User Manual

Document ID2066189
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Date Submitted2013-09-09 00:00:00
Date Available2013-09-09 00:00:00
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Document Title영문 메뉴얼 최종_0826_1
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CHORD MS 531::
Wireless Headphones wnn Actwe Nowse Canceumg
Owner‘s gulde/ Guide de \‘ulmsaleur / Gm’a para 2‘ usuano/
Bedwenungsan‘euung / Aygx} 3M1 A1 / >l¥+~ 1‘7] 1’ F / H/‘ a“: +1
Thank you Iov purchasmg PHIATON® MS 530
, FIease check aH 0! me warmngs and Holmes m We ownev's gmde belore usmg me producI.
, PIease IoIIow we dwecnons, and read the gmdehnes cavelulIy beIove use
IPIease, keep me uwner‘s guwde «w your I‘qure veIevence)
- Some (unctlans OI MS 530 may not be avawlahIe when Ihe MS 530 IS paved wwlh ceflam devices
I) Use a stahoero use chavgmg came (\nc‘uded), wtth or wtthout a chargmg adaptor (5v, over EDDmA)
2) Lower the uptume phor to hslemng to audm to prevent potenttat damage to eardrums caused by
Sudden \oud sound.
a) Ltstemhg to loud mush: lor extended permds cl Hme may cause heavmg damage.
4) Do hot store the dewce m ptaces mm a temperature htgher thah 113 Degrees F / 45 degrees c.
5) Keep the pevtce dry
v the oewce becomes wet, mm the power on, ory the dewce wtth a dry towet aho contact Pmalan
Customer Sermce tor an thspeettoh(Fer mere \Marmahon reter to the contact us page wtthm our
wepstte a phlalon com).
5) Do hot attempt to msassemble‘ rhodtty or repair the devme.
7) Do hot cause shock to the devme.
8) Keep out at the reach cl cmldven and pets
9) DD hottug on cards or touch power ptugs wflh wet hands
mt D0 not use the oevtoe hearpy mtcmwave pvehs pr wtretess LAN adaptors
11) Wheh the product s not bemg useo, set the demos powerswuch to 'OFF'.
‘2) When stonng the headphones ptaee the devuce w.thm the proutdeo pouch.
13) wnen c‘eamng the headphones, use a clean dry (2‘00! m wlpe «ne dewce clean
[DO not use solvents)
my wnen smnng me headphones me ear pads may become damaged due ‘0 sweat, morsmre and
makeup on me ear pads Use a sngnny we! wwe‘ or nssue and wrpe (he devme beVove slovmg
‘5’ wrydur ear pads have been used condo \ong, vep‘acement ear pads can be purenased lmm
Phlaton CustomerSeMce
16) Use wnne dnwng urwa‘kmg wm prevent umswde nmse sucn as sugna‘s ara‘arms, «rem bemg
neard and may be dangerdus m yourseuand olhers Heed cauhon dunng use.
V Use the neadpnones only lor Ks mended purposes.
- ans dewce cannot be used lor purposes relaued m human saVety as u may cause vadlo rn‘enerence
duvlng operauon
z? \
CHORD MS 530 Carrmg Case Warmmy cm
Mu: Came MW usa Came Amn Adamm
Ownev's Gmd:
Head mu
Vawev mun usa Carnechun For!
Nmse Cancequ Bunch
oN/OFF Bunch mm mm 3 5mm Audm Jack
u As shown m the hgure, amusl me hand length to cammame m on your head.
(The R and L dwsplayed on me Innersude o! the headphones whom we Highland Len posmons)
2) As shown mhenome,1omhe headphones and pace wnmn we provided pouch tor storage.
1»: device is not charged upon pachase and must first be charged belore use.
00th «he USE cover ue
uss charging cable
oh the headphone (CHORD MS 530) and named the pmmded
2) Connect the umwded uss chargmg came wuh a computer (\aplop) ar you may a‘sa use a
separamy purchased uss adapmr (mung: 5V/over SflDmA] m begm chargmg.
, Tms dew» \s equipped WM a baflery and WM au‘omahcaHy Dhavg: me: a chargmg came ‘3 conned»
sm- LE) halo-m
Chnmmg m ham
Chavqwgcampmc B‘uchgm
x aauaw use nme
Nuh- m m Ml-b ammu-
o-uw M'lh- 'Wlhlo w: nu.
