D Link DIR825B1 Xtreme N DUAL BAND GIGABIT ROUTER User Manual UserMan 3 KA2DIR825B1

D Link Corporation Xtreme N DUAL BAND GIGABIT ROUTER UserMan 3 KA2DIR825B1

Manual Part 3 Part 1

Download: D Link DIR825B1 Xtreme N DUAL BAND GIGABIT ROUTER User Manual UserMan 3 KA2DIR825B1
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]D Link DIR825B1 Xtreme N DUAL BAND GIGABIT ROUTER User Manual UserMan 3 KA2DIR825B1
Document ID1029600
Application IDC89/4L41a9BTpo14XDMFAA==
Document DescriptionManual Part 3 Part 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize187.66kB (2345760 bits)
Date Submitted2008-11-12 00:00:00
Date Available2008-11-12 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-11-12 15:44:16
Producing SoftwarePrimoPDF
Document Lastmod2008-11-12 15:44:55
Document TitleUserMan-3_KA2DIR825B1.pdf
Document CreatorPrimoPDF http://www.primopdf.com
Document Author: yfaziloglu

Section 3 » Configuration
This will allow you to open a single port or a range of ports.
IP Address:
Inbound Filter:
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual
Port Forwarding
Enter a name for the rule or select an application
from the drop-down menu. Select an application
and click << to populate the fields.
Enter the IP address of the computer on your
local network that you want to allow the incoming
service to. If your computer is receiving an IP
address automatically from the router (DHCP),
you computer will be listed in the “Computer
Name" drop-down menu. Select your computer
and click <<.
Enterthe TCP and/or UDP port or ports that you
want to open. You can enter a single port or a
range of ports. Separate ports with a common.
Example: 24,1009,3000-4000
The schedule of time when the Virtual Server
Rule will be enabled. The schedule may be set
to Always, which will allow the particular service
to always be enabled. You can create your own
times in the Tools > Schedules section.
Select Allow AII (most common) or a created
Inbound tilter. You may create your own inbound
filters in the Advanced > Inbound Filter page.
amt/«um mm mm
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Section 3 » Configuration
Application Rules
Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and
others. These applications have difficulties working through NAT (Network Address Translation). Special Applications
makes some of these applications work with the DIR-825. If you need to run applications that require multiple connections,
specify the port normally associated with an application in the “Trigger Port“ field, select the protocol type as TCP or
UDP, then enter the firewall (public) ports associated with the trigger port to open them for inbound traffic.
The DIR-825 provides some predefined applications in the table on the bottom of the web page. Select the application
you want to use and enable it.
Name: Enter a name for the rule. You may select a
pre—defined application from the drop—down
menu and click <<.
Trigger: This is the port used to triggerthe application. It ‘7 ‘ “WM“
can be either a single port or a range Of POTtS- xWmfifigfimfiflfi'fifltLWJXJJffiéi'Bi‘QSS-fiéi‘sm‘iifim ”
it (annuals nn vmlr mamaf network:
Salem . Dm‘tsanSefivu
Traffic Type: Select the protocol of the trigger port (TCP,
UDP, or Both). a — u "Apvuta‘rmu RULES
“ PM
Firewall: This is the port number on the Internet side ‘ ‘ ”mm "w”
that will be used to access the applicationYou . ‘ El WWW v we
may define a single port or a range of ports. . 7er
You can use a comma to add multiple ports or i warm
port ranges 2mm mm L AmnmnNnme v Fir-wall
,, Tim-l
Tramc Type: Select the protocol of the flrewall pon (TCP, i, - ‘ gt 3:32“. . amt
UDP, or Both).
Schedule: The schedule of time when the Application Rule 5 ”mm“ ' PM“
will be enabled. The schedule may be set to
Always, which will allow the particular service
to always be enabledYou can create your own
times in the Tools > Schedules section.
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 37
Section 3 » Configuration
008 Engine
The 008 Engine option helps improve your network gaming performance by prioritizing applications. By default the
008 Engine settings are disabled and application priority is not classified automatically.
Enable Traffic This option is disabled by default. Enable this option for
Shaping: better performance and experience with online games
