Craftsman C950 52943 0 Users Manual
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Owner's Manual IVlodel C950-52943-0 13.5 T.P. 27 inch AL STAGE S OW T ROW CAUTION: You must understand manual read and this owner's before operating unit. Serial No. Sears Canada inc., Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C3 Visit our Craftsman website: 1738165 RevisionA Rev.Date07/2009 Thankyou for purchasing this quality-built Craftsman snow thrower. We're pleasedthat you've placedyour confidence in the Craftsman brand. When operated and maintained according to the instructionsin this manual, your Craftsman product will provide many years of dependable service. This manual contains safety information to make you aware of the hazards and risks associated with snow throwers and how to avoid them. This snow thrower is designed and intendedonly for snow throwing and is not intendedfor any other purpose, it is important that you read and understand these instructions throroughiy before attempting to start or operatethis equipment. This snow thrower requires final assembly before use. Refer to the Assembly section for instructions on final assembly procedures. Follow the instructions completely. Save these instructionsfor future reference. Snow Thrower: Model Number Revision Serial Number Engine: Model Number Revision Serial Number Date Purchased: Store Where Purchased: City: Province: Telephone: NOTICE:Record this informationabout your snowthrower so that you wiii be able to provideit in case of loss or theft. TABLEOFCONTENTS OPERATORSAFETY.................................................................................... 4 ASSEMBLY.............................................................................................. 10 TOOLSREQUIRED FORASSEMBLY .......................................................................................................... 10 CONTENTS OFSHiPPiNGCARTON .......................................................................................................... 10 PARTSBAGCONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ 10 UNPACKING .............................................................................................................................................. 11 UPPERHANDLE ANDCRANKASSEMBLY ................................................................................................ 12 CHECKTHECABLES ................................................................................................................................ 12 SETTHELENGTH OFTHECABLES.......................................................................................................... 12 SPEED SELECTLEVER ASSEMBLY .......................................................................................................... 13 SNOWCHUTEASSEMBLY ........................................................................................................................ 14 HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY ........................................................................................................................... 14 FEATURESAND CONTROLS.......................................................................... 15 OPERATION............................................................................................. 17 BEFOREOPERATINGSNOWTHROWER................................................................................. 17 OPERATE THESNOWTHROWER .............................................................................................................. 17 STOPTHESNOWTHROWER .................................................................................................................... 18 TRACTION LOCKPINS............................................................................................................................. 18 CHECKTHEOIL(BEFORE STARTING ENGINE) ........................................................................................ 18 FILLTHEFUELTANK................................................................................................................................ 19 START THEENGINE .................................................................................................................................. 19 STOPTHEENGINE .................................................................................................................................... 20 CLEARA CLOGGED DISCHARGE CHUTE ................................................................................................. 21 OPERATING TIPS...................................................................................................................................... 21 MAINTENANCE......................................................................................... 22 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................... 22 LUBRICATE AUGERGEARBOX................................................................................................................. 23 LUBRICATE AUGERSHAFTFITTINGS ...................................................................................................... 23 LUBRICATE CHUTEROTATION GEAR ....................................................................................................... 23 ENGINE MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................... 24 CHANGE THESPARKPLUG...................................................................................................................... 25 ADJUSTSKIDHEIGHT .............................................................................................................................. 26 BELTADJUSTMENT .................................................................................................................................. 27 BELTGUIDEADJUSTMENT ...................................................................................................................... 28 CHECKANDADJUSTTHECABLES .......................................................................................................... 28 AUGERSHEARPINREPLACEMENT ......................................................................................................... 30 CHECKTHETIRES.................................................................................................................. 30 STORAGE................................................................................................ 31 OFFSEASON STORAGE ............................................................................................................................ 31 LUBRICATE HEXSHAFTANDCHAINS..................................................................................................... 31 REMOVE FROMSTORAGE ........................................................................................................................ 31 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................... 32 WARRANTIES........................................................................................... 34 SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................... 37 OPERATORSAFETY DAHGER- Amputation Hazard Hazard Symbols and Meanings The dischargechute containsa rotating impeller to throwsnow. Never clear or unclog the dischargechutewith your hands. Fingers can quickly become caughtand traumatic amputation or severe lacerationwill result. Always usea clean-outtool to dear or unclog the dischargechute. DANGER • Hand contactwith the rotating impeller inside the discharge chute is the most commoncause of injury associated with snowthrowers. • Thissnowthroweris capable of amputating handsand feet, and throwingobjects. Read and observeall the safety instructionsin this manual. Failure to do so will result in death or serious injury. Safety Alert - identifies safety informationabout hazardsthat can result in personal injury. Operator's Manual- Read and understand before performingany activity or running snowthrower. t_ A The safety alert symbol _ and signal word (DANGER, WARNING,CAUTION,or NOTICE)is used to indicate the likelihood and potential severity of personal injuryand/or damage to the product. In addition, a hazardsymbol may be used to represent the type of hazard. _ ANGERindicates a hazard which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. ,_lll WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. _ AUTION indicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Keep a Safe Distance from Snowthrower f _ %1[,,.,._i _ _(_ SafetyAlert Symboland SignalWords • Rotating Impeller Rotating Auger L) Never Reach into Rotating Parts _ /_-_ Rotating Gears Thrown Objects Fire Explosion Shock ToxicFumes Hot Surface Recommended Ear Protection for ExtendedUse Shut off engine and remove spark plug connector beforeperformingmaintenance or repair work. NOTICEindicates a situation that could result in damage to the product. WARNING U.S.A. Models: Certain componentsin this productand its related accessories containchemicalsknown to the state of of California to causecancer,birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. WARNING U.S.A. Models: The engine exhaust from this productconrains chemicalsknown to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductiveharm. WARNING Certification: This equipmentmeets the requirementsof ANSI B71.3-2005 for snowthrowers. U.S.A. Models: Batteryposts,terminals, and related accessories containlead and lead components- chemicalsknown to the State of California to causecancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. OPERATORSAFETY Readthe Manual Control Symbols on Equipment DANGER ._ J+J Fuel Forward On Off Neutral Choke 0ff R1-- Reverse NI °"°"°°° ElectricStart Engage(Down) & Disengage (Up) Stop Slow Engine - Run Fast Engine - Stop [ Read, understand, andfollowall theinstructions onthe snowthrower andintheoperator's manual before operating thisunit. Failure toobserve thesafetyinstructions in thismanual will resultin deathorseriousinjury. ,, Bethoroughlyfamiliarwith thecontrolsandthe properuse ofthe snow thrower. ,, Makesureyou areproperlytrainedbeforeoperatingthe snowthrower. ,, Knowhowto stop the unit anddisengagethecontrolsquickly. ,, Neverallowanyoneto operatethe snowthrowerwithoutproperinstruction. ,, Alwaysfollow the instructionsin the operator'smanual,if thesnowthrower will bestoredfor anextendedperiod. ,, Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabelsasnecessary. ,, Neverattemptto makemajorrepairson thesnowthrowerunlessyou have beenproperlytrained.Improperservicingof the snowthrowercan result in hazardousoperation,equipmentdamage,andvoidingof the product warranty. Discharge Chute DANGER Discharge chutecontainsrotatingimpellerto throwsnow. Never clearorunclogthedischarge chutewithyourhands. Fingerscanquicklybecome caughtin theimpeller. Always usea clean-out tool. w O TractionControl Engage(Down) ='_'m Auger Control Engage(Down) Failureto observethesesafetyinstructions will resultin traumatic amputation orseverelaceration. -dr TOSAFELY CLEAR ACLOGGED DISCHARGE CHUTE Auger Clutch [_ (Left and Right) ischarge Chute ,_ ¢_ Chute Deflector (Up and Down) DANGER: Handcontact withtherotating impeller inside thedischarge chuteis themost common causeof injury associated withsnow throwers. Neveruseyourhandstocleanoutthedischarge chute. FOLLOW THESEIHSTRUCTIOHS: 1 ShutOFFtheengine 2 Wait10seconds tobesuretheimpeller bladeshavestoppedrotating 3.Alwaysusea clean-out tool,notyourhands. (High and Low) Heated HandGrips NOTE:Not all controlsymbols shownon this pagewill appear on your snowthrower.See FEATURESANDCONTROLSsection for the applicable symbols. Easy-Turn TM Traction Control TM Control Free-Hand OPERATORSAFETY Operationand EquipmentSafety G Fuel Handling DANGER DANGER Thissnowthrower is only assafeas theoperator.If it is misused,or notproperlymaintained, it canbe dangerous. i Remember youareresponsible for yoursafetyandthat of thosearoundyou. * Keeptheareaof operationclearof all persons,particularlysmallchildren andpets. . Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe snowthrowerwill beusedand remove all doormats,sleds,boards,wires,andotherforeignobjects. . Do not operatethesnowthrowerwithoutwearingadequatewinterclothing. . Wearfootwearthatwill improvefooting on slipperysurfaces. . Usecautionto avoid slipping or falling especiallywhenoperatingthe snowthrowerin reverse. *, Neveroperatethe snowthrowerwithoutgoodvisibility or light. Alwaysbe sureof yourfooting,andkeepafirm hold on the handles. . Do notclearsnowacrossthe faceof slopes.Useextremecautionwhen changingdirectionon slopes.Donot attemptto clearsteepslopes. . Do not overloadthe machinecapacitybyattemptingto clearsnowtoo quickly. . Neveroperatethe snowthrowerat high transportspeedson slippery surfaces.Lookbehindthe snowthrowerandusecarewhenoperatingin reverse. * Do not usethesnowthroweron surfacesabovegroundlevelsuchas roofsof residences,garages,porches,or othersuch structuresor buildings. . Operatorsshouldevaluatetheirabilityto operatethe snowthrowersafely enoughto protectthemselvesandothersfrom injury. . Thesnowthroweris intendedto removesnowonly.Do not usethesnow throwerforany otherpurpose. . Do notcarrypassengers. *, Afterstrikinga foreignobject,shut OFFthe engine,disconnectthe cordon electricmotors,thoroughlyinspectthesnowthrowerforany damage,and repairthe damagebeforerestartingandoperatingthe snowthrower. *, If the snowthrowervibratesabnormally,shut OFFthe engine.Vibrationis generallyawarningof trouble.Seeanauthorizeddealerif necessaryfor repairs. . For modelsequippedwithelectricstartingmotors,disconnectthe power cordafterthe enginestarts. Fuelandits vaporsareextremelyflammableandexplosive, Alwayshandlefuel withextremecare. Failureto observethesesafetyinstructionscancausea fire Ior explosionwhichwill resultin severeburnsor death. WHENADDINGFUEL * Turnoff engineandletcool at least2 minutesbeforeremovingthe fuel cap andaddingfuel. o Fill fueltank outdoorsor ina well ventilatedarea. o Donot overfillthe fuel tank.Toallowfor the expansionof gasoline,do notfill abovethe bottomof the fuel tankneck. o Keepfuel awayfromsparks,openflames,pilot lights, heat,andother ignitionsources. o Checkfuel lines,cap,andfittings frequentlyfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary. o Useanapprovedfuelcontainer. o If fuelspills, wait until it evaporatesbeforestartingengine. WHENSTARTINGENGINE *, Ensurethatsparkplug, muffler,fuelcap, andair cleaner(if equipped)are in placeandsecured. . Donot crankthe enginewiththe sparkplug removed. . If fuel is spilled,do not attemptto starttheengine,but movethe snow throwerawayfrom theareaof thespill, andavoidcreatinganysourceof ignition,until the fuelvaporshavedissipated. *, Donot over-primethe engine.Followthe enginestartinginstructionsin this manual. . If theenginefloods,setchoke(if equipped)to OPEN/RUN position,move throttle(if equipped)to FASTpositionandcrankuntil enginestarts. WHENOPERATING EQUIPMENT * Donot tip the snowthrowerat ananglewhichcausesthe fuelto spill. . Donot chokethecarburetorto stopthe engine. . Neverrunthe enginewiththe air cleanerassembly(if equipped)or the air filter (if equipped)removed. WHENCHANGINGOIL * If you drainthe oil from the top oil fill tube,the fuel tankmustbeemptyor fuel can leakout andresultin afire or explosion. I WHENTRANSPORTING EQUIPMENT * Transport withfueltankEMPTY, orwithfuelshut-offvalveOFE WHENSTORINGGASOLINEOREQUIPMENTWITHFUELIN TANK *, Storeawayfromfurnaces,stoves,waterheaters,or otherappliancesthathave pilot light or otherignitionsourcebecausetheycan ignitefuel vapors. OPERATORSAFETY Children Moving Parts DANGER Keephands,feet,andclothingawayfromrotatingparts. Rotating partscancontactor entangle hands, feet,hair, clothing,or accessories. Failure toobserve thesesafetyinstructions will resultin traumatic amputation orseverelaceration. * Whenever cleaning,repairing,or inspecting thesnowthrower, makesurethe engineis OFF,sparkplugwireis disconnected, andall movingpartshave stopped. . Donot puthandsor feetnearor underrotatingparts.Keepclearof the dischargeopeningat all times. . Neveroperatethe snowthrowerwithoutproperguards,andothersafety devicesin placeandworking. . Neverleavethe snowthrowerunattended whileengineis running.Always disengagetheaugerandtractioncontrols,stop engine,andremovekeys. . Keepall looseclothingawayfrom the front of thesnowthrowerandauger. Scarves,mittens,danglingdrawstrings,looseclothes,andpantscanquickly becomecaughtin therotatingdeviceandamputationwill occur.Tie up long hairandremovejewelry. . Runthe machineafewminutesafterdischargingsnowto preventfreeze-up of thecollector/impeller. . Disengagepowerto the collector/impellerwhensnowthroweris transported or not in use. DANGER Tragicaccidents canoccurif theoperator is notalertto the presence ofchildren,Children areoftenattracted totheunit andtheoperating activity.Neverassume thatchildrenwill remain whereyoulastsawthem. o Keepchildrenout of theareaduringoperation.Childrenareoftenattractedto the equipment.Bemindfulof all personspresent. ,, Bealertandturn unit off if childrenenterthe area. ,, Neverallowchildrento operatethe unit. ,, Useextracarewhenapproachingblindcorners,shrubs,trees,or other objectsthatmayobscurevision.Childrenmaybe present. Engine Safety DANGER __ I_ and instructionsin maintenance this othe f the manualwill engine.Failureto result in observe deathpropercare or theserious safety Safeoperationof snowthrowerrequiresthe injury. ,, Disengageall clutchesandshift into neutralbeforestartingthe engine. ,, Letthe engineadjustto outdoortemperatures beforestartingto clearsnow. ,, Usea groundedthree-wireplug-infor all snowthrowers equippedwith electricdrivemotorsor electricstartingmotors. Thrown Objects DANGER Objects canbepickedupbyaugerandthrownfromchute. Neverdischarge snowtowardbystanders or allowanyonein frontofthesnowthrower. Failure to observe thesesafety instructions willresultin deathor seriousinjury. * Alwayswearsafetyglassesor eyeshieldswhileduringoperation,andwhile performingan adjustmentor repair. ,, Alwaysbeawareof the directionthe snowis beingthrown.Nearby pedestrians,pets,or propertymaybe harmedby objectsbeingthrown. ,, Beawareof yourenvironmentwhileoperatingthesnowthrower.Running overitemssuch as,gravel,doormats,newspapers, toys,androckshidden undersnow,canall bethrownfrom the chuteor jam inthe auger. ,, Useextremecautionwhenoperatingon or crossinggraveldrives,walks,or roads. ,, Adjustthecollectorhousingheightto cleargravelor crushedrocksurface. ,, Neveroperatethe snowthrowernearglassenclosures,automobiles,window wells, drop-otis,andthe likewithoutproperadjustmentof the discharge chuteangle. ,, Familiarizeyourselfwiththe areain whichyou planto operatethesnow thrower.Markoff boundariesof walkwaysanddriveways. DANGER Enginesgiveoff carbonmonoxide,an odorless,colorless, poisongas. Breathingcarbonmonoxidecancausenausea,fainting, or death. o Startandrun engineoutdoors. o Donot runthe enginein anenclosedarea,evenif doorsor windowsare open. OPERATORSAFETY Maintenanceand Storage Engine Safety (Continued) WARNING j Startingenginecreatessparking. i , j Sparkingcanignitenearbyflammablegases. Explosionandfire could result. * Ifthereis naturalor LPgas leakagein area,do not startengine. * Donot usepressurizedstartingfluids becausevaporsareflammable. This snowthrowermustbeproperlymaintainedto ensuresafe operationand performance. Failure to observethe safety WARNING instructionsin this manualcould resultin deathor serious injury. o Whenperformingany maintenanceor repairson the snowthrower, shut OFF theengine,disconnectsparkplug wire,andkeepthewire awayfrom the plug to preventsomeonefrom accidentlystartingthe engine. * Checkshearboltsandotherhardwareatfrequentintervalsfor proper tightnessto besurethe snowthroweris in safeworkingcondition. * Keepnutsandboltstight andkeepsnowthrowerin goodcondition. * Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Checktheir properoperationregularlyand makenecessaryrepairsif theyarenot functioningproperly. ,_I_IISIIII_$11,, Runningthe engineproducesheat.Engineparts, especially "="='===_ i muffler,becomeextremelyhot, Failureto observethesesafetyinstructionscould result in i severethermalburnson contact. * Componentsaresubjectto wear,damage,anddeterioration.Frequently checkcomponentsandreplacewith recommended parts,when necessary. * Checkcontrol operationfrequently.Adjustandserviceas required. * Useonly factoryauthorizedreplacement partswhenmakingrepairs. * Alwayscomplywithfactoryspecificationson all settingsandadjustments. * Nevertoucha hot engineor muffler.Allow muffler,enginecylinder,andfins to coolbeforetouching. * Removedebrisfrom mufflerareaandcylinderarea. * Installandmaintaininworkingorderasparkarresterbeforeusingequipment on forest-covered, grass-covered,or brush-coveredunimprovedland. * U.S.A.Models:It is a violationof CaliforniaPublicResourceCode Section4442to useor operatetheengineon or nearanyforest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-coveredlandunlessthe exhaustsystemis equipped with asparkarrestermeetingany applicablelocalor statelaws.Otherstates or federalareasmayhavesimilar laws. * Onlyauthorizedservicelocationsshouldbe utilizedfor majorserviceand repairrequirements. * Useonly attachments andaccessoriesapprovedby thefactory(suchas wheelweights,counterweights, or cabs). * Neverattemptto makeanyadjustmentswhilethe engineis running(except whenspecificallyrecommended bythe factory). ,, Donot allowgreaseor oil to contactthe rubberfrictionwheelor the disc driveplate.If the discdriveplateor frictionwheelcomein contactwith greaseor oil, damageto the rubberfrictionwheelwill result. OPERATORSAFETY Lookfor this symbol to indicate importantsafety precautions.This symbolindicates: "Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is At Risk." _ I cannotbe read,orderreplacement decalswornor from yourlocaldealer. ARNING:If anysafetydecalsbecome damagedand J Before operatingyour snow thrower, read the safety decals as shown on yoursnow thrower. The cautionsand warnings are for yoursafety. To avoid a personalinjuryor damageto yoursnow thrower, understandand fo ow al the safety decals. Part No. 1737872 Shift Decal I I Part He. 1737870 TractionControl Decal Part He. 1737868 Auger ControlDecal \ EngineDecals Amputation hazard Contactwith moving parts inside chute will Causeserious injury, = Shut off engine before unclogging dischargechute. . Use clean-out tool, not hands! Risque d ,amputation de la goulotte provoqueradegraveshlessures. ArrOterle mote,r avant de d_gager la go,lotto d'_jection. = Utiliser I'outil ded_gagement,pas los mains! Part Ho. 278297 Part Ho. 1737865 ChuteDanger Decal ,.