0» Max 29 how: Max 3n hum: Max 930 how:
ON Mix a hows Max 1: hours Max as hours
, m Charge m. 2 5 ham
u s and
x rha above “mes may dmnv dcpcnqu ah mu cnwmnmcm m wmch
1) Power oN/oFF
, Press and he‘d «he POWER buuan-im «we seconds (0
mm the power on
, When mmlng me power 001. press and he‘d me POWER bunon
-Iov mvee seconds to mm on
sm- W La: mm mm
Pvcss m mm m nowcv am “gm 'Amsnn
0“ mm," my 7 “and: 191‘ xzcand POWER 0N
pm m m n. m" N ‘ m S S W“
0" mm" rm: moms “ ‘9'“ m k ‘ POWER 0"
x um WWW m: mm, mm mud: Wm sun mm: m, puwav ‘5 mm on my on «m hm:
2) Connection Waiting Mode
, When puwer \S finned un‘ ‘Cunnectmn Wamng mude' WI“ Start \l ‘Pamng Mude' cannot be emered
O! the headphones cannot connect Wllh ‘Bluelaom devwce‘
, H the ‘E‘uemokh‘ devwce ‘5 not connected w‘lhm 5 mmules In Connecuon Wamng Mode‘
me headphones wm be amomancauy lumed 0".
saw- an mm
Cunnechon Wimng Made am by?“ mm «me n s Secund m‘evva‘s
1) Pamng ,7 ,
- Turn on (he Bmemoth ieamre win the ‘Blueloolh Dewce'
you want «0 connect wuh the headphones
, Mace (he headphones wnhm 3 (es: loe ‘Bmewo‘h
Dewce' you want to connect
, Press and hold the CALL bunon Icy over 3
seconds wwth «he headphone powev an to enter
ovum LE) Indem- vase. sum
Em and yea hgm Vawng Mud:
”mg ”m amen-my mm Rem/Med
, wumn me ‘E‘ueluum Dewce‘ you wantlu connect, search/sweat ‘CHORD MS 5311'
X u the "Bluemom device" veqmres a PM CODE or password enter ‘nuuo'
, May muswc or cannem a Ca“ mm the Headphones, check me cunnecnon
W LED mm Volu- mud-u:-
Conncchun gumsw my; hghf mmks Mm Dcmce Connected
2) He-donnectitg a Disconnected Device
m Ame ocnnecttcn
, once the deytce has ceen patred wtth a Btuetcctn deytce tt wtu automattcauy be ccnnected
to a preutously connected deytce once the headphone power ts turned on
It Btuetooth becomes dtsconnected as the dtsccver range between the atuetocth devtce and
he headphones ts exceeded, then Btuetooth wtu not be automattcauy reconnected
When you are back wtthtn the dtsccver range tao teet), you must then connect manuaHy
(2) Manuat Cunnecnun , When havmg entered ‘Conneclton Watttng Mude' dunng ccnnecttcn
, Press the CALL button crthe Muttttuncttcn button (E) on the headphone to
connect The headphone wtu atso be connected rt you select 'CHORD MS 530' trcrn the
deutce search Itst wtthth your ‘Bme‘ooth Deutce‘
s) checkpoima upon Pairing
, Check to see whether the Btuetecth reature ts acttvated wtthtn the ‘Bluetoam Devtce‘ ycu want
tc connect
- wnen setecttno the connectton deytce. connect by setecttng stereo headset deytce.
Mustc cannot be mayed when connected through rncno headset.
x m order «a propeny use [he Emezoom mature 0' (ms headsa [he prome (AEDP HSP, HFP and AVRCP) m
the ‘B‘uemcm Devme‘ you are (rymg lo canned mm suppcrl the prams m (ms hesdphcne
. Asz 7 ’Advanced Audio Dmnbuhan Pram: ‘, HSP 7 Headsm Pmme' HFP 7 Heneme Pmfle",
AVRCP 7 ' Audm/‘fideo heme Comm Pveme‘
The headphones wwll not opala‘e empeny n «he pmMes ave nm supponad equaHy. Even when the waffles aye
sumwflsd squaHy. some Vamuvas may nm mapeny apevau espenemg en the ‘amemmh devlce‘s specmcanens
To check «he «an specmcannns 01 (ms headphones meme, reqer m w 5 7 Pmducx Specmcauons‘
1) What is 'Multi-Po'm Connecfion")
Tms ‘5 a Veamre wheve the headphone user can
swmmlaneous‘y cahhecx two ‘Bmemolh dewces‘.
