Cypress Semiconductor CY5676A Bluetooth Device User Manual 2

Cypress Semiconductor Bluetooth Device 2


User manual2

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Document DescriptionUser manual2
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Date Submitted2016-07-01 00:00:00
Date Available2016-07-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-06-29 22:17:00
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Document TitleUser manual2

Kit Operation
Ihis cnaplcr inIOCIUCOS Km [0 .hO ULL Pioneer ‘(ilflnd ”‘0 'calurcs lhfl. W II 00 .1506 as pan 01 HS
operafion. We will discuss featues such as USB connection prograMming/debu 9 ng. and
programme' firmware upda'.e. The chapter also cescribes :he USB-UART and USB—l C bridges
along Win UTE PC [OOH lf‘fll can DC USCC l0 commnicale will] lnC BLL device 0’} [n0 LLL ’iorccr
3.1 Theory of Operation
ngre 3-’, l-gure 3-7. and ng'e 3-3 show Ire block diagrams for Ike HI i- Plcme' Haseboaro,
PSoC 4 BLE PRQC BLE Vlodule. and BLE Dorgle.
Figure 3-1. ELI: Pioneer Baseboard Block D agram
a: mm- M) Gav-amok «mm
m 'Mamlhlion
24 n- imm
BLE Mun-Arum
m n- Mun
Mll'unlu mam-mu
mm: y. .. mum...
:i mm. m. Crawl-milk 4mm:
Ihe HI l- Plnneer Hmennn'd am, '25 the hnsehmm for me P300 4 HI I- (red mnmile‘, and PRnC
BLE [black ‘10dL la). The BLE Piorear Base oasid Domains 8 PSQC 5LP device. that l‘as KitP'ag
lnnwarc. used as an o'moard prugmrii"'vr Ur Llohuggci. and lui l'iv LSB—Svrial inlurlacc.
The baseboa'd is AldLil’lO form—fact” compau'nla. enabling Arcuino shielda Id be nurnented an mp
Ul l'u: bU'dlU lo extent; ”'0 luiiuliu'iulily u' B_E imdulcs. Tl'c [maid also lemurcs a1-Mb F—RAVI, 'd'l
RGB LED. 3 fivesegrfinl CapSense .'. a pmxim ty haade'. a Lser switc'i. and a reset switch for
he PSDC 4 BLE am: PROC BLE devices on the module. The Pio'iaer board stpons t'iree valfiage
luvcls:1.B V. 3.3 V. and 5 V.
CVECKI——C117J'§l F—A nlllolncl'IQI 0w F'Icrgy (F. :) Pinr'uc' K Gi. dc Dan. .‘J 009—11458 Rev. '/\ 95
Kil Opmaliur
The Bl F Pioneer Haeehoa’d car alsn he used as a standalone pmgremmer In pvng'am Md dehlg
other BLE dev oes using 5WD. and as a USE-Serial interface. 111 KitProg firmware nr PSoC 5LP
dewoe enables boomadlng PSoC 5| P over USH to upgrade me ’Irmwere.
Figure 3-2. FSUC 4 BLE FRoC BLE VlodLls Block Diagram
.n "may” say
a; IE
m "-m. n u.
This BLE P oneer Ki'. 1cluces :wo mucules. These mudulea ac: as a basic breakout hoarc fur the
CYSC424ULQI-BL533 (P800 4 BLE) and CYBL1157355JJXI (PROD BLE) duvicc. T'Iu
PSoC 4 B_E and PROC BLE ModLlee are dertcal except far the BLE device. Besides tl‘ese two
mucules. [were are acdiliowal modules available. W'IiCh can be orderac seaaralely. The complete lisl
Is evallaole In -sI — VIodLIes anc HI I— IJonnIes Comparlble Mm the HI I- I—‘Ionesr Kt or page I 30.
The BLE Dongle is he w Isles: in:e fans for1he CySr‘aI'. Central Errulat on Toni l'. 135 a PRoC BLE
deVIoe for HI I- sommIInIcanan and KIJrog for onboard pmgmr~|ng, debugging. am for the USH-
Serial inlertsca. as shcw1i1 Figure 3-3.
Ihc ULL Dongle has a USU lypo-A plug to connect Ire Ki.Prog lo .hc USU oorl 0‘ the host
mmther. The Kitng hen nnmflun Dates wli‘ :hePRnC BLE device over IJART or Irllltiplexen I70
or an SPI bLs. 'I'i'a BLE Dongle; also 'fsalurus a user LED is JSBF switch, and a reset switch for the
PRoC BLE device. The dongle is powered directly th’ough Me [.83 pm! (VBUS) at £1.51 V.
Figure 3-3. BLE Dongle Block D agram
CVeCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low Emmi (9.5) Pioree' K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11458 Rev. ‘A 28
Kil Opnmlinl'
3.2 KitProg
KLPrcg is [he hardwarcll rmwa’c slack Ior onboard orcgmnr‘ing, debugging and bridge
hnctonslity. It is a con-non 'eusable hfi'dwa'el’lr'nware hloc< used across "iany Cyp'ess kit
plalfur"'s. It consists of 3 P503 5LP w’iich uul'iects to the <1)!anth over an L33 interface and
GOI’II‘CCB [0 WC ”3°C 4 llll or PRUC ISI | device over SW1 IZC_ anc UARI p ns.
The KilF'ug {JOnlfllLlliC'dtBS with DSOC P'ug'ammer and F'SuC C'sator sultwars tu prugranlldeth
Me large! P806 4 H r— or Plicc HI I- over Ire SWI) Irterface. Ihe maln advantage 0‘ an onboard
programme 'Idehugger is that Leena dn rot l‘ava tn th an extra pmgram'rier debugger wardware.
3.3 BLE Pioneer Kit USB Connection
The DJ: Pioneer K" DOWCFS mm 7] summer DVO' .hc USU irLonacc [J13]. it cnur‘cratos as :1 COT]-
posite device. as shown 1 Table 3—1. USE d'ivsrs required for his. enunerston are part of he kit
instalch Tl'o kit should UL: inslullcd p'upcrly [or its wncct upur'dlun.
Visit www.cypress.con/CVflCflT—OAE-BLEfor [re latest kit irelfiller.
table 3-1. Bl l' Ploneer Kll i-numerarea In1erfaces
JSB Composite Dev 09 Composite cevice
JSB Input Dance USE-I’ll bridge. Km-‘rog ccmnarc Insrfaoe
Ging USB—lzc bridge, progranmcr. arc damper
«(Frag us B-UAHT usB-UAIAT wage. whlm appears as a cuvw pa".
Figure 3-4. KitPrug Dr Ver Installation {appearance rray differ de finding on Windows versipr'l
J mam-M ii
"JL' Deuce : waivmuz:
4mm .. m.
J pm. in m.
