Craftsman 247 38824 Owners Manual
CRAFTSMAN Lawn Mower Walk Behind Manual 99030292 CRAFTSMAN Lawn Mower Walk Behind Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Lawn Mower Walk Behind installation guides
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Owner's Manual CRAFTSMRN 19" Mulching/Rear Discharge PUSH LAWN MOWER Model No. 247.388240 CAUTION: Before using this product, read this manual and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Printed in U.S.A. 770-10185A (1/99) Content Content Page Page Warranty Information ................................... 2 Service & Adjustment..................................... 15 Safe Operation Practices ........................... ,3 Storage .......................................................... 17 19 20 26 Slope Gauge ................................................ 6 Assembly ..................................................... 7 Trouble-Shooting........................................... Parts List........................................................ Operation ..................................................... 9 Espan61.......................................................... Maintenance .................................................. 12 Two-Year Warranty on Craftsman Lawn Mower For two years from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman lawn mower is maintained, lubricated, and tuned up according to the instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defects in material or workmanship. If this lawn mower is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover: 1. Expendable items which become worn dudng normal use, such as rotarymower blades, blade adapters, belts, air cleaners and spark plug. 2. Repairs necessary because of operator abuse or negligence, includingbent crankshafts and the failure to maintain equipment according to the instructions contained in the owner's manual. WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THE CRAFTSMAN LAWN MOWER TO THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER IN THE UNITED STATES. THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY WHILE THIS PRODUCT IS IN USE IN THE UNITED STATES. This warranty gives you specific legal dghts, and you may also have other dghts whichvary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck And Co., D/817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 available when the lawn mower was purchased.They These accessorieswere are also available at most Sears retailoutlets,and stores can order repair parts service for you when centers. youMostSears providethe modelnumber of yourlawn mower. PRODUCT _ t_'_ j_ kJ(_ _'° % Spark Plug Muffler Safety - Wheels Glasses _ _ {_ S EngineOil Stabilizer Gas Can SPECIFICATIONS Horsepower: 4.0 Engine Oil 21 oz. SAE 30 oil Fuel Capacity: 1.5 quarts Spark Plug J19LM Gap .030 inches Blade Grass Catcher Please record model number, serial number, and date of purchase here for future reference. You will find this information on the model plate located on the cuttingdeck of your mower. Model Number ......................................................... Sedal Number........................................................... Date of Pumhase ...................................................... | This symbol points out important safety Instructions which, if not followed,couldendangerthe personal safety and/or propertyof yourselfand others. Read and follow ell instructionsin this manuel before attemptingto operateyour lawn mower. Failureto complywith these instructionsmay resultin personal injury.When you see this symbol--heed Its warning. 1 _D ANnER manual. As with any type of power equipment,carelessnessor error on the part of the operator mowerwas builttoyou be operated according the rules for safe operation this to "'_ "': Yourlawn can resultin seriousinjury.If violate any of thesetorules, you may cause seriousIn injury yourse f or others. This unitis equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnotbe used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-coveredor grass-coveredland unlessthe engine'sexhaust system isequippedwithe spark arrestermeetingapplicablelocalor state laws (if any). If a spark arresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorderby the operator. in the State of Californiathe above isrequiredby law (Section4442 ofthe CaliforniaPublic Resources Code). Other states may have similarlaws. Federal laws applyon federallands. A spark an'esterforthe muffleris availablethroughyournearest Sears AuthorizedServiceCenter (See the REPAIR PARTS section of this manual.) WARNING: The engineexhaustfrom this productcontainschemicalsknownto the State of Californiato cause cancer,birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharm. GENERAL OPERATION Thoroughlyinspectthe area where the equipment is to be used. Remove all stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys and otherforeign objectswhichcould be pickedup and thrownby the mowerin any directionand cause seriouspersonalinjuryto the operatoror anyothersellowed in the area. Plan yourmowingpatternto avoiddischargeof material towardreads,sidewalks,bystandersend thelike. To helpavoida thrownobject'sinjury,keep children,bystandersand helpers at least 75 feet from the mowerwhileit is in operation. Alwayswear safety glassesor safetygoggles duringoperationorwhileperformingan adjustment or repair,to protecteyes from foreign objectsthat may be thrownfromthe machinein any direction. Wear sturdy,rough-soledwork shoes and closetittingslacksand shirts.Shirtsand pantsthatcover the armsand legsend steel-toedshoesare recommended.Do notwear loosefittingclothesor jewelry.They canbe caughtin movingparts.Never operatea unitin barefeet, sandals,slipperyor light weight(e.g. canvas)shoes. Do not put handsor feet near or underrotating pads. Keep clear ofdischargeopeningat ell times as the rotatingblade cancause injury. Many injuriesoccuras a resultof the mower being pulledoverthe foot duringa fall. Do not hangon to the mowerifyou are fairing; release the handle immediately. Never pullthe mowertowardyou while you are walking.If you mustback the mower away from a Read this owner'sguide carefullyin itsentirety before attemptingto assemblethis machine. Read, understand,and followall instructionson the machine and in the manual(s)before operation.Be completelyfamiliarWiththe controls and the properuse of thismachine