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1.5 HP (max developed)
1 HP Running
Oil Lubricated
Model No_ 921.153101

Before using this product,
read this manual and follow
all Its Safety Rules and

Sears, Roebuck¢raftsman
P¢;1NO E10113G

and Co., Hoffman


Safety Instructions
Installation & Operation
Maintenance & Storag e
"rroubleshootlng Guide
Parts List
Espaflol, p. 10


IL 60179 U.S.A.

Warranty ....................................................................................

see below

Safety Instructions........................................................................


Important Safety Instructions& Guldef=ne_.........................................




(31os._'y-. .......................................................................................



Duty Cycle ..........................................................................................


PaRs & Features ...................................................................................


Installarion & Assembly ........................................................................


Opera, rig Procedures ..............................................................................


Maintenance ............................................................................................


Storage ......................................................................................................


TroubleehDoOngGuide .........................................................................


Parts IJet....................................................................................................


Espahol .....................................................................................................


Serwce Number .........................................................................





back sever


If this Craftsman Air Compressor fails due to manufacturer's defects in matertal or workmanship
within one >,ear of Ihe date of purchase, RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR
be replaced or repaired (at our option),
free of charge
If this Air Compressor is used for commarolalor ramal purposes,this warrat_y applies for only 90
days from the data of purchase. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may 8]se
have other rightswhich vary from state to stata
Sears, Roebuck and Co., DepL B17WA,
Hoffl_an Estates. IL 60178

Safety Instructions
The informatton hated below should be read and
understood by the operator. Th=s mformation is given to
_rote= the user while operating and stodngthe air

_ompmsSor. We utilize the symbols below to allow the
reader to recogntza important information about their


I Ilia,

Indicatesan immlnerltly
h, if not
avoided,willresultin deathor serious tnjury.

]ndtcates a potent=allyhazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result =n minoror moderate injury

ind|cstea • potentiallyhazardoussitua'donwhich,if not
e,volded,couldresultin death or serousinjury

When used without the ssfaty start symbol indicates a
potentiallyhazardous situation which, if not=,voided, may

dam %


Important Safety lnstructions and Guidelines
• Save all Instructions

tmpmperoperat=onor maintenanceof the=produd_couldresultin serious Injuryend/orpropertydamage.Read end
understandell of the warningsand safetyinstructions
providedbeforeusingth_ equipment,
The air compressorshould be operated on • dedicated 15 amp €lmult. If the circuit does
not have 15 flee _nps available, a larger circuit must be used. Always use more sir
-hose before utilizingextension cords. AMexte_'_lencords used must be 12 gauge wi_
e maxtmum length of 25 P..The circuit fusetype must be e time delay. Low voltage could
cause damage to the motor.

Risk of Moving Part s

If the sit €ompressor Is In operation, ell guards and covers should be attached or
installed correctly, If any guard or cover has been damaged, do not operate the
-equipment until the proper personnel has correctly repaired the aqulpmenL The power
-cord should be flee of any moving ptrts, twistingandlor crimping while in use and while
in ston_ge.

Risk of Burns

There are surfaces on your air compressor that white in operation end thereafter can
-cause serious burns If touched, The equipment should t_e allowed time to cool before
any maintenance is attempted. Iterr_ such _ the compressor pump andthe outlet tube
are normallyhot during and after operttJon.

Risk of Falling

Operation of the air compressor should always be in a position that ts at'J_la. Never use
the air compressor on a rooftop or elevated position that could allow the unit to fell or
-be tipped over. Use additional sit hose for elevated jobs.

Alwayswear ANSI Z87,1 approvedsafety glasseswith side shields when the air
compressoris in use. Turn off the air compressor and drain the air tank before
perfownlnganytypeof maintenance
or disassembly
of thehosesor fittings,Neverpoint
any nozzleorsprayertoward any pe_lofthe bodyor at otherpop_pieor animals.

Risk from
Rylng Objects



Important Safely Inslruel_On#& Guldellne_

Risk to Breathing

Avoid using the air compresSOr in conked areas, Always have adequate space
(12 Inshee) on aBsides of the air compressor.Also keep children, pats, and othersout
of the area of operation. This air ¢ompmesor does not provide breathable air for anyone
or any auxikary breathing device, _praying material will always need to be in another
areaaway from the air compressorto not allow Intake air to damage the air compressor

Risk of
Electrical Shock

Never utilize the a_r ooml_'eeasrin the tam or wet conditions.Any e|ectdcal issues or
repairs should be performed by authorizedpemonnel such as on aiectT_cianand should
oomp]ywith all national and localelectrical codes. The air compressorshould also have
the proper three prong groundingplug, correct voltage, and adequate _se protection.