Mm»; er, m m
- m.) in! um ,cmmi l?4\1;h».>,¢
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ll (102-11488 Rev. 'A 2 f
fivpfig Kil Opulaliur
3.4 Placing Modules on Baseboard
Plug l'Ic mooulc inlo ‘hc I3I I Pioneer liascboarc on hcadc’s J1!) anc J'1. while «cop fig lhc
anlenns. directed ouL=. de. Noie he: the two parallel l'eacers J10 srd J11 are not eqLal (2A-3in and
20-pin. res osciivaly) and will not allow the mac ule [U be hssrted in My copes [a direction.
Figure 3-6. Beaehoaro wll‘ J10 and J11 l-esdera to Cmnec'. Mnoules
Io remove he madules ‘rorr the H i- Poneer Kn. hold the HI i- JIoree’ K” In one hard and he
mnuule in the oil—er. as shown 1 Finge 3—6, an: pull it out .Ising a rocking motion.
| igurc 3-5. Remove Module uonrcclod on BLL Pioneer Kil
CVeCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low E1eml (9.5) Pioree' K: Gl. de Doc. ii 002-11458 Rev. ‘A 28
fiYPRESS Kil Opulaliur
Programming and Debugging BLE Device
Ihc lill JiOI‘OC’ Kil and HI I Dongle 63') be p'og'emmcd and dcouggcd LSinfl .hO KLPFDQ. ”Gillie
programming :he oevice, ensu'e that 33ch Creato' and PSoC P'og'amme' are installed on the
comleer. See Install Solware on page 2’ :o' more irformalion.
Programming using PSoC Creator
1. Cnnnenrhe HI l- P oneer Kill-SI l- Ilongle to Ire compuer‘s USH pan, as shown In figure Z’rl.
Figure 3-7. Can ‘ISCl USB Cable :0 J13
2. Load the desired example pmjem in PSOC Creelur from File > Open > Project/Workspace.
3. BLild the project by males '19 Build > Build  cr [Shift] [F6]. as s1uwr n
Figure 3-8.
Figure 3-8. Build an Example Project
5:. gun I... [toyed rial-I'M 1w: W W
L‘-’J J 8i 1—: (unnechsaps-nqsuatmu
:WW :8 (la-DIMfilidDSoCJjLLCIpSmanaJED
g anOugn.zyscn ‘3‘ “"m“ “Wm“
39 FSoCJjLLCapSmg 3: Gaunt Mam Damned
can Headed-lei ' . -
4. If Ihere are m ermvs timing hJiifl. omgrem the f 'mwere by clicking the Program int-.01 on the
tool bar 0' pressing [cm] [F5]. as Shawn in Figure 3-9. Th e w H program the cevice on the BLE
Pioneer Ki: B_E Dongle and Iwill ne ready for use.
CVeCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low E1eml (9.5) Pioree' K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11458 Rev. ‘A 29
Kil Opulaliur
Figure 3-9. Programming Device F'nm PSnC firearm
U MU‘UWJED- man-w
[lie {on grew Erma fluid fitting 19:
Deb“! 7 CD {1.5 i a d .
{ gimme.“ 55K}, LispSenwjroa ”
_r Q Ma ‘PSaC amuse-“5:5. t.
9 nscc_~i_aLE_Cap2me,5Mu_Lio 2
:1. Manama
3 BLEAwlmurcmh §
3] HmdleanFanwrh 2
3.5.2 Debugging using PSoC Creator
For debugging me nroent usirg ”SOC Creator, follow steps 1 to 51mm Programming us 15 P806
Creator an page 29 folluwed by:
1. Click the Debug mm or pres: [F5]. as srown In i-Inge 3-10.
Figure 3-10. Star: Deng an PSDC Creator
Eile idit mew [ruled Build Dehug £1
0'5"! ' . £311 :1
lwmuubuiwawiea) coat:
3 .u .
m chkwace 95cc_4_atr_cap3¢me,sadev_tE:
H- 5 my“ mac au_c.psem_5|m,r t
.1? _ 3
J9 F'SoC_J_B_E_Cw5:n:e_$lmev_LED :yfl
2. When P500 Creator opens in dating mode, use the ourmns or :he :oolhariordebugging.
For mo'e details on using the Debug lealures. see the Cypress application note Getting Sarted with
P500 4 til i .
3.5.3 Programming using PSoC Programmer
P800 Progrermer {3.24 or le'.e') can be used to program exist 19 ‘iEX files into hott' BLE Pioneer
Ki. Ul’ DLE Dongle. TU do li'its, lullcrw .lrcsu steps.
1. Cement he BLE Pane-er Kr 0' BLE Dongle In a nonpute'end open P500 Programmerf'nm
Start > All Programs > Cypress > PSoc Programmer  > PSoC Program mar .
2. Click the File Load Uuttun a: the :03 lei! corner ofhe window. Browse "ur the des '86 hex file am:
click Open.
CVeCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluetoot1® Low E1eml (9.5) Pioree' K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11458 Rev. ‘A 3D
fiYPfiESS Kil Opmalinr
Figure 3-11. Selecl l—ex F le
w. ...(mwmnm... g 15' :1
3. Go lu File > Program In stall pIUQI'dll'l 'Ig [he «ll will] llu: ‘ bled lilu.
Note: If he hex file noes not marm Ire devoe selenred, then PSnC Progra~mer will rhmw an
error cl dcvoc r' and lcrmir‘alc programming.
Figure 3-12. P'og'am Hex F ie to Kit
4. When Il‘e progrerming is finished smeesstlly= nrlicmerl by a PASS message m1l‘e slezus her,
he BLE aneeth/BLE Dongle is ready for use. Close FSoC Programmer.
CVSCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low £16qu (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 31
Kil Opmalim'
Updating BLE Dongle for CySmart Central Emulation Tool
lhc Ii | Dorglc, Drovid0$ a ”ll Ccrl’al mace capability using the CySmarl Ccrl’al | mulaim Iool
on he can puie'. The [NSmsrt Cerl'al EmuLaliur' Tool on the PC 5 lhe inle'face will‘ whini— to
COW-IQ ure the BLE Dongle and analyze the daze: trar‘sferred after serir'evliny with a B_E Perip'iural.
The ElLE Dongle works along with [he ySr‘a't Central Emulation Tnol, as shown in Fgure 3-13.
The C)Srnarl Cenlrcil Ernulaliur‘ Teal is rsballac a5 pa'l ul “'9 ElLE Pioneer K I i'rslallalivn ard car
De onered rro~ sum ‘ All Programs ‘ Cypress ‘ (Ii/Smart «orslom > (”Smart .
The tonl nneretion is explained in the LE er gJirle. wh 6'! Gen he accessed frnm Help > Help Topics.
Figure 3-13. BLE Dongle I'rler'ucc 0'1 CySllld'l Conlr'ul C"'uldlien Tuul
I' .lrc BLE Dongle cmlains chturr finnwarc on FROG BLE. Lhc urig nail CySrnarl firrrmrdrr.‘ can be
programmed back to restore me CvSmarr functlonal ly. Ir szt be connected through the USH and
enJmereled as KilF-og.To dn this. follcw these steps:
1. Usmccl [’10 BLL DCFQIC .0 .hC USU 90F. DP th CONDUlCL
2. Open PScC P'ug'smmer 3y going :0 Start > All Programs > cypress > PSDC Programmer
 > PSoC Programmer .