before operatingit. Keep this manualin a safe place for future and regularreference,and for ordering replacement pads. Your rotarymower is a precisionpieceof power equipment, nota plaything.Therefore,exercise extreme cautionat elltimes. Your unithasbeen designedto perform one job:to mow grass.Do not use it for any other purpose. Never allow childrenunder14 years oldto operate a power mower.Children14 yearsold and over shouldonlyoperate mower undercloseparental supervision.Only responsibleindividualswho are familiar with these rulesof safe operationshould be allowed to use yourmower. Keep the area of operationclear of ell persons, particularly small childrenand pets. Stop engine when they ere in the vicinity of your mower to help prevent blade contact or thrown object injury. Although the area of operation shouldbe completely cleared of foreign objects, an object may have been overlooked and couldbe accidentally thrown by the mower in any direction and cause seriouspersonal injury to the operator or any others allowed in the area. 3 wallOrobstruction firstlookdownandbehind, andthenfollowthesesteps: as shownon theelopegauge(page6), do notoperatethis uniton thatareaor seriousinjurycouldresult. a. Stepbackfrom the mowerto fully extandyour DO: arms, b. Be sure you are well balancodwithsure footing. c. Pullthe mower backslowly,no morethan half way towardyou. d. Repeat thesesteps as needed. Do not operatethe mowerwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs. Do notengage the self-propenedmechanismon unitsso equippedwhilestartingengine. The bladecontrolhandleis a safetydevice.Never attemptto bypass itsoperation.Doingso makes the safetydevice inoperativeand may resultin personalinjurythroughcontactwiththe rotating blade.The bladecontrolhandlemustoperate easily in bothdirectionsand automaticallyreturn to thedisengagedpositionwhen released. Never operatethe mower in wet grass.Alwaysbe sure ofyour footing. A slipand fall can cause sedouspersonalinjury. Keep a firm holdon the handleand walk, never run. Ifyou feel you are losingyourfooting,RELEASE THE BLADE CONTROL HANDLE IMMEDIATLEY and the bladewill stoprotatingwithinthree seconds. Mow onlyin daylightor goodartificiallight. Stoptheblade whencrossinggraveldrives,walks or roads. If the equipmentshouldstartto vibrate abnormally,stop the engine and check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationisgenerallya warningoftrouble. Shutthe engine offand wait untilthe bladecomes to a completestop beforeremovingthe grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute.The cutting blade continues to rotatefor a few seconds alter the engine isshut off. Never place anypart ofthe bodyin the bladearea untilyou are surethe blade has stoppedrotating. Never operatemower withoutproperguards, grasscatcher,plates or othersafety protective devicesin place. Mufflerand engine become hotand can cause a bum. Do not touch. Do not adjustthe throttlecontrolwiththe engine running. Only useaccessories approvedfor this machine bythe manufacturer.Read, understand,and follow all instructionsprovidedwiththe approved acCessory. If situationsoccurwhichare notcoveredin this manual, usecare and goodjudgment.Contact yourdealer for assistance. Slope Operation Foryoursafety,usethe slopegaugeincludedas part of thismanualtomeasure slopesbeforeoperatingthisuniton a slopeor hillyarea. If the slopeisgreaterthan15 degrees Mow acrossthe face of slopes;never up and down.Exercise extremecaution when changing directionon slopes. Watchfor holes,ruts,hiddenobjects,or bumps. Taggrass can hideobstacles. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting. A slipand fall can cause seriouspersonalinjury. (fyou feel you are losingyourbalance release the blade control handleimmediatelyand the bladewill stop in less than3 seconds. ON MODELS WiTH CASTER WHEELS: Lock bothfront wheels so they do not pivotwhile mowingon theface of slopes. To turnthe mower, depressthe handleand raise the front wheels s(ightiy. DO NOT: Do not mownear drop-offs, ditchesor embankments.The operatorcouldlose footingor balance. Do not mow slopesgreaterthan 15 degrees as shownon the slopegauge. Do not mowon wet grass. Reducedfooting could causeslipping. ON MOWERS WITH CASTER WHEELS: Do Not mow on slopeswithcasters unlockedsincethe mowerhas a tendencyto driftdown hill. Children Tragicaccidentscan occurifthe operatoris notalerttothe presence ofchildren.Children are oftenattractedto the mowerandthe mowingactivity.Neverassumethat childrenwillremainwhereyoulastsaw them. • Keepchildrenoutof the mowingarea and under the watchfulcare of a responsibleadultotherthan the operator. • Be alert and turnmower off ifa childenters the area. Beforeand whilemovingrpackwards,lookbehind and downfor small childrenor otherobjects. Never allowchildrenunderage 14 to operate the mower. Children14 years of age and above shouldread and understandthe operation instructionsand safety rules in this manual. Use extremecare when approachingblind corners,shrubs,trees, or otherobjectsthat may obssureyourvisionof a child or hazard. Service Use extremecare in handlinggasolineand other fuels.They are extremelyflammableand the vaporsare explosive. Use onlyan approvedgasolinecontainer. Never removegas cap or add fuel while the engine is running. Allowengine to coolat least two minutesbeforerefueling. • • • • • • • Replace gasolinecap securelyand wipe off any spilledgasolinebeforestartingthe engineas it may cause a fire or explosion. Extinguish all cigarettes,cigars, pipesand other sourcesof ignition. Never refuelmachineindoorsbecauseflammable vaporswillaccumulatein the area. Never store the machineor fuel containerinside where there is an open flame or spark suchas a gas water heater,space heater, or furnace. Never runan engine inside a closedarea. To reducefire hazard,keep mowerfree of grass, leaves, or other debrisbuild-up.Clean up oilor fuel spillage•Allowmower to coolat least5 minutesbefore storing. Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspecting,make certainthe blade and all movingpartshave stopped.Disconnectthe spark plug wire,and keep the wire away from the sparkplugto prevent accidentalstarting. Checkthe blade and engine mountingboltsat frequent intervalsfor propertightness.Also, visuallyinspectbladefor damage (e.g., bent, cracked or worn). Replace with bladewhich meets originalequipmentspecificationslistedin th_smanual. Keep all nuts,bolts, and screwstightto be sure the equipmentisin safe workingcondition. Never tamperwith safety devices.Check their properoperationregularly. Afterstdkinga foreignobject, stopthe engine, removethe wire from the spark plug,and thoroughlyinspectthe mower for anydamage. Repair the damage before startingandoperating the mower. Never attemptto make a wheel or cuttingheight adjustmentwhilethe engine is running. Grass catchercomponents are subjectto wear, damage and deterioration,whichcould expose movingpartsor allowobjectsto be thrown.For safety protection,frequentlycheckcomponents and replacewith manufacturer'srecommended parts,when necessary. Mower bladesare sharpand can cut. Wrapthe blade(s) or wear gloves, and use extracaution when servicingthem. Do not changethe enginegovernorsettingor overspeedthe engine. Excessiveenginespeeds are dangerous. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Restrictthe use ofthis powermachineto personswho read,understandandfollowthe warningsand instructionsinthis manualand on the machine. Following are representations of the safety labels on your lawn mower. Maintain safety while operating the mower. Please have the part number ready when re-ordering safety labels. DANGER SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE 5 REFERENCE. | _" _- ... _. _. law ' ; __ _'_ SIAVERTIC HTANOHO TR A CORNER OF A BUILDING i_ , OR A FENCE POST , --_o_€_,_ ' cO J. ,<,,< a. t_ _--__ "1 '" (/)o. O Do not mow on inclines w th a slope in excess of 15 degrees (a rise of approximately 2-1/2 feet every 10 feet). A r d ng mower could overturn and cause serious injury. If operating a walk-behind mower on such a slope, it is extremely difficult to maintain your footing and you could slip, resulting in serious injury. Operate RIDING mowers up and down slopes, never across the face of slopes. Operate WALK-BEHIND mowers across the face of slopes, never up and down slopes. Removing Unit From Carton B Upper Handle Remove staples, break glue on top flaps, or cut tape at carton end and peel along top flap to open carton. Remove loose parts if included with unit (i.e., owner's manual, etc,). Cut along dotted lines and lay carton down flat. Remove packing material. Roll unit out of carton. Check carton thoroughlyfor loose parts. ! Note: Make sure not to crimp the cable while removing loose parts or the unit from the carton. IMPORTANT: This unit is shipped without gasoline or oil In the engine. Be certainto service engine with gasoline and oil before operating your mower. NOTE: Reference to right or left hand side of the mower and/or front or behind the mower is observed from the operating position. Figure 2 For shippingpurposes, the hairpin clipis placed in the outer hole of the weld pin on the lower handle. Remove the hairpin clip from the outer hole of the weld pin. See Figure 3. Loose Pads a. b. c. d. Owner's Manual A Bottleof Engine Oil Parts for Grass Bag: Frame, Bag Discharge Chute Tools Required a. b. Pairof Pliers Funnel c% p' ,/ WE'd P'm \ .on ;ire _0 "e_rHole on Weld Pin Disconnecting Spark Plug Before setting up your lawn mower, disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug, and ground it against the engine. See Figure 1. Attach rubber bootto a bolt on the engine to ground as shown below. Spark Plug Wire 'Spark Plug Figure 3 Using a pair of pliers, insertthe hairpin clipinto the inner hole in the weld pin. See Figure 3. Repeat on other side. Raise the upper handle in the direction B shown in Figure 2. Tighten the wing nuts which are already on the handle. Attach control cable to the lower handle with the cable tie already on the lower handle. Pull tight the cable tie and cut off extra. See Figure 4. CableTie \ Figure 1 Assembling Handle Raise lower handle in direction A shown in Figure 2. it shouldsnap intoplace. Note: Make sure to route the cable inside the lower handle. Also do not crimp the cable while liftingthe handle up Figure 4 Place bag over frame (black plastic side is the bottom of bag). Slip the openings in the side of the plasticchannel on bag over the hooks on the grass catcher frame. Secure bag to frame by working the plastic channels on bag over frame as shown in Figure 7. All of the plastic channels except center top of bag attach from the outside of bag. Center top of bag attaches from the inside of bag, Attaching Starter Rope The rope guide is already attached to the dght side of the upper handle of your mower. See Figure 5. • With the spark plugwire disconnectedand grounded,holdthe bladecontrolhandle againstthe upper handle,and pugstarterropeout ofthe engine. • Slip the rope through the rope guide as shown in Figure 5. Tighten the wing nut holdingthe rope guide to the upper handle. Recoil • Nut Hook Guide Figure 5 Frame Bag Attaching Discharge Chute • There is a groove 2"from the left end of the rod. Bend and Snap off approximately 2" of the rod with a pair of vise gdps. See Figure 6. Insert push cap, provided with the chute rod, onto the end of the rod which you just snapped off. Tap on with a hammer. See Figure 6. • Plastic Channels Grass Figure 7 Attaching Grass Catcher to Mower • Lift the chute door on the mower. Remove the mulching plug or the discharge chute. See Figure 8. Mulchlng-_, Plug / Door Rear Discharge _/Ro d I__ ;u;, Figure 8 Holdingthe grass bag firmly, place the bag on the mower as shown in Figure 9. _Chute \Discharge Chute J Hook Figure 6 To attach dlscharge chute: Lift the discharge door and place the ends of the chute rodinto the slot on each handle bracket assembly. Release the rear discharge door. To remove discharge chute: Liftthe rear discharge door of the mower. Lift the discharge chute up and outwards and pull it out of the slots on the handle bracket assemblies. Release the rear discharge door. Grass Catcher _Slot Figure 9 Place hooks, located on two sides of the grass catcher frame, in the slots on the handle brackets. See Figure 9. Release the -chute door. Assembling Grass Catcher NOTE: Make certain bag is turned right side out before assembling (warning label will be on the outside). A Warning: Never operate the mower unless the grass catcher frame is firmly seated on the chute door pivot rod, and the rear discharge door rests firmly on top of the grass catcher. Know Your Lawn Mower Read this owner's manual and safety rules before operating yourlawn mower. Compare the illustrationsin Figure 10 with your lawn mower to familiarize yourself