2) Mum-Pam Cnnnadlng
, Tum oh me B‘ue‘oom Veamve wmhm me (we ‘Bmetomh
Dewces‘ you way“ Io connect wmh me headphones
, R9127 «o ‘77Palvlng‘ lo paw me my dewce win
the headphones
, Press and he‘d me CALL hunan agam (o emer
Pamng Made (Here‘ (he hm demos becomes
, Once ‘Pamng Mode‘ has been emeved‘ pamhe second dewce
, Rarconnecl the first devlce Now, both of the dev‘ces wwH
remam connected.
>< Sleep Made wm be emerea when dewces are not connected wnmn two mmules wnen (rymg to
connect a dewce whHe m S‘eep Mode, pressmg any button le verenler Conneouon Wamng Made
where connecuon Is passwb‘e
x wnen me neadpnone power ‘5 mmed 0“ and back on only me second paned dewce wm aummaucauy
be connected wnen me first paned dewce Is Veconnecked, then mm 0! We dewces le remam
3) What Is 'Ama Mada")
Thws \s a mode used m aummaucauy verconnec‘ bow
pvev-ously connected ‘E‘ue‘ooth Dewces‘ when me power
‘5 «men an and back on
A) Uslng Ame Mada
, wmmn Pamng Made, push «he Mummncuon mmon
m (A dvecllon (In 3 seconds m mm on Am Mode. 3 second In
, N you push me Mumlunchon bunon [Em (a dwecuon m median
my 3 seconds agam. then Auto Made mm mm off and much —
:0 Manual Mode
W Van:- Gnu-m
Ame Mode On
Manua‘ Mode 0"
x Upon Monwo‘m Connecnon, Me features ooemeo wmnm me neaoonones usuaHy
opevate wwthm me second pawed device (wnen usmg the firs! paved devme, m ‘5 possm‘e lo ooeme
me oewce 1mm We headphone)
>< wnen usmg mum-pawl connechng. (he uvder a! «ne paved dewces may cnange. To change we ordev,
reconnect «ne demos you usuaHy use
x m avdev «a pyopeny use me axuaoom lemme ov «ms headset me moms (AZDP, HsP, HFP and AVRCP) a!
me ‘Bmewmh Dewce‘ you are Irymg (a comet! mus! suppon me prams av «ms headphone
~ A2DP , Advanced Audm stmhmmn Pmme‘ HSP u Headse‘ Pmme" aw , nenoeoyee Prama“,
AVRCP , ~ Acmemoee Remale Carmel PmMe"
The neaopnenes wm nm Opera‘s: properly w (he pmNes are Hm supponed eooauy Even wnen me pvofiles are
supponed equaHy‘ some iaamvas may nox ovooeny operme dependmg on me ‘ameroom dewce‘s specmcauons
To check me gem specmcahons c! “we headphone: meme reder (o “5 , onfluct soecmcanons‘.
1) wnan is Noise Cancelling’l
Nalse Cancelllng relers in aleennelugylnal reduces nalse lrom
«nu/low pllched sounds under mm.
2) Turning Noise Cancellilg Feamve On/Oll
- Pusnlng me NC button :0: inwards lON) alrecllon wlll lurn
Nolse Cancelllng 0N wnlle pushlng lne bmmn towards (OFF)
wlll dlsconllnue Nolse Cancelllng
Over-nan NC Indlml (LB)?
NomeCaanlng 0N elm llgmmmsorl
a) Cautions upon using Noise Cancelling lealure
- Nulse Cancelling cannol be used when lne lne ballery lS complelely dralned
, Use wnile drlvlng orwalkmg wnl pvevem omslde nolse, such as slgnals oralarms, lrom belng
neard and may be dangerous in yourselland omers Heed camlon during use.
, Nolse Cancelling l5 opurmzeu lor mechanlcal nolses lrom alvplanes, buses. and subway lra-ns
and ls not vequlved lor use wnnm quiel lmerlov environmems
1) Playing Music
, SthIy press me Mummncuon mmflfl music hum
me ‘EIuetoom Dewce‘.
, wmxe muswc I5 playmg‘ shomy press me Mmuvuncuon human
(E) m pause the pIaymg mum. The musu: wm be pIayed
from me paused new when playmg muslc agam.
, wmxe muswc IS playmg pvessmg and holdmg me Mulumncnon
[when I‘m one secund wm slap the pIaymg musk: The
muslc wm be pIayed from me man when pIaymg muswc agam
x The Slop mum may run be supponed depending on your ‘Bluemclh Devwce‘.
