Cubic Communications CTX-5000 CTX-5000 (5 KW) SOLID STATE TRANSMITTER User Manual T 4180
Cubic Communications Inc CTX-5000 (5 KW) SOLID STATE TRANSMITTER T 4180
- 1. CTX 5000
- 2. T 4180
- 3. PA 5050A
T 4180
TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS OPERATIONAL LEVEL EXCITER, DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, SINGLE, MF - HF T-4150 T-4180 fi Cubxc Communvcahcns In: 9535 Waples Slreel San Dnegc, CaIiIornia gzmrzsss Telephone (519; 643-5500 Telelax (519) 6436803 Manual Pan No 260740214 Revision 8 1 November 1997 Change 2 29 January 1998 ©CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDN5 T—4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A "um-o! a: u. cant tuna-hon mm; or camp-m, RECORD OF CHANGES CHANCE DATE TITLE OF BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS ENTERED BY 1 I Nov 97 Engineering updulc. Pages changed are as follows: CC] Eng. Dept. Title Page. Record ofChanges‘ 2»7, 3»451hrn 3414-1, 8-1/(8-2 blank). 8: FP-D/FP»10(blank) 29131198 Customer comments. Pages changed are as follows: CC! Eng Depl. Tille Page, Record ofChangcs. iV. 1-4. 2-3. F073. Annex A. & Annex B ©CUEIC.CDMMUN|CAT|QN5 T4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A member of m- eme Corpornlon mm, alumna-mu FOREWORD SCOPE This manual contains information to obtain best performance from the T— 4] 50/80 exciter The information includes: a general description of the equipment, preparation for use and installation instructions, operating instructions general theory of operation maintenance instructions, preparation for reshipment storage, and pans list. PROPRIETARY DATA Infonnation contained in this document is the property of Cubic Communications, Inc, This information may not be disclosed to a third party. either wholly or in part, without the written consent of Cubic Communications, Inc, CORRECTION NOTICE Information contained in this document is believed to be correct as of the publication date. Ifa variation is noted between the information 1n this manual and the equipment in your possession, contact the factory for clarification. Future issues will be updated ifnecessary RIGHTS RESERVED Cubic Communications, Inc. reserves the right to change the specifications. design details. and method of fabrication ofthe equipment at any time without notice. RIGHTS RESERVED The T-4150/80-9 when use with the PS—7130A and PA-5050A comprises the CTX-1000 System. This system [S FCC certified for aeronautlcal base station usage. FCC identification number is NVSCTXJOOO. ®TCUBIC. COMMUNICATIONS T—4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mam: .- or "1- am“ Carnation mm, ./mp.m.. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Cont. Chaglev P_aqg Chzglev gags Scclion 1], REMOTE CONTROL ...... 3-34 4 GENERAL THEORY OF ' OPERATION .................. 4—1 3-8 REMOTE OPERATION USING SERIAL BUS. ...................... 3-34 4.1 INTRODUCTION ____________________ 4_] 3-x.1 Serial Bm‘ Dmm'iplmn ....... 3—34 4.2 BLocK DIAGRAM DISCUSSION 3-3: Serial Bm‘ Mean/gt Farina! . . . 3-34 4.21 AC Rem/”add”, Fm, _ 3-35 Serial Em- Mmaga mm .... 2-34 “2 AC Um, WM. ___________ . 44 3-851 Serial Bux Command Musxagm 3-34 4.13 ,,,,.,.L,,.5,,,,p,, “Mu/L, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4.1 3-8.3.I.I Serial Bus Evcflw' Command 4.2.4 no,” PM, ___________ .. 44 “US-"1’s” ----------------- 3'34 4-141 AluinAd/uv/menlKlmb . .. 4-1 3-11.31: Sena/811.1 [11/1 mach/11mm"! - 4-2.4.2 KmmdBomd _________ .. 4.1 ”Mfg“ """"""""" 234 Duplm'A/odulc .. 4~1 Ser/Ia/ Blu- Slum: Mussagux . . . 3—34 Dim'm/ Module. > _ . 44 .1 Sena/811.1"Emllcl'S/alm‘ ‘ Mesxugex ................. 3-34 C”””'“’ 5mm” ' " 4” 3-85.22 Sel'iale/xlnlerfilce 31am DSPS"“"’” -------- -- 4’3 M mm ________________ 3-36 Sui-1111611: (On/imm/j. . 4-2 SE a, B“) 11 1am“ I’ru mm, .. 3_3 6 501-1111 17.1.1» RWno/L’ [malfucu Board-10 Sel'iu/Bux NorumlA/ozlu ..... 3-36 S“"“” ”WOW” A"‘"‘""“v" ' ' 4'3 SerialBmAckuuw/ezlge Aim/c 3-36 “5548" B'” (”WWW " - 3 1.11“. D1‘i1'L-rU/mra/1un .. 3-36 ’ ‘ R“’"‘"" “WW ”0‘” 4’3 lil‘mldcml Add/mu . 356 IE (“My Axwmh/y ' 4»; 3-s.7 Seriul 1311.1 Manage Delia/1m”. 3-36 'S:""""'“':"’ ‘Vm/"l" " ' " 4“; 3-9 REMO' WERATION USING “mm" ~ ' - 4“; IEEL 48K BUS . .. _ . _ 3-48 [Mir/T1111» F/L‘qumuj .. .. .. 4'; IEEL~1AWIJ11A l)c.\('1‘1p/ml1 .. 3» 8 5M”‘“’”""“““” “‘ Dulu'(film/ulna.“ .. 1.48 "”~"’” 1 Talkingum/Lu‘lmuny .. 3-48 "7 Am“ "‘ ””"“’“ SRQam/Sm-m/[ml/nuywnw. “1-50 “W “M" ' '~ - ' ’ ' ’ Dr'riwflcur .-I111ISc/cclc¢/ W L()D-"'”("f‘~"k - . 4’4 1).1-,.-cc1m-Rum/N . . 3-511 4-395W1/w ----- 4-4 341; POWER up AND 1 ES'I'ING 4-2 0.4 Sump/LU D111 or . ... . 4-4 CONSIDERATIONS __ . _____ 4-3 9.5 ‘I‘ ‘zl.\[1\;1 . ..... . . ..... 4-4 3.11 EEPROM CLEARING. +1911 771M'A/LODr'n’w‘ ., ,. ..... 4—4 44.0.7 I‘mmulvrlw ..... . . --1 Rev B iii ©cua|c.commuN|cAT|DNs T—4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mmmm. cme Carpal-nun mm, bleomplnml figure l-lA I-lB 2-1A 2—1B 3»1 3»2 3.4 3-5 3-6 3.7 3-9 3»10 F0- 1 A F0- 1 B FO-2 FO-3 FO-4 FO—SA FO-SB Rev B LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS mg T-4150 Front View A: .................................................... l»0 T-4180 Front View . 1-0 T-4150 Rear View .. . 2-2 T-4180 Rear View .......... 2.2 Power Connector (11) Pin Descriptions ...................................... 2-3 Front Panel Controls and Display ..... . 3-2 Parameter Entry Controls and Display ................ . 4 . 3-3 Nomtal Displayl ................................ . . . . 3-4 Data Entry Display 4 ........................ 3-4 Meter Display .............................. 3-4 Meter/ISB Display. ................. A . . A 3-4 Sofi Key Menus Overall Flow Diagram ...................................... 36 Serial Bus Message Format ............................................... 3-35 Serial Bus Character Format . 3-35 IEEE-488 Serial Poll Response Byte ........................... . . 3-51 T-4150 Outline and Mounting Drawing ......................... . FP-l T~4180 Outline and Mounting Drawing A . FP-S T-4150/80 Block Diagram ............. FP-7 T»4150/80 Interconnect Diagram . . ..... . . FP—9 T-4150180 Motherboard Schematic ....................................... FP-ll T-4l SO Replaceable Parts Locator Diagram ................................. FP-l 5 T-4180 Replaceable Parts Locator Diagram ................................. FP-19 ©CUBlC-CDMMUNICATIDNS A mm“: the Cable saw-w. [only-7mm}.- T-41SOI80 TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1—1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains an equipment description, equipment supplied and required, storage data, tools and test equipment, and a summary ofsafcty precautions. 1-2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION. The T—4150/80 (figure 1-1) is a multi-mode digital signal processing (DSP) cxciter with a frequency range from 1.6 to 30 MHZ, The exciter contains individually shielded modules mounted in an EV: by B’A-inch desktop chassis. Two T- 4180 exciters may be fastened together (using an optional dual rack—mount kit) to construct a standard 19-inch rack- mount configuration, The exciter is controlled by a 19-button keypad and main adjustment knob used to select the exciter parameters. Five "sofi keys" work in conjunction with the vacuum fluorescent digital display immediately above the soft keys. In addition to soft key selections, the vacuum fluorescent digital display provides a variety ofdata including channel, modulation mode, frequency, bandwidth, gain, local/remote control, an RF level meter, and an AF level meter. Additional information is displayed depending on soft key selections. By proper selection of parameters, the exciters can generate a wide varietyofsignals. These include: on/off keyed (CW), amplitude modulation (AM), upper sideband (USE), upper sideband - full carrier (USch), upper sideband - partial carrier (USch), lower sideband (LSB), lower sideband - full carrier (LSch), lower sideband - partial carrier (LSch), independent sideband (lSB) (suppressed carrier and independent), frequency shift keyed (FSK). frequency modulation (FM), and frequency modulation facsimile (FMfax). The selected audio input is provided on a 600 ohm balanced line. Normal and alternate (LSB audio when 153 is selected) audio are simultaneously input on separate 600 ohm balanced lines. A MIC/KEY jack on the front panel provides for connection of an external microphone or CW key, The audio level is automatic. The audto is automatically applied to the correct modulator depending on the modulation mode. However, when 158 modulation is Rev 8 selected, microphone audio is directed to the normal audio channel only. Either an internal or exlernal reference frequency may be used. The external reference frequency is automatically sensed and used when connected to the rear panel, The exciters may be remotely controlled by any suitable bus controller using either an RS-232, or RS-422 serial interface bus, or an ”SEE—488 parallel interface bus. 1-3 SPECIFICATIONS. Refer to table H for specifications ofthe equipment, 14 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED. Table 1-2 lists the items furnished, items required but not furnished, and optional items. 1-5 STORAGE DATA. Refer to Chapter 7 for storage data. 1-8 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT. Table 1-3 lists recommended tools and test equipment for operational level maintenance. There are no special tools or test equipment required. 1-7 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Safety precautions are presented in this manual preceded by the word WARNING or CAUTION just prior to the point where the haurd is likely to be encountered. Wamings and cautions are defined as follows: Refers to a procedure or practice that, ifnot correctly followed, could result in injury, death, or long term health hazard. CAUTION Refers to a procedure or practice that, ifnot correctly followed, could result in equipment damage or destruction. ©cuaic.coMMUNtt:A1-|QNS "(4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A numb-197m. Cubic cwwwunrmiyaiwmm.u Table 1-1 T-4150/80 Specifications-Cont Item Specification Noise and Distortion lit-band Noise: 40.5 dBc/Hz. Iii—band Intermodulation Distortion (IMD): 50 dB below eitlier tone anWO equal signals producing 1 2h (IBm PEP Spurious Broadband Eiuissiom Per MlL»STD-I88-I4IA. Paragraph 5.3.2.l aitd Table ll Harmonic Outputs: -65 dBc maximum All Other Discrete Spurious: -80 dBc Carrier Suppression »60 die (or a single tone at +27 signal output K 'ig Characteristics Attack Time Dela}: 3 ms maximum to 90 percent of full steady state output Reluasc 'I llIlL‘ Delay. 3 in; maximum to 10 percent oft‘iill steady state output £10)an Time: Defined as time from "key down" to RF output or "key up" to reduce Rl‘ output Modulation Input Unbalancud Audio Input Impedance: l50 ohms i IO percent over 500 to 7000 Hz Characteristics passband Audio Input Let'el: -45 to » I 5 (Mini ref. ISO ohms Balanced Audio Input Impedance: 600 ohms 0 dBm nominal Audio Level Control: Automatic audio level control holds PEP audio at standard level : I dB overthe 30 dB input range m devia ion tip to 5 kHz Amplitude Modulation up to 9596. INPUT/OUTPUTS Audio Line Input (Normal) 600 ohms balanced pair on audio connector 0 dBm :3 dB (Normal is the USB when 158 modulation mode is selected], Atidio Line lnpiit (Alternate) 600 (rillflS balanced pair on audio connector 0 Mini :3 dB (Alternate audio is LSB when [SB modulation mode is s:"‘ectedj MlC :lll"\ p-p nominal. lSO oliui input impedance to front panel ntic_|:ick Mic ke) in cl \\ Iil'i rear panel audio Connectui kcfluie. Reference In ‘ii \ti|/ , ti dltm. in nlims nominal RF Output illsm max into 50 ohms Optimum spurious tyulptttS are obtained (or output t-‘t-cl» oi nil tant to A27 dBni. When the optional ponci amplifier requires drtt‘e of less than ~2l dBm. the insertion ol’a suitable external attenuator is monmmidcd Ill' Oil/Oil lTL Lcwl or open collector (LO\\ 1 all". HlGll or open = on) MANUAL LEVEL CONTROL -3, l0“1-i‘dBIll (nominal) in | dB steps. (MLC) IF SECTION lst IF 24 Mix DSI’ geneizitcd. Ioti'pass filter (17, SU kI~I7 2nd IF 156 kll7 Standaitl Filter BW = 18 kH7 3rd ll" JJ 456 .