Craftsman 88721 Operators Manual
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CRAFTSMAN Walk Behind Lawnmower, Gas Manual L0904487 CRAFTSMAN Walk Behind Lawnmower, Gas Owner's Manual, CRAFTSMAN Walk Behind Lawnmower, Gas installation guides
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Operator's PRO Manual E S S I 0 21" SELF PROPELLED N A MOWER Model No. 247.887210 o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL CAUTION: Before using this product, read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Visit our website: Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. FORM1/0. 769-03781 4/14/2009 WarrantyStatement .................................. Page2 SafeOperationPractices .......................... Pages3-4 SlopeGuide.............................................. Page5 SafetyLabels............................................ Page7 Assembly .................................................. Pages8-11 Operation .................................................. Pages12-13 ServiceandMaintenance ......................... Pages14-19 Off-SeasonStorage .................................. Page20 TroubleShooting ....................................... Page21 PartsList................................................... Page22-32 Espa_ol ..................................................... Page37 ServiceNumbers...................................... BackCover Craftsman Two Year Limited Warranty If this Craftsmanproductfails due to a defectin materialor workmanshipwithintwo yearsfrom thedateof purchase,returnitto any Searsstore, SearsServiceCenter,or other Craftsmanoutletin the UnitedStatesfor free repair. This warrantydoesnot include: • Expendableitemswhichcan wearout from normaluse withinthe warrantyperiod,suchas rotarymowerblades,bladeadapters,belts,air cleaners,and sparkplug. • Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuseor negligence,including bentcrankshaftsand thefailureto operateor maintainthe equipmentaccordingto all suppliedinstructions. This warrantyappliesforonly 90 days ifthis productiseverusedfor commercialor rentalpurposes. This warrantyappliesonly whilethis productis usedinthe UnitedStates. This warrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveotherrightswhich vary from stateto state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 EngineOil Type: SAE30 EngineOil Capacity: Fuel: 18ounces UnleadedGasoline SparkPlug: Engine: Champion®RC12YC Briggs& Stratton © Sears Brands,LLC ModelNumber................................................................. Serial Number ................................................................. Dateof Purchase............................................................. Recordthe modelnumber,serialnumber and dateof purchaseabove 2 __IL This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the rulesfor safe operationin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment, carelessnessor error on the partof the operatorcan resultin serious injury.This machineis capableof amputatinghandsand feet and throwingobjects.Failureto observethefollowingsafetyinstructions could resultin seriousinjury or death. which,if not followed,couldendangerthe personal his symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructions safetyand/or propertyof yourselfand others.Read and followall instructionsin this manualbefore attemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol, HEEDITS WARNING! Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the State of Californiato cause cancer and reproductiveharm.Washhandsafter handling. __ate of Californiato I causecancer and birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharm. CHILDREN Tragicaccidentscan occur if operatoris not alert to presenceof children.Children areoften attractedto mowerandmowingactivity.Theydo not understand the dangers.Neverassumethat childrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem. ,, Keepchildren out of the mowingarea and underwatchfulcare of a responsibleadult otherthanthe operator. ,, Be alert andturn moweroff if a child entersthe area. ,, Beforeandwhile movingbackwards,look behindanddown for small children. ,, Useextremecare when approachingblind corners,doorways,shrubs, trees, or otherobjectsthat may obscureyourvisionof a childwho may run into the mower. ,, Keepchildren awayfrom hot or runningengines.They can suffer burns from a hot muffler. ,, Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatea power mower. Children14years old and overshouldread and understandoperation instructionsand safetyrulesin this manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedbya adult. GENERAL • ,, ,, ,, ,, Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used.Remove all stones,sticks,wire, bones, toysand otherforeignobjectswhichcould be trippedoveror picked up and thrown bythe blade.Thrownobjects can causeseriouspersonalinjury. Plan yourmowingpatternto avoid dischargeof materialtowardroads, Alwayswearsafetyglassesor safetygoggles duringoperationand while performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyour eyes. Thrownobjects which ricochetcan causeserious injury to the eyes. ,, ,, Wear sturdy,rough-soledwork shoesandclose-fittingslacksandshirts. Shirts and pantsthat coverthe armsand legs andsteel-toedshoes are recommended.Neveroperatethis machinein barefeet, sandals, slipperyor light weight (e.g.canvas) shoes. Donot put handsor feetnear rotating partsor undercutting deck. Contactwith bladecan amputatehandsandfeet. A missingor damageddischargecover can causebladecontact or thrown objectinjuries. Manyinjuriesoccur as a resultof the mower beingpulledoverthe foot duringa fall causedby slippingor tripping.Do not hold on to the mowerif you are falling; releasethe handleimmediately. Neverpull the mowerbacktoward you whileyou are walking.If you must backthe mowerawayfrom a wall or obstructionfirst look down and behindto avoid trippingandthenfollow thesesteps: a. Step backfrom mowerto fully extendyourarms. b.Be sureyou are wellbalancedwithsure footing. c. Pull backslowly,no morethan half waytowardsyou. d. Repeatthese steps as needed. Donot operatethe mowerwhile underthe influenceof alcoholor drugs. Donot engagethe self-propelledmechanismon units so equippedwhile startingengine. The blade control handleis a safety device.Neverattemptto bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydevice inoperativeand may result inpersonalinjury through contactwiththe rotatingblade.The blade control handle mustoperateeasilyin both directionsand automatically returnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. Neveroperatethe mowerin wet grass.Alwaysbe sureof yourfooting. A slip andfall can causeseriouspersonalinjury.If you feel you are losing yourfooting, releasethe bladecontrol handleimmediatelyandthe blade will stop rotatingwithinthreeseconds. Mowonly in daylightor good artificial light. Walk, neverrun. ,, Stopthe bladewhen crossing graveldrives,walks or roads. ,, ,, Readthis operator'smanualcarefullyin its entirety beforeattempting to assemblethis machine.Read,understand,andfollow all instructions on the machineand inthe manual(s)beforeoperation.Be completely familiarwiththe controlsand the properuse of this machinebefore operatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe place forfuture andregular referenceand for orderingreplacementparts. Be familiarwithall controls andtheir properoperation.Know howto stop the machineanddisengagethem quickly. This machineis a precision pieceof powerequipment,not a plaything. Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times.Your unit has been designedto performonejob: to mowgrass. Do not use it for anyother purpose. Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatethis machine.Children 14 yearsold and overshouldread and understandthe instructions inthis manualand shouldbe trainedandsupervisedby a parent. Onlyresponsibleindividualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshouldbe allowedto usethis machine. ,, ,, OPERATION ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 3 sidewalks,bystandersand the like.Also,avoid dischargingmaterial againsta wall or obstructionwhich may causedischarged materialto ricochetbacktoward the operator. To helpavoid bladecontactor a thrownobject injury,stay in operator zone behindhandlesand keepchildren,bystanders,helpers,and pets at least75 feet from mowerwhile it is inoperation.Stopmachineif anyone entersarea. • • • • • • • If the equipmentshould startto vibrateabnormally,stop the engine and check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warningof trouble. lock-opendevice. Shutthe engineoff andwait untilthe bladecomesto a completestop beforeremovingthe grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute. The cuttingblade continuesto rotatefor a fewseconds afterthe engine is shut off. Neverplace any part of the bodyinthe bladearea untilyou aresure the bladehas stoppedrotating. Do not mow slopesgreaterthan 15degrees asshown on the slope gauge. • Do not mow on wetgrass. Unstablefooting could causeslipping. Neverremovegas cap or addfuel while engineis hot or running. Allow engineto cool at least two minutesbeforerefueling. Neveroverfill fuel tank.Fill tank to no morethan 1 inchbelow bottom of filler neckto provideforfuel expansion. • • • • Keepall nuts, bolts, andscrewstight to be surethe equipmentis in safe workingcondition. • Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Checktheir properoperation regularly. • After strikinga foreignobject, stop the engine,disconnectthe spark plugwire and groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage. Repairthe damagebeforestartingand operatingthe mower. Neverattemptto makea wheelor cutting heightadjustmentwhilethe engine is running. Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,andtrailshieldare subjectto wear anddamagewhichcould exposemovingparts or allowobjectsto be thrown.For safetyprotection,frequentlycheck componentsand replaceimmediatelywithoriginalequipment manufacturer's(O.E.M.)parts only, listedin this manual."Use of parts which do not meet the original equipmentspecificationsmay leadto improperperformanceand compromisesafety!" Donot changethe engine governorsetting or overspeedthe engine. The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeed of the engine.Do not crankengine withspark plug removed. Checkfuel line,tank, cap, andfittings frequentlyfor cracks or leaks. Replaceif necessary. Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary. Observeproper disposallawsand regulations.Improperdisposalof fluids and materialscan harmthe environment. • Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. Neverfill containersinsidea vehicle or on a truckor trailer bedwith a • plastic liner.Alwaysplace containerson the ground awayfrom your vehiclebeforefilling. Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom the truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible,then refuel such equipmenton a trailer witha portablecontainer,ratherthan from a gasolinedispensernozzle. • Keepthe nozzlein contact withthe rim of the fuel tank or container openingat all times until fueling is complete.Donot usea nozzle Neverrun an engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea.Engine exhaustcontainscarbon monoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe bladeand all movingparts havestopped.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire and ground againstthe engine to preventunintendedstarting. Checkthe bladeand engine mountingboltsat frequentintervals for propertightness.Also,visually inspectbladefor damage (e.g., bent,cracked,worn) Replacebladewiththe original equipment manufacture's(O.E.M.)bladeonly,listed inthis manual."Use of parts which do not meet the original equipmentspecificationsmay leadto improperperformanceand compromisesafety!" Mowerbladesare sharpand can cut. Wrap the bladeor weargloves, and use extra cautionwhen servicingthem. • • Safe Handling Of Gasoline: • Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamage useextreme care in handlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammableandthe vapors are explosive.Serious personalinjury can occurwhen gasolineis spilledon yourselfor yourclotheswhichcan ignite.Washyour skinand change clothesimmediately. • Replacegasolinecap andtighten securely. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engineand equipment.Moveunit to another area.Wait 5 minutesbeforestarting engine. Neverstorethe machineor fuel container nearan openflame, spark or pilot light ason a waterheater,spaceheater,furnace,clothesdryer, or othergas appliances. To reducefire hazard,keepmowerfree of grass, leaves,or other debris build-up.Clean up oil or fuel spillage andremoveany fuel soakeddebris. • Allow a mowerto cool at least 5 minutesbeforestoring. General Service: SERVICE • • • • Slopesare a major factorrelatedto slip andfall accidentswhichcan resultin severeinjury.Operationon slopesrequiresextracaution.Ifyou feel uneasyon a slope,do not mow it.For yoursafety,usethe slope gaugeincludedas part of this manualto measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis unit on a slopedor hilly area.If the slope is greaterthan 15 degrees,do not mowit. Do: • Mow acrossthe face of slopes; never up anddown. Exerciseextreme cautionwhen changingdirectionon slopes. • Watchfor holes,ruts,rocks, hiddenobjects,or bumpswhich can cause youto slip or trip.Tall grasscan hide obstacles. • Alwaysbe sureof your footing.A slip andfall can causeseriouspersonal injury.If you feel you are losingyour balance,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediately,andthe bladewill stop rotatingwithin3 seconds. Do Not: • Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevapors will accumulatein the area. • OPERATION Do not mow neardrop-offs, ditchesor embankments,whereyou could lose yourfooting or balance. • • • Whenstartingengine,pull cordslowly until resistanceis felt, then pull rapidly.Rapid retractionof starter cord(kickback) will pull handand armtoward enginefaster than you can let go. Brokenbones,fractures, bruisesor sprainscould result. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredinthis manual,use careand goodjudgment. ContactyourSears ServiceCenterfor assistance. • Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipes andother sources of ignition. • Neveroperatemowerwithoutproper trailshield,dischargecover,grass catcher,bladecontrol handle,or othersafety protectivedevices in place andworking.Neveroperate mowerwithdamagedsafetydevices.Failure to do so can resultin personalinjury. Mufflerandengine becomehot and can causea burn.Do not touch. Only use partsand accessoriesmadefor this machineby manufacturer. Failureto do so can result in personalinjury. SLOPE • • • • Your Responsibility:Restrictthe use of this powermachineto personswho read,understand,andfollowthe warningsand instructionsin this manualandon the machine. 4 I Do notmow on inclineswith a slopein excessof 15degrees(a riseof approximately2-1/2feet every 10feet). g3 OperateWALK-BEHINDmowersacrossthe face of slopes,neverup and downslopes. 0 ._c Sight and hold this level with a vertical tree... or a fence post 15° | 15° q3 05 (D 05 This page left intentionally blank. 6 READOPERATOR'S MANUAL. KEEPSAFETYDEVICES (BLADECONTROL, TRAILINGSHIELD, DISCHARGE COVER,ETC.)IN PLACEANDWORKING.IF DAMAGED,REPLACE IMMEDIATELY. 7 IMPORTANT:This unit is shippedwithoutgasolineor oil in the engine. Be certain to serviceenginewithgasolineand oil as instructedin the Operationsectionbeforestartingor runningyourmachine. NOTE:Referenceto rightand left hand sideof the LawnMoweris observedfrom the operatingposition. OPENING CARTON 1. Cut eachcornerof the cartonverticallyfromtop to bottom. 2. 3. Removeall looseparts. Removeloosepackingmaterial. REMOVING UNIT FROM CARTON 1. Lift unit from the rearto detach it from underlyingcarton material and roll unit out of carton. 2. Checkcarton thoroughlyfor anyotherlooseparts. J LOOSE Figure1 PARTS IN CARTON • GrassCatcher • • • GrassCatcherAdapter Side DischargeChute HardwarePack • EngineOil f ASSEMBLY Attaching 1. 