2) Commlling Volume and Using Seek
, Push (he Mummncnon buuon E) m w / 4 unecuons m
comm we volume
- Push and mm the Mmmuncuon mm + / -
dlreclmns vor abam nne second m 99 m the next/ prewous
, Push and hold me Mummncuon buflon m ‘+ / 7‘
dlvecuons m fasHmwam / vewmd me cunem song
ovum LED mam
WMe musk; ‘s maqu anus mm s‘ow‘y bunks averv 6 seconds
‘ Muswc can be hstened to through the headphones by dwectly operahng your ‘Bmetoom dewce‘
‘ When we bauery \s commme‘y dramed. you can cannem (he pmwdefl audm came m connnue
1) Accepmg a call while Playing Music
- when me mcammg caH Iane Is heard through me headphones
press the CALL huuon.-The muswc wm be paused and
me caII Is connected.
, Onceme calI has ended. pvess‘he CALL bulmn m
tevmlnaIe the caII Once we caII IS levmmaled, the paused
music wm pIay again
2) Maklng a Call whlle Plnylng Mush:
, wmwe pIaymg musm, press and how the CALL bufion
I07 abom I second to pause me muswc and connect wwlh me
most recent number
x'rms Ieamve may snghuy dlflerdepenmng on you! ‘BIuemoIh Devuce‘.
u Aocemlng aCall
- When «he Incommg can Lane ‘5 heard through me headphones
press the CALL buuon -(Ad1usnng Can Vmume: lo
mum the ca“ vo‘ume‘ push (he Mummhcnoh bufion E)
h u / J dwecuons).
2) Bldlng a Call
- Wmle an a mu, shcnly pressmg the CALL much
la and (he ca“
3) Rajming no."
, When We mcommg ca” (one ‘5 N3an through We headphones
press and mm m: CALL bufion (or about 1 second
(The ‘CaH Ignored‘ vmce gmdance ‘5 prowded and (he mcommg
ca“ ‘5 veleued).
4) Turning Mule onlon
, Whfle cm a Ca“ push me Mmtwuncnan bufion m U mvecmm iarabaut 1 second to mute
sound. To mm back on, push me buuon agam m - mrecnon my abouH second.
5) Maklng a CIII
, Hess and mm the CALL buucn-lor abouH second. The ‘Redlalmg‘ vmce guldance \s
pvovlded and a can ‘5 connected mm me most recem numbev
mes feature may shthy away dependmg on your ‘Blueloom Dewce‘.
6) Call Waning (supported only when havlng appllad lav mls service
with your mm." pmvldat). lWhan there Is another hcomhg
call whlle on . all.
, Press and mid \he CALL bmcon- (Graham ‘ second
(a mace We currem cam on Ca“ wamng and canned W; Second
caH (Press the CALL bmmn agam «or abom 1 second to
swwtch between the waltlng Ca“ and connected caH)
- snomy press the CALL hullon to and me cunem Ca“
and connect «ne second ca“.
7} < by Valce (supponad wlmln moblle phnnes mm :uppon
ma voice command lemurs).
, Wmle wamng or \Islenmg muswc, shomy press the CALL bunon
a) Switcmng between me Dewce and Mamie Phone
, To swucn the ca“ 1mm mohwle pnone to me headphone snomy press me CALL button twuce
LED Indlm
\ncommg BeH/Omgomg BeH
pwme mm bunks m ‘5 second \Merva‘s
nunng CaH
awe mam s‘ow‘y bhnks every 5 seconds
wnsn «nave ave Mo caus cemented
Puvp‘e ngnc s‘uw‘y bhnks every 6 seconds
1) Checklng Remalnlng Bunny
, w-m me powevon shomy pvess‘he Power bmton-
mace Io dwsp‘aythe remammg baflery mdwcamv (LED)
, ForApp‘e ‘os versmn 5 or above, the remammg banery \s
dismayed at me (up ngm swde cl «he screen
Rum-um Lav-um van-Gum
()1:va BM: hgm mm: up m < second mm mu
um ~ 30% Mae Ham mm: W mm :econd Bauery ‘5 modem:
WNW nee hgm haw; up mm mm Emery ‘5 Low
my,“ Redhgmhgmsup’ofl second em M a, c
andmcawmwmmunu ”‘ R ” 9
- The Bauery Check reeme wm not operate wmle me neuery \s bemg charged
> When we battery charge .5 under 3% me a‘avm wm sound u use .5 ccnhnued fiov severa‘ mmmes me
battery wm be camp‘emly dramem the ‘Power ow vmce gmdance .s pmwdefl and me pnwev wm
automaucauy (um off.
