Cubic Communications CTX-5000 CTX-5000 (5 KW) SOLID STATE TRANSMITTER User Manual PA 5050A
Cubic Communications Inc CTX-5000 (5 KW) SOLID STATE TRANSMITTER PA 5050A
- 1. CTX 5000
- 2. T 4180
- 3. PA 5050A
PA 5050A
TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS OPERATIONAL LEVEL POWER AMPLIFIER, 1KW MF - HF PA-5050A (FCC VERSION) ® Cubvc Commumcilvans. Inc 9535 Waples SIIeeI San Dwego. Calilovma 92I2|~2953 Teleuhune (SIS) 643-5300 Telelax' (619) 543-5803 Manual Pan Nc 2241~|DZ|~3 15 April 1998 ©CUBIC¢ COMMUNICATIONS PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL ”mm-u». mew-n... hMWfl-‘m- RECORD OF CHANGES rCHANGE L DATE ‘, TITLE OF BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS ENTERED BY 1 I— ©CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIQN5 PA-SDSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mmmmm. Clinic Carpal-nonhmuyolmpbml FOREWORD SCOPE This manual contains infomation for the installer and operator to obtain best performance from the PA»5050A. The information includes: a general description. preparation for use and installation instmctions, operating instructions, general theory of operation, maintenance instructions, preparation for reshipment, and parts list. Component level maintenance is not included in this manual, Component level maintenance should be performed in the designated maintenance depot or the factory. WARNING Do not apply power to the equipment until the installation procedures in Chapter 2 have been successfully completed. PROPRIETARY DATA The information in this manual is the property ofCubic Communications Incorporated. Disclosure to a third party, either wholly or in part, without written consent from Cubic Communications Incorporated is prohibited. CORRECTION NOTICE The information in this manual is believed correct at publication date. Ifa difference is noted between the information in this manual and the equipment, contact the factory for clarification. Current and future editions will be corrected as necessary. RIGHTS RESERVED Cubic Communications Incorporated reserves the right to change the specifications. design. and fabrication methods of equipment at any time without notice. RIGHTS RESERVED The PA-SOSDA when use With the PS-7130A and T—4150/80-9 comprises the CTX-1000 System, Th|s system is FCC certified for aeronautical base station usage FCC identification number is NVSCTX-iOOO. ©CUBIC-COMMUNICATION5 PA-SOSDA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mlmncru/M- Cum: Cmnlhnl‘mdyolnmpmrn mm gum. m, 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ....... 1-1 INTRODUCTION. ............ 1-3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION , 1-3 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED , 1-4 STORAGE DATA ........... 1-5 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT 1 1—6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .......... 2 PREPARATION FOR USE AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............... 2 I INTRODUCTION, . 2 2 UNPACKING AND IN 2-3 INSTALLATION .. . 2 4 2 5 CONNECTIONS .. . . INITIAL ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES ,. . ._-7 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................... 34 INTRODUCTION . 3 1 3-3 OPERATION ..... 3 3 EMERGENCY OPERATION ,.. 4 GENERAL THEORY OF OPERATION .................................................... 4»! A-I INTRODUCTION ............................. 4~2 GENERAL THEORY OF OPERATION . 4~2.I Power Dig/ribulion .. A 7.2 g ergI/er Bnard . 15 I v ......... Filler Driver BQard . 13 A . .5 AIlenualor/Pre-Qriver Board . .6 PA Driver adu . ,7 18 .9 .I .I [I [in r Mode: Ed Modulg ...... g omhmer Mgdule . 0 [ngfl: Fillgr Egan! . l Br-Dlregligna/ gqulzlgr . . . uwmt';1‘41buwu—~_— Lsz-Lt‘bbJ-LL uuuuuuuu auggapzlauaspr—zg 5 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ............................ uv Section I. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ,1.. 5 I INTRODUCTION .................. 5 Z CLEANING AND LUBRICATION .. 5-3 INSPECTION ................. . . 5 4 PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION ................. mummm Section II. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE .. 5-5 TROUBLESHOOTING ............ ' ' I Troublexhggzling Philgmghy Trmlhlesllogling Procedure . 1 Fault [den/illcalion . . . . 2 Inmal her/(s . .. . v. PA Pgwer Chm/q uni/vu»L/|\)|ljllli 14 u uuuw 1.) ©cua|c. COMMUNICATIONS PAGOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL . mum-n. cum Wm haw-(Mm. L F NT C in has 3.1 m v ...... 3.2chle . 3.3 _( glitzrglign , . . . 4 Val/am gntinui/y gzhgclg . umv-v-u- -5 -5. ~5. -5. -5. 6 PREPARATION FOR RESHIPMENT 6- I INTRODUCTION 6-2 DISASSEMBLY AND REMOVAL , 6-3 PACKAGING ,.. 6-4 SHIPPING ...... 7 STORAGE ............................................................................. 7-I 7—1 INTRODUCTION ............ . 7»I 7-2 STORAGE ENVIRONMENT _ 7.1 7-3 PRESERVATION .......... I 7—I 8 PARTS LIST ........................................................................... 8-1 8-1 INTRODUCTION ........................ . 8-1 8-2 REPLACEABLE PARTS LISTING ........... , S-I APPENDIX A: REMOTE CONTROL CABLE . A-I A-l INTRODUCTION . . . A-I A-2 DRAWING ....... . A-I ©cualc. COMMUNICATIONS PA—5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL ”MWMMMWNWW. LI 0 1 ST Tl N n m. a” 1-1 PA-SOSOA Front View . 1-2 Z-l PA-SOSOA Rear Panel A. 2.3 3-1 PA-SOSOA Front Panel Controls and Indicators , 4 4 . . 3-2 F0~l PA-SOSOA Outline and Mounting Drawing 4 . , Fp,| FO-2 PA-SOSOA Block Diagram ........ ' pp_3 170-3 PA-SOSOA Interconnect Diagram . . . Fp_5 F0-4 PA-SOSDA Replaceable Parts Locator Diagram t . . , FP-7 LIST OF TABLES l-l PA-SOSOA Specifications 4.. . 13 1-2 Items Fumished and Required . . 1.4 1-3 Recommended Tools and Test Equipment (Or Equivalent) . 1-4 2-1 Rear Panel Connections . 2,2 2-2 DC POWER (13) Pin Descriptions 4 A 2-4 2-3 SIGNAL (14) Pin Descriptions 4 . . . . 2-5 2-4 REMOTE CONTROL (IS) Pin Descriptions . . 2-6 3-1 Front Panel Controls and Indicators ......... . 3-1 3-2 PA-SOSOA Serial Bus Command and Status Messages ....... 3-3 5-1 Front Panel LED Interpretation. 4 5-3 8-l Replaceable Parts List .......... 8-1 iv ©CUEIC- COMMUNICATIONS PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL . "mum. em emf-mum, ole-mum. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1—1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains a description ofthe equipment supplied, equipment required but not supplied. storage data. and recommended tools and test equipment. 1-2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION. The PA~5050A linear power amplifier (figure 1-1) is asolid stale unit that power amplifier (PA) modules lfone or more ofthe PA modules fail, the unit will still operate with reduced power out. The front panel contains a PWR LED with each PA module eonlaining an individual PWR and FLT LED. and a multifunction display. Input power In the PA»5050A is derived from a separate 728V DC power supply providing five separate *28V DC outputs. Tne CCI PS-7l30A meets this requirement and is recommended for optimum The rear panel contains connectors for the transmitter/exciter low power RF input, high power RF output to the antenna, remote conrrol input. DC power and signal input, and a ground lug. Four internal fans per PA module provide cooling across the heatsink ofthe unit. Refer to table H for specifications ofthe equipment. 1-3 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED. Table l-Z lists the items furnished, items required but not supplied. and optional items. 14 STORAGE DATA. Refer to Chapter 7 for storage data. 1-5 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT. Table I-3 lists recommended tools and test equipment for operational level maintenance. There are no special tools or test equipment required 1-5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Safen' precautions are presented in this manual preceded by the word WARNING or CAUTIONjust before the point where the haurd is likely to be encountered. Warnings and cautions are defined as follows. Refers to a procedure or practice that. ifnot correctly followed. could result in injury. death. or long term health hazard. Refers to a procedure or practice that. ifnot correctly followed, could result in damage to. or destruction ofequipment. ©ncm_nonfl:(=<_c2_n)4_ozw v>qmomc> fimflIz_0>_| _s>zc>_r , 33.22 s. Dix 9.85.2 55 1335... Figure 1-1 F’A-5050A Front View. ®CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDN5 A mmpmrm cm coo-rum. mm mun-um. Table 1-1 PA-5050A Specifications. PA—5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL mam r- Specification ELECTRICAL REQUlREMENTS Frequency Range 1.6 - 30.0 MHz Power Output I kW peak. (900 w from 28MH1 - 30 MHz) Rated for 100% continuous duty 5513, CW, AM, or FSK. Drive Level 20 to 100 milliwatts input for 1000 watts output. lnlcrmodulalion Distortion (dB below 1 kW PEP) 3rd order 32 dB, Sth order 37 dB typical. Output Impedance Filter Bands (in MHz) Band 0 1.60 » 2.31 Band 4 6.94 - 9.99 Band 1 . 3.33 Band 5 10.00 » 14.41 Band 2 . 4.80 Band 6 14.42 - 20.79 Band 3 4.81 - 6.93 Band 7 20.80 , 30.00 Input VSWR Less than 2:1 50 ohms. Gradual power shutdown above 100W reflected power. Input Voltage 1 +28VDC, 25A (4 sources), and +28VDC. 11A (1 source). ENVIRONMENTAL Ambient Temperature Humidity _l 0 to A50°C operating, »40 to +75°C storage F959, (non-condensing) Cooling Forced air cooling with (our fans per each PA module. Thermal Monitoring One thermal switch continually monitors the driver and four additional thermal switches continually monitors each power supply. lfan over temperature condition (is above 85° C) should occur in anyone unit, power to the driver or the a PA module will automatically shut off. ”power to the driver is shut off. the PA modules will not work until the temperature ofthe driver drops below 85° C. INTERFACE CONNECTORS On Chassis Mates wuh INPUT N~ryp= (F) N-typE (M) ANT X»t,\'pe (F) N-typc (M) DC POWER 2241-4304.) 2241-4304-4 (CCl P/N) REMOTE CONTROL 35 - D Sub (F) 25 - D Sub (M) (RS-485. its-232) SIGNAL 25-DSuh(F) 25»DSub(M) PHYSICAL Size 7 75 m. high K 19 in. wide x 21.2 in deep (front panel to rearhandles) Weight Approx. 75 pounds 1-3 ©cuaic.coMMUNicA-rini\is A mm.“ or i». CHM Wuhan mm, a mmP-N" Table 1-2 Items Furnlshed and Required. fl Part No. Qty Nomenclature L FurnJRequOpt. 2241-1000-3 Oi PA-SOSOA Power Amplifier (FCC i D it stc'rs-ioooi Furnished 2241402 I-3 01 Technical Manual, Operation and Maintenance Furnished Instructions, POWER AMPLIFIER, PA—SOSOA 224240004 0] Cubic PS-7l30A. Furnished (Four independent Power Sources @ +28VDC t 10%, 25 amperes., and one source @ +28VDC ilO‘Vo‘ 11 amperes.) 2607-1000-9 0! Cubic T-4 150/114 l 80 Furnished __I i. (MF-HF Transmitter/Exciter, 20-100 milliwatts PEP) 2241-5023-1 01 Remote Control Cable. PA to Exciter Optional, fumished with _l 1 FCC system - 0] L Antenna system and attaching cables Reqdi Noi supplied Table 1—3 Recommended Tools and Test Equipment (Or Equivalent). Part No. Nomenclature Manufacturer .__. - Flat~blade screwdriver. 