2. The Handle Removeany packingmaterialwhich may be betweenupperand lowerhandles. a. Pull up and back on upperhandleas shownin Figure1. Makecertainthe lowerhandle is seatedsecurelyintothe handlemountingbrackets.Do notcrimp cableswhile lifting the handleup. b. Tightenstar knobsto secureupper handleto lowerhandle. Makesurethat each carriagebolt is seatedproperlyin the handle. /. Locatethe hairpinclip on the weldpin on eachsideof lower handle. a. b. Removehairpinclipfrom this hole. Usinga pairof pliers, insert hairpinclip intothe hole on pin closestto thebracket. See Figure2. Repeaton otherside. Inserta carriagebolt fromthe hardwarepack intothe upper hole on the handlemountingbracket.Securewith one plastic wingnut, also includedin thehardwarepack.Repeaton othersidewith remainingitemsfrom hardwarepack. Figure2 NOTE:Makecertainthe drivecable is routedaroundthe outsideand abovethe lowerhandleso it does not interferewith attachingthe grass bag.The chutedoor has beendesignedto movethe starterrope out of theway of the bag whenthe chutedoor is opened. 8 f 3. The ropeguide,which is connectedto the support rod,is located on the rightsideof the lowerhandle.See Figure3. a. Holdblade controlagainstupperhandle. b. c. 4. Pull starterropeout of the engine.Releasebladecontrol. Slip starterrope intorope guide. Attachcablesto the lowerhandlewith thecable ties alreadyon the lowerhandle.Insertpegson cableties intothe holeson the lowerhandle.See Figure4. Pullcable ties tight and cut off the extra. Attaching the Grass Catcher Themowerwas shippedwith the mulchingbaffleinstalledon the unit. For baggingpurposes,youwill haveto attachthe grassbag and its adapterin placeof the mulchingbaffle. 1. Removethreewingnuts holdingthe mulchingbaffle in placeand removefrom unit. See Figure5. 2. 3. Replacewithgrass bag adapter,whilemakingsurethe front lip of adaptergoes undertheedge of the deck.Securewith wingnuts previouslyremoved. Lift chute door on the grass bagadapterand slidegrass bagonto the adapter.See Figure6. Figure 3 ( Figure4 / Figure6 ,J Figure5 9 f ADJUSTMENTS Cutting Height Thecuttingheightadjustmentleverislocatedabovethe rearleft wheel.See Figure7Ainsert. 1. Pull leveroutand awayfrom mower. 2. 3. Moveleverforwardor backfor desiredcuttingheight. Releaselevertowardsmowerdeck. Thefront wheelcuttingheightisdeterminedby selectingone of six positionson eachcasterassembly.To adjustfront cuttingheight,refer to Figure7B and proceedas follows: 1. Removewing nut fromaxle bolt. Slideaxle bolt and wavewasher fromthe assemblyand selecta cuttingheight. 2. Withwave washeron axle bolt, reinserthardwarein the square hole desiredthroughwheel assemblyand securewith wing nut previouslyremoved. IMPORTANT:All wheels mustbe placedin the samerelativeposition. For roughor unevenlawns,movethe heightadjustmentleverto a higherposition.This will stop scalpingof grass. Thecasterscan be locked in a straightaheadpositionor positionto swivelfreely.See Figure70 insert. 1. 2. Lift lock pins. Placein larger holesto lock wheels.Placepins in smallerholesto allowcastersto rotatefreelyfor turning. Drive Control Theadjustmentwheelis locatedin the drivecontrol handlehousing and is usedto tightenor loosenthe drivebelt.You will haveto adjust thedrive controlif any of the followinghappens: 1. 2. The mowerdoes notpropelitself with thedrive controlengaged. The mower'sdrivewheelshesitatewith the drivecontrolengaged. If either of theseconditionsoccur,rotatetheadjustmentwheel clockwiseto tightenand counter-clockwiseto loosencableto adjust thedrive control.See Figure8. Figure8 NOTE:Forsome peoplethe drivecontrolmay not be in a comfortable position.Youcan adjustthe handleby tighteningthe adjustmentwheel. 10 Control DriveControl ElectricStartIgnitionKey ShiftLever Cutting Height Adjustment Lever RecoilStarter..................... 0il Cap/Dipstick Y Spark Plug Gas Cap Side Discharge Chute Primer Bulb Air Cleaner J Figure9 BLADE CONTROL ELECTRIC Theblade controlis attachedto the upper handleof the mower.See Figure9. Depressand squeezeit againstthe upperhandleto operate the unit. Releaseit to stopengineand blade. HEIGHT SIDE DISCHARGE CHUTE Your moweris shippedas a mulcher.Todischargethegrass clippings to the side instead,followthe instructionsin the Assemblysectionto attachthe sidedischargechute. ADJUSTMENT Keep handsand feet awayfrom the chutearea on cuttingdeck. Refer to warninglabel on the unit. Thecuttingheightadjustmentleveris locatedabovethe left rearwheel.Toadjust thecutting height,referto the Assemblysection. RECOIL STARTER The recoilstarteris connectedto the supportrod and is locatedon the rightsideof the lowerhandle.Standbehindthe unit and pull the recoil starterrope to start the unit. DRIVE CONTROL GAS CAP Thedrivecontrol is locatedon the upper handle.Squeezethe drive controlto engagethe drivesystem.Releaseit to disengagethedrive system. SHIFT KEY The electricstartignitionkey is locatedon the left sideof the handle panel.It is usedonly forthe electricstarter. This bladecontrolis a safetydevice.Neverattemptto bypassits operations. CUTTING LEVER START IGNITION Removethe gascap to add fuel to the fueltank. Useclean, fresh, regularunleadedgasolinewith a minimumof 87 octane. SPARK LEVER PLUG Theshift leveris locatedon the drivecontrol housingon the upper handle.This leveris usedto selectthe forwardspeedof the mower. Whenchangingspeedselection,releasethe drivecontrol. Referto the Maintenancesectionfor instructionson spark plug replacement. IMPORTANT:Movethe shift leveronlywhenthe engineis running. Changingthe shift leversettingwith theengineoff can damagethe mower. Referto the Maintenancesectionfor instructionson checkingthe oil. OIL CAP/DIPSTICK 11 GAS AND OIL FILL-UP Oil (one bottle shipped with unit) FirstTime Use 1. 2. Removeoil fill dipstick. Withthe lawnmoweron levelground,use a funnelto emptyentire contentsof oil bottle providedintothe engine. 3. Replaceoil fill dipstickand tighten. o 0 Subsequent Uses 0 Onlyuse high qualitydetergentoil ratedwith APIserviceclassification SF,SG,SH, or SJ. Selectthe oil's SAEviscositygradeaccordingto theexpectedoperatingtemperature.Followthe chart below. 'Colder -'_ ,.._ 32°F 0 Q _Warmer Oi! Viscosity Chart Figure9 J Althoughmulti-viscosityoils (5W30,10W30,etc.)improvestarting in cold weather,they will result in increasedoil consumptionwhen usedabove32°E Checkyourengine oil level morefrequentlyto avoid possibleenginedamagefrom runninglowon oil. See Figure9. 1. Checkthe oil levelbeforeeachoperationmakingcertain not to rub the dipstickalong theinsidewalls of the oil fill tube and withoutscrewingit in.This would resultin a false dipstick reading.Refillto FULLmarkon dipstick,if necessary.Capacity is approximately18oz. Overfillingwillcause theengine to smoke profuselyand will resultin poorengine performance. 2. 3. Toavoidengineproblems,thefuel systemshouldbe emptiedbefore storagefor 30 days or longer.Drainthe gas tank,startthe engine and let it run untilthe fuel linesand carburetorare empty.Use freshfuel next season.See STORAGEInstructionsfor additional information. Neveruseengine or carburetorcleanerproductsin the fuel tank or permanentdamagemayoccur. Replaceoil fill dipstickand tighten. Keepoil levelat FULL.Runningtheenginewith too little oil can result in permanentenginedamage. Be sureno one otherthan theoperatoris standingnearthe lawn mowerwhilestartingengineor operatingmower.Neverrun engine indoorsor in enclosed,poorlyventilatedareas. Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. Keep hands, feet, hairand looseclothingawayfrom any movingpartson engine and lawn mower. Gasoline extreme when Gasolineis flammableand the vaporsare explosive.Neverfuelmachineindoors whilethe engineis hotor running.Extinguishcigarettes,cigars, l or Use care handlinggasoline, extremely pipes,and othersourcesof ignition. 1. Removefuel cap from thefuel tank. 2. Makesurethe containerfrom which youwill pour thegasolineis cleanand freefrom rust or foreignparticles.Neveruse gasoline that may be stale from long periodsof storagein its container. Gasolinethat hasbeen sittingfor anyperiod longerthanfour weeksshouldbe consideredstale. 3. TO START Fillfuel tank with clean,fresh,unleadedregulargasolineonly. Do not usegasolinecontainingMETHANOL.Replacefuelcap. 