DDM WP47 3G Mobile Phone User Manual x

DDM Brands LLC 3G Mobile Phone x

Users Manual

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Document ID2365615
Application IDixKWapAHn1Nliw1w9N3aQA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize18.68kB (233461 bits)
Date Submitted2014-08-21 00:00:00
Date Available2014-08-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-11-01 13:11:41
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Document Lastmod2017-11-01 13:11:41
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - User Manual.docx
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W indow s M obile Phone
Use r M a nua l
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing YEZZ WP 47 Full Touch Screen Mobile
Phone. Kindly read this user manual carefully to learn about key
functional characteristics and operational methods of this mobile
YEZZ WP 47 is a smart phone based on Windows Phone 8.1
operating system. With applications pre-installed and others that
you can download from internet such as Store which will take you
to an excellent experience of communication and entertainment.
SAFETY ALERT AND CAUTIONS ................................ 5
PROTECTING YOUR BATTERY .................................. 6
CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE ................................. 8
GETTING STARTED ........................................... 9
PHONE OVERVIEW ................................................. 9
OPEN THE BATTERY COVER ................................... 10
INSTALL SIM CARD .............................................. 10
INSTALL MEMORY CARD........................................ 11
POWER ON/OFF ................................................... 11
BATTERY CHARGING ............................................ 11
USING TOUCH SCREEN......................................... 12
USING KEYS ........................................................ 12
POWER ON/OFF ................................................... 12
MICROSOFT ACCOUNT .......................................... 13
ENTER START SCREEN .......................................... 13
SCREEN LOCK & DISPLAY OFF............................... 13
PERSONALIZE THE START SCREEN .......................... 13
KIDS CORNER ...................................................... 14
CHANGE YOUR THEME .......................................... 14
TAKE A SCREENSHOT ............................................ 14
STATUS BAR ........................................................ 14
USING SENSORS .................................................. 15
ONEDRIVE .......................................................... 15
CONTACT ............................................................ 16
CALL .................................................................. 16
MESSAGING ........................................................ 16
MULTIMEDIA ........................................................ 17
DOWNLOAD FROM STORE ..................................... 17
OFFICE ............................................................... 17
FCC CAUTION……………………………….. 19
of attention on safety
Safety Alert and Cautions
ase read these instructions carefully
y and follow
them implicitly in case of an
ny dangerous or illicit situations.
Note driving saffety
It is strongly recommende
ed that you do not use a mobile phone
driving. Please use the personal hand free package whe
en a call is
Please put your mobile phone
in the mobile phone holder safely, and
don’t put it at a passengerr’s seat or any other place that may
y risk a drop
of your mobile phone in th
he case of collision or emergency brake.
Switch off your mobile phone on the airplane
Interference caused by mobile
phones affects aviation safetty, and thus
it is illegal to use it on the
airplane. Please make sure your
phone is switched off whe
en you are on a plane.
Switch off your mo
obile phone in blasting operation area
You should strictly obey relevant laws and regulations and
d switch off
your mobile phone in or near blasting operation area.
phone near dangerous area
Switch off your mobile
Your cell phone is not allowed
to switch on when the reffueling and
chemical substance area is nearby.
In a hospital
When using it in a hospita
al, you should be subject to the rellevant rules
specified by the hospital. Make sure your mobile phone is switched
when medical equipme
ent is nearby. Any wireless trransmission
equipment, mobile phone
es included, will affect its performa
ance. Other
electronic equipment may
y be affected as well. If you have an
ny question
in this regard, please co
onsult relevant doctor or equipme
ent supplier
Any interference caused by wireless equipment can do dam
mage to its
Qualified services
Only qualified services are allowed to install or repair mobile phones. If
you install or repair it by yourself, you may break the guarantee rules.
Accessories and batteries
Only manufacturer recognized accessories and batteries can be used.