6 in Standard issue “i . . . A r - No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, 6 in. Standard Issue l__ SOSOA Digital multimeter Fluke 8890-300 RF Coaxial Loadr I kW. 50 ohms Bird 4421 RF Power Meter Bird i— r__ 402] Directional Power Sensor Bird PA-SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL 1—4 CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS ' ' PA-SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL A "my of m. cm Cowolm I-mly wimp-mu CHAPTER 2 . PREPARATION FOR USE AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2-1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains unpacking, inspection, installation, connections, and initial alignment procedures for the PA»5050A 2-2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION. To unpack and inspect the PA~5050A for damage, perform the following procedures: 1, Inspect the shipping canon for damage before unpacking the PA-SOSO. NOTE lfthe carton is damaged, open the carton in the presence ofa shipping carrier agent if possible. lfdamage is found after the PA-SOSOA is unpacked, retain the canon and packing materials for inspection. 2. Open the carton and remove the foam packing material on top ofthe PA—SOSOAr Two-man lift, Unit weighs approx. 75 pounds. Be careful when lifting the unit to avoid injury or damage to the equipment. CAUTION Do not support the Weight ofthe unit by the front panel alone. The chassis may bend or warp Use chassis slides or a suitable support shelf. 3 Lift the PA-SOSOA from the canon NOTE The carton should be saved for possible reshipment 4. Inspect the PA-SOSOA (or external damage including dents and scratches. Do not attempt to operate the PA-SOSOA ifdamage is found. 2-3 INSTALLATION. The PAvSOSUA is designed for rack slide mounting in a relatively dust free envi» ronment with an ambient temperature range bet\\een 0 and +500 CAUTION Ensure slide mounting screws are ofthe proper length. lfscreus are too long internal equipment may be damaged. 2-1 gcuatc. COMMUNICATIONS PA—5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL A m'mnun/m' cur; Carnot-volt “Manon-pm" NOTE See figure FO-l for clearance requirements and mounting details, I. Securely mount the outer section ofthe slides to the rack cabinet being sure to select the correct mounting holes. Attach indicated right and left slide rails to each side of unit. to Before tightening the mounting screws, slide the chassis assembly into the rack mounted portion ofthe slides and adjust the hardware position as required for a smooth sliding fit. 4. Remove unit from rack and securely lighten all hardware. 2-4 CONNECTIONS. Refer to table 2-1 and connect the ground lug, RF Input, RF Out-put, Power/Signals, and Remote Control cables to the unit. (See figure 2-1.) NOTE Refer to the CC1 T-4lSO/80 and/or PS-7130A Technical Manuals ifused, WA RNING Severe injury or DEATH can result ifbodily contact is made with an ungmunded chassis should mgr leakage current or a shon~circuit condition occur. Table 2-1 Rear Panel Connections. Name Type Mating Type Description FNPUT (ll) 1. N-tvpc (F) N-rxpe (M) RF input l.6 to 30 MHL 20 - 250 milliwztts. ANT (JZ) N-lee (F) N»tx2e(t\1l RF output 1.6 to 30 MHZ. LOGO watts PWR (13) (320-107) (320406) eZXV DC Input voltages. control. and confidence signals to/from the power Suppl} lCCl PS-7l30A r. Table 2-3 lists the_s_ignals on each pin orrno connector. SIGNAL lJ-ll 25 - D Sub (Fl 25 - l) Sub [Ml LED and 28V Sense lines between PS-7130A and PA-5050A. Table 1-3 lists the Signals on each pm of the connector SERIAL REMOTE (15; 15 - D Sub (Fl 25 - 0 Sub (Mt RS-485 input. Normally connected ro cc1 T-4150/80 (RS-435) CxCllcr. Table 2-4 lists the Signals on each pin nflhc connector. GND Slud’thg nut This connection IS requtred for ground loop interference (EduClIOI’L leakage current and/or short circuibcurtent palhs. Use 3/4-lrlch wide bralded lead and connect to unpainted. clean. bare metal on platform ground NOTE Part numbers in parenthesis (000-000) mdlcalc CCI part number ifappllcable 2-2 anm=Uofln=<=<=Lz=U>nzozm sisl‘xa. n5x§3.§llau§r. 1>lnvomo> 4mnxz_o>r Z>zc>r Figure 2-1 PA-5050A Rear Panel. N.“ A numb-rot u. can cmmm hwy thmn. ©cUBIC-CDMMUNICATIDNS PA-SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 2-2 DC POWER (J3) Pin Descriptions. Pin Signal LRemarks A —I +28VDC UI PSI InEul N GND UI PSI Input j J +28VDC U2 PSZ Input T GND 02 P32 Input 5 +28VDC U3 P33 Inpul E |___ GND U3 PS} Input R +28VDC U4 PS4 Inpul 1 P I: GND U4 PS4 Input U +2svoc U5 LAUXIEput ___v GNDJ" AHXJ-nmu 2-4 A mun-unh- cm Commuter-hwy ”mam“ Table 2-3 SIGNAL (J4) Pin Descriptions ©cuarc.coMMUN|cA1-|DN5 PA-SOSUA TECHNICAL MANUAL Pin Signal JRemarks 1 a] LED+, zsv 51 Power Supply 12 pin 4 "I 2 41 LED-, GND 14] Power Supply 12 pin 5 3 £2 LED+, 28V #2 Power s_up_p|y JZ gin 4 4 =2 LED;x GND 142 Power Supplv JZ 91115 5 E3 LEDt 28V #3 Power Supply JZJJin 4 6 4‘3 LED—, GND 53 Power Sum JZpin 5 A] 7 fi4 LED+, 28V #4 Power SuEEIv 12 pin 4 8 L #4 LED-, GND 114 Power Supply 12 pin 5 J 9 fl] Scnse+ ’_' Power Suppl): 13 pin 1 10 131 Sensc- Power Sgpp1v 13 pin 2 11 #2 Sense+ Power Supp1v13 pin 1 12 £2 Sense— Power SupD1v13 pin 2 13 $13 Scnse+ _‘ Power Supplv 13 pin I _] 14 33 Sense- Power SupprJ3J71n 2 15 frd Sense? Power Supplu 13 pin 1 __I 16 #4 Sense— Power Supp1v13p_in 2 17 (Op!) $5 Sense- Power Supplv 13 pin 1 18 (Opt) is Sense~ Power Supp1v13 pin 2 19 (013035 LED‘. 28V Power Suppl\ 12 pin 4 20 __1 {Opt1#5 LED-. GND Power Sunplv 12 pin 5 21-25 NC 2-5 ©CUBIG- COMMUNICATIONS A numb-l MM- cm (Alp-unw- mw clump-m1.