Cypress Semiconductor CY5676A Bluetooth Device User Manual 3

Cypress Semiconductor Bluetooth Device 3


User manual3

CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 895. HardwareThis chapter describes the contents of the BLE Pioneer Kit hardware and its different blocks, such asthe power block, USB connection, Arduino-compatible headers, module connectors, and CapSenseslider.The schematic and board layouts are available at the following location:<Install_Directory>\Cypress\CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Kit\<version>\Hardware.5.1 BLE Pioneer Baseboard5.1.1 PSoC 5LPAn onboard PSoC 5LP contains the KitProg, which is used to program and debug the BLE device.The PSoC 5LP connects to the USB port of the computer through a USB Mini-B connector and to theSWD interface of the BLE device. PSoC 5LP is a true system-level solution providing MCU, memory,analog,  and  digital peripheral  functions  in  a single  chip.  The  CY8C58LPxx  family  offers a modernmethod of signal acquisition, signal processing, and control with high accuracy, high bandwidth, andhigh  flexibility.  The  analog  capability  spans  the  range  from  thermocouples  (near  DC  voltages)  toultrasonic signals.For more information, visit the PSoC 5LP web page.See Serial Interconnection between KitProg and Module on page 105 for more details.5.1.2 Power SystemThe power supply system on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard is versatile, allowing the input supply tocome from the following sources:5-V power from the onboard USB connector5-V to 12-V VIN power from the Arduino power header (J1)3-V from the CR2032 coin cell
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 90HardwareAn adjustable LDO is used to output three different voltage levels (1.9 V, 3.3 V, and 5 V) to power themodule. These voltages are selected with the J16 jumper, as shown in Figure 5-1.Figure 5-1.  Schematics and Board Highlight of LDO and Power Selection JumperThe input to the LDO can come from either the USB, the VIN pin in the Arduino header J1, or headerJ9.Note: The typical dropout voltage of the selected LDO is 0.3 V at 500-mA output current. This givesa minimum output of 4.6 V from the input voltage of 5 V from the VBUS. This drop also considers thevoltage drop across the Schottky diode connected at the output of the LDO to protect against voltageapplied at the output terminal of the regulator. An input voltage supply over 12 V can damage theboard.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 91HardwareThe BLE Pioneer Baseboard also contains a CR2032 coin cell holder to power it using a coin cell, asshown in Figure 5-2.Figure 5-2.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Coin Cell Holder5.1.2.1 Protection CircuitsThe power supply rail has reverse-voltage, overvoltage, short circuits, and excess current protectionfeatures, as shown in Figure 5-3.Figure 5-3.  Power Supply Block Diagram With Protection CircuitsA  PTC  resettable  fuse  is  connected  to  protect  the  computer's  USB  ports  from  shorts  andovercurrent.ORing  diodes  prevent  damage  to  components  when  the  BLE  Pioneer  Baseboard  is  poweredfrom different voltage sources at the same time.ESD protection is provided for the USB Mini-B connector.BLE Module5V Vin 3.3VPSoC 5LP5VPSoC 5LP 10 Pin Prog. HeaderLDOESD ProtectionMOSFET based Protection CktCoin cell Battery HolderPSoC 4 BLE 10 Pin Prog. Header~3V
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 92HardwareA MOSFET-based protection circuit is provided for overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection forthe 3.3-V rail from J1.5, as shown in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-4.  Schematics and Board Highlight of MOSFET Protection Circuit for 3.3-V Rail from J1.5
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 93Hardware5.1.2.2 Current Measurement JumperTo demonstrate the low power consumption of PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE Module, a two-pin header(J15) is populated in series with the power supply to the module. This can be used to measure cur-rent using  an ammeter without the need to desolder any component from the  BLE  Pioneer Base-board, as shown in Figure 5-5. Figure 5-5.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Current Measurement Jumper
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 94HardwareThe following methods are supported for measuring the current consumption of the module. When the BLE Pioneer Baseboard is powered through the USB port (J13), remove jumper J15and connect an ammeter, as shown in Figure 5-6.Figure 5-6.  Current Measurement when Powered from USB Port
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 95HardwareWhen the BLE Pioneer Baseboard is powered from an external voltage supply, remove the USBcable from J13. Connect the positive terminal of the external voltage supply to the positive termi-nal of the ammeter and the negative terminal of the ammeter to the upper pin of J15. Connect thenegative terminal  of the  external voltage supply to an onboard GND pin.  Figure 5-7 shows therequired connections.Figure 5-7.  Current Measurement when Powered SeparatelyTo measure the power consumption of only the module with coin cell, connect the coin cell directly tothe  modules,  as  shown  in  Figure 5-8.  The  BLE  Pioneer  Baseboard  is  designed  with  additionalcircuits  to  protect  the  BLE  device  and  the  F-RAM  in  an  Arduino  environment.  Note  that  powerconsumption measurements on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard will also include the power consumedby these additional circuits. Connect  the  positive  terminal  of  the  coin  cell  to  pin  J2.2  and  negative  terminal  to  pin  J2.4  usingwires.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 96HardwareFigure 5-8.  Powering the Module using a Coin Cell5.1.3 Programming InterfaceThe BLE Pioneer Kit allows you to program and debug the PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE in two ways:Using the onboard KitProg Using a CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3 programmer and debugger 5.1.4 Expansion Connectors5.1.4.1 Arduino-Compatible Headers (J1, J2, J3, J4, and J12-unpopulated)The  BLE  Pioneer  Kit  has  five  Arduino-compatible  headers:  J1,  J2,  J3,  J4,  and  J12,  as  shown  inFigure 5-9. You can develop applications based on the Arduino shield's hardware.Figure 5-9.  