaft zerk fittings (see Lubrication Points in the Maintenance section of this manual). 3, Align the hole in the auger with the hole in the auger shaft. Install new shear bolt, spacer and Iocknut found in the toolbox located on the belt cover (See Figure 52). "l]ghten with the shear bolt wrench. SPARK PLUG ADJUSTMENT Shear Pin _ LF _ Spacer Locknut Figure 52 (SEE FIGURE 53) NOTICE: This spark ignition system meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Check the spark plug every twenty-five (25) hours. Replace the spark plug if the electrodes are pitted or burned, if the porcelain is cracked, or every 100 hours of use. 6. Before installing spark plug, coat threads lightly with graphite grease to insure easy removal. 7. "nghten plug firmly into engine. If torque wrench is available, torque plug to 18-23 ft-lbs. 1. Clean spark plug and reset gap periodically. 2. Clean area around spark plug base before removal, to prevent dirt from entering engine. 3. Replace spark plug if electrodes are pitted or burned or if porcelain is cracked. 4, Clean spark plug by carefully scrapingelectrodes (do not sandblast or use wire brush). 5. Be sure spark plug is clean and free of foreign material. Check electrodes gap with a wire feeler gauge and reset gap to 0.030" (0.76 mm) if necessary. Ifa new spark plug is needed, refer to Engine Repair Parts section of this manual for proper replacement spark plug. Figure 53 35 STORAGE OFF SEASON STORAGE ARNING: Never store poorly engine ventilated with fuel in tank indoors or in enclosed, enclosures, where fuel fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer, etc. Handle gasoline carefully. It is highly flammable and careless use could result In serious fire damage to your person and/or property. Drain fuel into approved containers outdoors, away from open flame. 4. Thoroughly clean the snow blower. 5. Lubricate all lubricationpoints (see Lubrication, see Customer Responsibilities). 5. Insure that all nuts, bolts, and screws are securely fastened. Inspect all visible moving parts for damage, breakage, and wear. Replace if necessary. 7. Touch up all rusted or chipped paint surfaces; sand lightly before painting. 8. Cover the bare metal parts of the blower housing auger, and the impeller with rust preventative. 9. If possible, store your snow blower indoors and cover it to give protection from dust and dirt. _lb If the snow blower is to be stored for thirty (30) days or more at the end of the snow season, the following steps are recommended to prepare your snow blower for storage. NOTE: Gasoline must be removed or treated to prevent gum deposits from forming in the tank, filter, hose, and carburetor during storage. 1, 10. Store in a clean and dry area, but NOT near a stove, furnace or water heater which uses a pilot light or any device that can create a spark. To remove gasoline, run engine until tank is empty and engine stops.Then drain remaining gasoline from carburetor by pressing upward on bowl drain located on the bottom of carburetor (see Figure 54). 4_lb 11. If the machine must be stored outdoors, block up the snow blower and insure the entire machine is off the ground. Cover the snow blower with a heavy tarpaulin. WARNING" fire or flame.Drain gasoline outdoors, away from If you do not want to remove gasoline use the fuel stabilizer supplied with unit. Add fuel stabilizer (follow instructions on fuel stabilizer package) to any gasoline left in the tank to minimize gum deposits and acids. If the tank is almost empty, mix stabilizer with fresh gasoline in a separate container and add some to the tank. ALWAYS FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON STABILIZER CONTAINER. THEN RUN ENGINE AT LEAST 10 MINUTES AFTER STABILIZER IS ADDED TO ALLOW MIXTURE TO REACH CARBURETOR. STORE SNOW BLOWER IN SAFE PLACE. 2. You can help keep your engine in good operating condition by changing oil before storage. 3. Remove the spark plug and pour about 15 ml (1/2 oz) of engine oil into the cylinder. Replace the spark plug and crank slowly to distribute the oil. Bowl Drain Figure 54 36 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART PROBLEM LOOK FOR REMEDY Difficult starting Defective spark plug. Replace defective spark ptug. Engine runs erratically Blocked fuel line. Clean fuel line. Empty gas tank. Check fuel supply, Stale gasoline. Add fresh gasoline with fuel stabilizer. Water or dirt in fuel system. Remove carburetor bowlto drain fuel tank. Refill with fresh fuel. CAUTION: Do not remove carburetor bowl when the engine is hot. Unit running on CHOKE. Set choke lever to RUN position. Loss of power Gas cap vent hole is plugged. Remove