\ll|z Standard I'iltei BW 1 22.5 kHz Rev B 1-3 ©cuaic.coMMUNtc A numb-l an». cum: cum-rm. Mu, amp-m. ATIDNE T-41 50180 TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 1-1 T—MSU/El) Specifications-Cont. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION S eciiicaiion Workmanship Interchangeabilit’y FINISH .__ From Panel 8: Chassis Cover MIL-546400, Paragraph 3.17 as a guideline All identical units, assemblies, and replacement pans are physically, electrically and functionally interchangeable FED-STD~595 chip 26307, semi-gloss grey enamel _| Corrosion protected following guidelines established in Paragraph 3.4 of Chassis MlL~E-16400 Handles and silkscreen Matte black Markings . OPTIONS High-perfomiance reference oscillator Serial Data Bus OCXO, 0.1 ppm oftuned frequency RS-232 or RS-422 Parallel Data Bus Dual Rack Mount Kit “SEE-488 Hardware and slides to fasten two T—4180 exciters together for installation in standard l9-inch rack Rev B ©6UBIC-CDMMUNICATIDNS A mm" a! m. Cums cow-mm um, pawn!“ T~41SOIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 2 PREPARATION FOR USE AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2-1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains unpacking, inspection, installation, connections. and initial alignment procedures. 2-2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION. To unpack and inspect the exciter for damage, perform the following procedures: Do not drop the equipment when lifting or carrying, Personnel injury or equipment damage may occur. 1. Inspect the shipping canon for damage before unpacking the exciter. NOTE lfthe canon is damaged, open the canon in the presence ofa shipping carrier agent if possible. If damage is found after the exciter is unpacked, retain the canon and packing materials for inspection. !~' Open the canon and remove the foam packing material on top ofthe exciter. Lifi the exciter from the canon Lu NOTE Save canon for possible reshipment. 4. Inspect the exciter for external damage including dents and scratches. CAUTION Do not attempt to operate the exciter if major damage is found Rev B 2—3 INSTALLATION. The exciter is designed for desktop operation in a relatively dust free environment with an ambient temperature range between 0 and +50°Cr An optional dual rack mount kit is available for the T4 I 80 to mount two units into a standard 19-inch rack. No special tools or additional materials are required for installation. NOTE See figure FO-l for clearance re~ quirements and mounting details. 2-4 CONNECTIONS. Refer to table 2-1 and connect the output, power cable, and optional equipment to the unit. (See figure 24) 2-1 ®ZCUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS A momblr w. Cumc Lemur-Iron mu, nitnmpnmus T—41SOIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 2—1 Rear Panel Connections. (3-43-0112) Name Type Mating Type Description ‘1-4150 mmm un msiuzmo-w "Illllurndflulw 901021111 \’AC_47I\»-|JUII/. slnglc pl 1 60 VA mm \’A (344-436) 411 "11201 131121; mm mm 11] 4114111, |1||v1|l) m, w 7511111151111- pin 1qu dcscnplmns 1141110 l’()\\‘U( (111 320-013 NEMA 54“) on m 260 VAC.“ 104-1011; 1g plmw M1 VA (so VA 16964“ mu m Cord) mm g 400117 inplll) “gm: plions >I11m> 1111: pin IUEI' IN HZ} llNC ck (344mm 1ch Plug (CnslomcrOpliun) UU'I I’U'l ¢27 11111" (13) IINCJ ck (344 _-1(v) RNC Plug [Cusmmcr ominn) wprminlalch so ohms \ ul1:l\’SWR Icssllmnsm 1 111 11m mum Iuncd ' Opnmnm spwuuh mnpm zm’ “mama! (m mwmnmm , um” \\’)|c11|l|cup|mn:1l 1mm 11p|11|cr mwim um ms» Ilmn ~21 du-n. ll1c 1.1mm nl’a mums cm aucmmmr .> rccmnmcndcd ("ON'I'R‘OL (u; (0p!) 211111111141ch mama. ' mum-£101 (Cusxmuw 01711011) (Uplimmldmlg lurhmml 11101 “1:11nunlulmnndcnhlc mhh'muflhc 51.111ch ForcxlmmlR. 732C01RS- 4.2rcumlccunlwlbmopmumu mm 21.5 Ihtpin dcscylnlinns Rcl'evmmeSJ zlmscuhus mlhus cunfigumlinn ||~'I'.I',»4SS REMOTE ('O.\ I'ROI. (I4; (Op!) 1 4x;- 24mm “hlm: rihhun" connccmv aw}, Smndnnl IF . , cmmcclm (C'llsmmcr Omion) 4x1 24min 10pmm1 dmlglucr 1mm in [Imu- 1110d11hzm|d cam.» awmhh muslhciu. |Ilcd1 lurfllcnmlrc mccomml hu npcmlion 1111.11 li51< Ihc pmdg. minus. 1mm“ mm 3-7 5 2,2 1 m m Ihc IH’MRS hm address VA (“OK 11101. (151 IS~|vin "n" £11 "1111111111111“ mak- Hymn); 1. pm ”(r suhmmimum Ivllmlc (324-0701 11st m cmmm cm Ihc pm dcwnplnm» 1.1 pnucr mnphfivr 1:11.11- 2-4 lms Al'DIOlJb) 15-pin “D" “nuninmlmc Iumzllu (52441701 ”11mm 1 h1||1111m1|rc “111111 24411101 1 m m cunnccl mulln (mm 11m» inpuh or “um cqulplnrm “1:11-1 < hm Um p11] ducrtpuulh NOTE: Pnrl numbcn in pnrenlhcsu (000-0001 11|d1cn1c (fl parl munhuy il'uppllcflhiu GROJNQ (G ”01 (nmcm Rev B Change 2 T—418O Ngumfu NINWE1 Pm A no] name»: Pm : NEuTRA, (wwra T—4150 Figure 2-2 Power Connector (J1) Pin Descriptions, 2~3 ©cua|c.c0MMUNu:A-rions T-4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mmwum. cone COM/unoc- mm, oleomponlu Table 2-2 Serial Remote Control Bus Connector (J4) Pin Descriptions—Cont. NOTE (CONT): The Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send (CTS) handshake circuits are generally not used when the line drivers are configured for bus sharing operation. When the line drivers are not configured for bus sharing, the operation ofthc CTS and RTS lines is as follows: When a exciter is ready to accept remote control commands it will set the RTS circuit true. When it has received a message and is processing the commands, it will set the RTS circuit false until it is ready to receive another command. The exciter will only transmit messages to an extemal device when its CTS circuit is held true by the external device. The external device may stop the transmitted output ofthc exciter (to prevent buffer overflow for example) by taking the CTS circuit false. When the CTS circuit is again taken true, the exciter will begin transmitting where it left off. NOTE: When bus sharing is enabled from the exciter front panel, the state ofthe CTS circuit is ignored. The number ofT»4 lOO series exciters that may be connected to a single controller is dependent on the serial bus type and the line driver characteristics ofthe controller. but in general is at least 10 exciters for RS-232 operation and at least 30 - exciters for RS—422 operation. Dual chassis models count as two exciters. The input resistance ofthe RS-232 line exciters is approximately 5000 Ohms. The exciter contains no termination resistors for the RS-422 bus. lfconnected directly to a computer interface also configured as DTE, a reversal oftransmit and receive data (TXD and RXD or SD and RD) and request to send and clear to send (RTS and CTS or RS and CS) lines may be necessary. The Request to Send and Clear to Send lines may be jumpered together on the mating connector if required by the system. These reversals orjumpers are normally not required it” units are connected through a modem. lfa T4 1 00 series exciter is to be connected to another DTE device as its controller, the circuits must be swapped for proper operation as follows: »4 erie Exciter cher 2 EDevice Transmitted Data ---------- > ----------- Received Data Received Data Request to Send Clear to Send Clear to Send Request to Send Signal Ground ----------------------- Signal Ground Transmitted Data CAUTION Refer to note below EEPCLR command in table 3-5. I______ Rev B 2-5 @CUBIC.CDMMUNICATICINS . mlmbu mm Cum: Carpal-lion I'mily allow-pan“) T4150l80 TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 2—4 PA CONTROL Connector (JS) Pin Description. Pin Signal Remarks l NU Not used 2 NU Nor used 3 4 GND Ground 4 NU Not used 5 PA KEY! Oulpul linc » 1 Open drain pullvdown m ground (40V. 0,5A max.) 6 GND Ground 7 PADAT (fl Serial dam (0 in +5\’) 8 PADAT L») Serial data invencd (0 I0 ‘5\’) 0 1 GND Ground 10 - [5 ,NC No! connecied NOTE: (+) indicates slandard TTL signal levels. (-) indicales smndard TTL signal (logical complexnenl). For dichremial operation, use both pins. T'I'L: VUI, = +2v5V. min: \’o‘ = +0.5V, max. Table 2—5 AUDIO Connector (JG) Pin Descriptions. l Pin Signal Remarks 1 NORM BAL AUDIO 600 ohms balanced pair 2 NORM BAL RTN 3 GND l 4 ALT B.~\L AUDlO Mm ohm.» balanced pmr ! 5 ALT BAL RTN (I GND T MIC C\\ Kl-.\' 5\' Open ch: 08 mA slion circuit X GND 9 NC Non connected IU ‘rx KEY Oulpul lmc~ Open drain pull'dn“ n lo ground (40V. 0.5A ma\ ) ll RF DlSABLE‘ LOW = Rl off. TTL lllGH a: open = RT on IZ-IS NC \'ol connecled Rev B Change 1 2—7(Z-8 blank) QCUBIC- COMMUNICATIONS . memo-teth- Cubic Comanllon "My “compo/nu T-41 50/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Section I. LOCAL CONTROL 3—1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains both local (manual) and remote control (using a remote control bus) operating instructions for the exciter including a description of the controls and displays and operating procedures. 3—2 LOCAL OPERATION. Local (manual) operation is perfomted using the front panel controls and displays. 3-2 1 Controls and Dig/ax. (See figure 3-1.) Table 3-1 lists the front panel controls, and display, and their functions. 3-22 Parameter Enfm. Figure 3-2 shows the parameter entry controls and display used to change the exciter parameters. Each is described below. 32.2.1 I'actntm Fltmrercc‘n/ Dita/git The vacuum fluorescent display shows two basic displays; normal. and data entry. The displays are described below. .l A'Qrmgl Qimlnt' The normal display (figure shows the basic exciter parameters including channel number. modulation type. audio source, carrier revel, operating frequency, bandwidth selection, local or remote control selection, the soft key menus, and NEXT to indicate that there are other soft key labels available in the menu FiVe soft keys (unlabeled) are located below the menu (See figure )- -Z) The labels for the soft kevs appear tenu display immediately above each key. When a so .xe\ is pressed the function above the key is selected. Pressing lht: NEXT key (when NEXT is displayed in the display) selects a different set ofsoft key labels. NOTE The CaxLev: part ofthe display changes to reverse Video when the TX_KEY and the PAVKEY signals are set, i.e., when the optional power amplifier is turned on. The display reverts back to normal when these signals are off. Rev B 3-2.z.t.z Dam Entry Dixglgy The data entry display (figure 3-4) is present during most soft key entries. Basic exciter parameters are shown on the right side of the display. The center of the display is used for operator instructions and parameter entry display. (frequency entry is shown), 3-22 1.3 MM; Although not considered a basic display, the meter display (figures 3-5 and 3-6) shows the RF and audio levels It can usually be displayed from the normal or data entry display when the MTR/MNU key is pressed. The soft key menu is replaced with two or three meters depending on the modulation mode. in the 158 modulation mode, the AFZ meter shows the alternate audio input. Each ofthe meters has an analog arrow that shows the approximate reading on the meter while the center ofthe meter shows a numeric reading. Each meter is described below. RF meter» Indicates RF output level from »33 to +27 dBm (output of less than -33 dBm display ed as' "). AF meter- Indicates nomtal audio level at the rear panel 600 ohm input or front panel mic— ruphone input from 50 to ~l2 dBm. AFZ meter , Indicates alternate audio level at the rear panel 600 ohm input from -50 to —12 dBm (ISB modulatton mode only). NOTE Either the normal dlSpIfl)’ or the meter display may be displayed as the default Pressing the MTR MNU key will alternately select etther display. Refer to paragraph 3-7.5.4 to change the default setting. 