Arduino HeadersThe J1 header contains I/O pins for reset, I/O reference voltage (IOREF), and power supply line. TheJ2 header is an analog port that contains I/O pins for SAR ADC, comparator, and opamp. The J3header is primarily a digital port that contains I/O pins for PWM, I2C, SPI, and analog reference. TheJ4  header  is  also  a  digital port that contains  I/O pins  for  UART  and  PWM. The J12  header  is anArduino ICSP-compatible header for the SPI interface and is not populated. Refer to the “No LoadComponents” section of Bill of Materials (BOM) on page 118 for the header part number. Arduino compatible I/O header (J3/J4)Arduino-compatible I/O header (J3/J4)Arduino-compatible I/O header (J2)Arduino-compatible power header (J1)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 97HardwareNote: Take care when powering the Arduino shields via Arduino-compatible power header (J1). TheV3.3  pin  will output  5  V  when the  board is powered  from USB/VIN  and  the  system power supplyjumper (J16) is set to 5 V operation. Additional Functionality of Header J2The  J2  header  is  a  6×2  header  that  supports  Arduino  shields.  The  Port  2  and  Port  3  pins  ofPSoC 4BLE and PRoC BLE are brought to this header. The Port 2 pins also connect to the onboardCapSense slider through 560-ohm resistors. When the CapSense feature is not used, remove theseresistors to help ensure better performance with these pins. Pmod Connector - Digilent Pmod Compatible (J5-unpopulated)This  port  supports  Digilent  Pmod  modules  (see  Figure 5-10).  Pmods are  small  I/O  interfaces  thatconnect with the embedded control boards through either 6- or 12-pin connectors. The BLE PioneerKit  supports  the  6-pin  Pmod  Type  2  (SPI)  interface.  For  Digilent  Pmod  cards,  go header is not populated on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard. You must populate this header beforeconnecting the Pmod daughter cards. Refer to the “No Load Components” section of Bill of Materials(BOM) on page 118 for the header part number.Figure 5-10.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Pmod ConnectorDigilent Pmod-compatible I/O header (J5)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 98Hardware5.1.4.3 PSoC 5LP GPIO Header (J8)An 8×2 header is provided on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard to pull out several pins of PSoC 5LP tosupport advanced features such as a low-speed oscilloscope and a low-speed digital logic analyzer(see Figure 5-11). This header also contains the USB-Serial interface pins that can be used whenthese pins are not accessible on the Arduino headers because a shield is connected.Note: You can use PSoC 5LP for your own custom firmware. Figure 5-11.  Schematics and Board Highlight of PSoC 5LP GPIO Expansion Header
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 99Hardware5.1.5 USB Mini-B ConnectorThe  PSoC  5LP  connects  to  the  USB  port  of  a  computer  through  a  Mini-B  connector  (seeFigure 5-12), which can also be used to power the BLE Pineer Baseboard. A resettable polyfuse isused to protect the computer's USB ports from shorts and overcurrent. If more than 500 mA is drawnfrom  the  USB  port,  the  fuse  will  automatically  break  the  connection  until  the  short  or  overload  isremoved.Figure 5-12.  Schematics and Board Highlight of USB Mini-B Connector
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 100Hardware5.1.6 CapSense Circuit5.1.6.1 CapSense SliderThe  BLE  Pioneer  Kit has  a five-segment linear  capacitive  touch  slider,  which is  connected  to  thePSoC  4  BLE/PRoC  BLE  Module  pins  (see  Figure 5-13).  The  CMOD  and  CTANK  capacitors  arerequired  for  CapSense  functionality  and  are  provided  on  the  modules  (see  Module  Board  onpage 107).  A  2.2-nF  capacitor  is  present  on  the  CMOD  pin,  P4[0],  for  CapSense  operation.  BLEPioneer Kit also supports CapSense designs that enable waterproofing. The connection of the shieldto the pin or to ground is made by resistors R12 and R13, respectively. By default, R13 is mountedon the BLE Pioneer Baseboard, which connects the shield to ground. Populate R12 and remove R13when evaluating waterproofing designs, which will connect the shield to the designated pin, P1[6].Figure 5-13.  Schematics and Board Highlight of CapSense Slider and Shield Setting5.1.6.2 Proximity HeaderThe BLE Pioneer Baseboard contains a header (J14) for CapSense proximity wire connection (seeFigure 5-14).
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 101HardwareFigure 5-14.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Proximity Header5.1.7 BLE Pioneer Baseboard LEDsThe BLE Pioneer Baseboard has three LEDs. A green LED (LED2) indicates the status of the pro-grammer. An amber LED (LED1) indicates the status of power supplied to the board. The BLE Pio-neer Kit also has a general-purpose tricolor LED (LED3) for user applications. These are connectedto P2_6 (red LED), P3_6 (green LED) and P3_7 (blue LED). Figure 5-15 and Figure 5-16 show theschematics of these LEDs.Figure 5-15.  Schematics of Status and Power LED
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 102HardwareFigure 5-16.  Schematics and Board Highlight of RGB LED
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 103Hardware5.1.8 Push-ButtonsThe  BLE  Pioneer  Baseboard  contains  a  reset  push-button  and  a  user  push-button,  as  shown  inFigure 5-17. The reset button is connected to the XRES pin of BLE device and is used to reset it.The user button is connected to P2[7] of the BLE device. Both the buttons connect to ground on acti-vation (active low).Figure 5-17.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Reset Button and User ButtonRESET (SW1)User Button (SW2)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 104Hardware5.1.9 Cypress Ferroelectric RAM (F-RAM)The BLE Pioneer Baseboard contains the FM24V10-G F-RAM device (see Figure 5-18), which canbe accessed through I2C lines P5[0] and P5[1] of the PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE Module. The F-RAM is1-Mbit  (128KB)  with  an  I2C  speed  up  to  1  Mbps.  The  I2C  slave  address  of  the  F-RAM  device  isseven bits wide, and the LSB two bits are configurable through physical pins and are hardwired to 00on the board. By default, the address of the F-RAM device used on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard is0x50.  This  address  can  be  modified by changing the  R32/R36  and  R33/R37  pairs.  The  operatingvoltage range of  the  F-RAM  is between  2 V  and  3.6 V. To prevent  the  application  of 5 V  from  theadjustable LDO regulator on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard, a MOSFET-based protection circuit similarto the one used for the 3.3-V rail is connected between the output of the regulator and the VDD pinof the F-RAM. The protection circuit cuts off the power to the F-RAM when the output of the regulatoris greater than 3.6 V.Figure 5-18.  Schematics and Board Highlight of F-RAM