and other interactive applications, such as VoIP.
Automatic Uplink This option is enabled by default when the (308 Engine ' m.m,w,fi,,,.m,q,mm “Mgwmmwm
momma WQIISAI'W mums-arm mm: u mum "Homer mourn“
Speed: option is enabled. This option will allow your router to mmwapwmmm weremmwmmm
automatically determine the uplink speed of your Internet %3“”
°°”“e°“°”' °
_ _ _ _ Z V , mklrafficslmu-m i?
Measured Upllnk This drsplays the detected uplink speed. 7 MMkw: 7.
Speed“ "mm-utm- “mama
- hurdlmfilksvm: kbps << w ,. aw...
0mm me: many.
Manual Uplink The speed at which data can be transferred from the wgmw
Speed: router to your ISP. This is determined by your ISP. ISP‘s —
often speed as a download/upload pair. For example. ‘ “mmm'
Emma-am. m
1.5Mbits/284Kbits. Using this example, you would enter MM“ E,
284. Alternatively you can test your uplink speed with a mum-mum w
service such as www.ds|reports.com.
Connection Type: By default, the router automatically determines whether ”11W ‘m “551 “0:13“? -
the underlying connection is an xDSL/Frame-relay one zueucsszssxs 0 "755535
network or some other connection type (such as cable Z‘Ifif’""“‘ a, 2553525515: “omit?
modem or Ethernet), and it displays the result as
Detected xDSL or Frame Relay Network. If you have an unusual network connection in which you are actually connected
via xDSL but for which you configure either “Static” or “DHCP” in the Internet settings, setting this option to xDSL or Other
Frame Relay Network ensures that the router will recognize that it needs to shape traffic slightly differently in order to give
the best performance. Choosing xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network causes the measured uplink speed to be reported
slightly lower than before on such connections, but gives much better results.
Detected xDSL: When Connection Type is set to automatic, the automatically detected connection type is displayed here.
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 38
Section 3 » Configuration
Enable Qos Engine: This option is disabled by default. Enable this option for better performance and experience with online games and other
interactive applications, such as VoIP.
Automatic This option is enabled by default This will allow your router to automatically determine the network priority of running
Classification: programs.
Dynamic This option should be enabled when you have a slow Internet uplink. It helps to reduce the impact that large low priority
Fragmentation: network packets can have on more urgent ones.
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 39
Section 3 » Configuration
Network Filters
Use MAC (Media Access Control) Filters to allow or deny LAN (Local Area Network) computers by their MAC addresses
from accessing the network. You can either manually add a MAC address or select the MAC address from the list of
clients that are currently connected to the Broadband Router.
Configure MAC SelectTurn MAC FIIterIng Ott, Allow MAC
Filtering: addresses Ilsted below, or Deny MAC
addresses Ilsted below from the drop-down
menu. “I
MAC Address: Enter the MAC address you would like to , ‘ {£2522 £2:if,27:35;lmfifd'xEm.“2128§255;1”§'§‘n2§$“;§m w
. ' " the rvmuhmne urn- nekwrlk idaum. 111: Feature can he (Unwed h? ALLOW nr DENY
illter. "aw-1mm ms
Save my woman;
To find the MAC address on a computer,
u ~r1Ac mrsrum RULES
please refer to the Networking Basics section cm,” W mm. lam
inthismanual. " “mummy
DHCP Client: Select a DHCP client from the dropdown menu
and click «to copy that MAC Address.
Clear: Click to remove the MAC address.
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 40
Section 3 » Configuration
Access Control
The Access Control section allows you to control access in and out of your network. Use this feature as Parental Controls
to only grant access to approved sites, limit web access based on time or dates, and/or block access from applications
like P2P utilities or games.
Add Policy: Click the Add PoIIcy button to start the Access
Control Wizard.
Access Control Wizard
Click Next to continue with the wizard.
rim Muwl mil mink run ”unwind-(1mm “up to m . m in“ Mr m cm mi
mat mm a uncut mm. laww' my
szw 1-51"! = mm-
firm 5. mm m."
s-...: 5- mm. w.» M quivu
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 41
Section 3 » Configuration