32.2.2 (‘mttmlt (See ftgur: 772) “lable 32 lists the parameter Entr) controls, the dtspla) and their functions 3-1 ®CUEIC- COMMUNICATIONS . 74150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mum/m. can, Want-m lumnynlnamplrnn Vacuum Fluorescent Display 1 CHAN :247 .i 12 8 8 7473 BW:]0,0kHz erLev:+]OdBn;/ ‘ it FREQ MODU . Soft Key Menu Main Adjustment Knob \ M0ou:AM MHz CTRL:LOCA7L BW NEXL SOURCE: MK: ”1 y“ 7: Local/Remote Key Soft Keys Numeric Keys Meter/Menu Key Figure 3-2 Parameter Entry Controls and Display. Table 3-2 Parameter Entry Controls. Control LOG/REM Kc} Fu notion Pressing the LDC/REM key selects either local (manual) or remote control ol'the excitcr. When the desired control mode is selected CTRL:LOCAL or CTRLzREMOTE is displayed in the lower center ofthc vacuum fluorescent display. MTR’MNU Key Soft Keys Five Shfi keys (unlabeled) are provided belo“ the soft key menu Each key corresponds to i the menu selection immediately above the key. When a soft key is pressed. the function above the key is selected for parameter entry. Pressing the NEXT kc) allows a different set of soft keys to appear in the soft key menu The MTR’MNU key selects either the soft key menu display or the meter display. Numeric Keys The numeric keys are used to select numbers or decimal point for entry. NEXT Key The NEXT key allows selection ofthe next soft key menu. Main Adjustment Knob The main adjustn'tnl knob has a digital encoder on the knob’s shnl‘t that allows incrementing and decrentcnting numeric entries without using the numeric keys. Using the knob can save time in most cases by eliminating key presses Rev B 3-3 ©CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS A "ammun- Cublc Corporation hwy ormmpamu 3-3 POWER ON AND INITIAL SET UP. To turn on and initially set up the cxciter do the following: I. Set the power switch ON. 2. Observe the display for initialimlion displays then the normal display. ‘ . To shut down the exciterl set the power switch to OFF t NOTE Ifthe exciter is remotely controlled, the exciter must be initially configured for bus operation. The exciter's bus parameters must match the parameters ofthc remote controller. Perform the remote control configuration procedures in paragraph 3-75.22. ' 3-4 EMERGENCY OPERATION. There are no emergency operating procedures. 3-5 INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS AND CONTROL SETTINGS. There are no initial adjustments or control settings necessaq. Rev B T41SDIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL 3-6 NORMAL OPERATION. Exciter functions are set or changed by watching the front panel display, while using the keypad (and/or main adjustment knob) to select and cnter the parameters. lithe meter display is shown (figure 3-5 or 3—6), press the MTR/MNU key to Show the nomtal display containing the sofi key menu (figure 3-3). Refer to paragraph 3-7 to set or change exciter parameters. 3-7 SETTING OR CHANGING EXCITER PARAMETERS. When the exciter is first powered on, a power-on selftest (POST) tests key circuits in the excilcr, and performs a buiIHn test equipment (BITE) test. lfa failure is detected, the display shows the failure code. When no failures are detected, the exciter displays the primary soft key menu. Each of the four main soft key menus are described in paragraph 3-7tl, The secondary and subsequent main soft key menus are selected by pressing the NEXT key. Pressing the MTR/MNU key while in most menus causes the exciter to switch to the METER display. The following paragraphs lists the soft key menus used to change exciter parameters. Shaded keys indicate the next logical key to press in a panicular sequence. if no shading is shown the operator has a choice of keys to press. Figure 3-7 shows a flow chan ofall soft key menus. NOTE To cancel the current operation and return to the main menu. press the CANCEL soft key when displayed To return to the function group menu press the RETURN soft key when displayed. This key allovts the operator to continue entering other related functions without returning to the main menu. To return to the main menu press the DONE soft key “hen displayed 35 ©CUEIC-CDMMUNICATIDNS T-41SDI80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A numb-I 97m. cw: Ccrpouhon lamny alcompomu UTILITVSOFTKEYMENU , 7777~ “4- 7 ,,,,,,_., 777”. ,,,,.s_.._s _EEEE__,,,-,_, rEsr IcoNnC “qu5 5mm! _— mom INYENS SOUND MENUS CANCEL —— MENUS MEYERS CANCEL ‘ ' —— CLICK1 BEE? I DONE "L ON ; H" l7,5'A tuo'f. DONE ‘ 11.57. 15-1. Eo'f. DONE MEMORY I 1 l J L. Aonns me A. A s c ENTER lCANCEL -—a- D s r ENTER CANCEL -. 4 w cunm I CUMUL CANCEL mlT REMOTE PWRDWN norms CANCEL _..|' ON on: CANCEL —> no vss CANCEL _.- ADnRs . v : ENTER .RETURN: ssnn : RETURN : _L RS-ZJZ . R542: ‘RETURNI 4,.__.__L _____ 4 REYURN I SERIAL BUS (mu RETURN , H.) _._’V CHNL MDFLrs SFLBLS CANCEL { 1 com CANCEL NEx‘v - ALL CANCEL a CONT CANCEL DsPLv DAC CANCEL mass FLO sonnm Figure 3-7 Soft Key Menus Overall Flow Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2), Rev B 3-7 ©CUBIC-COMMUNICATIDNS T4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mama-rah»- em‘ cow-nun Imuyoleompnmu 3-72 Blimggx Sol! Kez Menu. The following paragraphs detail the primary sofi key menu parameter entries. 3-7.2,l frggygngu This function sets or changes the exciter frequency, Primary Sofl Key Menu. MODU BW SOURCE LEVEL J MTR Next MNU Press the FREQ key to adjust the transmit frequency. The following menu appears. FREQ Entry Soft Key Menu. —RATE RATEfl BKSP ENTER J CANCEL Change the transmit frequency with the keys or main adjustment knob. Repeatedly pressing the RATE keys moves a bar under the digits in the display. The bar under the digit indicates the tuning resolution oflhe main adjustment knob. NOTE The BKSP (backspace) ke) clears the previously entered digit and allows entry of correct digit. 3»7.2.2 Mad“ This function selects the exciter modulation mode. Primary Soft Key Menu, FREQ BW l SOURCE LEVEL Press the MODU key to change the modulation mode The following menu appears. (Refer to table 3-3 for a description ofeach modulation mode). MODU Soft Ke} Menu. L5 in 1 use . ct: AM CANCEL i J] Press the desired transmit modulation mode. or press the NEXT ks) and lllL‘ followingv menu appears Rev B 3-9 ®CUEIC. COMMUNICATIONS T—4‘ISOIBD TECHNlCAL MANUAL A mcmn-lflm- Cum cow-m Inn-W wlznmpnnnx MODU >NEXT Sail Key Menu 155 J FM FSK FMfax I CANCEL I i ii —i Press the desired transmit modulation mode. or press the NEXT key to show the additional modulation modes. MODU - NEXT NEXT Soft Key Menu. LSBfC LSBpC I USch 1 USEpC CANCEL, I i l Press the desired transmit modulation mode, or press the NEXT key to show the first modulation mode menu. ma MNU | m 3-7.2.3 Eandn'idlh. This function sets or changes the exeiter bandwidth. NOTE In lSB modulation mode the bandwidth is fixed at 2.8 kHz ln USB, or LSB only bandwidths between 100 Hz and 6.0 kHz can be selected. in AM or FM modulation modes all bandwidths between 100 kHz and 16.0 kHz may be selected. There are nu CW bandwidth settings. Primar) Soft Key Menu. FREQ MODE l . VJ Press BW to change the bandwidth. The following menu appears. mu BW Soft Key Menu. 16.0' r' 2.8* 6.0* CANCEL 'llilL Press the desired bandwidth key or press the NEXT he; to display addmanal bandttidths ‘Operator assignable value. May be different than shoun. Rev B 3-11 ©custc.c0MMUNtr:A~rtt3Ns A mum-mun. cum Comm-Ironinmfly ottoman-A0: T-4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL BW - NEXT - TABLE - ASSIGN - NEXT Soft Key Menu. 12.0* i 14.0* 8.0* RETURN mm Press the desired soft key to assign to a band“ Zdth. The following menu is displayed. BW » NEXT - TABLE Soft Key Menu. ASSIGN DEFLT i ENTER | ' J ll” MTR MNU [mt Press the CANCEL key or assign additional bandwidths ifdesired. 3-12.32 Assignmrz Defaull Bandwid/ltx T9 Tmnxmiz Madulmlnn Mar/m Bandwidths may be assigned to transmit modulation modes as default settings using the DEFLT function. To assign the bandwidths select the BW - NEXT — TABLE soft key menu as shown below. Rotate the main adjustment knob to select the desired bandwidth as shown in the display. NOTE The desired transmit modulation mode (to be assigned a bandwidth value) must be selected before selecting this function. USB and LSB share the same default bandwidth. Modulation mode default settings may be enabled or disabled through keypad configuration. Refer to section $7,513. BW - NEXT - TABLE Soft Key Menu, ASSIGN i EN”"“ CANCEL T— MYR MNU Press the DEFLT he} and the follouing menu apivars B\\' - NEXT ~ TABLE - DEFLT Soft Key Menu. nEfiT£R55 CANCEL La. Press the ENTER key to assign the bandwidth to the selected transmit modulation mode. Rev B 3-13 ©CUBIC. COMMUNICATIONS T4150!“ TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm" nllho elm: cow-nan 4mm, clump-rt)" LEVEL ~ Menu, 7 , BKSP ENTER I CANCEL I I I m Next l L M Press the +/— key to toggle the polarity‘ofthe power level entry. LEVEL — Menu, I +/— 7 ENTER CANCEL I I I m I next qu Input the power level into the exciter by rotating the knob or entering the digits into the keypad Press the backspace key to delete the last digit entered. MT»? NEXT mu Press the LEVEL key to assign the output power level to the exciter. 3-73 Egggndqg' 5011 Kg Menu The following paragraphs detail parameter entry from the secondary soft key menui To display the secondary sofi key menu, press the NEXT key from the primary soft key menu. 3-7.3.l Store This function stores all current exciter parameters in a selected memory channel All exciter parameters are first entered using the keypad and/or main adjustment knob. The memory channel is then selected and all data is copied to the memory channel. The following parameter settings may be stored in each memory channel: frequency, power level, exciter modulation mode, audio source, bandwidth. hop rate, and dwell time. Secondary Soft Key Menu. ._|_ PAPOW PASTAT PAGAIN I ll— L331“! Press the STORE key to store current parameters lit a memory channel. The following menu appears Rev B 3-15 ©cusic. CDMMUNlCATIDNS 14150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL a mm”: 1». cute cow-non mm, mumm- PAPOW Soft Key Menu. I lKW 500W I 100W I TUNE |CANCEL || tile CAUTION When any ofthe above sofi keys are pressed (except CANCEL), the exciter and PA»5050A are automatically keyed. The attenuator in the PA-SOSOA is automatically adjusted to produce the selected RF power level output, ml Press the desired soft key to select the RF power level for the PA-SOSOA power amplifier. lt'the optional ACIU is installed. pressing the TUNE soft key directs the Antenna Coupler to tune with 100 watts of power from the PA-SOSOA. The TUNE sofi key only appears ifthe ACIU is installed. 