-._. _..::.... FAUlLYXXXXX.XXXXXX XXXXXX Part Ho. 277953 ProductID Humber& Serial Humber Decal (Rear of Motor Box) - Contact with a_er will cause seri{}us injury. • _eep hands, leet and _lothing away. °To_tco_lactavecla • Keep hys_aneers away. et vgtemenls _ _is_ance. • Tenir vos pieds, vos mai_s ° Ten[_ les spect_teurs dislance. Thrown Hazard tafl_re provoqeera de Part Ho. 1737866 graveshlessures. Auger Danger Decal Objects _i ;_ =Heverdirectffischarge _h_tetowardspers_ns _rproperly. Readlhe_perator's man_ailor_perating _at_lyiflstroct_ns. .He i_rnals dlri_erla Oangerobjetsp_ojet_s chute en dire_tio_ des "_ and Shutoff engine aed remove key before pertorming maintenance or rep_irwork. Safety Decals Risque d'amputation Amputation Hazard pe_sonnes matdtiels. ou biefl_ s_,_ril_ et d'_tilisation duns Lireiles¢o_si_esde le manuel _rutiJi_tio0. _-_ _,_ Arrgter le moteur eI retirerla cld avant d'elfect_tt_ol_Iretien outo_tet_p_ration. ,,,_ Figure I ASSEMBLY TOOLSREQUIREDFORASSEMBLY CONTENTSOF SHiPPiNGCARTON 122211- 11111- Knife 1/2" wrenches(or adjustablewrenches) 9/16"wrenches(or adjustablewrenches) 3/4" wrenches(or adjustablewrenches) 3/8" wrenches(or adjustablewrenches) Pairpliersor screwdriver SnowThrower Containerof FuelStabilizer(Locatedin PartsBag) SnowChuteAssembly CrankAssembly PartsBag WARNING:Alwayswear safety glasses or eye shields whiJe assembling snow thrower. HOW TO MEASURE SCREW SIZE LENGTH DIAMETER PARTSBAGCONTENTS * 2=1/4=20 x 1.75 * 2=1/4=20 Hex nut * 2=Spacer *2 =Wrenches 1 = Shifter Knob (not actual size) *NonAssemblypartsand powercordcanbefoundin the PartsBagshipped with thesnowthrower.Thepartscanbestoredin thetool boxlocatedon top of thebeltcover. 10 I ASSEMBLY NOTE:Reference to rightand lefthandsideof thesnowthroweris fromthe operator'spositionatthe handle. UNPACKING 1. Usingknife,cut alongthedottedlinesaroundthetop andbottomof carton.Thenremovecartonmaterialasshownin Figure2. 2. Removeshearpinsandcotterpinsfrompartsbagand placein shear boltstoragebox. 3. Locateand removethepartsbag. NOTE:Setthefuelstabilizerasideuntiladdinggasolineto thefuel tank.Werecommend thatfuelstabilizerbeaddedto thefueleachtime thetankis filled. 4. Rollthesnowthroweroff thecartonby pullingon thelowerhandle. CAUTION: DONOTbackovercables. 5. Remove thepackingmaterialfrom thehandleassembly. 6. Cuttiessecuringtheclutchcontrolcablesto the lowerhandle. Unpackingthe Snowthrower Figure 2 Clutch Control Cables Figure3 NOTE:If thecableshavebecomedisconnectedfromtheclutchlevers, reinstallthecablesasshownin Figure3. 11 ASSEMBLY UPPERHANDLEAND CRANKASSEMBLY 1. Loosen,butdo not removethescrews,flatwashers,Iockwashers, and hexnutsin theupperholesof thelowerhandle(seeFigure4). Adaptor Boot 2. Remove thefastenersandthecrankassemblyeyeboltfromthelower holesofthe lowerhandle. _olt ! 3. Raiseupperhandleintooperatingposition.Upperhandleshouldbeto theoutsideof thelowerhandle. NOTE:Makesurethecablesarenotcaughtbetweentheupperand lowerhandle. 4. Installthefastenersandthecrankassemblyeyeboltthatwereremoved in step2. DONOTtightenuntil all fastenersare in place. Eye Bolt 5. Attachthecrankrod (A, Figure5) to theuniversaljointassembly(B) with thehair pin (C). Flatwasher Flatwasher 6. Tightennuton eyebolt. Makesureeyebolt is properlyalignedandthe crankcanfreelyrotate(seeFigure4). Upper HandleAssembly Figure4 Crank Assembly Figure5 Checkthe Cables Figure6 7. Tightenall handlebolts. NOTE:Makesurecrankdoesnottouchcarburetorcover. CHECK THE CABLES 1. If controlcableshavebecomeunattached from motormountframe,reconnectcablesasshownin Figure6. 2. Forcableadjustments, see"CheckandAdjusttheCables"in the MAINTENANCE section. SET THE LENGTH OF THE CABLES Thetractiondriveandaugerdrivecables(AandB, Figure6) wereadjusted atthefactoryandno adjustments shouldbenecessary. However, afterthe handlesareput in theoperatingposition,thecablescanbetootight or too loose,if anadjustmentis necessary, see"CheckandAdjusttheCables"in theMAINTENANCE section. 12 ASSEMBLY SPEED SELECT LEVER ASSEMBLY 1. Cutplastictie(A,Figure7) securingspeedselectleverassembly(B) to theshifterbracket(C). 2. RemoveIocknut(A, Figure8),washer(B),spring(C),andbolt (D). NOTE: Viewis fromright sideof unit standingin operator'sposition. 3. Positionspeedselectorleverassemblyas shownin Figure9. 4. Reinstallbolt(D, Figure8), spring(C),washer(B)and Iocknut(A). 5. TightenIocknutuntil1/8 to 3/16 inchof theboltthreadsprotrudepast the Iocknut. 6. Threadthe3/8-16" hexjamnut(E) ontothelever(F) untilthenut reachestheendof thethread. 7. Threadthe plasticknob(G)asfaras possibleandensurethattheknob pointsforward. 1/8to3/8inchof exposted thread 8. Tightenthe3/8-16" hexjamnutagainsttheknobsecurely. 9. Moveshifterthroughall speedsto ensurepropertensionofthespring. If shifterleversticksin anyof thenotches,loosenIocknut1/2 turnata time untilshifterlevermovesmorefreely. Shifter Handle Figure 8 Shifter Bracket Control Panel Shift Lever and Bracket Figure7 Control Panel and Shifter Bracket 13 Figure 9 ASSEMBLY SNOW CHUTEASSEMBLY NOTE:Thechuteringassembly(A,Figure10)comesinstalledon theunit fromthefactory. 1. Turncrankassembly(Figure4) untilthearrowon outerring (B, Figure 10)of chuteringassemblypointsforward. NOTE:Makesuretheslot in thechutering alignswith thearrowonthe outerring. 2. Installchutedeflector(C) usingfourscrews(D)and nuts(E)in holes asshown.Thechutedeflectormustpointforwardfor properinstallation. 3. Tightenscrewssnuglybutbecarefulnotto over-tighten. Snow Chute Assembly Figure 18 Headlight Assembly Figure 11 HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY Theheadlightismountedon therightsideofthe upperhandle,itisinstalledupside-downfor shippingpurposes, 1. Remove the nut(A,Figure11) and Iockwasher (B)from thecarriage bolt(C). 2. Turntheheadlight(D)to thetop sideof theupperhandle(E).Ensure externaltooth Iockwasher (F)andsaddlewasher(G)arein placeas shownin Figure11. 3. InstallthenutandIockwasher to securetheheadlightto thehandle. Theheadlightshouldpointtowardthesnowclearingpath. 14 FEATURES AND CONTROL S ® 1 _-- I;__-->- R1 I © ® a _ ® i ,_-,llllt o___ ® -tS- ® Y \ "iJ Snow Thrower Controls figure 12 SNOWTHROWERAND ENGINECONTROLS SNOWTHROWERCONTROLS E. ChuteDeflectorWing Nut -- Usedto controltheangleof the chutedeflector(up or down). A. Speed Select Lever- Allowstheoperatorto useoneof six (6) forwardandtwo(2)reversespeeds(seeFigure12).Toshift, move speedselectleverto desiredposition. f. Clean-Out Tool-- Usedto removesnowanddebrisfromthedischargechuteandtheaugerhousing. NOTICE:Do not move speed select lever while Traction Drive Clutch is engaged. This may result in severe damage to drive system. G. Skid Shoe -- Usedto adjustgroundclearanceofaugerhousing. H. Headlight-- Usedto operatethesnowthrowerin poorlighting conditions. B. Auger Drive Clutch Lever-- Usedto engageanddisengagethe augerandimpeller.Toengagepushdown,to disengagerelease. I. Toolbox -- Spareshearpins,shearboltwrenchesandspacersare locatedin toolbox. C. Traction Drive Clutch Lever-- Usedto propelsnowthrowerforwardor reverse.Pushdownto engage,releaseto disengage. D. Chute Rotation Crank -- Usedto changedirectionof thesnow discharge.Turnhandleclockwiseto turnchuteto right.Turnhandle counterclockwise to turn chuteto left. 15 FEATURES AND CONTROLS ® I÷1I×l ® / ® ® ® EngineControls Figure 13 ENGINECONTROLS E. Starter Cord Handle -- Usedto starttheenginemanually. A. Choke Control Knob-- Usedto starta cold engine(seeFigure 13). Fo ON/OFFSwitch -- Usedto startand stoptheengine. G. Fuel Tank and Cap-- Fill thefueltankto approximately 1-1/2 in. (38 mm)belowthetopof theneckto allowfor fuelexpansion. B. Electric Start Button -- Usedtostarttheengineusingtheelectric starter. H. 0il Fill Cap (Extended Dipstick) C. Primer Button -- Usedto injectfueldirectlyintothecarburetor manifoldto ensurefaststartsin coolweather. D. Safety Key-- Mustbe insertedto startengine.Pull out to stop.Do notturn safetykey. 16 OPERATION BEFOREOPERATING SNOW THROWER NOTE: This snow thrower was shipped WiTH OiL in the engine. See "Before Starting Engine" instructions in the OPERATIONsection of this manual before starting engine. Checkthe fasteners.Makesureall fastenersare tight. Readthis OPERATOR'S MANUALand OPERATOR SAFETYbefore operatingyoursnow thrower. Comparethe illustrationswithyour SNOWTHROWERtofamiliarize yourselfwith the locationofvariouscontrolsand adjustments. Savethis manual for future referonce. WARNING:The operation of any thrower can in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which result in severe eye damage. Always wearsnow safety glasses orresult eye shields beforebeginningsnow thrower operation. We can recommend standard safety glasses or Wide Vision Safety Mask over spectacles. OPERATETHESNOWTHROWER 5. Engagetheaugerdriveclutchlever(A,Figure15). Themosteffectiveuseof thesnowthrowerwill beestablishedbyexperience,takinginto consideration theterrain,windconditions,andbuilding locationwhichwill determinethedirectionof thedischargechute. DOWN UP EngagePosition DisengagePosition 6. Engagethetractiondriveclutchlever(B).Asthesnowthrowerstarts to move,maintaina firm hold onthehandlesandguidethesnow throweralongthecuttingpath.Donotattemptto pushthesnow thrower. NOTICE:Do not throwsnowtoward a buildingas hiddenobjects could be thrownwith sufficient force to causedamage. 1. Starttheengine.See"ToStartEngine"inthis section. 7. Tostopforwardmotion,release thetractiondriveclutchlever(B). 2. Rotatethecrank(A, Figure12) to setthedirection(left or right)of the dischargechute. 3. Adjustthesnowchutedeflector.Loosenthewingnut (A,Figure14)on thesideof thesnowchuteandraisethechutedeflectorfor more distance,or lowerit for lessdistance.Thentightenthewing nut. ,)', ",,j CiL2 \\ // Control Levers Figure15 8. Tostoptheauger,release theaugerdriveclutchlever(A). Adjust Chute Deflector _ 9. Tomovethesnowthrowerbackwards, movethespeedselectlever(A,Figure12)intofirstor secondreverse (R1or R2),andengage thetractiondrive clutchlever(B,Figure15). Figure 14 AUTION:Before operating, make sure the area in front of the snow thrower is clear of bystandersor obstacles. _ NOTE:Always release the tractioncontrol lever beforemoving the speed select lever. ,, Keep hands, feet, hair, and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and snow thrower. 4. Usethespeedselectlever(A, Figure12) to selecttheforwarddrive speed.Setthespeedselectleverto oneof thefollowingpositionsas determinedby snowconditions: 1-2 3 4-5 6 WARNING: Never run engine in an enclosed, poor ventilated area. Engine indoorsor exhaust containsCARBON MONOXIDE,an ODORLESSand DEADLYGAS. ,, Temperatureof muffler and nearby areas can exceed 150°F (66°C). Avoid these areas. ,, DONOT allow children or youngteenagers to operate or be near snow thrower while it is operating. Wet,Heavy,Slushy,ExtraDeep Moderate VeryLight Transport NOTE:When clearing wet, heavy, snow, it is recommended that the ground speed of the unit be reduced, maintain full throttle, and do not attempt to clear the full width of the unit. 17 OPERATION TRACTIONLOCKPiNS ,_ WARNING: Read Operator's before operating machine. This machine can Manual be dangerousif used carelessly. Therighttractionwheelcanbecompletelyreleasedusingthe lockingpin (A,Figure16).This allowstheunit to beeasilymovedwiththeengineoff. ,, Never operatethe snowthrower without all guards,covers, shields in place. ,, Never direct dischargetowards windows or allow bystandersnear machine while engine is running. ,, Stop the engine whenever leaving the operating position. ,, Disconnectspark plug beforeuncloggingthe impeller housingor the dischargechute and before making repairs or adjustments. ,, Whenleavingthe machine, removethe safety key. To reducethe risk of fire, keep the machine cleanand free from spilled gas, oil, and debris. STOPTHESNOWTHROWER 1. Release thetractiondriveclutchlever(B,Figure15). 2. PushtheON/OFF switch(A,Figure22)totheOFFpositionandpulloutthe safetykey(B). Traction Lock Pins CHECKTHE OiL (BEFORE STARTING ENGINE) Figure 16 oF °C NOTE:The engine was shippedfrom the factory filled with oil. Check the level of the oil. Add oil as needed. 0_._ 1. Makesuretheunit is level.Usea high qualitydetergentoil classified "ForServiceSF,SH,SJ, SL,or higher". 50 2. Remove theoilfill cap/dipstick (A,Figure17)andwipewitha cleancloth. 3. Insertthe oilfill cap/dipstick andturnclockwiseto tighten. 32 4. Removetheoil fillcap/dipstick andchecktheoil. 14 NOTE:Do not checkthe level of the oil while the engine runs. -4 5. If necessary, addoil until theoil reachestheFULLmarkon theoil fill cap/dipstick.Donotaddtoo muchoil. _''__" ' _'_ 40 '_"...............30 _ _ € -22 6. Tightentheoil fillcap/dipstick securelyeachtime youchecktheoil level. Below40°F(4°C)the use ofSAE30will result in hardstarting. ** Above80°F (27°C)the use of 10W-30maycauseincreasedoil consumption= Check oil levelmorefrequently. NOTE:For extreme cold operating conditionsof O°F(-18°C) and below, use a synthetic5W30 motor oil for easier starting. NOTE:S.A.E. 5W30 motoroil may be used to make starting easier in areas where the temperature is 20°F (-7°C) to O°F (-18°C). Synthetic 5W30 is acceptable for all temperatures. DO NOT mix oil with gasoline. See Chart for oil recommendations. FULL Checkingthe Oil 18 Figure 17 OPERATION FiLL THE FUEL TANK _ ARNING:Gasolineis flammable. Always use caution when handlingor storinggasoline. Turnengineoff and let enginecoolat least two minutes beforeremovingthe gas cap. Do not add gasoline tothe fuel tankwhile snowthrower is running,hot, or when snow throweris in an enclosed area. Keep away from open flame, electricalsparksand DONOT SMOKEwhilefilling the fuel tank. Never fiil the fuel tank completely;butfill thefuel tankto within1-1/2 inches(3.8 ram) from thetop to providespace for the expansionof the fuel. Alwaysfill fuel tankoutdoors and usea funnel or spout to preventspilling. Make sure to wipe up any spilled fuel before starting the engine. Thisengineis certifiedto operateon gasoline.ExhaustEmissionControl System:EM(EngineModifications). Fillthefueltankwithfresh,clean,unleaded regular, unleaded premium,or reformulatedautomotivegasolinewith a minimumof 85 octanealongwith a fuelstabilizer(follow instructionson fuelstabilizerpackage).DONOTuse leadedgasoline.Werecommend thatfuelstabilizerbeaddedto thefuel eachtimethat gasolineis addedtothefueltank. NOTE:Winter grade gasoline has higher volatility to improve starting. Be certain containeris clean and free from rust or other foreign particles. Never use gasoline that may be stale from long periodsof storagein the container. ,_b Store gasoline in a clean, approvedcontainer,and keep the cap in placeon the container.Keepgasoline in a coolwell ventilatedplace; neverin the house.Never buy more than a 30 day supply of gasoline to assure volatility.Gasolineis intendedto be usedas a fuel for internalcombustionengines; therefore,do notuse gasoline for any other purpose. Since many childrenlike the smell of gasoline, keep it out of their reach becausethe fumesare dangerousto inhale, as well as being explosive. CAUTION:DO NOT use gasoline containingany amount of alcohol as it cancauseserious damage to the engine or significantly reducethe performance. START THE ENGINE Start the engine as follows: 1. Checktheoil level.Seethe"Check/Add Oil"sectionin theENGINE MANUAL. Besurethatengineoil isatFULLmarkontheoil fill cap/dipstick. Thesnow thrower engineisequipped withanA.C.electric starter andrecoilstarter. Before starting theengine, becertainthatyouhavereadthefollowinginformation. 2. Makesureequipment drivecontrolsaredisengaged. If enginefloods,setthechoketotheOPEN/RUN positionandcrankuntiltheenginestarts. ,_ 3. PushtheON/OFFswitch(A,Figure18)totheONposition. WARNING: Theelectric starteris equipped with a three-wirepowercordand plugdesigned to operateon AC householdcurrent.Thepowercordmust be properly groundedat all times toavoid thepossibility of electric shockwhich cancauseinjuryto theoperator.Followall instructions carefullyas set forth: Makesureyourhousehasa three-wiregroundedsystem. Ifyou are notsure,ask a licensedelectrician.If yourhousedoes nothavea three-wire groundedsystem,do notusethis electric starterunderanycondition. If yourhousehas a three-wiregroundedsystembut a three-hole receptacleis notavailabletoconnectthe electricstarter, havea three-holereceptacleinstalledbya licensedelectrician. ,_h StartingEngine WARNING:To connectpower cord, always connectthe power cordfirst to the switch box located on the engine and then plug the other end into a three-hole grounded receptacle. Figure18 4. Insertthesafetykey(A, Figure19)into thesafetykeyslot and push fully in to theRUNposition. 5. Turnthechokeknob(B)fully clockwiseif engineis cold. NOTE:Do not use the choketo start a warm engine. WARNING:To disconnectthe power cord, always unplug the end connectedto the three-hole grounded receptacle first. 6. Pushtheprimerbutton(C)two times. NOTE:Do not usethe primer to start a warm engine. NOTE:Ensurethat electric extension cordis removedfrom the power receptacle. 19 OPERATION 9. Electric Start: Depress thestarterpushbutton(A,Figure 21).Afteryou starttheengine, firstdisconnect theextension cordfromthewallreceptacle andthenfromthepowercordreceptacle (B). Inserting Safety Key Startingwith CordHandle Figure 19 Figure 20 7. Rewind Start: Firmlyholdthestartercordhandle(A,Figure 20).Pull thestartercordhandleslowlyuntilresistance isfelt,thenpullrapidly. ,_ WARNING: Rapid retraction of the starter cord (kickback) will pull your hand and arm toward the engine faster than you can let go. Brokenbones, fractures, bruises, or sprains could result. When starting engine, pull the starter cordslowly until resistanceis felt and then pull rapidlyto avoid kickback. NOTE:if the engine does not start after three attempts, see the Engine Manual Troubleshootingsection. 