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 105Hardware5.1.10 Serial Interconnection between KitProg and ModuleThe  KitProg  is  also  a  USB-Serial  interface.  It  supports  USB-UART  and  USB-I2C  bridges  (seeFigure 5-19). The pull-up resistors on the I2C bus are enabled when the protocol is selected from theuser interface (such as Bridge Control Panel). The USB-Serial pins of the KitProg are also availableon the Arduino header; therefore, it can be used to control Arduino shields with the SPI/I2C/UARTinterface. Refer USB-UART Bridge on page 34 and USB-I2C Bridge on page 35 for more informationon how to use these serial interconnections. Figure 5-19.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Serial Interface and I2C Pull-Up via FET
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 106Hardware5.1.11 Module HeadersThe PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE Modules are connected to the BLE Pioneer Baseboard using thetwo (24-pin and 20-pin) module headers, as shown in Figure 5-20. Figure 5-20.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Module HeadersFor information on how to add these on your own board, refer to  Adding BLE Module-CompatibleHeaders on Your Baseboard on page 128.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 107Hardware5.2 Module Board5.2.1 PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE DeviceThe PRoC BLE or PSoC 4 BLE device is the main component on the module. It provides the RFinterface and analog and digital capability. The PRoC BLE or PSoC 4 BLE pins are mapped to themodule headers (see Figure 5-21). For more information, refer to the BLE web page.See BLE Modules and BLE Dongles Compatible with the BLE Pioneer Kit on page 130 for details.Figure 5-21.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Module Headers for BLE Pins
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 108Hardware5.2.2 Module Power ConnectionsThe module has three power domains: VDDD, VDDA, and VDDR. The VDDD connection suppliespower  for digital device operation,  VDDA  supplies power  for  analog  device  operation, and  VDDRconnection supplies power for the device radio. By default, these domains are shorted using a 330-ohm, 100-MHz ferrite bead. The domains are shorted for standalone usage scenarios of mod-ule, such as programming the module using MiniProg 3 or using the module as a standalone dataacquisition unit.It is recommended to place the ferrite bead between the supply to avoid ripple between VDDR andthe other two domains. If the supply ripple is less that 100 mV, these can be changed to a zero-ohmresistor.Figure 5-22.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Ferrite Bead and Power Pin5.2.3 Module Headers (20-Pin and 24-Pin Headers)The PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE Modules connect to the BLE Pioneer Baseboard using two (20-pinand 24-pin) module headers (Figure 5-23). All GPIOs and power domains are brought out to theseheaders.  These  headers  are  the  counterparts  of  the  connectors  in  Expansion  Connectors  onpage 96.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 109HardwareFigure 5-23.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Headers
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 110Hardware5.2.4 Wiggle AntennaBoth the modules use the wiggle antenna. Refer to the Antenna Design Guide (AN91445) for details.Figure 5-24.  Board Highlight of Wiggle Antenna
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 111Hardware5.2.5 Antenna Matching NetworkAn Antenna Matching Network is required between the BLE device and the antenna to achieve opti-mum performance (Figure 5-25). The matching network has four main tasks:Transform the balanced output of the radio to an unbalanced connection to the antenna (balun). Transform the output impedance of the radio to a 50-ohm antenna. Suppress harmonics to a level below the regulations level in TX mode. Suppress the local oscillator (LO) leakage in RX mode.Figure 5-25.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Antenna Matching Network and Antenna
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 112Hardware5.2.6 BLE PassivesModule boards include a 24-MHz crystal and a 32-kHz crystal, the CMOD and shield (CTANK) circuitfor  CapSense,  a  SAR  bypass  capacitor,  and  adequate  decoupling  capacitors  for  all  the  powerdomains, as shown in Figure 5-26.Figure 5-26.  Schematics and Board Highlight – External Crystal, CMOD, CTANK, Decaps, Jumpers
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 113Hardware5.2.7 Test PointsAll power domains are brought out as test points for easy probing. 5.3 BLE Dongle BoardSee PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE Device on page 107 for schematics of PRoC BLE pins. See Wiggle Antenna on page 110 for schematics of wiggle antenna.See Antenna Matching Network on page 111 for schematics of antenna matching network.See BLE Pioneer Baseboard LEDs on page 101 for schematics of power and status LED.See Push-Buttons on page 103 for schematics of push-buttons.Figure 5-27.  Board Highlight
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 114Hardware5.3.1 Power SystemThe BLE Dongle is powered directly using 5 V from the USB port, as shown in Figure 5-28.Figure 5-28.  Power Supply Block Diagram With Protection Circuits5.3.1.1 Protection CircuitsThe PTC resettable fuse is connected to protect the computer's USB ports from shorts and overcur-rent.5.3.2 USB Type-A PlugThe KitProg on the BLE Dongle connects to the USB port of a computer through a USB Type-A plug(Figure 5-29). The BLE Dongle is powered using the same plug. A resettable polyfuse is used to pro-tect the computer's USB ports from shorts and overcurrent. If more than 500 mA is applied to theUSB port, the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is removed. TheVBUS, D+, and D– lines from the USB connector are also protected against ESD events using TVSdiodes.Figure 5-29.  Schematics and Board Highlight of USB Type-A PlugUSB 5VE S D P r o te c tio nPRoCPSoC5LP5V5VHeaders