Reasonable use
It should be used normally. It is absolutely forbidden to put it on the
condition that with an extremely high temperature (over 60 Celsius
degrees), for example, do not put it under the window where it can be
exposed to the sunshine directly. Remember to use wet or antistatic
cloth, instead of using any cloth with static electricity to clean it.
Emergency call
Make sure your mobile phone is powered on and is in the service, if you
would like to make an emergency call number such as 911, pressing
the dial key and confirm your location, simply explain what has
happened, and don’t terminate the call without any permission.
Note: Like any mobile phone, it may not be supported due to the
network coverage and wireless signal transmission. What’s more, some
networks even don’t support the 112 emergency call services.
Therefore, the communication under emergent situations (such as first
aid) should not be completely depended on mobile phones. You can
consult and check with you local network suppliers.
N ot e s:
· All screen shots in this guide are simulated, Actual displays may vary.
· Instructions to perform tasks in this guide may change depending on
the software version on your phone.
· Unless specified otherwise, all instructions to perform tasks in this
guide assume that you are starting from the home screen.
Protecting Your Battery
Warn reminders about battery:
Please don’t store your mobile phone battery at an extremely high
or low temperature, for it will affect the service life of the battery,
and shorten the standby time. The service life of the mobile phone
battery is subject to a certain limit. It is recommended that you
would better change a battery from the original supplier if the
performance of the battery has declined after using it for a period
of time.
Points of attention on use of battery:
Be sure to switch off the mobile phone before you remove the
Please use it carefully. A short circuit will occur if the positive
pole (+) and the negative pole (-) of the battery is connected
with a metal object (for example, a coin or clip), it may do
damage to both the battery and the metal object. Make sure
that no metal object will be connected simultaneously with the
positive pole and the negative pole of the battery after it is
removed and put in a bag.
Don’t throw the battery into the fire, or use it under an
extremely high temperature condition.
Don’t dismantle or modify the battery.
Don’t put battery in an occasion with strong mechanical
impact, or use a hard object to penetrate the battery.
Battery should be put in a cool and dry place to avoid direct
sunlight. It should not be placed with a high temperature (over
60 Celsius degrees) environment.
If battery gives out any peculiar smell or getting overheated,
you should stop using it.
If the battery is found to have any crack, deformation, damage
of other type, or electrolyte leakage, it should be stopped
using immediately.
Please clean your skin or clothes immediately with soap and
clear water if they contact leaking electrolyte, and wash your
eyes completely with clear water if any electrolyte splashes
In case of any injury caused by incorrect charge, only original
battery is allowed to be charged.
Don’t use the li-polymer battery when the temperature is
extremely low, for the maximum standby/call time is not
available at a low temperature.
Don’t clean the battery with water or organic solvent, or
immerse the battery in water.
Make sure the battery is fully charged if it has been out of use
for a long period.
It is recommended that the rejected battery be returned to the
mobile phone manufacturer or placed in a designated public
area for rejected battery recycling. Don’t mix it with other
garbage or throw it freely.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Please don’t leave the phone, the battery and the charger in
the bathroom and other high humidity places, and prevent
them from rain.
Please clean the phone, the battery and the charger using soft
and dry cloth.
Please don’t wipe the phone using alcohol, thinner or benzene
and other chemical reagents.
The socket with dirt may cause poor contact and power-off.
Please clean it regularly.
Getting Started
2.1 Phone Overview
2.2 Open the battery cover
Push the battery cover upwards.
2.3 Install SIM Card
This phone support s double SI M/ USI M cards, before
you pow er on t he phone, m ake sure t her e is at least one
SI M/ USI M card is insert ed in eit her USI M/ SI M card slot .
N ot e :
Please insert or remove the cards when the phone is power off, or the
phone may be damaged.
2.4 Install Memory Card
Aim at t he T- Flash card slot and push t he T- Flash car d
gent ly, and t he card will be insert ed corr ect ly.
N ot e :
If the memory card is failed, please check whether it is correctly
placed at good contact of metal point.
