Cypress Semiconductor 2001 EZ-BLE PRoC Module User Manual Manual

Cypress Semiconductor EZ-BLE PRoC Module Manual

Manual  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  1  AN96841 Getting Started With EZ-BLE™ PRoC™ Module Authors: David Solda Associated Project: Refer to AN94020  Associated Part Family: CYBLE-022001-00 Software Version: PSoC Creator™ 3.1 SP2 and higher Related Application Notes: For a complete list of the application notes, click here. To get the latest version of this application note, or the associated project file, please visit    AN96841 introduces you to the EZ-BLE PRoC Module, a fully qualified and certified Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module.  The  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  is  a  complete  BLE  solution,  integrating  a  BLE  radio  system,  two  crystals,  chip antenna and passive components required for BLE operation. This application note helps you explore the EZ-BLE PRoC Module architecture and development toodevelopment tool for the EZ-BLE PRoC Module. This application note also guides you to more resources to accelerate in-depth learning about the Cypress BLE module solution.  Contents Introduction ....................................................................... 2 More Information ............................................................... 2 EZ-BLE PRoC Module Overview ...................................... 3 EZ-BLE PRoC Module Mechanical Dimensions ........... 3 EZ-BLE PRoC Module Pinout and Functionality .......... 4 PRoC BLE Silicon Features ......................................... 7 Host Recommended PCB Layout ................................. 7 Bluetooth Low Energy Overview ....................................... 8 Development Tools ......................................................... 12 PSoC Creator Software .............................................. 12 Bluetooth Low Energy Component Software .............. 13 CySmart PC App ........................................................ 13 CySmart Mobile App .................................................. 14 Development Kits and Evaluation Boards ....................... 14 Learning Resources ........................................................ 21 EZ-BLE PRoC Module Datasheet .............................. 21 PRoC BLE Device Datasheet ..................................... 21 PRoC BLE Technical Reference Manual.................... 21 Learning PSoC Creator .............................................. 21 Application Notes ....................................................... 21 Design Guide .............................................................. 21 Technical Support ...................................................... 21 My First EZ-BLE PRoC Module Design ........................... 22 About the Design ........................................................ 22 Create the Design ...................................................... 23 Write the Application Code ......................................... 35 Program the Device.................................................... 43 My First EZ-BLE PRoC Module Design  Shortcut .... 44 Test Your Design........................................................ 46 Summary ......................................................................... 51 Related Application Notes ............................................... 51 Appendix A: EZ-BLE PRoC Module Features ................. 52 Appendix B: Cypress Terms of Art .................................. 53 Appendix C: Code Examples .......................................... 54 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ............................. 59
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  2 Introduction Bluetooth  Low  Energy  (BLE)  is  an  ultra-low-power wireless  standard  defined  by  the  Bluetooth  Special Interest  Group  (SIG)  for  low-power,  short-range communication. It features a physical layer, protocol stack, and profile architecture, all designed and optimized for the lowest  power consumption. BLE operates  in the 2.4-GHz ISM band, with a data rate of 1 Mbps. BLE  is  used  in  a  wide  range  of  applications.  The  use  of BLE in these applications also varies widely in production volume,  from  very  low-  to  high-volume  end  products.  As such,  fully  qualified,  certified,  BLE  modules  have  fast become  the  design  preference.  The  use  of  modules removes  time  consuming  and  costly qualification/certification processes. The  Cypress  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module  is  a  fully  integrated, qualified  and  certified,  programmable  system  that integrates 32-kHz and 24-MHz crystal oscillators,  passive components,  on-board  chip  antenna,  and  s PRoC  BLE  chip (BLE radio, programmable analog and digital  peripherals,  memory,  and  an  ARM®  Cortex®-M0 microcontroller)  on  a  small  10  mm  ×  10  mm  ×  1.8  mm module. The EZ-BLE PRoC Module enables a quick time-to-market and  eliminates  costly  certification  and  qualification processes, offering an effective alternative to completing a BLE  system  design  from  ground  up.  In  addition  to reducing  the  cycle  time,  certification  and  qualification expenses, the programmable peripherals and GPIOs allow great  flexibility  using  PSoC Creator  IDE,  the  schematic-based design tool for  designing applications with  EZ-BLE PRoC Module, and a speedy time to market. The BLE stack library is integrated with PSoC Creator and is  free-of-cost.  It can be easily configured using a simple graphical  user  interface,  allowing  you  to  jumpstart  your BLE design in minutes. The  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  offers  a  best-in-class  current consumption of 150 nA while retaining the SRAM contents and the ability  to wake  up from an  interrupt.  The EZ-BLE PRoC Module consumes only 60 nA while maintaining the wakeup  capability  in  its  nonretention  power  mode.  The capacitive  touch-sensing  feature  in  the  EZ-BLE  Module, known as CapSense®, offers an unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio, best-in-class waterproofing, and a wide variety of  sensor  types  such  as  buttons,  sliders,  and  proximity sensors that are gaining increased  popularity in wearable electronic  devices  such  as  activity  monitors,  health,  and fitness equipment. If  you  are  a  first-       PRoC family  of  products,  it  is  recommended  that  you  read Appendix B for a list of commonly used terms. More Information Cypress provides a wealth of data at to help  you  accelerate  learning  on  the  EZ-BLE  PRoC     s  PSoC  and  PRoC  family  of silicon  devices.  If  you  are  a  first-   PSoC or PRoC family of products, it is recommended that you  read  Appendix  B:  Cypress  Terms  of  Art  for  a  list  of commonly used terms.  Following  is  an  abbreviated  list  of  resources  for  the  EZ-BLE PRoC Module:  Datasheets:  Describe  and  provide  electrical specifications for the EZ-BLE PRoC Module.  Application  Notes  and  Code  Examples:  Covers  a broad  range  of  topics,  from  basic  to  advanced  level. Many of the application notes include code examples. PSoC  Creator  provides  additional  code  examplessee Appendix C: Code Examples.  Technical  Reference  Manuals  (TRMs):  Provide detailed descriptions of the architecture and registers in each PSoC 4 BLE device family.  CapSense  Design  Guide:  Learn  how  to  design capacitive touch-sensing applications with the EZ-BLE PRoC Module.  Development Tools  CY8CKIT-042-BLE  Bluetooth  Low  Energy  (BLE) Pioneer  Kit is  an  easy-to-use  and  inexpensive development  platform  for  BLE.  This  kit  includes      the  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  Evaluation  daughter board.  CySmart  BLE  Host  Emulation  Tool  for  Windows, iOS,  and  Android  is  an  easy-to-use  GUI  that enables  you  to  test  and  debug  your  BLE Peripheral applications. See  Development  Kits  and  Evaluation  Boards  for  an overview of available for the EZ-BLE PRoC Module.  Technical Support  Frequently  Asked  Questions  (FAQs):  Learn  more about our BLE ecosystem  BLE  Forum:  See  if  your  question  is  already answered  by  fellow  developers  on  the  PSoC  4 BLE and PRoC BLE forums.  Cypress  support:  Still  no  luck?  Visit  our  support page  and  create  a  technical  support  case  or contact  a  local  sales  representative.  If  you  are  in the  United  States,  you  can  talk  to  our  technical support  team  by  calling  our  toll-free  number:  +1-800-541-4736. Select option 8 at the prompt.
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  3 EZ-BLE PRoC Module Overview  The  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module  (CYBLE-022001-00)  is  an  integrated,  fully  certified  BLE  solution,  which  allows  for  rapid development and deployment of your BLE-enabled product. This section will provide an outline of the mechanical structure of the EZ-BLE PRoC Module. This information is necessary for customers designing their own PCB layout for this module.   The EZ-BLE PRoC Module ships with the necessary components required to achieve full BLE functionality. It includes:   PCB substrate:  10 mm × 10 mm × 0.5 mm  Cypress PRoC BLE chip (refer to PRoC BLE Silicon Features for information on the Cypress BLE chip)  Crystal oscillators  32.768 kHz watch crystal oscillator (WCO)  24.0 MHz internal main oscillator (IMO)  Chip antenna  Passives (resistor, capacitor, inductor)  Metal RF Shield EZ-BLE PRoC Module Mechanical Dimensions Figure 1 shows a physical picture of the EZ-BLE PRoC module.   Figure 1. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Top View (with and without Shield) and Side View  10.0 mmShield OutlineH = 1.10 mmChip Antenna0.5 mm1.3 mm10.0 mmShield For more details on the module dimensions, external component connections, and module placement recommendations, see the EZ-BLE PRoC Module datasheet specification.