with the locationof various controlsand adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. operator's causing eyemower damage. glasses thrown while operating WARNING:eyes Theand operation ofsevere any lawn canAlways resultinwear foreignsafety objectsbeing into the the mower, or while performing any adjustments or repairson it. ,i_ Handle Recoil Starter OII Fill Ptug_ Front Height Adjustment Lever --... Height Adjustment Lever Spark Plug Wire Primer Throttle Control Lever Figure 10 Reeon Starter ,_ The recoil starter is attached to the handle. Stand behind the unit and pull the recoil starter to start the unit. Primer WARNING: This Never blade controlmechanism is a safety device. attempt to bypass itsoperations. Height Adjustment Lever These levers are locatedon each wheel and are used to adjustthe cuttingheight.All four levers have to be at the same relativepositionto ensure uniformcut. The primer is used to pump gas intothe carburetor. Use it to starta cold engine, but do not use it to restart a warm engine after short shutdown. Blade Control Handle The blade control handle is located on the upper handle of the mower. The blade control handle must be depressed in order to operate the unit. Release blade control handle to stop engine and blade. Meets CPSC Blade Safety Standards Craftsman Walk-BehindLawn Mowers conformtothe safetystandardsof theAms_fcanNationalStandards Institute and the U.S. ConsumerProductSafetyCommission. 9 Stopping Engine Starting Engine • (Refer to Figure 11.) Release blade controlhandle to stop the engine and the blade. Disconnect spark plug wire and move away from spark plug to prevent accidental starting. • operator is standing near lawnthan mower WARNING: Be sure no onethe other the while starting or operating. Attach spark plug wire to spark plug. Make certain the metal cap on the end of the spark plug wire is fastened securely over the metal tip on the spark plug. again refer toBefore the safety pages 3-5 WARNING: usingrules your on lawn mower, of this manual. Always be careful. Gas And Oil Fill-Up & Engine Oil Only use high quality detergent oil rated with API service classification SF, SG or SH. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to your expected operating temperature. Follow the chart below. Colder _ "_- 5W30 3_ :°F"_ |l WARNING: Keep hands, feet, hair and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and lawn mower. Warmer SAE30 WARNING: Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an ododass and deadly gas. --- Push primer three times. Wait about two seconds between each push. In cold weather Oil Viscosity Grade Chart around 55 ° F or below, prime five times. Do not prime to restart a warm engine after a short shutdown. Hold control handle against the upper handle. Grasp recoil starter and pull rope out slowly until engine reaches the start of compression cycle (rope will pull slightlyharder at this point). See Figure 11 inset. Let the rope rewind slowly. Use SAE3O oU; do not use 10W40 oil. Fill oil sump and checkthe oillevel as follows: a. Positionthe mower on level ground. b. Clean area around oil fill plug. C. Remove oilfill plug and dipstick. d. Wipe dipstick clean, insert it into oil fill hole and tighten securely. e. Remove dipstickand check oil level. If the oil is not uptoFULL mark on the dipstick, pour recommended oil through the oil fill and check the level again. Install oil fill plug and dipstick,tighten securely. Hold handles firmly NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oils (5W30, 10W30, etc.) improve starting in cold weather, these multiviscosity oils will resultin increased oil consumption when used above 32°F. Check the oil level more frequently to avoid possible engine damage from runninglow on oil. Check/fill_ Pull recoil starter Fill gasoline Gasoline when engineNever is runningor hot. Do not or WARNING: fill fuel tank indoors, smoke when filling fuel tank. • • • Clean area around gas tank cap. For location, see Figure 10. Remove cap. Use a funnel to prevent spillage. Pour approximately 1.5 quads of fresh, regular grade, unleaded gasoline slowly to the fuel tank. Attach s plug wire 3 times IMPORTANT: Never mix engine oil with gasoline. Fill tank to 1/2" below the bottom of the filler neck. Wipe any fuel spillage. Do not fill fuel tank completely. Provide space for fuel expansion. Figure 11 10 Pullropewitha rapid,continuous, fullarm stroke.Keepinga firmgdpontherecoilstarter, lettheropereturntothestarterslowly. Using Your Lawn Mower Operate the mower till the greys catcher bag is full, or theiob has been completed whichever is eadier. Stop the engine completely by releasing the blade controlhandle. Make sure that the unit has come to a complete stop and the blade has stopped rotating. Empty the grass catcher bag as follows. Your mower is designed to operate as a mulching or a side discharge unit. • For converting from a mulcher to a side discharge unit, refer to instructions on page 8. Do not operate mower without the mulching deflector or the grass catcher properly installed and tightly secured. • Be sure that lawn is clear of stones, sticks, wire, or other objects which could damage lawn mower or engine. Such objects could be accidently thrown by the mower in any direction and cause serious personal injuryto the operator and others. • Forbestresults, donotcut wetgrassbecause it tends to stick to the underside of the mower, preventing proper discharge of grass clippings, and could cause you to slip and fall. New grass, thick grass or wet grass may require a narrower cut. Blade speed should be adjusted to the condition of the lawn. • Thebestmowingpattemisonethatallowsthe clippingsto discharge towards the uncutpart of the lawn. This permits rscuttingof the clippings to further pulverize them. When cutting high weeds, discharge towards cut portion,then recut at right angles to first direction. • For a healthylawn, always cut offone-thirdor less ofthe total length of the grass. Lawn should be cut in the fall as long as there is growth. • This mower is designed to be operated at full throttle to give you the bestcut and do the most effective job of bagging the clippings. A Lift the discharge door and pull the grass bag away from the mower as shown in Figure 12. Holdingthe bag firmly, carry the bag away from the mower. Dispose off the clippings appropriately. Chute Door Bag Handle Hold bag with WARNING: If the mower strikes a foreign object, stop the engine. Remove spark plug wire from_park plug and thoroughlyinspect the mower for any damage. Repair the damage before restartingthe mower. Extensive vibration dudng operation is an indication of equipment damage. Figure 12 Height Adjustment Refer to height adjustments section of this manual on page 16 for instructionon how to adjust the cuffing height and the handle height. For best results in mowing, keep the cutting height positionhigh until it is determined which height is best for your lawn. Using Grass Catcher You can use the grass catcher bag to collectclippings while operating the mower. • Attach the grass catcher to the mower following instructionson page 8 of this manual. 