' When We baflery ‘5 complemy dramed, the ‘Powev Ofl‘ vmce gmdance \S provlded and me power
wm amomancauy Ium OH
2) Aciivaling/Deamivating me LED Inaicamr
, Tm headphone \S eqmpped wwlh an \ndwcalor that shows aperamg
features m prowde Infarmauon on operaung slates.
, WM ressmg the CALL buuon -. push the Mummncnan bunon
mrecuon {or about 3 seconds m deamivme me mdmamr
(LED) man shows operalmg smes To acllva‘e agam‘ push me Mmumncnon
butlan m dwecllun far about 3 seconds wm‘e pvessmg me CALL bunun
W Lam mum
mm LED mspuy Jhc LED szxcd vmctgmdanccxspmvdcd
«my w ‘3 , xwra‘ .mm Ls pmwdea am):
(Waugh m mammwg 1 ca“ Wm: thng
man; w my . D!“ u «gamma.
Deac'mgve Bhnk rm LEDDnclv vmmgmdancnxpmvmm
,owm . \‘s‘gna‘amn‘xpmwamnncc
mm» m. mum": um . clH mm p‘l‘fmg
mm: and mm a ca“ \scwdcd/mnneucd
3) BIabllng/Dlsahlhg voloe Guldanoe
- wumn ‘Pamng Mode‘, pressmg the Mummncuen buuen
(or about 3 secands wm enable
vmce gmdance and provme gmdance when skamng vamus memes we VOICE (mus teams may
nm be supponeu \mmemam‘y aner endmg/Connecung a cam
, wnmn ‘Pamng Mode‘, agam pressmg the Mumvuncuon bunon
dwsable vmce gmdance
Vome Gmdance Acnvanon
Vmce PmmmAcwaled
Vome Guidance Deamwauon
Vowce Fromm Deacmm
(or abou‘ 3 seconds wm
‘ Upon (ac‘ory smpmem, (he vowce gmdance Veamre ‘5 enabled by devaun.
' Once the wee gmdance (same ‘5 msabled, me VoHowIng swgnal tones are prowded m mace oi
vowce gmdance
Our-flan Vela cum-m.
Power owoa
Pairing Mode
Mumpamt Connection Auko Mode ONION
LED \ndmmov Aclwaled/Deaclwaled
Incommg Can rejecked
Mute (DH/OWK
O. 2' l.
. ,(rasq‘
4) Resenlng the Devlce
- Ta resek m (actory semngs, push me Can and may mmon «or 5 seconds sumuuaneous‘y
whHe m the Pa ng Made.
0mm Shh
Pamng mvovmauon mmanzmn
Vome Gwdance 0N
Mum Pam Cunnectlun Ann: Med: OFF
LED mammal ON
1) This headphone cah a‘so be used 2) EVEN whEh usmg mm 3 came cohhemed,
wmh the cable cahheued as shoWh «he mlcrophohe and most other ventures
m met-guys. wIH operate.