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  4 EZ-BLE PRoC Module Pinout and Functionality The EZ-BLE PRoC Module is designed to mount as a component on an end product PCB. Only a portion of the available I/O of the PRoC BLE silicon device are exposed on the CYBLE-022001-00 module in order to minimize the module footprint size. The EZ-BLE PRoC Module contains 21 connections on the bottom side of the module. Figure 2 and Figure 3 detail the bottom side connections available on the EZ-BLE PRoC Module.  Figure 2. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Bottom View (Actual Unit - Seen Through Top)   Figure 3. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Bottom View (Diagram - Seen Through Top)     Pad 1 Pad 21
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  5 The connection pad spacing is listed in Table 1. Table 1. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Connection Pad Spacing (Center-to-Center) Pad X Pad Y Pad Pitch (Pad X - Pad Y) Comments Bottom-Left Corner 1 1.64 mm Distance from bottom left corner to Pad 1 center 1 2 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 1 center to Pad 2 center 2 3 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 2 center to Pad 3 center 3 4 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 3 center to Pad 4 center 4 5 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 4 center to Pad 5 center Top-Left Corner 6 0.81 mm Distance from top left corner to Pad 6 center 6 7 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 6 center to Pad 7 center 7 8 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 7 center to Pad 8 center 8 9 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 8 center to Pad 9 center 9 10 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 9 center to Pad 10 center 10 11 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 10 center to Pad 11 center 11 12 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 11 center to Pad 12 center 12 13 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 12 center to Pad 13 center 13 14 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 13 center to Pad 14 center 14 15 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 14 center to Pad 15 center 15 16 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 15 center to Pad 16 center 16 17 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 16 center to Pad 17 center Top-Right Corner 18 1.50 mm Distance from top right corner to Pad 18 center 18 19 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 18 center to Pad 19 center 19 20 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 19 center to Pad 20 center 20 21 0.76 mm Distance from Pad 20 center to Pad 21 center  A list of the available I/Os and supported functionality for each I/O is shown in Table 2. Table 2. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Available Connections and Functionality Module Solder Pad Number Silicon Port Pin Functionality UART SPI I2C TCPWM CapSense WCO  Out EXT_CLK/ ECO_OUT EXTPA_EN SWD GPIO 1 GND Ground Connection 2 P4[1] CTS MISO  Yes Sensor/CTANK     Yes 3 P5[1] TX SCLK SCL Yes Sensor  Yes   Yes 4 P5[0] RX SS SDA Yes Sensor   Yes  Yes 5 VDDR Radio Power Supply 1.9V to 5.5V
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  6 Module Solder Pad Number Silicon Port Pin Functionality UART SPI I2C TCPWM CapSense WCO  Out EXT_CLK/ ECO_OUT EXTPA_EN SWD GPIO 6 P1[6] RTS SS  Yes Sensor     Yes 7 P0[7] CTS SCLK  Yes Sensor    SWDCLK1 Yes 8 P0[4] RX MOSI SDA Yes Sensor  Yes   Yes 9 P0[5] TX MISO SCL Yes Sensor     Yes 10 GND Ground Connection 11 P0[6] RTS SS  Yes Sensor    SWDIO1 Yes 12 P1[7] CTS SCLK  Yes Sensor     Yes 13 VDD Digital Power Supply Input 1.71 to 5.5V 14 XRES External Reset Hardware Connection Input 15 P3[5] TX  SCL Yes Sensor     Yes 16 P3[4] RX  SDA Yes Sensor     Yes 17 P3[7] CTS MISO  Yes Sensor Yes    Yes 18 P1[4] RX MOSI SDA Yes      Yes 19 P1[5] TX MISO SCL Yes      Yes 20 P3[6] RTS   Yes Sensor     Yes 21 P4[0] RTS MOSI  Yes CMOD     Yes   Low   Pow e r M ode s  EZ-BLE PRoC Module supports the following five power modes as illustrated in Figure 4:  Active mode: This is the primary mode of operation. In this mode, all peripherals are available.  Sleep mode: In this mode, the CPU is in sleep mode, SRAM is in  retention, and all the  peripherals  are  available. Any interrupt wakes up the CPU and returns the system to Active mode.  Deep-Sleep mode: In this mode, the high-frequency clock (IMO) and all high-speed peripherals are off. The WDT, LCD, I2C/SPI, link layer, and low-frequency clock (32-kHz ILO) are available. Interrupts from GPIO, WDT, or SCBs can cause a wakeup. The current consumption in this mode is 1.3 µA for all PRoC BLE devices in the family.  Hibernate  mode:  This  power  mode  provides  a  best-in-class  current  consumption  of  150 nA  while  retaining  SRAM, programmable logic, and the ability to wake up from an interrupt generated by a GPIO.  Stop mode: This power mode retains the GPIO states. Wakeup is possible by using the external reset (XRES) pin on the module. The current consumption in this mode is only 60 nA. 1 SDWCLK and SWDIO connections can be multiplexed as the functional options listed in each of the respective rows and can be used for programming without the need to reconfigure the device I/O.
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  7 Figure 4:  Power Modes  Device  Se c uri t y  The  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module  provides  a  number  of  options  for  the  protection  of  flash  memory  from  unauthorized  access  or copying. Each row of flash has a single protection bit; these bits are stored in a supervisory flash row. PRoC BLE Silicon Features The BLE device used on the EZ-BLE PRoC Module is the Cypress PRoC BLE.  For additional details on this device, refer to the PRoC BLE device datasheet. Host Recommended PCB Layout The recommended host PCB layout pattern is shown in Figure 5. Dimensions shown are in mm.   Figure 5. Host Board Recommended PCB Layout Pattern  Note that the pad length shown includes overhang of the pad beyond the module outline. The pad length to the edge of the module is 0.71 mm. Power Mode Current  Consumption Code  Execution Digital Peripherals  Available Analog  Peripherals  Available Clock  Sources  Available Wake - Up Sources Wake - Up Time Active 2.2 mA @ 6 MHz Yes All All All - - Sleep 1.3 mA No All All All Any interrupt source 0 Deep - Sleep 1.3 uA No WDT,  LCD,  I 2 C/SPI,  Link - Layer POR, BOD WCO,  32 - kHz  ILO GPIO,  WDT, SCB 25 us Hibernate 150 nA No No POR, BOD No GPIO 2 ms Stop 60 nA No No No No XRES 2 ms
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  8 Bluetooth Low Energy Overview The  Bluetooth  SIG  defines  Bluetooth  4.1,  also  known  as  Bluetooth  Smart  or  Bluetooth  Low  Energy  as  the  lowest-power wireless standard operating in the 2.4-GHz ISM band. Figure 6 summarizes the BLE protocol stack architecture.  The  following  sections  briefly  describe  the  BLE  stack  layers.  For  a  detailed  architecture  description,  see  the  Bluetooth  4.1 specification or the training videos on the Bluetooth Developer website. If you are familiar with the Bluetooth BLE stack, you can skip these sections. Figure 10 shows the system design for a heart rate monitoring application. Figure 6. BLE Architecture Physical Layer (PHY)Link Layer (LL)Host Control Interface (HCI)Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP)Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM)Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)Generic Access Profile (GAP)Heart Rate ProfileBlood Pressure ProfileFind Me ProfileGlucose ProfileControllerHostApplications Phys i cal  La ye r  (P H Y) The physical layer transmits or receives the digital data at 1 Mbps using GFSK modulation in the 2.4-GHz ISM band. The  BLE  physical  layer  divides  the  ISM band into  40  RF channels  with  a  channel  spacing  of  2 MHz,  37  of  which are data channels and 3 are advertisement channels. Link  La ye r (LL) The  link  layer  implements  various  key  functionalities  that make  the  BLE  protocol  robust  and  low-power.  Some  of these are the following:  Adaptive  Frequency  Hopping  (AFH)  to  provide  RF interference immunity  24-bit CRC and AES-128-bit encryption for robust and secure data exchange  Advertising,  scanning,  creating  and  maintaining connections to establish a physical link  Establishing  fast  connections  and  low  duty  cycle advertising for low-power operation  Hos t Co ntr ol  I nte r fac e (HCI )  HCI  is  the  interface  between  the  host  and  the  controller. This  layer allows  the host and  the controller to  exchange information  such  as  command,  data,  and  events  over different transports. Log ica l Li nk Cont r ol  a nd  Ada p tat ion  Pro toc o l ( L 2CAP) L2CAP  provides protocol multiplexing, segmentation, and reassembly  services  to  upper-layer  protocols. Segmentation and reassembly breaks the packet received from the upper layer into smaller packets that the link layer can  transmit,  and  vice  versa.  The  Bluetooth  Low  Energy L2CAP layer supports three protocol channel IDs for ATT, SM  and  L2CAP  control.  Bluetooth  4.1  allows  direct  data channels  through  L2CAP  (connection-oriented  channels) on top of these protocol channels.