ice and snow from cap. Be sure vent hole is clear. Excessive vibration Loose parts or damaged impeller, Stop engine immediately and remove spark plug wire. Tighten all bolts and make all necessary repairs. If vibration continues, have the unit serviced by a competent repairman. Unit fails to propel itself Drive belt loose or damaged. Replace drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt Replacement in Adjustments/Repairs section of this manual. Incorrect adjustment of traction drive cable. Adjust tractiondrive cable. Refer to Cable Adjustment in Adjustments/Repairs section of this manual. Worn or damaged frictiondisc. Replace friction disc. Refer to Friction Wheel Replacement in Adjustments/Repairs section of this manual. Auger drive belt loose or damaged. Replace or adjust auger drive belt, Refer to Drive Belt Replacement and Drive Belt Adjustment in Adjuetments/Repairs section of this manual, Auger controlcable not adjusted correctly. Adjust auger controlcable. Refer to Cable Adjustment in Adjustments/Repairs section of this manual. Broken shear bolt. Replace shear bolt. Refer to Auger Shear Bolt Replacement in Adjustments/Repairs section of this manual. Discharge chute clogged. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Refer to the first Warning in Snow blower Operation in Operation sectionof this manual. Clean discharge chute and inside of auger housing. Foreign object lodged in auger. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Refer to the third Warning in Snow blower Operation in Operation sectionof this manual. Remove object from auger. ' Engine stalls Unit fails to discharge snow Identifying Your Snow blower Your new Snow blower has two (2) identifying numbers: (1) unit model number: (2) unit serial number. The two preceding numbers are required to insure that the proper replacement parts are obtained when required, if you have any questions concerning parts, service, or technical data, contact your nearest Sears Service Department. For complete warranty information refer to the warranty in the Owner's Information section of this manual. 37 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE ENGINE / MOTEUR \ 16 28 \ I \ 5 17 18 12 25-2 20/ 22 24 14 / J 15 6 25-1 / 4 11 25-3 \ 8 25-4 / 25-2 \ / 9 Ref. Drive Page 3 Ref. Auger Housing Page 38 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE ENGINE / MOTEUR Key No. NO8ur le Part No, sch6ma N° de piTce Description Description 1 6219 CORD, STARTER CORDE DU DEMARREUR 2 ..... ENGINE MOTEUR 3 002x97 BOLT, CARRIAGE 5/16-18 BOULON, PO. 5/16-18 4 028x76 RETAINER, PUSH RONDELLE DE RETENUE 5 710026 NUT 5/16-18 ECROU 5/16-18 6 1501109 PULLEY, ENGINE POULIE MOTRICE DOUBLE 7 17x170 WASHER RONDELLE 8 71063 WASHER RONDELLE-FREIN 9 001x2O SCREW, 3/8-24Xl.00 VIS, 3/8-24XI.00 10 579932 BELT, V 3L COURROIE TRAPEZOID. V 3L 11 585415 BELT, V 4L COURROIE TRAPEZOID. V 4L 12 1501112 YZ BRACKET ASSEMBLY, IDLER PATFE DE FIXATION, POULIB LIBRE 13 1501065 BUSHING, IDLER BRACKET ENTRETOISE, FIXATION DE POULIE LISRE 14 71060 WASHER RONDELLE 15 710097 SCREW5/16-24XO.75 V[S 5/18-24 X 0.75 16 53704 SPRING RESSORT 17 1502120 PULLEY, IDLER PULLIE LIBRE 18 590 NUT, JAM 3/8-16 CONTRE-ECROU 2O 15012O1 GUIDE, ROD BELT GUIDE DE COURROIE 22 71060 WASHER, SPTLK .31X.58X.08 RONDELLE-FREIN 24 710097 SCREW, 5/18-24X 0,75 VIS 5/16-24X 0.75 FRAME ASSEMBLY CHASSIS DE MONTAGE, MOTEUR 25 DI .38 3/8-16 .31X.58X.08 25-1 1501062E737 PLATE, ENGINE MOUNT PLAQUE DE MONTAGE, MOTEUR 25-2 310169 SCREW 1/4-20 X .63 VIS 1/4-20 X .63 25-3 25x02O SCREW 5/16-18 X .50 VIS 5/16-18 X .50 25-4 1501040E737 FRAME, MOTOR BOX SUPPORT DE MONTAGE, MOTEUR 26 282045 KEY, IGNITION CLE 27 226462 DEFLECTOR, MUFFLER DI_FLECTEUR DE SILENCIEUX 28 810140 SCREW VIS 39 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII=CESDE RECHANGE FRAME / BATI 1(36 160 / 111 Ref. Engine Page _ q__ I, Ref. Auger Housing Page 162 Ref. Drive Page 91 122 _ 123 / 91 168 / 103 149 4O 107 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE FRAME / BATI Key No. NO6urle Part No. sch6ma N° de piece Description Description 90 1501055E701 COVER, BOTTOM PANNEAU INFERIEUR 91 310169 SCREW, 1/4-20X .63 VIS 1/4-20X ,63 103 1501782 YZ IDLER ASSEMBLY, AUGER BRAS DE POULIE LISRE. ENTRAINEMENT DES LAMES 105 711682 PIN, HAIR .38DIAX1.64LG GOUPILLE BETA 106 761761 PIN, CLEVIS 3/15" DIA GOUPILLE 107 155x159 SPRING, TENSION RESSORT DE TENSION 108 761675 YZ ASSY., SPRING ATTACH PATrE DE FIXATION POUR RESSORT 110 585781 BOLT, 3/8-15X1.25 CARR. BOULON BLOQUANT 3/8-16Xl.25 111 711617 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 122 25x020 SCREW, TAP 5/16-18 X .50 VIS 5/16-18 X .50 123 