- PA-SDSDA TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 2-4 REMOTE CONTROL (J5) Pin Descriptions Pin Signal Remarks 1 TX KEY Fwd to Key .._1 2 TXD RS- 32 3 RXD RS-232 4 RTS RS-232 5 CTS RS-232 6 NC 7 GND 843 NC 14 TX+ RS-485 SDA 15 TX- RS—485 SDB 16 RX+ RS-485 RDA 17 RX- 115-485 RDB 18 NC 19 UDTXD Upload 20 GND [MD 21 Mm lylload z: U_pCTS Upload ____| 21-15 M 2-6 ®CUEIC.CDMMUN|CAT|QNS PA-SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm," um. cum: cow-nu. mm, atcmpuuu 2—5 INITIAL ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES. NOTE This procedure is used only when the system is turned on for the first time or when the T-4180 exciter is changed. Setting PAPl Manually: I. 2. 3. a: lfthe PS-7130A and the PA-SOSOA are on, turn them off, Press the button on the PA-SOSOA and hold down while turning on the PS-7l 30A. The LED readout will display “TURN OFF TO ABORT". Release the button. Press the bunon when the readout displays “PRESS TO ERASE" to allow the PA-SOSOA to continue. The readout will display “PAPI NOT $51”. On the T—4180, set the “FREQ’_’ to 16 MHZ and “LEVEL" to +24 dBm. Press the “NEXT" key. Press the “PAPOW” key. Press the "100W“ key, The PA»5050A is now prepared lo pre-set the attenuator for IOO watts. Key the T4180. When the PA-5050A power stabilizes (between 90 and l30 watts on the PA-SOSOA readout) unkey the exciter. Tune to the desired operating fi'equency and set the “PAPOW” at l k watt. The PA-SOSOA system is ready to use. The “PAPOIA’” must be reset whenever the frequency is changed more than ZMHZ 2—7 ©CUBIC.CDMMUNICAT|DNS PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL A memorial»:- Cub’t mum/no, fl/enmp'mn CHAPTER 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1 lNTRODUCTlON. This chapter contains operating instructions for the PA-SOSOA linear power amplifier. A separate power supply source, transmitter/exciter, and antenna system are required. Refer to the documentation supplied with the power supply, transmitter/exciter, and antenna system for operation ofthat equipment. 3-2 OPERATION. Operation is performed using the front panel controls and indicators. (See figure 3-1.) Table 3»! lists the front panel controls and indicators and their functions. To turn on, and initially set-up the PA-SOSOA. perform the following procedures: 1. Apply input power to the equipment from the external power supply. 2. Observe PWR LED on PA-SOSOA Chassis, and all four PA modules light. 3 The PA-SOSOA is remotely controlled using an RS-485 bus connected to the exeiter. Table 3-2 lists the ASCII commands available. 4. During operation' press the DlSPLAY STATUS button on the front panel to cycle through the different status messages on the front panel display. 5. Observe that the FLT LED on each PA module does not light during transmission. 6. To shut down the PA-SOEOA remove input power. (Turn the POWER switch to off(down) on the PS-7I3OA). Table 3-1 Front Panel Controls and Indicators. Control Function PWR LED (on chassis) lndicates power is applied to PA»5050A. PWR LED (on each PA module) lnd|cates power is applied to individual PA module. Power loss may be a result ofa circuit problem or an over temperature condition. FLT LED (on each PA module) lndlcates PA module gain is less than ~10 dBt. LED goes off when gain is greater than 010 dB with some modulated signals. The FLT LED may momentarily flicker DISPLAY STATUS button Works independently or in conjunction with keying the microphone, Microphone keyed/button not pressed. FWD xx REV xx Microphone keyed/button pressed: VSWH X.X:1 Microphone not keyed/button not pressed: FREQ xxxxxxxx Microphone not keyed/button pressed: ATTN xxxx Note: ‘FWD. REV, and VSWR values are not valid below 50 watts output power. 3-3 EMERGENCY OPERATlON There are no emergency operating procedures for the unit Power is removed from the un|t by turning offthe power at the input power supply (PS-7130A front panel switch/clrcuit breaker ifmstalled). 3-1 Z'E PA MODULE POWER on (4) FAULT (4) INPUT POWER ON um. "um. // ,/ DISPLAY STATUS SELECT DISPLAY Figure 3-1 PA-5050A Front Panel Controls and Indicators, .mmnw-lmn-9mamnmwmv ENOILVDINHWINDD'QIEHD© "IVHNVW ‘IVOINHOEJ. V090?Vd ©CUBIC. COMMUNICATIONS PA-SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm pl in. en»: cow-rm hm, ergo-nun“ Table 3-2 PA-5050A Serial Bus Command and Status Messages. Syntax 1 Reply L Description Command Messages PAF12345678 1— m Set operating frequency in Hz. Range 1.6 . 30 MHZ. This will select the appropriate low pass filter. PAW --- Set the power output. Valid ranges are l=100W, 2=500W, 3=1KW below 28 MHZ 8: 900W at 28 MHZ and above J PT it --- Software TxKey. I = TX, 0 = RX ATNXXxx --» Set front and attenuation value 00.00 to 32.00 dB. (XX.xx) PER »-- Erases the lower user block of flash memory where the calibration values are stored. r“ Status Messages PAF? PAFxxxxxxxx Where xxxxxxxx is the frequency in Hz. PA? F, SWR, FWD, REV, ATN, Request Power Amplifier Status Message. This will reply FLT, KEY, BND, OT with a complete status message of all settings. SWR'.7 SWRxx Where xx is in the range ofl.0 to 6.0. J (e.g.SWR13 indicates a SWR ofl.3:l)'. FWD? FWDxxxx Where xxxx is measured forward power in watts . Range of0 to 1999 '. REV? REVxxx Where xxx is measured reverse power in watts . .l. Range Mo to 999 ‘. _r ATN? A‘I'Nxxxx Where xxxx is the current from end attenuation setting. Range 0 to 32 dB. (XX.xx) FLT? FLTxxxxx Where xxxxx is fault status ofeach power module in the l format. Driver:PAl:PA2:PA31PA4. l=FAULT 0=NONE FLTA? FLTAxxxxxxxxxx Accumulated Fault listing. Shows all faults that have occurred since power-up. First 5 positions are the same as OT? and the next 5 positions are the same as FLT‘.7 KEY? KEYx rWhere x is the transmit key status. l=KEYED 0=lDLE OT? OTxxxxx Where xxxxx is over temp shutdoun status ofeach power module in the format: Driver:PAl:PAZ:PA3:PA4. l=SHUTDOWN 0=NORMAL All messages use the following format: lSTXl123IPAF12SOOOOOSPPAPZICR l l l / l i—sri—Adr—h— ——-Data F1e1d*—/ ————————— l-r‘ / / \ S ta : t AS: I I of Transmission Space Character (ASCI I Code 02) Adr: Address set to II} (range 0 to 254, 255 reserved for broadcast mode) Data Fieldt Separate commands by a spaCe. (Example above = set frequenC) to 12 5 MHz (space) power out to 500W) Note: 'FWD. REV. and VSWR values are not valid below 50 watts out ut ower 3-3 @:cu|a|c. COMMUNICATIONS PA-sosoA TECHNICAL MANUAL A m..." .: m. am We.