3. Click :he File Load Julian and browse in the lonelinn of :he
ELE_4_2_DGHQI9_CySN" rl_256K.hsx file. The hax file is kmaed al:
"tory‘ Kl'l' CL —-.l.l«—A
i\.n,\| ir'w .\|€ : n. a
b 'ievr. versions el llr Cy‘dlrrurl Central :rrrululiun Tool and [he BLE Dur-
CySmart rr'al EmJI . Tnnlw Ilnisplaya mesage requesiirgtn
s sliuw‘r in he lelluw 'Iu I'igu'us.
Note: || Cypress reIL
qle firmware, rhen Il—
up dlL' lllu linrrwar
CVSCKl’—C42-BLE-A Bluetoct1® Low E1emr/[E .E F'i:-ree‘ K‘. GL de Doc. ll 002-11488 Rev. 'A 32
%WE$ Kil apelalior
Figure 3-14. llpnare Bl F Dangle Firmware wirh Hek from I ates: Ki: Installer
m “-9—.—
ruu: 09-! music-va-
mm Ill“
Moan-nun ml)
fl , wnmmunmw
4 mm
Choose he .wcx I ll: l'om lhl: rcspccjvo location and usualc .hc 3L: Dongle li'mwaro.
Figure 3-15. Opar Hex =ile
, um. cmv-mwu;ummxmrm_u_w_wuu
3-2:: Wlm
mou- mu.“ Fw-D‘hl
_ mac- n.— "4 -x
no.— u... a m w.
an- n a»
4. Erere the ocher sefli’lgs Malch as shown in Figure 3-15. Click the Program sultan In Kart
programming. The status oar a. the Dollom of Ira P500 Programmer window will show .he
programming 5.3.US a’lfl lhc rOSJll (JESS/l ail].
Figure 3-16. P'og'amnli'lg Hex F k: lo Donglc
w..."- Wm‘ulum mvm..m.m_
mm mm
W o n... 'zovtv." a... 1...;
m la... 2... ‘io ll»
‘ m In- , a: mm mm
Wm .-
“ wanm :m- lr basin
“- .. .r an... a.
“my”. _ an. an: xi. 1 ”I“
5. Aier progrsmrring is oompleled successfully. the B_E Dongle firmware 5 updated and DHI' he
uses to cmnecl‘o the CySma-t Central Emulatiur‘ Tool.
CVSCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low £16qu (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 33
Kil Oprzralim'
3.7 USB-UART Bridge
Ihc Kill-7mg 0'1 boh he llll Pioneer Hascboard and H | Dongle acts as a USU-JAIN bridge.
When connected to a cnmouler. e devce ramec Klleg USE-UART is evaileale under Ports
(COM & LFT] in ma Device Manager. "rs UARTI nus belwearr modules and KProg are lrard-wiruc
onoaa'd wilh LA|{|_ {X assigrcd lC FI_4 and JAR _|X assigncc lo P1_5 0" PSOC 4 llll IPRoC
BLE device.
COM lermlnal SUMGI’E, SUCH C‘S Hypere'mlnel 0" Iera lem, Cfl" be used is SEPU and receive dflifl-
LIART dale Bent from 7Sat: 1 BLE/PROC B_E device on LIART_TX line will he receive: by the
sullwa's. Dala errsrsd in ll'e sullwa's will be received by 3500 4 BLE/FRUC BLE on UART_RX
line. See CYBCKIT—OAZ PSaC 4 I" oneer Kt Use' Guide far more Clem ls.
Table 3-2 “5.5 .lrc sputil’rcalio‘rs suppurlvd by [he USE-JAR‘ bridge.
Table 3—2. Snenifinatinns SJpporterl by US B-IJART Bringe
Slap Bits —
Flow 00ml
File 'ransler Frnlueals Xmader’r. 1K ande'n. Ymoderr, Kerr .. and Zr'rndem (only
suppotec soeeus greater man 21UU Dau:'r
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ll (102-11488 Rev. 'A 34
Kil Opmulim'
3.8 USB-IZC Bridge
The Kithg nan ‘unmnn as USB-VC bridge and communinate with the Sr ntrnl jramel [B CF)
sullwu'u Jtilily. When connected IL: BC”. 1th Kithgkserial number) i lublu ur'dur Cun-
nested I2CI5PIIRX8 Pans in the BOP. The |‘!", nnnnection between PSnC 4 Bl FIPRDC Fsl F device
and KitFrug is used ta trarsfer data between EICP am: the F'SuC ’ BLE/PRGC ELE cavice. The PC
lines on P3004 BLEIF’ROC BLE Licvcc urc F3_l (SDAJ ur'd P3_5 [SCLL wt'ich arc hard-wiruc
nnnna’d m I’c lines of Kithg. The USE—I70 slippnrrs I’n speed of an «47‘ mm kH7: 4m kH7 and
BOP is installer) as Oar. of the P506 Programmer insIallarion and can be amessed iron Start 2 All
Programs > Cypress > Bridge Control Panel. Refer tn the Advancao sea on in :he CYacKlT-DIIZ
PSuL’a 4 Piur'cur Kil Uscl L-‘nuidu Iur nlo'r: Licl‘dils.
Tu usu UIL‘ JSB-IEC iur'cturlalily. sulcut .hc KitPragksari al numbap ir' .hc BCF'. Orr succussful
mnrentinr. the (tormented anc Powered atatLa box :u'n green. as annwr' ir Fgure 3-‘ 7.
Figure 3-17. KitProg USE-I’C Connected in Bridge Control Panel
}»-§(»’I¢L — - - > —.n t
‘ V... u a u M
Bun V; nun
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Ieniw [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ii (102-11488 Rev. 'A 3‘.)
Kil Opulaliur
3.9 Updating the KitProg Firmware
”10 KiFfDQ Iirmwerc nor-“ally (100$ "0| fCQUi’C any update. II 3'1 UOflGlO i5 'CQJide. lhcn 93°C PTO-
grsmme' will d solay a warning ressage wher Il-e kitis connected to it, as shown n Figu'e 3-18.
Figure 3-18. Update K Frog
m; program": A: cunnnly 00! vi duh
; Dnnummww 0K
Tu update lllu Ki.P—ug. 90 lo the Utililiss lab on P500 Progralrrur and click Upgrada Firmware, as
Show n I- gure 3-19.
Figure 3-19. Update K Frog IrunI PSUC Prugramnlu'
u. a... num .4
tr. «mjwram
» w-m.
h-Iul jaunmmummw
CVeCKI'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low E1eml (9.5) Pioree' K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11458 Rev. ‘A 38
Example Projects
g Cr PRES“
Ihis chapter den‘onslralcs lho Iuncjonal ly 0| P300 4 BLL ard PROC 3L- devices L$ ng he 3L-
Pioneer Kil example projects. Download and install he «it seth file frc'n the kit web page. The
exam ole p'ajecls can be accessed Dr 1he Start Page of PSOC Creator unde' Examples and Kits.