3-714 EASMZ This function causes the cunent status ofthe PA-SOSOA power amplifier to be displayed. . Secondary Soft Key Menu STORE I RECALL . t I lam Press the PASTAT key to show the current PA»5050A power amplifier status. The following menu appears. PAGAIN PASTAT Sott Key Menu. RETURN JJJ View the current PA-SOSOA status information, and then press RETURN to return to the normal display, MNU 3»7.3.5 P4Q41N. This function allows the operator to adjust the gain oflhe PA-SUSOA power amplifier (ifinstalled), Secondary Soft Key Menu. | STORE |RECALL PAPow PASTAT m; | l l l Press the PAGAI’N key to input the gain ol'the PA»5050A power amplifier. The following menu appears. urn NEXT MNU Rev B 347 ©CUBIC.COMMUNICAT|DNS . 74150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm" at m. Cum: eawum Ian-W Mew-110m" Hop/Dwell - HOP - FROM Sofi Key Menu. BKSP , RETURN—1 MYR MNu Select the desired starting channel using the keypad or main adjustment knob, and press ENTER. The menu will switch back to the Hop/Dwell - HOP menu as shown below. Hop/Dwell - HOP Sofi Key Menu. ll Hop/Dwell - HOP - Soft Key Menu. Mm NEXT umu Press the TO key and the following menu appears. I BKSP RETURN I l l l — l"‘*‘l Select the desired ending channel using the keypad or main adjustment knob, and press ENTER. The menu will switch back to the Hop/Dwell - HOP menu as shown below. Hop/Dwell - HOP Sofi Key Menu. ’o TO 31, START RETURN! l lwl Press RATE (iidesired) to sel the rare the cxciter changes channels during hopping operation. The following menu appears ifRATE is selected. mm mm Hop'Dnell - HOP - RATE Soft Key Menu ans; smart} RETURN ma NEXT r ) mu Select the desired hop rate and press ENTER. The menu will s“ ilCh back to the Hop/Dwell - HOP menu as shown belou Rev B 3-19 QCUEIC. COMMUNICATIONS T—4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A number atm- Cunk camr-IMI-mll'olsommmn 3-75 mil/(y §Qfi Kgx Menu. The following paragraphs detail parameter entry from the utility soft key menu. To display the utility soft key menu, press the NEXT key from the Hop/Dwell soft key menu. 3-7.5.l Text This function allows selection ofexciter tests. Utility Soft Key Menu. CONFIG FAULTS SYSTEM g s m m A 5 W Press the TEST key to perform Exciter tests. The following menu appears. M‘i” Utility - TEST Soft Key Menu. DSPLY DAC CANCEL I i i —Ji "E” ii Press the BITE soft key to select the built»in test equipment test. Observe the display for fault information. Utility - TEST Soft Key Menu. DAC CANCELJ mu Press the DSPLY soft key to select the front panel display test. After the test is complete, press any soft key when prompted. The normal display will be shown uith the printar} soft key menu BITE Util ~ TEST Soft Key Menu _ DSFLY DA i CANCEL t l» l mum ' MNU NOTE When this test is activated, the exciter stops Iransmilllng signals. and a fault indication may appear. This is normal. Press the DAC soft he) to select test outputs front the digital-toAanaiog converter in the digital module, The display will shtm what certain test point indications should be Rev B 3-21 ©cua|c. COMMUNICATIONS T4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm" 01th Cum: Commotion hm, ”comp-run Utility - CONFlG lNlT Soft Key Menu. SFLBLS CANCEL ii i | la-% Press MDFLTS to reset the default BW‘setling to the initial value, The following menu appears. CHNL NEXY Utility - CONFlG » lNIT- MDFLTS Soft Key Menu. CONT CANCEL ma NEXT MNU Utility » CONFIG - lNlT Soft Key Menui Press CONT to continue or CANCEL to cancel the function. Cl-lNL MDFLTS $1 , CANCEQJ J M_TR I NEXT l mu Press SFLBLS to reset the BW soft key labels to the initial values. The following menu appears. Ulilil}l - CONFIG - lNlT - SFLBLS Soft Key Menu. i CONT CANCEL‘I l | l Ifl l mu Press CONT to continue or CANCEL to cancel the function. To initialize all ofthe functions press the NEXT ks) from the Ulilll) » CONFIG menu. NOTE When the following function is perfomieds all non-Volatile memor} data will be lost Utility - CO\'F[G - INl'.r Soft Key Menu. CHNL TS l SFLBLS lCANCEL rm: Mw Press the NEXT kc) and the following menu appezzrs Rev B 3~23 ©custc.coMMUN|t:ATtoNs A mm" all!" lit/Ne Cfil'paullfln mm 01 “mm" Utility - CONFlG — REMOTE Soft Key Menu. T4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL I BKSP Ifiy RETURN ll Mm NEXT mu Enter the exciter's bus address using the keypad or knob (range = 000 - 254). Press ENTER when clone. NOTE Pressing the RETURN key switches to the Utility - CONFlG - REMOTE soft key menu without changing the original address. Utility » CONFlG - REMOTE Soft Key Menu. ADDRS RATE BITS DONE E] II Press the TYPE key to select the remote control bus type. The following menu appears, Utility ~ CONFIG - REMOTE - TYPE Soft Key Menu. . "t RS—232 | RS—422 ma NEXT MNU l RETURN I I I L I NEXT mm Press the desired remote control bus type key. Utility » CONFIG - REMOTE Soft Key Menu. ADDRS I BITS DONE I rmu Press the RATE key to change the serial bus rate The following menu appears, Ulilit) - CONFIG - REMOTE - RATE Soft K6) Menu 125000 38400 19200 I 9600 RETURN l l I I m usxr mu . » Select the desired serial bus baud rate. or press the NEXT key and the following menu appears. Rev B 3-25 ®CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDN5 T4150180 TECHNlCAL MANUAL A m'mb-rolmo can: cum-mum, alwmpnmn DATA BlTS STOP BIT PARlTY S 2 ODD 8 l ODD 1 7 Z ODD 7 l ODD 8 2 EVEN 8 l EVEN 7 2 EVEN 7 l EVEN 8 2 NO ‘ 8 1 NO 7 2 NO 7 l NO Utility - CONFIG - REMOTE Sofi Key Menu. ADDRS TYPE 1 RATE I BITS J DONE‘, l | |$ l — Press the DONE key to return lo the primary sofl key menu. press the NEXT key and the following menu appears. Ulilil) , CONFlG - REMOTE » NEXT Soft Key Menu. I DENT L DONE | H [ NEXT I mm Press the SHARE key to select party linc or single bus The following menu appears. Uuln} - CONFIG - REMOTE - NEXT » SHARE Soft Key Menu. ENAB DISAE RETURN r I m N5x7 mu Press ENAB to enable bus sharing for party lme bus. or Selecl DISAB (or sungle exciler on bus. Rev 8 3-27 ®cuslc. COMMUNICATIGNS T-4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A member ol the Cvik CAM-Mon lumuynlewunemn 3» , n: ur' rc/I r De null I in it To configure the exciter's default settings sclect Ulility - CONFlG sofi key menu as shown below. INIT MDFLTS CANCEL Mm NEXT MNU Select PWRDWN to determine lithe current exciter operating parameters will be saved or not “hen the exciter is turned off. The following menu appears. Utility » CONFlG - MEMORY Soft Key Menu. NO YES CANCEL um NEXT NNU Press NO or YES as desired, and the display goes back to the primary menu. Utility - CONFIG Soft Key Menu. is?» INIT REMOTE PWRDWN [WE Q CANCEL Iii || Press the MDFLTS key to turn the B‘A' modulation mode defaults on or off. The following menu appears. Utility - CONFIG ~ NEXT MDFLTS Soft Key Menu . on or? CANCEL Press the ON or OFF key to select whether B\\' revens to default values when the transmit modulation mode is changed. Rev B 3-29 @ CUBIC.COMMUNICAT|0NS - T-41SB/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm" oun- Cum: Lama-"mt mm, a! “mm" Utility - SYSTEM Soft Key Menu. SOUND I MENUS CANCEL I ABOUT l Mr l I~m Press lhe INTENS key to change the intensity ofllte front panel display. The following soft key menu appears. MYR MNU Utility - lNTENS Sofi Key Menu. 62.5% 75% 87.5% 10033 DONE I ma MNU Select the desired display intensity, and press DONE; or press the NEXT key and the following menu appears. NOTE Display may net be visible in bright ambient light it‘5% intensity is selected, Utilily » INTENS - NEXT Soft Key Menu. L 5521 12.535 25% I 50% DONE Mm NEX" mu Select the desired display inlensil}. and press DONE: or press the NEXT ks) to retum to Ihe previous menu. Ut' 't} - SYSTEM Soft Kc) Menu. ABOUT INTENS I , a z ' ; Mm NEXY . Mm: Press the SOUND key to select the sound opxlons. The following menu appears, MENUS CANCEL Utiltt) - SYSTEM - SOUND Soft Key Menu. 5? l DONE NEXY Press CLICK to enable key clicks on or oflnlten keys are pr- sad The folltming menus appears Rev B 3-31 ©CUBID- COMMUNICATIONS T-41SOIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL A m'thMl’u curate smitten/m”, alcompmln Utility - SYSTEM Soft Key Menu, ABOUT INTENS SOUND MENUS i CANCEL ll Press the NEXT key and the following menu appears. Utility - SYSTEM - NEXT Soft Key Menu, ASCII display ofntemory (factory use only), mm mm Print The following menu appears. Press the MEMORY key to observe the HEX/ Utility - SYSTEM - NEXT - MEMORY Sofi Key Menu. DONE ma NEXT mu Use the main adjustment knob to scroll through the memory locations. or press the ADDRS key and the following menu appears. Utility - SYSTEM - NEXT - MEMORY - ADDRS Soft Key Menu T" C ' ENTER C ‘CEL -—r--— _ _ l i Use the numeric keypad and the letter soft keys above to select specific hexadecimal memory locations for display. To enter hexadecimal letters Dr E. and F. press the NEXT key and the following menu appears. Utilit) - SYSTEM - NEXT - MEMORY - ADDRS » NEXT Soft Ks} Menu. D E F l ENTER CANCEL ' i Select the desired address location and press ENT. me my Rev 8 3-33 ©CUBIC. COMMUNICATIONS T-41SDIEO TECHNICAL MANUAL A mm“, uHM cum Commutanlormlyolnmnvuu lSTXI123lF2398760005PMCICRI l I I / I I l———|—Adr—| ———————— Data Field—/ —————— |——| / / \ Start ASCII Carriage of Text Space Character Return NOTES: . The first character ofa transmission will always be STX (start oftext, ASCII code 02). The second, third. and founh characters will contain the address in decimal, with the most significant digit first, ofthe exciter sending the transmission or to which it is being sent by the controller, The address code for any exciter may be any number from 000 to 254 provided that it is not used by any other unit connected to the bus. Address 255 is reserved for "broadcasting" to all exciters on the bus (refer to para 3-86). The controller has no address. All three digits must be transmitted. Addresses less than 100 must be filled with ‘0' digits on the left. The address is set from the front panel with the soft key sequence CONFIG— REMOTE- ADDRS. The fifth character ofthe transmission is the beginning ofthe data field, This field may contain as few as one or as many as 250 characters. The data field may contain one or more messages. lfmore than one message is contained in the data field, each message must be separated from the next by one or more blank (space) characters. Any number of messages may be included in the data field provided that the maximum number ofcharacters is not exceeded There are, however, certain request for status commands that may not be mixed with any other request for status commands in the same transmission. These messages will be noted as such in table 3—6. The final character ofthe transmission will be a CR (carriage return). This character will follow the last character of the data field. This transmission above from the controller is addressed to the exciter with address l23 and contains two messages: "F23987600" and "MC". When sending messages to the exciter that require numeric values as arguments. it is not necessary to include leading zeros. For example. to send a message to change the frequency to 5.67 MHz. the command message "F5670000" may be given in place of "F05670000". When a request for a status message is made, the reply will always include any leading zeros so that the value may be extracted by counting characters in the message. Figure 3-5 Serial Bus Message Format. lSTlDl D2 DE D4. 