   Getting Started With EZ- Module  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  9 Sec uri t y  Man a ger  (SM )  The  SM  layer  defines  the  methods  used  for  key distribution to perform encryption and pairing.  Pairing is the  process to enable security features. In this process, two devices are authenticated, the link is encrypted, and then keys are exchanged.  Bonding is the process in which the keys and identity information exchanged during the pairing process are saved  within  the  paired  devices.  Bonded  devices  do not  have  to  go  through  the  pairing  process  again when reconnected. Att rib ute   P rot oco l   (AT T ) ATT  forms  the  basis  of  the  BLE  communication.  This protocol enables the client to find and access attributes on the  server.  An  attribute  is  the  fundamental  data-carrying element in BLE, which consists of the following:   Attribute Handle: This is the 16-bit address assigned by the attribute server to allow its client to identify and access an attribute.  Attribute Type: This specifies the type of data stored in  an  attribute.  It  is represented by  a 128-bit number called a universally unique identifier (UUID).  Bluetooth  SIG  defines  the  Bluetooth  Base  UUID, which is 128 bits long. In this base UUID, typically 16 bits (32 bits for  Bluetooth 4.1) are used to identify an attribute type.  The Bluetooth Base UUID is: 0x0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB The  16-bit  UUID  of  the  Heart  Rate  Service  (HRS)  is 0x180D, so the complete 128-bit UUID for the HRS is 0x0000180D-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB  Attribute Value: This is the actual data stored in the attribute.  Attribute  Permission:  This  specifies  whether  an attribute can be read or written, and the security level required.  Attribute  permission  is  set  by  the  higher  layer specification and is not discoverable through the attribute protocol. Figure  7  shows  the  structure  of  an  attribute  with  an example. Figure 7. Attribute Format and Example Attribute Handle Attribute Type At tribute Value Attribute Permission2 bytes 2  bytes 0  to 512 bytesImplementation specific0x00030x2A00 (UUID for Device  Name)Read O nly, No Authentication, No EncryptionExampleFormat Several  types  of  attributes  are  defined  by  Bluetooth  SIG; some of which are as follows:  Service:  The  service  attribute  defines  the  function performed  by  the  server.  It  is  a  collection  of  data   s and  can  also  include other services.  A  service  can  be  of  two  types:  primary  service  or secondary  service.  A  primary  service  exposes  the main  functionality  of  the  device  while  the  secondary service provides additional functionality that a primary service  encapsulates,  but  that  is  not  required  to  be exposed.  In  a  heart  rate  monitoring  device  example, HRS is a primary service and Battery Service (BAS) is a secondary service.  Characteristic:  The  characteristic  attribute  exposes the  data,  and  consists  of  an  attribute  that  holds  the      l   of a characteristic.  Descriptor:  The  descriptor  is  a  part  of  the characteristic  declaration,  and  provides  additional information about the characteristic. Representing the battery  level  in  percentage  values  is  an  example  of characteristic descriptor. Figure 8 shows the structure of a characteristic. Figure 8. Characteristic Format and Example <<Characteristic>>Value<<Descriptor>><<Descriptor>>Battery ServiceBattery LevelClient Characteristic Configuration DescriptorCharacteristic Presentation Format  Attribute Operations: These are accessed using the following five basic methods:  Read  Request:  Sent  by  the  client  to  read  an attribute  value.  For  every  request,  the  server sends a response to the client.  Write  Request:  Sent  by  the  client  to  write  an attribute  value.  The  sever  responds  to  the  client confirming whether the value is written.  Write Command: Sent  by the client to the server to  write  an  attribute  value.  The  server  does  not send any response for the write command.  Notification:  Sent  by  the  server  to  the  client  to notify a new value or a change in value. The client does  not  send  any  response  for  a  notification command.  Indication:  A  type  of  notification  from  the  server that is always confirmed by the client.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  10 Figure  10  shows  the  services  and  characteristics implemented in the peripheral. Gen e r ic   A t tr ib u te   P r o fi le   (G ATT )  GATT  defines  the  ways  in  which  the  attributes  can  be found and used. GATT operates in one of two roles:  GATT client: The device that requests the data.  GATT server: The device that provides the data. Figure 9 shows the client-server architecture in the GATT layer. Figure 9. Client-Server Architectures Client ServerServiceChar.ServiceChar.ServiceChar.RequestsResponses Figure  10  shows  an  example  in  which  a  smartphone  is configured  as  the  GATT  client  (wants  data)  and  a  heart rate  sensor  that  is  configured  as  the  GATT  server  (has data).  Gen e r ic   A c ce s s   P ro fil e   (G AP)  The  GAP  layer  provides  the  device-specific  information: device  address,  device  name,  and  how  it  can  be discovered and connected. Profile: This specification defines how devices connect to each other to find and use  services. It describes the type of  application  and  general  expected  behavior  of  that device.    Figure  10  shows  an  example  of  a  Heart  rate monitor Profile. The GAP layer operates in one of four roles:  Broadcaster:  This  is  a  non-connectable  advertising role that is used to broadcast its data, but cannot form BLE  connections.  A  typical  example  of  a  GAP broadcaster is iBeacon.  Observer:  This  is  a  listening  role  that  scans  for advertisements.  It  is  capable  of  connections  but cannot  initiate  one.  A  typical  example  of  a  GAP observer is a packet sniffer.  Peripheral: This is a connectable advertising role that operates as a slave after a connection is established. For  example,  a  heart-rate  sensor  reporting  the measured heart-rate to a remote device operates as a GAP peripheral.   Central:  This  is  a  GAP  role  that  scans  for advertisements  and  initiates  connections.  It  operates as  a  master  after  a  connection  is  established.  For example,  a  mobile  device  retrieving  the  heart-rate measurement  from  a  peripheral  heart-rate  sensor operates as a GAP central. Figure  10  shows  an  example  where  a  smartphone  in which  the  heart rate  app  operates  as  a  GAP central  and the heart-rate sensor operates as a GAP peripheral.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  11 Figure 10. Bluetooth Low Energy System Example   In Figure 10, the heart rate monitoring device operates as the GAP peripheral and implements the heart rate sensor profile, while the smartphone receiving the data operates as the GAP central and implements the heart rate collector profile.    the  heart  rate service that comprises  three characteristics  (the  Heart  Rate  Measurement  Characteristic,  the  Body  Sensor  Location  Characteristic,  and  the  Heart  Rate Control Point Characteristic) and the Device Information Service. At the link layer, heart rate measurement device is the slave and the smartphone is the master
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  12 Development Tools Cypress supports the EZ-BLE PRoC Module with high-quality software tools and development kits. They provide access to a suite  of  world-class Integrated  Design  Environments  (IDEs).  PSoC  Creator  is  a single IDE  to  develop application  code  and then build, debug, and deploy an embedded design. Cypress provides the following software and hardware tools, to get started with a EZ-BLE PRoC Module based design: 1.  PSoC Creator IDE 2.  Bluetooth Low Energy Component (part of PSoC Creator) 3.  CySmart PC application  4.  CySmart Android app 5.  CySmart iOS app 6.  Bluetooth Low Energy Development Kit (CY8CKIT-042) 7.  EZ-BLE PRoC EVAL Board (CYBLE-022001-EVAL) PSoC Creator Software PSoC  Creator  is  a  state-of-the-art,  easy-to-use  IDE.  It  offers  a  unique  combination  of  hardware  configuration  and  software development  based  on  standard  schematic  entry,  as  Figure  11  shows.  You  can  customize  each  Component  using  a configuration window. Every Component comes with a detailed Component datasheet.   For  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module,  you  can  use  the  initial designs  in  which  the components are pre-configured and  pre-populated. You  can  also  develop  applications  in  a  drag-and-drop  design  environment  using  a  library  of  pre-characterized,  production-ready Components. For details, see the PSoC Creator home page. Figure 11. PSoC Creator Schematic Entry and Components