11 Disconnect spark plug wire. Drain the gasoline from the lawn mower, or place a piece of plastic under the gas cap. Tip the mower so that it rests on the housing. Keep the side with the air cleaner facing up. Hold it firmly. Scrape clean the underside of the deck with a suitable tool. Put the mower back on its wheels on the ground. If you had put plastic under the gas cap, make sure to remove it now. General Recommendations Always observe safety rules when performing any maintenance. The warrantyon thislawn mower does notcover itemsthat havebeen subjectedtooperatorabuse or negligence.To receivefull value from the warranty,operatormustmaintainthe lawn mower as instructedin this manual. Changing of engine governed speed will void engine warranty. Some adjustments will have to be made periodically to maintain your unit properly. All adjustments in the Service and Adjustments sectionof this manual shouldbe checked at least once each season. Follow the maintenance schedule given below. Periodicallycheck all fasteners and make sure these are tight. & WARNING: Never tip the mower more than 90 degrees and do not leave the mower tipped for any length of time. Oil can drain into the upper part of the engine causing a starting problem. NOTE: We do not recommend using a garden hose to clean mower unless the muffler, air filterand carburetor are covered to keep water out. Water in engine can shorten engine life. disconnect sparkstop plug before WARNING: the Always thewire engine and performingany maintenanceor adjustments. Engine Maintenance Cleaning & The undersideof the mower deck shouldbe cleaned after each use to prevent any buildupof grass clippings, leaves, dirt, or otherdebris. Ifthis debdsis allowedto accumulate, itwillresultin rust and corrosion. WARNING: Always stop englne, disconnect spark plug wire, and move it away from spark plug before performing any adjustments or repairs. .'ustomer Responsibilities SERVICE DATES MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Lubricatewheels Lubricatecasters 0 Lubricate blade control D. Cleandeck <_ _/_ Bladecare Changeoil <_ _;_ <_ UJ Replace air filter z _z _:_ Cleanengine uJ Checksparkplug Checksparkarrester(if any) _/_ <_ <_ 12 Engine OII Only use high quality detergent oil rated with API service classificationSF, SG or SH. Select the oil's viscositygrade accordingto your expected operating temperature. Refer to page 10 of this manual for viscositychad. Stop engine and wait several minutesbefore checking oil level. With engine on level ground, the oil must be to FULL mark on dipstick. Change engine oil afterthe first five hours of operation, and every twenty-five hours thereafter. Clean cover and flange thoroughly. Insert the new filter into the cover. Place the cover and the filter against flange with tab on the cover inserted into lower left corner of slot in flange. See Figure 13. Push cover firmly against flange and turn it clockwise as far as it will go. Make sure that the retainers are locked around the flange. See Figure 13. air cleaner completely WARNING: Never runassembled. the engine without ,_ To Change Engine Oil Change oil after first two operating hotJrsand every 25 operating hoursthereafter. Drain oil while engine is warm. Followthe instructionsgivenbelow. Tip the mower with the spark plug facingup. Place a container under the dipstick.Pull the dipstickout of oil fill. Drain the oil sump empty, collectingoil in an approved container. Fill oil sump with 21 ounces of fresh SAE 30 oil. Refer to page 10 of this manual for oilfill-up instructions. Clean Engine Clean engine periodically. Remove dirt and debris with a cloth or brush. Frequently remove grass clippings, dirt and debris from cooling fins, air intake screen and levers and linkage. This will help ensure adequate cooling and correct engine speed. NOTE: Do not clean with a forceful spray of water as water could contaminate the fuel system. Spark Plug Clean spark plug and reset gap to .030" at least once a season or every 50 hours of operation. See Figure 14. Spark plug replacement is recommended at the start of each season. Refer to engine parts listfor correct spark plug type. Air Cleaner The air cleaner prevents damagingdirt, dust,etc., from enteringthe carburetor and beingforced into the engine and is importantto engine life and performance. Replace filter once a year or every 100 operating hours, more often ifused in extremelydusty conditions. NOTE: Do not sandblast spark plug. Spark p/ug shouldbe cleaned by scraping or wire brushing and washing with a commercial solvent. To Service Air Cleaner: Turn air filter cover counterclockwiseand remove the cover and filter from the flange. See Figure 13. Discard filter. Feeler gap .030" Spark Plug r Cleaner Filter Figure 14 Retainer Muffler & Figure 13 13 WARNING: Do not operate the lawn mower without a muffler, or tamper with the exhaust system. Damaged mufflers or spark arresters could create afire hazard. Temperature of muffler and nearby areas may exceed 150 ° F(65°C). Blade Care Lubrication Periodically inspectthe blade adapter for cracks, especially if you strike a foreign object. Replace when necessary. Wheels Lubricate the wheels at least once a season WARNING: _lk with light oil or engine oil. Also, ifthe wheels are removed for any reason, lubricatethe surface of the axle bolt and the inner surface of the wheel with light oil. When inspecting the cutting lade, protect hands by using heavy gloves or a rag to grasp the cutting blade. Blade Control Handle Disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug. Turn mower on its side making sure that the air filter and the carburetor are up to check the blade. If the blade needs