05 D6 D7 (D8lllPlIS (S)| l l I | —-Dete Bits ———————— l--~l ----- l / / \ St :: Parity Stop Bit Bit Eit(sl n: NOTES: Information is passed in full duplex as characters in an asynchronous serial format Each character consists ofa Rev B start bit, 7 or 8 data bits with the least significant bit sent first, an optional parity bit which may provide odd or even parity. and one or I\\0 stop bits. The serial transmission rate maybe set to each ofthe following standard rates‘ 75, 110, 150. 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 l9200, 38400, and 125000 hits per second Number ofdata bits. number ot‘stop bits, parity options and baud rate are all selectable from the front panel ofthe exciter through the keypad from the CONFIG — REMOTE menu. The selected values take effect immediately when changed and are stored in non-tolatile memory Figure 3-9 Serial Bus Character Format. 3-35 ©CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS A mmw ,, m. ewe Corbounm Icmuycl zum‘wu T-4‘I 50/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 3-4 Serial Bus Interface Command Messages. Message Definition jNORM Set NORMAL interface mode :ACKN Set ACKNOWLEDGE interface mode :'_7 Requesl Interface Status Message Table 3—5 Serial Bus Interface Status Messages, Message Definition OKzNORM No errors, NORMAL Mode OKLACKN No errors, ACKNOWLEDGE Mode TEzEEPR Testing error — EEPROM corrupted TEzPOST Testing error - power on selflest error LE1PRTY Line error — parity LEzFRMG Line error - framing LE:OVRN Line error - ovcn’un IE:OVFL Interface error » buffer overflou IEzIVAL Interface error » illegal value IEzuNKN Interface error ~ unrecognized message REF-"ALT Exciter error - fault has been detected ‘ Rev B 3-37 ©5UBIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS 14150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A numb" 07 m- CUM: an'flofl funny of “mm“ Table 3-6 Exciter Command and Status Messages-Cont. Command Bl Reply Description Perform the built-in-test-cquipment (BITE) test sequence. This command may take several seconds to complete. To see the results of the BITE test, send the Bl? command. BND'.7 BNDx Request the PA»5050A low-pass filter band setting (ifinstalled), x is the current low pass filter band setting. Range 0 to 7. This is determined by the frequency command. C7 Request report ofall parameters that are now different from those reponed in the last Exciter Status Message for each parameter. CFxx Set selected configuration parameter into non-volatile memory, Replace the xx with one ofthe following choices: MDn Enable or disable mode defaults. Replace the n With 1 to enable or 0 to disable mode defaults. BSn Enable or disable bus sharing. Replace the n with l to enable art) to disable bus sharing, PSn Enable or disable the saving/restoring of the front panel parameters when power is removed/applied. Replace the n with a l to enable saving or a 0 to disable saving the parameters. CL CLear all 250 memory channels to default parameters. CN? CN 123 or CN»-- Request the current channel number. The characters llS represent the three digits ofthe current channel number. If the Exciter parameters have been changed since the last channel was recalled the reply message will take the second form with dashes in place of the digits, CO Continue a stopped Hop operation. CRnnn'” F12345678 M‘ \\’l234 G‘ZS D9 Request the parameters stored m channel nnn u ithout recalling that channel. The actual reply it ill be a single string of characters. The reply is shown on multiple lines here only for readabillt}. The fields ofthis message are as described for each rcpl) individuallt Fields are separated b) a single space. Request current Dwell Time. Change Dwell Time. = represents a one character number to select the dwell time in seconds after frequent) tuning during hop operations, (Range. 0 through 9) Rev B 3-39 ©cue|c. caMMUNtcATujms T4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A memo-l arm. can): cow-non hmlty ol comb-mu Table 3-6 Exciter Command and Status Messages-Cont. Command Reply Description FA'J' FAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn _L Request a repon of all accumulated faults. The 16 n characters indicate the accumulated status ofthe fault conditions with each n replaced with a l to indicate the fault is true or a 0 to indicate that the fault is not true, Starting with the first (left most) n character, the definition ofeach fault bit is as follows: Software error interrupt has occurred Fault detected in RF Analog Module Fault detected in Synthesizer Output/Fine Loop Fault detected in Synthesizer Step Loop Fault detected in Power Supply Module DSP processor not responding to requests EEPROM does not accept programming Serial bus time~out Fault (check CTS ifbus sharing is disabled) 9. GPlB timeout: ready to talk but not addressed 10. GPlB timeout: got talk address but no handshake ll. Serial bus UART detected overrun error 12. Serial bus UART detected parity error 13, Serial bus UART detected framing error 14, Illegal bus address for bus type 15. Not currently used LI 6 Not currently used msowewwr FC’?‘ FCnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Request a report of all current faults. Indicates current fault status (Refer to FA’,7 above). FLT? FLTxxxxx Request the PA»5050A fault status (if installed). xxxax is fault status of each power module in the format: Driver; PA]: PAZ: PAS: PA4. l=FAULT 0=NONE. This ts a logical or oflhe gain failure and the over temp failure (om. FR? FM Request current Fast Recall mode. FRl=on. FRO=off (cont) Rev B 3.41 @CUBIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS A mlmb‘ru/I’u oval: CamaMMI-mflybleomp-nlu T4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 3-6 Exciter Command and Status Messages-Cont. Command Reply Description FWD? FWDxxxx Request PA-SOSOA forward power (ifinstalled). xxxx is measured forward power in watts. Range ofO to 1999 watts. G? 6123 Request current Carrier Level setting, 0123 Change Carrier Level. Digits 2 and 3 represent the significant figures of the carrier gain in dBnt. (Range: ,33 through +27). lD',7I Request an identification message from the control processor. The reply to this command is a message that identifies the manufacturer, the equipment name, the firmware version number and date, and a copyright notice. This message is less than 125 characters in length. IDD?‘ Request an identification message from the DSP processor. The reply to this command is a message the gives the date and version number of the firmware in the DSP processor. This message is less than 80 characters in length. IS? 1311 Request the audio input source Isfl Set the audio input source. I! is replaced as follows: 0 = MIC, l = LINE, 2 = 1 kHz, and 3 = noise KEYx Cancelt Stops hop operation and clears all hop parameters. Request PA-SOSOA transmitter key status (if installed). it is the transmit key status. 1=KEYED 0=lDLE Mu. Request current modulation mode, Reply is the same as " description below except a response ofFSK for PS. and FAX for FX. Change exciter modulation mode. " represents a one or two character code chosen from the following set: L for LSB. LF for LSch, LP for LSch, U for USB, UF for USch, UP for USch, l for ISB, C for CW, A for AM, F for FM, FX for FMfax, and F5 for FSK. When the mode is changed, some ofthe other exciter parameters are set to new values as defaults. lfthese other parameters are also being changed, set the new mode first before changing the other parameters. Refer to table 3-3 for a description ofmodulation modes. OT? OTxxxxx Request PA-SOSOA over temp fault status (ifinstalled), xxxxx is over temp shutdown status ofcac'n power module in the format: Driver:PAl:PA2:PA3:PA4. l=SHUTDOWN 02NORMAL PA? PAFxxxxxxxx SWRxx FWDxxxx REVxx ATNxxxx FLTxxxxx KEYX BNDx OTxxxxx Request PA-5050A Status Message (if installed). This will reply with a complete status message ofall settings These are as follows: PAF, SWK FWD, REV, AW, FLT, KEY, BND, OT. See individual commands for definition PA F7 PAFxxxxxxxx Request PA-SOSOA frequency (if installed) xxxxxxxx lS the frequency in Hz. Rev B 3-43 gcuatc.coMMUN|CA1-toms A mmmm. c,“ commm Vamrtynleompunn T-41SOIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 3-6 Exciter Command and Status Messages-Cont, Command Reply Description SC SF: This activates the frequency lOP function oftlte cutter by scqucnliaII) recalling ntcmoty channels. t“ — represents the three digits nftlte highest memory channel to he recalled. The recall begins at tlte memory channel ntost tecently recalled with the RCMH: command. (Run: :0 through 249). The exciter will stop on a memory channel for the dwell time stored in the cttrrent channel. and then recall the next channel. All channel parameters including frequi‘ltc). bandtt idth, power etc. are changed itt the Exciter when the next channel is recalled. CAUTION SincC the cxciter is keyed every tittte the channel is changed duringy this operation. the HOP function should onl) be used with external equipment designed for this function. If frequenc) separation between channels is to great. damage to the external power amplifier and/or antenna system ma} occur due to high attd rapid VSWR fluctuations. SELCAL Option Command The Selcal (Selective call) system is used withe the RS-332 serial bus, Each time the Selcal command is sent. the exciter sends me sets oftwo simultaneous attdto tones. This can be four different tones four ofthe same tones. or any combination oftones. (See Note 2) SG’.‘ Sbebbbbbb Request the reason for the last generated SRO (IEEE-JSS interface only) Each b character is replaced with a 0 to indicate that the corresponding bit \t as not the reason for the last SRO. or a I to indicate that the corresponding hit “as responsible for the last SRO. See figure 3-l0 f0t Sertal Poll response byte btt posittons SMbbbhbbbb Set the SRO mask hyte tlEEE-JXS tnterlhce onl_\ l Controls the generation ofthe SRO tttcssagc for each ofthc rottdtttons tn the Serial Poll response h Loch b represents one bit ttt the Serial Poll. See Section Three tor a description of the Set tal Poll response byte. For each h character that Is replaced wttlt a to that htt tt ill allotted to generate an SRO, Bits replaced “ith a (t \\ ill ttut be allotted to tvencrate an SRO. The dulault condition at pottet on is I“ allott all bits tt iterate SRO. SN“ Request the current hop (l\\t.‘ll status ”I he character \ tt Ill he replaced tt ith one oftlte following: C when the e\cttcr is cttrrentl) hopping ten-n tt'stoppedi .\ when the e\cner is ttot hopping The ctmmctert “in be replaced with one ot’the ftlllotttng D when the etctter ts dwelling S \\|lt.‘l| the exciter is stopped \ when lllc .