25x021 SCREW, TAP 5/16-18 X .75 VIS 5/16-18 X .75 148 1502120 PULLEY, IDLER PULLIE LIBRE 149 590 NUT 3/8-15 _CROU 3/8-16 160 1502184 COVER, BELT CARTER DES COURROIES 162 26x306 SCREW, TAP VIS 167 71067 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 168 1501200 SPACER, AUGER BRACKET ENTRETOISE, FIXATION DES LAMES CHASSE-NEIGE 169 760539 LID, TOOL BOX COUVERCLE DE BOITE A OUTILS 41 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII=CESDERECHANGE DRIVE / BATI DE MONTAGE DU MOTEUR f Ref. Shift Yoke Page Ref. Frame Page /,,_: _ _-_'_ f. Wheel Page _ 229 _,\ 200 \ \ 221 225 223 Ref. Wheel 226 227 / \ \ / \ I / 236 204 \ 203 ' \ 230 \ / \ 238 \ Ref. Wheel Page 22O 218 \ 207 213 215 213 Wheel Page \ / 210 220 \ \ 208 q 212 218 217 213 42 238 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE DRIVE / BATI DE MONTAGE DU MOTEUR Key No. NOsur le Part sch6ma N ° de No. piece Description Description 200 1501092 YZ LF AXLE, SWING PLATE YZ PANNEAU ARTICULE 201 879851 CHAIN, ROLLER #420 xl 9.00 CHAINE A GALETS #420 xl 9,00 203 334183 BEARING AND RETAINER, ASSY ROULEMENT AVEC FIXATION 204 579858 WASHER RONDELLE 206 25x020 SCREEN, TAP 5/16-18x0.5 VIS, 5/15-18xo.5 207 1501238 ASS"(, HEX SHAFT ARBRE HEXAGONAL 208 579868 CHAIN, ROLLER #420 xl 8.00 LG CHAINE A GALETS #420 x18.00 LG 210 337029 BEARING, TRUNION CLUTCH R PALIER 212 1501435 WHEEL, FRICTION DISC ROUE DE FRICTION 213 001X38 BOLT BOULON 215 303008 NUT, KEPS HEX 1/4-20 ECROU 6 PANS 1/4-20 217 579859 RING, RE-TEXT ClRCLIP 218 579858 WASHER RONDELLE 220 334163 BEARING AND RETAINER, ,t_Sy ROULEMENT AVEC FIXATION 221 25x020 SCREW, TAP 5/18-18 x .5 VIS, 5/16-18 x .5 223 15Ol115 ASSY. FRICTION PULLEY POULIE, SYSTEME DE FRICTION 225 1501057 YZ LF PLATE, SWINGING YZ PANNEAU ARTICULE 226 1501158 SPACER, FRICTION PULLEY ENTRETOISE DE POULIE, SYSTEME DE FRICTION 227 15x114 NUT, FLANGE LOCK 3/8-24 ECROU A COLLET 3/8--24 229 11x30 RETAINER, RING ClRCLIP 230 1502105 YZ LF ASSY, SPRING LINK YZ TRINGLE D ATTACHE DES RESSORTS 232 11x30 RETAINER, RING CIRCLIP 234 155x112 SPRING, EXTENSION RESSORT D'EXTENSION 236 1501237 WLD. INTERMED SPROCKET 331/7 PIGNON INTERMEDIAIRE 33T/7 238 71074 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 43 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE AUGER HOUSING / VIS SANS FIN 484 485 480 522 4-91 523 \ 525 493 511 J 522 523 z \ 5OO Ref. Gear Case Assy 525 510 \\ 544 541 540 44 \ 524 520 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII CESDERECHANGE AUGER Key No. N° sur le Part No. sch6ma N° de piece Description Description HOUSING / VIS SANS FIN 480 583146 PULLEY, 4L 8.40 OD. POULIE 4L 8,40 482 2001022 KEy, SQUARE 3/16 X3/4 CLAVETTE A SECTION CARREE 3/16 X 3/4 484 15x112 NUT, .50-20 HEXWDFLLK ECROU, 6 PANS ,50-20 485 1501158 SPACER, FRICTION PULLEY ENTRETOISE DE POULIE, SYSTEME DE FRICTION 490 582957 YZ RETAINER, BALL BRNG CAPUCHON DE ROULEMENT A BILLES 491 1501389 BEARING, BALL ROULEMENT A BILLES 493 0Olx92 BOLT, HEX 5/16-18X 499 710026 NUT, 5/16-18 HEXWDFLLK ECROU 6 PANS 5/16-18 500 1501695E737 HOUSING, ASSY CARTER DES LAMES CHASSE-NEIGE 510 760659E701 BLADE, SCRAPER LAME RACLEUSE 511 001x45 BOLT, 5/16-18}(0.62 BOULON 5/16-18x0.62 514 710026 NUT, 5/18-18 ECROU 5/18-18 520 760591E701 AUGER, ASSY, LH LAME CHASSE-NEIGE (VIS SANS FIN), GAUCHE 521 760592E701 AUGER, ,aSS'(, RH LAME CHASSE-NEIGE (VIS SANS FIN), DROITE 522 9524 SCREW, 1/4-20)(1,75 VIS 1/4-20Xl .75 523 3943 SPACER, SLEEVE ENTRETOIS E 524 73826 NUT, 1/4-20 ECROU 1/4-20 525 53757 BEARING, FLANGE PALER A BRIDE 527 25x021 SCREW, 5/16-18X 540 309016E701 SKID, HEIGHT ADJUST PATIN REGLABLE 541 340720 BOLT, 5/16-18 X .75 BOULON 5/16-18 X .75 544 710026 NUT, 5/16-18 ECROU 5/16-18 550 1501576 BRUSH, CLEANOUT OUTIL DE NETTOYAGE 551 1501672 CLIP, RETAINER PINCE 552 06x115 SCREW VIS 553 15x146 NUT ECROU 554 578063 BLOCK BLOQUE -- 1501216 KIT, SHEAR BOLT KIT, BOULON DE CISAILLEMENT -- 680230 Z WRENCH CU 5 .50 BOULON 6 PANS 5/16-18X .50 .75 VlS 5/16-18)( .75 45 CRAFTSMAN CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIIt:CESDE REGHANGE DISCHARGE CHUTE / DI=FLECTEUR DE GOULOTrE 599 583 6OO 6O0 597_ 584 594 ""_-588 610 609 606 602 603 \ I----607 Ref. Auger Housing Page 46 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE-NEIGE C950524312A PIECES DE RECHANGE DISCHARGE CHUTE / DEFLECTEUR DE GOULOTTE Key No. N ° sur le Part schema N ° de 582 No. piece Description Description 340720 BOLT, CARRIAGE 5/16 18 X.75 BOULON AUTOBLOQUANT 5/16 18X.75 583 12021 WASHER, PLASTIC RONDELLE PLASTIQUE 584 71038 NUT, 5/16 18 REGHEX NYLOCK ECROU 6 PANS 5/16 18 REGHEX NYLOCK 588 6711 WASHER PLASTIC RONDELLE PLASTIQUE 593 6711 WASHER PLASTIC RONDELLE PLASTIQUE 