8. Electric Start: Firstconnecttheextension cordtothepowercord receptacle andthenintoawallreceptacle. If additional extension cordis required, makesureit is three-wire. 4_ Startingwith ElectricStart Figure21 IMPORTANT:To extend the life of the starter, use short starting cycles(five secondsmaximum). Wait one minute between starting cycles. WARNING: if the extension cord is damaged, it must be replaced bythe manufacturer(or its service agent) or a similarly qualified personto avoid a hazard. NOTE:if the engine does not start after three attempts, see the Engine Manual Troubleshootingsection. NOTE:Do not lose the safety key. Keepthe safety key in a safe place. The engine will not start without the safety/ignitionkey. STOP THE ENGINE Beforestoppingtheenginefor a fewminutesto helpdry off anymoisture on theengine. ,_ WARNING: and vaporsare extremely flammable Gasoline and explosive. Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death. DO NOT chokethe carburetorto stop the engine. 1. PushtheON/OFFswitch(A,Figure22) totheOFFposition. 2. Removethesafetykey(B).Keepthesafetykeyoutof the reachof children. Stopping Engine 20 Figure 22 OPERATION OPERATINGTIPS CLEARA CLOGGEDDISCHARGECHUTE ,_ 1. Mostefficientsnowthrowingis accomplished whensnowis removed immediatelyafterit falls. WARNING:Handcontactwith the most rotating impeller inside the dischargechute is the common cause of injury associated with snow throwers. Never clear or unclog dischargechute with your hands, or while engine is running. Fingers can quickly become caughtand traumatic amputation or severe lacerationcan result. 2. Forcomplete snowremoval, slightlyoverlapeachswathpreviously taken. 3. Snowshouldbedischargeddownwindwheneverpossible. 4. Fornormalusage,setthe skids1/8 inch(3 mm)belowthe scraper bar.Forextremelyhard-packedsnowsurfaces,the skidsmaybeadjustedupwardto ensurecleaningefficiency. 5. Ongravelor crushedrocksurfaces,theskidsshouldbesetat 1-1/4 inch(32 mm)belowthescraperbar(see"AdjustSkidHeight"in the MAINTENANCE sectionof this manual).Rocksandgravelmustnot bepickedupandthrownbythemachine. o SHUTOFFTHEENGINE! ,, Wait10 secondsto besurethatthe impeller bladeshavestopped rotating. ,' Alwaysusea clean-outtool, notyourhands. 6. Afterthesnowthrowingjob hasbeencompleted,allowtheengineto idle for a fewminutes,to meltsnowand iceaccumulated on the engine. A clean-outtool(A,Figure23) isattached to eitherthehandleor thetopofthe augerhousing.Usetheclean-outtooltoremovesnowfromtheaugerhousing. 7. Cleanthesnowthrowerthoroughlyaftereachuse. //' 8. Removeiceandsnowaccumulation andall debrisfromtheentire snowthrower,andflush withwater(if possible)toremoveall saltor otherchemicals.Wipesnowthrowerdry. / 9. Beforestartingsnowthrower,alwaysinspectaugersand impellerfor iceaccumulationand/ordebris,whichcouldresultin snowthrower damage. 10. Checkoil levelbeforeeverystart.Makesurethe oil is attheFULL markontheoil fill cap/dipstick. \\'\ 'i Clean-OutTool Figure23 21 MAINTENANCE SERVICERECOMMENDATIONS FIRST BEFORE AFTER 5 EACH EACH HOURS USE USE PROCEDURE Checkto MakeSure AugerBladeStopsWithin 5 SecondsAfterRight ControlLeveris Released SAFETY LubricateControlLevers andLinkages EVERY 5 HOURS EVERY 10 HOURS EVERY BEGINNING BEFORE 25 EACH STORAGE HOURS SEASON v" ,/ ,/ CheckSnowthrower for LooseHardware ,/ v" ,,," LubricateHexShaftand Chains v" LubricateAugerShaft Fittings v" v" v" SNOWTHROWER LubricateChuteRotation GearandDeflector Mechanism v" RemoveAll Snowand Slushoff Snowthrower to v" PreventFreezingof Auger or Controls CheckTirePressure L_______ i ,/ i ,,,,, i Oil,Check ENGINE Oil,Change ,/ v" ,/ ,/ v" v" Checkand Replace SparkPlug v" NOTE:The warrantyon this snowthrower does not cover items that have been subjectedto operator abuse or negligence.To receive full value from the warranty, operator mustmaintain snowthroweras instructedin this manual. A TheaboveService Recommendations aresuppliedto assisttheoperator to properlymaintainthesnowthrower. v" CAUTION:Do not allow grease or oil to contactthe rubberfriction wheel or the disc drive plate, if the disc drive plate or friction wheel come in contactwith grease or oil, damage to rubberfriction wheel will result. NOTICE:if grease or oil comesinto contactwith the disc drive plate or friction wheel, make sure to clean plate and wheel thoroughlywith an alcohol base solvent. 22 MAINTENANCE LUBRICATE AUGERGEARBOX LUBRICATE CHUTEROTATIONGEAR Theaugergearboxis lubricatedatthefactoryand shouldnotrequire additionallubrication.If for somereasonthelubricantshouldleakout, or if theaugergearboxhasbeenserviced,add LubriplateGR132Greaseor equivalent.Maximum3-1/4 ounces,(92 grams)shouldbeused. Lubricate thechute rotation gear(A,Figure25)andshaft (B)withautomotivetypeoil everytwenty-five (25)operating hours. Removefiller plug (A,Figure24),oncea year.If greaseis visible,do not add.If greaseis notvisible,usea pieceoffinewire, likea dipstickto check if thereis greasein thegearbox.MobiluxEP1and ShellAIvaniaEP1are suitableequivalents. ChuteRotationGear LubricatingAugerGearBox Figure 24 LUBRICATE AUGERSHAFTFITTINGS 1. Usinga handgreasegun, lubricatetheaugershaftfittings (B,Figure 24) everyten (10)operatinghours.Eachtimea shearpin is replaced, theaugershaft(C) MUSTbe greased.(See"AugerShearPinReplacement"section.) 2. Forstorageor whenreplacingshearpins, removeshearpinsand lubricateaugershaftfittings (B).Rotateaugersseveraltimeson the shaftandreinstalltheshearpins. 23 Figure 25 MAINTENANCE ENGINE MAINTENANCE Check Crankcase Oil Level - Beforestartingengineand aftereach8 hoursof continuoususe.Add therecommended motoroil asrequired. NOTE:Over filling the engine can affect performance.Tighten the oil fill cap securely to prevent leakage. Full Change Oil - Every50 hoursof operationor atleastoncea year,evenif thesnowthroweris not usedfor fifty hours.Usea clean,high quality detergentoil. Fill thecrankcase to FULLline on dipstick(A, Figure26). Be sureoriginalcontaineris marked:A.P.I.service"SF"or higher.Do notuse SAEIOW40oil (asit maynotprovideproperlubrication).See Chart for oil recommendations. Drain Oil - Positionsnowthrowersothattheoil drain plug(A, Figure 27) is lowestpointon engine.Whentheengineis warm,removeoil drain plug andoil fill capanddrainoil intoa suitablecontainer. Replaceoil drainplugandtightensecurely.Refillcrankcasewiththe recommendedmotoroil. CheckCrankcase Oil Level Figure 26 Oil DrainPlug Figure 27 °C oF 40 10486_ 68 . o 30 20 10 32 0 o10 -20 z,i-30 Below40°F(4°C)theuseofSAE30willresultinhardstarting. ** Above 80°F(27°C) theuseof10W-30 maycauseincreased oilconsumption. Check oillevelmorefrequently. 24 MAINTENANCE CHANGETHESPARKPLUG Remove the Snow Hood 1. Removethechokecontrolknob(A,Figure28). 2. Removethesafetykey(B). 3. Removethemountingscrews(A, Figure29). 4. Slowlyremovethesnowhood(B) Makesurethat theprimerbutton hose(C)andtheignitionwire(D)arenotdisconnected. 5. Thesparkplug (E)cannowbe accessed. 6. Toinstallthe snowhood,first makesurethatthe primerbuttonhose andtheignitionwireareconnected. 7. Mountthesnowhoodto theengineandsecurewith themounting screws. 8. Connectthechokecontrolknob(A,Figure30) with thechokeshaft on thecarburetor(B).Makesurethechokecontrolknobis properly installed.If thechokecontrolknobis notinstalledcorrectly,thechoke will notoperate. 9. Installthesafetykey(C). RemovingtheSnowHood Figure 29 i ConnectingChokeControlKnob SnowThrowerEngine Figure 28 25 Figure 30 MAINTENANCE Checkand Replace Spark Plug Checkthesparkplugeverytwenty-five(25) hours.Replacethesparkplug (Figure31)if theelectrodes arepittedor burnedor if theporcelainis cracked. 1. Removesnowhood(see"RemovetheSnowHood"section). \ 2. Cleansparkplugandresetgapperiodically. 3. Cleanareaaroundsparkplug basebeforeremoval,to preventdirt fromenteringengine. 4. Replacesparkplug if electrodesarepittedor burnedor if porcelainis cracked. 5. Cleansparkplugby carefullyscrapingelectrodes (do notsandblast or usewirebrush). 6. Besuresparkplugis cleanandfreeof foreignmaterial.Checkelectrodesgapwitha wirefeelergaugeand resetgapto 0.030"(0.76ram) if necessary. 7. Beforeinstallingsparkplug,coatthreadslightlywith graphitegrease to insureeasyremoval. ReplacingSparkPlug Figure 31 8. Tightenplug firmlyinto engine.If torquewrenchis available,tighten plug to 18-23ft-lbs (24.4-31.2Nm). _ WARNING: Be certain to maintain proper ground clearance for your particular area to be cleared. Objects such as gravel, rocks, or other debris, if struck by the impeller, may be thrown with sufficientforce to cause personalinjury, propertydamage, or damage to the snow thrower. ARNING:Always turn unit off, remove ignitionkey, and disconnectthe spark plug wire before making any repairs or adjustments. ADJUSTSKiD HEIGHT Thissnowthroweris equippedwithtwo heightadjustskids,securedto the outsideoftheaugerhousing.Theseelevatethefront ofthesnowthrower. Whenremovingsnowfroma hardsurfaceareasuchasa paveddriveway or walk,adjusttheskidsup to bringthefront ofthesnowthrowerdown. Whenremovingsnowfromrockor unevenconstruction,raisethefront of thesnowthrowerbymovingtheskidsdown.Thiswill helpto prevent rocksandotherdebrisfrombeingpickedup andthrownbytheaugers. To adjustskids, proceed as follows: 1. Placea block(equalto heightfromgrounddesired)underscraperbar nearbutnotunderskid. 2. Loosenskid mountingnuts(A, Figure32)and pushtheskid down (B) until it touchestheground.Retightenmountingnuts. 3. Setskid on othersideatsameheight. NOTE:Make sure that snow thrower is set at same height on both sides. AdjustingSkidHeight 26 Figure 32 MAINTENANCE BELTADJUSTMENT TractionDrive Belt Thetractiondrivebelthasconstantspringpressureanddoesnotrequire anadjustment.If thetractiondrivebelt is slipping,replacethebelt. Seeauthorizeddealer. Auger Drive Belt If yoursnowthrower will notdischarge snow,checkthecontrolcableadjustment.If it iscorrect,thenchecktheconditionoftheaugerdrivebelt.If it is damaged or loose,replaceit (seeauthorized dealer). AugerDriveBeltAdjustment: 1. Disconnectsparkplug wire. 2. Remove screw(A,Figure33)frombeltcover(B).Remove beltcover. 3. Loosennuton idler drivepulley(A,Figure34)andmoveidlerdrive pulleytowardsbeltabout1/8inch(3 mm). WARNING: Do not over-tighten, as this may lift the lever and causethe auger drive to be engagedwithout depressingthe auger control. AdjustingAugerDriveBelt Figure33 CheckTensionon AugerDriveBelt Figure34 4. Tightennut. 5. Withtheaid of anassistant,engagetheaugerdriveclutch.Checktensionon beltwhichis oppositeidler pulley(B,Figure34).Beltshould deflectabout1/2 inch(12.5mm)with moderatepressure.Youmay haveto moveidler pulleymorethanonceto obtainthecorrecttension. 6. Reinstallbeltcover(B, Figure33).Tightenscrew(A). 7. Attachthesparkplugwire. NOTE:Wheneverbeltsareadjustedor replaced,thecableswill needto be adjusted(see"CheckandAdjusttheCables"section). CheckAugerDriveBelt: 1. Releasetheaugercontrollever.Theaugermuststopwithin5 seconds. 2. If augerdoesnotoperateproperly,stopengineandrepeat"Auger DriveBeltAdjustment." 27 MAINTENANCE BELT GUIDE ADJUSTMENT 1. Removesparkplug wire. 2. Havesomeoneengagetheaugerdrive.This will engageaugeridler pulley(A, Figure35). ® 3. Measurethedistancebetweenthe beltguide(B)and belt(C).The distanceshouldbeabout1/8inch(3 ram). 4. If adjustmentis necessary, loosenbeltguidemountingbolt. Move beltguideto thecorrectposition.Tightenmountingbolt. 5. Installbeltcover. 6. Connectsparkplugwire. AdjustingBeltDrive Figure35 CHECKANDADJUSTTHECABLES Thecablesareadjustedatthefactoryandnoadjustmentshouldbe necessary. If thecableshavebecomestretchedor aresaggingadjustment will benecessary. Wheneverbeltsareadjustedor replaced,thecableswill needto beadjusted. Tocheckfor correctadjustment,unhook"Z" fitting (A,Figure36) atclutch lever(B). 1. Moveclutchlever(B)to thefull forwardposition(justcontacting plasticbumper).Holdingcabletight, notepositionof fittingto holein clutchlever. © 2. Thecenterof the"Z" fitting (A)shouldbebetweenthecenterandtop of theholein theclutchlever(B). Auger Drive Cable [,_ orARNING: flame. Drain the gasoline outdoors, away from fire ChecktheCables Figure36 AdjustingAugerDriveCable Figure37 i 1. Removethegasfromthegastank.Standthesnowthrowerupon the frontendof theaugerhousing. 2. Pushcable(A,Figure37) throughspring(B)to exposethethreaded portionof thecable. 3. Holdsquareend ofthreadedportionwith pliersandadjustIocknut (C) in or outuntil correctadjustmentis reached. 4. Pull cablebackthroughspringand connectcable. 28 MAINTENANCE TractionDrive Cable 1. Removethegasfromthegastank.Standthesnowthrowerupon the frontendof theaugerhousing. _ the gasoline outdoors, away from fire orARNING:Drain flame. 2. Loosenthebolts(A,Figure38)on eachsideof thebottompanel(B). 3. Removethebottompanel. 4. Disconnectthe"Z" fittingfrom thedrivelever(seeFigure36). 5. Slidethecableboot(A, Figure39) offthecableadjustmentbracket )|1111|!_ (B) I 6. Pushthebottomofthetractiondrivecable(C)throughthecable adjustmentbracketuntilthe "Z" hook(D)canbe removed. 7. Removethe"Z" hookfrom thecableadjustmentbracket.Movethe"Z" hookdownto thenextadjustmenthole. TractionDriveCable Figure 39 CheckAdjustmentofTractionDriveCable Figure 40 8. Pull thetractiondrivecableup throughthecableadjustmentbracket. 91Putthecablebootoverthecableadjustmentbracket. 10. Installthethe"Z" hookto thetractiondrivelever(seeFigure36)1 11. Tochecktheadjustment,depressthedriveleverand checkthelength of thedrivespring(A,Figure40). Incorrectadjustment,thelength of thedrivespringis a minimum3 inches(76 mm)anda maximum 3-3/8 inches185mm). 12. Installthebottompanel(B,Figure38)1 13. Tightenthebolts(A) on eachsideof thebottompanel. AdjustingTractionDriveCable Figure 38 29 MAINTENANCE AUGERSHEARPiN REPLACEMENT Theaugersaresecuredtotheaugershaftwith specialshearpinsthatare designedto breakif an objectbecomeslodgedin theaugerhousing.Use of a hardergradeshearpinwill reducetheprotectionprovidedbythe shearpin. ,_ WARNING: Do not go near the dischargechute or auger when the engine is running. Do not run the engine if any cover or guard is removed. Undermostcircumstances, if theaugerstrikesan objectwhichcould causedamageto theunit, theshearpin will break.Thisprotectsthegear boxandotherpartsfrom damage. Theshearpins(A, Figure41) arelocatedon theaugershaft.Replacea brokenshearpinasfollows. 1. Tapoutthebrokenshearpin witha pin punch. 2. Installa newshearpin andcotterpin.Bendtheendsofthecotterpin down. ReplacingBrokenShearPin Figure 41 CheckingTire Air Pressure Figure 42 iMPORTANT:Do not replaceshear pins with anything other than the correctgrade replacementshear pin. Use of bolts, screws, or harder grade shear pins can result in equipment damage. CHECKTHETIRES Checktires for damage.Checkthe air pressurein the tires with an accurategauge (seeFigure42). ,_ CAUTION:Avoid Injury! Explosiveseparation of tire and rim parts is possible when they are serviced incorrectly. ,, Do not attempt to mounta tire without the proper equipment and experience to perform the job. ,, Do not inflate the tires above the recommended pressure. ,, Do not weld or heat a wheel and tire assembly. Heat can causean increasein air pressureresulting in an explosion. Welding can structurally weaken or deformthe wheel. ,, Do not stand in front or over the tire assembly when inflating. Use appropriate tool that allows you to stand to one side. NOTICE:Check side of tire for maximum tire pressure. DO NOT exceed maximum. 30 STORAGE OFFSEASONSTORAGE LUBRICATE HE× SHAFTAND CHAINS WARNING:Never store the engine, with fuel in the tank, indoorsor in a poorventilated enclosurewhere fuel fumes could reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer, etc. CAUTION:Do not allow grease or oil to contactthe rubber friction wheel or the disc drive plate, if the disc drive plate or frictionwheel come in contactwith grease or oil damage to rubberfriction wheel will resuit. Handle gasoline carefully, it is highlyflammable and careless use could result in seriousfire damage to your person and/or property. NOTICE:if grease or oil comesinto contactwith the disc drive plate or frictionwheel, make sure to clean plate and wheel thoroughlywith an alcohol base solvent. Drain fuel into approvedcontainers outdoors, away from open flame. 1. Positionspeedselectlever(A,Figure12) in first forwardgear. If thesnowthrowerwill be storedforthirty (30) daysor moreatthe endof thesnowseason,thefollowingstepsarerecommended to prepareyour snowthrowerfor storage. 2. Drainfuelto anapprovedcontainer. 3. Standthesnowthrowerup on theaugerhousingend. NOTE:When the crankcaseis filled with oil, do not leave the snow throwerstandingup on the auger housingfor an extended periodof time. NOTE:Gasoline must be removedor treated to prevent gum depositsfrom forming in the tank, filter, hose, and carburetor during storage. 4. Removethebottompanel. 1. Removegasoline,by runningengineuntil tankis emptyandengine stops.If youdo notwantto removethegasoline,addfuelstabilizer to anygasolineleft in thetankto minimizegumdepositsandacids. If thetankis almostempty,mix stabilizerwith freshgasolinein a separatecontainerandadd someofthemixtureto thetank.ALWAYS FOLLOWINSTRUCTIONS ONSTABILIZER CONTAINER. THENRUN ENGINE ATLEAST10 MINUTESAFTERSTABILIZER ISADDEDTO ALLOWMIXTURETOREACHCARBURETOR. STORESNOW THROWER INSAFEPLACE. 5. Lubricatethechains(A, Figure43) witha chaintypelubricant. 6. Wipethehexshaft(B) andsprockets(C)with 5W30motoroil, before storageand atthebeginningof eachseason. 7. Installthebottompanel. 2. Youcanhelp keepyourengine(4-cyclesonly)in goodoperating conditionby changingoil beforestorage. 3. Lubricatethe piston/cylinder area.This canbe donebyfirst removing thesparkplugand squirtingcleanengineoil intothe sparkplug hole. Thencoverthesparkplugholewith a ragto absorboil spray.Next, rotatetheengineby pullingthestartertwoor threetimes.Finally, reinstallsparkplug andattachsparkplugwire. 4. Thoroughlycleanthe snowthrower. 5. Lubricateall lubricationpoints(see"Lubrication"topicsin the MAINTENANCE section). 6. Makesureall nuts,bolts,andscrewsaresecurelyfastened.Inspect all visible movingpartsfor damage,breakage, andwear.Replaceif necessary. 7. Touchup all rustedor chippedpaintsurfaces;sandlightly before painting. LubricateHexShaftandChains 8. Coverthebaremetalpartsof thesnowthrowerhousingauger,and theimpellerwith rust preventative. REMOVEFROMSTORAGE Figure43 9. If possible,storeyoursnowthrowerindoorsandcoverit to give protectionfromdustand dirt. 1. Puttheupperhandlein theoperatingposition,tightentheknobsthat securetheupperhandle. 2. Fill thefueltankwith a freshfuel. 10. Onmodelswithfolding handles,loosentheknobsthat securethe upperhandle.Rotatetheupperhandleback. 3. Checkthesparkplug.Makesurethegapis correct.If thesparkplug is wornor damaged,replacebeforeusing. 11. If themachinemustbestoredoutdoors,block up thesnowthrower andensuretheentiremachineis off theground.Coverthesnow throwerwith a heavytarpaulin. 4. Makesureall fastenersaretight. 5. Makesureall guards,shields,and coversare in place. 6. Makesureall adjustments arecorrect. 31 TROUBLESHOOT/NG PROBLEM LOOKFOR REMEDY Free-Hand TM controlisACTIVE. Release bothaugercontrolandtraction/Free-Hand TM controlleversto stop auger. Auger does not stop within j5 secondsafter right controllever is released. Discharge chute or deflectordoes not work (electric). Dischargechute or i deflectordoes not work i (remote-manual). Drive fails to move snowthrowerat slow speeds. Augerdrivebeltout of adjustment. Adjustaugerbelt. Augerbeltguideoutof adjustment. Adjustaugerbeltguide. Electricalfailure. Seeauthorizeddealer. Dischargechuteor deflectorout Adjustand/orlubricatecontrollinkage. ofadjustmentor needs lubrication. Tractioncontrolout of adjustment. Readjustdrive,or selectspeedleversettingonespeedfaster. Keyis off. Pushkeyin to theONposition. Failureto primea coldengine. Pressprimerbuttontwiceand restart. Fuelshut-offvalveis in CLOSEDTurnvalveto OPENposition. position. Outof fuel. Fill fueltank. ChokeOFF- coldengine. TurnchokeON,setthrottleto FAST. Engineflooded. Turnchoketo OFF;try starting. Nospark. Checkgap.Gapsparkplug,cleanelectrode,or replaceplug as necessary. Waterin fuel, or old fuel. Draintank.