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  13 Bluetooth Low Energy Component Software The  Bluetooth  Low  Energy  Component  provides  a  comprehensive  GUI-based  configuration  window  that  lets  you  quickly design applications that require BLE connectivity. The Component incorporates a Bluetooth Core Specification v4.1 compliant BLE  protocol  stack  and  provides  API  functions  to  enable  user  applications  to  interface  with  the  underlying  Bluetooth  Low Energy Sub-System (BLESS) hardware via the stack.  The Component  supports the  SIG-adopted GATT-based profiles  and  services as well as  custom BLE  profiles and  services, and it allows various GAP and GATT roles to be configured.  The Component generates the necessary code for a particular profile and service operation, as configured in the GUI, abstracting the underlying BLE stack and hardware configuration so that you can concentrate on the system design.  The  BLE  Component  also  provides  profile  Application  Programming  Interfaces  (APIs)  to  design  BLE  solutions  without requiring manual stack-level manipulation. The exception to this is the L2CAP configuration specified in Bluetooth v4.1, which allows advanced users to configure the L2CAP layer of the stack if desired. Developing Bluetooth Low Energy Application involves four easy steps. For detailed information, refer to AN94020  Getting Started with PRoC BLE. CySmart PC App The Bluetooth Low Energy CySmart (Figure 12 ) is a Windows-based tool that provides a host emulation software platform for testing and debugging LE peripheral or sensor applications. The tool provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) to enable customers to configure, test and debug their solutions. The tool is available as an independent software application and can be launched from the PSoC Creator IDE as shown in Figure 62.  CySmart, along with a Cypress BLE dongle, acts as a master device. The tool supports  the Bluetooth  4.1 specification and can  connect  to  any  Bluetooth  4.1  or  4.0  enabled  BLE  peripheral  devices.  Comprehensive  test  scenarios  can  be  created by  configuring  the  scan,  connection  and  security  parameters.  The  tool  provides  the  ability  to  analyze  advertisement data  and  scan  response  data,  and  explore  the  Generic  Attribute  Profile  (GATT)  database  of  peripheral  device.  For  more information, refer to CySmart User Guide. Figure 12. CySmart Tool Window
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  14 CySmart Mobile App In  addition  to  the  PC  application,  you  can  download  the  CySmart  mobile  app  for  iOS or Android  from  the  respective  app stores.  The apps  use  the iOS  Core  Bluetooth  framework  and  Android  built-in  platform  framework  for  BLE  to  configure  your BLE-enabled mobile as a BLE central device that can scan and connect to BLE peripheral devices. Figure 13. CySmart Heart Rate Profile   The mobile app supports Bluetooth SIG-adopted BLE standard profiles through an intuitive GUI and abstracts the underlying BLE and characteristic details.  Development Kits and Evaluation Boards Cypress provides an easy-to-use development kit to help you prototype your EZ-BLE PRoC Module design.  CY8CKIT-042 BLE Pioneer Kit The CY8CKIT-042 BLE Pioneer Kit shown in Figure 14 is an Arduino Uno-compliant BLE development kit for the PRoC BLE family of devices, including the CYBLE-022001-00 module. The CY8CKIT-042 BLE kit consists of pluggable BLE modules that connect to a baseboard. The Pioneer Kit is powered through the USB interface or with a coin cell battery.  The  Pioneer  baseboard  and RF  module combination  enables  you  to develop  battery-operated low-power  BLE  designs  that work in conjunction with standard Arduino shields and additional PSoC 4 BLE device capabilities such as the CapSense user interface on the Pioneer baseboard.  The kit also contains a BLE USB dongle that acts as a BLE master and works with the CySmart application to provide a BLE master emulation platform on non BLEWindows systems.  Cypress  also  provides  an  adapter  board  for  the  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module  to  evaluate  and  develop  with  the  Cypress  module without the need to develop custom hardware.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  15 Figure 14. BLE Pioneer Kit  The kit includes of a set of  BLE example projects and documentation that should help you get started with developing your own  BLE  applications.  Visit  to  get  latest  updates  on  the  kit  and  to  download  kit design, example projects and documentation files. CYB LE -022001- E V AL   E Z - BL E   P R o C  M o d u l e   E v a l u at i on   Boa rd The EZ-BLE PRoC Module Evaluation board (CYBLE-022001-EVAL) is a simple evaluation board designed to fan out the  EZ-BLE PRoC Module (CYBLE-022001-00) connections to headers compatible with the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Pioneer Kit.   The CYBLE-022001-EVAL board is used to evaluate the Cypress EZ-BLE PRoC Module without your having to design custom hardware to mount the Cypress EZ-BLE PRoC Module.   Figure 15 shows the CYBLE-022001-EVAL connected to the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit.   Figure 15. CYBLE-022001-EVAL (Left) Connected to CY8CKIT-042-BLE (Right)
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  16 The CYBLE-022001-EVAL board contains the following components:   Cypress EZ-BLE PRoC Module (CYBLE-022001-00)  soldered directly to the Evaluation Board  PCB substrate used for I/O fan out  Connection headers  Cmod capacitor (for use with Capacitive Sensing elements on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit)   Inductors (power supply  see the datasheet specification for recommended external components)  This  evaluation  board  is  designed  to  simulate  the  placement  and  connection  of  the  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module  in  a  final application. All host-side layout pattern recommendations (as shown in Figure 5) are followed in the evaluation board.   Note  that  not  all connections  available  on the  CY8CKIT-042-BLE  are  populated  on  the  CYBLE-022001-00/CYBLE-022001-EVAL modules. This is due to the number of I/Os supported on the CYBLE-022001-00 module. When designing applications, PSoC Creator will  only  display connections that  are  available on  the  CYBLE-022001-00 module  and CYBLE-022001-EVAL. The next page will describe in detail the connections of the CYBLE-022001-EVAL board and the corresponding connections on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE development kit.  To place the CYBLE-022001-EVAL on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard, locate the 20-pin (J11) and 24-pin (J10) connection headers, as shown in Figure 16. Figure 16. CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard with J10 and J11 Headers to Connect the CYBLE-022001-EVAL  Plug  the  CYBLE-022001-EVAL  module  into  the  CY8CKIT-042-BLE  baseboard  on  headers  J10  and  J11,  while  keeping  the antenna directed outside.  To remove  the  CYBLE-022001-EVAL evaluation board from  the CY8CKIT-042-BLE  baseboard,  hold  the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard in  one  hand  and  the  CYBLE-022001-EVAL  in  the  other,  as  shown  in  Figure  17,  and  pull  it  out  using  a  rocking motion. Figure 17. Removing the CYBLE-022001-EVAL from the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  17 CYB LE -022001- E V AL   C o n ne c ti on s   to  C Y 8 C KI T -042- B L E  The CYBLE-022001-00 module contains 21 connections on the back side of the module. Each of these connections is present on the CYBLE-022001-EVAL evaluation board too.   Figure 18 shows the CYBLE-022001-EVAL and highlights the elements on the top side of the board.  Figure 18. CYBLE-022001-EVAL Board Top Side  The CYBLE-022001-EVAL also includes the following elements:   Cmod:  A  2.2-nF  capacitor  mounted  on  the  evaluation  board  used  with  the  CY8CKIT-042-BLE  capacitive  sensing  slider, buttons and proximity sensors.    J3 Header: A two-pin header that exposes VDD and VDDR.   J4  Header:  A  five-pin  header  that  exposes  connections  used  for  programming  the  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  Evaluation board by using the MiniProg3 kit, as shown in Figure 19.  Figure 19. CYBLE-022001-EVAL Using CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3   J5: A header that exposes P5[0] and P5[1], which can be used for I2C communication (including high speed I2C) to the EZ-BLE PRoC Module.   J5 Header
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  18 Figure  20 reiterates the  Port-Pin connections  on  the  CYBLE-022001-EVAL board.       where no physical connection is present between the EZ-BLE PRoC Module and the CYBLE-022001-EVAL board.  Figure 20. CYBLE-022001-EVAL Board Pinout   As mentioned previously, the Port-Pin connections above do not completely match the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard pin out.  Seven such connections exist that do not align with the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard (highlighted in red in Figure 20).   Table 3 details all connections on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard and provides the equivalent Port-Pin connection on the CYBLE-022001-EVAL board.  Table 3. CYBLE-022001-EVAL Port-Pin Connections to CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard Connection Header CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard Connection Port-Pin2 CYBLE-022001-EVAL Connection Port-Pin J11 P0_0 NC J11 P0_1 NC J11 P0_2 NC J11 P0_3 NC J11 P0_4 NC J11 P0_5 NC J11 VREF NC J11 P1_0 NC J11 P1_1 NC J11 P1_2 NC      NC       NC      NC       NC      NC       NC      NC       NC      NC       NC   P0_6    P1_4   P0_7    P1_3   XRES    P1_5   GND        NC   VDD         NC GND    VDD P3_6    P3_7 NC       NC NC       NC NC       NC NC       P5_1 NC       P5_0 P3_4    P3_5 P0_5    P0_4 P1_7    P1_6 NC       P4_1 VDDR  GND