to be serviced, refer to the instructionson blade care in the "Service • Lubricate the pivot points on the blade control handle and the brake cable at least once a season with light oil. The blade control handle must operate freely in both directions. For complete lubrication chart, see Figure 15. Chute Deflector • Lubricate the torsion springand the pivot point on each end of the chute deflector using a light oil. This will prevent rustingand ensure that the deflector, which is a safety device, can always work properly. & Adjustments"section of this manual. NOTE: Forsake ofctadty,illustrations in the insetsrepresentviewfromanotherperspectiveratherthanfromthe operatingposition. Figure 15: Lubrication 14 Chart To Sharpen Blade: Servicing Blade To Remove Blade Remove the bolt and blade bell supportwhich hold the blade and adapter to the engine crankshaft. See Figure 16. Remove the blade and adapter from the crankshaft. To Replace Blade: Before reinstallingthe blade andthe blade adapter to the unit, lubricatethe engine crankshaftand the inner surface of the blade adapter with lightoil. Installthe blade adapter on the crankshaftwith the "star" away from the engine. See Figure 16. The bladecan be sharpened with a file or on a grinding wheel. Do not aftempt tosharpen while on the mower, Followthe original angle of grind as a guide. Make sure that each cutting edge receives an equal amount of grinding to prevent an unbalanced blade. NOTE: An unba/anced blade wi/I cause excessive vibration when rotating at high speeds, may cause damage to the mower and could break, causing personal injury. Test the blade by balancing it on a round shaft screwdriver or a blade balancer. See Figure 17. If the blade is not balanced, remove metal from the heavy side until it balances evenly. 1. Insert screw driver through hole Blade Adapts, Crankshaft O" 2. Blade should be parallel to ground Screw Driver _. Blade Blade Ground Blade Bell Hex Bolt Figure 17 Support Engine Adjustments Figure 16 Place the new blade with the side marked bottom(or with part number) facing away from the adapter. Place the bell support next. Make sure to align the tabs in the holes of the blade with the hole in the bell support. Insert the hex bolt through the blade assembly. Figure 16 shows the correct order of assembly. Use block of woodto hold blade again while you tighten the bolt clockwise. Follow the recommended torque for the bolt which is 450600 in.-Ibs. IMPORTANT: The bolt, used to secure the blade to the engine, is speciallyheat-treated. Do not substitute. To order replacement bolt, refer to the Repair Parts section of this manual. your unit, all nuts and bolts be of WARNING: To ensure safe must operation checked periodicallyfor correcttightness. adjustments onnot the make engine. Factory settings WARNING: Do unnecessary are satisfactory for most conditions. If any adjustments are made to the engine while the engine is running, keep clear of all moving parts. Be careful of heated surfaces and muffler. Keep your hands away from these parts. Carburetor The carburetor has been pre-set at the factory and shouldnot require adjustment, If the engine on your mower does not operate properlydue to suspected carburetor problems, take your lawn mower to your nearest SEARS service center. Engine performance may be affected in altitudes above 4000 feet. To improve engine performance, install a high altitude adjustment kit, available at the SEARS service center. NOTE: A dirty air cleaner will cause an engine to run rough. Be certain air cleaner is clean and attached to the carburetor. 15 Adjusting Cutting Height Engine Speed the factory setting can be dangerous. Do not WARNING: Overspeedlng engine above attempt to increase engine speed or it may resultin personal injury. Changing of engine governed speed will void engine warranty. IMPORTANT: All wheels must be placed in the same relative position. • Raise the mowerwheels for low cutand lowerthe wheels for highcut. For roughor uneven lawns, move the height adjustment lever to a higher position.This will help stop scalping ofthe grass. There is an adjusting plate and thumb lever at each wheel positionto adjust the cutting height. Each adjusting plate has nine height positions.Height of cut will change if you move the thumb lever from one hole to another. • Simply depress the lever towards wheel and move the wheel and lever assembly to the desired position.See Figure 19. Allwheels must be placed in the same relative positionfor uniformcutting height. • For rough or uneven lawns, move the height adjustment handles to positions whichwill give a higher cutting height. Both front and rear handles must be placed in the same relative position. If you believe the engine is running too fast or too slow, take your lawn mower to the nearest SEARS service center. Adjusting Handle Height Your mower is shipped with the handle in the higher height position.To lower the handle height, proceed as follows. • Remove the starter rope from the rope guide. • Remove the upper handle by removing the hand knobs and cardage bolts. Lay the upper handle out of the way, being careful not to bend or kink the cable. • Remove the hairpin clip from the weld pin on the handle bracket on each side of the lower handle. • • • See Figure 18 inset. Press out on the legs of the lower handle. Remove lower handle from the mower. Turn the lower handle around so the notch on the bottomof the lower handle is facing forward as shown in Figure 18. Reassemble, placing the bottom hole on the handle over the weld pin in the handle mounting bracket. Reassemble the upper handle to the lower handle. Place the hairpin clips in the inner holes in the weld pins and attach the starter rope as instructed in the Assembly section. See Figure 18 inset. Height Adjustment Lever / Notch Handle Figure 19 Hairpin Clip Handle Figure 18 16 Prepare yourlawnmowerforstorage attheendofthe seasonorIf theunitwill not beusedfor30daysor Drainfuelsystem& more. Store the mower in a clean, dry area. carburetor container from open flame, WARNING:outdoors Drain away fuel into approved Be sure engine is cool. Do not smoke. Mower Clean underside of the mower following instructionsin the Maintenance section of this manual. Inspect and replace/sharpen blade, if required. Refer tothe Maintenance section of this manual for blade care instructions. Lubricate mower following the lubricationchart on page 14 of