4.1 Using Example Projects
Follow rheee stems to open and use lhe example prniems:
1. Lannch PSUC Crszlor ”mm Slart > All Programs > Q/press > PSaC Creator 3.3 > F506
Crcalcr 3.3.
2. 0n lhe Star. Page. under Il‘e Examples and Kits section. choose Kils > CYBcKlT-OAZ-BLE-A
A lis. c' cxaflolc projects aopoars. as shown in Figure 4-1. Projccs na’ncd wi.h .hc Drclix
'PSnC_4_BLE_' work on the BLE Pioneer Kl with the P800 4 BLE Module; oro‘em named wi'.l~
ll'c prolix 'PRUG_BLE_' work ur' lilo BLE Piur‘cur Kil wi.l| .llc PROC BLE Module.
3. Click ‘he ceslred examnle projers.
Figure 4-1. Open Example Prolocl lroln PSOC Creator
n-nn—W w mm
PSoC‘ Creator"
i matron:
‘ ham-Hr:
l mun-nu
Wammv’xt'fi >
‘ Elma—mm
l Fun-MEI!!!
. .-
. rut-mane.
5; PKJJmG-Jh-it om
u empiws—‘swgm ea
CVECKI_—04?-BI F—A I'llllolccl'lfll aw F'Inrgy (F! =) Pior'cc' K GI. dc Dart. Ll 007—11458 Rev. 'l\ 37
fiYPfiESS Examnlc Pujum-
4. Select the ‘nlner where ynl. want to save the project and click OK.
5. Eve'y BLE project use a publ 0 address set in the BLE Component GM to advertse and scan
dcocnding on the roll: Pcripncral or Ucrl’al mode. II mull plc kits in close prcximi.y have the
same publ c sdd'ess. tl‘en wrong cevices may be oonrected or oonnectiors may fail. To prevent
his. marge .hc Public address (ard prclcraoly Device name) in me BLE Co‘nponcnl GAP
Settlngs tab as: shown in =igure 42. Click OK.
Alte'natively. yet. can select tl‘e Silicon gerarated' devoe add'sss 0y selecting he chem box.
Ims way1 me Hillevonrh aevme (HIJ‘; aimless IS genemzed .15an the fill oon II), IIanue 10 each
device. Click OK.
I igurc 4-2. Change 3L- PUOIiC AOGIOSS a'td Name
14 ummn—annmu
u—nma-a anus—unn-
tubal-“(MOIW r!
mu-u-nm-I-u-o :7
“thumb-101 [n -
mun-am-) iii
8. Build ['15 sxanple project by macs ng Build > Build . as E'llilWl" ir Figure 4-3. A
hex flle wIII be generated.
Figure 443. Build F'rujcc um PSuC Crcalur
5" {‘1‘ 15" [MM "5“ ”"9 IN" Kind" 3*
Bi v s. ’1 J $ g :1 Clem F509U£LC¢5MKWW
Vining-cam]; m [9 (lug um Build M.‘_KLCIVS¢nkPn-nimhy
nwinupm'mlntap .
in mm ‘ijltg
5.1.3— ‘f Ger-ml: kept-men
j DSaC_4_aLE_(apSen 3 Senate Prom! Dluhcet
Fl. Hence: hm
- Lfl lLEAppiclhongh
a] Handletcwl‘werh
g] mimh
CVSCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low E1ernv (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 38
51%YPRESS Exanmlc Points
1. Connect Ms, B F Pnneer Baseboard to he nnmpmer through Ihe USFS Mini-B mnrenmr .113.
Erere ll‘al he currecl macule {PSnC / BLE or PRoC BLE) is placed m the baseonerd,
deoendlng on the pro|ec opened.
8. Choose Debug > Pragmm 1 P300 Creator a5 sl‘own ir Figure 4-4.
ngre 4-4. Program Devlce In PScC Creator
5». {a Vim am: am [emf Ioels Wmdw- nap
lmwam h 5m magi-wan-
‘% 43 i Deb"; rs
I! Wompxt PScC_4_ElE_ Cap—1 g Dmugnmmul ngnmmg MJS
H 51 min: PSoC_ 4 MLqu
g _ "’l 3 Anxhu Runmng tugeL.
39 Bang 4_ BLE UCIpSnw mm. Toggle Imkpont n
94‘ Nude! Fug l NM [mum ,
a) BLEAppIKat-oush
5] HindoLMPewuh l
a) mamh
H. Scum Res
9. If the device s not yet achired. PSuC Creaw' will open the progran'ming window. Selec‘.
Ki'PIOO and click "‘0 POI“ Acquire DullOI'L as SI'IOWI" ir I igurc 46.
Note: The serial I) starting wih ’ELE' belongs :0 :he 3L5 Dongle (see Upda'lng BLE Dnrgle ’0'
(NSnrd'l Cc'illul E'nululion ‘oul ur page 32).
Figure 4-5. Poll Anqu 'e
nectar-9.3 7
1 5
min .3
WU“ ADC ' I!”
l musm-mm
1G.Afier the device ‘Le, it a 3'1an ir' a smut-Ive helnw The Kng. Click Me Connect h."-
lun and lhen OK l0 9in [he wir'dow and sla'lp'ug'amm nu, as shuwr' 11 Figure 4—6.
CVeCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low E1eml (9.5) Pioree' K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11458 Rev. ‘A 39
Cmmvln P'uji:|:.s
Figure 4-6. Cnnnent Device me PSDC Crearnr and Program
55.: 4200 at: dawn-elm ‘
FSaC 4330 EU: 1&5 {Mil
any I: MBBIV
Note: As s'atad p'avicusty, the B_E Pioneer Kit suppers buth Cypress BLE devices: PSOC 4 SLE
and JRDL ELL. ”‘0 dcscriplon. hn’dwn'c configurations. anc vc’ilicalior mchoc DI he cxnmolc
projecLa explained in the following sections are valid fnr th't these devices. Ll'iless explinitly
martoned, the theory and .Isablity for these example Breasts shu JILI be consicered the sa'ne for
both the modules.
This documerl refers to he BLE Piureer (its. BLE Dongle. and PEI/mobile as Central or Di-zlr plieial
devices. A CEN'OI OCVICE IS l‘Ol‘l’flallY me Master and reqLesls/con n‘ancs (1313 ‘rom the Perlnheml
device. BLE-erahled pl‘ones and conoutera are are such exen'ple. Penahe'el devims store the
actual data anc send il 10 .he Cenral device when requested. Examalus inclLde BLE-enabled
sensors. p'oxlmliy oencons. and so on.
llyuu a a bug nncl ir' BLE, 'ulur to the PSuC C'ualul uudu examples suc'i as BLE_Fir'dMu and
HI l-_I)ev|r:e_lrfonnmon_SenIIr:e as nesnnben In PSDC Creamr Cnce rxnmples on page 16. ‘ nl.
may also refer the application note Gettirg Started with PSuC / BLE.