\l’|1L‘l is not dttclltne or stopped Rev B Change 1 3—45 QCUBIC.COMMUNICATIDNS T-41SOIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL A "my a, m. cm: Corpwntmn llmflli al lamp-tun Table 3-6 Exciter Command and Status Messages-Cont, Command Reply Description X? Xab Request the current remote control status (serial interface only). Thc repl) to this message is different than the x change parameter command. The letter a is replaced with a I to signify that remote control is enabled from the rumole controller or a 0 to signify that remote control has been disabled from the remote controller. and the letter b is replaced by a l to indicate that remote control operation has been selected from the excitet front panel or a 0 to signify that remote control operation has been disabled from the excitcr front panel For the excitet to respond to change parameter commands from the remote controller. both the remote controller and the front panel selections must be enabled (exciter replies XI 1 (0 X?) X‘ Switch between local and remote control operation (serial interface only). The ‘ is replaced with the character 0 to enable the exciter front panel and disable all remote change parameter commands (except this command), or the character 1 to enable all remote control commands and disable all front panel keypad input (except the LOCIREM key). The exciter t’ront panel ma) always override the remote controller by pressing the LOG/REM key until the display shows LOCAL). The power on default state is X]. NOTES: lStatus request commands marked with this note may not be mixed with any other status requests in a single transmission 3For SELCAI. Option Command Ste addendum 260740234 (ADDENDUM FOR SELCAL SYS'I EM COMMAND) Rev B 3-47 Change 1 @CUBIC. COMMUNICATIONS T4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL A ”iv-1M! u m. valz Cow-non mm o! Mflnma Table 3-7 lEEE-488 Bus Management Signals. Name (Mnemonic) Description Attention (ATN) Causes all devices to interpret data on tlte bus as a controller command. When ATN is true. the bus is placed in the "Command Mode". All devices on the bus interpret data on the eight data lines as commands. When ATN is false. the btts is placed in the "Data Mode". All active listeners on the bus interpret data on the eight data lines as data. interface Clear (IFC) Clears the bus. Sets the bus to an idle state. Service Request (SRQ) Alerts the controller to a need for communication. Remote Enable (REN) Enables devices to respond to remote program control when addressed by the controller. End or Identify (EOI) Indicates last byte olmultibyte sequence. Table 3-8 IEEE—488 Bus Handshake Lines. Name (Mnemonic) Description Data Valid (DAV) Sent by source to indicate that data on the bus is valid. All active devices on the bus can accept the byte as true information. Not Ready for Data (NRFD) Sent by acceptor to indicate that a device is not ready to accept data. Not Data Accepted (NDAC) Sent by acceptor to indicate that the data byte has not yet been read from the bus. Table 3-9 IEEE-488 Implemented Interface Capabilities, Mnemonic Description SH) Source Handshake. complete capability AHl Acceptor Handshake. complete capabilil} T6 Basic Talker. with serial poll and unaddress it’MLA. no Talk Only mode i TEO No Extended Talker L4 Basic Listener. unaddress ifMTA. no Listen 0nl_\' mode LEO No EVtended Listener SRl Service Request, complete capability RLZ Remote Local. no local lockout PPO Parallel Poll, no capabihty DCl Devrce Clear, complete capabiltt} ‘ DTO Device T er. no capability C0 Controller, no Capabiltl’} E3 Three state line drivers Rev B 3-49 QCUBIG- COMMUNICATIONS A numb" chm cw: Colwullon in», cl comp-mp: 3-11 EEPROM CLEARING. If a POST failure was caused by a corrupted EEPROM (Interface Slams TEzEEPR} send the EEPCLR command to clear the entire EEPROM to default values. This will cause the remote interface parameters to revert to the factory defaults which may be different than those that were selected from the front panel. In this case, the remote interface may become inoperative, and the desired remote interface parameters will have to be re-entered from the front panel. T—4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL The factory default remote interface parameters for the serial interface are as follows: Address 000 Baud Rate l9,200 hits per second Bits 8 bits, 1 Stop bil, no parity Bus Type RS-232 Bus Sharing enabled For units configured with the IEEE-488 interface, only the address parameter is significant. 7 s 5 4 s 2 1 0 sea BAD BAD ”ng LOCAL FAULT - VALUE use WAIT CNTRL FAULT LOCAL CNTRL POWER ON WAIT This bit mirrors the stattts ofthe front panel FAULT anmmciator. When true. this hit indicates that the front panel LOC/REM switch has selected LOCAL operation. overriding the rcmote control bus. This bit indicates that the exciter has failed the Power-On SeIfTest and is waiting for a front panel he} press or the remote control I command BAD MSG BAD VALU E SRO The last command message was not recognized as a valid command The last command message was recognized. but contained an out ofrangc nttmeric value The exciter is asserting the SRQ message on the bus when this bit is true. Figure 3—10 IEEE~488 Serial Poll Response Byte. Rev B 3-51/(3-52 blank) ©cuetc.coMMUNiCA-rictns . "a“, sun. Cynic “gamma“, mummy" T4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 4 GENERAL THEORY OF OPERATION 4-1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains a block diagram description oftlii: ‘I -4 I 50’80. Each orthe boards/modules ate discussed in the paragraphs below: (See figure i—‘o-z.) 4-2 BLOCK DIAGRAM DISCUSSION. 4-21 AC Receptacle/RF! Filter. The AC Receptacle/RF] Filter or optional locking connector provides connection of input power. AC p0\\€r line filtering is only provided on the T4180, 4-22 AC Line Filter. The AC Linc Filter board provides additional potter line filtering and keeps internally geneiaied potter supply switching noise oil the AC inptit line. When the front panel power snitch ($1) is set on, power is applied to the POWER SUPPLY module through the AC Receptacle/RH Filter, the circuit breaker (CBI) on the rear panel. and the AC Line Filter board. 4-2 3 Power SuQQ/y Module The POWER SUPPLY module is a S\\ itching regulated type that provides +8, +17. and -l’/ VDC to the eyciter modules through the motherboard using 90 to 270 VAC iitput potter (automatically sensed). A separate +12 volt output is used for the fan on the rear panel. Fault detector circuits send a fault gnal to the Control Section in the Digital module if any ofthe voltages fall belon a preset Ieiel. 424 Fran Panel The Front Panel contains a microphone key Jack. poucr ON’OI'T snitch. main adjustment knobt l‘)»l\e) conductive rubber keypad. and full graphic \acuuitt fluorescent display. Each of the assemblies are described beiou. 4-2 4 l Mum -ld[ll\‘llllL’I7l Knob The Main Adjustment Knob allous e\citer parameter entry tisi ikiiob. instead ofa keypad This pro\ ides faster and ca operatot entry tor most parameters The knob Conlflllh an optical shalt encoder that conyeris shaft rotation information into d ‘tal data for the Control Section in the Digital module The encoder produces |\\0 signals used to determine the amount and direction otknob rotation 42 4.2 Kgi'gml Ii’nart/ The Keypad hoard contains 1‘) conductive rubber keys accessible oii the front panel that provide key press data to the key-pad encoder in the Control Section iii the Digital module. When a key is pressed. ground is applied to a 5»co|umn. d-rou matrix providing a separate column and ran signal to the key pad (”Model in the Control Section in the Digital inodulc Rev 8 Change 1 4-2 4 3 /)1_\’p/(I' iI/nt/nlt' The Display module is a lull graphic vacuum fliiot'cscenl display containing a 256 s at prL‘l matrix. Display data (tom the Control Section in ”It l)i_ ‘tal module directly prtn ides display information to an iittciiiul display controller which in IlII'II drives the display 4-25 Digital Module The Digital ntodulc contains two major sections: the Control Section. aitd titi: DSP Section Each ol'these sections is described belon. Av: 5,l (‘mi/m/ llll The Coiitiol Section governs all aspects of the e, citcr's operation. The Control Section receives commands from the operator through the keypad or from the optional remote control bus. and provides status and data inroimation to the operator through the front panel display and the remote control bus. All excitcr operating parameters, such as frequency. modulation mode. and potter level are directly controlled by the Contiol Section. in addition. the Control Section can store up to 250 different sets of operating parameters into meinoiy channels. These nieitiory channels can be recalled individually. or scanned sequentially for frequency hopping. The current operating p ameters and the 250 memory channels are stored in non-volatile memory and are retained when power is removed. The Control Section COIIIflIlb a microprocessor containing a 16-bit internal data bus. ii itli an S-bit external bus The clock licqticncy is |(t MH? tist an external 32 MHZ crystal 'Ilit' pi‘0"l‘ltlli is stored in a IZW \ S—bit flash memory. and data memory consists oi a 32k .\ X-btt static RAM IC ("lianiiel mentor} and titlici itiincellancous none tolzitiic situ't PROM “c I'L‘L]\ll|‘¢lllCltl> ztit prtiitticd b;- aii Si x S-bi: An encoder logic circtiit I'L‘Ct'i\:‘\ data inputs horn the front panel adutstment knob optical sl alt encoder The shat: encoder is mounted on tltc shalt til'tlic knob and produces l\\tt srgltitl\ used to J. termiue the amount and direction or Ltmh rotation “I he y'pad encoder pit“ idcs the interface bettieun the front panel keypad and the Control Section A key press is sensed as an interrupt input to the ptocessoi The toll "iapliic tttctitim fluorescent display iii the Front panel contains a processor bus interface connecting directly in the bill’leied data bus l 0 ports month i |1IUL‘:,':\OI output to the analog and DSP sections of the C.\Cllt' D-Iatches arc clocked by decoded addresses gated unit a processor tirite si til Sonic olithesc latched output lines are grouped together il~ L'Ilt'IbiL. clock. and data It: 5 and ate operated by the 4-1 ©custc.coMMUN|CATiDNs A mm“, at the cute emmm I‘mtly Mrnmncnnx line drivers and line receivers for both RSQSZ and RS-422 bus types. . 452.62 §erial Eur Lab/g Axrgmhly The optional Serial Bus Cable Assembly allows connection ofthe Serial Bus Remote Interface board to the rear panel. and contains n multipurpose connector for operation ofeither a RS»232C or RS-422A external serial bus. 4-27 [Eb-E438 Bus (Optional lfthe unit is optionally configured for lEEE-488 bus remote control operation, the unit will contain the IEEE-4XS Remote Interface Board and the lEEE—488 Cable Assembly. Each is described in the following paragraphs. 4-2.7.I [t iii-1&9 Remote Interznce Board The optional lEEE-488 Remote Interface Board contains an IEEE-488 controller, line transceivers, and associated circuits to provide a smooth and orderly lieu of data between the Control Section in the Digital module and tlte external lEEE-488 bus. This board is installed at the factory as a plug-in daughter board in the Digital module. 4-212 [£55488 g able A.".\‘Umbf]' The optional lEEE—488 Cable assembly allows connection ofthe lEEE- 488 Remote Interface Board to the rear panel, and contains a D~type connector for connection to the external bus. 4-28 Svnthesizer Module. The synthesizer module provides the 3RD LO frequency used for signal frequency conversion. It also contains the reference frequency circuits for reference frequency generation and switching. and audio circuits for audio amplification and control Using the —sv. ~17v. and -i7v from tiit- power Suppl). five internal voltage regulators lnot show-n) supply the required voltages to the entire tnootiic Three of these regulators are mounted directly to the module surface for optimum heat transfer. 