“ M», «twp-n... 4-2 CHAPTER 4 GENERAL THEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains a block diagram description ofthe PA-SOSOA linear power amplifier. The following paragraphs describe operation of the PA-SOSOA (see figure FO-2). GENERAL THEORY OF OPERATION. 4-2.l Bower Dista‘fiuflgn. Power is applied to the rear panel ofthe unit on connector“. Five individual +28V DC inputs are required to operate the equipment. Four ofthe +28V inputs at 25 amperes are applied directly to each ofthe four PA modules and their associated fans. The other +28V input at ll amperes is applied to the Attenuator/ Pre-driver module, PA Driver module, Lowpass Filter board. and a DC-DC converter on the Filter/Driver board that produces +IZV, -IZV, and *5V DC voltages for the internal circuits. 4-22 gzgnlrgllgr figs/g The controller board provides all necessary control signals for the unit using the external RS-485 remote control bus and internal sensors. The controller board receives control signals on the bus from the Transmitter/Exciter on rear panel connector 15, and provides status and data information on the front panel display. Control signals to/from the internal circuits are described as follows: VVA A ' N Analog signal used to fine mne the attenuation (0 - 2.0 dB) ofthe Attenuator Pre-Driver Al N (0-3) Digital outputs to coarse tune the attenuation (O - 30 dB, in 2 dB steps) of the Attenuator Pre- Driver via Filter/Driver circuits LP (0-2) Digital outputs to select correct lowpass filter for the selected frequency DRIVER GATE Gates PA Driver on during transmitter/cxciter key, Gates PA Driver offduring unkey, or filter change. PAGATE Gates PA modules on during transmitter/exciter keyt Off during unkey, or filter change. OE/SE Control signals to select and output data from MUX INMUX Mux data signal input includes fault data from PA Modules and external power supplies FWD DET Detected forward power input used for display and high power limiting REFL DET Detected reflected power used for display, calculations, VSWR, and reflected power limiting DISPLAY STATUS SWITCH Front panel sthch input used to step through display MSTR PWR LED ~5V (or front panel LED TXi RSJSS transmit data (2 lines) RX: RS-485 receive data (2 lines) TX KEY Transmitter kesline from external transminer/exciter used to gate the PA Driver and PA Modules. ©cuBIC.CDMMUNICATIONS , PA-SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mama». cwt cow-1m l-muy ulmmn- 4-23 mm The Display board contains a liquid crystal alphanumeric display that provides an indication of forward power, reflected power, attenuation and frequency. When the front panel DISPLAY STATUS switch is pressed, the display shows the alternate information. 4-14 Fillgr Qn’vgr BQQLQ Tne Filter/Driver board contains four separate circuits: DC-DC Convener - converts the +23VDC input power to +12, -12, and +5 VDC for use by the internal circuits. Filter Driver - contains logic drivers for signals from the Controller board to the Low Pass Filter board, PA Driver module, and PA modules. MUX - provides the interface between the PA Modules and Controller board. Also provides LED 1: signals for the external power supply. Detector - converts the sampled RF from the Bi-Directional Coupler to DC levels proportional to the forward and reflected power applied to the antenna. These DC voltages are then applied to the Controller board as FWD DET and REF]. DET signals. It also provides the SHUTDOWN signal to the Attenuator/Prc-Driver ifexcessive forward or reflected power is sensed. 4-15 Attenuglgr/Pre-Drivgr Board The RF IN signal from the transmitter/exciter enters the PA-SOSOA on rear panel connector ll where it is applied to the Attenuator/Pre-Driver board. The signal is attenuated and then amplified to provide the correct drive level for the PA modules to maintain the 1000 Watts of output power. Attenuation controls from the Controller board, through the Filter/Driver board, determine the amount of attenuation to be applied to the signal based on the forward and reflected output power, The four digital A'ITN lines (0-3) provide coarse attenuation through the Filter/Driver board from 0 to 30 dB in 2 dB steps, while the analog VVA ATTN signal provides the fine attenuation control continuously from 0 to 2.5 dB. lfthe Detector circuits on the Filter/Driver board sense excessive forward or reflected power the SHUTDOWN signal adds up to 18 dB of attenuation control as required, 4-16 PA Brit/Er Modulg The signal from the Attenuator/Pre-Driver is then applied to the PA Driver module for amplification. The DRIVER GATE signal enables the amplifier when the transmitter/exciter is keyed. A thermal switch opens. removing +28 VDC input voltage to disable the PA Driver in case of an over temperature condition 4-2.7 SQIit‘ter Module, The RF signal from the PA Driver module 15 then applied to the Splitter module. The Splitter module provides four equal RF outputs to each ofthe four PA modules. 