H10 Iour K t OOUC examples Vil. capssnsc Slidcranc LLD. Capscnsc Proxim ly. BL- Conlml Mode
and ddysto'ie are irterrnediatnry level examples that will help '.D design a system arourd 11—9 kt.
Ruler [U the 4.2 CupSc'isc Slicer and LED and later [or details.
The CySnar. Durgle code example is an sdvanoed level example that will demonstre'e a complete
solution arounc .he «il. Reler to 4.6 BLE Dongle awd LED Conlrol lardeails.
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ti (102-11488 Rev. 'A 4D
Eminvln P'uji:i:.s
CapSense Slider and LED
Project Description
This prujuc. Llcinur'slralus uur'nuv:.ivity hclwcun the ELE Punccr Kit [acting as a Per UllUl'dl and
GAI I serve' device) nrd CySman Ceri'nl l-mlllamn real or momle device. ’lll’l wing he CySMaI‘,
mubile applicatiur [ectirg $5 a Central and CA'IT Client device]. T'tis p'oject demonstrates he lol-
I Anvertisement with t "‘ECJl
I Cun'u. IUr'Wl'lallyCXHIJ‘dlC' iuu
I Two cualnm services ir single profile
I Data lrans'er over BLE custom senice usirg noiificaions mad. and wr ls
I Low-power made implemenlfiiion lnr nnin-nell npereton
The BLE prolile ir his project ccrsisls ul .wo BLE custcm services: CapSefise and R65 LED. The
CapSense senlloe nnneisvs of one custom nhsranterelic, termed as CapSense Sli Tne
CapSerse slider chamcturslic is used I: send one Byte dais, ranging from D tn ‘ CJC, as nu.| Icatiur
l0 l‘IC GAl I Cl on. device. ll’llS (13.3 is llTC 'irgcr Iocalim read by he Uapscnso component an ”'13
five-segrenl slide' ((1551) present on he kit.T1i5 or are merislins sunpom not first on, which allows:
its GATT server to send cab to the Dun 'IHCtEILl clie'it device whenever new data is ave labia.
The RGB LED service also consists of are custom characte'istio. :e'meo as RCB LED Control.
This character slic supports two operalions. read and wri.e, through wh C1 the connected GA'T cli-
Cnl CCViCD C3" read cala as W6” as WI' [0 3 "CW VGILC [0 .ho ChG‘BClCYSjC- ”“5 cats has lOUr 37Vl0
values ndicst ng red. green, blue. 31d the intensity values to control the onbos'd ROB _E3.
Ine Drope’fles ‘Ur he Custom service/chamcierlsrcs are conrgurea In the HI l- Component under
he Pru’lles lab, ase'mwn ir' Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7. /\.lribulcs Con'iguralon in BLC COIT‘DOan‘l [or CUSD'TI SCWlCCS
canny-u: ‘
rum 2.:
We: [3:2] mm xx); Seams Maud mm
1’ .I- HI- 1:..-
‘3 a E. "7
' -
n we
5 Godukxu:
p ”mam
1 8((unxe
* metfmr PM“
t cm Qumran Cufwu-y.
u Em: .n— maven
\ n33 LEE
, and: [ma
t ‘.1~I‘_MMMfl-".Mamrr
,t Bananas: m Jewunt
CVSCKIT—C42-BLE-A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ll (102-11488 Rev. 'A 41
Example P'uji:i:..~:
The pmient mnsists of the fnllnwing files:
These files mniain the main function, which is :he ert'y point an: execution oftne firn'ware anpli-
catiur. They also oontair‘ the "uncton def nitinr‘ for initializatiur of the system and 'sading the
Cups-Ursa slidL'r data Iron] hr: Caption-av: Durnponcul.
Ihcsc lilcs contain all he nacros and Iunc.ion definitions related to L'LL COI‘Mun cation ard
nperstion. They ir elude :he even1r/ellhemfunctim definition that is 'eg stered wi1h the BLE Com-
ponent status anc Lead to same BLE-relates events fro-1 the BLE stack to the appl cation layer
i0l pioccssing. ii‘ICSO iii¢$ com n a WCUICC .U scnc (139301180 nolil CétliOflS .0 inc G/\i I clicnl
device end process the Read anc Write comma 1213 on he RGB _ED nhs'anterszic by he GAT'
:licril dc .Tile upualv i'lL‘ B_E Cunnuclio'i Liuramuy'. uh (”I is imuurlu'il iUl low-power
mnne usage.
I H andleLDwPower.c/.h
inCSO iiiCS oonlain [NC iJnCiiU'i lC "findiC iOW-DCWC’ ITIOGC- VHS Uf‘ClOn is CUHIMUOJSIY CGIiCU in
he main loop and is responsible for pushing the ElLE hardware hlonk (BLESS) as well as the
CPU [0 Deep SIDCD mace as lTuCh 85 DO siblc. Ti’lC wakcup itOJfCD is cilhc’ lnc BLE hardware
bloc< |in< Ieyei nter'ual timer 0' the inter'uptfmm the user hutch DI’ESS (SW2). This ellnws for
very low pvwer mude rrplerrentaiinn an: upe'aticr LE ng a coin cell.
Acdltlcr‘ally, the )Rnc HI l- ve'slon ofrhls prc|ect sonsls's of 'he RGHJ-‘HSIrtc/flflle, whlch con-
tains thH furdion tu drive the su'tware—based PIIEM mathud: it alsu dr ves the color and intensity an
This a the defaultf‘mware that comes in he mOCLlieE shiaped will‘1he ki'..
Iwo projects dcmonslralc .n s 'u'iclonalily on [we Gil C'cnl devices.
I PSDC_‘_BLE_CapSenss_Slider_LED wnr All Programs >
Cypress > cySmart  > CySmart . You will see a list at BLE Dongles
oonrenled to it. If no dongle is FcL nd. k Refresh. Select the BLE Dongle anc cliok Connect.
Figure 4-12. Cur'nuc. Lu BLE Dongle
mm m Deng. 1.3.x I;
wwonedumn 0“-
_ "m hm...
u mum“ =75: ssmmtusaawu-
awn-w..- urns
Place the module on he BLE Pioreer Kit, dependirg on the project chosen.
Puwcr th' BLE P unucr Kit through thu LSE cullilculorJ13.
Program the BLE Pioneer (it wll‘ the CeoSenee erd _ED exanple project. Follow steps in Using
Example Prujeds on page 37 10 prugrarn the device.
/\'lCl' 9'09?!lein SUCCCSSILIN, pI‘CSS the USCF sullen {5W2} on .hC BLL F OHOCF Kit [0 sort .TIC
advertiseme'rt. Advert semert is incinated by a bl oking red LED on he baseboard.
Js allorw’tivll it 'vturns to Deep
Note: The project has an advertisumvnt .irncuul ul30 50
Sleep mode. Press SW2 again to reeiart he saver-Jeane ..
7. On the CySMar. Csnl'al Emulalion Tool. click Start Scan .0 see .he list cl availaole BLE
Peripheralnev .es.