1. Attach sparkplug wireand rubberbootto spark plug. 2. 3. Gastank shouldbe at least 3/4 full beforestarting. Pushprimerbutton3 times. Do not primeon hotdays or to restart a warm engineafter a short shutdown.See Figure10. 4. Standingbehindthe mower,depressthe bladecontroland holdit againstthe upper handle.See Figure10. This mowerhastwo separatestartingsystems,electricand recoil. Electric Start: Turnignitionkeyto the rightto startthe engine. Releasethe key after theengine starts. Recoil Start: Graspstarterhandleand pull rope out slowly untilengine reachesstartof compressioncycle(rope will pull slightlyharderat this point). Letthe rope rewindslowly.Pull rope with a rapid,continuous,full arm stroke.Keepinga firm grip on the starterhandle,letthe roperewindslowly. 5. Useof alcoholblendedfuels (calledgasoholor usingethanolor methanol)canattract moisturewhich leadsto separationand formationof acids during storage.Acidic gascan damagethe fuel system [of an eng ne wh e n storage. 2 ENGINE TO STOP ENGINE 1. 2. f Releasebladecontrolto stop the engineand blade. Disconnectsparkplug wireand groundit to the retainingpost to preventaccidentalstartingwhilethe equipmentis unattended. ,--__5./ Waitfor the bladeto stopcompletelybeforeperforminganywork on the moweror to removethe side dischargechute. USING YOUR LAWN MOWER Be sure lawnis clearof stones,sticks,wire, or otherobjectswhich coulddamagelawnmoweror engine.Suchobjectscouldbe accidently thrownby the mowerin anydirectionand cause seriouspersonal injuryto the operatorand others. 1. 2. Oncethe engineis running,squeezethe drivecontrol againstthe upperhandleto propelmower.Releaseit to disengagethe drive. Use the shiftleverto selectthe forwardspeedof the mower- 1 is the slowestspeed,6 is thefastest.Whenchangingspeed selection,releasethedrivecontrol. IMPORTANT:Movethe shift leveronlywhenthe engineis running. Changingthe shift leversettingwith theengineoff can damagethe mower. If youstrikea foreignobject,stop the engine.Removewirefrom the sparkplug,thoroughlyinspectmowerfor anydamage,and repair damagebeforerestartingand operating.Extensivevibrationof mower duringoperationis an indicationof damage.The unitshouldbe promptlyinspectedand repaired. USING GRASS CATCHER Youcan usethe grass catcherbag to collectclippingswhileyouare operatingthe mower. 1. Attachgrasscatcherfollowinginstructionsin the Assembly section.Grassclippingswillautomaticallycollectin thebag as you runthe mower. 2. 3. 4. 5. Operatethe mowertill the grass bag is full. Stopenginecompletelyby releasingthe bladecontrol.Makesure that the unithas cometo a completestop. Whileholdingthegrass bag by boththe rear handleand the lower handle,lift the grassbag straightup off the adapter.The chute door will movethe ropeout of the way of the bag. Continuingto hold the lowerhandle,raisethe rearof thegrass bag and releasethe lowerhandleovera properreceptacle.The grassbag will open and the grassclippingswilldisperse.When replacingthe grassbag, be surethe topof the bag restson the wiresupport betweenthe handles. USING Figure11 The operationof any lawnmowercan resultin foreignobjectsbeing thrownintothe eyes,whichcan damageyoureyes severely.Always wearsafetyglasseswhileoperatingthe mower,or whileperforming any adjustmentsor repairson it. SIDE DISCHARGE Followstepsbelowto installthe sidedischargechute: USING AS IVlULCHER 1. Formulchinggrass,removethe grass catcheror the sidedischarge chute fromthe mower,and reattachthe mulchingbaffle.Referto page 9 of Assemblysection.Foreffectivemulching,do not cut wet grass.If the grass hasbeen allowedto growin excessof fourinches,mulching is not recommended.Use thegrass catcher to bag clippingsinstead. 2. Removemulchingbaffle or grass bag adapterfrom unitby disconnectingwingnuts. Attachsidedischargechute to unit and securewith thethree wing nuts.See Figure11. 13 f Electrode Always stopengine, disconnect spark plugwire,andground against Porcelain enginebeforeperformingany type of maintenanceon yourmachine. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • • Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperformingany maintenance. Thewarrantyon this lawnmowerdoesnot coveritemsthat have been subjectedto operatorabuseor negligence.To receivefull valuefromwarranty,operatormustmaintaintheequipmentas instructedhere. • • Changingof engine-governedspeedwill voidenginewarranty. All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat least onceeach season. • Periodicallycheckall fastenersand makesuretheseare tight. ENGINE --* .030 (.76 mm) gap Figure12 MAINTENANCE f Checking the Spark Plug Cleansparkplug and reset theelectrodegap to 0.030"at least oncea season;replaceevery 100hoursof operation. Screws Cleanareaaroundthe spark plug base.Do not sandblastspark plug.Sparkplug shouldbe cleanedby scrapingor wire brushing and washingwith a commercialsolvent. Removeand inspectthe spark plug.Checkgap to makesureit is set at .030".See Figure12. Cover Replacethe spark plug if electrodesare pitted,burned,or the porcelainis cracked. Servicing the Air Cleaner Air Cleaner Cartridge Do notuse pressurizedair or solventsto cleanthe air cleaner cartridge. Base Theair cleanerpreventsdamagingdirt, dust,etc.,from enteringthe carburetorand beingforced intothe engineand is importantto engine lifeand performance.Neverrun the enginewithoutan air cleaner completelyassembled. Cleanor replacetheair cleanerevery 25 hoursof operation. 1. Loosenscrewsthat hold the air filter cover. 2. Opencover and removecartridge.See Figure13. 3. Installnewair cleanercartridge.Cartridgemustfit securelyin base. 4. Placecoveroverair cleaner. Figure13 After servicingtheair cleaner,be sureall the removedparts are reinstalledproperlyin place.Failureto securelyfastentogetherair cleanercase and air cleanerbodymay causedirt or otherforeign materialsto enterthe enginewhile it is running,resultingin engine troublesor failures. 5. Tightenscrews. NOTE:If thefilter is torn or damagedin anyway,replaceit. 14 Check Engine Oil Checkoil levelbeforeeachoperation.Be sureoil levelismaintained. 1. 2. Removeoil fill dipstickand wipeclean with cloth. Replacedipstickwithoutscrewingitin. Removeand checkoil level.Levelshouldbe at FULLmark. 3. 4. If needed,add oil slowJy-recheck.Do notoverfill. Installand tightendipstick. Oil Fill/Dipstick Donotoverfill.Overfillingwith oil maycausethe engine to not start, hard starting,or engine smoking.If overthe FULLmark on the dipstick,drain oil to reduceoil levelto FULL markon dipstick. Change Engine Oil • Onlyuse high qualitydetergentoil ratedwith APIservice classificationSF,SG, SH, or SJ. Selectthe oil'sSAE viscosity gradeaccordingtothe expectedoperatingtemperature.Referto Operationsectionfor viscositychart. • Changeengineoil afterthe first eighthoursof operation,and everyfifty hoursthereafter. Air Figure14 Service • To Drain Oil 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Drainthe fuelfrom the tank by runningthe engineuntil thefuel tank is empty.Be surethe moweris level. With engineOFF butstill warm,disconnectspark plugwire and keepit awayfrom spark plug. Tip themower,keepingthe air cleanerabovethe oil fill. See Figure14. Clean Engine • Dailyor beforeevery use,cleangrass,chaff or accumulated debrisfromengine.Keeplinkage,spring,and controlsclean. Keeparea aroundand behindmufflerfree of anycombustible debris. Refillwith approximately18oz. of fresh oil. Fillto FULLline on dipstick.Donot overfill.Referto GasAnd Oil Fill-Upin Operation section. Replaceoil fill dipstickand tighten. 8. Replacesparkplug wirebeforestarting. Inspectmufflerperiodically,and replaceif necessary.Replacementparts for the mufflermust be the sameand installedin the samepositionas the originalparts. Temperatureof mufflerand nearbyengineareasmay exceed150° F (65°0).Avoidcontactwith theseareas. Removethedipstickfrom the engineand pour entireoil contents from thecrank case intoan appropriatecontainer. Putthe mowerback to its operatingposition(on all fourwheels). 