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 115Hardware5.3.3 User LEDA user LED is provided to indicate status from the PRoC BLE device (Figure 5-30). It is also used toshow the bind status.Figure 5-30.  Schematics and Board Highlight of User LED
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 1166. Advanced TopicsThis chapter describes the functionality of the FM24V10 F-RAM in the BLE Pioneer Kit.6.1 Using FM24V10 F-RAMThe  BLE  Pioneer  Baseboard  has an onboard  ferroelectric  RAM chip  that  can hold up to  1  Mb ofdata. The chip provides an I2C communication interface for data access. It is hardwired to the I2Clines (P5_0 and P5_1). Because the F-RAM device is an I2C slave, it can be accessed or sharedamong various I2C masters on the same line. For more details on the F-RAM device, refer to thedevice datasheet.6.1.1 Address SelectionThe slave address of the F-RAM device consists of three parts, as shown in Figure 6-1: slave ID,device select, and page select. Slave ID is an F-RAM family-specific ID located in the datasheet ofthe particular  F-RAM device.  For  the device  used  in  the  BLE  Pioneer  Baseboard  (FM24V10),  theslave ID is 1010b. Device select bits are set using the two physical pins A2 and A1 in the device. Thesetting of these two pins on the BLE Pioneer Baseboard is controlled by resistors R32/R36 (A1) andR33/R37 (A2). Because the memory location in F-RAM is divided into two pages of 64KB each, thepage select bit is used to refer to one of the two pages in which the read or write operations will takeplace.Figure 6-1.  F-RAM I2C Address Byte Structure
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 117Advanced Topics6.1.2 Write/Read OperationThe  device  datasheet  includes  details  on  how  to  perform  a  write/read  operation  with  the  F-RAM.Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3 provide a snapshot of the write/read packet structure as a quick reference.Figure 6-2.  F-RAM Single-Byte and Multiple-Byte Write Packet StructureFigure 6-3.  F-RAM Single-Byte and Multiple-Byte Read Packet StructureAs shown in the figures, all operations start with the slave address followed by the memory address.For  write  operations,  the  bus  master  sends  each  byte  of  data  to  the  memory,  and  the  memorygenerates an acknowledgement condition. For read operations, after receiving the complete slaveaddress and memory address, the memory begins shifting data from the current address on the nextclock.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 118A. AppendixA.1 Bill of Materials (BOM)A.1.1 BLE Pioneer BaseboardItem Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Mfr Part Number1 1 PCB - Printed circuit board Cypress 600-60194-01, Rev042 1 BT1 CR2032 Bat-tery HolderHOLDER COIN CELL CR2032 EJECT MPD  BA20323 1 C1 1.0 uF CAP TANT 1UF 35V 10% 1210 AVX Corporation TAJB105K035RNJ4 1 C2 4.7 uF CAP TANT 4.7UF 20V 10% 1210 AVX Corporation TAJB475K020RNJ5 1 C3 0.01 uFd CAP 10000PF 16V CERAMIC 0402 SMD TDK Corporation C1005X7R1C103K050BA6 1 C4 100 uFd CAP CER 100UF 6.3V 20% X5R 1210 TDK Corporation C3225X5R0J107M250AC7 15C5,C8,C9,C10,C12,C14,C17,C18,C19,C21,C23,C25,C26,C27,C280.1 uFd CAP .1UF 16V CERAMIC X5R 0402 TDK Corporation C1005X5R1A104K050BA8 7 C6,C7,C11,C13,C15,C16,C20 1.0 uFd CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 25V X5R 0603 10% Taiyo Yuden TMK107BJ105KA-T9 1 C29 33 uF CAP CER 33UF 6.3V 20% X5R 0805 TDK Corporation C2012X5R0J336M125AC10 6 D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D10 MBR0520L DIODE SCHOTTKY 0.5A 20V SOD-123Fairchild Semicon-ductor MBR0520L11 3 D6,D7,D8 ESD diode SUPPRESSOR ESD 5VDC 0603 SMD Bourns Inc. CG0603MLC-05LE12 1 D9 3.9V Zener DIODE ZENER 3.9V 500MW SOD12 Diodes Inc BZT52C3V9-7-F13 1 D11 2.7V Zener DIODE ZENER 2.7V 500MW SOD123 ON Semiconductor MMSZ4682T1G14 1 F1 FUSE PTC RESETTABLE .50A 15V 1812 Bourns MF-MSMF050-215 2 J1, J4 8x1 RECP  CONN HEADER FEMALE 8POS .1" GOLDProtectron Electro-mech P9401-08-2116 1 J2 6x2 RECP CONN HEADER FMAL 12PS.1" DL GOLDProtectron Electro-mech P9403-12-21
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 11917 1 J3 10x1 RECP CONN HEADER FMALE 10POS .1" GOLDProtectron Electro-mech P9401-10-2118 1 J6 50MIL KEYED SMDCONN HEADER 10 PIN 50MIL KEYED SMD Samtec FTSH-105-01-L-DV-K19 1 J8 8X2 RECP CONN HEADER FMAL 16PS.1" DL GOLDProtectron Electro-mech P9403-16-2120 1 J10 12X2 RECP CONN HEADER 2.54MM 24POS GOLDSullins Connector SolutionsSBH11-PBPC-D12-ST-BK21 1 J11 10X2 RECP CONN HEADER 2.54MM 20POS GOLDSullins Connector SolutionsSBH11-PBPC-D10-ST-BK22 1 J13 USB MINI B MINI USB RCPT R/A DIP TE Connectivity 1734510-123 1 J14 1X1 RECP CONN RCPT 1POS .100" SNGL HORZ Samtec Inc BCS-101-L-S-HE24 1 J15 2p_jumper CONN HEADR BRKWAY .100 2POS STRProtectron Electro-mech P9101-02-12-125 1 J16 3p_jumper CONN HEADR BRKWAY .100 3POS STRProtectron Electro-mech P9101-03-12-126 1 LED1 Power LED AmberLED 595NM AMB DIFF 0805 SMDAvago Technolo-gies  HSMA-C17027 1 LED2 Status LED GreenLED GREEN CLEAR 0805 SMD Chicago Miniature CMD17-21VGC/TR828 1 LED3 RGB LED LED RED/GREEN/BLUE PLCC4 SMD Cree, Inc. CLV1A-FKB-CJ1M1F1BB7R4S329 3 L1,L2,L3 330 OHM @ 100MHzFERRITE CHIP 330 OHM 0805 Murata BLM21PG331SN1D30 3 Q2,Q4,Q6 PMOS MOSFET P-CH 30V 2.2A SOT23 ON Semiconductor NTR4171PT1G31 1 Q1, PMOS MOSFET P-CH 30V 3.8A SOT23-3 Diodes Inc DMP3098L-732 2 Q3,Q5 PMOS MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.5A SOT23NXP Semiconduc-tors PMV48XP,21533 1 R1 11K 1% RES 11K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF1102V34 1 R2 560 ohm RES 560 OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6GEYJ561V35 1 R3 14.7K 1% RES 14.7K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF1472V36 1 R4 10K 1% RES 10K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF1002V37 1 R5 4.3K 1% RES 4.3K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF4301V38 1 R6 100K RES 100K OHM 1/10W 5% 0402 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-2GEJ104X39 14R19,R26,R27,R36,R37,R38,R45,R46,R47,R52,R53,R54,R55,R56ZERO RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEY0R00VItem Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Mfr Part Number