(Disposeof fuel atan authorizedhazardous wastefacility.)Fillwith freshfuel. Cordnot pluggedin or malfunctions(ElectricStart models). Plugin cordor replacedefectivecord. Fuelmixturetoo rich. Movechoketo OFFposition. Sparkplug faulty,fouled,or gappedimproperly. Cleanandgapsparkplug,or replace. Fuelcapvent is blocked. Clearvent. Excessive vibration. Loosepartsor damaged impeller/auger, Stopengineimmediately. Tightenall hardware.If vibrationcontinues,havethe unit servicedby anauthorizeddealer. Snowthrower does not stop when traction control lever is released. Tractioncontrolout of adjustment. Adjusttractioncontrollinkage. Tirepressurenotequal. Checktire pressure. Onewheelis set in freewheelingmode.(Tractionlock pin is in theOUTERhole.) Makesuretheleft tractionlock pin is in theINNERholes(to engagethetraction drive). Enginefalls to start. Enginestarts hard or runs poorly. Snowthrower veers to one side. 32 TROLIBLESHOOT/NG PROBLEM Scraper bar does not clean hard surface. LOOKFOR Skidshoesimproperlyadjusted. Raiseor lowerskid shoes. Drivebelt looseor damaged. Unit fails to propel itself. Unit fails to discharge snow. REMEDY Replacedrivebelt.Seeauthorizeddealer. Incorrectadjustmentof traction Adjusttractioncontrolcable.Referto "CheckandAdjusttheCables"in the drivecable. MAINTENANCE sectionof this manual. Wornor damagedfrictiondisc. Replacefrictiondisc.Seeauthorizeddealer. Augerdrivebelt looseor damaged. Replaceor adjustaugerdrivebelt.Referto "BeltAdjustment"in the MAINTENANCE sectionof this manual,or seeauthorizeddealer. Augercontrolcablenotadjusted Adjustaugercontrolcable.Referto "CheckandAdjusttheCables"in the correctly. MAINTENANCE sectionof this manual. Brokenshearpin. Replaceshearpin.Referto "AugerShearPin Replacement" in the MAINTENANCE sectionof this manual. Dischargechuteclogged. Stopengineimmediately. Alwaysusetheclean-outtoolto cleara clogged dischargechute,notyour hands.Cleandischargechuteand insideof auger housing.Referto WARNINGS in OPERATOR SAFETYsection. Foreignobjectlodgedin auger. Stopengineimmediately. Alwaysusetheclean-outtoolto cleara cloggedchute, notyourhands.Removeobjectfrom auger.Referto WARNINGS in OPERATOR SAFETYsection. 33 WARRANT/ES Craftsman Limited Warranty General: Craftsman products are warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a specific time period as set-out below (the "Warranty Period"). Warranties extend to the original purchaser of a Craftsman product only. Purchases made through an online auction or through any website other than are excluded. The relevant Warranty Period commences on the original date of purchase. Within this period, Sears Canada, Inc. will, at its sole option, repair or replace any products or components which fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or labor, provided that the customer shall be responsible for any transportation cost. Exclusions: This warranty does not cover failures due to normal wear, abuse, misuse, neglect (including but not limited to the use of stale fuel, dirt, abrasives, moisture, rust, corrosion, or any adverse reaction due to improper storage or use habits), improper maintenance or failure to follow maintenance guidelines and/or instructions, failure to operate the product in accordance with the owner's manual or any additional instructions or information provided at the time of purchase or in subsequent communications with the original purchaser, accident or unauthorized alterations or repairs made or attempted by others. Also excluded from warranty coverage - except as provided below - are the following: maintenance, adjustments, components subject to wear including but not limited to: cosmetic components, belts, blades, blade adapters, bulbs, tires, filters, guide bars, lubricants, seats, grips, recoil assemblies, saw chains and bars, trimmer lines and spools, spark plugs, starter topers and tines, and discoloration resulting from ultraviolet light. Any product missing the model and/or serial number identification label will be disqualified from coverage under this warranty. Repairs: Repairs have a 90 day warranty. If the defective product is still within the Warranty Period, then the new warranty is 90 days from the date of repair or to the end of the original Warranty Period, whichever period is longer. Disclaimers: THE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN (OTHER THAN AS STATED HEREIN), AND WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, WHICH MAY VARY FROM PROVINCE TO PROVINCE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SEARS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER RESULTING FROM THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR FROM DEFECTS IN THE PRODUCT. THE EXCLUSIONS IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY IN JURISDICATIONS WHERE APPLICABLE LAW DOES NOT ALLOW FOR THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN SUCH JURISDICTIONS, THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY, BUTTHE REMAINING PROVISIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL REMAIN VALID. Sears retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the product or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole discretion. SUCH REMEDY SHALL BE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. Customer Responsibilities: In additional to complying with all suggested maintenance guidelines and instructions, customers' obligations shall include but shall not be limited to: operating the product in accordance with the owner's manual or any additional instructions or information provided at the time of purchase or in subsequent communications to the purchaser from time to time, exhibit reasonable care in the use, operation, maintenance, general upkeep and storage of the product. Failure to comply with these requirements will void any applicable warranty. List of Applicable Warranty Periods: The following list contains the applicable Warranty Period for your Craftsman product and is based on a combination of the type of product or component and the intended and actual use of the product or component: 1. , 90 days: Craftsman products intended for use or actually used for commercial, institutional, professional or incomeproducing purposes. 2 years: Craftsman riding lawn mowers, yard and garden tractors, walk behind mowers, tillers, brush cutters, snow blowers, handheld blowers, backpack blowers, hedge trimmers and electrical products for noncommercial, nonprofessional, non-institutional, or non-income-producing use, except for those components which are part of engine systems manufactured by third party engine manufacturers for which the purchase has received an separate warranty with product information supplied at the time of purchase. 34 WARRANT/ES 3. 1 year: Craftsman power cutters, stump grinders, pole pruners, gas chain saws, electric chain saws, trimmer attachments, baggers and pole saws for noncommercial, nonprofessional, non-institutional, or non-income-producing use. 4. 90 days: All defective batteries, which will be replaced during this g0-day Warranty Period. , 60 days: Additional Warranty Period of 60 days will apply to adjustments and worn products or components BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE WEAR OR ADJUSTMENTS for products used for commercial, institutional, professional or income-producing purposes. Wear items include but are not limited to: belts, blades, tires, spark plugs, air filters, chains, shear bolts, skid plates, scraper bars, drift cutters, ropes, tines, collection bags and pulleys. As the Warranty Period runs from the date of purchase and NOT from the date that a product is delivered, opened, assembled or first used, please ensure during this time period that your product or component has been assembled and tested for correction operation regardless of when you intend to actually use it. Claims made after the Warranty Period has expired will not be honored. Proof of Purchase/Documentation: Warranty coverage is conditioned upon the original purchaser furnishing Sears Canada or its authorized third party service provider if applicable, with the original sales receipt or other adequate written proof of the original purchase date and identification of the product. In the event that the original purchaser is unable to provide a company of the original sales receipt, Sears Canada Inc. reserves the right to determine in its sole discretion what other written proof of the original purchase date and identification of the product is acceptable. Revision: 03/13/2009 Maintenance Agreement The Craftsman Warranty plus a Maintenance Agreement, provide maximum value for Sears products. Contact your nearest Sears store for details. 35 The California Air Resources Board, U.S. EPA, and Briggs & Stratton (B&S) are pleased to explain the emissions control system warranty on your Model Year 2008 and later engine/equipment. In California, new small off-road engines must be designed, built, and equipped to meet the State's stringent anti-smog standards. B&S must warrant the emissions control system on your engine/equipment for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of your small off-road engine. Owner's Manufacturer's Warranty As the engine/equipment owner, you should however be aware that B&S may deny you warranty coverage if your engine/equipment or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, or unapproved modifications. at no cost You are responsible for presenting your engine/equipment to a B&S distribution center, servicing dealer, or other equivalent entity, as applicable, as soon as a problem exists. The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact B&S at (414) 259-5262. Coverage: Small off-road engines are warranted for two years. If any emissions-related part on your engine/equipment is defective, the part will be repaired or replaced by B&S. The following are specific provisions relative to your Emissions Control Warranty Coverage. Operator's Manual. 1. Warranted Emissions Parts It is in addition to the B&S engine warranty for non-regulated The warranty on emissions-related engines found in the parts is as follows: Coverage under this warranty extends only to the parts listed below (the emissions control systems parts) to the extent these parts were present on the engine purchased. a. Fuel Metering System Cold start enrichment system (soft choke) Carburetor and internal parts Fuel pump Fuel line, fuel line fittings, clamps Fuel tank, cap and tether Carbon canister Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the owner's manual supplied, is warranted for the warranty period stated above. If any such part fails during the period of warranty coverage, the part will be repaired or replaced by B&S at no charge to the owner. Any such part repaired or replaced under the warranty will be warranted for the remaining warranty period. b. Air Induction System Air cleaner Intake manifold c. Ignition System Spark plug(s) Magneto ignition system Any warranted part that is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the owner's manual supplied, is warranted for the period of time prior to the first scheduled replacement point for that part. If the part fails prior to the first scheduled replacement, the part will be repaired or replaced by B&S at no charge to the owner. Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty will be warranted for the remainder of the period prior to the first scheduled replacement point for the part. d. Catalyst System Catalytic converter Exhaust manifold Any warranted part that is scheduled only for regular inspection in the owner's manual supplied, is warranted for the warranty period stated above. Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty will be warranted for the remaining warranty period. Purge and vent line e. 2. Responsibilities: As the small engine/equipment owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance listed in your owner's manual. B&S recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your engine/equipment, but B&S cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance. Your emissions control system may include parts such as the carburetor or fuel injection system, fuel tank, ignition system, and catalytic converter. Also included may be hoses, belts, connectors, sensors, and other emissions-related assemblies. Where a warrantable condition exists, B&S will repair your engine/equipment to you including diagnosis, parts, and labor. Warranty Add on or modified parts that are not exempted by the Air Resources Board may not be used. The use of any non exempted add on or modified parts by the owner will be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim. The manufacturer will not be liable to warrant failures of warranted parts caused by the use of a non exempted add on or modified part. Air injection system or pulse valve Miscellaneous Items Used in Above Systems Vacuum, temperature, position, time sensitive valves and switches Connectors and assemblies Length of Coverage Consequential 4, For a period of two years from date of original purchase, B&S warrants to the original purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the engine is designed, built, and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations adopted by the Air Resources Board; that it is free from defects in material and workmanship that could cause the failure of a warranted part; and that it is identical in all material respects to the engine described in the manufacturer's application for certification. The warranty period begins on the date the engine is originally purchased. Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Emissions Standard must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. Briggs & Stratton makes this information available to the consumer on our emissions labels. The engine emissions label will indicate certification information. The Emissions Durability Period describes the number of hours of actual running time for which the engine is certified to be emissions compliant, assuming proper maintenance in accordance with the Operating & Maintenance Instructions. The following categories are used: Moderate: Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 125 hours of actual engine running time. intermediate: Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 250 hours of actual engine running time. Extended: Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 500 hours of actual engine running time. For example, a typical walk-behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year. Therefore, the Ernissione Durabimity Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years. Coverage Coverage shall extend to the failure of any engine components failure of any warranted emissions parts. caused by the Claims and Coverage Exclusions Warranty claims shall be filed according to the provisions of the B&S engine warranty policy. Warranty coverage does not apply to failures of emissions parts that are not original equipment B&S parts or to parts that fail due to abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance as set forth in the B&S engine warranty policy. B&S is not liable for warranty coverage of failures of emissions parts caused by the use of add-on or modified parts. Briggs & Stratton engines are certified to meet the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Phase 2 emissions standards. For Phase 2 certified engines, the Emissions Compliance Period referred to on the Emissions Compliance label indicates the number of operating hours for which the engine has been shown to meet Federal emissions requirements. For engines less than 225 cc displacement. Category C = 125 hours, Category B = 250 hours, Category A = 500 hours For engines of 225 cc or more displacement. Category C = 250 hours, Category B = 500 hours, Category A = 1000 hours 36 SPECIFICAT/ONS ENGINE: Brand Briggs & Stratton IVlodelSeries Snow Series GrossTorque* 13.50 T.P.@3060 rpm Type 4-Cycle - OHV Displacement 18.6 cu in. (305 cc) Starting System 110V Electric, Recoil Alternator 60W AC Spark Plug Gap Spark Ping 0.030 in. (0,76 ram) 481055 Long Life Platinum Spark Ping 5066 Oil Capacity 28 oz (0,83 liters) Hydraulic Fluid Fuel TankVolume Mineral 5W30 ignition System This spark ignition system complies with Canadianstandard ICES-002. 3.0 qts (2,8 liters) AUGER/IMPELLER: Clearing Width 27 in. (68,6 cm) Intake Height 21 in. (53,3 cm) Auger/Impeller Diameter 12 in. (30,5 cm) 3 Number of Impeller 8lades CHUTE: Chute Deflector Manual Chute Rotation Left Side Crank- 190° (3.5 Turn) DRIVESYSTEM: Drive Type Friction Disc - Traction Lock Pin DriveSpeeds 6 Forward Speeds, 2 Reverse Tire Size 16 x 4.8 in. (41 x 12,2 cm) Tire Inflation 14 psi (0,96 bar) EnginePowerRating Information *The gross power rating for individual gas engine models is labeled in accordancewith SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) code J1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure), and rating performance has been obtained and corrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995 (Revision 2002-05). Torquevalues are derived at 3060 RPM; horsepower values are derived at 3600 RPM. Actual gross engine power will be lower and is affected by, among other things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine variability. Given both the wide array of products on which engines are placed and the variety of environmental issues applicableto operating the equipment, the gas engine will not develop the rated gross power when used in a given piece of power equipment (actual "on-site" or net power). This difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, accessories (air cleaner, exhaust, charging, cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), application limitations, ambient operating conditions (temperature, humidity, altitude), and engine-to-engine variability. Dueto manufacturing and capacity limitations, Briggs & Stratton may substitute an engine of higher rated power for this Series engine. 37 38 RepairParts PTS - 1 Engine & Frame Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-O NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 37 22 20 \ 21 / I / / 24 25 40 23 \ 16 44 31 36 \ 29 13 SeeTraction DriveGroup / PTS - 2 Engine REF NO Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 & Frame PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 20M1140141E1 1 ENGINE 2 6219MA 1 CORD, STARTER 5 002X97MA 4 BOLT, Carriage, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2 6 028X76MA 4 7 1960686SM 4 NUT, Speed, 1/4 NUT-HEX FLANGE.312-18 8 1501109MA 1 PULLEY, Engine 9 1922755SM 2 WASHER, Fiat, 3/8 10 11 1916965SM 1960428SM 1 1 WASHER, Locking, 3/8 CAPSCREW, Hex-Head, 3/8-24 x 1-1/4 12 1733324SM 1 V-BELT, Drive, 3L 13 585416MA 1 14 1733014SM 1 V-Belt, Auger, 4L GUIDE, Belt 15 1917356SM 1 16 1921515SM 1 WASHER, Locking, 5/16 BOLT, Hex-Head, 5/16-24 x 3/4 17 1501112YZMA 1 ASSEMBLY, 18 1501065MA 1 BUSHING, Idler Bracket 19 53704MA 1 SPRING, Extension 20 1502120MA 1 IDLER, Plastic, Bail Bearing 21 1960251SM 1 NUT, Hex-Jam, 3/8-16 22 585781MA 1 BOLT, Carriage, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 23 1501628YZMA 1 IDLER, Auger Assembly 24 1501200MA 1 SPACER, Auger Idler 25 1960027SM 1 WASHER, Fiat, 1/2 26 1733451SM 1 ASSEMBLY, 27 28 711682MA 1736381YP 1 1 PIN, Hair PIN, Clevis 29 1740906ASM 1 PANEL, Bottom 30 1927429SM 4 SCREW, 1/4-20 x 5/8 31 165X159MA 1 SPRING, Extension 32 1740571 BNYP 1 33 1733583BNYP 1 FRAME, Steerable ENGINE MOUNT 34 1924856SM 4 SCREW, 3/8-18 x 1/2 35 1664847SM 6 SCREW, 3/8-18 x 3/4 36 1741069MA 1 COVER, Belt Includes Ref. 44 37 695757 1 CAP, Pipe 38 696683 1 PIPE, Oil Drain 39 26X306MA 2 SCREW, Hex-Washer, 40 7023590SM 1 PIN, Cotter, 1/4, Self-Locking 41 794696 1 44 45 760539MA 761187MA 1 1 KEY, Ignition LID, Toolbox Included with Ref. 36 ESNA Idler Bracket Spring Attachment 1/4 x 3/4, Self-Tapping PAD, Foam Footnotes PTS - 3 Traction Drive Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 29 / 11 6 8 i 10 10 18 24 4 / 2 34-54 Nm oi 27-40 ft.