. ‘ e
E Musv: chum
h pu w
l l :7 7:1
x Wheh cohhecxeu due to banery mschavge,
nnly (he musm and phone matures are
, Dvwev Um a: M) mm Dnver Um:
- Sensmvuy mm as
- Frequency Response: 15 Hz « 25 KHZ
, Impedance: 32 Q
, Max. Input Power: 1.000 mW
, CabIe Lengm- I 5 m
, Wegm a 64 In man 9 Iwmnum Came)
, 0mm Power Power CIass 2
- Max. Cammumcauon Range DwscovembIe wumn 10 m
, FuII Chargmg Tune: 2 5 Home
, Can TIme (NC on / um: 17 Hours/ 29 Hours
, Muswc PIay Time (NC on / any 13 Hours /30 Hours
, Standby Tune (NC on mm 49 Hours/ 950 Hours
, Opevalmg Frequency 2 4 GHz 12 402GH1 , 2 ASDGHI)
- Emeloom onflle Suppom HFP w.s/ HSP vm IAZDP v1.2 /AVRCP v1.6
, Audlc Codec : SBC‘ APTVX®
, Battery - Lithium Po‘ymer DC 3 7V/52u mA
, chrophcme Fvequency Range 10 V 400qu
- chmphane Sensmvlly -42 ca
, Suppnn Echo Cancenauon and TaM Nmse: cvc Sammn
, Opevamg Temperamre: 5 ~ 45‘C
' The Specmcanuns are subject in change wwthout [may notice Var quahly mpmvemem
The power does not
rChavge the flame: I! the pawer doc: het mm eh eyeh evter chavgmg
eahuet phteteh Cuslnmar Serytee
The devtce does not
rcheck whether the use chargmg eeete has been property eehneetee wtm the dawn:
rcheck whether the PC puwer ts art and mm tt has been ereperty eehheetee
rWhen mtg e separnmy purchased use AC meter check (a see mm t has been
ereperty cemented
The devtces does not
rChack whetherthe puwav er the ‘B‘uehmm ueytee‘ ymt went (a cehheet e eh
rcheck whetherthe muetoorh teeture wttthh the ‘R‘uemom Devtce‘ you wan! to
eehheet e eheetea
rcheck whetherthe ‘Rmetcom Devtce‘ you war“ In comvecx ts wtmm the supported vange
tpetrthg ts suvpanefl ehty when wtthth 3 fl]
rcheck whetherthe muetoorh prohte WMWV the ‘R‘uemom Devtce‘ e compaub‘e
Mush: cannm be ptayeu
rCheck whether the power at the devtce and ‘E‘uetooth Devtce‘ e on
Jim“ whether mustc ts new; ptayea wtthm the connected ‘Ememoth Devtce‘
rCheck whether the votume wtthth the connected ‘Emeloom Devme‘ ts tow.
rWhen usmg an eXleflSKm Gordy check to see that the mug ts property connected
Nmse \s heard or
the sound wags
, Check whether men \s ah e‘emvomc devme usmg (he 2 AGHz qyequency band
nearby We came am amazed ‘Bmmmh newce‘
, check whethar me conneded ‘Bmemmh Dewce‘ ‘5 «av away hem W5 dEWcE.
(max commumcanon range. WNN" 30 (est)
The musm sound qunhty
‘5 low
, n (he ‘amuomh Devme‘ you are (rymg m canned wwh (his news: ‘5 amassed
m HSP‘ Chang: the access m AZDP
The amer pany cahhm
be heard whHe oh 3 can
, Check whemer m: power m the ‘E‘uelomh Devlce‘ you want «a comma \s an
, Access B‘uemom \hwugh HFP or HSP.
, chm whemgr «h; vomme wwhm We commend ‘B‘uewolh Devlce‘ ws \ow
omwe nmse ‘s m mgh
m no| reduce:
, Check whemev Nmse Canceumg ‘5 “Armed OH.
, check whemev the headphones are wohv pmpehy
(Noise w m I35 mommy vaduced n We eav pads are my pvopeny wom on
we Ears).
The LED \ndlcmor does
run cperale
, Check mum m LED mummy ieamve has been EON/med
(The LED mmcatov Veamve can be acnvated by amuuamusxy pressmg we
CALL mm and Mumflmcnon Eunon'url mom
Pmdum does um Opera“:
av Dperahun has s|0PP=d
, Open m: USE cover and use a pm \o press the Resel hole heated on the
mm m we usa connecmr
, Power wm mm on once m R259! mm ‘5 passed
, Famng mmrmnflon ‘s m named even when m dame: .s resal
17. FCC compliance Information
m; dewee (omphe: mm pm ‘5 MKC Ru‘ex Operauon u xumeu m memlowmg (we (ondmom
(1mm dewce my noK cme huva \Neflereme And [2) ml: dewe mm nccem my meflevence
Reeewea, mdudlng Intevfevanzetha‘ my muse undexlvad upevaunn
Inimmau‘omome my
~ng This eqmpmem ha: been \exted and mm m (amp‘y mm mum a (‘33: B Wm dewca,
pumamm pan ‘ s onhe FC( We; Wage hmux are dengned m prowde yeaxoname momma" agamxl
Havmful Imen‘evenze m a vexldemm mmuenon Tm: eqmpmem genevuex, me and m udme vadm
Fvequemy enevgy and, w m mxtaHed and “Sea m azzuvdarwe wnh me mmenm, may ewe mm:
\Mefleveme w yamo (ommumtauon: However. (have u no guaramee max mxewuenee wm no! mm m a
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