Please insert or remove the T-Flash card when the phone is
power off, otherwise the T-Flash card or the phone might get
damaged and the data on the T-Flash card could be lost.
2.5 Power on/off
I n pow er off st at us, long press t he pow er k ey on right
side for about 2 seconds t o pow er on your phone. I n power on
st at us, long press pow er k ey for about 2 seconds t o pow er off
your phone.
2.6 Battery Charging
You can charge t he bat t er y by connect ing t he phone
eit her t o a pc USB port or t o t he provided st andard charger use
t he pr ovided st andard USB cable.
Not e: I n order t o ensure norm al operat ion of t he phone, please
m ake sure t o use t he designat ed charger .
Basic operation & knowledge
Using Touch Screen
Ta p To act on it em s on t he scr een, such as applicat ion,
set t ings icons and opt ions, t o t ype let t ers and sy m bols using t he
onscreen k eyboard, or t o pr ess onscreen but t ons, y ou sim ply
t ouch down your finger on t hem and t hen lift your finger wit hout
change t he t ouch down posit ion in a short t im e.
Ta p & hold Touch dow n your finger on t he screen w it hout
lift ing up or m oving for about 2 seconds. This act ion will pop- up
an special opt ions list or act ive som e special act ions.
D r a g Touch dow n your finger on screen and m ove w it hout
lift ing up t o scroll opt ions, swit ch scr eens and ot her cont ent s
displayed on screen.
Flick Drag quickly and release, To scr oll t hrough a list or
m ov e quickly, flick acr oss t he t ouch screen, When y ou flick a
long list , t ap t he scr een t o st op it from scrolling.
Pin ch I n som e applicat ions ( such as Maps, Br owser , and
Gallery) , y ou can zoom in and out by placing t wo finger s on t he
scr een at once and pinching t hem t oget her ( t o zoom out ) or
spr eading t hem apart ( t o zoom in) .
Using Keys
Pow e r k e y : Pr ess t he power k ey t o lock/ unlock your screen.
Press and hold Pow er k ey t o power on/ off t he phone.
Volum e k e y : Press t he volum e k eys t o change t he ring
volum e ( on t he hom e screen) or t he earpiece v olum e ( during a
call) . Press t he v olum e but t on will cancel ringt ones when
incom ing calls.
Se a r ch k e y : Press search k ey t o open bing sear ch or
Cort ana.
W in k e y: Press Win key t o close any m enu or app and
ret urn t o t he st art scr een. On t he st art screen, t ap an app t o
open it . Pr ess and hold Win key t o ent er t o t ools feedback hub.
Ba ck k e y : Opens t he previous screen you w ere w orking in.
I f t he onscr een k eyboar d is open, closes t he keyboard.
Power on/off
Power on the phone
Press and hold t he pow er key unt il t he phone v ibrat es.
Power off the phone
Press and hold t he power k ey, and dr ag t he lock scr een
Microsoft account
Wit h a Microsoft account , you can access all Microsoft
services wit h a single usernam e and password on your
com put er or phone.
To creat e a Micr osoft account lat er, open a Microsoft app or
service on y our phone. Or on t he st art scr een, swipe left , and
t ap Se t t in gs > e m a il+ a ccou nt s > a dd a n a ccount .
Enter start screen
When you sign in, you will ent er t he st art scr een. Then y ou
can pin your fav orit e apps, w ebsit es, and m uch m ore t o t he
st art scr een, and m ov e or r esize t iles as you like.
To swit ch bet w een t he st art screen and t he apps m enu,
sim ply swipe left or right .
Screen Lock & Display off
On t he st art scr een, swipe left , t ap Se t t in gs > lock scr e e n >
Scr e e n t im e s out a ft e r , and select t he lengt h of t im e aft er
which t he keys and scr een ar e lock ed aut om at ically.