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  19 CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard Connection Header CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard Connection Port-Pin2 CYBLE-022001-EVAL Connection Port-Pin J11 P1_4 P1_4 J11 P0_6 P0_6 J11 P1_3 P1_3 J11 P0_7 P0_7 J11 P1_5 P1_5 J11 XRES XRES J11 P1_7 NC J11 GND GND J11 P1_6 NC J11 VDD VDD J12 GND GND J10 VDD VDD J10 P3_6 P3_6 J10 P3_7 P3_7 J10 P3_4 NC J10 P3_5 NC J10 P3_2 NC J10 P3_3 NC J10 P3_0 NC J10 P3_1 NC J10 P4_0 NC J10 P5_1 P5_1 J10 P4_1 NC J10 P5_0 P5_0 J10 P2_6 P3_4 J10 P2_7 P3_5 J10 P2_4 P0_5 J10 P2_5 P0_4 J10 P2_2 P1_7 J10 P2_3 P1_6 J10 P2_0 NC J10 P2_1 P4_1 J10 VDDR VDDR J10 GND GND   Note The port-pin list order is according on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard physical connection pinout.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  20 The  connections  shown  in  Table  3  apply  to  the  Arduino  compatible  headers  located  on  the  CY8CKIT-042-BLE  baseboard. Figure 21 shows the Arduino compatible headers located on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard.   Figure 21. Arduino Compatible Headers on CY8CKIT-042-BLE Baseboard    Connections above are labeled according to the CY8CKIT-042-BLE baseboard pinout. For the equivalent and available connections used with the CYBLE-022001-EVAL board, refer to Table 3. For additional information, refer to the CY8CKIT-042-BLE product webpage.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  21 Learning Resources This  section  provides  a  list  of  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module  learning  resources  that  can  help  you  to  get  started  and  to  develop complete applications with EZ-BLE PRoC Module. You can also use the Document Manager in PSoC Creator to view these resources. To open the Document Manager, choose the Help > Document Manager. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Datasheet EZ-BLE PRoC Module  datasheet list the features, pinouts, device-level specifications and fixed functional peripheral electrical specifications of all EZ- Module. PRoC BLE Device Datasheet PRoC  BLE  device  datasheets  list  the  features,  pinouts,  device-level  specifications  and  fixed  functional  peripheral  electrical specifications of all  BLE devices. PRoC BLE Technical Reference Manual  The  PRoC  BLE  Technical  Reference  Manuals  (TRM)  describes  all  peripheral  functionality  in  detail,  with  register-level descriptions. The document is divided into two parts, the Architecture TRM and the Register TRM. Learning PSoC Creator Visit the PSoC Creator home page to download the latest version of PSoC Creator.  Support for the EZ-BLE PRoC Module is included with PSoC Creator 3.1 SP2 and newer versions.   Launch PSoC Creator and navigate to the following items:  Simple Component example projects: Choose File > Open > Example projects. These example projects demonstrate how to configure and use PSoC Creator Components.  System  Reference  Guide:  Choose  Help >  System  Reference >  System  Reference  Guide.  This  guide  lists  and describes the system functions provided by PSoC Creator.  Component  datasheets:  Right-click  a  Component  and  select  Open  Datasheet.  In  addition,  you  can  get  a  list  of  all PRoC BLE Component datasheets. Application Notes Application notes assist you with understanding specific features of the device and designing your PSoC application. Visit the following page for a complete list of EZ-BLE PRoC Module application notes. Design Guide You can  download the  PSoC 4 CapSense  Design Guide, which  shows how to  design capacitive  touch-sensing applications with the PRoC BLE family of devices. Technical Support If  you  have  any  questions,  our  technical support  team  is  happy  to assist  you.  You can  create  a support  request by  visiting Cypress Technical Support If you are in the United States, you can talk to our technical support team by calling our toll-free number: +1-800-541-4736. You can also use the following support resources if you need quick assistance.  Self-help  Local sales office locations
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  22 My First EZ-BLE PRoC Module Design This section provides you with the step-by-step process for building a simple design with EZ-BLE PRoC Module using PSoC Creator. We will use a previous example project completed for the PRoC BLE device and reconfigure it to work with the EZ-BLE PRoC Module. About the Design using the BLE Component in PSoC Creator. The example uses the "Find  Me"  target  profile  and  operates  as  a  BLE server  that  can communicate  to  a  BLE Client (Smart  Phone  or  PC).  It  can operate with another device that uses the "Find Me" locator profile and acts as a BLE client. The "Find Me" target profile uses an instance of the "Immediate Alert Service" to display alerts when the locater device sends them. When  in  discovery  mode,  the  Find  Me  Target  remains  visible  for  BLE  clients.  The  device  switches  to  Deep-Sleep  mode between BLE connection intervals. For this design, the BLE configuration in Table 4 is used. Table 4. BLE Design Configuration Requirement Value GAP Role GAP Peripheral Device Profile Role Find Me GATT Role GATT Server Find Me Characteristic 8-bit Alert Level Bluetooth Low Energy Advertisement Timing Advertise with fast advertisement configuration for 30 seconds Fast advertising interval of 20ms Go to low power mode on advertisement timeout Advertisement Packet Appearance and Immediate Alert Service UUID in Advertisement packet Local name in Scan response packet Connection Parameters Connection interval = 7.5 ms Slave latency = 0 Supervisory timeout = 10 seconds GAP Settings Device name = Find Me Target Company ID of device address = 0x00A050 No authentication or encryption  This design uses GPIOs for three LEDs to indicate different states, a button switch for wake-up from Deep Sleep, and a BLE subsystem to enable the Find Me profile through the BLE protocol. The schematic for the design from PSoC Creator is shown in Figure 22.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  23 Figure 22. My First EZ-BLE PRoC Module Design   Creating your first EZ-BLE PRoC Module design involves four main steps: 1.  Create the design in the PSoC Creator schematic page. 2.  Write the application code to initialize and handle Bluetooth Low Energy events and take action. 3.  Program the EZ-BLE PRoC Module on the BLE Pioneer Kit.  4.  Test your design using the CySmart PC application or mobile app. Create the Design This section takes you on a step-by-step guided tour of the design  process.  It  starts  with  creating  an  empty  project and  guides  you  through  hardware  and  firmware  design entry.  You  can  skip  this  section  if  you  simply  wish  to  try the  example  project  provided  with  this  application  note without going through the build process. 1.  Install  PSoC  Creator  3.1  SP2  or  higher  on  your  PC from  the  webpage  PSoC  Creator  home  page.  After installation, a registration page for Keil license will be shown.  This  can  be  ignored  for  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module. 2.  Start  PSoC  Creator,  and  choose  File  > New > Project, as Figure 23 shows. Figure 23. Creating a New Project
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  24 3.  Choose the  project  template PRoC  BLE  Design,  and give the  project  a  name such     shown  in Figure 24. Choose an appropriate location for your new project. Figure 24. Naming the New Project and Device Selector Guide Location    4.  Once in the  Device Selector Guide,  scroll down and locate the CYBLE-022001-00 part  number (Device Selector Guide location is shown in Figure 24).  Figure 25. Device Selector Guide
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  25 5.  The  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  CYBLE-022001-00  is  then        selection  from  the  Device Selector Guide. Click OK to start the project. Figure 26. Launching the Device Selector  6.  Creating a new project generates a project folder with a baseline set of files. You can view these files in the Workspace Explorer window, as shown in Figure 27. Open the project schematic file TopDesign.cysch by double-clicking it. Figure 27. Opening Top Design Schematic
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  26 7.  You can see pre-populated Components in the schematic as Figure 28 shows. Figure 28. Pre-populated Components  8.  Disable/enable the  Components  per your  design. For  this  design, right-click on  each  of  the components  as  follows and enable/disable components/features as Figure 29 shows:   Disable ADC_SAR_Seq_1 and ADC_In from the BATTERY MONITOR section   In the GPIO BUTTONS section, disable all buttons except SW1    In the TIMER section, disable TCPWM_1, Clock_1, and ISR_1   Disable Capsense_1, from TOUCH PAD section.   Disable SCB_1 and SCB_2 from the Serial Interfaces section (I2S_1 should already be disabled) Instead  of disabling, deleting the  unused  Components is  also possible.  These components  have an  option of bringing back from Component Catalog if required.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  27 Figure 29.Enable/Disable Components  9.  After performing the actions in step 7, you will see the schematic as shown in Figure 22. 10.  Add one more LED by selecting the following schematic and right-clicking Copy and  Paste as shown in Figure 30. Figure 30 Adding One More LED   11.  You  can  configure  the  Bluetooth  Low  Energy  Component  with  the  following  properties  by  double-clicking  on  the Component as shown in Figure 31.  GAP peripheral role with Find Me Target (GATT server) configuration as shown in Figure 31  Services and characteristics for Find Me profile are shown in Figure 32 and can be left to default values  Limited advertisement mode with an advertising timeout of 30 seconds and fast advertisement interval of 20 to 30 ms as show in Figure 33
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  28  GAP Device Name set to Find Me Target and Appearance set to Generic Keyring’ as shown in Figure 36  GAP security set to least security configuration with no authentication or encryption as shown in Figure 37 Figure 31. Bluetooth Low Energy Component General Configuration   Figure 32. Bluetooth Low Energy Component Profiles Configuration
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  29 Figure 33. Bluetooth Low Energy Component GAP Advertisement Settings   Figure 34. Bluetooth Low Energy Component GAP Advertisement Packet
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  30 Figure 35. Bluetooth Low Energy Component GAP Scan Response Packet   Figure 36. Bluetooth Low Energy Component GAP General Settings   Figure 37. Bluetooth Low Energy Component GAP Security Settings
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  31 12.  Double-click on LED1 and change the name to Advertising_LED for LED1 as shown in Figure 38. Similarly rename the other two LEDs as Disconnect_LED and Alert_LED. Configure the LED as Strong drive mode. Figure 38. Renaming a Pin Component  13.  Double-click  on SW1 and change  the  name  to Wakeup_SW.  Configure  the pin as  interrupt as shown  in  Figure  39 and Figure 40. Figure 39. Digital Input Pin Configuration