-Ibs, 1 PTS - 4 Traction REF NO Drive PART Craftsman NO. QTY. 27" Snowthrower DESCRIPTION 1 579851MA 1 2 334163MA 4 CHAIN, Roller RETAINER & BUSHING ASSEMBLY 4 1924856SM 8 SCREW, Hex Washer Head Taptite, 5/16-18 x 1/2 5 579868MA 1 CHAIN, Roller 6 11X30MA 5 7 1502105YZMA 1 RETAINER, Ring 7/16 SPRING LINK ASSEMBLY 8 1736469YP 3 9 10 1501090MA 1960027SM 1 7 WASHER, 1/2 11 1501092YZMA 1 AXLE, Swing Plate 12 1501563MA 1 13 01X193MA 1 AXLE, Bushing BOLT, Hex 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 G8 16 1501089MA 1 SPROCKET, Axle 17 1501114MA 2 18 1501100MA 1 BEARING, Axle D-Hole HEX SHAFT & SPROCKET ASSEMBLY 19 337029MA 1 HUB, Friction Wheel & Bearing 20 1501435MA 1 WHEEL, Friction 21 1921959SM 3 CAPSCREW, 22 1928372SM 3 NUT, Hex KEPS 1/4-20 23 1733326SM 1 RING, Retaining Extension 24 15X114MA 1 NUT, 3/8-24 Flange Lock 25 1501057YZMA 1 PLATE, Swinging 26 1501158MA 1 27 1501115MA 1 SPACER, Friction Pulley FRICTION PULLEY ASSEMBLY 28 29 1501110YZMA 579944MA 1 1 30 1920397SM 2 BEARING, Flange NUT, Hex Lock ESNA Light 1/4-20 31 1922837SM 1 CAPSCREW, 32 579860MA 1 SPOOL CABLE, Auger Control 33 1501059YZMA 1 BRACKET, Cable Spool 34 1501122MA 1 CABLE, Front Drive Lower AtI SPRING, Extension SPROCKET, Set Hex Head 1/4-20 x 5/8 G5 SPEED SELECT ASSEMBLY Hex Head, 1/4-20 x 1-1/2 G5 Footnotes PTS - 5 C950-52943-0 Auger Housing Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 482 / 499 490 484 / 527 485 480 522 523 491 J \ 525 493 J 522 523 \ 500 Ref. Gear Case Assy \ 525' 527 524 510 \ \ 541 514 540 544 PTS - 6 \ 524 52O Auger Housing REF NO PART NO. Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 QTY. DESCRIPTION 480 583146MA 1 PULLEY, 4L 8.40 OD. 482 2001022MA 1 KEY, SQUARE 3/16 X 3/4 484 15X112MA 3 NUT, .50-20 HEXWDFLLK 485 1501158MA 1 SPACER, FRICTION PULLEY 490 582957YZMA 1 RETAINER, BALL BEARING 491 1705897SM 1 BEARING, BALL 493 001X45MA 3 499 500 710026MA 1737905BNYP 3 1 BOLT, HEX 5/16-18 X .62 NUT, 5/16-18 HEXWDFLLK 510 1740949AYP 1 BLADE, SCRAPER 511 7090799SM 5 BOLT, 1/4-18 X .75 514 710026MA 5 NUT, 5/16- 18 515 760040MA 2 PLUG, PANEL 520 1738044AYP 1 AUGER, ASSEMBLY, LH 521 1738043AYP 1 AUGER, ASSEMBLY, RH 522 9524MA 2 SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1.75 523 3943MA 2 SPACER, SLEEVE 524 73826MA 2 NUT, 1/4-20 525 53757MA 2 BEARING, FLANGE 527 25X021 MA 4 SCREW, 5/16-18 x 0.75 540 1737986AYP 2 SKID, HEIGHT ADJUST 541 340720MA 2 BOLT, 5/16-18 X .75 544 710026 MA 4 NUT, 5/16- 18 550 1736094YP 1 BRUSH, CLEANOUT 551 552 1736620YP 1960569SM 2 2 CLAMP, SPRING SCREW 553 15X146MA 2 NUT -- 1501216MA 1 -- 680230ZMA 1 KIT, SHEAR BOLT WRENCH HOUSING, ASSEMBLY Footnotes PTS - 7 Discharge Chute Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 581 \ 599 580 614 \, 592 614 606 602 Ref. Auger PTS - 8 Housing Page Discharge REF NO Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 Chute PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 580 1736380HYP 1 CHUTE ASSEMBLY 581 305216MA 1 PIN 592 2860210SM 1 WASHER, PLASTIC 597 1501260MA 1 KNOB, T 3.00 599 002X97MA 1 BOLT, Carriage, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2 601 2X100MA 4 602 71071MA 4 CARRIAGE BOLT, 5/16-18 x 1.00 WASHER 603 606 71038MA 1501932YZMA 4 1 NUT, Hex, NyIock, 5/16-18 CHUTE COLLAR 607 02X101 MA 4 BOLT, CARRIAGE 609 15X145MA 4 610 1741917YP 1 NUT, 1/4-20 HEX NYLOCK RETAINER RING INNER 611 1501282MA 1 RETAINER RING OUTER 613 7091530SM 4 BOLT, Carriage, Hex Flange Head, 1/4-20 x 3/4 614 5025391SM 4 NUT, Hex, NyIock Flange, 1/4-20 1/4-20 X 0.75 Footnotes PTS - 9 Handle Assembly Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 766 739 \ 735 720 \ 739 738 \ 740 738 721 722 723 724 _'x 728 765 / / / 730 751 731 / _) 751 743 763 f / / Ref. Engine Page 759 745 PTS - 10 762 Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 Handle Assembly REF NO PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 720 1741120AYP 1 HANDLE, UPPER 721 7288MA 1 SCREW, 3/8- 16 X 3 722 71072MA 2 723 71062MA 2 WASHER, FLAT WASHER 724 71044MA 2 NUT, 3/8- 16 728 7289MA 2 STOP, PLASTIC 730 71007MA 1 731 732 71072MA 71062MA 1 1 SCREW, 3/8- 16 X 2 WASHER, FLAT WASHER 733 71044MA 1 NUT, 3/8- 16 735 5146E701MA 1 HANDLE, RIGHT 736 5142 E701 MA 1 HANDLE, LEFT 737 760074MA 2 PIN, PIVOT CLUTCH 738 3535MA 2 NUT, PUSH ON CAP 739 4049MA 2 BUMPER, RECTANGLE 740 1502113MA 1 CABLE, DRIVE 741 761872MA 1 CABLE, AUGER CLUTCH 743 313441 MA 1 BRACKET, CABLE ADJUSTER 744 1673MA 1 SPRING, AUGER CLUTCH 745 15X145MA 1 NUT, 1/4- 20 750 1740580AYP 1 HANDLE, LOWER 751 25X021 MA 4 SCREW, TAP 5/16-18 X .75 759 579860MA 1 SPOOL-CABLE, 760 1501059YZMA 1 BRACKET, CABLE SPOOL YZ 762 763 1501122MA 001798MA 1 2 CABLE, LOWER DRIVE 12" BOLT, HEX 1/4-20 X 1.5 765 308146MA 1 766 333928MA 2 BOOT, CLUTCH SPRING GRIP AUGRT CLUTCH Footnotes PTS - 11 Chute Rod Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 862 \ Ref. Handle Assy / 860 863 \ \_ _ 861 865 \ 864 / 870 867 Ref. Auger Housing Assy 868 \, ,% 852=6 852-7__._ _._ / 852-3 PTS - 12 869 Chute Rod REF NO PART Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 852-1 1501533YZMA 1 852-2 164X37MA 1 852-3 1501067MA 1 852-4 017X48MA 1 GEAR, CHUTE ROTATION 9T WASHER 852-5 579493MA 1 PIN, COTTER 852-6 1740591AYP 1 BRACKET, CHUTE GEAR 852-7 1501293MA 1 852-8 852-9 1501075YZMA 711682MA 1 1 PIN, HAIR ASSEMBLY, 852-10 578060MA 1 PIN, UNIVERSAL JOINT 852-11 578309MA 1 PIN, CLEVIS 852-13 578063MA 1 HOUSING, UNIVERSAL 854 307399MA 1 855 309312MA 1 KNOB, SLEEVE FLATWAS H ER 856 73664MA 1 860 1501456MA 1 NUT, PUSH ON 3/8" EYE BOLT 3/8-16 X 6.00 861 148MA 1 GROMMET, 862 1501457MA 1 BOOT, EYE BOLT 863 71045MA 1 864 71072MA 1 NUT, 3/8- 16 HEXJAM FLATWASHER .406 X .81 X .066 865 309344MA 1 ADAPTER, BOOT 867 71046MA 1 NUT, 3/8- 16 HEXNYL 868 02X101 MA 1 BOLT, CARRIAGE 869 15X145MA 1 NUT, 1/4-20 870 1501074YZMA 1 CRANK, ASSEMBLY CHUTE ASSEMBLY, SPRING YOKE & ROD YOKE ADAPTER YZ PIN, HAIR EYE BOLT 1/4-20 X 1.00 Footnotes PTS - 13 Control Panel Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 779 735 761 766 765 760 771 763 764 77O Ref. Handle Page 781 782 ® 774 7!j 763 764 773 784 Ref. Handle Page 8O9 808 810 812 811 _ PTS - 14 813 Control Panel REF NO PART Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 735 71045MA 1 NUT, 3/8-16 HEXJAM 760 1741119AYP 1 BRACKET, SHIFT CONTROL 761 1931323SM 2 CARRIAGE BOLT, 1/4-20 x 2.00 763 71059MA 4 WASHER, SPLIT 764 71034MA 4 765 1741123BNYP 1 NUT, 1/4-20 HEX CONTROL PANEL 766 3809MA 2 770 771 1741118AYP 302900MA 1 1 772 50786MA 1 SCREW, 5/16-18 X 1.75 SPRING 773 71071MA 1 FLATWAS H ER 774 71038MA 1 779 304437MA 1 NUT, 5/16-18 NYLON HEX GRIP 781 71071MA 1 WASHER, FLAT .349 X .69 X .066 782 71081 MA 1 PIN, COTTER 784 1502019MA 1 ROD, SPEED CONTROL 805 71042MA 1 NUT, 5/16-24 806 6352MA 1 ADAPTER, SPEED ROD ASSEMBLY 808 50782MA 1 809 71060 MA 1 BALL JOINT, STEEL-YZ WASHER 810 71042MA 1 811 579944MA 1 NUT, 5/16-24 FLANGED BEARING 812 1501110YZMA 1 ROD ASSEMBLY, 813 11X30MA 1 814 579858MA 1 RING, RETAINER WASHER CARRIAGE BOLT, 1/4-20 X .63 SHIFT LEVER ASSEMBLY YOKE PANEL Footnotes PTS - 15 Decals Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 830 829 828 823 832 t\ 835 825 PTS - 16 Decals REF NO Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 823 1737865YP 1 DECAL DANGER CHUTE HAND 824 1737866YP 1 DECAL DANGER FOOT 825 1741432MA 1 DECAL CRAFTSMAN 829 1737870YP 1 DECAL DRIVE CLUTCH 830 1737869YP 1 DECAL AUGER CLUTCH 831 1737872YP 1 DECAL GEAR SELECTOR 832 48X5565MA 1 DECAL CRAFTSMAN 1 DECAL ID PLATE 835 1350/27 Footnotes PTS - 17 Gear Case Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 340 326 / 320 / 306 321 / 322 / / 310 / 323 324 \ 316 304 301 305 314 / 310 300 303 PTS - 18 Gear Case REF NO PART Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 3OO 896MA 1 CASE, GEAR, RH 301 895MA 1 CASE, GEAR, LH 303 910828MA 7 SCREW, 5/16-24 x 1.00 304 71100MA 8 NUT, 5/16-24 305 330434MA 1 SCREW, 5/16-24 X 1.50 306 53749MA 1 PLUG, PIPE 0.25-18 310 780151MA 2 311 312 53743MA 53748MA 1 2 SEAL, OIL BEARING, SLEEVE WASHER, FLAT 313 760529MA 1 SHAFT, AUGER OUTPUT 314 897MA 1 315 53730MA 1 GASKET, GEAR BOX WORM GEAR 316 73905MA 1 KEY, WOODRUFF 32O 53737MA 1 RING, QUAD 0.924 ID 321 583126MA 1 BEARING, FLANGE 322 48275MA 1 WASHER, FLAT 323 50684MA 1 BEARING, ROLLER 324 48275MA 1 326 50795MA 1 WASHER, FLAT KEY 327 53732MA 1 WORM 330 53731MA 1 340 1740584AYP 1 BEARING, SLEEVE IMPELLER 333431 MA 1 10oz TUBE LUBRIPLATE #91 Footnotes PTS - 19 Wheels Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 679 675 671 / 678 65O 655 652 676 Ref. Drive Page / 655 671 / 673 680 PTS - 20 677 Wheels REF NO Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 650 1501563MA 1 652 1501089MA 1 SHAFT, AXLE SPRKT & HUB 653 01X193MA 1 SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1.75 654 15X145MA 1 NUT, 1/4- 20 HEX NYLOCK 655 1501114MA 2 BEARING, AXLE 671 712120MA 2 WASHER, Fiat .765 x 1.12 x .06 YZ 673 1501138MA 1 675 676 1736778YP 577015MA 1 1 BUSHING, WHEEL TIRE & RIM, RIGHT 677 15X145MA 1 NUT, 1/4- 20 HEX NYLOCK 678 1657528SM 1 RING, RETAINER 679 73842MA 1 PIN, KLIK .25 X 1.38 DIA 680 1736779YP 1 TIRE & RIM, LEFT SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1.75 HH Footnotes PTS - 21 Headlight Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 621 620 622 626 623 Ref. Handle 631 / 625 628 1 1 624 627 629 630 634 PTS - 22 Page Headlight REF NO Craftsman 27" Snowthrower C950-52943-0 PART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 620 583490MA 1 621 762343MA 1 HOUSING, HEADLIGHT UPPER HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY * 622 1501514MA 1 HOUSING, HEADLIGHT 623 307781MA 2 SCREW, #8 X 1.75 624 1738347YP 1 WIRING HARNESS, HALOGEN 625 4029YZMA 1 BRACKET, HEADLIGHT 626 002X88MA 1 627 628 580527MA 71061MA 1 1 BOLT, CARRIAGE - 5/16-18 X 2.00 WASHER, SADDLE 629 71060MA 1 WASHER, SPTLK .31 X .58 X .08 630 15X144MA 1 NUT, 5/16-18 REGHEX 631 235MA 1 SCREW, 5/16-18 X 2.00 632 71060MA 1 WASHER, SPTLK 633 15X144MA 1 NUT, 5/16- 18 REGHEX 634 032618MA 1 TIE, CABLE LOWER WASHER, EXLK .32 X .60 X .040 Footnotes Note* Forreptacement bulb, use Standard GE or Phillips #894. PTS - 23 20Ml14-0141 -El I 48SHORT BLOCK I I 1058 OPE_TO_'S MANUAL 1329 REP'AOEMENT ENG,_ ] I 1330 R_PA,_ MANUAL I 529 306 307 _ "f- _s// 718A eP Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. Cylinder Assembly Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Refi No. Part No. Qty. 1 2 794849 698340 1 1 3 391086s 15 45 46 48 219 220 691686 690977 795697 794910 693578 691724 1 1 1 1 1 1 306 307 697240 794822 1 1 529 791822 ReL No. Description Cylinder Assembly Kit-Bushing/Seal (Magneto Side) Seal-Oil (Magneto Side) Plug-Oil Drain Tappet-Valve Camshaft Short Block Gear-Governor Washer (Governor Gear) Shield-Cylinder Screw (Cylinder Shield) Grommet (Cylinder) Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. 552 694674 718 690959 718A 695178 725 742 746 998 1058 1329 1330 1351 696756 692564 694679 792928 277104 20P4140015E1 276781 794847 1427 695757 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description BushingGovernor Crank Pin-Locating (Cylinder) Pin-Locating (Cylinder Head) Shield-Heat Retainer-E Ring Gear-Idler Pipe-Oil Operator's Manual Replacement Engine Repair Manual Stud (Cylinder Shield) Cap-Pipe Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 24 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 _ -El 177 287 24 <_ 741 524 22 Assemblies Crankcase Engine: Ref No Part No all parts shown in frames. Cover, Crankshaft Briggs & Stratton Qty Description 12 16 18 19 694953 794720 791965 698340 20 391086s 21 22 281658s 794825 1 1 24 25 222698s 792117 1 1 792144 1 793561 1 792073 1 26 include 1 1 1 1 Gasket-Crankcase Crankshaft Cover-Crankcase Kit-Bushing/Seal (PTO Side) Seal-Oil (PTO Side) Cap-Oil Fill Screw (Crankcase Cover/Sump) Key-Flywheel Piston Assembly (Standard) Piston Assemblu (020 Oversize) Ring Set (Standard) Ring Set (020 Oversize) Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 & Piston/Ring Assemblies Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref No Part No 27 28 29 30 690975 696581 694691 694692 32 690976 146 177 690979 795015 287 699629 523 524 525 741 847 790477 691876 792041 691288 795087 Qty Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 25 Lock-Piston Pin Pin-Piston Rod-Connecting DipperConnecting Rod Screw (Connecting Rod) Key-Timing SeaI-O Ring (Dipstick) Screw (Dipstick Tube) Dipstick Seal-Dipstick Tube Tube-Dipstick Gear-Timing Dipstick/Tube Assembly 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 51A 914 ,_ 51A ...................................................................................................................... 35 1171 635 1026 45 (> _ _- 337 _::::::::::S:: -....... <:::.......... \) Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. Cylinder Head Assembly Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. 5 7 794871 694872 13 794829 33 34 35 36 40 42 45 51 51A 122 192 499596 795199 694865 694865 690964 499586 690977 694874 694875 796315 690083 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Head-Cylinder GasketCylinder Head Screw (Cylinder Head) Valve-Exhaust Valve-Intake Spring-Valve Spring-Valve Retainer-Valve Keeper-Valve Tappet-Valve Gasket-Intake Gasket-Intake Spacer-Carburetor Adjuster-Rocker Arm Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. Qty. 337 635 798 691043 691909 697890 1 1 1 868 883 914 794086 695398 794827 1 1 1 1022 690971 1023 1026 1029 1100 1171 698042 695177 690972 791959 794828 1 1 1 1 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 26 Description Plug-Spark Boot-Spark Plug Screw (Rocker Arm) Seal-Valve Gasket-Exhaust Screw (Rocker Cover) GasketRocker Cover Cover-Rocker Rod-Push Arm-Rocker Pivot-Rocker Arm Stud (Rocker Cover) 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 472 187 1°9 i O8 601 130 95 ,_ \ 127 _ 117 _57 O 957A 105 ............................ 957 51A 51 51A .................................... 528 51 122 / 190 _,:_ 1127 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. Carburetor and Fuel Supply Assemblies Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-O141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. Qty. 51 51A 95 694874 694875 690718 1 1 1 97 98 104 105 108 109 117 696387 695408 694918 696136 696736 793520 796080 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 118 796128 122 125 127 130 133 135 796315 796122 690727 696139 694914 698780 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Gasket-Intake Gasket-Intake Screw (Throttle Valve) Shaft-Throttle Kit-Idle Speed Pin-Float Hinge Valve-Float Needle Valve-Choke Shaft-Choke Jet-Main (Standard) Jet-Main (High Altitude) Spacer-Carburetor Carburetor Plug-Welch Valve-Throttle Float-Carbuertor Tube-Fuel Transfer Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. Qty. 137 187 698781 791879 1 1 190 699220 1 472 528 791948 793006 1 1 601 791850 1 633 690998 1 957 957A 795027 792647 1 1 972 975 1127 694260 698783 695407 1 1 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 27 Description Gasket-Float Bowl Line-Fuel (Formed) Screw (Fuel Tank) Knob-Choke Shaft Hose-Primer (Cut to Required Length) Clamp-Hose (Green) SealChoke/Throttle Shaft (Throttle Shaft) Cap-Fuel Tank Cap-Fuel Tank (Fresh Start) Tank-Fuel Bowl-Float Screw (Float Bowl) 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 604 -El r-.................................................. 564 604A i i i F_ \\ 300 188 _ 485 751 1230 883A 613A_ 883 621 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. Muffler and Controls Assembly Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. 188 699479 190 699220 222 300 410 485 504 794800 794948 695382 695755 695383 564 699854 604 604A 613 790473 696758 794846 613A 794844 621 692310 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Screw (Control Bracket) Screw (Fuel Tank) Bracket-Control Muffler Link-Control Knob-Control Washer Set-Friction (Control Bracket) Screw (Control Cover) Cover-Control Cover-Control Screw (Muffler) (M6) Screw (Muffler) (M8 Torx) Switch -Stop Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. Qty. 632 695917 1 668A 694257 1 751 794839 1 773 694258 1 832 836 797095 699234 1 1 883 883A 1138 695398 794818 694255 1 1 1 1230 699847 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 2.8 Description Spring/LinkMechanical Governor Spacer (Control Bracket) Washer (Stop Wire) Retainer (Control Bracket) Guard-Muffler Screw (Muffler Guard) Gasket-Exhaust Gasket-Exhaust Nut (Control Bracket) Stud (Control Bracket) 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 562 278 @ 505 404 614 Assemblies \,,_j (_;_' include all parts shown in frames. Governor Spring and Governor Lever Assembly Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. Qty. 209 694867 1 211 695307 1 227 694864 1 278 792008 1 404 795759 1 Description Ref. No. Spring-Governor (Red) SpringGoverned Idle LeverGovernor Control Washer (Governor Control Lever) Washer (Governor Crank) Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. Qty. 505 691251 1 562 793216 614 691620 1 616 795758 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 29 Description Nut (Governor Control Lever) Bolt (Governor Control Lever) Pin-Cotter (Governor Crank) Crank-Governor 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 37 78 % 326 _ 1392 326 _ 6_ Assemblies include all parts shown tn frames. Blower Housing and Rewind Starter Assemblies Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. 37 55 Part No. 699047 696710 Qty. 1 1 58 65 693389 699851 1 1 65A 690837 78 695724 281 304 305 697268 795699 699480 1 1 1 306 326 697240 690837 1 1 456 458 459 592 692299 699334 281505s 690800 1 1 1 1 Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference MSC000099 Ref. No. Description Guard-Flywheel HousingRewind Starter Rope-Starter Screw (Rewind Starter) Screw (Rewind Starter) Screw (Flywheel Guard) Panel-Control Housing-Blower Screw (Blower Housing) Shield-Cylinder Screw (Rewind Guard) Plate-Pawl Friction Kit-Handle/Rope PawI-Ratchet Nut (Rewind Starter) Part No. Qty. 597 691696 1 608 663 699335 699854 1 1 689 930 1036 691855 696709 1 1 1210 498144 1211 498144 1392 690800 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference Description Screw (Pawl Friction Plate) Starter-Rewind Screw (Control Panel) Spring-Friction Guard-Rewind Label-Emissions (Available from a Briggs & Stratton Authorized Dealer) Pulley/Spring Assembly (Pulley) Spring/Pulley Assemby (Spring) Nut (Rewind Guard) 121 358 30 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 23 \ / % 1070 1005 '_ _ i x 455 % 1070 Assemblies include 332 all parts shown in frames. Flywheel Assembly Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. Qty. 23 332 794812 794824 1 1 455 795011 1 Description Ref. No. Flywheel Nut (Flywheel) Cup-Flywheel Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 1005 1070 Part No. Qty. 794815 794821 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 31 1 1 Description Fan-Flywheel Screw (Flywheel Fan) 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 474 727_ ..... 851 851A(_ 735 1009 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. Starter Motor and Ignition Assemblies Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. 309 333 334 356 474 578 727 732 Part No. 795909 492341 699477 793206 797090 792576 697465 699200 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Motor-Starter Armature-Magneto Screw Wire-Stop Alternator Wire Assembly Cover-Starter Drive Screw (Starter Drive Cover) Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. 