594 71071 WASHER FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 695 71060 WASHER SPLIT RONDELLE FREIN 596 71071 WASHER FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 597 57171 KNOB, T 3.00 POIGNEE T 3.00 599 002x97 BOLT, 5/16 18X1.06 BOULON 5/16 18X1.00 600 1602118E701 CHUTE ASSEMBLY ENSEMBLE DEVERSOIR 601 2x100 BOLT, 5/16 18 Xl.00 BOULON 5/16 16X1.00 602 71071 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 603 71038 NUT, 5/16 18 HEXNYL ECROU 6 PANS 5/16 18 HEXNYL 604 760268 FLAP, CHUTE BAVETrE DE DEVERSOIR 606 1501932 YZ CHUTE COLLAR COUVERCLE DE COURONNE DE DEVERSOIR 607 02x101 SCREW, 1/4 20X0.75 VIS 1/4 20 X 0.75 609 15xl 45 NUT, 1/4 20 HEX NYLOCK ECROU 6 PANS 1/4 20 NYLOCK 610 337227 RETAINER RING INNER COURONNE INTERNE 611 1501282 RETAINER RING OUTER COURONNE EXTERNE 47 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII=GESDE RECHANGE GEAR CASE / B0|TER 340 326 / 320 306 / a21a22 / aiD 323 324 J 327 330 \ 311 312/ 313 . "/ 305 304 301 \ 310 314 300 Key No. Part No. N ° sur le N ° de 5ch6ma piece Description Description 300 896 CASE, GEAR, RH 301 303 304 305 306 310 311 312 895 910828 71100 330434 53749 780151 53743 53748 CASE, GEAR, LH SCREW, 5/16-24 X 1.00 NUT, 5/16-24 SCREW, 5/16-24 X 1,50 PLUG, PIPE SEAL, OIL BEARING WASHER, FLAT BOITER COTE DROIT BOITER COTE GAUCHE 313 314 315 760527 897 53730 SHAFT, AUGER OUTPUT GASKET, GEAR BOX WORM GEAR 316 320 321 322 323 73905 53737 583126 48275 50684 KEY, WOODRUFF #91 RING, GUAD BEARING, FLANGE WASHER, FLANGE BEARING, ROLLER 324 326 48275 50795 WASHER, FLAT KEY 527 330 340 -- 53732 53731 1501147E701 333431 GEAR, WORM BEARING IMPELLER 10oz TUBE LUBRIPLATE * (NOT ILLUSTRATED) * (NON ILLUSTRE) 48 VIS, 5/16-24 X 1.00 PO. I_CROU, 5/16-24 VIS, 5/16-24 X 1.50 PRISE DE PIPE JOINT/_ LE'VRE PALIER RONDELLE PLATE ARBRE DE VIS SANS FIN JOINT PLAT PIGNON CLAVE77-E DEMI-LUNE No. 91 ANNEAU DE QUADRUPLE PALIER RONDELLE PALIER RONDELLE, PLATE CLAVE37-E PIGNON PALIER ARBRE DE LA TURBINE 10oz LUBRIPLATE CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE WHEELS / ROUE 679 675 671 654 678 655 650 _ "/ / .652 676 Ref. Drive Page / 655 671 673 680 WHL100A Key No. NOsurle $cl_ma PaN No. N° de piece Description Description 650 1501583YZ SHAFT, AXLE D'ARBRE, ROUE 652 1501089 SPRKT & RUB ROUE DENTEE MONTAGE 653 01x193 SCREW, 1/4-20 x 1.75 VIS, 1/4-20X 1.75 PO. 654 15x145 NUT, 1/4-20 HEX NYLOCK €:CROU, 1/4-20 655 1501114 BEAMING, AXLE PALIER 671 017x83 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 673 1501138 BUSHING, WHEEL PALIER, 675 1501808 TIRE & RIM, RIGI-_ ROUE MONTAGE, GAUCHE 676 577015 SCREW, 1/4-20X1.75 HH VIS, 1/4-20)(1,75 PO. 677 15x145 NUT, 1/4-20 HEX NYLOCK IFCmOU, 1/4-20 678 239 RING, RET RONDELLE DE RETENUE 879 73842 PiN, KLIK .25 X 1.38 DIA GOUPILLE/_ 680 1501809 TIRE & RIM, LEFT ROUE MONTAGE, DROIT 49 ANNEAU CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII_CESDE REGHANGE HANDLE 766 / POIGNI_E 739 735 _\ 766 736 720 738 / 739 737 738 738 \ 740 738 741 721 722 723 724 _ 765 728 / 751 / 730 732 733 731 /75 /8 743 J 76,3 745 Ref. Engine Page _760 759 745 5O 762 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE 0950524312A PII:CES DE RECHANGE HANDLE / POIGNI=E Key No. Part No. N° 3urle N° de sch6ma piece Description Description 720 310614E701 HANDLE, UPPER POIGNEE, PARTIE SUPERIEURE 721 7288 SCREW, 3/8-16 X 3 VIS 3/8-16 X 3 722 71072 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 723 71062 WASHER RONDELLE 724 71044 NUT, 3/8-16 ECROU 3/8-16 728 7289 STOP, PLASTIC CAPUCHON, PLASTIQUE 730 71007 SCRE3N, 3/8-16 X 2 VlS 3/8-16 X 2 731 71072 WASHER, FLAT RONDELLE PLATE 732 71062 WASHER RONDELLE 733 71044 NUT, 3/8-16 ECROU 3/8-16 735 5146E701 HANDLE, RIGHT POIGNEE, DROIT 736 5142E701 HANDLE, LEFT POIGNEE, CAUCHE 737 760074 PIN, PIVOT CLUTCH AXE DE MANETIE DE COMMANDE 738 3535 NUT, PUSH ON CAP ECROU BORGNE 739 4049 BUMPER, RECTANGLE PATIN RECTANGULAIRE 740 1502113 CABLE, DRIVE C._3,BLE,COMMANDE DU SYSTEME DE TRACTION 741 761872 CABLE, AUGER CLUTCH C/_BLE, COMMANDE DES LAMES CHASSE-NEIGE 743 313441 BRACKET, CABLE ADJUSTER PIECE DE REGLAGE DU CABLE, SYSTEME DE TRACTION 744 1673 SPRING, AUGER CLUTCH RESSORT DE CABLE, COMMANDE DES LAMES 745 15x145 NUT, 1/4-20 ECROU 1/4-20 750 1501449E701 HANDLE, LOWER POIGNEE, PARTIE INFERIEURE 751 25x021 SCREW, TAP 5/16-18 X .75 VIS 5/16-18 X .75 750 579860 SPOOL-CABLE, AUGRT CLUTCH BOBINE DE PASSAGE DE CABLE, COMMANDE DES LAMES 760 1501059 YZ BRACKET, CABLE SPOOL YZ ATrACHE DE LA BOBINE DE PASSAGE DE CABLE 762 1501122 CABLE, LOWER DRIVE 12" CABLE, PARTIE BASSE 12", COMMANDE DES LAMES 763 001798 BOLT, HEX 1/4-20 X 1.5 BOULON 1/4-20Xl,5 765 308146 BOOT, CLUTCH