4-18 PA Mggule. The four PA modules are identical and interchangeable. Each PA module amplifies the signal providing up to 300 Watts of output power to maintain 1000 Watts output. The PAGATE signal enables each amplifier when the transmitter/exciter is keyed, Power variations are compensated for by varying the attenuation of the input drive signal to all four modules. To prevent overdrive damage to the other PA modules, a low-gain detector circuit in each PA module activates when the gain of the module drops to less than v10 dB The detector circuit lights the red FLT LED on the front panel of the module. At the same time. a FAULT signal is sent to the MUX circuit on the Filler/Driver board, The MUX circuit then sends the FAULT signal to the microprocessor on the Controller board. ln response. the microprocessor. through the Filter.’Driver board, causes an additional -6 dB of attenuation to be applied by the Attenuator/Pre-Drtver to the RF input of the PA-SOSOA. When the gain is +10 dB or greater the detector resets, the FLT LED goes off, and normal drive IS restored with modulated signals, the FLT LED may momentarily flicker A green PWR LED on the front ofeach module lights when power is applied to the module lfthere is an over temperature condition. a themtostat switch in the module opens. and the ‘28V used to drive the PWR LED is removed. Sintultaneousl ' a TEMP sensor s|gnal is sent to the MUX circuit on the Filter/"Driver board. The MUX then sends the TEMP al to the microprocessor on the Controller board. In response, the microprocessor. through the Filter'Driver board. causes an additional 6 dB ofartenuation to be applied by the Attenuator/Pre-Driver 4,2 ©0UEIC~COMMUNICATIDNS PA—SOSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm“, film. elm: saw-m omen-mm. to the RF input of the PA-SOSOA. This reduction of drive to the PA modules causes the temperature to drop. When the PA module cools down sufficiently, the then-nostat switch closes. The PWR LED lights. and normal drive is restored. Each PA module has a VOLTAGE SENSE line that is sent to the individual extemal power supplies. These signals allow each external power supply to vary the input voltage to compensate for line loss and load variations. Ifthe PS-7130A is used, each input voltage is adjusted based on the VOLTAGE SENSE signal. 4-29 nggingr Mggulg The four outputs ofthe PA modules are applied to the Combiner module in parallel, The Combiner module combines the signals producing the lKW final output, 44.10 lgwnafi Fi/Ler Egg/Q The output of the Combiner module is applied to a Lowpass Filter board. One-of- eight lowpass filters is selected by the FL signals from the Controller board. The filter selected depends upon the operating frequency, that is sent to the microprocessor by the exciter/transmitter. 4-1] 1 EiaDiregligznal nggglgr. Afier filtering, the 1 KW signal is applied try a Directional Coupler for sampling. The sampled signal is applied to the Detector circuits in the Filter Driver board. The 1 KW RF signal is then applied to the rear panel on 12 as the final output to the transmitting antenna system 4-3 ©cualc. COMMUNICATIONS PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL A my...” cum cunt: Cow-nan family a Mm... 5-2 5-3 5-4 CHAPTER 5 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Section I. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains both preventive and corrective operational level maintenance instructions. The information includes cleaning and lubrication, ins pection, performance verification, troubleshooting, and module replacement. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. Clean the external surfaces and front panel ofthe PA-SOSOA every 2 weeks using a vacuum cleaner or small soft brush to remove any din or dust. INSPECTION. Perform a visual inspection ofthe unit quarterly by checking the unit for physical damage. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION. The RF power output ofthe PA-SOSOA should be checked quarterly as described in the following paragraphs. 99“?‘!\’ -‘*“.‘0.°'-’.“ WA RNING Do not key the PA-SOSOA with the top cover removed. RF burn injury may occur, Remove power to the PA-SOSOA (PS—7130A $1 to off(down)). CAUTION lfthe equipment is rack mounted. do not slide the equipment drawer out ofthe rack mount unless absolutely necessary. Damage to the cables connected to the rear panel connectors may occur. Ifthe equipment must be pulled out ofthe rack mount. do no! stress the rear panel cables. Disconnect antenna coax from ANTjack 12. and connect a 1 kW, 50 ohm dummy load and wanmeter. Apply power to the unit. (PS-7130A S] to on (up)) Set the transmitter/exciter frequency to 16.0000 MHz in CW mode. Set rransmitter/exciter power to 20 dBm On the T~4150/80, set PA power to 1 KW. NOTE When the 1 KW soft key is pressed the exciter will key and the PA- SOSOA attenuators will automatically adjust to obtain the I KW output power. Momentarily key transmitterfexciter and observe 1000 : IOO watts on wattmeter. Repeat steps 4. through 7. at other frequencies as required. Remove power to the PA-SOSOA (PS-7130A S] to off(down)). Disconnect the 50 ohm dummy load and uanmeter from ANTjack 12 - reconnect antenna coax. Return PA-SOSOA to normal configuration. 5-1 ©cuatc. comMuch-rtons PA-SOSDA TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm" al in. Cum eowum rm», Neonatal-A 55 Section II. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING. 5-51 TLQub/eytwfing Phi/gmnhy. Certain assumptions are made concerning the troubleshooting approach as applied to the unit as follows: 1. All point-to-point wiring is correct. Therefore, no malfunction is the result ofa wiring (or cable connector) fault. NOTE Suspected failure of cables or connectors require visual inspection and continuity tests using the appropriate diagram See FO-2 for interconnecting diagram, IJ Malfunctions are non-interactive. Each symptom of a problem is caused by a single malfunction and no additional failures occurred during the troubleshooting process. 3. Multiple faults can be isolated if they are non-interactive. 4. Preventive maintenance has been performed (Section 1), 5-52 Troubleshooting Procedure. Refer to chapter 4 for the block diagram description. Equipment troubleshooting should be performed in the following order: Fault identification. Initial checks. LED interpretation. Module replacement Voltage/continuity checks. uvAt-z!J-— Refer to the following paragraphs for details: 5-5.2.‘l Fault Identifigalion. A fault is usually indicated by the front panel display, and/or a PWR LED not lit, and/or a FLT LED lit on one ofthe PA modules. 5-522 Initial Chegks. Before detailed troubleshooting, check that the green PWR LED on the front panel of each PA module is on, the FLT LEDs are off. and power is applied to the equipment ( PS-7130A $1 on (up)). lfone or more of the PWR lamps are off, and power is applied to the PA-SOSOA, ensure that 4-28\/ DC input voltages are correct. Check all cables and connectors on the rear panel. and check the input RF drive from the exciter. Ifone or more PWR LEDs are off, but the master power LED is on, an overheat condition may exist. Unkey the unit and wait five minutes, then try again. lfthe problem persists, remove and replace the affected module(s). 55.2.3 PA Power and Fig/r LED Infemrgfglign, Each PA module contains a PWR and FLT LED, Table 5»l lists the conditions of the LEDs. the possible malfunction, and the corrective action. NOTE Make sure the exciter is keyed for correct interpretation of LEDs ©cuatc.coMMUNlt:AthNs 4 mare-rum- :we wmumv, ottoman-u: PA—SDSOA TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 5-1 Front Panel LED Interpretation, ON TON l; Master PWR FLT I‘Condition Corrective Action PWR ON ON OFF Normal None ON OFF OFF 1. Overheat l. Unkey and wait 5 mins. Check cooling fans Check ambient temperature Replace PA module Replace PA-SOSOA 2. Loss of input voltage to 2. Check input voltage to module module Replace PA module 1 Replace PA~5050A ON OFF ON Overheat and low RF power out Unkey and wait 5 mins, 1 Check cooling fans Check ambient temperature Replace PA module Replace PA-SOSOA to confirm the faulty module, fans andr‘or the ambient temperature. sufficient. ON Low RF power out Check input RF drive from exciter ‘ Replace PA module Replace PA-SOSOA OFF OFF OFF No input voltages Check input power supply 41 Replace PA-SOSOA NOTES: lfa PWR LED remains off for more than a few seconds, or the FLT LED lights. the fault is usually in the indicated PA module. Remove power from the unit and remove and replace the suspect PA module With one from another slot Ifmultiple PWR LEDS are off. excessive temperature may be the problem. Check proper operation of the cooling lfno power LEDs are oft“. and no FLT LEDs are ltt. check the front panel display for correct VSWR. The problem may be in the antenna system. Ifthe fault cannot be isolated using the above analysis. the fault is probably in the chassis or in a non-monitored function in a PA module. Also check that the transminer/exciter drive power is CUBIC-COMMUNICATIONS PA—5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL . mm“, a/m- Cum Cmntlwr hotly tartan-um“ 5-53 Mggulg Rgglgggmgnl. Turn off power before removing or replacing modules. Equipment may be damaged ifmodules are removed or replaced with power applied. To remove and replace a PA modulet perform the following procedures: 55.3.1 Eemovnl 1, Turn the knurled knobs on the top and bottom ofthe PA module counter-clockwise to release the module from the chassis. 2. Slide the module out ofthe chassis. 5-5-3-2 Macaw l. Orient the module to align the connectors on the back of the module with the connectors in the chassis. Ensure the module connector is aligned correctly with the connector in the chassis or the connectors may be damaged. [4 Push the module firmly in the chassis to seat the connectors. c. Turn the knurled knobs on the top and bottom ofthe module clockwise finger tight to secure the module in the chassis 5-533 m The PA-SOSOA (PA) has a calibration function added for calibrating the PAH command after a power amplifier module. driver module. or T4150/80 has been replaced. The calibration must also be performed after an upload ofthe software and the first time the system is operated. The calibration requires an RF input at ‘24dBm, the low-pass filter selected to match the frequency. and the PA is terminated with a 500 resistive load with at least a IOOOW rating. The calibration will complete within 5 seconds. To prepare a controller that has been previously calibrated. the flash must be cleared. There are two methods to accomplish this: 1. Change the power switch to the ON position while pressing the DISPLAY button on the front ol'the PA. When the display says "PWR OFF TO ABORT", release the button. The display will change to "PRESS TO ERASE". Press the DISPLAY button again to erase the calibration values. When the erase operation is complete the display will show "10000000 -l" for about two seconds. The PA is now ready for calibration. If the power is turned off before the scco'id press. the erase will not occur. Send the PER command through the R5422 bus to the PA. The display will change to "PRESS TO ERASE”. Press the DISPLAY bunon to erase the calibration values. When the erase operation is complete the display will show "10000000 »l" for about two seconds. 