To prot ect your phone against unaut horized use, you can
define a securit y code, and set y our phone t o lock it self
aut om at ically when you're not using it .
1. On t he st art screen, swipe left , and t ap Se t t in gs > lock
scr e e n .
2. Swit ch pa ssw or d t o On, and t ype in a securit y code ( at
least 4 digit s) .
3. Tap Re qu ir e a pa ssw or d a ft e r , and define t he lengt h of
t im e aft er which t he phone is lock ed aut om at ically.
Press t he power key, dr ag t he lock screen up, and t ype in
your securit y code t o unlock your phone.
Personalize the start screen
You can set y our m ost - used apps on t he st art scr een. You
can pin your favorit e apps t o t he st art screen, and m ove or
resize t iles as y ou like.
To pin an app, swipe left t o go t o t he apps m enu. Tap and
hold t he app, and t ap pin t o st a r t .
To m ov e an icon, t ap and hold t he icon, drag and drop it t o
t he new locat ion, and t ap t he scr een.
To resize, t ap and hold t he icon, and t ap t he ar row icon.
You can change t he size of t he icon, t he bigger t he icon is,
t he m ore info it can show.
To unpin t he icon, t ap and hold t he icon, and t ap
Kids corner
Switch the kid's start screen on
On t he st art screen, sw ipe left , and t ap Se t t in gs > k id's
cor ne r , t hen swit ch Kids Cor ne r t o On . Choose w hich cont ent
your kids can use.
Go to your own start screen
Press t he pow er k ey t w ice, and swipe up on y our own lock
scr een. I f y ou'v e set a passw ord, t ype it in.
Go back to the kid's start screen
On y our own lock scr een, swipe left , and on t he kid's lock
scr een, swipe up.
Change your theme
You can change t he display colors t o m at ch your t ast e and
m ood.
1. On t he st art scr een, swipe left , and t ap Se t t in gs >
st a r t + t he m e .
2. Tap Ba ck gr ou nd or Acce nt color .
Take a screenshot
You can capt ur e your scr een by pressing t he pow er key and
Volum e up key at t he sam e t im e.
Status bar
The St at us bar appear s at t he t op of every scr een. I t
displays icons indicat ing your phone’s st at us and not ificat ions.
Signal st rengt h
Bat t ery pow er level
The bat t ery is charging.
Your phone is r oam ing and not on your
hom e m obile net w ork.
Vibrat e m ode is swit ched on.
Silent m ode is swit ched on.
Airplane m ode is swit ched on.
To ope n t h e N ot ifica t ion s pa n e l:
Drag t he St at us bar dow n fr om t he t op of t he screen.
Using sensors
Pr ox im it y Se n sor det ect s how close an obj ect is t o t he
surface of t he screen. This is t ypically used t o det ect when y our
face is pressed up against t he scr een, such as during a phone
call. ( While t alking on t he phone, t he sensor det ect s t alk act ivit y
and locks t he keypad t o prevent accident al key presses) .
Ligh t Se n sor let s you use t he am bient light level t o adj ust
t he scr een bright ness/ cont rast .
Gr a vit y se nsor det ect s your phone’s accelerat ion direct ion
and t akes responding act ions according t o t he running
applicat ion.
Rot at e t he screen display when you rot at e t he device
while using som e feat ures. To set t he int erface t o k eep
t he orient at ion w hen you rot at e t he device, select
Se t t in gs - > Scr e e n r ot a t ion, Swit ch Rot a t ion lock
t o On.
Take act ions according t o t he gravit y’s r eal t im e
orient at ion angle, t ypically used in gam es.
Responding t o y our act ions such swing t he device in
som e applicat ions.
OneDrive is cloud st orage for all your docum ent s and phot os,
so you can access, shar e, or r est or e t hem if needed. You can
also set it t o back up y our st uff aut om at ically, so when y ou t ak e
a phot o or a video, it 's copied t o y our cloud album .