Risk of
Exploslo_- oI r,,=

;Ne._ operate the.compr_isor.neat oombusfible marshals,geeoUr_e01'e_oJ_nt-vapoFr_;
If spraying flammable materials, locatethe sir compressor at least 20 teat-sway fro_
the spray areal Never operate the air compressor indoorsor tn • confined area

Risk of Bursting

Alway=draintheair cempres=ortankdailyorafter eachuse.If the tankdevelopsa task,
then replacethe air oompreasor.Neveruse the air compre_or aftera leek has been
foundor W to make anymodificationsto thetank, Never modify the air compreesor's
faotofysettingswhichcontrolthe tankpressureor anyother function,

Pump ......................
Motor Indu_on ..............
Bore ........................
_roke .......
Voltage Single Plisse .........

Oil-lube direct ddve1.5 HP max developed,
1HP funning
_120 VAC

Minimum Circuit Requirement . ..._15 Ampe
Air Tank Capac'W ............
.3 Ga,one
Cut-in Pressure ...............
95 PSI
Cut-out Pressure ...........
., .125 PSI
SCFM @ 90 PSI ............

CFM: Cubic feet per minute.
SCFM: _'_dard cub_r' feat per minute; a unitof measure
for air delivetT.
PSIG: Pounds per square Inch gauge: a unltof measure
for pressure.
ASME: American Soolety of Mechanical Engineer=.
Catlfomla Code:Unlt may oomplywith California Code
462 (f) (2)/(M) (2).
CuHn Pressure; -The air compressor will automatically
start to refill the tank when the pressure drops
below the pre._oribedminimum

Cut-Out Pressure: The pointat which the motor steps
when the tank has reaohed maximum air
Code Certification: Productsthat bear one or more ofthe following marks: UL, CUL,ETLCSA,
have been evaluated by O_HA-certl_]edindependent
safety laboratories and meet the applicable
UnderwritersLabor_tariee Standards for Safety

Duty Cycle
This Is a 50% dutycy_'ieair compressor.Do not runtheair €ompressor
morethan 30 minutesof one hour. Doing
coulddamagethe =lr compressor.

Parts & Features
See figures below for reference,

clean elf to the pump and must always be kept free of debris. Check on a daily basis or before each use. 1
Intake Rlter

Indicates the outgoingair pressure to the tool and is controlled
Regulator Gauge
by the regulator.
Tank Preemui'eGauge
indicatesthe reserve air pressure in the tank.


Outlet Tube




Pressure 8wlt_
. . _
This controlsthe power to the motor aJ_d.al_e.--'.:_
cut4n/cut-out pressure settings. This switch .served"1
the AkRo-OniOffpositionsfor the unit,

on Fill Cap

The pressure relief valve located on the
side of the pressure switch, is designed to
automa,bcally release compressed air when
the air compressor reaches cut-out pressure,
The released air shouJd only escape
momentarily and the valve shouldthen dose.


Used to allow excess tank pressure to
into the atmosphere, This valve
should only open when the tank preastJre
is above the maximum rated pressure.

Relief Tube

The air pressure coming from the air tank is
con_olled by the regulator, To increasu the
pressure turn the le_ob clePJxwiee
and to
decrease the pressure turn the knob _



• quick release feature for sttashtng and removing the air hose,1

011Sight Gatiga


l Tank
to drsJnoundensation
from the a=rtank, Located st bottom of tank.: 1

the pump is not in operation the valve €losests retzdn=drpressure in,;de the tank, An internal component.1


& Assembly

The air compressor should be turned off and unptuggod Imm the
power coume betore any rnainrananoe is performed as well a=
the air bled from the tank and the unit allowed t_rne
to cool. Personal Inlunes could oOcvr from moving paris, elecldcol sources, compressed elf or hot surfaces. The
mgulutor assembly must be a_eched before use, Failure to
assemble correctly could result in lo_s end poss=bleinjury
It unsure of assembly instructions or you expe(_ence diffisul_ in
the assmmb;y please call your local .service deparlmem Ior forthsr
Qufok Connect Assembly
'L Before assembly be sure that the
Quick Connect (Q C,) threads have a
sealant applied from the factory m proven!
Iaa_ around the threads. If no sealant is
present, wrap [ha threaded portion W_l
Teflon tope.
2 Remove the regulator's plasito plug, Attach
the O C. assembly to the air compressor by aligning the Q,C
threads to the regulator on the manifold. Be certam ld align
the threads before tlghtenleg to prevent thread damage
3, After hand t_htening, the a_embly should be turned clock
wise 1 to 1,5 revolmlona with • 13ki6ths _ze wrench.
To prevent damage and leaks, do not over-tighten
To ths'taU the Air Intake Rlter
Remove the pleatlo plug from the
compressor head. Remove the air into,he
t]ifer from the poly bag and thread it onto the