735 851 851A 1009 795901 692424 493880s 795012 1119 699772 Qty. 1 1 1 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 32 Description Cord-Starter Terminal-Spark Plug Terminal-Spark Plug Screw (Starter Motor) Screw (Alternator) 121 04/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 1196_ 1288 '_ 976 1318_i 11 163 610 668_4 731 1352_ 1230_ 1251A 1252 1251 Assemblies include all parts shown \ in frames. Snow Hood Assemblies Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. Qty. 11 53 696750 795017 1 1 163 528 692277 793006 1 1 610 668 794541 794539 1 1 731 731A 892 976 990 1196 794540 793621 791944 793382 794696 696692 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Tube-Breather Stud (Carburetor) Gasket-Air Cleaner Hose-Primer (Cut to Required Length) Arrester-lntake Spacer (Snow Hood) Hood-Snow Hood-Snow Switch-Key Primer-Carburetor Key Set Screw (Snow Hood) Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. Qty. 1230 699847 1 1251 1251A 1252 696762 790471 699480 1 1 1 1288 794838 1 1318 698111 1 1352 795016 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 33 Description Stud (Control Bracket) Shield-Snow Shield-Snow Screw (Snow Shield) Nut (Snow Hood) Nut (Snow Hood) Nut (Spark Plug Shield) 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 -El 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 20 51 1022 163 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 868 ¢-_ 1 883 Assemblies Engine Gasket include all parts shown and Valve Gasket in frames. Set Assemblies Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-O141-E1 Ref. No. Part No. Qty. 3 391086s 1 7 694872 1 12 20 694953 391086s 1 1 51 51A 163 694874 694875 692277 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Seal-Oil (Magnetor Side) GasketCylinder Head Gasket-Crankcase Seal-Oil (PTO Side) Gasket-Intake Gasket-Intake Gasket-Air Cleaner Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 Part No. Qty. 358 868 883 883A 1022 795201 794086 695398 794818 690971 1 1 1 1 1 1095 795200 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 34 Description Gasket Set-Engine Seal-Valve Gasket-Exhaust Gasket-Exhaust GasketRocker Cover Gasket Set-Valve 121 06/19/2009 20Ml14-0141 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL -El KIT 127 _/ 51A i 163 105 633 Assemblies include __:_J all parts shown in frames. Carburetor Overhaul Kit Assembly Engine: Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-0141-E1 Ref. No. 51 51A 98 104 105 121 Part No. 694874 694875 695408 694918 696136 796137 Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Ref. No. Gasket-Intake Gasket-Intake Kit-Idle Speed Pin-Float Hinge Valve-Float Needle KitCarburetor Overhaul Valve Gasket Set-Reference 1095 Engine Gasket Set-Reference 358 MSC000099 127 137 163 633 Part No. 690727 698781 692277 690998 Qty. 1 1 1 1 Carburetor Overhaul Kit-Reference 35 Description Plug-Welch Gasket-Float Bowl Gasket-Air Cleaner SealChoke/Throttle Shaft (Throttle Shaft) 121 06/19/2009 Hardware identification& TorqueSpecifications Common Hardware Types Torque Specification Chart Hex Head Capscrew FOR STANDARD MACHINE HARDWARE (Tolerance + 20%) Washer Lockwasher Carriage _raardde ware Bolt G 0 SAE Grade2 [((((((((((((((((((( O O Hex Nut Size Of Hardware in/Ibs ft/I bs Nm. Q SAEGrade 5 in/Ibs ft/Ibs SAEGrade8 Nm. ft/I bs Nm. 3.4 3.5 4.9 5.5 10.9 13.6 23.1 25.8 40.8 47.6 68.0 74.8 102.0 122.4 149.6 163.2 204.0 244.8 353.6 408.0 544.0 598.4 788.8 870.4 41 43 60 68 12 14 25 27 45 50 70 80 118 128 158 178 228 248 386 428 688 668 968 1,088 4.6 4.9 6.8 7.7 16.3 19.0 34.0 34.0 61.2 68.0 95.2 108.8 149.6 163.2 204.0 231.2 299.2 326.4 525.0 571.2 816.0 897.6 1,244.0 1,360.0 Standard Hardware Sizing When a washer or nut is identified as 1/2", this is the Nominal size, meaning the inside diameter is 1/2 inch; if a second number is present it represent the threads per inch When bolt or capscrew is identified as 1/2 - 16 x 2", this means the Nominal size, or body diameter is 1/2 inch; the second number represents the threads per inch (16 in this example, and the final number is the body length of the bolt or screw (in this example 2 inches long). The guides and ruler furnished help you select the appropriate below are designed to hardware and tools. m_ Nut, 1/2" Inside Diameter m_ Screw, m_ 1/2 x 2 _;- I I m_ 8-32 8-36 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 1/2-20 9/16-12 9/16-18 5/8-11 5/8-18 3/4-10 3/4-16 7/8-9 7/8-14 1-8 1-12 19 20 27 31 66 76 11 12 20 23 30 35 50 55 65 75 90 100 160 180 140 155 220 240 2.1 2.3 3.1 3.5 7.6 8.6 15.0 16.3 27.2 31.3 40.8 47.6 68.0 74.8 88.4 102.0 122.4 136 217.6 244.8 190.4 210.8 299.2 326.4 30 31 43 49 8 10 17 19 30 35 50 55 75 90 110 120 150 180 260 300 400 440 580 640 NOTES m_ Diameter( B°dyL | m_ m_.o _ength / 1. These torque values are to be used for all hardware excluding: Iocknuts, self-tapping screws, thread forming screws, sheet metal screws and socket head setscrews. 2. Recommended seating torque values for Iocknuts: a. for prevailing torque Iocknuts - use 65% of grade 5 torques. b. for flange whizlock nuts and screws - use 135% of grade 5 torques. 3. Unless otherwise noted on assembly drawings, all torque values must meet this specification. __@ _ m_ m4_. Wrench & Fastener 1/4" Bolt or Nut Wrench--7/16" Size Guide 5/16" Bolt or Nut Wrench--I/2" 3/8" Bolt or Nut Wrench--9/16" 7/16" Bolt or Nut Wrench Wrench PTS - 36 (Bolt)--5/8" (Nut)--11/16" 1/2" Bolt or Nut Wrench--3/4" MAN Manuel d'uti;fisation IVlod_le C950-52943-0 13.5 T.P. 27 pouces CHASS IGE A X PHAS S ! Attention" Lire et bien comprendre ce manuel avant d'utiliser le chasse-neige. Num_ro de serie Sears Canada inc., Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C3 Visit our Craftsman website: www.sears.caJcraftsman Manueln° 1738165 R6v.A 07/2009 Mercid'avoirachet6 cettesouffleuse _ neige Craftsman. Nous sommes heureux quevousayezplac6votreconfiance danslamarque Craftsman. SivousutiHsez etentretenez ceproduitCraftsman conform6ment auxinstructions dumanuel, vous_ourrez I'utiHser pendant denombreuses ann6es. Cemanuel contient desinformations relatives 9.las6curit6 afinquevousconnaissiez lesdangers etrisques qu=sontli6sauxsouffleuses J.neige etlafa?ondeles6viter. Cettesouffleuse _ neige estcon?ue etestdestin6 uniquement pour61iminer laneigeetnepeut_tre utiHs6e pouraucune autreraison. IIestimportant quevousHsiez etcompreniez cesinstructions enprofondeur avantdetenterde d6marrer oud'utiliser 1'6quipement. Un assemblage de finition est necessaireavant d'utiliser la souffleuse _ neige. Veuillezvous reporter rubrique Assemblageafin d'obtenir ies directives pour I'assemblagede finition. Veuillez suivre attentivement les directives. Sauvegardez cosinstructionspourvotre r6f_rence. Souffleuse _ neige: Num6ro de modele R6vision Num6ro de s6rie JVJo|eur: Num6ro de modele R6vision Num6ro de s6rie Dale d'achal: Adresse du magasin d'achal: Ville: Province: T_l_phone: REMARQUE:Noter los renseignementsci--dessouspour I'identification de la machineen cas de perle ou de vol. TABLE DESMAT/ERES SI_CURITI_ DE L'OPI_RATEUR ......................................................................... 4 ASSEMBLAGE ........................................................................................... 10 OUTILLAGE REQUISPOURL'ASSEMBLAGE ............................................................................................. 10 CONTENU DEL'EMBALLAGE .................................................................................................................... 10 SACDEPIECESCONTENANT .................................................................................................................. 10 DBALLAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 11 MONTAGE DELAPOIGNEE SUPERIEURE ETDELA MANIVELLE ............................................................ 12 VERIFICATION DESCABLES ..................................................................................................................... 12 REGLAGE DALA LONGUEUR DESCABLES ............................................................................................. 12 MONTAGE DELASELECTEUR DEVlTESSE ............................................................................................. 13 MONTAGE DELAGOULOTTE ................................................................................................................... 14 MONTAGE DU PHARE ............................................................................................................................... 14 FONCTIONSETCOIVllViANDES ........................................................................ 15 UTILISATION............................................................................................ 17 AVANTD'UTILISATION SOUFFLEUSE _,NEIGE ......................................................................................... 17 UTILISATION DELASOUFFLEUSE A NEIGE ............................................................................................. 17 ARRETER LA SOUFFLEUSE A NEIGE........................................................................................................ 18 TRACTION GOUPILLE DESORETE ........................................................................................................... 18 CONTROLER LENIVEAUD'HUILE(AVANTDEDEMARRER LEMOTEUR) ................................................18 REMPLIR LERESERVOIR D'ESSENCE ...................................................................................................... 19 DEMARRER LEMOTEUR .......................................................................................................................... 19 ARRETER LE MOTEUR .............................................................................................................................. 20 DEGAGER UNEGOULOTTE D'EJECTION OBSTRUEE ............................................................................... 21 CONSEILS D'UTILISATION ........................................................................................................................ 21 ENTRETIEN.............................................................................................. 22 CONSEILS D'ENTRETIEN .......................................................................................................................... 22 GRAISSAGE DELABO'[TED'ENGRENAGE DEVlS SANSFIN................................................................... 23 GRAISSAGE DEL'ARBRE DEVlSSANSFIN.............................................................................................. 23 LUBRIFIER LE PIGNON DEROTATION DEGOULOTTE .............................................................................. 23 ENTRETIEN DUMOTEUR .......................................................................................................................... 24 CHANGER LABOUGIED'ALLUMAGE ....................................................................................................... 25 REGLAGE LAHAUTEUR DESPATINS ....................................................................................................... 26 AJUSTEMENT DESCOURROIES ............................................................................................................... 27 AJUSTEMENT DUGUIDEDECOURROIE .................................................................................................. 28 CONTROLE ETREGLAGE DESC,_BLES .................................................................................................... 28 CHANGER LESGOUPILLES DECISAILLEMENT DEVlSSANSFIN.......................................................... 30 CONTROLER LESPNEUS......................................................................................................................... 30 REIVIISAGE .............................................................................................. 31 REMISAGE HORSSAISON........................................................................................................................ 31 LUBRIFIER L'ARBRE HEXAGONAL ETCHA/NES....................................................................................... 31 SORTIR LASOUFFLEUSE _,NEIGEDUREMISAGE .................................................................................. 31 DI_PANNAGE ............................................................................................ 32 GARANTIES............................................................................................. 34 CARACTI_RISTIQUES TECHNIQUES.................................................................. 37 SECUR/TE BE L'OPERATEUR ,_ DAHGER- Risque d'amputatien Le conduitd'6jection contJentun irnpuiseur rotatif pour _jecter la neige. Ne d_bouchez ou ne d_gagez jarnais le conduitd'_jection avec vos mains. Les doigts peuventfacilernent _tre pris pi_ge et une amputation tranrnatique ou dilac_ration grave en r_suitera. Utilisez toujours nn outil de nettoyagepour d6boucher ou d6gager Jeconduitd'6jection. Renseignementset symbolesde danger Alerte de s_curit_ - Identifie I'inforrnationde s_curit_ des dangers qni peuventr6sulter en blessurecorporelle. IVlanueld'utilisation - Lisezet cornprenez avant route activit_ concernantI'ntilisation de la souffleuse _ neige. m @ DANGER ,, Le contactdes mains avec I'irnpuiseurrotatif dans le conduitd'6jection est Jacausela pluscommunedes biessuresassoci_s avec des souffieuses_ neige. ,, Cette souffleuse _ neige pent arnputer Jesmains et les plods, en plus des objets. Lisezet observez routes instructionsde s_curit_ dans ce manuel. A d6faut de le faire r6suitera _ la mort ou biessure grave. Symboled'alerte de s_curit6 et rootsde signal A Le symbole d'alerte de s_curit6 _ et mot de signalisation (DANGER,AVERTiSSEMENT,ATTENTIONou AVIS) sont utilis_s pour indiquer la probabilit6 ou le potentiel de la gravit6 de blessure corporelle et/ou dommage au produit. En plus, un symbole de danger peut _tre utilis_ pour representer un type de danger. ,_ DANGERindique un danger qui, si non _vit6, r6sultera la mort ou blessure grave. ,_k AVERTISSEMENT indique un danger qui, si non _vit6, pent r6suiter _ ia mort ou biessuregrave. ,_ ATTENTION indiqueun qui, si non _vit6, peut r6sulter _ nne blessuredanger rnineure. AViS indique une situation qui poutr6suJter en dornrnage auprodnit AVERTISSEMENT IVlod_lesdes IL-U. : Certains cornposantset de sos accessoires li_s dans ce prodnitcontients des produits chirniquesconnus solon I'l_tat de Californie de causer le cancer,des anomalies cong_nitalesou autre effet nuisible la reproduction. Laver les mains apr_s la manipulation. Certification "Cot _quipernent est conforrne aux exigences de la norrneANSi B71.3-2005 relative aux souffleuses _ neige. Irnpuiseurrotatif Tari_re rotative _F De prudence, soyez hers de la pottle de la souffleuse _ neige rotatifs ngrenages N'essayez pas de tendre le bras pour /_-_ prendrelos pi_ces rotatives 0biers projet6s Fen Explosion Choc Vapeurstoxiqnes Surface chaude Protection des oreilles est recomrnand_e pour Iongue dnr_e d'ntilisation Arr_tez le rnoteuret enlevez le connecteur de la bougie d'allurnage avant de faire dn travail d"entretien ou de r_paration. AVERTISSEMENT IVlod_iesdes I_.-U. : L'_chappernentdu rnoteurde cotappareil contientdes produitschirniquesconnusscion I'[_tatde la Californie de causer le cancer, des anomalies cong_nitales ou autre offer nuisible _ la reproduction. AVERTISSEMENT iVlod_lesdes IL-U. :Les bornesde batterie, los extr_rnit_s sorties, eties accessoires li_s contientsdu plornbet des cornposantsde piornb- produitschirniquesconnusde causer le cancer et des anomalies cong_nitaiesscion i'l_tatde Californie. Laver les mains apr_s la manipulation. SECUR/TEBE L'OPERATELIR Symbolesde commandesur Yequipement Lecturedu manuel DANGER Huile Carburant Marche avant Marche/Arr_t Neutre l+! Volet de d6part ferrn_ i×i Volet de d6part ouvert u Recuie u R1-- Arr_t D_rnarrage 61ectrique Ernbrayer(vers le bas) et d_brayer (vers le haut) Lent Moteur =en rnarche Vite IVloteur- arr_t Lisez,comprenez,etsuiveztous leeinstructionsur la souffleuse_ neigeet le manueld'utilisationavantde faire fonctionnereetappareil. Lafaillite d'observerlesinstructionsdesdcuritddansce manuelrdsultera_ lamort oublessuregrave. . Soyezcompletement familieraveclescommandeset I'usagenormaldela souffleusea neige. . Assurez-vousquevous _tesbienentra_n_ avantdefairefonctionnerla souffleusea neige. * Sachezcommentarr_terI'appareilet @clencherlescommandesrapidement. . Nelaissezjamaisuneautrepersonnefairefonctionnerlasouffeuse_ neige sanssurveillance. . Suiveztoujoursles instructionsdansle manueld'utilisation,si lasouffleuse neigeseraentrepos_epourunep6riodeprolong@. ,, Veuillezmaintenirou remplacerles6tiquettesde s_curit_etd'instructionssi n_cessaire. * N'essayez jamaisdefairedesr@arationsmajeuressur lasouffleusea neige moinsquevous_tesbien instruit.L'entretienina@quatde lasouffleuse neigepeutr_sultera un fonctionnementdangeureux, dommage 1'6quipement et I'invalidationde la garantiedu produit. Conduitd'6jecteur J D Cornrnande de traction Ernbrayer (vers le bas) -- =_"m DANGER Cornmande de tari_re - Ernbrayer (vers le has) o_ Le conduitd'djectioncontientun impulseurrotatifpour djecterla neige.Ned@ouchezou neddgagezjamais le conduitd'djectionavecvosmains.Lesdoigtspeuvent facilement@e prisesdansrimpulseur.Utiliseztoujoursun outil de nettoyage. La faillited'observerces instructionsdesdcuritdrdsultera uneamputationtraumatiqueou dilacdratongrave. -dr Tari_re d'embrayage D_fiecteur de conduit (haut et has) POURDEGAGEREN TOUTESr:CURITEL'[:JECTEUR BLOQUr: A Conduit d'6jection (gauche et droit) Poign6es chauff_es (haut et has) ANGER' Le contactdespluscommune mainsavecrimpulseurrotatifdansleconduit d'djectionestlacausela des blessuresassocidsavec dessouffleuses_ neige.N'utilisezjamaisvos mainspour nettoyerle conduitd'djection. SUIVEZCESINSTRUCTIONS: 1. Arretezle moteur. 2. Attendre10 secondespour s'assurerqueleslamesde laturbinesesont arr_t@sde tourner. 