Wit h OneDrive, y ou can easily access y our phot os,
docum ent s, and ot her st uff you have uploaded from any of your
Before you updat e or dow nload cont ent , you need connect
t o t he int ernet and t hen sign in t o you Micr osoft account .
There are several places wher e you can access your st uff on
OneDrive. You can sav e phot os t o OneDrive in t he Phot os hub,
or m anage y our office docum ent s in t he Office hub.
Cont act s gives you quick and easy access t o t he people y ou
want t o reach. When y ou first t urn on your phone and sign int o
your account , any cont act s exist ing in account are dow nloaded
t o your phone. Aft er t hat , your cont act s are synchronized: any
changes y ou m ak e t o y our cont act s on t he phone or t he w eb are
m ade in bot h places, t he next t im e you sync. Cont act s from
account s ar e also synced in t his way.
I nform at ion about y our cont act s is shar ed wit h ot her
applicat ions, such as Gm ail, Messaging, and so on.
I f you have m ore t han one account w it h cont act inform at ion,
Cont act s j oins duplicat es int o a single ent ry. You can also
m anage t hat process m anually.
M a k e a ca ll:
on st art scr een or
on t he apps m enu.
t o ent er dial board screen, ent er t he
phone num ber and t ap ca ll but t on t o m ak e a call.
t o ent er con t a ct list , t ap t he cont act and
t hen t ap m obile phone aft er ent ering anot her
scr een.
Answ e r / Re j e ct a ca ll:
When a call incom es in, t ap a n sw e r t o answ er a call, t ap
ignor e t o rej ect an incom ing call, t ap t ext r eply t o send a t ext
m essage and t hen r ej ect t he all.
During a call conver sat ion, pr ess t he side v olum e k ey t o
adj ust volum e, t ap
at bot t om t o hold t he call, t ap
open t he loudspeaker , et c.
You can use Messaging t o exchange t ext m essages ( SMS)
and m ult im edia m essages ( MMS) wit h your friends on t heir
m obile phones.
You can send t ext ( SMS) m essages of up t o 160 charact er s
t o anot her m obile phone. I f y ou k eep t yping aft er t he lim it , your
m essage will exchange t o t wo m essage aut om at ically.
Mult im edia ( MMS) m essages can cont ain t ext and a pict ure,
a r ecorded v oice, an audio file, a video, or a pict ure slideshow.
on st art screen or
on t he apps m enu t o
access m essage.
When new m essage received, a popup m essage will be
shown on t he not ificat ion bar, drag dow n t he bar and t ap on t he
m essage t o read.
Ca m e r a is a com binat ion cam era and cam corder t hat you
use t o shoot and shar e pict ures and videos. Pict ures and videos
are st or ed on t he phone’s SD card or phone.
Ph ot os is used t o view pict ures and play videos t hat y ou’v e
t aken wit h Cam era, dow nloaded, or copied ont o your SD card or
phone. You can per form basic edit ing t asks on pict ures and set
t hem as your wallpaper or cont act pict ure.
M usic collect s all audio files fr om y our SD card or phone t o
Vide o collect s all video files from y our SD card or phone t o
Download from Store
To download from St or e, y ou need t o be signed in t o your
Microsoft account on y our phone. When y ou'r e signed in, you
are offer ed cont ent com pat ible wit h your phone.
You can search for and download cont ent direct ly t o your
phone, or br owse St or e cont ent on y our com put er and send
links fr om t here t o y our phone by t ext m essage.
Using ser vices or downloading cont ent m ay cause t he
t ransfer of large am ount s of dat a, which m ay result in dat a
cost s.
Download an app, game, or other item
You can download free apps, gam es, or ot her st uff, or buy
m or e cont ent for y our phone.
1. Tap St or e .
2. Tap an it em t o view it s det ails.
3. I f t he it em has a price, t ap buy, or t o t ry t he it em for fr ee
for a lim it ed t im e, t ap t r y. I f t he it em is free, t ap inst a ll.