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  32 Figure 40. Digital Input Pin Interrupt Configuration   14.  Drag and drop an Interrupt Component from the Component Catalog. Change the name to Wakeup_Interrupt and wire it irq output as Figure 41 , Figure 42, and Figure 43 show.        Figure 41. Location of the Interrupt Component
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  33 Figure 42. Renaming the Interrupt Component   Figure 43 Wiring the Interrupt and Pin Component
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  34 15.  To  assign  pins  to  the  LEDs  and  button,  open  the  file  My_First_Project.cydwr  (Design-Wide  Resource  file)  from Workspace  Explorer  and  click  the  Pins  tab.  You  can  use  this  tab  to  select  the  device  pins  for  the  outputs (Advertising_LED,  Disconnect_LED,  and  Alert_LED)  and  Wakeup_SW  for  input  as  Figure  44  shows.  The  following  pin assignment is made with respect to the CY8CKIT-042 BLE pioneer kit and the CYBLE-022001-EVAL board connections. The LEDs on the CY8CKIT-042 BLE baseboard are mapped to P3[6] (green), P3[7] (blue), and P2[6] (red) on the Pioneer kit baseboard. These baseboard connections correspond to connections P3[6] (green), P3[7] (blue), and P3[4] (red) of the CYBLE-022001-EVAL module. The LEDs are Active low. Wakeup_SW is mapped to P2[7] of the Pioneer Kit baseboard, which is P3[5] of the CYBLE-022001-EVAL module. Refer to CYBLE-022001-EVAL Connections to CY8CKIT-042-BLE for details on the EZ-BLE PRoC Module Evaluation board connections.  Figure 44.Pin Selection   16.  Select  Generate  Application  from  the  Build  menu. Notice  in  the  Workspace  Explorer  window  that  PSoC  Creator automatically generates source code files for the Bluetooth Low Energy, Clock, and Digital Output/Input Pin Components, as Figure 45 shows. Figure 45. Generated Source Files
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  35 Write the Application Code The  main.c  file  in  the  workspace  has  a  template  for  the  main  program  function.  The  following  main  firmware  blocks  are required for designing any BLE standard profile applications using PSoC Creator:  System initialization  Bluetooth Low Energy stack event handler   Bluetooth Low Energy service-specific event handler   Main loop and low power implementation This section discusses details of these blocks with respect to the design  configured in the previous section. S ys te m  I n i ti a li za t i on  When the EZ-BLE PRoC Module is reset or wakes up from the hibernate mode, the firmware needs to perform initialization, which includes platform initialization, enabling global interrupts, and initializing/starting the BLE Component. Figure 46 shows the flowchart for system initialization.  As a part of the BLE Component initialization, you must pass the event handler function that will be called to receive events from the BLE stack. The BLE stack event handler shown in Figure 49 is registered as part of the BLE initialization. If the BLE Component  initializes  successfully,  the  firmware  registers  the  event  handler  that  will  be  called  to  receive  IAS  events  and switches control to the main loop thread.  Figure 47 shows the firmware source code for system initialization. Figure 46. System Initialization Flowchart Reset Platform Initialization- BLE Init- Register Stack Event HandlerBLE-Init Success?Register IAS Event HandlerYError HandlingNSystem InitializationMain Processing Thread
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  36 Figure 47. System Initialization Firmware   BLE   S ta c k   E ven t  Ha n dl e r  The  BLE  stack  within  the  BLE  Component  generates  a  list  of  events  to  provide  the  BLE  interface  status  and  data  to  the application firmware through the BLE stack event handler registered during the CyBle_Start API call. The event handler must handle  basic  events  from  the  stack  and  configure  the  stack  with  the  application  information  to  successfully  establish  and maintain the BLE link. For the Find Me application that you are creating, the BLE stack event handler must process all the events described in Table 5. The flow chart and the firmware for handling the BLE stack events are shown in Figure 48 and Figure 49. Table 5. Bluetooth Low Energy Stack Events BLE Stack Event Name Event Description Event Handler Action CYBLE_EVT_STACK_ON Bluetooth  Low  Energy  firmware  stack within  the  BLE  Component  initialized successfully Start  Advertisement  and  reflect advertisement state on the LEDs CYBLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED Bluetooth  Low  Energy  link  is disconnected from  the peer device Start re-advertisement and reflect advertisement state on the LEDs CYBLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_CONNECTED Bluetooth  Low  Energy  link  is established with the peer device Update  the  Bluetooth  Low Energy link state on the LEDs CYBLE_EVT_TIMEOUT Bluetooth  Low  Energy  stack  generic timeout event Configure the device in hibernate mode  if  you  received  an advertisement timeout event     CYBLE_API_RESULT_T apiResult;   CYBLE_STATE_T bleState;       /* Enable Global Interrupts */   CyGlobalIntEnable;      /* Start the BLE component and register a stack callback routine */   apiResult = CyBle_Start(StackEventHandler);    if(apiResult != CYBLE_ERROR_OK)   {   /* BLE stack initialization failed, check        your configuration */     CYASSERT(0);   }        /* Register service specific callback routine for IAS */   CyBle_IasRegisterAttrCallback(IasEventHandler);
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  37 Figure 48. Bluetooth Low Energy Stack Event Handler Flow Chart Stack ON or device disconnected? Start AdvertisingDevice connected?Retrieve Connection HandleNNYYReturn from stack event handlerB LE Stack Event HandlerAdvertising timeout? Go to HibernateYN
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  38 Figure 49. Bluetooth Low Energy Stack Event Handler Firmware    #define LED_ON             (0u) #define LED_OFF            (1u) extern CYBLE_GAPP_DISC_PARAM_T cyBle_discoveryParam; extern CYBLE_GAPP_DISC_MODE_INFO_T cyBle_discoveryModeInfo;  void StackEventHandler(uint32 event, void* eventParam) {   switch(event)   {     case CYBLE_EVT_STACK_ON:     case CYBLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED:       /* Start BLE advertisement for 30 seconds and update link        * status on LEDs */       CyBle_GappStartAdvertisement();       Advertising_LED_Write(LED_ON);       Disconnect_LED_Write(LED_ON);  Alert_LED_Write(LED_OFF)    break;            case CYBLE_EVT_GAP_DEVICE_CONNECTED:       /* BLE link is established */       Advertising_LED_Write(LED_OFF);       Disconnect_LED_Write(LED_OFF);         break;              case CYBLE_EVT_TIMEOUT:       if(*(uint8 *) eventParam == CYBLE_GAP_ADV_MODE_TO)       {          /* Advertisement event timed out, go to low power           * mode (Hibernate mode) and wait for an external           * user event to wake up the device again */              Advertising_LED_Write(LED_OFF);          Disconnect_LED_Write(LED_OFF);          Alert_LED_Write(LED_OFF);          Wakeup_SW_ClearInterrupt();          Wakeup_Interrupt_ClearPending();          Wakeup_Interrupt_Start();          CySysPmHibernate();       }        break;           default:     break;   } }
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  39  Blu e to o t h  L ow   Ene r g y  Se r vi c e  S p ec i f ic   E v e n t  Ha n dl e r  The  BLE  Component  also  generates  events  corresponding  to  each  of  the  services  supported  by  your  design  through  the service event handler  that was  registered in  the  initialization section  of  the  code (IasEventHandler in this  example). For the Find Me application that you are creating, the BLE Component will generate Immediate Alert Service (IAS) events that will let the application know if the Alert Level characteristic has been updated with a new value. Figure 50 and Figure 51 show the flow chart and firmware for handling BLE IAS events. Figure 50. Bluetooth Low Energy IAS Event Handler Flowchart  Alert Level  Updated Y N Return from IAS Event  Handler   Update the global  variable  “ alertLevel” IAS Event Handler
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  40 Figure 51. Bluetooth Low Energy IAS Event Handler Firmware   Ma i n  Lo o p  a nd   L ow   Pow e r  O p er a ti o n  The main loop firmware in your design must periodically service the BLE stack processing event and configure the BLESS block and the EZ-BLE PRoC Module system into the Low Power mode between connection intervals. Figure 52 and Figure 53 show the main loop flowchart and firmware.   #define NO_ALERT           (0u) #define MILD_ALERT         (1u) #define HIGH_ALERT         (2u)  #define BLINK_TIMEOUT      (100u)  #define LED_NO_ALERT       (200u) #define LED_MILD_ALERT     (100u) #define LED_HIGH_ALERT     (0u)  uint8 alertLevel;  void IasEventHandler(uint32 event, void* eventParam) {   /* Alert Level Characteristic write event */   if(event == CYBLE_EVT_IASS_WRITE_CHAR_CMD)   {     /* Data structure that is returned as eventParam */     CYBLE_IAS_CHAR_VALUE_T *charValue =  (CYBLE_IAS_CHAR_VALUE_T *)eventParam;          /* Extract Alert Level value from the data structure */     alertLevel = *((charValue->value->val));   } }
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  41 Figure 52. Main Loop Flowchart  Figure 53. Firmware Main Loop Process BLE Events Device  Connected ? Y BLE Idle ? Go to deep sleep mode -   Configure wakeup pin -   Go to Hibernate Y -   Execute deep sleep  wakeup sequence -   Sleep till ECO  stabilizes   N N Alert Level Updated Y N Process the LED status System Normal Operation System Low Power Operation for(;;)   {     /* Single API call to service all the BLE stack events. Must be       * called at least once in a BLE connection interval */       CyBle_ProcessEvents();            if(CYBLE_STATE_CONNECTED == CyBle_GetState())     {       static uint8 blinkTimeout = BLINK_TIMEOUT;              /* Update Alert LED status */       switch(alertLevel)       {         case NO_ALERT:         Alert_LED_Write(LED_OFF);          break;