SPRING GAINE DE RESSORT, SYSTEME DE TRACTION 766 333928 GRIP POIGNEE 51 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE CONTROL PANEL / PANNEAU DE COMMANDE • 779 735 761 766 765 760 771 763 764 770 Ref. Handle Page 781 782 774 763 764 772 773 784 Ref. Handle Page 809 810 812 811 52 813 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER 0950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDE RECHANGE CONTROL PANEL / PANNEAU DE COMMANDE Key No. N°surle Part No, sch6ma N° de piece Description Description 735 71045 NUT, 3/8-16 HEXJAM ECROU, 3/6-18 760 308905E701 BRACKE_, SHIFT CONTROL SUPPORT OU LEVIER DE COMMANDE 761 762148 CARR. BOLT, 1/4-20 X 2 BOULON, 1/4-20 X 2 763 71059 WASHER, SPLIT RONDELLE-FREIN 764 71034 NUT, 1/4-20 HEX CONTRE-EOROU 765 6056E737 CONTROL PANEL PANNEAU DE COMMANDE 766 3809 CARR. BOLT, 1/4-20 X 0.63 BOULON, 1/4-20 X 0.63 PO. 770 305260E701 SHIFT LEVER ASSY LEVlER DE COMMANDE MONTAGE 771 302900 SCREW, 5/16-18Xl 772 50786 SPRING RESSORT 773 71071 FLATWASHER RONDELLE PLATE 774 71038 NUT, 5/16-18 NYLON HEX FtCROU INDESSERRABLE 5/16-18 779 304437 GRIP POMMEAU 781 71071 WASHER, FLAT .849X.69X.066 RONDELLE PLATE 782 71081 PIN, COTI'ER GOUPILLE, FENDUE 784 1582O19 ROD, SPEED CONTROL TIGE DE COMMANDE DE VITESSE 805 71042 NUT, 5/16-18 E_CROU 806 6352 ADAPTER, SPEED ROD -yz AOAPTATEUR, TIGE DE COMMANDE DE LA VITESSE -YZ 808 50782 BALL JOINT, STEEL -YZ ROTULE EN AClER -YZ 809 71060 WASHER RONDELLE 810 71042 NUT, 5/16-24 ECROU 811 579944 FLANGED BEARING PALIER 812 1501110 YZ ROD ASS'(, YOKE PANEL LEVlER DE CHANGEMENT DE VlTESSE 813 11X30 RING, RETAINER CIRCLIP .75 VIS, 5/16-18X1,75 53 1/4-20 PO. CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A , REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PIECESDERECHANGE CHUTE ROD / GOULOTTE TIGE 856 855 854 Ref. Handle Assy 862 868 865 861 860 864 870 / 867 852-9 / 852-5 / 852-13 852-8 Ref. Auger Housing Assy 852-10 / 852-11 / 852-2 852-6 \ 869 \ \ / 852-7 54 / 852-3 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII=CESDE RECHANGE CHUTE ROD / GOULO'rTE TIGE Key No. N°surle Part No. sch6ma N° de piece Description Description 852-1 1501533 YZ ASSEMBLY, YOKE & ROD ENSEMBLE TRINGLE-CHAPE 852-2 164x37 SPRING RESSOP_I" 852-3 1501067 GEAR, CHUTE ROTATION 9T PIGNON DE ROTATION DU DEVERSOIR 852-5 579493 PIN, CO]-r ER GOUPILLE FENDUE 852-6 1501306E701 BRACKET, CHUTE GEAR PATrE DE FIXATION DU PIGNON 852-7 1501293 PIN, HAIR GOUPILLE 852-8 1501075 YZ ASSEMBLY, YOKE ADAPTER YZ ENSEMBLE ADAPTATEU R-CHAPE 852-9 711082 PIN, HAIR GOUPILLE BETA 852-10 578060 PIN, UNIVERSAL JOINT GOUPILLE DE JOINT UNIVERSEL 852-11 578309 PIN, CLEVIS GOUPILLE DE CHAPE 852-13 578063 HOUSING, UNIVERSAL CAPUCHON DE JOINT UNWERSEL 854 307399 KNOB, SLEEVE POIGNEE DE MANIVELLE 855 309312 FLA33NASH ER RONDELLE PLATE 856 73664 NUT, PUSH ON 3/8" CAPUCHON 3/8" 850 1501456 EYE BOLT 3/8-15X5.00 BOULON A OEIL 3/8-15X6.00 861 148 GROMMET, EYE BOLT OBLLET 862 1501457 BOOT, EYE BOLT BOUT]E 863 71045 NUT, 3/8-16 HEXJAM CONTRE-ECROU 864 71072 FLA'rWASH ER .406X.81X.065 RONDELLE PLATE .405X.81X.066 865 309344 ADAPTER, BOOT ADAPTATEUR 867 71045 NUT, 3/8-16 HEXNYL ECROU 5 PANS 3/8-16 HEXNYL 868 002x98 BOLT, CARRIAGE 1/4-20 X 1.00 BOULON AUTOBLOQUANT 1/4-20X1.00 869 15x145 NUT, 1/4-20 ECROU 870 1501074 YZ CRANK, ASSY CHUTE MANIVELLE DE DEVERSOIR 55 6 PANS 3/8-16 HEXJAM CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIRPARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII=CESDERECHANGE HEADLIGHT / MONTAGE DU PHARE 621 620 622 633 j, 626 623 Ref. Handle Page 631 625 628 624 627 629 630 J 634 Key No. NOsurle sch6ma Part No. N° de pl_ce Description Description 620 583490 HOUSING, HEADLIGHT UPPER BOITER SUP_RIEUR OU PHARE 621 762343 HEADLIGHT, ASSY * MONTAGE DU PHARE * 622 1501514 HOUSING, HEADLIGHT LOWER BO/TER INFERIEUR DU PHARE 623 307781 SCRE-3N,#8X1.75 VIS, #8 X 1,75 PO. 624 1501455 WIRING HARNESS, HALOGEN FILS ELECTRIQUES 625 4029 YZ BRACKET, HEADLIGHT SUPPORT MONTAGE DU PHARE 626 002)(88 BOLT, CARRIAGE - 5/16-18X2.00 BOULON MI_CANIQUE 5/16-18X2,00 627 580527 WASHER, SADDLE RONDELLE CINTR_E 628 71061 WASHER, EXLK .32X.60X.040 RONDELLE ,32X,60X,040 629 71060 WASHER, SPTLK .31X.58X.08 RONDELLE FENDUE ,31X,58X,08 630 15x144 NUT, 5/16-18 REGHEX E_OROU,5116-18 631 235 SCREW, 5/16-18X2.00 VIS, 5/16-18X2,00 PO. 632 71060 WASHER, SPTLK RONDELLE FENDUE 633 15x144 NUT, 5/16-18 REGHEX I_OROI_I,5/16_18 634 66426 TIE, CABLE CABLE DE BRIDE DU PHARE, HALOGENE PO. * Forreplacement bulb,use StandardGE or Phillips#894, * Pour I'ampoulede rechange,employezla GE standardou #894 Phillips. 