this manual. You can fold your mower's handle for convenient storage as shown in Figure 20. Followthe steps below to fold the handle. Remove the starter rope from the rope guide. Loosen the two hand knobs on the sides of the handle, and let the upper handle fold down to the rear. Drain the fuel tank. Start the engine and let it run untilthe fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Drain carburetor by removing bowl drain screw which is located below the carburetor. See Figure 21. Move the hairpinclips to the outer hole in the weld pins on the handle mounting brackets. Spread the sides of the lower handle, and push it forward and down. Upper Handle BowlreD_ln _carburet°r Lower Handle / Figure 21 Note: Do not drain carburetor ff using fuel stabilizer. carburetor cleaner in the WARNING: Never products use engine or fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. Use fresh fuel next season. Use fuel stabilizer Figure 20 NOTE: Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alternative in minimizing the formation of fuel gum deposits during storage, NOTE: When folding the handle for storage or transportation,be careful not to bend or kink the cable. Add stabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank or storage container. Always follow the mix ratio found on stabilizer container. Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding stabilizer to allow the stabilizer to reach the carburetor. Do not drain the gas tank and carburetor if using fuel stabilizer. Drain all the oil from the crankcase (This should be done after the engine has been operated and is still warm) and refill the crankcase with fresh oil. Engine IMPORTANT: It is importantto prevent gum deposits from forming in essential fuel system parts such as carburetor,fuel filter, fuel hose, or tank during storage. Also, experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage. 17 011cylinderbore Afteryouhavedrainedthefueltank,protectthe insideoftheengineas follows: Clean engine • • Remove spark plug, pour approximately one ounce (30 ml) of engine oil into spark plug hole, and crank slowly to distdbute oil. • • OTHER Do not store gasolinefrom one season to another. Replace your gasolinecan if it startsto rust. Rust and/or dirtin the gasolinewill cause problems.Store unitin a clean, dry area. Do not store next to corrosivematerials, such as fertilizer. hole when cranking engine WARNING: Avoid the spray fromslowly. spark plug • Replace spark plug; do notconnectsparkplugwire. Change oil • Clean engine and remove any grass clippings, dirt,or chaff from the exteriorof the engine. Remove any dirtor debris from coolingfins, air intake screen, levers, and linkage. Change oil if it has not been changed in the last three months. For instructionson how to change oil refer to the Maintenance section of this manual. NOTE: ff storingin an unventi/atador metal storage shed, be certain torustproofthe equipmentby coating witha lightoil or silicone. 18 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Engine fails to start 1. Blade control handle disengaged 2. Spark plug wire disconnected 3. Throttle controllever not in starting position 4. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel 5. Blocked fuel line 6. Faulty spark plug 1. Engage blade control handle. 2. Connect wire to spark plug. 3. Move throttle lever to starting position. 4. Fill tank with fresh, clean fuel. 5,Clean fuel line. 6, Clean, adjust gap or replace. Engine runserratic 1. Spark plug wire loose 2. Blocked fuel line or stale fuel 1, Connect and tighten spark plug wire. 2, Clean fuel line, fill tankwith clean,fresh gasoline. 3, Clear vent. 4, Drain fuel tank. Refill with fresh fuel. 5. Clean air cleaner. Refer to Maintenance sectionof this manual. 3. Vent in gas cap plugged 4.Water or dirt in fuel system 5. Dirty air cleaner Engine overheats 1. Engine oil level low 2. Air flow restricted Occasional skip (hesitates) at high speed 1. Spark plug gap too close i Idles poorly 1, Fill crankcase with proper oil. 2. Clean lawn mower engine. 1. Adjust gap to .630 inches. 1. Spark plug fouled, faulty, or gap too wide 2. Dirty air cleaner Excessive vibration 1. Cutting blade loose or unbalanced 2. Bent cutting blade 3. Bent engine crankshaft Mower will not mulch grass 1. Tighten blade and adapter, balance blade. 2. Replace blade. 3. Contact your SEARS Service Center. 1. Wheels not in same height position 1. Wait until later to cut. 2. Mow once at a high cuttingheight, then mow again at desired height. Make a narrower cutting swath (1/2) width. Do not cut off more than 1/3 of the total length. 3. Sharpen or replace blade, 1. Place all four wheels in same relative 2. Dull blade height position. 2. Sharpen or replace blade. 1. Wet grass 2. Excessively high grass 3. Dull blade Uneven cut 1. Reset gap to .030 inches or replace spark plug. 2. Clean air cleaner followinginstructions on page 13. please contact your nearest SEARS Service Center. For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed above, 19 SEARS CRAFTSMAN 4.0 H.P. LAWN MOWER MODEL 247.388240 6 / 0 7 ,13 15 18 17 21 39 34 _-0 35 9__2_. 4j23 \ 37 45 2O SEARS CRAFTSMAN Key Part No. No. 1, 747-0824 2. 749-0538D0637 3. 749-09280637 4. 710-1270 5, 712-0324 6. 746-0883 7, 710-1205 8. 720-0241 9. 736-0451 10. 710-0450 11. 720-0279 12. 746-0737 13. 726-O24O 14. 714-0104 15. 782-7025 16. 764-0447 17, 764-O325 18. 19, 732-0678 20. 732-0677 21. 732-0712 22, 731-1261 23. 726-0201 24. 