4-2.8,I Control The serial control D-‘tTA from the digital module is clocked through a bi into the fine phaselocked loop (PLL) CIl’CullS and through a shift register to the step loop PLL and audio circuits At the proper time. the DATA is latched into the PLL circuits by the correct SYNTH ENABLE signal. The ENABLE signal also latches the data into the shift register for the audio section. The data latched into the PLL Circuits is used to synthesize the desired frequencies from the to MHz reference. One bit in the shift register selens the correct audio source 4-182 Reference FI'L'quL'nCL The reference frequency source is automatically selected by a detector that senses the presence ofan external reference signal Ifthe external Rev B 14150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL reference is detected, it is used as the basis for the frequency generation, If the external reference is not sensed, the internal oscillator (TCXO or optional OCXO) is used for frequency generation, A potentiometer is used to adjust the internal reference ifnecessary. One path of the internal or external reference frequency signal is amplified and applied to the RF Analog module. The other path is split and used as the reference frequency for the fine and step loop PLL circuits, 44.8.3 7rd LQ generation The output loop circuits produce the 3rd LO signal for the third mixer circuits using the FINE LOOP and STEP LOOP inputs. The frequency of the output loop VCO is controlled by mixing the VCO output with the STEP LOOP frequency. The resultant difference signal is frequency and phase compared with the FINE LOOP frequency to produce the output PLL DC control voltage. The output loop VCO signal takes two paths. One path is filtered and becomes the 3RD LO signal. The other path is mixed with the STEP LOOP signal, producing a difference frequency. The difference frequency is filtered through a lowpass filter and applied to a phase/frequency detector circuit through a wrong-side lock detector. The wrong-side lock detector ensures the output frequency locks only to the difference ofthe STEP LOOP minus the VCO output frequency. lfthe VCO frequency is higher than the step loop frequency. the circuit disables the difference frequency which causes the DC correction voltage to drive the VCO to a lower frequency. The phase/frequency detector compares the difference frequency with the FINE LOOP frequency and develops a DC control voltage through a too; filter keeping the VCO on frequency. The signal leaves the module as the SRD LO at4 055 - 70.455 MHZ in 1 kHz steps. A fault detector sends the OUTPUT/FINE or STEP FAULT signals to the digital module ifthe output or fine loops, or step loop lose lock 4-2 8 4 Audio The audio board is located in a separate shielded compartment in the synthesizer module. The shield” prevents interaction bemecn the high»level audio and sensitive VCO circuits. Audio is applied from either the front panel MlC/KEYjack or the rear panel NORM (upper sideband}.or ALT (loner sideband) balanced inputs. The audio front each ofthese inputs is applied directly to amplifier-s, A switch controlled by the data from the digital module selects either [in microphone or normal line ianl. After amplification, the audio is filtered using Iottpziss filters with an 8 kHz bandwidth 4»3 ficuBlc-CDMMUNICATIONS * A mm", cum Cum: Corner-nonI-muyclnmtnmna CHAPTER 5 T-415OIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Section I. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 5—1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains both preventive and corrective operational level maintenance instructions. The infonna- tion includes cleaning and lubrication. inspection, perfor- mance verification, troubleshooting, and subassembly removal and replacement. 5-2 CLEANING AND LUBRICATION. Clean the external surfaces and front panel of the unit every 2 weeks using a vacuum cleaner or small soft brush to remove any dirt or dust. Do not use any cleaning agents. There are no lubrication requirements. 5-3 INSPECTION. If the unit is faulty or suspected to be faulty perform a VISUZlI inspection as follows: 5-3.1 External Insgeclion. Check front panel for physical damage. Check external case for physical darn _e. Check rear panel for physical damage Check rear panel connectors for corrosion and loose connectors. Check rear panel cables for frayed or broken “ires. PW“.- f" 5-3 2 Internal Inspection With the front panel power switch sct OFF and the power cord plugged into the power source. high voltage shock danger 15 present intcmally at the rear panel POWER receptacle/RH filter. AC Line Filtcr board. rear panel circuit breaker. and the front panel power snitch connections Rev B 5-4 CAUTION ll When working on the exciter with covers removed and power applied, do not allow tools or metal objects to come in contact with exciler components. Equipment damage may occur. CAUTION Unit contains pans and assemblies sensitive to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Usc ESD precautionary procedures when touching retrieving or insening pans. I. Turn the unit off, and remove the power cord from the power source. Using a no. 1 Phillips screwdriver, remove 4 screws from both sides of chassis for each cover to be removed. and then remove the cover. Check for loose modules and circuit boards. Check for loose connectors. corrosion, or burn marks. . Check for frayed or broken wires. to c. u) u. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION. With the front panel power switch set OFF and the power cord plugged into the power source. high voltage shock danger is present internally at the rear panel POWER IECCpIaCICJVRFI filter. the AC Line Filter board. rear panel ctrcutt breaker, and the front panel potter s“ itch connections. 5-1 ©cuBlc-CDMMUNICATIDNS . mama-relin- Cum: Carper-bun Inmvyoleompamn T—4150/80 TECHNICAL MANUAL Section II. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE 5-5 TROUBLESHOOTING. 5-51 Trgub/eshooling Philosophy. Certain assumptions are made concerning the troubleshooting approach as applied to the exciter as follows: 1. All poinHo-point wiring is correct, Therefore, no malfunction is the result of a wiring (or cable connector) fault. NOTE Suspected failure of cables or connectors require visual inspection and continuity tests using the appropriate diagrams. See FO-3, and FO—4 for interconnecting. schematic, and motherboard ’ pin assignments. 2. Malfunctions are non-interactive. Each symptom of a problem is caused by a single malfunction and no additional failures occurred during the troubleshooting process. 3. Multiple faults can be isolated if they are non-interactive. 4. Preventive maintenance has been performed (Section 1). 5-52 Built-In Tests. The T-4lSO/SU provides three types of testing: poweron selftest (POST). built-in test equipment (BITE). and built-in test (BIT) Each is discussed below 5~5.2.I m The POST is performed automatically each time the exciter is powered on. Under firmware control, the POST sequences through a series oftests that checks the Control and DSP section ol'the Digital module, then activates the BITE check. lfa failure is detected, the front panel display will show (ht? failure, After recording the failure data. press any key on the front panel keypad to continue with operation. Depending on the failure, exciter functions may or may not be possible. Ifa BIT fault is detected after the POST, the front panel will show the fault indication in the display, POST results are also reponed over the remote control bus. 5-5.2.Z w The BITE check is controlled by the firmware and is a sequence that checks the signal path using eight different frequencies. This test exercises the entire exciter signal path. Different frequencies are used to check each postselector filter. The BITE check is automatically performed during the POST, or may be selected manually at any time from the front panel, or the remote control bus. 5-5.2.3 M During normal exciter operation, fault detectors are operating in the background. Table 5-1 lists the fault detectors. their locatio and the fault signal sent to the Control section in the Digital module Ifa fault is detected, the Control section stores the information in memory. causes the fault indication to be shown on the display, and sends the fault information over the remote control bus. The operator can view the current or cumulative faults (since pou er up) using the UTILITY FAULTS soft key menu, Table 5-1 Fault Detectors. Detector Module Location Fault Signal Power Suppl} ‘ rPower Suppl) PS FAULT lst LO/DS!’ Clock RF Analog RF FAULT 1nd LO Driver RF Analog RF FAULT 3rd LO Driver RF Analog RF FAULT Output Loop PLL Synthesizer OL‘TPUTTIVE FAULT Fine Loop PLL S) nthesizer OUTI’UT"FI‘\'E FAULT Step Loop I’LL Synthesizer STEP FAL’ LT Rev B 5-3 ®CUEIC.CDMMUNICATIDNS A m-mlnrollhe Cum: amps...“ mm, “mum. T-41SOIBO TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 5-2 Front Panel Fault Messages-Cont, Message Meaning Action To Take l-ault Detected in Synth: Step Loop Step PLL lost lock 1. Check external reference frequency 2. Check iitterttal reference frequency by applying external reference ifavailable 3. Replace Syittli Module Fault Detected iii Power Supply Module Voltage outputs out of tolerance Check input power to exciier Replace Power Supply Module Replace AC Line Filter board P’N“ DSP Processor Not Responding to Rqst DSP section not responding to a request for data from the Control Section. Recycle potter Check DSP CLK signal from RF Analog Module Replace Digital Module pim— EEPROM Does Not Accept Programming Control Section non-volatile memory will not accept channel data, skip frequencies etc. Recycle potter Replace Digital Module to Serial Bus Tinte»0ut Fault - Check CTS External remote controller has not sent the Clear To Send signal to the Control Section 1. Check remote controller program 2 Replace Digital Module 3. Replace Remote Connector board Serial Bus UART Detected Overrun Error Bus line error. 1. Check CONFIG parameters using front panel (must matclt external remote controller) 2. Check external remote controller configuration parameters 3. Replace Digital Module 13. Replace Remote Connector board Serial Bus UART Detected Parity Error Bus Iiite error. l. Check CONFlG parameters using front panel (must march external remote controller) 3. Check external remote controller configuration parameters Replace Digital Module Replace Remote Connector board t.) is Serial Bus UART Detected Framing Error Bus line error _.1 1. Check CONFlG parameters using front panel (must match external remote controller) 2 Check external remote controller configuration parameters 3. Replace Digital Module Replace Remote Connector board 1. GPlB: Read) to Talk But Not Addressed IEEEvASS external remote controller did not send address within allotted time 2 Check remote controller Replace Digital Module Replace Remote Connector board. e: N GPlB: Got Talk Addr But No Handshake IEEE-488 external remote controller sent the correct address but did not take dam from bus in allotted time. Check remote controller Replace Digital Module l Replace Remote Connector board. l 1,1 m 7 Illegal Bus Address for Bus Type Configured exciier bus address out or ltmil. 