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  42  Bui l di n g  a nd   Gen e r at i n g  H ex   F i l e  Compile and Build the project by choosing Build > Build My_First_Project as shown in Figure 54. Figure 54 Compiling the Project          case MILD_ALERT:           if(--blinkTimeout == 0)           {             Alert_LED_Write(Alert_LED_Read() ^ 0x01);             blinkTimeout = BLINK_TIMEOUT;           }         break;                  case HIGH_ALERT:           Alert_LED_Write(LED_ON);         break;             default:        break;    }        bleState = CyBle_GetState();         if(bleState != CYBLE_STATE_STOPPED &&         bleState != CYBLE_STATE_INITIALIZING)         {         /* Configure BLESS in DeepSleep mode */        CyBle_EnterLPM(CYBLE_BLESS_DEEPSLEEP);                   /* Configure PRoC BLE system in sleep mode */        CySysPmSleep();                   /* BLE link layer timing interrupt will wake up the system */     }     }            } }
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  43  Program the Device This section shows how to program the device. If you are using  a  development  kit  with  a  built-in  programmer, connect  the  kit  board  to  your  computer  using  the  USB cable. For other kits, refer to the kit user guide. If you  are  developing on your own hardware,  you need  a hardware  debugger,  for  example,  a  Cypress  CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3. 1.  Select the PSoC Creator menu item Debug > Select Debug Target, as Figure 55 shows. Figure 55. Selecting Debug Target  2.  In  the  Select  Debug  Target  dialog  box,  click  Port Acquire,  and  then  click  Connect,  as  Figure  56 shows. Click OK to close the dialog box. Figure 56. Connecting to a Device   3.  Choose the Debug > Program to program the device with the project, as Figure 57 shows. Figure 57. Programming the Device  4.  You  can  view  the  programming  status  on  the PSoC Creator  status  bar  (lower-left  corner  of  the window), as Figure 58 shows, Figure 58. Programming Status
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  44 My First EZ-BLE PRoC Module Design – Shortcut Download the example project from AN94020  Getting Started with PRoC BLE and follow these steps to quickly generate the example project described in the previous pages.   1.  Download the package from the AN94020 web page. 2.  Extract the contents to a destination directory on your PC. 3.  Locate My_First_Project.cywrk (PSoC Creator Workspace) and open it with PSoC Creator 3.1 SP2 or newer. 4.  Right-click the project name and select Device Selector, as shown in Figure 59. Figure 59. Device Selector Option in the Example Project   5.  Locate CYBLE-022001-00 from the Device Selector, as shown in Figure 25, and select OK. You will see that the part number associated with your project will change to display the CYBLE-022001-00 part number.   6.  Double-click My_First_Project.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer, as shown in Figure 60. Figure 60. Selecting My_First_Project.cydwr
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  45 7.  When the pin assignment table is displayed, you will notice that two of the connections have been unassigned. This is due to the limited I/O supported on the EZ-BLE PRoC Module. Both Disconnect_LED and Wakeup_SW will be shown as unassigned.     8.  To complete the assignments, assign P3[4] to Disconnect_LED and P3[5] to Wakeup_SW. These connections can be determined through checking the CY8CKIT-042-BLE and CYBLE-022001-EVAL schematics. 9.  Build the application as shown in Figure 54. 10.  Program the CYBLE-022001-EVAL as shown in Figure 57. 11.  Proceed to the next section to test your design.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  46 Test Your Design This section describes how to test your BLE design using the CySmart PC application and BLE Pioneer Kit or BLE Pioneer Kit and mobile apps. The setup for testing your design using the BLE Pioneer Kit is shown in Figure 61. Figure 61. Pioneer Kit and CySmart Bluetooth Low Energy Setup  Usi ng   t h e  C yS m a r t  P C  a p pl i c a ti o n  1.  Connect the BLE USB dongle to your Windows machine. Wait for the driver installation to complete. 2.  Launch the CySmart PC application by right-clicking on BLE Component > Launch CySmart in the project as shown in Figure 62; it should automatically detect the BLE USB dongle. If not, click the  Refresh button in the Select BLE Dongle Target window. Click Connect as shown in Figure 63. CySmart BLE Host Emulator USB Program / Debug  ( PSoC  5 LP ) U S B Status  LED Power  LED 3 . 3 V LDO PRoC - Smart  Module Host PC Application Host PC USB - UART Optionally  power through  USB Coin cell  powered BLE Connection with CySmart iOS / Android App BLE Connection With CySmart PC App BLE  Central  Device BLE  Central  Device EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module Peripheral
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  47 Figure 62. Launching CySmart Application.   Figure 63. CySmart BLE Dongle Selection   3.  Select the Configure Master Settings menu item and restore the values to their default settings, as shown in Figure 64.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  48 Figure 64. CySmart Master Settings Configuration  4.  Press the reset or SW1 button on the BLE Pioneer Kit to start the BLE advertisements from your design. 5.  In  the  CySmart  application,  click  the  Start  Scan  button.  Your  device  (BLE  Peripheral)  name  should  appear  in  the Discovered devices list. 6.  Click Stop Scan and then click  Connect to establish a BLE connection between the CySmart tool and your  device, as shown in Figure 65 . Figure 65. Connect with CySmart PC Application
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  49 7.  Once connected, discover all the attributes on your design from the CySmart application, as shown in Figure 66  Figure 66. Discover Attributes   8.  Select the Alert Level characteristic and write a value of 0, 1, or 2 to Alert Level characteristic under the IAS as Figure 67 shows. Observe that the state of the LED on your device change based on your Alert Level characteristic configuration. Figure 67. Alert Notification
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  50 Usi ng   Mo bi le   A pp s  Similar to the CySmart PC application, you can use the CySmart iOS or Android app to establish a BLEconnection with your design and perform read or write operations on different BLEservice characteristics as follows. 1.  Turn ON the Bluetooth on your iOS or Android device 2.  Launch the CySmart application 3.  Press the reset or SW1 button on the BLE Pioneer Kit to start the BLE advertisements from your design 4.  Your device will automatically appear in the CySmart app scan screen. Select your device to establish a BLE connection 5.  Select the Find Me profile from the carousel view 6.  Select  one  of  the  Alert Level  values  in  the  Find  Me  profile  screen  and  observe  the  state  of  the  LED  on  your  device change based on your selection. Figure 68 shows a step-by-step configuration screenshot of the CySmart mobile app.  Figure 68. Testing with CySmart Mobile App
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  51 Summary This application note  explored the basics of BLE protocol and the EZ-BLE PRoC Module  solution, architecture, and development  tools.  The  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  is  a  fully integrated BLE solution that allows rapid development and production release  for  customer applications. The core of the  EZ-BLE  PRoC  Module  is  the  PRoC  BLE  chip,  a programmable embedded system-on-chip, integrating BLE radio, configurable analog and digital peripheral functions, memory, and an ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller. The EZ-BLE PRoC Module is an ideal fit for customers seeking a qualified and certified solution in a small form-factor.  Related Application Notes AN91445  Antenna Design Guide AN94020  Getting Started with PRoC® BLE AN91267  Getting Started with PSoC® 4 BLE AN95089             Selection and Tuning Techniques  About the Author  Name: David Solda (DSO) Title: Business Unit Director Background: David  Solda  has  a  BS  in  Computer Engineering, a BS in Mathematics, and an  MBA  from  Santa  Clara  University, California.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  52 Appendix A: EZ-BLE PRoC Module Features Table 6 summarizes the features and capabilities of the EZ-BLE PRoC Module from Cypress. Table 6. EZ-BLE PRoC Module Features and Capabilities Features Device Family CYBLE-022001-00 BLE Subsystem BLE radio and link-layer hardware blocks with BLE 4.1- compatible protocol stack CPU 24-MHz ARM Cortex-M0 CPU with single-cycle multiply Flash Memory 128 KB SRAM 16 KB GPIOs Up to 16 CapSense Up to 13 sensors CapSense Gestures Not Supported ADC 12-bit, 1 Msps SAR ADC with sequencer Opamps None Comparators None Current DACs One 7-bit, and one 8-bit Power Supply Range 1.9 V to 5.5 V Low-Power Modes Deep-Sleep mode at 1.3 µA Hibernate mode at 150 nA Stop mode at 60 nA Serial Communication 2 independent serial communication blocks (SCBs) with programmable I2C, SPI, UART, or I2S Timer Counter Pulse-Width Modulator (TCPWM) 4 Universal Digital Blocks (UDBs) None Additional Digital Peripherals (I2S, PWM) None Clocks  3-MHz to 24-MHz IMO 32-kHz ILO Power Supply Monitoring Power-on reset (POR) Brown-out detection (BOD) Low-voltage detection (LVD) Module Size Package   10 mm × 10 mm × 1.80 mm SMT Module Integrated Crystal Oscillators 24-MHz ECO integrated on module 32-kHz WCO integrated on module Antenna Type Chip antenna (Johanson Technology Inc.  part number 2450AT18B100)