3. Utiliseztoujoursun outil de nettoyage,nonvosmains. REMARQUE: Pas tous les syrnboles de cornrnandernontr_s sur cette page appara'itra sur votre souffleuse_ neige. Veuillez voir la section des CARACTERISTIQUES ET COMMANDESpour les symbolesappiicables. Easy-Turn TM Commande detraction TM Free-Hand Commande SECURITEDEL'OPERATEUR S6curit6de 1'6quipementet de son fonctionnement DANGER ettesoufiJeu neigeest een&nt ei;op rateu; oui s curit Simal .ut,isouemal entretenue, ceci tre - dangereux. Souvenez-vous quevous_tesresponsablepour votres6curit6et deceuxpr6sdevous. * Gardezhorsde porteedu fonctionnementtoutespersonnes,en particulierles petitsenfantet lesanimauxdomestiques. ,, Inspectezcompletement I'endroitou la souffleusea neigeserautilis@et enleveztous tapisd'accueils,les luges,lesplanchesa neige,lescordons d'alimentationetautrescorpsetrangers. ,, Nefaitespasfonctionnerlasouffleusea neigesansporterdesvetementsde neigeconvenables. ,, Le portde chaussuresamelioreralastabilitesur dessurfacesglissantes. ,, Soyezattentifpoureviterdeglisser ou detomberparticulierementIorsdu fonctionnementde lasouffleusea neigeen marchearriere. ,, Nefaitespasfonctionnerlasouffleusea neigesansunebonnevisibilite ou lumiere.Toujoursgarderun bonequilibreet tenirfermementlespoignees. ,, Ne@blayezpasla neigede lasurfacedespentes.SoyeztresprudentIorsdu changement de directionsur lespentes.Nepastenterde @blayerdes pentes raides. ,, Nesurchargezpasla capacitede la machineen essayantde @blayerla neige tropvite. ,, Nefaitespasfonctionnerlasouffleusea neigea unehautevitessede tansportsur dessurfacesglissantes.Regardezderrierelasouffleuse_ neige etsoyezprudentIorsdu fonctionnement en marchearriere. ,, N'utilisezpaslasouffleusea neigesur dessurfacesaudessusdu solcomme lestoits desresidences,lesgarages,lesverandasou toutesautresstructures ou edifices. o Lesoperateursdoivent@aluerleurabilite defairefonctionnerlasouffleuse neigeen toutesecuritesuffisammentpour protegereux-m_meset lesautres de blessures. o La souffleusea neigeestconcuepourenleverla neigeseulement.N'utilisez pasla souffleuse_ neigepourtouteautreraison. o Netransportez pas despassagers. o Apr_savoirfrappeun corpsetranger,fermezle moteuraARRttT,@connectez lecordondesmoteurselectriques,inspectezcompletementlasouffleuse neigepour aucundommage,et r@arezledommageavantde recommencer et defairefonctinnerlasouffleusea neige. o Si lasouffleusea neigesecoussed'unemaniereanormale,fermezlemoteur ARRttT.Toutevibrationestg@eralementun avertissement de probleme. Veuillezvoir un concessionnaire ag@pourde reparationnecessaire. o Pourdesmodelesmunisavecdesmoteursde @marrageelectrique, @branchezlecordond'alimentation apr_sla miseenmarchedu moteur. Manutention de carburant DANGER Lecarburant etsesvapeurs sontextremement flammables et explosifs. Veuillez bienprendre soinavecpr_autiondu carburant, A d6fautd'observer cesinstructions des6curit6 peutcauser unfeuouexplosion quir6sultera &desbrelures gravesoula mort. LOBSDE L'ADDITJON DUCABBUBANT ,' Arr_tezlemoteuret laissezrefroidirpour au moins2 minutesavantd'enlever lebouchonde reservoirpour ajouterlecarburant. ,, Remplissezlereservoirdecarburantdehorsou dansun endroitbienventile. ,, Neremplissezpastrop le reservoirde carburant.PourpermettreI'expansion deI'essence,ne remplissezpasau-dessusle basdu cou du reservoirde carburant. ,, Gardezlecarburantloin desetincelles,desflammesnues,deslampes temoins,dechaleuret d'autressourcesd'allumage. ,, Verifiezsouventleslignesdecarburant,lebouchonet lesaccessoirespour fissureset fuites.Remplacez si necessaire. ,, Utilisezun reservoirdecarburantapprouve. ,, Si le carburantrenverse,attendezjusqu'_ce qu'il soit vaporiseavantde mettreen marchele moteur. _JSE EN MABCHEDUMOTEUB ,' Assurez-vousquela bougied'allumage,lesilencieux,le bouchonde carburantet filtre a air (si equippe)sonten placeet bienfixes. ,, Lorsquela bougied'allumageestenlevee,nemettezpasen marchele moteur. ,, Si le carburantest renverse,n'essayez pasde mettreen marchelemoteur mais,@m@agezlasouffleusea neigeloin de lasectionde degatet@itezde toutesourced'ignitionjusqu'_cequelesvapeursdecarburants'@apore. ,, N'amorcezpastrop le moteur.Suivezlesinstructionsdansce manuelpour mettrele moteuren marche. ,, Si le moteurest noye,veuillezr@lerlevoletde depart(si equippe)a la positionOUVERT/MARCHE, @m@agerI'ac@lateur(si equippe)a laposition VlTEet mettreen marchelemoteur. LOBSDU FO_CT_O_NE_E_TD'EQUIPE_ENT ,' N'inclinezpas lasouffleusea neige_ un anglequi causelecarburantde renverser. ,, N'etouffezpas lecarburateurpourarr_terlemoteur. ,, Si I'assemblaged'@urateur(si equippe)ou le filtre _air estenleve,ne faites pasfonctionnerlemoteur. LOBSDU CHA_GE_ENTD'HUILE ,, Si vousecoulezI'huiledu dessusdu tubed'huilede remplissage,lereservoir decarburantdolt etrevideou le carburantpeuts'ecouleret peutresulteren feu ou explosion. LOBSDE LATBA_SPOBTATIO_ D'EQUIPE_E_T ,, TransportezIorsquele reservoirestVIDE,ou Iorsquelasoupaped'arretest FERMEE. LOBSDE L'ENTBEPOSAOE D'ESSE_CEOU D'g:QWPEMEHT AVECLE CABBUBA_TDA_SLEB[:SEBVOIB ,' Entreposez loin desfournaises,despo_les,deschauffe-eaux ou autres appareilsqui ont uneflammed'allumageou autresourced'allumagequi peut allumerlesvapeursde carburant. SECUR/TE BE L'OPERATELIR Pi_ces amovibles Enfants DANGER Gardezlesmains,tespie@et lesv_tementsJoindespi_ces rotatives.Lespi_cesrotativespeuventcontacterou enchev_trertesmains,lespieds,lescheveux,lesv_tements ou accessoires. A d6fautd'observercesinstructions des6curit_r6sultera uneamputationtraumatiqueou dilaceratongrave. o Lorsdu nettoyage, delar@arationoude I'inspection de lasouffleuseaneige, assurez-vous quelemoteuresta lapositionARRItT,quelabougied'alhmageest d6branch@ et quetoutespi@esamoviblessontarretees. ,, Neplacezpaslesmainsoules piedspresou souslespi@esamovibles.Soyez loinde I'ouverturedelaconduiteentouttemps. ,, Nefaitespasfonctionnerlasouffleusea neigesansde protectionapprouves et autresdispositifsde s@uriteen placeIorsdu fonctionnement. ,, Nelaissezjamaisvotresouffleusea neigesanssurveillanceIorsquele moteurest en marche.Toujoursdebrayerlescommandesdeta@reet de traction,arreterlemoteuret retirerlescles. DANGER Lesaccidents tragiques peuvent arriv&s si l'operateur n'est pasattentif&la presence desenfants. Lesenfants sont souvent attir_ parla machine etlesoufflage deneige.Ne jamaissupposer quelesenfants resteront l&oQilsontete vuspourladerni_,re lois. o Gardezlesenfantshorsde porteependantlefonctionnement.Lesenfants sont souventattiresa I'@uipement.Soyezattentifdespersonnespresentes. ,, Soyezalerteet fermezI'appareilsiil y a desenfantstoutpres. ,, NelaissezjamaislesenfantfairefonctionnerI'appareil. ,, Prenezbiensoin Iorsquevousapprochezdescoinssansvisibilites,les arbustes,lesarbresoules autresobjetsqui vouscachentlavue. Lesenfants peuventOtrepresents. S6curit6de moteur DANGER ,, Assurez-vousquevosv_tementslachesne sontpasa laport@du devantde lasouffleusea neigeet de lata@re.Lesfoulards,lesmitaines,lescordons pendantes,lesv_tementslacheset pantalonspeuventrapidement_treprises dansledispositifrotatifetuneamputationenresultera.Attachezlescheveux longset enlevezlesbijoux. Lefonctionnementsansdangerde la souffleuse_ neige demandeun soin et entretienvigilant,A defautd'observer lesinstructionsde securitedansce manuelresultera_ la mortou blessuregrave. ,, Faitesmarcherla machinepour quelquesminutesapresle d@hargement de la neigepouremp_cherI'engelducollecteur/impulseur. o Debrayez tous lesvoletsde departet changezdevitesseau neutreavantde fairefonctionnerle moteur. ,, Debrayez la puissanceau collecteur/impulseur Iorsquelasouffleusea neige est transport@ou n'estpasutilis@. ,, Laissezlemoteurs'ajustera latemperature exterieureavantdecommencer dedeblayerla neige. ,, Utilisezunefiche trifilairemisa laterrepour toutessouffleusesa neigemuni d'unmoteurd'entrainement electriqueou d'un moteurde demarrage electrique. 0bjets projet6s DANGER Lesobjetspeuvent _treramasses parlatari_reetprojetes du conduit.Nedechargez pasla neigeverslesspectateurs ou permettre quelqu'un devant la souffleuse _ neige.A defaut d'observer cesinstructions des6curite danscemanuel resultera _ lamortoublessure grave. o Porteztoujoursdes lunettesde s@uriteou un ecranprotecteurpendantle fonctionnementet Iorsd'un ajustementou reparation. ,, Soyezattentifde la directiond'ou laneigeesteject@.Lespietonstous pres, lesanimauxdomestiquesoules proprietespeuventetreendommages par la projectiondes objets. ,, Soyezattentifde votreenvironnement pendantlefonctionnementde la souffleuse_ neige.Si vous passerpardessusdesitemescommele gravier, lestapisd'accueil,lesjournals,lesjouetset lespierrescach@ssousla neige,touspeuventetreprojetesdu conduitou bloquesdanslatar@re. ,, SoyeztresprudentIorsdu fonctionnementsur ou traversantlesvoles d'ac@s,lestrottoirsoules routesdegravel. ,, Ajustezla hauteurdu bottlerdecollectionpour degagerle gravelou toutes autresma%resrocheuses. ,, Nefaitespasfonctionnerlasouffleusea neigepresdesenclosen vitre,des voitures,despuits defenStreet desdescentessans lepropreajustementde I'angledu conduitd'ejection. ,, Familiarisez-vous avecI'endroitd'ou vousplanifiezde fairefonctionnerla souffleuse_ neige.Marquezlesbornesdesvolesd'acceset destrottoirs. DANGER Lesmoteurs degages dumonoxyde decarbone, ungaz toxiquesansodeuretsanscouleur. Lefar derespirer le monoxyde decarbone peutcauserdes naus_s,desevanouissements oula mort. o Veuillezfairefonctionnerlemoteurdehors. ,, Nefaitespasfonctionnerle moteurdansun endroitenferme,memesi les portesoules fen@essont ouvertes. SECUR/TE BE L'OPERATEUR S6curit6du moteur suivre) Efltretienet entreposage AVERTISSEMENT Lamiseenmarche du moteurcr66eunegerbed'6tincelles, L'6tincelle peutmettrelefeuaugazinflammable toutpr_s. Explosion etfeupeuenr6sulter. * Si il y a unefuite de p6troleliqudi_ PLdansI'endroitou vousetes,n'essayez pas defairefonctionnerlemoteur. ,, N'utilisezpasdesfhides sous pressionacausequelesvapeurssont inflammables. AVERTISSEMENT ,_hlllll!f_f!l,, Lamiseenmarche du moteurproduitdela chaleur. Les pi_cesdumoteur, enparticulier lesilencieux, deviennent extr_,mement chaud. A d6fautd'observer cesinstructions des6curit6 peutr6sulter _idesbr01ures thermiques graves aucontact. * Netouchezjamaisun moteurou unsilencieuxchaud.Laissezlesilencieux, lecylindrede moteuret lesailettesrefroidiravantde toucher. ,, Enleveztous d6brisdela sectiondusilencieuxet de lasectiondu cylindre. ,, Veuillezinstalleret entreteniren bon6tatlepare-6tincelles avantd'utiliser 1'6quipement sur uneterrebrutedecouverturedeforet,de gazonou de brousse. ,, Mod_.les(:.-U.: C'estuneviolationducodesection4442 de laressource public de la Californied'utiliserou defairefonctionnerun moteursur ou pres d'uneterrebrutedecouverturedeforet degazonou de broussea moinsque lesystemed'6chappement estmunid'un pare-6tincelles qui conformea la Ioi localeou de I'l_tat.D'autresprovincesou zonesf6d6ralespeuventavoirdes lois similaires. Cettesouffleuse_ineigedolt e"trepropremententretenuepour assurerun fonctionnement et uneperformanceen toute AVERTISSEMENT s6curit6./!,d6fautd'observerlesinstructionsde s6curit6dans ce manuelpeutr6sulter_ila mort ou unebleesuregrave. ,, Lorsde I'entretienou de la r6parationde lasouffleusea neige,arr_tezle moteur,d6connectez lefil de bougieet gardezlefil loin de la priseafin d'empScher quelqu'undemettreen marchele moteuraccidentellement. ,, V6rifiezlesboulonsd'obturateuretautrequincailleriesa phsieurs reprises pourscellageafinquela souffleuse_ neigefonctionnedansdesconditions s0r. ,, Gardezles6crouset lesboulonsserr6set gardezlasouffleuse_ neigeen bon6tat. ,, Netouchezpas lesdispositifsde s6curit6.V6rifierr6gulierementleurbon fonctionnementet r6parerle cas6ch6ant. ,, Lescomposantssontsujetsa s'user,s'endommager eta se d6t6riorer. V6rifiezfr6quemmentlescomposantset remplacezlespiecesrecommand6s au besoin. * V6rifiezlacommandede fonctionnement fr6quemment. Ajusteret r6parerle cas6ch6ant. ,, Utilisezseulementdespiecesde remplacement approuv6esIorsquevous faitesdes r6parations. ,, Conformez toujoursaveclessp6cificationsdu fabricantsur tous lesr6glages et ajustements. ,, Seulementlesconcessionnaires ag66sdeservicedoiventetreemploy6spour desservicesmajeureset desr6parationsn6cessaires. ,, Utilisezseulementdesaccessoires approuv6sparlefabricant(tellesqueles massespour roueset lesmassesd'6quilibrage). ,, N'essayez jamaisdefairedesajustementspendantquele moteuresten marche(a I'exceptionde la recommendation sp6cifiquedu fabricant). ,, Nelaissezjamaisla graisseou I'huiledecontacterla rouede frictionen caoutchoucou le disqued'entrainement. Si ledisqued'entrainement ou la rouedefrictionviennenten contactaveclagraisseou I'huile,un dommage la rouede frictionen caoutchoucr6sultera. SECUR/TE DEL'UT/L/SATEUR ,_k Ce symboJesignale des consignesde s_curit_ irnportantes.II signifie" gR1 ® n I © ® _ "-__-Iillil JJ ,1_ -tS- ® Commandes de la soufleuse a neige figure 12 C01VlIVlANDES DELA SOUFFLEUSEA NEIGE A. D. Manivelle de rotationde !loulolle -- Serta fairepivoterla goulotted'ejectionvers la gaucheou vers la droite. E. I._crou_ oreilles de cornrnandede dellecteur-- Sert contrOlerI'angledu deflecteurde goulotte(versle hautou le bas). Levier du selecteur de vitesse-- Permetde choisirun rapport devitesseparmilessix (6) en marcheavantetdeux(2) en marchearriere(voir Figure12).Pourchangerdevitesse,amenerle levierdu selecteurdevitessejusqu'ala positionsouhaitee. f. Ontil de nettoya!le-- Serta enleverla neigeet lesdebrisde la goulotted'ejectionetdu carterde latariere. FIEMAFIQUE : Ne pas deplacer le levier de vitesse alors que I'embraya!le de traction est en!la!le. Ceci peut !lravement endornrna!lerle syst_',med'entrainement. B° C° G. Plaque d'usure -- Utiliserpourajusterle gardeau sol du boTtier detariere. H. Phares-- Utiliserpourfairefonctionnerla souffleusea neigedans desconditionsde pauvrevisibilit6. Levier d'embraya!lede vis sansfin -- Serta engageret debrayerlavis sansfin et laturbine.Serrervers lebaspourengager, relQcher pourdebrayer. I. Bo'fle _!oulils -- Vousy trouverezdesgoupilles,boulonde cisaillementetde cisaillementetdesentretoises. Levier d'ernbraya!lede traction -- Serta faireavancerla souffleusea neigeen marcheavantou arriere.Serrervers lebaspour engager, relQcher pourdebrayer. 15 FONCTION$ET COMMANDES ® I÷1I'-,I ® ® Commandes de moteur Figure 13 COlVlIVlANDES DU IVlOTEUR F° A. Boutonde cornrnandedu volet de depart -- Utiliserpourfaire fonctionnerle moteur(voirFigure13). Interrupteur MARCHE/ARR[:T-- Utiliserpourmettreen marcheet arreterle moteur. G. Reservoirde carburantet bouchon-- Remplissez le reservoir peupres38 mm(1-1/2 po)dessousle hautdu coupour permettre I'expansiondu carburant. B. Beuten de dernarrageeleclrique -- Utiliserpourlamiseenmarche du moteurenutilisantledemarreur electrique. H° C. Beuten d'amerceur-- UtiliserpourinjecterI'essencedansle manifolddu carburateurpourassurerun departrapidedansdes temperatures froides. D. Ole de securite -- Doit etreinserepourfairefonctionnerlemoteur. Retirezpourarreter.Netournezpasla clede securite. E. Cordon de dernarreur-- Utiliserpourmettreenmarchele moteur manuellement. 16 Bouchond'huile de rernpiissage(jauge d'huiie aliong_) UTILISATION AVANT D'UTILiSATiON SOUFFLEUSE A NEiGE Contrgler ia visserie.V_rifier que routeia visserieest bien serr_e. REMARQUE: Cette sonffiense _ neigeest iivr_eAVECDEL'HUiLE dans ie motenr. Voir les instructions_,Avantde d_marrer le moteur ,, duns ia sectionUTILISATION de ce manuel avant de d_marrer ie moteur. Lirele MANUELD'iNSTRUCTIONS et iesS[_CURIT[_ DE L'OPERATEUR avant d'utiiiser ia SOUFFLEUSE ,_NEiGE.Comparer iesillustrations avecia sonffieuse_ neigepoursefamiiiariser avec rempiacementdesescommandes et r_giages.Conserverce manuelpourrouteconsultation uit6rieure. AVERTISSEMENT: L'utilisation de route souffleuse _ neigepoutprovoquer ia projection d'objets dunslosyeuxet causerde gravesI_sions ocuiaires.Toujours porterdesiunettes de s_curit_ ouautreprotection ocuiaireavantd'utiliser ia souffieuse _ neige.Nousconseillons ie portde iunettesde s_curit_standardou d'un masquede s_curit_WideVisionpar-dessus des iunettescorrectrices. UTILISATIONDELA SOUFFLEUSEA NEiGE REMARQUE: Lorsdn ddneigement de neigeionrdeet hnmide,il est conseill_de r_dnire ia vitessede d_placement, de maintenir ie motenr _ plein r_gime et de ne pusd_gager ia neigesnr route ia iargenrde ia machine. L'utilisationla plusefficaceduchasse-neige serad@ermin6e parI'exp6rience, entenantcomptedela natureduterrain,duventetde lapositiondesb_timents,enparticulierpourd@erminer ladirectiond'@ection dela neige. REIVlARQUE: Nepasprojeterla neigeversun b_timentcar des corps6trangers ponrraient _tre pris par ia vissansfin et _ject_s violemment. 5. Embrayer lavis sansfin _ I'aidedela poign6ed'embrayage (A,Figure 15), VERSLEBAS- positionernbray6e VERSLEHAUT- positionddbray6e 1. D6marrer le moteur. Voir _ D6marrer le moteur,, dartscettesection. 6. Embrayer lacommando desrouesavecla poign6egauche(B).Lorsquele chasse-neige commence _ sed6placer, bienmaintenirlospoign6es surle guidonetguiderlechasse-neige dansladirectionvoulue.Nepas pousserle chasse-neige. 2. Tournerlamanivelle(A,Figure12)pour@glerI'orientation (degauche droite)dela goulotted'@ection. 3. R6glerleddlecteurdelagoulotte.Desserrer I%rou(A,Figure14) oreillessitu6surle c0t6dela goulotteetreleverdeddlecteurpour augmenter la distance d'@ection ou I'abaisser pourdiminuerla distance d'@ection. SerrerI%rou_ oreilles. 7. Pourar@terled6placement dela machine, rel_cherla poign6ede I'embrayage desroues(B). Leviersde commande V6rifiezle d6flecteurde la chute ,_ Figure14 . Pourar@ter lavissansfin,rel_cher lapoign_e d'embrayage delavissans fin(A). 9. Pourfairereculerlasouffleuse _ neige,placerle leviers@ecteur devitesse (A,Figure12)dansla premiere ousecondeposition(R1ou R2)de marcheartisteetengagerle levierdecommando detraction(B,Figure REiVlARQUE: Ne pus pourraient_tre projeter ia neige vers car des corps_trangers pris paruniab_timent vis sansfin et _ject_s violemment. 15). NOTE: Always release the traction control lever before moving the speed select lever. _e 4. Lavitesse(A, Figure12) de d6placementest d@ermin6epar les conditions de la neige.Ohoisir lavitesseen d6pla_antle levierde vitessedans la partiecolo@edu panneaucommeindiqu6ci-dessous. 1-2 3 4-5 6 Figure15 jamais taire tourner le moteur a I'_ ieur ou duns des endroits clos et mai ventil_s. Les gaz d'_chappement du moteur contiennentdu IViONO×YDEDE CARBONE,un GAZ INODOREet IVIORTEL. * Garderies mains, los pieds, los cheveuxet los v_tements ampies _ i'_cart des pi_ces en mouvement du moteur et de ia souffieuse_ neige. ,, La temperature du silencieux et de sonvoisinage pout d_passer 66 °C (150 °F). Evitercos zones, Neigehumide,Iourdeet t@sprofonde Neigemoyenne Neiget@s16g_re Position detransportseulement ,, NE PASiaisser d'enfants ni de jeunes adolescentsutiiiser ni s'approcher de ia souffieuse _ neige durant ia marche. 17 UTILISATION TRACTION GOUPILLE DE SURET! f: ,_L AVERTISSEIVlENT : Life le manueld'instruction avantd'utiliser la machine.Uneutilisation imprudente de cettemachinepout s'av_rerdangereuse. * Nejamaisutiiiser la souffleuse_ neigesanstoussoscapers, grilleset autresprotections en place. * NejamaisdirigerI'_jectionversdesfen_tresni iaisser des personnes s'approcher de la machinealorsque le moteur est Ledroit detractiondesrouespeut_trecompletement lib6reenutilisantla goupille de s_ret_ (A, Figure16).Celapermeta I'unit_de led_placer facilementaveclemoteurcoupe. en marche. * Toujours arr_ter ie moteur avantde quitteria positionde conduite. * D_hrancher la hougieavantded_houcher ie carterdevissans fin ou ia goulotted'_jectionet avantd'effectuer desr_giagesou r_parations. * Avantdequitterla machine,enleveria cl_decontact. Pour r_duirele risquedefeu,garderia machine propreet exempte d'_clahoussures d'essence, d'huileet autresd_hris. ARRETER LA SOUFFLEUSE A NEIGE 1. Rel_cher lelevierdecommande detraction(B,Figure %. 2. Placerle commutateur de ON/OFF (A,Figure 22)enpositionOFF(Arret)et sortirla cl6des6curit6(B). Traction goupille de sOret6 CONTROLERLENIVEAUD'NUILE (AVANTDEDi_IVlARRER LEIVlOTEUR) °C oF REiVlARQUF : Le rnoteurest iivr_ d'usine rernpii d'huile. ContrSler le niveaud'huiie. Completer le niveaulecas 6chaunt. Figure16 86 *i 68 104 1. S'assurerque la machineest deniveau.Utiliserunehullo detergente de hautequaliteclassee< > dans cettesection.) 2. Pourle remisageou Iorsdu remplacement de goupillesde cisaillement,deposerlosgoupilleset lubrifierlosgraisseurszerkde I'arbredevis sansfin (B) Fairetournerlavis sansfin plusieursfois sursonarbreet remettrelosgoupillesdecisaillementen place. 23 Figure 25 ENTRET/EN ENTRETiENDU iVIOTEUR ContrSlerle niveaud'huile rnoteuravantde demarrerle moteuret toutesles8 heuresd'utilisationcontinue.Ajouterde I'huilemoteur preconiseele casecheant. REIVlARQUE : Un exc_',sd'huiie pent perturberle fonctionnernent du rnoteur.Bien serrer le bouchon d'huiie pour6viter les fuites. Changer i'huiie toutesles50 heuresd'exploitationou,au minimum,une fois paran,memesi la souffleusea neigen'apaseteutiliseependant cinquanteheures.Utiliserunehuile detergente dehautequalitepropre. Remplirle carterd'huilejusqu'aurepereFULL(Plein)de la jauge(A, Figure26).VerifierqueI'huilea un indiceA.RI. < >. 27 ENTRET/EN AJUSTEIVlENT DU GUIDEDECOURROIE 1. Debrancherlefil debougie. 2. Faireengagerla commande devis sansfin paruneautrepersonne. Celaengagerla galettendeurde vis sansfin (A,Figure35). ® 3. Mesurerladistanceentrele guidede courroie(B)et la courroie(C). La distancedoltetrecomprisentre3 mm(1/8 pouce). 4. Si unajustementest necessaire, desserrerleboulondefixationdu guidedecourroie.Placerle guidede courroiedansla positionqui convient.Serrerle boulondefixation. 5. Poserleprotege-courroie. 6. Rebrancher le fil debougie. Reglageguidedecourroie Figure35 VERIFICATION ET REGLAGEDESCABLES Lescgblessontreglesen usine.II estnormalement inutilede modifierleur reglage,saufencasd'etirementou dejeu tropimportant. II faudraaussieffectuerle reglagedescgbleschaquefois quelescourroies sontajusteesou remplacees. Pourvdrifierle rdglage,detacherle crocheten "Z" (A,Figure36) du levier d'embrayage (B): 1. Pousserle levierd'embrayage (B) completement versI'avant(aucontactde la buteeen plastique). 2. Le centredu crochet(A)dolt etreentrele centreet lesommetdu trou du levierd'embrayage (B). © R6glage ,_ du ¢_ble de commande des lames Verifierlesc_bles Figure 36 Reglagedu c_bled'entraTnement devis sansfin Figure37 ATTENTION!Vidanger ie r_servoir de carburant I'ext_rieur et _ I'_cart de routefiamme. 1. Vidangerle reservoird'essence. Basculerle chasse-neige vers ravant en le laissantreposersur lafaceavantdu carterdeslames. 2. Pousserle cgble(A,Figure37) dansle ressort(B) pourexposerla partiefileteedu cgble. 3. TenirI'extremitecarreede la partiefileteeavecdespincesettourner I'ecrou(C) dansun sensou dansI'autrepourobtenirle reglageapproprie. 4. Tirerlecgbledansle ressortet remonterlecgble. 28 ENTRET/EN Reglage du c_ble de corflrnandede la traction 1. Viderlereservoir d'essence. Basculerlasouffleusea neigesur ravant du carterdevis sansfin. _k AVERTISSEiVlENT" Vidanger J'esseflce_ J'ext_rieur, r_cart de feu ou de fJarnrnes. 2. Desserrerlesboulons(A, Figure38) dechaquecotedu panneau inferieur(B). 