Access Control Wizard (continued)
Enter a name for the policy and then click Next to continue
Select a schedule (LE. Always) from the drop-down menu
and then click Next to continue.
Enter the following information and then click Next to
- Address Type — Select IP address, MAC address, or
Other Machines.
- IP Address — Enter the IP address of the computer
you want to apply the rule to.
Select the filtering method and then click Next to continue,
D-Link DIR»825 User Manual
(mm .
m m.
from . «M w in new v» mm "on
mxmmmhwmmm— pun-ab
5mm: mums m m. m m mum mum»: on an,” mu as main
mm; v n m: :,
..... ”summonm.‘
MM “qt-mum,“ m. 4a... ; s-«w-flwuu
mumm- ,
Wm vvvvv ”m...” 4
Section 3 » Configuration
Access Control Wizard (continued)
Enter the rule:
Enable - Check to enable the rule. fiififfiifimwmMum
Name - Enter a name for your rule. i
Dest IP Start - Enter the starting IP address. i
Dest IP End - Enter the ending IP address, i
_ m.-
Protocol - Select the protocol
Dest Port Start - Enter the starting port number.
Dest Port End - Enter the ending port number.
To enable web logging, click Enable
Click Save to save the access control rule.
Your newly created policy will now show up under Policy
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual
Section 3 » Configuration
Website Filters
Website Filters are used to allow you to set up a list of allowed Web sites that can be used by multiple users through
the network. To use this feature select to Allow or Deny, enter the domain or website and click Save Settings. You
must also select Apply Web Filter under the Access Control section (page 41).
Add Website Select Allow or Deny.
Filtering Rule:
Website URL/ Enter the keywords or URLs that you want to mm:___
Domain: allow or block. Click Save Settings. mm
me wensle Rs nutmflwvxvut m smu- 1 stowage 5mm would km am 0.
Amy mmugh yw nan-wk To use ms rum", mm mm m mm tn. "pr Won tat-f
mm .. the Anus mmt gem...
Scum ; mummy
wmsn: nmam KULIZS
wasn't ER mmgute meme rm am:
pawmmmmmm v
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 44
Section 3 » Configuration
Inbound Filters
The Inbound Filter option is an advanced method of controlling data received from the Internet. With this feature you
can configure inbound data filtering rules that control data based on an IP address range. Inbound Filters can be used
with Virtual Server, Port Forwarding, or Remote Administration features.
Name: Enter a name for the inbound filter rule.
Action: Select Allow or Deny.
m manna m. nix-an 5 m Madmen memod ofcmiuo‘liii'; dam immea mm the
Internet. m of; fame Wu an (whine mama dam memo rules mat mmaidm
Enable: Check to enable rule.
Remote IP Start: Enter the starting IP address. Enter ' xxizlfffflfamgmm“MMYDWMWMWW
if you do not want to specify an IP range. amines?““:"*MW‘W"“°"‘°W°“' mm
Remote IP End: Enter the ending IP address. Enter
255255255255 if you do not want to if:
specify and IP range. Rummlvkzige: mmwmnmtewm
u.u n n 155 155155 255
u.u u u 155 155 755 255
u.u u u 155 155 755 155
Add: Click the Add button to apply your settings.
You must click Save Settings at the top to } mu 5555555555
save the settings. , f, o 5.5 u 155 155 555 555
, me 155 is; 555 155
_ . . . . mu 155155555155
Inbound Filler This section WI|| list any rules that are created. who ass 155155 255
Rules List: You may click the Edlt icon to change the ifi lua- .
settings or enable/disable the rule, or click
the Delete icon to remove the rule.
ummmu lllllIl min
Hung m- ml'w
D-Link DIR—825 User Manual 45

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PDF Version                     : 1.4
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Modify Date                     : 2008:11:12 15:44:55-05:00
Create Date                     : 2008:11:12 15:44:16-05:00
Title                           : UserMan-3_KA2DIR825B1.pdf
Author                          : yfaziloglu
Creator                         : PrimoPDF http://www.primopdf.com
Producer                        : PrimoPDF
Page Count                      : 10
Mod Date                        : 2008:11:12 15:44:55-05:00
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Metadata Date                   : 2008:11:12 15:44:55-05:00
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: KA2DIR825B1

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