4. I f y ou'r e not signed in t o your Micr osoft account , sign in
now .
5. Follow t he inst ruct ions shown on your phone.
When t he download is com plet e, y ou can open or view t he it em ,
or cont inue browsing for m ore cont ent . The cont ent t ype
det erm ines wher e t he it em is st or ed in your phone: m usic can
be found in t he Music hub, videos can be found in t he Video hub,
gam es can be found in t he Gam es hub, and apps can be found in
t he apps m enu.
Microsoft Office Mobile
You can w ork t hrough Microsoft Office Mobile w hen you
away from y our office.
Go t o t he Office hub t o creat e and edit Word docum ent s and
Excel workbook s.
I n t he office hub, t ap Office , y ou can cr eat e, view or edit
Microsoft Office docum ent s.
Continue with a document on another device
When working on an Office docum ent , t ap …> sa ve
a s.... > Sa v e t o > One D r ive . You can save your Office
docum ent on OneDrive and cont inue your work on anot her
You can now open t he docum ent from OneDr ive on anot her
device and cont inue wher e y ou left off.
FCC Caution
Any Changes or m odificat ions not expressly approved by t he
part y
r esponsible
com pliance
t he
user 's aut horit y t o operat e t he equipm ent .
This device com plies wit h part 15 of t he FCC Rules.Operat ion is
subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions: ( 1) This device m ay
not cause harm ful int erfer ence, and( 2) t his device m ust accept
any int erfer ence r eceived, including int erfer ence t hat m ay
cause undesired operat ion.
Not e: This equipm ent has been t est ed and found t o com ply wit h
t he lim it s for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o part 15 of t he
FCC Rules. These lim it s are designed t o pr ov ide reasonable
prot ect ion against harm ful int erfer ence in a resident ial
inst allat ion. This equipm ent generat es uses and can radiat e
radio fr equency energy and, if not inst alled and used in
wit h
t he
inst ruct ions,
m ay
harm fulint erference t o radio com m unicat ions. How ever, t her e
is no guarant ee t hat int erference will not occur in a part icular
inst allat ion. I f t his equipm ent does cause harm ful int erference
t o radio or t elevision recept ion, which can be det erm ined by
t urning t he equipm ent off and on, t he user is encouraged t o
t ry t o corr ect t he int erfer ence by one or m ore of t he following
m easures:
—Reorient or r elocat e t he r eceiving ant enna.
—I ncrease
t he
separat ion
bet ween
t he
equipm ent
—Connect t he equipm ent int o an out let on a circuit different
from t hat t o which t he r eceiver is connect ed.
—Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV t echnician for
Spe cific Absor pt ion Ra t e ( SAR) in for m a t ion
SAR t est s are conduct ed using st andard operat ing posit ions
accept ed by t he FCC wit h t hephone t ransm it t ing at it s highest
cert ified pow er level in all t est ed frequency bands, alt hough
t he SAR is det erm ined at t he highest cert ified power level, t he
act ual SAR level of t he phonewhile operat ing can be well below
t he m axim um value, in general, t he closer you are t o awireless
base st at ion ant enna, t he lower t he pow er out put .Befor e a new
m odel phone is a available for sale t o t he public, it m ust
bet est ed and cert ified t ot he FCC t hat it does not exceed
t heexposur e lim it est ablished by t he FCC, Test s for each
phone are perform ed in posit ions and locat ions ( e.g. at t he ear
and worn on t he body) asr equired by t he FCC.For body worn
operat ion, t his m odel phone has been t est ed and m eet s t he FCC
RF exposur eguidelines when used wit h an accessory designat ed
for t his product or when used wit h an accessor y t hat Cont ains no
m et al and t hat posit ions t he handset a m inim um of 1.0 cm from
t he body.
Non- com pliance wit h t he above rest rict ions m ay r esult in
violat ion of RF exposur e guidelines.

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