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 12040 2 R8,R58 15K RES 15K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF1502V41 2 R9,R20 10K 1% RES 10K OHM 1/8W 1% 0805 SMDStackpole Electron-ics Inc RMCF0805FT10K0 42 1 R10 10K RES 10K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ103V43 1 R11 820 ohm RES 820 OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6GEYJ821V44 2 R13,R14 ZERO RES 0.0 OHM 1/8W 0805 SMD Panasonic-ECG ERJ-6GEY0R00V45 2 R15,R16 22E RES 22 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF22R0V46 2 R17,R18 15K RES 15K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ153V47 5 R22,R23,R28,R31,R35  2.2K RES 2.2K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ222V48 2 R24,R25 30K RES 30K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ303V49 2 R29,R30 1.5K RES 1.5K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ152V50 5 R39,R40,R41,R42,R43 560 ohm RES 560 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ561V51 2 SW1,SW2 SW PUSH-BUTTONSWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0.05A 12V Panasonic - ECG EVQ-PE105K52 1 TP5 BLACK TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D BlackKeystone Electron-ics 500153 2 TVS1,TVS2 5V 350W TVS UNIDIR 350W 5V SOD-323 Dioded Inc. SD05-754 1 U1 LDO IC REG LDO ADJ 1A TO252-5Rohm Semiconduc-tor BA00BC0WFP-E255 1 U2 PSoC 5LP 68QFN PSoC 5LP chip for USB debug channel and USB-Serial interfaceCypress Semicon-ductor CY8C5868LTI-LP03956 1 U3 F-RAM F-RAM 1-Mbit (128K X 8) I2C interfaceCypress Semicon-ductor FM24V10-G57 1 U4 DUAL PMOS MOSFET 2P-CH 20V 430MA SOT-563 ON Semiconductor NTZD3152PT1GInstall on Bottom of PCB As per the Silk Screen in the Corners58 4 N/A N/A BUMPER CYLIN 0.375" DIA BLK 3M SJ61A4Special Jumper Installation Instructions59 2 J15,J16Install jumper across pins 1 and 2 Rectangular Connectors MINI JUMPER GF  6.0MM CLOSE TYPE BLACKKobiconn 151-8010-EItem Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Mfr Part Number
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 121Label60 1 N/A N/ALBL, PCA Label, Vendor Code, Datecode, Serial Number 121-60329-01 Rev 04 (YYWWVVXXXXX)Cypress Semicon-ductor61 1 N/A N/A LBL, QR code, 12mm X 12mmCypress Semicon-ductorNo load components62 1 C22 0.1 uFd CAP .1UF 16V CERAMIC Y5V 0402 TDK Corporation C1005X5R1A104K050BA63 1 C24 1.0 uFd CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 25V X5R 0603 10% Taiyo Yuden TMK107BJ105KA-T64 9R7,R59,R32,R33,R34,R48,R49,R50,R51Zero Ohm RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W JUMP 0603 TE Connectivity 1623094-165 1 R21 4.7K RES 4.7K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ472V66 1 J7 50MIL KEYED SMDCONN HEADER 10 PIN 50MIL KEYED SMD Samtec FTSH-105-01-L-DV-K67 1 J9 2 PIN HDR CONN HEADER FEMALE 2POS .1" GOLDSullins Connector Solutions PPPC021LFBN-RC68 2 TP4,TP5 BLACK TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED BLACKKeystone Electron-ics 500169 3 TP1,TP2,TP3 RED TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED REDKeystone Electron-ics 500070 2 R44,R12 ZERO RES 0.0 OHM 1/8W 0805 SMD Panasonic-ECG ERJ-6GEY0R00V71 1 J12 3x2 RECPT CONN HEADER FMAL 6PS .1" DL GOLDSullins Connector Solutions PPPC032LFBN-RC72 1 J5 6X1 RECP RA CONN FEMALE 6POS .100" R/A GOLDSullins Connector Solutions PPPC061LGBN-RCItem Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Mfr Part Number
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 122A.1.2 ModuleA.1.2.1 CY5676A PRoC BLE 256KB ModuleItem Qty Reference Value Description Mfr_Name Mfr_Part_Number1 1 PCB - PRoC BLE 256KB Module printed circuit board Cypress qualified ven-dor  600-60249-01 Rev 032 8 C1,C3,C5,C7,C9,C11,C16,C18 0.1 uF CAP .1UF 16V CERAMIC Y5V 0402Samsung Electro-Mechanics America, IncCL05F104ZO5NNNC3 10C2,C4,C6,C8,C10,C12,C15,C17,C19,C201.0 uF CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 25V X5R 0603 10% TDK Corporation C1608X5R1E105K080AC4 1 C21 2200 pF CAP CER 2200PF 50V 5% NP0 0805 Murata Electronics GRM2165C1H222JA01D5 1 C22 10000 pF CAP CER 10000PF 50V 5% NP0 0805 Murata Electronics GRM2195C1H103JA01D6 1 C23 36 pF CAP CER 36PF 50V 5% NP0 0402 Murata Electronics GRM1555C1H360JA01D7 1 C24 18 pF CAP CER 18PF 50V 1% NP0 0402 Murata Electronics GRM1555C1H180FA01D8 1 C14 1.5 pF CAP CER 1.5PF 50V NP0 0402Johanson Technology Inc 500R07S1R5BV4T9 1 J1 HEADER 24CONN HEADR FMALE 24POS .1" DL AU Sullins Connector  SFH11-PBPC-D12-ST-BK10 1 J2 HEADER 20CONN HEADR FMALE 20POS .1" DL AU Sullins Connector  SFH11-PBPC-D10-ST-BK11 1 L1 6.8nH CER INDUCTOR 6.8NH 0402 Johanson Technology Inc L-07C6N8JV6T12 3 L2,L3,L4330 Ohm @100 MHzFERRITE CHIP 330 OHM 0805 Murata Electronics BLM21PG331SN1D13 1 U1 PRoC BLE 56 QFN PRoC BLE - 256KB Cypress Semiconduc-tor CYBL11573-56LQXI14 1 Y1 32.768KHzCRYSTAL 32.768KHZ 12.5PF SMD ECS Inc ECS-.327-12.5-34B15 1 Y2 24MHz CRYSTAL 24.000 MHZ 8PF SMD ECS Inc ECS-240-8-36CKM16 1 LBL -LBL, PCA Label, Vendor Code, Datecode, Serial Number 121-60216-01 Rev 01 (YYWWV-VXXXXX)Cypress qualified ven-dor  -No Load components17 1 C13 1.2 pF CAP CER 1.2PF 50V NP0 0402Johanson Technology Inc 500R07S1R2BV4T18 1 C25 100pF CAP CER 100PF 50V 10% X7R 0603 Kemet C0603C101K5RACTU19 1 R1 Zero Ohm RES 0.0 OHM 1/8W 0605 SMD TE Connectivity 1623094-1
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 123A.1.2.2 CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256KB Module20 1 R2 Rbleed No Load - -21 1 R3 4.7K RES 4.7K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ472V22 1 J3 4 HEADERCONN HEADER 4POS .100 R/A 15AU FCI 68016-204HLF23 4 TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4 RED TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED RED Keystone Electronics 500024 1 TP5 BLACK TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED BLACK Keystone Electronics 5001Item Qty Reference Value Description Mfr_Name Mfr_Part_Number1 1 PCB - PSoC 4 BLE 256KB Module printed circuit board Cypress qualified vendor  600-60248-01 Rev 032 8 C1,C3,C5,C7,C9,C11,C16,C18 0.1 uF CAP .1UF 16V CERAMIC Y5V 0402Samsung Electro-Mechanics America, IncCL05F104ZO5NNNC3 10C2,C4,C6,C8,C10,C12,C15,C17,C19,C201.0 uF CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 25V X5R 0603 10% TDK Corporation C1608X5R1E105K080AC4 1 C21 2200 pF CAP CER 2200PF 50V 5% NP0 0805 Murata Electronics GRM2165C1H222JA01D5 1 C22 10000 pF CAP CER 10000PF 50V 5% NP0 0805 Murata Electronics GRM2195C1H103JA01D6 1 C23 36 pF CAP CER 36PF 50V 5% NP0 0402 Murata Electronics GRM1555C1H360JA01D7 1 C24 18 pF CAP CER 18PF 50V 1% NP0 0402 Murata Electronics GRM1555C1H180FA01D8 1 C14 1.5 pF CAP CER 1.5PF 50V NP0 0402Johanson Technol-ogy Inc 500R07S1R5BV4T9 1 J1 HEADER 24CONN HEADR FMALE 24POS .1" DL AU Sullins Connector  SFH11-PBPC-D12-ST-BK10 1 J2 HEADER 20CONN HEADR FMALE 20POS .1" DL AU Sullins Connector  SFH11-PBPC-D10-ST-BK11 1 L1 6.8nH CER INDUCTOR 6.8NH 0402 Johanson Technol-ogy Inc L-07C6N8JV6T12 3 L2,L3,L4 330 Ohm @100 MHzFERRITE CHIP 330 OHM 0805 Murata Electronics BLM21PG331SN1D13 1 U1 PSoC 4BLE 56 QFN PSoC 4 BLE - 256KB Cypress Semicon-ductor CY8C4248LQI-BL58314 1 Y1 32.768KHz CRYSTAL 32.768KHZ 12.5PF SMD ECS Inc ECS-.327-12.5-34B15 1 Y2 24MHz CRYSTAL 24.000 MHZ 8PF SMD ECS Inc ECS-240-8-36CKMItem Qty Reference Value Description Mfr_Name Mfr_Part_Number