56 CRAFTSMAN 30" SNOW BLOWER C950524312A REPAIR PARTS CRAFTSMAN 30" CHASSE NEIGE C950524312A PII=GES DE RECHANGE DECALS / AUTOCOLLANTS t832_I_835- _834 }33 826 [] Key No. Nosur le Part No. schdma Node piece Description Description 823 48x5966 DECAL DANGER CHUTE HAND AUTOCOLLANT, DANGER MAINS. _:JEOTION 824 48x5968 DECAL DANGER FOOT AUTOCOLLANT, DANGER PIEDS 826 48x5958 DECAL CRAFTSMAN 11.5/30 AUTOCOLLANT, CRAFTSMAN 11.5/30 828 48x5579 DECAL THROWN OBJECTS AUTOCOLLANT, PROJECTION D'OBJETS 829 48x5593 DECAL DRIVE CLUTCH AUTOCOLLANT, EMBRAYAGE ROUES 830 48x5594 DECAL AUGER CLUTCH AUTOCOLLANT, EMBRAYAGE FRAISE 831 327921 DECAL GEAR SELECTOR AUTOCOLLANT. S(:LECTEUR VITESSE 832 48x5565 DECAL CRAFTSMAN AUTOCOLLANT, CRAFTSMAN 933 48x5960 DECAL CLEAN & CLEAR BRUSH AUTOCOLLANT, BROSSE ,_ NETFOYER/DC:BLAYER 834 761048 DECAL TOOLBOX INFORMATION AUTOCOLLANT, INSTRUCTIONS 835 340568 DECAL SPEED SELECT AUTOCOLLANT, SELECTEUR VITESSE -- 48x5993 DECAL O.P.E.I. AUTOCOLLANT, O.P.E.L -- 401428 MANUAt OWNER'S MANUEL D'UTILISATION 57 BOh'E/%. OUT]LS BRIGGSANDSTRATTONENGINE21Cl14-0370-E1 REPAIRPARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRA'rroN21Cl14-0370.E1PIECESDE RECHANGE 1019 LABEL KIT 1 1351 f 718_ 3o7_ 55_ 5251 523 1281 15 287 524 746 742 _ 12 22_ 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 12 Assemblies Include all parts shown In frames. Les assemblages comprennent toutes ]es pi_ces illustrdes dans les encadrements. 58 _1 REPAIRPARTS BRIGGSANDSTRATrONENGINE21Cl14-0370-E1 MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRATrON21Cl14-0370-E1PIECESDE RECHANGE Key No. No sur le sch6ma 1 2 3 7 12 Part No. N° de piece 697702 698340 *391086 *_.697690 *694963 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 695757 696412 696914 698340 *391086 281658 695174 222698 697693 26 697692 27 28 29 30 32 46 51 51A 69 122 146 219 220 267 306 307 356 523 524 525 529 552 718 718A 741 742 746 868 883 998 1019 1022 1095 1351 690975 696581 694691 694692 690976 790496 .A*.694874 .A.,694875 691685 _.,694876 690979 693578 691724 691693 697240 691660 695438 790477 691876 790478 791822 694674 690959 695178 691288 692564 694679 *A696968 ,/.695398 696683 790459 ,/.690971 695449 790017 Description Cylindre Kit -entrstoise/joint (face magndto) Joint & huile (face magneto) Joint de culasse Description Cylinder Assembly Kit-Bushing/Seal (Magneto Side) Seal-Oil (Magneto Side) Gasket-Cytinder Head Gasket-Crankcase Joint de bioc-cylindre Vie de vidange Plug-Oil Drain Viiebrequin Crankshaft Cover-Crankcase Carter de vilebrequin Kit -entretoise/ioint (face prise de force) _t-Bushing/Seai (PTO Side) Joint _. huile (face prise de force) Seal-Oil (PTO Side) Bouchon - remplissage d'huile Cap-Oil Fill Vie (carter de vilebrequin/cuve) Screw (Crankcase Cover/Sump) Cl6 - volant d'inertie Key-Flywheel Piston (standard) Piston Assembly (Standard) ....... Note ..... Remarque ..... 697695: Piston Assembly (.020" Oversize) 697695: Piston (0,020" surdimensionn_) Jeu de segments (standard) Ring Set (Standard) ....... Note ..... Remarque ..... 697698: Jeu de segments (0,020" surdimansionn_) 697698: Ring Set (.020" Oversize) Lock-Piston Pin Verrouillage- axe de piston Pin-Piston Goupille - piston Tringle de raccord Rod-Connecting Plongeur- tringle de raccord Dipper-Connecting Rod Vis- (tringle de raocord) Screw (Connecting Rod) Arbre& came Camshaft Joint - alimentation Gasket-Intake Joint - alimentation Gasket-intake Vie de vidange Plug-Oil Drain Entretoise - carburateur Spacer-Carburetor CI_ de r6glage Engrenage de gouvemeur Rondelle (engrenage de gouverneur) Vie (tube de jauge) Bouclier de cylindre Vie (bouclier de cylindre) Jeu de ioints - moteur Jauge Joint torique (tube de jauge) Tube - jauge Passe-ills Key-'l] ming Gear-Governor Washer (Governor Gear) Screw (Dipstick Tube) Shield-Cylinder Screw (Cylinder Shield) Gasket Set-Engine Dipstick Seal-O Ring (DipstickTube) Tube-Dipstick Grommet Bushing-Governor Crank Pin-Locating Pin-Locating Gear-_ming Retainer-E Ring Gear-Idler Seal-Valve Gasket-Exhaust Pipe-Oil Kit-Label Gasket-Rocker Cover Gasket Set-VaNe Stud (Cylinder Shield) Entretoise - maniveUe de gouvemeur Goupille de montage Goupille de montage Engrenage - r_glage Bague de retenue Poulie libre d'engrenage Joint de soupape Joint d'echappement Conduite - huile Kit d'6tiquettes Joint - eache-culbuteurs Jeu de joints - soupape Geujon(gaJnedecyllndre) 59 BRIGGSANDSTRATrONENGINE21C114-0370-E1 REPAIR PARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRA'rroN21C114.0370-E1PIi:CESDERECHANGE 1275 o14=6) 1171_ _) 337 =5 C_ 632 95 122 70 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 51A_ 117 122 51A 369 t 105 105 117 127 0 137 (_ 633 _ 137_ °33° 1127 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. Lee assemblages comprennent routes lee pi_css illustr6es dans les encadrements. 