7. Muffler • • Keepingenginecleanallowsair movementaroundengine. Engineparts shouldbe keptcleanto reducethe risk of overheatingand ignitionof accumulateddebris. Do notuse waterto cleanengineparts.Watercouldcontaminatefuel system.Use a brushor dry cloth. Usedoil is a hazardouswasteproduct.Disposeof usedoil properly. Donotdiscardwith householdwaste.Checkwith yourlocalauthorities or SearsServiceCenterfor safedisposal/recyclingfacilities. Carburetor Adjustment Thecarburetoron this engine isnot adjustable. Engine Speed Do not tamperwith thegovernorsettingor the carburetorsettingto increasethe enginespeed.Eachcarburetoris adjustedat the factory with eithera cap or stop plateinstalledon the mixturescrew.Any adjustmentsmustbe performedby a Searsor otherqualifiedservice dealer. 15 LUBRiCATiON disconnect and lAIways stopengine, spark plug, groundagainst enginebeforeperformingany type of maintenance on yourmachine. Blade Control Lubricatepivot pointson the bladecontrolat least oncea seasonwith lightoil. The bladecontrolmustoperatefreely in bothdirections.See Figure15. \ Wheels and Casters Lubricatethe wheelsand castersat least oncea seasonwith lightoil (or motor oil). If wheelsare removedforany reason,lubricatethe axle boltand innersurfaceof the wheelwith lightoil. See Figure15. Grass Catcher Adapter Lubricatethe torsionspringand pivot pointon eachend of thegrass catcheradapterdoor at least oncea seasonwith light oil to prevent rust.See Figure15. Transmission J Figure15 Thetransmissionis pre-lubricatedand sealedat the factoryand does not requirelubrication. CLEANING f DECK Cleanundersideof themowerdeck after eachuseto preventbuild-up of grassclippingsor otherdebris.Followstepsbelowforthis job. 1. Disconnectspark plug wire. Draingasolinefrom lawnmoweror placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap. 2. Tip mowersothat it restson the housing,keepingthe mufflerside down.Hold mowerfirmly. Nevertip the mowermorethan 90o in anydirectionand do not leave I the mowertippedfor any lengthof time. Oil can draininto the upper partof theenginecausinga startingproblem. 3. Scrapeand cleanthe undersideof the deck with a suitabletool. Do not spraywith water. IMPORTANT:Donot usea pressurewasheror garden hoseto clean yourunit. Thesemay causedamageto bearings,or the engine.The useof water will resultin shortenedlife and reduceserviceability. 4. Figure16 Putthe mowerback on its wheelson the ground.If you had put plasticunderthe gascap earlier,make sureto removeit now. REPLACING REAR FLAP To replacerear flap, proceedas follows: 1. Cut off the flat end of the wire rod whichsecuresit to the deck. See Figure16. 2. 16 Attachthe newflap and new rodto thedeck, bendingthe endsof the new rod overto secureto deck. ADJUSTING SHIFT f LEVER CABLE Periodicadjustmentof the six speedshiftcable maybe necessarydue to normalwearon the cable.Adjustmentis neededif all six speedsdo not work.The adjustablecablebracketis locatedon the left side of the mowerbesidethe engine.See Figure17. 1. Start engineand placeshift leverin the sixth speedposition. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stopengineand disconnectsparkplug wireand groundit against engine. Loosenhex nutwhich securesthe adjustablecablebracket.See Figure17. Pushbackon the adjustablecablebracket. Tightenhexnut. BLADE CARE When removingthe cutting bladefor sharpeningor replacement, protectyour handswith a pair of heavyglovesor use a heavyrag to holdthe blade. J Figure17 Periodicallyinspectthe bladeadapterforcracks,especiallyif you strikea foreignobject.Replacewhennecessary.Followthe steps belowfor bladeservice. 1. 2. Disconnectsparkplug bootfrom sparkplug.Turnmoweron its side makingsurethat theair filterand thecarburetorare facing up. Removethebolt and the blade bell supportwhichhold the blade and the bladeadapterto the enginecrankshaft.See Figure18. NOTE: Whenremovingthe blade,bladeadapter,etc., be carefulnot to removeor lose partsaboveit associatedwith the enginepulley. 3. Removebladeand adapterfrom the crankshaft.See Figure18. 4. Removebladefrom theadapterfortestingbalance.Balancethe bladeon a roundshaft screwdriverto check. Removemetalfrom the heavyside untilit balancesevenly.Whensharpeningthe blade,follow the originalangleof grind.Grind eachcuttingedge equallyto keepthe blade balanced. 5. 6. 7. Bolt Support An unbalancedblade willcause excessivevibrationwhenrotating at high speeds.It may causedamageto mowerand couldbreak causing personalinjury. Figure18 Lubricatethe enginecrankshaftand theinner surfaceof the blade adapterwith lightoil. Slide the bladeadapterontotheengine crankshaft.Placethe bladeon the adaptersuchthat the sideof the blademarked"Bottom"(or with part number)facesthe ground whenthe moweris in the operatingposition.Makesurethatthe bladeis alignedand seatedon the bladeadapterflanges. Placebladebell supporton the blade.Alignnotcheson the blade bell supportwith small holesin blade. Replacehexboltand tightenhexbolt to torque:450 in. Ibs. rain., 600 in. Ibs.max. Toensuresafeoperationof yourmower,periodicallycheckthe blade boltfor correcttorque. 17 BELT CARE NOTE:Severalcomponentsmustbe removedin order to changethe mower'sdrivebelt. See an authorizedSearsServiceCenterto have your belt replaced. REPLACING BATTERY Batteriescontainsulfuricacid whichmay causeburns. Donot short I circuitor mutilatebatteriesin anyway.Do not putbatteriesin fireas _thesemay burst or releasetoxic materials. 1. 2. 3. Loosenstar knobs securingupper and lowerhandlesand carefullyfoldthe upper handledowntowardthelowerhandleas shownin Figure19. Removethe two screwssecuringbatterycoverto batteryhousing and placethem to the side.See Figure19. Open batterycover,removepositiveand negativeleadsfrom battery,removeand replacewith newbattery.Connectthe positivelead to the positiveside of the batterypack,then connect the negativeside. NOTE:Thebatteryyou havemaydiffer slightlyfrom the one shownin Figure20. Referto the Parts List. Figure19 iMPORTANT:Whenreplacingbatterypack inhandlepanel,battery pack mustbe positionedwith the positiveterminalto the left side and the negativeterminalto the rightsideof panel(Positiveterminal isclosestto the key switch).See Figure20. Replacingbatterypack incorrectly will causeseriousdamage. 4. Reattachbatterycoverto batteryhousingbysecuringwith the two screwsremovedearlier,makingsureto snapthe wire conduit on the leftintoplaceon the housing. 5. Foldhandlesback up and tighten star knobs. + Positive - Terminal Negative rminal Do notremovethe batterypackfrom theelectricstarterhousingfor anyreasonotherthanreplacement. Charging Battery ,J Figure20 Thebatterycontainscorrosivefluidand toxic material;handlewith careand keepawayfrom children.Donot puncture,disassemble, mutilateor incinerate the battery.Explosivegases couldbe vented duringchargingor discharging.Use ina wellventilatedarea,away from sourcesof ignition. f NOTE:Thespecialdesignedplug on thechargerwill onlyfit intothe plug on the batterybox. 1. Plugthe batterychargerintothe porton the undersideof the batteryhousing.See Figure21. 2. Insertthe batterychargerplug intoa standard120volt household outlet.Chargebatteryfor 8 to 10 hoursbeforeinitialuse. Failure to do somay result indiminishedbatterylife. Do not charge longer than 12 hours. The batteryshouldonly needto be chargedupon initialsetupand after any otherextendedperiodsof non-use. 3. Aftercharging,disconnectchargerplugfrom outletfirst, then disconnectchargerlead from battery. J Figure21 18 f IMPORTANT:Alwaysplug chargerlead into batterypacklead first, and theninsert batterychargerplug into 120volt standardhousehold outlet.Followthis orderof action everytime you chargethe battery. Use onlythe batterychargersuppliedwith this mower. Replacing Fuse Theelectricstartercircuitand batteryare protectedbya 40 ampere fuse.If thefuse burnsout, the electricstarterwill notoperate.If the unitfails to startwith the electricstarter,performthe followingstepsto checkthe fuse insidethe batteryhousing: 1. 2. 3. Openthe batterycoveras describedin ReplacingBattery.See Figure19. Removefusefrom socketand inspectas shownin Figure22. If it is burnedout, replacewith standardautomotive40 amperefuse. Blown Fuse Carefullyplacewiringbackinto housing,close batterycover,and foldupper handleback intoplace. J Figure22 NOTE:Theenginecan be startedmanuallyif the fuse burnsout. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE X Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.This chart describes serviceguidelinesonly.Use the ServiceLog columnto keeptrackof completedmaintenancetasks.To locatethe nearest Sears Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSearsat 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service, disengageall controlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilall movingpartshavecometo a completestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting. Each Use 1. Check Unit and engine. 2. 3. Tightenor replace Clean 1. Engineoil 1. Change 25 hours 1. 2. Air cleaner1 1. Controllinkages/pivotsand wheels 2. Cleanor replace Lubewith lightoil 50 hours 1. Engineoil ff 1. Change Annuallyor 100hours 1. Sparkplug 1. Clean,replace,re-gap BeforeStorage 1. Fuelsystem 1. Runengineuntil it stopsfrom lack of fuelor add a stabilizerto thegas in the tank. 1. 2. Engineoil level Looseor missinghardware 3. 1st5-8 hours 1 Cleanmoreoften under dustyconditionsor whenairbornedebrisis present.Replaceair cleanerif very dirty. ff Changeoil every25 hourswhereoperatingtheengine underheavy loador in high temperatures. 19 Neverstorelawnmowerwith fuel in tank indoorsor in poorly ventilatedareaswherefuel fumesmay reachan openflame,spark, or pilot lightas on a furnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance. PREPARING THE ENGINE PREPARING Equipmentstoredwith fuel canbecomestale whenstoredover30 days.Stalefuel causesacid and gumdepositsto form in fuel system or on essentialcarburetorparts. Mixfuel stabilizerwith fuelin tank or storagecontainer.Runengine fora shorttime to circulatestabilizer throughcarburetorand engine.Engineand fuelwith stabilizercan be stored up to 24 months. 3. Whileengineis still warm,changeoil. Removespark plugand pourapproximately1/2 oz. (15 ml)of new engineoil intosparkplug cavity whichputs oil intocylinder. Replacespark plugsecurely. 4. Pullstarterrope slowly.This turns the engine'scrankshaftand distributesoil throughthe engine. Add fuel stabilizeror drain fuelfrom engine. 5. 6. Cleandirt and debrisfrom topand all areasaroundengine. Storein a clean,dry area. Cleanand lubricatemowerthoroughlyas describedinthe lubrication instructions. • Donot usea pressurewasheror gardenhoseto cleanyour unit. • Coat mower'scuttingbladewith chassisgreaseto prevent rusting. Store mowerin a dry,cleanarea. Do notstore nextto corrosive materials,such as fertilizer. Whenstoringany type of powerequipmentina poorlyventilatedor metal storageshed,care shouldbe taken to rust-prooftheequipment. Usinga lightoil or silicone,coat the equipment,especiallycablesand all movingpartsof yourlawnmowerbeforestorage. Performthe followingbeforelong-termstorageof equipment: 1. 2. • • IMPORTANT:If fuel stabilizerisnot used,you needto drain gasoline from equipmentprior to storage. THE LAWN MOWER Battery The batterymustbe storedwith a full charge.Extendedstorageof a dischargedbatterywill reducelifeand capacityof the battery. 20 Enginefails to start 1. 2. Bladecontroldisengaged. Sparkplug bootdisconnected. 1. 2. Engageblade control. Connectwireto spark boot. 3. 4. Fueltank emptyor stale fuel. Enginenot primed. 3. 4. Filltank with clean, freshgasoline. Primeengineas instructedin the Operation section. 5. 6. Faultyspark plug. Blockedfuel line. 5. 6. Clean,adjustgap,or replace. Cleanfuel line. 7. Engineflooded. 7. Wait a few minutesto restart,butdo not prime. 8. Burntfuse.(ElectricStart only) 8. Replacefuse (see ServiceSection). 1. 2. Sparkplug bootloose. Blockedfuel line or stalefuel. 1. 2. 3. Ventin gas cap plugged. 4. 5. Wateror dirt in fuel system. Dirtyair cleaner. 3. 4. Connectand tightenspark plug boot. Cleanfuel line; fill tank with clean,fresh gasoline. Clearvent. Drainfueltank. Refillwith fresh fuel. 5. Referto Maintenancesectionin manual. 1. 2. Engineoil levellow Air flow restricted 1. 2. Fillengine with properamountand type of oil. Cleandebrisfrom aroundthe engine'scoolingfins and blowerhousing. Enginehesitatesat high RPMs 1. Sparkpluggap set tooclose 1. Adjust gap to .030". Engineidles poorly 1. Sparkplugfouled,faulty,or gap too wide. 2. Dirtyair cleaner 1. 2. Clean,replace,or reset gap to .030". Referto Maintenancesectionin manual. 1. Cuttingbladelooseor unbalanced. 1. Tighten bladeand adapter.Balanceblade. 2. Bentcuttingblade. 2. Contactyour SearsServiceCenter. 1. Wetgrass. 1. Do notmow whengrassis wet;wait until laterto cut. 2. Excessivelyhigh grass. 2. 3. Dullblade. 3. Mowonce at a highcuttingheight,then mowagain at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingpath. Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. Wheelsnotpositionedcorrectly. Dullblade. 1. Placeall fourwheels in same heightposition. 2. Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. Beltnot installedproperly. 1. Checkbeltfor properpulleyinstallationand movement. 2. Debriscloggingdriveoperation. 2. Stopengine,disconnectspark plug boot, and cleanout debris. 3. Damagedor worn belt. 3. Contactyour SearsServiceCenter. Enginerunserratically Engineoverheats Excessivevibration Mowerwill not mulchgrass Unevencut . Mowerwill not self propel NEED MORE HELP? YouII find I,he a_swer Find this and all your Get answers from Get a personalized Find information and more other our team product of home maintenance and tools b_ou_ht o'1 mar_age___yhome manuals online. experts. plan for your to help with home home. projects. to you by Sea_s 21 co___ - Io_ Iree! Self Propelled Mower B Model No. 247.887210 12" 15 21 20 44 "43 22 Self Propelled Mower B Model No. 247.887210 I = O m O D = O 1 647-0004 BladeControl 38 2 753-0717 UpperControlHousing 39 964-04093 3 731-0620A DriveControl 4O 747-0940A-0637 SupportRodw/Rope Guide 4 753-0717 LowerControlHousing 41 747-0939 Pivot Rod 5 710-1667A C SunkTapScrew,#10 x.75 Lg 42 747-0937-0637 GrassCatcherFrame 6 753-0717 CableMountingCap 43 631-0071 GrassCatcherCover 7 746-0711B DriveCable 44 926-0106 CapNut 8 728-0199 Rivet 45 712-04063 FlangeLockNut,5/16-18 9 925-04347 Key Switch 46 731-1874A ChuteDoor 10 925-0201 Key 47 732-0819 TorsionSpring 11 746-04530 ControlCable 48 726-0111 PushCap 12 749-04354A-0637 UpperHandle 49 747-0965 Pivot Rod 13 720-04072 Star Knob 5O 925-04323 12VBattery 14 710-1652 Screw,1/4-20x .625 51 710-0654A SeresScrew,3/8-16x 1.00 15 710-1174 CarriageBolt,5/16-18x 2.0 52 925-04072 HarnessAssembly CableTie 53 936-0526 WaveWasher,1.38ID x.88 OD 950-1070 SIveSpacer,.88ID x 1.00OD 16 926-0240 710-0895 Screw,1/4-15x .750 GrassCatcher 17 749-0907B LowerHandle 54 18 931-0066 AdapterAssembly 55 782-7596A ControlArm 19 731-1832 Side DischargeChute 56 932-0807 TorsionSpring 2O 931-1833A Mulch Cover 57 711-1114 PivotShaft 21 782-0078B-4028 Deck21" 58 782-7597 PivotBracket 22 912-0397 Wing Nut 59 738-0924A ShlderScrew,.375ID x 1/4-14 23 710-0703 CarriageBolt, 1/4-20x .75" 60 756-0625 CableRoller 24 914-0104 CotterPin 61 710-0134 CarriageScrew,1/4-20x .62 25 726-0233 PushNut, .25x ID x .50 OD 62 936-0329 LockWasher,1/4 26 950-1071 SleeveSpacer,.881Dx 1.130D 63 782-7575B-0637 CableMountingBracket 27 756-0612A Half Pulley:2.62OD 64 746-0939A 28 756-0613 Half Pulley:2.62OD x 1.61 65 782-7574A-0637 CableAdjustmentBracket 29 741-0545 Ball Bearing 66 712-04064 Hex Nut 1/4-20 30 682-7527 Cup 67 912-0138 Hex Nut 1/4-28 31 748-0377C Blade Adapter 68 732-0627 Shift LeverSpring Blade Bell Support 69 731-0924 6 SpeedShift Lever 913-0397 Gear Insert 32 736-0524B 6 SpeedCable 33 710-1257 Hex Bolt, 3/8-24x 2.5 70 34 742-04276S 21"MulchingBlade 71 16864 6 Spd.RackCableBracket 35 710-0653 Screw,1/4-20x 3.75 72 956-0613A PulleyAssembly 36 731-1828 Baffle 73 725-04329 12VBatteryCharger 37 954-0460 Belt, 3/8 x 39.24 23 Self Propelled Mower B Model No. 247.887210 49 12 57 58 24 Self Propelled Mower B Model m No. 247.887210 D = " O O 1 914-0474 CotterPin 29 682-7528-0637 ChainCoverAssembly 2 710-1652 Screw1/4-14x .825 3O 741-0324A FlgeBearing.506 ID x .590Lg 3 936-0264 FlatWasher.330ID x.630 OD 31 682-7526-0637 TransmissionAxleAssembly 4 914-0104 CotterPin 32 918-0263A TransmissionAss'yComplete 5 932-0306A CompressionSpring 33 