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 12416 1 LBL -LBL, PCA Label, Vendor Code, Datecode, Serial Num-ber 121-60215-01 Rev 01 (YYWWVVXXXXX)Cypress qualified vendor  -No Load components17 1 C13 1.2 pF CAP CER 1.2PF 50V NP0 0402Johanson Technol-ogy Inc 500R07S1R2BV4T18 1 C25 100pF CAP CER 100PF 50V 10% X7R 0603 Kemet C0603C101K5RACTU19 1 R1 Zero Ohm RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W JUMP 0603 TE Connectivity 1623094-120 1 R2 Rbleed No Load - -21 1 R3 4.7K RES 4.7K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ472V22 1 J3 4 HEADER CONN HEADER 4POS .100 R/A 15AU FCI 68016-204HLF23 4 TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4RED TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED RED Keystone Electronics 500024 1 TP5 BLACK TEST POINT 43 HOLE 65 PLATED BLACK Keystone Electronics 5001Item Qty Reference Value Description Mfr_Name Mfr_Part_Number
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 125A.1.3 CY5677 CySmart BLE 4.2 USB DongleItem Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Mfr Part Number1 1 - - BLE Dongle Printed circuit boardCypress qualified vendor  600-60326-01 Rev012 17C1,C4,C6,C7,C9,C11,C14,C16,C25,C28,C29,C32,C35,C36,C38,C41,C420.1 uFd CAP .1UF 16V CERAMIC Y5V 0402 TDK Corporation C1005X5R1A104K050BA3 17C2,C3,C5,C8,C10,C12,C13,C15,C17,C18,C24,C26,C30,C31,C33,C34,C401.0 uFd CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 25V X5R 0603 10% Taiyo Yuden TMK107BJ105KA-T4 1 C19 1.2 pFd CAP CER 1.2PF 50V NP0 0402Johanson Technol-ogy Inc 500R07S1R2BV4T5 1 C22 36 pF CAP CER 36PF 50V 5% NP0 0402 Murata Electronics GRM1555C1H360JA01D6 1 C23 18 pF CAP CER 18PF 50V 1% NP0 0402 Murata Electronics GRM1555C1H180FA01D7 1 C39 0.01 uFd CAP 10000PF 16V CERAMIC 0402 SMD TDK Corporation C1005X7R1C103K050BA8 3 D1,D2,D3 ESD diode SUPPRESSOR ESD 5VDC 0603 SMD Bourns Inc. CG0603MLC-05LE9 1 F1 FUSE PTC RESETTABLE .50A 15V 1812 Bourns MF-MSMF050-210 1 J1 USB A PLUGCONN PLUG USB 4POS RT ANG PCB Molex Inc 48037000111 1 J250MIL KEYED SMDCONN HEADER 10POS DUAL SHRD SMD FCI 20021521-00010T1LF12 1 LED1 Status LED BlueLED BLUE CLEAR THIN 0805 SMD LiteOn Inc LTST-C171TBKT13 1 LED2Status LED GreenLED GREEN CLEAR 0805 SMD Chicago Miniature CMD17-21VGC/TR814 1 LED3 Power LED RedLED SUPER RED CLEAR 0805 SMD LiteOn Inc LTST-C170KRKT15 1 L1 5.1 nH CER INDUCTOR 5.1NH 0402 Johanson Technol-ogy Inc L-07C5N1SV6T16 2 R8,R11 Zero Ohm RES 0.0 OHM 1/8W 0805 SMD Panasonic-ECG ERJ-6GEY0R00V17 1 R7 820 ohm RES 820 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ821V18 2 R22,R25 820 ohm RES 820 OHM 1/8W 5% 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6GEYJ821V19 2 R9,R10 2.2K RES 2.2K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ222V
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 12620 9R1,R2,R3,R4,R12,R13,R14,R15,R26ZERO RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEY0R00V21 2 R17,R18 22E RES 22 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF22R0V22 1 R21 100K RES 100K OHM 1/10W 5% 0402 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-2GEJ104X23 2 R19,R20 15K RES 15K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ153V24 2 R23,R24 30K RES 30K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ303V25 2 SW1,SW2 SW RA PUSHSWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0.05A 12V Panasonic - ECG EVQ-P3401P26 1 TVS1 5V 350W TVS UNIDIR 350W 5V SOD-323 Diodes Inc. SD05-727 1 U1 PRoC BLE PRoC BLE, 56QFN 256KB Cypress Semicon-ductor CYBL11573-56LQXI28 1 U2 DUAL PMOSMOSFET 2P-CH 20V 430MA SOT-563 ON Semiconductor NTZD3152PT1G29 1 U3 PSoC 5LP  PSoC 5LP Programmable Sys-tem on Chip, 68QFNCypress Semicon-ductor CY8C5868LTI-LP03930 1 Y1 32.768KHzCRYSTAL 32.768KHZ 12.5PF SMD ECS Inc ECS-.327-12.5-34B31 1 Y2 24MHz CRYSTAL 24.000 MHZ 8PF SMD ECS Inc ECS-240-8-36CKM32 1 N/A N/ALBL, PCA Label, Vendor Code, Datecode, Serial Number 121-60161-01 Rev 03 (YYWWV-VXXXXX); Only barcodeCypress qualified vendor  -No load components33 1 C20 1.2 pF CAP CER 1.2PF 50V NP0 0402Johanson Technol-ogy Inc 500R07S1R2BV4T34 1 C21 100pF CAP CER 100PF 50V 10% X7R 0603 Kemet C0603C101K5RACTU35 1 C37 0.1 uFd CAP .1UF 16V CERAMIC Y5V 0402 TDK Corporation C1005X5R1A104K050BA36 1 C27 1.0 uFd CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 25V X5R 0603 10% Taiyo Yuden TMK107BJ105KA-T37 1 R5 Zero Ohm RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W JUMP 0603 TE Connectivity 1623094-138 2 R6,R16 4.7K RES 4.7K OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEYJ472V39 15TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4,TP5,TP6,TP7,TP8,TP9,TP10,TP11,TP12,TP13,TP14,TP15No load No load - -Item Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Mfr Part Number
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 127A.2 KitProg Status LED StatesUser Indication Scenario Action Required by userLED blinks fast:Frequency = 4.00 HzLED starts blinking at power up, if bootloadable file is corrupt.Bootload the KitProg.cyacd file: In PSoC Programmer, connect to the kit, open the Utilities tab, and press the Upgrade Firmware button.LED blinks slow:Frequency = 0.67 HzEntered Bootloader mode by holding the Reset button of the BLE Pioneer Kit/BLE Dongle during kit power up.Release the Reset button and replug power if you entered this mode by mistake. If the mode entry was intentional, bootload the new .cyacd file using the Bootloader Host tool shipped with PSoC Creator.LED blinks very fast:Frequency = 15.0 HzSWD operation is in progress.Any I2C traffic.Kit's COM port connect/discon-nect event (one blink).In PSoC Programmer, watch the log window for status messages for SWD operations. In the Bridge Control Panel, the LED blinks on I2C command requests. In Bridge Control Panel or any other serial port terminal program, distinguish the kit's COM port num-ber by the blinking LED when the port is connected or discon-nected.LED is ON.USB enumeration successful. Kit is in the idle state waiting for commands.The kit functions can be used by PSoC Creator, PSoC Program-mer, Bridge Control Panel, and any serial port terminal program.LED is OFF. Power LED is ON.This means that the USB enumeration was unsuccessful. This can happen if the kit is not powered from the USB host or the kit is not connected to the USB host through the USB cable. Verify the USB cable and check if PSoC Programmer is installed on the PC.