731-1405 25. Z82-5007A 4.0 H.P. LAWN MOWER Deecrlptlon Blade Control Handle MODEL 247.388240 Key No. 28. Upper Handle 29, Lower Handle Oval C-Sunk Scr. 1/4-20 x 1.3 _ Hex Lock Nut 1/4-20 Cable Housing Eye Bolt: Rope Guide Wing Nut 5116-18 Saddle Washer Carriage Bolt 5/16-18 x 3.0" Handle Knob 1/4-20 Control Cable: 51" Cable Tie Hairpin Clip Chute Door: RD Grass Catcher Grass Catcher Frame Engine, Tecumseh model 143.994002 Torsion Spring, RH Torsion Spring, LH Wire: Trail Shield Trail Shield Speed Nut SD Chute: Kit 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50, Part No. 782-0054A0689 682-0516 682-0515 710-1248 720-0190 732-0404 710-0654A 14765 738-0507B 734-1841 738-0102 782-5004 782-5025 736-0356 712-0798 15261A 736-0105 15262B 710-1044 736-0524A 742-0739 748-0376C 711-0996 732-0417A Mulch Plug 21 Description Cuffing Deck Height Adj. Bracket Assy. RH Height Adj. Bracket Assy. LH (not shown) Weld Pin Height Adjustment Knob Spring Lever: Front Wheel Seres Screw TT 3/8-16 x 1.0" Pivot Bar: 9 Position Shoulder Screw Wheel 8 x 1.7 Aero Gray Shoulder Scr. 3/8-16 x 1.445" Rear Baffle RH Front Baffle Beg Washer Hex Nut 3/8-16 Height Adj. Plate Spring Washer Pivot Bar: Front Wheel Hex Bolt 3/8-24 x 1.5" Gr.8 Special Blade Bell Support Blade: Mulching Blade Adapter SD Chute Rod Spring Lever: Rear Wheel CRAFTSMAN ENGINE NO. 143.994002 FOR CRAFTSMAN 4.0 H-P- LAWN MOWER MODEL 247.388240 O-37OK 298 300 370C 4OO 110_ 135 262'_ ,285 130 7 126 120 119 125 416 46 182 185 / ,s- 178 22 CRAFTSMAN ENGINE CRAFTSMAN 4.0 H.P. LAWN MOWER MODEL 247.388240 Key No,J Part No. 1 2 6 7 12 12A 12B 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 40 40 41 41 37280 26727 33734 36557 36775 36558 36694 28277 30589 34839A 31335 651018 36281 32600 36797 35544A 35545A 35546 35541 35542 41 35543 42 42 42 43 45 46 48 50 52 69 70 35547A 35548A 35549 20381 36777 32610A 27241 37032 29914 35261 34311E 72 75 80 81 82 83 86 89 90 92 93 100 101 103 110 119 120 125 126 36083 27897 30574A 30590A 30591 30588A 650488 611004 611112 650815 650816 34443B 610118 651007 37047 37028 36825 37288 37289 NO, 143.994002 FOR Descdption Cylinder (IncL 2,20 & 150) Dowel Pin Breather Element Breather Ass'y. (Incl. 6 & 12A) Breather Tube Breather Cover & Tubs (Incl. 12B) Breather Tube Elbow Washer Governor Rod (Incl. 14) Governor Lever Governor Lever Clamp Screw, Torx T-15, 8-32x 19/64" Extension Spring Oil Seal Crankshaft Piston, Pin & Ring Set (Std.) Piston, Pin & Ring Set (.010" OS) Piston, Pin & Ring Set (.020' OS) Piston & Pin Ass',/. (Std.) (Incl. 43) Piston& Pin Ass'y. (.010" OS) (Incl. 43) Piston & Pin Ass'y. (.020" OS) (IncL 43) Ring Set (Std,) Ring Set (.010' OS) Ring Set (.020 GS) Piston Pin Retaining Ring Connecting Rod Ass'y. (Incl. 46) Connecting Rod Bolt Vatve Lifter Camshaft (NCR) Oil Pump Ass'y. Mounting Flange Gasket Mounting Flange (Incl, 72 thru 83,306) Oil Drain Plug Oil Seal Governor Shaft Washer Governor Gear Ass'y. (Incl, 81) Governor Spool Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4" Flywheel Key Flywheel Belleville Washer Flywheel Nut Solid State Ignition Spark Plug Cover Screw, Torx"1"-15,10-24 x 15/16" Ground Wire Cylinder Head Gasket Cylinder Head Exhaust Valve (Std.) (Inct. 151) Intake Valve (Std.) (Incl. 151) Key No, 130 135 150 151 151A 169 172 174 178 182 184 185 186 189 191 195 207 216 223 224 238 239 241 245 250 260 261 262 275 277 285 287 290 292 298 300 301 305 306 307 309 310 313 370A 370C 370K 360 390 400 416 417 900 Part No, 6021A 35395 31672 31673 40017 36783 36784 30200 29752 6201 26756 36785 32653 650839 36559A 610973 34336 33086 650461 36786 65O932 34338 35797 35066 35065 36980 30200 650831 36790A 650988 35000A 650926 29774 26460 28763 36916 36246 35647 36996 35499 650562 35648 34060 36261 37199 36695 640173 59O737 37029A 36085 650821 0 9OO Description Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" Resistor Spark Plug (RJ19LM) Valve Spring Valve Spdng Cap Intake Valve Seal Valve Cover Gasket Valve Cover Screw, 10-24 x 9116' Nut & Lock Washer, 1/4-28 Screw, 1/4-28 x 7/8" Carburetor - Intake Pipe Gasket Intake Pipe Governor Link Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/8" S.E. Brake Bracket (Incl. 195) Terminal Throttle Link R.P.M. Adjusting Lever Screw, 1/4-20 x 1" Intake Pipe Gasket Screw, 10-32 x 49/64" Air Cleaner Gasket Air Cleaner Collar Air Cleaner Filter Air Cleaner Cover Blower Housing Screw, 10-24 x 9/16" Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2" Muffler Screw, 1/4-20 x 2-5/16" Starter Cup Screw, 8-32 x 21164" Fuel Line Fuel Line Clamp Screw, 10-32 x 35/64" Fuel Tank (incl. 292 & 301) Fuel Cap Oil FillTube "O'-Ring "O'-Ring Screw, 10-32 x 1/2" Dipstick Spacer LubricationDecal Primer Decal Starter Decal Carburetor (Incl. 184) Rewind Starter* Gasket Set Spark Arrestor Kit (Optional) Screw, 10-32 x 1/2" (Optional) Replacement Engine NONE, ordel from 71-9990 Replacement Short Block 750836 * This en inecouldhavebeenbuittwith590694starter 23 CRAFTSMAN ENGINE NO. 143.994002 FOR CRAFTSMAN 4.05 H.P. LAWN MOWER MODEL 247.388240 Carburetor No. 640173 Kay No. I I 30 31 Part No. 1 2 4 5 6 7 16 25 27 28 29 3O 631615 631767 631184 631183 631616 650506 631807 631700 631024 632019 631028 631021 31 35 40 44 48 60 631022 632047A 631937A 631334 631027 632760 6O 24 Description Throttle Shaft & Lever Assembly Throttle Retum Spring Dust Seal Washer (Throttle) Dust Seal (Throttle) Throttle Shutter Shutter Screw Fuel Fitting Float Bowl Float Shaft Float Float Bowl 'O" Ring Inlet Needle, Seat & Clip (Incl. 31 ) SpringClip Primer Bulb/Retaining Ring High Speed Bowl Nut Bowl Nut Washer Welch Plug, Atmospheric Vent Repair kit CRAFTSMAN CRAFTSMAN ENGINE NO. 143.994002 FOR 4.0 H.P. LAWN MOWER MODEL 247.388240 Recoil Starter 590694 Description 12 13 Key No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 J Pad No. 590694 590599A 590600 590696 590601 590697 590698 590699 590700 590695 12 590535 13 590701 6 O_2 Recoil Stader Spring Pin Washer Retainer Washer Brake Spdng Starter Dog Dog Spring Pulley & Rewind Spring Ass'y. Starter Housing Ass'y, (40 degree grommet) Starter Rope 96" x 9/64" dia.) Starter Handle 6 Recoil Starter 590737 Key No. _ -,,------ 14 Pad No. -- 590737 3 6 7 8 11 590740 590616 590617 590618A 590567A 12 590535 13 14 590701 590760 13 _ 7-----_11 i1',---_- 8 7 3 25 Descdption Rewind Stader Retainer Starter Dog Dog Spring Pulley & Rewind Spdng Ass'y. Starter Housing A_'y (40 Degree Grommet) Starter Rope ( 98" X 9/e4") Starter Handle Spdng Clip For in-home major brand repair service: Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-800-4-MY-HOME s" (1-800-469-4663) Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicillio -- 1-800-676-5811 In Canada for all your serviceand parts needs, call Au Canada pour tout le service ou les pi_ces --1-800-665-4455 For the repair or replacement parts you need: Call 7 am -- 7 pm, 7 days a week 1-800-366-PART (1-800-366-7278) Para ordenar piezas con entrega a domicillio -- 1-800-659-7084 For the location of a Sears Parts and Repair Center in your area: Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-800-488-1222 For information on purchasing a Sears Maintenance Agreement or to inquire about an existing Agreement: Call 9 am -- 5 pm, Monday -- Saturday 1-800-827-6655 ,SEARS HomeCentral TM • -.# The ServiceSideof SearssM
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