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B _E) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. #l (102-11488 Rev. 'A 45
%WE$ Examnlc P'ujncs
8. Douala-Clix rhe Sllder LED device 10 mnnem, or nlickSllder LED and Iran clirJ< Connect.
Figure 4-13. Curnac‘. In BLE Slic er and LED Paripheml
9. When cannecren, ire CySmarr Cenlral I-Mulnimn Inol WI” display :1 message for me update
connection parameters. SeleclYas. as snuwr‘ 1 Figure 4-‘4.
I igurc 4-14. Update Gorncc.ion Patamclcr Upton
m WE‘meMM‘nmhm.
Notc: If ‘10.] select No, the prulemwlll St N work. flowever: me curren: oonsbn‘pnow will be filgher
due to faster connection interval.
1D.Click DiscwarAll Atlributas lo [ind all al.r supourled.
CVBCKl'—O42-BLE-A Blueloot1® Low E1emv (B F'ioree‘ K'. Gl de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 4/
fiYPRESS Examnlc Pujum-
1‘.l mate he allrihme Cllenl Characteristlc Conflgurallon desnr omr (UlJID 0x990?) unner
CapSerse slicer characterisfic (UUID axouoscnz.oooo.loooaoomooaosmam31 ). Click
Read Value to read the exlsflng Cllenr Characrenstlc Corfgurallon Descrlplov (CCCD) value as
shawr n Fgure4-16.
Figure 4-16. Road GOOD '0' CapScnsc Slide! C'Iaraclcrisliu
m _.
,h ._. ,h ._......u-_ -_..
A. _ .
12.Nucily he Value field OF GOOD 10 ‘01:00' and cl (x Wrila Value. This enables [he nolilcalions or
lrc Capsmsc Slidot cnaraclerislc.
Figure 4-17. Wrte CCCD to Enable Notifiwtinr‘s
CVSCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low £16qu (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. ll 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 48
61%YPRE Examnlc Pujum-
”Swipe your finge' m the CapSense slider m the BI F >inree' kir, as shown in Figwe A-1fi ann
see the ratification values i1 the CapSerse SI der value fielc. as shown n Figure 4-19.
F' ure 4-18. CaoSense Slider
Figure 4-19. CaoSense Slider Nolificatim Receiver:
I? hangout-3|
14. lo dsahlo nolilicalons. modily the Value [old of tho Client Characteristic Configuration
dear: ptnr la '00:!!0‘and nl c u
4,... m hr... pun“... a
.— mu-ul .. *_
. mm m ~hr... w" ar-nxlr
. h—m—
15.Luce'.lc he RGB LED Control cllarch,‘ Isl'r; (UUID DxflDflSCBB1-UUW4000-60Dfl-
00805F950131). CI m Read Value to read Ike e) All Programs >
Cypress > CySmart  > CySmart . YUL w ll see a lie. 0' dowgles connected
to L If no dongle is "and. click Refresh. Select the BLE Dongle and nlink Connect.
Figure 4436. Cur'nuc. Lo BLE Dongle
54mm 0:!nd 1.1.x u
- Suwanee mom
1|an Inga:
3. Contact a five-irsh wire (ncluced in the kit] la the proximity seraor connectorJM and wake a
loop of i..
4. Powerthe BLE l" oneer KR through the L83 oonnectorJ13.
5. Program the ELE Pioneer Kit with he CapSense proximity example p'uject. Zulluw the steps n
Using Example Pm ems nr page 3/ to program tl‘e device.
At'ter prngramning sLmssLIlly, press the .Iser buttan (SW2) an tl‘e ELE Pio'laer kit to start the
aovertlsemenr. In 5 Is Inolcarea by a all 11(an red I H) on he Dasenoaru.
Note: The project has an advert semart timeout of SCI seco'tds altar wtich it reths '.D Jeep
Sleep mode. Prose SW2 again lo rus.ar1l'\c advur. at.“
7. 0n the CySmsrt Central Emulatan Tnol, clid( Start Sean to see the list of available BLE Periph-
eral c evices.
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Pioree‘ K‘. GL de Doc. ti (102-11488 Rev. 'A GD
SgYPRESS Examnlc Pujum-
Figure 4-3/. Start Scar ning
Id: In!!! M
.Whn’: actual-gummy: flab-gems e [amuse
‘ Uh- __
mam...“ Emmanum gunman-M...
mm paw-nu Rm mm W
8. Duunle—clim CapSense meimity lu canrecl 0' click Connect to connect in the BLE Pimeer
Figure 4-38. Curnac. to CspSense Proxim ty Periphe 5|
El. WIIC'I oonnoclcd, l'u.‘ WSrnarlCcnlral Emulation Tool will d sulay a message [0‘ he Updilo
connewon parameters. Seleci Yes, as s'mwr '\ Figure 4-35.
Figure 4"! ' Cornucion Parameter Oplun
m mm‘uwuumamum
. ms...
*‘m‘ Imusmmga
“mm: 50.0)-
M—lmm: 525-.
my», 1
Nata: ll yoJ sclucl No. the plujoclwill sl || work. lowcvur. lhu curron. wrlsun'plio'l will be 'iiyhur
due to faster nmneclmn Interval.
CVSCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low £16qu (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 61
fiYPfiESS Examnlc Pujum-
1C.Click Discover Ml Atltlbutes :0 fine all an'ihlnes. slinpo’terl by the Peripheral.
Figure 4-40. Discover All Att'ibules
6'! Inch nub
.‘mw scwqunmsmhus *Mwm Onixm
c Dumum on: asmmmnmgmm may:
and: win whoa-mam m Put
1‘.Whe1 all :he atlr butes are lsted. locale ll‘e Client characteristic Configuration oescriplor
(UUID 0x2902) under Canscrsc P’oximily cna'aclsrisjc OJUID onDOSCAA1-0IIOO-1000-80DU-
DOSDSFSBMM ). Click Read Value to read the exis'ing CCCD value as show1iq F gure 4-41.
| igurc 4-41. Read 013950150 Proximity CCCJ
:- x— a.
3...... ma...“ an”... 0,...
12.Nnoify the Value feld in '01:00' srd click Write Value. This erables the noii’lcsiims or the
CapSsrse orox '“ily characlerislic.
CVSCKl'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low £16qu (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 62
SIZEVDWSS Examnic P'ujmzs
Figure 441?. Wrte (ICC) rn Fnahle Nolifimrinrs
ED K- I”
own-‘- ‘(W‘ku‘ulm rwm. mum
mh- Jaw—In
awn-nun“ on. away-1w. W955": g], .,.,, m
w i... Mi...— un- - 1m 75w
haw! MI W ‘ new ammo-w
emmmwmw— "‘
- m :13“ 'mm FM».
mv nu: ‘wwcmm;
13.Brng your i‘anu clusu’ to he pluxi y sursur 0'1 l'u: BLE F'iunucr Kil, as shuwu ir' =igurc 4—43
and observe We value changing ir 'he cra'acrer 31in value feld, as anr ir =igare 414.