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 128A.3 Adding BLE Module-Compatible Headers on Your BaseboardThe baseboard should have a 20-pin header and a 24-pin header. Dimension of these connectorsare given here. Figure A-1.  Connectors on BLE Pioneer Kit BaseboardThese headers are available for purchase from Digikey. Description Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Digikey Part NumberCONN HEADER 2.54MM 24POS GOLDSullins Connector Solutions SBH11-PBPC-D12-ST-BK SBH11-PBPC-D12-ST-BK-NDCONN HEADER 2.54MM 20POS GOLDSullins Connector Solutions SBH11-PBPC-D10-ST-BK S9172-ND940 mils740 milsPin 1Pin 120 pin header 24 pin header
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 129A.4 Programming BLE Modules via MiniProg3If the BLE Modules are to be used without the BLE Pioneer Baseboard, they can be programmedusing  MiniProg3.  The  J2  header  has  five  adjacent  pins  –  VDDD,  GND,  XRES,  P0[7],  and  P0[6].These pins can be used to program the BLE Module using MiniProg3.Figure A-2.  Programming a BLE Module via MiniProg3Follow these steps to program the module:1. Connect the MiniProg3 to the J2 connector, with the VDD of the MiniProg3 aligned to the VDDD on the module.2. Click Start > All Programs > Cypress > PSoC Programmer <version> > PSoC Programmer <version>.3. Open the desired .hex file in PSoC Programmer.4. On the Programmer tab, set the Programming Mode to Reset.5. Set AutoDetection to On.6. Set Programmer Characteristics > Protocol  to SWD.7. Set Programmer Characteristics > Voltage to the desired value.8. Click the Toggle Power icon below the menu bar to power the module.9. Click the Program icon below the menu bar to program the module.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 130A.5 BLE Modules and BLE Dongles Compatible with the BLE Pioneer KitDifferent BLE modules and BLE dongles can work with the BLE Pioneer Kit, as listed in the followingtables.A.5.1 CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE ModuleThis is the lower flash version of the PSoC 4 BLE Module. It can be ordered separately. This modulehas the CY8C4247LQI-BL483 silicon, with 128KB flash and 16KB RAM. It supports Bluetooth 4.1.Figure A-3.  CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE ModuleBLE Module Availability Flash Size Bluetooth VersionCY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module Available separately 128KB Bluetooth 4.1CY8CKIT-141 PSoC 4 BLE SMA Module Available separately 128KB Bluetooth 4.1CY8CKIT-143 PSoC 4 BLE 256KB Module Available separately 256KB Bluetooth 4.1CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256KB Module As part of the kit 256KB Bluetooth 4.2CY5671 PRoC BLE Module Available separately 128KB Bluetooth 4.1CY5674 PRoC BLE SMA Module Available separately 128KB Bluetooth 4.1CY5676 PRoC BLE 256KB Module Available separately 256KB Bluetooth 4.1CY5676A PRoC BLE 256KB Module As part of the kit 256KB Bluetooth 4.2BLE Dongle Availability Flash Size Bluetooth VersionCY5670 CySmart USB Dongle (BLE Dongle) Available separately 128KB Bluetooth 4.1CY5677 CySmart BLE 4.2 USB Dongle (BLE Dongle) As part of the kit 256KB Bluetooth 4.2
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 131A.5.2 CY8CKIT-141 PSoC 4 BLE SMA ModuleThis module is identical to the CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module, except that it has an SMA con-nector instead of a wiggle antenna; this connector can be used to connect to an external antenna.This module can be ordered separately.Figure A-4.  CY8CKIT-141 PSoC 4 BLE SMA ModuleA.5.3 CY8CKIT-143 PSoC 4 BLE 256KB ModuleThis is the Bluetooth 4.1 equivalent of the CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256KB Module. It has theCY8C4248LQI-BL483 silicon, with 256KB flash and 32KB RAM. It can be ordered separately.Figure A-5.  CY8CKIT-143 PSoC 4 BLE 256KB Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 132A.5.4 CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256KB ModuleThis is the default PSoC 4 BLE Module shipped as part of the BLE Pioneer Kit. It supports Bluetooth4.2 features and DMA. It has the CY8C4248LQI-BL583 silicon, with 256KB flash and 32KB RAM. Figure A-6.  CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256KB ModuleA.5.5 CY5671 PRoC BLE ModuleThis is the lower flash version of the PRoC BLE Module. It can be ordered separately. This modulehas the CYBL10563-56LQXI silicon, with 128KB flash and 16KB RAM. It supports Bluetooth 4.1.Figure A-7.  CY5671 PRoC BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 133A.5.6 CY5674 PRoC BLE SMA ModuleThis  module  is  identical  to the CY5671  PRoC  BLE  Module,  except that  it has an SMA  connectorinstead  of a wiggle  antenna;  this connector  can  be  used  to connect  to an external antenna.  Thismodule can be ordered separately.Figure A-8.  CY5674 PRoC BLE SMA ModuleA.5.7 CY5676 PRoC BLE 256KB ModuleThis  is  the  Bluetooth  4.1  equivalent  of  the  CY5676A  PRoC  BLE  256KB  Module.  It  has  theCYBL10573-56LQXI silicon, with 256KB flash and 32KB RAM. It can be ordered separately.Figure A-9.  CY5676 PRoC BLE 256KB Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 134A.5.8 CY5676A PRoC BLE 256KB ModuleThis is the default PRoC BLE Module shipped as part of the BLE Pioneer Kit. It supports Bluetooth4.2 features and DMA. It has the CYBL11573-56LQXI silicon, with 256KB flash and 32KB RAM. Figure A-10.  CY5676A PRoC BLE 256KB ModuleA.5.9 CY5670 CySmart USB Dongle (BLE Dongle)This  is  the  lower  flash equivalent  of the  CY5677  CySmart  BLE  4.2 USB.  It  can  be  ordered  sepa-rately. This dongle has the CYBL10162-56LQXI silicon, with 128KB flash and 16KB RAM. It supportsBluetooth 4.1.Figure A-11.  CY5670 CySmart USB Dongle (BLE Dongle)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 135A.5.10 CY5677 CySmart BLE 4.2 USB Dongle (BLE Dongle)This  is  the  default  BLE  Dongle  shipped  as  part  of  the  BLE  Pioneer  Kit.  