6O BRIGGSANDSTRATrONENGINE21C114-0370-E1 REPAIRPARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRATTON21Cl14.0370.E1PIECESDE RECHANGE Key No. Nosurle sch6ma 5 Part No. N °de piece 697233 Description Head-Cylinder Description Culasse 7 11 *4697690 696750 Gasket-Cylinder Head Tube-Breather Joint de culasse Tube reniflard 13 33 690360 499596 Screw (Cylinder Head) Valve-Exhaust Vis (Culasse) 34 697464 Valve-Intake 35 36 42 694865 694865 499586 Spring-Valve (Intake) Spring-Valve (Exhaust) Keeper-Valve 45 51 61A 690977 ._o_694874 ._,.694875 Tappet-Valve Gasket-Intake Gasket-Intake 96 97 690718 696387 Screw (Throttle Valve) Shaft-Throttle 98 104 105 108 e695408 e694918 e696136 696736 Kit-Idle Speed Pin-Float Hinge Valve-Float Needle Valve-Choke 109 696735 Shaft-Choke 117 116 121 e696134 696135 696146 Jet-Main (Standard) Jet-Main (High Altitude) Kit-Carburetor Overhaul 122 125 _,.694876 696737 Spacer-Carburetor Carburetor Gicleur principal(haute altitude) Kit de remplacemnt de carburateur Entretoise de carburateur Carburateur 127 130 e690727 696139 Plug-Welch Valve-Throttle Pastille d'obturation Valve d'accdlSrateur 133 135 137 694914 696142 eO695426 Float-Carburetor Tube-Fuel Transfer Gasket-Float Bowl Niveau de carburateur Condulte de carburant Joint - cuve du carburateur 192 337 369 690083 491055 695422 Adjuster-Rocker Arm Plug-Spark Spring-Float Bowl Piece de reglage -culbuteur Bougie d'allumage Ressort - cuve du carburateur 383 632 633 19374 695917 e,690998 Wrench-Spark Plug Spring/Link-Mechanical Governor Seal-Choke/Throttle Shaft Cle & bougie RessortJLiaison-gouvemeur Joint - starter/arbre d'acc_ldrateur 635 798 868 691909 697967 _A690968 Boot-Spark Pug Screw (Rocker Arm) Seal-Valve Protecteur de caoutchouc - bougie d'allumage Vis (cu]buteur) Joint - valve 883 *_695396 Gasket-Exhaust 914 975 977 1022 693732 696138 696147 *A690971 Screw (Rocker Cover) Bowl-Float Gasket Set-Carburetor Gasket-Rocker Cover Joint - dchappement Vis (cache-culbuteurs) Cuve du carburateur 1023 1026 1029 1100 698042 695177 690972 690973 Cover-Rocker Rod-Push Arm-Rocker Pivot-Rocker Arm 1127 1171 695407 696754 Screw (Float Bowl) Stud (Rocker Cover) 1275 696757 Nut (Rocker Cover) Soupape d'dchappement Soupape d'alimentation Ressort de valve (d'alimentation) Ressort de valve (d'_chappement) Blocage - valve Soupape - valve Joint d'alimentation Joint d'alimentation Vis (valve d'acc_l_rateur) Arbre d'acc_l_rateur Kit - ralenti Axe - charni_re de niveau Valve -Aiguille de niveau Valve de starter Arbre de starter Gicleur principal(Standard) Jeu de joints - carburateur Joint - carter des culbuteurs Carter des culbuteurs Tringle a pression Culbuteur Pivot - culbuteur Vis (cuve du carburateur) Goujon (carter de oulbuteur) I_crou (carter de culbuteur) 61 BRIGGSANDSTRA'I-rONENGINE21Cl14.0370-E1 , REPAIRPARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRATTON 21Cl14-0370-E1PIECESDERECHANGE 1119 613 _ 613Aq'_, 334 599 @ 597_ 456 397_ _6899_ _ 55 121 73_ 1211 3O9 1036 EMISSIONS LABEL g30 1005 1070 % 455 332 _2 @ 55 78 190 _ 3o_ Assemblies include all parts shown in frames, Lee assemblages comprennent toutes les pi_ces Illustr6es dans lee encadrements, 62 BRIGGSANDSTRATI'ONENGINE21C114-0370-E1 REPAIRPARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRATrON21C114-0370-E1PIECESDE RECHANGE Key No. NO$ur le sch6ma 23 Part No. N ° de pl_ce 695485 Description Flywheel Description Volant d'inertie 37 699047 Guard-Flywheel Carter (volant d'inertie) 55 696710 Housing-Rewind Starter Carter (d_marreur & rappel) 58 693389 Rope-Starter (Cut to Required Length) Corde de lanceur & rappel (Iongueur sur demande ou standard) 60 695740 Grip-Starter Rope Poign_e de lancaur & rappel 65 78 697725 695724 Screw (Rewind Starter) Screw (Flywheel Guard) Vis (d_marreur & rappel) 187 698080 Line-Fuel (Molded) Vis (Carter de volant d'inertiel) Conduite de carburant (moulde) 190 300 692127 699211 Screw (Fuel Tank) Muffler Vis (R(_servoir d'essence SUencieux 304 791479 Housing-Blower Carter du chasse-neige 305 309 691108 698112 Screw (Blower Housing) Motor-Starter Vis (carter du chasse-neige) Moteur de d_marreur 332 694685 Nut (Flywheel) €:crou (volant d'inertie) 333 334 495859 691061 Armature-Magneto Screw (Magneto Armature) Armature du magndto 356 692603 Wire-Stop (Rocker Switch) 455 456 697226 692299 Cup-Flywheel Plate-Pawl Friction 459 281505 PawI-Rachet 474 791743 Alternator 578 592 790481 690800 Wire Assembly Nut (Rewind Starter) Faisceau de c&bles 597 601 608 691696 95162 699335 Screw (Pawl Friction Plate) Clamp-Hose