Figure 4-43. Ca oSensa Pruxim ty Sensirg with P500 4 B_E Module
Figure 4-44. 63 oSense Praxim ty Notificelion Received
thumb-tum ,
m m Rim/mom {313196555000 :
1L.Nnoify he Value fieln of the Clieni Chernnleristc Co'lfingaIian desc'iplnr :0 mm to disable
15- l0 OISCONHEC' "DI“ the fleVICS= Cl C( Dlsconnect, as shown In Hnge L—Aj.
CVSCKI'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low £16qu (3.5) Pioree‘ K: Gl. de Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. ‘A 63
Emmola P-ujm:.s
o 54.1w. mm,
in.“ iImSexMu-n
. .
(.Auam-ummuu en. a.....».-.m:....-..mImammyumm“
le-(Spv np gum,”
a... nut I In ream-v
M W m m Am-
A 51‘“ 2‘ \. VD‘M '\~\.‘o fh‘NS-n
' - Dam 0-6;” k—afl.‘ V
16.Prcs: Lwr bullur' (5W2) .0 wake .Jp IIUHI slwp ur'd luslur. 1|": uuvcl.isc"lcll. Iur lllu Ilcxl
CySmarl Mobile Applical'l'un
To Veri"v he CapSe'lsa Proximity prciect us 19 the CySfiar. mnbile application [refer CySrar
Nubilu Aup web 0). Iulluw lllusc slaps:
1. Plane it‘s dea rec module on ElLE F onesr Basaboe'd.
2. Comecl l’ID ”VG-WT“ W [0 (IS 6 loop [3 “'10 nroximily conr‘cclor J14 0'11’10 nascboarc.
3. Plug he BLE Pioneer Ki‘ 'nto the Co'flpll‘fil’. us ng the J13 USB nnnnentur.
. Program th‘ kil wt! [to CapSu'lsu pruxirrlity example uru‘cul. Fulluw stops '1 Using Example
Prolee‘s on page 3/ tr. program he nevme.
Press the Lser bultur (5W2) on the ELE P unesr Kit in Ebrt the advertisument.
Open the CySrrarl mnbile appliealion nr :he mmile device. If BIJetnoM is rot enabled on the
device. the app will ask to enaola i'..
I. ma ape will .ulommcally search for avallanle pe'lprerels and us! merr. Select he CGDSCI‘SO
Proximity per ohelal, as shown in F gure 4-45.
Figure 4-46. Co'lllocl to DapSUrlsc wa l"ily DL:r pllL‘l'dl
manning. v».- “A”
Dos-m. as; -
an ani
::m:u. :,
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Pioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ll (102-11488 Rev. 'A 64
menvlt: P'ujm:.s
8. When mnnemerlJne and w II | s‘. the services supportec by the periphe'els. Snmll arm select Il‘e
CepSenee Proximity servioe.
3. When [he CBDSC’TSC SC'ViCC 98:10 opens. C'il‘ln YDLT hand near .l’lC SCY‘SOI‘ W ’C 0n .hC H”
Pioneer Ki'.: ll‘e orox r"ity level 3 renreae d 1 lie app as e her grenh, as shown in Fgure 11-47.
The canker S'TflCC in "‘3 Qmfll‘ ind Gales DICSCT fli'OXimily. T'E GD!) ODODS WHC’T U10 graph “”3 J”
by 5i] pernert. Referm CySmert iOS App .Jse' Guiee for details.
Figure 4-47. CauScnsv Pruxim ly Scnsirg with P500 4 B_E Mudulc
CapSonse Proximny
‘lC.Ta diseameet him he BLE F'iDneer Ki'. retu'n to the ceviee seleclion screen on he WSmert
mobile application.
1‘ .T0 reernneclm ll‘e Pe'inl‘erel, p'e e he user mitten (SW2) an the BLE l" oneer Kil m 'Efilfll". the
adwrliscmc'tl U'tLl 55a" for [he u in the CySmurl mullilu appliuuliur'.
BLE Central Mode
Project Dcscri ptia n
The BLE smiems descrined above have been f.Jnntir>nirg as Peripheral devicesTHs means War the
frmware rule was set '.D as a =ar uherel and GAT— ee 'ver: erather devce such as the CySma't
Cemral l-mblatlcr‘ Iool or CySmn mobile applicanor w II connect to It and pollen the Care.
This example pruject de nonstrates the Central and GATT client mode where it will scan fer a Periph-
eral device. co'mccl in il. ano send cofln‘ands. In .h s prcjccl, the BL: Pioneer Kil scans and auto-
mnrenLe to e periinular Peripl‘erel nevine supaurling Immediate Alert Servlne (IASJ. Whenever Il‘e
Peripl'eral will‘ a predetermired prlic adelees s laund, a connectun requesl is se'lt fulluwed l:y
discnvering me am bII1es.Wl‘enll-e d emvery is over, you car sent: one nf the Il'ree slew levels :r)
he Periphe'el devim ever "-9 IAS. Th e is done by pressing :he SW2 thton cr ll‘e BLE Pioneer Kt
and cycling lhruL all he alurl levels.
The BLE Ce'itrel urgent supnane low-power ”rode nperetan. wl‘ere the fi'mwere euppn'te BLE
Harv: 're black and CPU Deep Sleep mode whenever pussibla. Tl'e sye' 'rI rer'ains in Deep Sleep
when diennrneeted. Tress SW2 to wake in Me system and stew scanning (blinking blue LED). Tl‘e
soanring limeuLt ntervel is se'. tr: 3|] seconds. If e particular Periphe'el device 5 founc ecvenising
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ll (102-11488 Rev. 'A 6‘.)
Cmmvln P'uji:|:.s
before t rrath, a nnnnantinn is made (DIIIeI FI'J always ON). If no sum nevica is (mm, than the
sysler' slaps scanning and 'aturns to Daep Slaap mode (LED OFF). Press SW2 again tn waka the
svster‘ e no rests 't scar nIng.
To air: 1 svalJatim. :he Paripl‘eral project win he panicular prlic acdress is p'avided in :he same
wurksp‘dw. Tt'is Pcr oliclul projcc. supuurls IAS ur'd has lixvd public ucdrcss that the Ccnlrul
device will recngri7e and aJtn-cnn'tent tn. The nrqent should he programmed on the BLE Dnrgle
and powa'ad throug't the JSEI port of the computer. The received alert levels [N]. Mid. and Hig't
alert) on the HI l- IJnrgla are representec hy dlffel’fi'fl I H.‘ status. Nr: Alert Is represented by I H)
OFF. Mid Alarl by nlinnr1
2. l'1 .hc PSoC C‘ualor Workspace Explorcr 'igl'l—click lllc BLE_Dongh_Palipharal_lA8 urqccl
and select 3:! As Acflve Project: as shown In nge 4-56-
Figure 4-56. Set Dongle Pe‘ipheral Prnject as Acfiive
BkLDcn' :_Fcu;«eu_l—‘-S CH1»-
_. «mm»;
3 ILfiAaslnlmuh
3 mm v»
“a 2.4mm.
g mumluumu
g] min <
.. 5 mg.“ The LnLcmv-LIAS' rm _
5.‘ 7w l
y 959:;
, ‘- Huda M:-
_-l ammuwu
_~] Mum:-
:1 umunmvwv
_.1 m." n
. Scuntmen
2) BLEAmlue-cnn
g NEH-m:
;) NmflkJmFahflc
g m:
3. Program Ire BLL Jonglc wi.h lhc ULL_DongIc_Periphcral_I/\s orqccl described in Using
Exaflple ijem on page 37.