734-1857 Wheel7 x 2 913-0453 Chain 6 734-2010 Wheel,9 x 2.125 34 7 912-0414 Top LockTabWeldNut 1/4-20 35 638-0012 RearAxle Assembly 941-0522 FIgeBearing.506 ID x .715Lg 8 16855 RatchetPawlPlate 36 9 10622B PlasticSpring Ratchet 37 782-0568-0637 HeightAdjustmentSpring Brkt. 10 748-0381 PawlRH 38 950-0151 Spacer.550ID x .750OD 948-0188B PawlLH 39 710-1315 Screw3/8-16x .25 11 938-0137A ShlderScrew.340ID x.285 OD 4O 911-0835 ClevisPin .50 Diax 4.82 Lg. 12 948-0318 Wheel Ratchet 41 750-0807 Spacer.385ID x .624OD 13 736-0270 BellWasher.265ID x.75 OD 42 732-0832 TorsionSpring 14 710-0751 HexCap Screw 1/4-20x.620 43 710-0779A Screw,AB, #10-16x .500 15 937-3000 GreaseFitting 44 731-06874 TrailShield 16 736-0931 FlatWasher.203ID x.403 OD 45 687-02495 HandleBracketAssembly- LH 17 747-0924 Wheel Pin Lock 46 687-02494 HandleBracketAssembly- RH 18 682-9020A-0691 CasterAssemblyRH 47 725-0157 CableTie 682-9021A-0691 CasterAssemblyLH 48 710-1348 Screw 1/4-14x.500 682-9024-0691 CasterBracketAssemblyRH 49 710-0260A CarriageBolt5/16-18x.62 682-9026-0691 CasterBracketAssemblyLH 50 911-1146 CasterAxle 720-0223 Grip 51 912-0397 Wing Nut 712-04063 FlangeLock Nut5/16-18 19 20 21 732-0803A SpringLever 52 22 938-0529 ShoulderNut.825x .165Lg. 53 726-0214 PushCap 23 936-0369 FlatWasher.508 ID x 1.00D 54 936-0232 WaveWasher.531ID x.781OD 24 782-0566B-0637 PivotArmAssembly 55 736-0366 FlatWasher.640ID x 1.12OD 25 750-0515 Spacer.510ID x .70OD 56 741-0685 FlangeBearing 26 741-0978 SIv Bearing.504 ID x .830OD 57 731-07001 Hubcap- RadialSpoke 27 950-1056 ShlderSpacer,.3851Dx .715Lg 58 731-1887 Hubcap- Spokew/Hole 28 710-0653 TapScrew 1/4-20x .375 59 710-0604A Screw,5/16-18x .625 25 Craftsman Engine Model No. 12S605-0607 For Self Propelled Mower iVlodel 247.887210 110SSOPERATORS MANUAq I 48S,ORTBLOOK I 1330 REPAIR MANUAL 11A 287 i iii iiii W 306 \ lO [] 27g_i 307 i 46 sos _i 615 _ 404 <'_ ? ii i26 4_ 616 _'' i 12 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 3_. 842_ !/ 51 883 163_ !I_. 122 524 _; 26 1022 I Craftsman Engine Model For Self Propelled [] No. 12S605-0607 Mower Model 247.887210 _, 51 _ i_b-_ f+" % _' 883 122 :_ ...." k........... 718 e_Z 51 7 155 1022 36 238 _\_ _' _ _._%x ¢,,,_&_*',"_ .) lO29t_:_ 914A _ 383 j- 968 , 967 / / 914A _ 445_:_ \ 914 _ 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 883 51 4_5i i976i 122 i 868 27 163 Craftsman Engine Model No. 12S605-0607 For Self Propelled Mower Model 247.887210 121 CARBURETOR ii OVERHAUL KIT 511 633A @ : 137 i 163 51 18276 /2s_ 276 _'122 633 _ J 977 CARBURETOR 276 _# _ GASKET SET 137 51B 276 1631 122 ..... 276 Cr_V:l'_l'_I_ I_!_;_:_u_;V:_y m_; _! En linea podr_ encontrar Sus preguntas Obtenga Encuentre este manual ser_n respondidas un plan de mantenimiento informaci6n b_ree.ght y los manuales pot nuestro 55 que posea. de especialistas. para su hogar. que Io ayudar4n to ye_J by Sea_rs - isin cargo! de todos los otros productos equipo personalizado y herramientas Comuniquese con el centro de servicio Sears. con los proyectos de su hogar. (Esta p_.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada.). and Co., U.S.A. (Sears), el Consejo de Recursos Arnbientales de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA) Declaraci6n de garantia del sistema de control de emisiones (derechos y obligaciones de la garantia de defectos del propi= etario) LA COBERTURADE LA GARANTJADE CONTROLDE EMISIONESES Y PARALOSMODELOSCERTIFICADOSDELANO 1997Y POSTERIORES, APLICABLEA LOS MOTORESCERTIFICADOSCOMPRADOSEN CALIFOR- QUESE COMPRENY UTILICENEN CUALQUIERPARTEDE LOS ESTADOS NIA EN 1995Y POSTERIORMENTE, QUESE UTILIZANENCALIFORNIA, UNIDOS(Y A PARTIRDEL 1 DE ENERODE 2001 ENCANADA). Declaraci6n de garantJa sobre defectos en el control de ernisiones para California y los Estados Unidos El Consejode RecursosAmbientalesde California(CARB),la EPA(Agencia ionesde su motorpara losperiodosde tiempo enumeradosa continuaci6n, de Protecci6nAmbientalde los EE.UU.)y Searstienen elgustode explicarla siemprequeno hayaabuso,negligenciao mantenimientoindebidode su garantiadel sistemade control de emisionespara motoresdel a_o2000y para motortodoterrenopeque_o.Su sistemade controlde emisionespuedeincluir elfuturocon relaci6na motorespeque_ostodo terreno(SORE).En California, piezastales comoel carburador,el filtro de aire,el sistemade encendido,el losnuevosmotorespeque6ostodo terrenodebenestar dise_ados,construidos silenciadory el conversorcatalitico.Tambienpuedeincluirconectoresy otras unidadesrelacionadascon las emisiones.Dondeexistaunacondici6ncubierta y equipadosparacumplircon las rigurosasnormasanti-smogdel estado.En el restode losEstadosUnidos,losmotoresnuevostodoterrenode encendido porla garantia,Sears reparar_su peque6omotortodo terrenosin costoalguno porchispa certificadosparael a_o 1997debencumplirest_ndaressimilares incluyendodiagn6stico,piezasy manode obra establecidospot la EPA.Searsdebegarantizarel sistemade controlde emisCobertura de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de ernJsiones Los motorestodo terrenopeque6osest_ngarantizadosen Iorelativoal control alas disposicionesque se indiquena continuaci6n.Si una partede su motor de emisionespara defectosen piezasdurante un periodode dos a_os,sujeto cubiertapot la garanfiaesdefectuosa,Sears reparar_o sustituir_dicha parte. ResponsabJlidades del propietario en relacibn con la garantia Comopropietariodel motortodo terrenopeque_o, responsablede la a modificacionesno responsablede presentarsu motor realizaci6ndel mantenimientorequeridoquese incluyeen las instrucciones todoterrenopeque6oa un distribuidorde serviciosSearsautorizadotan pronto de operaci6ny mantenimiento.Searsrecomiendaquese conserventodoslos comoaparezcaun problema.Lasreparacionesde la garantiasinconfiicto recibosrelativosal mantenimientode su motortodoterrenopeque_o,pero debencompletarseen un plazode tiempo razonable,no superiora 30 dias.Si no pudedenegarlagarantiasimplementeporla falta de losmismos,o por su tienealguna preguntarespectoa sus derechosy responsabilidadesreferenincumplimientodel mantenimientoprogramatic.Comopropietariodel motor tes a lagarantia,debe contactarcon un representantede serviciosSearsal peque_otodoterrenodebe saberque, sinembargo,Searsle puedenegar 1--800--469--4663. La garantiade emisioneses unagarantiapordefectos.Los la coberturade la garantiasi su motortodoterrenopeque6oo una piezadel defectossejuzgan de acuerdoconel funcionamientonormalde un motor.La mismohanfalladodebido a abuso,negligencia,mantenimientoindebidoo garantia no est_ relacionadacon unapruebade emisionesen uso. Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Las siguientesson disposicionesespecificasrelacionadascon la coberturade lagarantia paradefectosen el controlde emisiones.Es un a_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearspara motoresno reguladosque seencuentraen lasinstruccionesde funcionamientoy mantenimiento. 1. Piezascon garantia sin cargo alguno parael poseedor,incluyendotareasde diagn6sticoque permitandeterminarsi una partecon garantiaes defectuosa,siempreque La coberturade esta garantiase extiendeL]nicamentea las piezas dicho diagn6sticose realiceen un distribuidorde serviciosSears autorizaqueaparecena continuaci6n(las partesde lossistemasde control de do. Parael servicio de lagarantia de emisiones,contacteal distribuidorde emisiones),siempreque dichas piezasestuvieranya en el motoren el servicios Sears autorizadom_s cercanoincluidoen las"P_ginasamarillas" momentode su compra. a. Sistemade medici6nde combustible en lascategorias"Motores,gasolina","Motoresde gasolina","Podadoras de cesped",o similares. • Sistemade enriquecimientopara arranqueen frio 4. Reclamacionesy exclusionesa la cobertura • Carburadory partesinternas Las reclamacionesde lagarantia debenenviarsede acuerdo con las • Bombade combustible disposicionesde la politica de garantia para motoresSears. La cobertura b. Sistemade inducci6nde aire de la garantiaexcluir_defectosen piezas con garantiaque no scan partes • Filtrode aire originalesSears,o abuso, negligenciao mantenimientoincorrecto,tal y • Colectorde admisi6n como se estableceen la politica de garantia para