Starter-Rewind Vis (Plaque de friction & cliqust) Pinca & tubulure 613 695312 Screw (Muffler) Vis (silencieux) 613A 696705 Screw (Muffler) Vie (silencieux) 635 689 691909 691855 Boot-Spark Plug Spring-Friction Protecteur de caoutchouc - bougie d'allumage Ressort - friction 697 727 698113 697465 Screw (Starter Motor) Cover-Starter Drive Vis (moteur du ddmarreur) Carter - entrai'nement du d_marreur 732 691097 Screw (Starter Drive Cover) 851 692424 TerminaJ-Spark Plug Vis (Carter de I'entrainement du d_marreur) Termial - Bougie 853 883 790455 .A695398 Wire-Adapter Gaskst-Exhaust 930 696709 Guard-Rewind 967 972 694261 694260 Cap-Fuel Tank-Fuel 1005 1036 694684 790466 Fan-Flywheel Label-Emissions Veotilsteur - volant d'inertie 1070 690364 Screw (Flywheel Fan) 1119 691183 Screw (Alternator) Vis (ventilateur du volant d'inertie) Vis (alternateur) 1210 1211 498144 498144 Pulley/Spring Assembly (Pulley) Pulley/Spring Assembly (Spring) Vis (armature du magneto) Butte de c&ble (commutateur & bascule) Cache - volant d'inertie Plaque - friction & cliquet Cliqust Alternateur I_crou (d_marreur & rappel) D_marreur & rappel Adaptateur de cable Joint - (_chappemeot) Carter -lanceur & rappel Bouchon - r_servoir d'essence R_servoir d'essence E_tiquette_missions Jeu de poulie et ressort (poulie) Jeu de poulie et ressort (ressort) 63 BRIGGSANDSTRATrONENGINE21C114-0370-E1 REPAIRPARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRATrON21C114.0370-E1PII=CESDERECHANGE ,72? 828_ 11_ 1288 99o_ 347 1288 1288A 978 _ / 781 1251 _252 615 O 804A 1881 _ 1230 222 604 289 Assemblies include all pa,rts shown in frames. Les assemblages comprennent toutes les pieces inuefr_es dane lee encadrements. 64 _) BRIGGSANDSTRATrONENGINE21C114-0370-E1 REPAIRPARTS MOTEURBRIGGSANDSTRATrON21C114.0370-E1PII CESDE RECHANGE Key No. N°surle sch6ma 11 Part No. N ° de piece 696750 Description Tube-Breather Tube reniflard 53 696753 Stud (Carburetor) Goujon (carburateur) 188 690877 Screw (Control Bracket) Vie (supportdes commandes) 209 695491 Spring-Governor (PosRionin No 6 Hole) Ressortde r_gulateur(positionner autrouNo. 6) 222 694866 Bracket-Control Support des commandee 227 694864 Lever-Governor Control Levier de ccmrnande du gouvemeur) 281 697268 Panel-Control Panneau des commandes 347 698338 Switch-Hocker Commutateur_ bascule 472 790472 Knob-Choke Shaft Bouton - arbre du starter 505 691251 Nut (Governor Control Lever) F:crou(levier de commande du gouvemeur) 562 691119 Bolt (Governor Control Lever) Boulon (levier de commande du gouvemeur) 528 696751 Hose-Primer Conduite - bouton d'amorce 564 790282 Screw (Control Cover) Vie (Carter des commandes) 604 790473 Cover-Control Carter des commandes 604A 696758 Cover-Control Carter des commandes 616 694675 Crank-Governor Manivelle du gouverneur 663 790282 Screw (Control Panel) Vie (panneau de garnissage) 725 696756 Shield-Heat I_cranthermique 731 790470 Hood-Snow Carter - neige 731A 790454 Hoed-Snow Carter - neige 892 *_696749 Switch-Key CI_ de contact 976 790221 Primer-Carburetor Bouton d'amorce - carburateur 990 695756 Key Set Jeu de clds 1196 696692 Screw (Snow Hood) Vie (carter _ neige) 1230 696747 Stud (Control Bracket) Goujon (supportdes commandes) 1251 696762 Shield-Snow I_cran _ neige 1251A 790471 Shield-Snow I_cran _ neige 1252 696763 Screw (Snow Shield) Vis (ecran & neige) 1288 696757 Nut (Snow Hood) 16crou(_cran _ neige) 1288A 698111 Nut (Snow Hood) 16crou(dcran _ neige) 1298 698111 Nut (Heat Shield) Ecrou (_cran thermique) 1352 790026 Nut (Spark Plug Shield) Ecrou (_cran & bougie) Description 65 NOTES 66 Just Call: 1-800-4-MY-HOME ® (1-800-469-4663) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week For the repair of major brand appliances in your own home ... no matter who made it, no matter who sold itY For your nearest Sears Parts & Service location, to bring in products like vacuums, lawn equipment and electronics. For Sears Parts & Service, to order the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. To purchase or inquire about a Sears Maintenance Agreement, call: 1-800-361-6665 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. - Fri. EST, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sat. Pour service en francais: 1-800-LE-FOYER Mc (1-800-533-6937) SEARS HomeCentral k _rM Trademarks of Sears, Roebuck and Co. used under license by Seers Canada ® MC Marque depos_e/ Marque de commerce de Sears, Roebuck and Co. utilisee en vertu d'une licence de Sears Canada 67
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 67 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Tue Aug 14 22:38:36 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by