3. Deposerlepanneauinferieur. 4. Retirerle crocheten "Z" du levierde commande (voir Figure36). 5. Degagerlagainede cgble(A,Figure39) de la ferrurede reglagede cgble(B). 6. Enfoncerle basdu cgblede commande de traction(C)danslaferrure de reglagede cgblejusqu'apouvoirdegagerle crocheten< _). En outre, cette garantie est offerte uniquement & I'acheteur initial du produit Craftsman. Les achats effectues par I'entremise d'un encan en ligne ou sur tout site Web autre que sont exclus. La p@iode de garantie debute & la date de I'achat initial. Au cours de cette p@iode, Sears Canada, Inc. s'engage, & sa seule discretion, & reparer ou & remplacer tout produit ou composant de produit defectueux dans des conditions d'utilisation normale. La reparation ou le remplacement sera effectue pour le client sans frais de pieces ni de main-d'oeuvre, & condition que le client prenne & sa charge les frais de transport. Exclusions: La presente garantie ne couvre pas les defectuosites dues & I'usure normale, I'utilisation inappropriee ou abusive, la negligence (y compris, mais sans s'y restreindre, I'utilisation d'essence eventee, la poussiere, les abrasifs, I'humidite, la rouille, la corrosion ou tout autre effet indesirable, imputable & un entreposage ou & des habitudes d'utilisation inappropries), un mauvais entretien, le non-respect des consignes ou directives d'entretien, I'utilisation de I'appareil contrairement aux instructions fournies dans le manuel d'entretien ou aux consignes ou informations donnees & I'acheteur initial, au moment de I'achat ou au cours de communications subsequentes avec lui, un accident ou encore une modification ou des reparations non autorisees, effectuees ou tentees par d'autres. Sont egalement exclus de la couverture de la garantie - sauf indication fournie ci-dessous - les elements suivants : travaux d'entretien, reglages, composants sujets & I'usure, y compris mais sans s'y restreindre :les composants esthetiques, courroies, lames, adaptateurs de lame, ampoules, pneus, filtres, barres de guidage, lubrifiants, sieges, poignees, Iogements de cordon de demarrage, cha_nes et barres de scie, bobines et ills de tondeuse & fouet, bougies, cordes de demarrage et dents, ainsi que les decolorations resultant de I'exposition aux rayons ultraviolets. Tout produit ne portant pas son etiquette d'identification avec son num@o de modele ou de s@ie sera exclu de la protection offerte par la presente garantie. R_parations : Les reparations sont garanties pendant une p@iode de 90 jours. Si le produit defectueux est toujours couvert par la garantie, la nouvelle garantie est de 90 jours & compter de la date de la reparation ou jusqu'& la fin de la periode de garantie initiale, selon la plus Iongue des deux echeances. Restrictions : LES GARANTIES ET RECOURS DEFINIS DANS LES PRESENTES SONT EXCLUSIFS ET REMPLACENT TOUTE AUTRE GARANTIE, QU'ELLE SOIT VERBALE OU ECRITE (AUTRE QUE CELLES CNONCI_ES DANS LES PRESENTES) OU QU'ELLE SOIT EXPRESSE, IMPLICITE OU PREVUE PAR LA LOI, SANS SE RESTREINDRE b, AUCUNE. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE VOUS CONFERE DES DROITS JURIDIQUES PRECIS, POUVANT DIFFERER D'UNE PROVINCE b, I'AUTRE. SEARS NE POURRA EN AUCUN CAS ETRE TENUE RESPONSABLE DE TOUT DOMMAGE ACCESSOIRE, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OU CONSECUTIF, QUI RESULTERAIT DE I'UTILISATION, DU MESUSAGE OU DE I'INCAPACITE D'UTILISER LE PRODUIT OU QUI DECOULERAIT DE DEFECTUOSITES DU PRODUIT. LES EXCLUSIONS DU PRESENT PARAGRAPHE NE S'APPLIQUENT PAS DANS LES TERRITOIRES O0 LA LOI NE PERMET PAS I'EXCLUSlON DES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU CONSE_CUTIFS. DANS CES TERRITOIRES, LE PRESENT PARAGRAPHE SERA SANS EFFET, MAIS LES AUTRES DISPOSITIONS DU PRESENT DOCUMENT DEMEURERONT VALIDES. Sears conserve le droit exclusif de r@arer ou de remplacer le produit ou encore d'offrir un remboursement complet de son prix d'achat, & sa seule discretion. CE RECOURS SERA LE SEUL ET UNIQUE RECOURS DONT VOUS DISPOSEREZ EN CAS D'INEXECUTION QUELLE QU'ELLE SOIT DE LA GARANTIE. Responsabilit_s du client : En plus d'observer toutes les consignes et directives d'entretien, le client doit s'acquitter, entre autres, des obligations suivantes : utiliser le produit conformement aux consignes de la notice d'entretien et aux directives ou informations additionnelles fournies & I'acheteur au moment de I'achat ou & I'occasion de communications subsequentes; faire preuve d'un soin raisonnable pour I'utilisation, le fonctionnement, I'entretien general, le maintien en bon etat et I'entreposage du produit. Le manquement & ces obligations entra_nera une annulation de la garantie applicable. 34 GARAtVT/ES Liste des p_riodes de garantie applicables : La liste ci-dessous indique la p@iode de garantie applicable aux divers produits Craftsman qu'elle couvre; la p@iode accordee tient compte du type de produit ou de composants et du type d'utilisation prevue ou effective de I'appareil ou du composant : 1. , 90 joursProduits Craftsman devant _tre ou etant effectivement utilises & des fins commerciales, institutionnelles, professionnelles ou lucratives. 2 arts - Les produits de marque Craftsman suivants : tondeuses & conducteur porte, tracteurs de jardin, tondeuses & contr61e arriere, motobSches, debroussailleurs, souffleuses & neige, souffleuses portatives, souffleuses dorsales, taille-bordures et produits electriques & usage non commercial, non professionnel, non institutionnel ou non lucratif, sauf les composants faisant partie de systemes de moteur fabriques par des tiers pour lesquels I'acheteur a regu une garantie separee ainsi que des renseignements sur le produit, au moment de I'achat. 3. 1 an - Produits de marque Craftsman suivants : couteaux electriques, broyeuses de souches, ebranchoirs, scies cha;ne A essence, scies a cha;ne electriques, accessoires de taille-bordures, sacs et scies A long manche utilisees des fins non commerciales, non professionnelles, non institutionnelles et non lucratives. 4. 90 louts - Toutes les batteries defectueuses, qui seront remplacees pendant une p@iode de garantie de 90 jours. , 60 louts - Une p@iode de garantie additionnelle de 60 jours s'appliq.uera pour le reglage ou I'usure de produits ou de composants MAIS CETTE GARANTIE EXCLUT EUSURE ET LE REGLAGE de produits utilises a des fins commerciales, institutionnelles, professionnelles ou lucratives. Les articles sujets _ I'usure englobent, sans s'y restreindre : les courroies, lames, pneus, bougies, filtres a air, chatnes, boulons de cisaillement, plaques de protection, barres de raclage, coupe-congeres, cordons, dents, sacs collecteurs et poulies. Etant donne que la p@iode de garantie debute a la date d'achat et NON a la date a laquelle le produit est livre, I'emballage ouvert et I'appareil assemble ou utilise la premiere fois, assurez-vous que votre produit ou composant est assemble et misa I'essai pour en v@ifier le bon fonctionnement, quel que soit le moment o5 vous prevoyez commencer I'utiliser reellement. Les reclamations presentees apres I'expiration de la garantie ne seront pas acceptees. Preuve d'achat et documents : La protection de la garantie est conditionnelle & la presentation par I'acheteur initial, & Sears Canada ou & son fournisseur de service autorise s'il y a lieu, de la facture ou de toute autre preuve d'achat appropriee indiquant la date de I'achat et designant le produit. Dans le cas o5 I'acheteur initial serait dans I'impossibilite de fournir une copie de sa facture, Sears Canada Inc. se reserve le droit d'etablir, & sa seule discretion, quelle autre preuve ecrite de la date d'achat initial et de la designation du produit est acceptable. Rev. 03/13/2009 Contrat d'entretien La Garantie Craftsman, plus un contrat d'entretien sont la meilleure protection des produits Sears. Consulter le magasin Sears le plus proche pour tous les details. 35 Le California Air Resources Board (CARB), I'U.S. EPA et Briggs & Stratton (B&S) ont le plaisir de vous expliquer la garantie du systeme de contr61e des _missions pour votre moteur/_quipement fabrique depuis 2008. En Californie, les petits moteurs neufs & usage non routier doivent _tre con£;us, fabriques et _quip6s pour repondre aux normes severes anti-effet de serre de I'Etat. B&S dolt garantir le syst_me de contr61e des emissions de votre moteur/_quipement pendant les durees indiquees ci-apres, en supposant que le moteur neuf _. usage non routier n'ait pas fait I'objet d'abus, de n_gligence ou d'un mauvais entretien. Le systeme de contr61e des emissions peut comprendre des pieces comme le carburateur ou le syst_me d'injection de carburant, le r_servoir de carburant, le syst_me d'allumage et le convertisseur catalytique. Des durites, des courroies, des connecteurs, des capteurs et d'autres assemblages impliqu_s dans les _missions peuvent aussi en faire partie. Si la condition de garantie est remplie, B&S r_parera gratuitement votre moteur/_quipement y compris le diagnostic, les pi_ces et la main-d'ceuvre. Responsabilit_s du propri_taire au titre de la garantie: En tant que proprietaire d'un moteur/_quipement, vous _tes responsable de I'entretien obligatoire mentionn_ dans le manuel d'utilisation. B&S recommande de conserver toutes les factures de maintenance de votre moteur moteur/equipement mais B&S ne peut renier la garantie uniquement _. cause de I'absence de factures ou parce que tous les entretiens n'ont pas ete effectues en temps pr_vu. En tant que proprietaire d'un moteur/equipement, vous devez n_anmoins savoir que B&S peut refuser d'appliquer la garantie si la d_fectuosit6 de votre moteur/equipement ou d'une partie de celui-ci est due & un abus, une negligence, un entretien non correct ou des modifications non approuv_es. Vous avez la responsabilit_ de confier votre moteur/_quipement _. un centre de distribution, un R_parateur Agree ou toute entite equivalente de B&S, selon la solution applicable, d_s que le probleme apparaft. Les reparations effectu_es sous garantie doivent r_tre en un temps raisonnable qui ne dolt pas exc_der trente (30) jours. Si vous avez des questions concernant vos droits et vos responsabilit_s au titre de la garantie, contactez B&S au (414) 259-5262. Couverture de la garantie du fabricant: Les petits meteurs & usage non reutier sont garantis pendant une p@iede de deux (2) ans. Si une piece li_e aux _missions de votre moteur/_quipement est defectueuse, B&S la r6parera eu la remplacera. Suivent les dispositions particulieres de la couverture de la garantie du syst_me de contr61e des _missions. Elles viennent en complement moteurs non r6glement_s qui se trouve dans le manuel d'utilisation. 1. Pi_ces relatives au contr61e des _missions garanties La couverture au titre de cette garantie ne s'etend qu'aux pi_ces enum@ees ci-dessous (celles du syst_me de contr61e des _missions) dans la mesure oQ ces pi_ces etaient presentes dans le moteur au moment de I'achat. a. Systeme de dosage du carburant Systeme d'enrichissement pour d_marrages _. froid (starter) Carburateur et pi_ces internes Pompe _.carburant Durit et raccords de carburant, colliers Reservoir de carburant, bouchon et c&ble d'attache Reservoir & charbon active b. Systeme d'admission d'air Filtre _. air Collecteur d'admission c. Systeme d'allumage Bougie(s) Systeme d'allumage d. Systeme catalytique Convertisseur catalytique Collecteur d'echappement Systeme d'injection d'air ou soupape d'impulsion Pieces diverses utilis_es dans les systemes ci-dessus Soupapes et contacteurs de depression, de temperature, dur_e La garantie sur les pieces li_es aux _missions est comme suit: Toute piece garantie dent le remplacement n'est pas prevu dans le cadre de la maintenance obligatoire indiqu_e dans le manuel d'utilisation fourni est garantie pendant la periode susmentionnee. Si cette piece se r_velait _tre d_fectueuse au cours de la periode de garantie, elle serait reparee ou remplacee par B&S sans aucun frais pour le proprietaire. La piece ainsi r_par_e ou remplac_e sera garantie pour la periode restante. Toute piece garantie dent seule une inspection r_guli@e est pr_vue dans le manuel d'utilisation fourni est garantie pendant la p@iode susmentionn_e. La piece r_par_e ou remplacee dans le cadre de la garantie sera garantie pour la p@iode restante. Toute piece garantie dent le remplacement est prevu dans le cadre de la maintenance obligatoire indiqu_e dans le manuel d'utilisation fourni est garantie pendant la periode pr_c_dant le premier remplacement pr_vu de cette piece. Si cette piece se r_v_lait _tre defectueuse avant le premier remplacement pr_vu, elle serait r_par_e ou remplac_e par B&S sans aucun frais pour le propri_taire. La piece ainsi r_paree ou remplac_e sera garantie pour la periode restante precedant le premier remplacement pr_vu de ladite piece. Conduite de vidange et de mise _. I'air e. 2. de la garantie des moteurs B&S pour les par volant magnetique Les pieces ajoutees ou modifiees qui ne sont pas exemptees par I'Air Resources Board ne peuvent @re utilisees. L'utilisation par le proprietaire de pieces ajoutees ou modifiees non exempt_es sera un motif de rejet de toute reclamation. Le fabricant ne peut en aucun cas 8tre tenu de garantir les d_faillances de pi_ces garanties dues _. rutilisation de pieces non exempt_es ajout_es ou modifi_es. Couverture des consequences de position et de La pr_sente couverture s'_tend & la d_faillance de tout composant du moteur due & la defaillance d'une piece liee aux emissions garantie. Raccords et assemblages Duree de la couverture R_clamations et exclusions de garantie Pendant une p@iode de deux (2) ans & compter de la date de rachat initial, B&S garantit _. I'acheteur initial et & chaque acheteur suivant que le moteur est con£_u, fabrique et _quip_ de maniere _._tre en conformite avec toutes les reglementations applicables adoptees par I'Air Resources Board, qu'il est exempt de tout defaut de matiere ou de construction susceptible d'entra;ner la defaillance d'une piece garantie et qu'il est mat@iellement identique en tous points au moteur decrit dans la demande de certification du fabricant. La periode de garantie d_marre & la date de I'achat initial du moteur. Les r_clamations sous garantie seront pr_sentees selon les dispositions de la police de garantie des moteurs de B&S. La garantie ne couvre pas les defaillances de pieces liees aux emissions qui ne sont pas des pi_ces B&S d'origine ou les defaillances de pi_ces qui ont fait I'objet d'abus, de n_gligence ou d'un mauvais entretien ainsi qu'indique dans la police de garantie des moteurs de B&S. B&S n'est pas tenu de couvrir la garantie des defaillances des pieces liees aux emissions dues 9. I'utilisation de pieces rajoutees ou modifiees. Les moteurs qui sont certifies conformes & la norme d'_missions du California Air Resources Board (CARB) doivent afficher I'infermatien cencernant la periede de durabilit_ des _missions et I'indice d'air. Cette information est indiquee sur les _tiquettes appos_es sur les moteurs par Briggs & Stratton. L'etiquette du moteur indique les informations de certification. Les moteurs Briggs & Stratton sont certifies conformes aux normes environnementales d'emissions de la United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Phase 2. Pour les moteurs certifies Phase 2, la periode de conformite d'_missions mentionnee sur les etiquettes indique le nombre d'heures d'utilisation pour lequel le moteur est en conformite avec les normes fed@ales. La p@iode de durabilit_ dee _mieeions indique le nombre d'heures d'utilisation normale pour lequel le moteur est certifi_ conforme aux normes d'emissions sous r_serve d'un entretien approprie tel qu'indiqu_ dans le manuel d'utilisation et d'entretien. Les categories suivantes sont utilisees: Modern: le moteur est certifie conforme pour 125heures d'utilisation normale. Interm_diaire: le moteur est certifie conforme pour 250heures d'utilisation normale. I_tendu: Pour les moteurs de cylindr_e inf@ieure _. 225cm3. Categorie C = 125heures, categorie B = 250heures et cat_gorie A = 500heures. Pour les moteurs de plus de 225cm3. Categorie C = 250heures, categorie B = 500heures et cat_gorie A = 1000heures. le meteur est certifie conferme pour 500heures d'utilisation nermale. Par exemple, une tendeuse _.conducteur marchant classique est utilisee 20 & 25heures par an. Par consequent, la p_riode de durabilit_ des _missione d'un moteur de cat_gorie interm_diaire _quivaudrait _. une douzaine d'ann_es. 36 CARACT -R/ST/QUESTECHNIQUES iViOTEUR: Marque Briggs & Stratton S_ries du module S@ieneige Couple de serrage brut* 13,50 T.R @3060 rpm Type 4-Cycle - 0HV Cylindric 305 cc (15,26 po3) D_marrage du syst_me Alternateur Lanceur electrique 110V 60W CA I':'cartement des _lectrodes 8ougie _ r6sistance 0,76 mm (0,030 in.) 491055 Bougieen platine Iongue dur6e 5066 Capacit_ d'huile 0,83 litre (28 oz) Mineral 5W30 Liquide hydraulique Volumedu r6servoir de carburant Dispositif d'allumage 2,8 litres (3,0 qts) Cedispositif d'allumage par etincelle est conforme 9 la norme canadienneICEA-002. TARIERE/TURBINE • Largeurde 06gagement Hauteur d'entr_e 68,6 cm (27 po) Diam_tre de la tari_re/turbine 30,5 cm (12 po) 3 Hombre de lames de tari_re 53,3 cm (21 po) GOULOTTE: D_flecteur de goulotte Manuel Rotationde la goulotte Manivelle _ gauche 190° (tour 3,5) SYSTEMED'ENTRAJNElViENT • Typed'entraTnement Disque de friction - Goupille de verrouillage de traction Vitessesd'entra'inement 6 vitesses marche avant, 2 vitesses marche arri@e Dimensionsdes pneus 41 x 12,2 cm (16 x 4,8) Gonfiagedes phons 0,96 bar (14 psi) Inforrnations concernantla puissanceth_oriquedu moteur *La puissance brute pour chaque Mo@le de moteur _ essenceest indiqu@ conformement au code 31940 (procedure de calcul de ia puissance et du couple des petits moteurs) de la SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) et les performances theoriques ont ete obtenues et corrig@s selon SAE J1995 (revision 2002-05). Les valeurs de couple sont calcul@s sur la base de 3060 tr/min et celles de puissance sur la basede 3600 tr/min. La puissance brute reelle du moteur peut etre plus faible notamment _ cause des conditions de fonctionnement et des variations d'un moteur 9 I'autre. Compte tenu de la grande variete de machines sur lesquelles nos moteurs sont utilises et du nombre de problemes environnementaux applicables au fonctionnement des equipements, il se peut que le moteur _ essencene d@eloppe pas sa puissancetheorique une fois qu'il est monte dans une machine particuli@e(puissance nette ou reelle < >). Cette difference s'explique par un grand nombre de facteurs, tels que les suivants (liste non limitative) : accessoires (filtre _ air, echappement, admission, refroidissement, carburateur, pompe 9 essence,etc.), limites d'utilisation, conditions ambiantes d'utilisation (temperature, humidite, altitude) et variations d'un moteur _ I'autre. Pour des raisons de fabrication et de capacite limit@s, Briggs & Stratton est susceptible de remplacer ce Mo@le par un moteur plus puissant. 37 Your Home For expert troubleshooting and home solutions advice: home manage For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. For Sears professional installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water heaters. 1-800-4-MY-HOME ® (1-800-469-4663) Call anytime, day or night (U.S.A. and Canada) www.sears.corn Our Home For repair of carry-in items like vacuums, lawn equipment, and electronics, call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts & Repair Service 1-800-488-1222 (U.S.A.) 1-800-469-4663 To purchase a protection 1-800-827-6655 agreement on a product (U.S.A.) y para ordenar (Canada) serviced 1-800-361-6665 Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio, Center by Sears: (Canada) Au Canada pour service en fran_ais: 1-800-LE-FOYER piezas: 1-888-S U-H OGAR ® Mc (1-800-533-6937) (1-888-784-6427) ® Registered Trademark / TMTrademark / SMService Mark of Sears Brands, LLC ® Marca Registrada / TM Marca de F&brica / SM Marca de Servicio de Sears Brands, MC Marque de commerce / MD Marque d6pos6e de Sears Brands, LLC LLC © Sears Brands, LLC
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