It  has  the  CYBL11573-56LQXI silicon, with 256KB flash and 32KB RAM. It supports Bluetooth 4.2 and DMA. Figure A-12.  CY5677 CySmart BLE 4.2 USB Dongle (BLE Dongle)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 136A.6 Migrating Projects Across Different Pioneer Series KitsAll  Cypress  Pioneer  series  kits  are  Arduino  Uno-compatible  and  have  some  common  onboardperipherals such as RGB LED, CapSense, and a user switch. However, the pin mapping in each ofthe boards is different due to differences in pin functions of the PSoC device used. This guide liststhe pin maps of the Pioneer series kits to allow easy migration of projects across different kits.In some cases, the pins available on the Pioneer kit headers are a super set of the standard ArduinoUno pins. For example, J2 contains only one row of pins on the Arduino Uno pinout while it containstwo rows of pins on many of the Pioneer series kits.Figure A-13.  Pioneer Series Kits Pin Map
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 137A.6.1 Arduino Uno-Compatible HeadersJ1 Arduino-Compatible Header Pin MapPin # Arduino PinPioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461 VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN2 GND GND GND GND GND GND3 GND GND GND GND GND GND4 5V V5.0 V5.0 V5.0 V5.0 V5.05 3.3V V3.3 V3.3 V3.3 V3.3 V3.36 RESET RESET RESET RESET RESET RESET7 IOREF P4.VDD P4.VDD BLE.VDD P4.VDD P4L.VDD8 NC NC NC NC NC NCJ2 Arduino-Compatible Header Pin MapPin # Arduino PinPioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461 A0 P2[0] P0[0] P3[0] P2[0] P2[0]2 – P0[2]aa. These pins are also used for onboard peripherals. See the tables in  “Onboard Peripherals” on page 140 for connection details.– P2[0] P2[6]aP3[6]a3 A1 P2[1] P0[1] P3[1] P2[1] P2[1]4 –- P0[3]a–P2[1]aP6[5]aP3[7]a5 A2 P2[2] P0[2]aP3[2] P2[2] P2[2]6 – P4_VDD – P2[2]aP0[6]aP9[0]7 A3 P2[3] P0[4]aP3[3] P2[3] P2[3]8 – P1[5]a–P2[3]aP4[4]aP9[1]9 A4 P2[4] P1[3] P3[4] P2[4] P2[4]10 – P1[4]a–P2[4]aP4[5]aP9[2]11 A5 P2[5] P1[2] P3[5] P2[5] P2[5]12 – P1[3]a–P2[5]aP4[6]aP9[3]13 – P0[0] – – P0[0] –14 – GND – – GND –15 – P0[1] – – P0[1] –16 – P1[2]a– – P3[4]a–17 – P1[0] – – P0[7]a–18 – P1[1]a– – P3[5]a–
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 138J3 Arduino-Compatible Header Pin Map#Arduino PinPioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461 D8 P2[6] P1[4] P0[5] P0[2] P0[2]2 - - - - - P3[4]3 D9 P3[6] P1[5] P0[4] P0[3] P0[3]4 - - - - - P6[5]5 D10 P3[4] P1[6] P0[2] P2[7] P6[3]6 - - - - - P6[3]7 D11 P3[0] P1[1]aa. These pins are also used for onboard peripheral connections. Refer to the A.6.2 Onboard Peripherals  section for connection details.P0[0] P6[0] P6[0]8 - - - - - P6[0]9 D12 P3[1] P3[1] P0[1] P6[1] P6[1]10 - - - - - P6[1]11 D13 P0[6] P1[7] P0[3] P6[2] P6[2]12 - - - - - P6[2]13 GND GND GND GND GND GND14 - - - - - GND15 AREF P1[7] NC VREF P1[7] VREF16 - - - - - VREF17 SDA P4[1] P1[3] P3[4] P4[1] P4[1]18 - - - - - P4[1]19 SCL P4[0] P1[2] P3[5] P4[0] P4[0]20 - - - - - P4[0]
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 139J4 Arduino-Compatible Header Pin Map#Arduino PinPioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461 D0 P0[4] P0[5] P1[4] P3[0] P3[0]2 - - - - - P8[0]3 D1 P0[5] P0[6] P1[5] P3[1] P3[1]4 - - - - - P8[1]5 D2 P0[7]aa. These pins are also used for onboard peripheral connections. Refer to the A.6.2 Onboard Peripherals  section for connection details.P0[7] P1[6] P1[0] P1[0]6 - - - - - P8[2]7 D3 P3[7] P3[2]aP1[7] P1[1] P1[1]8 - - - - - P8[3]9 D4 P0[0] P0[3] P1[3] P1[2] P1[2]10 - - - - - P8[4]11 D5 P3[5] P3[0] P1[2] P1[3] P1[3]12 - - - - - P8[5]13 D6 P1[0] P1[0] P1[1] P5[3] P5[6]14 - - - - - P8[6]15 D7 P2[7] P2[0]aP1[0] P5[5] P5[5]16 - - - - - P8[7]
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 140A.6.2 Onboard Peripherals#CapSense PinPioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 (Linear Slider) CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE (Linear Slider)CY8CKIT-044 (Gesture Pad)CY8CKIT-046 (Gesture Pad with Radial Slider)aa. The CapSense elements are present on the CY8CKIT-046 shield board.  The radial slider (CapSense sensors 6 to 13) is symmetric and thesensor order can be shifted to fit your requirement, that is, the desired zero position on the slider.1CapSense Sensor 1P1[1]/CS_LS_E0 – P2[1]/CS_LS_E0 P4[4]/CS_GES_CRP0[6]/CS_GES_CR2CapSense Sensor 2P1[2]/CS_LS_E1 – P2[2]/CS_LS_E1 P4[5]/CS_GES_UPP4[5]/CS_GES_LT3CapSense Sensor 3P1[3]/CS_LS_E2 – P2[3]/CS_LS_E2 P4[6]/CS_GES_LTP4[4]/CS_GES_UP4CapSense Sensor 4P1[4]/CS_LS_E3 – P2[4]/CS_LS_E3 P3[4]/CS_GES_DNP4[7]/CS_GES_RT5CapSense Sensor 5P1[5]/CS_LS_E4 – P2[5]/CS_LS_E4 P3[5]/CS_GES_RTP4[6]/CS_GES_DN6CapSense Sensor 10 – – – – P7[4]/CS_RS_E07CapSense Sensor 11 – – – – P7[5]/CS_RS_E18CapSense Sensor 12 – – – – P7[6]/CS_RS_E29CapSense Sensor 13 – – – – P7[7]/CS_RS_E310 CapSense Sensor 6 – – – – P0[0]/CS_RS_E411 CapSense Sensor 7 – – – – P0[1]/CS_RS_E512 CapSense Sensor 8 – – – – P7[2]/CS_RS_E613 CapSense Sensor 9 – – – – P7[3]/CS_RS_E714 CMODbb. CMOD0, CTANK0, CMOD1, and CTANK1 are only present in the CY8CKIT-046 PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit.P4[2] P0[4] P4[0] P4[2] P4[2]15 CTANKbP4[3] P0[2] P4[1] P4[3] P4[3]16 CMODb– – – – P5[0]17 CTANKb– – – – P5[1]18 CapSense Shield P0[1] – P1[6] P0[1] P0[2]
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 141Proximity Header Pin MapPin # Description Pioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461PROXIMITY – P2[0] P2[0] P3[7] P9[4]2 – – – P3[6] P9[5]RGB LED Pin MapPin # Color Pioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461 Red P1[6] P3[2] P2[6] P0[6] P5[2]2 Green P0[2] P1[1] P3[6] P2[6] P5[3]3 Blue P0[3] P0[2] P3[7] P6[5] P5[4]User Switch Pin MapPin # Description Pioneer Series KitsCY8CKIT-042 CY8CKIT-040 CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY8CKIT-044 CY8CKIT-0461 SW2 P0[7] – P2[7] P0[7] P0[7]
CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11468 Rev. *A 142Revision HistoryCY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide Revision HistoryDocument Title: CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit GuideDocument Number: 002-11468Revision ECN Number Issue Date Origin of Change Description of Change** 5162292 03/04/2016 UDYG New kit guide.*A 05/25/2016 AARAUpdated Safety Information chapter on page 6:Added “Regulatory Compliance Information” on page 8.Updated to new template.

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