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  53 Appendix B: Cypress Terms of Art This section lists the most commonly us PSoC  PSoC is a programmable, embedded design platform that includes a CPU, such as the 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0, with both  analog  and  digital  programmable  blocks.  It  accelerates  embedded  system  design  with  reliable,  easy-to-use  solutions, such as touch sensing and enables low-power designs. PSoC  4  BLE   A  PSoC  4  IC  with  an  integrated  BLE  radio  that  includes  a  royalty-free  BLE  protocol  stack  compatible  with  the Bluetooth 4.1 specification. PSoC Creator  PSoC 3, PSoC 4, and PSoC 5LP Integrated Design Environment (IDE) software that installs on your PC and allows concurrent  hardware and  firmware design  of  PSoC systems,  or hardware design followed  by  export to  other popular IDEs. Components  Free embedded ICs represented by an icon in PSoC Creator software. These are used to integrate multiple ICs and system interfaces into one PSoC Component that are inherently connected to the MCU via the main system bus. For example, the BLE Component creates Bluetooth Smart products in minutes. Similarly, you can use the Programmable Analog Components for sensors. Component Configuration Tools  Simple graphical user interfaces in PSoC Creator that embedded in each Component. It is used to customize the Component parameters and is accessed by right-clicking a Component. PSoC  Programmer  PSoC Programmer  is  a  flexible,  integrated  programming  application  for  programming  PSoC  devices. PSoC Programmer is integrated with PSoC Creator to program PSoC 3, PSoC 4, PRoC, and PSoC 5LP designs. MiniProg3   A  programming  hardware  for  development  purposes  that  is  used  to  program  PSoC  devices  on  your  custom board or PSoC development kits that do not support a built-in programmer.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  54 Appendix C: Code Examples PSoC Creator includes a large number of code example projects. These projects  are  available  from  the  PSoC  Creator  Start  Page,  as  Figure  69 shows. Example  projects  can  speed  up  your  design  process  by  starting  you  off with  a  complete  design,  instead  of  a  blank  page.  The  example  projects also  show  how  PSoC  Creator  Components  can  be  used  for  various applications.  Code  examples  and datasheets  are  included,  as  Figure  70 shows. In the Find Example Project dialog shown in Figure 70, you have several options:  Filter  for  examples  based  on architecture or  device  family.    For EZ-BLE PRoC Module, use the PRoC BLE filter.  Most of the PRoC BLE example  projects  can  reconfigure  to  work  with  the  EZ-BLE  PRoC Module.   Select  from  the  menu  of  examples  offered  based  on  the  Filter Options. There are more than 20 BLE example projects for you to get started, as shown in Figure 70.  Review the datasheet for the selection (on the Documentation tab)  Review the code example for the selection. You can copy and paste code from this window to your project, which can help speed up code development.  Or create a new project (and a new workspace if needed) based on the selection. This can speed up your design process by starting you off with  a  complete basic design.  You  can then  adapt that design  to your application. Figure 69. Code Examples in PSoC Creator  Figure 70. Code Example Projects with Sample Code
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  55 Appendix D: Regulatory information: FCC: FCC NOTICE: The  device  CYBLE-022001-00,  including  the  antenna  2450AT18B100  from  Johanson technology,  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  The  device  meets  the  requirements  for modular transmitter approval as detailed in FCC public Notice DA00-1407.transmitter Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2)  This  device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including  interference  that  may cause undesired operation.  CAUTION  The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by Cypress Semiconductor  may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This  equipment  generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user is  encouraged to  try to  correct  the interference by  one  or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.    Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help   LABELING REQUIREMENTS  The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that FCC labelling requirements are met. This includes a clearly visible label on the outside of the OEM enclosure specifying the appropriate Cypress Semiconductor FCC identifier for this product as well as the FCC Notice above. The FCC identifier is FCC ID: WAP2001.  In any case the end product must be labeled exterior with "Contains FCC ID: WAP2001"
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  56 ANTENNA WARNING   This device is tested with a standard SMA connector and with the antennas listed below. When integrated in the OEMs product, these fixed antennas require installation preventing end-users from replacing them with non-approved antennas. Any antenna not in the following table must be  tested  to  comply  with  FCC  Section  15.203  for  unique  antenna  connectors  and  Section 15.247 for emissions.  Table 7: Antenna used in the module Manufacturer Part Number Frequency Band Antenna Type Gain Johanson Technologies 2450AT18B100 2.4 GHz Chip +0.5 dBi   RF EXPOSURE  To comply with FCC RF Exposure requirements, the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure to install the approved antenna in the previous. The preceding statement must be included as a CAUTION statement in manuals, for products operating with the approved antennas in the previous table, to alert users on FCC RF Exposure compliance.  Any notification to the end user of installation or removal instructions about the integrated radio module is not allowed.  The radiated output power of CYBLE-022001-00 with the chip antenna mounted (FCC ID: WAP2001) is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, use CYBLE-022001-00 in such a manner that minimizes the potential for human contact during normal operation.  End users may not be provided with the module installation instructions. OEM integrators and end  users  must  be  provided  with  transmitter  operating  conditions  for  satisfying  RF  exposure compliance.  INDUSTRY CANADA CERTIFICATION  CYBLE-022001-00 is licensed to meet the regulatory requirements of Industry Canada (IC),  License: IC: 7922A-2001 Manufacturers of mobile, fixed or portable devices incorporating this module are advised to clarify any regulatory questions and ensure compliance for SAR and/or RF exposure limits. Users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance from  This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed in table 7 above, having a maximum gain of 0.5 dBi. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 0.5 dBi are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms. The
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  57 antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.   IC NOTICE  The device CYBLE-022001-00 including the antenna 2450AT18B100 from Johanson technology, complies with Canada RSS-GEN Rules. The device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in RSS-GEN. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  LABELING REQUIREMENTS  The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that IC labelling requirements are met. This includes a clearly visible label on the outside of the OEM enclosure specifying the appropriate Cypress Semiconductor IC identifier for this product as well as the IC Notice above. The IC identifier is 7922A-2001. In any case, the end product must be labeled in its exterior with "Contains IC: 7922A-2001"  EUROPEAN R&TTE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY   Hereby, Cypress Semiconductor declares that the Bluetooth module CYBLE-022001-00 complies with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. As a result of the conformity assessment procedure described in Annex III of the Directive 1999/5/EC, the end-customer equipment should be labeled as follows:   All versions of the CYBLE-022001-00 in the specified reference design can be used in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Norway.
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  58 Document History Document Title: AN96841  Getting Started With EZ-BLE  Document Number: 001-96841 Revision ECN Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change ** 4715534 DSO 04/08/2015 New application note
  Getting Started With EZ-  Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. **  59 Worldwide Sales and Design Support  the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations.  Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers Interface Lighting & Power Control Memory PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF  PSoC® Solutions PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 4 | PSoC 5LP Cypress Developer Community Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support     CapSense  and  PSoC  are  registered  trademarks  and  PSOC  Creator  and  SmartSense  are  trademarks  of  Cypress  Semiconductor  Corp.  All  other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.  Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone  : 408-943-2600 Fax  : 408-943-4730 Website  :  ©  Cypress  Semiconductor  Corporation,  2015.  The  information  contained  herein  is  subject  to  change  without  notice.  Cypress  Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical Components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may  reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. This Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection  (United  States  and foreign),  United States  copyright  laws  and  international treaty  provisions.  Cypress  hereby  grants to  licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit  as  specified  in  the  applicable  agreement. Any  reproduction,  modification,  translation,  compilation,  or  representation  of  this  Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED  TO,  THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF  MERCHANTABILITY AND  FITNESS FOR  A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical Components in life-support systems where a uct in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges.  Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement.

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