5-4 ®CUBIQCDMMUNICATIONS ' PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL AmmwuwmcupnMWNmM. 4. Some voltages may be checked on the rear panel connectors Refer to chapter 2 for pin-outs of these connectors, Some voltages may be checked by removing the module where the signal in question terminates, and checking the voltage at the connector in the chassis, Remove the +28V DC input voltages before performing continuity checks, Damage to the test equipment may occur ifcontinuity checks are performed with input voltages applied to the equipment. 5. Using an ohmmeter, perform continuity checks using FO—Zt 5—8 ©CUBIQCDMMUNICATIDNB A m...“ u I»- cm common in», 1 gm”. 6-1 6—2 6-3 6-4 There are no special shipping requirements for the unit. Commercial or military surface or air shipping services may be used. CHAPTER 6 PREPARATION FOR RESHIPMENT PA-SOSBA TECHNICAL MANUAL |NTRODUCT|ON. This chapter contains int'orrnation to prepare the equipment for reshipment including disassembly and removal from the rack mount, packaging, and shipping. DISASSEMBLY AND REMOVAL. To disassemble and remove the PA-SOSOA from the rack mount, perform the following procedures: 1. Remove power from the PA-SOSOA. 2. Loosen six screws on front panel holding chassis in mounting rack assembly, 3. Slide drawer to the fully extended position. 4. Disconnect all cables from the PA-SOSOA rear panel. Two-man lift. Unit weighs approx. 75 pounds. Be careful when lifting the unit to avoid injury or damage to the equipment. Do not support the weight of the unit by the front panel alone. “5 chassis may bend or warp. Use chassis slides or a suitable support shelf. 5. Remove the PA—SOSOA from the rack mount. PACKAGING. NOTE The PA-5050A should be packed in the original shipping container ifavailable. To package the equipment for reshipment perform the following steps: 1, Ensure that there is sufficient foam packing material in the shipping container to protect the unit from any hard impact. Cover the unit with foam or bubble-type packing material, Place the unit in the center ofthe shipping container. bum flaps with reinforced packing tape. If using a cardboard packing canon, securely tape the seams of the carton's top cover, bottom cover, and side 5. Attach labels or stamp in indelible ink the word FRAGILE on the top, bottom, and all sides ofthe container, SHIPPING. Unit contains pans and assemblies sensitive to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Do not ship or Store near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic. magnetic or radioactive fields. 6-1 ©CUBIC. COMMUNICATIONS PA—SOSDA TECHNICAL MANUAL . "New. em mm "mama”. CHAPTER 7 STORAGE 7-1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains information for storage of the equipment including environmental conditions and any special preservation requiremean. 7-2 STORAGE ENVIRONMENT. The PA-SOSOA should be stored indoors in the original shipping container (or similar container) as described in Chapter 6. The environment should be dry with a temperature range between -40 and +75 “C. Unit contains parts and assemblies sensitive to damage by electrostatic discharge (BSD) Do not ship or store near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic, magnetic or radioactive fields. 7-3 PRESERVATION. There are no special coverings or preservation materials required to store the PA»5050A. 7-1 QCUBIQCDMMUNICATIDNS FA—505DA TECHNICAL MANUAL AmmrdtmcmeI-m'yue—nem- CHAPTER 8 PARTS LIST 8—1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains the pans list for replaceable parts at the operational maintenance level. 8-2 REPLACEABLE PARTS LISTING. Table 8-1 lists the replaceable pans for the unit. (See figure FO-4 (or locations.) Table 8-1 Replaceable Parts List. Qty | Description Part Number er‘ J 4 | Power Amplifier Module 2241-1 1 l l—I CCI 'Cubic Communications Inc. 8-1 ©CUBlc-CDMMUNICATIDNS PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL Ammwumcwwmqlmlyflmmk: APPENDIX A REMOTE CONTROL CABLE A-1 INTRODUCTION. This appendix contains a description ohhe remote control cable connecting the PA—SOSOA lo the T. 4150/80 excitcr. A-2 DRAWING. Figure A~I shows the schematic oflhe remote control cable CCI P/‘N 2241-5023-X. 25 Pin 15 Pin T0 PA-5050A (J5) TO 74150180 (J5) 2241-5023-3 GND PA KEY PADAT (+ PADAT (-) GND Figure A-1 Schematic, Remote Control Cable 2241—5023-X. A-1 ficumc. cDMMuchn—mua ‘.......Mz».—~.._._. u“ PA~5050A YECNNICAL MANUAL FU-Y. 54-50st ownn. and Mourning arming FP-i/(FP-z blank) m. w cum an O c. MMUNICATIUNG PA-SOSDAYECHNICALMANUAL .......=...¢..........._..... ,.__...4 Anmml/ "Hum ., ,.,. (mum! “mm mm: scum: u-mn m1 mm (mm. m: mum "mum. wmm mm mm u‘n msruw nxstnm mm .. _ purl!!! x w n- mm ("FT' ro-z. PA £050A Block DI-gam. FF-mflu bunk) 124mm Ocualc. nuMMuNch'rmNa ‘._..-u...._....~,.._.. PA-SusOA TECHNICAL MANUAL FO-J. macs-u Inlmunnut Mgr-m, (sum 1 an) FP-S PA~5asaA TECNNICAL MANUAL QauslmcuMMuchfluNs A.....p._.s_-..~.,.—..-. _. n 5... . 33... , Mm” cm. Drawing (shut : 512) red. PA-605I7A int-realmm Dingr-m. 3. :n FP-s ecualc-EQMMuNchTluNa A.....e..=._...,..,-_.... slum-In- Pesww '\ vrzwA mm mm scum nu Paws" Aw u L . u mun uv mum mm mm HR am My , N “Aw: PA-5050A TECHNICAL MANUAL \ a©c L4] ‘ch ' — ucwm Aw vcmHE ‘17dI—HH—1 A amcts SEE vxsw A nu. [ma-50m Ruplncaabh Pm; Luella! Dllymm. FP-7I(FP~I mum
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