DASAN Network Solutions H660W G-PON ONT User Manual H660W CHT QIG EN 140828 V1

DASAN Network Solutions, Inc. G-PON ONT H660W CHT QIG EN 140828 V1

User Manual

Power Adapter
RJ45 UTP Cable (CAT5e)
QIG (Quick Guide)
2.3 Rear View
Connect the Ethernet cable from LAN port to PC.
Connect a power adapter from power port to a live AC outlet.
Turn on the unit by pushing the power buon.
Push WLAN buon to enable WiFi.
Remove the protecve cap of GPON port.
Connect an SC/UPC connector opc cable to the port.
And then arrange opc line on splice tray, not to give damage to
GPON connecon due to any possible pull.
3. Installaon
GPON Opcal Network Terminal (ONT) with Wi-Fi
QIG (Quick Guide)
Informaon furnished by Dasan Networks, Inc. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility
is assumed by Dasan Networks for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third pares which
may result from its use. No license is granted by implicaon or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of DASAN
Networks. DASAN Networks reserves the rights to change specificaons at any me without noce.
Copyright © 2014 by DASAN Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
DASAN Networks, Inc. www.dasannetworks.com/en
Item Descripon
OPTIC LINE Connect the network.
LAN1~4 Connect PC or LAN.
Power Port Connect power adapter.
ON/OFF Turn on/off the unit.
RESET Reboot the unit.
WPS Enable WPS process.
WLAN Enable WiFi funcon.
2.2 Specificaon
Item Specificaon
System Memory 128MB DDR3
Flash Memory 128MB Nand Flash
1 GPON port (1G, SC/UPC)
Uplink Interface
Service Interface 4 10/100/1000Base-T ports (RJ45)
Internal antenna
IEEE 802.11b/g/n compliant
Bandwidth: 2.4GHz
Two Transmit and Two Receive path (2T2R)
Power Adapter
Operang Temp.
Output: 12VDC/1A
0 to 40°C
Operang Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
(W x D x H) 160 x 125 x 43 mm
Buon ON/OFF power, WLAN, WPS, RESET
2.4 Front View (LEDs)
4. Inial Web Access
You can access the unit through a web browser by using the “inial
LAN IP” at first. The detail procedure is as follows:
Connect LAN1 port of the unit to your PC using Ethernet cable.
Configure IP assignment of your PC to DHCP (dynamic assignment).
How to configure dynamic IP on your PC is as follows:
For Windows XP:
Start > Seng > Network Connecons > Local Area Connecon
double click > Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) double click > Obtain an
IP address automacally and Obtain DNS server address
automacally selecon > OK
For Windows 7:
Start > Control Panel > View network status and tasks under
Network and Internet (View by: Category) > Change adapter
sengs on the le menu > Local Area Connecon right-click >
Properes > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) double click >
> Obtain an IP address automacally and Obtain DNS server
address automacally selecon > OK
The PC will be allocated IP address automacally through the unit.
Open a web browser, and enter hp:// in a
URL field.
Type “user/user” in user name/password field, and log into the
system. Inial page is displayed.
The default SSID and its password are as follows:
(xxxxxx is the last 6 digit/leers of MAC address of your unit.)
Password: 1234567890a
To change the SSID and/or password, move onto Basic Sengs > Wireless
LAN > SSID Seng on the web, and click Modify. And change them and
click Apply. And then click Apply Config on top of page, and reboot the unit.
DASAN Tower, 49, Daewangpangyo-ro 644 Beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 463-400 KOREA
Label Light Status Descripon
PWR Green On
Off The system is turned o.
The system is turned on.
No opcal signal, Firmware update fail or other faults.
Error rate high. Required to check opc cable roung
or vending.
ONT normally operang.
Loopback test being performed.
On No opc signal.
On Opc signal normal. Normally registered.
Firmware being downloaded. Do not turn off the unit.
Service held aer registered normally.
ONT not registered. Keep blinking before registraon
process finished.
WLAN Green On WiFi funcon enabled.
Off WiFi funcon disabled.
WPS Green
Blink In progress.
On Success (for 5 seconds)
Off Disabled or process finished.
Link is down.
On The 1G port link is up.
Blink on the service port.
On The 10/100M port link is up.
Blink on the service port.
The 1G transmit or receive acvity is present
The 10/100M transmit or receive acvity is present
2.1 Package Contents
2. Introducon
Splice Tray
1. Cauon
- This unit is indoor use and all the communicaon wirings are limited to inside of the building.
- Never look directly at the fiber TX port and fiber cable ends when they are powered on.
- DO NOT use near water.
- DO NOT place near high temperature source.
- DO NOT disassemble the unit.
- DO NOT operate the unit in a locaon where the maximum ambient temperature exceeds 104°F.
- Open opcal connecons must use a protecve cap under all circumstances to protect against
physical damage and dirt.
- Avoid impact stresses when handling connectors. Physical damage to the faces of opcal
connecons impairs transmission quality (higher aenuaon).
- Avoid a bend radius in excess of 1.18 in for fiber opc links.
- Check the available voltage supply.
- It may only be repaired by authorized service personnel.
FCC Cerficaon Requirements
Any changed or modificaons not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user`s authority to operate this equipment.
FCC RF exposure requirements
The antenna used with this module must be installed to provide a separaon distance of
at least 20cm from all persons, and must not transmit simultaneously with any other
antenna or transmier except in accordance with FCC mul-transmier product
User Informaon
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC`s Rule. Operaon is subject to the following
to condions;
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesirable operaon.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protecon against harmful interference in a residenal installaon. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instrucons, may cause harmful interference to radio
communicaons. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
parcular installaon. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television recepon, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separaon between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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