Lo_-'Mlon of the Air Compmuor
The air compressor should oiwe.ys be Io_ted In n clean,
dry. and welt verdllated environment. The unit should have
ai mNmum, 12 Inchec of space on each side, The air m_arintake
should be _ee of any debris or obstmc_ono, Check the air fi_tor
on a dally bogle to be sure _tis clean and in working order
Grounding Inatru_lone
TI_ product should be greund_. In the event of an
sherl oh'cult, grounding reduses I_ risk of electric r.hock by provlrflngan escape wire for the eleclnfocurrant, This product is
equipped with • cord having o grounding wire with an agproprfato gmun_ng plug. (See the figure below) The plug must be
plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded In
acmrdanco wi_ ag lOcal codas and ordinances Check with a
quaiiflod olec_ln_n or sense
personnel ff these
ins'b'ucfions arenot
complet$1y understood
or If in doubt as to
whether the tool is

Improper install_on of the grounding p_ugwill result In It
risk of slocMe shock. IFrepair or replecomerd of the cord
or p_ugIs nuseseery, do not conne_ the grounding w_rsto either
fiat blade fermlnaL The wire wi_ insula_on having an outer surface tha_ Is green with or without yellow stripe= Is _ grounding
wire CheeX _
a quaiffled ethetri=an or serviceman If the
grounding ii%=d_.,ctin_are not completely understood, or if m
doubt as to _i_uther the product m propedy grounded. DO not
modify the plug provided, If It will not th the oubeL havE)the prop
er ou'Jetinstalled by & qualified aiesfi'idan.

asr as shown.
Do not otternptto start the =drcomprasecr
without ffrst adding oil to the crankcase
Serious damage can
resuit unl_ fifled _th oil The pump Is shipped without ell from
the fectury. Only use non.detergent clio since multl-vlecos W
motor oils leave carbon itapos_ on pump ¢omp0nsms, thus
and compressor rife,
Drain the tank to I_leece all tank air
pressure betom removthg the oll _ P._p, Be sure the air vent in
the 09 fill cap (see figure to the right) ;8 free _
L_.,7_I ?L
from debris. If ntr vent Is blocked, pressure
can build In orankcase causing dam N to
lee compressor and possPblo pereonat in_Jry.
Lubdeatton and Oil
Remove the oll tiffcap by turning it
counter-clockwise by hand. Fd] the
compressor pump v/_h an sir €ompressor ell such as SAF.-_0
non.detergent (API CG/CD Heevy Duty) oll
at slow thterv_
unlll the oil tee0hea the
eentor of the red oirelo In the sight itiass
( see figure above). Use SAE-10 during
extreme winter ¢onditfono.

This pmduut Is for use on ,= cimuit having a nominal rot_ng
of 120 wits and is lectory-equltwed with e spa€tits aie_dc cord
und plug to pem_]t conno_lOn to a proper electric clrcolL Make
sure that the product Is connected to as outbt hav_g the same
sunfigur_gon as the plug, No adapter should be used with this
product, H theproduct mutd be reconnected for use on a different type of eb¢_e circuit, quailfled servlse personnel should
mske ths reconn_fion,

Useonlya 3-wire extensioncord met has e 3..blade
groundingplug.anda S-slotnmsptanlothat willacceptthe plug
onl_e predu_ Ma_e sumyoursxtanaloncordis In goodcondiIfon,When usingan extanaioncord,be sureto uaeone heavy
onDughto P.art_the currentyourproduutwill draw. Cordsmust
not escoed 25 feetandNo. 12 AWGsee must be ungd An
undersizedcord willceu.'u=a drop in linevoltage resultingIn loss
el power and overileetthg,
BrenkIn Prooedure_
NobreakIn pro_dom is requiredby the usur,Trde
productIs factorylect_ to ensureproperoperationand

Operating Procedures
Daily Start-Up Procedures

_/_Turn the Auto-On/off lever to the On-Auto position and
=he compressor v_llstart and build air pressure in the
tank to out-outpressure and then shut offautomatically

O Set the Auto-On/Off lever to the Off position.
__ Check the air compressor visuallyfor any damage
or obstru_on,

Ad}ustthe regula_r to a PSI se_lngthat Is needed for
your applica_on and be sure it ts withm the safety
standards required to performthe task. ff using a
pneumatic tool, the manufacturer should have
recommendatJons=nthe manual for that particular
tool on eperabng PSI se_ngs.

_) Close the drain valve.

Check the oil level of the pump
Connect the air hose to the quick connectsocket on
the regulator assembly by ineerling the quick connect
plug on the air hose rote the quick connect soci
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