motoresSears.Sears no c. Sistemadeencendido es responsablede lasfallas en piezas con garantia provocadaspor el uso • Bujia(s) de encendido de partesaSadidas,que no scan originaleso quese hayan modificado. • Sistemade encendidomagneto 5. Mantenimiento d. Sistemadelcatalizador Cualquierpartecon garantiaque no este programadapara ser reem• Convertidorcatalitico plazadacomomantenimientorequerido,o que s61odeba inspeccionarse • Colectorde escape regularmenteal efecto de "inspeccioneo reemplacesegL]nsea necesario", • Sistemade inyecci6nde aire o v_lvula de impulsos estar_garantizadacontradefectosduranteel periodode la garantia.Todas e. Elementosvariadosusadosen los sistemasanteriores laspiezas garantizadasque esten programadaspara su reemplazopara • Wlvulas de vacio, sensiblesa temperatura,posici6ny tiempo cumplircon los requisitosde mantenimientoestar_ngarantizadass61o e interruptores porel periodoanterior al primerreemplazoprogramaticparadicha pieza. • Conectoresy montajes Cualquierpiezade recambioquesea equivalenteen funcionamientoy 2. AIcancede la cobertura durabilidadpuedeusarse para realizarmantenimientoo reparaciones.El propietarioes responsablede realizartodo elmantenimientorequerido,tal Searsgarantizaal poseedorinicial y a loscompradoressubsiguientes y comose define en las instruccionesde funcionamientoy mantenimiento que laspiezas con garantiano tendr_n defectosen materialesni mano Sears de obra que provoquenla falla de las mismasduranteun periodo de 6. Coberturaindirecta dos a6osa partirde la fechaen queel motorse entregaa un comprador Sears, Roebuck particular. 3. Sin cargo La reparaci6no reemplazode cualquierpartecon garantia se realizar_ Porla presente,la coberturase extiendea lafalla de cualquiercomponente de motorprovocadapor lafalla de unapieza con garantia queeste todavia en periodode garantia. En los EstadosUnidosy Canad_hay unalinea de atenci6nde 24 horas,1-800-469--4GG3, quecuenta con un menL]con mensajespre-grabadosque contienen informaci6npara el mantenimientode motores. Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informaci6n la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor de clasificaci6n de aire en Los motores cuyo cumpiimiento con los estAndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el perJodo de duraci6n de las emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire. Sears, Roebuck and Co., de los Estados Unidos ponen esta informaci6n a disposici6n deJ consumidor en nuestras etiquetas de emisiones. El Periodo de Duraci6n de las Emisiones describe el nQmero de horas de tiempo real de funcionamiento para el cual se certifica que el motor cumple con las reglas de emisi6n, descontando el mantenimiento adecuado deJ mismo segQn las instrucciones de operaci6n y mantenimiento. Se utilizan las siguientes categorias: Moderado:Se certifica que el motor cumpie con las reglas de emisi6n durante 125 horas de tiempo real de funcionamiento deJ motor. Inmediato:Se certifica que el motor cumple con las reglas de emisi6n durante 250 horas de tiempo real de funcionamiento deJ motor. Extendido:Se certifica que el motor cumple con las reglas de emisi6n durante 500 horas de tiempo real de funcionamiento deJ motor. Por ejemplo, una cortadora de c6sped tJpica que se empuja desde atrAs se usa entre 20 y 25 horas por afio. Por Io tanto, el Periodo de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10 y 12 afios. Laclasificaci6n de aJre es un nQmero calculado para describir eJnivel reiativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular. Cuanto menor sea Jaclasificaci6n de aire, mayor es JaJimpieza deJ motor. La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr&fica en Jaetiqueta de emisiones. Despu_s del 1 de julio de 2000, busque el periodo de cumplimiento de las reglas de emisiones en la etiqueta de cumplimiento de las reglas de emisiones del motor Despu_s deJ 1 de julio de 2000 se certificar_, que determinados motores Sears, Roebuck and Co., de los Estados Unidos cumpien con los estAndares de emisiones de la fase 2 de la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (USEPA). Para los motores certificados para la etapa 2, el periodo de cumpiimiento con las reglas de emisiones al cual se hace referencia en la etiqueta de cumpiimiento con las reglas de emisiones indica el nQmero de horas de funcionamiento para el cuaJ se ha demostrado que el motor cumpie con los requerimientos federales de emisi6n. Para los motores con desplazamiento inferior a 225 cc, Categoria Para los motores con desplazamiento de 225 cc o mAs, Categoria El despiazamiento de los motores C = 125 horas, B = 250 horas y A = 500 horas. C = 250 horas, B = 500 horas y A = 1000 horas. de la serie modelo 150112 es 249 cc. La presente es una representaci6n gen_rica de la etiqueta de emisi6n que se encuentra generaimente en un motor certificado. 57 Felicitacionespor haberrealizadouna adquisici6ninteligente.El Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo,puedeprograrnarel serviciocon productoCraftsman@Profesionalque ha adquiridoest,. dise_adoy tan s61orealizaruna Ilarnadatelef6nica.PuedeIlarnaren cualquier fabricadopara brindarrnuchosa_os de funcionarnientoconfiable.Pero mornentodel dia o de la nocheo prograrnarun servicioen linea. cornotodos los productosa vecespuede requerirde reparaciones. El Acuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes una cornprasin riesgo. Es en ese rnornentocuandoel disponerde un Acuerdode protecci6n Si ustedanula por alguna raz6nduranteel periodode garanfiade para reparacionesle puedeahorrardineroy problernas. producto,proporcionarernosun reernbolsoIleno.O,un reernbolso A continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosen el Acuerdo: prorrateadoen cualquiermornentodespu6sdel periodode garantia • Servicio experto prestadopor nuestros10,000especialistasen de productoexpira, iAdquierahoysu acuerdode protecci6npara reparacionesprofesionales reparaciones! Se aplican deterrninadaslirnitacionesy exclusiones.Paraobtener • Servicio iJirnitado sin cargopara laspiezasy la rnanode obra en inforrnaci6nadicional y preciosen los Estados UnidosIlarne al todaslas reparacionescubiertas 1-800-827-6655. • Reemplazodel productohasta 1500d61aressi no es posible El *Coverage en Canad;_variaen algunos articulos. Paradetalles repararel productocubierto Ilenosla IlarnadaCharnuscaCanad_en 1-800-361-6665. • Descuentode 10%del precionormaldel servicioy de las piezas Serviciode instalaci6nde Sears relacionadascon el rnisrnoque no est6ncubiertaspor el acuerdo; Si deseasolicitarla instalaci6nprofesionalde Searsde aparatos adern_.s,10%del precionormalde la verificaci6nde rnantendorn6sticos,dispositivospara abrir portones,calentadoresde agua irnientopreventivo y otrosarticulosdorn6sticosirnportantes,en los EstadosUnidoso Canada.Ilarneal 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. • Ayudar_pida pot tel_fono- IoIlarnarnos Resoluci6nR@ida- el apoyotelef6nicode un Charnuscaal representante.Pienseen nosotroscornoel manual"de un due_ohablador." 58 59 Your Home For expert troubleshooting and home solutions advice: For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. For Sears professional installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water heaters. 1-800-4-MY-HOME ® (1-800-469-4663) Call anytime, day or night (U.S.A. and Canada) Our Home For repair of carry-in items like vacuums, lawn equipment, and electronics, call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts & Repair Service Center 1-800-488-1222 (U.S.A.) 1-800-469-4663 To purchase a protection 1-800-827-6655 agreement (U.S.A.) Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio, y para ordenar piezas: 1-888-SU-HOGAR (Canada) on a product serviced by Sears: 1-800-361-6665 (Canada) Au Canada pour service en fran£ais: 1-800-LE-FOYER ® (1-800-533-6937) (1-888-784-6427) Trademark / TMTrademark / SM Service Mark of Sears Brands, LLC ® Marca Registrada / TMMarca de F&brica / SMMarca de Servicio de Sears Brands, MC Marque de commerce / MD Marque depos6e de Sears Brands, LLC M° ® Registered LLC © Sears Brands, LLC
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