Note; Do r'ul uudulc lllU public Llcvicu address (i'isidc l'u: BLE CU‘"'JUI'ICII.) IUI' .llo
BLE_Dongle_Parlpl1eral_lAS examsle project. Cnarging the BLE_Dongl2_Perlphelal_lAS
exarrlolc projcc. public add'uss will lead lo no oonnoclion with the BLE Central device on l'IL‘ BLE
Pioneer KN.
CVeCKI'—O42-BLE-A Bluelool1® Low E1erqv (B
Bum llLocnoK'mv’e-mms
(law nu_nu»;._vmu_m
(mu «.1 am an nag-yup." 1A5
Wm (mam
can cum
Sm LLDWILPacMnlfl-S a
an” [mm weriwue
amm- n
gunman»: mm
Ium gum.
no x: 5m”
Pioree' K: Gl. de [10ch 002-11458 Rev. ‘A
Exanmlc Minn..-
61%YPRESS Examnlc Pujuns-
4. Powerthe HI F P oneer Kit through llSB mnnemorMa.
5. I": ['18 Wur lile under the Pins lab. The only up.i0'1stu be uurrlig-
ured for HCI mode are Ire new rate era the Dlns for cummnlcallon win he tester.
Figure 4-75. l-Cl Modein BLE Camponent
Calfquv‘ u:
[E Wm m r .
.‘Lomwmqwmu dkammhwuhw
- mm unmcucr Inma mm.
mm bu: Iran: .
[u- m i
m, m.
rm» 5:: m
r“ em: arscrs
(up... 7 m (m
Mary sompanies develap B_E lesters for Diren‘t Tear Mmle. It is: also possible In aerate PC-haserl
suflwa's tools that will send HCI co'n rand: overserial CDMmuricatiur Inks.
For PC—hsserl sofiwere, he se'iel cormur‘icatinr link is the COM part. which is enJme'ated by the
KitPrcg on [he F‘SuC 5L3 0f the BLE Diur'ee' kit. In sud" a case, the UART pir's on the P800 4 BLEI
PROD U_L mould b3 35$ gncd .0 P1_4 anc F1_5. H1030 p "IS 6'!) l‘al‘CWil‘Cd [3 sins on "‘0 PSOC
SLP whiol‘ allows LlSB-IJART data communication between the FC-hfised sniwere and :l‘e BLE
For external BLE testers. he serial communication is mostly uve' R5232. To test wll‘ that type 0"
system ar external R5232 vullage lranslator i5 'quired. sum as Digilenl's F'WrodRSZSZ. Tl'is
r'anslaror Will I'TUGW the slnral levels or me senal comanIcatlon netweer the HI l' CGVICE and the
R5232 port on the tester. The UART pins the BLE device can he assignec to F0_0 and PO_’ and
nCaGC' J5 can DC USCG l0 COHFCCI [0 .hC RSgJZ lrar‘slalor.
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Ieniw [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ll (102-11488 Rev. 'A 95
Emmoia P'ujr:r:.s
J5 header
Ha rdware Connection
lOr DIN lCSl mOUO, H is 'CCCm'WOnUCd [0 USC SMA tonr CCIOI’S and conrccl molester fif‘d DUI
using an SMA to SMA connector cable. This ensures that there is minimum interlersroe :0 RF
communication DClWCCn "‘0 OUT ard ICSl ’. and ”TC ocrlonnancc measured is It!) .TUC Rr
pe'forma nne of :he oevine. Tl‘e BLE Pioneer Kit monule with SVlA mnrectar rCYSCKIT—141 P500 4
BLE) is available separately anc can be urdared frurn the Cyorees we: page.
Four UART pir‘s are exposed when Hill mode is selected in tne BLE Component. These pins should
be assigned to alluw wrr'mur'icatiur with the external tester. The wnr'ection depends on the tester
be ng used.
If the tester is PC-based suftware thst Don'munirzates wtl' HCI over a serial link. tner the (mend
PSUG SLF' on ll'e B_E Pierlcur Kit <2.” act as [he USB-UART DITngL‘. Thu KitF'rug ur' lt'o PSUG 5_P
enumerates as a USB—UART intefieoe and 0 na 3 COM port on the mmthe Tnie CON port 3
her used by .he surmise Iool to currll'url Cate curnrnar'ds lo the BLE device. lr' this case. the UART
Table 4—1. UART Pill Assigrl'rlcrll for PC Sul.wu'u ‘cslur
UAR'I' Pins Pin Assigncd
The UART lur IICI LerrIIrIu'liuuiu'r (>pr s 'Iurdwure lluw cunt'ul lines CTS ur'd RTS. They can
either be connected to tne hardware ccnt'ol lines of the tester :rr CTS connected t: grourd for aper-
aliur' wi.huu. hardware lluw cunlrul.
If the teeter is an external ha’dwe'e tester (CST). then connect any of the R8232 voltage t'anslators
to neadar J5 or the B_E Pioneer Kt. The UART pins shoJId be assigned as fellows.
CVSCKIT—C42-BLE-A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemr [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. ti (102-11488 Rev. 'A 9 f
menvlr: P'ujl:|:.s
Table 4-2. UART F'in Assign 'nsnl l0! R8232 Vollaus Trd islalor
UAR'I' Pins Pin Assigned
4.7.3 Verify Output
1. Sumac! [he BLE F‘imaer Kit th'ciugh he USB Conrectur .13.
9. Program in? HI r— P oneer KIWIm MP PSnC_4_+I l-_IJ I M or PI{0(Z_HI r-_IJ I N nrrzertr, depend-
ing 0'1 "‘6 module Lsed [PScC ’ BLE ur PRQC BLE], as described in Lsing Example Projects on
page 37. F'mgramrnir'g s'iuuld ournplclc suuwsslully.
3. Cameo! he serial link= JAR’. o' R8232101l‘e tester.
4. 0n l'u: sul.wuru .qu lul luau. cu'll guru .hc UARTqunrnur'iv'zlliur' willl Illc curluul COM poll ur'd
haJd rate. as set in he BLE Cnmonrent.
5. Sharl lhs lssl. Tl‘e loul will gur'ardlu [he rspu'l allsr lhs enc ul 1'18 lesl. This deuur‘ds on th las-
rer tool bean used.
CWCKIVMZ-BLE—A Bluetcct1® Lou E‘Iemv [B .5) Fioree‘ K1GL de Doc. #l (102-11488 Rev. 'A 93

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