1 Check CONl'lG address using front panel. Limits = 000 - 254 serial bus. 00 - 30 lEEE-488 bus. Rev B 5-5 ©custc.chMUNtcx-\tht\ts A Memoir nun. Cum; Cowman [nmd’ n/znmnlni-l 5-6.6 Rev B autos” » $0 10. . To replace, reverse removal procedures, Remote C mural r Xx) _. a.) oga-n Using not 1 Phillips screwdriver remove 2 screws from remote control board inside module (ifinstalled). Lift remote control board with ribbon cable from module (if installed). Disconnect keyboard ribbon cable. Discottnect display ribbon cable. Disconnect shaft encoder cable. Replace cover on module, Using a 7/64 inch Allen wrench. loosen 8 Allen screws from module, Pull module from motherboard connector. CAUTlON When reinstalling Digital module cover, ensure ribbon cable from Remote Control board is routed correctly, Ribbon cable may be damaged ifpinclted between cover and module housing 'or components, in! Remove bottom cover. Using no. 1 Phillips screwdriver remove all screws from Digital module cover. Using no. I Pltillips screwdriver remove 2 screws from remote control board inside Digital module. _ Lift remote control board from module. Remm'e ribbon cable from board To replace. reverse removal procedures Kc - ad Bum-d Remot e bottom cover. Remove cable from Keypad board Using 3’Io inch wrench. remove 6 nuts and attaching hardware front board. 4 Lift board from unit. 5. Ensure rubber conductive keypad remains in place in front panel assembly. 6. To replace. reverse removal procedures. Act-rind i. Remove bottom cover 2 Remove cable front Keypad board. 3 Using 3/16 inch wrench, remove 6 nuts and attaching hardware front board. 4. Lift board from unit. 5-69 5-610 74150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL 5, Remove rubber conductive keypad from front panel assembly. 6. To replace, reverse removal procedures. Drive/m- Mndulr' Remove top and bottom cover. Remove top cover from Digital module. Disconnect ribbon cables from Digital module board connecting to Keypad and Display module, 4. Replace Digital module cover, 5. Using no. 2 Phillips screwdriver, remove 4 screws on each side of chassis securing front panel to chassis. CAUTION in the next step be careful not to stress wires attached to front panel assembly components, Wires or connectors may break. cite)— 6. Carefully rotate top of front panel assembly away front cltassis about 1 inch, Push front panel assembly down slightly: then rotate top of front panel assembly away from chassis to reach components on rear of front panel. 7. Using 1/4 inch nut drixer. remove 3 nuts and attaching hard“ are securing module to front panel 8 Lift module front unit. 9. To replace reverse removal procedures. Mum Adrmrmcm Krmh Using 116 inch Ailen wrench. loosen set- scretts. and remove knob from shaft. To replace. reverse remoxal procedures. Opm’u,’ Slim! finrrm’ur l. Remot 0 top cover _ Record tttre color positions on connector. and remmc connector frotn encoder, L.) Using no. I"I6 inch Allen wrench. loosen setv screus. and remove main adjustment knob from shaft 4 Using 1 2 inch tsrcnch. remove nut and attaching hardu are securing shaft assembly to front pan . 5. Lift shaft encoder from unit 6. To replace, reverse removal procedures. 5-7 ©5ustc.coMMUNtt:A-r|0Ns Amino-volt»: can: Corporation mm, clump-m" T-4150/BO TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 6 PREPARATION FOR RESHIPMENT 6-1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains infomtation to prepare the unit for reshipment including dis-assembly and removal from the rack mount, packaging, and shipping. 8-2 DISASSEMBLY AND REMOVAL. To disassemble and remove the unit from the rack mount, perform the following procedures: I. Ensure the power switch is set to OFF. 2. Disconnect tht: input power cable. 3. Disconnect all cables from the rear panel. 4. Remove the unit from the rack mount ifused, 6-3 PACKAGING. NOTE The unit should be packed in the original shipping container ifavailable. To package the unit for reshipment perform the following steps 1 Ensure that there is sufficient foam packing material in the shipping container to protect the Rev B unit from any hard impact. 2. Cover the unit with foam or bubble-type packing material. 3. Place the unit in the center of the Shipping container. 4. Ifusing a cardboard packing carton, securely tape the seams ofthe carton's top cover, bottom cover, and side flaps with reinforced packing tape. 5, Attach labels or stamp in indelible ink the word FRAGILE on the top. bottom, and all sides oftlte container. 6-4 SHIPPING. CAUTION Unit contains pans and assemblies sensitive to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD), Do not ship or store near strong electrostatic, electromag- netic, magnetic or radioactive fields. There are no special shipping requirements for the unit Commerctal or militar) surface or air shipping services may be used. G-1l(6-Z blan k) ©3UBIC. COMMUNICATIONS A mumbullllh' Cubic comm-110" mm, nicampnni'l 7-4150180 TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 7 STORAGE 7-1 INTRODUCTION. This chapter contains information {qr storage of the equipment including environmental conditions and any special preservation requirements. 7—2 STORAGE ENVIRONMENT, The exciter should be stored indoors in the original shipping container (or similar container) as described in chapter 6. The humidity should be between 40 and 90% (non-condensing) with a teinperalure range of -40 to +85°Cr Rev B CAUTION Unit contains parts and assemblies sensitive to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Do not ship or store near strong electrostatic, electromag- netic, magnetic or radioactive fields. 7-3 PRESERVATION. There are no special coverings or preservation materials required to store the exciter. 7-1 (7-2 blank) ©fcuBlC-CDMMUNICATIDNS . mm.” ollh- mm Carper...“ mm], champ-me; 8-1 INTRODUCTION. T-41 50/80 TECHNICAL MANUA L CHAPTER 8 PARTS LIST This chapter contains the pans list for replaceable modules and chassis-mounted components at the operational maintenance level. 8~2 REPLACEABLE PARTS LISTING. Table 8-1 lists replaceable modulus and chassis-mounted components (or the unit. (See figure FO-S for locations) Table 8-1 Replaceable Fans. Qty Description Part Remarks Mfr Number 1 Board. Keypad 2602354 J cctl I Board. AC Line Filter 2603404 ‘i CC] I Board. Serial Remote 260245-1 (Optional) ln Digital Module. CC] Cable below required. 1 Board, IEEE»488 Remote 2602504 (Optional) In Digital Module. CC] Cable below required, I Cable Ass)’. Fan 360395-1 Includes fan CC] I Cable Assy, "SEE-488 [0 rear panel Zr' 0279-1 (Optional) IEEE-dES board rqrd CC] ] Cable Ass); Serial to rear panel 260386-1 (Optional) Serial board rqrd CC] ] Finger Guard. Fan ”5-027 CC] 4 Handle] Support 2600-4407»? CCI ] Keypad. Rubber Condllctiw 2600064 CC] I Kito Dual Rack~M0unt 260040004 (Tun Tn] l 80 c\citcrs tuqunedl CC] ] Knob Ass). I -t shaft 2602644 Mam Adjustment CC] I Module. Digital 260741014 CC] ‘ ] Module. Synthesizer 3607-1 lOl‘vl CC] I Module. RF Analog 2607-I IOS-l CC] ] Module. Power Suppl) 1602594 CC] ' ] Module. Display 2600184 CC] ] Opttcal Shaft Encoder ASS} Ill-005 CC] I Power cord. AC 606-0]: CC] ‘ ‘Cubtt Cmntntttncattons. Inc (l'SCM 59 Rev B Change 1 8-1l(8-2 blank) ANNEXA TECHNICAL MANUAL ANNEX OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS OPERATIONAL LEVEL OPERATING BY EMISSION DESIGNATORS NOTICE“ This annex IS mcompleie withou: the assocrated technical manual Cubic Commumcahons In: 9535 WapIes Sweet San Dwego‘ CEII'DUHB 921ZI~2953 Tetephcne ISIS; 643-580L‘ TeIeIax (519! 643-5803 Change 2 30 Jahuary 1998 ©jCUB|CuCDMMUNIDATIDNS A murmur u'Hl' cm: Curr-outrun innmyulzomr‘amu Thu |h1|0\\‘illg|llbh' pmvidcs infommlionm npcrmc the 'I-4 I. T-4150180 TECHNICAL ANNEX ANNEX TO T—4150/80 OPERATING BY EMISSION DESIGNATORS .’80 usinU sclcclcd FCC cmissinn dcslgnmms. T-4150/80 Operation by FCC Emission Desfgnator. Emission Modulation Au Description Designam Mode Source AIA/AI n cw Ilm n unnmdukllcd rmlllnmnn mm- mm mung n“- m mm" m nn Av)! Amman AM 10m Hm n illnpllludcumduhlumx n; ”n- k , lnpmand nn» pmnr. mwd"1me'I()NI_$1gn;\la.\:\ luudulnh llhn‘flrllfl (llwdlllnh'd C\\y 1Ih.‘ HAN Ilnm sclufl AM llmdnhllnn nmdm pvugmm Il‘uv dented fchuclm ol'lh: n- gmcrmcd sun: \\.n\.1md mm (hr mxdm sun RC John-10h . Nun “IN" m» p; ‘15upcu. nu» m“ mupul u ml cmmflsnl'lhcsn mun upm' nd Kc,“ gnm" Imm n KITY rhm‘dk‘ nnnnn mu m Y npcn mnmnnn, m.» (a! .r n-nnn luv . dmmm " mm “widmrv n rumpcd upun h' mm- a mum; dAmn (m m awn wncn m.» x \' “mm; nn- mudnlnlluu nm _n_- nl n mmpm! nn yd n llmncdmlcl} uunpud dun" “ht" mu KI '|snp\:ncu AJI AM MIC/UNI: Thu n sunning anumg AM nmunmnnn cube! rnnn nu- m |c in mm“ LINL mum mpm mu: 1511 J HNI‘ “um n analog lslx mudulmmn usmg (In: hmlv n..- NORM and AL'I |.r.\1,nn.|nm|p.ns 1 Wm; I'Sh um ‘nm .. lhr rsx modumum modu 1m- 1pm .\1 ml |ssnmplcd and I'xhcwd rmnnhc NORM LINEaudm xnpm cnmncw n’nn- filmed sn m n pn,\ll|\|:_ n nymu I'rcqucnq 5m . 011ml 10 /: un- pmgmmmcd slnn ml”; n Juuc “mn- run. ncgnln lnpm (ha nn-qncnq smn u a; lhc mu \:|stuhm\c(td Mom (lut'c‘rllcl < ) x(' 1m ml N m mwduhunn 1m» nnnn slgnm |s sampled and filmed Imm nn- NORM um: audm mpunhnnm Tluslsflwsmn"usFMuu-duhmun.cumin") DC tompnu‘ xmlhmnpulsvgnnlnnul “chch mu wt m MIC/I m 11m nmndm mum-g rm nmdnlnnnn wng nn» Mlt‘ m Mum ],K\I imdm |n|\ul sun/um Uslllc’l,51l’ll um 11mm 515; m <3): mm "mm modulzumn m Ihc KI \ m?“ 4m.- pm mun-d ink-m. |ux| a un- h. m Huuwrmmlsd; I\‘SIi!cw]\H ; n. . numvnmdc my «haw-u Iraq-lunfl “(flu unlunhll "Tank-Anus nun" zmdxcla w; RLI ml». mm "Vu'luwtund w n Mu-nnlnrnnndfln- : up“ “£101!th \ H mm w; . , .-M Vnnm-n m: n npw w“ nmnmn m flu gm m' r m \ chmg‘dumdlwmhux u \ uyvcntnndmm. m; «mm 1m“. 4 Mlmnl’wumnmkc. sh)“ . n: nnnpcmn n 4 nmnnmmw (mu-x Mdnrnpnl an“ n lvcxlml' ”nun. m-n mmn.“ \ nn ‘ 1mm 1 Han KIM am v.n (15m; 0: 1 5m. llmuuLt'uvn m » mum m x 1\. N 1 mn Mummy-v" 1 n.» .\\!I J:»\‘J:I( l w. ; xn mx- “Mu an-| “mnnunnnn u.“ m \ mpul.|r|dm;rl um mmnnr low-n A n nnn Mr »: Ilu un-tmmuuin. |I‘.\I!nr|5|(mnd( ”mun [w “mnvunmm. mm vvwmzlg I1LT4IKL’&|\KH.\\\l Nu: \\":v,x m hum nmnnmwnm ‘ mun w Mn” 4 gun um" um duwdanJumln ml\ 0] numdxlm H‘nx . addumu‘ v < an m A 'n;11\r.m; npnn» mu.- mnlmmn; Jnu‘m n,“ xunnlmm'x man 5 (in my. nnnsn mu mnnnm 11 m nmmmn v chm-“na- lthI\ now 1 l Ii‘vC/Rfil USBmESBm' mum w uxflucn-UI'SUWw!.\H:\annLflnmmlm'INEMK u'll\! n..JwHwnt Rev 8 Change 2 AN»1A ANNEX B TECHNICAL MANUAL ANNEX OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS OPERATIONAL LEVEL DC POWER SUPPLY OPTION A FOR T-4150/80 EXCITER NOTICE" This annex is incomplete without the assocnated technical manual fi Cubic Commumcahons In: 9535 Waples Slleel San Diego CallIomra 921212953 Telephone (619) 643-5800 Telefax 1619] 643-5803 Change2 30 January 1998 DESCRIPTION "(4150/80 TECHNICAL ANNEX DC POWER SUPPLY OPTION This annex supplcmcnls the T-4 I 5080 lcchmcnl manual and conlains difference dma for ccrlain T4 l 50/80 models conlflining a DC power supply. DIFFERENCES ‘l he major differences am as follows: NEMA 5-15P(CCI P/"N 696-0l2, M53456W165- I S (CCI PM 320009) Item AC Version DC Version Remarks Prmcr chmremems 90 - 260 VAC 47 - 440 Hz. 50 walls 20 - 32 VDC, 3A maximum l’oncr Conneclur Conneclor Type - IEC SZU—C-IS Conncclor Type - MSS452“ l6S-ll’ Refer [0 (rear panel) (CCI l’fN 343-002) mmcs \\IlI\ (CCI P/N 320-008) males wuh Pin DCSCriplion Power Cord) lab]: belou Line Filler P/"N 260340-1 P/N 2608-20l5-l Power Supph Module P/N 2601594 PIN ”8-083 DC POWER Connector (J1) Pin Descriptions Remarks Pin Signal A NC B POWER RETURN (GND) C NC I) POWER RETURY (GND: I5 fVlJC IN ‘20 in -32 VDC. 3A maximum l-’ —\'DC IN 40 lo *31 \'DC. 3A maximum G SHIELD GROUND lAcepi I’m mpm panel. (he cmicr fimcnom uzlcunicnll) m IIlL‘ AC ponercd 1-4150’80 unit Change 2 AN~1B
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